Crescents of Brisbane's

Healthy Living Seminar



The Crescents of Brisbane Healthy Living Seminar was held on Saturday 18 May at the Springwood Community Centre and was well attended by ladies of all ages. The workshop aimed at giving us practical ways to avoid unnecessary chemicals and additives in everyday life.

There were two well-known speakers who presented and both were highly informative and entertaining.

Louise D’Allura spoke to us about the additives in foods. She explained what really is in the food we eat and how to read and interpret food labels. She made note of certain numbers and names on packaged food products that we all should be aware of when shopping, and how these additives have links to an increased presence of allergies as well as asthma, eczema and learning and behavioural problems. While she gave us a lot of information that might have sounded a bit daunting at first, she was very practical in her approach as to how we can change our shopping and eating habits to avoid unnecessary additives in our diets.

Carolyn Donovan spoke to us about recycling and ‘upcycling’ in and around the home. While at first mention, the topic might have sounded a bit mundane, Carolyn’s talk was anything but! As a model and mum, Carolyn’s advice was practical, interesting and appealing to all. She shared her beauty secrets with us (think honey and vinegar), she shared her shopping tips (think op shops and wardrobe makeovers) and she shared her cleaning tips (think bicarb and lemon juice). She was funny, endearing and she definitely inspired the audience to think about the consequences of using chemicals on our bodies and in our homes, and even in the large amounts of unwanted clothing that we throw away each year, and what effect that has on the environment around us.

The talks were perfectly complemented by a gourmet high tea prepared by the Crescents of Brisbane team. There were homemade scones, muffins, freshly prepared sandwiches and lots of fresh fruit. All items were made from high quality ingredients, additive free and healthy, not to mention extremely tasty!

It was a fun, informative afternoon thanks to both speakers, Saalihah Seedat for initiating and coordinating the event, and the ladies of the Crescents of Brisbane Team.


You can download a complimentary recipe book detailing some of the scrumptious dishes that were prepared by the Crescents of Brisbane Team.


For some tips from Louise D'Allura on how to get organised for low additive eating, click here and for some tips on lunch and snack options to help de-clutter the additives, click here.


For some home, beauty and fashion tips from Carolyn Donovan, click here.




What some of the participants had to say:

“Wow..what an amazing afternoon! An excellent combination of speakers with
useful and practical info to take home..and most delicious teatime treats.”

“It was such a successful event..I loved every minute of it! From the informative, fabulous speakers to the well thought out, scrumptious, gourmet high tea…Well worth it “ (S.M)

“A refreshingly different and informative afternoon filled with laughter, shocking realities and a sumptuous yet healthy high tea. Well done!” (S.G)

“Informative, interesting and entertaining…nice to know it’s fashionable to be frugal! Loved it!” (A.C)

“It was a very interesting, informative and entertaining afternoon. A lot of things that we normally wonder about concerning food additives and numbers were made very clear which is helpful! And the afternoon tea was just yummy!
Thank you Crescents.”

“An afternoon of total awesomeness…great line up of speakers and the food was just delicious. Keep up the good work Crescents! “ (R.K)


"To The Crescents of Brisbane: Just wanted to thank you for an amazing afternoon of practical information at the Healthy Living Workshop. The presenters were really helpful, clear and very very entertaining! Also a special mention to your ladies for the delicious gourmet high tea! It was superb, exquisite and the display was just delightful. Great organisation and presentation! Thank you! Keep me inform about your next workshop please! All the best." (Claudia Rodino)

"Saturday May 18th was a thought provoking afternoon. From the set up and turn out one realized that it was to be a wonderful afternoon amongst friends. Besides the food we got to listen to two very intelligent women, Louise D'Allura and Carolyn Donovan, who somehow had us thinking that maybe grandma did know best, and that reverting to the all-natural, non-toxic products that we all have grown up with may be the solution to the current problems facing us today: overactive, sensitive, allergic kids and food that exacerbate medical conditions. It was ground breaking news for us because whilst we woman crave an easier route or quick means to an end, we have forgotten how happy, healthy and simple life once was before the expensive skin lotions and premade chappatis! I myself intend implementing and changing not only the way I shop and my family eat but also how to recycle waste. Well done to all the organizers, I think that our objective of a healthier way of life was achieved." (A.M)


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