......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 27 February 2011

 .Newsletter 0329



Islam and the Media


The Griffith Islamic Research Unit hosted a dialogue between journalists and Muslim community representatives at the Multi-faith Centre at Griffith University on Wednesday 23 February.


The discussion was moderated by writer and journalist, Mr. Sandy McCutcheon (left) and the panel was made up of Dr Halim Rane, Deputy Program Leader at GIRU and author, Dr Mustafa Ally, lecturer and Editor-in-Chief of Crescents Community News (CCN), Ms Margaret Wenham, senior journalist with The Courier Mail, Mr Stephan Armbruster, SBS television, radio and online news correspondent and Dr Jacqui Ewart, lecturer and author, .


You can view the  Islam TV recording of the event next week in CCN.

The Daily Show


Aasif Mandvi hopes to change America's perceptions of Muslims by starring in the Qu'osby Show.



Algester Society celebrates Meelad-un-Nabi (saw)

by Yahya Hasham


The Islamic Society of Algester hosted it's annual Meelad-un-Nabi (saw) last Sunday at the Beenleigh Events Centre, Beenleigh.


A large crowd of over 500 people attended the programme.

The main highlight of the day was the Naat recitals of the famous Qari Sayed Rehan Qadri of Pakistan, who kept the crowd captivated with his beautiful voice and unique style of recitation.

The main speaker for the evening was Sheikh Ahmed Abu Ghazaleh who spoke about the importance of inculcating the prophetic morals into our lives and placing special focus on the youth of today.

There were many other Ulema who graced the function with their presence.

The programme ended at maghrib. After the salaah, Niyaaz was served.

From the Welfare Shop

by Janeth Deen

The Welfare shop is overstocked at the moment. Please do not bring any more clothing until it is requested. We have more than enough to help any flood victims that may need it. In fact, we hope to send a truck of Winter clothing to Theodore in April. We have so much to meet this objective.

What we do need urgently, is reliable volunteers. We are trying to sort the backlog of donated items and then to work on making our Welfare shop more customer friendly, with less items on display.

We have continued to help out the needy and flood victims who have contacted us. The welfare work is ongoing.

The shop station wagon was stolen on Sunday night, and has not yet been recovered. It was useful for delivering small items to those in need and was used exclusively for welfare work.

The CCN Trading Post


Used furniture and appliances to sell urgently

Dining set glass table 6 fabric chairs (new $800.00) price $300.00
Fabric lounge suite 3 piece (new $900.00) price $400.00
CRT TV + table price $150.00
King size bed + mattress (new $1100.00) price $500.00
Single bed and mattress ensemble price $150.00
Fridge freezer side by side no ice and water through door 6 years old Whirpool (new $1600.00) price $800.00
Chest freezer 220litre 6 years old (new $599.00) price $250.00
520 litre Fisher Paykel fridge 6 years old (new $1600.00 ) price $800.00

All reasonable offers welcome. Call Erfaan Ismail on 0431 725 121

Two-year old - a capital kid!


Muslim Aid Australia Newsletter



The Droplet - Your insight into the developing world‏ 




Muslim Aid Australia  


Youth Leaders Forum


The University of Queensland's "Social Networks & Belonging" project is seeking a group of young leaders, and potential leaders, to take part in a one-day forum on Saturday 30th April 2011.


They are looking for a total of 30 participants, with equal numbers from three cultural groups: African, Arabic, and Pacific Islander.


Participants aged from 15-23 are welcome to this event, which will include activities, guest speakers, facilitated discussions, and more.

The “Social Networks, Belonging and Active Citizenship among Migrant youth in Australia” project is a four year, multi-state research project that seeks to learn more about migrant youth and social networks. Specifically, the ‘Social Networks’ project is investigating the manner in which young people of Arab, Pacific Islander and African backgrounds draw upon both formal (e.g. government agencies and non-government support services) and informal (e.g. family, peers and sub-cultural groups) networks to develop a sense of social connectedness and belonging in Australia.

The findings generated though this project will improve our understanding of the challenges faced by migrant youth, explore the role of resilience in the presence of such challenges, and provide a greater awareness of the significance social networks play as a critical source of feelings of belonging and social connectedness.


We are committed to ensuring that research findings translate into practical recommendations for social service providers. Findings will be disseminated within the social service sector via collaborative symposiums, workshops and policy recommendations.

The young people taking part in the April forum will be a vital element to this project. Their involvement in this project will ensure that the most accurate and culturally appropriate information is collected, leading to real world changes that reflect your needs. Not only will they have a chance to contribute a real 'youth voice' to the project, but they will also be able to:

* connect with other young leaders
* take a look at some of the positive things taking place in their community
* talk about things that are important to them, their friends, and family
* spend a day learning about other cultures
* tell facilitators how they would make changes
* take home a bag of goodies!

The Forum will take place at the University of Queensland. Transport can be arranged, if needed, and full catering will be provided for the day. If this sounds interesting to you, or if you work with young people from these cultural groups who exhibit signs of emerging leadership quality, please speak to them about this forum, and contact socialnetworks@uq.edu.au for more information.

Prayer session under fire from anti-Islam group


MELBOURNE: A row has broken out in a Jewish-dominated area of Melbourne over a Muslim prayer group that meets in a council-owned hall.

The St Kilda Islamic Society has held Friday prayers at the facility for years, but the council now wants to change the venue's permit to formalise the arrangement.

That council decision has given opponents of the prayer group the opportunity to get vocal.

The prayer group started in 2008 with a group of Melbourne taxi drivers who were looking for a place to worship.

They began meeting at the Alma Road Community House in Melbourne's inner south-east, an area recognised as a Jewish enclave and does not have a local mosque.

These days about 35 men attend Friday prayers, including Qaiser Mohammed.

"They think that we are going to occupy this place. We are here for one hour [a week], just for the Friday prayer," he said.


It is well documented that in many parts of the Islamic world, Friday prayers are noted for escalating violent outbursts towards non-Muslims. The gathering of a large group of Muslims in East St Kilda will likely strike terror into the hearts of local residents

Port Phillip Council, which owns the hall, is seeking to change the facility's planning permit to allow bigger groups to congregate.

This has focused attention on the venue's existing uses, and suddenly a practice that has been happening quietly for years is now a matter of public debate.

Vickie Janson is from the Q Society, which is dedicated to fighting what it calls the "Islamisation of Australia".

She says the group behind the Friday prayers are "doctrinally aligned" with extremists.

"I am against Sharia law in Australia. People have come here to embrace our freedoms, embrace the equality. Let's not go down the track of Britain that has now set up 85 tribunals that act as Sharia courts," she said.

Q Society is distributing petitions warning of unrest if the prayer group is allowed to continue.

"It is well documented that in many parts of the Islamic world, Friday prayers are noted for escalating violent outbursts towards non-Muslims. The gathering of a large group of Muslims in East St Kilda will likely strike terror into the hearts of local residents," she said.

"There is a lot of Jewish people in the area. We know if we look around the world with these more extreme groups, anti-semitism is a problem."

Mr Mohammed rejects claims his prayer group increases violence or in some way is anti-semitic.

He said the group does not want to introduce Sharia law and thinks those objecting to the prayers must be misinformed.

"They are linking us to the terrorist group. I saw their petition. It is completely wrong," he said.

"They think that we are going to change this place to a mosque or something like that. That is not going to happen.

"Most of the people they don't know what we are doing here. If someone comes up with something and they never come to us."
Basic concerns

The petition also raises more basic concerns such as parking and water use.

Those viewing the petition online are referred to the website of Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi, who last week said "Islam itself is the problem".

Victorian State Labor MP Martin Foley says the situation is being blown out of proportion.

"The dog whistling that we have seen in Canberra in recent times has encouraged this kind of behaviour, and this group (Q Society) has just sought to whip up fear and pander to the worst elements of our community [and] should pull their head in," he said.

The council has received about 50 objections to the planned change, though more than 200 have signed a petition supporting it.

Sandy Joffee operates the Community House on the council's behalf.


The dog whistling that we have seen in Canberra in recent times has encouraged this kind of behaviour, and this group (Q Society) has just sought to whip up fear and pander to the worst elements of our community [and] should pull their head in

"I'm a little surprised. I think there is prejudice in every community and we saw in the news recently the level of it. Nonetheless, I am a little disappointed that it is in my community as well," she said.


But Ms Janson maintains there is genuine community concern.

"It's not that you want to demonise people. While we have freedom of speech, I think we have to publicly discuss the issues, not just say 'well that's no

t nice, we can't talk about it'," she said.

Planning Minister Matthew Guy says he wants the matter resolved swiftly.

"We are confident that councils can manage issues such as place of worship competently and well, and indeed we want them to resolve this issue as quickly as possible," he said.

A decision is expected within two months.

ABC News

First Muslim Parliamentarian: Mr Ed Husic on multiculturalism and restricting Muslim immigration


Mr HUSIC (Chifley) (4.12 pm)—As I stand here today, I think of the mums, dads, students, small business people, professionals, community workers and sportspeople—those drawn from the Islamic faith who are trying to do their best to contribute to the betterment of our nation.


How are those people supposed to feel when they ponder on how they were admitted to share the richness of life here but that others of their faith have been locked out?


I still hear from refugees who have escaped war-torn nations and of their expressions of guilt and shame that they survived and prospered while others less fortunate suffered or perished.


And we would then, by operation of a discriminatory policy, seek to place on our citizens the weight of that guilt—to enslave them to that shame?


Once we put up that barrier, how are those who live here supposed to feel?


We would give comfort to those people who seek to prey on fear and anger, setting us back from where we want to be.


What does this do to the strength of the nation’s unity and purpose, when we enslave our own to the burden of this shame?


We have as a nation learned from our mistakes, yet we have a party where elements therein are ready to walk headlong into another mistake.


How is this leadership? How does this advance our nation? And how does it help us internationally?


Let me take the House, in broad terms, to the value of our exports to the following countries in 2009-10: Indonesia, $4 billion; Malaysia, $3 billion; United Arab Emirates, $2 billion; Saudi Arabia, $1.5 billion; Pakistan, $600 million; Bangladesh, $400 million; Turkey, $300 million; Jordan and Iran, respectively, $150 million; and Lebanon, $25 million.


Just out of those countries, during that time, we earned a shade over $12 billion in export dollars.


They are nations with over 50 per cent of people who consider themselves Muslim.


Do not forget the other $18 billion we earned from countries with sizeable Muslim populations within our very region: India, the Philippines and the Russian Federation.


How are those people supposed to feel when they ponder on how they were admitted to share the richness of life here but that others of their faith have been locked out?

If we were to regress to a discriminatory immigration policy, would we effectively say to those countries, ‘We’ll take your dollars but not your people’?


It is absurd. Do we believe that people in these countries would not react? Do we think that governments in some of those nations would be mute while their local citizens ask why their governments tolerate a policy of discrimination by our government?


Remember that through the seventies and eighties we placed massive international pressure on countries that abided and supported discrimination.


Given this proud history, what then would this do to our ability to advocate on the world stage the need for countries and other corners of the globe to embrace liberal democracy, tolerance and fairness?


We would be hamstrung, utterly and completely crippled in our ability to get others to do something which we are simply unable to do ourselves.




Mr STEPHEN JONES (Throsby) (5.03 pm)—I am very pleased to stand and speak in relation to the matter of public importance that has been brought to this House by my good friend of 12 years, the member for Chifley.


I say I have known the member for Chifley for around 12 years. It was probably three years into that relationship before I discovered that the member for Chifley is Muslim.


That goes to show that those who say that you can know everything about a person if you know what their religion is are wrong.




Muslims Australia president, Mr. Ikebal Patel wrote a "please explain" letter to Mr. Tony Abbott MP, leader of the Federal Opposition



AUSTRALIA ranks as one of the most successful immigrant nations on the planet, opposition frontbencher Malcolm Turnbull said.

Mr Turnbull said the Liberal Party remained committed to a multicultural Australia and a non-discriminatory immigration policy.

"We believe one of Australia's greatest strengths is its cultural diversity," Mr Turnbull told ABC Television.

"We are one of the most successful immigrant countries in the world."


"Scott Morrison has recognised that his remarks had been ill-timed and he apologised for that," Mr Turnbull said.

He said the putting down of any religion, culture or race was "unhelpful" in the integration of people from around the world in Australia.

"Whatever problems there might be in relations between people of different backgrounds, denigrating people from one faith undermines that harmonious relationship," he said.


We are defined as Australians because of the commitment to the shared political values of this country

Neither complexion, religion nor ethnicity defined how Australian a person was, Mr Turnbull said.

"We are defined as Australians because of the commitment to the shared political values of this country," he said.

"That's why our society is so inclusive."





Bosnian Readers' Update

By Safet Avdich 



Latest issue

Around the Muslim World with CCN


Muslim group save position of a councillor

UK: A letter from a Portsmouth-based Muslim group has saved the position of a councillor who walked out of a council meeting to avoid listening to a Muslim supplication (dua’a).

The Portsmouth Council Cabinet meeting on January 25 opened with a Christian prayer but when Imam Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo stood up to recite a du’a Conservative Cllr Malcolm Hey from the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) left, only returning after it was finished.

On January 29 an emergency meeting was called by Education Cabinet Member, Terry Hall, to determine the fate of the Copnor Ward Councillor Hey. Hall, a Liberal Democrat Councillor, said she called the meeting after concern from the public about his role with SACRE, and whether his beliefs conflicted with the views of the Council.

Lib Dem Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson wrote to Conservative Party Chair, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, to ask her to dismiss Hey.

His letter said: “Not only were his actions hugely disrespectful to the Lord Mayor and the Imam but also to the whole of the Muslim community. It plays into the hands of Muslim extremists here and across the world who want to portray the UK as somewhere Muslims are not welcome.

“I hope you exclude him from the Conservative Party to send a clear message the level of bigotry Councillor Hey showed is not acceptable in any mainstream political party in the UK.”

However, Hey kept his SACRE post after a written plea from the President of Muslim Wessex Jamaat, Roshan Gangji.

In a letter to Hall, Gangji pleaded for Hey to be “forgiven”.

In his letter he said: “We have a responsibility to each other. What has happened is at best an aberration and we need to give thought to create space for deeper understanding.

“We need to ponder whether suspension will create a change of attitude. I very much doubt it.

“I humbly request to consider what Jesus and Prophet Muhammad would do. Show compassion and forgive the aberration. I request he take time out to reflect. The cabinet could ask he meets with other faith leaders in the community and share a meal.”

Hall, responding to the letter said, “Despite community concern I recommend Cllr Hey not be suspended. I hope he’ll take the opportunity to reflect. We’ll forward him the Jamaat’s letter, and tell him if he leaves prayers in future, consideration will be given to removing him from SACRE.”

Cllr Hey still insisted he had not done anything wrong, but admitted he thought he would be taken off the panel. He said: “The Jamaat has been gracious in its attitude. I’m grateful. I don’t feel I was wrong, but I expected to be removed from SACRE…I will stay on it, as I hope I make a contribution to it.”

Wessex Jamaat Interfaith Director, Yasin Rahim, told The Muslim News that their reaction was “based on us thinking how the Prophet would have acted in this kind of situation and we believe he would have demonstrated compassion and embraced

“The Muslim community here is mature. We aren’t angry; we just regard this as a host who doesn’t know how to behave towards his guest. It’s a real shame.

But we invite him to come to read a Christian prayer to Muslims at one of our prayer meetings. That way, he can experience what interaction between faiths can do.”

SACRE includes members of religions, teaching staff, and representatives of Portsmouth City Council. It guides religious education in city schools.




Rabiya wins sport award

UK: Former England internationalist defender Gareth Southgate has praised a teenager for her work in the local community.

Rabiya Ahmed, from Preston, was this month awarded the Barclays Community Sports Awards. At the age of 18 she has dedicated two years to Fishwick Rangers Youth and Community Development Scheme as well as managing - single handedly - an Asian female team. She began volunteering with Fishwick Rangers at 16 and has gained qualifications in both Sports Leadership and football coaching.

Southgate, who is heading up the judging panel for the award, said: “Rabiya Ahmed is an inspiration to young people in the UK. She saw a gap in the opportunities available for young Asian women in her local community and set up a women’s football team that enables them not only to train and exercise weekly, but to work on important skills like team work and self confidence.”

In addition to her work with young people, she recently delivered a 40 week scheme for Asian women that involved swimming and fitness sessions in a female environment, run by qualified coaches.

Rabiya commentated: “It was a complete surprise to be nominated and even bigger shock to win the Barclays Community Sport Award. I do the work because I enjoy it and to be recognised in this way for doing something I love is fantastic.”

Fishwick Rangers Secretary, Fayyaz Ahmed, said: “Rabiya has been a great benefit to our organisation and she has overcome major barriers within the community and cultural differences enabling young Asian females to volunteer and gain skills and confidence. She alone has managed to talk and persuade elders within the Asian community to allow their daughters to take part and assist within the community.”


The Inbox


Dear Editor


You know your newsletter has finally come of age when you receive a "Disgusted from Tunbridge Wells" letter to the editor.

How wonderful !!


Anver Omar

Dear KB, Assalaamu Alaikum

I am just sending this short note to tell you that the chocolate cup cake recipe (in last week's CCN) is excellent and the result is divine cakes. I am so proud of them that I will share them with the neighbours.

Thank you and Salaams,


[KB says] The credit must go to Miss Farzanah Hatia who perfected the recipe.

Dear Editor


I was wondering if you could put this in your next newsletter inshallah:


Youth Without Borders is writing to invite CCN readers to attend and support a Youth Without Borders' dinner at Parliament House in Brisbane, on Thursday 31st March 2011 from 6:30pm.

Youth Without Borders is holding the event to raise funds for those affected by the Brisbane floods. There will also be the opportunity to support the victims of the recent floods in Pakistan and Brazil if you choose to do so. We anticipate raising $15,000 to $20,000 from this event depending on the level of sponsorship we can attract.

Youth Without Borders will channel these funds through the Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal, the Australian Red Cross and Save the Children to ensure that these funds reach young people affected by the floods.

If you are interested in attending this fundraising dinner, or have any queries regarding ticket details and further information, please email us at events@youthwithoutborders.com.au

Kindest regards,
Yassmin Abdel-Magied

2010 Young Queenslander of the Year
President: Youth Without Borders
0402 761 593

New on ISLAM TV this week


If you are unable to view Islam TV here open this CCN newsletter in Firefox or Safari





Imam Imraan Hussain – Gold Coast Masjid

Support Local Muslim Business by visiting the Salam Card site and printing many vouchers to
present all over town to get great discounts and special offers.









See the Salam Card Special Offers:


CCN tweeting on twitter!


CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book

The CCN Bookshelf

Share a book review on Shelfari, where this reader meets fellow readers.

CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner


Ice Cream Sandwiches


KB SAYS: This is an innovative way to serve your home made ice cream. You can also add other types of fruit like mangoes or passionfruit when in season. This is an easy dessert to make and will be much appreciated during these hot summer months.


20 Ice Cream Wafers
200g strawberries, hulled and thinly sliced
1 litre Ice Cream softened
¼ cup desiccated coconut

1. Place strawberries into a large bowl and mash with a fork.
2. Add ice cream and coconut and sir until smooth and well combined
3. Line a rectangular baking tin or a Pyrex dish with cling wrap leaving some overhang.
4. Spoon ice-cream mix into the container, smoothing the top.
5. Fold to cover with overhang and place in a freezer to firm. (approx 2-3 hours)
6. Remove from the freezer, unwrap from plastic and cut into even slices.
7. Sandwich between 2 ice cream wafers and serve.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to me at kbcooks@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be my "guest chef" for the week.


Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Q: Dear Kareema, Dear Kareema, I'm currently in training for a run which is coming up in a few months time. Is running on soft sand better than running on the footpath? If I have the option of both, which is better for the body?

A: Running on sand can be a great addition to your training. I wouldn't say that it is better than running on the footpath, but it is a great example of cross training. Sand adds a strength and stability component and the footpath adds speed, power and agility. Why not try to do every second run on sand to mix things up. Make sure you wear shoes the first few times to strengthen your ankles and run where there is not too much of a slope in the sand.

As you get stronger and closer to the day of the run, challenge yourself by adding mini-drills to your run on the sand, eg. run for a minute then drop and do ten push-ups, commando-crawls, or hovers, etc.. The key is to vary your workouts as much as you can to constantly challenge your muscles.

Remember your diet is just as important, both leading up to, and on the day of the event. Make sure you have a good breakfast on the day for heaps of energy!!


All the best and NJOY!!






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The CCN Chuckle


Little Jallaluddin arrived at his Saturday morning Madressah late. Sister Safia, his mualimma, knew that Jallaluddin was usually very punctual so she asked him if anything was wrong.

Jallaluddin replied no, that he had been going fishing but his dad told him that he needed to go to Madressah.

Sister Safia was very impressed and asked the lad if his dad had explained to him why it was more important to go to Madressah than to go fishing?

Jallaluddin  replied, "Yes he did. Dad said he didn't have enough bait for both of us."

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Events and Functions



Camp Registration Pack

Full details


Youth Leadership Camp

Muslims & Services Expo


Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Qari's Classes

AIIC performance

AIIC Gold Coast campus

English Tutor

Free Adult classes

Al-Mustapha Institute

Islamic College of Brisbane


Maths Tutoring service

From years 6-10

Math A, B and C for years 11 &12
Ahlam Haddad

Tel: 32191554

email: haddada5@hotmail.com.

Brisbane  Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

pdf version


Seerah Classes UMB

Qu'ran Reading & Islamic Studies

Kuraby Mosque


in Robina

New Muslim Classes

Window into Islam


Businesses and Services

The CCN February Business of the Month


(Every month CCN showcases a business here)





Carpet Lifesavers




Islamic Couture

Kuraby Seafood Takeaway

Healthy Life



Kimaya Fashions


Brisbane Diagnostics


Mina Collection


Where Style meets Modesty

ACCES Services

Removal Services

Forex Coaching

by Azhar Khan

pdf version



Jamal Naouri

Real Estate Agent

Sunrise Pizza


Nandos Mt Gravatt


Calamvale Central
Compton Road

Tel: 07 3272 2299

Lezzet Restaurant

Want an effective treatment to clean out BAD CHOLESTROL and PLAQUE from your arteries?
ArgiNox Maintain is available from Zakiya Sacur - 0433 270 770. Book your consultation now

Shop 45A Inala Plaza

156 Inala Avenue, Inala 

Mt Egmont Bakery

for the best in

halal pavlovas


Yasmeen Seedat

Accounting Services


Body & Beauty

Brochure 1

Brochure 2

Rawlins Taekwondo

Love ur Body

Phone: 3397 6863
Mob: 0431 446 528
910 Logan Rd

Holland Park West

Hydrotherapy & Swimming

classes for Muslim women

pdf version

Nazima Hansa

your one-stop real estate shop

FAMSY Bookstore

AK Surtie


Hummy's Automotive

Prop: Mohammed Shabbir

Junaid Ally

Ray White


Bilal Solwa @ Reed




Migration Agent



Stick On Labels

The Quran Pen Reader

online at


Table & Chair Hire


Additional contact:

Ahmed Hassan

0433 531 593

The CCN Date Claimer

(provisiona"If it's not here ....it's not happening!"l)




(Click on link)





4-6 March


Youth leadership camp


Koonjewarre Centre, Springbrook

0431 800 414

All day

13 March




Charity Golf Day

Brookwater Golf Course

0401 786 815


9 April


Muslim & Services Expo 2011

Riverside Receptions, New Farm

0402 026 786

10am to 4pm

15 May





Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786


12 June


Annual International Food Festival

Islamic Society of Gold Coast

The Gold Coast Mosque

0412 601 152

All day

18 June


Ladies Hair & Makeup Workshop

Springwood Community Centre

0404 296 297


29 June



Lailatul Mehraj

18 July



Lailatul Baraat

2 August



Start of Ramadhan

28 August



Lailatul Qadr

31 August



End of Ramadhan

1 September




3 September



Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

7 November




11 or 12 November


Dreamworld 2011


0418 722 353


27 November



Islamic New Year

6 December



Day of Ashura


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




Ladies Taleem


There will be no Taleem this Thursday.

Check next week for details


Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Meeting Dates:

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Wednesday 16 November 2011


Metropolitan South Regional Office
1993 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt




For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at Bellos.Dimitrios@police.qld.gov.au


Girls Game Night

Sitting at home on a Saturday Night?

Want to do something constructive, but FUN?



Inspiration talk, pizza, BBQ, fun and games

Topics that are relevant, Iman-boosting and mind-capturing.
Where: AMYN Islamic Youth Centre, 16/157 North Road, Woodridge
When: Every Saturday,after Maghrib
Everyone is invited



CCN @ Facebook



Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links



Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Msque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)

Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
www.islamiccollegeofbrisbane.com.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

The Muslim Directory

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Co-ordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interestCo-ordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)
Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland


Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Society of Darra

Qld Muslims Volunteers

If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.