......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 27 March 2011

 Newsletter 0333



Fund raiser funds finds its way to the Premier's Appeal Fund


(left to right) Saheed Ali, Mohammed Yusuf (President of ICQ), Premier Anna Bligh, Rahman Deen, Minister Stephen Robertson MP and Junaid Qadiri

Last Wednesday the President of ICQ, Mohammed Yusuf, presented a cheque for $44,200 to the Premier of Queensland on behalf of the Muslims of Australia.

The money was raised during the fundraising event organised by ICQ at the Islamic College of Brisbane on 30th January.

The amount included a donation of $10,000 from AFIC as well as donations from Malek Fahd School in Sydney, Islamic College of Brisbane and a personal donation from the Ambassador of UAE.

In accepting the cheque the Premier thanked the Islamic Community for their generosity and compassion.
Mr Mohammed Yusuf thanked all the societies and organisations including Crescents of Brisbane, Lions Club of Kuraby, Rotary of Archerfield and the members of the community for their generous support.

90 years on - and going strong!


Mrs Emma Khan, wife of the late Haji Ali Ahmed Khan who passed away in May 1991, celebrated her 90th Birthday at the Yurana Blue Care Nursing Home at Springwood with close family and friends on the 13th March 2011.


Mrs Khan received well wishes and congratulations from the Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Premier of Queensland Anna Bligh MP, the City of Logan, Lord Mayor Pam Parker, and Member for Rankin, Craig Emerson.


Mrs Khan is one of the elders and a life member of the Holland Park Mosque since 1987.


Her family story is in the book entitled 100 Years of History: Holland Park Mosque 1908 to 2008 by Mustafa Ally.


Mrs Khan has also had her story published in the book Butterflies in Fresh Fields complied by Emad Soliman in April 2005.


"We pray to Allah Subhanallah tala grants her happiness and good  health in her remaining years, insha'Allah", her daughter, Ms Zulaika Shaheen told CCN.


Her hobbies include painting, crosswords, knitting crocheting and reading, which still keeps her very busy.


"She is a credit to herself and is in sound body and mind, and she can still tell stories from the past and has a vivid recollection of her times as a member of the Holland Park Mosque," Ms Shaheen added.


Mrs Khan has 4 children and 8 grandchildren.

Muslim cricket star's anti-terror video message (with no spin)

London Evening Standard


For years Mushtaq Ahmed terrified English batsmen with his spin, guile and flight.

Now the legendary Pakistani cricketer is backing a campaign to promote British values as the UK authorities seek to prevent a terror attack on the 2012 London Olympics.

Muslim Ahmed is a role model to many young Pakistani men and is seen as being able to reach people in both Britain and his home country who may be at risk of being radicalised.

"Nobody is disrespecting each other's culture or religion here," he says in a new YouTube video (see below) for the Foreign Office. "The most important thing in Britain is people let you do what you want to do."

The 5ft 4in bowler, born in the Punjab and now 40, also revealed how his former team-mates used to try to help him observe his religion.

"I remember while I was playing professional cricket for Somerset my teammates used to tell me it's your prayer time, should we stop at some motorway services so we can have a coffee and you can have your prayers," he said. "If you have that kind of people around you, and the culture, I don't think people have any problem. English people are very open-hearted, you know they can accept your thing."

Ahmed, known in cricket circles as "Mushy" and famous for his googly, was appointed spin coach to the England cricket team in 2008.

He tells in the YouTube clip how his faith strengthened during his international career after another former Pakistan cricketer advised him to do this to find peace.

In his message to young Muslim men, he adds: "Please, we're living in a country, England, we're praying five times, there's mosques. The freedom is there."

Leg spinner Ahmed, who took 185 wickets in 52 tests, played for Sussex, Surrey and Somerset on the county circuit.

The Foreign Office released the video today, with fewer than 500 days to go until the 2012 Games. It is one of a series produced to highlight the UK's tolerant multi-faith society.

Other celebrities who have recorded messages include paralympic gold medallist Tanni Grey-Thompson, Camila Batmanghelidjh, who founded the Kids Company, and newsreader Zeinab Badawi.


Make AFIC more effective, pleads Patel


Muslims Australia president, Ikebal Patel has put out a call inviting all Islamic organisations in Australia to join Muslims Australia (AFIC) and their respective State Councils "to strengthen the Ummah and foster a united voice".


"In my capacity as President of Muslims Australia (AFIC), I am urging all Islamic Associations not to ignore my humble request to join Muslims Australia for the betterment of our future generations," Mr, Patel said.


Membership form

Constitutional requirements

Muslim Charitable Foundation Inc. has responded to calls for help

By Janeth Deen, MCF Secretary


During March, flood victims have had furniture and necessary goods donated to them to help them resettle into new accommodation after being displaced because of the flood. Money has been provided for medical bills and equipment has been donated for those suffering ill health. People in financial distress have had some of their burdens lifted.

Two Burmese families found alternative accommodation in Inala after the floods. They were grateful for the personal attention they were given by representatives of MCF to help rebuild their lives after the traumatic events of settling into a new country as refugee, then losing everything in the floods. After the floods the families had members living apart with friends. One family had members in three different houses. MCF members visited them, assessed their needs and provided furniture, white goods and the necessary goods required for them to set up house comfortably. The children in the families were settled in time to commence the school year at a new school.

A prominent Muslim family from Karalee lost everything in the flood, not only their home and contents, but the workshop and equipment needed to earn their livelihood. They found alternative accommodation in Brisbane and MCF representatives helped with furniture and white goods. This family would like to return to their home in Karalee, but the house has to be rebuilt. They still need gyprock and other building materials to enable them to return. The insurance company has not yet informed them if their claim will be accepted for flood cover. This is the second time mother nature has hit this family so heavily. They were also a victim of Cyclone Tracey when it hit Darwin in 1974.

A diligent Muslim community member has kept a watchful eye on media reports of people in need. He informed MCF of a family with a son suffering from cystic fibrosis who lost his vital gym equipment due to the clean up of their Archerfield home during the floods. A representative of MCF went with this community member when a treadmill was donated on behalf of the Muslims who donated funds to MCF. The mother of the young man stated the machine was critical to his rehabilitation as it was building him up in preparation for a transplant operation he is awaiting.

A young man who suffered headaches because the family could not afford to have his eyes tested and provide spectacles for him, is now the proud owner of a new pair of spectacles thanks to the help of MCF. The family were refugees from Iraq and the father returned to Iraq to visit a brother who is ill. He is finding it hard to return to Australia as he did not have the return fare. For this reason, the family is surviving on a single pension and paying $385 rent per week. They were also assisted to pay their electricity account as the account was well overdue and supply was threatened to be disconnected.

Another young Pakistani victim of a bashing has had money provided to save his sight. He needed the operation urgently and MCF responded to his need as soon as they were informed. The young man is now on the path to recovery, but may have to have further operations. He may receive some compensation as a victim of crime, but the claim will take time and he needed help when his sight was threatened immediately after the attack.

A young student has been assisted with education costs to enable her to pay TAFE fees the family could not afford as they are refugees with a son suffering from Leukaemia.

Rane reveals what Muslims really think


There are around 360,000 Muslims living in Australia today, but what you hear about Islam and the Muslim community is often negative and stereotyped.

What do Muslims themselves really think?

Dr Halim Rane from the Griffith Islamic Research Institute in Queensland is the co-author of a recent paper published in the Journal of Sociology called 'Towards understanding what Australia's Muslims really think'.

Richard Aedy interviews Dr Rane on ABC Radio National on this topic.


Muslims want to belong

MX Brisbane


Muslims just can't get enough of the Aussie way of life.


A Griffith University study of the Brisbane Muslim community found they overwhelmingly supported democracy and wanted to further integrate into Australian society.


Learning English was seen as crucial to living in Australia, with 71 per cent of respondents saying Muslims should learn the language and a further 13 per cent saying they should completely integrate into Australian society.


Only 1 per cent believed Muslims should not attempt to integrate.


The study also found 97 per cent of respondents completely rejected the use of terrorism in Australia, with more than half saying they would immediately notify the police of any possible terrorist attack.


Lead researcher Dr Halim Rane said most Muslims were proud Aussies, but they wanted to keep their religious beliefs.


'The vast majority of people we surveyed had a deep respect for Australia's education system and judiciary," he said.


'They just want to be able to practice their faith safely."


Despite misconceptions that associate Islam with misogyny, 89 per cent of respondents supported gender equality.


Australian Federation of Islamic Councils president Ikebal Patel said most Muslims wanted to build bridges.


"We want people to come down to our community centres and mosques to find out more about our faith," he said.

Pakistan Day celebrations in Brisbane


23rd March is a very significant day in the history of Pakistan.


To celebrate the occasion the Management Committee of the Pakistan Australian Cultural Association held a variety programme and a dinner last night (Saturday) at the Logan City Community Hall.


Australians let us rejoice for we are young and FREE.....


Mr Ikebal Patel, president of Muslims Australia (AFIC), expressed disquiet at channel’s nine’s most recent coverage of a Sixty Minutes story in which Michael Usher reports opinions on race, religion, bigotry and immigration.

Muslims Australia (AFIC) the peak body representing Muslims in Australia unequivocally rejected any notion expressed in the program that democracy is incompatible with the lifestyles of Muslims in Australia.


"As Australian citizens, we respect and abide by the laws of the land and we communicate this message to our members and all citizen’s of this beautiful land," said Mr Patel.

Mr Patel further stated, Muslims Australia (AFIC) supports the Australian version of multiculturalism, "after all, Australia is a nation of migrants with a history dating back some 50,000 years with the arrival of the first Aboriginal people."

We are a nation of over 40% either born overseas or had one parent born abroad. People from almost 200 countries have made Australia their home – adding colour, diversity and a unique blend of cultures, religions and customs incorporated into the Australian “fair-go, mate-ship” set of Australian values

Mr Patel invited the media and others, when seeking to report the views of the majority of Muslims in Australia to seek such representation from long standing organisations, Islamic scholars at Universities around Australia who are available to provide a balanced view of Islam and Muslims in Australia.


"The Australian National Imam’s Council (ANIC), Imams Council of NSW and Board of Imams of Victoria have all been set up to address issues relating to Islam and the every day lives of Muslims in Australia and welcomed the opportunity for discussion, question and answer."

Mr Patel hoped that all eligible voters in NSW would have made a concerted effort to make their votes count in selecting their State government.


"The rights and freedoms afforded to citizens of this magnificent land must not be taken for granted or rail-roaded by those who are motivated by self-centred agenda’s inconsistent with Australian law and seeking to instill fear and hatred into the hearts and minds of many!"


See below Dr Mohamad Abdalla's response to the Sixty Minutes program on Islam TV.

Multiculturalism from a student's perspective


Jack Campbell is a journalism student at Bond University. He has written a feature article on Muslim immigration to Australia which we publish below:

She stands in front of the mirror, locks of thick, dark hair cascading over her shoulders. Her deep brown eyes steal away from her reflection as she rifles through an array of coloured fabrics. Blue. Red. Orange. Black. She pulls out the black one and holding both corners of the garment, she whips her wrists, like one airing out a scrunched up sheet at the end of a bed. She elegantly wraps the hijab around her face, pinning it below her chin. She pulls it to the right. Then left. In a matter of seconds, eyes, nose, mouth and eyebrows are all which remain to be seen. She pins it again, catching the time on her watch. With minutes to spare before starting her shift, she rushes through the house and out the front door. Her stomach growls, a dog waiting to be fed. She doubles back.


A day is not worth living without Vegemite on toast.

Dr Nemat Alsaba works in the emergency department of the Gold Coast Hospital. The devout Muslim left her home in Saudi Arabia to take up a temporary working visa and start a Fellowship in Emergency Medicine in 2006. Five years later, she is finishing her final year of the program and looking after her three teenage children, including a 15-year-old autistic boy. She sees her partner twice a year; he remains working abroad. It’s not an easy life working in the emergency ward. She often rushes out half-way through one of her five daily prayers to look after the latest broken arm or leg. Or often worse.

But despite the challenges, Dr Alsaba calls Australia home.

“To be honest, the first time I came to Australia was in 2005 and back then I don’t think people were used to seeing females wearing the hijab,” she says. “I’ve been lucky though, I’ve never experienced any problems, especially working at the hospital because the people there are from everywhere around the word.” She glances at a family photo; her family at Surfers Paradise beach.

“When I talk to my children and my family, I call Australia my home. Home is where you feel safe and we put home as the place where you have people that respect you.”

The multiculturalism debate is back in the political spotlight. Earlier this month, Fairfax newspapers alleged Shadow Immigration Minister Scott Morrison wanted to launch a fear campaign against Muslim migration. The newspapers reports say Morrison urged his party members to capitalise on Muslim immigrants’ fears of their inability to integrate to keep them out of Australia. Morrison rejects the claim as gossip, but the story has ignited a flame which is turning into a raging inferno – the Muslim immigration debate.

Imagine Tweed Heads and the Gold Coast as a village of 500 people. In the entire village, only three would be Muslims compared to 310 Christians, according to 2006 Census statistics. Four years earlier, and the number would have been closer to two Muslims per 500 people.

Take another step back. With about 5.8 million immigrants Australia-wide, only one in 29 is
Muslim. In terms of the entire population, Muslim immigrants are even less, outnumbered more than 100 to one.

So why are people scared of a minority group? A leading expert in immigration studies says it is because of our association of Muslims with terrorists.

Australian National University’s Director of The Australian Demographic & Social Research
Institute Peter McDonald says all immigrants coming to Australia deserve a fair go at starting a new life. “There is a double fear in society which is a fear of Muslims and a fear of boat people,” he says. “There’s a small group of Muslims who may be dangerous but it’s up the security agencies to look after the matter.” He takes a quick breath. “Of course, we should be careful, but we shouldn’t label an entire group of people as terrorists. The image of boat people coming to Australia is that they’re Muslims and the fear generated is that boat people and Muslims are of the same story when they’re definitely not.”

Student Safiyya Azman, 22, knows only too well how it feels to be stereotyped as something she’s not. She spreads out her towel over the sun-scorched sand. Beads of sweat drip from her brow. Bikiniclad girls pass her by, staring and making hurried whispers to one another. She tries to ignore them. She can’t help staring back. She sits on her towel beside her friends. These girls don’t judge her. She wipes the sweat from her forehead. Her hijab is suffocating. She stands and makes toward the glistening blue water, anxious to cool down. She stands in the shallows as the waves pound against her knees. People rush past, skin bared to the world. They do a double-take.

A hijab and a wetsuit aren’t your usual attire at a Gold Coast beach.

Safiyya is a Muslim from Malaysia who moved to Australia to study Finance and Law at Bond
University in 2008. She says Australia is the place she feels most accepted outside her home
country. But despite the safety, she thinks Australia’s multicultural strategy has a long way to go. “I don’t know what people are scared of because the terrorist image is not about religion, it’s about politics,” says Safiyya. “You can’t just blame Muslims for the September 11 attacks, there isn’t enough evidence to prove who it was. It could have been the CIA for all we know.” She takes a deep breath. “Christianity and Islam are fundamentally the same, we just believe in different prophets. There has to be a lot of time and effort put in place for multiculturalism to work which is the same with most countries around the world. It’s just going to take time.”

Amongst the furore in federal parliament over Muslim migration, the Gillard Government is
stepping up with its new The People of Australia policy. The strategy, released earlier this month, aims to promote national unity by responding severely to acts of intolerance and racism. It also means the Government has instated a new multicultural council to devise multicultural policies. Immigrants will hopefully receive more aid for everyday activities like transport and finding housing and jobs as a result.


But will the policy solve the multicultural issues facing Australia today? A leading officer from a Queensland-based non-government multicultural organisation thinks it’s a good start. The Multicultural Development Organisation helps immigrants by picking them up from the airport, setting up their bank accounts, helping them look for work and much more. The organisation’s Chair of the Board Warren McMillan hopes the new policy will make immigrants feel more accepted in Australian society.

“We’re delighted to see some leadership in multiculturalism and the promotion of the larger
message of immigrant inclusion,” he says. “Refugees and immigrants are desperate to fit in and want to make the most of their new life. That’s why we help them with everyday tasks, because for them it is a daunting task.” He pauses momentarily. “There’s always a fear of the new and unknown which is understandable, particularly with Muslims and their connection with terrorism.


But every time there are new people arriving, Australians need to take the time to share and connect with them and they’ll find most of their unfounded fears dissipate.”

After four years of living at the Gold Coast, Dr Alsaba still wonders if she will stay in Australia when she finishes her fellowship. She slumps through her front door. Her children are already fast asleep. She walks into her bedroom, undressing as she goes. The countless lives she helped change today cross her mind. She smiles, unpins her hijab and crawls into bed. ‘Home is where you feel safe,’ she thinks. A minute later, she is fast asleep.


How you can help
Brisbane-based NGO Multicultural Development Association is looking for volunteers to help with a range of immigrant integration programs. Activities range from airport greets to helping out with homework clubs. If Brisbane is too far to come then there are plenty of opportunities available on the Gold Coast and at Tweed Heads. Contact a Volunteer Coordinator on 07 3337 5400.

Pro-Muslim petition tabled by senator


ACT Liberal senator Gary Humphries (pictured left) has lodged a petition in parliament calling for better treatment of Muslim refugees.

It comes one month after presenting a similar document which argued they shouldn't be allowed to immigrate to Australia.

Senator Humphries found himself in hot water after he tabled a petition in the upper house calling for a 10-year moratorium on Muslim immigration and a review of Australia's immigration policy to ensure priority was given to Christians last February.

At the time he agreed the document, signed by three Sydneysiders, was "somewhat offensive" but defended his right to present it because it conformed with Senate standing orders.

Mr Humphries tabled another petition with quite a different view in the chamber on Wednesday.

It requested that the Senate endorse and re-articulate the policy of non-discrimination towards migrants and reject calls for the discrimination of Muslim refugees and immigrants.

It was signed by 98 people.


Prime Canberra

Trust built between Police and Australian Muslim communities


Thirty eight projects that fostered community engagement between Muslim communities and Police have resulted in best practices that could be followed in communities all around Australia, Race Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes said today.


“These important and diverse projects, which ranged from sporting and arts-based initiatives to police-community consultations, aimed to improve relationships between local police and Australian Muslim communities by building trust, respect, inclusion and participation between them,” Commissioner Innes said.


“Many have been very successful, particularly in the areas of breaking down stereotypes, misconceptions and misunderstanding on both sides, and have paved the way for others around Australia to follow their lead in building stronger communities now and into the future,” said Commissioner Innes.


Dr Hass Dellal, Executive Director of the Australian Multicultural Foundation said, “The varying outcomes among the projects also demonstrate the importance of a long-term view of the issues and the need for a more concerted government response including a strategic research, policy and planning framework.”


The Australian Human Rights Commission-funded projects, selected by a partnership between the Commission and the Australian Multicultural Foundation, took place in communities located throughout Australia between 2007 and 2010.


A review of the projects, entitled Building Trust: Working with Muslim communities in Australia: a review of the Community Policing Partnership Project, was launched in Melbourne this week by Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police, Simon Overland.


The report highlights the positive contribution of such initiatives to building a more socially cohesive Australian society. It also concludes that, though local, small-scale and limited by resources, such initiatives could become sustainable when community and policing organisations integrated them into their ongoing activities.


“It is only through commitment and a willingness to work together that we can address issues of concern to communities and police,” Dr Dellal said. “The lessons learned from these 38 projects provide further cultural knowledge for police training and recruitment opportunities and highlight the importance of partnerships in developing sustainable outcomes for communities.”


The independent review, conducted by the Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, Griffith University, is available at:

The Return of the Saints

By Master AE 

26th March 2011, it was the date noted by all members of the Sunnybank Saints Division 2 men’s football team. The day arrived and the boys were ready and raring to go. After a 2-year hiatus from the competition, the squad had undergone a few changes with new players joining the team as replacements for those who could not return.

The team had been in training for about 2 months now and was looking forward to their first game of the season. New Manager Shehzad Meman had instilled in the team a culture of togetherness and a football philosophy designed to play attractive football. The squad quickly learnt from their manager and under the guidance of their captain Arshad Randeree was eager to put all their training and practice on to the field.

The start of the season arrived and the boys were eager to get their campaign of to perfect start. The first game of the season was away from home against West End. Sunnybank arrived nice and early at their venue and got quickly into their pre game stretching and warms ups. Davies Park was a unique venue not far from the river and surrounded by a farmers market that added to the uniqueness of the venue. Despite the interest in the farmers market and the excitement of the first game, the Sunnybank boys had to focus as their attention turned to the game against West End.

The first ten minutes of the game were a touch and feel game in which both teams were getting used to the field and scoping out the opposition. It wasn’t long before the Saints got things going when Riaz Essof (Rio) fed his younger brother Farhaan (Fari) a lovely through ball that Fari dispatched past the goalkeeper to send the Saints up 1-0. It was a perfect start for the boys. As the game progressed the two teams were well into their rhythm and the Saints were easily in control of the game.

Things were looking all good for the Saints going into half time, when two lapses in concentration allowed West End to get through on goal and dispatch their two opportunities for a 2-1 lead at the half time break. The boys did not let the deficit keep them down and kept their heads up completely focused on taking back control and the lead in the second half.

As the second half got underway, Saints quickly made their intentions clear with some cool crisp passing with plenty of intent to attack. A ball fed through to Ismail Essof just outside the box was all the striker needed to turn his defender and get a shot away and past the despairing dive of the goalkeeper to make the score 2-2 and bring the Saints back into the game. From this moment the Saints were in total control, a good sweeping move in the West End half ended off with a cracker of a shot screaming into the back of the West End net courtesy of the boot of Rio. The midfielder was having a perfect game and he got the goal he duly deserved.

Sunnybank were intent on making their advantage count and never looked like letting up on the opposition. Rio and Ziyaad Hassan (Zeezu) were moving the ball well in the middle of the field before a cleared cross fell to the feet of Irfaan Amod (Iri) who took a first time shot which cannoned off the crossbar and into the back of the net. Two cracking goals sent the Saints up 4-2 and their dominance was now showing on the scoreboard. The Saints made in 5-2 when captain Arshad Randeree slotted home from the penalty spot after Zain Amod was upended by the West End defence.

The result was indicative of a dominant Sunnybank performance and the boys were delighted to have kicked of the season with a win. The Saints will now look forward to their first home game of the season when they take on Mansfield Eagles at Lister Street at 5pm. If one thing is for sure after today’s performance, it is that anyone who can make his or her way to watch, will be in for a football treat.

Around the Muslim World with CCN


Priest Forced To Give Up 40 Days Of Muslim Lent

FERGUSON, Mo. (RNS) The Rev. Steve Lawler should have just given up chocolate or television for Lent.

Instead, Lawler, the part-time rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, decided to adopt the rituals of Islam for 40 days to gain a deeper understanding of the faith.

Two days after it began, he faced being defrocked if he continued in those endeavors.

"He can't be both a Christian and a Muslim," said Bishop George Wayne Smith of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. "If he chooses to practice as Muslim, then he would, by default, give up his Christian identity and priesthood in the church."

Lawler didn't foresee such problems when he came up with the idea. He merely wanted to learn more about Islam, he said, especially in light of the ongoing congressional hearings on the radicalization of the faith.

On Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, he began performing "salah" five times a day, by facing east, toward Mecca, and praying to Allah. He also started studying the Quran and following Islamic dietary restrictions by abstaining from alcohol and pork.

During Holy Week, he planned to fast from dawn to sunset as Muslims do during Ramadan.

But in Smith's eyes, the exercise amounts to "playing" at someone else's religion and could be viewed as disrespectful.

Plus, he said, "One of the ways (Lawler) remains responsible as a Christian leader is to exercise Christianity and to do it with clarity and not with ways that are confusing."

It's not the first time the Episcopal Church has confronted a priest over dabbling in Islam; in 2009, the Rev. Ann Holmes Redding was defrocked two years after she embraced Islam because, her bishop said, "a priest of the church cannot be both a Christian and a Muslim."

Smith said Lawler would face punitive actions if he continued with the rituals.

Lawler said he only planned to take his idea so far -- he did not intend to embrace one of the Five Pillars of Islam that requires Muslims to declare a belief in the oneness of God and to accept Muhammad as God's prophet.


I could have sat down and read scholarly literature on Islam, but that's still stepping back from it rather than encountering it


On his second day of seeing Lent through Muslim eyes, Lawler issued a press release promoting his unique way of spending Lent. Speaking to a reporter that afternoon, he had no problem reconciling his Episcopal views with those of Islam.

"I could have sat down and read scholarly literature on Islam, but that's still stepping back from it rather than encountering it," he said, over a cup of tea in the office of St. Stephen's Church. "You can think about doing something, but once you do it, you really reflect on it."

Lawler, who has been at St. Stephen's for eight years, was born and raised in the Roman Catholic Church but left during his early 20s because he didn't care for its conservative viewpoints.

"The Episcopal church is a fairly open church," he said. "If I was the pastor at a very conservative church, I could come in one day and have the locks changed (for doing the Islamic rituals)."



I knew I was stepping into this as a discovery. It's turning out to be different than I thought, but also richer than I thought

Lawler learned the Episcopal church is more rigid than he had thought. After hearing the objections of the bishop, Lawler reversed course, giving up the Islamic rituals.

"I believe what he's trying to accomplish or says he's trying to accomplish, which is to deepen his understanding of Islam, is admirable," the bishop said. "But you dishonor another faith by pretending to take it on. You build bridges by building relationships with neighbors who are Muslim."

Mohammed Ibrahim, chairman of the board of directors of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis, isn't offended at all by Lawler practicing Islamic rituals.

"I think it's a good idea to understand better what Islam is," he said. "We do welcome it. People can come and watch us pray at the mosques and participate in prayer if they want to."

For his part, Lawler said he was not disappointed with the Episcopal church's reaction.

"It's a conversation, so I don't feel excluded or ordered about, and I understand Bishop Smith's concerns about what this would mean," he said. "I knew I was stepping into this as a discovery. It's turning out to be different than I thought, but also richer than I thought."

Huffington Post



Pakistani student tops international exam

UK: Asif Yasir, grandson of the former Mayor of Brent, Ahmad Shahzad, has topped Cambridge University 2010 International O’Level Chemistry Exam.

Yasir, of Pakistani origin, scored 9 A* in 9 subjects and was the only student to receive a 99 percent result in Chemistry.

Normally this top position is shared between three or four students out of 123 countries.

Yasir said that his “love” for Chemistry was a pivotal reason for his results.

“We got the good news from British Council Pakistan on behalf of Cambridge International Examinations that I had topped the world in Chemistry and that I was the only student to have achieved this feat.

“It was one of the happiest moments of my life because I knew it had made my family very proud while glorifying my beloved country, Pakistan,” said Yasir.

He added: “I thank Allah Almighty for giving me this honor and I thank my parents and teachers for their continuous love, support and prayers.

“Last but not least I would like to thank my grandfather who has always been there for me and who has provided me with great inspiration, motivation and encouragement to achieve such greatness.”

The Muslim News



USA: Faith groups call for withdrawal of anti-Shari’ah bill


Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders and CAIR officials gathered near the Tennessee Capital on March 1 to ask an anti- Shari’ah bill be withdrawn.

They fear that the law would make it illegal to be Muslim in the state. Supporters of the bill say it only applies to terrorists, and one section says, “This part neither targets, nor incidentally prohibits or inhibits, the peaceful practice of any religion, and in particular, the practice of Islam by its adherents.”

However, the bill claims that Shari’ah law demands the overthrow of the US Constitution: “The knowing adherence to Shari’ah and to foreign Shari’ah authorities is prima facie evidence of an act in support of the overthrow of the US government....”

It gives the state Attorney General the right to say who is practicing any kind of Shari’ah law, which includes prayers, marriage and dietary restrictions, and who is in support of it.

Those convicted would be guilty of a Class B felony punishable by a fine, not less than 15 years in prison or both. Imam of Masjid Al- Islam in Nashville, Yusuf Abdullah, said, “All of a sudden, I pray using the Qur’an or the Sunnas of the Prophet, and it's a crime”.


The Muslim News


In response to the bill, Zeljko Milicevic, Chair, JUSTICE FOR BOSNIA TASK FORCE, Ottawa, Canada writes an opinion piece on the subject.



MWSF Cobras continue winning streak

UK: Reigning women’s Futsal Festival champions the MWSF Cobras beat FC Eighties 11-10 in a friendly on March 12 at Preston Manor High School, Wembley.

The closely contended match saw the Cobras score the winning goal in the final minute of the game. Both team and vice captains, Sana and Anisa Tirmizi scored together with Meera Sivasundram and Ayesha Abdeen scoring a hatrick each. Raneem Zabadne and Rosemin Abdeen also added to the tally with the latter claiming goal of the match. Rimla Akhtar was named player of the match.

The Cobras are managed by the Muslim Women’s Sport Foundation (MWSF) and train weekly in a female only environment.

For further information visit www.mwsf.org.uk


The Muslim News



Iran’s first female astronomer passes away

Iran’s first female Astronomer and Physics Professor, Dr Alenoush Terian passed away on March 6.

The Professor who was of Armenian origin celebrated her 90th birthday on November 9, 2010.

Born in an Armenian family in 1920 in Tehran, Terian graduated in Physics from the University of Tehran in 1947.

She continued her studies at the Sorbonne University in Paris, graduating with a degree in Atmospheric Physics in 1956. She returned to Iran to work as an Assistant Professor in Thermodynamics at Tehran University.

Terian got a scholarship to study Solar Physics in Germany, after which she became Iran’s first female Physics Professor in 1964.

In 1966, Terian became a member of the Geophysics committee of Tehran University and was elected as the chief of Solar Physics studies three years later.

She was one of the founders of the solar observatory of the Institute of Geophysics at Tehran University, where she also worked until her retirement in 1979.


Muslimah of Scotland Conference


UK: On February 12 over 100 Muslim women braved the unseasonal blizzards to attend the conference organised by Amina - the Muslim Women’s Resource Centre at Dundee’s West Park Conference Centre.

Dundee’s Lord Provost John Letford, indicated how highly appropriate it is that this national Scottish Muslim Women’s conference should be held in Dundee given the City’s history of inspirational women.

Scottish Minister for Public Health and Sport, Shona Robison, MSP, spoke highly of the work that Amina does across Scotland, including the groundbreaking work tackling violence against women, a problem that affects all communities.

World café discussion groups gave conference participants an opportunity to discuss life, issues and solutions facing Muslim women in Scotland. Feedback from an electronic poll covering a range of topics, and the ‘world café’ discussions will now take forward the agenda for Muslim women in Scotland.

A Conference participant from Aberdeen said: “It is so inspirational, meeting Muslim women from across the country, being able to share our views and ideas and with all our needs catered for.”

The highlights of the day included two inspirational speakers, Saadia Usmani from Edinburgh, and Rahma Abdulatif from London. Saadia Usmani, WRVS media head and former BBC journalist and producer, spoke on “media madness” explaining how the media works, and urging participants to be more pro-active in expressing support for good journalism and objections to distorted reporting.

Rahma Abdulatif, Counsellor and Parenting practitioner, gave a challenging presentation ‘The Next Generation – what is your role in the process?’ indicating that we must ensure our parenting is appropriate to the challenges of contemporary life, rather than outdated cultural models. Sister Rahma asked participants to consider and reflect – what are our goals for living, are we just existing, living too much in the past and future, what about the present? She gave examples of role models for current Muslim women from among the sahabiyaat, the female companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), to remind that worship is about actively engaging in society, not just sitting on the prayer mat.

Throughout the Conference the work of Amina was highlighted: countering stereotypes in schools; development of women’s groups; advice, counselling and befriending services; training inputs on providing faith and culturally sensitive services to mainstream organisations.

The Muslim News



Ann Widdecombe Claims Muslims Treated Favourably Over Mortgages





UK: In her Daily Express column, Ann Widdecombe takes issue with Islamic finance and the provisions provided therein.





She writes:

“Because sharia law prohibits the payment of interest Muslims buy a house, then sell it on immediately to an off-shore financial company which leases it back. As stamp duty is not payable on properties that are sold on at once the Treasury is losing some £40million a year. My concern, however, is not so much with the loss to the taxpayer as with the loss of the simple principle which states the same law applies to all of us.”

“If a Christian registrar swaps shifts with a colleague to avoid officiating at a civil partnership ceremony that is immediately forbidden and the Christian is faced with a choice of job or conscience but a Muslim can indulge in off-shore deals to avoid paying the interest the rest of us have to pay on our mortgages and the government blesses the arrangement. The rest of us pay interest on our mortgages but Muslims must be allowed special off-shore arrangements to avoid doing so. Some equality. Some law.”

Contrary to the impression given by Widdecombe, most Muslims still take out conventional mortgages, not ‘Halal mortgages’ – not least because Islamic finance is still a fledgling industry.

There is also an argument on whether Muslims are left better or worse off under current Islamic mortgage conditions. For instance, with a conventional mortgage the bank lends you the money to buy your home and secures the loan against the property. The property is strictly speaking yours, but if you default on the loan they can repossess and force a sale to get their money back. Whatever is left after this process remains yours to keep.

With the financing method employed by, for example, HSBC's Islamic finance, the assets remain the property of the bank until paid off in full. They then lease it back to you, and should you default, arguably you are left with nothing, for you have neither a capital asset in your name, nor the protection offered to tenants, as this is a fixed term lease.

Moreover, as this article points out, Islamic mortgages remain more costly than conventional mortgages, in which consumers can take advantage of discounted variable rate mortgage schemes.  And this article from the Telegraph highlights that the ‘rent’ that a customer pays works out more expensive over a 25-year period than a mortgage set at the standard variable rate.

On this subject of stamp duty, an MCB briefing paper produced for the Mayor of London in February 2009 informs that due to the way Islamic home purchase plans are structured, if the same method of stamp duty applied, anyone using such a model would be unfairly treated in comparison to an interest-based model, as they would pay multiple stamp duty. “Accordingly, starting with the elimination of double [stamp duty] on Islamic mortgages for individuals in Finance Act 2003, the Government has been legislating changes to the tax system with the long term goal of a level tax playing field between conventional finance and Islamic finance.”

This exemption is just one of a number of many already in existence within the tax system, for example, the use of non-domicile statuses, so it is surprising that Widdecombe’s comments that “my concern, however, is not so much with the loss to the taxpayer as with the loss of the simple principle which states the same law applies to all of us” should focus exclusively on this tax exemption given to the Islamic finance system and not on others.

The briefing paper also notes that the government has been keen to promote Islamic finance as part of London’s “[aspiration to be the world’s leading financial centre].”

“As economic growth continues in the Muslim world, and as a growing proportion of Muslims seek to have their financial activities become Shariah compliant, the percentage of global financial assets that are Shariah compliant is expected to continue increasing strongly. Where such Islamic finance is conducted internationally, the Government would like it to pass through London."
The economic benefits the growth of this sector would bring, especially at a time when government is looking to a private sector-led recovery, is ignored by Ann Widdicombe.

Tax laws are not the same as equality laws. When she talks of “Christian [being] faced with a choice of job or conscience” Muslims face the same dilemma in such a situation. The tax system is a matter of fairness and such financing allows Muslims living in Britain, who may have been previously excluded from the financial system because of their religious objections to conventional (interest-based) finance to, among other things, finance their homes.
Source and commentary by Engage.

The Inbox


Dear Editor,

Assalaamu alaykum,

I’m just wondering whether you are aware of anyone that does home catering.

If you do, can you please send me details.

JazakAllah Khayr


[Editor] Write to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org if you can help with this query.

New on ISLAM TV this week


If you are unable to view Islam TV here open this CCN newsletter in Firefox or Safari








By Dr Mohammed Abdalla









See the Salam Card Special Offers:


CCN tweeting on twitter!


CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!

This week



Thinking Through Islamophobia


S. Sayyid



Since September 11 the term Islamophobia has entered common parlance across the globe.


Widely used but diversely and inconsistently defined and deployed, Islamophobia remains hotly disputed and frequently disavowed both as word and concept.


To its supporters it names a defining feature of our times and is an important tool to highlight injustices faced by and specific to Muslims, but its effectiveness is weakened by lack of agreed meaning and of clarity in relation to such terms as racism and orientalism.


To its detractors Islamophobia is either a fundamentally flawed category or, worse, a communitarian fig leaf behind which backward social practices and totalitarian political ambitions are covered up. The backdrop to these debates and more generally to the mobilizations and contestations, to which they give expression, is a succession of moral panics centred on the figure of the Muslim.


Adopting a global perspective this collection is conceptually framed in terms of four arenas which provide the four distinct contexts for the problematization of Muslim identity, and the ways in which Islamophobia may be deployed. Drawing on diverse fields of disciplinary and geographical expertise twenty six contributors address the question of Islamophobia in a series of interventions which range from large and sustained arguments to illustrations of particular themes across these contexts:


'Muslimistan' (broadly the OIC member countries); states in which Muslims either form a minority or hold a socio-economically subaltern position but in which the Muslim minority cannot be easily dismissed as recent arrivals (such as India, Russia and China as well as Thailand); lands in which Muslims are represented as newly arrived immigrants (Western plutocracies), and the regions in which the Muslim presence is minimal or virtual and the problematization of Muslim identity is vicarious.


Rejecting both uncritical transhistorical uses of the term Islamophobia and no less uncritical dismissals of the term the collection navigates a course in betwixt and between these two extremes pioneering a path to a series of investigations of Islamophobia that are predicated in the articulation of Muslim agency as its necessary ground.



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book

The CCN Bookshelf

Share a book review on Shelfari, where this reader meets fellow readers.

CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner


Battered Lamb Chops


KB SAYS: This easy battered lamb chops recipe is appropriate for any occasion. I am going to make it again next week on the return of my wandering travelling spouse to remind him of what home cooking is all about!


1 kg lamb chops
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
1 tsp salt
2 tsp green chillies
1 tsp crushed jeeru (cummin)
1 tsp lemon pepper
2 Tbsp lemon juice

1 cup self raising flour
½ cup finely grated potato
1 beaten egg,
½ cup water
Salt and pepper
½ tsp red chilli powder

Marinate chops with spices and lemon juice for at least an hour.

Braise the chops and cook on low heat until tender.

Combine the self raising flour, potato, egg and add the water to make a batter.

Season with spices.

Dip each chop in batter and fry in shallow oil until light gold.

Remove and drain on paper towel.

Serve hot with chips and salad.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to me at kbcooks@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be my "guest chef" for the week.


Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Q: Dear Kareema, I have really weak arms and shoulders. I constantly do exercises with weights so I can become stronger. Is there anything else I can do to gain strength through my upper limbs?

A: Keep up the weight-training, but increase your weights every couple of weeks (or do more reps if you need to stay with the same weights).

Push-ups is a great exercise to strengthen the shoulders, start on your knees and work your way onto your toes. Using your own body weight will really challenge the shoulders and arms and you'll notice results much quicker.

If you like the water, then swimming or aqua-aerobics will be good to build strength through your upper body as well.

Try the rowing machine - it's great for upper and lower body, so you'll not only strengthen your shoulders and arms, your legs will get a challenging work-out too.

Lastly, one of my favourite challenges for the upper body - boxing!


Your arms will be stronger and toned in no time (providing you stick to you're workout regime).

Mix and match your workouts and try not to concentrate on upper body only - all over body workouts will see you getting fitter faster!








My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The CCN Chuckle


Jallalludin's wife collapses and he phones for an ambulance.

"Address please"

No. 4 Abdullah IV ibn Al Hussein Abdul-Aziz Al Fayez Fahd Street

"Spell it please"

.....long long silence...

"Ya elahi Ya elahi, if I drag her to Asif Street can you pick her up there?"




Keeping on the straight path.... (Courtesy of Joburg Muslims)


Once, Jaaved Bhai was attending a lecture by an Imaam Saab, so the Imaam was saying how in the Quraan you will find answers to everything, and that Islam has the solution to everything.

Jaaved Bhai jumped up and with a look of triumph in his eyes said, Imam, I need to know how to make Chicken Biryaani, Kebabs and freshly squeezed orange juice. How do I get that in the Quran?

Ahh, that’s easy, counters the Imaam Saab, just open up the Quraan, you will find the answer in Surah Nahl, 16:43, where it says at the very end: “Fas aloo ahla dhikri in kuntum laa ta'lamoon: “If ye realise this not, ask of those who possess the Message”. So, follow the Quraan, go to some catering school and learn how to cook!!

Needless to say, the look of utter disbelief on Jaaved Bhai’s face was priceless!!!

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Events and Functions

Fun Day at Algester Mosque

Muslims & Services Expo


Fear of the Other:
Asylum Seekers - Religion and Culture

Islamic College of Brisbane

Annual Fete

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Seminar on "Purification of the heart"

FREE Baby Massage

Classes IAIM

Sisters House Accommodation Register

Qari's Classes

Free Adult Classes and Madressa For Children at Al-Mustapha Institute

Islamic College of Brisbane


Maths Tutoring service

From years 6-10

Math A, B and C for years 11 &12
Ahlam Haddad

Tel: 32191554

email: haddada5@hotmail.com.

Brisbane  Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

pdf version


Seerah Classes UMB

Qu'ran Reading & Islamic Studies

Kuraby Mosque


in Robina

New Muslim Classes

Window into Islam

English Tutor

AIIC performance

AIIC Gold Coast campus


Businesses and Services

The CCN March Business of the Month


(Every month CCN showcases a business here)



1st Anniversary Celebration Sale

Authentic South African Beef Biltong

Priced from $5

Contact Imraan on 0421 741 424

Comes in traditional and peri peri flavours

Love ur Body



Nandos Mt Gravatt

Junaid Ally

Ray White

Islamic Couture

FAMSY Bookstore

AK Surtie


Hummy's Automotive

Prop: Mohammed Shabbir



Body & Beauty

Brochure (pdf)

Kuraby Seafood Takeaway

Brisbane Diagnostics


Mina Collection

Stick On Labels

ACCES Services

Removal Services


Calamvale Central
Compton Road

Tel: 07 3272 2299

Want an effective treatment to clean out BAD CHOLESTROL and PLAQUE from your arteries?
ArgiNox Maintain is available from Zakiya Sacur - 0433 270 770. Book your consultation now

Shop 45A Inala Plaza

156 Inala Avenue, Inala 

Carpet Lifesavers

Rawlins Taekwondo




Migration Agent


Phone: 3397 6863
Mob: 0431 446 528
910 Logan Rd

Holland Park West

Hydrotherapy & Swimming

classes for Muslim women

pdf version

Kimaya Fashions

Bilal Solwa @ Reed

Healthy Life


The Quran Pen Reader

online at


Yasmeen Seedat

Accounting Services


Nazima Hansa

your one-stop real estate shop

Table & Chair Hire


Additional contact:

Ahmed Hassan

0433 531 593

The CCN Date Claimer

(provisiona"If it's not here ....it's not happening!"l)




(Click on link)





4 April


Islamic Finance Symposium

Griffith University

Griffith University South Bank Campus, 226 Grey Street, South Bank

3735 7329

from 8.30am

9 April


Muslim & Services Expo 2011

Riverside Receptions, New Farm

0402 026 786

10am to 4pm

10 April


Fun Day BBQ



48 Learoyd Road, Algester

0419 786 092

11.30am to 2.30pm

1 May


Islamic College of Brisbane  Annual Fete

45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha

0402 794 253

12pm to 8pm

8 May


Annual Family Brunch

Beenleigh Events Centre (Cnr Crete & Kent Sts, Beenleigh)

0421 326 376

11am to 2pm

12 June


Annual International Food Festival

Islamic Society of Gold Coast

The Gold Coast Mosque

0412 601 152

All day

18 June


Ladies Hair & Makeup Workshop

Springwood Community Centre

0404 296 297


29 June



Lailatul Mehraj

18 July



Lailatul Baraat

2 August



Start of Ramadhan

28 August



Lailatul Qadr

31 August



End of Ramadhan

1 September




3 September



Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

18 September



Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786


7 November




11 or 12 November


Dreamworld 2011


0418 722 353


27 November



Islamic New Year

6 December



Day of Ashura


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




Ladies Taleem


Taleem will take place on Thursday 11am-12pm at the residence of


Sister Sabera

1 Lily Circuit


Tel: 33412755


 All ladies are welcome


Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Meeting Dates:

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Wednesday 16 November 2011


Metropolitan South Regional Office
1993 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt




For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at Bellos.Dimitrios@police.qld.gov.au


Girls Game Night

Sitting at home on a Saturday Night?

Want to do something constructive, but FUN?



Inspiration talk, pizza, BBQ, fun and games

Topics that are relevant, Iman-boosting and mind-capturing.
Where: AMYN Islamic Youth Centre, 16/157 North Road, Woodridge
When: Every Saturday,after Maghrib
Everyone is invited



CCN @ Facebook



Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links



Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Msque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)

Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
www.islamiccollegeofbrisbane.com.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

The Muslim Directory

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Co-ordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interestCo-ordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)
Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland


Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Society of Darra

Qld Muslims Volunteers

If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.