......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 12 June 2011

 Newsletter 0344



Open Day at Rockhampton


The Islamic Society of Central Queensland (ISCQ) of Rockhampton held an "Open Day" program yesterday (Saturday) along with the Crescents of Brisbane/AMARAH/ICQ Democracy Workshop.


Dr Fatima Ashrafi performed the task of MC for the day and among the speakers she introduced were ISCQ acting president, Dr Delwar Akbar, Chief Superintendent Michael Hannigan, CQU Pro Vice- Chancellor, Prof. Graham Pegg, ICQ president, Mr Mohammed Yusuf and Rockhampton Mayor Brad Carter.


Two keynote speakers from Melbourne, Sheikh Ramy Najmeddine and Sheikh Abdinur Weli, spoke on the central theme of the open day: "Islam, Pluralism and Harmony".


The proceedings were ambling along amiably and predictably only to be momentarily punctuated by a couple of pointed questions on the burqa and sha'riah by a member of the audience. The questions were fended off competently by both the Sheikhs.



After lunch the Democracy workshop team of Dr Mustafa Ally, Mr. Mohammed Yusuf and Ms Riffat Gurdezi took the captive audience through the electoral and parliamentary processes with presentations and a quiz session that generated much interaction and discussion.


The CCN Photo Gallery




Should we or shouldn't we Sharia


Muslims Australia president Ikebal Patel submitted the views of his organization on multiculturalism to the Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Migration under the title Embracing Australian Values, and Maintaining the Rights to be Different.


Extracts from the submission:

The Holy Qur’an encourages ethnic and other types of diversity as blessings from God. Consequently, classic Muslim jurists recognised the fact that what may suit one culture may not be quite suitable for another. For this reason, they encouraged each country to introduce its own customs into its laws, provided that these customs did not contradict basic Islamic principles. As a result, even today, the Islamic laws of Muslim countries differ significantly on various matters.

Al-‘adah muhakkamah (cultural usage shall have the weight of law) is one of the legal maxims in Islam. Imam al-Suyuti in his book al-asybah wa al-naza’ir states that: “what is proven by ‘urf (custom) is like that which is proven by Shari’a.” This legal maxim is also recorded by the Hanafi jurist al-Sarakhsi. The ulama have generally accepted ‘urf as a valid criterion for purpose of interpreting the Qur’an. For instance, Muslim scholars have referred to ‘urf in determining the precise amount of maintenance that a husband must provide for his wife.

The question is ‘why should multiculturalism extend to languages and exotic dances but in principle not to law?’ In answering this question Gary Bell (2006) argues that ‘multiculturalism applied to the law should lead to an acceptance and celebration of legal pluralism – Islamic law is part of a Muslim’s culture and completely denying any recognition of this law goes directly against any profession of multiculturalism.’

Such argument is also proposed by many Muslims living in the Western world, but they quickly are labelled as radical and extremists. While in the Ottoman Empire, under the Millet system, Islamic ruler allowed non-Muslims to have their own court, in most modern Western countries the idea of Islamic family tribunal or arbitration is likely to fuel the debate on radicalism and liberalism.

In Ontario, since 1992, Jewish and Catholic groups have adopted arbitration mechanisms based on their own religious framework. The Jewish Court in Toronto, called the Beith Din, has been operating for many years on behalf of the Jewish community. There has been little fuss raised over these communities’ use of religious principles until Muslim leaders demanded the same rights. In 2005, officials had to decide whether to exclude one religion, or whether to scrap the religious family courts altogether. The Premier Dalton McGuinty decided that “There will be no Shariah law in Ontario. There will be no religious arbitration in Ontario. There will be one law for all Ontarians.”

Another controversy in the Western world arose when in 2008 the Archbishop of Canterbury says the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK ‘seems unavoidable’. Dr Williams argues that adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law would help maintain social cohesion. Dr Williams noted that Orthodox Jewish courts already operated, and that the law accommodated the anti-abortion views of some Christians. Five months later, Lord Phillips, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales who had chaired the Archbishop of Canterbury’s lecture gave his own endorsement. It seems that Dr Williams has no difficulty conceding that citizens can boast “multiple affiliations” within the nation State. There are instances when a citizen ought to be entitled to resolve a conflict within his own ethnic community or according to the laws and tradition of her own religion.

But, is it true that Australia will never consider Islamic law? It seems that in two areas namely Islamic finance and halal food, Australian government has been actively involved.

As part of a push to promote Sydney as a regional financial hub, the federal government has pledged to win a greater slice of the regional Islamic finance market by amending tax laws.

Halal red meat for export receives an official Halal meat certificate cosigned by AQIS and a recognised Islamic organisation. Halal certificate is a written fatwa and by co-signing the halal certificate, it indicates that the Australian government has been already involved in Shari’a matters.

The research findings above are important since many Australians believe that there is a clash of civilizations between Islam and the West. While it is true that culture does matter, we take the view that no culture, civilization or nation can truly separate itself into a pure and an impure. There are only hybrid cultures. This fact alone makes the clash of civilizations prophecy appear unrealistic.

We acknowledge that some Muslims believe that Islamic law is immutable, regardless of history, time, culture, and location. They claim that Muslims may change, but Islam will not. This means that Islamic regulations are static and final. However, many Muslim scholars would argue that the view above is not justified under Islamic legal tradition itself.

Since Islamic law involves human understanding, the social norms of this law follow the nature of human beings because they are derived from specific historical circumstances. This means that most of the regulations in Islamic law may be amended, changed, altered, and adapted to social change. Therefore, Muslims Australia – AFIC takes the position that Islamic law is changeable according to the requirements of different places and times, and therefore, suits the values shared by Australian people.

As a peak body for all Islamic organisations in Australia, we strongly support that multiculturalism should lead to legal pluralism (as shown in Islamic finance and halal certification) and twin tolerations. We are very proud and happy to be part of Australian life and society.

Read the full submission


In response to the Muslims Australia submission Dr Halim Rane of the Griffith Islamic Research Unit responded in an article in the Australian that in his view, Australia's Muslims do not need nor want sharia law.


The article continues:

Like some other leaders of the Muslim community, Dr Rane had been surprised by the push for sharia. He was also surprised it had originated with the president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Ikebal Adam Patel.

"I don't know Ikebal Patel to be inclined towards this type of discourse. I didn't think he was one of those promoting sharia, or separate laws or legal pluralism or anything like that," Dr Rane said.

Dr Rane, who specialises in relations between Islam and the West, believes sharia is not needed because state and federal law already meet "the higher objectives of Islamic law".

He makes the point that the reason sharia arose was to bring law and order to the Arabian peninsula at a time when there was an absence of law.

"But the fact of the matter is that we do have a legal system here that provides all of the rights, protections and freedoms that people need to maximise their benefits and protect them from harm, which essentially is what all legal systems are about," he said.

Dr Rane, who is also a lecturer at the National Centre of Excellence in Islamic Studies, said he was unaware of any significant push within the Australian Muslim community for sharia law.

He said the community needed to be very cautious when considering transplanting laws developed in the ninth or 10th century to a modern society.

"I suspect it could lead to injustices; outcomes that are contrary to the intent of law in the first place," Dr Rane said.

"I know other countries have played with this -- such as the UK and Canada -- but I think there needs to be a complete revision of all the Islamic laws before any country considers implementing them.

"Maybe the Muslim countries need to have that conversation."

While he was opposed to introducing sharia in Australia, he believed the fact the issue was being debated revealed one of the great strengths of democracy.

"Ikebal Patel has expressed his view, but others from his own community have disagreed with that. And that is a healthy thing," Dr Rane said. "It shows that it is not something a majority of Muslims desire."



Pine Rivers Press Letter to the Editor


IN State Parliament this week. I called on this Government to pre-emptively ban the use of Islamic and/or Sharia law in Queensland, in honour of our Australian troops who are fighting and dying to protect basic human rights and democratic freedoms in Afghanistan.


Sharia or Islamic law, which is routinely used in Muslim countries and countries with Muslim communities, permits, in some instances, the state to militate or impose the death penalty on people found to be guilty of certain crimes. including stealing and adultery.


Banning the use of this law is the least we can do to show our appreciation and support of our Australian troops and their families.

Rob Messenger,
State Member for Burnett

Breaking down barriers


Meet the Muslim woman scaling the business world while smashing stereotypes against her religion and gender.



Inter-faith with Amnesty


With approximately 80 percent of Queenslanders belonging to approximately 100 different religions and belief systems, Amnesty International's 50th birthday celebrations will embrace this diversity with a program entitled: Inter-faith Celebration of Human Rights

When: Wednesday 22 June 2011 7:15 PM - 9:30 PM
Where: Griffith University Multi-Faith Centre, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan
RSVP: Yaseen Haider at y.haider@griffith.edu.au or 07 3735 7052 by 17th June 2011

Representatives from nine faith communities talk about their specific appreciation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).


A panel discussion and supper will follow. All present will be provided with a copy of the UDHR

Associate Professor Mohamad Abdalla will be representing those from the Islamic faith.


For further information contact David Forde on 0413 874 008

At the Governor's residence


Ms Utami Lestari, Ms Era Nugroho, Ms Janeth Deen, Ms Zuleikha Goss, Ms Penelope Wensley and husband Mr Stuart McCosker

The patron of the Queensland Muslim Historical Society, the Governor of Queensland, Ms Penelope Wensley AC hosted an Open Day at her Government House residence last Sunday.


A large crowd attended the event and many community and charitable organisations including the Queensland Muslim Historical Society were on show, as were choirs and bands that spread across the palatial grounds of the residence.

Cold room for Gold Coast community


A new cold room housing facility which can store two deceased bodies at a time has been established in the Janaza area at the Gold Coast Mosque in accordance with Australian standards and regulations.


The management committee of the Islamic Society of Gold Coast thanked all those who donated towards the $8.500 that it cost to install this facility.

A Spiritual Retreat: Surviving in a Non-Muslim World


Muslim Youth in general and young Muslim girls and women in particular are facing various challenges everyday over their identity as Muslims.


In an environment conducive to Islamic teachings and values they are protected and nurtured. However, upon entering university or the working environment they find themselves in a stressful position.


In response to the volumes of questions constantly being asked of Imams from many young women in recent times it was decided that a specially designed program be put together to address the many issues confronting our young women so that they are equipped with dealing with them appropriately and confidently



Dina Ahmed a Law student at QUT writes:

As an individual I’ve always been told that I’m strong willed and able to defend my beliefs, but I know many of my friends struggle to respond to various situations they find themselves in and wouldn’t know how to cope with many things that I’ve come across since leaving school. I’ve heard many people say that the right thing to do is stay quiet or walk away, and that may be wise in some cases but most of the time that only makes people believe what they are saying is correct. We should be able to have enough knowledge to defend our religion and explain its peacefulness to people so that Inshallah we will be able to remove the misconception many have of Islam due to mass media.

The program is targeted to young women between 15-25 and is packed with many fun activities.


For more information contact Mufti Zeeeyad at zravat@hotmail.com and click on the image on the left.

Invitation to attend Dinner with Bowen


Member for Moreton Graham Perrett MP is hosting a multicultural dinner with the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship the Hon Chris Bowen MP (pictured right).

"At this dinner we will celebrate the vibrant multicultural community which is at the heart of Brisbane’s southside and discuss the future direction of Australian migration," Mr. Perrett told CCN.


When: 6.30pm for 7.00 pm Friday 15 July 2011

Where: Michael’s Oriental Restaurant, 223 Padstow Road, Eight Mile Plains

Cost: $45 a head. $450 for tables of 10 (payable in advance)

RSVP: moretonfec@gmail.com or 3344 2622 by Wednesday 13 July 2011

All dietary requirements and catered for and proceeds go to Moreton FEC.

"All of God’s creatures deserve compassion and humane treatment!"

Muslims Australia Press Release


The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC), Mr Ikebal Patel expressed serious concern and sadness at media reports and images of cruel treatment of Australian cattle in Indonesian abattoirs. Mr Patel stated, “Islam places great importance on the care and consideration of all of God’s creatures. It implies a duty to animal welfare, both during the rearing and during the slaughter.”

Muslims Australia (AFIC) is committed to animal welfare in Halal accreditation services and has partnered with Halal Kind Meats to reinforce this message. The Halal Kind Meat concept incorporates the interests of rural industry leaders, animal rights groups and AFIC Halal certification services which all realise potential prosperity combined with compassion and good business sense to achieve equitable outcomes for all, said Mr Patel.

Muslims Australia (AFIC) during its National Federal Congress meeting in 2008 called on the Australian Government to cease live exports immediately. AFIC Federal Congress members agreed live cattle/sheep export is traumatic for the animal during the journey and as evidenced, cruel and inhumane and un-Islamic at their destination during slaughter. Muslims Australia (AFIC) again calls on the government to cease live exports and promote Halal slaughter in Australia under the supervision of Islamic authorities and Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services (AQIS).

Mr Patel emphasised the leading and important role Muslims Australia (AFIC) undertakes with the Department of Primary Industry and AQIS to ensure humane and compassionate treatment of all livestock is enforced in order to comply with Halal standards throughout the process of Halal slaughter and the premium status of Australian Meat industry. AFIC calls upon the Federal Government to make available the Australian tax payers funds which are being paid to MLA to be redirected for the purpose of building infrastructure in regional areas of Australia and for local councils to provide crown land so that meat processing plants could once again become a viable proposition in rural and regional areas promoting jobs creation in the struggling country towns.


Mr Patel further stated that he would like the Department of Immigration and Agriculture to support a Halal Kind Meats Agriculture training centre to approved asylum seekers, indigenous and indeed anybody living in regional areas. He proposes a lease hold arrangement might be one option for free range Farms thus providing a future for regional Australia.

Mr Patel also welcomed and endorsed comments by Mr Lukman Hakim from Indonesia’s peak Islamic body, Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI), who stated the inhumane treatment of animals in Indonesian abattoirs is “sinful and would be investigated”.

Mahmoud's charity run from Melbourne to Sydney

The passing of Colin Kaus


Mr. Colin Kaus, grandson of Mr. Abdul Ghias Kaus, the first Afghan Muslim to settle in the Mt Gravatt area, passed away on Tuesday, 31st May. His funeral was held at the Mt Gravatt Cemetery on 6th June. Mr. Abdul Kaus was reported to have donated to the Muslim community the land on which the Holland Park Mosque was built in 1908.

Colin provided a wealth of information for the book on the 100-year history of the Holland Park Mosque by Dr Mustafa Ally. He also provided much of the Kaus family history that appeared in the video "Muslim Roots" that depicted the early history of the Muslims in the Mt Gravatt area.

A Gastronomic Ditty


"Songs and poems from the British Muslim tradition. The book contains 22 songs, ideal for schools, music teachers, music lovers and choirs to sing and perform."

The onion lay low in the dark soily ground,
The tomato grew in the light;
The little tomato was ruddy and round,
The tiny onion ’twas white.

And redder and redder she coloured above;
And paler the onion was now;
But neither suspected a mutual love,

Till they met in the Turkish pilau.



by Abdullah Quilliam

Muslim Scientists and Scholars


Muslim scientists and scholars have contributed immensely to human knowledge especially in the period between 8th and 14th century CE.


But their contributions have been largely ignored, forgotten or have gone un-acknowledged.


Each week CCN brings you, courtesy of www.ummah.com, an account of one of the many talented Muslim scholars in history whose contributions have left lasting marks in the annals of science, astronomy, medicine, surgery, engineering and philosophy.

This week's Muslim scholar, philosopher and/or thinker is:


Abu Bakr Mohammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi (864-930 C.E.) was born at Ray, Iran. Initially, he was interested in music but later on he learnt medicine, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry and philosophy from a student of Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, who was well versed in the ancient Greek, Persian and Indian systems of medicine and other subjects. He also studied under Ali Ibn Rabban. The practical experience gained at the well-known Muqtadari Hospital helped him in his chosen profession of medicine. At an early age he gained eminence as an expert in medicine and alchemy, so that patients and students flocked to him from distant parts of Asia.

He was first placed in-charge of the first Royal Hospital at Ray, from where he soon moved to a similar position in Baghdad where he remained the head of its famous Muqtadari Hospital for along time. He moved from time to time to various cities, specially between Ray and Baghdad, but finally returned to Ray, where he died around 930 C.E. His name is commemorated in the Razi Institute near Tehran.

Razi was a Hakim, an alchemist and a philosopher. In medicine, his contribution was so significant that it can only be compared to that of Ibn Sina. Some of his works in medicine e.g. Kitab al-Mansoori, Al-Hawi, Kitab al-Mulooki and Kitab al-Judari wa al-Hasabah earned everlasting fame. Kitab al-Mansoori, which was translated into Latin in the 15th century C.E., comprised ten volumes and dealt exhaustively with Greco-Arab medicine.


Some of its volumes were published separately in Europe. His al-Judari wal Hasabah was the first treatise on smallpox and chicken-pox, and is largely based on Razi's original contribution: It was translated into various European languages.


Through this treatise he became the first to draw clear comparisons between smallpox and chicken-pox. Al-Hawi was the largest medical encyclopaedia composed by then. It contained on each medical subject all important information that was available from Greek and Arab sources, and this was concluded by him by giving his own remarks based on his experience and views.


A special feature of his medical system was that he greatly favoured cure through correct and regulated food. This was combined with his emphasis on the influence of psychological factors on health. He also tried proposed remedies first on animals in order to evaluate in their effects and side effects. He was also an expert surgeon and was the first to use opium for anaesthesia.

In addition to being a physician, he compounded medicines and, in his later years, gave himself over to experimental and theoretical sciences. It seems possible that he developed his chemistry independently of Jabir Ibn Hayyan. He has portrayed in great detail several chemical reactions and also given full descriptions of and designs for about twenty instruments used in chemical investigations.


His description of chemical knowledge is in plain and plausible language. One of his books called Kitab-al-Asrar deals with the preparation of chemical materials and their utilization. Another one was translated into Latin under the name Liber Experimentorum, He went beyond his predecessors in dividing substances into plants, animals and minerals, thus in a way opening the way for inorganic and organic chemistry.


By and large, this classification of the three kingdoms still holds. As a chemist, he was the first to produce sulfuric acid together with some other acids, and he also prepared alcohol by fermenting sweet products.

His contribution as a philosopher is also well known. The basic elements in his philosophical system are the creator, spirit, matter, space and time. He discusses their characteristics in detail and his concepts of space and time as constituting a continuum are outstanding. His philosophical views were, however, criticised by a number of other Muslim scholars of the era.

He was a prolific author, who has left monumental treatises on numerous subjects. He has more than 200 outstanding scientific contributions to his credit, out of which about half deal with medicine and 21 concern alchemy. He also wrote on physics, mathematics, astronomy and optics, but these writings could not be preserved.


A number of his books, including Jami-fi-al-Tib, Mansoori, al-Hawi, Kitab al-Jadari wa al-Hasabah, al-Malooki, Maqalah fi al- Hasat fi Kuli wa al-Mathana, Kitab al-Qalb, Kitab al-Mafasil, Kitab-al- 'Ilaj al-Ghoraba, Bar al-Sa'ah, and al-Taqseem wa al-Takhsir, have been published in various European languages.


About 40 of his manuscripts are still extant in the museums and libraries of Iran, Paris, Britain, Rampur, and Bankipur. His contribution has greatly influenced the development of science, in general, and medicine, in particular.

Around the Muslim World with CCN


Atlanta weightlifter's plight over Islamic attire gets international attention


US: An Atlanta athlete may have single-handedly set in motion a change in international rules governing how Islamic women may dress in at least one popular sport -- weightlifting.


The case of Kulsoom Abdullah, a Georgia Tech graduate who wears a hijab and trains as a weightlifter, has attracted the attention of not only a Washington-based Muslim civil rights and advocacy group, but also the U.S. Olympic Committee.

The USOC has asked the International Weightlifting Federation to review its rules on athletes' dress after Abdullah was declared ineligible to compete in national competitions because of her attire. The IWF's technical committee has set the review for June 26 in Penang, Malaysia, and it's executive board is expected to consider the matter the next day.

USOC spokesman Mark Jones said the review is not just on behalf of Abdullah but athletes in general. "The key from our perspective is that we want to include every athlete we can [in competitions]," Jones said.

Abdullah, who competes in the 48kg and 53kg weight class in women's senior division weightlifting, claims USA Weightlifting, one of the many sporting associations under the USOC umbrella, prevented her from participating in a December national competition in Ohio and will not allow her to compete in another competition in July in Iowa because she wanted to wear a hijab, which can cover a woman's hair and body but leave her her face, hands and feet exposed. The 35-year-old woman, who holds a doctorate in electrical computer engineering from Tech, competes in the women's senior division.

Abdullah began weightlifting as an exercise routine a few years ago. "It was just something for fun," she said. "It gave me something to achieve as a goal." She teamed up with a trainer and set her sights on competing, training five to six days a week. "I just kept working out," said Abdullah, who moved to Atlanta from Florida in 1999. "I have the endurance and the strength to compete." She entered competitions last year in Flowery Branch, Newnan, Gainesville, Savannah and South Carolina.

Abdullah said she covered her body during those local competitions and met no resistance from weightlifting officials. But USA Weightlifting follows rules set by the International Weightlifting Federation, which says athlete's outfits must be close-fitting, have no collar and must not cover the elbows and knees.

Abdullah's plight has gained the attention of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations.

"No athlete should be forced to choose between faith and sport," CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad wrote in a letter to USOC Chief Executive Officer Scott Blackmun. "Muslim women seek to participate in all aspects of American society, including sporting activities, and should not face artificial and arbitrary barriers to that participation."

CAIR cites the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, which it says requires that USA Weightlifting not discriminate based on "‘race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin." The group says Abdullah must be given ‘fair notice and opportunity for a hearing" before declaring her ineligible to compete based on her dress.

This isn't the first time Islamic women athletes have been declared ineligible to compete because of their dress. Just last week, Iran's women's soccer team was disqualified during an Olympic qualifying competition against Jordan after athletes wore a full-body outfit with a head scarf. As a result, the soccer team will not be allowed to compete in London.

Gadeir Abbas, an attorney for the Islamic council, said U.S. Olympic officials could be an advocate for more tolerance when it comes to attire for Islamic women athletes.

"The idea of the Olympics is that competitors from all across the world can get together and compete," Abbas said. "Instituting regulations that exclude women of the Islamic world seems to be the antithesis of what the Olympics is all about."

Abdullah, who welcomed the IWF's decision to review is rules on weightlifting dress, said she'll continue her intensive training whatever the outcome.

"I've just been taking it one step at a time," said Abdullah, who was born in the U.S. to Pakistani parents. "It'll [change in rules] definitely help others if there are other women of faith who want to get in the sport."

Source: AJC


Related articles:

Muslim weightlifter's wish to wear modest clothing triggers rules debate

Woman weightlifter fights to compete in hijab



Living together in the UAE? Think twice


As more and more couples in the UAE are testing the waters before jumping head first into the sea of marriage, XPRESS explores the dangers lurking behind live-in relationships.


Dubai: You may be doing it to save money, you may be doing it out of love, or blindly and unknowingly… whatever the reason, sharing a roof with an unrelated person of the opposite sex can spell disaster in the UAE.

With a Sharia law that strictly punishes unmarried people living in the same house, and an international population used to living as per the rules in their own countries, the blend of different traditions and cultures often leads to uninformed decisions, some of which end in tears and tribulation.

Take the case of Toby Caroll, a 32-year-old New Zealander whose ex-girlfriend Priscilla Ferreira, a 25-year-old Brazilian, caught him in bed with Briton Danielle Spencer, 31, just after their break-up. The racy love triangle landed all three lovebirds in jail, and highlighted the dangers individuals expose themselves to when sharing their living space with a romantic interest.

On June 22, the trio will appear in court again to present the defence's closing statement. Following this will be a final verdict on whether or not the trio is guilty of consensual sex.




The Sharia law which is applied in the UAE, under the Al Khilwa Al Muharama clause, prohibits two unmarried and unrelated persons from the opposite sex living together. The application of the law may vary from emirate to emirate but when it comes to consensual sex, Article 356 of UAE Penal Code will apply. This Article stipulates a minimum jail term of one year followed by deportation.

Why is Sharia law applied to non-Muslims

It is the basis of the law in the UAE regardless of religion or nationality, says Mohammad Ridah of Ridah and Associates. Similar views are expressed by Yasser Shehatta, legal consultant at Rashed Bin Arab Advocates: "We are in a country that operates and practises Sharia law. What is important to understand is Sharia is also a code of conduct in the country. It's the UAE Penal Code which decides the punishment."



Iranian women’s soccer team forfeits 2012 qualifier over head scarves


The Iranian women's soccer team was in tears after being forced to forfeit a 2012 London Olympics qualifying match this past weekend because it showed up to play in hijabs. FIFA banned the Islamic head scarf in 2007, saying that it could cause choking injuries -- the same reason it gave for recently banning snoods (neck warmers). FIFA also has strict rules against any religious statements in team uniforms.

Since Iran refused to comply with these rules and didn't use the specially designed caps that its 2010 Youth Olympics team wore, Friday's match was abandoned by officials and a 3-0 win was awarded to Jordan as a result. The Football Federation of Iran said it will complain to FIFA about the ruling, but FIFA says assurances were made beforehand so that this situation would've been avoided.


"Despite initial assurances that the Iranian delegation understood this, the players came out wearing the hijab, and the head and neck totally covered, which was an infringement of the laws of the game," FIFA said in a statement.

Jordan team officials also objected to the hijab rule before the game, but prepared to play by declining to select women who objected on religious grounds.

"The Iranian team and three Jordanian players were also banned from playing because they wore the traditional head cover," Rana Husseini, head of Jordan's women's football committee, told The Associated Press.

"The problem is that the head cover assigned and approved by FIFA for women players to wear does not suit them as it reveals part of the neck and this is not allowed and it is not acceptable," she said.

Yahoo! Sports



Imam teaches Islam with a distinct U.S. style


Oklahoma-born convert Suhaib Webb, who sprinkles public addresses with pop culture references, has a growing following, especially among young Muslims. Traditionalists are leery.


At the pulpit of an inner-city Chicago mosque, the tall blond imam begins preaching in his customary fahion, touching on the Los Angeles Lakers victory the night before, his own gang involvement as a teenager, a TV soap opera and then the Day of Judgment.

"Yesterday we watched the best of seven.... Unfortunately we forget the big final; it's like that show 'One Life to Live,' " Imam Suhaib Webb (pictured left) says as sleepy boys and young men come to attention in the back rows. "There's no overtime, bro."

The sermon is typical of Webb, a charismatic Oklahoma-born convert to Islam with a growing following among American Muslims, especially the young.


He sprinkles his public addresses with as many pop culture references as Koranic verses and sayings from the prophet. He says it helps him connect with his mainly U.S.-born flock.

"Are we going to reach them with an Arab message or with a Pakistani message? Or are we going to reach them with an American message?" asks Webb, 38, of Santa Clara. He is a resident scholar and educator with the Bay Area chapter of the nonprofit Muslim American Society, but reaches others in lectures and through his popular website, which he calls a "virtual mosque."

Webb is at the forefront of a movement to create an American-style Islam, one that is true to the Koran and Islamic law but that reflects this country's customs and culture. Known for his laid-back style, he has helped promote the idea that Islam is open to a modern American interpretation. At times, his approach seems almost sacrilegious.

Although the call to prayer at a mosque is always issued by a man, Webb once joked about it being made by one of his favorite female R&B artists: "If Mary J. Blige made the call to prayer, I'd go to the mosque; I'd be in the front row."

At a Muslim conference in Long Beach last year, he suggested that mosques adopt a "don't ask, don't tell" policy toward gays. Afterward, he was accosted by a local imam who accused him of poisoning Muslim youth. "I told him, 'Quite frankly, you're going to be irrelevant in 10 years,' " Webb says.

He is fluent in Arabic, the language of the Koran, and studied for six years at one of the world's leading Islamic institutes, Egypt's Al-Azhar University. His time in the Middle East convinced him that not all religious practices there make sense for Muslims here.

As recently as a decade ago, U.S. congregations readily accepted immigrant imams who had arrived straight from Islamic universities, often with a traditional approach to preaching. Many spoke little English and were unable to communicate with non-Arab congregants or connect easily with youth.

But increasingly, U.S. Muslims expect their religious leaders to play a broader, more pastoral role, says Hossam Aljabri, executive director of the Muslim American Society, a national religious and education group. "Communities want imams who can come in and go beyond leading the prayer and reading Koran. They want them to fill the social role of counseling and dealing with neighbors."

Religious scholars say the faith's basic tenets would not change but much of the law that governs Islam may be interpreted differently in various communities.


Los Angeles Times

The Inbox


Dear Editor,
Thank you very much for including me on the CCN subscription list.


I’m already finding it to be a highly informative and entertaining read. Thank you!

I have attached some information about the Multicultural Development Association’s Get Set for Work program that may be of interest to some young Muslim people living in Brisbane, in particular, those who have arrived in Australia as a migrant or a refugee and who are not currently engaged in employment, training or education. Our next intake commences on the 18th July and includes accredited training/work experience in retail.

Kind regards,
Damian West


Dear CCN

I have heard from my family in South Africa that "Chota Mota" (Shabir Desai) of Umzinto passed away yesterday (4 June) at his Uloom. Inna lillahi wa inna illayhir raajioon.  The janazah namaaz was held at Zuhr time.  Chota Mota was well known throughout KZN, with many of us learning our deen at his madressahs.  I'm sure many of us still have kitaabs that he wrote and printed.  

Kathy Ebrahim

Bosnian Readers' Update

By Safet Avdich 



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CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!

This week

CCN recommends


Infernal Triangle




Paul McGeough


Writing on recent events in the Middle East from Australia's best known foreign correspondent - including the devastating Gaza Flotilla incident.


It's been ten years since Al-Qaeda demolished the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001.


One of the most pivotal events in the last fifty years, it was a dramatic moment in which, having previously vanquished the threat of Russian Communism, the USA discovered that it had a new enemy to confront - Islamic extremism.


And so began the September 11 decade. Paul McGeough was in the streets of Manhattan on that fateful day in September 2001.


No journalist has monitored more closely the fallout from those destructive minutes - for Afghanistan, for Iraq and for the never-ending conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in The Levant.


Together, these three locations are the Infernal Triangle, from which America has been unable to extricate itself. McGeough has enjoyed access to all the main players in these unfolding events.


But, more than that, he has been prepared to observe at close quarters both the fighters and the citizens involved, recording their hopes and fears, their triumphs and tragedies.


He has been present at the death of colleagues; he joined the historic 'Peace Flotilla' that attempted to bring supplies to Gaza.

Through his vivid and eloquent journalism, we gain new insights into some of the most critical events of the last decade.





Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book

The CCN Bookshelf

CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner


Eggplant in Coconut Tempura


KB SAYS:  I discovered that there are many names by which the eggplant is known some of which are aubergine, melongene, brinjal, and guinea squash. To misquote a famous author - an eggplant by any other name tastes just as good. I hope you find this to be true in this recipe.




1 medium eggplant, sliced into approximately 10 slices.
(If eggplant is seedy and heavy you may need to sprinkle salt on both sides and left for 30mins, then rinse and pat dry)
½ cup self raising flour
2/3 cup water
½ cup coconut cream
1 egg lightly beaten
Pinch of salt
¼ tsp chilli flakes
½ cup shredded coconut
Oil for frying


1. Toss eggplant in cornflour and shake off excess cornflour
2. Sift self raising flour, add salt and chilli flakes.
3. Combine water, coconut cream, egg and coconut.
4. Make a well in the centre of the flour and gradually stir in the liquids to make a batter.
5. Dip eggplant slices into the batter, deep fry a few slices at a time in hot oil until golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with a plum sauce.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to me at kbcooks@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be my "guest chef" for the week.


Kareema's Keep Fit Column




Q: Dear Kareema, we're off on our annual trip to one of my favourite ski resorts. My aim is to burn calories while having fun on the snow. I've packed my joggers and snow-gear of course. Is there anything else you can suggest that may just come in handy?



A: I like the way you think, why not burn calories and tone muscles while holidaying!


Skiing down slopes and breathing in the fresh air has even more benefits, it's a full-body workout which will also give you an endorphin rush to boost your mood for an even better holiday. If you're a serious skier, you can burn approximately 3800KJ per hour.

Jogging or walking up in the mountains will see you burning more energy as the air is thinner and you'll have to work slightly harder than you would at home.


It's great to clear your mind and builds stamina. You'll burn approximately 1600KJ per hour.

Pack your yoga mat - it's a great workout/stretch after a run and you can greatly improve your flexibility, balance and quality of sleep. Yoga will burn approximately 600-800KJ per hour.

Lastly, don't forget your skipping rope and mini-weights. Skip whenever possible for a great cardio workout, and try to use your weights at least three times per week for stronger bones and muscles.


Lifting weights boosts bone density and muscle mass and is also a great fat burner. Muscle
burns fat even when you're resting. You'll burn approximately 3000KJ per hour.

As always, compliment your holiday with a fresh, healthy diet for even better results. N-JOY!







My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The CCN Chuckle


A young boy was waiting for his mother to finish shopping at the market when Mula Nasruddin approached him and asked:

“Young man, can you tell me where the Mosque is?”

The young boy replied: “Yes, go down this street, turn right and there you are.”

Mula Nasruddin replied: “Thank you. I’m the new Imam in town and I’d like you to come to Mosque any evening so I can show you the straight path and the way to Jannah (paradise).”

The young boy shuffled his feet on the footpath and said:

“I don’t think so, you don’t even know how to get to the Mosque!”

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Events and Functions

12 June

Gold Coast Mosque

International Food Festival


This annual event has been organized mainly to raise funds for the running cost and maintenance of the Gold Coast Mosque. More than 3000 people attended last year’s 2010 festival and $55,000 was raised.

This year the International Food Festival will include an auction, fun-filled children’s activities, a variety of delicious food from 15 different international cuisines.

ICQ Qu'ran

Recitation Competition

Spiritual Retreat

for young women

Annual Fete

MBN Trivia Night

Prof. Tahir-ul-Qadri Lecture Tour


Amnesty Inter-faith


Harun Yahya



Brisbane Refugee Film Festival


Sydney, New South Wales

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Holiday Islamic Classes

Kuraby Mosque

Al-Imdaad Foundation


Qari's Classes

Quran Tutoring

beginners to advanced


Hostel Accommodation

for Muslim Students

FREE Baby Massage

Classes IAIM

Brisbane  Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

pdf version


Seerah Classes UMB

Qu'ran Reading & Islamic Studies

Kuraby Mosque


in Robina

New Muslim Classes

Window into Islam

English Tutor

AIIC performance

AIIC Gold Coast campus

Islamic College of Brisbane


Free Adult Classes and Madressa For Children at Al-Mustapha Institute

Child Care Course

"Purification of the heart" Seminar

Maths Tutoring service

From years 6-10

Math A, B and C for years 11 &12
Ahlam Haddad

Tel: 32191554

email: haddada5@hotmail.com.

Sisters House Accommodation Register


Businesses and Services

The CCN June Business of the Month


(Every month CCN showcases a business here)


Flight Star

Haj Packages

Wasimah High tea

OurWorld Travel

Haj Packages


Nazima Hansa

your one-stop real estate shop


Pappa Roti

Warrigal Square

Promotional Offer

A crispy bun and a large coffee for $4.99 only (usual price is $6.20). The promotion is for a limited time only


Biltong in Brisbane


Healthy Life


Islamic Couture



AK Surtie


Hummy's Automotive

Prop: Mohammed Shabbir



Love ur Body

Lunch Bag


Nandos Mt Gravatt

Carpet Lifesavers

Brisbane Diagnostics

Kuraby Seafood Takeaway

Pizza Lane


Mina Collection

Stick On Labels

ACCES Services

Removal Services


Calamvale Central
Compton Road

Tel: 07 3272 2299

Kimaya Fashions


Shop 45A Inala Plaza

156 Inala Avenue, Inala 

The Quran Pen Reader

online at


Yasmeen Seedat

Accounting Services



Migration Agent


Phone: 3397 6863
Mob: 0431 446 528
910 Logan Rd

Holland Park West

Hydrotherapy & Swimming

classes for Muslim women

pdf version

InWear fashions

Junaid Ally

Ray White

Want an effective treatment to clean out BAD CHOLESTROL and PLAQUE from your arteries?
ArgiNox Maintain is available from Zakiya Sacur - 0433 270 770. Book your consultation now


Body & Beauty

Brochure (pdf)

Bilal Solwa @ Reed

Table & Chair Hire


Additional contact:

Ahmed Hassan

0433 531 593

Gabriel Hair Studio


Colour - Style - Shine.

Gabriel K hair studio is a boutique studio exclusively for women. Gabriel K has over 20 years experience as a stylist and uses Matrix as the professional range.








The CCN Date Claimer


"If it's not here ....it's not happening!"l)





(Click on link)





12 June


Annual International Food Festival

Islamic Society of Gold Coast

The Gold Coast Mosque

0412 601 152

All day

19 June


Annual Qu'ran Recitation Competition


Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA


9am to 1pm

25 June


Spiritual Retreat for young women


Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0423 604 008

10am to 10pm

29 June



Lailatul Mehraj

2 July


Trivia Night

Muslim Business Network

0422 191 675


10 July


Fun Day BBQ

48 Learoyd Road, Algester

0433 552 409

11.30am to 2.30pm

17 July


Annual Madrasah Soccer Tournament 2011




Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha



18 July



Lailatul Baraat

24 July


9th Annual College Fete

724 Blunder Rd. DURACK

3372 1400

from 10.30am

29 July


Prof. Tahir-ul-Qadri Lecture Tour

Zaffar Khan

Michael's Oriental Restaurant, 223 Padstow Road, Eight Mile Plains

0400 162 163


30 July


Prof. Tahir-ul-Qadri Lecture Tour

Zaffar Khan

Citipointe Church, 322 Wecker Road, Carindale

0400 162 163


31 July


Prof. Tahir-ul-Qadri Lecture Tour

Zaffar Khan

Islamic College of Brisbane, 43 Acacia Rd, Karawatha

0400 162 163


2 August



Start of Ramadhan

28 August



Lailatul Qadr

31 August



End of Ramadhan

1 September




3 September



Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

18 September



Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786


15 October


Ladies night Out

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0433 182 520


7 November




11 or 12 November


Dreamworld 2011


0418 722 353


27 November



Islamic New Year

6 December



Day of Ashura


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




Ladies Taleem


Taleem will take place on Thursday 11am-12pm at the Kuraby Mosque every week, insha'Allah.


All ladies are welcome.


Muslim Events Forum (MEF)


Need help in planning or promoting an event or function?


Meeting Dates:

4th Wednesday of the month (next meeting 22 June)


11 Watland Street, Springwood





For more information and RSVP:

Mr. Ismail Mohammed at i_m_006@hotmail.com


Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Meeting Dates:

Wednesday 14 September

Wednesday 16 November


Metropolitan South Regional Office
1993 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt





For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at Bellos.Dimitrios@police.qld.gov.au


Girls Game Night

Sitting at home on a Saturday Night?

Want to do something constructive, but FUN?



Inspiration talk, pizza, BBQ, fun and games

Topics that are relevant, Iman-boosting and mind-capturing.
Where: AMYN Islamic Youth Centre, 16/157 North Road, Woodridge
When: Every Saturday,after Maghrib
Everyone is invited



CCN @ Facebook



Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Msque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

      www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
      www.islamiccollegeofbrisbane.com.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
      www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
      www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
      www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)
Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Society of Darra

Qld Muslims Volunteers

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities


If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.