

Sunday, 10 August 2014

 Newsletter 0509




.....a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us .....




ANIC & AFIC on proposed overhaul of anti-terrorism laws  The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor The CCN Food for Thought
Slacks Creek Mosque Update  The CCN Classifieds An Ayaat-a-Week
Sign up now for the CresWalk2014 Race for Gaza! What's happening in other necks of the woods Events and Functions
What can you do to help Palestine and its children? Around the Muslim World with CCN Islamic Programmes, Education & Services
Bogus FB page draws anti-Muslim vitriol in Gold Coast CCN Readers' Book Club Businesses and Services
Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad's Brisbane visit: 13-15 AUGUST KB's Culinary Corner The CCN Date Claimer
Government backs down on 18C Changes Kareema's Keep Fit Column CCN on Facebook
Muslim groups threaten boycott after Carlton resignation

The CCN Chuckle

Useful Links
We’ll fight radical Islam for 100 years   Local, National & International Readership
    Write For Us


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Press Releases      

The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) would like to thank the Australian Federal Police for hosting the annual Eid Dinner planned for Sydney tomorrow, Thursday 7 August 2014.


The dinner is an important initiative for communities to engage with Australia’s federal law enforcement agency and for this the AFP needs to be commended.


ANIC supports any program which aims to enhance relations and promote better understanding between civil society and the executive branches of government.

However, His Eminence, Professor Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, Grand Mufti of Australia and ANIC regrettably must in all good conscience decline the invitation to attend the dinner in protest of the new proposed anti-terrorism laws announced by the Attorney-General yesterday.

ANIC believes that the proposed changes to the anti-terrorism laws will severely impinge on the rights and freedoms of all Australians and especially those of Muslim faith. The amendments are a direct attack on the rule of law with fundamental rights such as the presumption of innocence for example watered down when it comes to alleged terrorism offences.

ANIC will vigorously campaign against these proposed changes and calls upon all fair-minded Australians to do likewise.

ANIC consists of more than 250 Imams across Australia representing their respective communities.



The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC), Mr Hafez Kassem commenting on the Government’s repeal of section 18C which currently makes it unlawful to “insult, offend and humiliate” a person or group said “this is a good outcome and we welcome the government’s decision”. He thanked all the community organizations whose pressures prevailed on the government.

However, Mr Kassem said our joy was short lived, as we express our dismay and concern at the Coalition Government’s decision to propose the introduction of a new anti-terrorism law which is a raft of measures targeted specifically at the Muslim community. He further said that the current government has been trying to make new terror laws almost on a daily basis and reversing measures safeguarding the rights of Australian citizens.

Mr Kassem expressed concern that many Muslims travelling to their former homeland to visit family or for the welfare of families caught in the wars currently raging in the Middle East will be targeted up under these laws and these mostly uninvolved and innocent persons will themselves become victims of terrorism.

Mr Kassem stated: “This insidious law reeks of an “apartheid” system and is so obviously targeted at a specific community, goes against everything Australia stands for and will certainly alienate the Muslim community resulting in increased Islamophobia, prejudice and discrimination, eroding all the good work that has been accomplished over the decades, to the detriment of Australia."

Muslims of Australia have worked long and hard and made valuable contributions on all levels to this country. The President said, “as Australians we value the principles of justice and equity and there is no justice and equity in what the government is doing. As law-abiding citizens, Muslims are conscious of our rights and responsibilities when it comes to the safety and security of Australia and Australian people and of course we don’t want anyone to threaten this safety or security”. The President continued, we believe the current laws are sufficient in ensuring those with criminal intent are prosecuted accordingly. We believe these proposed measures are draconian and will only serve to marginalise our community further. “Therefore, we do not support the introduction of these types of unjust laws!”

Mr Kassem concluded, “on behalf of Muslim communities of Australia, I ask the government to abandon these measures which will only serve to harm the image and interests of this country in the international arena.

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The fund raising campaign for the purchase of the premises in Slacks Creek has begun in earnest with over $200 000 in cash donations (including the Friday collection at the Holland Park Mosque - see picture below) towards the target of $21.M.


The organizing committee will be manning a stall at Eidfest next week and have also planned an Eid Reunion BBQ giving the community an opportunity to enjoy a guided tour through the proposed new Mosque.


Bank details for donations:

Suncorp Bank
BSB: 484 799
A/C No: 509 169 377
Al Furqan Charitable Islamic Trust



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Register for this year's CresWalk2014 and help the humanitarian effort in Gaza.

Join the CresWalk2014 Team in raising awareness and vital funds to assist with these efforts.

When: 7th September

Where: Orleigh Park, West End

Start Time: 8.30am (prompt)

Distances: 2.5km and 5km
(all age categories catered for)

Entry Fee: $20 (adults) and $15 (under 11 years) includes your $5 donation towards the Gaza appeal.

click on the button to



Only the first 500 to register will receive a special commemorative Race for Gaza T-shirt.

The day will include activities, a delicious breakfast and awards after the run.


You can also make your very own fundraising page and get others to sponsor you to Race!

In just minutes you can build and customise your page, then start sharing the link with your friends, family and colleagues and asking them to make a donation.

Every donation is then recorded on your fundraising page along with a message of support from your donors.



click on the button to



For more information, please:

Visit our CresWalk2014 site

or call 0434 984 520

or email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


We look forward to seeing you on the day, insha’Allah!




CresWalk2014 Run for Gaza! is proudly sponsored by


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By Raeesa Banwa      


In the wake of the atrocities and the human tragedy in Gaza, The AIIC would like to invite you all to attend an essential information session on the Palestinian situation and what is happening on the ground.


Join us to show your support for the cause and to gain a deeper understanding towards one of the greatest injustices of our time.


Speakers will draw on their previous experiences in Palestine and provide practical and productive solutions towards how we can contribute constructively for the cause.

For more information contact: azharim@live.com or 0411 182 347

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Mr Hussin Goss of the Gold Coast Mosque is interviewed on ABC radio about a Facebook page, Preserving Islamic Rights on the Gold Coast - PIRGC, claiming to be "the righteous and proud voice of the Islamic community within the Gold Coast and surrounding areas."


The obviously fake page calls for changing the name of Christmas, re-designing the Australian flag, demanding more income support for Muslim and boycotting the Gold Coast 600.

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WEDNESDAY 13 AUGUST: lecture after Isha (at 7pm) - Darra Mosque

THURSDAY 14 AUGUST: lecture after Isha (at 7pm) - Holland Park Mosque

FRIDAY 15 AUGUST: khutbah (12.45pm) at Bald Hills Mosque


All in Urdu for both ladies and gents

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Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced this week that his government is withdrawing the proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) that sought to remove protections against racist hate speech that have been part of Australian law for almost 20 years.

Amongst the thousands of submissions, petitions, rallies and collective activism by the wider public criticising the government’s proposal to wind back changes to section 18C of the RDA was a submission by 26 Queensland Muslim community groups and organizations also lodged their objections to the Attorney General's office.


This victory is a result of the work of many community, ethnic and religious groups throughout the country and NOT just "caving in to the Muslim community", as the Prime Minister's announcement might have led many to believe.

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Muslim groups have condemned the recent suspension of Fairfax columnist Mike Carlton and have accused the media organisation of losing its independent and respected stance.

In a letter to Fairfax CEO Greg Hywood and editor-in-chief Darren Goodsir, the Australian National Imams Council, Islamic Council of NSW and the Muslim Legal Network NSW among others say they will boycott the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper unless the outspoken columnist is reinstated.

Mr Carlton resigned as a columnist for Fairfax over his use of offensive language towards readers complaining about a recent column and accompanying cartoon about the war in Gaza.


"As representatives of the Muslim community we have always regarded Fairfax to be one the more balanced media organisations in the country and where possible we have cooperated with your journalists on countless stories," the letter said.

"But with the resignation of Mr Carlton from your publications we have now lost one of the very few voices advocating for the Palestinian cause in the country."

The letter says the groups will consider notifying community organisations and spokespersons to cease cooperating with Fairfax journalists for media interviews.

A media campaign targeting Fairfax advertisers is also being considered.

In response to a request for comment on the letter, a Fairfax spokesman told AAP: "We understand and respect that there are strong views being expressed by many parties.

"But the Herald will not be swayed from its long-standing and ongoing commitment to providing fair, independent and balanced news and reporting."

On Wednesday Fairfax head of business media Sean Aylmer said the problem was the way Mr Carlton treated readers after they contacted him with issues about both the column and accompanying cartoon.

Mr Carlton resigned when Mr Aylmer and Mr Goodsir said they would suspend him.

In the letter sent to Fairfax on Saturday, the concerned Muslim community groups also condemned the cartoon that accompanied Mr Carlton's column.

"It was indeed a racist cartoon that implicated the Jewish people in the actions of the Israeli state by using Jewish symbolism and stereotype," the letter said.

"However, the apology from Fairfax makes it clear that Fairfax has been put under pressure by the Israeli lobby."

The letter also accuses the paper of double standards and compares Mr Carlton to another Fairfax columnist, Paul Sheehan, whom the group accuses of "habitual and countless offensive remarks about Muslims and Islam".

"Despite the Muslim community being outraged and writing countless correspondences to Fairfax management about their concerns, no such scrutiny was applied to Mr Sheehan," the letter said.

On Saturday morning Mr Carlton said via Twitter he had pneumonia.

Source: SBS

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AUSTRALIA needs to prepare for an increasingly savage, 100-year war against radical Islam that will be fought on home soil as well as foreign lands, the former head of the army, Peter Leahy, has warned.

Professor Leahy, a leading defence and strategic analyst, told The Weekend Australian the country was ill-prepared for the high cost of fighting a war that would be paid in “blood and treasure” and would require pre-emptive as well as reactive action.



The Australian

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Russia to enforce Islamic books ban in Crimea



Some Islamic books that have been banned include the work of popular 20th century Turkish scholar Said Nursi and the famous “Fortress of the Muslim” book of supplications of Prophet Muhammad, which was collected by ancient Muslim scholar Saeed Bin Ali Bin Wahf Al-Qahtani.


RUSSIA: The Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea has called on Muslims living in the disputed Black Sea peninsula to destroy books and material that is on the Russian black list.

Around 300,000 Muslims in Crimea, mainly native Crimean Tatars, are having to adjust to new laws enforced by Russia after their homeland was annexed from Ukraine following a referendum in March.

As Russia’s Federal List of Extremist Materials comes into effect in the region, a number of Islamic religious books, that under Ukrainian law was deemed legal, have now been outlawed.

“The Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea informs Muslim religious organizations, and society that Russia’s federal list of banned extremist materials extends over Crimea. Therefore distribution, production or storage of materials mentioned in the list is forbidden and will entail responsibility,” said a statement released on the Religious Administration’s website.

“Please study the list and take measures to eliminate prohibited materials if they exist,”the statement advised.

The Federal List of Extremist Materials was compiled by the Russian Ministry of Justice on July 14, 2007 and contained 1,058 items as of December 25, 2011. Producing, storing or distributing the materials on the list is an offense in Russia, the Qirim News Agency reported.

Some Islamic books that have been banned include the work of popular 20th century Turkish scholar Said Nursi and the famous “Fortress of the Muslim” book of supplications of Prophet Muhammad, which was collected by ancient Muslim scholar Saeed Bin Ali Bin Wahf Al-Qahtani. A certain biography of the Prophet Muhammad is also banned.

The list also includes texts and books such as Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Jehovah's Witness publications.


Since the annexation in March, around 3,000 Crimean Tatars have left the peninsula for mainland Ukraine.

The U.N. has also pointed to the erosion of human rights in Crimea, which remains under the occupation of pro-Russian militias who particularly threaten the Crimean Tatars.

Crimean Tatars have complained that they have been targeted for speaking their Turkic language in public and have had their homes marked by pro-Russian militiamen.

The Crimean Tatar Mejlis (Parliament) was also threatened with closure after they organized protests for former Mejlis head Mustafa Jemilev, who has been barred from entering the peninsula for five years along with current leader Refat Chubarov.

The Crimean Tatars have largely opposed the annexation of Crimea by Russia, fearing a repeat of the events of 1944 when they were completely expelled as part of former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's policy.

They gradually started returning in the early 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union, but still live as a minority in their homeland as they were displaced by ethnic Russian settlers who migrated there later on.

Since the annexation, Russia has been granting Russian citizenship to the people of Crimea in replacement of their Ukrainian nationality. Crimean Tatars, who have campaigned to reject Russian citizenship, reserve the right to remain as Ukrainian citizens, but will by default become foreigners in their homeland.

Source: World Bulletin

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CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book

CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club


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KB says: This recipe comes from Zahraa Lockhat who made this treat for her family for desert after the main course of Biryaani.

Crème Caramel with Berries





175g sugar
100ml milk
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
250 ml whipping cream
2 cups of mixed berries of your choice


1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees.
2. Place a large deep baking pan, ¾ filled with boiling water into the oven.
3. Lightly caramelize 70g (of 175g) of sugar in a heavy saucepan.
4. Place a tsp of the caramel into your ramekin containers which have been lightly greased.
5. Warm the milk in a pan and then add the remaining sugar, eggs, egg yolks and cream.
6. Whisk together and then put through a sieve and pour onto the caramel in the ramekins.
7. Place the ramekins in the pan with the water and bake for approx. 30mins.
8. Allow it to cool and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
9. To serve, turn out the crème caramel from the ramekins by running the base under hot water and it will just slide out.
10. Serve with fresh berries of your choice.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to me at kbcooks@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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For joint heart and bone health, add the following steps into your regular workout routine to not only improve the impact on your bones but improve cardio-health as well…

• Stand for as many exercises as possible to load the bones and improve balance

• Work those areas that are vulnerable such as the hips, forearms and thighs – exercises like squats, lateral raises etc. will help strengthen these areas

• Use weights, medicine balls, kettle bells and your own body weight for resistance training

• Keep it fresh by changing your routine every three to four weeks to shock and challenge the muscles and strengthen bones and improve heart health

• Aim for two to three weight training sessions a week





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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On one of his visits to Jerusalem, Mula Nasruddin heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long time.

So he went to check it out.


He went to the Western Wall and there he was, walking slowly up to the holy site.

Mula Nasruddin watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, using a cane and moving very slowly, he approached the old man.


"Pardon me, sir, I'm Mula Nasruddin. What's your name?"


"Morris Feinberg," the old man replied. "Sir, how long have you been coming to the Western Wall and praying?"

"For about 60 years."

"60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?"

"I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews, and the Muslims."

"I pray for all the wars and all the hatred to stop."

"I pray for all our children to grow up safely as responsible adults and to love their fellow man."

"I pray that politicians tell us the truth and put the interests of the people ahead of their own interests."

And finally "I pray that everyone will be happy".

"How do you feel after doing this for 60 years?" asked Mula Nasruddin.

"Like I'm talking to a brick wall!"

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Those who spend their wealth for increase in self-purification, and have in their minds no favour from anyone for which a reward is expected in return, but only the desire to seek for the Countenance of their Lord Most High; and soon will they attain (complete) satisfaction.

Surah Al-Lail 92:18-21


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Notice Board


Click on thumbnail to enlarge


Events and Functions

WAMY & AMNY 2 Moving Talks 12 AUGUST Shaykh Ahmad 2014-Tour 13-15 AUGUST Eidfest 2014 Brochure 16 AUGUST Eidfest 2014 Brochure 16 AUGUST AIIC Gaza 17 AUGUST Slacks Creek Mosque Eid Reunion 23 AUGUST HIKMAHWAY One Direction ONE DIRECTION BRIS LQ 24 AUGUST Abrahamic Faiths Concert 28 AUGUST AIIC College Fete 30 AUGUST Creswalk2014 Race for Gaza! 7 SEPTEMBER Al Kauthar Prayer Makes Perfect 21 & 22 SEPTEMBER Eid Family Night @ DreamWorld 11 October


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Slacks Creek Mosque DONATIONS APPEAL National Zakat Foundation Ramadan Food Appeal 2014 Arabic- Qur'an Classes 31-05-2014 Weekly Halaqa STARTS 22 FEBRUARY Maths, English, Chemistry tutor Easy Way Tuition Seerah Programme starts 11 January Seerah Programme starts 11 January Ayia Foundation Card
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Businesses and Services



ACCES Removal Services


Al-Khitan Circumcisions


Alpha Gym



Clothing Islamic Couture


Lebanese Cuisine

Love ur Body

Beauty Treatments

Continental Meats GOLD COAST


Mansur Omar

Real Estate

Bismillah Repairs & Maintenance

Repairs & Maintenance

NOTE NEW NO. 0468342127

MaXimize Accountants


Brisbane Diagnostics



Health Drink

Calamvale Physio & Sports Injury Clinic


AutoCAD Training

Personal Tuition

Car Body Removals

Used Car Dealer

Muslim Directory Australia

Directory Services

Carpet Lifesavers

Carpet cleaning

Desi Thread


Centre for Easy Language Learning (CeLL)

Tutoring (Arabic)

Compton Mediclinic

Medical Practices

Boulevard Towers Surfers Paradise 

Holiday Accommodation

Nazima Hansa Realty PTY LTD

Real Estate



Sleeves for Sale

Women's apparel



OurWorld Travel



Migration Agency

Pappa Roti

Cake & Coffee

Fathima Adat Tutoring

Tutoring (School subjects)

Pizza Lane

Restaurant & Takeaway Pizza

Gabriel Hair Studios


Rejuven8 Body & Beauty

Beauty Treatments


Plastic Mats

Samoosa Pastry Distributors


Henna by Fatima


Shakira Kolia's Driving School

Driving School

Hummy's Automotive

Car Repairs

Clothing Alterations


Hussana Australia

Halal Body Care range

Stick On Labels

Label printing

InWear Fashions

Clothing Fashion

The Quran Pen


Junaid Ally Properties

Real Estate

Yasmeen Seedat Accounting Services


Kimaya Fashions


Lily's Fashion

Wedding dresses etc. 

Personal Training with Layla

Personal Training

Marketing Co-Op

Internet Services

Angelz Dental Care



Travel Agency

Shameema's Silk Scarves


Grand Medical Centre

Medical Practitioners

Qld Islamic Book Service

Book Shop


Health Products

Personal Wellness Coach


Ummah Store

Books, Clothing, DVDs etc.


Security Systems

Paradise Convenience

Global Groceries

Muslima Chic

Muslim designer clothes, jewellery


Samoosa Strips (pur)

Low Price Pharmacy


LTH Accounting & Financial Services



Child Care Centres

Pari Collections


Shariff's Computer Services

Computer Servicing

CassonIT Solutions

 Computer Servicing & Systems

Lil Umah

Children's Clothes

Computer Repair

 Computer Repairs

Watany Man-oushi Lebanese Foods

Take Away



Dial a Local Doctor

Medical Services

Baby Care Solutions

(read information sheet)

 Early Parenting Guidance

Kuraby Mosque Hire Services

Hire Services

Goss Bros

Refrigerated Transport & Cold Storage

Shailly Beauty & Reiki

Hair & Beauty

Fathima Abdoola


United Hearts

Family Day Care Scheme

Apparel by Aliyah

Designer Clothing


Hijab Friendly Fashion

Modern Muslimah

Muslimah  Clothes

Loan Market

Mortgage Broker

HD Arabic TV


Brisbane Valley Gold

Achar (Pickles)

1 Stop Pizza & Kebab (menu)

Fast Food



Hair & Beauty

(Latest price list)

Precise Consulting

Business Bookkeeping Services

Shaheda Osman

Graphic Designer

Janet Hussein Science Training

Editorial Services & Training

Exquisite Chairs

Function decor

Flight Star


Dean's Photography








Find out how to get your full size ad in this box by emailing


Precise Consulting Ad Goss Bros Refrigerated Transport & Cold Storage Compton Mediclinic Crave Hair & Beauty Hairdressers Sleeves For Sale Desi Thread Kuraby Hire 1 Stop Pizza Seedat Accounting United Hearts Family Day Care Scheme Pty Ltd AUTOCAD 2013 TUITION Archi n Eng Sora Loan Market 1 Loan Market 2 Inwear Fashions Eid Specials Apparel by Aliyah Tel: 0438840467 Apparel by Aliyah AGAIN Continental Halal Meats Gold Coast Sewing Dial A Local Doctor Fathima Abdoola Flyer Shailly Hair Beauty LOVE UR BODY Baby Care Solutions Wasimah Brisbane CassonIT Solutions Computer Repairs Al-Khitan Circumcisions Watang Man-oushi Lebanese Foods Lil Umah Pari Collection Achar Pari Collection Michael's Oriental Birthday Promo ACCES Services REMOVALS Dial a Doctor Bulk Billing Dr in your home The Function Room Page 1 The Function Room Page 2 Shariff's Computer Services Ayesha's Samoosa Strips Angelz Dental Care Sunkids Sunkids Maximize  Accountants Officetek Alarms Mona Vie AK Surtie Centre for Easy Language Learning Arabic Paradise Convenience Baalbak Mediterranean Restaurant Low Price Pharmacy KURABY Bismillah Repairs and Maintenance
New mobile no. 0468 342 127 Brisbane Diagnostics Hummys Automotive Services Boulevard Tower Residence Accommodation Calamvale Physiotherapy & Sport Injury Clinic Carpetlifesavers Indoor Folding Mats Rejuven8 Body & Beauty Personal Wellness Coach Shameema's Silk Scarves efxshop Samoosa Pastry Shakira Kolia Driving School Tutoring Fathima Adat QLD Islamic Book Service Gabriel Hair Studio Henna Fatima Ismail Junaid Ally Properties REMAX Muslima Chick Kimaya International Quick Stick Name labels Ladies Only Personal Training Lilys Fashion Excelanz Migration Services Hussana love ur body T ax Returns 2012 Muslim Directory NAZIMA HANSA REMAX Marketing Coop Group Pizza Lane Pappa Roti Ummah Store Elite FX Web Design


"If it's not here ....it's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





(Click on link)





12 August


2 Moving Talks by Saudi Scholars



UQ, Abel Smith Bldg.

0414 156 900

6.45pm & 8pm

13-15 August

Wed to Fri

Shaykh Ahmad lectures


0422 110 345


16 August


Eidfest 2014

Eidfest QLD

Rocklea Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

17 August


Eid Gala Dinner

Al-Mustapha Institute

Logan West Community Centre

0422 433 074


24 August


One Direction: A blueprint for worship

Hikmahway Institute


St Lucia


9am to 7pm

30 August


12th Annual College fete

Book a stall

Australian International Islamic College (AIIC)

724 Blunder Rd, DURACK

3372 1400

10.30am to 8pm

6 September


Fund Raising Dinner for Currumbin Mosque

Salsabil Charitable Organisation

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0419 797 862


7 September


CresWalk2014 Annual Fun Run

Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, WEST END

0434 984 520


20 & 21 September

Sat & Sun

Prayer Makes Perfect : Sheikh Bilal Ismail

Al Kauthar Institute

Griffith University

0438 698 328

8:30am to 7:00pm

27 September


HP Family Evening

Islamic Society of Holland Park

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0422 122 249


5 October



11 October


Eid Family Night @ Dreamworld

Eidfest QLD


0418 722 353

6pm to 12pm

25 October


1st Muharram 1436 (Islamic New Year)

3 November


Day of Aashooraa (10th day of Muharram)



Prophet’s Birthday 12th Rabi-ul Awwal 1436



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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Taleem Programe at Kuraby Mosque


Every Thursdays  10.30-11.30am


Bald Hills Mosque Weekly Tafseer


Topic = Tafseer lessons
Venue = Masjid Taqwa, Bald Hills, Qld 4036
Day = Every Monday | Time = After Esha salah | Period = approximately 30 minutes
Presenter = Mufti Junaid Akbar
Cost = free, and InShaAllah Allah will give great reward
Who can come = All brothers and sisters are welcome to attend
Please note that these recordings will be available for downloading from our website masjidtaqwa.org.au.


Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Meeting Dates & Times


Thursday 22 May 2014 Mt Gravatt Police Station, 2132 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Thursday 21 August 2014 Mt Gravatt Police Station, 2132 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Thursday 20 November 2014 Mt Gravatt Police Station, 2132 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Commencing at 7.00pm (Times may change throughout the year pending salat)



For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at Bellos.Dimitrios@police.qld.gov.au

Tafsir & Islamic History Classes

VENUE: Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane, 39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest

Every Monday & Wednesday
7pm - 8:15pm

All Brothers & Sisters are welcome.

For further information please contact Moulana Noor 0432 712 546.


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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

      www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
      www.icb.qld.edu.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
      www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
      www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
      www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)
Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

IQRA Academy Institute of Islamic Studies

Online streaming of Islamic lectures

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Society of Darra

Qld Muslims Volunteers

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine subscribe@sultanasdream.com.au

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

AYIA Foundation


If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.


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Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to enter their details here.


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