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Sunday, 24 May 2015


Newsletter 0550

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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us .....



Omar Regan a hit in Brisbane

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor The CCN Food for Thought

Australian immigration policies need tightening

 The CCN Classifieds An Ayaat-a-Week

ANIC in show of unity, leadership and direction

What is/was happening in other necks of the woods Events and Functions

AFIC - New Council elected

Around the Muslim World with CCN Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Halal certification secures Emirates deal for Fleurieu

CCN Readers' Book Club

Businesses and Services

The Weekly: Halal Certification

KB's Culinary Corner

The CCN Date Claimer

Ask not what your Council can do for you.....

Kareema's Keep Fit Column

CCN on Facebook

Police probe Islamic College over alleged fraud

The CCN Chuckle

Useful Links

Citizenship: An opportunity for self-reflection


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The Montessori Toddler: Creating learning possibilities

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Pegg's First Speech in support of Islamic Community

Moorooka Mosque Fundraising Event

Outdated religious laws must be changed, UAE forum

10 Things Muslim Converts Have To Deal With

College students raise funds for Nepal

Afghan Rapper Escaped Teen Marriage by Singing

Islamic Interfaith society: Press Statement

10 Pakistani Scientists who Made a Difference

This is our Islam: Ararat Muslims

Ramadhan Round the Corner - Roundup

Jumma Lecture Recordings



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Amercian writer and director of the small-budget movie, American Sharia, was on hand in Brisbane on Friday night for the Muslim Aid Australia showing of his "halalywood" production.


Regan's post-movie Q&A session and his earlier appearance at the Brisbane Islamic College wetted his audiences' appetites sufficiently for his next Muslim Aid Australia  event - a stand up-act at the Orphans and Me fund raiser on 6 June.


Muslim Aid Australia is working towards providing a better life for thousands of orphans around the world, including Syria, Palestine, Albania, and Yemen.

The entertainment on 6 June will be provided by three overseas artists: the famed American Poet Quadir Lateef, the hilarious American Comedian Omar Reagan, and the inspiring British Nasheed Artist Faisal Salah performing his world premiere of “Smile”, a Muslim Aid original.

Venue: Michael’s Oriental | Date: Saturday 6th June 2015 | Time: 7pm
To purchase tickets ($50pp) please visit or for a table of 10 ($450) please visit  Alternatively you can call me on 0434 984 520


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As authorities grapple with the threat posed by Islamic State, there are calls from within the Muslim community to tighten Australia's immigration policies.


The founding president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC), Haset Sali (pictured left), who also served as both a president and legal adviser to the organisation, said moderate Muslims had been sidelined by an Islamic leadership promoting more fundamentalist views.

Mr Sali also said there was a widening gulf between Muslims who had integrated into Australian society and those who had not.

"Sometimes the truth has to be faced and if the truth is awkward, then it has to be faced anyway, and I really do believe we have to be more careful about who we let into this country and who we grant refugee status to, because I think it's just getting beyond a joke quite frankly," he said.

"There are people who unfortunately don't appreciate the great freedom that we have in this nation and the opportunities that are available if people live by the law and do the right thing."

He said a classic example was Sydney siege shooter Man Haron Monis, the self-styled radical cleric with a violent past who he said Australian authorities "tolerated to the nth degree".

Consequence of non-discriminatory migration policy

Associate Professor Halim Rane (pictured right),  from Griffith University's Islamic Research Unit, said the gulf was even broader.

"Interestingly enough Muslims used to be better integrated into Australian society a number of generations ago than they tend to be today - that's a consequence I think of migration policy," he said.

"In attempting to have a non-discriminatory migration policy we've allowed into the country many people whose values and norms are simply inconsistent with Australian values and norms, so they would obviously find it difficult to integrate into Australian society.

"They've projected their ideas onto Muslims here in Australia, so we're seeing second and even third generation Australian-born Muslims who have adopted ideas that have their origin in the Islamism in the Muslim world in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s."

He said immigration should not be restricted from particular countries or regions, but there was a case for Australia to be more selective about who it allowed in.


Interestingly enough Muslims used to be better integrated into Australian society a number of generations ago than they tend to be today - that's a consequence I think of migration policy

Assoc. Prof Halim Rane

Associate Professor Rane acknowledged it was a provocative argument.

"Maybe we need to look more carefully at the individual who's coming," he said.

"If they express particular views, particular values, display particular norms, that would suggest to us they wouldn't integrate well and would be ultimately happier somewhere else.

"Then we should exercise our right to deny those people entry into the country for their benefit and ours.

"Immigration issues, issues around multiculturalism, integration, particularly when they concern Muslims, are very contentious subjects - it's not an easy conversation to have."

Some Muslim leaders need to rethink teachings

Associate Professor Rane said it was a necessary conversation if Australia was to counter the threat of Islamic State and understand its allure to some young men.

They include 18-year-old Oliver Bridgeman, the Caucasian teenager from Queensland who recently converted to Islam and left the country under the guise of doing aid work in Indonesia.

He is now suspected of joining an Al Qaeda-linked terror group.

Professor Rane said some of Australia's Muslim leaders were promoting conservative ideas about segregation of the sexes, holy war, and the establishment of an Islamic government or caliphate, which originated from socio-political roots rather than the Holy Koran itself.

He said while they did not necessarily advocate violence and most Muslims denounced Islamic State, the entrenched conservatism in the leadership could result in more young Muslims becoming alienated.

"Many of the people who are part of the leadership of the Muslim community come from overseas, and potentially are not as familiar with Australian society and culture as they need to be," he said.

"This raises concerns that the people that are making some of these rules clearly don't have a good sense of how Islam should be done in a way that is conducive to the Australian social and cultural context.


Many of the people who are part of the leadership of the Muslim community come from overseas, and potentially are not as familiar with Australian society and culture as they need to be.

Assoc. Prof Halim Rane

"This creates a tension within many young people where they don't feel as though they can be a Westerner or an Australian and a Muslim at the same time, they don't feel content in that identity.

"So they're left with choice, and this is part of the problem."

He said there was a lot of stake if Muslim leaders did not rethink their teachings.

"We'll continue on a trajectory where there is a widening gap between Muslim communities here in Australia and wider Australian society," he said.

"I think that Muslims will follow a trajectory where they adhere to values and norms and they'll develop a subculture that puts them at odds with the values and norms of wider society."


Moderate Muslims need bigger leadership role

Mr Sali said he was concerned more extreme values were gaining prominence due to a power vacuum in the current Islamic leadership and moderate Muslims needed a bigger role.

"They definitely have been marginalised or sidelined in the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils by the extreme group who've taken over AFIC and promptly disenfranchised over 60 per cent of their member societies and councils," he said.

"In doing so, [the] have sidelined a lot of the mainstream people from being able to put their point of view or even have a say."

The AFIC did not respond to the ABC's request for a response.

Keysar Trad (pictured left), from the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, said many Muslim leaders were working hard to counter the threat of Islamic State, which he said only a minute proportion of the world's two billion Muslims supported.

But he acknowledged that more could be done.

"There are some people in leadership positions who should not be," he said.

"Some people in leadership positions have failed their duty to the community and their duty to the organisations they lead, I have no doubt about that.
"There are some leaders who are conservative, but being conservative or not doing enough for your community does not make one an extremist.

"We have a right to blame some of the leadership for falling short of their obligations, but to make a quantum to suggest they're extremists or they support extremism, I'd like to see more evidence for that before jumping to that conclusion.

"In the end, we have a very important goal and that is to save our children from the pull of extremism and make our children understand they have a very important role to play in Australian society.

"They can contribute to the betterment of Australian society, and we value them and the nation values them."

Mr Trad said a lot more could done.

"Undoubtedly - there's a lot more that can be done by established community organisations, especially those organisations that are well funded," he said.

"For example, there can be many more youth camps and youth activities, and there can also be more interfaith events involving young people - there's only a few of those at the moment."

Process of engagement needed

Mr Trad said moderate Muslims wanting a greater say needed to take back control.

"Looking at traditional organisations and societies to rescue the community, that's not going to work anymore," he said.

"The community - the grassroots in particular - are creating their own leadership and that effort needs to be supported by a process of engagement.

"We are engaging with them and very soon, the grassroots movement will move us forward."


...the concept of a caliphate was a part of Islamic tradition, and supporting the idea did not have to be at odds with multicultural society.

Keysar Trad

Mr Trad said the concept of a caliphate was a part of Islamic tradition, and supporting the idea did not have to be at odds with multicultural society.

He said a proper caliph would be a religious figurehead, similar to a Catholic pope.

"The intention behind it is to use it for a positive purpose," he said.

"Whilst a caliphate or caliph might look out for the rights of Muslims, the caliph also makes sure that Muslims understand the boundaries that we have, and going outside the authority of a caliph.

"For example, if a caliphate was established and there was a caliph with a proper mandate, and he says to Muslims worldwide that IS is not according to Islam, stay away from it, anybody who decides to join it would end up committing a very, very serious sin."

Source: ABC News


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Imams from all across Australia came together to participate in the Annual ANIC Conference.



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AFIC Press Release

The 51st Annual Congress of Muslims Australia (AFIC), the national umbrella body of the Australian Muslim community was held in Sydney during the weekend.


Delegates attending from all States of Australia including Christmas Island, ACT and Northern Territory met over two days to review AFIC’s activities, give directives and policies for the future and to elect a new President and Executive Committee.

As per tradition, a Congress Dinner was held to celebrate the 51st anniversary of Muslims Australia which has grown into a large and formidable organization. The inter-state delegates and |Muslim leaders were joined by many other members of the Muslim community of Sydney and many friends and colleagues from the multicul-tural and religious communities including political leaders representing the federal, state and local governments.

Mr Hafez Kassem (pictured left) from Sydney, was unanimously re-elected as the President for an-other term, Mr Farouk Khan from South Australia was elected as the new Vice Presi-dent, Mr Harun Abdullah from Tasmania was elected as the new Secretary and Mr Usaid Khalil from NSW was elected as the new Treasurer.


The other members of the Executive include Miss Rawah El Samman from Sydney as Assistant Secretary, Dr Senad Smajic as Assistant Treasurer, Dr Abdul Kamareddine, Mr Khaled Jneid and Mrs Soofia Abbas as the Executive Committee members.

The Executive Committee and the office-bearers will hold office for the next three years.

Mr Kassem, addressing the Congress Dinner assured the guests that AFIC under his leadership will continue with the direction that AFIC has taken in the educational and spiritual development.

He further stated that AFIC will utilise its resources towards uniting communities in Australia’s multicultural society, and make Australia a proud country that all Australians call home.    


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Nick Hutchinson says Fleurieu's yoghurt deal with Emirates is now secure.


A milk products company which announced it would ditch its Halal certification after it was targeted on social media has now reinstated it and won back a deal to supply Emirates Airlines.

The Fleurieu Milk and Yoghurt Company, south of Adelaide, found itself the target of a coordinated global anti-Halal campaign late last year and rejected suggestions the fee it was paying was being used to help fund terrorism.

Without its certificate, the company could not fulfil a $50,000 contract to supply yoghurt to Emirates.

To achieve Halal status, the company needed to ensure no pork, blood or alcohol got anywhere near the production process.

Fleurieu Milk Company executive Nick Hutchinson said it had now changed its mind, reinstated its Halal certificate and ensured the airline contract was secure.

"We should have stayed tight, made a stand for Australia as a country that accepts and appreciates different ways of life," he said.

"I know full well that there will be a lot of people out there that are extremely disappointed with our decision and will be quite vocal about it, but for us we think we've done the right thing."

Mr Hutchinson said he felt the company was sending the wrong message by ruling out a religious group from being able to enjoy its produces.

"We have now gone back on that and we have regained halal certification and are quite proud to say that anybody of any sex, age, race, religion as well is able to enjoy our products," he said.

The Islamic Society of South Australia, which provides companies with certification, said the attacks against Halal products amounted to "Islamophobia".

A Senate inquiry into food certification schemes has just been set up by SA Liberal senator Cory Bernardi, with backing from his party colleagues and six Upper House crossbenchers.

Senator Bernardi said he wanted to examine the claims made on social media by the Halal boycotters, and Mr Hutchinson said that parliamentary investigation would be a welcome move.

"The Senate inquiry, they're probably in a similar position to us, they just want to get answers and put it to bed," he said.

Source: ABC News


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Charlie investigates halal certification and attempts to save Senator Bernadi a lot of time and money.



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On Friday IWAQ hosted a morning tea for His Excellency Mr Abdolhossein Vahaji, Ambassador of The Islamic Republic of Iran.


He visited the IWAQ offices and had an opportunity to meet with the staff as well as members from the Iranian community.


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Councils and Societies 101 by Ali Kadri


There lies a verse in the Holy Quran that no Muslim will ever doubt the truthfulness of: “Allah (SWT) will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves” (Quran 13:11). Of course, no Muslim will doubt any verse of the Holy Quran, but there are hardly any who are willing to accept that it may be themselves who are addressed in this verse.


Most of us will simply blame other Muslims for the situation our Ummah is in, not only in Australia, but also across the world. I am no different to any of those who are quick to blame others for our miseries, however I want to reflect on how change can be made, so Allah (S.W.T) through His mercy, changes our condition for the better. These times are calling for us to change - each in our own way. This ensures a better future for this country and God willing, our presence becomes a blessing for other human beings, including every creation of Allah (S.W.T). At this point it is normal to think that we, as individuals are too small or too busy to make any change. Be that as it may, if many people make a small change it will inevitably lead to a complete turnaround of the status quo.

Enough of the tall talk; let us scale what we are talking about to make change in our local community, city, and in Australia as a whole. At this point let me give you a glimpse of my background and what motivates me to write this article. Since October 2014, I have been the President of Holland Park Mosque and a spokesperson for ICQ (Islamic Council of Queensland). Most Brisbane residents are aware of the Mosque as one of the oldest in Australia with its 108 years of uninterrupted service to the Muslim community. This is not limited to Queensland but across Australia as a whole.


Before being part of the Mosque, I constantly blamed the current situation on the failure of our ‘leadership’ as it was very easy to do from afar. I did so without any responsibility and more importantly it was a way to tell myself, “I am not part of the problem”. Serving in the committee of the Mosque and eventually taking a leadership position not only exposed me to the challenges but taught me to respect our predecessors and to appreciate the roles they had to play within our community and within Islamic organisations. Yes, there are some leaders who do not fulfill these roles as our predecessors did, but I credit them for taking responsibility and the brunt of the consequences for their actions.

It is true that everyone’s circumstances do not allow them to participate in the community but by being aware and asking questions, you will not only be able to hold leaders responsible but guide them and advise them on where they went wrong and how to proceed. In the next few paragraphs I will inform you on what organisational structures are currently in place and how anybody is able to participate and contribute within whatever capacity they may have. Most Mosques are managed by incorporated associations registered with Department of Fair Trading. This means it has a constitution or model and rules that are agreed on by financial members who pay a yearly subscription of anywhere between fifty to one hundred dollars. These financial members elect a management committee from amongst themselves and this could be any number of members that will be responsible for day-to-day activities that are taken place as well as decision making on behalf of all financial members. Some roles include positions such as Presidency, Secretary, and Treasurer that are all democratically elected by all financial members at a yearly AGM (Annual General Meeting). AGM is also the time of year when elected members are legally required to present their yearly activities and give details of any accounts to all financial members.

Second tier over the associations is an organisation named ICQ (Islamic Council of Queensland), which has around 16 Mosques as well as its financial members. ICQ’s responsibility is to represent the interests of the Muslims in Queensland including media representations, public relations, political lobbying, and halal certification amongst other community responsibilities. ICQ is also an incorporated association which has Mosques as its financial members, and each mosque having one vote to elect the ICQ management committee. There are 9 such State Councils across the country.

The third and the most significant tier is AFIC (Australian Federation of Islamic Councils), which is also a registered as a not-for-profit organisation and has State Councils with over 100 Mosques as its financial members. AFIC also owns the land of 9 schools across the country with its net worth running into millions of dollars. Currently, the State Councils have a right to elect the management committee of AFIC with Mosque members having a right to vote on other issues raised during the AGM (Annual General Meeting).

The diagram below will give you an idea of what relationship exists between AFIC, State Councils and Masjids. While there are 9 State Councils, I have only used 3 in the example diagram.

Figure 1: Structure of Muslim organisations in Australia.


This diagram may need to be explained in further detail but I hope this has made you even the smallest bit curious to know how these organisations operate and more importantly, what you can do to participate within whatever capacity you may acquire. Starting to participate is as simple as writing to any of your local Mosques and to ask how you can become a financial member or simply contact your state representative which in this case would be ICQ (Islamic Council of Queensland). Most Mosques have a website with contact details and Queensland’s oldest mosque, Holland Park Mosque, has a very active Facebook page as well.


Our community is full of talent and skills and it is my desire to see all of us participate in shaping our future and to do our bit not only for the benefit of ourselves but also for the future generations of this country.


Ali Kadri is the president of the Islamic Society of Holland Park Mosque and media spokesperson for a number of organizations.


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The Australian May 22, 2015

Former Islamic College of Brisbane principal Mubarak Noor-Mohamed has spoken out about problems with AFIC. Picture: Lyndon Mechielsen Source: News Corp Australia  


Former Islamic College of Brisbane principal Mubarak Noor-Mohamed has spoken out about problems with AFIC. Picture: Lyndon Mechielsen Source: News Corp Australia

A senior official in the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils has been accused of attempting to embezzle hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Islamic College of Brisbane and falsifying school loans worth almost $1 million.

The senior AFIC official and board members of the Islamic College of Brisbane have been accused in a report that the school’s former principal filed with Queensland police. It alleges an attempt to remove $288,000 from school accounts, as well as falsifying two loans worth a total of $880,000 that were wrongly claimed by AFIC from the school. The school receives about 80 per cent of its funding from taxpayers. State and commonwealth funding accounted for nearly $8.5m of its funds last year.

The complaint, which is being investigated by Queensland police, was made by Mubarak Noor-Mohamed, who served for 10 years as principal and 17 years in total in various roles at the school. Dr Noor-Mohamed said the state of Muslim school governance was a “disgrace” and “shameful”. Individuals were lining their pockets with cash at the expense of students who would be vulnerable to radicalisation from groups such as Islamic State.

“If you don’t have an environment conducive to learning with appropriate resources, you end up with structural failure,” Dr Noor-Mohamed told The Australian. “The kids who are struggling and perhaps not very bright make poor choices. They are easily vulnerable and perhaps prone to extremism, violence and drugs. These ISIS people are targeting poor, vulnerable teenagers. What if they don’t have an adequate education? This prospect of radicalisation is a very big concern for me.”

The school is also the subject of a show-cause notice from the Queensland government’s non-state school accreditation board, which is threatening to cancel its accreditation over governance issues.


According to the show-cause notice, sent last December, the board considers that the school’s governing body “is not, or is not longer, suitable to be the governing body of the college”.

This followed an audit in 2013 conducted by the federal Education Department, which found AFIC and the governing body did not deal with each other at arm’s length during transactions, leading to what it called “discrepancies in financial transactions and decisions being made that are not in the best interests of the school”.

Dr Noor-Mohamed was sacked from the school in February. The Independent Education Union said his sacking was improper and a result of complying with the commonwealth audit.
Islamic schools around Australia — including the nation’s largest, Malek Fahd in Sydney’s southwest — have been involved in numerous financial scandals.

Malek Fahd was forced to repay $9m to taxpayers after The Australian revealed it had been funnelling profits to AFIC.

Rissalah College in Sydney’s southwestern Lakemba had its funding frozen in 2013 amid allegations it misused hundreds of thousands of dollars in school funds and that a gun was pulled on a whistleblower.

Three other Muslim schools have had their funding frozen by the NSW Education Department or have been the subject of police investigations in recent years.

The scandals forced the NSW government to introduce new laws to tighten controls over how money is spent at independent schools.

In his complaint, Dr Noor-Mohamed alleges he was made aware of a $288,420 withdrawal from the accounts of the Islamic College of Brisbane by the two senior school and AFIC officials in September 2012.

Westpac accounts from the college’s corporate account, obtained by The Australian, show the withdrawal.

“On 20 September, 2012, the above two helped themselves with $288,420 without production of any invoice or payments vouchers, without seeking the approval of the school board or chairman and without informing the principal of the college (Dr Noor-Mohamed) and the amount was debited from the Islamic College of Brisbane school account,” his statement says.

The former principal said that upon “the alarm being raised” by himself and the school’s then chairman, the men deposited the money back into the college account in November.

Dr Noor-Mohamed alleges the two men then manipulated a “related party loan” from AFIC to the college by extending the amount through a phantom loan worth $299,200. “This amount of $299,200 to the related party loans remains a disputed amount till date as reflected by board meeting minutes and minutes of the AGM,” his statement says.

The complaint, which is being investigated by the Acacia Criminal Investigative Branch, says the related party loan to AFIC was inflated again by $588,999. The school’s financial statement from 2013 shows a related party loan from AFIC to the school increased from $1.34m to $1.9m.

The accounts also show “fees for in-house management services” by AFIC in 2012 of $619,000 as well as accounting fee costs of $180,000. Last year, AFIC also charged the school $120,000 in accounting fees.

AFIC president Hafez Kasseem did not return requests from The Australian for comment.

Dr Noor-Mohamed said the AFIC system allowed millions of dollars to be funnelled out of schools by the peak body.

“It is high time the government officials and police step into this corruption epicentre called AFIC,” he said.

Source: Quest


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Opinion by Fahim Khondaker

I was scared. Perhaps it was because I read it within a few seconds of waking up, but the article I read on Sunday morning instilled a deep seated feeling of fear and anxiety within me. For a brief moment, I felt myself quivering instinctively.

It related to the Federal Government's announcement that it is 'considering options for revoking the Australian citizenship of people involved in terrorism (or preaching hatred), even if they are not citizens of any other country.' The process from what I understand is likely to result in convicted Australian citizens losing their citizenship rights and being deported to a foreign land. Nauru is a strong favourite as the destination of choice (suddenly the plight of asylum seekers feels all the more real).

I have neither promoted terrorism nor preached hatred. Anyone familiar with my social media profile over the last year or so can confirm that if anything, I have tried to do the exact opposite. The reason for my involuntary physiological reaction is the potential for these proposed laws to be abused and the consequences of them being enforced incorrectly. The laws would also present an opportunity for radical right wing groups to influence politicians. The political and social discourse around this issue could get very ugly very quickly, if it has not already.

Law enforcement officials do a great job, but they are human and they do make mistakes from time to time. A mistake in the enforcement of strict legislation such as this is likely to have a devastating impact on those involved. One can only hope that the Government will undertake a thorough process and consider all possible consequences before making a final decision. Unfortunately, when it comes to terrorism-related legislation our parliament has a track record of rushing through, knowing that there is strong support for such action in the polls.

I have been blessed with a very good life, a loving family and a wonderful career to date. I appreciate that this legislation is unlikely to have any impact on my citizenship. Its existence does, however, have a direct impact on my life and that of many like me who often make public comments from the perspective of minority groups within our society.

In the course of publicly commenting on various social issues, there are times when I exercise my democratic right (which I am grateful for) to respectfully critique the policies and actions of various organisations including political parties and law enforcement agencies. The impending legislation has triggered my paternal instinct and for the first time ever, I have found myself considering saying less for the sake of my 2-year-old daughter. I do not want to put myself at risk of becoming one the aforementioned mistakes that law enforcement officers can make.

Don't get me wrong, I am no key influencer. I am sure the small number of friends who follow my musings on Facebook will get by just fine without me. But there are others, model citizens if you will, who are amazing commentators with significant influence on large portions of our community. My concern is that they too may have the same trepidations about this legislation that I do. We will lose a great deal as a society if such people were to decide to hold back their views out of fear of persecution. Their commentary provides a valuable alternative perspective to a discussion which promotes intercultural understanding and ultimately our safety through positive social change.

There is a beautiful passage in Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl where she eloquently discusses a similar issue in a moment of despair.

February 3, 1944

"I've reached the point where I hardly care whether I live or die. The world will keep on turning without me, and I can't do anything to change events anyway. I'll just let matters take their course and concentrate on studying and hope that everything will be all right in the end."

Thankfully Anne continued to write her diary, and we are all better for it.

The purpose of security legislation is to keep us safe, but if we are not careful, we are likely to find that in the eyes of others, and eventually our own, our actions will make us into the very things we fear.


Fahim Khondaker is a Chartered Accountant working at a multinational professional services firm in Brisbane. He also coordinated the Brisbane leg of the national event, Walk Together, and is involved in an advisory capacity with multiple Muslim organisations in Brisbane, including the Islamic Council of Queensland. You can follow him on Twitter: @Fahim_Khondaker

Source: SMH


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Shajarah Islamic Family Day Care is hosting an interactive workshop where parents, and interested parties will be able to explore learning possibilities for their babies and toddlers and be able to get a hands on experience to enhance their child’s learning journey.


For more information click here.


DATE: 3rd June 2015
TIME: 1.00am-12.00pm
VENUE: Shajarah Islamic Family Day Care office
1427 Beenleigh Road, Kuraby (Opposite the Kuraby Masjid)
COST: $10.00
CONTACT: Julekha 0416 952 868


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Newly elected Member for Stretton, Duncan Pegg MP has used his first speech to Queensland Parliament to recognise the positive contribution that the Islamic community make to his electorate of Stretton and to call on fellow members and the community to condemn the recent attacks on mosques in Queensland.

“My electorate of Stretton has the highest proportion of people born overseas in the State. It also has the highest proportion of people speaking a language other than English at home of any electorate in this State.”

“The seat of Stretton also has the highest proportion of Queenslanders identifying Islam as their religion in this state. Over time I have got to know local Islamic leaders well.”

“With people of the calibre of Ismail Cajee, President of the Islamic Council of Queensland, providing strong leadership in this state, I know that there is community minded leadership in place.”

“However, despite the support for multiculturalism and diversity in this state, it cannot be denied that there are still challenges to be faced.”

“Unfortunately, there have been two attacks on mosques in Queensland in recent times. It is vitally important that all of us in this place, both inside and outside the chamber, condemn such attacks on places of worship and continue to defend the right of all Queenslanders to practise their religion peacefully.”


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ABU DHABI - Calls for renewal of religion, reassessment of outdated religious laws and orders, and putting an end to excommunication, were made by leading Muslim scholars at the second forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies.

Reviving Fiqh, Islamic science, is no longer an option, but rather a “life buoy” to stop indiscriminate applications of past-time fatwas or excommunication by extremist groups, said the grand imam of Al Azhar.

“Renewal is fundamental in the Islamic religion, which is based on constantly linking between religious texts, the purpose of these texts and the current living reality,” said Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah, president of the forum.

“There are calls to renew religion and religious speech and a religious revolution, as the Prophet’s companion, Ibn Masoud, said: ‘One who wants religion shall revolutionise the Quran’.”

He said that commands in religious revelations should be taken in context and they should be viewed based on the general principle and universal purpose of their implication.

Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, president of the forum, called for a review of the fundamentals of Islamic science.  

He called for reviewing the fundamentals of Islamic science, as many rulings are no longer applicable in modern society.

“So people take the revelation and think it is universally applicable in every time and place,” added Sheikh Hamza Youssef, a renowned Muslim personality and president of Zaytuna College.

“For example, Omar bin Al Khattab suspended [the Sharia penalty] for theft during drought.”

Another example is the apostasy law, which used to be a universal principle and the general mentality of people at that time that leaving one’s religion is a capital offence punished by death, which existed in Christianity also.

“That was to protect the religion … but it is no longer the mentality for the age we live in, so when you look at the universal principle of Islam it is to attract people towards religion.” However, he said, in the current age applying apostasy law will cause more people to leave religion than to join it so it has an opposite effect.

As for other Sharia penalties, specialised scholars need to sit and think about them: “It all needs to be reassessed,” he added.

Sheikh bin Bayyah said that only the majority of specialised scholars could play the role of religion renovators.

Grand Sheikh Ahmed Al Tayyeb, Al Azhar University, said Fiqh principles should be revised.

Rulers are not expected to be angels, prophets or even good men of religion, their role is to run the state well, and even if they were corrupt it is not permissible to rebel against them by force like excommunicators do, because that results in destruction and death of innocent souls, he said.

Grand Sheikh Ahmed Al Tayyeb, of Al Azhar University, said Fiqh principles should be revised to stop extremist groups from using excommunication as an excuse to kill anyone who disagrees with their organisation. They are using a fatwa issued centuries ago by the scholar Ibn Taymiya, “who was busy facing the fierce and violent bloodshed between Muslims and Tatar groups”, he said.

Since the majority of scholars agreed that fatwas change with the change of time, place, circumstance and conditions, such principles do not apply any longer.

He also called the forum to collect literature and media publications issued by terrorist groups to counter their arguments.
Source: The National UAE


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Whether it’s among fellow Muslims or with our non-Muslim family and friends, all of these things happen and every time we cringe a little inside.     


1. Random people trying to rename us. Constantly.
We chose to keep our birth name, and there is nothing that says we have to change it. It has a good meaning, and after a lifetime we’re pretty attached to it.

2. If we did change our name, some people we knew prior just refuse to call us by it

3. Being told being Muslim is just a phase

4. Experiencing weird culture based racism among Muslims
We don’t particularly care about what group you’re biased against or why. Racism is not okay, and especially now that we’re in Islam we’re not going to just go along with it.

5. Being accused of trying to “steal” born Muslims off the marriage market
It’s a matter of statistics- there are more born Muslim than there are converts, so yeah, there’s a much higher chance we’ll probably marry one of them. Deal with it.

6. Women’s gatherings in general
We end up at these things when a well meaning sister won’t take no for an answer, even if we legitimately had other plans. It wouldn’t be so bad if we knew someone here, or if someone actually talked to us. Instead, everyone just tries to feed us food we don’t want, stares at us and generally speaks in a language we don’t understand.

7. Being dismissed or not taken seriously because we’re converts

8. People assuming we converted for a man

9. Having our clothing & style choices criticized by pretty much everyone.

10. Random people hugging us
This is kind of weird. But we’ll get used to it… eventually.


Source: BuzzFeed Community


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The students of the Australian International Islamic College raised over $600 for those affected by the earthquake victims of Nepal.


They raised the funds for Muslim Aid Australia by hold a bakesale.



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Afghan rapper Sonita Alizadeh narrowly escaped a forced marriage at 14 by writing the song “Brides for Sale.”

Sonita comes from Afghanistan. She’s 18-years-old, has long black hair and a small frame. If things had gone according to her parent’s plan, she’d have been married by now. “I sometimes I think about the fact that I could have been a mother right now — with a few kids. It’s not a thought I like.”

Sonita grew up in Tehran, Iran’s capital city. Her family fled Afghanistan when she was 8 years old because of war. She found a non-profit that taught undocumented Afghan kids. There she learned karate, photography, guitar, and she started singing and rapping.

Her music quickly got recognition. Sonita met an Iranian director who helped her polish up her style and make music videos, and that led to a few awards. Everything was perfect. Until it wasn’t. “One day my mom told me, ‘You have to return to Afghanistan with me. There’s a man there who wants to marry you. Your brother’s engaged and we need your dowry money to pay for his wedding.’”

Sonita was devastated. So she wrote the song “Brides for Sale.” The song starts “Let me whisper, so no one hears that I speak of selling girls. My voice shouldn’t be heard since it’s against Sharia. Women must remain silent… this is our tradition.”

The video shows Sonita wearing a wedding dress — with a barcode on her forehead. Her face is bruised. She pleads with her family not sell her off.



Source: Global Voices


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Assalamualaikum (May peace be upon you)

We are deeply concerned on the news that a Toowoomba teenager is suspected to be in Syria and might be joining the Al-Nursha group.

The Islamic Interfaith and Multicultural Association formed in February 2015 strongly condemned any act of using religion to commit violence and hatred. Such act contradicts the teachings in Islam. As an Association committed to promoting religious and social harmony, strongly support the government’s initiatives in combating radicalism.

We strongly believe this must also be the responsibility of the community particularly the Muslims as they would be the best position to educate their youth. To this end, as a responsible Association, we have embarked on a series of initiatives to bring Muslims into the main stream and be responsible citizens of Australia.

We have to work together and be open with each other and share and come close, these are the things that we can do in Toowoomba and we can prevail. However, eradicating radicalism is a long-term fight, and we have to continue doing it.

One of our initiatives is the setup of the Young Muslim Wing and the Women’s Wing. Though in its infant stage the Young Muslims Wing has taken a lead in organising an Interfaith Exchange Program with the schools as well as a youth soccer event. The Women has taken a lead to co- organise a forum with our local community. The Association has also drawn out an action plan towards promoting greater social trust in our diverse community.

We must be vigilant domestically and taking swift action to neutralise threats to Toowoomba, or people who may get themselves in trouble especially our youths. There are a few initiatives or programmes that we have identified that directly address youth. We would like to gather as many youths as possible including their parents to participate in our programmes that we are planning for the future. This would also enable us to highlight and educate both youths and parents about radicalisation and potential signs of extremism.

We strongly hold to concept that as an Association we have the duty and responsibility toward making Australia a safe and better place for all. We would like to offer ourselves to work with all regardless of faiths and beliefs. Meanwhile, we are working closely with the Goodwill Committee Toowoomba, Pure Land Learning College Association, Anglican Parish of St Luke, the Young Catholics and the Aboriginal community toward this goal. We look forward to extending our partnership with more organisations in the future.

We would like to convey to our community especially the youths that the fighting in Syria is not for religious purposes and we would like to caution Muslims against being swayed into any form of violence.

We will be happy to answer any questions from the Media.




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Mostly, Muslim students are taught about inventions and discoveries of Muslims and they list hundreds and thousands year old inventions by Muslims.


But one important fact needs to be highlighted that Pakistani scientists, too, have a great contribution in where the world is standing today.


There are hundreds of capable scientists which have worked on prestigious scientific missions and many of them even have invented numerous things in their disciplines.

This list of greatest Pakistani scientists prove that Pakistan is not far behind anyone in development of today and has a contribution in the modern world.


Even though resources in the country are minimal, yet these brilliant minds were stronger enough to take over the circumstances.

1) Dr. Naweed Syed

He is a Pakistani Canadian scientist. He is the first scientist who managed to 'connect brain cells to a silicon chip'. Dr. Naveed estimates science-fiction type 'Machine-Men' may be developed within 10 to 20 years, using his silicon chip. Currently he is a Professor and Head Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy at the University of Calgary, Canada. He was featured in Time Magazine (Canada) as well.




NEXT WEEK: Naveed Zaidi

Source: WonderfulPoint


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Every Friday in the regional Victorian town of Ararat, 50 members of the Islamic Welfare Association join each other for prayer at a tiny brick building next to the town's train station.

On occasion they hold interfaith prayer sessions with the Catholic Church, but soon they will have a mosque, following the approval of the local council, as well as other local religious leaders.

Like most country Victorians, for these four families, the town's appeal was getting out of the hustle and bustle of city life.

They are proud to call Ararat, which has a population of about 8,000 people, home, but said their religion was often misunderstood and they are concerned that they are feared by the broader community.


Saqib Gondal, Misbah Saqib and their children Zayan and Emaan

 Parents Misbah Saqib and Saqib Gondal (left) Emaan Saqib, Zayan Gondal with Misbah's brother Ahmad Raza.


Like many Australians in regional areas, Saqib and Misbah were keen to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, and search for a fresh start in country Victoria.

Saqib is a taxi driver, and living in Ararat means he has more time to focus on his key priority - his family.

"I have more time to spend with the family and less time at work.


"We ended up buying a house here, which ended up costing me less in mortgage than the rent I was paying in Melbourne."

With two young children and another on the way, Saqib said their family life was very peaceful.

As a taxi driver, he said he felt like part of the community.

"My passengers have made me things for my kids, there's a lady that made a jumper for my daughter and another lady made blankets for my son and daughter and on Easter and Christmas time they gave me Christmas gifts and Easter eggs," he said.

"Last Christmas I delivered personally 14 Christmas cards to my regular customers. We are part of this society now."

Saqib said the media had a role to play in ensuring that coverage of Islamic extremism differentiated the behaviour of a minority and the views of the broader Muslim population.

"We are not like that," he said.

"Whatever they show on the television impacts our lives as a Muslim."


NEXT WEEK CCN introduces Ararat residents Riaz Mohd and Family.

Source: ABC News


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Council of Imams QLD



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DATE: 22 May 2015

TOPIC: "Sha'baan & Domestic violence"

IMAM: Dr Mohammed Abdalla








DATE: 22 May 2015

TOPIC: “Emaan and A’maal Saaliha”

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar




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Netherlands approves plans for partial niqab ban


Prime Minister Mark Rutte says ban on face veils in public buildings and transport does not target religious groups.


Unlike in France, the Dutch ban on face veils will be limited to schools, hospitals, and public transport  

AMSTERDAM: The Dutch cabinet has approved a partial ban on wearing the face-covering veil, including in schools, hospitals and on public transport.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte told journalists on Friday the ban does not apply to wearing the niqab on the street, but only "in specific situations where it is essential for people to be seen" or for security reasons.

Rutte said the government had "tried to find a balance between people's freedom to wear the clothes they want and the importance of mutual and recognisable communication".

The prime minister said the bill, which was initiated by the Dutch Interior Minister Ronald Plasterk, did not have a "religious background".

A previous bill banning the veil even on the street and dating from Rutte's last government, which was supported by anti-Islam activist Geert Wilders, will be withdrawn.

The government said it "sees no reason for a general ban that would apply to all public places," the AFP news agency reported.

It was agreed that a new bill would be drawn up by the coalition partners of Rutte's Liberal VVD party and the Labour PvdA when they formed their coalition in 2012.

Those flouting the ban can be fined up to 405 euros (around $450).

State broadcaster NOS said that between 100 and 500 women in the Netherlands wear the face veils, most of them only occasionally.

Neighbouring France and Belgium have more restrictive bans targeting those who wear face veils, not allowing people to wear such garments in public.

A number of far-right movements across the continent have made the banning of the niqab a political objective.

Source: AlJazeera


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 Makkah hotel to dwarf rivals


SAUDI ARABIA: The holy city of Makkah will host the largest hotel in the world with 10,000 rooms, 70 restaurants, shopping centres and a helipad, informed sources said. The project valued at $3.5 billion will be ready in two years.

Covering an area of 686,000 square feet, Abraj Kudai will also have royal suites, prayer halls and a convention centre — all in 12 separate towers. The focal point, however, will be the central dome, expected to be one of the largest and tallest in the world.

As the site of the hotel is only about a mile from the Grand Mosque, it is expected to host many of the millions of pilgrims. However, guests may need a robust bank account to book a room as the target will be high-end customers — who can afford four-star luxury in 10 towers and five-star hotels in two.

As for the architecture, the Abraj Kudai looks like a semi-futuristic, sand-colored, desert version of a 1930s Manhattan high-rise. Inside, London-based Areen Hospitality has been given the task of decorating the vast area.

But it’s no sweat off the brow of Areen Hospitality, according to Andrew Lindwood, head of design at Areen Hospitality, who told “We allow for this and have the experience to respond to such a challenge, without ever losing the creative essence needed to welcome and surprise the guests expected at Abraj Kudai.”


Source: Arab News


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 Almost a third of school pupils believe 'Muslims are taking over our country', study claims


Charity sent questionnaires to just under 6,000 pupils across England 


UK: Almost a third of schoolchildren believe that Muslims are “taking over our country” according to the largest study of its kind carried out in the UK.

A survey of almost 6,000 children aged 10 to 16 across England found that negative attitudes towards migrants and Muslims were widespread among school pupils.

The data, based on questionnaires sent to more than 60 schools across the UK by charity Show Racism the Red Card (SRTRC) between 2012 and 2014, also found that 60 per cent of children questioned believed “asylum seekers and immigrants are stealing our jobs”.

The survey’s results come shortly after Labour MP Tristam Hunt’s embarrassing encounter with a schoolchild, who told the shadow education minister that he would vote Ukip because he would “like to get all the foreigners out of the country”.

SRTRC chief executive Ged Grabby said the results demonstrated more needed to be done to combat far-right extremism and cautioned what message younger people were taking from the media.

The Independent


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 Aldi issues mass apology after accidentally selling customers ‘Halal pork’


UK: After mistakenly selling ‘halal’ meat products containing pork to unwitting customers across the UK, supermarket chain Aldi has been forced to apologize.

The discovery that pig skin and blood was used in ‘halal’ black puddings infuriated shoppers at the chain, some of whom were practicing Muslims and thus forbidden to eat pork.

"This is absolutely outrageous and I am deeply offended by this,” Manahil Khan told the Daily Mirror Newspaper on Sunday.

"I am pretty sure many others of the Muslim community are also very offended by this,” he added.

"It is demoralizing and goes against ones religious morals and scripture....and I speak on behalf of every Muslim and human that does not deserve to be misled by any sort of false claim of halal food or lies about what we consume."

Punjab Pakora, who supplied the products, said in a statement: "The mistake happened when we did the print run and unfortunately our manager failed to spot this error and got approval for printing.

"We have been trying our very best and hardest (to correct the issue) and have contacted different clients involved and have sorted the issue.”
Aldi offered an apology and said the issue was being looked into.

“Regarding the Punjab Pakora Black Pudding Pakora (Supplied by Punjab Pakora), we have now investigated this matter with the supplier, who has advised that the packaging was incorrectly labeled as Halal-certified and the problem is currently being rectified,” he said.

"We apologize for any confusion caused by this unfortunate, isolated matter. While this is not a food safety or legal compliance issue, any customers who are not satisfied are welcome to return their purchase to store for a full refund."

Last year, in France, a special kit went on sale to help detect the presence of pork in food products.

The ‘Halal Test’ was aimed at the Islamic market and claims to rapidly detect the presence of pork in any meal.

The demonstration video instructs viewers to take a piece of meat, place it in a small flask and add a few drops of hot water.

“The appearance of two red lines means that we have pork present,” Abderrahmane Chaoui, one of the product’s creators, says in the video.

This means that the product cannot be consumed by Muslims, as eating pork is outlawed by the Koran.

By contrast, one bar indicates that pork is not present, and that the product meets Islamic consumption standards.

Source: RT


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 Pakistani Women’s Football Team


Beauty with talent, yes, that’s the most appropriate phrase we can use for these exceptionally gifted ladies. They are not just a pretty face but an epitome of confidence, self belief and determination. Every woman in Pakistan can take them as an inspiration for following their dreams. These young, energetic and enthusiastic individuals prove it to the world that women too can do whatever they want to once they put their mind to it, irrespective of any of the hurdles that might come their way.

Source: Parhlo


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The Muslim News Awards for Excellence 2015 shortlist


UK: The readership of The Muslim News selected and nominated them, and a distinguished independent panel of Judges reviewed, deliberated and mused over the list.


Over the next few weeks CCN will profile one of the illustrious men, women, children and projects deemed to be worthy of short-listing for a Muslim News Award for Excellence.

These exemplars of good practice, excellence – our future role models – will be treated to a Gala Evening in the presence of their peers and other renowned guests in March, when the finalists are announced for the [16] coveted Awards for Excellence


Uthman Dan Fodio Award for Excellence in Community Development


Dr Bilal Hassam is a community and inter-faith activist after training as a medical Doctor at the University of Nottingham.


He is a co-founder of The Leaf Network which supports, inspires and trains young people to develop skills to serve society in thought, action and spirit.


Bilal is currently a senior producer at British Muslim TV and a PR consultant for the charity Penny Appeal.


Bilal also has a strong inter-faith focus, being a Faith Act Fellow for the Global Inter-Religious Ambassadors of the UN Millennium Development Goals and a board member for the University of Cambridge Coexist Leadership Programme.


He is also a consultative council member of the Three Faiths Forum and Muslim Youth specialist at the Christian Muslim Forum. 


Source: Muslim News

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Q: Dear Kareema, I love training outdoors and am looking at ways to continue challenging myself during the cold, wet months ahead. Any suggestions?

A: Great to hear - Whatever the elements, plan to keep your training on track.


With windy days, I do a quick wind speed and direction check and then plan to run into/against the wind to start off with, for a greater challenge.


It’s an awesome cardio workout and strengthens the lungs as well with the deep breaths.

Wet days - if you’re still game enough to train outdoors, intensify your workout with power walks in a close circle loop track where you can add mini challenges along the route.

Be sure to wear layers so you can slowly take them off as you get warmer and re-layer when you start cooling down again.




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book

CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:

Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club


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KB says: Another savoury for Ramadhan to add to your menu. This treat can be frozen and thawed out easily when needed.

A tip to heat your savouries: Place them in an oven bag and place on tray in a single layer and bake at 150degrees for 10 minutes. It will not dry out and, in fact, remain moist at the time of serving. You can re-heat your naan and rolls in this manner as well.

Chicken Doughnuts



˝ kg chicken mince (made up of half breast and half thigh fillets)
1 tab ground green chillies
˝ cup of bread crumbs
˝ cup cake flour
1 Tab chana flour (besan)
1 tab. ginger and garlic paste
˝ tsp gharam masala
1 onion grated
Chopped coriander leaves, mint and curry leaves (Tab each)
˝ tsp lemon pepper
˝ tsp baking powder
2 medium sized potatoes, boiled and mashed with seasoning
2 large eggs lightly whisked
Salt to taste


1. Mix all the above ingredients to form a dough.
2. Flatten it out on a floured surface or in between 2 plastic sheets.
3. Cut out shapes with a donut cutter or shape by hand.
4. Fry these doughnuts in medium to hot oil, it could also be baked in a well-greased tray with a drizzle of oil at 180degrees.
5. Drain on a paper towel if you are frying them and serve hot with a saucy dip.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.

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The Muslim Aid Charity organization realized that it had never received a donation from the Brisbane's most successful entrepreneur, Jallaluddin.

So a volunteer paid Jallaluddin a visit in his lavish office.

The volunteer opened the meeting by saying, 'Our research shows that even though your annual income is over two million dollars, you don't give a penny to charity. Wouldn't you like to give something back to your community?.

Jallaluddin thinks for a minute and says, 'First, did your research also show you that my mother is dying after a long painful illness, and she has huge medical bills that are far beyond her ability to pay?'

Embarrassed, the Muslim Aid volunteer mumbles, 'Uh... No, I didn't know that.'

'Secondly,' says Jallaluddin, 'did it show that my brother, a disabled Veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair and is unable to support his wife and six children?

The stricken volunteer begins to stammer an apology, but is cut off again.

'Thirdly, did your research also show you that my sister's husband died in a dreadful car accident, leaving her penniless with a mortgage and three children, one of whom is disabled and another that has learning disabilities requiring an array of private tutors?'

The humiliated volunteer, completely beaten, says, 'I'm so sorry. I had no idea.

And Jallaluddin says, 'So, if I didn't give any money to them, what makes you think I'd give any to you?

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Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name you call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak your Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between."

~ Surah Al-Israa 17:110


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If you are having a bad day today,


remember in this month in 1976


Ronald  Wayne sold his 10% stake in Apple for $800.


Now it's worth $58,065,210,000  

~ Anon


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Notice Board


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Events and Functions

Algester mothers day brunch 24 MAY Bosnian Mosque NIGHT OF QURAN 30 MAY Slacks Creek Final Fund Raiser 30 MAY Al Nisa Catch Up 2 JUNE Muslim Aid Orphan & Me Dinner 6 JUNE Conquest of Constantinople 13 JUNE A Tribute to Women 15 AUGUST

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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

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Marriage celebrant - Imam Akram iHelp About Us High School Subjects Tutoring Sisters House Beuty of a Muslimah Youth Group NMC Islam 101 Course MCF Beauty of a Muslimah Shajarah Islamic Kindergarten Shajarah Islamic Family Day Care Slacks Creek Mosque DONATIONS
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Businesses and Services



For information on advertising in the CCN Business section with a web link and a brochure, email




"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





24 May


Family Brunch

Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque

0403 338 040


30 May


FINAL Fund raising Dinner

Masjid ur Rahmaan

Slackscreek Mosque

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0431 201 164


30 May


Night of Qu'ran

Bosniak Islamic Centre of QLD

2674 Logan Rd, Eight Mile Plains



2 June


Community Catch Up

Al Nisa

The Village

0413 360 913


3 June


Nisf Shabaan 1436 / Lailatul Bharat (15th Shabaan 1436)

6 June


Orphans & Me Fundraising Dinner

Muslim Aid Australia and MCF

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0434 984 520


13 June


Fund Raiser for New Mosque & Madressah

Islamic Cultural Centre of Brisbane

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0417 907 907


7 June


ICB Annual School Fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0402 794 253

All day

18 June


1st Ramadaan 1436

27 June


Ifthaar Dinner

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, DURACK

3372 1400


14 July


Lailatul Qadr - Night of Power 1436 (27th Ramadaan 1436)

18 July


Eidul Fitr 1436 (1st Shawwal 1436)

25 July



Eidfest QLD

Rocklea Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

1 August


Fund Raiser & Eid Celebration

Islamic Society of Ipswich

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0421 976 934


8 August


School Fete

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, DURACK

3372 1400


15 August


Gala Dinner in A Tribute to Women

Queensland Muslims & Muslim Charitable Foundation

Brisbane Technology Park

0402 575 410


22 August


NEW Musjid Al Huda Redbank




after Maghrib

6 September



Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, WEST END

0402 026 786

9am -12pm

12 September


Amanah Institute Fundraising Dinner

Amanah Institute




24 September


Eidul Adha 1436 (10th Zilhijja 1436)

26 September



Eidfest @ Dreamworld


0418 722 353


3 October


Eid Lunch

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, DURACK

3372 1400


15 October


Muharram 1437 – Islamic New Year 1437 (1st Muharram 1437)



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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Algester Mosque


Zikrullah program every Thursday night after Esha


For more details, contact: Maulana Nawaaz: 0401576084


Brisbane Northside Muslimahs Support Group

To help sisters on the northside of Brisbane to connect with their local sisters.

We will endeavour to have regular meetings, either for a lesson/discussion on

Islam, or for social events.

Please contact :

Ayesha on 0409 875 137 or at


Facebook :





Lutwyche Mosque

Weekly classes with Imam Yahya


Monday: Junior Class

Tuesday: Junior Arabic

Friday: Adult Quran Class


For more information call 0470 671 109

Holland Park Mosque


All programs are conducted by Imam Uzair Akbar





Tafseer Program

Basics of Islam

Tafseer Program





after Maghrib Salat


Taleem Programe at Kuraby Mosque


Every Thursdays  10.30-11.30am


Bald Hills Mosque Weekly Tafseer






Madina Arabic Course (Urdu)

after Isha


Madina Arabic Course (Urdu)

after Isha



after Maghrib



after Isha



The Tafseer gets recorded and uploaded on to our website end of each week, please visit our website to download these recordings at


The Monday and Tuesday's Madina Arabic Course is in Urdu. These sessions too are recorded as well as webcasted live. For webcast details please contact us via our website “contact us” page. The recordings are sent via a download link, if you are interested please again contact us via our website “contact us” page.


Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Meeting Dates & Times

Time: 7.00pm sharp

Date: TBA

Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road Karawatha


Light refreshments will be available.




For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at


Tafsir & Islamic History Classes


VENUE: Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane, 39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest


Every Monday & Wednesday

7pm - 8:15pm


All Brothers & Sisters are welcome.


For further information please contact Moulana Noor 0432 712 546.


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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

IQRA Academy Institute of Islamic Studies

Online streaming of Islamic lectures

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Society of Darra

Qld Muslims Volunteers

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

AYIA Foundation


Slackscreek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.


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