Janazah (Jenazah) Muslim
Prayer Service in
Louisville, KY (85 mins)
Rabbi Michael Lerner gets
4 standing ovations at
Muhammad Ali's funeral (11 mins)
Muhammad Ali funeral: Rabbi
Michael Lerner slams
politicians who condemn
“We will not tolerate
politicians putting down
Muslims and blaming Muslims
for a few people.”
Rabbi Michael Lerner
completely went in on the
mistreatment of Muslims in
America and around the world
while speaking on Friday at
the funeral service for
Muhammad Ali.
“Sends your blessings to
Muhammad Ali and send your
blessings to those who mourn
for him and the millions
around the planet," he
Rabbi Lerner, who is the
editor of the progressive
Tikkun Magazine, said that
he was representing American
Jews at the service, and
that they played an
important role of solidarity
in the struggles
African-Americans face
across the country, and that
today they were standing
with the Islamic community
around the world.
“We will not tolerate
politicians, or anyone else,
putting down Muslims and
blaming Muslims for a few
people,” Rabbi Lerner said.
Rabbi Lerner also showed
love to Palestinians by
calling on the US government
to stand up against the
oppression Palestinians face
from the Israel government.
Dr. Kevin Cosby at
Muhammad Ali's funeral
(11 mins)
Comedian Billy Crystal
delivers funny and touching
eulogy for Muhammad Ali
(14 mins)
Canadian scholar helped
prepare Muhammad Ali's
funeral (8 mins)
Zareena Grewal discusses
Ali's funeral (6 mins)
What Muhammad Ali meant
to American Muslims (2 mins)
Billy Crystal's Muhammad
Ali tribute - 15 Rounds
(1979) (12 mins)
Don't turn Muhammad Ali
into a sanitised caricature
By Waleed Ali
If no other life was quite
like Muhammad Ali's, then no
other death can be quite
like it either.
Here is perhaps the most
dramatic U-turn in modern
human history: a man so
thoroughly despised, now in
his aftermath so universally
adored. This is more than
remarkable: it's confusing,
even amnesic. Perhaps the
most instructive moment was
when Donald Trump tweeted
his love: "A truly great
champion and a wonderful
Sure, they were once
friends, but as a thousand
people tweeted in response,
Ali is one of those Muslims
Trump would apparently
prefer wasn't in the
All this raises the
question: what, precisely,
is being adored here? As
we're flooded with the
images of his unique boxing
prowess, and the grainy
footage of his lyrical,
poetic trash talk, it seems
obvious. No doubt, Ali was
fantastically charming,
irresistibly magnetic,
prodigiously and peerlessly
talented. But he was also
frequently radical in a way
so many of those now
celebrating him would
Perhaps I can put it like
this: how can Ali be so
unreservedly loved when we
couldn't even cope with
someone as comparatively
mild as Adam Goodes? "I pity
Clay and abhor what he
represents," declared Jimmy
Cannon – no less than a
Boxing Hall of Fame
sportswriter. He's referring
to Ali's conversion to the
Nation of Islam: an avowedly
black supremacist group Ali
joined around the time he
knocked out Sonny Liston.
Today Cannon is cited as but
one example of a viciously
hostile press, condemned by
the judgment of history. But
exactly who among today's
media would cop to
admiration for Ali's belief
at the time that white
people were devils who
should be kept entirely
separate from blacks?
ICQ Eid Down Under is proud
to officially launch the
Global Cuisines: Bringing
world to you.
Global Cuisines is an
opportunity to experience
the world’s cuisines all in
one place, including over 50
food, drinks, sweets and
refreshments stalls from all
around the world, as well as
cooking demonstration and
FREE food tasting
opportunities only at the
Eid Down Under.
Want to showcase your
cultural and traditional
cuisines, then get involved
contact Ali Ghafoor 0410 083
975 (eiddownunder@icq.net.au)
or visit
www.icq.net.au for more
Muslims across Australia and
around the world, Lucy and I
send our warmest greetings
to all those observing the
Ramadan month of fasting.
For Muslims, Ramadan is the
holiest month of the year -
a time for charity, for
remembering the less
fortunate in society, and a
time for personal reflection
and renewal.
At this time I also hope
that you will enjoy Iftar,
not only with family and
friends, but also with
neighbours who may be
unfamiliar with Ramadan and
Islamic traditions.
The practice of sharing
meals establishes links
across cultural communities
and builds bonds of
We are a nation that
respects each other’s right
to freedom of speech,
thought and religion. That
right, supported by our
principles of democracy and
law, bind us together into
what I believe to be the
most successful
multicultural society in the
I look forward this year to
hosting Australian Muslims
and representatives of
various faiths at an Iftar
dinner to honour the month
of Ramadan.
From my family to yours,
Ramadan Mubarak.
Mubarak Kareem
On behalf of my family and
myself, I take this
opportunity to wish all your
readers, our Muslim friends,
neighbours and indeed the
broader Muslim community,
sincere greetings for the
Holy month of Ramadan.
With Ramadan being the ninth
month of the Islamic
calendar, I fully appreciate
how sacred this month is to
you and your families. May
peace be with you during
Ramadan, a time that
provides for reflection on
what is important to you
through the teaching of the
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
I look forward to continuing
our very positive
Regards David Forde and family
PM Justin Trudeau's
Ramadan Greetings for
Muslims in Canada
On behalf of the board
members of the Muslim
Charitable Foundation (MCF),
it gives me great pleasure
to wish you Ramadan Kareem.
May Allah SWT grant you
perfect health to be able to
maximise from the benefits
and glad tidings of this
blessed month.
I also wish to place on
record our sincere gratitude
to MCF members,
well-wishers, donors, Imams
and volunteers who have
assisted us over the last
many years. This has seen
MCF grow from strength to
strength, and this has shown
the confidence that our
donors have in the
organisation. MCF has always
had a policy of
accountability, transparency
and honesty, and that has
been the cornerstone of the
organisation and its growth.
This Ramadaan, we once again
make an appeal to our donors
to continue to support us.
With your support MCF has
given hope and dignity to
over 150 families and
individuals in the last 6
months who were experiencing
hardships and difficulty.
We have provided food aid,
material assistance and debt
relief. With your valued
donations, we have paid for
emergency accommodation,
rental assistance, medical
procedures, education
expenses and simple everyday
We have removed the burden
from masajid all over
Brisbane and surround of
taking care of individuals
who come knocking at their
Our appeal to the community
is to continue to refer any
and all cases of persons
requiring assistance to MCF.
Do not become swayed by
emotional appeals for
assistance. Let MCF
investigate the needs and,
with your help MCF is able
to provide the necessary
support to those who are
genuinely in need.
Please refer to
our website for all our
banking details.
We look forward to your
continued support for many
years to come.
Yours in the service of
Yusuf Khatree
Muslim Charitable Foundation
A Perth entrepreneur working
to launch DIY skin care
brand that will contribute
funds to prevent
exploitation and promote
sustainability around the
world has scored $20,000 to
take her business to the
next level.
Mud and Musk founder Haweya
Ismail won the intense
pitching competition hosted
by BSchool, which cut
through more than 150
initial applicants to reach
its five finalists.
“I was the most nervous one
out of the five,” Ismail
told Smart Company.
Before a heavyweight judging
panel including the likes of
RedBalloon founder Naomi
Simson and Deloitte Digital
founder Peter Williams,
Ismael shared the story of
her small business: a
venture inspired by a
documentary she watched on
exploitation through the
frankincense trade in
northern Somalia.
Wanting to figure out a way
to contribute to a more
sustainable world, Ismail
began working on the idea.
“I wanted to start this a
couple of years ago,” she
“It started as an idea for a
social enterprise.”
Before entering the BSchool
pitch competition, Ismail
completed an accelerator
program at Curtin University
to develop Mud and Musk.
“That really helped me the
most because you have access
to all the expertise and
mentoring to get through
that early stage,” she says.
When she first had the idea
entering the highly
saturated cosmetics market
seemed almost impossible but
Ismail says the course
helped her build her
business model, revenue
generation streams and
marketing strategy.
“It helped me develop my
idea and fill in all the
gaps,” she says.
The heart of Mud and Musk
At the core of Mud and
Musk’s model is
The business will launch its
first pack later this year,
offering consumers the
chance to create skin care
products with organic
ingredients sourced through
environmentally friendly
“We have one prototype at
the moment but we want to
expand the product,” Ismail
With every pack Mud and Musk
rolls out, Ismail plans to
feature powerful natural
ingredients from different
regions around the world,
starting with Somali’s super
cleanser Qasil.
This year Mud and Musk
consumers will get to try
their DIY products through a
subscription model but once
the business is at a stage
where it can hold
ingredients in stock,
consumers will be able to
customise packs and order
them on-demand.
“The vision is to make it
easier to incorporate
organic DIY skin care [into
daily life] so everyone can
know what they’re putting on
their skin and it’s easy to
use,” Ismail says.
With the $20,000 cash
injection, Ismail has leaped
into getting her cosmetic
business fully certified so
it’s ready to hit market.
She’ll also be dedicating
some of the funds to
expanding the Mud and Mask
range and on Simson’s
advice, Ismail looks forward
to seeing her products
available through RedBalloon
in the future.
The documentary that sparked
this journey for Ismail
remains close to her heart
and she hopes to one day
also support sustainability
in the frankincense
Looking back, Ismail says
one of the most important
lessons she has learned was
to pivot when needed.
“You can’t just fall in love
with your original idea and
try to make it work,” she
“[Don’t] give up when you
feel overwhelmed with the
amount of things you have to
Husna Dina Ghaznavi, Community
Engagement Officer | Islamic Relief
Islamic Relief will have
stalls at Underwood Market Place
every Saturday throughout
Food packs have already been
distributed to families in
31 countries around the
world. With the help of our
generous community, we will
be able to cover the cost of
our 2016 food pack
distribution so that In Sha
Allah next year we are able
to reach even more people.
Each Food Pack purchased
feeds a family of up to 6
people for the entire month.
Visit our IR stall to
purchase Food Packs for a
country of your choice.
You can also use this
opportunity to drop off your
Sadaqa Boxes!
The Islamic Relief team in
Queensland thanks you for
your continuous support.
Islamic Relief also invites
you to our Iftaar at the
Gold Coast Mosque on
Saturday 18 June.
Support us in reaching our
target of feeding families
in 31 countries across the
globe. Use this opportunity
to purchase food packs for
families in a country of
your choice and share your
blessings this Ramadan.
Next Saturday 18 June marks
New Muslim Care’s second
annual iftar for new
Muslims. We are hoping for a
great turnout like last
year’s turnout of over 100
people. New Muslims their
families came together to
break their fast, pray,
enjoy delicious food and
share in the special
atmosphere of what was, for
some Muslims, their very
first Ramadan.
This year’s iftar is being
held at the Islamic Women’s
Association at 11 Watland
St, Springwood. Online
bookings are essential for
catering purposes.
Click here to register.
New Muslim Care relies
solely on community
donations to provide
important services in our
community. If you would like
to help us continue these
much needed projects,
including next week’s iftar,
please donate generously in
this most blessed month.
JazakumAllahu khairan.
Bank details:
BSB: 064 050 (Commonwealth
Account no: 1003 9289
Account name: New Muslim
Salah Salman (brown jacket)
was heavily criticised in the
One of Australia's top
Islamic schools has been hit
with heavy penalties of more
than $150,000 after hiring
teachers on illegal
contracts and later
tampering with evidence to
cover up the wrongdoing.
The Australian International
Academy of Education –
formerly King Khalid College
– was found to have violated
workplace law by employing
more than a dozen teachers
on fixed-term contracts in
Salah Salman, the school's
director-general and a
member of the Order of
Australia, was also
condemned and personally
penalised $2,200 for
obstructing union officials
seeking to inspect the
teachers' contracts.
Imposed in the Federal Court
on Wednesday, the fines are
believed to be among the
largest penalties ever
ordered against a school in
Justice Christopher Jessup
described the school's
actions as "calculated
Based in Melbourne, the
academy was Australia's
first Islamic education
provider when it opened in
Sydney Road, Coburg, in
1983. It now has campuses in
Coburg, Coburg North and
Caroline Springs, and in
Sydney and Dubai.
The Federal Court upheld the
Independent Education
Union's claim that 13
teachers at the academy's
Coburg campus were illegally
hired on fixed-term
contracts, which can only be
used to plug gaps when
teachers take extended
absences from classroom
The union said the school
was entitled to hire just
three teachers on fixed-term
contracts under the
teachers' award in 2012.
Court upheld
claim that
13 teachers
at the
campus were
hired on
And when union officials
went to inspect the school's
files, Mr Salman instructed
his personal assistant to
change teachers' employment
agreements, altering their
status from replacement
staff to full-time
employees, the court heard.
Maurice Blackburn senior
associate Daniel Victory
said the case was a "warning
signal" for any schools
misusing fixed-term
employment contracts.
"The misuse of fixed-term
contracts is not just bad
for teachers and students;
this case shows that it can
also lead to significant
penalties for schools," he
"This case also highlights
the importance of unions, as
without the tireless work of
the union, these
contraventions may never
have come to light."
Independent Education Union
general secretary Deb James
said the court's ruling was
significant, and the union
would be turning its
attention to "other schools
and colleges that have made
a habit of putting people on
fixed-term contracts".
"Fixed-term contracts make
it hard for teachers to plan
and can negatively affect
their teaching," she said.
"Teachers want to
concentrate on their
students, not whether they
will have a job the next
The International United
Hijri Calendar Congress
which was organized by the
Office of the President of
Religious Affairs (Diyanet)
in İstanbul and closely
watched by the Islamic
countries and world Muslims
decided on the application
of a single calendar all
over the globe.
The issue was discussed at
length for three days by the
scholars, scientists,
astronomers and decision
makers from 50 different
countries including Turkey,
Saudi Arabia, Malaysia,
United Arab Emirates, United
States, Qatar, Morocco,
Egypt and Jordan.
At the closing session of
the congress the
participants voted for the
application of a common
calendar in the Islamic
world. The participants were
required to vote for a
“single calendar”, a ”dual
calendar” or vote
“undecided.” After the
voting it was made public
that a majority of the
participants voted for a
single calendar.
After the voting President
of Diyanet Prof. Dr. Mehmet
Görmez declared “the
congress has ruled for
unity. It has decided for
the application of a single
calendar. May this bring
blessings to the Islamic
President of Diyanet Görmez
said he believes with this
decision which is the
product of three years of
hard work the 60 year old
dispute in the Islamic world
will come to an end and
Muslims will celebrate their
jubilations and joys at the
same time and said the
congress sends its spirit of
unity and solidarity to the
oppressed in Syria as a
1. The congress advices the
religious authorities of the
Islamic countries and
persons and institutions
responsible for religious
affairs to adopt the
calendar and work to create
unity to determine the start
of the lunar months.
2. The congress invites the
calendar makers in the
Islamic world to adopt this
calendar to unite Muslims
around this calendar which
is an indicator of the
civilization and identity of
the Muslims and unites their
emotions and thoughts.
3. The congress advices
Muslims living in non-Muslim
countries to apply the
calendar and thus create
unity among all Muslims. It
is not religiously
permissible for Muslims who
live in the same country to
quarrel about the days of
Eid and when to start
fasting. On the contrary
they should adhere to the
rulings of religious
authorities like the
European Research and Fatwa
Council or the Office of the
President of Diyanet in
Turkey as our Prophet has
declared: “The day you fast
is the day when you all
fast, the day you mark Eid
is the day when you all
celebrate together and the
day you sacrifice (animals)
is the day when you perform
this ritual all together.”
4. The congress advices the
units of the Office of the
President of Diyanet of
Turkey in Western countries
and the European Research
and Fatwa Council to be the
authorities for the Muslim
minorities living in Western
countries on scientific and
religious issues to create
unity and solidarity among
Muslims in Europe, protect
their interests and avoid
discord among them regarding
the religious holy days and
the start of the lunar
5. The congress advices the
Office of the President of
Diyanet of Turkey to present
the calendar to the
Presidency of the Islamic
Cooperation Organization and
thus convey it to the
attention of all Islamic
countries so that the
calendar can be accepted as
a single calendar for the
whole Islamic world.
On Friday Imam Akram Buksh
of Slacks Creek Mosque met
with Muslim inmates at the
Arthur Gorrie Correctional
"They where very happy to
receive me and enjoyed
listening to the Jumua
Khutbah, many of them had
not listened to one in the
last 8 years", Imam Akram
told CCN.
While delivering the Khutbah
many of inmates cried
through entire sermon.
Imam Akram offered a special
thanks to the Islamic
Council of Queensland (ICQ)
and Robbie Hamza from the
Slacks Creek Mosque youth
department for there efforts
in making these centre
visits possible.
"It was really great to see
many people embracing Islam
in the prison, many of them
eager to increase there
knowledge of Islam, and
inshalalh with the help of
Allah (SWT) and leadership
of ICQ we will endeavour to
reach out to Muslim inmates
on a more regular and
structured basis to provide
them with spiritual guidance
and support."
Defence force research finds
80% of participants believe
Islam promotes violence –
climbing to 91% if they have had
sensitivity training
Anti-Muslim sentiment is
“strong” and “probably quite
widespread” among Australian
defence force members and
was higher among those who
had undergone cultural
sensitivity training,
according to research
commissioned by the army.
Soldiers from four special
operations units based at
Holsworthy army base were
asked whether they believed
“the Muslim religion
promotes violence and
Of the 182 people who took
part, an estimated 80%
agreed with the sentiment,
according to lead researcher
Charles Miller from the
Australian National
The survey was conducted as
a “list experiment” to grant
anonymity to the
participants and reduce
concerns that agreeing with
the statement might invite
“This study has found strong
evidence that many members
of the ADF’s elite units
simply do not buy the
official line presented by
Western leaders from George
W Bush on that ‘Islam is a
religion of peace’,” Miller
“Anti-Muslim sentiment is
strong at least among some
of the elements of the ADF
at the forefront of
deployments to Afghanistan
and Iraq.”
Miller estimated that the
proportion of soldiers who
had undergone cultural
sensitivity training and
agreed that Islam promoted
violence was about 91%.
“The corresponding figure
for those who have not had
cultural sensitivity
training is a mere 17%,” he
wrote in a paper published
in the autumn edition of the
Australian Army Journal (pdf).
But he cautioned against
declaring the one-day
cultural sensitivity
training a failure, noting
that only soldiers who were
deployed to the battlefield
underwent the course.
“It could simply be that
this [positive] effect is
being comprehensively
drowned out either by the
effects of overseas
deployment or by whichever
factors caused individuals
to join units which would be
deployed overseas in the
first place,” Miller said.
Special operations units at
Holsworthy had “borne a
heavy share of the fighting
in Iraq and Afghanistan”, he
He suggested “a higher
‘dose’ of the training”
could improve perceptions of
Islam among soldiers, but
said further research was
needed to make any
conclusions about the
effectiveness of the
sensitivity course.
The ADF is engaged in
currently engaged in
official efforts to increase
minority and female numbers
among enlisted people.
The chief of army,
Lieutenant General Angus
Campbell, wrote an
introduction to the paper
noting it would “challenge
your opinion of the way in
which our army conducts and
manages cultural sensitivity
training. And challenge is a
good thing.”
“We do not all have to
agree. Both the evaluation
board of the Australian Army
Journal, which reviews these
articles, and my staff, have
a number of opposing views
on this article’s content
and its reflection on the
lived experience of army
values,” he wrote.
“That said, discussion on
sensitive matters, supported
by sound research and
rigorous analysis, helps
position army to understand
difficult problems and deal
with them appropriately.”
An Afghan boy plays in the
ruins of a house that once
belonged to the 13th-century
Persian poet Rumi.
David Franzoni, who wrote
script for 2000 film
starring Russell Crowe, to
pen biopic on 13th-century
Muslim poet and scholar
An Oscar-winning
screenwriter has agreed to
work on a biopic about the
13th-century poet Jalaluddin
David Franzoni, who wrote
the script for the 2000
blockbuster Gladiator, and
Stephen Joel Brown, a
producer on the Rumi film,
said they wanted to
challenge the stereotypical
portrayal of Muslim
characters in western cinema
by charting the life of the
great Sufi scholar.
“He’s like a Shakespeare,”
Franzoni said. “He’s a
character who has enormous
talent and worth to his
society and his people, and
obviously resonates today.
Those people are always
worth exploring.”
Producers hope to begin
shooting the film next year.
Franzoni and Brown were in
Istanbul last week to meet
with Rumi experts and
visited the mystic’s
mausoleum in Konya.
Portrait of Rumi, the
celebrated poet and Muslim
“It’s a very exciting
project – and obviously
challenging,” Franzoni said.
“There are a lot of reasons
we’re making a product like
this right now. I think it’s
a world that needs to be
spoken to; Rumi is hugely
popular in the United
States. I think it gives him
a face and a story.”
Rumi’s spiritual and
mystical epics, the Masnavi
and the Divan, are widely
considered among the best
poetry ever written and have
been translated into
numerous languages. The Sufi
teacher, who fled in his
youth from his birthplace in
present-day Afghanistan
during the Mongol invasion,
travelled through Baghdad,
Mecca and Damascus with his
family as a refugee before
settling in Konya, in
modern-day Turkey, where he
died in old age.
Rumi’s encounter with the
enigmatic mystic Shams of
Tabriz, believed to have
occurred in 1244, altered
the course of his life .
After Shams’s mysterious
disappearance, an aggrieved
Rumi wrote much of the love
poetry that he is widely
known for in the west –
couplets that endure in
pocketbook versions of his
writings, which have made
him the bestselling poet in
the US.
Franzoni and Brown said they
would like Leonardo DiCaprio
to play Rumi, and Robert
Downey Jr to star as Shams
of Tabriz, though they said
it was too early to begin
casting. “This is the level
of casting that we’re
talking about,” said Brown,
chief executive of Y
Productions, who was also a
producer on other hit films
such as Se7en, The Fugitive
and the Devil’s Advocate.
The movie will be
co-produced by Y Productions
and Es Film.
A key challenge will be
trying to build credible and
identifiable profiles of
Rumi and Shams from a
considerable body of
mythology. Even the basic
facts of their lives are in
dispute. Revered Islamic
figures in popular discourse
tend to be mythologised as
saints rather than flawed
characters, with their
achievements embellished and
their flaws papered over.
“We’re trying to invent and
resurrect a character at the
same time because there is
so much missing in the
shadow of history, and some
of it is idealised so you
have to go back and find the
human being who became a
saint, because we can’t
write about a saint,” said
Shams’s character is also
complicated to portray.
While those working on the
film do not see him as a
villain, they do view him as
a chaotic influence who
distracted Rumi from his
teachings and family. The
ambiguities could allow
writers and producers
greater artistic licence,
and they hope the
intellectual arm-wrestling
of the two key figures in
the story will make for
compelling viewing. “The
greatness of Rumi, so much
of it came out of that
unpredictability and being
challenged,” said Franzoni.
A Sufi whirling performance
of the Mevlevi order, founded by
Franzoni said the film would
probably include a prologue
of Rumi’s flight from his
birthplace, a situation he
said had parallels with
modern times. The Mongol
invasions bore some
semblance to the rampage of
extremists in the Middle
East today, and the ensuing
flight of civilians, he
The film will focus on
Rumi’s teachings as well as
his encounter with Shams,
while giving prominence to
Kimya, the poet’s outspoken
daughter who some scholars
believe may have married
Franzoni and Brown said the
main reason they wanted to
make the movie was to
introduce Rumi’s life story
to the millennial generation
that so loved Rumi’s poetry.
Franzoni said he hoped the
audience would be able to
identify with the poet.
“What’s fascinating is where
did this all come from? It’s
the 21st century and we’re
rolling in it and embracing
it. If we position ourselves
carefully, [we can say] now
we’re going to tell you
where something you love
came from,” he said.
“I think it’s obvious why
people love his poetry.
There’s a line about
Lawrence of Arabia when they
ask him why he likes the
desert, and he says ‘because
it’s clean’. There’s
something profoundly
‘gettable’ about Rumi. You
get it. And not only do you
get it but it involves you.”
Members of Australia's Muslim
community celebrate the end of
the day's fasting
With the month of Ramadan
now underway, we asked some
of the burning questions you
might have about the holy
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the fasting month
for Muslims. It falls in the
ninth month of the Islamic
calendar and is one of the
five pillars of Islam.
Participants fast during
daylight, and generally eat
a meal before sunrise and
after sunset, called suhoor
and iftar.
The end of Ramadan Eid ul
Fitr is marked with a large
Can we wish people a
Happy Ramadan?
Well-wishes are always
welcome according to Ali
Kadri, president of
Queensland's oldest mosque,
Holland Park Mosque.
"Yes, of course," Mr Kadri
said. "It's just a good
greeting to give to people
who are going through the
self sacrifice for their
And if you want to be really
clever, you can say Ramadan
Mubarak, which essentially
means Happy Ramadan, or
Congratulations, it's
Who is excused from
Mr Kadri said people who
were sick, children below
the age of 13 who had not
gone through puberty, women
who were on their period,
travellers, breast feeding
mothers and pregnant women
were not required to take
part in fasting.
What if you play sport?
Can you have some water?
Not really.
Mr Kadri said professional
athletes who travel were not
required to fast, but other
Muslims were encouraged to
avoid sport for the month.
"They are not allowed water,
they are not allowed to eat
... unless they are playing
professionally and if you
travel you don't have to
fast," he said.
"If you are in those
situations, it puts a lot of
stress on them during the
fasting time."
How do you tell when you
can start and break the fast
each day?
Mr Kadri said most mosques
provided their congregation
with a Ramadan calendar
which detailed the times
they were allowed to eat.
Is it hard to fast when
others around you aren't?
Usman Nasir, who lives in
Brisbane with his wife
Madiha and their two
daughters, said he still
enjoyed fasting in
Australia, despite growing
up in Pakistan where it was
the norm.
"Our routine changes in the
month of Ramadan," Mr Nasir
"We wake up really early in
the morning and that usually
means the two girls are up
too. Although they are too
young to keep fast yet, we
want them to know about what
this month represents, [for
example] patience and
"Ramadan is also supposed to
remind you that there are
people in this world who
can't afford to eat the
basic three meals a day
while people around them eat
and drink lavishly.
"So in my opinion, what
better place to feel that
than a place where keeping
fast in Ramadan is not the
What do you wish
Australians knew about
Mr Nasir said he wanted
people to know it was a
blessing to take part in
"Ramadan for us is not only
about giving up eating and
drinking, it's also a month
in which one should give up
his ego of being a superior
human than others, control
one's anger, donate to the
underprivileged and any sins
that we do in our daily
lives," Mr Nasir said.
"I would like Australians to
know that Ramadan for a true
Muslim is not hardship but a
blessing and privilege from
"It's a chance to improve
one's shortcomings as humans
and as Muslims, forget old
quarrels and forgive each
other, be more kind and
generous towards humanity
and ask for forgiveness for
one's sins."
What else do you give up
during Ramadan?
Mr Kadri said many Muslims
used the month as an
opportunity to address
addictions, including
"It's the patience that it
gives you, the ability to
tolerate and control your
desires … as in food,
hunger, thirst and the
desire to have sex, you will
be able to control the other
desires to do bad things."
He said it was another
unknown fact that married
Muslim couples were expected
to abstain from sex during
the day "which can be really
hard for someone who had
just got married".
He said the other part was
that it was a month of
celebration within the
community, and families and
friends gather to break the
fast each night.
"In a Muslim family it's a
time to come together," he
Taekwondo star Safwan Khalil
is in training for the Rio
Two months out from the Rio
Olympics, taekwondo champion
Safwan Khalil's days are
filled with exhausting
training sessions and
intense dedication.
Come Monday, things will get
even tougher for the
30-year-old Olympian. He
will forgo all food and
drink, including water, from
dawn until dusk as he trains
for the biggest event of his
For Khalil and the rest of
Australia's 500,000 Muslims,
Monday marks the start of
the holy month of Ramadan.
Ramadan sweets are prepared
at Sweets Palace in Regents
The ninth month in the
Islamic calendar is a
special month of prayer,
reflection, regeneration and
strict fasting during the
"It changes everything,"
said Khalil, who came to
Australia from war-torn
Lebanon as an
eight-month-old baby. "It
changes my diet, what times
I eat, how hydrated I am,
when my training is."
Two-hour training sessions
in the morning and afternoon
will be moved to daytime and
late evening to accommodate
for fasting and prayer.
Warm-ups are shortened to
conserve his energy and
fluid levels.
Forgoing water can be
"excruciating", he said.
"It's hard, in a way, that
this month comes so close to
the Olympics but it's also a
blessing in disguise because
I feel like you come out a
better, stronger person."
Khalil, who is a medal hope
for Australia, returned from
an incredibly strenuous
Korean training camp with
fellow competitor Hayder
Shkara on Saturday.
"The thought process was go
and flog ourselves in Korea
before Ramadan then just
maintain everything from
here on," Khalil said. "The
Olympics will come in the
blink of an eye."
Ramadan is not just a month
of spirituality and
improvement, it is also a
month of big business.
Meals before and after the
fast, called suhoor and
iftar, can be large and
celebratory affairs.
Thousands of people flock to
night markets in Haldon
Street, Lakemba, to feast on
camel burgers, international
sweets and traditional meals
until the wee hours.
Clothing sales spike ahead
of the month's end, Eid al-Fitr,
when it is tradition to wear
new clothes and visit family
and friends. Charity
donations surge as people
are obliged to donate to the
poor and festivals to
celebrate Eid pop up in
Fairfield and Bankstown.
Abdul Neeman, owner of
Sweets Palace in Regents
Park, will hire extra staff
and bake through the day and
night, making thousands of
iftar treats including the
most popular, maamoul, small
shortbread pastries filled
with dates, pistachios or
"This month keeps us going
for the rest of the year,"
he said. "A lot of the sweet
shops rely on it."
Abdul Neeman, owner of Sweets
Palace, prepares sweets for
The Grand Mufti of
Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu
Mohammed, said it is also a
month to connect with
"Islam stresses the
importance of promoting
cultural and societal
pluralism," he said. "As
such, it is highly
encouraged to invite
non-Muslim families to join
Muslims in the act of
breaking their fast."
Ahmet Polat, executive
director of the Affinity
Intercultural Foundation,
said they will organise
about 30 home iftar dinners
this month, in which Muslim
families host non-Muslims.
"Ramadan is one of the
pillars of Islam but the
meal brings people together
regardless of background,"
he said. "If people don't
believe in God, it doesn't
matter. The motto is that,
at the end of the day, we
are all humankind."
In a nod to the Vivid
Festival, Lakemba Mosque
will light up in different
colours at night as
thousands attend the mosque
for evening prayers.
G.P required to work in a
medical centre.
For further information
please contact Loay Deeb :
Paid employment for
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Zara Volkanovska
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If you
would like to record a
birth, marriage, engagement
or someone's passing please
with the details.
(Inna lillahi
wa inna ilayhi raji'un)
Mother of Crescents of
Brisbane Team Member, Hamid
Kassim, Mrs Rabia Ismail
of Stretton, passed away
on Wednesday 8 June. May
Allah grant her Jannatul
Mr. Faiz Mohammad of
the Gold Coast passed away
aged 86 on 7 June.
May Allah grant him Jannatul
If you
would like to record a
birth, marriage, engagement
or someone's passing please
with the details.
Women are hardworking, resilient
and marvellous multi-taskers!
These women have shown that
Pakistani women are especially
exceptional because of all that
we have to overcome and yet we
are able to not only become
leaders in our fields but also
pioneer into uncharted
territories. All over the world,
and beyond.
Read on about these super
Pakistani women gathering
respect and accolades the world
4. Mehreen Faruqi
Mehreen is an Australian
politician, with a degree
from UET Lahore in Civil
Engineering. She moved to
Australia in 1992 after
having worked as a
consultant in Pakistan for
several years. She has been
a Greens Party MP in the New
South Wales Legislative
Council since 19 June 2013.
Since Sadiq Khan’s election
as Mayor of London, many
people seem to be suggesting
that no Muslim city would
ever be open-minded enough
to elect a Christian as
So, in the interests of
accuracy, and because FACTS
ARE OUR FRIENDS, I present a
list of some of the many
Christians who have done
just what Mr Khan has done –
been elected to high office
in Muslim countries where
they are a religious
Basuki Tjahaya Purnama
The capital of the world’s
most populous Muslim
country, Indonesia, has a
Christian governor, Basuki
Tjahaya Purnama. Indonesia
is 87.2% Muslim.
A Muslim mother in Sydney
fears her grandchildren will
end up in a concentration
camp. A Victorian father
won't tell his football team
he is Muslim so he doesn't
have to explain himself. To
be Muslim is to be judged
for everything you do, says
a Brisbane woman. An
international student living
in Melbourne says she feels
segregated in class.
What is it to be Muslim in
Australia today?
Fairfax Media asked readers
who are Muslim to speak of
their experiences and how
they explain extremism and
Islamophobia to their
children. Dozens of people
CCN publishes one response
each week:
"I don't want sympathy"
Sarah Shehata, 21,
Melbourne, Arab
It's like being an outcast.
It's terrorising. I
shouldn't have to wake up
every morning thinking about
how I am going to respond to
verbal or physical abuse.
I shouldn't have to walk
around the streets thinking
that my headscarf makes me a
target, or that when someone
looks at me it's because
they resent my religion.
Even when people smile at
me, I shouldn't have to
think it's for sympathy. I
don't want sympathy. I don't
want to feel terrified. I
don't want to be hated for
choosing something that
makes me happy.
I just want to fit in
regardless of how I present
Nine men and women from
around Australia give voice to
what it's really like to live as
a Muslim. Toni Pikos-Sallie, 40,
deputy principal of an Islamic
school and a mother of five,
explains why she converted to
Islam. Beau Donelly reports.
The existence of the
internet means young people
now have access to every
evil on the face of the
earth. I’ve had children ask
me about ISIS videos they’ve
seen online. It is critical
that we have open
discussions with them about
where radicals have gone
wrong and how this is not
part of our faith.
Young people should be made
to feel like they can ask
questions without fear of
criticism or accusation. If
we just pretend, because we
don't like to talk about it,
that kids aren't exposed to
this horror, we’re being
extremely naive. They
already have ISIS at their
I’ve made a conscious effort
to teach my children about
the correct teachings of
Islam so that nobody can
trick them into believing
something is part of our
religion when it is not. My
kids know the source of
Islam, the fundamental
beliefs, the teachings of
the prophet, and where to
look something up if they
have questions. I want them
to understand how young
people can end up espousing
ideas that are foreign to
what we believe in. If I was
unwilling to break down
these issues, I would leave
my children at risk of being
drawn in and misled.
Toni (left) as a child with
cousin Kathy and brother Nick.
Growing up in western
Sydney, the daughter of a
Greek Orthodox father and a
Catholic mother of British
heritage, I knew nothing
about Islam. In fact, I
considered myself to be a
committed Christian. But in
my first year of university,
I started to question my
beliefs and made a
commitment to research all
of the world's religions.
Conversion wasn't on my
A couple of years later, I
moved to Perth and met my
future husband, a South
African Muslim. The fact
that he wouldn't marry me
unless I converted caused a
stalemate between us. But I
had another problem: I was
raised in a very
conservative family. It was
marriage or nothing.
I converted to Islam so we
could get married but it was
a nominal conversion and I
wasn’t committed. My husband
had no problem with me not
practising Islam because he
wasn't himself. It wasn’t
until I started going to
Islamic classes with a
friend during my first
pregnancy that I took a
genuine interest in the
Eventually, I came to the
conclusion that Islam was
the truth from God. I told
my husband he should take
his faith more seriously.
Ironically, he resisted at
first, but then decided to
join me on this spiritual
My life as a Muslim is
completely different now
than it was before September
11. Prior to 2001 there
wasn’t the media definition
we have now of Islam. People
would see me and think I was
nun or that I was wearing a
special raincoat. They would
ask me questions and I would
be happy to answer them. When
people see me with my scarf
on now, they tell me to go
back to my own country.
People have tried to run me
over on the road. They’ve
screamed abuse at me. One
man used to ride past my
house every day and spit on
my car right in front of me.
I feel sad that I was born
and raised here and that
people make an assumption
about me because of my
faith. But I feel much
sadder for the mother who
cannot speak English, who
doesn't know her rights, who
is discriminated against.
There are times when it's
quite frightening to be a
Muslim in Australia.
Terrorist attacks overseas
make things worse; I have
felt the backlash before and
I know I will feel it again.
Some days my teenage
daughter decides not to go
out with her friends because
there’s a lot of stuff on
the news. That’s an
awareness that a Muslim has
to have now. Just recently
someone left a severed pig’s
head in the washroom at the
local university where
Muslims go before they pray.
I never expected that would
happen at my old uni.
Ramadan To Reverts | Umm Jamaal
This lecture was
given at IDCA - Sydney,
Australia. A revert herself, Umm
Jamaal ud-Din has been teaching
for many years in different
Islamic centres in Sydney.
24 of the
Most Influential Black
Muslims in History
3. Ubada
ibn as-Samit (d. 654)
An early companion of the
Prophet Muhammad, Ubada was
one of the earliest converts
to Islam in Medina and
participated in all the
major battles of the
Prophet, including Badr and
Uhud. Later, he became a
successful commander of the
Rashidun army and served
under the Rashidun caliphs
Abu Bakr and Umar. He was
one of the main field
commanders during the Muslim
conquest of Egypt.
This documentary
tells the
story of three
gentlemen who
embraced Islam
at a time when
to be a Muslim
was to be seen
to be a traitor
to your country.
Through personal
journeys of
still surviving
relatives, the
programme looks
at their
achievements and
how their legacy
lives on today.
As Euro 2016
kicks off, the
French national
team is once
again facing
questions over
just which
France it
Last week, on
the eve of this
year’s European
one of soccer’s
most prolific
scorers, Karim
Benzema — a
French citizen
born to Algerian
immigrants —
France. Not with
a spectacular
goal for Les
Bleus, the
French national
team hosting
Euro 2016, but
rather with an
observation he
made in a
affirming that
there is, in
fact, “a racist
part of France.”
The events
leading up to
his remark, and
those that
followed, have
Benzema from a
man who kicks
balls into a net
for a living (to
the tune of
nearly 200,000
euros a week)
into the
protagonist of
an intense
political drama
— one that,
depending on
something rotten
in the soul of
Benzema, in the
state of France,
or, perhaps, in
The facts of the
affair are as
unsavory as they
are undisputed:
A few weeks ago,
the French
Federation (FFF)
announced that
Benzema would
not play for Les
Bleus in the
upcoming Euro
Cup. The FFF’s
president, Noël
Le Graët, cited
a legal case now
pending against
the player. Last
fall, the French
media revealed
that Benzema had
been party to
the blackmailing
of his teammate
and erstwhile
friend, Mathieu
Valbuena. A
handful of
lowlifes had
100,000 euros in
order not to go
public with an
intimate video
of Valbuena and
his girlfriend.
When Valbuena
balked, one of
blackmailers, a
friend of
Benzema’s, asked
the soccer star
to tell Valbuena
that this was an
offer he
couldn’t refuse.
According to a
conversation he
had with
Valbuena, as
well as his own
Benzema did
precisely that.
Not amused, the
French courts
charged Benzema
as an accomplice
to attempted
blackmail. In
short order, the
FFF dropped
Benzema from Les
Bleus, and
Valbuena dropped
him as a friend.
“I feel,”
confessed, “as
if I’ve been
played for a
The next EU
president wants
Muslims to be
banned. Why are
Cameron, Merkel
and Hollande
Which way should
British Muslims
vote in the EU
referendum? It
shocks and
worries me that
I am having to
ask this
question at all.
I believe that
British politics
have benefited
profoundly from
the absence of
the faith-based
pattern of
voting that has
long applied in
some other
British Muslims
have no choice.
They need to ask
whether it is
safe for them to
remain part of a
European Union
which is being
captured by
bigotry and
The latest
example of this
dangerous trend
concerns the
dreadful remarks
made two weeks
ago by the
Slovakian Prime
Minister Robert
Fico. "Islam"
declared Fico,
"has no place in
Fico made clear
that he was not
calling for a
Slovakia. He
wants to keep
Muslims out as
part of what
looks and sounds
very much like a
crusade for a
Slovakia - and
by extension a
Fico was not
talking out of
turn. He was
comments he had
already made
during his
general election
campaign earlier
this year. Fico
thinks that
is a fiction,"
says that he is
every Muslim in
our territory,"
and refuses to
take Muslim
refugees under
the EU quota
Middle East Eye
advocate SM
Mohamed Idris
says the
feasting during
the holy month
gluttony, waste
and adverse
health problems.
CAP: Ban the
Ramadan buffets
all Ramadan
buffets because
it promotes
gluttony, which
is against
Association of
Penang (CAP)
president SM
Mohamed Idris
said today.
He said it was
saddening that
many were
such a sacred
month by calling
for feasts and
of such Ramadan
buffets and what
have you is as
offensive as
uncouth Muslims
eating in public
during the
fasting month.
“It is best to
ban such buffets
and eat at home.
Make your own
home-cooked food
and eat
lightly,” he
Idris said
fasting during
Ramadan had no
value if Muslims
were obsessed
with gluttony,
which was
against the
spirit of
Ramadan in the
first place.
“Islam enjoins
its followers to
avoid gluttony,
waste and
The Prophet
Muhammad S.A.W
said ‘The son of
Adam does not
fill any vessel
worse than his
stomach, for the
son of Adam a
few mouthfuls
are sufficient
to keep his back
straight.’ If
you must fill it
then one-third
for food,
one-third for
drink and
one-third for
air, the Prophet
had said.
“Contrary to
this teaching,
some people eat
and drink so
much they become
lazy and neglect
to perform their
terawih prayers,
and even the
mandatory ones,”
Idris said.
He added that
varieties and
quantities in
excess that are
prepared for
iftar and sahur
buffets lead to
He cited reports
that showed
nearly 9,000
tonnes of food
being discarded
daily during
“We have become
so obsessed with
making money and
getting rich to
goods, services
that we neglect
our duty and
with Allah.
“We forget that
we are
travellers on a
journey to the
hereafter. I
hope Ramadan
this year will
be free from
sinful practices
and all would
adhere to
Allah’s call to
attain Taqwa.”
Last month,
Idris had also
called for the
banning of
Ramadan ads that
He said that
of Ramadan has
stripped the
holy month of
its spiritual
significance and
made it to
become a
of religion.
Free Malaysia Today
Click image to
Greetings To
Whoops, We Mean
The Federal
Government has
acknowledged the
upcoming month
of fasting, in
the way that
only an
could. Michael
Brull explains.
Once Tony Abbott
was ousted, the
new Prime
Minister Malcolm
Turnbull seemed
to promise a new
era of treating
Instead of
insulting them
and demanding
they prove they
were loyal
members of Team
Australia who
would finally
terrorism and
mean it,
Turnbull would
usher in a new
It didn’t come
with any promise
of different
foreign policy,
draconian laws
Muslims, or
police raids
with hundreds of
Yet at least
wouldn’t address
Muslims so
with his
He met with the
Islamic Council
of Victoria and
said “the glue
that holds us
together, the
bonding agent,
is mutual
respect – and
mutual respect
means exactly
what it says.
It’s a two-way
street, it means
you respect
others, and they
respect you. It
means you seek
to understand
others and they
understand you.
It means that
you and each and
every one of us
is enriched by
the cultures and
faiths of our
His speech
continued that
way. He used the
phrase “mutual
respect” eight
times. Like,
“You are an
integral part of
an Australian
family that’s
bound together
by the shared
values of
democracy and
the rule of law,
and the
foundation of
all of that is
mutual respect.
That mutual
respect is the
Turnbull wanted
to “emphasise to
each and every
one of you that
the Australian
Muslim community
is respected and
valued. And we
do not consider
or talk about or
contemplate the
Muslim community
solely through
the prism of
I suppose that
wouldn’t be very
In that light,
consider this
email, sent from
the Attorney
office, brought
to light by
Hamzah Qureshi,
posted on Hanan
Facebook. It’s a
generic email
which wishes
Muslims ‘Ramadan
Mubarak’ –
greetings for
the upcoming
month of
At the bottom,
it is signed by
Jamie Lowe,
Catherine Jones
and Elizabeth
From the
Remember what
Turnbull said
about not
talking about
Muslims “solely
through the
prism of
This is an
example of that
from the
department. It
is rather as
though a Merry
message was sent
to Catholics
from the
department of
the police.
Or Happy
Channukah to the
Jews on behalf
of the
Apparently, the
Department is
only willing to
send season’s
greetings as
some sort of
initiative. They
might as well
have written
“Dear Terrorists
Muslims. Ramadan
Mubarak. We are
watching you.”
I’m not a
Christian, but I
can manage
saying “Happy
Easter” to
without fucking
it up.
It’s really not
that hard.
Yet somehow even
this modicum of
respect is
apparently too
much to ask for
from the Federal
One of the world's finest
examples of Moorish
architecture, this building
was originally a Catholic
Christian church started
around the year 600. When
the Islamic world spread to
Spain in the early 8th
century, it was divided into
Muslim and Christian halves,
although a later caliph
destroyed it and rebuilt it
as a mosque that was
converted into a Roman
Catholic church in the
Reconquista, finally
becoming a cathedral in the
16th century.
The mosque within the
complex is still present,
although Muslims are not
permitted to worship within
Terror Alerts based on
'Discredited' Sources are Disconcerting
Press Release by Moulana
Ebrahim I Bham, Secretary General Jamiatul
Ulama South Africa
SOUTH AFRICA: Once more,
and ever more frequently in recent
times, the US embassy (this time
together with the UK mission in
Pretoria), have issued an alert, warning
their nationals of possible terror
attacks on South African soil.
The advisory warns UK and US nationals
to avoid visiting shopping malls and
other places of tourist attraction.
Along with peace-loving South Africans
of all walks of life, the Jamiatul Ulama
South Africa views such warnings
According to a news report, it has
emerged, however, that this fresh alert
advisory has been based on a single
source that has been described as
Judging by trends, no country on the
globe can claim to be immune to such
attacks. At the same time, the issuing
of such alerts raises alarm and distress
among people going about their daily and
normal lives.
We call upon the foreign missions
concerned to balance what they consider
to be their responsibility towards their
nationals’ safety with what is at stake
for the host nation.
Foreign missions do South Africa a
disservice by their pronouncements that
without veracity, instill a sense of
insecurity among people living in the
country as well as those intending to
The ailing South African economy does
not need anymore baseless
scare-mongering, as it stands to lose
from a drop in revenue through shocks in
the tourism sector.
Furthermore, the issuing of the advisory
that has coincided with the start of
Ramadan, takes away the focus on the
month-long spiritual devotion of Muslims
in South Africa.
The advisory promotes an Islamophobic
sentiment that is likely to lead to
social discord and suspicion, instead of
highlighting the virtues Islam promotes
through the observance of fasting, acts
of charity and spiritual reflection as
the hallmarks of Ramadan.
Ramadan promotes restraint, tolerance
and patience. These values should not be
superimposed by careless suggestions of
extremism, terror and violence.
Waitress 'attacked by
Muslim men for serving alcohol during
FRANCE: A French waitress
was allegedly assaulted by two Muslim
men for serving alcohol during Ramadan.
The woman, a practising Muslim of
Tunisian origin, was working on the
terrace of the Vitis Café in Nice when
she was reportedly insulted by two
passers-by on Wednesday.
The men are said to have started to
abuse her when they saw she was serving
alcohol to customers, The Times
She said one of the men screamed she was
a “whore” and slapped her across the
face, leaving her with a black eye after
she was knocked to the ground.
The incident has been seized upon by the
far-right as proof of the spread of
radical Islam despite attempts to impose
secular principles that underpin the
French state.
Police said they had identified the men
using CCTV but had yet to locate them.
The waitress, who did not give her name
for fear of reprisals, said: “One of
them said to me in Arabic: 'You should
be ashamed of yourself for serving
alcohol during Ramadan if I was God I
would hang you'”.
She replied: “You're not God and you
cannot judge me."
The woman added she felt “degraded,
humiliated and sullied” following the
incident and noted she had previously
served alcohol in Tunisia without any
She said: “I didn't think that in
France, the country of liberty, you
could be attacked for that.”
Earlier this week it was reported that
Vimto sales were set for a huge spike
during Ramadan as Muslims make it a
drink of choice thanks during the holy
Chinese officials have restricted civil
servants, students and children in a
mainly Muslim region from fasting during
Ramadan, government websites said as the
holy month began on Monday.
The country’s ruling Communist party is
officially atheist and for years has
banned government employees and minors
from fasting in Xinjiang, home to the
more than 10 million-strong mostly
Muslim Uighur minority.
It has also ordered some restaurants to
stay open.
Dilxat Raxit of the World Uighur
Congress, an exile group, condemned the
restrictions in an e-mail Monday,
adding: “China thinks that the Islamic
faith of Uighurs threatens the rule of
the Beijing leadership.”
A Uighur official in the city’s Tiekeqi
township named Ahmatjan Tohti told a
meeting on Monday last week that
officials should “resolutely stop party
members, civil servants, students and
minors from entering mosques for
religious activities” during the month,
according to a separate report on the
A website run by the education bureau of
Shuimogou district in the regional
capital Urumqi posted a notice on Monday
last week calling for “prevention of
students and teachers from all schools
from entering mosques for religious
activities” during Ramadan.
Several local government departments in
Xinjiang have posted notices on their
websites in the last week ordering
restrictions on fasting.
“Party members, cadres, civil servants,
students and minors must not fast for
Ramadan and must not take part in
religious activities,” said a notice on
the official website of the city of
Korla in central Xinjiang. “During the
Ramadan month, food and drink businesses
must not close.”
KB says:
This chicken can be made in advance and frozen
right up to Step 3. It is an ideal savoury for
Tukra Chicken or Sesame Seed Chicken
Step 1
6 pieces of Breast
Chicken tenderized and cut into long rectangular
pieces. (like schnitzels)
Marinade chicken with the following for approx ½
an hour.
1 tsp crushed garlic
I tsp salt
1 tsp red chilli powder
½ tsp garlic flakes
1 tsp crushed jeeru (Cumin seeds)
½ tsp black pepper
Step 2
Dip chicken into the following mixture:
1 cup buttermilk
Juice of I lemon
2 Tab Perinaisse
¼ tsp black pepper
½ tsp red chilli powder
Step 3
Coat Chicken in the following mix:
1 pkt Cream Cracker or Arnott’s Jatz Original
Biscuits crushed
250g Sesame seeds
½ tsp red chilli powder
Coat chicken well by pressing the chicken
between 2 hands so that the crumbs do not fall
Step 4
Grease oven tray with butter or ghee or olive
oil. Place the chicken on the tray and place
pieces of butter, on top of the chicken pieces
or drizzle with olive oil and bake for approx
15mins on one side then turn over and repeat.
Chicken must be golden brown in colour and
Serve with a perinaisse dip, chips or baby
potatoes and a healthy green salad.
1- Get control over
fallen leaves. Yes they
are everywhere and have a
habit of congregating around
entrance doorways. Use an
outdoor vacuum to suck them
2- Get control over your
lawn. There is more rain
forecast for this week and
days are still very warm so
mow your lawn before it gets
too long.
3- Get control over
rodents. Yes, they are
there in large numbers in
your garden and very
annoying when they nibble
the best leaves in your
vegetable patch.
4- Protect chilli plants
from frost so they can
produce for you next season
Your elbow is the strongest
point on your body. If you
get close enough, use it. If
you end up on the ground,
use your legs to kick free
from your attacker. Go for
his four weakest points:
eyes, throat, groin and
knees. If you are grabbed
around the waist from
behind, pinch your attacker
under the arm, in between
the elbow and armpit or in
the upper inner thigh… HARD.
You can literally pull the
muscle away from the bone in
these areas. If you are
forced to comply before you
can fight, grab his balls,
will be unable to rape you
after being castrated.
For more info on self
defence classes contact
Taufan on 0447004465 or
info@sscombat.com.au. Or
visit the Facebook page for
updates and info on
Southside Academy of Combat
- Silat PD
Nasruddin's daughter observed a boy standing in front of her
home everyday.
would come from college each day and notice him standing
there. The boy never tries to talk to her, he just moves
here and there, looking into his mobile.
It went on like that for a year. Mula
Nasruddin's daughter assumed he was smitten by her and told
her parents about the boy. They saw him through the curtains
of the window and immediately liked him.
The next day Mula
Nasruddin's daughter goes to the boy and says "You have been
standing in front of my home everyday for the past year. I
understood that you love me so much and even I am ready to
marry you".
Boy (in shock) : "Forgive me my sister! Actually your home's
WIFI doesn't have a password. So, I come here to use the
free internet data."
Your Lord has decreed that
you worship none but Him,
and that you be kind to
parents. Whether one or both
of them attain old age in
your life, say not to them a
word of contempt, nor repel
them, but address them in
terms of honour.
1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by
the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and
subject to the sighting of the moon.
2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in
the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, exceptfor Lailatul
Lailatul Bhahraat
Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event
starting in the evening of the corresponding day.
7:15 pm Esha salah
7:25 pm Taraweh salah Kathamul Quran
There will be a talk for 15 minutes every day after Taraweh
salah covering the following topics:
1. Daily sunnats of our beloved Prophet
2. Intentions for good deeds
3. Salaat according to sunnat
4. 40 small Ahadith to memorise
Institute of
39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118
• Zikr - every Thursday
7pm, families welcome
• Hifz, Quran Reading & Madressa - Wednesday & Friday
4:30 - 6:30pm, brothers, sisters and children
• New Muslims Program - last Thursday of every month,
6:30 - 8:30pm
• Salawat Majlis - first Saturday of every month.
Starting at Mughrib, families welcome
• Islamic Studies - one year course, Saturday 10:00 -
2:00 pm, brothers and sisters
• Ilm-e-Deen, Alims Degree Course - Three full-time and
part-time nationally accredited courses, brothers
Quran Reading Class For Ladies (Beginners
or Advanced)
Every Saturday 2 - 4pm
Lady Teacher
Algester Mosque
and Queesadah session every Saturday night,
after Taraweeh
On Going Activities
1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen,
After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm
3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and
Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the
Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after
margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on
the 15 August.
5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st
Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short
Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by
dinner. Starts from 26 August.
For all activities, besides Adult Quran,
classes sisters and children are welcome.
For further info call the Secretary on
Click on images to enlarge
Lutwyche Mosque
Weekly classes with Imam Yahya
Monday: Junior Class
Tuesday: Junior Arabic
Friday: Adult Quran Class
For more information call 0470 671 109
Holland Park Mosque
Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community
Consultative Group
Next Meeting
Time: 7.00pm Date: 12 JULY 2016 Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road
The next QPS/Muslim Communities has been postponed.
Discussions with key stakeholders has resulted in the
meeting date now being moved to 12 July 2016 – same time and
location (7pm at the Islamic College of Brisbane, 45 Acacia
Rd, Karawatha).
This will enable people to participate in the many Ramadan/Eid
functions and provide an opportunity for a subsequent
debrief of these events on the 12 July. If there are any
additional agenda items could you please forward them to
Articles and
opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually
turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable,
obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright
It is the usual policy of CCN to
include from time to time, notices of events that some
readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are
often posted as received. Including such messages or
providing the details of such events does not necessarily
imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN
The best ideas
and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you
have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want
seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit
to the Crescents Community please
e-mail us..
Share your
thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.
If there is
someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please
encourage them to enter their details