Sunday, 26 June 2016


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.....a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....




Inaugural AFL QLD Ifthaar Dinner at the Gabba

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

The CCN Food for Thought

Ifthaar Dinners: Coming to a Neighbourhood near you

The CCN Weekly News & Views Briefs

An Ayaat-a-Week

AMAN seeking answers

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

Events and Functions

NMC Ifthaar

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Strengthening relationships on the Sunshine Coast

 The CCN Classifieds

Businesses and Services

Press Release from Imams Peer and Hussain

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

The CCN Date Claimer

Eid Programmes

CCN Readers' Book Club

CCN on Facebook

Eid Down Under: Your annual Eid Festival

KB's Culinary Corner

Useful Links

Muslim pioneers lay foundation for migration success story

Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Eid at the Sydney Zoo

Fitria on Food Appears monthly

Write For Us

Christian Kunde steps down over Hizb ut-Tahrir reports

Get your fingers green with Ahmed Esat


Lazarus looking for a second resurrection

Taufan's Tip on Self Defence


Orphan Up Skilling

The CCN Chuckle


Muslim Aid Australia launch with virtual reality

Request from Ipswich Mosque Committee

Changing How People Around the World View Pakistanis

“A Christian could never be elected mayor in a Muslim city!”
Muslims on what it's like to live in Australia


Back to the Future with CCN

The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column




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The AFL partnered with EidFest Community Services to host their first Ifthaar Dinner in the State in the Champion's Room at the Gabba on Thursday 23 June.


The MC for the evening was Kashif Bouns, the AFL Diversity and Inclusion Multicultural Manager.


The azaan (call to prayer) was performed by young Muazzam Hassan of the Al-Mustapha Institute and the (probably first-ever) Magrib prayers in the Champion's Room was led by Mr Ismail Moola.


While enjoying a meal, the invitees heard from a range of guest speakers on the diversity initiatives of the code, followed by a multicultural panel of players made of the Gold Coast Suns' Adam Saad (one the game's brightest stars), Ahmed Saad (ex-St Kilda), Fijian-born ruckman Tom Nicholls (Gold Coast Suns) and Sudanese-born rookie Rueben Williams (Brisbane Lions).


Ms Yasmin Khan, Eidfest Community Services director, was presented with the AFL Queensland Bachar Houli Community Award "in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the AFL in the Islamic Community."


Mr Sultan Deen was called on to deliver a vote of thanks.


In addition to describing the traineeship placements at the AFL for Muslims, it was also an occasion for the code to promote the Bachar Houli Academy, a high performance football talent program for emerging junior players aged 15-18 years from the Muslim community. The Academy is fully funded by the AFL including flights and accommodation. To register, click here.




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Brisbane City Council (BCC) and MDA Ltd are celebrating World Refugee Week with the inaugural #CreateWelcome Week between 18-26 June 2016.

Since 2008, BCC has provided funding to MDA to celebrate World Refugee Week, "committed to a city where residents from refugee backgrounds can contribute and succeed. #CreateWelcome Week recognises the valuable contribution refugees make to Brisbane’s cultural, social and economic development."

Brisbane organisations and community groups led by MDA’s Welcome Hub network, are hosting 24 events across the city. Events include film screenings, cultural conversations, photo exhibitions, walking tours, community Iftar dinners, a food festival and a citizenship ceremony for refugees at the Brisbane Multicultural Centre on World Refugee Day.

Tied into MDA’s #CreateWelcome campaign, the Brisbane community are being invited to celebrate the city’s multiculturalism and enjoy vibrant community events throughout #CreateWelcome week.

"Creating welcome through local community activities strengthens intercultural conversations and promotes a deeper understanding through shared experiences. It takes a collective effort to create an inclusive, welcoming community for Queenslanders of all cultural backgrounds."


As part of the celebrations, the Muslim community of Brisbane hosted a number of Neighbourhood Ifthaar dinners:



Community Iftar Dinner at Holland Park Mosque


The Community Iftar Dinner at Holland Park Mosque was hosted by the Islamic Council of Queensland and Mt Gravatt Community Centre. Holland Park Mosque has been part of the community since 1908 and during this time, the Mosque has enjoyed great understanding, tolerance and acceptance from its neighbours. "To say thank you and to celebrate our unity despite our diversity", the Holland Park Mosque congregation and management committee extended an open invitation to an ifthar dinner to mark the end of the fasting day on Saturday,18 June at 5pm. The program included the breaking of the fast followed by a talk on the significance of fasting in all faiths by Imam Uzair Akbar.

Imran Mateen, secretary of the Holland Park Mosque described the highlights of the event for CCN:

The function was well attended by the neighbouring community and a few MPs. The program began with Imam Uzair Akbar explaining the benefits of Ramadan and the history of Muslims and Islam in general.

After dinner there was an open Q&A session conducted by Ali Kadri and Imam Uzair followed by a tour of the mosque.

The speeches were broadcasted live on the Holland Park Mosque Facebook page and can be viewed here and here.

The response from the wider community was very positive and the Facebook page reached 12,000 hits in under 100 hours.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Imam Uzair Akbar and Ali Kadri for their work and also want to shout out to all the people who helped us in organising and volunteering on the night especially Javed Ahmed and Janeth Deen and family.



Community Iftar Dinner with Christian leaders at Eight Mile Plains Bosnian Islamic Mosque



The Community Iftar Dinner held at the Eight Mile Plains Mosque was aimed "to build multi-faith relationships in order to increase cohesion and understanding between Muslim Australians and the wider community."

The event was hosted by the Australian Muslim Advocates for the Rights of All Humanity (AMARAH) and the Islamic Council of Queensland.


The food was prepared in the Mosque kitchen and the Mosque has a restaurant that is open on weekend evenings for anyone with a hankering for Bosnian fare.


Some of the guests' comments:

A day with friends experiencing a glimpse of their life during Ramadan, not to mention Grace & hospitality.


It was such a wonderful way to conclude our time together. Beautiful food, wonderful people. Thank you.


What an awesome occasion. Thanks for the privilege of taking part.


Another excellent Iftar initiative from AMARAH bringing people of different faiths together over a meal.


Great crowd, great iftar, great people! Thank you for all who joint us and mostly thank you to the Christian community. It was our pleasure to have you as our guests.


Great the way you are making welcome some who are needlessly made to feel uncomfortable in their own country




The Tastes of Moorooka tour


The Tastes of Moorooka tour was held on Monday 20 June (World Refugee Day) where 18 excited and intrigued residents from Moorooka and surrounding areas were welcomed to four restaurants in the heart of Moorooka.


They visited Salina’s Eritrean Restaurant, Made in Africa Ethiopian restaurant, Cush Sudanese Restaurant and finished with a coffee ceremony at Yeshi Buna Ethiopian restaurant.

All participants said they enjoyed their time there and intended returning with friends.


Eagerly waiting to taste Ethiopian coffee


Tesfaye Tafera, owner of Made in Africa Restaurant, explains the Ethiopian version of billiards

Coffee ceremony at Yeshi Buna






Upcoming Ifthar Dinners

Community Iftar Dinner at Kuraby Mosque
Sunday, 26 June 2016 – 4.15pm
Kuraby Mosque, 1408 Beenleigh Road, Kuraby

Hosted by the Islamic Council of Queensland, attend a Community Iftar Dinner and join community members breaking the fast during Ramadan.

This event will build multi-faith relationships in order to increase cohesion and understanding between Muslim Australians and the wider community.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Imraan Nathie on:



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With the Federal elections coming up, AMAN (Australian Muslim Advocacy Network) posed a selection of questions to all of the major parties and independents with the view to determining their stance on a number of issues of particular concern to the Australian Muslim voter.


In doing this AMAN hoped the answers would clarify some of the concerns the community may have for its well being and long term security.

The questions were sent to:

• Hon Malcolm Turnbull – Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Party
• Barnaby Joyce – Leader of National Party
• Bill Shorten – Leader of Labor Party
• Richard Di Natale – Leader of Greens
• Nick Xenophon – Independent

Any replies received will be published in full in CCN.


For an introduction to AMAN, please click here.


For further information and enquiries email the



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Report by Sr Bayaan, NMC organizing committee


New Muslim Care Brisbane hosted its annual iftar for new Muslims last Saturday 18th June.

Guests entered the beautiful function room at IWAQ in Springwood to a warm and friendly atmosphere and were seated comfortably. After the fast was broken and salatul maghrib was performed, guests enjoyed a delicious dinner of creamy chicken and veggie pasta, salad and garlic bread. This was followed by dessert which consisted of vanilla slice, baklava and vanilla ice cream.

The MC of the night was Br Naseef Dean who is the amir of New Muslim Care Australia.

The first guest speaker was Br Zahid Hurst who hails from a family of reverts to Islam and is a current student at Madinah University.


Here are the key points he made:

Make sure you keep you connection with Allah and He will help you through whatever challenge you may face on your struggles and journey as a new Muslim.
Take it easy and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by advice given to you by others.
Join in an Islamic class and learn the important things first.
Be regular in your prayers and make an effort to read the Qur’an and contemplate its meaning.
  Being a new Muslim is such a blessing and we shouldn’t take it for granted.
  Make sincere du’a to Allah for Him to grant you understanding of this beautiful deen of Islam.

The second guest speaker was Br Hamid Goran who gave this advice to attendees:

 Whether you are born Muslim or a revert, the main thing is to affirm your basic first pillar of Islam and attend a class to keep learning about Allah as your Lord and Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alayhi wa sallam)as His final Messenger. What do you know about him and his teachings?

  People will ask you all sorts of questions and you may get confused about different schools of thought and feel pressure to go one way instead of another. Don’t worry about that as a new Muslim, just stick with the basics.
  Even born Muslims need to regularly reaffirm their faith and not take their Islam for granted.
  You may have to make some major life changes when you become a new Muslim. Don’t try to change everything at once in your relations, your job etc. Instead, make sincere intention to change your circumstances at a timeline that is best for you.
  Maintain your salah and go one step at a time to take it slowly and steadily in your life on this journey of Islam. Ask for advice from reputable sources.

JazakumAllahu khairan to all those businesses and individuals involved in this event for their generous contributions towards making this event a success.



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The Sunshine Coast Police District, which has "a very strong bond with communities of all faiths primarily through hospitality and the hand of friendship". hosted an ifthar dinner for the local Muslim community.

Mr Riaz Janif thanked those involved for organising the QPS Sunshine Coast Iftar Dinner.

“It was just wonderful and heart-warming to interact with each other. We look forward to more of these events together with QPS and other organisations and faith groups,” Mr Janif said.

Inspector Overland of the Southern Patrol Group who is a regular visitor to the Sunshine Coast Musalla at Kawana said it was a great opportunity to share the break fast Iftar dinner with the Muslim community and better understand the religion of Islam.

Source: myPolice Sunshine Coast



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In response to articles in The Australian last week under the headings, Imams line up to condemn homosexuality, Imam Yusuf Peer (CIQ president) and Imam Imraan Husain (CIQ secretary and Gold Coast Mosque Imam) issued the following joint statement:

Over the last 48 hours some media outlets have released spurious reports of Imams decreeing death as the penalty for homosexuality.

This media statement deems to clarify the issue.

We, the aforementioned Imams, unequivocally deny any allegations that we endorse the death penalty for homosexuality. There is no definitive prescribed punishment in the Islamic Holy Scriptures for homosexuality and neither is there any consensus among the scholars in this regard.

Further, we wish to emphasize;

1. Human life is inviolable in Islamic law and therefore Islam forbids any assault on any innocent person, homosexuals or heterosexuals, and sees any violation of their rights as an act of aggression.

2. Muslims in non-Islamic countries are not obliged to practice or call for the application of Islamic criminal laws in countries such as Australia because imposing criminal penalties is the function of the legislature and judiciary of the countries in which they reside.

3. Islamic law makes it obligatory for Muslims living in non-Muslim countries to comply with laws and regulations of the country in which they live, according to the Quranic dictum admonishing Muslims to fulfill their obligations.

…and break not the oaths after you have confirmed them, and indeed you have appointed Allah your surety. Verily! Allah knows what you do. [16:91]

We reiterate that we did not call for the death penalty for homosexuality and it is mischievous and misrepresentative reporting to suggest that we did.

As community leaders in a democratic society, it is our responsibility to combat hate and intolerance from all sectors of our society. We believe all Australians, Muslims and non-Muslims, should campaign together against hatred and discrimination whenever and wherever it arises.

Imam Yusuf Peer and Imam Imraan Husain


OnePath: Sheikh Shady: Why the fuss?




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Email us with your Mosque programme for Eid


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Eid Down Under is coming to Karawatha. Come along for an ultimate family day out. Plenty of rides, activities, entertainment and global cuisines for the whole family. Amazing giveaways and lucky door prizes to be won. For more information please contact Ali Ghafoor (0410 083 975) or visit



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Imam Alep Mydie says he has waited a long time for the Immigration Minister to visit his town.

The imam of one of Australia's most multicultural towns cannot wipe the smile off his face.

Not because he has received a promotion or won the lottery, but because his mosque has received a visit from a Federal Immigration Minister for the first time since it was built in 1980.

Alep Mydie is the leader of more than 400 Muslims in the Western Australia town of Katanning, located 277 kilometres south-east of Perth in the Federal electorate of O'Connor.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton visited Katanning this week and described the rural town as one of Australia's 'greatest successes' of multiculturalism since World War II or the 1970s.



Mr Mydie said he felt "grateful" to meet Mr Dutton (right), who was invited to the town by Federal MP Rick Wilson.

He said the fact Katanning's Muslim community was hailed as one of the great post-war successes would spur the local community on to promote the town within Australia and further afield.

"[The visit] gives us more initiative to move forward, more initiative to participate and encouragement for us to promote Katanning and also Australia throughout the world," Mr Mydie said.

"For us as an Australian, if we ever go to Malaysia, Brunei or Singapore, people will see us as Australian Muslims so that we can tell them: 'This is what we are here, not what you hear from other people, this is what we want — to participate with the government, not isolate us away'."



Cocos Malay drummers performed outside the Katanning Mosque to welcome Mr Dutton to the town.

Katanning boasts 50 different ethnic groups in a population of more than 4,000 people and Muslims make up about 10 per cent of the town.

The mosque was built by the local Islamic community who arrived in Katanning in 1974 after moving from Christmas and Cocos islands, which became Australian territories in 1958.

Katanning's welcoming reputation has drawn migrants from Afghanistan, Myanmar, China, Thailand and other countries across Africa and Europe.

Mr Mydie moved from Christmas Island in 1974 as a teenager when his father took a job at the abattoir, which practices halal slaughter.

Besides running the mosque and serving as president of the Katanning Islamic Association, Mr Mydie is a shire councillor and owns The Daily Grind coffee shop.

He said present conditions in the town were very different from those met by earlier settlers.

"When we first arrived here, there was not many infrastructure, like English classes for example," he said.

But while Katanning has a reputation as a town where multiple nationalities live in comparative harmony, Mr Mydie said many challenges lay ahead.



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Eid at Taronga Zoo, Sydney
on 23-24 July 2016

Register your interest to receive notice once specially priced event tickets are available.

For any questions, please contact



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Labor's candidate for the New South Wales seat of Farrer has stepped down following reports linking him to Islamic extremism.

Key points:

• ALP candidate Christian Kunde resigns following criticism linking him to Hizb ut-Tahrir leader
• He is also accused of homophobia over a speech on same sex marriage
• Mr Kunde has denied the allegations


Christian Kunde had told ABC radio he is friends with Uthman Badar, the spokesman for Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, but denied News Limited reports that he likened homosexuality to incest during a lecture at Sydney University.

Mr Kunde, who also goes by the name Abdullah Kunde, gave a speech called Same Sex Marriage, an Islamic Perspective three years ago, but said it was not homophobic.

"I discussed the view of the Roman Catholic Church in Britain, I discussed the view of Christian lobby groups here in Australia and I discussed Islamic theological views and ultimately the conclusion that I drew was that we have no good reason for rejecting same sex marriage," Mr Kunde said.

He told the ABC he supported same sex-marriage.

"I think that homosexual people should be entitled to all the same opportunities that heterosexual people are," he said.

"It would be akin to you reciting Leviticus on air in a one-hour discussion about the topic, and then your view being taken as exactly verbatim what happens to be in Leviticus," Mr Kunde said.

Labor leader Bill Shorten gave a very brief response when asked about Mr Kunde today, saying: "as soon as I was made aware of this issue, I immediately accepted his resignation. Full stop."

Labor deputy leader Tanya Plibersek said Mr Kunde had resigned after being dishonest about his background.

When pressed further, Ms Plibersek said she thought all political parties occasionally had a candidate that had not disclosed their background.

"We've seen some very interesting characters ... it's sadly a feature of election campaigns that some people aren't honest," Ms Plibersek said.

Mr Kunde said he met Mr Badar during his first year of university 10 years ago and has had an "ongoing friendship" with him since.

He has also denied being a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, which does not support the democratic process.

"It's one of the great ironies that I'm apparently linked to a group that would excommunicate me merely for being a member of a political party, let alone standing for Parliament in a democratic process," he said.

He also told the ABC that he stepped down so the matter would not distract from Labor's campaign.

"It was my choice to step aside," he said.

"I think that it's important that I did that so that the conversation won't get bogged down in this particular matter."

Labor's position on homophobia clear: Wong

Labor's leader in the Senate Penny Wong said when Mr Kunde offered his resignation it was "immediately accepted".

"I think Australians can see very clearly what Labor's position is when it comes to homophobia," Ms Wong said.

When Treasurer Scott Morrison was asked about Mr Kunde's potential links to Hizb ut-Tahrir during a commercial radio interview yesterday he said there was no "fuzzy area" when it came to the group.

"This is a disgraceful organisation ... that should be absolutely and totally denounced," Mr Morrison said.

Mr Kunde said his friendship with Mr Badar was being used to misrepresent him.

He said it was ridiculous to be criticised for views held by his acquaintance.

"Do we get to the point where we look at friends of friends on Facebook and examine comments that they've made about socio-political issues going back 10 years and then try and draw tenuous links to a situation like that?

"For me, I mean honestly, that's sort of what this connection is like."

Farrer covers the south-west of NSW, including Corowa, Deniliquin and Griffith, and is currently held by Health Minister Sussan Ley on a margin of 21.7 per cent.

Mr Kunde's name will still appear on the ballot paper and the party will still receive funding for his votes.

Source: ABC


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Independent Senator Glenn Lazarus (ex Bronco, Raider, Melbourne Storm) at Holland Park Mosque after the Jumma prayers this week talking footie with Reeza Goodfellow and "drumming up support to keep One Nation out of the Senate."


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Click on thumbnail to enlarge

Help the first initiative of its kind in the Muslim world, OrphanUpSkill, by helping raise the funds to buy computers, teach orphans and connect them to launch their careers in the fast growing IT industry. You can help us by supporting and donating to the cause.


Read how it all started here.

Click on thumbnail to enlarge


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A first for the Muslim community in Sydney, Muslim Aid Australia (MAA) brought a VR experience to the stage at their Local Launch. MAA also provided a space for community members to share their opinions on local problems to solve.*

On 4th June, MAA took over the Bryan Brown Theatre in Bankstown for their local launch, with a series of engaging talks by leaders in their fields, an interactive workshop, and an immersive VR experience that virtually took the viewer straight to the field.

Internationally, MAA has long approached aid from the perspective of providing long-term solutions (alongside emergency relief in response to tragedies). At the local launch, MAA CEO, Sheikh Hassan Elsetohy, announced that they will now be bringing their “Smart Sustainable Solutions” to Australia.

Dr Mohamad Abdalla, Professor at the School of Humanities at Griffith University, emphasised the need to work locally and alongside youth by providing spaces for them to flourish. As one of their first local projects, MAA are taking on this challenge by working with Moustafa Sanoussi, CEO of The Garden Cemetery; a first-of-its-kind cemetery for Muslims that will be built based on permaculture principles, guided by permaculture design expert Geoff Lawton.

MAA is partnering with The Garden Cemetery to enable young men to get their hands dirty, reconnect with nature, and not only improve the lives of the youth through physically engaging activities, but to also build an essential service for the Muslim community in Sydney.

One of the highlights of the launch was an interactive workshop run by Peter Gould, a creative entrepreneur, facilitating meaningful discussion on the issues that are faced by the local community. One team focused on how to build stronger and more meaningful connections in a hyper (digitally) connected world. A few ideas on how to resolve this issue involved building an inclusive MAA community, community gardens, and welcoming isolated members of the community.

A young male attendee in his late 20’s who also participated in the workshop shared that in all his time going to numerous Islamic events, he had never been asked to actively share his ideas to a group of people. He said he felt welcomed and refreshed by being provided the platform to contribute.


Peter stated that, “the participants in the workshop had a lot to say and share. By facilitating a positive co-creation atmosphere in the community, MAA is probably the first Australian Muslim charity that is embracing local concerns and needs directly.”

Learn more about Muslim Aid Australia by checking out their website:  where you can help *Break The Cycle* of poverty this Ramadan.

Source: Australasian Muslim Times


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Dear brothers and sisters Assalamu Alaikum wr wb.


On behalf of the Ipswich Masjid's community, I wish you all a very blessed Ramadhan and Eidul Fitr in advance Inshah Allah.

The Islamic Society of Ipswich Inc (the Ipswich Mosque) is in urgent need of your financial help during this Holy month of Ramadhan to renovate the main prayer areas and importantly provide Wudu facilities for the ladies. Currently, the Ipswich Mosque has only two bathrooms side by side in the men's section and used one each for men and women. The ladies have to walk to the men's section of the Masjid to use their bathroom which is separated by a tiny wall from the men's one. This is very uncomfortable for the ladies especially when more than one woman wish to use it.

Also, we don't have a proper Wudu facilities in the ladies section and they use a normal garden type pipe fixed for them, to make Wudu with almost no privacy. We have plenty of open space next to the ladies section which is a separate and beautiful building but urgently need you financial help in this Holy month to provide the sistets their own bathrooms/ Wudu facilities and privacy.

The Ipswich Mosque had a fund raising dinner last year but unfortunately raised approximately forty thousand dollars, much less than the required amount. Most of that money has been used to fix the termites damaged areas in the ladies section, to pay the regular bills and Imam for the Friday prayer. In this Ramadhan, we have two local Hafizs performing Taraweh prayers to read the whole Qur'aan Inshah Allah.

Please give your financial help to this ONLY House of ALLAH in the City of Ipswich in this Holy month and achieve the highest rewards from Allah (swt). You help will keep the Mosque open for all prayers. You can deposit directly into the Ipswich Mosque bank account provided below:

Bank - ANZ

Name: Islamic Society of Ipswich Inc.
BSB: 014 610

Account: 4952 83558

Or send your cheque in the name of the Islamic Society of Ipswich Inc to: 11 Edwin St, Kuraby Qld 4112 OR 30 Waterworks Rd, Brassall North Ipswich Qld.

Please provide your email or address to send you a receipt for your kind donation. The reward from Allah swt is huge for every donation in this month.

May Allah shower His blessings on you and your family, Ameen.

Amar Ali Khan

Executive Committee
Islamic Society of Ipswich Inc.
Contact: 0421 976 934.


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Researcher wanted for early development within the Muslim Community for a potential documentary series based in Brisbane.

Strong interest in observational documentary storytelling essential, some media experience desirable.

The position is for 3 - 5 days a week and will include some evenings and weekends.

Please send resume and information to




Dar Al Uloom University, College of Architectural Engineering and Digital Design in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in need of male and female faculty members in the following fields:

- Architectural design – PhD in Architecture
- Building construction –PhD in Architecture + MA in Architecture
- History of Architecture & Theory --PhD in Architecture
- Interior Architecture -- PhD in Interior Architecture Design
- Digital Design -- PhD in Digital Design

The package offered by DAU is an attractive one. For more information please visit the university web site or send inquiry to :


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Women are hardworking, resilient and marvellous multi-taskers! These women have shown that Pakistani women are especially exceptional because of all that we have to overcome and yet we are able to not only become leaders in our fields but also pioneer into uncharted territories. All over the world, and beyond.


Read on about these super Pakistani women gathering respect and accolades the world over:


6. Asma Gul


Asma Gul is an American award-winning writer. She is the author of three published works as called , “ American Muslims: The New Generation”, “Why I am a Muslim” and “Red,White and White” All these books are non-fiction, dealing with the American Muslim movement through critical analysis and personal biography according to Wikipedia. She has received acclaimed praises from Reza Aslan, Fareed Zakaria and Jack Miles. She currently serves as a Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer to HealthTrio LLC.


NEXT WEEK IN CCN: 7. Huma Abedin



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The Mayor of London

Since Sadiq Khan’s election as Mayor of London, many people seem to be suggesting that no Muslim city would ever be open-minded enough to elect a Christian as mayor.

So, in the interests of accuracy, and because FACTS ARE OUR FRIENDS, I present a list of some of the many Christians who have done just what Mr Khan has done – been elected to high office in Muslim countries where they are a religious minority:

7. Michel Suleiman



Lebanon had a Christian president, Michel Suleiman, from 2008-2014. Lebanon is 54% Muslim.

NEXT WEEK IN CCN: 8. Janel Mikhail



Source: The Muslim Vibe


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Muslims on what it's like to live in Australia


Continued from last week's CCN


Report by Beau Donelly


A Muslim mother in Sydney fears her grandchildren will end up in a concentration camp. A Victorian father won't tell his football team he is Muslim so he doesn't have to explain himself. To be Muslim is to be judged for everything you do, says a Brisbane woman. An international student living in Melbourne says she feels segregated in class.

What is it to be Muslim in Australia today?


Fairfax Media asked readers who are Muslim to speak of their experiences and how they explain extremism and Islamophobia to their children. Dozens of people responded.


CCN publishes one response each week:


"I have being told that the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim"


Faeeza Jawaid, Melbourne, Pakistani

I have being told that the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. This was in response to me saying that there is good and bad in every cultural or ethnic group and that the majority of Muslims are peace loving. I feel as if I need to constantly and actively denounce acts of terrorism because if I didn't the wider community will believe that I condone these heinous acts. It's saddening because this is not expected of our non-Muslim fellow countrymen. It indicates that Australian Muslims are somehow different to the rest of the community. I also feel very lucky to be an Australian. I happen to be surrounded by educated people who are fully aware that the majority of Muslims all over the world just want to get on with their lives peacefully.


Source: Brisbane Times


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Powerful Tips For The Last 10 Nights of Ramadan || Seeking Laylatul Qadr 







Meet Suhaib Webb, The ISIS-Blacklisted 'Snapchat Imam'




Suhaib Webb, aka the “Snapchat Imam,” talks about social media, culture in Islam, and being on the ISIS hit list.





Casting Rumi



Leonardo DiCaprio is said to be cast as Rumi, the 13th century Persian poet. But this woman isn’t having it. 




London Mayor Rocks Debate While Fasting



London's mayor crushed a #Brexit debate while fasting for 19 hours straight.








This year join the #GiveEid, eid awareness campaign. Follow @eidcreations on instagram and start posting pictures!



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To know the future just look to the past



24 of the Most Influential Black Muslims in History


5. Muhammad al-Jawad (c. April 12, 811 A.D. – Nov. 29, 835 A.D.)


Considered the ninth Imam by the Twelver Shi’i tradition, Muhammad al-Jawad was a descendant of the Prophet and one of the most important Alid figures during his time. Muhammad al-Jawad undertook the responsibility of the Imamate while only 8 years old. His mother, al-Khayzaran (also known as Sabika), was of Nubian or East African origin.


6. Dhu’l-Nun al-Misri (796 – 859)


Source: Atlantic BlackStar


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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs


Ali Kadri

To Whom does a Mosque Belong?
Opinion by Ali Kadri, ICQ spokesperson

Most Muslims visit mosques and are generally aware of the function, location and services that a mosque offers. However, many have no idea about the governance of their own mosque, nor the legal structure of its Management Committee, Trust or Directorship. Naturally, many people assume that the Imam of a mosque is the ultimate authority when it comes to deciding what services a mosque should provide.


At many mosques though, the Imam’s role is often limited to no more than leading the Salah, teaching the Qur’an and conducting lectures. It is actually the management committees, trustees or directors of mosques that decide everything else. The volunteers and people who put their hands up to fill these roles do an amazing job in ensuring a mosque continues to provide religious services to the ever growing number of worshippers.


In light of this, it would be unfair to take this work away from these volunteers unnecessarily, or to detract from the good work that they do.  




Stop Keeping it All to Ourselves and #GiveEid

By Rana Bacaloni


Getting a puzzled look when you mention Eid? Rana Bacaloni shares some simple ways to spread the joy of the Islamic holiday.

Ever feel like you live a double life during Ramadhan and ‘Eid? If you are like me and have children, you turn the house into a laboriously decorated affair, where no nook or cranny is left untouched. I have seen the joy in my kids’ eyes as they witness their kingdom magically transformed into Candyland and I feel fulfilled, until they step outside and want to share that joy with their friends.

Sisters Magazine


Why Islam Needs Feminist Voices to Counter Misogynistic Interpretation of Koran


A few weeks ago, just prior to the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology met in Islamabad. The agenda for the meeting was packed, and 19 of the Council’s 20 members were present. The main issue for debate was the question of whether the Protection of Women Against Violence Act of 2015, passed by the Punjab Assembly earlier in the year, could be deemed Islamic. The only member not present was the Council’s sole female member, Dr. Sameeha Raheel Qazi.

When the meeting was over, the Council, under the leadership of its chairman, Maulana Sheerani, issued a press release declaring that a man, under certain circumstances, was permitted to ”lightly beat his wife.” These circumstances include instances of “wifely disobedience”: the Council enumerated the refusal of marital sex, interactions with male strangers, and even refusing to take baths of purity following intercourse or menstruation.

This wife beating declaration was part of a 163-page document that the Council presented as the Islamically permissible version of the Protection of Women Against Violence Act 2015. It deemed the existing bill—already passed by the Assembly in February, which requires increased prosecution of domestic violence offenses (already crimes under Pakistani law) and tougher sentences on assailants—contrary to the principles of Islam.

Within hours, the Council’s announcement, its revolting prescription regarding the permissibility of wife-beating, was making headlines in Pakistan and around the world. Many foreign news agencies presented the announcement as yet another example of the inherent retrogression and misogyny of Islam. Few bothered to mention that the Council, established in the 1970s as a consequence of a constitutional measure, has only advisory and not binding power and that of its tens of edicts and proposed bills, few have been adopted by a Pakistani legislature as law. Those, of course, are the sorts of details that are left out when a sensational headline comes along, especially one that established Islam’s proclivity toward the medieval and misogynistic.



FBI Discontinues Surveillance Of Muslim Americans After Completing 15-Year Study Of Beautiful Culture

WASHINGTON—After 15 years of broadly targeting the 3.3-million-member community and extensively monitoring its activities, the FBI declared an end Friday to its surveillance of Muslim Americans, saying its exhaustive study of their beautiful culture was finally complete.

Officials confirmed that the program was started in the fall of 2001 when federal agents, captivated by Islam’s complex history and rich spiritual traditions, redirected the full force of the bureau’s intelligence-gathering apparatus toward developing a more thoughtful, nuanced appreciation of the Muslim-American way of life.

“We’d always known Islam was one of the great world religions, but it wasn’t until we recruited a network of 15,000 informants and infiltrated mosques all over the country that we came to understand just how magnificent and fascinating it truly is,” said FBI director James B. Comey, who noted that agents gained a valuable and eye-opening understanding of Islam—while also learning a lot about themselves and their own faith in the process—after entering the Muslim places of worship to collect as much information as they could on the intriguing personal beliefs of the religion’s followers. “After analyzing the transcripts of thousands of phone calls and intercepting the communications of prominent Muslim-American leaders and academics, we’ve really come to admire their vibrant culture.”

“The considerable amount of intel we’ve gathered and carefully pored over for the past 15 years has shown us that their faith and customs are really quite inspiring,” Comey added. “If there’s one thing we’ve taken away from all our surveillance, it’s what a glorious and enriching part of our world Islam is.”



[CCN Editor] IF ONLY!


Islamophobia and beyond


You don't have to be Muslim to be the target of Islamophobia.

Islamophobia has become an established term in the English language. Your automatic spell-checker will not mark it with a red line underneath in the text. For some of us, this is part of the test of the lexical naturalness of this concept and its meaning in society.

A greater degree of naturalisation will come when your automatic spell-checker ceases to underline in red derivatives of Islamophobia, such as Islamophobic, Islamophobe or Islamophobisation. The software on my computer is out-of-date, so maybe I am lagging behind.

The term has also entered Arabic and is used without definition or explanation in the language. This is another test of naturalness, but now across cultures.

Islamophobia refers to stereotypical and negative attitudes by non-Muslims towards Islam, Muslims and what is popularly known as Islamic culture.

As a phenomenon, Islamophobia is a rough and ready attitude with little tolerance for complexity and diversity. In its totalising form, it admits no rough edges. In fact, one does not have to be Muslim to be subject to Islamophobic attitudes.

Al Jazeera


Angelina Jolie and Muslim women speakers at Islamic Centers

Shabana Mir's blog: Koonj – the crane a blog about academe, culture and religion

Congratulations on entering refugees, ADAMS community on World Refugee Day.

It’s nice to see that Angelina Jolie can sit up front on the stage and speak to a mixed audience at the Islamic Center. Now inshaallah Muslim women can do the same. Perhaps more women- and not just the usual long-standing ‘representatives’ – can speak and be engaged at higher levels at large masajid like ADAMS.

Congratulations, Angelina, on doing what many of us Muslim women haven’t been able to do. Despite many years of community work and religious service, most of us cannot speak to mixed audiences at our local Islamic Centers. Last time I tried to get my rather progressive mosque to feature women scholars discussing their research, we couldn’t get more than a single person on the Board to agree. I bet they’d love to host Angelina, though.

Angelina, it’s great you got the brothers to take pictures of you and applaud as you did so, when many of those pious brothers are too pious to countenance Muslim women in full modest attire speaking to mixed audiences.




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The Inbox




Dear friends,

I would like to announce that in August of this year I will be taking up a Research Fellow position with the Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE) at the University of South Australia.

I am thankful indeed for this unique opportunity to work with a dynamic team of researchers under the leadership of Professor Mohamad Abdalla.

The vision of CITE is a noble one which really resonates with me. I’m therefore looking forward to working in partnership with a wide array of stakeholders in what we trust will become a knowledge hub for community empowerment.

It is with great excitement that I embark on this next chapter. Naturally, there is a degree of sadness at what marks an end of an era for me, following incredible experiences over 9 years at ICB and the last 3 years at Amanah Institute. I would like to thank one and all for the unwavering support over the course of these journeys.

I feel very blessed by this opportunity to pursue my passion and contribute within the precious space that is education and more specifically, Islamic schooling in Australia and the West.

A big thank you to all my former students whom I have been privileged to learn from and who continue to inspire me.


Dylan Chown
Principal: AMANAH Institute

Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,

The topocentric New Moon Conjunction for the lunar month of Shawwal will occur on Monday the 4th of July 2016, at 21:51 AEST (9:51pm Sydney time).

The correct date to observe the crescent of Shawwal is upon sunset of Tuesday the 5th of July 2016.

Live Updates

Please follow us on Facebook, or Twitter for Eid ul-Fitr and Dhul Hijja (therefore 'Eid ul-Adha') 1437.

National SMS Notification

Click here to subscribe to our free SMS notifier system for Eid-ul-Fitr and Dhul Hijja (therefore 'Eid ul-Adha') 1437. Please note that for privacy reasons if you have subscribed for the service in previous years, you will need to re-register in order to receive the notifications, as we do not store numbers from year to year.

Was Salaam

Taymour Nabulsi
National Coordinator
Australian National Crescent Sighting Coordination Centre | Mobile: +61 403 779829 | Email:

Dear CCN Readers,

Muslims from all over the World live in Australia and nearly half of them are young (18-30 years). Young Muslims are often misunderstood by the larger society. It is therefore important to study this group of Muslims. We are undertaking a project to collect a large sample from all over Australia to understand current wellbeing of young Muslim Australians.


The day to day factors that promote or deter the wellbeing of young Muslim Australians will be explored.

We are looking for men and women, who are between the ages of 18-30 years, identify as Muslims and are Australian citizens/permanent resident.

Please support us by 1. taking the survey and 2. passing on this information to all potential young Muslim-Australians on your contact list by inviting them to participate.

We ask for 30 minutes of your time to fill out an online survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and confidential, and you can stop completing the survey any time. We assure you that all collected data will remain confidential and anonymous. You can also participate in a prize draw. Five participants, selected by random draw, will receive a gift voucher for the value of $20 (e.g. Coles).

To access the survey, please click here (or copy and paste this link into your browser):

This research projects has been approved by QUT Human Ethics Committee. If you have any question or comments, please contact 07 3138 5123 or email

If you have any questions please contact the researchers:

Dr. Nigar Khawaja  07 3138 4540
Dr. Aparna Hebbani  07 3346 8288
Dr. Tahereh Ziaian  08 8302 1114

We thank you in advance for your participation.

Research team
Nigar Gohar Khawaja (PhD)
Associate Professor & Clinical Psychologist
Course & Research Coordinator for the Clinical Psychology Program (M & D Psy); Member College of Clinical Psychology; Member Australian Psychological Society; Registered with the Psychologists Board of Australia.

School of Psychology & Counselling; Faculty of Health; Queensland University of Technology; O Block B wing, Rm 525; Ring Rd; Kelvin Grove; Qld 4059. PH: 61 7 3138 4540 Fax: 61 7 3138 0486





Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 June 2016

TOPIC"Quran & the Month of Ramadan"

IMAM: Akram Buksh









Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 June 2016

TOPIC"Islamic Diet"

IMAM: Uzair Akbar


Play the recording  






Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 June 2016

TOPIC: “Four witnesses and Tauba"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar






Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 June 2016

TOPIC: “Last 10 Days of Ramadaan"

IMAM: Ahmad Al-Azhari




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Is Brexit Really About Keeping Muslims Out?



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 In Iran, an Actress, a Bared Arm and a ‘Woman Power’ Tattoo



TEHRAN — A popular Iranian actress whose latest movie won two awards at the recent Cannes Film Festival threw her native country into an uproar on Tuesday after images emerged suggesting that she had a feminist tattoo on her arm.

At a news conference on Monday celebrating the return of the cast of the movie, “The Salesman,” to Tehran, cameras captured what appeared to be a tattoo of the “woman power” symbol of a raised fist sticking out from under the sleeve of the lead actress, Taraneh Alidoosti, 32, known by some as the Natalie Portman of Iran.

On Iran’s vibrant social media scene, hard-liners were quick to criticize Ms. Alidoosti, who is married and has a daughter, saying the symbol meant she supported abortion rights and was against the family.

Her many fans came to her defense on Twitter. “Now that I think about it, I have been feminist from the very beginning,” wrote one woman. Other Twitter users were less flattering. “You are advertising foreigners,” said one.

New York Times


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 Report: Islamophobia is a multimillion-dollar industry


More than $200m spent on promoting fear and hatred of Muslims in US by various groups between 2008 and 2013.


More than half of Muslims in the US say they have faced some discrimination  


US: More than $200m was spent towards promoting "fear and hatred" of Muslims in the United States by various organisations between 2008 and 2013, according to a fresh joint report by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the University of California, Berkeley.

Released on Monday, the report identifies 74 groups, including feminist, Christian, Zionist and prominent news organisations, which either funded or fostered Islamophobia.

"It is an entire industry of itself. There are people making millions of dollars per year from promoting Islamophobia. They often present themselves as experts on Islamic affairs when they are not," Wilfredo Amr Ruiz, a spokesman for CAIR, told Al Jazeera.

"They have fuelled an environment of distrust among the American public by claiming that Muslims do not belong to the American community and that they could never be loyal citizens."

Al Jazeera


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Mariam Binladen sets new record as first woman to complete 101 mile Thames River Swim 




JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA: Mariam Saleh Binladen, a dentist from Saudi Arabia, has set a new record as the first woman to officially swim 101 miles of the source of the River Thames in the United Kingdom.

Swimming to inspire more women to participate in sport and to raise awareness of the plight of refugee Syrian orphans around the world, Mariam is just the third person and first woman in recent history to have successfully completed the 100+ mile open-water swimming feat. Most recently this included the British comedian and Britain’s Got Talent judge David Walliams, who finished the swim in 2011.

Mariam’s marathon endurance swim began at Folly Bridge near Oxford on 3rd June and finished at Teddington Lock in London at 1.05PM on 12th June. The swim was completed over 10 days and navigated 32 locks and some of the South of England’s most iconic towns and villages. Known for its strong currents and eddies as well as high pollution levels, the Thames is one of the most challenging and dangerous open water swims.

Talking about her successful swim Mariam said: “I am thrilled and very proud to be the first woman to swim 101 miles of the Thames. I wanted to show that a young woman from Saudi Arabia can achieve a lifelong ambition, whilst at the same time raise awareness to bigger causes, particularly the plight of thousands of suffering Syrian orphan refugees. I also want to encourage more women from around the world to participate in sport and show them that anything is possible. 



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50 Saudis detained over 'un-Islamic' necklaces, haircuts 



RIYADH: Fifty young men have been arrested in Saudi Arabia for haircuts, necklaces and other adornments considered un-Islamic.

The suspects were detained during a Ramadan crackdown in the western Saudi city of Makkah, according to Saudi news website Sabq.

“They were handed over to the department of criminal investigations,” said Sabq, which accompanied investigators during their visits to shopping areas in the city.

Officers noticed “a number of offences like strange haircuts, chains that are hung upon the chest or arms, head wraps and short clothes and immodest ones — for both men and women,” reported Sabq, which is close to the authorities.

The law enforcement team, which included women, advised citizens against “habits and traditions that are against religious teachings.” 

The Express Tribune


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The CCN Book-of-the-Week


Why I Am a Muslim: An American Odyssey


Asma Gull Hasan


In the wake of 9-11, the activities of Osama Bin Laden and Hamas, and the recent Gulf War, the Western press have been filled with information and mis-information about the true nature of Islam. Is it a feudal misogynist belief system that is a threat to Western values? Is it an ideology of oppression?


Or, is it a faith tradition that is as varied as Christianity, a "big tent" that includes not only the extremists that we read about in the daily press, but also a majority of followers who are committed to an authentic spirituality that embraces many of the values shared by the mainstream in Europe and America?


Why I Am a Muslim is a gentle analysis of those issues. Part memoir and part guide, it represents the side of Islam that is left out of the daily newspapers. For Asma Hasan, being a Muslim is not merely a matter of birth, but a matter of choice. In seven chapters, she presents seven reasons why she is committed to Islam and why it is a viable spiritual option for anyone.

Based on her understanding of the Qur'an and her upbringing as a Muslim, she articulates a vision of Islam that is ethnically diverse, tolerant of others, and supportive of the rights of women. She presents a spiritual tradition that contains a rich mystical tradition and that allows individuals to have a direct relationship with God.


Why I Am a Muslim is an important book that will provide readers everywhere with an understanding and appreciation of a frequently misunderstood religious tradition. Hasan successfully articulates a vision of one of the world's great religions that readers within and without Islam will find engaging and challenging.

"One who does not read is no better than one who cannot read."

Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: Another delicious savoury for Ramadaan which sadly is coming to an end so this recipe will be the last of the savouries published for a while. Our next one will be something sweet and indulgent for Eid, insha'Allah.

Chicken Doughnuts



½ kg chicken mince (made up of half breast and half thigh fillets)
1 tab ground green chillies
½ cup of bread crumbs
½ cup cake flour
1 Tab chana flour (besan flour)
1 tab. ginger and garlic paste
A pinch of gharum masala
1 onion grated
Chopped coriander leaves, mint and curry leaves (Tab each)
½ tsp lemon pepper
½ tsp baking powder
2 medium sized potatoes, boiled and mashed with seasoning
2 large eggs lightly whisked
Salt to taste



1. Mix all the above ingredients to form a dough.
2. Flatten it out on a floured surface or in between 2 plastic sheets.
3. Cut out shapes with a donut cutter or shape by hand.
4. Fry these doughnuts in medium to hot oil, it could also be baked in a well-greased tray with a drizzle of oil at 180degrees.
5. Drain on a paper towel if you are frying them and serve hot with a saucy dip.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Q: Dear Kareema, I’ve incorporated boxing classes into my routine to shape and strengthen my upper body. What are some other exercises I can include to get results?

A: To look as strong as you feel, try some shoulder shaping exercises. Moves that push, pull and raise the shoulders are the ticket to a toned upper body.


Using weights will have your arms and shoulders looking sleek and sculpted, so make sure you add it to your schedule for some serious definition.

Exercises such as push-ups, tricep-dips, mountain-climbers, etc., where you’re using your own body weight will speed up your upper body blitz and get shoulders and ‘guns’ on point.







My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Time to Plan a Herb Garden



- Save money. Herbs are expensive and don’t keep very well.
- Freshness. You pick the herbs when you are cooking so they are fresh.
- Convenient. No rushing to the supermarket to find they don’t have what you need.
- Safe to eat. You know you have not used pesticides to grow your herbs.
- Become a better cook. You have more options as a cook when the herbs are growing on your doorstep.
- Garden beauty. Many herbs have beautiful foliage and bee-attracting flowers.


Send your gardening questions to


You can also contact Ahmed Esat

by phone (0404070498) or email (

and visit his blog site.

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Mula Nasruddin and his wife, Mumtaz, were planning a vacation, and ended up in an argument, "It's 'Hawaii', I'm telling you!"

Mumtaz said. "I never KNEW someone so stubborn!


'Havaii' is how it's pronounced!" Mula Nasruddin replied.


And so it went all the way to the vacation... As they got off the airplane, they passed a man.

Mula Nasruddin abruptly stopped the wife and turned to the man to ask, "Now that we're on the island, you can settle an argument between my wife and me. Is this 'Hawaii' or 'Havaii'?"

"This is Havaii," the man replied.


"Ha!" Mula Nasruddin gloated to his wife.


"See, didn't I tell you never to argue with me?"

As they began to walk away, Mula Nasruddin turned back and gave the man a hearty, "Thank you!"

"You're velcome!" he called back.


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An Ayaat-a-Week






Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his adherents, that they may become companions of the Blazing Fire.
~ Surah Fatir 35:6


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“He who is unable to live in society,

or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself,

must be either a beast or a god.”


~ Aristotle


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Be aware of some of the basic techniques that can be of help.
The following techniques can be used in self-defense:

*Try your best to hit the attacker on the ribs. Contrary to popular belief, it really can hurt.

*The best place to strike is the solar plexus. Or, strike the area under the nose. Never aim for the eye-sockets, it is a very strong part of the face, and could possibly break your fingers. Hitting the solar plexus can give you a lot of time to get away (as well as winding the attacker, giving you a chance to hit back), while hitting the nose can knock the attacker out. Either will work.

*When the attacker punches you, turn to the side to dodge it, then grab their arm, and strike their elbow joint.

For more info on self defence classes contact Taufan on 0447004465 or


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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



Click on thumbnail to enlarge



Events and Functions


Algester Mosque BBQ Saturdays JUNE & JULY IRA stalls SATURDAYS JUNE & JULY UMB Eid 6 to 9 JULY CresCafe at Eid Down Under 9 July Eid Down Under 9 JULY Eid Down Under 9 JULY Eid Down Under 9 JULY EDU Global Cuisines 9 JULY OMAN Exhibition Invitation 12 JULY Muslimah Night Bazzar 10 SEPTEMBER


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services


AIIC Open Day


ISOM Flyer-CCN SC Tuition Shajarah Islamic Education Shajarah Islamic Education Australian International Islamic College Holland Park Mosque Hall Hire Slacks Creek Madressah Slacks Creek Mosque Activities Marriage celebrant - Imam Akram High School Subjects Tutoring MCF


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Businesses and Services




Bosthan's Ramadan Catering

Click on image to enlarge









See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





7 June




1st RAMADAN 1437


CIQ Brisbane Timetable

AIIC Brisbane Timetable

ISOT Toowoomba Timetable

AU Slacks Creek Timetable

Algester Mosque Timetable

Al-Mustapha Inst of Bne Timetable

Lutwyche Mosque Timetable

Holland Park Mosque Timetable


11, 18, 25 June & 2 July


Algester BBQ

Islamic Society of Algester

IAlgester Mosque


after Taraweeh

1 July



Laylat al-Qadr - Night of Power (27th Ramadan 1437)

6 July



EID al-FITR 1437 (1st Shawwal 1437)

6 to 9 July

Wed to Sat

Eid at the Park

United Muslims of Brisbane (UMB)

Rocklea Showgrounds

0412 386 839

All day

9 July


Eid Down Under

Islamic Council of QLD (ICQ)

Islamic College of Brisbane, 45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha

0410 083 975

10am to 9pm

12 July


Oman Exhibition

Centre for ICD

Griffith University


from 6pm

16 July


Annual Eid Night

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque,




24 July


A Muslimah's Closet - PreLoved Fashion Market

Loriza Koya

Islamic College of Brisbane, 45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha

0405 816 102

10am to 3pm

6 & 7August


Sat & Sun

The Divine Light
Sh Wasim Kempson

Al Kauthar Brisbane

Griffith University NATHAN

0438 698 328

All day

20 August


Family Fun Day

Gold Coast Islamic School (AIIC)

19 Chisholm Road Carrara, Gold Coast

5596 6565

12pm to 6.30pm


4 September




Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, WEST END

0402 026 786



10 September



Muslimah Night Bazzar (Sisters Only)

Loriza Koya

ICB, 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha

0405 816 102

4pm to 9pm

12 September



EID al-ADHA 1437 (10th Zilhijja 1437)

3 October



1st Muharram 1438 – Islamic New Year 1438

8 October


Al Yateem Fundraising Dinner

Islamic Relief Australia

Greek Hall, 269 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt

0456 426 523


12 October



Day of Ashura

12 December



Birth of the Prophet (pbuh) / Milad un Nabi



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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Ramadan program at Masjid Taqwa

7:15 pm Esha salah
7:25 pm Taraweh salah Kathamul Quran

There will be a talk for 15 minutes every day after Taraweh salah covering the following topics:
1. Daily sunnats of our beloved Prophet
2. Intentions for good deeds
3. Salaat according to sunnat
4. 40 small Ahadith to memorise




Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

• Zikr - every Thursday 7pm, families welcome
• Hifz, Quran Reading & Madressa - Wednesday & Friday 4:30 - 6:30pm, brothers, sisters and children
• New Muslims Program - last Thursday of every month, 6:30 - 8:30pm
• Salawat Majlis - first Saturday of every month. Starting at Mughrib, families welcome
• Islamic Studies - one year course, Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 pm, brothers and sisters
• Ilm-e-Deen, Alims Degree Course - Three full-time and part-time nationally accredited courses, brothers

For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600



Quran Reading Class For Ladies (Beginners or Advanced)

Every Saturday 2 - 4pm
Lady Teacher


Algester Mosque



Naath and  Queesadah session every  Saturday night, after Taraweeh




On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987


Click on images to enlarge






Lutwyche Mosque

Weekly classes with Imam Yahya


Monday: Junior Class

Tuesday: Junior Arabic

Friday: Adult Quran Class


For more information call 0470 671 109


Holland Park Mosque




Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Next Meeting


Time: 7.00pm
Date: 12 JULY 2016
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road Karawatha

The next QPS/Muslim Communities has been postponed. Discussions with key stakeholders has resulted in the meeting date now being moved to 12 July 2016 – same time and location (7pm at the Islamic College of Brisbane, 45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha).

This will enable people to participate in the many Ramadan/Eid functions and provide an opportunity for a subsequent debrief of these events on the 12 July. If there are any additional agenda items could you please forward them to

Light refreshments will be available.




For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at



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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


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