Sunday, 10 July 2016


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.....a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....




Eid Down Under Snapshot

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

The CCN Food for Thought

Eid prayer gathering at ICB

The CCN Weekly News & Views Briefs

An Ayaat-a-Week

AIIC Eid ul Fitr Celebrations

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

Events and Functions

ACCESS and QIS host Logan Ifthar

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Sydney's Lakemba Mosque on Eid Day

 The CCN Classifieds

Businesses and Services

Eid in Toowoomba Indoor Bowling Association Hall

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

The CCN Date Claimer

Intimate Teacup Conversation with Sue Lockwood

CCN Readers' Book Club

CCN on Facebook

Anne Aly: The campaign to be first female Muslim MP

KB's Culinary Corner

Useful Links

Sara stands up to ALA supporter

Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Ramadan Cup 2016

Fitria on Food Appears monthly

Write For Us

Madina and two other cities attacked by terrorists

Get your fingers green with Ahmed Esat


Amanah Institute Update

Taufan's Tip on Self Defence



The CCN Chuckle



Eid Family Fun Day (Tickets)

See the CCN DATE CLAIMER below for details



The CCN Weekly Hansard of Hanson Harangues

Changing How People Around the World View Pakistanis
Muslims on what it's like to live in Australia


Back to the Future with CCN

The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column




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Yesterday's (Saturday) inaugural Eid Down Under celebration of the Muslim festival of Eid-ul-Fitr was held at the Islamic College of Brisbane where a large crowd came to enjoy the food, entertainment and rides. Eid Down Under is an initiative of the Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ). President of ICQ, Mr Ismail Cajee, told CCN that the attendance numbers were appoximately 20,000 throughout the day.


We hope to provide a fuller report in the next CCN.



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Prayer Hall

The Eid-ul-Fitr morning prayer hosted by the Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ) and supported by the Kuraby, Holland Park, Ipswich and Slacks Creek Mosques, the Eid morning prayers attracted over 9000 men and women to the Islamic College of Brisbane on a chilly Wednesday morning.


Prof Mohamad Abdalla delivered the key note address and Imam Ahmad Muhammad Naffaa of the Kuraby Mosque led the prayers, followed by the Khutbah (sermon) in Arabic.


Dr Abdalla's central message was about caring, sharing and being gracious, gentle, compassionate and merciful to one's families, neighbours and "those who "hate" us".

He reminded the congregation that Islam forbids illegitimate violence and acts of terror – be it inflicted by individuals, organisations or nations. "Groups such as ISIS propose that it is acceptable to kill non-combatants, civilians, and innocent people (or in the terminology of Islamic law those who are not engaged in direct combat). For Muslims scholars, this violates a well-known principal from Islamic Law: “It is not permissible to kill their [i.e., the opponent's] women and children if they are not in direct combat.” “The sharia ruling of killing innocent people (Muslim or non-Muslim) is not only prohibited but also a major Sin and contravenes one of the principal commandments of our way of life.”  He also stressed the importance of being proud of one's Australian Muslim identity, and the long standing presence of Islam and Muslims in Australia.

Prof Mohamad Abdalla

Imam Ahmad Muhammad

(l tor r) Riyaad Ally (Muslim Aid Australia), David Forde (Multicultural Affairs QLD), Yusuf Khatree (Muslim Charitable Foundation), and Ismail Cajee (Islamic Council of QLD)

(l tor r) AK Surtie (Kuraby Mosque) and Zakaria Amin (Slackscreek Mosque)




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AIIC report



To mark the end of the Holy month of Ramadhan, the Australian International Islamic College held its Eid ul Fitr celebrations at the Durack Campus.

The Eid message was delivered by Imam Shehzad Khan in which he stressed the importance of forgiving each other’s shortcomings. The Khutbah was conveyed by Imam Mohammed Azhari whose main message was the importance of Muslim unity and tolerance. He also encouraged Muslims to become better contributors to the Australian society.

The event was attended by men, women and children of diverse backgrounds. It was a wonderful atmosphere to see families join together in the spirit of Islam. The children enjoyed the treats provided and played on the jumping castle. Families gathered around tables and enjoyed the delicious brunch provided.

The day was enjoyed by all and we look forward to the next Ramadan, InshaAllah


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ACCES Services and the Queensland Intercultural Society hosted the the second of their annual Friendship and Dialogue Ifthaars at the Gould Adams Community Centre in Logan.


Over 150 invited guests were treated to the breaking of the fast with Baharat lamb and chicken shawarna for the mains.


Master of Ceremonies was Ms Leiya Abukar and a musical interlude was provided by the Cievash Arean Duo.


After the Quran Recitation by Imam Ghazaleh, Ms Gail Ker, CEO of Access Community Services and Mr Abdul Celil Gelim, Executive Director of QIS welcomed the diverse group of guests.


Mrs Ayse Dogun of Wisdom College delivered the keynote address and spoke of her experiences as an Australian-born of Turkish origin.


Logan Mayor Luke Smith spoke of the Logan City and its diversity.


Cecil Fernandes' vote of thanks was followed by a Palestinian dance performance by Al Zayton.


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Western Sydney, Wednesday morning: More than 50,000 Muslims close streets around Lakemba Mosque as they pray on the road to celebrate the end of Ramadan

• More than 50,000 Muslims close the streets around Lakemba Mosque to celebrate the end of Ramadan
• The Mosque was full by 6am on Wednesday and thousands prayed on the street to mark end of 30-days of fasting
• The June Ramadan celebrations left Lakemba town centre transformed with food stalls for Iftar in the evenings
• The Lebanese stalls served camel burgers, tandoori chicken kebabs, corn on the cob, paratha and knafeh
• The end of Ramadan means the beginning of the 'festival of breaking the fast,' Eid al-Fitr, which lasts for three days

More than 50,000 Muslims closed the streets around Sydney's biggest mosque to celebrate the end of Ramadan and 30-days of fasting.

Lakemba Mosque was full by 6am on Wednesday, leaving thousands to place their prayer rugs on Wangee Road while their morning prayers were broadcast over loudspeakers.

The Ramadan celebrations left the Lakemba town centre transformed with food stalls for the evening meal, known as Iftar, serving camel burgers, corn on the cob, tandoori chicken kebabs, paratha flatbread and the cheese dessert Knafeh.

New South Wales Premier Mike Baird arrived in Lakemba in the morning to address the service as Muslim families now begin to celebrate the three-day 'festival of breaking the fast,' Eid al-Fitr.

The holy month comes to an end at the official sighting of a crescent moon.

President of the Lebanese Muslim Association, Samier Dandan, addressed the crowd on Wednesday, saying the 'divisiveness' of 'bigotry' in Australia will not 'break' them.

Source: The Daily Mail UK



The Daily Mail UK

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By Dylan Chown


There are indeed exciting times ahead at Amanah Institute, Insha’Allah. The Amanah team would like to share this important update as we move forward to phase 2 of the Amanah Institute Improvement Project (AIIP).

Leadership Team
We are excited to announce the new leadership team at Amanah Institute. Imam Ahmed Naffa will assume the role of the Religious Leader of the Institute. Sister Soraya Bulbulia will assume the role of the Educational Leader and Principal of the Institute. Both of these appointments will add significantly to the shared leadership structure, Insha’Allah.

Imam Ahmed will add great value to our ongoing efforts to enhance the Qur’an program; in providing specialist training for our teachers; and in providing quality teaching within the Applied Islam program, Insha’Allah. We also pray that his involvement and leadership will add to the ruhaniya and ambiance that we desire for our children in this scared learning environment.

Sr Soraya has been instrumental in the success of the Institute over the following three (3) years. She has demonstrated an exceptional grasp of the vision and the philosophy of education at Amanah Institute. She combines her experience in both Principal and Deputy Principal roles in Madrassahs here in Australia, her very high level organizational skills and her experience in mainstream education settings.
Our children and young people are fortunate indeed, Alhumdullilah.

Special Combined Event – Forum and Senior Applied Islam Graduation

We would like to cordially invite our Amanah families to a combined event to be held on Sunday 17th of July 2.00 pm at the Islamic Women’s Association of Queensland, 11 Watland St, Springwood QLD 4127.

This event will mark the occasion of the graduation of the Inaugural Senior Applied Islam Class as well as an important forum where we discuss the milestones of phase 1 in the Amanah Institute Improvement Project (AIIP) and outline the goals for phase 2.

Strictly RSVP only.

Please RSVP by Thursday, 14th July at


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  Pauline Hanson controversy: Chinese community campaigns against 'racist' ideas


  Classwashing' Australia's racism problem won't make it disappear


  Jewish organisation condemns Hanson


  As Ramadan ends, Muslims express concerns about rise in right-wing politicians
As Muslims gather to celebrate the end of Ramadan, community leaders say they're concerned about the rise of racism in Australian politics. One leader is urging people to not allow figures like Pauline Hanson to divide the community. The New South Wales Premier Mike Baird has also spoken out, using the end of Islam's holiest month to say that racism has no place in Australia.

  “Pressed about Ms Hanson’s anti-Islam and anti-Asian policy platform, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said yesterday those views were “not appropriate in today’s Queensland”.


  Backlash to Hanson's anti-Islam comments: The National Race Discrimination Commissioner and the Islamic community say Pauline Hanson's anti-Muslim comments do not accurately reflect the views of Australians.


  Hanson a hate preacher: Muslim group


  Pauline Hanson's First Press Conference As A Senator Was INSANE

  Pauline Hanson's comments could lead to violence, Tim Soutphommasane warns. ‘There’s great potential for harm to be done when you’re talking about inflammatory rhetoric,’ says race discrimination commissioner


  A Muslim Advocate Wrote About Pauline Hanson & Boy Did The Racists Go Wild


  Pauline Hanson Converts To Islam After Accidentally Eating Halal Certified Sausage



Why the Boycott Halal Movement is Really Stupid

Debunking the myths behind the Boycott Halal in Australia movement.



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Cafe Mio, in Springwood was a perfect venue for an intimate teacup conversation with Sue Lockwood, hosted by Connected Women and Be Enterprise during May.

Women from various backgrounds gathered to enjoy a delicious morning tea and to help fundraise for the Bali Life Women’s Centre.

Sue Lockwood who is from the Gold Coast, shared her compelling story about how she, as a mature age student, completed her Social Science degree and was working with young people in various rehabilitation facilities, when all of sudden, she was hit by depression and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The audience was drawn into Sue’s story about self-discovery and soul searching as well as the courage that lead Sue to overcome her depression and establish a women’s centre in Bali.

Sue is a mother to three children and five grandchildren. Nowadays she spends six months in Bali and six months in Australia. Whilst in Australia, Sue raises much needed funds for the Bali Life Women’s Centre. The centre teaches English to over 100 children each week and also runs courses for the local women in the Balinese community.

The informative, uplifting and motivating morning could not have been complete without the generous donation of a selection of gift vouchers from Everbliss Health and Beauty and Peak Physique Yoga Underwood.

Highlights of the morning were captured by Yaseera Moosa Photography.

Sue Lockwood told CCN that she had a wonderful morning meeting lots of new women. “It was so encouraging to see, as I told my story, that there were many interested faces looking back at me and I sensed that many had their own "life stories" to tell,” she said.


Saalihah Seedat, co-founder of Connected Women who was the MC for the morning said “It was an absolute honour to host Sue and all the lovely ladies who joined us for this inspiring morning. Not only did we achieve the goal of raising much needed funds to assist with ongoing services at the Bali Life Women’s Centre; there were many new friendships created at this intimate event.”

Gabrielle Conescu of Wavell Heights said that “I had the pleasure of attending Connected Women’s fundraising morning tea . A truly inspirational group creating a community of connection and making a difference. Sue is an amazing woman and with such an empowering story. I look forward to the next Connected Women event.”

For more information on the Bali Life Women’s Centre:

Connected Women is a movement that aims to create a platform for women of diverse backgrounds committed to learning, sharing and inspiring each other. If you are interested in receiving information about upcoming events please write to:


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Labor is increasingly confident its candidate for the WA seat of Cowan, international counter-terrorism expert Anne Aly, will be elected. That would make her the first female Muslim in Australia's parliament. But as she tells the Religion and Ethics Report, she is far more than her religion.

Dr Anne Aly was preselected as the Labor candidate for Cowan, the federal seat covering suburbs in Perth, in January this year.

Aly had been working as an academic at Edith Cowan University, studying counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation programs.

She says she was surprised when she was first approached to run as a Labor candidate.

'I looked at them and I said: "You know who I am, right? You still want me to run, right?" And they said, "Yes, we do."'

'I think that it's brave that a Labor party goes places to represent the diversity of our Australian community.'

However, Aly insists that she is far more than her religion.

'I can't help how I'm going to be labelled,' she says.

'A lot of the media referred to me as a Muslim academic or the Muslim candidate and that's OK. That's part of who I am. But I'm also so much more than that as well.'

Aly describes herself as a 'secular Muslim', which she says is not meant to dilute her religious stance.

'My identity as a Muslim is as a secular Muslim,' she says.

'I do believe in the separation of religion and politics and that's what secular in any form of religion is.'

Personal reasons behind move into politics

Aly says her reasons for getting into politics are personal. Having struggled financially to raise two sons on her own, she says they were the kind of people that radical groups prey on.

'Those years that I spent struggling with my children when they were young, when I struggled to make ends meet, really have a huge bearing on my identity today and how I define myself,' she says.

Now that her sons are older, she says it's the 'sons of Australia' she is most concerned about.

'Someone said to me: "Anne, why are you running for parliament? You're too qualified to be a politician."

'Why is there such a dismal view of politics that people would think that somebody like me is too over qualified, or too good for politics?

'I certainly don't believe that. I think politics needs to change and I think that we need to have more people with experience.'

Criticism from Liberals and conservative Muslims

During the campaign, Aly faced criticism from several high-profile Liberal MPs, including justice minister Michael Keenan, for a submission she made in the trial of radical Muslim preacher Junaid Thorne.

She had suggested he could be a candidate for her deradicalisation program, which is funded by the federal attorney-general's department.

Aly also received criticism from conservative sections of the Muslim community for not wearing a headscarf. But she says she's developed a thick skin.

'I get criticism from everywhere ... I get it from the extreme right wing, who question, "Why aren't you covering your face and head?"' she says.

'I'm like, "Well, why don't you go and have a picnic with the conservative right-wing Muslims? Because you all think the same way."

'I'm a big believer that's a woman's choice to wear what she wants to wear. I don't think that in the year 2016 we should be talking about what women wear.'

Source: ABC


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ALA Campaigner

Sara Gadalla (pictured below) describes her run in with an Australian Liberty Alliance campaigner at the Helensvale election booth last Saturday in the following Facebook post:

So yesterday mum and I went to Helensvale High school to vote like we do every year... But this time it was very different. As we walked into my former high school I saw a man holding up a sign and didn't think much of it until I saw him laughing and shaking his head while looking directly at us. His sign read "protect our democracy from Islam". I instantly became furious... He stood there targeting one group of people, a minority and demonized them and portrayed them as the enemy. A million thoughts were running through my mind and when he turned around, like a smartass, and said "oh you better come get one of these flyers then" without thinking I sarcastically blurted "why? Shouldn't you be protecting yourself from me? I might be carrying something". He respond with "oh yes, of course. You're right".

I continued walking towards the hall trying to contain my anger in order to carry on with what I was there to do, to vote, to have a voice and to be heard. While waiting in line, I felt so extremely vulnerable... Here I was standing in a hall alongside my neighbours and everyone in the district but I couldn't help to wonder how many of them agreed with the ignorant bigot that stood outside.

After casting our votes, we started to make our way back towards the exit and that's when I thought to myself I'm not going to let this uneducated racist get the best of me... I decided I would take a photo of him and what he represented and I solemnly vowed that whenever I felt disheartened or discouraged I would look at this photo and remember that I am here to prove extremists like him wrong and for as long as I live, I, as an individual will do everything in my power to make myself better than him and to prove to those around us that it's not Islam that must be feared...

As I took the photo of the illiterate chauvinist he slurred "take your bombs and get out of Helensvale"... and that really hurt me to my core. I have lived in Helensvale for over 15 years, I completed my primary education in Helensvale State School and later graduated from Helensvale State High School... And he's telling me to take my bombs and leave? They seem to always be calling us terrorists but I feels like we are the ones being terrorised. Here I was like every other civilian trying to complete my duty as an Australian citizen but I, as a minority that makes up less than 3% of Australian residents, was targeted and terrorised.


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By Abdi Hersi


The Somali Community Association of Queensland held its second annual Ramadan Cup this year. The 2016 cup was even more popular and attracted a record crowd. This year the tournament was themed as “Coming together as a community: To make things happen”.


Twelve teams took part the tournament this year representing various suburbs in the South Brisbane region. The first match kicked off at the start of the holly month was ceremonially opened by the ALP Federal local Member of Parliament Hon. Graham Perrett and a group elders from the Somali community.


The purpose of this tournament and other similar community initiatives are intended to help Somali youth to stay focussed on improving themselves to aspire for greater heights in life. The finals match between KURABY FC and Acacia Ridge team was impressive and players of both teams showed skill and a great spirit of sportsmanship.

The Somali community leaders congratulate the Acacia ridge team (in white shirts) as the champions of Ramadan cup 2016. The leaders also congratulate the KURABY FC for coming second.


Special thanks go to Abdirisak Hassan Aden and Ramadan Ali Adow for their hard work and dedication for taking care of all administrative responsibilities of the tournament. The leaders also send their sincere gratitude to the organisers of this tournament especially the Somali Community Association of Queensland, inc, and the Universal International TV for sponsoring the tournament.





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RIYADH (Reuters) – Suicide bombers struck three cities across Saudi Arabia on Monday, killing at least four security officers in an apparently coordinated campaign of attacks as Saudis prepared to break their fast on the penultimate day of the holy month of Ramadan.

The explosions targeting U.S. diplomats, Shi’ite worshippers and a security headquarters at a mosque in the holy city of Medina followed days of mass killings claimed by the Islamic State group in Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq. The attacks all seem to have been timed to coincide with the approach of Eid al-Fitr, the holiday that celebrates the end of the Islamic holy month.

Muslim Village



Mufti of Australia condemn bombings in Saudi Arabia: Press Release


The Grand Mufti of Australia and the Australian National Imams Council, condemned the series of bombings that occurred this week during the last nights of the Holy month of Ramadan in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

"The most atrocious of the bombings, which occurred in the city of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), the city of Medinah is also strongly condemned. The world today is overflowing with cruelty, aggression and injustice while demonstrating double standards in support of countries that practise this solely or in coordination with terrorist organizations who are responsible for the largest degree of terrorism when targeting innocent civilians and places" the Grand Mufti of Australia Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammad said.

The Grand Mufti of Australia and the Australian National Imams Council also called upon all Muslims to stand united against all extremist ideologies and to denounce all terrorist organizations that promote such ideologies.

"We also call for the wider community to consider that terrorism is not related to Islam and that the Muslim community is the first community affected by such deviant thoughts. It must be made clear that there is no link between the phenomena of violence and Islam."

"The Grand Mufti of the Australia and the Australian National Imams Council offer their sincere condolences and sympathy to all the victims and their families and also offer their support to those who have been impacted by the atrocities and to the government and the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We ask Allah to protect all the Muslim lands from any harm, aggression and oppression."


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Women are hardworking, resilient and marvellous multi-taskers! These women have shown that Pakistani women are especially exceptional because of all that we have to overcome and yet we are able to not only become leaders in our fields but also pioneer into uncharted territories. All over the world, and beyond.


Read on about these super Pakistani women gathering respect and accolades the world over:


8. Ayesha Jalal

Ayesha Jalal is a Pakistani-American historian who was awarded with the 1998 MacArthur Fellowship. She is also the grandniece of renowned Urdu fiction writer Saadat Hasan Manto. She has taught at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Tufts University, Columbia University, Harvard University and LUMS.


NEXT WEEK IN CCN: 9. Shaila Abdullah



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Muslims on what it's like to live in Australia


Continued from last week's CCN


Report by Beau Donelly


A Muslim mother in Sydney fears her grandchildren will end up in a concentration camp. A Victorian father won't tell his football team he is Muslim so he doesn't have to explain himself. To be Muslim is to be judged for everything you do, says a Brisbane woman. An international student living in Melbourne says she feels segregated in class.

What is it to be Muslim in Australia today?


Fairfax Media asked readers who are Muslim to speak of their experiences and how they explain extremism and Islamophobia to their children. Dozens of people responded.


CCN publishes one response each week:


"My daughter is too young to understand hate"


Arva, Adelaide, Indian

I have not spoken to my daughter about extremism because she is too young to understand hate. She only understands love. I wear a hijab and the abaya. I feel judged because of the way I dress. People have shouted insults at me from cars as they drive past. I have been verbally abused while walking along the street. I have been called terrorist. It makes me cry and feel very sad. I have been always respected at school, parks and by the people living around me. The media has influenced people to think that all Muslims support terrorism. The teaching of Islam has been misinterpreted.


Source: Brisbane Times


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Why Islam | Aaron Smalley |  



Aaron (Harun) discovered Islam in a Christian monastery. He embraced Islam at the age of 16.



Fasting for the First Time



This young woman is fasting for the first time to show her support for her Muslim friends.




Sweden Issues "Don't Touch Me" Wristbands To Stop Muslim Rapists


Sweden has come up with a brilliant idea to stop the surge of Muslim rapists - wristbands that say “don’t touch me”.



London Mayor Sadiq Khan on Donald Trump


"Donald Trump is inadvertently or deliberately playing into the Daesh [ISIL] hands."
-London Mayor Sadiq Khan




A Somali girl recites a poem:

'My name is Islam'


She comes from the Nation of Poets..



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To know the future just look to the past



24 of the Most Influential Black Muslims in History


7. Tariq ibn Ziyad (d. 720)

Tariq ibn Ziyad was a Muslim general who led the Islamic conquest of what is now Spain and Portugal in 711–718 A.D. Under the orders of the Umayyad Caliph Al-Walid I, he led a large army from the north coast of Morocco, consolidating his troops at a large hill now known as Gibraltar. The name “Gibraltar” is the Spanish derivation of the Arabic name Jabal Ṭariq, meaning “mountain of Tariq,” which is named after him.

8. al-Jāḥiẓ (781 – 869)


Source: Atlantic BlackStar


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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs


Even cancer has a better public image than Muslim-Americans. How did it get this bad?

An Emirati businessman visiting Ohio last week for medical treatment found himself pinned to the ground outside his hotel by local police who suspected he might be a terrorist. Someone had called 911 to report a suspected Islamic State militant. The only grounds for reasonable suspicion? His traditional Emirati clothing and the fact he spoke Arabic on the phone. It’s just one more illustration of why it’s going to take more than a few strongly worded statements by American officials to undo a long trend in American culture that demonizes Arabs and Muslims.

What makes someone call the police and report a suspected terrorist when they see traditional Arab clothing and hear Arabic? Yes, there may be legitimate reasons to be on edge, as the executive director of the Cleveland chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Julia A. Shearson told the New York Times. But don’t discount Americans’ constant exposure to years of news coverage, movies, and political rhetoric that portrays Arabs and Muslims as menacing outsiders.

Foreign Policy


The Plague Within: Shaykh Hamza Yusuf on the Roots of Violent Extremism


Vigilante acts of violence have killed hundreds around the world in the last few days. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf writes plainly on the dark and destructive ideology which underpins groups like ISIS and their sympathisers.

A plague is upon us, and it has its vectors. Like the brain-eating amoebas that have struck the warm waters of the Southern states in America, a faith-eating plague has been spreading across the global Muslim community. This insidious disease has a source, and that source must be identified, so we can begin to inoculate our communities against it.

New versions of our ancient faith have sprung up and have infected the hearts and minds of countless young people across the globe. Imam Adel Al-Kalbani, who led prayers in the Haram of Mecca for several years, has publicly stated that these youth are the bitter harvest of teachings that have emanated from pulpits throughout the Arabian Peninsula, teachings that have permeated all corners of the world, teachings that focus on hatred, exclusivity, provincialism, and xenophobia. These teachings anathematize any Muslim who does not share their simple-minded, literalist, anti-metaphysical, primitive, and impoverished form of Islam, and they reject the immense body of Islamic scholarship from the luminaries of our tradition.

Seekers Hub


Less work and more pray...
…make Muhammad poorer but happier

IN MOST Muslim countries life slows down during Ramadan, the holy month in which the faithful fast during daylight hours. Many people nap during the day and feast at night. Working hours are reduced. Businesses open later and close earlier. In general, less gets done.

There is much anecdotal evidence that Ramadan, which ends on July 5th, has a negative economic effect on Muslim countries. But until recently, no one had properly studied the question. “There is a sensitivity when it comes to Islam,” says Rumy Hasan of the University of Sussex in Britain. But the holy month’s features actually make it easier to study.

The Islamic calendar is lunar, so Ramadan rotates through the seasons. In Egypt, for example, the holy month now falls during the long days of summer. But in 15 years, it will occur in winter, when the days—and, therefore, the fasts—are shorter. The opposite is true for Muslims in southern locales. This cycle, unrelated to other factors that might affect the economy, “presents a kind of naturally occurring experiment”, wrote Filipe R. Campante and David H. Yanagizawa-Drott of Harvard University in the New York Times. “Religious practice is precisely varied and everything else is left in place.”

In a study published last year in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Messrs Campante and Yanagizawa-Drott looked at data from nearly every country over the past 60 years and found that longer fasting times had a deleterious effect on economic growth in predominantly Muslim countries—not just during Ramadan, but throughout the year. If, say, the average Ramadan fast were to increase from 12 hours to 13 hours, output growth in that country for the year would decline by about 0.7 of a percentage point, they found. “It is a robust negative relationship,” says Mr Yanagizawa-Drott.

Other research suggests that Muslims are less productive during Ramadan. A study by Heather Schofield of the University of Pennsylvania showed that fasting by Indian agriculture workers led to a 20-40% drop in productivity when the holy month fell in the planting or harvesting season. Office workers are said to put off meetings and decisions until after Ramadan, during which trading activity tends to decline on stockmarkets in the Middle East.

But Messrs Campante and Yanagizawa-Drott found that the most important reason for lower growth was that Muslims choose to work fewer hours. They are seemingly no less productive in years when fasts are longer. Surveys indicate that during those years they value work less and religion and leisure more. “You could say it is a healthy shift in attitudes,” says Mr Yanagizawa-Drott. Indeed, fasting Muslims report being happier in years when the days are longer, despite the economic costs.

Many merchants do better around Ramadan thanks to an increase in consumption. In this way, it is like holidays everywhere. But making more thorough comparisons is difficult because it is hard to isolate the economic effect of, say, Christmas. Ramadan’s variability gives researchers something to chew on, even as their subjects go without.

The Economist



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Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 8 July 2016

TOPIC"Signs of Allah's Acceptance Of Your Fast"

IMAM: Akram Buksh








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 8 July 2016

TOPIC"Consolidate the Break"

IMAM: Uzair Akbar


Play the recording  






Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 8 July 2016

TOPIC: “Deen is for life not only for ramadan"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar






Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 8 July 2016

TOPIC: “Death & Dying"

IMAM: Prof. Mohamad Abdalla




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Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Fitr 2016 


From China and Pakistan to India and Iraq, Muslims worldwide celebrate the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Muslims around the world are celebrating the three-day Eid al-Fitr festival, which commemorates the end of Islam's holy month of Ramadan.

Eid al-Fitr, which means "festival of breaking the fast", marks the end of a month-long abstinence from consuming liquids and food, as well as smoking and partaking in sexual activity, from sunrise to sunset.
The starting day of Eid varies every year and from country to country depending on geographical location.

Eid celebrations begin with a special prayer in mosques and open-air areas.

Muslim families and communities across the world gather to celebrate with prayers, feasts and festivals.










Source: Al Jazeera


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 Adhan after 85 year's in Hagia Sophia, Turkey



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 Cuban Muslims celebrate Ramadan despite the obstacles


There are an estimated 10,000 practising Muslims in Cuba   

CUBA: With no official mosque, Cuban followers of Islam do their best to observe the holy month and practise their religion.

They speak little Arabic and don't have a real mosque, but Cuba's small Muslim community practises the faith and will quietly mark the end of Ramadan as best they can.

In Havana's old quarter, one can see a green and white minaret on top an old colonial-style building. It is here where Cuban Muslims have gathered for the past year to pray.

Inside, the walls of the prayer hall are decorated with Arabic calligraphy and a Palestinian flag. The copies of the Quran have been translated into Spanish.

"Salam aleikum," says a smiling man named Javier as he welcomes visitors in Arabic on a hot summer afternoon.

He was born into a Catholic family but converted to Islam two years ago.

"The text of the Bible seemed incomplete to me, so I changed religion," Javier said about his decision, an unusual one in a country where 70 percent of the population observes a blend of Christianity and Afro-Cuban beliefs.

There are as many as 10,000 Muslims in Cuba, making up less than 0.1 percent of the island nation's population.

According to experts, Islam was introduced to Cuba by Muslim students who came from countries such as Pakistan in the 1970s and 80s.  

Al Jazeera


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 UAE men told 'avoid national dress abroad'


A businessman from the United Arab Emirates visiting the United States was wrestled to the ground and held as an Islamic State suspect.

UAE: The United Arab Emirates has urged men to avoid wearing the white robes, headscarf and headband of the national dress when travelling abroad.

It comes after a businessman visiting the United States was wrestled to the ground and held as an Islamic State suspect.

UAE media reported that the Emirati man was detained in Avon, Ohio, last week after a female clerk at a local hotel called 911 to report what she had described as a man affiliated to Islamic State, according to the Arabic-language al-Bayan newspaper.

It only identified him by his initials.

The English language The National said the receptionist at the Fairfield Inn hotel called the police after she heard the man talking on his phone in the hotel lobby.

Gulf News, another UAE newspaper, published photos of the Emirati man in white robes being wrestled to the ground and handcuffed before being led away by police.

In a message on a Foreign Ministry Twitter account focusing on citizens travelling abroad, the ministry said on Saturday:

"For citizens travelling outside the country, and in order to ensure their safety, we point out not to wear formal dress while travelling, especially in public places," the message dated July 2 stated, without referring to the Avon incident.

The Foreign Ministry, in a message posted on its website in Arabic and English, urged citizens to abide by the laws of countries they are visiting.

It alerted women to countries in Europe whose laws prohibit wearing of face covers, also without referring to the incident in Avon.

Local newspapers said Avon police released the man after they realised their mistake, but he fainted and needed hospital treatment.

Al-Bayan reported that the citizen had hired a lawyer to pursue the case, saying he had received no apology from either the police or the hotel.  



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 First comprehensive database of South African Qur’aan reciters launched



SOUTH AFRICA: The South African Qur’aan Union (Saqu), has embarked on a campaign to document the names of all Qur’aan reciters (Qurraa) and memorizers (Huffaadh) in the country. This information, together with a brief profile of each individual, has been captured in an electronic database that is available on their website.

It is understood that hundreds of South Africans completes the memorization of the Qur’aan to memory every year, therefore the aim of the organization is to register each male and female reciter into the history of South Africa.

A quick glance at the available statistics reveals the following:

• From the approximately 1000 names registered in the database, 77.23% has fully memorized the Holy Quran.
• Gauteng is the leading province with 52.15% of entries, followed by the Western Cape at 28.23%, and KZN with 14.74%.
• The highest amount of reciters from a single town (32% of total entries) hails from Azaadville in Gauteng.
• 58 (6.24%) female entries were received.
• From those who has ventured into further Islamic studies, 83 individuals have completed the Alim course (three females included), with 35 male individuals having studied Qiraa’aat (in addition to Alim and one person completed Iftaa (Mufti) course (in addition to Alim).

• Other reciters noted their occupation as doctor, accountant, forensic scientist, financial adviser, business analyst, teacher, medical specialist, etc.
• The three Daarul Ulooms- Daarul Uloom Zakariyya, Azaadville, and Newcastle features most popular in terms of local places of study, whilst Jam’eyyatul Qurraa (or Sheikh Yusuf Booley) in Cape Town, and Azaadville Muslim School together with Mias farm (Waterval Islamic Institute) in Gauteng also shows prominently in the list.
• Other reciters memorized the Quran abroad or pursued its further study in countries such as India, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom (with Egypt being the most popular international place of study).



Reciters may register on :  whereas full individual listings may be viewed on:

CII Broadcasting


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 Japan's top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country's Muslims


 'They made us terrorist suspects, we never did anything wrong,' says Japanese Muslim, Mohammed Fujita

JAPAN: Japan's Supreme Court has upheld the government's blanket surveillance of the country's Muslim community.

The court struck down the second appeal by Japanese Muslim plaintiffs against what they perceive as an unconstitutional invasion of their privacy and freedom of religion, reports Al Jazeera.

A 2010 leak of 114 police files revealed nationwide surveillance of Japanese Muslims. The files revealed that Muslim places of worship, halal restaurants and Islam-related organisations across the capital, Tokyo, were being monitored.

Within a few weeks of the leak, the data had been downloaded 10,000 times in 20 different countries from a file-sharing website.

A group of 17 Japanese Muslims, mostly from Middle Eastern and North African countries, decided to sue the Japanese government for infringing on their constitutional rights. 

The Independent


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 Muslims face fines up to £8,000 for wearing burkas in Switzerland


Burka ban received 65 per cent of the vote in 2013 in the region, which has a Catholic majority


SWITZERLAND: A controversial Swiss law prohibiting Islamic dress has been used to fine a Muslim convert and a businessman, who protested the ban.

The rule, which came into effect in Ticino on Friday, was voted in by referendum and outlaws face-covering headgear.

Nora Illi and Rachid Nekkaz, who are prominent campaigners for the rights of Muslims, walked in the streets of Locarno in full Islamic dress soon after the rule was introduced.

They were stopped by police officers, who fined Mr Nekkaz, a French-Algerian national, £180 (CHF230). Ms Illi, from Zurich, who converted to Islam when she was 19, will receive a penalty of up to £7,700 (CHF10,000).

In 2011, Mr Nekkaz set up a million euro fund to help women all over the world who chose to wear a veil or burka where it is not allowed.

As the protest was being carried out by Ms Illi and Mr Nekkaz, local government officials collected signatures calling for a nationwide ban on the burka.

The law, which began as a people’s initiative, received 65 per cent of the vote in Ticino in 2013. The majority of Ticino are Roman Catholic.

It was approved by the local government in November, after the country’s Parliament ruled it did not contradict Swiss federal law.

Georgio Ghiringhelli, who drew up the proposal said the ruling would send a message to “Islamic fundamentalists” who he claimed were in the country.

“Those who want to integrate are welcome, irrespective of their religion, but those who rebuff our values and aim to build a parallel society based on religious laws, and want to place it over our society, are not welcome," he said.   

The Independent


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South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa

Programme Director
Our Muslim compatriots
Distinguished Guests

Assalaamu Alaikum! (Peace be upon you!)

It is a great honour for me to be with you on the special occasion of the breaking of the holy fast.

I have joined you to say – with humility and encouragement – Eid Mubarak!

Thank you to Brother Goolam Mohideen, the Chairperson of the Eidgah Committee, Moulana Imran and Moulana Hafs for allowing me to be present today.

Today, our Muslim brothers and sisters across the globe are marking the end of Ramadan 2016 and celebrating Eid al-Fitr.

You have a reason to celebrate this joyous occasion with your families, friends and communities after having successfully completed the observance of your religious obligations during the month of Ramadan, which is the fourth pillar of Islam.

Ramadan commemorates the revelation of God's word in the holy Quran and it is from the Holy Quran that we receive our instruction that humankind has an obligation for the wellbeing of the poor, the needy and the oppressed.

For it is written,

"[The righteous are those] who feed the poor, the orphan and the captive for the love of God, saying: 'We feed you for the sake of God Alone; we seek from you neither reward nor thanks.'"

The month-long fasting during Ramadan engenders self-restraint, promotes charity and cultivates generosity.

It promotes greater awareness of our purpose on earth and our responsibility towards humankind.

This is the restraint, discipline and self-sacrifice that we need to exemplify in our day-to day conduct to create a more humane world.

As we gather here today as South Africans, we are reminded of the great diversity of our nation – of the many faiths, languages, cultures and creeds.

We are also reminded of the universal values that bind us together as one people.

We are reminded of the important contribution that Muslims have made, and continue to make, throughout our society.

Islam is part of our African heritage, our history and our future.

In South Africa, the spread of Islam evokes the name of Shaykh Yusuf, a freedom fighter from Indonesia who was brought to the Cape as a political exile in the 17th century.

It also evokes the memory of indentured labourers in the Natal sugar fields who were brought from India and Zanzibar.

It brings to mind the inspiration that Nelson Mandela drew from the shrine and memory of Shaykh Abdurhman Matura on Robben Island.

Addressing the intercultural Eid celebration in January 1998, President Mandela said of Ramadan and Eid:

“It begins to explain the make-up of people like Shaykh Matura, from whose karamat on Robben Island, as prisoners we drew deep inspiration and spiritual strength when our country was going through its darkest times.”

We recall the involvement of the Muslim community in the struggle against apartheid – whether it was through the leadership of people like Dr Yusuf Dadoo, Ahmed Kathrada and Imam Haroon or through organisations such as the Islamic Medical Association, Muslim Youth Movement, The Call of Islam and other such groups.

We remember the contribution of the Muslim community of Pretoria to our struggle.

This is the community that gave South Africa its first black Chief Justice, Justice Ismail Mohamed.

This is a community that continues to play a vital role in the renewal, reconstruction and transformation of our nation.

This is a community that reminds us of the work we must continue to do to improve the lives of our people, the people of this country and the people of this continent.

As we mark the end of the holy fast, let us affirm our commitment to work together to end poverty, inequality, injustice and tyranny.

Let us work together to end racism, sexism and religious intolerance.

Let us stand up for the oppressed and the dispossessed, for those whose lands have been occupied and whose livelihoods have been destroyed.

Let us stand together to oppose the wars, civil conflicts and acts of terror that continue to claim the lives of so many innocents.

Let us build a peaceful, just and prosperous world.

We meet here today just weeks before South Africans go to the polls to elect their representatives to local government.

Let us undertake to ensure that those elections are peaceful, free, fair and inclusive.

Let us elect representatives that are honourable, dedicated, hard-working and selfless.

Let us work with each other to build the South Africa of our dreams, the South Africa described in the National Development Plan, the South Africa envisaged in our Constitution.

Let us build a South Africa that belongs to all who live in it.

Once again, in the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful, I wish you all a Blessed Eid.

I thank you.


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The CCN Book-of-the-Week


Islamic Perspectives on Science and Technology: Selected Conference Papers


Editors: Kamali, M.H., Bakar, O., Batchelor, D.A.-F., Hashim, R. (Eds.)



This book presents 25 selected papers from the International Conference on “Developing Synergies between Islam & Science and Technology for Mankind’s Benefit” held at the International Institute for Advanced Islamic Studies Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, in October 2014.


The papers cover a broad range of issues reflecting the main conference themes: Cosmology and the Universe, Philosophy of Science and the Emergence of Biological Systems, Principles and Applications of Tawhidic Science, Medical Applications of Tawhidic Science and Bioethics, and the History and Teaching of Science from an Islamic Perspective.


Highlighting the relationships between the Islamic religious worldview and the physical sciences, the book challenges secularist paradigms on the study of Science and Technology. Integrating metaphysical perspectives of Science, topics include Islamic approaches to S&T such as an Islamic epistemology of the philosophy of science, a new quantum theory, environmental care, avoiding wasteful consumption using Islamic teachings, and emotional-blasting psychological therapy.


Eminent contributing scholars include Osman Bakar, Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Mehdi Golshani, Mohd. Kamal Hassan, Adi Setia and Malik Badri. The book is essential reading for a broad group of academics and practitioners, from Islamic scholars and social scientists to (physical) scientists and engineers.



Dr Daud Batchelor is a Brisbane-based academic







"One who does not read is no better than one who cannot read."

Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: At the end of Ramadaan when you still have dates remaining, this recipe is perfect in the utilization of your extra dates and believe me when I tell you that these biscuits are just so delicious, especially with a cup of tea. Jazakallah Mariam Bhanwa for sharing this recipe with us.

Date Biscuits




250g Butter
1 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
2 teaspoons baking powder
3 to 4 cups of flour
Vanilla essence
2 beaten egg whites
fresh dates (medjool are preferred, split in two)


1. Beat the butter and sugar till creamy
2. Add vanilla, egg yolks and baking powder, beat well
3. Add flour to make a soft dough (dough must not be sticky)
4. Take pieces of dough and wrap around the date (form into finger shapes)
5.Roll in egg whites and then in coconut.
6. Place on a baking tray (make small slits on the top with a sharp knife)
7.Bake at 260 degrees in a fan forced oven for approx 30 minutes or until golden brown
8. Remove from oven, cool and ENJOY!!

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Q: Dear Kareema, what are some simple things I can do to strengthen my core?

A: Engage your abs – Before every move in your workout, first engage your core by tightening your abs without holding your breath. You’ll activate the muscles surrounding your stomach and spine which will in turn, strengthen and tone the entire abdominal area. Engaged abs will also prevent injury during
lifting weights and while maintaining your own body weight. Always take care and keep good posture…




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Fitria Sari

Accredited Practising Dietician & Nutritionist

To book appointments -
Ph: 3341 2333 (Underwood)
Ph: 3299 5596 (Springwood)
M: 0406 279 591

Celebrations and health: How can we fit it together?

With Eid-ul-fitr having come and passed, many have asked, how do you stay healthy during Eid? Here’s the secret - there is nothing wrong with a little indulgence. For most of us, this is what Eid is all about: sharing good food, talks, laughter and enjoying time spent with loved ones.

It is important to remember that health is not only our physical being, but it also includes our spiritual and mental wellbeing. I always tell people that having BALANCE in your life is HEALTHY. Eating indulgent foods on a day of celebration is a PART of a healthy lifestyle. Yes, you should be eating healthy on every other day of the year and you should also do your best to exercise on a regular basis. But, having one not-so-nutritious meal is not going to ruin your health and consuming indulgent foods on a day of celebration is definitely not going to harm you. What will make an impact on your health, in the long term, is if you consistently indulge and make it an everyday habit to eat those less nutritious foods and stop exercising regularly.

Overall, if you have a healthy and balanced lifestyle about 80% of the time, having a couple of days in a year where you eat indulgent foods is not going to negatively affect your health.

Eid only comes around twice a year and it is one of the special times for Muslims to celebrate the end of such a blessed month. A time for us to celebrate the success in implementing self discipline to control our desires and to appreciate the foods we are blessed with after having experienced what it is like to go without it. So with that, I wish you and your families a belated Eid Mubarak!


Need an answer to a nutrition related matter?

Send your question to Fitria at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Mula Nasruddin and his three friends were lodging in a boutique hotel and it was time for salah (prayers).

The hotel had no space for the salah. So Jallalludin suggested they go down to pray in a narrow passage with a small room in front of them.

They said to Mula Nasruddin, "Imam Nasruddin, you lead the prayer from this room while we pray in the passage behind you."

They commenced the prayer with the three friends in the first row behind Mula Nasruddin.

They went into a rooku (prostration) and waited to rise, and waited, and waited ......... but no direction was forthcoming. 

Finally, they raised their heads to find out what had happened.

To their surprise, Mula Nasruddin was nowhere to be found.

Only when a faint sound of "Allahu Akbar" was heard coming from the fourth floor below the small room did it dawn on them that the room was in fact the hotel lift.


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An Ayaat-a-Week






If a suggestion from Satan assails your (mind), seek refuge with Allah; for He hears and knows (all things).
~ Surah Al-A’raf 7:200


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The art of knowing

is knowing what to ignore.

~ Rumi


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At some point in your life, you may find yourself in a situation where you have to defend yourself from one or more opponents. A street fight won't follow rules or niceties; if you find yourself in this situation, you need to do as much as possible to defend yourself and avoid getting seriously hurt. Bear in mind that use of excessive force is illegal but that defending yourself is not, so remember that the aim is to protect yourself and get out of there as quickly as you can. 

For more info on self defence classes please contact Taufan on 0447004465 or Or visit our Facebook page for updates and info on Southside Academy of Combat - Silat PD


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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



Click on thumbnail to enlarge



Events and Functions


OMAN Exhibition Invitation 12 JULY Muslimah Night Bazzar 10 SEPTEMBER


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services


AIIC Open Day


ISOM Flyer-CCN SC Tuition Shajarah Islamic Education Shajarah Islamic Education Australian International Islamic College Holland Park Mosque Hall Hire Slacks Creek Madressah Slacks Creek Mosque Activities Marriage celebrant - Imam Akram High School Subjects Tutoring MCF


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Businesses and Services




Bosthan's Ramadan Catering

Click on image to enlarge









See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





12 July


Oman Exhibition

Centre for ICD

Griffith University


from 6pm

16 July


Annual Eid Night

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque,




16 July


Eid Family Fun Day

Islamic Society of Algester

Inflatable World, 27 Bellwood St, DARRA

0414 488 894

4.30pm to 7.30pm

24 July


A Muslimah's Closet - PreLoved Fashion Market

Loriza Koya

Islamic College of Brisbane, 45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha

0405 816 102

10am to 3pm

6 August


Ladies Night dinner

Wisdom College

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0452 373 774


6 & 7 August

Sat & Sun

The Divine Light
Sh Wasim Kempson

Al Kauthar Brisbane

Griffith University NATHAN

0438 698 328

All day

20 August


Family Fun Day

Gold Coast Islamic School (AIIC)

19 Chisholm Road Carrara, Gold Coast

5596 6565

12pm to 6.30pm


4 September




Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, WEST END

0402 026 786


10 September


Marriage and Parenting workshop with Edris Khamissa and Sajid Hussain


Griffith University, Nathan Campus


9am to 1pm


10 September



Muslimah Night Bazzar (Sisters Only)

Loriza Koya

ICB, 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha

0405 816 102

4pm to 9pm

12 September



EID al-ADHA 1437 (10th Zilhijja 1437)


17 September



Eidfest @ Dreamworld



0419 025 510

6pm to 11pm

1 & 2 October September

Sat & Sun

Parenting Toolbox Workshop with Ahmad Fakhri Hamzah and Jamilah Samian  




9am to 4pm

3 October



1st Muharram 1438 – Islamic New Year 1438

8 October


Al Yateem Fundraising Dinner

Islamic Relief Australia

Greek Hall, 269 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt

0456 426 523


8 & 9 October

Sat & Sun

The First Kingdom by Sh Bilal Ismail

Al Kauthar Brisbane

Griffith University NATHAN

0438 698 328

8.30am to 5.30pm

12 October



Day of Ashura

12 December



Birth of the Prophet (pbuh) / Milad un Nabi



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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"InShaAllah we will get back to the normal Tafseer and Sahaba program soon, most likely the days would be Mondays and Wednesdays."





Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

• Zikr - every Thursday 7pm, families welcome
• Hifz, Quran Reading & Madressa - Wednesday & Friday 4:30 - 6:30pm, brothers, sisters and children
• New Muslims Program - last Thursday of every month, 6:30 - 8:30pm
• Salawat Majlis - first Saturday of every month. Starting at Mughrib, families welcome
• Islamic Studies - one year course, Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 pm, brothers and sisters
• Ilm-e-Deen, Alims Degree Course - Three full-time and part-time nationally accredited courses, brothers

For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600



Quran Reading Class For Ladies (Beginners or Advanced)

Every Saturday 2 - 4pm
Lady Teacher


Algester Mosque



Naath and  Queesadah session every  Saturday night, after Taraweeh




On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987


Click on images to enlarge






Lutwyche Mosque

Weekly classes with Imam Yahya


Monday: Junior Class

Tuesday: Junior Arabic

Friday: Adult Quran Class


For more information call 0470 671 109


Holland Park Mosque




Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Next Meeting


Time: 7.00pm
Date: Tuesday 19th July 2016
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road Karawatha

Light refreshments will be available.




For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at



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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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