Sunday, 23 October 2016


Newsletter 0624


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.....a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....




History Society information session

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

The CCN Food for Thought

ICQ kicks off first of its forums

The CCN Weekly News & Views Briefs

An Ayaat-a-Week

Currumbin mosque backers double money after selling

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

Events and Functions

QPS/Muslim Community Meeting

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Funeral arrangements - Superintendent Paul Ziebarth

 The CCN Classifieds

Businesses and Services

About National Mosque Open Day

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

The CCN Date Claimer

MCF case needs help

CCN Readers' Book Club

CCN on Facebook

Al-Mustapha Centre fundraiser

KB's Culinary Corner

Useful Links

A candid Q&A with Jihad Dib

Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Move to remove numbers restriction at mosque

Fitria on Food Appears monthly

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Australian of the Year Finalists

Get your fingers green with Ahmed Esat


About Alchemy of Wellbeing

The CCN Chuckle

Casey Council mosque decision draws protest and hostility




Halal Menu

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Worongary Centre fundraiser: 30 October
Wisdom College Students of the Month
CAC wins award
Putting Out the UnWelcome Mat • Democracy Handbook
Celebs You Didn’t Know Were Muslims
Love Thy Neighbour - Out of Context (Part 4)
Muslims on what it's like to live in Australia
Back to the Future with CCN
The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column



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The Queensland Muslim Historical Society hosted a lunch and information session on Sunday 16 October at the Holland Park Mosque with the representatives of some of the oldest Muslim families of Queensland, Amongst them were 3rd, 4th and 5th generations of Ranes, Deens, Mekas, Mohammeds, Goss' and Howsons.


The Queensland Muslim Historical Society, the only such Society in the country, is planning to establish the Islamic Museum of Queensland and is inviting anyone with appropriate artefacts, photographs or memorabilia to contact the society on 0435 086 796 or email


You can also keep up to date with the Society's activities through their Facebook Page.


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The Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ) held the first of its community discussion series yesterday (Saturday) evening "to facilitate and promote discussion between Muslim and Non-Muslim Australians on a community level".


"In an environment of fear, hostility and misinformation, ICQ believes grass-root community engagement is vital for members of different cultural, faith and ethnic groups to discuss differences and build understanding."

Yesterday's forum at the Brisbane Multicultural Centre, Woolloongabba, focused on integration and generated discussion on the topic by sharing experiences between people of radically different backgrounds, faith groups, cultures and nationalities. The conversation was facilitated by Ali Kadri.


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Currumbin Waters site

GOLD Coast Muslim group which had its plans for a mosque rejected after community protests has sold the site, almost doubling its money.

The Salsabil Charity Organisation offloaded the Currumbin Waters property for $3.34 million, $1.6 million more than it paid, after it was told by a court it could not go ahead and build a mosque.

The organisation would not say if it would now start searching for an alternate site which could potentially spark further demonstrations.

Currumbin Waters have sold the site on Villiers Drive for $3.34 million.
Community protests convinced the Gold Coast City Council to oppose the Currumbin Waters proposal.

Salsabil appealed to the Planning and Environment Court in Brisbane which earlier this year upheld the council decision but it cost the city a large portion of its $3 million legal bill for the period.

Last night a council spokesman said they were not aware if another site was under consideration.

However, Islamic Society of Gold Coast president Hussin Goss yesterday said more mosques were needed for the city’s increasing Muslim population.

“Of course we need more places of worship and, of course at the end of the day when the time comes, we will try to pursue this in the right areas,” Mr Goss said.

“As the community grows, more places of worship are required.”

The Currumbin Waters site in Villiers Drive was bought by the Salsabil Charity Organisation in 2014.

The organisation applied for a warehouse to be converted into a place of worship which sparked 3867 submissions and eight petitions containing 5511 signatures, as well as protests outside the Evandale council chambers.

Salsabil appealed against the council’s rejection to the Planning and Environment Court in Brisbane but lost.

The group which led opposition to the mosque proposal, the Currumbin Residents and Light Industry Safety Committee, said it was against the church on town planning grounds.

It hailed the court’s decision as a victory for the Currumbin community.

Attempts to contact Ishrat Abdool and Benjamin Abdul, directors of the Salsabil Charitable Organisation, were unsuccessful.


Source: Courier Mail


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The next QPS/ Muslim Community meeting is scheduled for 7pm – Monday 24 October 2016 - Islamic College of Brisbane


Guest speaker - Dr Tim Soutphommasane - Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner.

Download the agenda for this meeting.

Download the minutes from the QPS/ Muslim Community Reference Group meeting held on 19 July 2016 at the ICB.


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Superintendent Paul Ziebarth passed away unexpectedly, while off-duty, on Saturday 15 October. Paul had been undertaking duties as the Acting Chief Superintendent, District Officer, South Brisbane District, in the period prior to his death.

Arrangements have now been made for a funeral service at which community, friends and colleagues may join with Paul’s family to celebrate his life and acknowledge his distinguished career.

This service will take place at 12 noon on Tuesday 25th October 2016 at the Our Lady of Graces Catholic Church, 100 Mayfield Rd, Carina.

A/C/Supt Paul Ziebarth was a community ambassador and community leaders are invited to attend and celebrate his life.


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:"National Mosque Open Day is an annual Australia-wide event organised by the Lebanese Muslim Association and proudly supported by the Department of Social Services. The event features a number of mosques across the nation simultaneously opening their doors to the public and inviting them to come in and explore their local mosque.

In 2016, National Mosque Open Day will be the largest yet, featuring even more participating mosques across the nation, in capital cities as well as in regional towns, giving more Australians than ever the chance to visit and be welcomed into their local mosques.

While mosques are open all year round, many non-Muslim Australians are unaware of this fact and do not take the opportunity to meet local Muslims and find answers to their questions about Islam. On National Mosque Open Day, each participating mosque will present a unique experience and flavour, representing the particular multicultural make-up of its congregation. Some mosques will have BBQs, sweets and food, others activities for children and others again will host special exhibitions. Many mosques will combine all of these elements. Common to all mosques, however, will be an open and welcoming attitude and the opportunity to ask questions of religious elders and seek answers to questions."


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The Muslim Charity Foundation supports families to help cater for their special needs. Below is young Judy’s story and how MCF has helped her family in purchasing a car to support Judy’s special needs.

Judy was born on the 24th of November in 2011. Only 2 weeks after her birth, she fell very ill and was in an unstable condition. Judy was forced to have a surgery for a Stoma (a small opening on the surface of the abdomen to divert the flow of faeces and/ or urine). The operation was successful for a while. Unfortunately, 3 years later she had to go back to the hospital. The doctors came to a conclusion that she didn’t need the Stoma and so they decided to remove it. She spent about a month in hospital recovering.

After spending a long period of time in the hospital, she was finally sent back home to her family. Not long after, she began feeling sick. She started vomiting, not eating properly, constantly crying, and not getting enough sleep. It was getting worse by the day. In May 2016 she became very ill once again. By June, her sodium levels dropped so low causing her severe brain damage (a result of not enough fluids going to the brain). Judy was again admitted to hospital and the doctors decided to put a Stoma bag back on.

Judy cannot eat normal food from her mouth anymore, she has lost the power to control the muscles that allows one to chew. Now she gets fed through her nose. She is also unable to walk. As a result, Judy is solely dependent on her parents.

The family are struggling financially. They need to buy a car that caters for Judy’s special needs.

The family are ever so grateful for any help given. They have no expectations of buying a new vehicle. All they want is a reliable vehicle in good condition. In the true Islamic spirit they accepted what Allah has given them and sincerely appreciate the generosity of those they have not met.

MCF has been assisting this family financially and agreed to support them if they find a suitable vehicle. Fortunately, they did find a second hand vehicle for under $30,000. Some money was raised by a Go Fund Me Campaign.

MCF had no hesitation to provide the balance needed to purchase the vehicle.


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Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane has launched a fundraising campaign for the building of an Islamic Cultural and Educational Centre. The land is owned and Logan City Council have approved this development.
The building will include facilities and cater for community needs including:

• A Masjid
• Higher level Islamic educational courses
• Auditorium & Community Hall
• Islamic Library
• Youth Guidance & Leadership Programs
• Domestic Violence Assistance & Counseling
• Couching & Mentoring Services
• New Muslims Programs
• Spiritual Guidance & Counseling


All donations are fully tax deductible.
BSB: 034115
Account: 408001


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Anton Enus with Jihad Dib.

Mr Jihad Dib MP, member for Lakemba and currently the Shadow Minister for Education for NSW says that the drive to increase academic standards should never be at the expense of shaping strong, well rounded and responsible students with strong values and morals.

He was a speaking on the topic “Building community through schools” at the Morning Conversation, a breakfast session on Wednesday 19 October organised by Affinity Intercultural Foundation at their Sydney City offices.

Part of a regular Affinity Talk Series, the event was held in the form of a Q&A session facilitated by Anton Enus, co-host of the SBS World News, who also introduced Jihad Dib.

With an early morning 7.30 am start and a lavish breakfast spread, the event was attended by a full house of registered guests including educationists, school principals and teachers, academics, interfaith and community leaders and students.

Anton Enus gave a background of Jihad Dib from a migrant background, having born in Lebanon and arriving in Australia at the age of 2 and his long experience as a teacher starting from Ulladulla High School and finally Principal of the Punchbowl Boys High School. He said that Jihad was the first Muslim to be elected to the Lower House of the NSW Parliament.

During the conversation, speaking from his heart, Jihad in a humble and friendly manner expressed his enthusiasm for giving back to the community, firstly by transforming the Punchbowl Boys High School and now serving the people of Lakemba by representing them.

The Australasian Muslim Times


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How the Garden City Mosque will look upon completion of the expansion.

The Toowoomba Regional Council will be asked by the Islamic Society of Toowoomba to remove restrictions that limit the number of people who can worship at the Garden City Mosque.

Council recently approved an expansion at the mosque which included a number of conditions.

The key point which the city's Muslims take issue with is the clause: "no more than 50 worshippers will be allowed at all sessions apart from the noon Friday session where 150 can attend".

Founding president of the Islamic Society of Toowoomba professor Shahjahan Khan confirmed a request would be made to council to amend the conditions.

Prof Khan said the conditions were "unprecedented, unrealistic and unnecessary", and seems to be contradictory to the whole point of allowing expanded prayer areas and significantly increasing the number of on-site car parking places.

"We believe no restrictions on the number of worshippers is appropriate," he said.

"If you allow to develop a facility that could fit, for example, 300 people and then restrict the user number to only 100, what is the point of allowing the extension?

"When worshippers come to a place of worship the spiritual leader could not send them back as there is a restriction on the number of attendees when there is ample empty space inside the prayer hall.

"The only reason that I could think of behind this restriction is the unsupported concern of the neighbours.

"However, by now everyone knows that we are very aware of the rights of our neighbours and have been proactive on this area even before we started this mosque.

"We have regular meeting and eating with neighbours and community leaders at the mosque.

"There are no problems with the neighbours at all as we have adequately addressed their issues to remain good neighbours driven by the teachings of our religion.

"We are pleased to note that we have seen our good neighbours publicly supporting the mosque since its inception, and there were neighbours who have even made submissions to the council supporting the mosque extension project.

"We are very grateful and thankful to the neighbours and wider community for their understanding and engagement over the years for mutual benefit."

The council had been planning to restrict the hours at which worshippers could pray, but at the last minute a change of heart removed those conditions.

Prof Khan thanked the region's councillors for their understanding of the requirement of the daily prayer time schedule.

"This will allow worshippers to pray at the mosque during the summer when the sun rises much earlier than that in the winter.

"The daily five-time prayers are tied to the position of the sun on the day, and hence it varies significantly in summer and winter," he said.

"I want to emphasise the fact that the whole re-building process was triggered by the second arson attack on the mosque property that severely burned the old building and everything inside it. We had no intention of any extension of the mosque building before it was burned," he said.

"Since we were forced to rebuild the burned building, we thought it would be appropriate to incorporate some essential facilities essential to be a proper mosque with small extension.

"The proposed extension is mainly to fit in the women worshippers and set up toilets and washing areas which will replace the existing unimpressive demountable facility.

"Due to a drop in the number of middle eastern Muslim students at the University, there are now less number of worshippers in the mosque now than it were two years ago. As a result, there are less number of worshippers and fewer number of cars at the mosques these days.

"Let's hope that common sense will prevail and our Garden City will remain diverse and welcoming, and maintain its reputation of a city of peace and harmony where everyone lives with mutual care, respect and dignity."

Source: The Chronicle


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State Finalist Young Australian of the Year 2017

Abdullahi Alim (WA)

He graduated from his honours degree in finance last year, but Abdullahi Alim has already co-founded an innovation lab to solve issues of contemporary concern. Abdullahi came to Australia as a Somali refugee at the age of five.


At 23, he is pursuing studies through Stanford University. Now, through the Lighthouse Strategy, Abdullahi runs ‘hackathons’ – fast-paced and intense exercises that bring bright young innovators together to develop solutions to global challenges.


Abdullahi’s approach has attracted partners from the Australian Government to Google and the US Department of State. For example, MYHACK, an anti-extremism hackathon he coordinates, has seen young Australians create cutting-edge digital solutions to undermine the influence and pervasive appeal of violent extremist propaganda.


Abdullahi’s goal is to create hubs or ‘lighthouses’ around the world to promote social impact and youth entrepreneurship. He’s set his sights on innovation challenges to empower more young Australians to solve international issues including the global refugee crisis and Indigenous disadvantage in the West.


State Finalist Senior Australian of the Year 2017

Nouha Jaber (SA)
Community volunteer

A stalwart of Adelaide’s Arabic-speaking communities, Nouha Jaber has devoted her life to helping others. A member of the Lebanese Community Advisory Centre for nearly three decades and its current chair, Nouha has helped countless Arabic-speaking refugees learn English and find work.


She visits frail elderly people in their homes, arranges daytrips for seniors, supports people with disabilities and organises retreats for their carers. Nouha is a friendly face in a courtroom, or a reliable pair of hands at social gatherings. She coordinates soccer camps for young people, runs information sessions for the Migrant Resource Centre, and applies innovative thinking to gain grants to expand services within the community.

Her latest project to promote multiculturalism was the ‘global village’ held as part of Adelaide’s Summer Splash festival in 2016, which celebrated the cultural heritage and cuisine of Australia’s migrant communities. Committed to promoting unity, Nouha fosters awareness of the challenges facing Arabic-speaking people, and the benefits of their positive participation in the Australian community.


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A healthy individual is more than a healthy body. The human wellbeing is found in the purposeful and positive interconnectedness of the physical, intellectual and spiritual realities that form the human. An imbalance in any one of them manifests in what we know as diseases of the body (biological illnesses), mind (mental conditions) and soul (spiritual diseases). The body, mind and the should are interconnected, such that the health of each faculty is necessary for the wellbeing of the human being, in order for it to be open to its fullest potential.

This 2-day seminar on the Alchemy of Wellbeing will provide the Seeker of knowledge practical counsel on the:

- Ethics and spirituality of food, as the primary basis for overall health and wellbeing;
- Prophetic methods to nourish the body, mind and soul for the full potential to live a spiritually virtuous life;
- Naturopathic model for holistic health and healing;
- Utilisation of Traditional Healing and introducing Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Two teachers will provide insights into our biological, mental and spiritual faculties, and how to pursue a life of wellbeing in our daily lives:

- Imam Afroz Ali
Imam Afroz Ali is the President as well as the scholar in-residence at Al-Ghazzali Centre. His teachings in the sciences of law, theology and spirituality provides a balanced and holistic pathway for spiritually virtuous living.
- Ustadha Angela Rodgers
Angela Rodgers, who comes from a Chinese heritage, is an avid student of the Sacred Sciences under the tutelage of Imam Afroz Ali, and is completing her practising certification in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is currently also completing studies in Theology and Hanafi Fiqh at Al-Ghazzali Centre.


The program will:
- Provide a detailed analysis and advice on the importance of organic and ethical eating, as well as how to progressively transition towards spiritual eating;

- Highlight ethical concerns as well as spiritual corruption in the food production industry and what to avoid for overall wellbeing;

- Explain the disadvantages of allopathic medicinal intervention and why a more holistic treatment, including osteopathic and homeopathic healing, is necessary to overall wellbeing;

- Provide details of naturopathic and traditional healing, as well as ways to attain holistic health for overall wellbeing;

- Explain the nature of spiritual diseases and their connection to physical and intellectual imbalance, and ways to counter these imbalances towards a transformed life of virtuous living.

Date: 5th - 6th November, 2016
Time: 10am - 5pm both days (registration opens at 9.30am)
Address: Multi-Faith Centre, Building N35, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan QLD
Parking: Free parking available on campus and in Carpark (Building N38)
Our courses are 100% FREE through your generosity and due to our team of Volunteers.
Register here.


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Cultural Appropriate Care (CAC) has received the Carer Friendly Business Award 2016 from Carers Queensland.

CAC has been established by experts in the community services sector to provide flexible, culturally appropriate care to people living in the community.

CAC provides experienced care workers to support clients with their everyday physical and social needs so that people can remain in their own homes.

CAC specialises in providing Consumer Directed Care (CDC) and works with families and carers to achieve optimal outcomes for clients. CAC is committed to providing care workers who are culturally aware and sensitive.

CAC provides its services direct to CAC clients or to other service providers.

Their contact details are:
Director: Ola Awad
Mobile: 0435 817 715
Phone: 07 3402 2358


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Crowds gather at Casey council for the April mosque decision.

VICTORIA: Local council elections have traditionally revolved around the three Rs: rates, roads and rubbish.

But for Casey Council, a rapidly expanding and multicultural municipality in Melbourne's south-east, a new R appears to be taking centre stage: religion.

It came to a head in April.

With police officers stationed at the door, a ban on public questions and photographs, the air rippled with tension at Narre Warren's council chamber the night the mosque was rejected.

What was supposed to be a straightforward planning matter had become so much bigger.

More than 1000 objections to the mosque had been received. The council chamber was so full that dozens of residents and anti-racism protesters had to wait outside.

Inside the chamber, the mosque's proponents, the Saarban Islamic Trust, were not given time to speak. But the mayor, Sam Aziz, used his address to slam the group.

Cr Aziz told the group that their response to a planning report on the mosque was unacceptable and the group had not endeared themselves to anyone.

"For you to claim that you are now shocked by the content of the planning report, is either at best mischievous or at worst malicious – either way it is unacceptable," Cr Aziz said.

The mayor said the council would fight any appeal to its decision to reject the mosque with "every resource required".

Afterwards, as those who managed to get a seat filed out of the chamber, Cr Aziz tried to get police to move them away.

"I now ask police to remove people from the public gallery please," he said, as the protesters chanted "the mosque is welcome, racists are not".

For Casey Council, elections are no longer just about rates, roads or rubbish.

Religion is also taking centre stage.

Key councillors with strong anti-Islamic links are seeking another term and questions remain about the way the mosque application for Narre Warren North's green wedge zone was handled.

James Randall, a Muslim convert and Islamic Research and Educational Academy spokesman, said while there were good planning reasons to reject the mosque, he worried about the "air of complete hostility" towards the Muslim community.

"I have never heard of a council ever saying they would dedicate all council resources to try and reinforce their decision," he said. "That is beyond bad."

One councillor, Rosalie Crestani, was a Senate candidate for the hard-right Rise Up Australia Party. She believes Australia should ban Muslim immigration, except for cases of family reunion.

Cr Crestani's 2016 council election platform includes "concerns around Islamic Sharia Law". If re-elected she wants to ban the council from buying Halal food.

"I'll be requesting that all food that Casey purchases with ratepayers' money should not have an Islamic tax associated with it," she said.

Cr Crestani said she hoped to become Casey's new mayor, putting to one side her opposition to Islam to represent the region's 14,000-plus Muslims.

"I want all the Muslims to know that I would like to represent them, so much as that they have the right to live in safety and peace, and abide by Australian law," she said.

In early 2013, Casey council approved an Afghan mosque in suburban Doveton, next to a planned church of evangelical Pastor Danny Nalliah, who has described Islam as a "death cult".

In the lead-up to the vote, Cr Aziz, then deputy mayor, filed a motion asking Pastor Nalliah to address the council on his views, specifically the dangers of "indoctrinated religious intolerance" to democratic societies.

Cr Aziz, a Christian of Egyptian background, also reportedly sought to impose a special planning condition, requiring that the mosque not "preach hatred from the pulpits".

Although he said he voted based on planning issues alone, Cr Aziz has aligned himself with the "Stop the Mosque in Narre Warren" group, which rallies against the "Islamisation" of Australia.

He has posted on its Facebook page thanking his "friends" for their support, following a story in Fairfax Media where he accused local doctor Belal Haniffa, who joined the "Casey Against Racism" Facebook page, of dressing up "to look like a terrorist in his spare time". Dr Haniffa's profile picture was taken on a hunting trip.

Last week, Cr Aziz, when asked if he would he approve a mosqueif it ticked all the planning requirements, said: "I will vote for places of worship according to their planning merits."

When asked if he said that meant he would grant approval for a mosque, Cr Aziz repeated the answer: "I will vote for places of worship according to their planning merits."

One of the key reasons Casey council gave for the rejection of the Narre Warren North mosque in April was an "objection" by VicRoads to the plan.

However, VicRoads disputes that account.

VicRoads' metro south east regional director Aidan McGann said that while the mosque proposal did need work around access, the road authority had been willing to work through the issues with the applicant. At the same time, the mosque was shot down at council.

Mr McGann said it was disingenuous to suggest VicRoads' objection to the mosque's initial access plan gave the council no choice but to reject the whole proposal.

"We are upset that impression has been attributed to VicRoads," he said.

Mr McGann said that with safe access, the site could accommodate a mosque for 150 to 200 people (the original plan was for 470 people).

The Saarban Islamic Trust has recently hired a new architect to work on a new design for its site at 365-367 Belgrave-Hallam Road.

"I think the trust could go for a different approach with the design – one that is more Australian and a bit more pastoral in its outlook," said Mr Randall, of the Islamic Research and Educational Academy.

Concern around a "crime wave" of home invasions and burglaries recently prompted Casey council to call for laws requiring dual nationals jailed for gang violence to be deported.

At the same time, the Muslim community is reporting a rise in Islamophobic attacks, including women having their hijabs pulled off and being run off the road.

This week the City of Casey has refused to answer any questions put by Fairfax Media, despite repeated attempts to seek comment.


Source: The Age


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Message from the organizers:

Alhamdulillah, we are well in progress of building the mosque, however with the shortage of cash we are in desperate need of additional funding to complete the building. We think this would be a wonderful opportunity for people to contribute to an amazing need in the Gold Coast, and a historical moment. There will be a gourmet barbecue during this event to everyone who attends inshallah.


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Bassem think’s he’s found a quick fix for our nation’s immigration problem: Stop making yourself look so enticing to the rest of the world, and take a cue from Flint, Michigan, where the water crisis will help keep away those pesky immigrants.


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In recent years, Islam has been thrust into world spotlight for a number of reasons – starting with 9/11 and ISIS to anti-refugee sentiments in Europe and a certain US Presidential candidate’s anti-Muslim campaigns. In this hullabaloo, we have forgotten that some of the coolest famous people we look up to – from Muhammad Ali to Zayn Malik and Aziz Ansari – are all Muslims. Would you believe it if we told you there were many more Muslims in the celeb world?


This week's celebrity

Mike Tyson



Boxing legend Mike Tyson converted to Islam during his three-year stint in prison for rape. He has said that his faith is an important part of his life. Though he may not be strictly devout in every sense of the word, Mike has been to Mecca and wedded the daughter of a Muslim cleric. He had a tough and rather lonely childhood, which may have influenced his tempestuous behaviour as an adult. Looks like his religion has made the boxer and occasional actor calmer and less aggressive.


Source: Cyber Breeze


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An engaging conversation between a Christian Pastor and a Muslim Imam, "Out of Context" is a 14 part Interview series answers pressing questions about Islam and gives valuable insight into the spirit of the faith.

In Part 4 of the with Dallas-based Pastor Mike Baughman, Imam Omar Suleiman answers a question in the mind of many people in the West who have become conflicted about their Muslim minorities: Can you be a Muslim and a patriot? Can the allegiances of a Muslim in a non-Muslim country sit side by side? Can you be a practicing Muslim and an American, British or French citizen? Suleiman explains that this notion that our religion teaches us that we cannot be good patriotic Muslims in a non-Muslim land is completely false. In fact we are urged to reside peacefully alongside non-Muslims. In many of Prophet Muhammad’s authentic narrations, he urges his followers not to fight, to look for peace. The concept of patriotism and being a good citizen was emphasized in the earliest phases of Islam when 100 Muslims sought asylum in Abyssinia, a majority Christian land, and functioned seamlessly within the society. It is fully in accordance with the Muslim faith that we should love our country and become people of great reformation and bring great good. Prophet Muhammad laid so much stress on loving and honouring our neighbours to the extent that it was thought that inheritance would be assigned to them. We are taught to be outstanding citizens, not because this is good PR, but because we are practicing Muslims, and hence good human beings.  




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Primary and Secondary School Teachers needed



We are seeking qualified and experienced primary and secondary teachers for the new school year, 2017 for our DURACK CAMPUS

· Early Childhood (Prep-Yr 3)

· Primary Teachers

· ESL Teachers (TESOL Qualifications)

· IPT/ICT Teacher

· BIOLOGY Teacher

· Art and Drama Teacher

· Learning Support Teacher

Please forward CV to

Australian International Islamic College



Applications close by 18th November 2016

PH: 3372 - 1400



Primary School Teacher needed


We are looking for an experienced primary school teacher for the start of the new school year, January 2017 for our BURANDA CAMPUS
A teacher with early childhood experience will be of an advantage.
If you are an experienced primary school teacher, interested in the position, please contact us immediately.


• Excellent communication skills
• Well-developed classroom management skills
• A passion to enrich childrens learning
• Enthusiasm


Mr Ahmed Azhari
Administration Manager
Australian International Islamic College
PH: 0432539942




Have you seen Benji?


Persian Cross with mid grey top coat and lighter grey/off white bottom coat. Large round green/hazel eyes with a fairly flat facial profile, though not fully flat as he is a Persian cross.

Normally will respond to the name Benjamin or Benji and the sound of cat food rustling in a food pouch or container. Very weary/scared of unknown people so may not approach you unless food is offered.

Please call Mohammed on 0422235113 if found or sighted.



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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs





This trend of young Muslim girls wearing the hijab is disturbing
By Baher Ibrahim

Little girls are being taught to view themselves as sexual objects that must be covered up from an early age

Anyone walking on the streets of Egypt will notice a phenomenon that wasn't so evident only a year ago: the increasing numbers of little girls (and by "little", I mean as young as eight years old in some cases) wearing headscarves and abayas. While this sight was previously confined to third-class trains and rural areas, it has now become increasingly common in cities and among well-to-do families.

In general, the age at which Muslim girls in Egypt begin to wear the scarf has dropped. Back when I was in high school, very few female students wore headscarves. Today, my younger brother (who is 15) tells me that almost all the girls in his middle school wear a scarf. It hasn't stopped there either, having caught on in primary schools.

The very sight of a little girl in a scarf is both disturbing and confusing. Adult Muslim women are expected to dress modestly so that men outside the family cannot see their bodies. But what is the point of a child or pre-pubescent girl wearing a hijab? It hints at what may be a disturbed (one is tempted to say diseased) concept of sexuality in the mind of the father who thinks his little girl should be covered up. What exactly is tempting about the body of an eight-year-old that needs to be covered?

The Guardian


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Muslims on what it's like to live in Australia


Continued from last week's CCN


Report by Beau Donelly


A Muslim mother in Sydney fears her grandchildren will end up in a concentration camp. A Victorian father won't tell his football team he is Muslim so he doesn't have to explain himself. To be Muslim is to be judged for everything you do, says a Brisbane woman. An international student living in Melbourne says she feels segregated in class.

What is it to be Muslim in Australia today?


Fairfax Media asked readers who are Muslim to speak of their experiences and how they explain extremism and Islamophobia to their children. Dozens of people responded.


CCN publishes one response each week:


"We are as Australian as any white person"


Ataman Atlas, 48, Melbourne, Turkish

My children come home with stories of discrimination regularly. They have learnt from a very young age that "we" are different to the wider Australian community and that they are classed as "not" Australian. I explain to my children that we are as Australian as any other white person. But I tell them it is white non-Muslim Australia that focuses on our differences rather than our similarities. I tell them that anti-mosque protests are run by hateful, ignorant bigots who have no understanding of Islam and in all likelihood have never met a Muslim person in their lives. I talk to them about extremism and terrorism simply as power politics.


That is, that certain individuals hide behind either faith or politics in order to gain control of resources and power. That somebody's terrorist may well be another person's freedom fighter. The most important thing is to make sure justice is given to all, that the point where justice ends is the point where chaos begins. At the end of the day terrorists and extremists are not created in a vacuum. They are the product of something. In most cases they are the product of underprivileged, oppressed people denied justice.


Source: Brisbane Times


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Signs of a Pure and Sound Heart | Ibn Al-Qayyim






Aussie Imam





Ideological Screening

Muslims Have Rights 



The FBI thinks it can predict who will be a terrorist with a list of ordinary behaviours among Muslims. Are they right?



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To know the future just look to the past


24 of the Most Influential Black Muslims in History


22. Malcolm X (1925–1965)

Malcolm X, also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, was an African-American Muslim revolutionary, public speaker and civil rights activist. As a prominent figure in the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X articulated concepts of race pride and Black nationalism in the 1950s and ’60s and continues to exercise a huge influence on Black people until this day.

NEXT WEEK IN CCN: 23. Louis Farrakhan Muhammad Sr. (b. May 11, 1933)


Source: Atlantic BlackStar


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Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 21 October 2016

TOPIC"Hereafter Series: Qabar" Lecture Three

IMAM: Akram Buksh








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 21 October 2016

TOPIC"The Hijra"
IMAM: Ahmad Muhammad Naffaa








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 21 October 2016

TOPIC"Four types of taqwa"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 21 October 2016

TOPIC"Salat the pillar of Islam"

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali 






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The Saudi teen arrested for flirting online


SAUDI ARABIA: Californian internet personality Christina Crockett struck up an unlikely friendship with Saudi Arabian teenager Abu Sin when they met by chance on a video chat site.
Although they understood little of what the other was saying, videos of their attempts to communicate became an internet hit. But the Saudi authorities were less than impressed and now Abu Sin could face years behind bars.


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 New anti-Trump billboard appears on I-94 — in Arabic


US: A Dearborn billboard written in Arabic subtly accuses Donald Trump of racism and xenophobia.

The billboard can be seen on westbound I-94 near near exit 210B, for Addison Avenue and Ford Road. In other words, it’s there as a treat for motorists entering Dearborn, many of whom, of course, can read the Arabic. In fact, the press release we received says the billboard “targets Arabic-speaking voters in the Detroit area and encourages others, who don't speak Arabic but are curious about its message, to ask a friend what it says.”

What does it say? It simply says, "Donald Trump: He can't read this, but he is afraid of it."



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 Hijab-wearing Taekwondo champion divides opinion in Turkey


Kubra Dagli won gold with a teammate in the Poomsae category at the World Taekwondo Championships in Lima, Peru earlier this month



Kubra Dagli of Istanbul won gold for Turkey in an event at the Taekwondo World Championships earlier this month

TURKEY: A Taekwondo champion from Turkey has sparked a national conversation by challenging stereotypes about women and sport by competing wearing a headscarf.

20-year-old Kubra Dagli, from Istanbul, has been praised for winning a gold medal at the recent World Championships in Lima, Peru, but her clothing choices have managed to eclipse her athletic success.

Both secular and religious elements of Turkish society have strong opinions on Ms Dagli’s position as a sporting role model. As al-Monitor points out, the hijab was frowned upon during modern Turkey’s founding as a secular state, and to many, is seen as a sign of ‘backwardness.’

While the conservative-leaning media has mostly praised Ms Dagli’s achievements in showing that “headscarves are not a hindrance,” she has still been pilloried by ultra conservative commentators on social media.     



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 Muslim blogger launches range of hijabs to suit all skin tones


"I wanted something for everyone: men and women from every background"



A Muslim blogger has designed a line of inclusive hijabs in an attempt to break the trend for lighter skinned model casting.

According to the Fashion Week Diversity Report, the Spring Summer 2017 shows were some of the most diverse yet with more than 25.4 per cent of the models being non-white, but many - including Habiba Da Silva - believe more should be done.

She is upping the ante with her new line of hijabs, saying she wanted to create clothing for people from all different backgrounds.

She wrote: “[This] was inspired by many things. Firstly for my passion for cultures and traditions, secondly to break up the trend of having brands with clothing dressed on only lighter skinned models. I wanted something for everyone: men, women; from every background.”


The range consists of four nude tone designs, which are named using words relating to marriage in different languages. The darkest color is called “Aure,” the Hausa word for marriage, followed by “Aroosadda,” which is Somali for “bride”; “Rukhasti,” which means “sending off” in Urdu, and the lightest shade “Zaffeh,” which is Arabic for “wedding march".



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 Giant 'pilgrim planes' could be answer to unwanted Airbus superjumbos


Malaysian Airlines is looking at a new role for its A380s flying pilgrims to Mecca

MALAYSIA: Giant Airbus “superjumbos” that many airlines are struggling to fill with passengers on conventional routes could be turned into “pilgrimage planes” for Muslims visiting Mecca.

Malaysia Airlines is in talks with Airbus about converting its fleet of A380s to each carry 700 passengers on dedicated flights to service demand for the Islamic pilgrimage to the Saudi Arabian holy city.

The carrier’s plans would see the number of seats in the aircraft increased from the current 550, and the installation of baths to allow pilgrims to prepare themselves for the visit, along with prayer facilities.

Malaysia Airlines has six A380s but believes the market is strong enough to sustain up to 20 of the jets taking pilgrims from around the world to Mecca.

It is thought that Saudi Arabia is set to ban aircraft older than 20 years flying in its airspace, opening up opportunities for the A380.



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"One who does not read is no better than one who cannot read."

Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: This recipe was kindly shared by (Brisbane's most recent arrival from South Africa) Faheema Hatia.

Summer is approaching and this could be an ideal dessert which can be made ahead of time and …….. it’s so refreshing and delicious.

Strawberry Ice Cream Cake


Step 1
Beat 2 cups fresh cream until light and fluffy

Step 2
Mix in one can condensed milk

Step 3
Fold in 1 cup of strawberries

Step 4
Place in a mould or loaf pan and freeze for approximately 4 hours, preferably overnight.

Serve on its own or with strawberry coulis.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Q: Dear Kareema, I am a stay at home mum and find that in between nappy changes there’s not much time for myself. What can I do to feel more energised?

A: With the warmer weather approaching, I suggest you get out and walk, walk, walk…

Remember that consistency is key. So find a time throughout the day that suits and take the kids out for a walk to the park or just out to enjoy the fresh air. Not only will they enjoy it but you’ll feel better and more energised as the weeks go by.

Try a 10-min mini workout whenever possible – do exercises using your own bodyweight to challenge and strengthen the muscles. Change it up every other day and play some games with the kids in the backyard.


The more you move, the better you’ll feel.

The body uses food as fuel. So introduce a healthy diet to help with energy levels. N-JOY!




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Jallaludin phones an ambulance because his friend has been hit by a car.

Jallaludin: Get an ambulance here quickly. He's bleeding from his nose and ears and I think both his legs are broken.

Operator: What is your location, sir?

Jallaludin: Outside number 28 Eucalyptus Street.

Operator: How do you spell that sir?

Silence.... Heavy breathing and after a minute…..

Operator: Are you there sir?

More heavy breathing and another minute later….

Operator: Sir, can you hear me?

This goes on for another few minutes until…...

Operator: Sir, please answer me. Can you still hear me?

Jallaludin: Yes, sorry about that... I couldn't spell Eucalyptus, so I just dragged him round to number 3 Oak Street.


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An Ayaat-a-Week






That which is on earth We have made but as a glittering show for the earth, in order that We may test them - as to which of them are best in conduct.  
~ Surah Al-Kahf 18:7


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"We suffer more often in imagination

than in reality”


~ Seneca


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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



Click on thumbnail to enlarge



Events and Functions


Eidfest Gala Dinner 29 OCTOBER IMAGC Onsite Fundraiser 30 OCTOBER Hikmahway Hell Webinar 30 OCTOBER Impact of RW Extremism 1 NOVEMBER Salam Hope Fundraiser 4 NOVEMBER AIIC Jalsa Open Day 11 NOVEMBER Connected Women 12 NOVEMBER Dinner with Premier 24 NOVEMBER AMYN Summer Camp 16-19 DECEMBER


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services


AIIC Prep Information Day


Training Programme

ISOM Flyer-CCN SC Tuition Shajarah Islamic Education Shajarah Islamic Education Australian International Islamic College Holland Park Mosque Hall Hire Slacks Creek Madressah Slacks Creek Mosque Activities Marriage celebrant - Imam Akram High School Subjects Tutoring MCF


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Businesses and Services







See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





29 October


Gala Dinner

Eidfest Community Services

Gambaro's Restaurant

0419 025 510

6.30pm for 7pm

29 October



Logan Mosque

Logan Mosque

0406 914 631


29 October


National Mosque OPEN DAY

Gold Coast Mosque

144 Allied Dr, ARUNDEL

0418 737 621

10am to 2PM

30 October


Onsite Fundraiser: Worongary Islamic Centre


2 Alkira Way, WORONGARY

0410 373 399


30 October


Webinar: Description of Hell

HikmahWay Institute




4 November


An Exhibition of Hope


25 Sperling St, ROCKLEA

0422 585 179


12 November


Wheel of Wellbeing workshop

Connected Women

178 Springwood Rd, Springwood

0430 233 773


12 December



BIRTH OF THE PROPHET (pbuh) / Milad un Nabi


7 January




Annual Milad-un-Nabi

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane

Australian International Islamic College
724 Blunder Road, Durack



25 April 2017




12 May 2017




28 May 2017




23 June 2017




26 June 2017




2 September 2017




22 September 2017







1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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Algester Mosque 

Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040



Sisters Support Services -  On going Activities


Tafsir Class – By Umm Bilal. Held every Tuesday at 10am - Kuraby area


Halaqah – By Um Bilal. Held every Thursday & Saturday at 10am

( Saturdays  at Runcorn location)


Arabic classes – Taught by Umm Bilal Wednesdays  1 – 2pm Kuraby Masjid

Tuesdays  1 – 2pm  Kuraby area (after Tafsir Class)


Sisters Support Social Group -  1st Wednesday of every Month  - Kuraby Location


YOUTH GROUP- -   Muslimah Girls Youth Group for 10+ Girls

School Holiday Activites  -   Contact : Aliyah 0438840467

Amir Boys Club for Primary School Boys – MONTHLY & HOLIDAY ACTIVITES

Contact :  Farah 0432026375


We also run a volunteers group to assist Muslim women with food rosters and home visits for sisters who need support or are isolated.  We refer Sisters in need for counselling, accommodation, financial assistance and other relevant services.

To join our volunteer group or for any other details for activates please call the numbers below…

Aliyah :  0438840467                   Khadijah:   0449268375

Farah:    0432026375                   Iman :   0449610386



Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

• Zikr - every Thursday 7pm, families welcome
• Hifz, Quran Reading & Madressa - Wednesday & Friday 4:30 - 6:30pm, brothers, sisters and children
• New Muslims Program - last Thursday of every month, 6:30 - 8:30pm
• Salawat Majlis - first Saturday of every month. Starting at Mughrib, families welcome
• Islamic Studies - one year course, Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 pm, brothers and sisters
• Ilm-e-Deen, Alims Degree Course - Three full-time and part-time nationally accredited courses, brothers

For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600



Quran Reading Class For Ladies (Beginners or Advanced)

Every Saturday 2 - 4pm
Lady Teacher



On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987


Click on images to enlarge






Lutwyche Mosque

Weekly classes with Imam Yahya


Monday: Junior Class

Tuesday: Junior Arabic

Friday: Adult Quran Class


For more information call 0470 671 109


Holland Park Mosque




Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Next Meeting


Time: 7pm
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road Karawatha


Guest speaker - Dr Tim Soutphommasane - Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner.

Light refreshments will be available.




For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at



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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


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