Sunday, 6 November 2016


Newsletter 0626


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.....a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....




IWAQ: 25 years on - and still going strong

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

The CCN Food for Thought

Successful Mosque Open Day held at Toowoomba Mosque

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

An Ayaat-a-Week

Interfaith cooperation in action at Mount Isa's Parish

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Events and Functions

Rocky Mosque opens doors and opens minds to diversity

 The CCN Classifieds

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Mosques open doors in order to embrace all

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

Businesses and Services

Leadership conference at the Islamic Museum

CCN Readers' Book Club

The CCN Date Claimer

Media ignorance behind unease about Islam

KB's Culinary Corner

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The Caliph - Part 1: Foundation - Featured Documentary

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Wheel of Wellbeing Workshop

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Australia's first Muslim rom-com movie


Amputee urges PM to rethink asylum seeker ban




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THE POINT out now
Starbucks Cups Controversy Prompts Bizarre Link To Islam
British Muslim scholar speaks on “hospitality”
One Trump to Rule Them All • Democracy Handbook
Celebs You Didn’t Know Were Muslims
The "All-Terrorists-are-Muslim" Myth - Out of Context
Back to the Future with CCN
The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column


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The Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ) hosted a celebration of their 25 years of serving the Queensland community in a number of different capacities and initiatives. The Queensland Parliament was a fitting venue for a breakfast gathering of the friends, supporters, and political leaders and bureaucrats.


A number of community leaders, contributors and staff, both past and present, were acknowledged for their contribution to IWAQ over the past decades. In particular, Ms Galila Abdelsalam, Director of IWAQ, received generous praise and thanks from the many speakers who took to the podium to recognize her role in shaping IWAQ into a well-respected, trusted and effective organization.


The former Governor-General of Australia and former Governor of Queensland, Dame Quentin Bryce delivered the keynote address in which she fondly recalled the friendships she had established at IWAQ during her terms of office.


Aunty started off the proceedings with a stirring Welcome to Country followed by Imam Yusuf Peer with a recitation from the Qu'ran. Amongst the other speakers during the morning were Mr Duncan Pegg, MP (the host of the function),  Minister for Employment & Industrial Relations, Minister for Multicultural Affairs & Racing, Ms Grace Grace MP, Senator Claire Moore, and Minister for Communities, Women and Youth, Minister for Child Safety and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, Ms Shannon Fentiman MP.


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By Shahjahan Khan

Part of the audience in the Mosque Open Day presentation

The Garden City Mosque, Toowoomba participated in the National Mosque Open Day program on Saturday, 29 October 2016.

This was a nationwide event to invite members of the wider community to have firsthand look at the mosques in their neighbourhood and city, and find out more about the activities and rituals performed in the mosques.

It provided an opportunity for the Muslim community to meet and greet visitors of diverse culture and faith background. The national event was initiated and coordinated by the Lebanese Muslim Association.

The Islamic Society of Toowoomba welcomed people of all faith and no faith of our community on the day to the mosque to share a cup of tea and get information about Islam and Muslims.

Guests and visitors took the opportunity to ask questions to the members of the Muslim community. Imam Abdul Kader make a presentation and responded to the questions from the audience.

The Anglican Bishop Cameron Venerables, Federal Member of the Groom, Dr John McVeigh, State Member of Toowoomba South, Mr David Janetzki, and Social Justice Officer, Dr Mark Copland were among the speakers.

This year there is special importance for the National Mosque Open Day due to the spread of misgivings and false information about Islam and Muslim by some controversial people.

The programs of the day started at 10:30am with welcoming of the guests and visitors and will continue until 4pm. However, the formal part of the program was held from 11am to 1pm.


From left: Roberto Garcia of Toowoomba Regional Council, Imam Abdul Kader and Anglican Bishop Cameron Venerables

Guests at the Open Day program

Mosque Tour


Hon Dr John McVeigh, Federal Member from Toowoomba speaks to the Muslim children as part of his visit to Garden City Mosque

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A single beige demountable fitted with not much more than an air conditioner, a few chairs, and a patchwork of woven mats turned to face Mecca has become an outback symbol of religious hope.

The Good Shepherd Catholic church in the remote Queensland mining town of Mount Isa has offered space in its parish building to the local Islamic community for use as a prayer room.

Muslims and Catholics pray just metres apart.

"Over the years a number of people have asked 'Is there a place or a space in Mount Isa for a prayer room?'" Father Mick Lowcock said.

"A couple of the people who I know fairly well approached me and sort of said 'Is it possible for us to use one of the rooms?'"


Father Michael Lowcock has offered a space to Mount Isa's Islamic community as a gesture of unity.

Father Lowcock said his decision to allow the Islamic community to use the space did not come without contention.

"I suppose one of the issues was, do you make it public?" he said.

"You don't want any backlash against them or against us, and there have been some concerns raised by people — even someone from out of town has rung me about it."

"Put off thy shoes" can be found in both the Holy Qu'ran and in the Bible.

According to Father Lowcock, the questions stem from misunderstanding and a fear of Islamic extremism and terrorism.

"The question in the back of everyone's mind [is] 'What's ISIS all about?'" he said.

"I think every time people mention the word 'Muslim' or 'Islam', they immediately think of ISIS.

"[But] rather than create the climate of fear in our world we need to create the dialogue and the climate of goodwill."

Jahed Chowdhury is a local Muslim. He grew up in Bangladesh but has been in Australia for the past 14 years.

Jahed Chowdhury in the prayer room with a picture of the Kaaba, the building at the centre of Al-Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca, on the wall.

Mr Chowdhury said, before the church opened its doors, the Mount Isa Islamic community improvised locations for prayer.

"Before we got a room over here we used to go to some other friend's place or any other place — we used to pray there," he said.

"So since we got this one, we come here all the time so that's very fortunate for us.

"As Muslims we have to pray five times a day and that's what we do — we gather here and pray to Allah, and we are all happy because now we openly come any time, whenever we want to."

Mr Chowdhury was aware of negative stereotypes often attached to his faith, and believed positive examples of religious harmony helped dispel the myth that Islam was dangerous.

"We invite other people in [from] different faiths, so … if they want they can come and join with us and they can see what we do and how we practise, and what the real Muslims are."

"That's what we want to spread — across the world — that Islam means peace," he said.


The prayer room at Good Shepherd Parish used to be set aside for the local historical society, but it is now used by Mount Isa's Islamic community.

Father Lowcock said the relationship also spoke of the true multiculturalism of outback Queensland.

"Last Sunday I just looked around and there were 18 different nationalities I counted just at one of our services, and I think they're only a part of the community of Mount Isa," he said.

"The Islamic society too is made up of a lot of people from different countries.

"I know some Catholics are married to Muslims so there's a whole sense of 'How we do show support for one another?' in this."

Father Lowcock said, as much as the move was motivated by the need to find a space for locals to pray, it also demonstrated a symbolic gesture to bring the town closer.

And he encouraged other religious leaders to follow suit.

"I think there was a bit of a surprise element for people and they wondered 'Should we be doing that?'" Father Lowcock said.

"But I also think, in this day and age, [we need to] lead by some example, so we don't just give way to the fears in our world, but we give way to what's going to bring life.

"If this is going to bring life to our community, I'd rather see us united rather than divided, I'd rather see us somehow coming together and praying, rather than just be a community that separates people from one side of town to the other," he said.

With a shared devotion to worship, Mr Chowdhury echoed a similar statement.

"We live close together and in good harmony and that's what we are human for. Regardless of the practice, we respect each other," he said.

"All the religion is spreading the peace — nothing wrong with that, so we should love each other."

ABC News


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OPEN DAY” (back row, from left) Superintendent district officer Ron Van Saane, Father Peter Tonti, Imam Mohammed Akram Buksh, CQUniversity vice chancellor Scott Bowman, Senior Sergeant Ashley Hull. Front: Mojib Ullah, Cr Rose Swadling, Binil Kattiparambil and Emma Dalton.

HUNDREDS of pairs of shoes filled the foyer of the Rockhampton Mosque on Saturday, an indication that National Mosque Open Day is becoming bigger every year.

More than 200 people filled the local mosque from wall to wall over the weekend to share in delicious food, a guided tour of the mosque and to ask local Muslims questions about their culture and religion.

Mustafa Elkhishin from the Islamic Society of Central Queensland said the local Islamic community was happy with the turnout and the response from the community.

"There were some good questions brought up and that's what the whole Q&A is about; to get an understanding of what Islam is about and dispel some of the myths," he said.

"We're really happy with the response and we've received really positive feedback. Understanding and open dialogue I think is key and these events are really important because the Muslim community here in Rockhampton is a large community and we're proud to be members of Rockhampton and the wider CQ region."

Imam Akram Buksh speaks to the crowd.

Imam Mohammed Akram Buksh from Brisbane was a guest speaker at the event and shared many personal stories of how he and his family are sometimes treated as a result of being Muslim.

"My wife can no longer go shopping on her own because last time someone spat at her and threw coffee on her," he told the crowd of people.

Mohammed said he was hoping events such as National Mosque Open Day helped bring the communities together to find peace.

"I think it was very successful and I think our aims and objectives have been achieved, we hope that the follow-up will be positive," he said.

"The main aim of these open days is to create understanding and address misconceptions and to come to the conclusion that at the end of the day, regardless of our faith, our race and where we come from, we are all Australian."

Councillor Rose Swadling said she had heard positive feedback from members of the community who attended.

"It's about inclusive communities and an open day like this dispels the myths people have and lets us all understand that we are all one, we are all one community," Cr Swadling said.

"It's been a wonderful response because people have really been able to ask the questions they want and get a better understanding and I think it was a great opportunity to break down the walls."

The Morning Bulletin


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by Abu Anees

National Mosque Open Day visitors at Lakemba Mosque on Saturday 29 October.

From left: Mr Jihad Dib MP, Ms Tanya Plibersek Mp and Mr Tony Burke MP

On Saturday 29 October Mosques all around Australia welcomed thousands of people of all faiths and diverse background, men, women and children, in order to build community understanding and harmony.

National Mosque Open Day is an annual Australia-wide event initiated by the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA) with support from the Department of Social Services.

The event features a number of mosques across the nation simultaneously opening their doors to the public and inviting them to come in and explore their local mosque.

Visitors browsing through the exhibit inside Lakemba Mosque


his year National Mosque Open Day was the largest ever, featuring increased number of participating mosques across Australia, in capital cities as well as in regional towns, giving more Australians the chance to visit and be welcomed into their local mosques.

One of the oldest and largest mosques, the Imam Ali Mosque in Wangee Road, Lakemba was visited by thousands of people last Saturday to observe prayer services, listen to the recitation of Quran, and look at the exhibition on Islamic teachings, practices and cultural activities within the mosque.

A number of politicians and interfaith leaders visited the Lakemba mosque throughout the day meeting the congregation as well as the visitors.

Visitors found a unique experience and flavour, representing the multicultural make-up of the congregation at Lakemba Mosque.

There were information brochures and booklets on Islam and Muslims as well as Australasian Muslim Times newspaper to be picked up.

The visitors tasted free BBQ, special tea, sweets, food and engaged themselves in activities at the mosque throughout the day.

The Australasian Muslim Times AMUST


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Attendees at the inaugural Islamic Leadership Conference 2016 held at the Islamic Museum of Australia, Melbourne

The first Islamic Leadership Conference, co-ordinated by Mr Farrukh Hussain, hosted invited delegates from interstate to discuss potential issues affecting the Muslim communities in Australia and identifying the potential of strategies to address them.


Among the speakers at the day-long meeting were Her Excellency Naeela Chohan (High Commissioner of Pakistan to Australia); Mr Zaahir Edries (president of the Muslim Legal Network - NSW); Captain Mona Shindy; Ms Hanan Dover; Dr Mustafa Ally and Mr Kemal Omar (AMAN Directors); Dr Jan Ali (UWS); Ms Yasmin Khan (Eidfest Community Services), and Ms Rasha Abbas (Gen. Manager ANZ Project Delivery).


Australian Muslim Leadership Network "intends to secure the future of Muslim population by empowering community members to take charge of their social and economic lives and provide leadership to their community.
We engage leaders and help them translate Muslim values into action and linking them with the broader Australian community. In the next phase, we plan to connect and create network of Muslim professionals from Australia to create a platform for formal and informal dialogue amongst the members."



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Sensationalised media coverage of Islam and Muslims is widening community divisions, according to leading journalists and media academics.

Dr Abdi Hersi (pictured), the manager of Griffith University’s award-winning Reporting Islam project, said negative stereotyping and incorrect use of language in media reports was contributing to Islamophobia throughout the community.

“Adverse media coverage can actually cause social divisions and undermine social cohesion,” Dr Hersi told the New News conference at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne.

“Muslims are not terrorists. Islam is not a religion of terrorism. We need to be very responsible in the way in which we cover . . . stories of certain individuals engaging in criminal activities.”

The Reporting Islam project, co-headed by fellow panelist Professor Mark Pearson, aims to combat negative stereotyping of Muslims and Islam in the media by providing evidence-based reporting guidelines.

Professor Pearson said issues surrounding terrorism and protests over planned mosques were clearly newsworthy, but more care was needed in the way those stories were covered.

“Our audiences would demand [they] be reported and they’d be asking very serious questions if [they were] not reported,” Professor Pearson said. “The question is . . . How do we cover something fairly and accurately, and perhaps even offer . . . solutions that might actually help heal wounds in a community rather than exacerbate or inflame community tensions?”

The public’s understanding of Islam and its followers remains poor with research showing 83 per cent of Australians report knowing “little to nothing” about either, despite Islam being the country’s third most popular religion.

Dr Hersi said the “very low baseline knowledge” also applied to journalists, which affected the quality of their stories.

“You cannot report [stories involving] Islam and Muslims very well if you don’t have the basic knowledge of this religion and its people,” Dr Hersi told the audience.

Professor Pearson said the “hallmarks” of poor reporting included a tendency to link terrorism to Islam and focus on negative stories, which he said could contribute to community alienation.

While he was careful not to assign a direct relationship between negative media coverage and radicalisation, Professor Pearson said such alienation was a known risk factor.

He said it would help if there were more positive stories about Muslims and other ethnic minorities reported by mainstream media.

Dr Hersi agreed and said the focus on negative stories was also an issue of journalistic perspective.

“If we’re always picking what is wrong with these communities, but ignoring all the good stuff that is happening within [them], I think there is a lack of balance,” Dr Hersi said.

The panelists, who included Kot Monoah, a former refugee and spokesperson for the South Sudanese community, agreed that the lack of Muslim voices in media stories was a problem. Dr Hersi described this as “negligent reporting”.

“I think we need news organisations to embrace young Muslims in their newsrooms, and hire them, because they might actually bring a perspective of Islam and Muslims,” Dr Hersi said.

Mr Monoah said African Australians faced similar problems in the way they were portrayed by the media.

“If the news is written or aired in a way that is likely to demonise an ethnic community or an ethnic group, it is alienating them rather than helping them integrate in society, and there are many consequences that follow on from that,” he said.

“I think journalists would find it beneficial if [they] were to reach out and have connections with community members . . . in being able to report effectively. It does help in terms of being of mutual benefit for both parties.”

The panel members said journalists covering stories relating to Islam and Muslims needed better education on how to report such stories with sensitivity. Moderator and journalist Denise Ryan-Costello prefaced the discussion by acknowledging that journalists generally were “not trained particularly well” in this area.

The Reporting Islam group has worked with Muslim community leaders and Australian news organisations to develop learning tools, including apps, training packages and guidelines, to train journalists and media students on the subject.

Earlier this year, the group ran workshops in Melbourne, Canberra and Perth on the responsible reporting of terror arrests and mosque proposals, which were supported by Australia’s journalism association, the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

Professor Pearson cited the group’s guidelines as a reference point for journalists to help discourage negative stereotyping.

The Reporting Islam Reportage Handbook can be downloaded from the group’s website.



The Citizen



Related article: Reporting Islam panel and workshop at #newnewsau


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For almost 13 centuries, from the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 to the overthrow of the last Ottoman caliph in 1924, the Islamic world was ruled by a caliph.

Translated from the Arabic ‘Khalifa’, the word ‘caliph’ means successor or deputy. The caliph was considered the successor to the Prophet Muhammad.

It is a term that has, at times, been abused.

In June 2014, a militant group calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (known as ISIL or ISIS) declared the establishment of a caliphate and proclaimed its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a caliph. This proclamation was rejected by the overwhelming majority of the world’s Muslims.

ISIL had attempted to appropriate a title imbued with religious and political significance – and in doing so had cast a dark shadow over a rich history.

This is the story of the caliph, a title that originated 1,400 years ago and that spanned one of the greatest empires the world has ever known.

In this episode of the Caliph, Al Jazeera tells the story of the caliphate, providing a fascinating insight into how the first caliphs of Islam built and expanded their empire.




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Every part of your life helps to shape the way you see the world and your experiences.

Different areas of your life—like school, family, work, and physical health—might seem separate, but they’re actually all connected. When something in one area changes, it can affect other areas.

The Wheel of Well-Being is a tool that can help you understand how these different areas are connected, and assist you to think about how to keep things in balance.

If you’re interested in learning about what makes us happy and how being happier can lead to living longer, healthier, a more sustainable living then “Wheel of Wellbeing” workshop is for you!

• • Explore some of the key concepts of positive psychology and their importance to human flourishing.
• • Learn about the wheel of wellbeing framework .
• • Discover how the wheel is being used - in Australia and across the world.
• • Share and Experiment ideas while learning with others.
• • Try out practical tools including the DIY

Presented by Jan Elston ( Relationship Australia) and Aneesa Khatrada ( M. Health Sciences, B.Occ Therapy). The program also includes a panel discussion with inspiring women from the Muslim community of Brisbane. Light refreshments provided and all attendees receive a complimentary gift

Limited tickets available. Reserve Your Spot Here: 

For any further information:

Connected Women is a community of diverse women which aims to provide inspiring opportunities for personal and professional growth. Through support and collaboration, Connected Women foster relationships and networks that allow women to share experiences and expertise and to provide resources and opportunities to every woman in the community. If you are interested in receiving information about upcoming events please write to


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About NZF




The National Zakat Foundation is a ground-breaking initiative which aims to utilise Zakat funds and voluntary donations collected in Australia for the benefit of local, deserving recipients.

Why NZF ?
Our mission is to provide an end-to-end service with respect to Zakat. By doing so, we expect to contribute to the development of a pious, confident, selfless and self-sufficient community in Australia.

What others say
“I can’t thank you all enough for putting a smile on our faces when we were in need.” — NZF Zakat Recipient

“I really want to thank you from my heart because I feel humanity still exists and your organisation is a perfect example of it.” — NSW Police Member

"We were so glad receiving the news yesterday, indeed, this is one of the favors of Allah on us. We may not be able to find the right words to show our appreciation but we pray that Allah accept your duas and ibaadah, gladdens your heart and reward you with jannatul firdous. And to the entire members of the NZF, may Allah bless them all. Jazaaki Allah khyaran" — NZF Queensland Recipient

NZF have opened an office in Underwood, Queensland. The Queensland team have been very busy with a large number of cases coming in from the local community.

A recent case which NZF assisted with was to contribute a significant amount towards a van for a young girl Judy, who has serious medical conditions including brain damage.

"Salam alaykom, thank you so much NZF for your help in donations towards a van for my daughter Judy, I just wanted to say thank you and may Allah reward you Janah. Jazak Allah khairun" - Ali

NZF hope to continue assisting the community here in Queensland, and throughout Australia. Please call 1300 663 729 or visit our website to give your zakat, sadaqah, and to request for assistance.


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Helana Sawires as Dianne and Osamah Sami as Ali in Ali's Wedding.

Australia's first Muslim romantic comedy could prompt more people from minority groups to share their stories through film, its creator says.

Ali's Wedding is based on the true story of writer Osamah Sami, who also plays Ali, the Melbourne-based son of a Muslim cleric who tells a lie that sets off a cringe-worthy chain of events.

The wedding in question is Ali's arranged marriage, which he accidentally agrees to at a tea ceremony but which lasts less than two hours.

Osamah says it's hard to describe how it feels to see his life on the screen but he's eager to see how others respond.

"It's history making, the first Muslim rom-com, so it's going to hopefully pave the way for many other similar stories," he said. "Not just from the Muslim community but from other communities and minorities in our society."

Sami previously told Fairfax Media that his "affectionate and poignant story of love" was about casting a more positive light on Muslim-Australian life.

"A couple of Muslims stopped us and asked, 'Is this bringing a bad name to Muslims again?'," says Sami. "That just shows how much they are fed up with the negative stereotype that we consume in the media."

The film came about after director Tony Ayres overheard Sami telling Claudia Karvan about his arranged marriage that lasted just one hour and 40 minutes while they were shooting the telemovie Saved in 2009.

Ali's Wedding lead actress Helena Sawires, who plays Ali's love interest Dianne, said her Egyptian heritage helped her connect with some of the film's gags immediately.

While not Muslim, she thinks the film will help break down incorrect ideas about the Islamic community.


"I think it's good for people to get insight into how it all is," she said. "You know there's so much, for lack of a better word, demonising of this sort of world.

"This film is such a perfect example of showing, we're humans, we live life just like everyone else does."

Offspring and East West 101 star Don Hany plays Ali's father, who he said was part of a movement of Muslims finding their identity in Australia.

He said he found the film's script so funny and full of meaning he struggled not to fall in love with it from the outset.

"I literally couldn't put it down. It's something that I guess happens every now and then but it's more rare than not," he said.

The film has been co-written by Andrew Knight and is the first to be directed by Jeffrey Walker, who has directed TV shows like Modern Family and Jack Irish.

Funded by the Adelaide Film Festival, it had its world premiere in Adelaide on Friday and will be in cinemas early in 2017.

The Brisbane Times


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An Australian amputee has penned an open letter to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, asking him to reconsider the proposed asylum seeker ban, citing a life-changing operation by a surgeon who arrived as a refugee by boat.

Allison France, a Brisbane woman who lost her leg five and a half years ago after she was hit by a car, has used an open letter to call on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, to reconsider banning asylum seekers, including refugees, from Australia for life.

Ms France said she received life changing treatment from a doctor who fled from Iraq to Australia by boat – Dr Munjed Al Muderis.

“I was destined to spend my life in a wheelchair until I met Dr Munjed Al Muderis,” she wrote.

“I owe my health, my ability to walk and have a decent quality of life with my children to Dr Al Muderis.”

Mr Turnbull announced on Sunday the government planned to amend the Migration Act to ensure asylum seekers who tried to come to Australia by boat after 2013 would be banned from the country for life, including those attempting to come by tourist or business visas.

The amendment would "prevent irregular maritime arrivals taken to a processing country for making a valid application for an Australian visa," including those found to be refugees.

Ms France says Dr Al Muderis is the only orthopaedic surgeon in Australia who performs osseointegration surgery, which involves fusing bone and prosthetic material together.

"I would not have walked without him,” she told SBS News.



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Latest edition of The Point Magazine (an An initiative of Multicultural NSW) can be read here.



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Starbucks new green cup displayed for the press on Tuesday this week

It’s not the first time the cups have caused controversy.

The revelation that the latest Starbucks cup will be green has led some people to suggest the global coffee chain is promoting Islam.

Starbucks revealed its new design on Tuesday with the title “a symbol of unity”.

But the bizarre religious association came as a flurry of voices criticised the coffee giant, including former Ukip leadership candidate Raheem Kassam.


While Kassam has since told HuffPost UK his tweet was “taking the piss”, others suggested the design echoed the colours of the flag of the Arab league.

Some went further, suggesting the cups were linked to the so-called Islamic State.

William Hicks wrote on Heat Street: “The giant coffee chain is calling this year’s monstrosity the “unity” cup... Hmm, what else is unified…. ISIS!!?! The unified caliphate of the Islamic State!”

It’s not the first time Starbucks has found itself at the centre of a political storm over the colour of its cups.

Last year, Christian evangelicals in America claimed the Seattle-based chain had declared “war on Christmas” by using a simple shade of red on its festive packaging.

Joshua Feuerstein’s widely shared Facebook rant about the issue has been viewed 16 million times since it was posted last November.

“Starbucks isn’t allowed to say Merry Christmas to customers,” Feuerstein raged. “Do you realise that Starbucks wanted to take Christ and Christmas off of their brand new cups? That’s why they’re just plain red.”

And rather than propose a boycott, Feuerstein asked his followers to “prank” Starbucks by giving the name ‘Merry Christmas’ when asked by employees.

The furore sparked a national scandal in the US, with The Washington Post observing: “Starbucks certainly didn’t seem to anticipate this... in many ways, the cups seemed designed to be unremarkable.”

Kassam, who pulled out of the Ukip leadership race on Monday, had commented on last year’s red cups, writing at the time: “More open? You mean, you’re trying not to ‘offend’ anyone.

“Frankly, the only thing that can redeem them from this whitewashing of Christmas is to print Bible verses on their cups next year.”

Starbucks launched its limited edition green design on Tuesday by saying the cup was about developing ‘unity’ at a time of great division.

It comissioned artist Shogo Ota to create the design to demonstrate ‘humanity and connection’.

Howard Schultz, Starbucks CEO, said: “The green cup and the design represent the connections Starbucks has as a community with its partners (employees) and customers. During a divisive time in our country, Starbucks wanted to create a symbol of unity as a reminder of our shared values, and the need to be good to each other.”

The Huffington Post


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by Zia Ahmad

Professor Mona Siddiqui at the “Morning Conversation” event held at Affinity Intercultural Foundation. Photo by Samet Erkut.

An eminent British Muslim scholar, Professor Mona Siddiqui visited Australia earlier in October and gave a number of talks at various locations in Sydney and Canberra.

She gave public lectures on the topic “Hospitality & Inter-Religious Witness” on Monday 10 October at Novotel Parramatta in Sydney as well as at Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra, both events organised by ISRA and Centre for Contextual Theology, Charles Sturt University.

During her lectures, she discussed the relationships between hosts, guests and religion – a theme that she has explored in one of her books also titled “Hospitality and Islam: Welcoming in God’s Name”.

Professor Siddiqui has explored the concepts and categories, scriptural stories and characters, and legal, ethical, mystical and feminist discourses that engage the ideal of “hospitality” in the Muslim tradition.

At a time when images of desperate Iraqi and Syrian refugees seeking safe havens dominate the news, fewer themes have been more pressing than that of hospitality.

She has raised the question as to what can religion contribute to the idea of hospitality and its practice in contemporary society?

Answer to this question become absolutely critical with movement of large number of people of diverse backgrounds as immigrants and refugees.

Professor Siddiqui, OBE currently holds the Chair of Islamic and Inter-religious Studies at the University of Edinburgh and was the Presenter of the 2016 Gifford Lectures.

During her lecture in Sydney, Professor Siddiqui, who was born in Karachi, Pakistan and raised in UK, related some personal moving stories of her growing up and in particular hospitality in action by a poor woman and her children to her as a stranger when she went to Egypt to study Arabic as a young woman.

She explored in detail on hospitality in the Abrahamic tradition in general and in the Islamic tradition in particular.

She said that hospitality is an obligation, a foremost duty for others and is considered unconditional shown to our loved ones, family and friends as well as to strangers.

Professor Siddiqui emphasised the need to change our immigrant mentality where our home is not a place but the people we live with. The West is now the home of Muslim immigrants in general and specially of their children who have grown up or are born and raised in the West.

The Australasian Muslim Times AMUST


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Democracy can lead to a lot of noise, and Bassem is quick to discover that, beneath the noise that is Donald Trump, the U.S. is quietly and quickly on a path to electing the biggest bully with the most gold—just like they do in the Middle East!'


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In recent years, Islam has been thrust into world spotlight for a number of reasons – starting with 9/11 and ISIS to anti-refugee sentiments in Europe and a certain US Presidential candidate’s anti-Muslim campaigns. In this hullabaloo, we have forgotten that some of the coolest famous people we look up to – from Muhammad Ali to Zayn Malik and Aziz Ansari – are all Muslims. Would you believe it if we told you there were many more Muslims in the celeb world?


This week's celebrity

Aasif Mandvi



Previously a contributing correspondent on The Daily Show, Aasif more recently acted, wrote and produced in the now-canceled HBO show The Brink, also starring veteran actor Tim Robbins and funny man Jack Black. The show dealt with geopolitical crises, including a military coup in Pakistan. He is also the author of No Land’s Man, which is a light-hearted yet poignant look at his life as an Indo-Muslim-British-American actor. He has admitted to having a complicated relationship with his faith, but that it will always remain a part of him.


Source: Cyber Breeze


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An engaging conversation between a Christian Pastor and a Muslim Imam, "Out of Context" is a 14 part Interview series answers pressing questions about Islam and gives valuable insight into the spirit of the faith.

In Part 6 of the interview with Dallas-based Pastor Mike Baughman, Imam Omar Suleiman dispels the myth that all terrorists are Muslim, noting the huge disparity between the amount of media coverage given to the rare cases where perpetrators were actually Muslim and when they were not. He also explains that this biased media is quick to jump to conclusions when there is a Muslim name at a crime scene, discarding all nuances such as mental health, workplace issues, unstable families and a slew of other mitigating factors that are automatically afforded to other killers.

This myth is also historically false, says Suleiman, explaining that the last century saw the killing of over 250 million people who were not killed in the name of Islam, or any other religion, but were killed in the name of fascism. The Quran explicitly states that whoever kills a soul, it’s as if he has killed all mankind and Prophet Muhammad urged his followers, in an authentic narration, never to wish to meet and enemy in battle. That said, once a battle becomes inevitable, Islam says that there is glory in dying to defend a just cause, just as it is glorious to die for one’s country. But this never included the killing of innocents.

Statistically less than two percent of Muslims are radicalized and according to one study, in the U.S., since 9/11 43 people have been killed in the name of Islam while double this number have been victims of white supremacist. Why is that not terrorism?

Suleiman concludes that we must look at this entire situation through a comprehensive lens because those who are radicalized don’t live in healthy contexts then suddenly start reading the Quran and become terrorists. When places like Iraq and Syria break down politically and economically, they become breeding grounds for extremist thought and fertile soil for mercenary terrorist groups like ISIS to recruit.

It is essential that Muslims in the U.S. be given the outlet to hold the government accountable for its foreign policy decisions and not to fall into a 21st century McCarthyism where those who voice any criticism are ostracized and silenced with fear and accusations of being unpatriotic. Political rhetoric to the effect that we are at war with Islam must also stop because it feeds into ISIS propaganda that Islam and America are not compatible, an appealing recruitment message to those with serious political grievances.




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Amanah Institute

2017 Recruitment Drive

“Join our team of Muslim educators”

Seeking highly motivated individuals committed to the education of Muslim children.

Opportunities for:

• Casual positions (4.00 pm – 6.30 pm, Monday – Thursday)
• Relief teaching
• Volunteer teacher aiding
• Professional learning, training and development

Weekly professional learning topics:
• Islamic education philosophy
• Evidence based teaching and learning strategies
• Student centred teaching practice
• Prophetic pedagogical strategies

Interested candidates should kindly forward a CV and contact details to or contact the Principal (Sister Soraya Bulbulia) during office hours. Applications close on 12 November 2016.



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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs



Islam Saved Women When The Whole World Used Them As Sex Objects

Contrary to popular belief, Islam has never been a religion that has ‘suppressed’ women and their rights; research and books prove that when the world was against women’s rights, Islam intervened and helped women in their societal status. When the ancient civilizations only saw women as sexual objects, the religion of peace gave opportunities of equality to them.

In the Roman Civilization, women were treated extremely cruelly by the then ruling Empire. They had no civil or moral rights; no social status whatsoever. If a man in the Roman Civilization slayed his wife, there would be no consequences, he would have no punishment. Men could marry as many women as they wanted, as women were sold and bought everywhere. 




Prophet Muhammad Was A Feminist


The Prophet Muhammad would be appalled by how current Islamic Fundamentalists are treating women under their control. This suppression is done in the name of Islamic Law, known as Sharia. But the current suppression of women is shaped by cultural and history. It has little basis in the Quran and it is certainly not consistent with anything we know about what Muhammad taught or how he treated women. Of all the founders of the great religions - Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Islam and Judaism — Muhammad was easily the most radical and empowering in his treatment of women. Arguably he was history’s first feminist.

This is of critical importance because if there is one single thing that Arabs and Muslims could do to reform and re-vitalize their crisis ridden cultures, it would be to liberate their women and provide them with the full rights women are enjoying in more and more countries around the world. Women’s equality is key to a real Arab Spring.

Among the founders of the great religions, Confucius barely mentioned women at all and assumed in all his teachings that they we subordinate to men within a patriarchal order. Buddha taught that women could become enlightened but had to be pressured three times before allowing women to become nuns, and then only on the condition, as he put it, that the highest nun would be lower than the lowest monk. In the Gospel accounts, Jesus did not explicitly comment on the status of women, although he did associate with women of ill repute and with non Jewish women. Moses was thoroughly patriarchal and there is virtually nothing in the Torah that indicates specific concern about women’s rights.

Muhammad was fundamentally different. He both explicitly taught the radical equality of women and men as a fundamental tenet of true spirituality, and he took numerous concrete measures to profoundly improve the status and role of women in Arabia during his own lifetime. Muhammad was sensitized to the plight of women because he was born poor and orphaned at a very early age. He was also illiterate. He knew as few did what poverty and social exclusion meant.

Confucius was born into the gentry scholar class of ancient China. Buddha was born a wealthy prince in Nepal. Jesus was born the son of a carpenter with royal lineage and within a tightly knit Jewish community in Palestine. Moses was born into a Hebrew family and raised in the palace of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Muhammad had none of these advantages. Thus while other religious leaders seemed strangely silent about the oppression of women, Muhammad dramatically raised the status of women as a matter of religious conviction and state policy. Consider the following:

During seventh century Arabia, female infanticide was commonplace. Muhammad abolished it. A saying in the Hadith (the collection of sayings of Muhammad) records that Muhammad said that the birth of a girl was a “blessing.” Women in Arabia at that time were essentially considered property and had absolutely no civil rights. Muhammad gave them the right to own property and they were extended very important marital and inheritance rights.

Prior to Muhammad, the dowry paid by a man for his bride was given to her father as part of the contract between the two men. Women had no say in the matter. Muhammad declared that women needed to assent to the marriage and that the dowry should go to the bride, not the father; furthermore, she could keep the dowry even after marriage. The wife did not have to use the dowry for family expenses. That was the responsibility of the man. Women were also given the right to divorce their husbands, something unprecedented at that time. In a divorce, the woman was empowered to take the dowry with her.

Women were extended inheritance rights as well. They were only given half as much as their brothers because the men had more financial responsibilities for family expenses, but with Muhammad, women became inheritors of property and family assets for the first time in Arabia. At the time, this was considered revolutionary.

Muhammad himself was often seen doing “women’s work” around the house and was very attentive to his family. His first marriage to Khadija was monogamous for the entire 15 years they were married, something rare in Arabia at that time. By all accounts, they were deeply in love and Khadija in fact was the first convert to Islam. She encouraged Muhammad from his very first encounter with the angel Gabriel and the recitation of the first suras that were to become the Quran.

After Khadija’s death, Muhammad married 12 wives. One was Aisha, the daughter of his closest friend and ally Abu Baker. The rest were nearly all widows, divorced women, or captives. He preached consistently that it was the responsibility of men to protect those women who had met with misfortune. This was one of the reasons polygamy was encouraged. Even with female infanticide, women in seventh century Arabia far outnumbered men because so many men were killed in the inter-tribal warfare of the day. Several of Muhammad’s wives were poor and destitute and he took them in, along with their children, into his household.

In his Farewell Sermon delivered shortly before he died in 632, Muhammad said to the men, “You have certain rights over women but they have certain rights over you.” Women, he said, are your “partners and helpers.” In one of the sayings of the Hadith, Muhammad says, “The best men are those who are best to their wives.”

His wife Aisha took a leadership role after his death in bringing together the Hadith and another wife played a leading role in gathering together the suras that comprise the Quran. Each of the 114 suras that comprise the Quran with the exception of sura 9 begin with the words Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. Translated most commonly as “In the Name of God, all compassionate, all merciful,” the deeper meaning of this phrase is “In the Name of the One who births compassion and mercy from the womb.” This invocation of the feminine aspect of Allah is key to an Islamic Renaissance.

Finally, there is nothing in the Quran about women wearing the veil, the Hejab. That was certainly the custom in Arabia at that time and Muhammad’s wives wore the Hejab to designate their special status as “Mothers of the Believers,” but the only thing the Quran says directly is that women should dress “modestly.” Muhammad said the same thing to men. For him, modesty of dress was expressive of modesty of the heart. Muhammad himself, even when he was supreme leader, never wore anything more than simple white woolen attire.

So radical were Muhammad’s reforms that the status of women in Arabia and early Islam was higher than any other society in the world at that time. Women in 7th century Arabia had rights not extended to most women in the West till recent centuries over 1,000 years later. The fact that women have ended up in such a degraded position in many contemporary Arab/Muslim counties is a tragedy and needs to be rectified if the Islamic culture and civilization is to flourish again as it did during the Abbasid Caliphate from the 8th - 13th centuries when Islamic civilization was a shining light to the world. Liberating women would have profound effects politically, economically, culturally, artistically, and religiously. It would take the Arab Spring to a whole new level, which is what is so desperately needed in those countries that suffered the first Arab Spring as a stillbirth.

It is time for Islam to liberate women fully and do so upon the example of Muhammad and the authority of the Quran that holds compassion and mercy as the first and foremost attributes of Allah.

Written with Banafsheh Sayyad, author, Dance of Oneness 

Huffington Post


ANIC condemns missile attack
By Amani Ahmed

On Sunday, ANIC released a statement, announcing that “ANIC and the Mufti of Australia Condemn the attacks by the Hoothi Rebels on the Holy City of Makkah”. They called this a “vicious attack” and “heinous crime”, which they “strongly condemn”, as “this attack targets all Muslims around the world and the principles of Islam.”

Sheikh Shadi Alsuleiman claimed this was “not an attack on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”, it was “an attack on every Muslim”. The Mufti similarly offered a quote about how the Houthis had offended Muslims across the world.

It says that ANIC urges all Muslims and Muslim countries to “stand in solidarity and support with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who are the custodians of the sacred cities Makkah and Madina, the Council also commends the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their ongoing care, role and protection of the sacred places of Makkah and Madina and stands strongly with the Kingdom against any attack on the Muslim sacred cities”.

In the final paragraph of ANIC’s statement, it asks Allah to “protect all people and Muslim countries around the world from any oppressive attack”.

Michael Brull responds to this press release in The New Matilda.


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Short Naseeha || Blessings In Reading The Qur'an






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To know the future just look to the past


24 of the Most Influential Black Muslims in History


24. Khalid Abdul Muhammad (1948 – 2001)

Khalid Muhammad was an outspoken African-American activist who came to prominence as the national assistant to Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam (NOI). Despite the controversy that followed him, his strong denunciations of white power and his calls for Black self-empowerment gained him the support of many in the Black community.



Source: Atlantic BlackStar


Roman Catholic clergymen celebrate Holy Thursday Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City in March.

Why Christianity’s holiest shrine is guarded by two Muslim families


The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City is Christianity's most hallowed shrine. It's believed that the rock-cut tomb at the heart of the church was where the body of Jesus Christ was once laid.

Over the past week, for the first time in centuries, a team of conservationists and researchers removed a marble slab that lay in a rotunda, known as the Edicule, at the center of the complex. It's the spot, as my colleague William Booth put it earlier this year, when the renovation project first began, "where millions of pilgrims have knelt and prayed, where the salt of tears and the wet of sweat have smoothed and worried the hardest stone."

Today, the site thrums with piety, but history knows it is soaked in blood. There have been at least four Christian chapels erected over the site. The first was by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, who swept aside a pagan temple Hadrian built to the goddess Aphrodite — perhaps a move by Rome to deny early Christians a place of pilgrimage. The Holy Sepulchre was saved by the Muslim conqueror Omar in 638; destroyed by the Egyptian Caliph al-Hakim in 1009; rebuilt by the Crusaders who themselves slaughtered half the city; protected again by the Muslim conqueror Saladin and laid waste again by the fearsome Khwarezmian Turks, whose horsemen rode into the church and lopped off the heads of praying monks.


And when the world surrounding the religious complex was not convulsed in chaos, tensions among the faithful worshiping within often boiled over. The church has been shared for centuries by six old Christian congregations — Latin (Roman Catholic), Greek Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Syrian Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox and Egyptian Copts.


"The rival groups of worshipers fought not only with their fists, but with crucifixes, candle sticks, chalices, lamps and incense-burners, and even bits of wood which they tore from the sacred shrines," wrote historian Orlando Figes, when referring to a particularly pitched battle between Orthodox and Catholic clergymen in 1846. "The fighting continued with knives and pistols smuggled into the Holy Sepulchre by worshipers of either side."


The intractable nature of these rivalries has led to a rather curious, unique arrangement that dates to the 12th century: Two Muslim families were entrusted by a presumably weary Arab potentate to be the gatekeepers of the church. The Joudeh family keeps the key, while the Nuseibeh family opens up the church door every morning and locks it in the evening.

In an interview with CNN earlier this year, Adeeb Joudeh, the current keeper of the key — an old, cast-iron object that's a foot long — considered his family's hereditary task to be a metaphor for religious tolerance.

"For me, the source of coexistence for Islamic and Christian religions is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre," he said.

His counterpart, Wajeeh Nuseibeh, described the vital role of these two Muslim families in Jerusalem to the San Francisco Chronicle in 2005.

"Like all brothers, they sometimes have problems," he said, referring to the feuding Christian sects. "We help them settle their disputes. We are the neutral people in the church. We are the United Nations. We help preserve peace in this holy place."

Washington Post

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Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 4 November 2016

TOPIC"Avoid Jealousy"

IMAM: Uzair Akbar


Play the recording  




Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 4 November 2016

TOPIC"Where are you going?"

IMAM: Sheikh Rafiqul Islam








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 4 November 2016

TOPIC"Fanaticism Excessiveness"
IMAM: Ahmad Muhammad Naffaa








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 4 November 2016

TOPIC" Muslim Businessman"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 4 November 2016

TOPIC"Steadfastness in Deen"

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali 






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Canadian parliament passes anti-Islamophobia motion


CANADA: The Canadian Parliament has passed an anti-Islamophobia motion on October 26, amid increasing attacks on mosques and Muslim communities in the country and throughout the world. The motion has received almost no attention from Canadian media outlets, to the dismay of the Muslim community living in the country.

According to reports, it took a while for the parliament to adopt the motion, which was brought up after 70,000 Canadian citizens signed an online petition condemning Islamophobia. The petition was launched on June 8, 2016 and was closed for signature on October 6, 2016.

"We, the undersigned, Citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to join us in recognizing that extremist individuals do not represent the religion of Islam, and in condemning all forms of Islamophobia" the petition read.

However, when the motion was brought to the parliament, Conservative Members of the Parliament prevented unanimous consent, to the dismay of many.

Liberal MP from Mississauga Centre Omar Algabra called Conservative attitude 'troubling,' saying that the motion was a non-partisan, positive and symbolic one.

The Communications Director of the National Council of Canadian Muslims Amira Elghawaby said in an op-ed that the rejection of the motion was followed by a series of Islamophobic acts, including anti-Islam posters posted on the University of Calgary Campus, and vandalism of mosques.

"It might be that some MPs haven't seen the numbers. According to Statistics Canada, hate crimes against Muslims in Canada doubled between 2012 and 2014, while hate crimes overall declined" Elghawaby said in her piece.

According to the President of the Canadian Muslim Forum Samer Majzoub, the motion was reintroduced in the parliament after a series of attacks on the Sept-Ξles mosque in Montreal.

Majzoub told the Huffingtonpost Canada that the motion can be attributed to 'true Canadian values' and will open new doors.

Multiculturalism and pluralism are regarded as some of the most important values of Canada, which is recognized as one of the most tolerant countries in the world. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which was introduced by Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the late father of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms for all Canadians.  

The Daily Sabahs

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 In Germany, Syrians find mosques too conservative


Syrian refugees and Turks pray during Friday prayers at the Turkish Kuba Camii Mosque near a hotel housing refugees in Cologne's district of Kalk.

GERMANY: Hani Salam escaped civil war in Syria and survived the journey from Egypt to Europe. But when he saw men with bushy long beards at a mosque near his current home in Cologne last November, he was worried.

The men's appearance reminded him of Jaish al-Islam, the Islamist rebels who took over his hometown near Damascus, said Salam, 36, who wears a mustache but no beard. One of them told Salam that "good Muslims grow beards, not moustaches," he recalled – a centuries-old idea that he dismisses.

"Everything about this mosque made me feel uneasy," he said.

Syrians in Germany say many of the country's Arab mosques are more conservative than those at home.

Over two months, a dozen Syrians in six places of worship in three cities told Reuters they were uncomfortable with very conservative messages in Arabic-speaking mosques. People have criticized the way the newcomers dress and practice their religion, they said. Some insisted the Koran be interpreted word-for-word.

It is a highly contentious issue in a country where Europe's migrant influx is already having deep political and social consequences. In Germany this year Alternative for Germany, a populist party that says Islam is incompatible with the German constitution, has gained ground. There have been several attacks by militant Muslims. Syrians and others say the mosque problem is adding to mistrust.

In Germany, other different faiths are traditionally supported by the state. But most of the country's four million Muslims originally came from Turkey and attend Turkish-speaking mosques which are partly funded by Ankara.

Last year around 890,000 asylum-seekers, more than 70 percent of them Muslims, entered the country. Around a third came from Syria. Many of them do not want to go to Turkish mosques because they do not understand the sermons. They prefer to worship where people speak Arabic.‎ 



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This week's CCN Book-of-the-Week


No Land's Man

Aasif Mandvi



"It always bothered me that Aasif was more than merely funny-he's also a great actor. Now I've learned he's an amazing storyteller as well, and I am furious . . . but also grateful. Aasif's movement between cultures and genres is what makes him and his story singularly funny, poignant, and essential."
- John Hodgman, author of The Areas of My Expertise and More Information Than You Require

"My father moved our family to the United States because of a word. It was a word whose meaning fascinated him. It was a singularly American word, a fat word, a word that could only be spoken with decadent pride. That word was . . . Brunch! 'The beauty of America,' he would say, 'is they have so much food, that between breakfast and lunch they have to stop and eat again.'" —from "International House of Patel"

If you're an Indo-Muslim-British-American actor who has spent more time in bars than mosques over the past few decades, turns out it's a little tough to explain who you are or where you are from. In No Land's Man Aasif Mandvi explores this and other conundrums through stories about his family, ambition, desire, and culture that range from dealing with his brunch-obsessed father, to being a high-school-age Michael Jackson impersonator, to joining a Bible study group in order to seduce a nice Christian girl, to improbably becoming America's favorite Muslim/Indian/Arab/Brown/Doctor correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

This is a book filled with passion, discovery, and humor. Mandvi hilariously and poignantly describes a journey that will resonate with anyone who has had to navigate his or her way in the murky space between lands. Or anyone who really loves brunch.


"One who does not read is no better than one who cannot read."

Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: This recipe was shared by Fathima Adat who has personalized this recipe and has now become a family favourite.


Eton mess is a traditional English dessert consisting of a mixture of strawberries or bananas, pieces of meringue, and cream, which is traditionally served at Eton College's annual cricket game against the pupils of Harrow School. The dish has been known by this name since the 19th century.

Eton Mess



Eton mess meringue
• 175g of caster sugar
• 3 egg whites
• 1 pinch of salt
• 1 vanilla pod, seeds scraped out or vanilla extract

Eton mess
• 500g of strawberries, hulled and sliced
• 500ml of double cream, well chilled
• 1 tbsp of icing sugar


Step 1
Begin the Eton mess by preheating the oven to 110°C and line 2 trays with parchment paper. Place the egg whites and a pinch of salt into a large mixing bowl and begin to whip with a light wire whisk - do not use a heavy, thick whisk as this will knock out air faster than you can whip it in
• 3 egg whites
• 1 pinch of salt

Step 2
As you whisk, gradually let the sugar drift into the whites little by little so that, by the end of whisking, you have stiff whites which have all the sugar added by the time you are nearing the end of whisking
• 175g of caster sugar

Step 3
Next, use a spatula to spread the whipped whites over the trays. For an Eton mess, the meringue will be crushed up later, so the shape is not too important

Step 4
Once fully spread, transfer to the oven to dry out and crisp. This can take several hours, but check it after the first hour then every half hour or so thereafter depending on your oven

Method (cont.)


Step 5
You can remove the meringue when it sounds hollow and brittle when you tap it


Step 6
Place the cream in a mixer with a whisk attachment then whip gently, taking care not to over-whip
• 500ml of double cream

Step 7
If you wish you can add vanilla seeds and icing sugar into the mixer
• 1 vanilla pod
• 1 tbsp of icing sugar

Step 8
Add half the strawberries to the cream and stir in. Break up the meringue into rough one-inch-sized bits, and add most (but not all) of the meringue to the cream
• 250g of strawberries

Step 9
Layer up the cream in shallow desert bowls, alternating layers of the cream with some of the leftover strawberries and meringue
• 250g of strawberries

Step 10
Finish the Eton mess with some of the strawberries and a crunchy topping of meringue then serve at once

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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CONNECT with your friends and get fit together – who knows, a bevy of buddies could be your most lethal workout weapon. Connecting with a network of likeminded friends could take your fitness journey to the next level.

COMMIT to your fitness regime – cultivate commitment by making regular fitness dates with your mates. Arrange to meet each other in a park for a quick workout & then reward yourselves with a coffee or shopping date. Health is a lifelong pursuit. Make some positive changes to your daily routine / diet, and stick to it. Consistency is key!

CONQUER those fitness mountains together. Don’t be intimidated by trying something new. Challenge yourself with new activities, increase your weights while training, etc..

It’s that extra little push that will see you go the distance. Keep each other motivated by brainstorming different physical challenges and actually see them through. Embrace your body, embrace your buddy, and together, you can conquer the world.







My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Muallemah Nasruddin to her class: There is a saying that "behind every successful man there is a woman".


What lesson do we learn from this, boys?


Jallaludin Jr: We should stop wasting our time with studies and find a woman!


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An Ayaat-a-Week






Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him We will give a new Life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.

~ Surah Al-Nahl 16:97


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"It is what you don't expect...

that most needs looking for”

~ Neal Stephenson, 'Anathem'


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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



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Events and Functions


AIIC Jalsa Open Day 11 NOVEMBER Connected Women 12 NOVEMBER Health & Ageing 13 NOVEMBER Darul Uloom Mosque Open Day 20 NOVEMBER Dinner with Premier 24 NOVEMBER Interfaith Conference 30 NOVEMBER AMYN Summer Camp 16-19 DECEMBER


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services


ISOM Flyer-CCN SC Tuition Shajarah Islamic Education Shajarah Islamic Education Australian International Islamic College Holland Park Mosque Hall Hire Slacks Creek Madressah Slacks Creek Mosque Activities Marriage celebrant - Imam Akram High School Subjects Tutoring MCF


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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





12 November


Wheel of Wellbeing workshop

Connected Women

178 Springwood Rd, Springwood

0430 233 773


13 November


Health & Ageing

Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque

0401 422 756

2.15pm for 2.30pm

20 November


Mosque Open Day

Darul Uloom Islamic Academy of Brisbane

6 Agnes St., Woolloongabba

0432 539 942


23 November


Professional Networking Night

Muslim Business Network (MBN)

Springwood Towers - 9 Murrajong Road Springwood

0414 629 007

6pm for 6:30pm

12 December



BIRTH OF THE PROPHET (pbuh) / Milad un Nabi


7 January


Annual Milad-un-Nabi

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane

Australian International Islamic College
724 Blunder Road, Durack



25 April 2017




12 May 2017




28 May 2017




23 June 2017




26 June 2017




2 September 2017




22 September 2017







1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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Weekly classes


Monday: Junior Class

Tuesday: Junior Arabic

Friday: Adult Quran Class


For more information call 0470 671 109





Algester Mosque 

Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040





Sisters Support Services -  On going Activities


Tafsir Class – By Umm Bilal. Held every Tuesday at 10am - Kuraby area


Halaqah – By Um Bilal. Held every Thursday & Saturday at 10am

( Saturdays  at Runcorn location)


Arabic classes – Taught by Umm Bilal Wednesdays  1 – 2pm Kuraby Masjid

Tuesdays  1 – 2pm  Kuraby area (after Tafsir Class)


Sisters Support Social Group -  1st Wednesday of every Month  - Kuraby Location


YOUTH GROUP- -   Muslimah Girls Youth Group for 10+ Girls

School Holiday Activites  -   Contact : Aliyah 0438840467

Amir Boys Club for Primary School Boys – MONTHLY & HOLIDAY ACTIVITES

Contact :  Farah 0432026375


We also run a volunteers group to assist Muslim women with food rosters and home visits for sisters who need support or are isolated.  We refer Sisters in need for counselling, accommodation, financial assistance and other relevant services.

To join our volunteer group or for any other details for activates please call the numbers below…

Aliyah :  0438840467                   Khadijah:   0449268375

Farah:    0432026375                   Iman :   0449610386



Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

• Zikr - every Thursday 7pm, families welcome
• Hifz, Quran Reading & Madressa - Wednesday & Friday 4:30 - 6:30pm, brothers, sisters and children
• New Muslims Program - last Thursday of every month, 6:30 - 8:30pm
• Salawat Majlis - first Saturday of every month. Starting at Mughrib, families welcome
• Islamic Studies - one year course, Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 pm, brothers and sisters
• Ilm-e-Deen, Alims Degree Course - Three full-time and part-time nationally accredited courses, brothers

For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600



Quran Reading Class For Ladies (Beginners or Advanced)

Every Saturday 2 - 4pm
Lady Teacher



On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987


Click on images to enlarge







Holland Park Mosque




Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Next Meeting

Time: 7pm Date: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road Karawatha

Light refreshments will be available. ALL WELCOME


For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at



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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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