Sunday, 20 November 2016


Newsletter 0628


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.....a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....




Parliamentary Inquiry into Freedom of Speech

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

The CCN Food for Thought

Congratulations and best wishes

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

An Ayaat-a-Week

MCF joins Christmas Appeal 2016

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Events and Functions

A fundraiser of a different kind

 The CCN Classifieds

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Shajarah Islamic Kindergarten

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

Businesses and Services

Amazon ad may be first to feature a Muslim cleric

CCN Readers' Book Club

The CCN Date Claimer

Wheel of Wellbeing Workshop hosted by Connected Women

KB's Culinary Corner

CCN on Facebook

Gold Coast Madressah Jalsa

Kareema's Keep Fit Column

Useful Links

Sting's "Inshallah" Acknowledges Refugee Hardships

Fitria on Food Appears monthly


Perth's first Halal food bank is about more than keeping faith

Get your fingers green with Ahmed Esat

Write For Us

Aussie spectator banned after calling Amla a 'terrorist'

The CCN Chuckle


80-year-old finally gets a home


3 Weeks to AMYN Youth Camp, the Best in 6 Years!


The Caliph - Part 3: Division - Featured Documentary
Middle Eastern women shaking up London's cultural agenda
Celebs You Didn’t Know Were Muslims
Women's Rights in the Quran? Out of Context (Part 8)
Back to the Future with CCN
The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column


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Local community leaders and representatives met with Dr Anne Aly (pictured seated centre)

at the offices of Mr Graham Perrett

Leaders of many of the multicultural communities in Moreton gathered on Friday morning to meet with Dr Anne Aly, the Federal Member for Cowan in Sunnybank today.


Present were members of the Taiwanese, Rawandan, Indian, Fijian, Egyptian, Filipino, Bosnian, Pakistani and South African communities.

Dr Aly was elected as the Member for Cowan in Western Australia at the last election. She is an internationally renowned expert in counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation. Notably, she was the only Australian to be invited to President Obama’s White House conference on violent extremism in 2015.

At the meeting many of the leaders present expressed their concern about the recently announced Inquiry into Freedom of Speech which is to report on whether section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act unreasonably restricts freedom of speech.

Ms Aly and many others present shared their personal experiences of racial discrimination.

There was concern that the timeframe of the Inquiry may not allow individuals who are concerned about this issue enough time to make a submission. Submissions are required to be lodged by 9 December.

Mr Graham Perrett, Member for Moreton, is the Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights which has been referred the Inquiry into Freedom of Speech.

The Committee is to report by the 28 February 2017 on whether Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act imposes unreasonable restrictions on freedom of speech and whether the complaints-handling procedures of the Australian Human Rights Commission should be reformed.


"As the Deputy Chair of this Inquiry, I will be attending hearings across the country to hear the views of those interested in this issue. I am particularly interested in hearing what racial matters Australians want to be able to express in public about their neighbours. Good manners would stop most of us from deliberately offending, insulting, humiliating or intimidating anybody because of their race. Nevertheless, I commence this inquiry with an open mind. I encourage anyone interested in this issue to make a submission to the Inquiry before 9 December," Mr Perrett told CCN.

Submissions can be made through the Inquiry website and will close on Friday 9 December 2016.



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Fauzan and Raeesa

The Nikah of Fauzan, son of Rafi and Shameema Ahmad of Sydney and Raeesa, daughter of Abdul Samad and Mariam Banwa of Brisbane was held at the Rochedale Mosque on 5 November.

The Walimah was held in Sydney on 6 November and a celebratory dinner was held at Michael's Oriental on 13 November.


Raeesa was a teacher at the Australian International Islamic College.

Raeesa has also been a very valued member of the Crescents of Brisbane Team for many years and, with her departure to Sydney to settle, the Team will sorely miss having Raeesa close at hand.



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SHARE THE DIGNITY is a charity that started in 2015 to assist homeless and vulnerable women who do not have access to sanitary products.


The charity now runs an annual “it’s in the bag” drive to collect bags to distribute to women in need.

This year Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) joined hands with "Share the Dignity" and are collecting bags for this initiative. At their first collection drive on Saturday 19 November they collected approximately 100 bags.


Following a successful first collection MCF will be holding two more collection events.

For information regarding the venue, date and times, see below.

Your support for this initiative is greatly appreciated.

Drop off point: MCF House, 17 Romilda Street, Woodridge
Drop off days and times: Saturday 26 November 2016 (11am-1pm) ; Saturday 3 December 2016 (11am-1pm)

For more information contact Fawzia Batty on 0405 035 786.



"It's in the bag"


MCF chairman, Yusuf Khatree, leading by example

Card included in each bag

Saturday's bag collection


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Ms Salam El-merebi (pictured below) successfully hosted the “Hope Art Exhibition’ with all the proceeds going to the Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre (TRC) in Ramallah, Palestine.


Exhibited for the first time in Brisbane, Salam’s art focused on “hope”. Her art is a mix of portraits of: The children of war, spiritual calligraphy, political art and historical figures from the golden ages of Islam who assisted the world in the fields of medicine, science, philosophy and sociology.

The exhibition was held in at the Bedouin Brew in Rocklea and attendees were treated to delicious finger food and sweets.

With over 100 attendees and sponsors including AMARAH, iCARE and MUSLIM AID AUSTRALIA, Salam's Hope Exhibition drew crowds from all cultures, backgrounds and professions.


Delicious finger food and sweets will be provided on the night.


The exhibition raised close on $10,000 and Ms El-merebi has been inundated with requests to repeat the exhibition next year.


TRC aims to promote Human rights in Palestine and works on reducing the traumatic and devastating physical and psychological consequences of torture and politically-motivated violence.




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Shajarah Islamic Kindergarten opened four years ago in October 2012, a new Early Education institution established to provide both the regular Australian early childhood curriculum and Islamic foundations to the youngest members of our community.

Our intention has been to provide a great quality Education and Care service while nourishing, teaching, protecting, encouraging, nurturing and instilling into our children the timeless values of our religion and the requirements for growing up into our society as healthy and productive members.


It is the intentional Islamic environment that is the most important ingredient for success. And alhamdulillaah we have been proven to be successful insha’Allaah. In September 2016 Shajarah Islamic Kindergarten was Assessed by the Qld Office of Early Childhood Education and Care and Rated as Overall Exceeding the National Quality Standard.

No other child care centre has achieved such a rating in the local area and very few state-wide. It has been of great encouragement to our dedicated teaching and management team and we intend insha’Allaah to build on our solid base and improve further into the future.


We currently run a Montessori Program with our qualified Montessori Educator as well as a Qld Government Approved Kindergarten Program. We are licensed for 24 children and our building is situated in a beautiful natural garden setting only a few kilometres from Kuraby mosque.

The current school year and our Kindergarten are winding down but our centre is open throughout the holidays and we will be running a dedicated Pre-Prep Literacy and Numeracy Program as well as our Montessori Program.



We also have limited place for school-aged children in our Vacation Care Program and have a Fun Holiday Program lined-up including excursions, picnics, activities and visiting incursions to the centre.

Download our brochure here. For all enquiries, please call 3172 7850 or 0416952868.



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USA – The most surprising thing about Amazon’s latest ad for its Prime service is that it appears to be the first time a Muslim cleric has been featured in a television ad shown in the United States.

“I can’t think of one. There are plenty of religious figures in televisions, especially sitcoms and police procedurals. But no ads with imams,” said Tobe Berkovitz, a professor of advertising at Boston University.

Amazon has done several wordless ads for Prime featuring people buying what it terms charming solutions for everyday problems. They include a father buying a lion’s mane for the family dog so the new baby isn’t scared of it, a dog with a broken leg getting a lift in a baby carrier and a grandfather using a leaf blower to power his granddaughter’s swing.

The new ad, which begins airing in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany on Wednesday, would be no different were the subject matter not so rare.

Set in England, the commercial begins with an Episcopal priest opening the door for his good friend, a Muslim imam. The two older men talk, laugh and share a cup of tea, both wincing at their creaky knees as they sit and stand.

After they part, both pull out their phones, tap the Prime app and order something.

Next we see them getting a delivery at their respective homes and it’s clear they’ve each bought the other identical knee pads.

The end of the 120-second ad features both men in their respective houses of worship, kneeling in prayer.

Amazon didn’t set out to make any kind of political statement and the subject had nothing to do with the recently concluded U.S. presidential election, the company was quick to say. Work on the ad had already begun in June, said Simon Morris, Amazon’s European Union director of advertising.

However, it’s clear that the topic is of concern, as Amazon does not generally reach out to the press in advance about its television ads, but did with this one. Groups that track hate crimes say there has been a rise in anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim incidents since the Nov. 8 election of Donald Trump, who called for a halt to all immigrants who were Muslim during his campaign.


The Amazon producers worked with several religious groups Including the Interfaith Alliance, the National Council of Churches and the Islamic Circle of North America to insure the ad was respectful, said Morris.

The lead characters in the commercial are played by actual religious leaders. They are Gary Bradley, vicar at St Mary's and Paddington Green in London and Zubier Mohammad, principal of the Muslim School Oadby in Leicester, Morris said. The advertisement was filmed at two churches, St. Dunstan and All Saints Stepney Church in London, and at the East London Mosque.

While Muslims are a small minority in the United States, making up just under 1% of the U.S. population, there are 3.3 million of them and there have been Muslim communities in the country for decades.

Despite that, advertising professors and historians had to think hard about whether an Islamic religious leader had ever been depicted in an ad.

“We certainly have used priests, nuns, ministers, rabbi's and many other clerical types, but I have no memory of a Muslim Cleric ever being used,” said John Verret, who worked in advertising for 40 years and now faculty advisor to the Boston University AdLab, a student-run advertising agency.

That could be because advertisers have faced backlash in the past.

In 2011 Lowe’s pulled ads from a TLC reality series, All-American Muslim, because of pressure from a Florida conservative group that objected to the fact that the show depicted Muslims as “ordinary folks while excluding many Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish.” The show was later cancelled.

In England, where Muslims make up 5% of the population, the ad follows the U.K.'s vote to leave the European Union. The so-called Brexit referendum stemmed in part with dissatisfaction with a surge in immigration and set off a wave of attacks on Poles and Muslims in late June.

While holiday ads are just ads in the United States, they have a whole different cultural connotation in the United Kingdom. There, the annual arrival of “Christmas adverts” is awaited with the same anticipation that is reserved for Super Bowl ads in the United States.

USA Today


[CCN EDITOR] The actor playing the Imam is a cousin of Ms Laila Abdul Latiff (Elias) of Pizza Lane, Brisbane fame.



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Saalihah Seedat, Fathima Gutta, Janeth Deen

It was an immensely enlightening and rewarding afternoon when Connected Women hosted the ‘Wheel of Wellbeing’ Workshop; presented by Jan Elston, and Aneesa Kathrada, who are trained professionals in delivering the Wheel of Wellbeing (WOW) Workshop (accredited by the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust).


Jan currently works for Relationships Australia Qld as Coordinator of the Wellbeing Hub for Logan and the Southern Moreton Bay Islands, whilst Aneesa is an Occupational Therapist, currently in the role of Mental Health Coach in the South East Region of the Department of Education & Training.


The MC for the event was Ilham Sabry Ahamed who kicked off the event with her captivating manner and charisma.

The Wheel of Wellbeing uses a positive psychology approach to teach simple techniques for promoting wellbeing, by focusing on the six vital areas of body, mind, spirit, people, place and planet.

The WOW framework is the result of a 6 year design collaboration and the ongoing work between the Mental Health Promotion Team at South London, Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Uscreates (a strategic consultancy that delivers social value).

Jan and Aneesa revealed that current research is showing that certain actions, activities and practices have a significant impact on improving our mood, reducing the risk of depression, strengthening relationships, keeping us healthy and even adding up to seven years to our life span! They presented the importance of the 10 Positive Emotions, Micromoments, shared research findings on Different Types of Happiness and enlightened the audience about the Happiness Scale Study.

The group activity of ranking various elements of the happiness scale was a truly enlightening exercise. The ladies who participated discovered (much to their surprise!), the relative ‘unimportance’ of money and wealth in achieving happiness, and to the surprise of many, discovered the importance that elements like volunteering, physical activity and relationships play in achieving and maintaining happiness.

Undoubtedly, the highlight of the workshop were the activities set out at different stations pertaining to the six components of the Wheel of Wellbeing. There was excited chatter, peals of laughter, unleashing of creativity and sincere expression of gratitude which left the participants exhilarated, empowered and enriched.

The event concluded with a panel discussion with local community volunteers. It was facilitated by Ilham Sabry Ahamed.

Janeth Deen who is synonymous with a large number of charities, captivated the audience when she shared her vision, experience and selfless commitment to the causes she supports. Of particular interest was her involvement with the Queensland Muslim Historical Society and her vision to see a mini museum being built at the Holland Park Mosque showcasing Muslim heritage, and for this to be part of the heritage trail. Aunty Janeth said emphasised on the fact that volunteering fills a void in her life, she doesn’t feel lonely anymore as she is surrounded by people and through her voluntary roles she has made lifelong friendships both locally and internationally. When asked how one should start volunteering, she answered " Start now." Every little helps. Even if you only help one person. It is significant.

Fathima Gutta has recently started volunteering with MCF and Friends With Dignity, the not-for-profit organization providing assistance to those affected by domestic violence. She said she juggles her roles as a mummy and a volunteer but sometimes she takes her children with. The children help out at the sanctuary.

Saalihah Seedat spoke with passion about her involvement in charities that empower women such as the Bali Life Foundation Women’s Shelter and Share The Dignity, a charity that addresses a pressing issue that few dare to acknowledge- that no woman should suffer the indignity of not having access to sanitary items, which is their basic right and not a privilege.


Listening to these volunteers was indeed a humbling experience and as Ilham Sabry Ahamed aptly quoted ‘You make a living by what you get, and make a life by what you give’ -Winston Churchill.

The WOW Workshop could not have been held at a more opportune time as the day preceding World Kindness Day (13th Nov) which also marked the conclusion of Psychology Week. It was indeed an immensely educational, uplifting and inspirational workshop where the participants felt enthused and motivated. Many new friendships were formed, old ones renewed, much knowledge was gained and the auditorium reverberated with the laughter of the ladies, which was testimony to the fact that much fun was had throughout the experience!

The aim of Connected Women is to provide inspiring opportunities for personal and professional growth for ladies in our community and bring together ladies from diverse backgrounds committed to learning, sharing and inspiring each other. Through support and collaboration, Connected Women endeavours to foster relationships and networks that allow women to share their experience and expertise, and to provide resources and opportunities for every woman in the community.

If you are interested in receiving information about upcoming workshops please write to



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On Friday night, the Gold Coast Mosque held its 2016 Jalsa Graduation program.


The event, which was well received by both parents and students, was held outdoors on a warm and very pleasant evening.


There were Qirat recitations, performances by students from different grades as well as many other presentations.


Many students received medals and trophies for their achievements over the past year.


Imam Akram Buksh of the Slacks Creek Mosque was the special guest speaker and was impressed with the organization and presentations so much so that he said that it was "one of the best Jalsa graduations I have ever attended".

Awards were presented to the students by Haji Hussain Baba (ISGC Secretary) and Haji Hashim Khan (Associate Committee Member).




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Most people recognize the name Sting and his long career in the music industry. This week, Sting has just released a new album, which includes a song called “Inshallah” that brings light back to the refugee crisis.

Gordon Sumner, who goes by his stage name “Sting”, is a well-known British singer, songwriter, and actor. Sting has received 16 Grammy awards, both as a solo artist and member of the hit band, The Police. Some of Sting’s greatest hits include: “Every Breath You Take”, “Desert Rose”, and “Shape of My Heart”.

Sting’s latest album “57th and 9th” features a song called “Inshallah”. His song is a tribute to all migrants who have been suffering in their journeys to safety. The lyrics talk about a family on a boat, suggesting that he is especially aware of families risking their lives on boats in search of a better life.

When asked about the refugee crisis, Sting said that he does not have a political opinion on the issue. His answer, however, might mean more to people than any political solution. Sting said, “It’s driven by warfare in the Middle East. It’s driven by poverty in Africa. It may be driven by climate change in the very near future. So it’s not going to be something we can hope to end tomorrow. I don’t have a political solution, but I feel if there’s a solution to it, it has to be grounded in some kind of empathy for those people in those boats. Because we as a species all migrate. We’re all migrants. Everyone in this country is a migrant, I’m a migrant, our ancestors were migrants. It’s not going to stop, that’s what we do”

The reason for calling the song “Inshallah” was the meaning of the word. Inshallah translates to “God willing.” Arabs use this word before doing something, leaving the results in God’s hands. Refugees say “Inshallah” before escaping a war zone and entering the waters, not knowing their fate. To Sting, this “implies resignation, it implies humility, it implies hope, it implies courage. And for me, it implies solidarity.”

Sting also appreciates the Arab and Islamic cultures, giving them credit to contributions made to society. “Arab culture has given us extraordinary things: science, astronomy, architecture, music, many things.”

This is not the first time Sting has featured Arabic in his music. The song “Dessert Rose” included Arabic back-up vocals. The singer’s eagerness to express the beauty behind the Arabic language, especially the word “Inshallah”, is an appreciation of Arab culture that is often unseen in mainstream Western media.


Source: Arab America



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Maryam Khan says the Halal food bank was about more than offering food compliant with her Muslim faith.

Perth's first Halal food bank is about more than just feeding the hungry, it is about connecting people to their culture and restoring a sense of security, its founder says.

For years agencies like Foodbank Australia, Second Bite and Food Rescue have been providing food relief for financially vulnerable West Australians.

What sets the Halal food bank apart is its focus on offering culturally appropriate foods for the Muslim community.

But the Halal food bank in Perth's northern suburbs provides food for anyone in need, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.

According to the last Center for Social Impact report, 64.3 per cent of Australian adults were facing some level of financial stress or vulnerability, and for 2 million people this financial stress was considered severe.

The coordinator of the Perth project, Maryam Khan, hopes as well as helping all people in need, the food bank would connect people, particularly immigrants and refugees, with the foods they were used to.

She said this was important because a lot of immigrants struggled to adapt to Australian culture and giving them familiar foods could assist their transition.

"Food connects people to each other, but it actually also connects them to themselves and to their culture and their tradition," she said.

"If you're in another country you're already feeling the loss. For some people it's confusing enough."

For refugees, Ms Khan added, the loss was intensified by the fact they might not be able to return home.

"If you can't go back you're not quite ready to leave everything behind," she said.

"If you can take your traditions to a new country, that's going to help you balance these new changes."

She said other factors to consider were food restrictions to do with faith, or with the biological effect of unfamiliar foods on the body.

Born in Africa to Pakistani parents, Ms Khan was raised on a diet low in dairy and the cheese-loving Australian diet exposed a lactose intolerance in herself, her mother, and her sister.

She said people from different cultures and traditions digested food in different ways.

She also said faith "definitely plays a large part", with Islam not allowing Muslims to consume improperly slaughtered animals or any form of pork.

You can check out the Perth Halal food bank Facebook page at


Source: WA Today



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Hashim Amla reacts as he walks off the ground after being dismissed by Australia's Josh Hazlewood.

Hobart - An Australian spectator has been banned for three years after he wrote racist graffiti terming Proteas batsman Hashim Amla a 'terrorist' during the first day of the second Test currently underway at the Bellerive Oval.

Proteas team manager Mohammed Moosajee has confirmed that he was made aware of the incident after fellow spectators who had witnessed the event reported it to the authorities.

“We have been informed that the man has been formally charged and has been handed a three-year ban from the stadium. From our point of view, it is disappointing and disconcerting because this is not the first act of racial vilification we have received while touring Australia over the years,” Moosajee said.

“It is unacceptable, there is absolutely no place for racial stereotyping and such offensive acts in society, let alone in sport. We thank Cricket Australia and the authorities for dealing with the matter in a swift, professional and stern way and for carrying out the full might of the law.”

It is not the first time Amla, a devout Muslim who wears a traditional beard, has been racially profiled or another member of the South African team.

Former Proteas fast bowler Makhaya Ntini spoke out about racial abuse from the crowd in Perth in 2005 when he was referred to a “kaffir”, while former Australian Test batsman Dean Jones also referred to Amla as a “terrorist” while on commentary in Sri Lanka a decade ago.

Jones was sacked by his employers Ten Sports.

Cricket Australia confirmed the man, who had written the graffiti on the inside of an advertising board, will be barred from any official match across the country, while Tasmanian police said he would appear in court after being charged on summons.

"Cricket Australia and Cricket Tasmania can confirm a crowd behaviour issue that occurred on day one of the Commonwealth Bank Test match against South Africa in Hobart," a CA spokesperson said.

"Tasmania Police identified the person of interest through CCTV and witnesses in the area. Cricket Australia has issued the person with a three-year ban from any Cricket Australia match, nationally.

"Cricket Australia takes a zero-tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour at any of our matches, which includes racial vilification.”

"Our message to any fan attending a match is that if you display anti-social behaviour you will be removed and risk being banned from any cricket match across Australia, as well as police action being taken."


Source: IOL



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Muslim Aid Australia International provides assistance

FIJI: 80‑year‑old Ram Badan’s prayers have finally been answered as he no longer has to live under the Ba bridge.

He has been homeless for the last seven years and had no option but to reside under the Ba Bridge.

Now, he has got a new home which has been made possible through the Muslim Aid Australia International.

Badan says he did not have anywhere to go so he lived under the bridge.

The elderly man says that he was also assisted by the social welfare assistance and with the new home, this assistance will go a long way in enabling him to live a dignified life.

Meanwhile, the Fijian Government has commended the Muslim Aid Australia International for its wide assistance provided towards the rebuilding of lives of families affected by Cyclone Winston.

The Muslim Aid Australia International started working in Fiji through five major development programs and in doing so the organisation has spent over $1.5 million.

The programs in areas of education, housing, food aid, emergency relief and sustainable development have benefited over 4,000 Fijians.

As part of the housing assistance, MAA International has also spent over $292,454 in rebuilding of over 50 homes for families who lost all their belongings in cyclone Winston.

40 new modular homes have been built in the Clopcott settlement in Ba.

Charity homes have also been built in areas of Ra and Nadi.

Minister for Health and Medical Services, Rosy Akbar presented the beneficiaries the keys for their new homes in Ba yesterday.

Director MAA International Projects, Saed Khan says all the projects are based on the principles of professionalism, best practices to assist the most needy communities, regardless of race or nationality.

He adds that they assisted 65 students with scholarships for tertiary education and they have spent about $315,000 in this education project.

Khan says in terms of assistance during emergency after TC Winston, they have distributed 33 tonnes of food rations benefiting the local economy at the time when it was needed.




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AMYN Promo

With six years of experience, this year’s Annual AMYN Summer Youth Camp promises to be the most fun and activities, along regular talks and brotherhood.


Register now for the special discount for the first 25 registrations.

Amongst the list of activities will be, for the first time, rock climbing and abseiling. Safe and fun archery is another first time activity. In addition, there is swimming, the beautiful sceneries of Sunshine Coast, team sports to help you make friends and strengthen the brotherhood. Religious talks to soothe one's heart and nourish one's Iman are on the programme.

The first 25 registrations are sponsored at only $100 (normal cost $250) for three days and three nights. Halal food catered and all activities are included. This is open to adults and youth of all ages. To register, please call 0414 156 900 or email us at



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For almost 13 centuries, from the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 to the overthrow of the last Ottoman caliph in 1924, the Islamic world was ruled by a caliph.

Translated from the Arabic ‘Khalifa’, the word ‘caliph’ means successor or deputy.
The caliph was considered the successor to the Prophet Muhammad.

It is a term that has, at times, been abused.

In June 2014, a militant group calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (known as ISIL or ISIS) declared the establishment of a caliphate and proclaimed its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a caliph. This proclamation was rejected by the overwhelming majority of the world’s Muslims.

ISIL had attempted to appropriate a title imbued with religious and political significance – and in doing so had cast a dark shadow over a rich history.

This is the story of the caliph, a title that originated 1,400 years ago and that spanned one of the greatest empires the world has ever known.

In this episode of The Caliph, Al Jazeera tells the story of the caliphate, looking at the Sunni-Shia divide, and how this split arose from a dispute over who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad.




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Some 150,000 Londoners hail from the region — yet Middle Eastern women are often stereotyped, from the clichι of the suppressed housewife to the offensive notion that they are flashy and spoilt, wafting around designer stores.


In fact, while wealthy Middle Eastern visitors may spend an estimated £1.25bn a year here, some of this city’s most exciting creative talents are of Middle Eastern origin, embracing the capital while drawing on traditions from home to instigate a refreshing international dialogue.


So which are the names to know now?


From the designer bringing Turkish style to London, to the artist exhibiting with Ai Weiwei — here are the new ambassadors of style:



Noor Fares, Jewellery designer, 30



I’m a Londoner above all else,’ says Noor Fares, who first moved to the capital in 2009. ‘But I also feel 100 per cent Lebanese. I grew up speaking the language and learning the history. That is my grounding and it is important for me to relate to my culture and to achieve things as a Middle Eastern woman.’

She’s certainly doing that. With a master’s in jewellery design from Central Saint Martins under her belt, Fares’s eponymous jewellery label, which began ‘just as an interest’ seven years ago, has been a huge hit. Her distinctive geometric necklaces have been worn by the likes of Alicia Vikander and Sienna Miller. All of her collections are, in one way or another, influenced by Middle Eastern culture and many feature the traditional protective eye. ‘It is a constant part of what I do, because jewellery is so intrinsic to our culture. It is always symbolic, always the thing that you give as a gift.’

The daughter of the former Lebanese deputy prime minister and entrepreneur Issam Fares, and the niece of French designer Sonia Fares, she grew up in Paris and studied art history at Boston’s Tufts University. But, she says: ‘I wanted to make London my base because I knew this was the sort of creative, centre-of-the-world city I wanted to live in.’

Fares, 30, and her husband, artist Alexandre Al Khawam, now live in Belgravia, where she’s part of London’s jet-setting fashion crowd (friends include fellow designers Margherita Missoni, Tatiana Santo Domingo and Mary Katrantzou). But she’s just as comfortable hanging out alone in the Natural History Museum’s Mineral Room — ‘I regularly sit and sketch in London’s museums.’

The late Zaha Hadid was one of her greatest role models. Originally from Iraq, Hadid attended university in Beirut with Fares’s mother, Hala. ‘I see Zaha as a true inspiration to all women. She left us far too soon.’



NEXT WEEK IN CCN: Leila Maleki, Designer, 31


Source: Evening Standard



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In recent years, Islam has been thrust into world spotlight for a number of reasons – starting with 9/11 and ISIS to anti-refugee sentiments in Europe and a certain US Presidential candidate’s anti-Muslim campaigns. In this hullabaloo, we have forgotten that some of the coolest famous people we look up to – from Muhammad Ali to Zayn Malik and Aziz Ansari – are all Muslims. Would you believe it if we told you there were many more Muslims in the celeb world?


This week's celebrity

Dave Chappelle



No seriously, the comedic genius is a Muslim, but not a strict practitioner from the looks of it. Chapelle smokes, drinks and eats bacon, which are all forbidden in Islam. We know that he converted to the religion in 1998 but he hasn’t been very vocal about his faith except calling it a ‘beautiful thing’ and confessing that he is too flawed to be a poster boy for Islam.


Source: Cyber Breeze


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An engaging conversation between a Christian Pastor and a Muslim Imam, "Out of Context" is a 14 part Interview series answers pressing questions about Islam and gives valuable insight into the spirit of the faith.

In Part 8 of the interview, Shaykh Omar takes questions from the audience. The Quran is very progressive with regards to women, says Sheikh Omar Suleiman. It was the first religious scripture to grant women the right to vote, inherit, choose who to marry and pursue divorce. In fact Prophet Muhammad was even accused of being a feminist. Yet we do have regressive cultures that fail to live up to such standards, but their regression stems from their economic and political situation not because of Islam.




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We're looking to hire a Marketing Assistant in our Brisbane office to help spread the word about the amazing work MAA does!


If you think this role is for you, click on the link to find out how you can apply here.


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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs


Yousef Al Otaiba

Why tolerance has a place in Islam and the Middle East

By Yousef Al Otaiba

November 16, the International Day for Tolerance, is an important time to reflect on the urgent need to promote greater understanding among all people, and bring cultures together.

Divisiveness and polarization are on the rise across the world, and -- if left unchecked -- this trend will undermine global stability and peace. The UAE is pushing against this rising tide by creating a model that can serve as a road map for others to promote greater tolerance and openness.
Unique government policies, innovative partnerships and interfaith dialogues are three of the ways the UAE is leading by example.

Just this month, the UAE hosted a group of religious leaders -- including the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmed el-Tayeb -- the centers of the Anglican Church and Sunni Islam -- for a frank, honest conversation about how to create more open and tolerant societies. The two leaders were in Abu Dhabi, highlighting shared values and advocating for greater compassion and acceptance of all cultures.

These are the same values shared by Emiratis, and have been ingrained in the UAE's DNA since my country's founding in 1971. It is why over 200 nationalities call the UAE home. It is why different religions have built 40 churches and three temples (with a fourth on the way) in my country.


These innate values are also why the UAE government and private sector have made such great strides to promote tolerance on a national, and even international, scale.

Through government initiatives, policy organizations and our own rule of law, we're creating a place where people from all backgrounds, faiths, nationalities and perspectives can join together to learn, engage in artistic expression, and exchange ideas.



The Hypocrisy of Gender Segregation – Separate Can Never Be Equal

This summer a respected Imam in Chicago pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. The case of the Chicago Imam shattered our blithe assumptions that just because something touts itself as “Islamic” it adheres to an Islamic ethos based on mutual respect. Sexual violence is a reality in the Muslim community; the case in Chicago is not an isolated one. But how do we find real solutions that address the problem? A facile approach that hearkens to an idealistic vision just isn’t going to cut it.
Just this week, I came across a Facebook post which read that the promotion of sexual health and sexual violence awareness in the Muslim community is “advocating a completely un-Islamic, secular, liberal perspective on sex.” The solution offered: gender segregation or khalwa in Arabic.

Gender segregation, according to this “Facebook Scholar” would prevent the vast majority of the opportunity for sexual misconduct. “If our institutions abided strictly by khalwa standards […] we would all but eliminate this problem.” While he does allow for the possibility of sexual misconduct to occur even when his definition of khalwa is implemented – the case of the Chicago Imam, if nothing, forces him to admit this fact – he’s very clear in his belief that gendered spaces are the solution to all the sexual ills the Muslim community faces. While I am not a victim of sexual violence, I attribute many of the sexually dysfunctional ways of thinking in my own life to this concept of gendered spaces. I remember one time when I was working at an Islamic School, a male teacher come to the office to give me something. Instead of making eye contact and acknowledging my presence, he spoke to me with his eyes on the floor. I’m sure he did this out of respect, but respect was not what I felt. I felt dehumanized. I felt like Jezebel. There I was, a Hijab-wearing Muslim woman working in an Islamic school of all places, feeling more objectified than I ever had in my entire life. 


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Who is Keith Ellison



He's black, he's Muslim and he could be the next chair of the Democratic National Committee. Meet Keith Ellison.



RELATED ARTICLE: Jewish Democrats Back Muslim Lawmaker to Become Party Chair
Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison, a Muslim and noted Israel critic, has gained the backing of Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer to replace Debbie Wasserman Schultz. READ MORE





Rebranding Arabs • Democracy Handbook with Bassem Youssef Ep.5




Muslims and Arabs aren’t exactly popular in the United States these days. Bassem meets with a marketing expert to learn how to be less “Muslim-y” so he’ll fit in now that he’s here.




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To know the future just look to the past



Visitors studying a folio from a large Quran dating to about 1400 in the exhibition “The Art of the Qur’an: Treasures From the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts,” at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in Washington.

‘The Art of the Qur’an,’ a Rare Peek at Islam’s Holy Text

WASHINGTON — “The Art of the Qur’an: Treasures From the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts,” at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery here, is the first major United States display of handwritten copies of Islam’s holy text. It’s a glorious show, utterly, and like nothing I’ve ever seen, with more than 60 burnished and gilded books and folios, some as small as smartphones, others the size of carpets.

Flying carpets, I should say. This is art of a beauty that takes us straight to heaven. And it reminds us of how much we don’t know — but, given a chance like this, will love to learn — about a religion and a culture lived by, and treasured by, a quarter of the world’s population.

The manuscripts, most on first-time loan from a venerable museum in Istanbul, date from the seventh to 17th centuries, and come from various points: Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey. Some volumes are intact; others survive as only single pages, though so great is the Quran’s spiritual charisma that, traditionally, every scrap is deemed worthy of preserving. And the Sackler curators, Massumeh Farhad and Simon Rettig, give the material all the glamour it deserves, with a duskily lighted installation in which everything seems to glow and float, gravity-free.

New York Times

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyαm, a collection of over one thousand poems, was first translated by Edward FitzGerald in 1859.

Did Medieval Muslims Invent Modern Secularism?

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam was embraced by many Western intellectuals as an aid to their own secularization.

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, in Edward FitzGerald’s innovative and witty 1859 translation, went viral in the West for the first two-thirds of the twentieth century. It created an alternative to Orientalist images of the Middle East as roiled by religious fanaticism, puritanism, and obscurantism. It seems to me to have been adopted by many writers and intellectuals as an aid to their own secularization. A century and more ago, it came as a revelation to Mark Twain, Ezra Pound, and Robert Frost that a medieval Muslim Iranian astronomer, Omar Khayyam (d. c. 1126), could have attained secular insights into life of such profundity. Clarence Darrow, who argued for Darwin in the famed Scopes Monkey Trial, lauded and quoted the Rubaiyat. It went on to inspire generations of poets, including Woody Guthrie, Jack Kerouac, and Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead.

FitzGerald’s translation is fine poetry, but its Romantic style and Victorian vocabulary make it hard going today. It also was not always very loyal to the letter of the original, though I would argue it generally conveyed the spirit. The poetry is Iranian and Indo-Persian folk verse, and not actually by Khayyam, the great astronomer and mathematician of the Seljuq Empire. Still, it was widely thought to be the work of a prominent scientist, and The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam was cherished in much of the civilized Old World for a millennium by open-minded Muslims, Hindus, Christian Armenians, and India-based British and other Persian speakers, who clearly enjoyed its assault on petty-minded orthodoxies.

In these days of ISIL and terrorism, when what I have called “Islam Anxiety” has reached a fever pitch, we have never needed alternative images of Middle Eastern civilization more. I think we need the Rubaiyat back. I am involved in translating it anew, into contemporary idiomatic American English. I am basing my renderings on the same 1460 manuscript that provided much of the text for FitzGerald, who was criticized by Robert Graves for keeping the original Persian rhyme scheme, which forced him to depart from the original for merely formalistic reasons. I therefore prefer free verse or blank verse for this purpose. While “Rubaiyat” literally means “quatrains,” some of the original lines are dense in their meaning and imagery and cannot usefully be brought into English.

Here, I’d like to present a few stanzas in support of my argument that this poetry invented a form of secularism that modern British and American thinkers recognized as such when they saw the FitzGerald translation. I mean by this that the poetry is skeptical of religious verities and of idiocies like astrology; questions the notions of transcendence and heaven and hell; values the human over abstract doctrines; and locates the meaning of life in its simple pleasures. It helps to know that wine was forbidden in clerical Islam. The verses do not, however, encourage narcissism, urging a principle of not harming others.

The Nation

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Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 18 November 2016






Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 18 November 2016

TOPIC"The Hereafter Series: Minor Signs - Part 2"

IMAM: Akram Buksh









Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 18 November 2016

TOPIC"The Mercy of Allah SWT"
IMAM: Ahmad Muhammad Naffaa









Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 18 November 2016

TOPIC"Ingredients for Islam to succeed"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar









Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 18 November 2016

TOPIC"Fear Allah and Die as a Muslim"

IMAM: Dr Dadibhai  (UK)






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US students form protective wall around praying Muslim classmates


Mohammed Ishtiaq, Michigan University’s Muslim chaplain, leads the Ishaa prayer, while non-Muslim allies form a protective circle around their classmates

US: Hundreds of students at Michigan University formed a circle around their Muslim classmates so they could pray safely after a woman wearing a headscarf was threatened.

The action was verbally assaulted by a man for wearing the hijab. According to Ann Arbor police, he ordered the woman to remove her headscarf and said he would set her on fire with a lighter if she refused.

The college's Muslim Students' Association (MSA) organised the public prayer session following the incident and invited non-Muslim allies to attend in solidarity.

Farhan Ali, president of the MSA, said he was “overwhelmed” when hundreds of people arrived to stand guard as they performed a group Ishaa prayer, the final of five daily prayers, in the University’s main square.

“Some individuals were afraid that we might be vulnerable during our prayer, so we had the idea of calling allies to support us and create a circle around us while we prayed and they ensured our safety,” Mr Ali told the Huffington Post.


Chalk left on the ground after students turn out in support of Muslim classmates holding public prayers 

“Hundreds and hundreds of people came out for both prayer and showing their support,” Mr Ali wrote in an email.

“The amount of support was overwhelming and absolutely wonderful, and it brought some ease to the Muslim students [and] showed that we have other individuals who are willing to stand with us.”

Mohammed Ishtiaq, the university’s Muslim chaplain, told the Huffington Post that both the Jewish and Christian communities on campus came out to show their support. He said some members of the crowd held signs that read: “You Belong Here."

“Although it was a cold night, the amount of support we got was really heart warming,” Mr Ishtiaq said in an email. “Events of solidarity like this give us hope.”


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 Jewish activist vows solidarity with Muslims in the US


Head of Anti Defemation League pledges to register as Muslim, if Donald Trump creates a database of Muslim Americans.

US: A Jewish head of an organisation dedicated to combating hate crimes in the US has said that if the new administration of President-elect Donald Trump creates a national database for the religion’s followers, he will register as a Muslim.

"As Jews, we know what it means to be registered and tagged, held out as different from our fellow citizens," Jonathan Greenblatt, Anti Defemation League (ADL) CEO, said on Thursday at the group's Never Is Now conference on anti-Semitism in New York.

"As Jews, we know the righteous and just response. All of us have heard the story of the Danish king who said if his country’s Jews had to wear a gold star…all of Denmark would too.

"So I pledge to you right here and now, because I care about the fight against anti-Semitism, that if one day in these United States, if one day Muslim-Americans will be forced to register their identities, then that is the day that this proud Jew will register as a Muslim."

Greenblatt added that Americans must stand against all forms of discrimination regardless of which group it targets.

Following Greenblatt's speech, ADL started a pledge on Twitter, urging their followers to state that "If Muslim-Americans will be forced to register their identities, then I will register as a Muslim in solidarity."




Trevor Noah: All Americans Should Sign Up For Donald Trump's Muslim Registry


Trump’s team is reportedly considering a Muslim registry, but comedian Trevor Noah questioned whether the anti-immigration president-elect should have that power.

“When you think about what Trump has said about Muslims over the past two years, giving him a Muslim registry seems like a dangerous idea,” Noah said on Thrusday’s “The Daily Show.” “You wouldn’t give Jared [Fogle] a list of all the playgrounds.”

If the registry becomes reality, Noah said the only thing patriotic Americans can do is sign up, regardless of whether they are Muslim.

“We need to stand in solidarity with Muslim people who are being targeted by Donald Trump,” he said to cheers from the studio audience. “If they start registering Muslims in America, we all register as Muslims.”

Noah said that if all citizens stood with immigrants and said, “I am a Muslim,” it “would take away any power the registry might have.”



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 15,000 mosques are going green


Morocco's As-Sounna mosque in Rabat has installed energy efficient technology to slash its energy bill by more than 80%.

MOROCCO:  Morocco is looking ahead to a bright future. Literally.

The government is installing energy-efficient lights and solar technology in more than 100 mosques in 2016 and plans to expand the program over the next five years to include 15,000 state-funded mosques. That represents nearly 30% of all mosques in the country.

The so-called "green mosques" initiative is part of Morocco's ambitious push into renewable energy. It's spending billions of dollars to wean itself off imported fuel and reduce emissions by ramping up the use of energy efficient technology and renewables.

As it stands now, nearly 95% of energy in Morocco comes from abroad, according to the International Energy Agency‌.

The green mosque project is one of the most visible programs, with tradespeople installing LED lights, solar water heaters and solar panels in mosques across the country.

Ahmed Bouzid, a senior project manager at Morocco's state-owned energy investment company, told CNNMoney that the mosques are ultimately being used to demonstrate to the public that they too should save energy in their homes and businesses.

"This is only the entry project for a huge national infrastructure program," he said.
The goal is to encourage households and industry to eventually cut their energy consumption 20% by 2030.

The large As-Sounna mosque in the capital Rabat stands as a shining example of what can be achieved.

The government spent $30,000 to give the mosque an energy-efficient makeover and now its energy bill has been slashed by over 80%, saving roughly $7,000 per year.

And excess energy generated by solar panels on mosque roofs like the As-Sounna could soon be put back into the power grid, said Bouzid. 



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 Haseeb Hameed's family speak of their pride at his England debut in first Test with India in state his father hails from


England and India drew the first Test in Rajkot on Sunday
19-year-old Haseeb Hameed made scores of 31 and 82 on England debut
It came in the same Indian state where his father Ismail hails from
Ismail and his family were there to witness Hameed's debut

UK: The father of England's teenage sensation Haseeb Hameed has spoken of how he cried 'tears of happiness' as his son made his Test debut - in the same Indian state from where he hails.
Ismail Hameed comes from the village of Umraj in the state of Gujarat, a six-hour drive from Rajkot, where the 19-year-old's scores of 31 and 82 on debut helped England to a first Test draw on Sunday.

And with the Hameed family coming to Gujarat for the wedding of Haseeb's brother Nuaman this month anyway, it seems like fate - or at least very convenient - that he would make his Test debut there.



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 The UAE is all about girl power…


Her Royal Highness with her all-female protection team during #RoyalVisitUAE From left to right: Shaima al Kaabi, Basima al Kaabi, Hannan al Hatawi, Nisreen al Hamawi and Salama al Remeithi. Earlier this year Shaima, Nisreen and Hannan also achieved the remarkable feat of conquering Mount Everest.

UAE: In the same week that Donald Trump became President of the US (to the despair of women around the world), this powerful image was much needed.

Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, was recently in the UAE as part of a Middle Eastern tour, where her and Prince Charles spent three days visiting Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.

The British royals were here to promote religious tolerance and support women in leadership, among other things – but nothing sums it up better than this picture, released on Wednesday by Clarence House.

During her visit, Camilla was accompanied by an all-female protection squad, the palace revealed.


In the image, the royal is flanked by four Emiratis, each donning the traditional hijab and abaya as they guarded Camilla leaving the capital’s Emirates Palace Hotel.

The image, which currently has more than 3,000 likes on Instagram, has attracted much praise, with commenters expressing their appreciation of the enpowering act.

The women that made up the bodyguard team were Shaima al Kaabi, Basima al Kaabi, Hannan al Hatawi (behind the Duchess), Nisreen al Hamawi and Salama al Remeithi, who are all aged between 29 and 30, according to the Daily Mail.

The British newspaper reported that Camilla was “delighted by the decision to assign her a female team while she is travelling in the Gulf”.

The women were handpicked from the UAE’s presidential guard, which counts more than 50 females among its ranks, and all are highly skilled in martial arts and combat techniques.

And they’re not just excellent bodyguards – three of them are intrepid adventurers, as Clarence House revealed Shaima, Nisreen and Hannan conquered Mount Everest in a gruelling trek earlier this year.


Emirates Women


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The CCN Book-of-the-Week


Guantαnamo Diary

Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Larry Siems (Editor)



An unprecedented international publishing event: the first and only diary written by a still-imprisoned Guantαnamo Bay detainee.

Since 2002, Mohamedou Slahi has been imprisoned at the detention camp at Guantαnamo Bay, Cuba. In all these years, the United States has never charged him with a crime. A federal judge ordered his release in March 2010, but the U.S. government fought that decision, and there is no sign that the United States plans to let him go.

Three years into his captivity Slahi began a diary, recounting his life before he disappeared into U.S. custody, "his endless world tour" of imprisonment and interrogation, and his daily life as a Guantanamo prisoner. His diary is not merely a vivid record of a miscarriage of justice, but a deeply personal memoir---terrifying, darkly humorous, and surprisingly gracious.

Published now for the first time, Guantanamo Diary is a document of immense historical importance and a riveting and profoundly revealing read.


“A heartbreaking and humorous memoir of a still-detained inmate from Guantanamo Bay. Learning English from the guards and interrogators who kept him company, he began to put pen to paper about his experience in the controversial prison. The papers would consistently get confiscated. After seven years, his legal team was able to secure the release of 400+ pages that Slahi had written. The book is masterfully compiled by Larry Seims. Never in my life have I read an account so alive, so full of compassion. This book is mandatory reading for all Americans.”

— Recommended by Bassam Tariq


Published January 20th 2015 by Little, Brown and Company


"One who does not read is no better than one who cannot read."

Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: Adegas is a very famous restaurant in South Africa and their saucy chicken is very popular on their menu. This recipe is very similar to the taste of Adega’s saucy chicken and if you can make suggestions as to how we can make it even more authentic, it would be much appreciated.

Adegas Saucy Chicken



1 chicken, skinned and cut into 8 pieces
1 tsp lemon pepper
2 tab crushed garlic
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1Tblsp fine red chillies
Lemon juice of one lemon
1 tab. Aromat

Marinate the chicken in the above ingredients for a few hours or best overnight.

The Sauce
100 g butter
2 tab. garlic
3 tab peri peri sauce
3 tab. nando’s sauce
3 tab. mayonnaise


1. Melt 100g butter or ghee in a pot.
2. Add chicken and allow to cook on low heat until the water has evaporated.
3. Place chicken in an oven proof dish.
4. Prepare sauce by placing all the ingredients in a pot and allowing it to boil and thicken slightly.
5. Pour the sauce over the chicken and cover with foil and bake @ 180 for 20 mins.
6. Remove foil and bake for a further 10 mins.
7. Serve with roti or naan bread or my families favourite - chips.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Summer sculpt your body and mind

Summer is just around the corner, so it’s time to join the movement.


Time to re-shape your body, your mindset, your diet and your lifestyle.


Maintaining the balance is a tough ask, but it’s not impossible.


Make a healthy diet and daily exercise regime central to your being, and reap the rewards of a healthier, happier YOU this summer…




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Mrs Nasruddin was coming out of the hairdresser's when she realized that her car keys were not in her hand bag. She made a quick search back at the hairdresser's, but with no joy.

Suddenly she realized that she must have left them in the car.

Husband, Mula Nasruddin, has chastised her many times for leaving the keys in the ignition.

Her theory was that the ignition was the best place not to lose them .......
Her husband's theory was that the car would be stolen if the keys were left in the ignition key slot.

Immediately, Mrs Nasruddin rushed to the parking lot and came to a terrifying conclusion ..... Her husband's theory was right. The parking lot was empty.

She immediately called the police, gave them her location, description of the car, place she had parked, etc. She equally confessed that she had left her keys in the car, and that the car had been stolen.

Then she made the most difficult call of all, to her husband,
"Habibi (she stammered; she always call him 'habibi' in times like these), I left my keys in the car .... and it has been stolen."

There was a big silence, leaving her thinking that the call had been dropped, but then she heard his voice.

"Idiot", Mula Nasruddin shouted, "I dropped you off at the hairdresser's!"

Now it was Mrs Nasruddin's time to be silent. Embarrassed, and happy as well, she said, "Well, then please come and get me."

Mula Nasruddin shouted again, "I will, as soon as I convince this policeman, that I have not stolen your car.

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An Ayaat-a-Week






Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.
~ Surah Al-Baqarah 2:256


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"We do not measure a culture by its output of undisguised trivialities but by what it claims as significant.”

~ Neil Postman, 'Amusing Ourselves to Death'


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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



Click on thumbnail to enlarge



Events and Functions


Darul Uloom Mosque Open Day 20 NOVEMBER Buranda TAFSEER 20 November Dinner with Premier 24 NOVEMBER MultiFaith Peace Walk 25 NOVEMBER Family Fun Day 27 NOVEMBER Interfaith Conference 30 NOVEMBER Youth Connect 4 DECEMBER Sydney Muslim Conference 4 DECEMBER Tafseer ul Quran Lutwyche Mosque 11 DECEMBER AMYN Summer Camp 16-19 DECEMBER AMYN summer CAMP 16-19 DECEMBER


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services


ISOM Flyer-CCN SC Tuition Shajarah Islamic Education Shajarah Islamic Education Australian International Islamic College Holland Park Mosque Hall Hire Slacks Creek Madressah Slacks Creek Mosque Activities Marriage celebrant - Imam Akram High School Subjects Tutoring MCF


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Businesses and Services







See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





20 November


Mosque Open Day

Darul Uloom Islamic Academy of Brisbane

6 Agnes St., Woolloongabba

0432 539 942


23 November


Professional Networking Night

Muslim Business Network (MBN)

Springwood Towers - 9 Murrajong Road Springwood

0414 629 007

6pm for 6:30pm

25 November


Walk to Stop Violence Against Women


Outside Parliament House, George St., Brisbane City

3735 7052

8.30am to 9.45am

27 November


Family Fun Day

Sisters House

Planetarium, Mt Coot-tha


8.30am to 9.45am


4 December



Converts' BBQ

Brisbane Muslim Fellowship

Building 2, Wally Tate Park, near Kuraby Mosque

0413 067 160

11.30am to 3pm


4 December



Futsal Fun Day

Slacks Creek Mosque

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0413 669 980

start 8.30am


11 December



Tafseer ul Quran

Lutwyche Islamic Assoc.

Lutwyche Mosque

0415 958 105

Magrib to Isha


16-19 December


Fri to Mon

Summer Camp


Sunshine Coast

0414 156 900

All day

12 December



BIRTH OF THE PROPHET (pbuh) / Milad un Nabi


7 January


Annual Milad-un-Nabi

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane

Australian International Islamic College
724 Blunder Road, Durack



19 February


Seminar on Islam and Environmental Stewardship



0413 067 160

Morning (TBA)

25 April




30 April


ICB Annual Fete


Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0402 794 253


12 May




28 May




23 June




26 June




2 September




22 September







1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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33 Fuller St, Lutwyche





Weekly classes


More Information contact BR TAREQ 0415958105




6 Agnes St, Woolloongabba



20 November

27 Novemmber



Algester Mosque 

Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040





Sisters Support Services -  On going Activities


Tafsir Class – By Umm Bilal. Held every Tuesday at 10am - Kuraby area


Halaqah – By Um Bilal. Held every Thursday & Saturday at 10am

( Saturdays  at Runcorn location)


Arabic classes – Taught by Umm Bilal Wednesdays  1 – 2pm Kuraby Masjid

Tuesdays  1 – 2pm  Kuraby area (after Tafsir Class)


Sisters Support Social Group -  1st Wednesday of every Month  - Kuraby Location


YOUTH GROUP- -   Muslimah Girls Youth Group for 10+ Girls

School Holiday Activites  -   Contact : Aliyah 0438840467

Amir Boys Club for Primary School Boys – MONTHLY & HOLIDAY ACTIVITES

Contact :  Farah 0432026375


We also run a volunteers group to assist Muslim women with food rosters and home visits for sisters who need support or are isolated.  We refer Sisters in need for counselling, accommodation, financial assistance and other relevant services.

To join our volunteer group or for any other details for activates please call the numbers below…

Aliyah :  0438840467                   Khadijah:   0449268375

Farah:    0432026375                   Iman :   0449610386



Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

• Zikr - every Thursday 7pm, families welcome
• Hifz, Quran Reading & Madressa - Wednesday & Friday 4:30 - 6:30pm, brothers, sisters and children
• New Muslims Program - last Thursday of every month, 6:30 - 8:30pm
• Salawat Majlis - first Saturday of every month. Starting at Mughrib, families welcome
• Islamic Studies - one year course, Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 pm, brothers and sisters
• Ilm-e-Deen, Alims Degree Course - Three full-time and part-time nationally accredited courses, brothers

For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600



Quran Reading Class For Ladies (Beginners or Advanced)

Every Saturday 2 - 4pm
Lady Teacher



On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987


Click on images to enlarge







Holland Park Mosque




Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Minutes from the QPS/Muslim Community Reference Group meeting held on
Monday 24 October 2016 at the Islamic College of Brisbane [ICB] are available here.

Next Meeting

Time: 7pm Date: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road Karawatha

Light refreshments will be available. ALL WELCOME


For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at



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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


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