Sunday, 26 March 2017


Newsletter 0646



We find the week's news, so that you don't have to.

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.....and a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....



These three flags will be a permanent feature at the front of the Holland Park Mosque


Federal Senator Clare Moore and Mr Graham Perrett MP raised the Australian flag, Mr Joe Kelly MP, State Member for Greenslopes, representing the Premier of Queensland, raised the Queensland flag, and Aunty Kathija Ahmed, Aunty Betty McGrady and Aunty Halima Binawah raised the Aboriginal flag.


At the raising of the Australian, Aboriginal and Queensland flag ceremony at the Holland Park Mosque last Sunday, resident Imam Uzair Akbar was recognized by the Mosque for his 20 years of service as was the late Imam Abdul Raheem Rane who served the Mosque from 1950 to 1980..


In accepting his plaque Imam Uzair told the well attended function that his meeting a group of Australians while studying to become an imam persuaded him to move Down Under from the UK where he was born.

“There were two Aussie students and I was intrigued by their accent, so I thought I would give it a try,” Imam Uzair said.

“The first two or three years were testing because the community was getting to know me. Nowadays it’s like home.”

“The flags show the wider community that we may not share the same faith, but we all live in this beautiful country and we all want it to blossom from strength to strength,” he said.


Assoc Prof Halim Rane recounted the work of his grandfather, Imam Rane, and Ms Maleha Newaz spoke of her father, Imam Mohammad Rahimulllah (Imam from 1980 to 1990) and his impressive list of academic achievements.


Imam Abdul Quddoos Al Azhari, who was the Imam of the Mosque from 1990 to 1996, received his acknowledgement in absentia.


Also recognized for their contributions to the Mosque were Zahira Deen, Jaibun Deen, Janeth Deen, Osman Rane, Jamal Rane, Ali Deen, Bashir Deen and Rahime Meka. Mr AK Surtie received a plaque for his work with the Muslim Funeral Services. Other awards included Fakher Baytieh for 1st Madrassa teacher, Quari Fidur Rehman for 1st Hafiz teacher and Arif Khan for calling the Azan five times a day for fifteen years.


Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Ms Grace Grace MP, delivered the keynote address.


Ali Kadri, spokesperson for ICQ and member of the Islamic Society of Holland Park, performed the role of Master of Ceremony. The function was co-ordinated by Janeth Deen.



Mr. Graham Perrett, MP spoke in parliament this week about the flag raising ceremony

Yesterday, I was proud to help raise the Australian, Queensland and Aboriginal flags as part of a ceremony recognising the history of the Holland Park Mosque, Australia's oldest continuing mosque with a history stretching back to 1908. Since that time, the Holland Park Mosque and everyone associated with it have contributed greatly to Queensland's significant multicultural and multifaith history. This history includes some of Queensland's oldest Muslim families—the Rane, Goss, Ramah, Deen, Khan and Howsan families to name only a few. The ceremony recognised many of these families and their commitment to our community.

Of particular note was the unveiling of a plaque dedicated to the late Imam Abdul Raheem Rane, who was the first appointed imam on the east coast of Australia. For 40 years, Imam Rane loyally served his community as an unpaid imam and social worker. He was influential in setting up and supporting other Islamic societies across Queensland. The plaque was presented to Imam Rane's family, including his wife Joyce—nee Christensen—who, like Imam Rane, has a long history of service to the Islamic community.

I would like to thank everyone in the Islamic society of Holland Park for inviting me to participate in the ceremony, particularly Janeth Deen, a recent recipient of a Moreton Australia Day Award, and all those involved for organising the wonderful event. I look forward to continuing to work with people of the Holland Park Mosque, who are tireless in their leadership and work throughout our community. They will be around long after certain racist Queensland senators are a long-forgotten, historical blip.



Mr Joe Kelly MP spoke about the ceremony in the Queensland Parliament

This week in Parliament I was privileged to be able to speak about the flag raising ceremony held at Holland Park Mosque last weekend. Given the events of the last two days the focus of my speech has become more pertinent.

We are a successful multicultural society, and this has not happened by accident.

"When faced with difference, we can turn away in fear, perhaps build a wall to hide behind. Or, alternatively, we can raise a flag for all to see. A flag that says we are tolerant, we are welcoming, we are here to support each other, and, most importantly, we are all humans."

Congratulations to Holland Park Mosque and the leaders of this community.




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Muslimah Mind Matters - FREE JOURNALING DAY held at The Deck Cafe on 23rd March, 2017. A day with coffee, halal gourmet food and joyful journaling with Sister Iqra.



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Turnbull hits out at Hanson's renewed Muslim ban

The prime minister says he has already told Pauline Hanson a ban on Muslims would be seen as doing what the terrorists want.

Malcolm Turnbull has suggested Pauline Hanson is doing what Islamic terrorists want by promoting a Muslim ban.

The prime minister was again critical of the One Nation leader after she used the London terror attack to call on people to pray for a ban on Muslims.

"The object of the Islamist terrorist is to get the broader society to turn on Muslims at large," he told 3AW's Neil Mitchell on Friday.

Mr Turnbull said he had already made that position clear to Senator Hanson.

"If you seek to attribute to all Australian Muslims responsibility for the crimes of ISIL then you are doing what ISIL wants."

Earlier, Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese noted the alleged attacker didn't have any known terrorist links and was born in the UK.

"I think it was extraordinary that Pauline Hanson chose to politicise an issue like this at the time that she did," he told the Nine Network.

"To play politics at a time like that, was, I just think, said a lot about the nature of her character."

Cabinet minister Christopher Pyne said the senator's proposal wouldn't solve any problems because many of those on a terror watch list in Australia were citizens.

"We're not about to deport Australian citizens whose are Muslims because of any kind of xenophobic campaign," he said.

Senator Hanson on Thursday released video footage which encouraged people to pray for London.

"It's pray for Muslim ban. That is how you solve the problem," she added.

Source: SBS




OnePath Network response




ABC The Drum

"Calling for a Muslim ban is childish!" Eric Campbell condemns Pauline Hanson’s response to the London attack #TheDrum



HOW LOW WILL HANSON GO: Graham Perrett MP (Member for Moreton)

Press release

Not even 24 hours after the tragic terrorist attack at the heart of democracy in London, The One Nation Political Party’s leader has launched a bizarre attack on an entire religion.

Queensland Senator Hanson should hang her head in shame at this vile political stunt to promote her own agenda at the expense of families and friends affected by this horrid London attack.
All Muslims are no more to blame for the terrorist attacks of criminals than all Catholics are to blame for the sexual abuse of children.

The sins of an evil few should not be visited on the innocent many.

In the same week that the Prime Minister introduced a Bill to weaken the protections against race hate speech, Senator Hanson has uttered hate against an Australian religious community.

I utterly condemn the attack on Westminster Bridge in London and, like all Australians, my heart breaks for the families and friends of the victims. This is a tragic day for London and a day when, across the world, all politicians of all stripes should stand shoulder to shoulder against terrorists no matter who they are, where they come from, or what their agenda is.

Using this tragedy for political point scoring is despicable.








ANIC condemns Hanson's comments.








Petition calling for a ban on Pauline Hanson

Enough is enough! I cannot even begin to understand how such an openly racist individual is allowed to run a political party and spread such hatred.

As a 24 year old Australian citizen I am absolutely DISGUSTED by the recent actions of Pauline Hanson and her so called "Pray 4 Muslim Ban".


I therefore propose a petition to "BAN PAULINE HANSON". I am proud to be Australian, however seeing actions such as this by Australian politicians makes me embarrassed to be an Australian! This needs to stop!

At the end of the day no matter our gender, sexual identity, IQ, religion, or race WE ARE ALL HUMAN and each and every one of us deserves the same amount of respect and love.







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Report by AIIC


Year 3 students in their cultural dresses

Last Tuesday, 21 March saw the Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) celebrating its annual Harmony Day which coincided with the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence.

It was a day of cultural exchange, awareness and appreciation. Flags and posters of different countries decorated the hall. Students who came dressed in their ethnic attire were also encouraged to bring a traditional dish to share with their friends during lunch

In the morning, students were treated to an hour-long assembly programme of performances and presentations. Judging from the raucous response, the high point of the programme was when the unofficial Australia anthem, “I am Australian” made popular by the 60’s band, the Seekers was sung by the students led by the college’s Nasyeed group.
After morning tea, the primary school students were given a crash course on popular traditional games played in parts of Africa and Asia.


One of them was Jagi Jagi which is a Somali game comprising of 5 stones and another was Bano which essentially means marbles in Swahili. A popular station with both boys and girls was ‘Sepak Takraw’ or ‘Kick Volleyball’ which is a sport played in Southeast Asia. In this game, students used a soft rubber ball in lieu of a rattan ball to kick over a badminton net. The game is played pretty much like volleyball but without hands.

At the end of the day, staff gathered for a sumptuous shared meal at the library. The array of delicacies and dishes spanned several continents from Lebanese baklava to Indian biryani and Singapore fried noodles.

So, what did Harmony Day mean to the students?

According to 9 year- old Hussein Baruti who hailed from Malawi, it meant “Not disrespecting other people’s culture.”

His friend, Omar Ali from Somalia said that, “Harmony Day equals Anti-Bullying.”

Both boys loved the traditional games session especially ‘Sepak Takraw’.
Josna Akter who is of Bangladeshi background loved the food sharing segment of the day. She strongly believed that celebrating occasions like Harmony Day could reduce conflicts around the world.

Fildausi, also of Malawi heritage and Sowda Khalif from Somalia especially liked the spicy Bangladeshi food their friend shared. Through such sharing and interaction, students got to know and appreciate each other’s culture a lot better. Both girls never felt so Australian until they sang the song, “I am Australian” that morning. The lyrics of the song resonated deeply with them.

Sumaiya Gedik, the college’s vice-captain felt that Harmony Day was about celebrating diversity without which, there could be no peace or unity. She is a living example of that diversity being part Fijian-Indian Iraqi and Turkish.

The college’s captain, Rahim Mohammadi who was born in Iran before emigrating to Afghanistan and then to Australia likened Harmony Day to Peace Day where people felt connected to each other, where everything that was good and positive was highlighted and emphasized and nothing bad was talked about.

This point was aptly summed up by the college’s principal, Mrs Mariam Banwa in her assembly speech when she said that “It’s all about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.”

And Harmony Day at AIIC was all about that.


High school students sharing food

Students sharing their traditional food

Students and staff had a try at the traditional games stations.

Clockwise: ‘Jagi Jagi’ (5 stones), ‘Sepak Takraw’ (Kick Volleyball), Dod Nan Yang (Rubber band skipping game) and ‘Capteh’ ( Shuttlecock)


Our Kindy students during their fashion parade

Our guests from City Campus

Our staff in their cultural dresses

Our sumptuous lunch at the library



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The Queensland Multicultural Awards recognise outstanding contributions to a unified, harmonious and inclusive Queensland.

This year's theme is Creating Welcome, Building Opportunity and Celebrating Diversity. There are six categories to acknowledge business, individuals, youth, local clubs or community groups, not for profit organisations and government activities that capture the imagination of all Queenslanders by creating a sense of belonging and welcome and that celebrate our state's rich diversity.

There is also a special Minister's Multicultural Award that will recognise an outstanding nominee and all nominees will be considered for this prestigious award.

If you work or volunteer to promote the benefits of a multicultural Queensland, nominate now.

Nominations close at 5pm on Friday 28 April 2017.

For more information or to nominate online visit



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A very successful Harmony Day and National Day of Action against Bulling and Violence event was organised by the students of the Islamic College of Brisbane. There was an inspiring story from one student who overcame bullying and a teacher who spoke about living under apartheid South Afrcia and how racism and bullying are wrong. Several short videos were played and well received, reminding everyone on the negative impacts of bullying. Students dressing up in traditional costumes lent colour to the event. The biggest cheer was when students were told to never forget they were Australian. The Queensland Police Service was represented by Senior Sergeant Lance Bowman, while David Forde represented Multicultural Affairs Queensland.


Photos courtesy of David Forde

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Applications for the Lord Mayor's Multicultural Business Awards, and Multicultural Business Scholarship & Mentoring Program – now open

Applications for the Multicultural Business Awards are now open (closing on 13 April)

Applications for the Multicultural Business Scholarship and Mentoring Program are now open (closing on 21 April)


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Blood And Gold: The Making Of Spain

Season 1 Episode 1 — Conquest (ONLY SIX DAYS LEFT TO WATCH FOR FREE)

Conquest - The cultures and religions that have shaped the Spain we know today are revealed over the course of a journey through its key cities: Madrid, Granada, Cordoba, Seville and Cartagena. Simon Montefiore tells a story packed with surprises, including some of the great civilisations of the ancient world and its extraordinary characters - from Hannibal to the Inquisition and the rise of the Habsburgs, Napoleon, Franco and beyond. Discover how this is a part of the world where the influence of previous cities and their respective faiths are evident at every turn. (S.1 Ep.1) (From the UK)




Blood And Gold: The Making Of Spain
Season 1 Episode 2 — Reconquest (ONLY 14 DAYS LEFT TO WATCH FOR FREE)

Reconquest - In a culturally rich three-part series, Simon Sebag Montefiore uncovers the surprising and thrilling history of Spain. Simon uncovers the truth about Spain's hero El Cid. He also investigates the horror of the Spanish Inquisition and in the process discovers an unsettling story about one of his own ancestors. (Part 2 of 3) (From the UK) (Documentary Series)





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Bronwyn Bishop has urged Australians to “fight for our culture” while announcing her support of a ban on headscarves in Australia following a controversial ruling made in Europe overnight.

“It’s an excellent ruling, an excellent ruling and I’d like to see a similar ruling here,” Ms Bishop told Sydney’s Macquarie Radio this afternoon.

The former politician and speaker in the House of Representatives was responding to a decision made in the European Court of Justice which may allow European companies to legally forbid employees from wearing Islamic headscarves and other visible religious symbols.

The court argued such a ban does not constitute “direct discrimination”.

“The word discriminate gets banded around a hell of a lot doesn’t it? But sometimes it’s a good thing to be discriminating and it’s a good thing to not tolerate the intolerable,” said Ms Bishop told radio host Ben Fordham.

The ruling in Europe was a response to two cases presented by a Belgian and a French woman who were both fired for refusing to remove their headscarves in the workplace.

Ms Bishop, who resigned from Parliament in 2015 after a travel expenses scandal, says such a ban should be adopted in Australia.

“I’ve said for a long time that young girls who are going to public schools in Australia should wear the school uniform and not a religious uniform,” Ms Bishop said.

She also referenced the controversy surrounding Punchbowl High in Sydney’s west, where alternative ways for pupils and female teachers to interact are being explored in response to religious beliefs that prevent males from shaking a woman’s hand.

“Somehow people are saying a solution to that is they can put their hand on their heart,” said Ms Bishop. “Well they can put their hand where they damn well like, but in this country, if a hand is put out by a woman, you take it. This is our culture and we have to fight for our culture.”

“When I hear the Department of Education start to say it’s okay for a boy to put his hand on his heart instead of taking a woman’s hand is totally unacceptable. Because the belief behind that is that women are unclean. It just is totally unacceptable. In this country men and women are equal and if we don’t, as women, stand up for that continually then we will lose that battle. I’m not prepared to lose it.”


Source: The Australian



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A promotional banner from Think.Inc for Ayaan Hirsi Ali's upcoming speaking tour to Australia

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's upcoming speaking tour to Australia is not the first time she has visited the country, but it's the first time there has been significant public opposition, as a group of high-profile Australian Muslim women have launched a petition against the outspoken Dutch-American activist, claiming she "does not speak for us."

Unlike Geert Wilders, who was recently defeated in the Dutch national election, the Somali-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali might seem like an unlikely advocate of the Dutch far right: she’s female, black and grew up Muslim. Now, a group of Muslim women in Australia are petitioning her upcoming speaking tour to the country.

The group, which includes a number of high-profile writers, academics and activists, have expressed “disappointment” over Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s invitation to speak in Australia as part of a tour organised by event group Think Inc.

In an online petition, titled "Ayaan Hirsi Ali does not speak for us," the group stated that ,"Hirsi Ali’s sheer presence in Australia undermines both intra and inter-community efforts toward social cohesion and in providing platforms for Muslim women to champion their own causes.”

Notwithstanding that position, the group extended an invitation for Hirsi Ali to meet with them during her visit and to engage in a discussion to debate and contest her views regarding Islam and the status of women in Islam.

The statement, which is signed by about 270 Muslim women in Australia, including high profile writers and activists, condemns Hirsi Ali’s discourse, which they say is "grounded in hate-mongering and bigotry." They also fear that her views against Islam will serve to increase what they describe as "hostility and hatred towards Muslims in a world of increased Islamophobia.”

The author is well known for her views condemning Islam and its incompatibility with the West.

During her visit to Australia last year, she said on the ABC’s program Q&A, “critics of Islam must be less squeamish about criticising practices carried out in Muslim countries such as forced marriage.”

Hirsi Ali has often used her own life experiences to shed light on the conditions of women in Muslim countries and around the world. Her story as a victim of female genital mutilation, a refugee who fled the civil war in Somalia to then to be married off to a Somali man against her will, are widely reported.

The protesting group insists that they do not oppose Hirsi Ali’s right to express her opinion but highlight that her views may incite more aggression against Muslims in Australia and worldwide.

Award-winning playwright and author Samah Sabawi, a signatory to the petition explained “Hirsi Ali’s brand of hate speech and incitement can lead to acts of violence.”

“We have seen this in the US as Trump’s anti- Islam rhetoric directly lead to various attacks against Muslims. Muslim women, especially those wearing hijab, are especially vulnerable as they are identifiable targets.”

Think.Inc, the company organising Hirsi Ali’s tour to Australia (titled: 'The Hero of Heresy') does not see the visit in the same light.

The company’s spokeswoman Suzi Jamil told SBS Arabic 24 that the company provides a platform for individuals to discuss ideas and encourage discussion throughout society.

“We don’t feel that she’s spreading hate-speech and we don’t feel she is an Islamophobe, otherwise we wouldn’t be bringing her here,” says Jamil.

Ralf Schumann, the deputy president of the Australian far-right group the Q Society, tells SBS on behalf of the group “We welcome Ayaan Hirsi Ali.”

“She can travel wherever she likes and speak to whoever is interested to listen. No one is forced to buy a ticket.”




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Mariam Veiszadeh


18C: an Indigenous MP speaks out

It seems that some in the Federal Government didn't get the memo that March 21 marks the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, not the International Day for the Sanctioning of Racial Discrimination. The irony was not lost on any of us that they chose Harmony Day to announce the watering down of the hotly debated provisions of the Racial Discrimination Act.

Just a day earlier, Malcolm Turnbull stood alongside Zed Seselja handing down a Multicultural Statement, waxing lyrical about unity and harmony to a room full of racial minority groups.

Time and time again, the debate around Section 18C has reared its head and injected itself into the lounge rooms of ordinary, garden variety Australians who are more concerned about how potential cuts to penalty rates may impact on their family budgets or the possibility of never being able to afford entering the housing market.

And why is that while every man and his dog can seemingly cite 18C, but its counterpart, 18D is conveniently ignored? It's Section 18D that balances the objectives of 18C with the need to protect justifiable freedoms of speech and expression, by exempting: "anything said or done reasonably and in good faith," including in art and journalism.

The Sydney Morning Herald



Open letter to Australian Prime Minister from Prof Shahjahan Khan:

To: Honourable Prime Minister Mr Malcolm Turnbull MP
Australian Parliament House
Canberra, ACT


22 March 2017

Ref: Rewriting Section18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Commonwealth)

Dear Honourable Prime Minister:
I am writing to you to protest against the recent move by your Government to change Section 18C of the RDA that makes it unlawful to 'offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate' someone because of their race or ethnicity.

Why would you make it lawful to 'offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate' anyone in the name of ‘freedom of speech’ while exemptions under Section 18D of the RDA already ensure that artistic works, scientific and academic inquiry, and fair comment on matters of public interest are exempt from section 18C, provided they are done reasonably and in good faith?

The attempt to remove the key words - offend, insult, humiliate – from Section 18C and replace them with the word ‘harass’ (or anything else) is viewed as an encouragement to those peoples who are already on the attack on Australians of different races including Aboriginals, Asians and Muslims or anyone who are different from him or her.

The proposed change will simply encourage those who are already trying to undermine Section 18C by attacking different ethnic and racial groups of Australians and open new doors of insult and humiliation against whom they don’t like. If the proposed changes is passed then different racial and minority communities will be more vulnerable. My question is, whom do you want to protect and at the expense of whom with the proposed changes? If anything is to be done, Section 18C should be strengthen to provide extra protection to the ethnic and racial groups in the face of increasing political opportunism to marginalise Australian by un-Australian forces.

A good number of fair-minded members of your party and all major opposition parties in Australian Parliament as well as ethnic groups in Australia are against the proposed changes. I am sure the changes will be seen by many Australians and international observers as your Government’s giving in to the demand of politics of extremism at the expense of national unity and stopping political onslaught on peaceful citizens. This has become more dangerous due to the emergence of the doctrine of ‘alternative facts’ and ‘fake news’ to cover up all wrongdoings and blame everything on others.

Ironically, you have proposed the changes on the ‘Harmony Day’ knowing fully that opportunist politicians are already attacking multiculturalism and ethnic and culturally diverse groups in Australia. These extremist political propaganda must be stopped. Unfortunately, the proposed changes will do just the opposite. This is clearly against any liberal values (that your Liberal Party stands for), and should not have any place in the civilised society.

There are many laws that restrict freedom of speech, such as laws applying to defamation, advertising and national security, section 18C fills an important gap in legal protections for those who are increasingly under attack and affected by racial and ethnic hatred and vilification.

I request you and your Government to at least maintain the much needed protection, if not strengthen it, to fellow Australians of difference racial and ethnic background by not removing the key words from Section 18C of the RDA.

Sincerely yours,

Professor Shahjahan Khan, PhD
Professor of Statistics
University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba, Email:
Founding President of Islamic Society of Toowoomba Inc
Phone 042108148, Email:



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$52 000 was raised this week for the Somali crisis at the Friday Prayer at the Gold Coast Mosque



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A compelling photo series that explores the Muslim faith in Indigenous Australia, visually breaking down preconceived ideas and showing a rich and diverse section of Australian culture

The National Census reported that 1,140 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians identify as Muslim. This figure has grown significantly in the last 15 years, almost doubling that of what was recorded in 2001. While Muslim conversion and identification is growing in Indigenous communities, there is already a long standing history with Islam.

Dating as far back as the early 1700s, influences came from Asian neighbours who worked, traded and socialised with First Nations’ people; Afghan and Indian cameleers in Central Australia, Malay pearl divers in the Torres Strait and Cape York Peninsula, and Indonesian fisherman in the Top End.

More recently, Indigenous people have become drawn to Islam independently, interested in its guiding principles, spiritual beliefs and the cultural parallels between the faith and traditional Aboriginal culture. However, each journey is as diverse as the people themselves.

In an 2012 interview boxing great, Anthony Mundine was asked about the portrayal of him in the media, to which he replied, “I’m three things that you shouldn’t be in this society, and that’s Muslim, Aboriginal and outspoken.”

Reflecting on Mundine’s powerful words and the preconceptions of minority groups, we consider national identity. NITV would like to thank the participants, those who are who are dedicated to their faith and simultaneously committed to keeping culture strong, for inviting us into their homes and sharing their stories with us.


(Continued from last week's CCN)


Wiradjuri brothers, Obeid (L) and Omar (R), grew-up practicing Islam. Their Aboriginal mother came to Islam in her early 20s and their father is Syrian-Muslim.




Source: SBS




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With 11 February declared the international day for women in science, its a chance to celebrate the contributions of Muslim scientists.


Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) has said: “Seeking knowledge is a mandate for every Muslim (male and female).”


These women have embodied this and shown the world what it means to be an active achiever and mover of the world in which we live.


CCN brings you one of these scientists each week from different parts of the world.


(Continued from last week's CCN)


Morocco/Canada: Dr Ismahane Elouafiismahane Elouafi


Elouafi was awarded a PhD in Genetics from Cordoba University and she believes that science has to be the basis of decisions and development plans in order to achieve efficiency and alleviate discrimination and poverty. She is currently the Director General of ICBA, a leading research facility that aims to help poor farmers in places where water is scarce. Prior to her appointment as head of the ICBA, she held a number of positions in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

“Wherever I went, I had to work harder to prove myself, and often not just once, but twice or three times. Eventually, I made a conscious decision to stop worrying about what people thought of me and just concentrate on my job. It pains me to say it, but I have reached where I am today not because I’m a woman but in spite of being a woman.”


Source: The Muslim Vibe


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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs


Me, Myself and My Hijab  


OXFORD, England — One of the many issues that have been raised here in the aftermath of the Brexit vote revolves around identity. What does it mean to be British, to look British, to sound British?

I was born and raised here. I live here. I’m unquestionably British. I’ve been told that when I speak, I sound like Harry Potter, which is appropriate because I am very much a fearless Gryffindor.

But I’m also the daughter of Pakistani immigrants. I’m Muslim, I’ve always been spiritual, and I choose to wear the hijab while examining my personal relationship with Islam.

When people look at me, they assume I’m an immigrant or a refugee. Often in restaurants or at the theater, I am talked at, not to. Waiters and ticket takers try not to look at me, they ignore me, and then I speak and I see confusion kick in as they try to figure out who I am.

The only time people don’t ignore a hijab-wearing woman is when they hate you or they suspect you of being a terrorist.

In the past 18 months I’ve called the police a number of times after being racially harassed and physically threatened by strangers. And when I travel on my British passport, I am always asked: “Where are you from?” “Um, Britain,” I respond. “Are you Muslim?” “Uh, yes, I am.”

It’s odd that people are always trying to figure out who I am because I have no doubts myself. And wearing my hijab has given me even more self-confidence.

This week, the European Union’s highest court ruled that employers can ban employees from wearing overt religious symbols, including Muslim headscarves. If there is one positive outcome of Brexit — and there are not many given the rise in bigotry I’ve seen and the increase in reported hate crimes — it’s that we don’t have to follow the ban. When questioned about whether Britain will adopt a similar rule, Prime Minister Theresa May reiterated her support for the right of women to dress how they chose.

In trying to figure out how Britain is different from Europe, I concede that Europe has gone down the rabbit hole, pushing identity politics onto Muslim women by obsessing over our wardrobes.

Two years ago while I was working in France on a BBC TV documentary about what it means to be young, French and Muslim after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks, I walked into the reception area of the French Parliament to interview Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, a member of Parliament and the niece of the French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, who is now seeking to become France’s next president.

The receptionist looked horrified when she realized that I was the British journalist who had scheduled an appointment with Marion Maréchal-Le Pen.

“You cannot enter this building wearing that thing,” she said, pointing to my hijab. “It is not allowed.” She was referring to French legislation banning conspicuous religious symbols from public buildings.

“But I’m not French. I’m British,” I said. “I’m as British as fish and chips.”

She paused and then responded, “O.K., you can proceed.”

Everywhere I went that day, I was asked where I was from by taxi drivers and shopkeepers. I figured my British accent gave me away. But it was a French Muslim woman who pointed out what was my real otherness.

I asked her whether it was obvious that I wasn’t French.

“Yes,” she responded. “We can tell you are not French. You wear a hijab, you walk with confidence. You are not apologetic.”

Shaista Aziz, a journalist and a stand-up comedian, is the founder of the Everyday Bigotry Project and a co-founder of the Women’s Advancement Hub Pakistan.



The New York Times



"Every Muslim who speaks out is expected to own, explain and condemn any act carried out by Muslims worldwide. The same doesn’t apply to Catholics."

A Catholicism has done more harm to Australia than Islam. Where's the outrage?  

Kristina Keneally

‘Why isn’t the outrage machine demanding the Catholic prime minister condemn this horrendous and sustained attack on Australians every time the royal commission hears from another victim of Catholic abuse?’

There is zero chance that sharia law – as a repressive criminal code used in certain Muslim majority nations – is going to be enshrined in Australia. Zero.

It seems ridiculous that this sentence even needs to be written. But the spat between Senator Jacqui Lambie and TV presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied on Q&A recently, and the brouhaha that has followed, suggests that it does.

Think of the Australian institutions that would need to completely collapse to make this ridiculous idea a reality: federal parliament, state parliaments, the constitution, the courts, a free press, the rule of law, the defence forces, democracy itself.

Who knew Australian democracy was so weak that a young Muslim woman talking about her faith on national television might be its downfall? She’s obviously infiltrating within, working for the ABC and being sent on goodwill tours by the department of foreign affairs and trade. The outrage machine cranked itself to fever pitch, seeking to destroy Abdel-Magied’s credibility, reputation, and her professional livelihood.

A word about sharia. I’m no Muslim scholar but I do understand that there is a difference between sharia as a personal ethics code and sharia law as used by repressive governments and certain Islamic sects as a cruel tool of control.

I am relaxed about the former. For generations Muslims have lived in western countries practising sharia and obeying the laws of the land. Thousands of Muslims live in Australia doing exactly this. Carry on, my fellow citizens. Pray five times a day if you want, and don’t mind me when I refrain from meat on Fridays during Lent – it’s just a Catholic thing I do. Don’t worry, I’m not expecting you to do it too.

I also know that our fellow Islamic citizens in Australia overwhelmingly join me and the rest of us in condemning sharia as an oppressive, archaic, harsh and undemocratic code of law when it is used by extremist groups and governments to terrorise and control Muslim people – especially Muslim women – in some Muslim majority nations.

I don’t know Yassmin Abdel-Magied but I know what it is like to try to explain why you are a feminist and a member of a patriarchal religion. It is to invite scorn and derision from some quarters.

I am a Catholic scholar. I am a feminist. I can make a strong case that Jesus was a feminist while the Catholic church is a sexist organisation greatly influenced by the patriarchal Roman empire. But it would take a lot of careful and thoughtful discussion, the kind of conversation that doesn’t make great television. Some people would mock.

Abdel-Magied was trying to make a similar point about Islam, the prophet Muhammad and subsequent patriarchal interpretations of the Koran. Maybe she was naive to think the “reality show” that Q&A has descended into was the best place to use phrases like “Islam is the most feminist of all religions” and “There is a difference between religion and culture.” Sentences like that need to be placed in context, unpacked for nuance.

Unfortunately context and nuance are not big features of conversation inside the outrage machine, but double standards are rife.

It seems that every Australian Muslim who pokes their head up in public is expected to own, explain and condemn any terrorist act carried out by any extremist Muslim anywhere in the world. The outrage machine demands it, and then that same machine judges if the words are sufficient.

Why isn’t this same outrage applied to Australian Catholics? If we are going on a body count the Catholic clergy has done more harm to more Australians than extremist Muslims. More than 4,000 reports of sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic church made to the royal commission. God knows how many more are unreported. Innocent Australian children and young people are the victims. Lives have been ruined: suicides and mental illness, broken families, grotesque physical injury.

Why isn’t the outrage machine demanding the Catholic prime minister condemn this horrendous and sustained attack on Australians every time the commission hears from another victim of Catholic abuse?

Why aren’t they regularly calling for the Catholic deputy prime minister to speak out and make clear he does not condone what some Catholic clergy have done?

Why aren’t they asking the Catholic-raised leader of the opposition about whether Cardinal George Pell should face questions in Australia? Oh, wait, the leader of the opposition said in parliament two weeks ago that Cardinal Pell should be sent back to Australia to face questions. Why didn’t the outrage machine join that bandwagon?

Why aren’t they demanding the government urgently implement a national redress scheme to make reparations to the Catholic church’s victims?

Or is taking on Australian Catholics hitting just a little too close to home?

It’s easier, isn’t it, to pick on the young woman with the scarf on her head, or get upset about two little girls in a hijab, all in the name of making Australia safe.

What brave defenders of freedom, of Australia, you are.


The Guardian






The Model Halima Aden Thinks Trump Should Open His Heart to Muslim Neighbors
"You're going to be amazed by the things that you can learn."

Halima Aden, who made headlines for being the first hijab-wearing Muslim to compete in a Miss USA pageant, and afterward, the first one to model in major fashion shows, doesn't like to be categorized. She's not just a Somali-American, a Muslim, a refugee, an immigrant, or a citizen of the U.S. — she's Halima. But she's more than happy to be a positive role model and voice for her community in a time she considers to be fraught with negativity. caught up with her at the Miss Universe headquarters in NYC to find out more about her reaction to her rise to fame, her haters, and even her message to President Trump.


(Continued from last week's CCN)

What was going through your mind when you were walking in that show?
I was in disbelief. I'm walking at New York Fashion Week and I'm walking for Yeezy and I'm wearing my hijab. Like, it's possible! For a long time people thought you had to conform or change, you know? But you could be a model and still be true to yourself.

What's the most intimidating thing about being in a fashion show?
It is something new and I didn't know how to walk. It's a learning experience. [Other models] have been super polite and nice and welcoming. That took away [any] intimidation. But I am only five-foot-five. So I'm the shortest. If they weren't so welcoming and nice I guess I would have been intimidated [by that]. But again, I'm different and I wear that proudly. I don't want to be taller, I want to be myself.


What were some of the reactions of the models in your shows?
Some of them actually knew my background. That was shocking for me because, like, oh my God, I know you because you are, you know, on a poster [at] my hometown mall. You know, like Victoria's Secret!

What has been the reaction of people in general to your story?
I've had so many positive reactions that it amazes me. I'm just so proud because people are seeing this different side, this much needed side [of Muslim faith].

What has the reaction been like in your hometown of St. Cloud, Minnesota?
They call me a celebrity, and I'm just like, 'Stop! Please don't.' But they lift me up a lot.

Have you had any reactions on the reverse side? Any hatred that you've had to deal with online?
I ignore it because I feel like I haven't done anything for you to show me hate. Until I do something like that, then I don't need to listen to whatever you're saying if it's hateful. But yeah, I've seen some comments that weren't so nice. But I know that's not me and I know this person doesn't want to give me a chance.


Source: Cosmopolitan

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This German train ad challenges everyday prejudice








4 Signs Led Me to Islam, the 4th was an Eye Opener










Would you really want an India without Muslims? Think again! 







"You claim Ł39 for a breakfast like you can't afford your own breakfast, when you live on your wife's estate and have taken 1.5m of tax payers money, that's what I call scrounging!"
- Salma Yaqoob










OnePath Network joins Patreon




Call for donations and support






The Ideal Muslim In The 21st Century | Sh Zainidine Johnson








Tafseer Ad-Duhaa | Umm Bilal | Revised









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To know the future just look to the past


Water “metering” through a distribution weir on a foggara in Algeria (image from Wikipedia)

Muslim Inventions That Changed The World: Water Management


Water management in all its intricacies, from Andalusia to Afghanistan, was the basis of agriculture, and source of all life. Muslims did much to develop hydraulic technology and deploy water management equipment including hydro-power dams.


By far, the most original Muslim reservoirs are to be found in the region of Qayrawan in Tunisia. A lengthy (about 270 pages) account of such structures is offered by the French Solignac. These reservoirs, possibly for their high aesthetics, and like many other Islamic achievements, were attributed, despite all evidence, to both Phoenicians and Romans. Such erroneous views were adopted by a number of scholars until modern archaeological excavations and advanced studies proved the Islamic origin of such structures. These reservoirs have two basins, one used for decantation, one as a reserve, and at times a third one for drawing water out of it. Other than their impressive numbers, over two hundred and fifty in the region, such reservoirs also offer a great attraction in their form and structure.

The photograph of the `Basin des Aghlabides,’ built in the ninth century by Abu Ibrahim Ahmed reveals, indeed, a sort of temple of water, it is hoped, still preserved in its majesty.

Water Management

Water management in all its intricacies, from Andalusia to Afghanistan, Bolens reminds, was the basis of agriculture, and source of all life. All the Kitab al-Filahat (books of agriculture), whatever their origin, Maghribian, Andalusian; Egyptian, Iraqi; Persian or Yemenite, insist, and meticulously, on the deployment of equipment and on the control of water. The authorities of the time played a crucial role in that, too. In Iraq, as a rule, hydraulic tasks of a vast nature were left to the state, while the local population focussed its efforts on lesser ones.

In Egypt, a more elaborate picture comes out. There, indeed, the management of The Nile waters was most crucial to every single aspect of life, and dams responded to such necessity. Both al-Nuwayri and al-Makrizi stressed the role of maintenance of dams and waterways of the Nile for maximum benefits. It was the responsibility for both sultans and holders of large holdings, under both Ayyubids and Mamelouks, to dig and clean canals and maintain dams. As in Iraq the sultan took over the larger structures, and the people the lesser ones. Most distinguished Amirs and officials were also made chief supervisors of such works. Under the Mamluks there was even an officer for the inspection of dams for each province of Egypt: the Kashif al-Djusur.



HikmahWay Institute


More Indigenous Australians are converting to Islam. But it is more than a political gesture. Unknown to many is the long history between Aboriginal people and Islamic culture and religion.

Comment: Indigenous Australia's long history with Islam

Peta Stephenson is the author of Islam Dreaming. This article was originally published on 14 December 2011, by The Conversation.

Muslim conversion is growing in Indigenous communities.

In the 2001 national census, 641 Indigenous people identified as Muslim. By the 2006 census the number had climbed by more than 60% to 1014 people.

This rise in conversions among Indigenous Australians may seem to be a political gesture. But unknown to many is the long history between Aboriginal people and Islamic culture and religion.


(Continued from last week's CCN)

Restoring pride and conferring leadership

The attraction of Islam for many Indigenous men is that it recognises the importance of defined leadership roles for men in their families and communities. These roles have largely been lost through racism and the ongoing legacy of colonisation.

As the head of the family, Muslim men have a divine responsibility to protect and maintain their wives and families and this, according to Shahzad, gives him "strength to be a man".

Many of the men I spoke with identified themselves as former "angry black men". Incensed by the long history and contemporary reality of racist subjugation of Indigenous Australians, they viewed Anglo-Australian people and society with contempt.

According to one interviewee, Justin: "before I was the typical Black angry man. I was just consumed by anger".

Sulaiman stressed that he considered terrorism before, not after, becoming a Muslim:

"I could very well have become a terrorist, without Islam, through the way I've been treated … Islam came into my life and actually said hey, cool down, it’s alright, justice will be served eventually."

NEXT WEEK IN CCN: Rules to live by 

Source: SBS

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Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 March 2017

TOPIC"Avoid taunting"

IMAM: Uzair Akbar


Play the recording  







Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 March 2017

TOPIC"Zakah Importance & Economic Role in Islam"

IMAM: Mossad Issa











Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 March 2017

TOPIC"The Remembrance & Appreciation Of Allah SWT"

IMAM: Ikram Buksh











Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 March 2017

TOPIC: "Lessons from Surah Al-Kahf"

IMAM: Ahmad Muhammad Naffaa








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 March 2017

TOPIC"The intellect and nafs"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar




Click here for the past Kuthba recordings






Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 March 2017

TOPIC"Strenuous life for those who turn away from Allah"

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali



Click here for the past Kuthba recordings





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Position: Senior Finance Officer (SFO)
Job type: Permanent full-time (38hrs/week - 6 month’s probationary period)
Start date: Wednesday 1st May 2017
Office Location: IWAQ Office, Springwood
Applications close: 5pm, Monday 27th March 2017

Position Objectives
To perform and manage a range of accounting functions to ensure the financial accountability of the organisation is according to Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the all of the various funding body guidelines


For more information click here.






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Muslim woman: ‘Look beyond my attire’



UK: THE Muslim woman trolled for being pictured looking at her phone while walking past a victim of the Westminster terror attack has slammed those who criticised her.

The Sun reports that she has called out the troll who accused her of “casually walking by” and said she actually helped the victims and challenged people to “look past her attire”.

Twitter users were outraged after a troll targeted the hijab-wearing pedestrian on Westminster Bridge.

She contacted Tell MAMA today after she said she felt like a victim of the abuse, and said: “I’m shocked and totally dismayed at how a picture of me is being circulated on social media.

“To those individuals who have interpreted and commented on what my thoughts were in that horrific and distressful moment, I would like to say not only have I been devastated by witnessing the aftermath of a shocking and numbing terror attack.

“I’ve also had to deal with the shock of finding my picture plastered all over social media by those who could not look beyond my attire, who draw conclusions based on hate and xenophobia.

“My thoughts at that moment were one of sadness, fear and concern. What the image does not show is that I had talked to other witnesses to try and find out what was happening, to see if I could be of any help, even though enough people were at the scene tending to the victims.

“I then decided to call my family to say that I was fine and was making my way home from work, assisting a lady along the way by helping her get to Waterloo station.

“My thoughts go out to all the victims and their families. I would like to thank Jamie Lorriman, the photographer who took the picture, for speaking to the media in my defence.”

Freelance snapper Jamie Lorriman defended the woman, telling ABC she was “distressed and horrified” and described the scene as a “strange sort of calm atmosphere”.

He explained: “No one was sort of screaming or shouting. The people who took on that picture are being rather selective.

“In the other picture in the sequence she looks truly distraught — personally I think she looks distressed in both pictures.

“To assume she was ignoring someone is impossible to know, the look on the woman’s face, she’s horrified, she’s in the middle of a traumatic situation.”

Twitter user Texas Lone Star posted the snap, captioning it: “Muslim woman pays no mind to the terror attack, casually walks by a dying man while checking phone #PrayForLondon #Westminster #BanIslam.”

It provoked disgust on the social media site, with many slamming the man for his comments.

One said he was “the real monster here”.

Several pointed out the photo lacks any context, while others observed she was most likely phoning her family to say she was safe.

Another remarked that an image showing a man walking past a victim using his phone had failed to attract similar comments, even though he “did the same thing”.


The Courier Mail


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Reactions to Westminster attack



This is how London mayor Sadiq Khan responded when Christiane Amanpour asked him about a Tweet from Donald Trump Jr.



"The BBC has made a choice. They've opted with the terrorist." Columnist Simon Jenkins criticises the media coverage of the #Westminster attack. e


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Europeans greatly overestimate Muslim population, poll shows


International survey suggests gap between perception and reality is widest in France


People in the Belgian city of Antwerp hold a beach party this summer to protest against the burkini ban over the border in France.


EURO: Members of the public in European states including France, Belgium, Germany and the UK greatly overestimate their country’s Muslim population and the rate at which it is growing.

An Ipsos Mori survey that measured the gap between public perception and reality in 40 countries in 2016 found French respondents were by far the most likely to overstate their country’s current and projected Muslim population.

The average French estimate was that 31% of the population was Muslim – almost one in three residents. According to Pew Research, France’s Muslim population actually stood at 7.5% in 2010, or one in 13 people.

French respondents were also widest of the mark when it came to the projected Muslim population in 2020. The average prediction was that Muslims would make up 40% of the French population in four years’ time, almost five times the 8.3% Pew Research projection.

The French were not the only ones to hold such misconceptions: Italian, German and Belgian respondents all guessed that more than a fifth of the resident population was Muslim, while in reality the figure ranges from 3.7% in Italy to 7% in Belgium. All three countries also greatly overstated the expected proportion of Muslim residents in 2020. 



The Guardian


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 Why I wear a hijab as a Christian




An American school teacher from Illinois has been wearing a hijab since President Trump announced the travel ban at the end of January. Lori Szeszycki tells James Menendez that she wants to show solidarity with those affected by the Executive Order.





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How the King of the Jews Became a Prophet of the Muslims

Mustafa Akyol


Review by Lesley Hazleton

How did a Jewish preacher who became the Christian Messiah also become one of the most admired figures in the Quran? Mustafa Akyol, a Turkish journalist and contributing opinion writer for The International New York Times, sets out to explore this apparent conundrum.

The result will come as something of a revelation to many non-Muslim readers, since Jesus is revered in Islam’s sacred text as a great teacher and prophet, while his mother, Mary, gets more ink — and praise — than in all four New Testament Gospels put together.

If the Quran’s portrayal of Jesus is familiar in outline, however, its details are sometimes not, especially to Western Christians used to a single canonical version.


The Quran is more ecumenical, dipping into the rich mélange of Middle Eastern traditions contained in the apocryphal and “gnostic” gospels and still very much alive in the popular lore of Eastern Christianity. It shows Jesus making clay birds and then breathing life into them, for instance, or Mary giving birth not in a Bethlehem stable with Joseph in attendance but alone under a palm tree, deep in the desert.

Akyol makes good use of both canonical and noncanonical sources, tracing where and why the Islamic approach agrees with Christian tradition (yes to Jesus as the messenger, prophet, word and spirit of God), and where it disagrees (no to the Resurrection, and no to divinity). Along the way, he ups the ante by finding what he calls “astonishing” parallels between the Quran and early Christian texts, though such astonishment seems unnecessary to this reader. Given the fertile interchange of ideas and lore in the multiethnic Byzantine Middle East, such parallels were not only likely, but even inevitable.

No new religion comes into being fully made, like Venus on her half-shell. And the Quran is quite open about this, as Akyol notes. It fulsomely acknowledges its debt by declaring that it comes to confirm both the Torah and the Gospels — to renew their ethical traditions. And since that was also part of the Jesus message — a renewal of Jewish tradition, not a break with it — Akyol presents the Islamic Jesus as more of a Jewish prophet than a Christian savior.

To bolster his argument, he delves into the split within the early Jesus movement: between the non-Jewish Hellenic church founded by Paul, which lasted and flourished, and the Jewish “Jerusalem Church” under James, which did neither. The idea is that remnants of these “Jewish Christians” might have survived into the seventh century to influence the
Quranic concept of Jesus, though this seems something of a Dan Brownian stretch.

But Akyol excels in the last chapter, which will doubtless raise some eyebrows with its title alone: “What Jesus Can Teach Muslims Today.” In it, he makes a forceful argument for Jesus as the expression of the spirit instead of the letter of the law, and against the soulless legalism of both first-century Pharisees and 21st-century Islamic fundamentalists.

Is that too big a leap in both time and theology? Maybe not. Akyol frames it this way: “The three great Abrahamic religions of our battered world, despite all the past and present tensions between them, come together” in the story of Jesus. “Whether we are Jews, Christians or Muslims, we share either a faith followed by him, or a faith built on him, or a faith that venerates him.”

That’s about as interfaith as you can get. And whatever quibbles one might have with Akyol’s reasoning, it’s a welcome expansion of the fragile territory known as common ground.

Lesley Hazleton is the author of “The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad” and, most recently, “Agnostic: A Spirited Manifesto.”



The New York Times




"I think of life as a good book.

The further you get into it,

the more it begins to make sense."       


- Harold Kushner -


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

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CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: This Indian savory is a great entree to a meal or could be served independently as a finger food. 


1 ˝ cups cake flour
1 tin cream style sweetcorn
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp salt,
˝ tsp lemon pepper
1 medium chopped onion
1 tsp. ground green chillies
1 cup cubed chicken fillet
Ľ cup cubed green pepper
1 tsp baking powder








Mix everything well together and fry spoonfuls on medium heat till golden brown.
Best served warm with a sauce of your choice.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing


To contact Princess,  
Email:  Phone: 0451977786






Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa Allah, we will explore the meaning of Silence and strategies to practise moments of Silence daily in your life so that you are able to “hear” the answers to your prayers.

We often voice our supplications to ALLAH, but rarely do we practise silence to hear HIS answers to our questions because we are caught up in reacting to circumstances.

We behave similarly with other people as well. Have you noticed how we talk more and listen less? We sometimes ask people how they are, however we do not spend time in silence to listen to their response. We either walk right past them or busy ourselves with other chores or we start talking about ourselves. Sometimes, when another person is speaking, instead of listening to them attentively, we start formulating a reply to their words to make a point.

Practising daily moments of silence can calm us and make us attentive to people and things around us. Silence does not mean we need to be away from noise. It means that even in the midst of noise we are still able to hear and listen to our inner voice and keep calm.

30-seconds of Daily Practice of Silence

1. After Fajr Salah, DO NOT GO BACK TO BED.
2. Sit in silence on your prayer mat.
3. Straighten your back and let your upper body feel tall
4. Breathe in slowly and deeply, so that you feel your belly expanding
5. Hold for a few seconds
6. Breathe out slowly
7. Repeat for 10 long, deep breaths in and 10 long, deep breaths out

We are generally shallow breathers. Repeating long, deep in-breaths and out-breaths supplies oxygen to all the organs in your body. This abundant supply of oxygen energises your mind and calms your nervous system.

Practising moments of silence, whether for 30 seconds or 30 minutes a day will transform your physical, emotional and mental health. Do try it.

Find Clarity with Silence

If there is an issue that is bothering you, ask ALLAH’s guidance to find answers to your questions. With each inbreath and outbreath, submit to ALLAH’s wisdom and HIS PLANS for you. Let go.

Total submission to ALLAH will enable you to feel calm and joyful. It will bring clarity to your mind and enable you to make decisions mindfully. In doing so, you will live a life of love, compassion, kindness and service to all of ALLAH’s creation, including yourself.

Next week, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the signs and symptoms of Anxiety and strategies to overcome them.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me. If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786



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Q: Dear Kareema, which exercises are good for strengthening and toning my legs?

A: Walking is one of the best exercises to start off with.


Then start tackling some hills to burn calories, build strength and get that all important toning effect.

Try some squats and lunges (incorporating backward-stepping and side lunges) for more muscle-definition.

A Pilates class will help improve on building strength and also aid in preventing injury while working out. Not forgetting strength training.






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Prince Abdulllah had an accident in his new BMW.


A policeman came over to the Prince who complains to him: "Officer, just look at my brand new car!"

Cop: That's all you rich people think about! Your materialistic nature makes me sick. You are so blinded by money that you didn't even realise your left arm has been ripped off in the accident.



The Prince looks at his left arm and screams.

"O bugger .... My new Rolex is gone!!!"

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An Ayaat-a-Week





Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the East nor of the West, whose Oil is well-nigh Luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah guides whom He will to His Light: Allah sets forth Parables for men: and Allah knows all things.

~ Surah An-Nur 24:35


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“If you buy things you don't need,

soon you will have to sell things you need.”

                                                                                              ~ Warren Buffet



I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



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Events and Functions


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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





1 April


Islamic Trivia Night

Islamic Society of Algester

48 Learoyd Road Algester

0421 593 785


1 April


Somalia Famine Relief


Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0431 201 164


5 April


QPS/Muslim Community reference group meeting


Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

3364 4159

7pm to 8.30pm

25 April




30 April


ICB Annual Fete


Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0402 794 253


6 May


Night of Shahrazad


Michael's Oriental Restaurant

3208 6333

6pm for 6.30pm

7 May


The Making of a Leader : Edris Khamissa

Al Kauthar


0438 698 328


12 May




14 May


Open Day and 4th International Food Festival

Islamic Soc. of Toowoomba

Garden City Mosque, 217 West St., Harristown,  Toowoomba

0421 081 048

11am to 3pm

20 May


Peter Russo Fund Raiser In Conversation with with Dr Anne Aly MP

Janeth Deen

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0435 086 796

6pm for 6.30pm

28 May




23 June




26 June




2 September




22 September




25 November


Annual Mild-un-Nabi

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane


3809 4600

3pm to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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26 March





Masjid As Sunnah








Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040





Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118



Download the programme here.


For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600




On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987





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Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Next Meeting

TIME: 7.00pm – 8.30pm
DATE: Wednesday 5 APRIL 2017
VENUE: Islamic College of Brisbane [ICB].

AGENDA: Click here.

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, will be taking over the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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