EST. 2004


Sunday 25 June 2017 | Issue 0659


CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....

We find the week's news, so that you don't have to.

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Eid-ul-Fitr 2017 Programmes

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

The CCN Food for Thought

Eid Al-Fitr 1438AH-2017 Announcements

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

An Ayaat-a-Week

End of Ramadan and Eid Messages

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Events and Functions

Zaheera is Principal's Awards Winner 2017

 The CCN Classifieds

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Ubaid Shakoor - sporting achievement, special needs

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

Businesses and Services

Student at Gold Coast Islamic College creates Bionic Hand

CCN Readers' Book Club

The CCN Date Claimer

Ali Kadri: ABC The DRUM

KB's Culinary Corner

CCN on Facebook

Dr Khatree's oldest patient

Kareema's Keep Fit Column

Useful Links

2nd Annual Australian Islamic Schooling Conference

Get your fingers green with our gardening guru


MFS facing going into administration

Fitria on Food Appears monthly

Write For Us

Father McInerney on attending Sydney's Lakemba Mosque

Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column


Carland shares hate mail - Islam is a 'cancer on humanity'

The CCN Chuckle

Tawhidi: The problem with the media's favourite Muslim

Click here for more details

A ‘refugee’ beams life into cancer research
Latham launches petition to ban privacy curtain for women
Senator Abetz slams Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied
Islamist violence is "in part a product of Western disdain"
Hamish McLachlan interviews Amna Karra-Hassan
Winners: UK The Muslim News Awards for Excellence 2017

The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column

Back to the Future with CCN


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(including Holland Park, Kuraby and Slacks Creek Mosques)

Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA



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United Muslims of Brisbane (UMB)


Send your Mosque's Eid Salaat Programme to for inclusion here.


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CIQ and ANIC Press Releases





With the end to the month of Ramadaan approaching fast, the Council of Imams Queensland (CIQ) takes this opportunity to provide the community with pertinent information about Eidul-Fitr Al-Mubarak.

Moon Sighting
According to the moonsighting in Australia the Holy month of Ramadaan began on Sunday 28th May 2017, corresponding to Sunday, 1st Ramadaan 1438 Hijriyyah.

The observing of the hilaal will be on Sunday, 25th June 2017 and this day is the 29th of Ramadaan 1438 Hijriyyah according to the moonsighting in Australia.

If the moon is sighted on Sunday, 25th June 2017 then Eidul-Fitr will be on Monday 26 th June 2017. If the moon is not sighted on Sunday, 25th June 2017 then Eidul-Fitr will be on Tuesday, 27th June 2017.


For online updates in this regard you can refer to this website.

CIQ acknowledges that there is a difference of opinion as to the need to physically sight the moon with the naked eye in Australia and respects the decision of other scholars or Islamic Centres that choose not to follow CIQ on this matter.

The cut off time for sighting the moon in QLD, is 8:00 PM Sunday 25th June 2017, Brisbane time.


Sadagatul Fitr
It is incumbent upon all family members to pay their Sadaqatul Fitr before Eid salaah. The purpose of Sadaqatul-Fitr is to cleanse the fast of Ramadaan from vain and obscene talk and thank Allah for helping in fulfilling our devotion in the Holy month of Ramadaan.

The Council of Imams QLD has agreed that the Sadaqatul-Fitr is $10. The minimum amount of $5 (based the cost of flour 1.7-2kgs) may be paid for any families that cannot meet the higher amount, to avail them with the opportunity to fulfil this great duty. Sadaqatul-Fitr is for all family members including babies born before the Salaatu-Eid.

IMAM Yusuf Goolam Hoosen Peer
Chairman: Council of Imams Queensland



All praise is due to Allah and the peace and blessing be upon the prophet Muhammad.

We thank Allah (SWT) for giving us the ability to fast the Month of Ramadan, the ability to worship him and the ability to fulfil our religious and worldly obligations.

Also, we would like to inform the Muslim community in Australia of the following:

● Firstly, after extensive consultations with Imams from different states in Australia and the astronomical observatory regarding the beginning of Eid Al-Fitr for this year, it has become apparent that the moonset will be 19-25 minutes after sunset on Saturday, the 24th of June, 2017 in Sydney and other parts of Australia. Based on the above, his Eminence, The Mufti of Australia, Dr. Ibrahim Abu Muhammad and the Australian National Imams Council declare that:

Saturday the 24th of June, 2017 will be the last day of Ramadan for the year 1438AH and Sunday, the 25th of June, 2017 will be the first day of Shawaal and hence the first day of Eid Al-Fitr.

● Secondly, his Eminence, the Mufti of Australia, Dr. Ibrahim Abu Muhammad and the Australian National Imams Council place emphasis on the importance of having a unified position on matters regarding the Muslim community. On this matter, we urge all Muslims to have full confidence in the Australian National Imams Council and its leadership.

His eminence also emphasises on the importance of respecting different opinions on the matter
of the beginning and end of Ramadan as well as the importance of uniting the Muslims and not indulging in debates that will disunite the Muslim community or create division.

We ask Allah to keep us united and accept your worship.

Dr. Ibrahim Abu Muhammad
The Grand Mufti of Australia



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End of Ramadan and Eid Messages







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Dear CCN Readers,


As Ramadaan draws to an end, every Muslim looks forward with the greatest of anticipation to the day known as Eid-ul-Fitr.

But the discipline practiced during the month of Ramadan now makes it mandatory for us to step out of our comfort zone in the year ahead and apply the lessons learned.
Eid and the days to follow are opportunities to demonstrate the moral upliftment and spiritual elevation gained through fasting by showing compassion, mercy and kindness towards the creation of the Almighty.

Amongst these are our non-Muslims neighbours, teachers, co-workers, classmates and business acquaintances. Let us invite them and their families to our Eid Down Under which will be a practical and meaningful demonstration of Islam and Muslim culture, very far removed from the negativity of what is portrayed in many of the media streams.

On behalf of all of us at the Islamic Council of Queensland and our member organizations and societies we ask the Almighty to bless you, your family, homes and business with harmony, peace and prosperity on this joyous occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.

Ismail Cajee



















As Ramadaan ends with the first sight of the new moon, we are all gearing to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr with our friends and family.

Imam Ahmed and the Trustees of Kuraby would like to wish all our brothers and sisters in Islam “Eid Mubarak”. May Allah flood your lives with happiness on this occasion, your heart with love, your soul with spiritual calmness and your mind with wisdom.

We would also like to take this occasion to thank the Huffaz that performed Taraweeh and those that performed Qiyam Al Layl, especially:

Imaam Ahmed Naffa
Hafez Imraan Omar
Hafez Abdur Rahman Ghazzali

May Allah bless you for sharing your wonderful recitation of the Quraan.

Eid Mubarak to All.






Assalamu Alaikum wrt wbt. The Islamic Women’s Association of Australia, IWAA, (formerly known as IWAQ) would like to send Eid greetings to its members, clients, staff, partners, family, friends and community members.


May all your efforts in Ramadan be accepted, and may that spirit, generosity, compassion, sincerity, commitment and servitude to God and humanity resonate with you throughout the rest of the year.


Wishing you all happiness, peace, good health and prosperity.


EID MUBARAK. Walaikum assalam wrtw wbt.












(Rochedale Mosque)



I hope and pray that this Eid will bring more peace and tranquillity and better mutual understanding and trust among people of different religions and creeds, colors and lifestyles.


Let us therefore celebrate it together Muslims and Christians, Jews and Hindus, Buddhists and those who belong to different value systems.


We are all citizens of this country, Australia, which I see as a prosperous island of peace and tranquility in the volatile and raptured world.


May God help us preserve our peace, social cohesion and our common destiny.

I wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Eid.


Imam Sifet Omerovic

Imam of the Bosniak Islamic Centre



Full message



On behalf of Muslim Funeral Services Eid Mubarak.
We wish you and your family a joyous Eid.

May Allah (SWT) accept all our good deeds, forgive your transgressions, and ease the suffering of people around the globe Insha-Allah.


The MFS Team







As Ramadan comes to a close Sakina Inc. would like to wish all Muslims around the world a blessed and wonderful Eid-ul-Fitr.


It is now time to celebrate the special blessings and spiritual fortitude attained during Ramadan.


On this happy occasion of Eid, let us also remember and pray for those struggling and in need of our help.


We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who helped make the Eid Hampers a success.

Eid Mubarak!

Sakina Inc. Team






The Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc wishes to extend wishes to the Community for a happy Eidul Fitur.


May you enjoy happy celebrations with family and friends.


Janeth Deen





Eid Mubarak


I take this opportunity to extend by sincere greetings for Eid-ul-Fitr.


I trust that Ramadan has proved to be one of spiritual reward and reflection on what is important to you.


I also take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation for the numerous Iftars that I was invited to across the community.


It was very humbling to be part of the communities reaching out across the non-Muslim community, to build bridges of understanding while breaking bread together.


As with each and every Iftar I have attended for many years, the friendship is valued and ever lasting.




David Forde






The Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) would like to wish all Muslims a blessed and joyous Eid ul Fitr.

The month of Ramadaan has again left us in the blink of an eye.


May Allah allow us the opportunity to witness manymore Ramadaans.


With sadness we farewell the beautiful month, but we rejoice in the celebration of Eid.

We pray that the day of Eid brings happiness to every home across the globe.


May we remember our brothers and sisters going through difficulty and oppression and we ask Allah to purify our character, strengthen our Imaan and unite us as one Ummah.
Yusuf Goolam Hoosen Peer
Chairman: Council of Imams Queensland





As this beautiful and blessed month of Ramadan draws to close, the Crescents of Brisbane Team wishes all CCN readers “Eid Mubarak!”

May Allah (SWT) accept all of our efforts and duas, InshAllah.


The Crescents of Brisbane Team





Dear CCN readers,


The team at Muslim Aid Australia (MAA) would like to wish you joyful and blessed Eid Mubarak.


Thanks to your support we've been able to deliver impactful and smart projects in over 25 countries around the world. 


This year you've not only supported the immediate needs of those less fortunate, you've also provided thousands of families with the means of generating an income and supporting themselves.


Thank you for putting your trust in MAA this Ramadan to deliver your donations to where it's needed most.


Your Essential Partner in Humanitarian Aid


Muslim Aid Australia (MAA)







All praise be to Allah, Lord of all the Worlds.

The Brisbane Islamic Centre Executive Committee takes this opportunity to wish the Muslim community here and around the world a very blessed Eid Mubarak.

May you all be blessed this year and every year after

We pray that Allmighty Allah shower his peace and blessings over all of us and keep us safe from the evil that is being wreaked around the world.

We take this opportunity to announce that the approvals for the building of our Mosque in Underwood road Eight Mile Plains have been granted and Preparatory works are underway. More information will be circulated in due course inshaa-Allah.

كل عام وأنتم بخير, عيد مبارك






As we are nearing the end of the blessed month of Ramadan, Islamic Relief Australia extends our wishes for a joyous Eid.


May it be a festive time of laughter, happiness, love and peace, and may it be a wonderful coming together of family, friends and strangers. IR Australia would also like to take this time to thank our very generous donors.


We are humbled by the trust (amanah) which you continue to be placed on us as we work together to save lives and empower communities across the world.

There is no better measure of success than the positive impact we are making on those we humbly serve. And who better to serve and protect than our most vulnerable.


Because of you, millions of people around the world were able to have a wonderful Ramadan, comforted by the fact that they had food on the table, warm clothes and safe shelter. Because of you, they will also be able to have a blessed and festive Eid. Together, we can save lives, from immediate survival needs to long-term poverty alleviation.


Subhannallah wa Jazakallah Khayrun.




On behalf of the Islamic Medical Association of Queensland Eid Mubarak to our patients, colleagues and the rest of the community.


May you all have a very happy and blessed Eid and remember those who need our help.


Best of health till the next Ramadan Insha-Allah.


The IMAQ Team






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Year 12, Zaheera Casoojee, 3rd from left

Zaheera Casoojee (17) won two awards for art at the her school, Macgregor State High. Her work will be exhibited at the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA).




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By Yasmeen Deen Shakoor, mother of Ubaid



Ubaid Shakoor, Lions Children of Courage Award nominee


Ubaid Shakoor, or Ubby as he is affectionately known, is 15 years old and has been diagnosed with Autism since the age of 3 and started speaking at the age of 5, after years of intensive therapy, Alhamdulillah, and a dua given to me by Imam Peer. Ubaid is the son of Rasheed and Yasmeen Shakoor, brother to Usama and youngest grandson of Mr and Mrs Sultan Deen.

Ubby struggles in social situations, he really is a man of a few words, unless of course you are a Brisbane Broncos fan! He is a Member of the Brisbane Broncos and attends every home game. He is a gentle giant and loves to smile, he is always happy, Alhamdulillah.

Ubaid attends Western Suburbs State Special School and is currently in Year 10, the majority of his senior schooling is spent outside the classroom doing activities such as work training, travel training and cooking; these activities incorporate life skills and one day will make him employable and gain independence, Insha’Allah.

Ubaid started horse-riding about 5 years ago at the McIntyre Centre for the Disabled. He overcame his fear of horses and the equine therapy became enjoyable, he rode there for nearly 3 years, mostly on lead with assistance. 2 years ago, Ubby joined EquusTerra, they offered private riding lessons for special needs children so we gave it a go and Ubby was back in the saddle, Alhamdulillah. He now looks forward to cantering at high speed around the arena, a reward at the end of his weekly lesson, he became a totally independent rider.

In September 2016, for the first time ever EquusTerra took a team to compete at the Special Olympics at club level. This was a great opportunity for the athletes to showcase their skills, they only had 2 weeks to learn their dressage test! All the athletes performed well and displayed great sportsmanship.

On the 30th April and 1st May, EquusTerra took a team of 4 athletes to the Special Olympics State Games, this was made possible by the generous sponsorship from the Rotary Club of Archerfield and Zaffar Khan. The Equestrian was held at Southport Pony Club and the athletes competed in 3 dressage tests each, only 16 children from Queensland had been chosen to compete at state level, this was huge.

Team EquusTerra bagged 4 gold, 4 silver, 4 bronze and a Judge’s Encouragement Award. We were so proud of the children, this was our first competition and didn’t expect anything at all.

Alhamdulillah, Ubaid came 2nd place in all three of his tests, giving him 3 silver medals, he rode a billet horse by the name of Victor, who he’d only ridden the previous day for a 10-minute trial.

Ubaid has since been nominated by the Senior Schooling Teachers to Vice Captain the Green House. His Teacher has also nominated him to receive the Lions Children of Courage Award for an Inspiring Sporting Achievement. We are so humbled by the love and support given to Ubaid.

As a mother, I’d like to break the stigma in the Muslim Community surrounding Mental Health. By sharing Ubaid’s story and achievements, I hope to create awareness to other families with children with special needs.


They can succeed and do great things, and go on to do greater things, Insha’Allah.




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Students from the Gold Coast AIIC qualified for the Griffith University's Science and Engineering Challenge.


The 2017 Competition was fierce!

The Challenge was held at Queensland Academies of Health Science, Gold Coast.


One of the participants Tasneem Hussien, a Year 9 Student built a bionic hand to give independence back to patients who have lost a hand through injury or illness. Tasneem was the only student to successfully create a device that mimics the behaviour of a real human hand and fulfils a number of tasks and gestures.


The AIIC STEM teacher Ms Fathima Abba Omar credited Tanseem's efforts to her innovative and 'out of the box' mindset and approach to class and school projects.


Ms Omar said "It was great to be part of a challenge that provokes our students to examine genuine real life problems and provide real life solutions that are universally applicable for humanity".


She was proud of all of the students efforts and dedication, as this was the first time the Gold Coast Islamic College entered a major engineering competition and were able to gain an overall standing of 6th position amongst many other schools in Queensland.


Tasneem Hussien with award for bionic hand



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"I'm asking Pauline Hanson, on national TV, to condemn what's happened at Finsbury Park."



78 wq er



Mabel Crosby turned 108 recently at Tricare, Sunnybank Hills.


"Mabel is the oldest person I have treated in my 46 years in medical practice", Dr Abdool Haque Khatree told CCN.


Dr Abdool Haque Khatree, wife Dr Zuraida Abdurahman and daughter Dr Zakiyah Khatree have been working in aged-care in Brisbane for a number of years.



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Delegates from across the country and around the world will converge on Adelaide on the 11th and 12th of July for the 2nd Annual Australian Islamic Schooling Conference. This event is proudly presented by the University of South Australia’s Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE) and supported by Islamic Schools Association (ISAA) of Australia.

With the theme ‘Islamic Schooling Renewal – A Focus on Curriculum’, the event will bring together key scholars, academics, researchers and educationalists as they unpack all things relating to curriculum in the context of Islamic schooling.



Two outstanding key note speakers will offer their insights on the opening of both days of the conference. Dr Nadeem Memon is one of the foremost academics in the field of Islamic education and Professor Seema Imam is a pioneer of Islamic schooling in North America.

Don’t miss this premier gathering for scholars, academics, policy specialists, educational leaders, teacher researchers, and educational partners in the field of Islamic schooling.

For more information or to register visit the website.





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Malek Fahd Islamic School

The federal government has refused a last-ditch bid by Australia’s largest Islamic school to reinstate its commonwealth funding, which was cut in early April after the federal Education Department ruled it could not be certain the money would be used to educate students.

Malek Fahd Islamic School, which has 2342 students and 231 staff across three campuses in Sydney, says it will go into administration within eight days unless its nearly $19 million in annual funding is restored.

“After examining projections of cashflow the school board decided last week that unless funding is soon released by the commonwealth the school will be unable to reopen for term three,” the board wrote in a five-page statement.


 “For the board this was a difficult but necessary decision ... Whether or not the school has to soon close is a decision for the Minister and the (federal) Department.”

The school insists that while it was previously used as a “milking cow” by the peak body representing Muslims in Australia — the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils — it has since severed ties with the organisation in a bid to comply with education legislation.

The NSW Education Department said it had a contingency plan for the school’s students.

“If Malek Fahd Islamic School announces its closure the Department of Education will open a contact centre for affected parents within 24 hours. This centre will provide advice and assistance to enrol their children in a public school,” a department spokesman said yesterday.

“The department has a number of primary and secondary schools in the surrounding areas of Malek Fahd Islamic School’s three campuses with the capacity to accommodate additional students.”

The board’s warning prompts a stand-off with the commonwealth after a turbulent 16 months for Malek Fahd. In February last year, the commonwealth announced it had revoked Malek Fahd Islamic School Limited as the school’s governing authority, saying it, and by extension AFIC, had been using the school for profit.

The school unsuccessfully appealed against the decision in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, although the government continued to pay the school’s $18.7m entitlement for 2016 throughout the appeal.


Simultaneously, legal action has begun in the NSW Supreme Court to recoup money allegedly stripped by AFIC, estimated to exceed $45m.

The school board’s chair, John Bennett, said the school had not paid AFIC any rent since mid-last year. “We will be working up until the 30th of June to make sure the school can continue,” he said.

The commonwealth has told the school that while changing the rent is an improvement, it cannot be sure of the court outcome and so cannot continue funding.

A spokesman for the federal Department of Education said funding would remain cut off until the school complied with the relevant funding legislation. Education Minister Simon Birming-ham said “our focus is with the students, families and teachers working to minimise the disruption to the school community”.

The Australian



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Father Patrick McInerney on Facebook:

It must be disconcerting to see a Catholic priest wending his way through a Muslim throng and heading towards a mosque!


One kind person asked with concern, "Are you lost?" Another kind person said, "Welcome".

I spent some time in the mosque, on the occasion of Lailat al-Qadr, listening to the Qur'an recitation, hearing the prayers of intercession for peace, prosperity, protection from harm, for the Muslims, for the country, for countries in the Middle East, Asia and North Africa, and praying in my own way, a Christian among Muslim worshipers, all believing in the one God.


A peaceful and restful time of spiritual solidarity.


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Susan Carland has given an insight into the type of hate mail she receives after posting an email from a stranger telling her her religion is “a cancer".

Carland, who converted to Islam at 19, posted a photo on Instagram of an email sent to her with the subject line ‘Islam & Terrorism’.

The email read: “No offence intended, but I have long been of the view that Islam is a cancer, both a) on humanity and b) in the minds of followers.”

It then went on, “The trail of death and destruction that Islam leaves…” but the remainder of the message could not be seen on the screengrab he posted.

However, the Melbourne academic appeared to laugh off the bizarre attack, captioning the image: “‘No offence intended’ [laughing emoji] #SoundsLikeSomeoneNeedsAHug”.

She also asked her 27,000 followers not to write anything “abusive or nasty” about the sender in the comments section below.

“I’m sharing this because I find it amusing, not to start a pile-on. Let’s remember our Ramadan adab,” she said. ‘Adab’ is the arabic word meaning respect and politeness.

This is not the first time Carland, who is married to The Project’s Waleed Aly, has spoken about the trolling she is subjected to online.

"Any Muslim certainly seems to attract a lot of hate online. And then being a Muslim woman — and when you're an unapologetic Muslim woman — you get a lot of hate," she told Fairfax Media.

She said she was often trolled because of the way she dressed, because she lived in Australia or for what she had or had not done, with trolls saying things like: “You’re disgusting, get out of our country” or “you’re a terrorist”.

She said she had also realised it did not matter how she responded.

"Sometimes I respond by saying something quite sarcastic and patronising, such as: 'Oh, it sounds like you need a hug?'

"Or sometimes I respond with that GIF from the movie Mean Girls, where Regina George says: "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

In 2015, Carland vowed to donate $1 to charity for every hate tweet she received. In just over two weeks, she had donated more than $1000.

The idea was to "respond to something awful with something good in a way that it doesn't really engage with what the trolls are doing", she said.

"I thought, what's a good thing I can do? What is the complete antithesis of what these people are doing? They are putting so much ugly into the world. I thought what something is good I can put into the world."

She has since donated a total of about $5200 to UNICEF but admitted it can be “hard to keep track of” all the mean tweets




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Mohammad Tawhidi appears on Sunrise, following the terror attack in Manchester this year.

In the space of just 12 months, a man called Mohammad Tawhidi has come out of nowhere to become one of the most prominent Muslim voices in the Australian media.

Imam Tawhidi claims to be a Muslim leader — and a brave Muslim reformer.

Through his appearances in the mainstream media, Imam Tawhidi has warned that Australia is being "infested by extremist Muslims".

"When I am worried about what I see is happening from my community and religion, trust me that there is something going on," he told the Seven Network's Today Tonight program on February 27, 2017.

On social media, his supporters, some from right wing groups, support his calls to shut down Muslim schools and ban Muslims from the Middle East coming to Australia.

But strangely for a Muslim leader, he has very few supporters in the Muslim community.

He has no mosque, and only a handful of followers. And just as curiously, he only appeared in the media for the first time just over a year ago.

So who was he before he became a media star?

Questionable qualifications


Mohammad Tawhidi dropped out of The Al-Mustafa International University in 2012, the institution said

This is what Imam Tawhidi claims about his educational qualifications:

"I travelled to Iran, to the holy city of Qom, in 2007, and I engaged in my Islamic studies from there. I received my bachelor's degree and my master's degree in Islamic theology from the Al-Mustafa University."
- Mohammad Tawhidi, 2GB, May 25, 2017

But Al-Mustafa International University in Iran says Imam Tawhidi has no bachelor's degree from their university, let alone a master's.

He started at the university, but dropped out.

In a letter, Al-Mustafa International University said:

"In spite of given warnings and notifications, the above-named person did not take heed of them each time and had not satisfactory academic record in his courses … he was placed on probation and [dropped] out on March 27, 2012 … the aforesaid person has no educational degree (or any given score) in his profile … Al-Mustafa University does not recommend Mohammad Touhidi for lecturing in any way. Accordingly, he has no competency to do religious activities or to preach sermons."

His own teacher seems to contradict his teachings

Imam Tawhidi says he is a moderate Muslim reformer — but his very recent past shows he has connections to a religious leader who is anything but moderate.

After Imam Tawhidi dropped out of university, he fell in with a fringe seminary school in Iran, run by a controversial religious family known as the Shirazis.

Imam Tawhidi studied under its senior cleric, the Grand Ayatollah Sayid Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, and later went to work in one of the Shirazi-run TV stations in Iraq.

In February 2016, when Imam Tawhidi set up his Islamic Association of South Australia in Adelaide, Ayatollah Shirazi put out a press release in Iran claiming a connection with Imam Tawhidi and this new Australian-based organisation.

However, the beliefs of Ayatollah Shirazi are not at all aligned with the moderate brand of Islam that Imam Tawhidi calls for when he appears on Australian television.

For example, central to Ayatollah Shirazi's teachings is the insistence on an Islamic system of government, not a secular democracy.

Ayatollah Shirazi also teaches that women should be covered head to toe, and are not suited to holding positions in government, and that it is permissible for a girl to marry from the age of nine.

So has Imam Tawhidi suddenly abandoned his past?

Here is what Imam Tawhidi says:

"I do not attribute myself to any to anyone, at all. Anyone at all. I am a free human being … Yes, I am a student of the Grand Ayatollah Sayid Sadiq Al-Husseini Shirazi and he crowned me … I am not a representative of the Grand Ayatollah Shirazi. What's going on between me and the Sayid, that's nobody's business … I have his picture in my office, that doesn't mean that I represent him or I speak on his behalf."
- Mohammad Tawhidi, Facebook, June 19, 2017

But even Muslims who should be his natural allies are sceptical.

Zuhdi Jasser, the founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, is a leading figure among the movement to reform Islam in the United States, and appears regularly on media outlets in the United States like Fox.

"Shirazi is no reformer. So for me to believe the veracity of an individual that claims to be about reform, and says many things that should appeal to most Australians, I would hope they would do some research and say: 'he says this to Australians, does he also say this to the Shirazi community?'" Mr Jasser told Background Briefing.

Dr Jasser questioned how Imam Tawhidi's views could change so radically in two years.

"I am all ears if Tawhidi wants to explain … then I will take him seriously," he says.

Insults on social media

Imam Tawhidi's use of social media has attracted both notoriety and attention for years.

In particular, he has been accused of posting inflammatory statements about revered figures from the Sunni sect of Islam.

In Islam, there are two main strands: Shia and Sunni. Imam Tawhidi is a Shia Muslim.

In Australia, Sunni and Shia have a long history of peaceful co-existence — and many in Australia's Muslim community don't like people coming in and stirring the pot.

A Facebook group was set up by Australian Shia Muslims in 2015, to try and expose Imam Tawhidi's apparent sectarian tendencies.

The group's admin spoke to Background Briefing, but didn't want to be named.

"Here in Australia we all want to live in peace, whether we be whatever religion or whatever denomination," the admin said.

"I go to a mosque that might be Shiite, or it might be Sunni, we are all brothers here trying to establish ourselves. We already have the bigots that hate Islam all together, and now we have someone trying to cause division within the Muslim community."

In April 2016, Imam Tawhidi said on his Facebook page that Sunni books are "full of monkey teachings" and that Sunnis are followers of an "alcoholic rapist caliph and obscene woman".

Some members of the Australian Muslim community say Imam Tawhidi is stirring up trouble.

"Up to my knowledge, I haven't seen any attack between the Sunni and Shia, until he come to Adelaide," Ahmed Zreika, president of the Islamic Society of South Australia says.

"When he come to Adelaide, I see on the social network, all the time, Sunni people and Shia people are fighting on social media (for him)."

Muslim leaders say that any stirring up of sectarian tensions goes against long traditions of tolerance and harmony in Australia.

"In Australia we have been very successful in both the Sunni and Shiite community in coexisting because the dominant culture in Australia is of co-existence," Professor Mohamad Abdullah, director of the Islamic Centre for Thought and Education at the University of South Australia, says.

"I think anyone coming in and criticising the Sunni or criticising the Shia in the guise of reformation … is problematic."

A strange change in direction

Imam Tawhidi only appeared in the Australian media for the first time early last year.

Before that, he was a virtually unknown Shia preacher who had arrived back in Australia after nine years spent overseas, mainly in Iran and Iraq.

What prompted him to morph into media star?

In late 2015, Imam Tawhidi sent an open letter to the Shiite Muslim community.

"The teachings I learnt were not incorrect but some were better off concealed … the coming year, 2016, will be a big year for me," he wrote.

"You will be seeing and hearing more of me in the media and social networks. Thus, I request from you all to keep in mind that my mission is an ideological one … There shall be a change of course. This is a matter our beloved Marja Taqlid, has advised and having respect for such a noble figure, I pay obeisance."

Roughly translated, "Marja Taqlid" means "religious leader" — so your Marja Taqlid is the person whose religious authority you've chosen to follow.

Background Briefing has seen two Facebook posts by Imam Tawhidi from late 2014, that clearly state the Grand Ayatollah Shirazi is his Marja Taqlid.

Imam Tahidi says he's a "free human being".

But if Imam Tawhidi's new focus on mainstream media coverage is indeed part of a change of direction advised by Shirazi, then this raises questions about Imam Tawhidi's ultimate goals.

Listen as Background Briefing untangles the backstory of Imam Mohammad Tawhidi.

Source: ABC News




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When Sora Fallaha completed her medical analysis bachelor’s degree in Jordan, a postgraduate degree in medical science loomed as the obvious next step for the gifted young student. However, that next step wasn’t an easy step.

To understand why is to understand her heritage. Her father had moved from Syria to Jordan at the age of 18 to pursue a successful career in computers and information technology. There he met his beloved wife and they raised four children in a nurturing environment in Jordan. Civil war in Syria would later tear the family apart.

Sora was born, grew up, studied and lived in Jordan, but Sora – true to her ancestry – carried a Syrian passport. This proved a major hurdle when she approached teaching hospitals to gain the experience that was required in order for her to study a Master’s degree abroad.

“I even paid to work so I could get the required experience. However, still for many hospitals, this was not accepted,” she says.






Despite everything, Sora has flourished in the university environment. In June, she submitted her PhD after a three-and-a-half-year research project aimed at replacing chemotherapy with targeted therapeutic treatments that improve the quality of life for cervical cancer patients.

“Cancer research is a very challenging area but I have worked with some of the leading cancer researchers in Queensland, contributing to high impact research,” says Sora whose research has been recognised and published in a high-impact Journal in her field.

She is currently working on publishing more peer-reviewed articles. “My ultimate goal on the academic level is to develop therapeutic approaches to help cancer patients across the world”.

Sora’s ambitions and future directions do not stop here. “I am looking into mentoring others in similar circumstances including refugees, locals, Indigenous Australians and international students alike. I am a big believer in paying it forward.”

Griffith University



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The privacy curtains were installed to allow Muslim women to swim without having to wear a burkini and without being seen by other pool users.

FORMER Labor leader Mark Latham has launched a petition to ban privacy curtains installed at a Sydney public pool to allow Muslim women to swim comfortably.

Mr Latham says the curtains, which were installed by Cumberland Council at Auburn pool so Muslim women can swim without being seen by other pool users, is threatening age-old Australian traditions.

Writing for right-wing online publication The Rebel, Mr Latham said public pools are a “great Australian institution”.

“For many decades, the public swimming pool has been a great Australian institution: affordable, open and full of people mixing together, regardless of their background, race and religion,” he wrote for his petition, Tear Down That Curtain.

“Now, this tradition is under threat.”

He then went on to say that the privacy curtains are discriminating against non-Muslim men.

“For non-Muslim men, the discrimination is twofold: they pay their Council rates, they pay at the pool entry point, but they can’t access the entire pool facility. Public services must be available to all the public.”

If Muslim women are concerned about modesty issues or showing their flesh to men, Mr Latham said they should “take personal responsibility” by wearing a burkini.

The privacy curtains were installed at Auburn pool earlier this year and run around the glass walls of the program pool, where female-only swimming sessions are held for two hours each Sunday.

Auburn Council general manager Malcolm Ryan supported the move.

“There was a very high demand for female-only classes at the aquatic centre before redevelopment to cater for the differing modesty requirements,” he told the Daily Telegraph.

“With the installation of curtains at the program pool, the Auburn Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre is inclusive to the whole community at all times and can cater to any requirement, without it impacting on the rest of the centre.”
The program pool is one of three pools at the complex and is used for rehabilitation or swim classes. The curtain is drawn only during prescribed women’s swimming times.

But Mr Latham still views it as unnecessary segregation, which he believes exacerbates cultural barriers rather than overcomes them.

“Where does it end: putting curtains up on Bondi Beach?” he wrote.

“If multiculturalism in Australia is to succeed, people must mix together, getting to know each other, without religious or racial boundaries.

“In these troubled times, we need Islamic communities to be integrated into Australian society and culture, not segregated along religious lines.”



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Liberal Senator Eric Abetz during Question Time in the Senate chamber at Parliament House in Canberra in March.

Senator Eric Abetz has lashed out at outspoken Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied on Facebook after she claimed Australian democracy is "biased against women and people of colour".

The Liberal Senator made the comments after the former ABC presenter reportedly called the government a “neoliberalism capitalist project” and stated the system of democracy “doesn’t represent anyone” at a forum in Canberra.

According to News Corp, Ms Abdel-Magied spoke at a panel at the Australian National University earlier this week, and said: “The traditional parliamentary system, I mean look at the photo of the House of Representatives.”

“It doesn’t represent anyone.”

Senator Eric Abetz took to Facebook on Thursday to voice his opinion.

He wrote: "Yassmin Abdel Magied’s attacks on our democracy, calling it a “neoliberalist capitalist project” and effectively backing Arab dictatorships where forced marriages, female genital mutilation and sexuality-based executions are legal are reprehensible.

"If Ms Abdel Magied thinks our system of government is so bad perhaps she should stop being a drain on the taxpayer and move to one of these Arab dictatorships that are so welcoming of women.

Ms Abdel-Magied told News Corp that she found the comments by Mr Abetz "baffling".

26-year-old Ms Abdel-Magied endured immediate backlash over a controversial Anzac Day Facebook post.
The show which she presented was later cancelled.

Yahoo News



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Interview with Karen Armstrong


Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong, British scholar of comparative religion, finds that there is a long and inglorious tradition of distorting Islam in Europe. She criticises the notion that Islam is essentially more violent than Christianity and speaks about the genesis of Western disdain for the Arab world. Interview by Claudia Mende.


(Continued from last week's CCN)


Where do you see the roots of this disdain?

Armstrong: The Enlightenment ideal of freedom was, in practice, only for Europeans. The Founding Fathers of the United States, who were deeply influenced by the Enlightenment, proudly proclaimed that "All men are created equal" and enjoyed the natural human rights of life, liberty and property. But they felt no qualms about owning African slaves and driving the Native Americans out of their ancestral lands.

John Locke, the apostle of tolerance, wrote that a master had "absolute and despotical" rights over a slave, which included the right to kill him at any time. This continues: many of those who marched for freedom of expression in Paris were leaders of states that have supported regimes in Muslim majority countries that denied their subjects basic freedoms; Britain and the US, for example, continue to support the Saudi regime. Again, a disdain: our freedom is more important than yours.

Shouldn't we also look at certain Koranic verses and their interpretation throughout history to explain the phenomenon of Islamist terror?

Armstrong: "Throughout history", these Koranic verses have not inspired terrorist activities. Any empire depends upon force; this is true of the Indian, Chinese, Persian, Roman, Hellenistic and British empires and it is also true of the Islamic empires. Furthermore, until the modern period, Islam had a far better record of tolerance than Western Christianity. When the Crusaders conquered Jerusalem in 1099, they slaughtered the Muslim and Jewish inhabitants of the city in a massacre that shocked the Middle East, which had never seen such unbridled violence. And yet it was 50 years before there was any serious Muslim riposte. There is more violence in both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament than there is in the Koran.

Most Christian theologians would disagree.

Armstrong: Those theologians who claim that there are no passages in the New Testament like Koran 2.191–93 have perhaps forgotten the Book of Revelation, which is the preferred text of many Christian fundamentalists who look forward to the battles of the imminent End Time that will destroy the enemies of God. They interpret these texts literally and quote them far more frequently than the Sermon on the Mount. The aggression towards the enemy commanded in Koran 2:191 concludes: "If they cease hostilities, there can be no further hostility." (Koran 2. 193). No such quarter is allowed those who fight the Word of God in the battles of Revelation.

Why is this never mentioned in debates on this subject?

Armstrong: One might argue that this book is uncharacteristic of the New Testament as a whole, but exactly the same can be said of the "sword verses" of the Koran. Even Jesus, who told his disciples to love their enemies and turn the other cheek when attacked, warned his followers: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth; it is not peace I have come to bring but the sword." (Matthew 10: 14). All scriptures have violent passages that can be quoted out of context, given undue importance, and made to cancel out the irenic teaching that inspires all faiths at their best.




Interview conducted by Claudia Mende
Karen Armstrong is a British scholar of comparative religion. She is the author of several bestsellers on the history of religion. Her newest publication deals with violence in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. "Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence" (2014).

Source: Quantara



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I WAS told Amna Karra-Hassan was an agent of change, a deep thinker, and that we should talk. We did. And she is. Amna is daughter of migrant parents who came to Australia seeking better opportunities. Amna has inspired many in her quest for equality, unity and success.

She is founder of the Auburn Giants Women’s AFL team, which consists of various nationalities including Lebanese, Palestinians, Fijian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Croation, Serbian, Turkish, Maltese, Macedonian, Greek and Chinese.

She has partnered with Holden as part of their Supporting the Drivers of Change diversity and inclusion program. We spoke about the challenges of being a Muslim in 2017, the effects of Trump, building a football team to create unity and opportunity and cohesion, racism and Pauline Hanson.


(Continued from last week's CCN)

HM: If you had a minute with politicians who could help give perspective and unity, what would you say?

AKH: I think the whole society needs to respond. It shouldn’t just be put on the shoulders of politicians, or businesses or the community, there has to be a commitment from the whole of society. We have to ask ourselves, as a nation, what we pride ourselves on, and what we want the future to look like. That means we have to look at the past, to learn from it, as well as looking at the environment we are in today. It is a globally connected one, and there are more humanitarian issues in the world than ever in history. We have to look to the future and establish our vision. That requires every person in society to be in that, in whatever capacity that is.

Short answer: I’d tell our politicians to work with integrity and show real leadership. Your discourse shapes the public debate and at the moment you’re not only failing those most in need, you’re failing our nation with bad politics. If you’re in a business you have role to play and if you’re a politician you have a role to play, but even ordinary citizens like you and I have a role to play. You do it every day when you choose to go to work and write stories about different people. I go to work every day and I do that in my professional capacity, but outside of work I work on community engagement, civic participation, participation in sport and the inclusion of girls. That’s really important work; but that’s not the only work. There has to be a commitment from everyone, and we have to do it with integrity. We can’t talk about what our values are as a nation, or what our values are as people, and leave it there as lip service.

HM: One minute with Trump: what would you urge him to think about or do?

AKH: I got asked a question about Pauline Hanson and what I would say to her, and the reality is, there are people that are fixed in position, and have no intention of shifting that position. What is the point of having a conversation with someone who isn’t actually going to listen to what you have to say? You’re not being heard. If I had a minute with Donald Trump, I wouldn’t be too invested because I know I would be dealing with a narcissist and have no impact.

HM: Has life in Australia for a 20-something-year-old Muslim become more complicated since his presidency?

AKH: I would say that life in Australia has become more complicated in Australia for a 20-something-year-old Muslim for a number of reasons. The international environment, in terms of conflict and humanitarian crises, has complicated that. It is my legitimate right to be different and embraced for all of me. I know I have a right to exist, with autonomy, dignity and respect. But I truly believe that many young people feel like they are constantly fighting for recognition and acceptance. Or resisting the desire to want to belong to a society that constantly rejects them. It’s heartbreaking, because we are contributing to the problem and we need to change the conversation on young Australian Muslims.

HM: You spoke earlier about being visibly Muslim. Is that because of the hijab?

AKH: Yes — mostly.

HM: You only chose to wear it when you were 18. Why?

AKH: It was an expression of my connection and devotion to God. It was that simple, it wasn’t because of a conversation with anyone, it wasn’t even something my family expected. I just walked out with it on one day, and they were shocked.

HM: Some friends said to you, “Life’s much easier when you’re not wearing it”. Were they referring to life for them, or life for you?

AKH: They were saying it for me; it came from a place of concern. They believed life would be much easier for me, if I didn’t wear it. They often wondered why I would be a visible Muslim when that comes with public scrutiny.

HM: Were they right? Is life easier when you’re not wearing the hijab?

AKH: I don’t think so, for one reason. It’s not because of that sociopolitical context, and that environment where the media are talking about Muslims, or about what’s happening in the middle east, or when people are talking about international terrorism and linking it to Islam; that conversation still exists. Whether you wearing a scarf or you’re not, that conversation still really affects you. It affects how you relate to your faith, it affects how you relate to the community, it affects whether you feel like you even have a position or place. The only difference is if someone wanted to attack me, they’d know I’m Muslim, and maybe they wouldn’t be able to tell with someone else. Maybe that would happen anyway, because I might still look different without it.

HM: I hope not. Amna, thank you for showing many of us some things that aren’t always easy to see.

AKH: It’s an absolute pleasure. I appreciate having the conversation, and I look forward to seeing the story.




Source: Herald Sun



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The UK Muslim News Awards for Excellence event was held 27 March 2017 in London to acknowledge British Muslim and non-Muslim contributions to the society.

Alija Izetbegovic award for GOOD CITIZENSHIP:


Winner: Malia Bouattia


Malia Bouattia became the first Muslim woman to be elected the President of the National Union of Students (NUS) in 2016. She previously held the role of NUS Black Students’ officer. As a student leader, Malia has campaigned tirelessly for equal rights and for the underprivileged. In her acceptance speech, Malia said, “When we talk about liberation, it’s not just about women, black, LGBT+, or disabled students. It’s about us all.”


Malia has addressed the UN in Geneva about the harmful effects of Prevent, Britain’s anti-extremism scheme in schools; she has worked on the Why Is My Curriculum White campaign, and she has a strong network of student supporters on social media.


Malia has taken on these tasks even though she has herself been vilified in the media for taking up principled positions. Malia lives in Birmingham with her family and is a student at the University of Birmingham. 


..........The UK Muslim News Awards for Excellence CONTINUES IN NEXT WEEK'S CCN




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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs



Haroon Moghul: Trump is quick to tweet denunciations on news of any attack by Muslims. But after an attack on Muslims, he is silent

He says Trump and supporters have excused extremist language from the right, seeming to indicate that violence against Muslims doesn't matter

Trump's silence after attack on Muslims speaks volumes


For a long time, a lot of Muslims had their heads in the sand when it came to jihadist violence. They preferred to pretend as if it did not exist, or that foreign policy was solely to blame.

We've come a long way. We've learned that radicalization is a thing, and that we have a responsibility -- if we love our religion and our communities -- to think about what we can do to produce a different future for Islam and for Muslims. To change how our religion is taught in some spaces and some places.

Donald Trump and his supporters are going to have to make the same journey. They've excused, or even encouraged, extremist language and rhetoric for a long time now, and, well, here we are today, with a President who pretends that violence against Muslims doesn't matter.

On Sunday night, I was delivering a book reading at a Muslim cultural center in Florida and was asked to speak directly to the young Muslims in the room, to share my own experiences and struggles growing up as an American Muslim.

The truth is, my experiences and theirs are very different. When I was growing up, Islamophobia wasn't much of a thing. Maybe my friends and colleagues thought I was a little different, my name slightly harder to pronounce, but I never encountered overt hostility. These kids, though, they're growing up in a different world.

Shortly before I took the stage, I heard about an attack in London. A van, mowing down pedestrians.

ISIS, I thought. Again, I despaired.

But soon the details filtered out. The attack had happened outside a mosque. I have long feared that years of attacks by jihadists in the West, coupled with a media that at best dismisses Islamophobia and, at worst -- and especially, but not exclusively, on the right -- fans the flames of bigotry, intolerance and anti-Muslim extremism, would lead us to this outcome. Something like tit-for-tat violence.

Horrified denunciations of the attack rolled out across social media.
President Trump? He had nothing to say. Had the news been of an attack by Muslims, he has by now made clear, he would have boldly taken to Twitter, no matter the hour, and used an instance of outrageous violence to justify his policies. But when it's violence against Muslims, and especially by terrorists who share sympathies with white supremacists, if they are not themselves neo-Nazis, well then it's crickets.





We have to yank our faith from the darkness of intolerance and the lull of tradition. Suicide bombs must be countered with the promise of moderation

Muslims today face a deep malaise. We must confront it
By Nabil Echchaibi

My existential crisis as a Muslim man haunts me to the core of my being. Amid the horrendous nihilism of Isis, the dull orthodoxy of self-proclaimed custodians of Islam and the culture of fear in the west which sees everything Muslim as pure evil, I seek an answer to a simple and unasked question: how does it feel to be Muslim today?

Instead, you ask me to denounce – even apologize for – the horrors of Manchester, Nice, Orlando, Paris and Berlin, as if I were a silent accomplice cheering softly behind the garb of my faith. You mistake my silence for duplicity, my shock for deceit, and my choking inability to comprehend for disloyalty. But have you asked me how I feel instead of how you feel about me?

Well, I feel morally and psychologically exhausted. The moral gulf that separates me from the demonic force of Isis is both comforting and haunting. Haunting because their abominable strike will always be louder and more spectacular than the tenor of my indignation. Their tales of terror and destruction will always muffle my calls for tolerance. My voice of moderation is deep but faint in the face of their unspeakable bestiality. I do not apologize. I clamor for my right to be heard and narrate my distress, confusion and hope.

I’m tired of seeing my faith trapped in a cancerous cycle of terror, reduced to a vapid discussion of veils, burqas and burkinis, and held back by an obsessive fixation with fatwas. An imam who condemns music because it might turn young people into apes and pigs is simply an aberration to Muslim theology. We have far more important questions in need of urgent answers. Questions that should haunt our present and perturb our daily existence as adherents of this faith.

What keeps me awake at night is how we plunged into this sorry state of decline. Why we suddenly stopped thinking and inventing, we who gave the world astronomy, chemistry, algebra, surgery, the university, musical scales and coffee. How can we reconcile the anarchic savagery of our worst Muslims today with the humanist generosity of our best Muslims of yesterday? What have we to offer the world today?



The Guardian


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What's it like to wear a hijab in Australia?
ABC News


12-year-old Itrat told Behind the News about how she feels when people talk about hijabs like they're a bad thing | #WorldRefugeeDay







Sabariah Hussein

CTV News 



Sabariah Hussein, 70, cooks for up to 300 people a day, helping to feed the homeless or anyone who needs a hot meal. CTV’s Vanessa Lee reports on a remarkable woman.







Wajahat Ali: Muslims will ‘never be absorbed into whiteness’

Washington Post Live



Wajahat Ali, Op-Ed Contributor at the New York Times, draws parallels between Muslim and Christian groups historically feeling isolated. Ali argues that unlike Catholics and Jews, Muslims will “never be absorbed into whiteness.” He says in terms of American politics, Muslim’s feel stuck in the middle.







Möhámmád Jävír working with refugees in Queensland



Möhámmád Jävír: Firstly, I will always be thankful to the ALLAH, My parents and those peoples who have helped me along my journey. Lots of peoples have supported me through out my hard time. Now is my time to give back and It always make me happy to help others.







Nesrine Malik

BBC Newsnight 



"Certain language is used" when there's an attack by a Muslim, Nesrine Malik tells us 






If Pauline Hanson ran a school
The Feed SBS Viceland



Finally, a place that teaches good..






The art of Khadijia Saye

Channel 4 News



This is the stunning and moving art of Khadija Saye.

On the brink of great success, she is missing presumed dead in the Grenfell Tower fire in London.


Imam Al-Bukhari - A Brief Biography







This man was sick of hearing about Muslims on TV,

so he met some for himself!

  OnePath Network










Will You Surrender? | Spoken Word | Yazeed Zee
Islam In Focus Australia








It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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Friday khutbah (sermon)

 DATE: 23 June 2017

TOPIC"The Final days of Ramadan"

IMAM: Uzair Akbar



Play the recording  







Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 23 June 2017

TOPIC"Seek forgiveness from Allah, before this month leaves us"

IMAM: Akram Buksh










Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 23 June 2017

TOPIC: "?"

IMAM: Ahmad Ghazaleh












Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 23 June 2017

TOPIC: "Glory Name of Allah Al'Afou"

IMAM: Mossad Issa











Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 23 June 2017

TOPIC: "Story of Salim Mowla Abu Khuzafa"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar





Click here for the past Kuthba recordings








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 23 June 2017

TOPIC“Fasting in Shawaal”

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali




Click here for the past Kuthba recordings





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London mosque attack: 'Hero imam' protected terror suspect



UK: A London Imam who protected an alleged terrorist just after he attacked worshippers leaving a mosque in the city's north yesterday has praised members of his congregation for their actions.

Mohammed Mahmoud could be heard shouting "no one touch him" after a trio of men tackled Darren Osborne, 47, who had driven his van into a crowd outside the Muslim Welfare Centre.

Footage of the immediate aftermath indicates that Osborne, who witnesses say was screaming that he wanted to "kill all Muslims", was in very real danger of being harmed by the furious witnesses.

But thanks to the composure of Mr Mahmoud and several others, police were able to arrest an apparently uninjured Osborne.

"It wasn't me alone, there were a group of brothers…who were calm and collected and managed to calm people down and to extinguish any flames of anger or mob rule that would have taken charge had this group of mature brothers not stepped in," Mr Mahmoud told the media overnight.

"This community of ours in Finsbury Park is a mild-mannered, calm community not known for their violence. Our mosques are incredibly peaceful."




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Breaking protocol


This picture  shows Prince William and a grieving woman who has lost her husband in the Kensington fire in London.

You don't touch royalty! The only exception is to shake hands and then only if they offer first.


Here, William has broken protocol in a remarkable way.

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Grenfell Tower fire: Kensington Muslims host sunset meal on street for people affected


'That’s the Muslim attitude'


Water, fizzy drinks, bread and fruit were laid out for the evening meal


UK: Tablecloths were laid out along a street as the local Muslim community came together to host a meal for those affected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

Many people who live in the area surrounding the tower are Muslim and volunteers from the charity Penny Appeal decided to cater for those who are observing Ramadan, although anyone was welcome to join in.

At sunset people broke their fast for the Iftar meal and were offered water, fizzy drinks, bread and fruit to sustain them as the aid effort continued around them.

The impromptu meal was praised by Twitter users, with one pointing out: “That’s the Muslim attitude”.

It was another example of volunteers coming together to help those affected by the fire.

Hundreds of people have donated clothes and food, and fundraising initiatives have so far raised over Ł3m.

Zia Salik, head of fundraising at the charity Islamic Relief, told The Independent that his team and other volunteers worked day and night to help with the rescue effort.

“There was a huge outpouring from the community to say ‘we want to do something’,” he said.



The Independent


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 The Islamic Republic of Australia


Sami Shah



From jihadis to hijabs and everything in between - what it means to be Muslim down under today

In this humorous and insightful exploration of Islam in Australia, award-winning comedian and writer Sami Shah speaks with Muslims across the country, from the founder of a new group called Muslims for Progressive Values who believes in a feminist interpretation of the Quran, to the official spokesperson for Hizb ut-Tahrir; to a Muslim preacher who thinks IS deserves credit for keeping Muslims conservative.

Based on Shah's much-lauded 5-part radio documentary, THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AUSTRALIA takes us behind the stereotypes and generalisations, to find out who Australian Muslims are, how they live and what they think. The answers are both multitudinous and surprising, resulting in a fascinating multi-faceted and entertaining portrait of Islam in Australia today.




Read the best books first,

or you may not have a chance to read them at all.

Henry David Thoreau


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: This will add colour to your Eid table and also help get rid of the chocolates you don’t want to see after Ramadan.  

Rocky Road


2 x 250g Milk Chocolate
1 x 55g Turkish delight
1 cup salted peanuts
250g pink and white marshmallows
2 large Crunchy Chocolates


1. Cut up the marshmallows, crunchies and Turkish delights into large portions.
2. Melt the milk chocolate and combine all the ingredients together.
3. Place the mixture into a pan lined with baking paper.
4. Refrigerate to set for approx. an hour.
5. Cut into slices and serve.
6. You can store any extras in the refrigerator and it can stay for a long time and can be made in advance for children’s parties.

You could add any kinds of nuts or sweets you enjoy, another favorite is m and m’s or picnic bars.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing


To contact Princess,  
Email:  Phone: 0451977786













Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic:

Practise Understanding and Give Up the Need to Be Right All The Time

As I sit down today to write this column I feel compelled to reflect on my personal journey as a new Muslim. This is my sixth year as a Muslimah, Alhumdolillah. My truth-seeking journey was long and filled with struggles. The most difficult part came when I embraced Islam and was immediately disowned by my parents. I tried to reason with them, however, it did not work. For almost six years now my daughter and I have not had a relationship with my parents and other extended family members.

They made it crystal clear to me in our final conversation. “We are right, you are wrong,” they insisted. Their need to be right outweighed my pleas to make them understand.

At first it hurt alot, however, over time and with ALLAH’s guidance I have come to understand that there are two sides to my relationship status with my parents - one is ‘understanding’ and the other is ‘the need to be right’. While I practise understanding and continue to make duaa for them, they persist with their need to be right.

Our Prophet (SAW) experienced a great many similar situations where people persecuted him and his followers simply because the persecutors felt the need to be right all the time.

Take an honest account of your life these past few weeks...have you in any way been operating on a default program to feel the “need to be right all the time”? By this I mean, have you persisted stubbornly with a certain mindset about a situation without practising any kind of understanding?

Understanding does not mean agreeing. It means to open your mind to listen to another person’s perception about a particular situation. It means to acknowledge that another person has the exact same right to an opinion about an issue as you do. It means to respectfully listen to each other’s viewpoints.

When you fail to open your mind, you fail to understand. When there is no understanding, there is an ongoing need to be right. And when there is this addictive need to be right, there is the obsessive attachment to judge others.

For example

Notice the tone of this conversation between a father and his son who has recently lost his job and despite all efforts, remains unemployed.

Father: “Shouldn’t you be looking for a job? You are locked up in your room everyday.”

Son: “Whatever.”

Father: “So, you’re just going to give up? When I was your age I supported an entire family.”

Son: “What’s your point?”

Father: “My point is that you are lazy because you have everything given to you on a platter.”

Son: “Abba, I’m trying.”

Father: “Yes, but you’re not trying hard enough. You are lazy, spoilt and think that you are entitled.”

The Son storms off to his room and bangs the door shut.

Father to Mother: “He is the laziest boy on earth. Shame!”

In the above scenario, the Father failed to open his mind and understand his son. The moment he said the words, “Yes, but you’re not trying hard enough” was when he was operating on his addictive need to be right.

Practise Understanding - Give Up The Need To Be Right

Now, let us look at the following conversation from an angle that displays understanding and empathy.



When you consciously practise understanding you are in fact detaching from ego. It is ego that demands the addictive need to be right all the time. Remember to catch yourself out every time you feel the need to be right. Detach from that and embrace an open mind with which to practise understanding.

In Shaa ALLAH, next week we will explore the topic: How to Overcome Insecurity

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786


Download the above article.




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Work through your injury rather than against it

Don’t let an injury derail your fitness goals. Try to stay as active as
possible while you’re rehabilitating and recover faster.

Whatever the injury, make sure you have clearance from your doctor
and get moving safely as soon as possible. The good news is that in many cases staying active isn’t just safe, it’s important for the healing and recovery process.

The key is to listen to your body while exercising. Train smart – exercise safely, and do not aggravate your injury.




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Reader’s Question Mrs. M asks: If I use a weedkiller to eliminate bindii on my lawn, will it kill the weeds as well as the lawn?

Answer: Yes!

A weedkiller kills everything so never use it unless you want all vegetation eliminated. You must use a HERBICIDE which is designed to kill the weeds but is harmless to lawn grass.


• Kills everything including trees.

• Only works by contact with the leaves and stem.

• Harmless to plants when it is sprayed into the soil.

• Poison works down to the roots killing permanently.

Highly poisonous—avoid contact with skin.




• Will not kill the lawn but only the weeds it has been developed to kill.
• Safe to use on lawns but not in flowerbeds because it could be lethal to flowering plants.
• On lawns, the herbicide must make good contact with the leaves and stems of the weed for success.

Kill the weeds before they flower otherwise the seeds will drop and the weed will grow again.


Send your gardening questions to


You can also contact Ahmed Esat by phone (0404070498) or email ( and visit his blog site.

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A Lawyer, representing a wealthy art collector called him and said, "Jallalludin, I have some good news and I have some bad news."

Jallalludin  replied, "I've had an awful day; Let's hear the good news first."

The lawyer said, "Well, I met with your wife today and she informed me that she invested $1,500 in two pictures that she thinks will bring a minimum of $15-20 million. And I think she could be right."

Jallalludin replied enthusiastically, "Well done! My wife is a brilliant businesswoman! You've just made my day. Now I know I can handle the bad news. What is it?"

The lawyer replied, "The pictures are of you and your secretary."

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An Ayaat-a-Week






O you who believe! When you deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them to writing. Let a scribe write down faithfully as between the parties: let not the scribe refuse to write: as Allah has taught him, so let him write. Let him who incurs the liability dictate, but let him fear his Lord Allah, and not diminish anything of what he owes...


~~ Surah Al-Baqarah 2:282


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“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”


                                                                                                ~ Oscar Wilde



I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



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Events & Functions


The Islamic Council of Queensland would like to extend a formal invitation to the Queensland community to join us for a day of fun and festivities at the Eid Down Under Festival on 1 July 2017.


More information is available on

If you would like to hire a stall, please can contact Ms Wendy Lacey at or on 0418 797 576


Download flyer


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services


Download flyer

This is an environment where our children will learn about Allah and his beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., recite their duas and surahs, learn about the 5 pillars of Islam, following the Sunnah, the values of Ramadaan and Eid and go to sleep listening to the beautiful recitation of the Quran or Zikr. ……


Assalamualaikum. Shajarah Islamic Kindergarten is in need of your help! The Department of Transport who owns the current premises at 2 Rothon Drive, Rochedale South, require the property to create a new busway through the area. We need to find a new location a.s.a.p.
Going back to the beginning…. Shajarah Islamic Kindergarten was the inspiration of a new Muslimah’s concerns that there was no Islamic Kindy where she could send her son to for the most critical years of his life i.e the 1st five years. (As we are all aware of the importance of the foundation phase in the correct upbringing of our children). She noticed this empty Kindergarten building at No. 2 Rothon Drive and in October 2012 the first Islamic Kindy in Brisbane opened it’s doors to a pressing need in the community. From such humble beginnings up till now, we are pleased to say that through the Rahmah and mercy of Allah we have grown to become an established institution serving the needs of the Muslim community.

In October 2016 we were assessed by the Office of Early Childhood Education and Care and Alhamdullilah we were rated as “EXCEEDING THE NATIONAL QUALITY FRAMEWORK”. We meet all government requirements for the National governing body “ACECQA” as well as the Queensland State Government Office of Early Childhood Education and Care.

Our Service Approval currently includes :-
 An Approved Kindergarten Program for children in their final year before school,
 Long Day Care for 3year olds to school age,
 Before School Care
 After School Care
 Vacation Care for School Aged Children
 A Montessori Program across all ages.

We have 24 childcare places per day. Our Kindergarten is set in a beautiful garden setting and it will be sad to see it go. We even have parents coming from the North side and as far as Gold Coast, braving the traffic for up to an hour just to place their child in our Islamic Kindy!

To date we have approached various organisations and individuals and visited buildings for rental but unfortunately have not been successful in securing premises for our new Kindy.
We beseech anyone who can be of any assistance in helping us to find new premises, renovate if required, and relocate by the 31st December 2017 to come forward and assist us in continuing this humble but integral venture for the future of our children in this environment we find ourselves in.




Muslima Learn to Swim Lessons

Ladies Fun Swim Time

Ladies Fun Swim Day

Mum & Child Learn to Swim Lessons

Click on thumbnail to enlarge









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Businesses and Services




See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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Download flyer here

Download flyer here

Download flyer here



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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





25/26/27 June



1 July


ICQ Eid Down Under

Islamic Council of QLD


0413 038 610


15 July


Annual Eid Night Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque

0413 038 610


22 July


Haj Seminar

Darul Uloom & AIIC


0432 539 942

9.30am to 1pm

21, 22, 23 July


Hajj Exhibition: Hajj - The Journey of a Lifetime

Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque

0433 285 086


5 August


Fund Raiser: Toowoomba Garden City Mosque

Islamic Society of Toowoomba


0421 081 048


5 & 6 August

Sat & Sun

Sura Kahf: Reflections from the Cave: Sheikh Sajid Umar

Al Kauthar




2 September




6 September


Connecting Communities: A digital evolution at the SBS: Michael Ebeid, SBS CEO

Crescent Institute BRISBANE

BDO Level 10,

12 Creek St, Brisbane


5.30pm for 6.15pm

22 September




25 November


Annual Mild-un-Nabi

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane


3809 4600

3pm to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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Masjid As Sunnah






Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040





Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118


Download the programme here.


For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600




On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987





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Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



TIME: 7.00pm – 8.30pm
VENUE: Islamic College of Brisbane [ICB].


Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to enter their details here.


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