EST. 2004


Sunday 4 February 2018 | Issue 0691


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CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....

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Raeesa Khatree is an ex-lawyer turned health store worker from Brisbane - and a contestant in series 3 of The Great Australian Bake Off on FOXTEL.


The this 3rd season of the Great Australian Bake Off 12 home baking enthusiasts are put through a series of grueling elimination challenges, baking a mouth-watering selection of cakes, pies, tarts, pastries, bread, biscuits and desserts, all in the hope of being crowned Australia's Best Home Baker.


The bakers of season 3 of the Great Australian Bake Off talk all things bread. Maggie and Matt love Robert, Claudia and Max’s scones, but Emma, Raeesa, and Chris could be total sconers if they don’t step it up for the Showstopper. The bakers are pulling out all the stops with their pull-aparts, with dishes like deconstructed apple pie (Chris), baklava-inspired bread (Raeesa), and a French onion soup bowl (Marcus).




Scone pronunciation






Episode 3: LAST WEEK

It was biscuit week for the 10 bakers with biscotti, jamdrops and a tricky jigsaw made from biscuits on the menu.


Episode 4: THIS WEEK

As the bakers entered their fourth week in the shed, their thoughts turned to home with Matt and Maggie asking them to bake their family favourites.




Tree of life biscuit puzzle
Recipe by Raeesa Khatree from The Great Australian Bake Off




Gingerbread biscuit
125g unsalted butter
½ cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1 egg yolk
2 ½ cups plain flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground clove
½ cup golden syrup

Chocolate biscuit
120g butter
¾ cup caster sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
½ tsp salt
1/3 tsp baking powder
½ cup cocoa
3 cups flour

Royal icing
1 egg white
1½ cups icing sugar
Drop of lemon juice
Food colouring

½ cup milk chocolate melts
White and coloured fondant pieces



For the gingerbread biscuit:

1. Using a stand mixer, cream butter and sugar. Then add egg and beat until smooth. Sift dry ingredients and add to mixture. Then add golden syrup and combine to form a soft dough. Add a tablespoon or more flour if necessary.

2. Knead dough well on a floured surface. Roll dough between sheets of baking paper and refrigerate for 1 hour.

3. Thereafter, using template or cutter, cut out shape and bake in preheated oven on 180°C for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned, depending on size of biscuit piece.

For the chocolate biscuit:

1. Using a stand mixer, cream butter and sugar well. Add egg and vanilla essence. Then add baking powder and salt and combine well.

2. Stir in sifted cocoa powder and gradually add 1 cup of sifted flour at a time.

3. Once dough has formed, roll out onto lightly floured surface or baking paper and cut out shape required from template of tree bark and branches.

4. Place on baking pan and bake for 8-10 minutes on 180°C.

For the royal icing:

1. Using a small bowl, beat the egg white with an electric mixer until frothy. Sift icing sugar and add gradually to egg white and continue beat until the mixture is smooth and can be piped with.

2. Colour icing with gel colours as required for decorating. Keep icing covered always to prevent drying out.

To assemble:

1. Arrange the biscuit pieces starting with the chocolate biscuit as the tree bark and branches.

2. Melt chocolate on low heat and brush over chocolate biscuit to give the effect of bark. Using royal icing, pipe detail on biscuit. Using fondant pieces, decorate biscuit accordingly. 


Source: LifeStyle




In amongst the aisles of a Brisbane health food store lies a sugary surprise many aren’t expecting – sweet tooth and baking fanatic Raeesa. The mum-of-two, who moved to Australia 10 years ago from South Africa, fell in love with baking three years ago while she was working as a lawyer, and is a fan of all things sweet and naughty.

“I just love baking cakes, cakes and more cakes!” laughs Rae, who helps out with the running of her father-in-law’s health food store. “Vanilla bean is my absolute go to and features in everything I make. My motto is it should taste as good as it looks.” Her two children are massive fans of their mum’s passion, particularly her profiteroles. “They are the reason I got into baking because of their crazy requests for birthday cakes!” she explains. “And my mum and grandma are extremely creative, beyond my depth.”

As for having her creations judged by Matt and Maggie, Rae is hoping the feedback will be as sweet as her bakes.“I have butterflies in my tummy to be honest!” she says. “I’m completely overwhelmed by the level of talent of the other bakers.”





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Ali Kadri spoke on his experiences in creating social cohesion and on contemporary community issues at their inaugural Speak Easy session organized by a Slacks Creek cafe, Extraction Artisan Coffee, as part of their community discussion forums.






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Kurshida received a full scholarship from Monash University (100%) tuition fees as well as $5000 per year for the duration of her studies. She is studying a double degree, Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Computer Science.

Sumaiyah obtained a scholarship from The University of Queensland to study a double degree in Education and Business Management.


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Ahmed Mahmoud (26) and Ali Abbosh (24)

After graduating from medicine together, this year two brothers are both launching their medical careers at the Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH).

Originally from Iraq, it’s been a long journey for medical interns 26-year-old Ahmed Mahmoud and 24-year-old Ali Abbosh who couldn’t speak English when they came to Australia in 2005.

“It was very difficult initially, especially to adapt to a new country and a new environment but we pulled through together,” Ahmed said.

“I can still remember my first day of school and how I couldn’t understand a thing the teacher was saying,” Ali said.

But that didn’t stop them from excelling academically.

“From the start we’ve had each other to study with, first with English and then with med school and now with our intern year,” Ahmed said.

Ali said they could both be a little competitive but that it only spurred them to try harder.

“It’s great to have live-in study partner that you can discuss and debate topics with and practice with at any time of the week,” Ali said.

The siblings hoped to add another chapter to their shared journey by specialising in surgery and anaesthetics.

“Our first year we’ll be trying out a few different areas, but Ali’s leaning towards anaesthetics and I’m thinking surgery,” Ahmed said.

“Maybe one day we’ll be treating patients together,” Ali said.

For their first rotation, Ahmed was at QEII Hospital in general medicine and Ali was in colorectal surgery at PAH.

The brothers were among 749 medical interns who launched their careers in Queensland Health this month.

Source: Metrosouth Health




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The funding round under the 2017-18 Celebrating Multicultural Queensland grants program for multicultural projects to be delivered in 2018-19 is now open.

The Celebrating Multicultural Queensland grants program promotes Queensland’s multicultural identity, the benefits of multiculturalism, and equitable access to opportunities by people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Multicultural projects, in alignment with the principles of the Multicultural Queensland Charter established under the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016, will build community relationships to Create Welcome, Build Opportunity and Celebrate Diversity.

Create Welcome – engage general community groups (including community associations, service clubs, and sporting groups) in connecting and welcoming migrants and refugees into a wide range of community activities and/or

Build Opportunity – promote opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds to participate and contribute to community projects; support communities to become more cohesive and resilient, and build their capacity to respond to local needs and/or

Celebrate Diversity – bring people together to celebrate our diversity and build a sense of welcome and belonging for all members of the community.

The Multicultural Projects grants round is outcome focussed and is seeking practical and innovative projects that aim to:

• welcome migrants and refugees into local communities to increase a sense of belonging
• increase opportunities for intercultural connections within local communities
• include migrants and refugees in community associations, service clubs and sporting groups
• support regional communities to build capacity to meet the needs of diverse communities
• support the participation of people with a disability from refugee or migrant backgrounds.

Applications are encouraged from not-for-profit incorporated organisations including community groups and organisations, community associations, including service clubs and sporting groups, and local councils. Partnerships between organisations to deliver projects are strongly encouraged.

One-off funding of up to $25,000 per approved project is available.

To view the 2017-18 Funding Information Paper for Multicultural Projects, and to access the online application form, please visit the website.


For more information, please email Multicultural Affairs Queensland at



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Over 10 foreign speakers, over 50 top delegates and over 40 companies are ready to participate in the 4th International Halal Expo Australia (HEA) 2018 which will be held on Saturday 10 to Sunday 11 February 2018 at Rosehill Gardens, Sydney.

The 2-Day International Halal Conference (IHC) 2018 will also be a part of HEA 2018 where 15 top Australian and foreign scholars and academics will speak on various facets of the Halal and Halal way of life.

The theme of IHC 2018 is ‘Halal Industry: Growth, Issues and Solution’.

Halal Expo Australia (HEA) is an exciting and exclusive event that showcases and creates awareness Halal food, products, and services in Australia.

As the one and only International Halal event in Australia, HEA 2018 is a largest Halal trade show that delivers a fantastic opportunity for international and national Halal industry players to promote their products and services in the Australian and International Markets.

Halal Expo Australia is a one-stop event that reaches over thousands of people who are interested in Halal products and services.

Halal Trade Show covers variety of Halal Products & Services from Food & Beverage; Finance, Investment & Banking; Arts & Culture; Fashion, Cosmetics & Accessories; Beauty & Health Products; Lifestyle & Wellness; Pharmaceutical & Herbal Products to Building Private & Commercial Projects; Travel, Tourism & Hospitality; Innovation & Technology; Education, Research & Development.

Over 15,000 visitors are expected to attend this 2-day event.

Halal Expo Australia not only creates awareness and promotion of the halal products & services among members of the Islamic Community, it is playing a key role in providing understanding about Halal and Halal Lifestyle among non-Muslims.

The 2-Day International Halal Conference helps to create and raise awareness about Halal food, products and services among Muslim and non-Muslim communities by providing detailed knowledge, resources and education on Halal products, helping to create a more understanding, diverse and harmonious society.





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A sign posted on a public beach by the city of Melbourne, Australia tells visitors to refrain from consuming of pork and alcohol and to be respectful during Islamic prayer times.

The Twitter universe witnessed a feeding frenzy in late January 2018, when an image went viral purporting to show a sign posted on a beach in Melbourne, Australia calling on visitors to refrain from consuming pork or alcohol and to be “respectful” during Islamic prayer times:

The text of the sign read as follows:



The city of Melbourne tweeted that they do not endorse the sign, noting in a droll aside that they have no beaches in their municipality.


Although there is an Islamic Council of Victoria representing the approximately 200,000 Muslims who in the state of Victoria, however, there is no organization called the “Supreme Islamic Council of Victoria.” Moreover, the city of Melbourne doesn’t typically refer to itself as “the City of Greater Melbourne,” nor are any municipal logos visible in the sign.


There are, in fact, several public beaches near Melbourne, but none in Melbourne. We take the city at their word that they did not post the sign. For that matter, there’s no evidence that the sign was even posted in or near Melbourne, or anywhere else in Victoria. We’ve found no other images in which the sign is visible. Indeed, the photo could have been taken anywhere. We assume it was staged, either to ridicule Muslims or to instill a hatred and fear of Islam in those who are ignorant of what Muslims actually believe and how they live.

The stunt relies on common misconceptions about and misrepresentations of Islam, such as that Muslims so abhor pigs and pork that they can’t stand to be in their vicinity and would even demand that no one near them consume such products. That is simply not the case.

Faithful Muslims observe dietary restrictions that are comparable in some ways to kosher laws in Judaism. Like Judaism, Islam prohibits the consumption of pork products as well as certain other foods, and sets a number of specific rules as to how food must be sources and prepared. These rules, called “halal” in Islam, also ban the consumption of alcohol. But they do not require that non-Muslims abide by these restrictions, much less that Muslims cannot share a beach with non-Muslims who do eat pork and drink alcohol.

The same applies to the larger set of moral guidelines based on the Qur’an and the writings of Muhammad known as “Sharia,” which govern virtually every aspect of Muslim life. Perhaps the most common misconception about Islam of all is that Muslims wish to impose “Sharia law” on non-Muslims in secular countries. What Islam actually calls for, however, is for Muslims to follow Sharia and non-Muslims to follow the laws and moral principles of their own faiths.

Far from being an example of “creeping Sharia,” as some would no doubt have it, the fabricated signage we are here discussing looks more to be a case of blatant xenophobia.

Source: SNOPES




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Ruzina Akhtar says her father, who died in the Finsbury Park attack, 'will never be forgotten'.

LONDON: A man who developed a hatred of Muslims after watching a TV drama about child sex crimes involving Asian men was found guilty on Thursday of ploughing a van into worshippers outside a north London Mosque weeks later, killing one.

Darren Osborne, 48, drove the hired vehicle into a group of Muslims gathered around father-of-six Makram Ali, 51, who had collapsed near his home after leaving late-night Ramadan prayers in Finsbury Park.

He killed Ali and injured 12 others, two seriously. At Woolwich Crown Court, Osborne was found guilty of murder and attempted murder, with police and prosecutors saying it was an act of terrorism.

It was the fourth incident blamed on terrorists in Britain in the space of three months and it followed three Islamist attacks.

Osborne, who had not previously expressed far-right views, developed an obsession with Muslims after watching the BBC programme Three Girls, a drama broadcast last May about events in Rochdale, northern England, where white girls were abused by gangs of mainly British Pakistani men.

This hatred was subsequently fuelled by online research into extreme right-wing figures and groups, police said.

The court heard evidence suggesting Osborne had been radicalized relatively quickly. According to Osborne's partner, Sarah Andrews, his Islamophobic views developed in the weeks before the attack, as he became convinced that not enough was being done to combat Islamic extremism.

She said after Osborne watched Three Girls, he then dived into the right-wing media sphere and "seemed brainwashed" by his immersion in that world. Devices seized by police showed internet searches for a variety of such sites, including that of the English Defence League, a far-right anti-Muslim group.

Osborne was also found to have received an automated direct message on Twitter from Jayda Fransen, deputy leader of Britain First, another far-right organization. Some of the group's videos were retweeted by President Donald Trump last year in an episode that caused outrage in Britain.




Finsbury Park attacker Darren Osborne jailed for minimum of 43 years

Darren Osborne was found guilty of murder and attempted murder, at Woolwich Crown Court and  sentenced to life in prison, with a minimum term of 43 years behind bars.

Darren Osborne, 48, was found guilty of murdering Makram Ali, 51, after deliberately ploughing into a crowd of people in Finsbury Park in June.

Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb told Osborne, from Cardiff: "This was a terrorist attack. You intended to kill."

Mr Ali's family said they could not imagine the trauma he felt as he died.

Speaking outside court, his daughter, Ruzina Akhtar, said: "Our father, like the victims of most terrorism, was entirely innocent which makes his death in this violent way all the more hurtful."

"He was such a peaceful and simple man, he had no bad thoughts for anyone," she added.

Osborne mowed down worshippers in Finsbury Park shortly after 12.15am on 19 June last year, killing Mr Ali and injuring nine others.

The father-of-four, who was also found guilty of attempted murder, said "God bless you all, thank you", as he was led away from court.

Malevolent hatred'

The jury took an hour to return the verdict at Woolwich Crown Court on Thursday after a nine-day trial.

The judge said Osborne had planned "a suicide mission" and expected to be shot dead by the police. He was guilty of a "terrorist murder", she added.

Osborne had been "rapidly radicalised over the internet by those determined to spread hatred of Muslims", she said.

"Your use of Twitter exposed you to racists and anti-Islamic ideology," she added.

"In short, you allowed your mind to be poisoned by those who claimed to be leaders."





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Following Cassie Cohen and Jackson Bursill on their marathon a day (see CCN), here is another migrant/refugee personal story:


Story 56 - Ali and Khatoun



Ali: "That song was about how I live very far from my country, and this song is about love!’


Khatoun: "We suffered a lot when the war started, we lived for 3 years without electricity, without water, without anything."


Ali and Khatoun married in 2001 and have 2 boys, Rodi and Nishan. The family from Afrin, Syria were resettled from a refugee camp in Iraq to Coffs Harbour 9 months ago.


Ali is a maestro on the Tanbur and plays every fortnight at the local Syrian community gatherings.



Khatoun hopes to requalify as a teacher after finishing her English courses. She is also working with Settlement Services International as a support worker for new refugee arrivals.




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Tensions have long been high over the Chinese government’s influence and continued crackdowns on the cultural identity of the Uighur ethnic group



The Uighurs are the region’s largest ethnic group, with almost 10 million Uighur Muslims living in Kashgar. In the early 20th century, the group gained independence for a brief time, but the region was brought under control of communist China in 1949.






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There are approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 24.38% of the world’s population, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah’, the worldwide Muslim community.

The Muslim500 publication sets out to ascertain the influence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. Influence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view of course.



"There is not moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that's it."

HE Recep Tayyip Erdogan

President of the Republic of Turkey

HE Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the Prime Minister of Turkey for 11 years, winning three consecutive elections with a majority, before becoming Turkey’s first popularly-elected president in August 2014.


During his three terms as Prime Minister, Turkey saw unprecedented economic growth, constitutional reform, and a re-emergence as a major global power.


The President: President Erdogan won 52% of the vote in Turkey’s first direct elections for president. This was a continuation of his remarkable popularity and success at the ballot box over the past decade. During his time as president he has pushed aggressively for more powers for his post, a move not welcomed by all, and criticised by many as signs of wanting excessive power. He has lost support from key members of his own party, and been criticized for cracking down on the media. In April 2017, a constitutional referendum passed by a marginal vote which grants the President broader executive powers.

Failed Coup Ramifications: The failed coup of July 15, which led to about 200 deaths, has led to huge ramifications as Erdogan looks to root out all those involved. He has squarely laid the blame of orchestrating the coup on Gulen, and has led an all-out attack on Gulen’s organisations and supporters.

There has been a major crackdown on many sectors with about 100,000 civil servants being dismissed in various state institutions, with over half from the education sector. Also, 20,000 people remain in detention with this number continually rising as authorities press ahead with regular raids.

Global Relations: Under Erdogan, Turkey has focused on building stronger relations with all of its seven land-contiguous neighbours (especially Greece) and also all of those countries bordering the Black Sea (an important trading hub and a geopolitically significant area). In Africa, it has opened up over twenty new embassies and consulates and when Somalia suffered from a crippling famine and drought in 2011, Erdogan not only gave aid, but also became the first leader from outside Africa to visit Somalia in nearly two decades. While Turkey has about 45% of its foreign trade with European countries, it is developing strong trade relations with other regions and attracting investment from all over the world. In January 2017, President Erdogan reiterated the “eternality” of Turkish presence in Cyprus, after receiving pressure to withdraw Turkish troops from the island.

Bait-and-Switch? In July 2015 Turkey finally declared war on Da’ish after an agreement with the US. It immediately proceeded to bomb sites in Iraq and Syria that it said were PKK sites. Turkey was consequently accused by the Kurds and by some US officials of a ‘bait-and-switch’ ploy, using Da’ish as bait to fight its old nemesis, the Kurds..

Challenges: Erdogan has been forced into a number of u-turns on both national and international issues; on its relationship with Israel, on its partnership with Russia, on how to contain DA’ISH, on how to deal with the Gulen movement, and on dissent within his own AKP movement. His dealings with these issues as well as the security of Turkey in the face of terrorist attacks are the major challenges facing him now.





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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs



China’s Greatest Muslim Explorer– Zheng He





Zheng He was born in 1371 in the southern China region of Yunnan to a Hui (a Muslim Chinese ethnic group) family.

When people think of great explorers, they think of the usual names: Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, Evliya Çelebi, Christopher Columbus, etc. But not many know of one of the most interesting and influential of all time.


In China, he is well known, although not always globally recognized or glorified. He is Zheng He, the Muslim who became China’s greatest admiral, explorer, and diplomat.







Continued from last week.

Spreading Islam
Economics and politics were not the only effects of this great fleet that was commanded by Zheng He. He and his Muslim advisors regularly promoted Islam wherever they traveled. In the Indonesian islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo and others, Zheng He found small communities of Muslims already there. Islam had started to spread in Southeast Asia a few hundred years before through trade from Arabia and India. Zheng He actively supported the continued growth of Islam in these areas.

The ships Zheng He commanded were up to 400 feet long, many times the size of Columbus’s ships that sailed across the Atlantic.The ships Zheng He commanded were up to 400 feet long, many times the size of Columbus’s ships that sailed across the Atlantic.

Zheng He established Chinese Muslim communities in Palembang, and along Java, the Malay Peninsula, and the Philippines. These communities preached Islam to the local people and were very important to the spread of Islam in the area. The fleet built masjids and provided other social services the local Muslim community would need.

Even after the death of Zheng He in 1433, other Chinese Muslims continued his work in Southeast Asia, spreading Islam. Chinese Muslim traders in Southeast Asia were encouraged to intermarry and assimilate with the local people on the islands and Malay Peninsula. This brought more people to Islam in Southeast Asia, as well as strengthened and diversified the growing Muslim community..







What No One Told You about Spiritual Abuse in Islam
By Janet Kozak



Abuse in relationships is not only black eyes, bruises, and broken bones. With the exception of traumatic brain injury in Muslim victims, it’s often the abuse hidden from plain view – like financial, verbal, and spiritual abuse – that does the most damage to victims long-term.

However, it’s the spiritual abuse we experience in a relationship that can leave us doubting ourselves, our goals, and even our belief systems – changing us for the worse and leaving lingering invisible scars over time.


Continued from last week.

Know the signs
Spiritual abuse entails exerting power and control over a victim using religion as an excuse or explanation to abuse. It can be exhibited in many ways:

Using isolation
Isolation is typical emotional abuse technique used on Muslim victims, and all victims, of domestic abuse. It works well because it prevents victims from reaching out to others to get the help and support them need to end or escape their abusive relationships.

In the case of Islamic spiritual abuse, a husband may use his status as the “qawwam” (protector and maintainer) of his family unit to argue that he has a right, given by Allah, to dictate what his wife does with her time. This may include where she goes, who she interacts with, and even what she reads or thinks.

In spiritually abusive relationships, the woman may have to ask permission any time she wants to leave the house – even if it is to go grocery shopping, attend a doctor’s appointment, or visit her own family. It’s also possible that even if a woman’s marriage contract explicitly states that she is to have full autonomy and freedom of movement; a spiritually abusive husband will ignore the stipulation.







Muslims Fashion diplomacy sparks cover-up uproar




Australian designer Ilham A. Ismail, in Sydney yesterday with one of her outfits, welcomes DFAT’s support for the industry. 

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has been criticised for its foray into “fashion diplomacy” after sponsoring an Australian-made Islamic clothing exhibition targeting the burgeoning Southeast Asian “modest fashion” market.

Tony Abbott yesterday launched an attack on DFAT for backing the initiative, accusing bureaucrats of having a “very unfortunate readiness” to ignore mainstream Australian values.

The former prime minister said he was “flabbergasted” that DFAT had sponsored an exhibition of Australian-made “modest fashion” for women in Malaysia, a majority-Muslim country.

The exhibition, which has featured burkini swimsuit inventor Aheda Zanetti and academic Susan Carland, was taken to Malaysia by DFAT to capture the “booming” fashion market while promoting Australian diversity. The move comes as the federal government is increasingly working with governments in Southeast Asia to reduce radicalisation in the region.

In 2010, the Gillard government agreed to spend $500 million building 2000 schools in Indonesia to combat radicalism in the education system.

While Mr Abbott said DFAT should drop its taxpayer-funded support for the exhibition and “get with the mainstream”, Australian designers, including Ilham A. Ismail, welcomed the assistance. Ms Ismail, whose designs featured on the catwalks of the world’s first “modest-wear fashion shows” in Turin, Italy, and Dubai last year, saw her work honoured at the Malaysian exhibition Faith, Fashion, Fusion.

The young designer was positive about DFAT’s initiative.

“I think it’s great,” Ms Ismail said.

“Australia is the most multicultural country in the world and if we’re not promoting different parts of our society here, where would we?”

Themes of unity and acceptance in society are central to Ms Ismail’s work, whose first collection as a fashion student at the University of Technology Sydney, was based on “coexistence in Australia after Martin Place”.

Ms Zanetti said the DFAT-sponsored tour was promoting Australian products and opening up new markets. “This is a product that is made in Australia, providing jobs for Australians, and showcasing our products to other countries such as Malaysia,” Ms Zanetti said.
“I was quite honoured to be invited and excited the Australian government was supporting it.”
She said the Islamic clothing industry had “enormous untapped potential” for the burkini and other modest clothing.

“We are the original burkini swimsuit and we have exported and do export worldwide,” she said. “We are quiet achievers and totally, totally Australian-made. There are 1.5 billion Muslims around the world and more than half of them are women. We haven’t tapped into it enough.

“Companies such as Speedo are making similar suits too. It shows there is a massive market out there, and I was honoured they chose to showcase my work.”

Mr Abbott said he was “dismayed, to put it at its mildest, that DFAT should apparently be pandering to what can only be described as a very old-fashioned view on modesty.

“To the extent that DFAT is getting into this space, it should be comforting people’s right to defy stifling orthodoxy, not to be coerced by it.

“I am just quite frankly flabbergasted that an official Australian government agency should be pandering to what is, to put it at its kindest, an incredibly old-fashioned view of modesty. Now I think this shows a very unfortunate readiness to sell out mainstream Australian values.”

Mr Abbott said people in Australia could dress very old-fashioned, or even “medieval”, if they wanted.

“But that is not our way,” he said. “We want Australians to be free and open, we want them to show their face and if they want to show a bit of their arms and their legs and wear a bikini, well, we celebrate that, we don’t apologise for it.”

DFAT expects spending on the “booming” Islamic modest fashion to increase by more than 7 per cent by 2021. A department spokeswoman said the fashion ¬industry should support “all sorts of fashions”.

“Fashion diplomacy is about promoting Australian designers, manufacturers and textile producers around the world,” the spokeswoman said.

“The industry adds $12bn annually to Australia’s economy and employs 220,000 people.”

A spokeswoman for Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said fashion diplomacy was about respecting diversity and making all cultures feel valued and equal.

The exhibition — Faith, Fashion, Fusion: Muslim Women’s Style in Australia — was developed by the NSW government’s Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in 2012 and has featured in Australia, including at the National Archives of Australia.

Its Malaysian launch was held in Kuala Lumpur in November with the support of DFAT, the Australia-ASEAN Council and corporate sponsor Lendlease-Malaysia.

The Australian



Islamic fashion is none of our government’s business
By IDA LICHTERThe Australian12:00AM February 2, 2018



Diplomacy and fashion are not usually chic bedfellows, particularly in the case of government sponsorship of Islamic clothing. Designed to tap into the lucrative Islamic fashion trade and promote Australian diversity, the partnership is controversial, if not unprincipled.

Australia has a creative and dynamic fashion industry, and the government should be commended for supporting national designers in exhibitions abroad. Though well intended, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade-sponsored tour of “modest fashion” in the southeast Asian market is a worrying move.

Modest clothing is usually defined as loose, with long sleeves, high neck, a head covering or hijab, and a cloak, also known as an abaya. Alternatively, pants are worn with a gown over the top.

The thriving market for stylish clothes within the confines of the Islamic dress code is estimated to grow to more than $400 billion in 2020. With an eye for lucrative profits, designers such as Dolce & Gabbana and Nike have embraced the hijab in advertisements targeted to well-heeled, brand-conscious youth. Dolce & Gabbana has produced a collection for “Muslim women with a taste for luxury fashion”, and Oscar de la Renta and Tommy Hilfiger have released “modest wear” ranges. H&M and House of Fraser in Britain have advertised sportswear hijabs.

Svelte items are also seen in the catalogues of leading retailers of Islamic clothing. A new Barbie doll wears a hijab with the aim of breaking down social barriers.

Not all Muslim women are in favour of high-fashion Islamic clothing; the more conservative are opposed to any Westernisation of the religious dress code. Australian Muslim fashion designers should be applauded for their readiness to enter the competitive and profitable international market. In the Western capitalist world of retail, they are free to create, advertise, sell and invest their profits as they please.

The problem does not lie with the designers or their products. It lies with government sponsorship. The government is committed to promoting Australian diversity but this exhibition of Muslim women’s clothing, spotlighting the religious variety, would imply that Islamic attire is the correct and necessary dress for upstanding Muslim women.

Rather than promoting diversity, such an exhibition is more likely to endorse the idea that religious clothing is desirable for Muslim women, who should dress within the parameters of Islamic modesty. Diversity is recognised in the barometer of choice. In this case, diversity could be reflected in a range of religious and secular dress. Most Muslim schoolgirls may wish to don the hijab, but those who are unwilling should have their choice respected.

Although many Muslim women observe Islamic dress codes for reasons of piety and modesty, the government is ignoring traditional patriarchal views as well as political aspects of religious clothing. In many traditional societies, centuries of oppressive cultural practice were underwritten by religion.


A picture from the DFAT website promotion on modest fashion.


In some societies, the veil is regarded as protection from the male gaze and sexual predators, and women who are insufficiently covered may not be considered innocent victims of violence.

These notions are underpinned by fear of the female as a dangerous temptress, adept at causing fitna, or social chaos. In order to protect men’s honour in society, female dress requires regulation.

Compulsory veiling in the public space is a restriction Iranian women know too well. From the inception of the Islamic Republic in 1979, they were subject to criminalisation of hijab violations.

For modern-day Islamists, the veil has become an iconic symbol of their movement, and many women have espoused a new identity as political flag-bearers. However, many non-politicised women, such as those in Iran, continually rebel against enforced veiling. Some women in Raqqa, Syria, demonstrated their feelings by burning their veils when freed from Islamic State.

Not recognising the political oppression that the veil can represent is a betrayal of women who are forced to accept Islamic dress codes. The veil is also a political tool for extremists who attempt to lower the bar for Islamisation.

In a case in Britain, Shabina Begum, a teenage Muslim student, was encouraged by Islamists to challenge her Muslim-majority school because it denied her the option of wearing the jilbab (full-length Islamic dress) in place of the regulation Pakistani-style school uniform. She argued for her rights in the name of modesty and entitlement to education but refused to go to a neighbouring school where the jilbab was permitted. Shabina lost her case in the High Court but won in the Court of Appeal under the UK Human Rights Act. After the school appealed, the House of Lords ruled against her.

The hijab and Muslim clothing in general are minefields. Islamists can justify Islamic brands that exploit and commercialise piety, as such fashion advances identification with the ummah, the global community of Muslims. There’s only a dubious comparison to be made between Islamic modest dress and that of the Mormons or fundamentalist Christians, as the latter kind is not associated with political aspirations.

Muslim fashion diplomacy is not a fitting place for governments. Such sponsorship is tantamount to an imprimatur for Islamic dress codes.

Ida Lichter is the author of Muslim Women Reformers: Inspiring Voices Against Oppression.

The Australian



Linda Sarsour: Trump’s Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Helps Unite America Against Him
By Linda Sarsour


Linda Sarsour is a Palestinian Muslim-American activist, who serves as the Executive Director of MPower Change and is also a co-chair of the Women’s March

It was almost a week after the 2017 Women’s March — possibly the largest single-day protest in U.S. history — that President Trump signed an executive order temporarily banning immigrants and refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries. At the time, I was sitting with friends in Los Angeles and found myself in tears. I couldn’t believe it.

The new administration was wasting no time in keeping their campaign promises to target the communities I love and belong to. Soon after the executive order was signed, a tweet went out asking people to show up at airports across the country in order to stand up against the order.

I went to Los Angeles International Airport and saw an image that continues to fill my heart with hope — hundreds of people demanding entry for Muslim immigrants and refugees from countries placed on the travel ban. As a Muslim American who has been working to defend the rights of Muslims in the post 9/11 era, this act of solidarity was especially important and meaningful.

Two days after the executive order, I became the lead plaintiff in Sarsour vs. Donald J. Trump, a lawsuit filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations against the Muslim ban based on Trump’s clear anti-Islam bias during his campaign. We were not going to sit back. We were going to organize and fight back regardless of the consequences.

Over the past year, this administration has put forth multiple versions of the Muslim ban, worked to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, targeted undocumented immigrants in mass deportation sweeps and employed manipulative, hateful rhetoric against our communities. Their shameless use of the courts to defend what they know is immoral and unconstitutional further shows their disregard for our nation’s laws. It has been both a privilege and an inspiration to stand with people resisting each effort, because behind the policy arguments are real people whose lives are being upended.

Each Muslim ban has separated families, many of whom live in my community in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. I know Yemeni-American fathers who are longing to see their children but are in visa limbo in countries like Ethiopia, Egypt and Djibouti. Syrian refugees — who have already suffered in the journey to leave their homes — have been further separated from half of their families because of the ban.




‘Padmaavat’: an attempt to demonise Muslims?
By Zahid Jamil






The controversial Bollywood movie ‘Padmaavat’ was finally released on Thursday 25 January showing all across the globe after several months of protests and court actions in India.

Cinemas in Australia also began showing the movie the same day with several sessions each day. It has already grossed record earning in India and several cities in the West including Australia during the last weekend grossing $A 1,728,642 in Australia alone.

Reviewers said the film, Padmaavat, depicting a warrior Hindu Rajput queen Padmaavati fighting advances of a Muslim sultan, was “visually spectacular” and a “fabulous tale”.

Padmaavat attempts to be a historical depiction based on a fictional poem by 15th-century poet Malik Muhammad Jayasi, as claimed by the filmmaker and director Sanjay Leela Bhansali.

It shows attempts, through military invasions, by Indian Sultan (King) of the time Alauddin Khilji in pursuit of the queen Padmaavati of Chittor as he got obsessed by stories of her extreme beauty.

Padmaavat stars Deepika in the lead role of Rani Padmini. Shahid Kapoor as Maharawal Ratan Singh and Ranveer Singh portrays Alauddin Khilji, the 13th century ruler of the Khilji Dynasty.

The 13th-century Muslim king Alauddin Khilji is depicted as a barbarian character, extremely vulgar who has kohl-rimmed eyes, scarred face, rips meat off the bone with his teeth and treats his own queen and maids in a brutal manner. He is a drunkard, murderer and cruel person which houses deceit and debauchery.

Leading Indian historians claim that Sultan Alauddin Khilji was anything but savage and the film makes a mockery of his character through false depictions.

He was the second and most powerful ruler of the Khilji dynasty that ruled the Indian Subcontinent from Delhi from 1296 to 1316. He wished to become the second Alexander (Sikander Sani), and this title of his was mentioned on coins and during public prayers.

Khilji was an astute administrator whose tax and revenue collection system was followed by the Mughals and the British till the 19th century.

He personally looked at prices of essential goods on a daily basis and built food grain warehouses to fight inflation. But his most important contribution to India was as a military general.

Historians say Khilji saved India from marauding Mongolian armies by defeating them six times during his 20-year rule.

It was under his rule the Delhi Sultanate was heavily influenced by Persia, one of the oldest and most sophisticated civilisations of all times.

The great Sufi poet Amir Khusro of his time did not project his king as a barbarian ruler either. However, in the film, even Amir Khusro, the much celebrated Sufi poet for centuries and founder of devotional music of Qawwali, is depicted as a petty poet with little intelligence.

On the other hand, the Hindu king of Chittor is shown as noble glorious Rajput ruler and a warrior king who fought to his dying breath to defend his kingdom and his wife’s honour.

His wife Padmavati is depicted as a legendary Mewar queen who was known as much for her beauty and intelligence as she was for her courage. She is shown committing self-immolation to save her honour rather than being captured by a brutal king.

Most historians say Jayasi’s Padmaavati was a fictional character, about whom he had written 200 years after Khilji’s death in 1540.

It can be questioned if this movie is another attempt to distort Muslim history in India as part of a wider movement by Hindu fundamentalists.

Muslim kings and sultans who, for more than a thousand years, ruled over a vast region — today’s India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and parts of Afghanistan left a lasting impression on the subcontinent’s landscape, culture and institutions.

Cinema is a powerful medium and those behind the camera must act responsibly. Padmaavat is demonisation of an entire community that is increasingly coming under attack from various quarters.

Source: AMUST


Zahid Jamil is an engineering post graduate from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and runs a financial planning practice based in Sydney. He heads South Asian Muslim Association of Australia, SAMAA: ), a benevolent institution offering wide range of services to the community elders. He also moderates an Islamic website “Islamic Forum for Education and Research”




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TEDx: A Japanese who found her Treasure "ISLAM"

Muslim Japan









Islamic Design









Can I be Muslim AND Australian?

OnePath Network











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Friday khutbah (sermon)

 DATE: 2 February 2018

TOPIC"Abstain from wrong" PART 6

IMAM: Uzair Akbar











Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 February 2018

TOPIC: "Dajjal"

IMAM: Akram Buksh









Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 February 2018

TOPIC: "Congressional Prayer: Meaning, Rule, Importance & Benefits"

IMAM: Mossad Issa











Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 February 2018

TOPIC: "The criteria of loving the Prophet (pbuh)"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar


SUMMARY BY MOHIDEEN:  Started with how Allah addressed “O people of emaan, believe in Allah and his messenger” and explained this message by saying emaan is a combination of two things and those are only entry level.


Thereafter he explained the high end of emaan. Explained surah 3 ayah 31 and 32 where if one claim to love Allah then one should follow the Prophet (pbuh) and his Sunnah. He said how the Sahaba’s gave obedience to Allah and his messenger one hundred percent. He said that the basis of friendship of a person is to please Allah and not because that person is rich or famous.


He said how the Prophet’s (pbuh) speech is concise but the meaning is full and complete. Gave an example of how the Sahaba’s collect the wudu water of the Prophet (pbuh) and apply on their body for baraka and love and what the Prophet’s (pbuh) response was to this act. Mufti questioned how many of us invite our neighbours for a meal?


He explained the rights of three types of neighbours being a Muslim relative, a Muslim and a non-Muslim. He concluded by saying the Prophet’s (pbuh) advice of loving him.




Listen to the Kuthbah








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 February 2018

TOPIC: “Muslims must be highly mindful of their Salat" 

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali



SUMMARY BY MOHIDEEN:  Commenced by informing the importance of Salah and how salah is a blessing given to the Ummah, he reminded that we must be thankful for all the blessings Allah has given. Gave examples of the blessings like the eyes, ears, speech and legs. Spoke about giving sadaqa for the 360 joints in the body.


He said that the first thing Allah will take account is the Salah and if the salah is accepted then the rest of the deeds will be accepted too and vice versa. He explained how Allah called up the Prophet (pbuh) (pbuh) to the heavens and gifted the salah to the Ummah. He complained how today many Muslims do not pray.


He said if a person has any problem then one should resort to salah and ask Allah for help. He spoke about the mark on the forehead of a person who is constant in salah, he said how Allah has mentioned this mark in the previous books too.


He concluded by explaining the five rewards a person will get for being constant with his salah, four in this world and one in the hereafter.






Past Kuthba recordings








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 February 2018

TOPIC: "The means to Victory & AL-Quds"
IMAM: Ahmed Naffa










Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 February 2018

IMAM: Prof Mohamad Abdalla


Play the recording  





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16 year old Syrian boy wins International Peace Prize 2017


Dedi Mulyadi says his opponents can't find any weaknesses in him, other than religion.


INDONESIA: As Indonesia prepares for provincial elections, a moderate Muslim mayor is refusing to bow to hard-line Islamist clerics who insist he has taken his town down a sinful path.

Dedi Mulyadi has built dozens of traditional Sundanese statues throughout Purwakarta, about 90 kilometres from Jakarta, in what his critics say is in "opposition to Islam".

It is a district that is 99 per cent Muslim, according to a 2013 poll, and many constituents see the statues as a form of iconography.

But Mr Dedi, or Kang Dedi as he is known in the local dialect, is confident he can prevail in the upcoming gubernatorial elections.

"The biggest challenge I face in being elected [as Deputy Governor] is people who exploit religious issues," he said.

"[My opponents] can't find any weakness to attack me, other than religion."

In the hunt for votes and good press, Mr Dedi drives a golf buggy around town, waving to constituents and pressing the flesh.

He meets a bamboo-seller, who complains about his sick wife and the lack of basic government health cover.

Mr Dedi responds with cash, handing the man five times what the entire stash of bamboo is worth and then leaves it behind to be sold to another buyer.

"[Generosity] comes naturally to me," he laughs.  

ABC News


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Celebrating achievements of young Muslim poets and writers 


Umar Ibrahim from Cambridge winner of the Young Muslim Writers Awards 2017


UK: Ten young Muslim writers won the Young Muslim Writers Awards 2017 on December 9 in central London. In addition, a Special Recognition Award was presented to a young boy for his bravery in saving lives and for championing the right to education.

350 people joined in the celebration of recognising young talents in the Muslim community at the fifth awards event, a project of the Muslim Hands organised in association with Yusuf Islam Foundation.

Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, 15, received the Muslim Hands Special Recognition Award for his bravery in saving lives and for championing the right to education. 144 people, mostly children, were shot dead when gunmen open fired at Peshawar’s Army Public School in December 2014. A student at the school, Khan, was shot four times after helping four children to safety and whilst trying to save a friend. Paralysed from the waist down, his family appealed for help on national TV, securing the support of many celebrities and property developer Malik Riaz Hussain. The family were able to raise funds for Khan’s treatment in London. Since his treatment, he is able to walk again and has settled in London where he has now started his GCSE’s.

“Thank you to Muslim Hands for this award. We, the children, are the future. The future lies in our hands, but only through knowledge. Education is the only solution; education must come first,” Khan said.

Umar Ibrahim, 6, won the Writer of the Year 2017 award as well as winning Key Stage 1 Short Story and Short Poetry.

“I was shocked and exhilarated to win the Young Muslim writer’s Award. It was totally unexpected. I can’t wait to enter next year!,” Ibrahim told The Muslim News.

Ibrahim tries to capture the beauty of nature in his writing. “From the cacophony and pandemonium in the medinas of Marrakech to the silent wilderness of the African bush where Cape turtle doves coo in their nests and tufts of old man’s beard drift through the evening air – all these experiences are ineffable but I try to capture some of this magic in my writing.”


Muhammad Ibrahim Khan received the Muslim Hands Special Recognition Award for his bravery in saving lives and for championing the right to education

He loves sitting up in the trees “with my binoculars and watching the birds and animals. This inspires me to write stories about them.”

“After camping out in the Sahara desert I wrote about sleeping under the stars by a crackling fire and witnessing shooting stars and the Milky Way stretching across the heavens. The best way to write and create good descriptions is by experiencing it first,” he added.

For him, the most enjoyable way to share his stories is with his family “There is nothing more exciting than lighting your own fire and sitting around with your family sharing stories under a blanket,” he said.

Deputy CEO of Muslim Hands, Shahid Bashir, said, “You cannot have a pluralistic, multicultural society that is at peace without understanding one another. We have to communicate sincerely, and with creative writing, there is no substitute for this. To all the writers here today and the writers of tomorrow, you are bastions of that peace. You are the defenders and the propagators of that.”

Winners of the Young Muslim Writers Awards 2017

Key Stage 1 Poetry: ‘Oggletrog’ by Umar Ibrahim (from Cambridge)
Key Stage 1 Short Story: ‘The Tree Kings’ by Umar Ibrahim (from Cambridge)
Key Stage 2 Poetry: ‘All Those Creatures Around Our Home’ by Maryam Hafsa Khan (from Silsden, West Yorkshire)
Key Stage 2 Short Story: ‘The Adventures of the Super Strawberry’ by Haadi Siddiqui (from Middlesex)
Key Stage 3 Poetry: ‘Play That Song’ by Amaani Khan (from Oxfordshire)
Key Stage 3 Short Story: ‘Verily, With Hardship’ by Ruqayyah Ahmed (from Forest Hill, London)
Key Stage 4 Poetry: ‘Am I’ by Hanniya Kamran (from Leicester)
Key Stage 4 Short Story: ‘The Game’ by Nada El-Hammoud (from Paddington, London)
Key Stage 3 Journalism: ‘Child Terrorism’ by Zaina Khan (from Bradford)
Writer of the Year Award: ‘The Tree Kings’ by Umar Ibrahim (from Cambridge)

The Muslim News


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Reshuffle highlights shortage of Muslim Tory MPs 



UK:  Following her latest reshuffle of ministers, Prime Minister, Theresa May, claimed her new Government team had become more diverse and would ensure it “looks more like the country it serves”.

The exercise at the beginning of the New Year was said to be about “building a country fit for the future – one that truly works for everyone with a stronger economy and a fairer society.” It would also allow “a new generation of gifted Ministers to step up and make life better for people across the whole UK.”

Such fine aspirations are to be commended despite no changes were made to the most senior positions. A number of middle-ranking white, male ministers were, however, replaced by younger MPs. The number of women in the Cabinet increased to 10 but four were only part-time. In total, the number of women in Government rose from 30 to 37, representing only 30 percent of the total.

The number of ethnic minorities increased from four to nine, far short of the 18 that would more closely reflect the country’s demographic composition.

The number includes just three Muslims: a fifth of the number that would reflect the 5% of the population who are Muslim.

Of the three Muslim Tories, Sajid Javid maintained his cabinet post as Secretary of State, now re-titled to be Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, presented as if it were an actual promotion. He was previously demoted from Business Secretary by May when she became Prime Minister just 18 months ago.

Rehman Christi was given the post of Conservative vice-chair, alongside a number of others, sharing the communities brief with Helen Grant.

Nusrat Ghani was given a junior position as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport.

The Muslim News


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Symposium on NZ Muslims’ strategic plan 


Dame Susan Devoy, Race Relations Commissioner, New Zealand addressing the Symposium audience.


NEW ZEALAND: In a ‘first of its kind’ effort, the leaders of New Zealand Muslims gathered in the thriving metropolis of Hamilton on 20 January 2018 to develop a strategic plan for the next 20 years for the Muslim community.

The idea was the brainchild of the Waikato Muslim Association (WMA) whose Executive Committee embarked on developing a Strategic Plan 2018 – 2038 in mid-2017.

A small group led by a young professional, Tariq Ashraf, came up with a draft plan for the region which became a catalyst for a National Symposium.

So with the help and support of its national body, Federation of Islamic Associations of NZ (FIANZ), a one day Muslim community leaders Symposium was organised by WMA in Hamilton which brought together various Muslim community leaders from across the country.

In their opening addresses the President of FIANZ, Mr Hazim Arafeh, and the President of WMA, Dr Asad Mohsin, outlined the purpose of the Symposium.

It was “to examine the current position of the Muslim community in NZ, with a view to developing actions that will enable the community to participate in and help improve itself and all other NZ residents”.

In addition to Muslim leaders, the organisers invited relevant key partners from Government and the wider community to take part in this future-focussed Symposium. These included a Cabinet Minister, three local MPs and invitees from Office of Ethnic Communities, Ministry of Social Development, Police and Interfaith Council.

In her address the Minister for Ethnic Communities, Hon Jenny Salesa, the first Tongan born New Zealander to hold a cabinet post, said that “As a migrant and a Pacific woman, I would advise you to dream big as NZ is a land of opportunities.

She cited the example of Dr Ashraf Choudhary as the first Muslim MP and Sonny Bill Williams, the All Black who has just been to Makkah to perform Umrah.

“The success of any community in NZ is measured by whether they are represented in the All Blacks team – and you are there!”

She noted “there are well over 1000 Muslims within the local Maori community as Tangata Whenua and Muslims have lots in common including compassion, care and unity”.

“New Zealand has a reputation as a diverse but socially harmonious society, although we still have some way to go in achieving social cohesiveness,” she admitted.

The Director of the Office of Ethnic Communities, Ms Wen Powles, reiterated that NZ Muslim community is incredibly diverse and brings a feeling to her quite different to what she got in a Muslim majority country, like her native Malaysia. To make NZ a really inclusive and diverse society, she invited members of Muslim community to make serious effort to join state sector Boards and public sector positions.

Dame Susan Devoy, Race Relations Commissioner, talked about the effort being made towards elimination of racial discrimination in crown entities which currently have no ethnic CEO. She also called for more hate crime data to be collected and hate speech legislation to be strengthened.

A representative from the Ministry of Social Development, Ms Ann Dysart, said that communities, families and whanau are best to identify issues and find solutions to make the difference.

She praised the effort Muslim community is grooming the young members of the community and advised the elder members to keep listening to them – an advice she also gives constantly to the Maori community.

Peri Paea, a Senior Constable representing the Police Commissioner, advised Muslim leaders to ‘grow’ healthy roots on which healthy plants can grow in form of the new generation. New Zealand Police need more ethnic community members in the force, he said.

The Symposium included three keynote speakers, each followed by three Panel Discussions led by a Panel Moderator.

The first Keynote address was by Mr Muhammad Cajee, a South African born professional who gave an excellent presentation about the critical success factors in Leadership and Strategic Planning in Muslim Organisations.

The second Keynote address was an excellent succinct presentation of the draft Strategic Plan for an Inclusive Society by Mr Tariq Ashraf, a locally born and educated young Muslim who is a Senior Strategic Advisor in the local Government.

The third Keynote address was by a highly qualified researcher and writer, Dr Thamina Anwar about Waqaf and Social Enterprise as a Tool for Socio-economic development.

The Panel Discussions teased out many points and suggestions for a future plan which would value ethnic minority, emphasize social harmony and inclusiveness as well as appreciate diversity.

These also provided a future focus to identify national level opportunities and challenges facing the Muslim New Zealanders and how these may be addressed. Participation throughout the day was excellent and delegates were quite excited about the outcomes.

A brilliant summary of the whole day was prepared and ably presented by the WMA President, Dr Asad Mohsin who also made a pledge to take the suggestions and the Strategic Plan further.





Dr Anisur Rahman has been working as a research scientist at AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre, Hamilton, New Zealand since 1972 and has pioneered the establishment of Islamic institutions and organisations in NZ since then.







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CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

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KB says: Muhammara is a hot pepper dip originally from Aleppo, Syria, found in Levantine and Turkish cuisines and this has to be one of my favourite dips. The flavour of the roasted peppers and the sweetness of the pomegranate molasses are amazing.




(a red pepper, walnut and pomegranate dip)


9 large red capsicums
3 red bullet chilli, seeded & chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed with 2 teaspoons of salt
375g walnuts, shelled & roughly chopped
2/3 cup lightly toasted fresh breadcrumbs
3 dessertspoon pomegranate molasses
2 lemons juiced
3 dessertspoons hot water
1 ½ teaspoons caster sugar
¾ cup extra virgin olive oil

Roast the peppers on stove flame slowly for about 10-15 minutes. Then peel & deseed. Be sure to not wash the peppers.

Roughly chop the peppers and place in a food processor with all other ingredients (not the oil) and mix well.

With motor running, slowly add the oil until thick & creamy.

This recipe makes a large quantity and the extras can be refrigerated.

Muhammara is eaten as a dip with bread, as a spread for toast, and as a sauce for kebabs, grilled meats, and fish.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing














Muslimah Mind Matters videos

available on YouTube.

Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic:

Take a few seconds to observe your hands. Look at them closely. You will notice a slight movement. That movement is called vibration. Vibration occurs because the atoms we are made of are constantly moving. It doesn’t matter whether the creation is in the form of a solid, liquid or gas, everything moves. Everything vibrates. This vibration enables things to transform from one state of matter to another. For example, water into ice or moth balls into fumes that keep the bugs away from your cupboards. Even the dead body disintegrates into dust because of this constant vibration. The force that fuels vibration is known as ENERGY.

You are using your energy now as you read this column. Your energy fuels your brain to perform all physical, mental and emotional activities. Energy for physical activity comes from what you eat and drink. Energy for mental and emotional activities come from what you think.

The law of energy states that energy does not stop. You can’t switch off energy. Energy continues. Everything you eat and drink, every thought you think, every word you speak and every action you perform is fuelled by energy which passes through you to impact the rest of creation.

Your energy comes to you and through you to affect all of ALLAH’s creation. Subhaan ALLAH. Do you realise what this means? It means you have the beautiful mercy from ALLAH where you can use this powerful energy to impact the entire creation. You are doing it right now. If your thoughts are negative, your feelings become negative and therefore your behaviours are negative which then impact upon your family, your community and sets off a ripple effect that impacts every being on this planet.

Do you ever feel that the month of Ramadan ‘feels’ so beautiful and calm? Well, that’s because nearly 1.6 billion Muslims all over the world are vibrating in the same frequency and passing the same type of energy to each other and the rest of the world - the energy of peace, submission, compassion, kindness, charity, gratitude, love and joy.

Understand your energy and how it impacts everyone and everything around you. You are responsible for the state of this world. If the world isn’t up to your expectation, change your energy so that you can change the world for the better.

Observe Your Energy Input and Output

People Make a list of all the people you interact with everyday. Beside each person’s name, write down how you feel after interacting with them. Name each feeling, such as, joyful, sad, angry. These feelings will give you a better idea of the energy you are consuming when you interact with these people in person or online or through any other medium. Once you are able to identify your feelings, you will be able to reject negative energies and absorb only positive energies from people. You do not have to break ties with anyone. Simply, be mindful on what to accept and what to reject, keeping in mind that whatever energies you accept from anyone else will absorb into your own life and pass through you to the rest of the world.
Food and Beverage Make a list of all the foods and beverages you consume on a daily basis. Beside each, write down how it makes you feel. Acknowledge these feelings and decide which ones you wish to continue consuming and which ones you need to let go of.
Thoughts Write down thoughts that you obsess over repetitively. They be thoughts about your finances, your relationship, your appearance, any many more. Beside each, write down how it makes you feel when you think that thought. Acknowledge these feelings and decide which thoughts you can change into a gratitude statement. For example, if your thoughts are about lack of money in your life, change the thought into a gratitude statement such as, “Ya ALLAH, I am grateful for the abundance you have blessed me with. Everything I need, you provide immediately. Thank you, ALLAH”

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Reflections - my new ebook of poetry and affirmations
DOWNLOAD The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Muslimahs
WATCH VIDEOS from Muslimah Mind Matters YouTube Channel.

In Shaa ALLAH, next week we will explore the topic: ENRICH YOUR LIFE

Download the above article.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786.



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The following will aid in the prevention of many diseases, including alzheimer’s:

* Exercise for at least 20-30 minutes, 5 days a week
* Remain mentally active – Include challenges such as crosswords, Sudoku etc.
* Eat a healthy diet
* Manage your weight





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


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My boss thinks I am a fool. Yesterday he sent me to buy 2kg of sugar but I found only 1kg at the shops so I didn't buy any.


I went back to the office and told him that they had only 1kg. Very angry at me, he asked me why I didn't use my brains and buy two 1kg packs to make a total of 2kg.

Today he sent me to buy a pair of Size 6 slippers but I found only Size 3s. This time I used my brains and bought 2 pairs of Size 3s to make Size 6. I took them to him and he told me to wait outside. I can see him typing. I guess it's a promotion letter.

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An Ayaat-a-Week






It is He Who creates from the very beginning, and He can restore (life). And He is the Oft-Forgiving, full of loving-kindness, Lord of the Throne of Glory, Doer (without let) of all that He intends.

~ Surah Al-Buruj 85:13-16


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"The happiest people I know

are always evaluating and improving themselves.

The unhappy people are usually evaluating and judging others."


~ Anon



I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

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 2nd Annual Australian Islamic Education Forum

Inviting educators in Islamic education and schooling contexts to register for the 2nd Annual Australian Islamic Education Forum, held in Sydney and hosted by Arkana College, Saturday 24th February.

Don’t miss the premier professional development event for Islamic education in the country. Join the ongoing conversation and take away practical tips and understandings on evidenced based practice at the cutting edge of the field.
2018 Forum theme ‘Islamic Schooling Renewal – A Focus on Curriculum’ offers delegates a highly relevant focus that is timely. Sessions are practical and interactive delivered by experienced educational practitioners. Split sessions allow delegates to tailor their own program based on their interests and needs.

For more information or to register:

Presentations will address the following themes:
• Negotiating contested spaces – curriculum and Islamic schooling
• Strategies for engaging with Australian Curriculum
• Islamic schooling & the Early Years Learning Framework (Belonging, Being and Becoming)
• Leadership and curriculum
• Case studies and stories of hope - curriculum integration, curriculum renewal, curriculum projects
• Case studies and stories of hope - curriculum enactment in &/or across KLAs in Islamic schooling (English, HaSS, STEM, HPE/PDHPE, Arts, Music, Islamic & Arabic studies)
• Enacting curriculum for teaching faith perspectives across the curriculum
• Quality curriculum, assessment and pedagogy in Islamic schooling contexts

The Annual Forum aims to provide a platform for educators in Islamic schooling (Islamic schools, Madrassah or home educators/home schoolers) to network, build collaborative partnerships, share stories of hope and showcase projects and best practices in Islamic education.

This event is proudly presented by the University of South Australia’s Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE) and supported by Islamic Schools Association (ISAA) of Australia.







BRISBANE - 17 March 2018 at Chandler Theatre, Sleeman Complex


About InfoReset Seminars:
Conscious Events returns to Australia & New Zealand in February and March 2018 with their latest seminar brand called InfoReset. The Full Day Seminar Tour (11am to 6pm) features an amazing lineup of authors who will be speaking in this part of the world for the first time.


Ex Economic Hit Man, John Perkins (USA) who has spoken at international economic summits will present hard evidence on the role of Economic Hit Men in the destruction of entire countries and how the current Death Economic system can be transformed into a Life Economy!


Conchita Sarnoff, Investigative Journalist and research professor at American University, will address the global epidemic of human trafficking and child abuse that haunts the corridors of power from Harvard to the White House.


Son of Oscar winning Hollywood director Olive Stone and co-host of RT’s Watching the Hawks, Sean Ali Stone is the expert commentator on global geopolitics and the imperialistic agenda behind world events. Sean has dedicated his life to becoming a symbol of peace between the major religions by accepting Islam as his chosen faith, and to put an end to the miscommunications and misrepresentations of Islam to the western world.


True to the name, InfoReset Seminars promises to be a powerful Information Reset for all who attend!

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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services



















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Businesses and Services




See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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Update as at February 2018


The external structure has been completed and the scaffoldings were removed this week. Now, the work will commence inside the complex.

We still need donations to fund this construction.


Please donate generously.




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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





10 February



Muslima Night Bazaar



45 Acacia Rd, KARAWATHA


4PM to 9PM

13 February



Networking Meeting with Usman Khawaja


Crescent Institute Brisbane



6PM to 9PM

17 February



Understanding Crypto-currencies


Muslim Business Council

Events Hall, IWAQ, 11 Watland St, Springwood

0414 629 007

3PM to 5PM

15 April 2018





(Ascension night)

27th Rajab 1439


1 May 2018





(Lailatul Bahrat)

15th Sha'baan 1439


17 May 2018





(start of the month of fasting)

1st Ramadaan 1439


11 June 2018





(Night of Power)

27th Ramadaan 1439


15 June 2018





(end of the month of fasting)

 1st Shawal 1439


21 August 2018





(Night of Power)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1439


22 August 2018





10th Zil-Hijjah 1439


17 November 2018



Annual Milad-un-Nabi


Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane



3PM to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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Masjid As Sunnah











Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040






Bald Hills, Brisbane


Daily program
(after Esha salah by Mufti Junaid)
Monday to Thursday = Quran Tafseer
Friday = Prophet’s (pbuh) Seerah
(All programs run for approximately 15 minutes)

Weekly Madrasa
Monday to Wednesday
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Conducted by our Imam Mufti Junaid

Every Sunday
Jaula & remembrance of Allah
between Maghrib and Isha.

All are welcome




Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

Download the programme here.


For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600





















Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: TBA

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

Eidfest Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


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