EST. 2004


Sunday 4 March 2018 | Issue 0695



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Hazem Hamouda, with his granddaughter, Aveline.

Egyptian authorities have detained an Australian man on charges of spreading false news and supporting a terrorist organisation, according to his lawyer.

Hazem Hamouda, 54, was detained shortly after landing at Cairo International Airport on January 25, the anniversary of Egypt’s 2011 revolt.

Mr Hamouda’s children maintain that their father has no history of political activism in Egypt, but rather that his activity on Facebook in Australia, which in the past included material sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood, may be the cause of his arrest.

His arrest was one of the latest amidst a tumultuous pre-election crackdown by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, as Egypt heads to the polls on March 26.

Mr Hamouda, who lives in Brisbane, was born in Cairo and was serving in the Egyptian Navy when he met his Australian wife in Victoria in 1987. But he has lived in Australia since. He became a citizen in 1993.

He had travelled to Egypt to join his children on a short holiday. He texted them after landing but failed to meet them outside the airport as planned.


After waiting several hours, they were informed by airport workers that Mr Hamouda had been taken by National security.

The three older children, Saja, 22, Harun, 19 and Lamisse, 28, all born and raised in Australia and with little knowledge of Cairo’s sprawling metropolis, home to over 25 million people, began to search police stations across the city, but to no avail. Nobody would tell them where their father was.

“For the first few days we were in a complete state of disbelief and panic, but also trying to stay calm and respect the advice to follow the rules of the country to help Dad. But it been very frustrating as we have come across constant obstacles to getting answers”, said his eldest daughter Lamisse.


Mr Hamouda with his Australian born daughter, Lamisse, 28, who was featured in the 3-part SBS production, A Mosque Near You

After more than a week of searching, the family found that Mr Hamouda was being held in the notorious maximum security Tora prison south of Cairo. He had managed to smuggle out a letter. Trying to remain calm, he reassured his wife that he was unharmed, and urged the family to contact Australian authorities.

Two other letters have been subsequently smuggled out of the prison and are less upbeat. In them Mr Hamouda details the poor conditions and treatment he’s receiving. Mr Hamouda has a heart condition and needs daily medication but it remains unclear whether he has had access to medical treatment which is often denied to prisoners at Tora.

The Australian Embassy is Cairo have said they are working on Hamouda’s case, but no consular visit has been made since his arrest.

His family say that embassy staff could be doing more to better support them as they have felt that the staff could have been more forthcoming with details of Mr Hamouda’s case, but instead were told that due to privacy regulations even the closest family members could not be briefed on the relevant information without Mr Hamouda’s permission.

“To be constantly barred from knowing what’s happening and being left in the dark is very distressing. This is my father, I’m his closest relative in Cairo, if I am not authorised to know what’s going on then who is?

"We didn’t expect this kind of bureaucracy from the Australian authorities,” Lamisse said.

Requests to visit their father in prison have also been denied by Egyptian authorities.

After lodging a complaint with the public prosecutor, the family were told there would be a hearing at the State Security prosecution on the outskirts of Eastern Cairo on February 10, where they hoped they would catch sight of their father. But the hearing took place behind closed doors days earlier and Mr Hamouda’s pretrial detention was renewed for another 15 days.
Another hearing held on Thursday also saw Mr Hamouda’s pretrial detention extended for a further 15 days.

According to his lawyer Sameh Samir, Mr Hamouda’s case was initially added to that of former presidential candidate and government critic Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, who was arrested last week following an interview with Qatari news channel Al Jazeera in which he criticised President Sisi.

Mr Samir says Mr Hamouda is now part of a larger case that includes Mohamed al-Qassas, the deputy of Dr Aboul Fotouh's political party along with several well-known activists, bloggers and journalists. None of whom Mr Hamouda has ever met according to his children.

In a similar incident, a 20-year-old woman from Alexandria was sentenced to three years in prison in January after hosting Facebook pages with content related to the outlawed group.

Mr Hamouda’s arrest came on the anniversary of the mass protests that culminated in the ouster of long-time autocrat Hosni Mubarak. It also comes amid a tense political climate in Egypt which has seen the intimidation and arrest of several potential election candidates, the blocking of hundreds of websites and the ban of popular TV shows in recent months.

Prominent opposition figures who have labelled the election process a charade and called for a boycott are also being investigated on charges of trying to destabilise the country.

Australian journalist Peter Greste spent over a year also in Tora prison after being arrested with two Al Jazeera colleagues and convicted on similar charges of spreading false news. Mr Greste was later sent back to Australia.

Following the trial of Mr Greste and his colleagues which garnered widespread international condemnation a presidential decree was enacted that allows for foreign nationals to be deported back to their home countries to either be tried or serve their sentences.

Mr Hamouda’s family are hopeful the same law could be applied to their father, but fear he may be kept in pretrial detention for years as he is now part of a politicised case with 63 other defendants, and cases of similar size and nature often take years to be heard.

Mr Hamouda’s oldest daughter, Lamisse who is currently studying for her masters at The American University in Cairo, said she found the uncertainty of her father’s predicament the hardest to bear.

“We are so worried for his health and wellbeing and the wellbeing of our family as this goes on, and the stress of not having him with us," she said.

"Our hearts go out to all families in similar situations, and we just hope for this nightmare to end.”





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“I don’t want to cause division.”


Has Jacqui Lambie backflipped on her view of Sharia law and Islam?



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Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi receives the Desmund Tutu Award from Global Reconciliation at Monash University.

The University of Queensland Union Council voted to change the name of the Aung Sang Suu Kyi Conference Centre building after a meeting on Tuesday 27 February.

Mansur Alam spoke passionately about his experiences as a Rohingya refugee and the anguish of walking past this building everyday as a student.

The motion to change the name of the building was drafted by Duncan Hart and presented a year after Adeel Qureshi and Hamza Surbuland started this process after meeting with the Vice Chancellor’s representatives.


"While changing the name of this building is but a step of symbolic significance, it is what we can do with the power we have," Hamza Surbuland said.


A signed petition of the students and staff was initiated November last year.


Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been stripped of a number of human rights award after the backlash over the beleaguered former icon of freedom’s response to the Rohingya crisis.


Mansur Alam and Hamza Surbuland




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On Sunday 24th of February, the Islamic Practice & Dawah Circle, backed by the Islamic Council of Queensland, held its annual group Blood Donation Day, at the Australian Red Cross Blood Service Springwood Donor Centre. With 7 brothers donating blood, this is enough to save 21 lives, as per the Red Cross. Another 6 brothers have been booked to give blood in the coming weeks. IPDC hopes this event will encourage more Muslims to donate blood and hope to make more appointment slots available in next year's blood donation day. 






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By Mobinah Ahmad    

Over 200 attendees were at “The Agency of Muslim Women in the Australian Context” Symposium

“Muslim women don’t all share the same story; our lives are complex and diverse, and our voices reflect this.”

These were the words of senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, Dr Ghena Krayem, to a diverse group of over 200 Muslim academics, community leaders and activists gathered at the ‘The Agency of Muslim Women in the Australian Context’ symposium held on Wednesday 21 to Thursday 22 February 2018 at Dockside, Darling Harbour, Sydney.

For the first time in Australia, the symposium brought together Muslim women from a number of different professional backgrounds and expertise. The impressive line-up of over 35 speakers conveyed their own insights, experiences and research over the two days.

The symposium was supported by The University of Sydney Law School and the University of Melbourne Law School and included two keynote speakers, Professor Julie MacFarlane, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, Canada and Dr Susan Carland, Monash University, Melbourne. Dr Carland showcased her research investigating the way Muslim women fight sexism within the Muslim community while Professor Macfarlane called on allowing Muslim Women’s voices to be heard in their own words.

From left: Dr Ghena Krayem, Dr Susan Carland and Dr Nada Ibrahim provide their own insights, experiences and research at the two day symposium with many other accomplished speakers.

They discussed Muslim women and agency in topics such as leadership, spirituality and scholarship, dealing with challenges and Islamophobia, representation, new spaces, family law and identity.

This event is a “demonstration of the capacity and capability of Muslim women as experts and leaders on a broad range of issues including legal, psychological, academic and spiritual matters. Muslim women are at the forefront of many of these fields,” said Dr Krayem.

The atmosphere of the symposium, with every speaker challenging the widespread misconceptions about Muslim women, was powerful.

In the first panel examing Muslim women and leadership, CEO of the Muslim Women Association, Maha Abdo OAM Faith over Fear: Muslim women empowerment through faith.

“Faith is our driver. It is through hope in our faith, that we overcome the fear that is prevalent within us and around us. We cannot let our emotions and fear take over, because we have our faith. And that is why we are here. We need to keep representing and engaging. And the key to change for us as Muslim women is to keep representing with sincerity.”


Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah and Dr Mehal Krayem


Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah from Macquarie Universit and Dr Mehal Krayem from UTS delivered their talk titled Off-Script and Indefensible: the Failure of the Moderate Muslim.

“The celebritization of the moderate Muslim becomes a perverse attempt at silencing dissenting voices and controlling the way acceptable forms of Islam are expressed and discussed. The celebrity moderate seldom speaks on their own terms, instead their very presence is a response to White anxiety. Their purpose is to assure the mainstream that the Muslim problem is under control.”

Feda Abdo, Communications Manager for the Muslim Women Association discussed finding a way forward: the revival of female scholarship in Islam.


“When you have confident, empowered women whose abilities and skills are based on sound knowledge then that is when you are setting up society for success. We need to empower women to take ownership of their Islam. And inspire them to believe that they can achieve this without compromising any part of their identity. The empowering of Muslim women to assert their Islamic identity and excel in Islamic knowledge only serves to enhance the society we live in, ” she said.


Journalist Ms Sarah Malik spoke about engaging community and broader society through the media.

A number of speakers spoke on Muslim women as the main targets of Islamophobia and what can be done about it. Dr Nada Ibrahim from the University of South Australia spoke on her research findings on Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) and its reporting mechanisms.

The Australasian Muslim Times




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By Assmaah Helal    

“Find your tribe and love them hard.”

SYDNEY: The very essence of what inspired the creation of The Sydney Cycling Sisters (SCS) in 2015, was sisterhood.

At the time, many Muslim women increasingly had to modify their activities considering the growing number of harassment incidents and attacks. Many were reluctant to go out beyond what was necessary, and this was having an impact on their mental health.

The group was established to provide a safe and supportive community while undertaking leisure activities such as cycling.


Three years on and the group has expanded, comprising of women from diverse backgrounds. Diverse in culture, religion, profession, and lifestyle: some of us are mothers, some of us are students, some of us are doctors and teachers, and some are all the above!

Everyone has a story, everyone has a battle they’re overcoming daily but they all have a purpose for what drives them to ride.

Over the years women have been achieving incredible personal goals, riding to raise funds for local and international charities; overcoming serious injuries and health issues; smashing personal records and discovering new adventures and pathways.



Women join for all sorts of reasons; health benefits, the social factor and the desire to try something new and exciting with other like-minded women; as well as encouragement from their family. When asking the group what inspires them to ride with SCS some of the responses included:

“A sense of belonging, safe and social: Sydney stands for belonging, Cycling is safe, and Sisters are social.”

“Sense of comradery, sense of achievement particularly with the bigger rides like the Heart Foundation Gear Up Girl. A great community and I feed off that energy.”

“Friends bonding over a shared activity and getting suitably caffeinated at the end”.

“The best part are the conversations we have during the rides, or during our coffee stop. I’ve gotten so many tips about life in general from these incredible women.”

The Australasian Muslim Times




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ANIC Condemns the recent attacks by the Syrian Regime and its allies on Ghouta, Syria


Press Release    

The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) expresses its deepest condemnation of the recent and ongoing events which have transpired in Ghouta, Syria.


As well as being subject to a seven-year long civil war, the people of Ghouta have been bombarded with air strikes by the Syrian Regime forces and its Allies.


These actions have resulted in the deaths of more than 400 people, with over two-thousand or so wounded. In addition to such tactics, planes have struck residential areas in which more than 400,000 people live, destroying more than a dozen hospitals, making it difficult if not impossible to treat the wounded.

In the spirit of justice and good will, ANIC calls on the Australian government to take imminent action in seeking an end to such mass killings and to save and protect the lives of innocent civilians in Ghouta and Syria in general.

Finally, ANIC calls on Muslims to utilise all legal efforts to promote an understanding of what is taking place to others and to supplicate for their brothers and sisters who are suffering such calamities wherever they may be.




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More information here.




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Rabea Khan




When Rabea Khan says her biggest dilemma growing up was whether to follow her dream of becoming a writer or her Dad’s recommendation she become a lawyer. “Pakistani culture puts a very big emphasis on following professions like the law, medicine or engineering – for women as well as men. My dad suggested that because I was good at writing and arguing, it might be good for me to try a law degree.”

In the end Ms Khan compromised, doing a double degree in law and communications at the University of Western Sydney. She quickly fell in love with the law. “I was always interested in human rights, and I really liked the idea that law could be used to help others and be a real change in people’s lives.”

Her parents were slightly less enthusiastic when her interests moved to criminal law. She was an advocate at the Redfern Legal Centre in Sydney before going to work at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. She moved to Melbourne last year to work in the criminal law unit of the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and is now a senior lawyer at IBAC.

“My father probably would have preferred me to work in a top tier law firm, and my mum was a bit worried about me being in unsafe situations. But they were always supportive and understood that I need to do work that is meaningful or I lose interest.”

Even as a non-hijab wearing Muslim woman, Ms Khan says she sometimes still gets mistaken for the interpreter or even the client in court. She has also experienced the discomfort of being part of a marginalised and often ostracised community. “I’ve come across a lot of offensive views about the Muslim community, including that Muslims are overrepresented in the criminal justice system because of their religion. I’ve been told that I was one of the few good ones.”

Those who think there’s a contradiction between the Muslim faith and Australian law are misinformed, she says. “Islam is very clear that if you’re a minority living in another country it is a sin to break the laws of that country.”

Her biggest dilemma now is whether, as a successful lawyer who is also a devout Muslim, she can afford to start wearing the hijab. “People see the headscarf as a political statement. But it’s not – it’s a connection to your spirituality in your daily life. But I worry that if I wear it now, what if I’m treated differently and I am judged by the headscarf rather than being taken at face value – even though I’m still exactly the same person?”




Source: Law Institute of Victoria




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Following Cassie Cohen and Jackson Bursill on their marathon a day (see CCN), here is another migrant/refugee personal story:


Story 81: Khalil



“If you’re a migrant in Pakistan you have an uncertain future. Each day you risk your life. If you have no documents you have no job. I started planning when I was 12 years old, but finally, after many years of working hard, in 2011, December, I managed to organise my plan, and I came to Australia. Even though my parents didn’t allow me, I had to do it. It is very difficult to say goodbye to parents. I didn’t say goodbye. Early in the morning, 5 o’clock, I grabbed my bag and left.

But then in the afternoon I called them and say ‘I am on my way to Australia’. It took me 2 months, from Quetta to Christmas Island. Me, I was lucky. I was 15 and a half years old. I came here with nothing, zero, but then the Australian community supported me. So I just say, thank you, for the generosity and kindness. People like me, we never forget that.”

“I tell [my younger siblings] to think about what is the purpose of your life. You need to decide your own life, make an effective plan, think. If you fail, it doesn’t matter, life experience, keep going.”

Muhammed Khalil Kumali is a Hazara Muslim now studying Law, Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the Australian National University in Canberra. He works up to 16 hours a week in two restaurants and is a proud private in the Australian Army Reserve. Khalil has successfully founded his own publicly owned international mining company, which he aims to develop in the coming years. Since arriving in Australia he has also pursued his passion for Taekwondo, ranking 2nd in Australia for his weight division in 2012 and competing in international competitions. For those fortunate to know him, he's an inspirational friend.

Story by Ben Galea




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Tensions have long been high over the Chinese government’s influence and continued crackdowns on the cultural identity of the Uighur ethnic group



It was already forbidden for under-18s to enter mosques in Kashgar or to broadcast calls to prayers.





A Summer Vacation in China’s Muslim Gulag

How one university student was almost buried by the “people's war on terror.”

Since announcing a “people’s war on terror” in 2014, the Chinese Communist Party has created an unprecedented network of re-education camps in the autonomous Xinjiang region that are essentially ethnic gulags. Unlike the surgical “strike hard” campaigns of the recent past, the people’s war uses a carpet-bombing approach to the country’s tumultuous western border region. Chen Quanguo, Xinjiang’s party secretary and the architect of this security program, encouraged his forces to “bury the corpses of terrorists in the vast sea of a people’s war.” But the attempt to drown a few combatants has pulled thousands of innocent people under in its wake.

Sporadic violence has rattled the region since July 5, 2009, when indigenous Uighurs, a largely Muslim minority, took to the streets of Urumqi, the regional capital, to protest the murder of fellow Uighurs who worked in the southern Chinese city of Shaoguan. The protests spiraled into a riot, which claimed 197 lives and nearly 2,000 injuries before order was restored. Insurrection has since spread beyond the capital, and skirmishes between Uighurs and security personnel have become common occurrences.

Amid the protracted conflict and rising Islamophobia in China, Communist Party officials are responding by creating a surveillance state. In the 12 months preceding September 2017 alone, the party-state advertised nearly 100,000 security positions in Xinjiang. Every resident of the region has been affixed with the label “safe,” “normal,” or “unsafe,” based on metrics such as age, faith, religious practices, foreign contacts, and experience abroad. Those deemed unsafe, whether or not they are guilty of wrongdoing, are regularly detained and imprisoned without due process.

Estimates indicate that as many as 800,000 individuals, mostly Uighurs, have been incarcerated in the re-education camps. Based on the current population of Uighurs in Xinjiang, which stands at some 11 million, this amounts to the extrajudicial detention of nearly 10 percent of the ethno-national group.

Foreign Policy




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There are approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 24.38% of the world’s population, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah’, the worldwide Muslim community.

The Muslim500 publication sets out to ascertain the influence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. Influence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view of course.



"If I asked for people to die for the sake of God, I would have them lining up at my house. But when I ask people to live for the sake of God, I can’t find anyone."

HE Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah

President of the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies

Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah’s influence is derived from his scholarship, piety and preaching. Uniquely, all of the different sects and schools of Muslims respect him as a scholar. A testament to this is the notable fact that whilst he is not a Salafi, the Saudi government promulgates his fatwas as authoritative. He is an instructor at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah and was the deputy head of the Union of Muslim Scholars having previously been a Judge at the High Court of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the Head of Shariah Affairs at the Ministry of Justice.

Education: Sheikh bin Bayyah was raised in a household famous for its scholars, and his Sheikh Mahfoudh bin Bayyah, was the head of the Conference of Mauritanian Scholars established after the country’s independence. Sheikh bin Bayyah studied in the Mauritanian centres of learning known as Mahadhir, in which all the sacred sciences were taught including: jurisprudence, legal theory, syntax, language, rhetoric, Qur’anic exegesis and its auxiliary sciences, and the science of Prophetic tradition.

Diplomat: As a member of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy or Al Majma’ al Fiqhi of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Sheikh bin Bayyah is at the forefront of the legal arm of a dynamic organization with a permanent delegation to the United Nations.

Author: Having written numerous texts, Sheikh bin Bayyah’s scholarly explorations have gone global through speaking engagements that draw crowds of tens of thousands. He has spoken at length about the endurance of the Islamic legal tradition and also written extensively on rulings for Muslims living as minorities in foreign lands, or fiqh al aqaliyaat.



Activist: In June 2013, Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah visited the White House where he met with senior advisers and aides to President Obama. He called for the protection of the Syrian people and the Muslim minority in Myanmar. Also, he met with Bill Gates during the Global Vaccine Summit in Abu Dhabi in April 2013. He recently initiated the ‘Muslim Council of Elders’ which embraces leading scholars (including the Sheikh of Al-Azhar), and presided over a large gathering of religious scholars at a forum entitled ‘Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies’.

The Marrakesh Declaration: Sheikh Abdallah bin Bayyah led around 250 Muslim religious leaders, in addition to approximately 50 non-Muslim religious leaders, in a three day summit in Marrakesh entitled: ‘The Rights of Religious Minorities in Predominantly Muslim Majority Communities: Legal Framework and a Call to Action’. The summit used the original Charter of Medina, drawn up by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself, as a basis for addressing the current crisis of religious minorities in parts of the Muslim world. With extremists committing violence in the name of Islam against other religions, as well as against most Muslims, it was necessary to voice the position of normative Islam vis-à-vis religious minorities through a gathering of its leading scholars. The summit concluded with the release of the 750 word Marrakesh Declaration (see page 123).






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'My America, too.' An Iowa TV reporter is making history as the first to wear a hijab on air in the U.S. — haters or no haters







The young and the religious

Rahman came into the station on a recent Wednesday with a few stories in mind. She was hoping to find a good daily piece somewhere in the station's coverage area of the greater Quad Cities metro, which includes Davenport, Bettendorf, Rock Island, Moline and East Moline.

There was a union dispute, but a representative said it looked like a deal was on the table. The local newspaper had covered an ongoing dust-up between Palmer College of Chiropractic and the Davenport Civil Rights Commission over the college's plan to expand in a low-income housing area — a story Rahman thought could interest viewers.

Cradling the phone in her shoulder and vigorously taking notes, she schedules an afternoon interview with the civil rights commissioner. She hangs up and adjusts her hijab back into place, breathing a sigh of relief that she'll have something for that evening.

Rahman has donned a headscarf on and off her whole life. Attending a private Muslim school in Bridgeview, Illinois, she began wearing a hijab all the time in about fifth grade.

Headscarves, or hijabs as they are commonly referred to in the West, are normally worn by Muslim women after puberty as a way of showing their devotion to God and fulfilling the Quran's commandments for modesty.

“I remember the first day I decided to wear it full time, because I wouldn’t wear it outside of school or anything,” Rahman said. “I walked out of the house and I was like, ‘Oh my God, no, I'm starting to wear it now,’ and I ran back in and put it on.”

Her mom discouraged her from wearing it so early, telling her she had her whole life to make that choice. In reflection, Rahman thinks her mom knew the scarf came with the possibility of backlash.

But Rahman was stubborn.

“I knew there was no one who looked like me who rushed Greek life, but I did because I wanted to,” she said. “I would show up to formals and Panhellenic events and I would be the only one who wore a headscarf, but it never stopped me, and I still had fun and I still studied abroad and I still traveled with my sorority sisters to Spring Break."

Being so openly devout was unique even at Loyola University Chicago, the Catholic college Rahman attended. And living as a young person who is religious can have “negative connotations,” said Stephanie Jarosz, Rahman’s sorority sister.

“I can go through my life being Catholic and no one would know, but in Tahera’s case there is an immediate visual association that, hey, I'm Muslim and I'm devout,” Jarosz said.

“But what is amazing about Tahera is that she is totally secure in wearing her hijab despite what American society tells us is cool or not cool or what young people should be doing.”

As a child, the lack of people who looked like her on TV was evident, Rahman said. The dearth of representation became even more obvious as Islamophobic stories about Muslims grabbed headlines and airtime in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

The narrative back then centered on “who (Muslims) really are and what they really believe in and whose side they are on?” she said. “That’s when I realized they are talking about us, but there is no one who looked like us who can speak to it truthfully.”

After college, Rahman sent reels to professors and internship managers seeking criticism. She heard from one producer that maybe she should apply to a market such as Dearborn, Michigan, which has a significant Arab-American population.

Another colleague told her that


“America wasn’t ready” for a hijabi on TV.

“It’s those subtle statements that actually have a big impact,” Rahman said.


“It’s those little things, those little pebbles that keep pelting you and saying, ‘Hey, it’s not going to work.'"

She went on Facebook soon after receiving these critiques and saw an article about the first Somali-American legislator, a hijabi, to be elected to office.

She devoured the story and anything else she could find about the woman before posting a piece to her wall.

"Tell me again about how America is not ready for this," she remembered thinking.





Source: Des Moines Register




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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs



14 stages of love according to the Arabic language

By Rayana Khalaf




Arabs are in a league of our own when it comes to romance. I mean, just look at the ways we express love, we're always ready to sacrifice our skin and bones for the people we love.

Over-the-top demonstration of love goes beyond our everyday conversation, as it is rooted deep within our literature. There is no shortage of epic and fiery poems in Arab literature, brought to us by the likes of Abu Nawas and Nizar Qabbani.

In these poems, we see variations of words referring to love, like "'oshk" and "gharam"... but contrary to popular belief, these words are not synonymous. They each refer to a unique degree of love.

Actually, there are 14 degrees of love in Arabic language. Here they are in increasing order of intensity:



3. Al-Shaghaf (Passion)

This is when feelings of actual love begin to surface and people are basically love-struck.
The Arabic word "al-shaghaf" refers to الشغافة (al-shaghafa), which is the outer layer of the heart.







What No One Told You about Spiritual Abuse in Islam
By Janet Kozak



Abuse in relationships is not only black eyes, bruises, and broken bones. With the exception of traumatic brain injury in Muslim victims, it’s often the abuse hidden from plain view – like financial, verbal, and spiritual abuse – that does the most damage to victims long-term.

However, it’s the spiritual abuse we experience in a relationship that can leave us doubting ourselves, our goals, and even our belief systems – changing us for the worse and leaving lingering invisible scars over time.



How spiritual abuse affects our relationships

Spiritual abuse can leave victims feeling alone, isolated, and confused about not only their self-worth, but their close companions and even their relationship with their creator.

With Allah and Islam

When spiritual abuse is used as a control tactic in a domestic relationship it comes in the form of twisted and incorrect understandings of religion to achieve an abusers goals and aims.

When abuse goes further, and involves other members of the community who condone or amplify the abuse, this can cause a victim to question not only their relationship, but their faith as well.

In my talks with abuse survivors, especially converts to Islam who are either in, or have recently left abusive relationships, I’ve learned that many are very frustrated and confused by their choice to convert to Islam because of these abusive experiences. It can be incredibly hard understand the abusive behaviours of some, process the abuse, and heal oneself, when one also feels the whole community was (or is) condoning and supporting the ongoing abuse.

If spiritual abuse was part of the relationship dynamic, there is usually a long process of relearning religious principles and reconnecting to faith that must occur before a survivor can overcome the negative perceptions and understandings they’ve associated with Islam.







Islam in the Media 2017

By OnePath Network




When we looked more closely, we saw that certain names came up time and time again, as they have been for almost 2 decades. We looked into 6 of the most controversial commentators in the Australian news media, including figures like Andrew Bolt, Miranda Devine and Janet Albrechtsen. On average, 31% of their opinion pieces were devoted to Islam, with the overwhelming majority of them being negative and divisive in nature. For Jennifer Oriel, that number was 54%. Even though they are stated to be “opinion” pieces, they are often written as fact and encourage..












Hana Assafiri speaks out about her violent past as Muslim child bride


"I didn't want those events to define me, and they don't," Hana Assafiri says.


Hana Assafiri opened Melbourne's Moroccan Soup Bar 20 years ago this June.

Now the owner of two restaurants, she is also the founder of Speed Date a Muslim, a community event to combat Islamophobia.

Since revelations of sexual abuse and harassment have gone viral with the #MeToo movement, Hana Assafiri believes it's her turn to end the silence. For the first time, she shares her personal story of abuse.






What happened when you turned 15?

At 15 was the last time he abused me. He took me out of school and when he returned me I was in a state. For the first time I confided in a teacher. She realised I was behaving quite strangely, even for me.

Hana's mother

She insisted that my family should be told and I felt that she didn't understand the culture and family dynamics, and the last thing I wanted was to have to marry this guy because I assumed if she told my family I would have to marry him. I couldn't deal with that reality.

So I took a whole heap of pills that my mother had and ended up in hospital and that's where Mum and the family found out [except for Dad. He didn't find out until many years later].

My mother responded the best way she knew how. She was afraid about the humiliation and embarrassment to the families. She felt the only way of solving this massive problem was for me to marry and then we would somehow transition through this unscathed. Then she found me a husband.

How were you allowed to be married at 15?

It was 1980 and in Australia there were laws which enabled your guardian to give consent on your behalf. So I was married to someone I'd seen very few times.

It was like he was on a shopping expedition and picked me and everybody who was an adult and a decision-maker thought he was a good man, including the perpetrator of my sexual abuse.

I thought "I don't care, just get me out of this situation", only to find myself in a profoundly violent marriage.

I gave birth within 10 months of being with him. The marriage lasted three-and-a-half years with two children. He wanted a child every year; an entire football team, as he said.

Thankfully the boys are nothing like him.  







A House Divided: Tablighi Jamaat (TJ)
By Sajid Iqbal





In a world where belief and militancy are becoming fused, there are peaceful yet puritanical forms of religion that still capture peoples’ imagination. One such form is advanced by the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), a worldwide Islamic missionary movement popularising the concept of inner reform among believers.

What makes TJ fascinating and relevant is its complete divorce from the politics of militancy. Instead, TJ focuses on being unassuming and austere. Instead of training guns at others, da’wah [invitation to the righteous path] encourages Muslims to train their thoughts on inner reform and spiritual cleansing.

Pakistan’s experience of the TJ centres around Raiwind, near Lahore, but the notion of da’wah pervades most of the Muslim world as well as countries that have a significant Muslim populace. In fact, TJ’s roots pre-date the partition of South Asia — perhaps this is why it manages to attract hundreds of thousands of devotees to their ijtima [congregation] every year in Raiwind, Nizamuddin (India) and Tongi (Bangladesh). Not only has TJ weathered many storms during the 90-plus years of its history, it remains one of the fastest-growing religious movements whose influence has been felt across this country and indeed elsewhere too.

What makes TJ fascinating and relevant is its complete divorce from the politics of militancy

Yet, the organisation, which observes the revivalist Deobandi school of thought, has faced bitter verbal clashes with rival Deobandi organisations and faced allegations of sheltering extremists in the aftermath of 9/11. Still, it has survived and none of these crises have deterred TJ volunteers around the world from the days, weeks and months they dedicate to da’wah work. But an emerging internal struggle might change that.






Does a Sudanese youth criminal issue really exist?
By Hafsa Hersi




The collective Sudanese population within the State of Victoria totals to just about 6000, accounting for significantly less than 1 percent of the entire population. It is very important to note that selected facts and figures have been used as a strategy to justify the existence of a ‘youth gang’ issue within the Sudanese and African communities. As a result of this misrepresentation, responses suggested for tackling this issue are often either too rash, disproportionate or simply ineffective.

Between 2016 and 2017, the number of alleged youth offenders from Sudan was less than 3 percent of the total alleged offenders for the same crime. In fact, the majority of the alleged offenders were white Australian youth and youth of New Zealand origin. This begs the question whether or not the rise in criminal activity that so often exclusively broadcasted as Sudanese is, in fact, a Sudanese problem or in actuality a problem among Australian youth in general?

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that shows the outright over-representation of crime linked with Sudanese youth. In fact, data from the Victoria’s Crime Statistics Agency indicates indicates that though the Sudanese and South Sudanese community accounts for 0.14 percent of the population, they only made up 1 percent of all alleged offenders in Victoria. This means that there is another 99 percent of offenders that is not Sudanese. Therefore, to propagate a ‘severely’ alarming issue of young Sudanese criminals is unreasonable at best, and this is without even mentioning the various contributing factors that would need to be individually analysed and included in the debate. One of these is the notable skew of age within this demographic, particularly when compared with the rest of the Australian population. The Sudanese community has an incredibly young population, with half of the population being under the age of 25 as opposed to a mere 35 percent for the general Australian population, further foregrounding that even the very basis for comparison is conspicuously biased.

Another factor that adds to the bias driven by the media is the cherry-picking of facts and figures used to propagate this agenda. By focusing on particular crimes where Sudanese youth are purportedly over-represented (which is still significantly less than their non-Sudanese counterparts), a distorted perception is created that Sudanese youth is responsible for the vast spectrum of crimes committed. The augmentation of figures when taken with a younger average age can create a convincing picture for a ‘crisis’ and inevitably initiate a disproportionate public response.

The media itself is principally responsible for creating this situation. Television reports and entertainment programs construct a portrait of crime, criminals, and victims that is not substantiated by the data. In the case of the alleged Sudanese youth criminals, the issue is significantly hyperbolised and the individuals concerned are wrongly seen as the literal and figurative strangers who are not ‘one of us’. This then further stigmatises a vulnerable community. In fact, according to Professor Nancy Heitzeg, decades of research show that heavy TV viewers tend to overestimate the crime rate, the likelihood of crime victimization, and the extent of stranger-related violence. Hence media outlets depending heavily on over-reporting high profile cases can sway general public perceptions. By misportraying the reality of Sudanese youth, the media are able to create the perception that crime among them is far worse and far more frequent. These patterns of reporting on ‘African youth’ in Australia are reflective of the context of institutional racism that allows for these racialising frames and encourages their widespread repetition. Media headlines create fear in the public triggering false and irrational concerns. It is these multimillion-dollar corporations that reap the benefits.

According to Walker, Spohn, and DeLone (2009), ‘Our perceptions of crimes are shaped to a large extent by the highly publicised crimes featured on the nightly news and sensationalised in newspapers.’ The fact that initial reporting is determined by journalists’ reliance on police accounts of incidents involving a racially defined ‘problem group’ underpins a narrative of worsening crime. The racialising premises established by law enforcement is then retained and perpetuated by politicians, lobby groups, and racist organisations.

So, is the issue racial?

To answer this question we could comparatively analyse some examples. In the United States, for instance, the targeted group is young African Americans. The racialisation of Black people in the United States is at the core of serious social problems, exemplified by names like Trayvon Martin or Tamir Rice, victims of a culture of systemic racial profiling, discrimination, and criminalisation. It is far easier to answer the ‘whys’ of society by blaming failed integration and so-called ‘problem groups’. We all witness the emotionally charged socio-political context, and the hyper-partisan and racialised narratives that animate news stories. Although the majority of Sudanese youth would disagree with the notion of ‘parallel lives’, this discourse is forced upon them, thus both negatively affecting the Sudanese community and threatening social cohesion. Instead of asking Sudanese people to shoulder all the responsibility for integration, the media should be at the forefront of promoting interconnected cosmopolitan lives by refusing to narrow its focus to just African youth. They should foreground ways to promote inter-ethnic collaborations, in which people can find shared solutions.

These are questions we need to ask ourselves before we quickly point fingers. To the critics of immigration, minority youth have been increasingly linked to crime, criminal gangs, anti-social behaviour, and riots. Sudanese criminal gangs do not exist. Criminal gangs, which happen to include Sudanese youth, do. We, as a multicultural society, need to find an effective way to solve youth crime and not ‘Sudanese criminality’.




Hafsa Hersi is a second-year Biomedical Science student at Griffith University, Queensland. She is a contributor to a spectrum of blogs discussing social and political issues in Australia.   



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Friday khutbah (sermon)

 DATE: 2 March 2018

TOPIC"Abstain from Wrong" PART 10

IMAM: Uzair Akbar









Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 March 2018

TOPIC: "21 Times when duas are accepted"

IMAM: Akram Buksh









Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 March 2018

TOPIC: "Control Your Tongue"

IMAM: Mossad Issa










Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 March 2018

TOPIC: "Hazrat Zunayra Vs The rest of the Ummat"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar


Summary by Mohideen: Mufti Junaid started off by asking what can we do for whatever is happening in the world today. He explained how when a person gets a headache for example the whole body is affected and how the Prophet (pbuh) said that the Ummah is one body. He expressed his sorrow how today we need to ask for donations instead of people just giving without asking. He related a story of a Pakistani doctor travelling and staying in Masjids. He reminded us that at the end of the day each person is accountable for his or her action. He related the story of Hazrat Zunayra and how Abu Jahal treated her when he got to know that she has accepted Islam. He explained how this 85 years old lady’s dua was accepted by Allah instantly. He concluded that how this week a brother was taking Wudu incorrectly and what he said when the Mufti went to advise him.


Listen to the Kuthbah








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 March 2018

TOPIC: “What are those Amana which was placed on Mankind" 

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali





Summary by Mohideen: Mufti Naeem continued his Kuthba from last week regarding Amana (Trust). He explained what Amana is and went on say that it is an agreement between oneself and Allah. He said some Ulama’s of the opinion that this Amana is Salah and explained that Salah is the first thing to be questioned and accountable. He warned how people dismiss the Sunnah Salah’s. He asked how a Muslim can call himself a Muslim but neglect his Salah. He explained who our biggest enemy was. He spoke about how Allah has given us the eyes, ears and tongue and how the Prophet advised to use these bounties wisely. Spoke about backbiting and dealing with interest. He said how if one is just listening to backbiting then the listener will also become part and parcel of the sin of backbiting. He warned about forwarding things which come via social media. He gave the definition of interest and warned against taking interest. He concluded that according to some ulama’s the Quran is also Amana, he advised to at least recite Quran everyday even if it is one page. 


Past Kuthba recordings








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 2 March 2018

TOPIC: "Keeping a hold on your “tongue”"
IMAM: Ahmed Naffa







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Leading Muslim cleric comes out in support of repealing Ireland’s abortion laws



Shaykh Dr Umar al-Qadri with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar.


IRELAND: ONE of Ireland’s leading Muslim leaders has revealed his support for the campaign to repeal the Eighth Amendment.

Dr Umar al-Qadri, a Dublin imam who is chairman of the Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council (IMPIC), said he believed it was now time the rights of women in crisis pregnancies were “recognised”.

Dr al-Qadri added that IMPIC is planning to distribute a special guide for Irish Muslims on the upcoming abortion referendum on May 25.

The pamphlet will explore the vote’s implications and what they mean for Islam.

"Islam is neither exclusively pro-life nor pro-choice," he tweeted.

"The rights of the unborn child have to be balanced with the rights of the mother.

"I am in favour of 'Repeal the Eighth' and IMPIC will release soon a guideline for Muslims in Ireland who may be unsure how they should vote."

Dr al-Qadri’s words have been welcomed by 'Repeal the Eighth' campaigners who have hailed them as a significant boost for the referendum campaign.

"The Eighth Amendment should be repealed so as to relieve the unnecessary burden on women and medical professionals at what already constitutes a highly traumatic time,” he continued.

"We must sincerely consider our consciences and the moral responsibility that weighs upon us as we decide how to vote in the referendum.

"Every vote is a decision on the future destinies of women like Savita and also of the unborn children of the nation."

Savita Halappanavar died at University Hospital Galway (UHG) following a miscarriage in 2012, after doctors refused her request for an abortion.

The 31-year-old, who was originally from India, contracted sepsis and later died from cardiac arrest.

Dr al-Qadri said the referendum three months from now is about women in crisis such as Savita.

"It is the responsibility of the State to facilitate both legislation and funding for ease of access to abortion in extraordinary circumstances such as risk to the mother's life, rape, incest etc," he said.




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Festival of Muslim culture



UK: The UK’s first ever festival entirely dedicated to Muslim culture, literature and ideas will take at the British Library this April.

MFest, running from April 27-29, will be comprised of almost 30 events, with Kamila Shamsie, Akram Khan and Elif Shafak amongst the names on the line-up.

It will include poetry readings, workshops, performances, discussions and family events, bringing together Muslims and non-Muslims to celebrate the richness of Muslim cultures.

The festival will bring together emerging artists with established voices, celebrating and bringing visibility to Britain’s diverse population of approximately three million Muslims.

Other topics that will be discussed include Islam and feminism, and the consequences of the Grenfell fire for activist movements.   

The Standard UK


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Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: Sharing Raeesa Khatree's recipe from her The Great Australian Bake Off appearance.


This baklava-inspired pull apart hits the sweet spot.


Baklava pull-apart


Recipe by Raeesa Khatree from The Great Australian Bake Off




6 tbsp warm water (approximately 43°C)
4 ½ tsp dry yeast
1 tsp sugar
113g unsalted butter
160ml milk
6 cups plain flour
½ cup caster sugar
1 tsp sea salt
4 extra-large eggs beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp ground cinnamon

Baklava filling
220g unsalted butter, melted
1 cup caster sugar
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 ½ cup pistachios + a tbsp extra for decorating
1 ½ cup walnuts
1 ½ cup almonds
Zest half lemon
1 tsp ground cardamom
¼ tsp rose extract
½ tsp salt
1 ½ tsp orange blossom water

1 cup caster sugar
¾ cup water
¼ tsp rose essence
½ tsp ground cardamom
2 whole cinnamon sticks
2 tsp lemon juice
½ tsp orange blossom water
1 tbsp honey



For the dough:

  1. In a jug or small bowl, combine the warm water, yeast and sugar. Stir gently and let it stand until foamy. Meanwhile, combine the butter and milk in a saucepan and heat on medium till butter is melted. Remove from heat and let it cool to 51.6°C. While mixture is cooling, whisk together the 4 cups of flour, ½ cup of sugar, cinnamon and salt. Using a stand mixer, fitted with a dough hook, combine flour mixture and yeast mixture. Add milk mixture, vanilla extract and beaten eggs. Stir on low speed, then increase to medium until all ingredients are well incorporated. Add remaining 2 cups of flour, a little at a time, then mix. Turn out onto floured surface and knead well for a few minutes. Place dough in a large greased bowl and cover with cling wrap. Leave dough to prove in warm place for 1 hour.

For the filling for bread:

  1. Toast all nuts in the oven on 140°C till golden and crunchy, approximately 15 minutes. Mix sugar and cinnamon and place aside. In a food processor, pulse nuts, salt, ½ tsp cardamom, lemon zest, rose extract and process together to form a chunky paste- it should be crunchy and colour of pistachios should be seen.

For the syrup:

  1. Using a saucepan, dissolve sugar in water on medium heat with cinnamon sticks and once mixture starts bubbling, reduce heat and add all other ingredients. Let it simmer on low heat till syrup forms, approximately 10 minutes. Keep aside for pouring over baked bread.

To assemble:

  1. Once the dough has risen after approximately 60 minutes, turn out onto well-floured surface and divide into 2 pieces. Roll each piece out into large rectangle. For each rectangle, brush on melted butter, sprinkle cinnamon sugar and spread nut mixture all over the rolled out dough. Starting from one end, roll up like a swiss roll by pulling dough gently and tightly. Repeat for second roll. Place rolls onto lined and greased large flat baking pan. Using very sharp scissors, cut down into roll but stop almost at the bottom, starting from left to right. As you cut a piece, turn over and form a leaf shape. The loaf will form a gorgeous array of leaves. Do not egg wash it. Leave to rise for 30 minutes in a warm place, then bake on 180°C for approximately 45 minutes or until bread sounds hollow when tapped. Remove from oven and pour over warm sugar syrup. Sprinkle with pistachio slices.


Source: LifeStyle


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing














Muslimah Mind Matters videos

available on YouTube.

Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic:
Pulling Out The Culture Card On Your Teenage Child?

Culture, unlike religion, evolves. If you put several like-minded people together for a long period of time, their ‘group thought’ will become a paradigm within which they will operate in order to maintain harmony. Culture is a group thought paradigm. Muslims across the world are culturally diverse. Their group thought paradigms differ. Thankfully, following the Prophet’s (SAW) sunnah has maintained consistency in the way we all pray, regardless of cultural differences.

Our teenage children, however, may be the ones going through the hardest test of time ever, bearing in mind the current climate where the only group thought paradigm is the INTERNET. While those born in the 70s and before grew up spending time listening to ‘spoken stories’ and used the power of visualisation to perceive these stories, our teenagers’ extent of ‘stories’ go as far as SnapChat Streaks and Instagram. Their power of imagination and visualisation have been extensively diluted by continuous online streaming of all kinds of visuals.

Our teenage children are growing up in an ‘online culture’. Recently, my husband pulled out the culture card on our teenage daughter. He was annoyed that she was choosing to follow a certain trend rather than think critically and form her own opinion about something. She retaliated with her counter arguments. I watched them both as they debated. Finally, my husband decided to end the argument by throwing the ultimate defence line at her: “We are not them. It’s not in our culture to do this.” He didn’t wait for her response and simply left the room (hmmm, not a wise move). She looked at me and replied to his comment: “I was born here. This is my culture. I wasn’t born where you guys were born. I’ve never lived there. I live here. I don’t connect with your culture.”

She had a point. How can we expect our children to follow the culture of a certain place to which they feel no connection? Most of my clients are having this exact same issue with their teenagers. Parents are constantly pulling out the culture card on them. Teens are retaliating in the same way my daughter had. So how do we resolve this? How can parents effectively communicate with their teenagers with the intention to understand and support them rather than shut them down by pulling out the culture card every time a discussion starts to heat up? How can you, as a parent, empower your child with good values rather than give a culture-thumping session which will drive your child to rebel?

Six Strategies to Avoid Culture-Blackmail

1. Focus on humanity, not culture. Instil values in your children that help them become compassionate and empathetic towards all of ALLAH’s creation. Focusing only on one culture is discriminatory and closes the mind.

2. Reflect on your own cultural biases before you preach to your teenager. Why do you feel that way? Who put those beliefs in your mind? Challenge your own biases and understand how they may be affecting your wellbeing and your relationships.

3. Pray together with your teenager. Read a surah together from the Holy Quran and ponder together about the beautiful message in the surah.

4. Have a weekly family meeting and call it “I Understand You”. Create a weekly space for your family where you all can speak without interruption and voice your fears, concerns, compliments and expectations, without judgment or bullying. The idea is to let the speaker speak without interruption while the rest of the family listen without judgement.

5. Share stories about your cultural heritage with your teenager in a gentle way, NOT in a condescending manner.

6. Be supportive, not critical. As it is, the environment outside is quite challenging for our teenagers. Create a supportive environment in your home so that they feel safe to share their vulnerabilities with you and seek guidance from you, not Google. Foster this support by giving your teenage child a hug regularly. Tell them that he/she is your priority and you love them unconditionally. Love has to be expressed to them. They can’t read your mind.

In Shaa ALLAH, next week we will explore the topic:
The Danger Of Personalising Everything 


Download the above article.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Reflections - my new ebook of poetry and affirmations
DOWNLOAD The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Muslimahs
WATCH VIDEOS from Muslimah Mind Matters YouTube Channel.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Meditation Moments - audio files for self-awareness meditation.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786.



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Let’s celebrate International women’s day through movement. Get your
group of friends together for a walk or cycle in the park. Whatever it is,
motivate each other through movement and reward yourself with a coffee
after.. Make it a regular occurrence and reap the long-term health benefits
of being active. The rewards are beyond measure.





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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The 10pm news is coming on at a local cafe. They're covering the story of a man on the ledge of a large building, preparing to jump.


Jallalludin says: "Do you think he'll jump?"


Mula Nasruddin says: "You know, I bet he'll jump."


Jallalludin replies: "Well, I bet you the next cup of coffee he won't."


Mula Nasruddin says: "You're on!"


Just as they agreed on the bet, the man on the ledge does a swan dive off the building, falling to his death.


Jallalludin orders Mula Nasruddin a coffee. "Fair's fair. You win."


"I can't take your coffee. I saw this earlier on the 5pm news, so I knew he would jump."


"I did too. But I didn't think he'd do it again."

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An Ayaat-a-Week





And give from what We have provided for you, before death approaches one of you, and he says, “My Lord, if only You would delay me for a short while, so that I may be charitable, and be one of the righteous.”

[Quran 63:10]


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The ultimate measure of a man

is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience,

but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.


~ Martin Luther King Jr







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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board





Events & Functions





This International Women's Day, Muslim Aid Australia and Muslim Charitable Foundation are launching a truly ground-breaking project called '1000 Women, 1000 Futures' (TWTF).

What's it all about?

MAA and MCF will empower 1000 women in Australia and developing countries around the world by providing them an impactful and sustainable method to overcome poverty.

Once each case has been carefully assessed, we will provide the chosen beneficiaries sustainable livelihood opportunities, worth an average of $1000 each, to help them towards starting a small business.

We will also equip each beneficiary with the skills required for running their business so that we ensure long term success for them and their families.

Help empower women by attending our upcoming fundraising dinner on Friday, 9th March at Michael’s Oriental by calling 0434 984 520 or via




Call 0401 246 228 or register here



Logan Roos Football Club sponsored by the Islamic Council of QLD, will be playing against Ridge Hill this Sunday 4th March at Stanley Day Park 1.

Logan Roos will be playing hard for a win to take revenge for the FFA game which they lost to Ridge Hill on a penalty shootout 2 weeks ago. Join us on the day to support our local team!

VENUE: Stanley Day Park 1

ADDRESS: 75 Grand Street
Bald Hills QLD 4036

KICK OFF: 4pm sharp

For more information, please contact Abdul Samim Khan on:






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BRISBANE - 17 March 2018 at Chandler Theatre, Sleeman Complex


About InfoReset Seminars:
Conscious Events returns to Australia & New Zealand in February and March 2018 with their latest seminar brand called InfoReset. The Full Day Seminar Tour (11am to 6pm) features an amazing lineup of authors who will be speaking in this part of the world for the first time.


Ex Economic Hit Man, John Perkins (USA) who has spoken at international economic summits will present hard evidence on the role of Economic Hit Men in the destruction of entire countries and how the current Death Economic system can be transformed into a Life Economy!


Conchita Sarnoff, Investigative Journalist and research professor at American University, will address the global epidemic of human trafficking and child abuse that haunts the corridors of power from Harvard to the White House.


Son of Oscar winning Hollywood director Olive Stone and co-host of RT’s Watching the Hawks, Sean Ali Stone is the expert commentator on global geopolitics and the imperialistic agenda behind world events. Sean has dedicated his life to becoming a symbol of peace between the major religions by accepting Islam as his chosen faith, and to put an end to the miscommunications and misrepresentations of Islam to the western world.


True to the name, InfoReset Seminars promises to be a powerful Information Reset for all who attend!

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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services








click on image










Need to improve your English for work or social settlement? Learn for FREE with the Adult Migrant English Program at TAFE Queensland.

The AMEP provides up to 510 hours of free English language, literacy and numeracy training to eligible refugees and migrants, at more than 40 sites throughout Queensland.

For more information, visit or call 3244 5488 today










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Businesses and Services




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here or email us


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At National Zakat Foundation (NZF) we aim to utilise Zakat funds collected in Australia to provide a lifeline for local, deserving recipients. This group consists of some of the most vulnerable members of our community, including widows, orphans, refugees, the elderly and the homeless.

National Zakat Foundation has had the opportunity to assist our local sisters & brothers right here in QLD.

Sara, a mum with 5 children had been in a violent and abusive relationship for many years. Fearful for her children's well being and hers, she needed to move to a new and safer place away from her husband. NZF helped her relocate by paying for upfront costs. Sara moved to new premises immediately. She and her children are no longer living in constant fear and have started a new and happier life.

David had just lost his business where he had invested a lot of money and with mounting debts and a young family to take care of, he needed help urgently. NZF came to his assistance immediately.

Sadia a single mother and a refugee came to Brisbane few years ago with a young child. She had been hospitalised with serious medical conditions. NZF has assisted her with ongoing financial support and provided her with equipment to start a small home business, empowering Sadia to do something she is passionate about.

(ALL names have been changed to protect identity of clients)




Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah.

I am sure you are aware of the hell that Syrians are going in the face of non-stop bombing of USA, Russia, Israel, ISIS, and you name it.
The ultimate goal is to kill as many Muslims as possible. It is a race that no global leaders want to stop.

Please raise your hands to Allah for the Mustadafeen, helpless sufferers of modern killing machines.

Islamic Society of Toowoomba has decided to collect donations for the recent victims of Syrian war.

Donations should be directed to the Imam Abdul Kader of Garden City Masjid, Toowoomba.

Alternatively, please deposit/transfer your charity to the Comm Bank of Australia:

BSB 06 4459 A/c 1000 3579 (Reference Syria).

May Allah accept your charity for the best of His creation, and protect our helpless children, sisters and brothers in Syria.

Jazak Allah Khair.

Fi amanillah,








Update as at February 2018


The external structure has been completed and the scaffoldings were removed this week. Now, the work will commence inside the complex.

We still need donations to fund this construction.


Please donate generously.




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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





9 March





Muslim Aid Australia/Muslim Charitable Foundation

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

1800 100 786


11 March



Empowering our Youth: Workshop for Muslim Girls


NZF, Sisters Support & COMBAT

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0407 164 721

1PM to 5PM

22 March



Muslim/Ipswich Police community reference group meeting



Ipswich District Police Complex, 300 Warwick Road, Yamato

0438 114 619


24 & 25 March

Sat & Sun


Best of the Best: The Two Wings of Islam 


Al Kauthar Institute

Nathan Campus, Griffith University

8.30AM to 6PM

15 April 2018





(Ascension night)

27th Rajab 1439


1 May 2018





(Lailatul Bahrat)

15th Sha'baan 1439


17 May 2018





(start of the month of fasting)

1st Ramadaan 1439


11 June 2018





(Night of Power)

27th Ramadaan 1439


15 June 2018





(end of the month of fasting)

 1st Shawal 1439


21 August 2018





(Night of Power)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1439


22 August 2018





10th Zil-Hijjah 1439


17 November 2018



Annual Milad-un-Nabi


Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane



3PM to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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Masjid As Sunnah











Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040






Bald Hills, Brisbane


Daily program
(after Esha salah by Mufti Junaid)
Monday to Thursday = Quran Tafseer
Friday = Prophet’s (pbuh) Seerah
(All programs run for approximately 15 minutes)

Weekly Madrasa
Monday to Wednesday
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Conducted by our Imam Mufti Junaid

Every Sunday
Jaula & remembrance of Allah
between Maghrib and Isha.

All are welcome




Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

Download the programme here.




















Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: TBA

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

Eidfest Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

Al Tadhkirah Institute Madressa, Hifz and other Islamic courses

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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