EST. 2004


Sunday 18 March 2018 | Issue 0697


Muslim Aid Australia


Muslim Charitable Foundation


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Summit delegates

Ms Galila Abdelsalam and Ms Yomna represented the Islamic Womens' Association of Australia (IWAA) at the South East Asian Network of Civil Society Organisations (SEAN-CSO) Working Together Against Violent Extremism Summit in Sydney.


SEAN-CSO is a network of like-minded organisations working against violent extremism in South East Asia.


By sharing experiences, developing knowledge and evaluating initiatives, the network fosters peer to peer learning and partnerships, and seeks to improve the quality of programs and initiatives.


There were delegates from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines.


"From discussions and further community consultations, IWAA will contribute to developing a working plan for SEAN-CSO," a spokesperson for IWAA told CCN.




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Queensland recipients





Islamic College of Brisbane




Australian International Islamic College




Islamic College of Brisbane




Brigidine College




Calamvale Community College




Queensland Academy for SMT




Islamic College of Brisbane




Brisbane State High




Corinda State High




Brisbane State High




John Paul College




John Paul College




Queensland Academy for SMT


Zaina Amron


Islamic College of Brisbane




Brisbane State High




Stretton State College




Ipswich Girls Grammar School



The 11th Year 12 Muslim Achievement Awards are being held in all major cities of Australia recognising high achievement by a large cohort of the Muslim students who have received an ATAR of 90+ after the completion of their school studies at the end of year 2017.

Hosted by Human Appeal Australia at gala dinner events, a total of 256 students were invited together with their parents to be presented with certificates and gifts including laptops awarded by local sponsors in recognition of their outstanding achievements.

Out of 256 Australian Muslim students who obtained ATAR of 90+, 33 students achieved ATAR of 99+ and hailed from both public and private schools while a great majority of them have graduated from Muslim schools at the end of year 2017.


At the Brisbane event held on Saturday 10 March at Michael's Oriental Restaurant, 17 high achievers were recognised in the presence of their proud parents and awarded certificates and gifts by sponsors and community leaders.





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By Angela Ishaq, Sisters' Support Services Inc


Alhamdulilah the workshop facilitated by Sisters' Support Services was a very productive and beneficial event. The event started off by a one hour confidence building workshop then followed by an important and much needed talk on safety for social media and cyberbullying by Queensland Police.

Being educated and talking about online experiences can help reduce any negative impacts on youth mental health and well-being. Young people are reportedly using social media for an average of 3.3 hours each day, on five or more days of the week, (APS).

After some pizza and cakes, the girls worked it off by learning some defence skills demonstrated by Southside Academy of Combat.

The event concluded with each attendee presented with a certificate by Superintendent Virginia Nelson.

Alhamdulilah we have had a lot of enquiries for next sessions. Sisters Support Services Inc. will definitely be facilitating regular workshops insha Allah.

Jazakum Allahu khairun to all the girls for their incredible enthusiasm and behaviour.

Thank you to all our volunteers and our sponsors, National Zakat Foundation, Southside Academy of Combat and Queensland Police Service.






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IWAA CEO Galila Abdel Salam and CAMS Statewide Coordinator Nora Amath attended a morning tea with members of the Queensland Police Services (QPS) to celebrate the award for Excellence in Women in Policing Initiative with the Connected Women Program, a joint venture between QPS and IWAA.


This important program, an initiative of Acting Inspector Janelle Andrews and Sergeant Darnielle Fioriti, is a free, vibrant women-led program designed especially for newly-arrived young refugee Muslim women.

Developed to provide participants with a unique opportunity to access safety information and to hear from experienced professional women, Connected Women included topics such as crime prevention, internet safety, home security, personal and community safety.


During the 10 weekly sessions, participants not only learned about the role of Police in Queensland from experienced female officers in a friendly and safe environment, they also had the opportunity to network with other young Muslim women to learning about being safe and feeling safe in Queensland. The program also included exciting educational excursions including the Dreamworld Corrobboree.


This initiative of QPS and IWAA will be offered once again starting in July.

If you would like to express your interest or need further information, contact Nora Amath at



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Islam’s position on homosexuality: ANIC Press Release



Recently, a man claiming to be an Imam appeared on Australian TV and news programmes, providing his commentary on some significant, core topics in Islam.

The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) strongly believes in the
freedom of speech and the right of people to freely act in this country without
compulsion or violence. In addition, ANIC also believes in a constructive
dialogue and the right to express religious views. Therefore, it is ANIC’s moral
and religious obligation to address sensitive topics for the purpose of fulfilling
their scholarly duty, trust with Allah (God) and preserving the Islamic identity
that was revealed to us through the Quran and Sunnah.

ANIC affirms that the Quran has been very clear on important and core
matters in Islam, and from amongst these topics is the practice of
homosexuality. It has been recently claimed that there is nothing in the Quran that clearly states the Islamic position on the practice of homosexuality. This claim is utterly untrue and falsified.

Islam’s position on homosexuality has always been clear and perspicuous
from the time of the revelation of the Quran to our Prophet Mohammad (peace
be upon him), 1,400 years ago, to this very day. The Islamic perspective is
also consistent with Judaic and Biblical perspectives as stipulated in the holy

From the Islamic standpoint, homosexuality is a forbidden action; a major sin
and anyone who partakes in it is considered a disobedient servant to Allah
that will acquire His displeasure and disapproval. This is clearly stated in the
three main sources of the Shariah: The Quran, the Sunnah, and the
consensus of all scholars, which extends from the time of the Prophet till
today. There has never been any debate or discussion regarding this
viewpoint amongst the scholars, past or present, simply because the matter
was always comprehensive and immutable. ANIC, representing over 200
Imams from across Australia, strongly rejects any claim that the ruling of the
practice of homosexuality is not clear in the Quran. This stems from absolute
ignorance of Islam and its principles.




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by Ibrahim Taha    

At a time when Muslim youth are often besmirched in the media, it is difficult for them to find a sense of belonging.

This struggle is intensified by unhelpful comments like Australia’s Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, who suggested back in 2016, that it was a “mistake” to accept migrants of Lebanese-Muslim background.

However, this does not affect Bassam Maliki, 15, who after experiencing the ugly head of Islamophobia, decided to embrace his pluralistic identity of being an Australian Muslim of Lebanese descent.

A recent study from Islamic Studies Research Academy (ISRA) revealed that one in ten Muslims encountered “very high” rates of exposure to Islamophobia and racism.

It is because of the prevalence of Islamophobia in society, that Bassam found the impetus to do something about it, rather than remain apathetic.

A simple message about belonging, a worthwhile project to help foster a culture of welcoming and inclusivity in Australia, symbolised by a key marked in different coloured dots, to celebrate diversity.

This is the #Ubelong campaign, which attempts to make other Muslim youth develop a strong sense of belonging in Australian society.

For Muslims who are concerned about social justice issues, Islamophobia is only one battle.

Muslims should join alliances with those fighting for other social justice causes that do not necessarily affect Muslims, but are in principle, just causes.

This is encapsulated in the Quranic verse, “You are the best nation produced for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong” (3:110).

Thus, the evils of racism, bigotry and xenophobia need to be opposed, irrespective of whether it is targeted toward a Muslim or an Indigenous or a refugee.

Rabbi Zalman from “Together for Humanity” an interfaith organisation, has reached out to support this campaign.

He finds that the essence of #Ubelong are those values and principles promoted in all religions: justice, compassion and empathy.

As a consequence of Bassam’s efforts, he was a finalist in the 2017 Young Human Rights Award, a huge milestone for what appears to be a promising future for a descendant of Lebanese migrants.


Australian Muslim youth encounter many challenges, therefore it is paramount that there exists a strong sense of belonging, which is vital to the success of a vibrant, multicultural Australia.

Not only is Bassam a proud Australian, but his embrace of his pluralistic identity is exemplary of the fact that it was never a “mistake” to welcome Bassam’s grandparents who migrated to Australia, nor is it ever a “mistake” to welcome new Australians who enrich and strengthen our country.

What we should focus on instead, is building a strong sense of belonging in order to curb the feeling of isolation and disenfranchisement that many youth face in today’s society, a task now undertaken by a 15 year old.

You can support Bassam’s cause by buying a key badge for $5 and following the campaign on twitter or facebook @UBelong_here''

Australasian Muslim Times


Ibrahim Taha is a young, first year student at Sydney University. Ibrahim is involved in many organisations and has keen interest in politics, religion and social issues.




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Muslims make up less than three per cent of the Australian population, yet dominate the news headlines and are often misunderstood.


In the SBS two-part series, ten Muslim Australians with vastly different views on their faith live under one roof for eight days to explore what it means to be a Muslim in modern, multicultural Australia.


While the housemates are united in faith, they are divided on what it means to be a ‘good Muslim’.



Muslims Like Us was enlightening, but where were the Muslim minorities?



There were nods to Islam’s ethnic diversity and the sectarian divide, but SBS left many questions unanswered

t could have been a recipe for disaster. A reality show where 10 Australian Muslims briefly share a house in Sydney’s leafy – and very white – northern beaches that, as the narrator gravely informs us, “had no Muslim residents. Until now.”

But SBS’s Muslims Like Us, spread over two nights, actually made for an interesting and at times enlightening experiment, as the temporary housemates, who ranged from non-practising cultural Muslims to devoted ultra conservatives, debated faith, sectarianism, terrorism and national security (of course), politics and, thanks to the presence of Fahad, a gay man, and Rida, a bisexual woman, sexual orientation.

There were some minor missteps, such as the performative group prayers at Manly beach that seemed to deliberately make a spectacle of the participants, and the bizarre trip to the site of the Lindt café siege at Martin Place (as if it is up to these 10 Muslims to explain and atone for that terrible day). There were also some major ones, such as describing the housemates as “united in faith but divided in what it means to be a good Muslim”.

The orientalism of the phrase “good Muslim” aside, the assumption that all Muslims are or should be devout is just not a reflection of reality. Growing up Muslim, it is impossible to separate religion from culture and family; you were a Muslim simply by virtue of who your family is, and being a Muslim shapes and permeates the lives of the practising and cultural Muslim alike.

To its credit, the show did include a sole cultural Muslim (who, as a Shia growing up in the early years of post-Islamic revolution Iran, also happened to be the only non-Sunni in the house); however, he was unfortunately never given the time to explain what this really means.

Despite its nod to Islam’s ethnic diversity and its impressive willingness to broach the volatile issue of the sectarian divide, the show’s lack of sect-based diversity meant all discussion of Islamic ideology was centred on Sunni practices and beliefs. As such, the most interesting question Muslims Like Us brings up, however inadvertently, is the fluid nature of persecution, victimhood and what it means to be a minority.

When out in public, for example, the housemates are understandably protective of Anjum, who wears a niqab, since her visibility makes her the most likely target of Islamophobic attacks. Inside the house, however, she is the most openly judgmental of those she feels are not following Islam correctly. As well as hiding a “There are 1.6 billion ways to be a Muslim” poster that one of the more progressive participants proudly stuck to the fridge, Anjum picks a fight with Rida, a 20-something bisexual Sufi who insists on leading a ritualistic prayer that the others either refuse to take part in or do so reluctantly.

Anjum’s disdain for Rida’s faith is palpable and, ironically, a mirror image of the contempt much of mainstream Australian society shows for Islam as a whole. In fact, their showdown reminded me of the infamous Q&A exchange between Yassmin Abdel-Magied and Jacquie Lambie, with Rida eventually shouting at Anjum to “shut up.”

The response from the other housemates is telling. Like Abdel-Magied, Rida was provoked by someone who assumed they knew more about her religion than she did and demanded she abandon it, but when Rida understandably lost her cool, she was admonished by the men present for “crossing a boundary.”

She wasn’t the one who crossed it. “Her behaviour is not Islamic and this Sufi thing is not Islamic,” Anjum scoffs while a tearful Rida cries to camera, “She is so focused on representing the right version of Islam that she doesn’t see that she is hurting others … this is what we go through in this community – for being gay, for being minority Muslims, for being [young] girls.”

This is an important point that does not get discussed nearly enough. Sunnis make up 80% of all Muslims and as such dominate the religion. Minorities are rarely included in conversations about Islam and are shut out of many of its peak bodies in this country. Consequently, as well as fending off Islamophobia, minorities are forced to defend their Muslimness, both to non-Muslim “allies” and to the dominant Sunni sect in whose shadow they dwell.
How do Shia feel about being called “Rawafid” (the refusers) or Alawites (my own community) about being dismissed as heretical “Nusayris”? These are questions that still need to be asked and answered. Oh well, there is always next season.

Nonetheless, it was Anjum who also provoked the most empathy from me, her eyes reflecting the deep fear of eternal hellfire that drives her behaviour; covering her face, avoiding activities involving men, and judging other Muslims – all of these are, to her, essential expressions of her faith because they will allow her to escape torment in the afterlife.

And there it is. So much of what compels us as humans to be so punitively harsh on ourselves and on others can be traced back to fear. Is it really worth it?


Source: The Guardian




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By Lucy Rennick    

A new wave of food bloggers is putting the spotlight on halal foods and carving out a niche on social media.


In a world dominated by influencers, “food porn” and sponsored posts, a new breed of Muslim foodies - colloquially known as ‘haloodies’ are carving out a niche on social media for the odd 1 billion consumers of halal food (meaning lawful in Arabic) around the globe. According to The Economist, the Islamic market will be worth more than $5 trillion by 2020, so you could say these bloggers are onto something.

Their task? Broadly, convincing the rest of the world that halal food isn’t actually that scary (on the contrary, it’s delicious, ethical, and more than worthy of the popular Instafood hashtag), and dissolving the negative stereotypes unfortunately pinned to Muslims and the food they eat.

Of course, it depends who you ask. Each ‘Haloodie’ food blog is as unique as the person or team behind it, with different aims and philosophies underpinning them.

The London Haloodie showcases fine halal food at luxury restaurants around the world, while Tazzamina is a lifestyle influencer who wants her audience to know Muslims can pull off fabulous flatlays just as good as anyone else.

Here are a few of our favourites:

Halal Gems

Halal Gems is a blog, restaurant finder app and a digital magazine run by London-based Zohra Khaku. The blog was born from Khaku’s self-professed obsession with food and trying new restaurants, coupled with the desire to promote the most “ethically produced, fairy traded, wholesome, tayyib [an Arabic word roughly translating to anything good or pure, often said in the same sentence as halal] food available,” the website reads.



“At the end of the day our job at Halal Gems is to make sure that people have the most transparency they can, so they can make well informed choices,” Khaku tells SBS. Halal Gems shines a light on restaurants in London that are striving to make better choices all the way up the food chain, and it’s doing so for foodies looking for places to eat that meets their ethical requirements.

Khaku admits that halal means different things to different people, and that we can get caught up in semantics but what we should really be championing is ethics. “One of the first rules of halal slaughter is that an animal should never see another animal being slaughtered,” she says. “Some might argue that this makes mass production of chickens impossible. Some would say the best way round this rule is to stun all chickens so that they are unconscious. Some would say that’s a ridiculous way of circumventing a rule which is in place to stop mass production in the first place. Which one is most respectful and wholesome? It’s a debate that has no clear answer, but many angles of argument.”


Nevertheless, blogs like Halal Gems are a vital communication tool in the conversation around demystifying and de-stigmatising halal food – something Australia has had its own problems with in recent times.

“We do what we can to combat stigma, including hosting London’s most attended street food festival, Street Eats, where everything is halal,” she says.

“It goes to show that halal food is not scary. In the UK, halal slaughter is pretty much the same guidelines as the DEFRA [Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs] guidelines, so from an animal cruelty angle, if you’re slaughtering an animal, halal shouldn’t be any different to non-halal.”


NEXT WEEK IN CCN: The Lebanese Plate





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Following Cassie Cohen and Jackson Bursill on their marathon a day (see CCN), here is another migrant/refugee personal story:


Story 96: Robina Ali


Robina, a former refugee from Afghanistan, arrived with her family in 2010.


After 6 months of intensive English, Robina started high school in year 10 at Dandenong High. In just 3 years, Robina attained the VCE score needed to study Arts at The University of Melbourne.


Now in her third year, studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Politics and Psychology, Robina resides at the prestigious Trinity College.


Robina just finished a summer internship with Macquarie Group through CareerSeekers New Australian Internship Program and went on exchange to Cambridge University last year for some of her psychology courses.


Despite working to pay her tuition fees, Robina has managed to find the time to volunteer with Youth Affairs Victoria and with the Centre for Multicultural Youth.


Robina has also run a program about diverse people and multiculturalism on the Student Youth Network radio (Syn fm 90.7).





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Tensions have long been high over the Chinese government’s influence and continued crackdowns on the cultural identity of the Uighur ethnic group


The Chinese government says it is encouraging integration with the rest of the country, bringing money and jobs to the poorer west.







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There are approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 24.38% of the world’s population, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah’, the worldwide Muslim community.

The Muslim500 publication sets out to ascertain the influence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. Influence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view of course.






"The greeting of peace - as-salamu 'alaykum- has many meanings. One of these meanings is that the person you are greeting will be safe from you -from your tongue, your heart, and your hand- and that you will not transgress against that person with your words or your deeds. This greeting is also a prayer for peace, safety, mercy and blessings. We should take those noble meanings, which we so often say with our tongues, and make them our way of life in our dealings with other people".

Sheikh Salman Al-Ouda

Saudi Scholar and Educator

A leading Saudi sheikh, Salman Al-Ouda is a former hard-line cleric turned advocate of peaceful coexistence. He is increasingly influential due to his innovative reach in the Muslim World propagated via and his persistent efforts at ministering to the needs of the global Muslim community. In September 2017, Al-Ouda was arrested by Saudi authorities along with twenty other Saudi clerics for Tweets that were seen as offensive to the State.

Key Scholar of Salafi Network: Sheikh Salman Al-Ouda is a leading scholar of the Salafi movement. Although he is not noted for propagating innovative ideas within the network, he has notable influence in the movement due to his use of multiple modes of education (the Internet, audiovisual media, and print) to educate the large body of Salafi Muslims in the Islamic sciences. Sheikh Al-Ouda’s website brings together a diverse range of Islamic scholars and educators to provide guidance in Islamic thought. Although he is by no means a figure of dissent and is loyal to the Saudi regime, Al-Ouda espouses reformist, pan-Islamic views and sentiments on his social media outlets. His far-spanning reach places him under added scrutiny by the political establishment.

Influence Through Virtual Islamic Resources: Sheikh Al-Ouda supervises all content published on—a website that offers virtual resources for Islamic education in multiple languages. His work has far-reaching impact in an age when religion is spread through media and technology, with at the forefront of this trend. In response to a February 2010 ruling from the Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee condemning the use of Facebook, Sheikh Al-Ouda defended the social networking website, stating that he uses it to communicate with Muslims across the globe and to provide Islamic guidance online. Sheikh Al-Ouda has a following of over seven million fans on Facebook and nearly that many views of his official videos on YouTube. He also has over 16 million followers on Twitter.


Innovative Educator: Al-Ouda developed a following from weekly talks at his local mosque in Buraydah and has become an authority for Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide who access—a Saudi-funded website dedicated to providing Islamic educational resources in English, Arabic, French and Chinese. He also addresses Islamic issues on the Saudi satellite channel MBC.

Ambassador of Non-violence: In an effort to distance himself from alleged connections to perpetrators of terrorism, Al-Ouda is outspoken about the importance of inculcating love and mercy as opposed to violence (except in valid cases of self-defense) in the daily lives of Muslims. As a prominent member of the International Union for Muslim Scholars, he led the delegation in talks with Arab heads of state regarding the need for them to unite in opposition to Israel’s siege of Gaza in early 2009. He has strongly condemned DA’ISH. He also called for peace and unity between members of the GCC and Qatar, which, led to his arrest alongside other clerics in a series of clampdowns on the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia.






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'My America, too.' An Iowa TV reporter is making history as the first to wear a hijab on air in the U.S. — haters or no haters




Tahera Rahman reaches under her headscarf to place her microphone as she gets ready to do one of her two on air segments from the newsroom of WHBF-TV on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018, in Rock Island. Rahman, 27, is the first female news reporter to wear a headscarf on TV.





Why the Quad Cities

After a successful interview with the civil rights commissioner, Rahman took background video of everything she could.

She wanted to talk to a person whose life would be affected by Palmer’s proposed expansion, but if she didn't find someone, she needed to make the story work with just this.

Rahman originally applied to be a multimedia journalist at Channel 4 about two years ago, but was offered the producer role instead.

When she accepted, she made no bones about her aspirations to be on air. Her bosses were candid that she would have to apply, like anyone else.

She did, a few times, and continued working as a producer, where she was a standout, said sports director Jay Kidwell. Memorably, she kept her wits while producing 90 minutes of straight news, both the 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. broadcasts, after a colleague called in sick, he said.

While news director Mike Mickle doesn’t hire based on skin color — quality of work is most important, he said — his newsroom includes minority journalists of all backgrounds.

He wants his reporters to reflect the diversity he sees in the Quad Cities, he said.

The larger Davenport metro area has steadily become more diverse in the past two decades, according to the Census Bureau. Only 14 percent of people classified themselves as non-white in the 2000 Census, while 17 percent categorized themselves as such in 2010 Census.

Almost 20 percent of Quad Cities residents designated themselves as non-white in the Census’ American Community Survey released in December.

And the Muslim population in Iowa is rising, too. From 2000 to 2010, the percentage of Muslims in Iowa increased by an estimated 38 percent, according to the Association of Religious Data Archives.

Today, estimated 80,000 Muslims call the Hawkeye State home.

Rahman said she’s only experienced two incidents of racial harassment while living in the Quad Cities. Both were in passing and she said neither felt very threatening.

“Two might seem like a lot to people, but as an American Muslim woman, that is not a lot,” she said. “I think superficially it seems shocking that a rural, semi-rural Midwest area would be the first (to have a hijabi reporter), but in the end it goes back to that Midwestern hospitality.”

Additionally, the mechanics of broadcast news don’t allow a reporter to jump straight to the “TODAY” show. Television journalists have to start in smaller markets, said Mariam Sobh, an award-winning hijabi reporter who has been trying to break into TV for a decade.

“It’s a double-edged sword for many of us because, sure, bigger markets are going to have more diversity and maybe it would be an easier fit,” Sobh said, “but you have to start in smaller markets where maybe Muslim faces aren’t something that viewers see every day.”

When Mickle decided to hire another reporter late last year, he knew Rahman would apply. He opened the process to the public but found her reel to be the best submission.

“I don’t care if Tahera is the first or the 30th or the 3000th, she’s been hired because she deserved the job,” he said.

As Mickle prepared to help Tahera make the move from producer to reporter, he looked for suggestions from other stations. But he quickly discovered no local market had been through this particular transition.

The importance of the situation dawned on him: Channel 4 would be making history.

Mickle wasn't concerned with ratings or advertisers; his worry focused squarely on Rahman's mental and physical safety. Just "one or two" bad actors can "cause a lot of problems and heartache," he said.

"Once again, she has proven that she was up for this challenge," he said. "She is a very strong young lady."





Source: Des Moines Register




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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs



14 stages of love according to the Arabic language

By Rayana Khalaf




Arabs are in a league of our own when it comes to romance. I mean, just look at the ways we express love, we're always ready to sacrifice our skin and bones for the people we love.

Over-the-top demonstration of love goes beyond our everyday conversation, as it is rooted deep within our literature. There is no shortage of epic and fiery poems in Arab literature, brought to us by the likes of Abu Nawas and Nizar Qabbani.

In these poems, we see variations of words referring to love, like "'oshk" and "gharam"... but contrary to popular belief, these words are not synonymous. They each refer to a unique degree of love.

Actually, there are 14 degrees of love in Arabic language. Here they are in increasing order of intensity:



5. Al-Kalaf (Infatuation)

"Al-kalaf" refers to a state of powerful longing accompanied by hardships and suffering. This is when people say "I love you so much it hurts" and actually mean it.







The Imam and the Rape Victim
By Abdul Malik Mujahid



Imam Abdul Razzaq is not famous. He has probably never been outside of his native Pakistan, let alone his small village of Meerwala. You’ll most likely never see him on television or read about him.

But he has done what few men have ever done: Defend a gang-raped woman in the face of more powerful (and armed) men.

On an otherwise ordinary Friday in June 2002, Imam Abdul Razzaq gave a Khutba. But not just any Khutba – it was a sermon with shock value. In it, he condemned the gang rape of Mukhtar Mai, which had occurred a few days earlier in his village.

Mai was a young woman whose teenage brother was falsely accused of engaging in a relationship with a woman from a “higher” tribe. In the vigilante justice meted out by the village elders, the punishment for this was to humiliate a woman close to the offender. That meant Mukhtar Mai was to be gang-raped by men from the “offended” woman’s tribe.

And that she was.

After being raped and paraded naked in front of hundreds of people, Mai contemplated suicide.This traumatized woman would have done it – until Imam Abdul Razzaq knocked on her door.

The Imam convinced both Mai and her father to press charges against the rapists. He went with them to the local police station and helped them report the incident. Then, he delivered his Khutba and called a journalist to give the crime publicity. Once the article about the horrific attack came out, the news spread first within, shocking Pakistanis across the country. Then, a few weeks later, the BBC picked it up and brought it to the world.

The Imam’s support, along with the publicity sympathetic to her plight, strengthened Mai. It gave her courage to face the world and challenge her attackers.

Imam Abdul Razzaq never received rape crisis training; he did not complete a degree in Women’s Studies; he was not pressured by Western non-governmental organizations (NGOs), nor has he ever lived in a part of the world where detailed discussions about women’s rights, women’s equality, feminism, or gender justice take place. At the time of Mukhtar Mai’s rape, his village had virtually no electric power service and no telephones.

But Imam Abdul Razzaq received a different kind of training. It was not just in being able to read, recite, and teach the Quran. Rather, it was to truly live up to its principles. In this case, to be just, as God commands repeatedly.

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor, Allah is a Better Protector to both (than you). So follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you may avoid justice, and if you distort your witness or refuse to give it, verily, Allah is ever well-­acquainted with what you do” (Quran 4:135).

Imam Abdul Razzaq made it clear that rape is wrong, whether it is in the alleys of Meerwala or on the streets of Manhattan. It is wrong whether it happens to a woman of “high” status or “low”. Imam Abdul Razzaq also knows that giving Khutbas is necessary, but to truly stand up for what’s right, action and support for the victim are essential.

This great, underappreciated Imam also understands that violence against women is not a “women’s issue”. It is a men’s issue as well. In fact, it is very much a “Muslim issue”. It is about the core of Islamic teachings: Justice for the weak, and standing up for what is right in every way we can, with every tool at our disposal.

Imam Abdul Razzaq’s example is one that more Muslims should highlight, discuss, and emulate.





Islam in the Media 2017

By OnePath Network





Media coverage of Islam does not exist in a vacuum of facts and objectivity. The reality is, print news is a struggling industry, and a very effective method for selling newspapers is fear, sensation, and drama. The more that these methods are normalised, the more they will be used against anybody who the media paints as the next ‘enemy’ of ‘Australian values’. As Charles Morton from Victoria Police Media put it, “At the end of the day, they want to shift newspapers” (Ewart 2016).

This is not just an issue of bias or exaggeration in individual reports. As we found in our research, the overwhelming scale of association between Islam and terror, extremism, violence, and oppression through phrasing and word choice is far more significant than any isolated events or reports. If 2891 articles include the phrase “Islamic terrorism” or “Muslim oppression”, those ideas stick.

This is coupled with stereotypical pictures and images on front-pages and feature stories that are prominently shown in order to sell more papers. These images have been shown to significantly shape the way Islam and Muslims are framed in the public eye (Ewart 2017). In fact there have been a high number of incidents in which images have had to be withdrawn and apologies made for incorrect associations with events. Many newspapers seem to have a policy of “show the face, apologise later.” This kind of approach not only affects public perceptions, it has serious ramifications on the individuals that these papers choose to ‘name and shame’, whether correctly or not.

However, what is said and shown is only one aspect of the equation. As Thomas Huckin points out, “what is not said and/or written is equally powerful because of the ideological role it plays” (Patil 2016). It is simply naive to think that journalists don’t have a choice in what they choose to talk about, and that those choices don’t have consequences on the public’s perception.   













Hana Assafiri speaks out about her violent past as Muslim child bride



Hana is the founder of Speed Date a Muslim, a community event designed to combat Islamophobia


Hana Assafiri opened Melbourne's Moroccan Soup Bar 20 years ago this June.

Now the owner of two restaurants, she is also the founder of Speed Date a Muslim, a community event to combat Islamophobia.

Since revelations of sexual abuse and harassment have gone viral with the #MeToo movement, Hana Assafiri believes it's her turn to end the silence. For the first time, she shares her personal story of abuse.





How did you start the Moroccan Soup Bar?

It was 1998 and I was driving down a road and saw a for lease sign.

I thought, 'why not? I don't know what it will look like, but it will be a safe haven, an environment which validates women, and we'll shape it and we'll enable it to evolve'. So I called the agent and brokered a deal.

You started Speed Date a Muslim in November 2015. What is it?

I wondered how we could creatively engage communities with a sense of humour, given the irony that Muslims theoretically don't date.

In a kind of speed-dating event, we bring people together — Muslims sitting across from non-Muslims — where people can ask any question they like about Islam.  







A House Divided: Tablighi Jamaat (TJ)
By Sajid Iqbal








Perhaps unsurprisingly, the division in this global movement has global ramifications — including in the UK.

According to a TJ activist, it all started with a visit of two representatives of the International Shura to the UK, in September 2017 to gather signatures and support for the Aalmi Shura. They went to various TJ centres to meet volunteers and leaders.

This visit divided the TJ volunteers and elders on the basis of nationalities or the countries of origin. Those from the Gujarati community and most of those having a Pakistani background sided with the Aalmi Shura, while most volunteers and elders with a Bengali background stood behind Maulana Saad.

Before the delegation left Britain, the lines were already drawn, dividing the TJ community into two camps. Of the seven TJ centres in the UK, three — Blackburn, Leicester and Glasgow — expressed loyalties to the Aalmi Shura while three others — Birmingham, Bristol and Dewsbury — stood solidly behind Nizamuddin.

The situation in the seventh centre, London, took an ugly turn when three members of the London Shura signed a letter of support for the Aalmi Shura without consulting the London Shura or any of its 10 subordinate circles. This prompted the ameer of the London Shura to expel them from the London set-up and fill the vacant positions by other volunteers, including his son.

This led to disturbances in a shura meeting at the London Markaz, or Masjid-i-Ilyas, in December 2017. A heated exchange was followed by a physical brawl between the supporters of rival factions inside the centre. The London Metropolitan Police had to intervene and the centre was closed for around two weeks.

It was not the first time that the police had to be called in to calm emotions and separate the supporters of warring factions. Some reports suggested that police visited the site over a dozen times to attend to ugly situations. Supporters of the Aalmi Shura led by three dissident members of the London Shura later took control of the London Markaz and deployed security guards to scrutinise the entry of worshippers into the mosque when it was re-opened after two weeks.

Supporters of Maulana Saad, led by the London ameer, in the meanwhile, moved their activities to the old London Markaz at Christian Street in the Tower Hamlet area dominated by Muslims of Bangladeshi origin, where they meet on Tuesdays for consultations and on Thursdays for tashkeel [formation of groups] and da’wah routes.

Currently there are two TJs operating in London and in the rest of the UK. One adheres to the instructions from Nizamuddin and Maulana Saad and the other follows instructions from the Aalmi Shura centred in Raiwind.

These differences were initially kept under wraps but, later, both factions launched Facebook pages to keep their supporters informed about the latest developments.

“This notice in Dewsbury Markaz was put up to establish the Nizamuddin authority after the recent confusions,” says a post on London on the Nizamuddin Facebook page. “Alhamdulillah our Markaz in Dewsbury UK are [sic] under the tarteeb [organisation] and follow the guidelines of Nizamuddin World Markaz. This post is to clarify that [the] majority of UK [sic] continue [sic] to follow and will continue to follow the guidelines of Nizamuddin. It is only a very small minority, a fraction of people who have diverted.”

Another post on the pro-Saad page quotes a sermon delivered by a cleric in Maryland, US:

“For the past 100 years, the decision of da’wah and tabligh [proselytization] was made only in Nizamuddin World Markaz. No one asked a single question. This is how the effort has been running, it always stayed there and it never went elsewhere. [Maulana] Saad’s imaarath [office of an ameer] was decided 20 years ago. This new concept of Shura is bogus, this is not a reality, this has no basis in the effort. It has always been that our Markaz has always been Markaz Nizamuddin in New Delhi.”

Meanwhile, the anti-Saad camp has also not been left behind in their use for social media to spread their message.

“When [a] delegation from Nizamuddin [was visiting] Madarsa Mazahir-ul-Uloom, all the students boycotted and refused to attend any event in the empty Masjid,” says a post on the anti-Saad Facebook page along two pictures of what looks like a parking area. “Urgently [sic] Saad Kandhalvi’s local group managed to import some persons from outside, and the evidence is these two pics where vehicles can be seen in [the parking lot.”

Another post accompanied by a graphic with Urdu text conveys the following message:

“Sometimes small kids didn’t [sic] able to understand and raised question that did Deoband supporting [sic] Aalami Shura? ANSWER: No, the actual fact was Aalami Shura is following & supporting Deoband instructions, because train engine doesn’t required [sic] anything to run but in fact buggies required [sic] engine.”

So the question is why is this issue so important?

Some may call it Nizamuddin versus Raiwind while others take it as Nizamuddin versus rebels. There is also the individual versus collective decision-making dimension in the controversy as there is the modernist versus conservative undertone. But it all comes down to who should provide the spiritual leadership for TJ when it needs it the most. After all, it is an organisation where even for a smaller group, there are responsibilities for even the smallest of tasks such as running the group at a particular mosque that particular night. So is it prudent to leave a vacuum at the top?






Islam's Reply To Extremism - Part 1

By Abu Khadeejah





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A Musical interlude

BBC Asian Network








What’s it like to be an Aussie Muslim?

OnePath Network


It’s not every day that you see a proud Muslim winning the Aussie Rules football Grand Final. Bachar Houli shares his reflections from the amazing day.



It’s not every day that you see the face of an Australian Muslim in a positive light. The Muslim community has been a highlight of the Australian media for almost two decades now, and as our recent study shows, the coverage has been both disproportionately large and negative.

More recently, however, some networks have taken a slightly different approach, seeing the demand for a more “nuanced” discussion of Islam in Australia and jumping on board.


Shows like the SBS’ Muslims like Us are an example of what happens when the Muslim community becomes a source of entertainment for the wider society, rather than a respected and equal member within it.

That's why Bachar Houli is such a refreshing face. As a midfielder for the Richmond Tigers, the team which just won the AFL Grand Final, he has become both an amazing footballer, and a great role model for Muslim youth in Australia, all whilst maintaining his commitment to the practices of his faith.








Mom Takes Kids to Mock Mosque



A mother, teaching her children hate and violence, takes them on a vandalise-a-mosque trip.




2 Women Who Took Children To Vandalize An Arizona Mosque Are Arrested

Two Arizona women, Tahnee Gonzales and Elizabeth Dauenhauer, were arrested on suspicion of felony third-degree burglary after an investigation into theft and vandalism at a Tempe mosque revealed that the two women, along with three unidentified children, trespassed on the property of the Islamic Community Center earlier this month, an act that they recorded on Facebook live.

The two women were booked into the Tempe City Jail on Thursday afternoon, Det. Liliana Duran told HuffPost. Based on details of the incident shown in the videos, an enhanced charge involving hate crime may be considered for sentencing, Duran said.

In the series of videos posted to Facebook, the women are seen gathered in a car with Gonzales in the passenger seat narrating the group’s plans to “expose the mosque” with Dauenhauer driving and three children listening closely in the backseat. Upon arrival, the women began ripping flyers from a bulletin board and stealing other materials from the outdoor hallway. The women then praise their children for the burglary.

The children are then seen climbing upon the mosque’s funeral van while one of the women warns a boys about the “dead Muslims” and “sex goats” that she says were once stored in the truck.

Throughout the videos, the women are heard encouraging the children using racist and Islamophobic language.

“Be careful, because Muslims are waiting to rape you,” the young girl is heard telling one of the boys at one point in the video.

One of videos posted by Gonzales has since been taken down but was reposted on a number of other accounts, including a Facebook page under the name Naui Ocelot that has accumulated over 10,000 views. The other two videos are still on Gonzales’ personal Facebook page. HuffPost has also obtained copies of the videos. Dauenhauer has since removed her Facebook account.

The videos shocked the Muslim community in Tempe when the community members reviewed the brazen footage. Civil rights organizations, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) condemned the incident. The ADL called it “extremely disturbing and ugly on so many levels” in a statement to HuffPost.

“We’re pleased with the decision to arrest these two individuals,” Imraan Siddiqi, the executive director of the Arizona chapter of CAIR, told HuffPost. “As we saw on the video, the actions that they took and the hateful epithets that they were spewing were egregious and harmful not only to Muslims but to any house of worship. These types of things have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, so we do thank the Tempe Police Department as well the Islamic Community Center of Tempe for taking swift and quick actions against this and not taking this light and really prosecuting it quickly.”

CAIR added that HuffPost’s report Wednesday “helped propelled this to a higher priority case.”

After the Facebook videos were posted on March 4, the Islamic Community Center delivered evidence to the Tempe Police Department two days later. It wasn’t until a week later, and less than 24 hours after HuffPost’s initial report, that police made the arrest.

Ahmad Al-Akoum, the operations director and acting imam of the Tempe center, told HuffPost the video’s scenes of children being led to hate were the most disturbing to him.

“What really affected me the most is seeing those young children getting real-life lessons in hate, that was the thing that made me really, really upset with those people,” Al-Akoum said. “Those innocent 5-, 6-year-old children are now really learning hate from their parents. It’s really disheartening.”









Keysar Trad Interview with Sean Stone














It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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Friday khutbah (sermon)

 DATE: 16 March 2018


IMAM: Uzair Akbar




Imam Uzair is a away







Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 16 March 2018

TOPIC: "Wisdoms of Calamity & Suffering"

IMAM: Akram Buksh












Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 16 March 2018

TOPIC: "Weep Over Your Sins"

IMAM: Mossad Issa










Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 16 March 2018

TOPIC: "Two Fold Effect of Emaan"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar


Summary by Mohideen: Mufti Junaid commenced by saying when emaan enters the heart you get a twofold effect. Spoke about Umar bin Abdul Aziz doing the zakath collection and distribution and could not find any poor person because Umar bin Abdul Aziz made everybody rich. Mufti also spoke about what people talked and did during the rule of Umar bin Abdul Aziz. He complained how Muslims today support people who deny God and gave the example of how Muslims comment on the death of Stephen Hawking. He explained what is emaan spoke about Nikah vow of acceptance and said it is the same when you accept Allah as the Rab. He said how Islam is a way of life and explained how there are five departments in Islam. He questioned why western country people do not live in Muslim countries and why Muslims live all over the world. Concluded by saying how Muslims do not give enough charity to help the problems facing the world today including Syria.   


Listen to the Kuthbah








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 16 March 2018

TOPIC: “Allah taala loves those who follow the Sunnah" 

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali





Summary by Mohideen: Mufti Naeem commenced by telling how Allah created the whole universe and how Allah loves mankind and to guide mankind sent the Quran. He said Allah knows everything and explained how Allah said in the Quran to the Prophet (pbuh) to say to the ummah that if you want Allah to love you then follow the Prophet (pbuh). He went on to explain that one should follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) it is only then Allah will love that person. He said how the Sahaba’s followed everything the Prophet (pbuh) did, even though some of them were not Sunnah and not required to be followed, he gave the example of one Sahabi bending whilst riding his camel in a certain spot. He concluded with the story of how the Prophet (pbuh) appealed to everyone to go to Tabuk and the Sahaba’s did not give excuses but immediately accepted whatever the Prophet (pbuh) said.    


Past Kuthba recordings








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 9 March 2018

TOPIC: "Path to Paradise"
IMAM: Ahmad Ghazaleh







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MIT Technology Review to be published in Arabic  


The Maclaurin Building is shown on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


DUBAI: The MIT Technology Review has been launched in Arabic as regional governments look to an innovation-driven future.

Haykal Media has teamed up with the Dubai Future Foundation to launch the publication as well as the Emerging Technologies Conference (EmTech) in Dubai on Sept. 23-24, 2018.

Abdulsalam Haykal, founder and chairman of Haykal Media, said: “MIT Technology Review is one of the world’s most respected platforms focused on innovation and emerging technologies. Bringing this platform to the region and localizing its existing content reflects our commitment to enhancing people’s access to specialized, useful and reliable content in Arabic.”

The aim is to inspire more young Arabs to pursue careers in technology. It comes as Gulf economies, in the face of dwindling oil and gas revenues, seek to invest in technologies of the future such as artificial intelligence. Khalfan Belhoul, CEO of the Dubai Future Foundation, said: “The platform, along with the conference and Innovators under 35 awards, is an ideal opportunity for professionals and entrepreneurs to meet with decision-makers, exchange experiences and ideas, and learn about the latest scientific and technological innovations.”

Elizabeth Bramson-Boudreau, MIT Technology Review’s CEO and publisher, added: “​Since 1899, MIT Technology Review has led the global conversation about emerging technologies and how they will shape the way we live and work. During this time of great change and promise in the Middle East, we are excited to work with Haykal Media to develop an Arabic-language magazine and a local EmTech event series.”   



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Muslim women encouraged to volunteer in community



The event heard about the volunteer work many Muslim women are engaged in around the country


IRELAND: Muslim women in Ireland have been encouraged to become more involved in their communities through volunteering.

A conference held in Dublin today was told that getting involved in local activities would help women to better integrate themselves with society, while also helping to change perceptions about their beliefs.

Hosted by the Muslim Sisters of Éire, the event heard about the volunteer work many Muslim women are engaged in around the country.

In recent weeks that has included bringing supplies to vulnerable people during Storm Emma, while the organisation also holds a weekly soup run for the homeless in Dublin city centre.



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$1.2m fund to pay Denmark's veil fines


Algerian businessman vows to pay Danish face veil fines.


DENMARK: An Algerian businessman has said he would pay all the fines faced by women in Denmark who choose to wear full-face veils, as the Danish government on February 6 proposed a ban on full-face veils in public spaces. The measure has yet to be approved.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency in front of the Danish parliament, on Saturday, Rasheed Nekkaz said that he had already paid 1,538 fines for women facing similar circumstances in six countries, including France, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria, and Germany.

Nekkaz is famed for paying the fines of women who wear full-face veils or burqas after the garments were banned in many European countries, including France, in 2010.

Political activist

The Algerian businessman and political activist amassed a fund of one million euros to pay for these fines.

"Governments in Europe aren't producing solutions for Muslims to adapt to Europe, which is why Muslim communities in Europe need to be much stronger in order to protect their interests," he said.

"It is very important for me to be able to give European governments the message on restricting freedom that they can't just do whatever they want," he said.

"If there is a veil ban in a country on those who want to wear them, I will be the one paying their fines," he added.

Nekkaz said that before Denmark, he travelled to Iran to support the freedom of 29 women arrested on March 8 for refusing to wear veils on International Women's Day.

"The reason I'm here isn't to defend religion, but to defend freedom. The principle of freedom is a universal right," he said.

"So I defend the freedom of those who want to wear veils in Europe and those who don't want to wear veils in Iran," he said.

Nekkaz said that it is important that the Danish government understands that the women are wearing veils of their own free will.

'Veil ban limits freedom'

At a Saturday protest at the Danish parliament, Sara, a 30-year-old Turkish woman, told Anadolu Agency that the veil ban would limit her freedom.

As she wears the veil, Sara said that the ban would prevent her from going outside.

Sara said that among Denmark's 5.7 million population, only about 50 women wear the veil.

Sara stated that the veil ban is just the beginning of other bans targeting Muslims.

"My question to Danish politicians is: You speak about freedom, but where is our freedom? Where is our freedom of religion?" she asked.


Al Jazeera


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 U.S. Muslim Philanthropy after 9/11


Publication in the Journal of Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society (JMPCS)

Volume 1, Issue 1 

Kambiz GhaneaBassiri












JMPCS is a  peer-reviewed online academic journal publishes research related to Muslim non-profit, philanthropic and voluntary action.




Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

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CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: Sharing Raeesa Khatree's recipe from her The Great Australian Bake Off appearance.


Picnic baskets have never look better than this four-tiered tropical pavlova.


Peacock Marble Cake


Recipe by Raeesa Khatree from The Great Australian Bake Off





Pavlova layers
10 egg whites, room temperature
2Ľ cups caster sugar
2 tbsp cornflour
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tsp cream of tartar
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp white vinegar
Ľ cup white chocolate melts

Mascarpone and whipped cream mixture
600ml thickened cream
450g Italian mascarpone cheese
Icing sugar to sweeten – approx. Ľ cup sifted
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste
Passionfruit curd with orange segments and slivered almonds
1/3 cup caster sugar
1 tsp finely grated lemon rind
4 egg yolks
˝ cup passionfruit pulp
1 tsp cornflour
80ml orange juice
1 orange, segmented
˝ cup roasted macadamia – roughly chopped

Mango and lemon compote

2 ripe mangoes, reserve some for decoration
2 tbsp castor sugar
2 tsp lemon zest
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp lime juice
˝ tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tbsp finely chopped mint
Ľ cup flaked almonds

Lime and coconut curd with toasted pistachio

1/3 cup caster sugar
40g butter
2 tsp finely grated lime rind
4 egg yolks
80ml lime juice
˝ tsp cornflour
3 tbsp desiccated coconut
Toasted pistachio, chopped

To decorate the top and basket handle

Edible flowers
Approximately Ľ cup each of the following fruit:
Mango slices
Passionfruit pulp
2 tsp lime rind
1 sprig of mint leaves
1 sprig of lemon thyme
2 tsp desiccated coconut, lightly toasted
1 tbsp slivered almonds
1 tbsp sliced pistachio



1. Preheat oven to 150°C, trace 4 circles in the following diameter sizes: 9 ˝ inch, 8 ˝ inch, 7 ˝ inch, 6 ˝ inch and using template, draw outline for handles to be piped. Grease and line 4 trays with the traced baking paper and set aside (traced side down on pan).

2. Separate eggs and keep yolks aside to be used for curds. Using a stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment, start by whisking egg whites and a pinch of salt, until soft peaks form on medium speed. Gradually add ONLY a tbsp of sugar at a time, making sure not to deflate egg white mixture. Once all the sugar has been added and dissolved completely, add cornflour, cream of tartar and vinegar.

3. Continue to whisk until high peaks form and mixture looks glossy. Lastly fold in vanilla bean paste.

4. Prepare piping bag with pink gel colour lines running up using a skewer stick. Gently remove approximately 1 cup of mixture and place into a piping bag fitted with 1M nozzle. To create the final top disk/lid of pavlova basket, pipe in a circular motion onto one traced 6 ˝ inch circle of baking paper forming roses. Set aside. Then using the handle templates, pipe basket handle from one end to the other.

5. Using a large metal spoon, place remainder of mixture on each pan using circles as guidelines and by gently piling on spoonfuls of mixture in a circular motion – neatly and using a metal offset spatula to neaten edges gently. Reduce heat to 120°C in oven and place all trays of pavlova in at the same time. Making sure that the oven door is closed at all times. Bake for 90 minutes.

6. Thereafter, turn off the oven and leave pavlovas to cool in oven with door ajar, using a wooden spoon if necessary. After 30 minutes, remove from oven and place on wire racks.

For the mascarpone and whipped cream mixture:

1. Using a chilled bowl, whisk the mascarpone cheese with sifted icing sugar until combined. Add in thickened cream and vanilla bean paste and whisk on low speed until combined. Thereafter, increase speed and whisk till stiff peaks form. Taste for sweetness.

For the first filling:

1. Passionfruit curd with orange segments and macadamia, using a saucepan of simmering water, place a heat-proof bowl over water – not touching it. Place butter, sugar and lemon rind into bowl on medium heat. While that is heating, whisk together in a separate bowl: egg yolks, cornflour and passionfruit pulp.

2. Add to heated butter mixture, whisking continuously to combine and until mixture is smooth and slightly thickened. Once the mixture can coat the back of a spoon, it is ready.

3. Remove from heat and pour into flat bowl, cover surface of curd with cling wrap and refrigerate until cold. Toast macadamia nuts for 10 minutes in oven on 160°C. Keep aside. Peel and segment orange into pieces and keep aside.

For the second filling, mango and lemon compote with flaked almonds:

1. Peel and cube mangoes, leaving at least ˝ a mango to be sliced for decorative layer. Place mango into a saucepan with sugar.

2. As it starts simmering and sugar dissolves, add juices, zest and vanilla bean paste. Once mixture has thickened and mangoes have softened, slightly mash the mangoes to release more juice and remove from heat. Place in a bowl and refrigerate. Chop mint very finely and add to mixture once cooled.

For third filling, lime and coconut curd with pistachio:

1. Using a saucepan of simmering water, place a heat-proof bowl over water – not touching it. Place butter, sugar and rind into bowl on medium heat. While that is heating, whisk together in a separate bowl: egg yolks, cornflour and lime juice. Add to heated butter mixture, whisking continuously to combine and until mixture is smooth and slightly thickened.

2. Once the mixture can coat the back of a spoon, it is ready. Remove from heat and pour into flat bowl, cover surface of curd with cling wrap and refrigerate until cold. Toast pistachios for 10 minutes in oven on 160C. Chop or slice up. Keep aside.

To assemble the pavlova:

1. Place largest tier of pavlova (9 ˝ inch) on board. Pipe mascarpone mixture lightly on first tier, creating pockets to hold curd. Top with first filling and sprinkle with macadamia especially around border which will be visible.

2. Next place the second tier (8 ˝ inch circle) atop, repeat with mascarpone mixture and mango compote. Sprinkle flaked almonds over, especially on border. Then place third tier (7 ˝ inch) on top and top with mascarpone mixture and lime and coconut curd. Sprinkle with pistachio. Thereafter, place smallest pavlova circle on top. Decorate neatly by piping a few rosettes of cream mixture, then small amounts of fruit in spiral circles. Scatter edible flowers in rows.

For the handle:

1. Melt white chocolate and stick both pieces together. Place over top disk. Place edible flowers atop.

To decorate:

1. Place left over mascarpone cream mixture into piping bag fitted with 1M nozzle and pipe small rose designs.

2. Drizzle raspberry coulis over cream and gently over sides of pavlova tiers. Place each of the decorative fruits, rind, nuts etc. in a pattern on top.

3. Place blueberries on toothpicks as decorations and place between fruit. Sprinkle coconut and edible flowers atop. Carefully remove meringue basket handle from foil covered pan and place onto top disk, using whipped cream mixture to hold in place. Decorate handle with edible flowers.



Source: LifeStyle


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing














Muslimah Mind Matters videos

available on YouTube.

Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic:
Women Respecting Women

There is no other way to say this, so brace yourself, because what I’m about to tell you is not pretty at all. I grew up in a household where sexual abuse on children and emotional and physical violence on teenage females were perpetuated by women.

There, I’ve said it. This is in not to gain your sympathy but merely to request that you take a moment and reflect on your life to understand the women in your immediate and extended family. Most of you may not relate to my experience and that’s fine. In fact, I’m grateful if you don’t relate. However, if you examine your life carefully, somewhere along the way you too may find that there have been times where women have failed to respect each other.

Through observation and understanding of case studies of my own clients, I see a pattern where women may choose to surround themselves in deep insecurity, self-loathing and negative self-talk which then perpetuate disharmony in their relationships with other women in the home and in the community.

Sisterhood, a great blessing and mercy from ALLAH, is deeply affected when women disrespect each other.

Some of the negative behaviours women tend to display with other women are:

• Passive-aggressive remarks
• Sarcastic remarks
• Aggressive outbursts
• Cyber-bullying
• Backbiting
• Interrogation (trying to get personal information from someone - such as husband’s salary)
• Commenting on physical appearance
(“you’ve gained weight”, “you’ve lost weight”, “you look really tanned, don’t go in the sun so much”, “you should go on a diet”, “you need to get with the program”)
• Commenting on and judging another sister’s practice of her deen
(“she took her hijab off”, “why does she wear the niqab?”)

I confess that I am guilty of at least one of the above. The state of the ummah can only improve if the state of each household and family relationships improve. This heavily depends on how women treat each other. It’s time to develop strategies to at least respect our differences and make a genuine attempt to understand one another.

Alhumdolillah, women are powerful beings. ALLAH has blessed women with an inherent power to persevere through life with resilience and courage, provided that she acknowledges these attributes in herself and use them to positively empower other women in her family and community. The following poem is dedicated to my fellow sisters.


She means well, just like you
She has been hurt before, just like you
She was once a little girl with dreams and demands, just like you
She has her daily battles, just like you
And sometimes loses her cool, just like you
She cries every so often, just like you
She loves wholeheartedly, just like you
She deserves respect, just like you
She is a unique creation of ALLAH, just like you
Together we share a blessed sisterhood
So treat her with love, compassion and respect
Just like how you wish for her to treat you
She is afterall, just like you.


© Princess Lakshman



10 Strategies To Foster Sisterhood

1. Listen without commenting.
2. If you feel the need to comment, THINK before speaking.
3. Send a kind text message to enquire how other sisters in your family/ community are doing. Your caring message could be exactly what they need that day.
4. Always ask for forgiveness if you cross the line.
5. Always forgive when another sister seeks forgiveness from you.
6. Refuse to part-take in backbiting. Walk away, simply and absolutely refuse.
7. Give a genuine compliment about the sister’s wellbeing, not only about her physical appearance.
8. If you are unable to help another sister, tell her you will find someone else to help her. Do not leave her hanging on false hopes.
9. NEVER COMPARE her with anyone else. Never compare her circumstances with another person’s circumstances. We are all fighting our own unique battles daily.
10. STOP JUDGING. Judging involves ego and ego is a sin. Be ALLAH conscious and stop judging your fellow sisters.

In Shaa ALLAH, next week we will explore the topic:
How To Love Yourself


Download the above article.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Reflections - my new ebook of poetry and affirmations
DOWNLOAD The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Muslimahs
WATCH VIDEOS from Muslimah Mind Matters YouTube Channel.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Meditation Moments - audio files for self-awareness meditation.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786.



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Q: Dear Kareema, I have been really good with my diet and exercise regime. Just wondering if it’s ok to ‘let go’ every now and then as I’m finding it hard to stay on task?

A: The aim is to keep it simple and safe. Take rest days when you need to, so muscles can recover and you do not overwork them. Both exercise and diet goals should be achievable. Try setting smaller, weekly goals. This will allow you to have better focus on what needs to be done, and you’ll have a better chance with staying on task.  





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Jallaludin asked a company owner how he succeeded in motivating his employees to be so punctual to work.

The company owner smiled and replied:

"Its quite simple really; I have 30 employees and 29 parking spaces."


"And the 30th one is a paid parking!"

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An Ayaat-a-Week





The hypocrites try to deceive Allah, but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing off in front of people, and remembering Allah only a little.

[Quran 4:142]


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To live is the rarest thing in the world.

Most people just exist.


~ Oscar Wilde




I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board





Events & Functions






UQ Muslimah Society would like to invite YOU all for one of our most special and major event this semester drumroll … *INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY! *

If you’re interested in meeting new people (Muslim and non-Muslim), have any questions about Islam that you would like to be answered then come join us for this event!

This year's Theme for International Women's Day is on Reclaiming Faith and Identity. Living in a western country and coming from a different background can be very challenging for all of us. This is your chance to be inspired by our Guest Speakers and network with like minded Muslimahs over a Canapee style Brunch! We will have activities and a spoken word performance to entertain you all too! Don't miss out on this wonderful day that will leave you feeling inspired and determined to make and create change!



UQ Muslimah Society

International Women's Day panellist profile


Introducing Amira Al-Maani!


Amira Al-Maani is a fashion designer whose flair for drama and glamour is only amplified by her Middle Eastern heritage and experience as a Muslim woman in Australia.


Amira completed studying Fashion Design and Technology in 2016 at the Australian institute of Creative Design in 2016.


She has recently been nominated as a Semi-finalist for the Queensland Young Achiever Awards under the category of Arts and Fashion 2018.


She was inspired to become a fashion designer to show that Muslim women can create and wear beautiful, bold clothing.


Being a Muslim doesn’t mean you can’t be stylish and show your personality through your clothing.


Amira believes you can send a stronger message to the world about how proud you are to be a woman- and a Muslim, by your clothing.


Amira is aware of the difficulties facing Muslim creatives as a result of the political climate, however she reflects that she does not believe her background has isolated her from the creative industry.












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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services












  • Are you looking at starting your own business? Do you have a business idea that you would like to explore with a professional?

  • This interactive, practical experience that provides you with tools to start or grow your business!

  • Workshop 1: Thinking like an Entrepreneur Workshop 2: The Entrepreneurship Journey Workshop 3: Branding and Design Workshop 4: Communication and Pitching

  • COST: $80 Workshop Series (Four Workshops)


click on image










Need to improve your English for work or social settlement? Learn for FREE with the Adult Migrant English Program at TAFE Queensland.

The AMEP provides up to 510 hours of free English language, literacy and numeracy training to eligible refugees and migrants, at more than 40 sites throughout Queensland.

For more information, visit or call 3244 5488 today












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Businesses and Services




See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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At National Zakat Foundation (NZF) we aim to utilise Zakat funds collected in Australia to provide a lifeline for local, deserving recipients. This group consists of some of the most vulnerable members of our community, including widows, orphans, refugees, the elderly and the homeless.

National Zakat Foundation has had the opportunity to assist our local sisters & brothers right here in QLD.

Sara, a mum with 5 children had been in a violent and abusive relationship for many years. Fearful for her children's well being and hers, she needed to move to a new and safer place away from her husband. NZF helped her relocate by paying for upfront costs. Sara moved to new premises immediately. She and her children are no longer living in constant fear and have started a new and happier life.

David had just lost his business where he had invested a lot of money and with mounting debts and a young family to take care of, he needed help urgently. NZF came to his assistance immediately.

Sadia a single mother and a refugee came to Brisbane few years ago with a young child. She had been hospitalised with serious medical conditions. NZF has assisted her with ongoing financial support and provided her with equipment to start a small home business, empowering Sadia to do something she is passionate about.

(ALL names have been changed to protect identity of clients)




Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah.

I am sure you are aware of the hell that Syrians are going in the face of non-stop bombing of USA, Russia, Israel, ISIS, and you name it.
The ultimate goal is to kill as many Muslims as possible. It is a race that no global leaders want to stop.

Please raise your hands to Allah for the Mustadafeen, helpless sufferers of modern killing machines.

Islamic Society of Toowoomba has decided to collect donations for the recent victims of Syrian war.

Donations should be directed to the Imam Abdul Kader of Garden City Masjid, Toowoomba.

Alternatively, please deposit/transfer your charity to the Comm Bank of Australia:

BSB 06 4459 A/c 1000 3579 (Reference Syria).

May Allah accept your charity for the best of His creation, and protect our helpless children, sisters and brothers in Syria.

Jazak Allah Khair.

Fi amanillah,








Update as at February 2018


The external structure has been completed and the scaffoldings were removed this week. Now, the work will commence inside the complex.

We still need donations to fund this construction.


Please donate generously.




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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





18 March



International Women's Day


UQ Muslimah Society

Bedouin Brew, Boyland Avenue, Coopers Plains.


22 March



Muslim/Ipswich Police community reference group meeting



Ipswich District Police Complex, 300 Warwick Road, Yamato

0438 114 619


24 & 25 March

Sat & Sun


Best of the Best: The Two Wings of Islam 


Al Kauthar Institute

Nathan Campus, Griffith University

8.30AM to 6PM

15 April 2018





(Ascension night)

27th Rajab 1439


19 April



The Super Muslim Comedy Tour


Penny Appeal

Schonell Theatre, UQ


1 May 2018





(Lailatul Bahrat)

15th Sha'baan 1439


17 May 2018





(start of the month of fasting)

1st Ramadaan 1439


11 June 2018





(Night of Power)

27th Ramadaan 1439


15 June 2018





(end of the month of fasting)

 1st Shawal 1439


21 August 2018





(Night of Power)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1439


22 August 2018





10th Zil-Hijjah 1439


17 November 2018



Annual Milad-un-Nabi


Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane



3PM to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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Masjid As Sunnah











Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040






Bald Hills, Brisbane


Daily program
(after Esha salah by Mufti Junaid)
Monday to Thursday = Quran Tafseer
Friday = Prophet’s (pbuh) Seerah
(All programs run for approximately 15 minutes)

Weekly Madrasa
Monday to Wednesday
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Conducted by our Imam Mufti Junaid

Every Sunday
Jaula & remembrance of Allah
between Maghrib and Isha.

All are welcome




Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

Download the programme here.




















Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: TBA

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

Eidfest Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

Al Tadhkirah Institute Madressa, Hifz and other Islamic courses

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to enter their details here.


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