EST. 2004


Sunday 25 November 2018 | Issue 0733


CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....



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Scott Morrison has accused Muslim leaders of making their communities "less safe and more vulnerable" by boycotting a meeting.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has launched a blistering attack on Muslim leaders planning to boycott a meeting with him.

Some Muslim leaders decided not to attend a planned meeting with Mr Morrison this week because his comments after the Bourke Street terrorist attack "alienated" segments of their community.

In a statement posted on social media, Mr Morrison declared the meeting would go ahead regardless of the boycott.

"The meeting is going ahead with those who want to deal with this issue seriously rather than look the other way," he said.




Mr Morrison said those that had boycotted the meeting were in denial.

"Continuing down a path of denial only lets their communities down. It makes their communities less safe and more vulnerable."


A letter signed by nine Muslim leaders including Grand Mufti Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed and Australian Federation of Islamic Councils President Dr Rateb Jneid, said the meeting would not go ahead until attendees were confident their "views and concerns" would be respected.

"Many in the Muslim community including the undersigned are deeply concerned and disappointed with statements made by senior Government ministers and the prime minister in the recent past which infer that the community is collectively culpable for the criminal actions of individuals and should be doing more to prevent such acts of violence," the letter read.

In the days following the November 9 attack, Mr Morrison said he supported religious freedom, but not "radical, violent, extremist Islam".

"Here in Australia, we would be kidding ourselves if we did not call out the fact that the greatest threat of religious extremism in this country is the radical and dangerous ideology of extremists," Mr Morrison said.

The Muslim leaders letter said those statements "have achieved nothing to address underlying issues, but rather, have alienated large segments of the Muslim community."

The letter called for the proposed roundtable to be rescheduled after a "concrete agenda" is agreed upon beforehand.

The move comes after the Australian National Imams Council accused the prime minister of politicising the Bourke Street attack that left one man dead and two others injured earlier this month.

The Council called the attack a national tragedy but said it was "outraged" by Mr Morrison's recent comments linking Islam to a radical and dangerous ideology.

"It is extremely disappointing in such difficult times and during a national tragedy, when all Australians of all faiths and backgrounds should be called upon to unite and stand together against any form of extremism and violence, to see our nation's leader politicising this incident and using it for political gain," the council statement said last week.




Muslims Australia (AFIC) also released a statement in response to the invitation to the proposed Government Roundtable meeting.





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Australians convicted of terrorism offences would be automatically stripped of their citizenship as long as the Home Affairs minister is “reasonably satisfied” they are citizens of another nation, under changes announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Thursday.


The prime minister said he wanted the sweeping reforms passed by Christmas, in the final parliamentary sitting weeks of 2018, meaning opposition and crossbench MPs will only get two weeks to consider the laws.

The reforms would significantly lower the bar for deportation. Currently, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton can only strip citizenship from those with a prison sentence of more than six years for a terror offence.

Under the changes, any conviction would be enough. And the minister would only need to be “reasonably satisfied” they were citizens of another country.

Revocation of citizenship has been reserved for dual-citizens to make sure Australia does not render a person stateless.

“The current wording of the law, we believe is unrealistic,” Mr Morrison said.

“Terrorists have violated everything about being what an Australian is all about. It's a crime against our country, not just other citizens,” he said.





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By Haafidha Rayhaanah Omar    

A dainty teacup, hand-knitted shawl, a floral fragrance, or a quaint clutch purse. We all have distinct memories of a signature item that instantly reminds us of our grandmothers.

For us – my paternal family – it is without a doubt, her Mushaf. *

Recently, my 92-year-old grandmother passed away peacefully on the eve of Jumu’ah. Separated from family by time and space, all I can think about and all that comforts me right now, is the immense love & devotion she had for the Revealed Words.

If I close my eyes, I can picture her holding her hand-sewn covered Mushaf, her constant companion, as she whispers into its well-thumbed pages…

When my grandfather passed away a decade ago, I observed how she found solace in devoting her iddah*, with such graceful patience, to its recitation. Not a day passed, but she would be reciting from its pages for hours on end, stopping only to pray or have her afternoon tea. She would sometimes tell me that her eyes were now tired, but that her heart was so happy and at peace. Her face literally glowed.

As a Tahfeedhul Quran* teacher, I would marvel at her devotion and tell my young students about her routines. Four months later, upon the completion of her Iddah, she spent some time with my family at our home.

During this time, she would change her afternoon rest hour so that she could be awake to receive the groups of students coming home to memorize Quran. She would position her chair so that she had perfect view of all the students, greeting them individually and taking the time to learn their names and ask after their family’s well-being.

And then she’d sit down, simply take it all in: listening to the measured cadence of their voices, the turning of pages; watching their young faces, etched in concentration as they reviewed their lessons.

She would often marvel at this human miracle; the phenomenon of millions of believers committing to memory thousands of verses and being able to retain it for a lifetime and beyond. She would ask questions: eager to understand the science and art behind this momentous task.

I once asked her what she would change, if she could go back in time. Her answer reflected her passion: “I’d memorize the Quran”, she said, without giving the question a second thought.

With children living in different parts of the world, she was both an expatriate and a seasoned traveler: London, Brisbane, Singapore, Joburg, Durban. And always with her companion, her well-loved Mushaf, reading for hours at a time, every single day, weathering each season of life. I would watch her unpack her suitcase, stow away her toiletries and medication, and seek out a shelf or drawer for her Mushaf. Ah! now, she felt at home and settled in. This Quran connection transcended jet lag, family events, and bouts of illness: this was a genuine love and respect for the Quran, a gentle nurturing that spanned decades.

In recent years, that Mushaf was accompanied by a new spectacle’s prescription and more recently, as her eyesight began deteriorating, a magnifying glass.

It was an awe-inspiring sight: a tiny figure sitting on the edge of her bed, leaning over the pages with a magnifying glass, morning and night. She recited fluently, turning the pages at the pace of a seasoned Haafidh*, aware of the flow of verses and the words to follow. She knew the pattern and rhythm of chapters, had certain portions which resonated with her more than others, and I would often observe her reciting from memory, ahead of my own review! So immersed was she in her recitation, that one could stand and watch her recite for a good half hour, and she would be oblivious to all else around her!

“What is there left for me in this world? We gave our children a good education and life, I’ve travelled the world…what more is there for me in the world? At least I have my Quran, that’s all I need.”

And when she was left with only partial vision, she began praying: “Oh Allah! Please don’t take away this eyesight; I am using it only to read your Quran. Without Quran, what worth is there of this eyesight?”

Her main fear was that if she were to lose her eyesight completely, she would not be able to read the Quran. That, I know, would have devastated her. She lived for this connection. She was, quite simply, attached to the Quran. Hers was not a seasonal attachment, or when time, health, or circumstances permitted: it was daily, during all of her free time, in every season of life. Unconditional love for Him and His Words.

This Quran, this true companion, spoke the language of her heart. And it was one full of hope, peace, mercy, and faith. It spoke to her grieving heart as a widow, and it spoke to her as she sought to live gracefully until the end of her life, with a heart full of contentment and yearning to meet her Lord Most High.

Years back, I had spoken to one of her brothers about our family tree: It was one that he was able to trace back to the Arabian Peninsula, and a tribe renowned for its Quran literacy: it brought her great honour to walk in the footsteps of her forefathers.

The way we die, is a mirror of the way we lived our lives: she left this world, her tasbeeh* clasped firmly in her hands and her index finger raised as we do for the Shahadah* in prayer. Light upon Light.

Daughter of Islam, friend of the Quran…what a legacy she has left behind! She can never be remembered but that her name and memory will always, always be associated to The Noble Quran.

In the days since her passing, people around the world have been reading and praying for her: in the friendships she formed over the decades as an expatriate in different countries, to my many students who were inspired by her love for the Quran: Malaysia, Australia, Japan, Russia, Norway, Egypt, Ivory Coast, South Africa, to name but a few.

And if I close my eyes, I can picture her holding her hand-sewn covered Mushaf, her constant companion, as she whispers into its well-thumbed pages…

Verily, Allah raises some by His Book: and you, dear friend reading this tribute, are testimony to that.

Al Marhoomah Hawa Omar passed away peacefully on the eve of Jumu’ah, 1st Rabiul Awwal 1440 and was buried in London, United Kingdom. May she be raised amongst the people of Quran, those most beloved to Him, and gifted a home in Everlasting Paradise, reunited with her loved ones for eternity – ameen.

*Mushaf = written copy of the Quran
*Iddah = the period a woman must observe after the death of her spouse *Tahfeedhul Quran = Qur’anic Memorization *Haafidh = a person who memorizes the Quran *Tasbeeh = strung beads used for Divine Remembrance *Shahadah = Declaration of Faith




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By Zia Ahmad, Editor-in-Chief of the Australasian Muslim Times AMUST


From left: Peoples Choice of the Year Dalya Ayoub NSW, Creative Artist of the Year Amani Haydar NSW, Hana Assafiri Business of the Year Moroccan Soup Bar VIC and Creative Artist of the Year Sara Saleh NSW

Celebrations showcasing community icons at the 12th annual Australian Muslim Achievement Awards were held in Sydney on Saturday 18 November at Grand Royale, Granville recognising a number of individuals and organisations as finalists and winners.

Winners of awards included Dr Mehmet Ozalp, Tony Burke, Jihad Dib, Nada Kalam, Sayed Rahmatullah Hussainzada and many more while AMUST won the award for ‘Media Outlet of the Year’.

The annual event founded and hosted by Mission of Hope led by Ms Hanan Dover, recognises the outstanding contributions made by Australian Muslim men, women, businesses and organisations towards the community celebrating their success performance, and achievements of Australian Muslims.

The 2018 lunchtime program attracted some of Australia’s most creative members of the community, their families, community leaders and supporters.

The diverse range of nominees, finalists and winners were selected through a strict criterion in each category by panels of judges from across Australia.

Ms Hanan Dover during her welcome address pointed out the high level of nominations for this years awards acknowledging the great contributions that Muslim individuals and organisations make towards our Australian multicultural community.

On behalf of the award committee she thanked the event sponsors, committee members, volunteers, judges, nominees, finalists and supporters for making this event a great success.

The President of Mission of Hope, Ms Nasreen Hanifi gave a brief history of the awards and a long consistent track record in holding this event year after year in order to encourage and recognise community’s high achievers.

The keynote address was given by Mr Osman Karolia, winner of the People’s Choice of the Year award last year. During his address, he emphasised the need for members of the community to celebrate their diversity and cooperate with each other in achieving excellence in community work.



From left: Women of the Year Arwa Abousamra NSW, Role Model of the Year Dr Sara Hasan VIC, Creative Artist of the Year Sara Saleh NSW, Lifetime Achievement Award Dr Mehmet Ozalp NSW, Man of the Year Jihad Dib NSW, Youth of the Year Sayed Rahmatullah Hussainzada NSW



Sportsperson of the Year Meriem Daoui TAS

Volunteer of the Year Eman Rahim SA

Community Organisation of the Year Brothers in Need NSW

Event of the Year Mercy Mission Twins of Faith VIC

Professional of the Year Nada Kalam VIC

Abyssinian of the Year Tony Burke MP


Media Outlet of the year AMUST




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Part of an interview with Imam Abdul Raheem Rane (1916-2006), recorded in 1997.


He was Brisbane's first Imam and one of the founders of Islam in Australia.


He established many mosques in Brisbane, including Holland Park and West End, and also founded the first Muslim community organisations in Queensland and Australia.


In this recording (by Diana Abdul-Rahman) he discusses what it means to be Muslim.



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It is a long tradition in Islamic culture to bring extra blessings to our food by sharing our food with others and especially to those in need who are unable to easily provide food for themselves because of poverty or sickness.

Alhamdulillah, when Muslims came to Australia, they did not forget this beautiful tradition and they continued to generously share the Rizk that Allah gave them with others. 

For more than twenty years, here in Brisbane, there has been a tradition amongst certain nationalities in the community to arrange food rosters and visits in the first few weeks for women who have just given birth. It is recognition of the life-altering event that the mother has just gone through and understanding how mothers themselves need to be pampered and taken care of at least at the beginning of welcoming a new baby. 

It used to be that women in the particular communities organised themselves to help other ladies of their own community who they knew needed help. This provided immeasurable support to these ladies who were usually alone in Brisbane with no other families except their own husband and children. These same women were used to the support network of extended families and friends in their home countries, but then suddenly found themselves relatively alone in Australia, with very few people for them to trust and depend on to help them in their time of need, while they struggled to look after their families even while recovering from the effects of childbirth and welcoming a newborn baby.

Women from their own communities tried to fulfil this need for support by preparing healthy home-cooked meals for the women and their families, then delivering it to their houses for the first one or two weeks after they give birth. This in turn also fostered new bonds between women who sometimes have never met before and help make the recipient feel loved and supported by the community. Over time, this crowd-voluntary effort also extended to other women who may be facing other hardships like difficulties during pregnancy, hospitalisation, long-term illness, family upheavals and other events after which women appreciate hot and delicious home-cooked meals delivered with love. 

To help Australian reverts to be supported by the community and to strengthen their faith and connection with other Muslim women in the community.  The first organisation for reverts in Brisbane, the Muslim Women’s Convert Support Group, was founded in the 1990’s by Australian revert sisters. They adopted this beautiful custom from other Muslim women whom they saw helping their own communities in Brisbane.  Recently, a new registered charity organisation, Sisters With Helping Hands (a division of the Hurricane Stars Club Inc.) continues this beautiful tradition of all those lovely ladies until today with a group of volunteers from all nationalities who regularly volunteer to cook 100% halal delicious meals for the families of sisters who are not well enough to look after their own families. The recipients range from reverts who may otherwise feel isolated and alone in their moment of need and even to all Muslims of different nationalities and cultures.

Previously, Sisters with Helping Hands depended on recommendations from circle of friends to organise food rosters and visits for people they know in the community that needed help. 

However, realizing that this is an amazingly profound and much needed assistance for many other Muslim women out there but currently not known by the majority of women in the community, the Hurricane Stars Club Inc. decided to therefore register the Sisters With Helping Hands organisation with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) as a registered benevolent charity with a formal governing constitution.  

As a result of being registered with ACNC, Sisters with Helping Hands was able to register with the Australian Taxation Office as a benevolent charitable organisation and that granted us tax deductible gift recipient status. This means that for all our volunteers, we can issue them with a tax-deductible receipt for the expenses they incurred cooking for or helping others in the community (with proof of purchase receipts). This will also expand access for the services offered by our volunteers to many other women in need in the community.

Sisters with Helping Hands has engaged with medical practitioners in areas with high Muslim populations, like Kuraby, Logan Central and Underwood, to allow medical practitioners to offer our services to their patients that they deem may need more support from the community.  We have also made contact with other relief and support agencies including the Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) to refer their relevant clients that may benefit from our services.

We welcome many more volunteers to help us support other women in the community.

Please contact Iman Shahrain on 0449 610 386 or Farah Scott on 0432 026 375.

For a copy of our referral form or to fill in our online referral form please visit our website.




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Belmore Boys' High principal Hala Ramadan with Menindee Central High principal Fiona Kelly.


Hala Ramadan grew up in Lebanon during the civil war, and studied by candlelight in bomb shelters. She arrived in Australia aged 15 and is now principal of Belmore Boys' High, where 80 per cent of the students are Muslim.

Her friend Fiona Kelly is a Barkindji/Ngiyampaa woman, who grew up in Menindee, near Broken Hill, and returned years later as the high school principal. Seventy per cent of her students are Aboriginal and many have never met a Muslim.

Both women know even those who are marginalised can hold on to stereotypes of others.

"A lot of people at home think every Muslim person is a terrorist," Mrs Kelly said - and the best way to overcome that is human connection.

They also know the key to encouraging inclusiveness among students is their parents.

So this week Ms Kelly brought the Aboriginal mums of Menindee to Belmore, where the Muslim mothers of Miss Ramadan's students took them on tours of the school and the mosque, followed by a Lebanese feast in Lakemba.

The women bonded over things they have in common, such as teenage kids, and answered each other's questions. "They're having all those little conversations, in which they connect as mums," Ms Kelly said.

"One said she was wondering, 'where would you find the time to pray five times a day when you are running around with kids and families in Sydney?' "

The relationship between the principals began two years ago, when Miss Ramadan visited Menindee as part of a city-country schools alliance. "They'd driven miles and miles to find halal meat for me," she said.

While there, she realised how much migrants and Indigenous Australians had in common.

"I thought that as migrants we were the ones that only suffered from lack of belonging, disconnection from environment, confusion about identity, all those things, but when you look at the set of challenges, they are the same," she said.

Ms Kelly added: "Worlds apart, but the same stories and experiences."

Both principals felt encouraging inclusiveness in their students was not enough.

"We build a lot of understanding with the kids, but the kids are still going home," Miss Ramadan said.

"Kids will believe what their parents say. If we can leave that message with the parents, and then we still work with the kids, the chances are that the message will last longer and be engraved in people's minds."

Education Minister Rob Stokes said exchanges were valuable for school communities. “We all learn and we all benefit when we understand different cultures,” he said.





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Australian voters are split on whether to cut the number of migrants coming from Muslim countries, as the Morrison government considers an overhaul of immigration and population rules within weeks.

A special Fairfax-Ipsos survey finds only 14 per cent of voters support an increase in the number of immigrants from Muslim countries while 35 per cent believe the intake should stay the same.

But another 46 per cent believe the intake should be reduced a lot or a little - a position backed by a clear majority of Coalition voters and one third of Labor voters.

The exclusive poll was conducted after the Bourke Street terror attack by Hassan Khalif Shire Ali and amid growing calls from some conservative members of Parliament to cut migration from Muslim nations.

The poll's findings also highlight the challenge facing Prime Minister Scott Morrison as he attempts to regain political support, with the government trailing Labor by 48 per cent to 52 per cent in two-party terms.

Australians often over-estimate the proportion of the population that is Muslim, with Ipsos surveys finding respondents believe it is 17 per cent when the reality is 3 per cent.

The government runs a non-discriminatory migration program but has discretion in the humanitarian intake to put a priority on some over others, with the Syrian intake of 12,000 refugees in recent years said to favour Yazidis, Christians and other minorities.

Australians have supported a multicultural migration intake for many years, according to annual research by the Scanlon Foundation on social cohesion, but the findings also show a “hierarchy of ethnic preference” on migrants.

Attitudes have shifted marginally in the past seven years amid heavy media coverage of terrorist attacks and heightened political debate about migration, including the revival of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and a call by Queensland senator Fraser Anning to return to the White Australia Policy.

While 31.9 per cent of respondents said they had a positive attitude to Muslims in 2010, this slipped to 28.3 per cent in the Scanlon research in 2017. The proportion with a negative attitude rose from 23.5 per cent to 25 per cent, but there was no consistent year-on-year trend up or down over the period.

The Scanlon findings, led by Monash University professor Andrew Markus, have also found a strong sense of integration among Muslim Australians.





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Year 6 teacher's report




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The Second International Conference on Organ Transplantation in Islam will be held at the Western Sydney University on 22 and 23 November.  This conference explores a rare topic in Islamic theological and social scientific discussions; how Islam deals with organ transplantation.

Existing studies on organ transplantation, rare as they are, either look at the argument in support of organ transplantation and donation, or the argument that considers organ transplantation and donation to be prohibited in Islam.  What is missing is a clear and authoritative response to the question of organ transplantation and donation in Islam.  Whether organ transplantation and donation is permissible or not in Islam, robust theological and social scientific discussions are necessary for individuals to make an informed determination


Each week CCN presents the abstract and biography of one of the speakers at the conference:






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There are approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 24.38% of the world’s population, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah’, the worldwide Muslim community.
The Muslim500 publication sets out to ascertain the influence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. Influence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view of course. 





Masoud Barzani

President of Iraqi Kurdistan

Barzani entered the political arena at the young age of 16 under the wing of his late father the Kurdish nationalist leader Mustafa Barzani and became the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in 1979.


He had a major role in shaping the new Iraq through his political position and by becoming a member of the Iraqi Governing Council in April 2004 after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime.


He has been the main force fighting DA’ISH and is adamant about establishing an independent Kurdish state.


He was President of the Iraqi Kurdish Region from 2005-2017, but had to resign because of fierce regional opposition to the referendum he held in September 2017 for Kurdish independence (there was overwhelming support for an independent Kurdistan).


There are approximately five million Kurds living within the Kurdish region in Iraq, 14.5 million in Turkey, 6 million in Iran, and less than 2 million in Syria.






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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs


What’s a Muslim to Do About Hajj?



"Saudi Arabia has turned the holy journey into a political and moral nightmare.

I don’t see how I can go."



Muslim worshippers pray and circumambulate around the Kaaba, Islam’s holiest shrine, at the Grand Mosque in Saudi Arabia’s holy city of Mecca 


As excruciating details have leaked over the past two weeks about the killing and reported dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi government agents, the most high-profile public backlash has come in the form of defections from a glittery upcoming conference, the Future Investment Initiative, planned by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, along with dozens of other politics, business, and media figures, have pulled out of the so-called Davos in the Desert because of scrutiny around the case and the crown prince’s likely involvement. They don’t want to be associated with an event designed to bolster the image of (and enrich) a brutal regime and prince that might kill a dissident and barely try to hide it. Go figure.

But for me, there’s another annual gathering in Saudi Arabia that comes to mind. It’s an essential and religiously required journey for Muslims: the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the five pillars of Islam. My mom told me it was the greatest moment of her life when she went. In Arabic, my father asked me to pray for him when I make it. At 29, I still haven’t been able to afford it, but I remember the look in my parents’ eyes after I told them I was saving my money for the expensive trip. It was pure emotion—a clear affirmation of their parenting. Personally, I’ve always dreamed of converging with fellow Muslims on the location believed to be the birthplace of our final prophet, and where the first words of the Quran were revealed: Iqra. Read.

Now I’m starting to wonder how I can go at all. And I’m also wondering why more Muslims don’t question the powers that control our most sacred site—and how the Saudis have already twisted it to their own political and financial ends.

In some ways, it’s absurd that the alleged murder of one journalist is what has sparked a high-level reckoning with the kingdom, or finally caused my own doubts to spill over. To participate in one of our religion’s most important rites, we shouldn’t have to look past the Saudis’ merciless, brutal campaign in Yemen. We shouldn’t have to look past decades of notorious and flagrant human-rights abuses. Personally, I shouldn’t have had to look past the hate-filled, Saudi-peddled “textbooks” that the kingdom has distributed to children in Islamic schools in America, including mine.

But whatever the catalyst, the moment seems finally to have arrived, if President Trump doesn’t manage to help the Saudis talk their way out of it. Although various investigations into Khashoggi’s murder continue, it doesn’t seem too early to ask how any Muslim—particularly one in pursuit of a profound religious duty—could not be troubled by such horror and corruption. Should we not hold the guardians of Islam’s holiest sites to a higher standard? This kind of flagrant thuggery and extrajudicial murder does not belong in this century, and we’re complicit if we line the pockets of those responsible. The Quran teaches, “O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witness to Allah, even if it be against yourselves, your parents, and your relatives, or whether it is against the rich or the poor … ” The message isn’t ambiguous. Saudi Arabia’s violent disregard for basic human rights isn’t either.

The Saudi regime itself has politicized the pilgrimage before, using it as a bargaining chip to put pressure on other Muslim-majority countries. Earlier this year, Qatar accused the Saudis of withholding access to hajj from its citizens. For a while last year, it also wasn’t clear whether Iranians would be allowed to visit, because of long-standing tensions between the countries. And in many other places, angry protests sought to remind the kingdom of the weight of its religious duty as “immoral” prices surged out of control. “Only God has the right to forbid anyone to go on Hajj, not Saudi Arabia,” one Indonesian organization said.

In practice, of course, that’s not true. The time has come to change it. Muslims have more power over the royal family than we think. Make no mistake: Mecca is big business for the Saudis. Hajj and umrah revenues are estimated to surpass $150 billion by 2022. That’s a lot of money to collect from Muslims, many of whom have been selling their belongings and saving money for years to afford the trip. If we can harness the anger at the kingdom’s arrogant violence and abuses, it won’t have a choice but to notice. Executives dropping out of the Future Investment Initiative and some high-profile business cancellations have already rattled the royals there and raised questions about the crown prince’s future. Muslims should stand up to the regime now, when its abuses are finally too glaring and inescapable that they can no longer be ignored. We can do it by staying home until something changes.

As with most Muslims, my desire to complete the hajj carries an intense emotional and spiritual weight. It isn’t just a ritual—it’s a foundational and indispensable pillar of my religion. I can’t say I’ll never go. I must. But I do know I can’t focus on my hajj while Saudis make a mockery of the journey and corrupt Islam without consequences. I’m still putting money away in an account—I got married last year, and I dream of bringing my wife with me so we can complete our religious obligation together. But for now, I’m going to keep that money far away from Saudi Arabia.  



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White Community Leaders




Scott Morrison says Muslim community leaders don’t do enough to stop terror attacks.

But what about white community leaders when it comes to crimes committed by white people?







Imran Hosein interviewed by Christian Peschken in Geneva

 Sheikh Imran Hosein

Published on 25 Sep 2017




Interview conducted by Christian Peschken at the United Nations in Geneva. Christian is an independent UN Correspondent for EWTN (The Global Catholic TV Network).









Common mistakes in Jumuah

 OnePath Network 



Jumuah is a congregational prayer that Muslims hold every Friday instead of the Zuhr prayer. These are some of the most common mistakes in Jumuah






It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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To know the future just look to the past


UK's Oldest Mosque: Incredible pictures shine a light on Britain’s oldest mosque dating back to the reign of Queen Victoria


Indian women at the entrance to the Mosque during the Muslim Festival of Eid in Woking, Surrey, in July 1917






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Listen live with the TuneIn app at


Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 23 November 2018

TOPIC: "The ingredients of true success" 
IMAM: Hassan Elsetohy









Friday lecture (sermon)

 DATE: 23 November 2018


IMAM: Uzair Akbar














Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 23 November 2018


IMAM: Akram Buksh












Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 23 November 2018

TOPIC: “Journey to Taif”

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar


Lecture Recording









Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 23 November 2018

TOPIC: “Prophet Muhammad was sent as a favour upon the believers Part 2" 

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali






Australian International Islamic College Carrara



Image result for Australian International Islamic College Carrara


Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 23 November 2018

TOPIC: "Being connected to the Qur'aan" 
IMAM: Imraan Husain



Play the recording  




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Angst that buying halaal food could fund Islam


SOUTH AFRICA: Concerns have been raised, especially from Christians, that buying halaal or kosher foods amounts to funding religions.

The concerns have been raised with the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL commission), which hosted a seminar on the subject on Thursday.

Religious leaders and commissioners were faced with questions about whether the certification of products by religious groups did not amount to denying other consumers the freedom to choose non-certified products.

Journalist Vicky Abraham addressed the commission and said Christians had raised concerns about the number of products certified halaal.

In a City Press report in April, Abraham reported that the CRL commission was "flooded" with complaints from Christians, laced with Islamophobic sentiment, complaining that "most" items in chain supermarkets were halaal.

Some complainants reportedly said they objected to eating something "sacrificed to idols", eating and drinking goods used to fund terrorism, or inadvertently adhering to Sharia law. Abraham said that 80 to 90% of the products in stores were certified halaal.

But South African National Halaal Association (Sanha) halaal certification office manager, Mufti Mohammed Yusuf Seedat, was at pains to explain that the certification fees paid by food manufacturers and retailers were used solely for Sanha's purposes.

Sanha's adited financial results for the year ending February 2017 stated that the association's income for that year was R22m - mostly received from service fees. It's expenditure was about R21m and most of the amount went towards staffing costs, travel expenses, the training of personnel to export certified products to Gulf states, and other running costs.

In short, the money Sanha receives from retailers, restaurants and manufacturers who pay halaal certification fees does not go towards building mosques, financing terrorism, or subsidising Islam.

Another Muslim attendee said the only reason for having food certified halaal was to ensure that those who wanted to keep to the prescripts of Islam could do so.

Similarly, Kosher Department of the Beth Din head Rabbi Dovi Goldstein said the it was a non-profit organisation and certification fees received were also mostly used for running costs. He said kosher food was one of the fastest-growing food trends in the world due to the belief that the way the food was prepared was cleaner and more humane.

He said more than 450 companies, 30 000 products and 70 000 ingredients were certified with the diamond-shaped "BD" symbol. Goldstein said that kosher was a set of "technical standards" set out by the Torah.

For example, the slaughter of animals is "very specific", he said, to ensure cleanliness and humaneness. As part of its staff complement, the kosher department has 75 supervisors – permanent and part time – at manufacturers around the country, he said.

Convenor of the Shuddha Committee of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha, Mala Sarupdeo, said the purpose of having foods certified under the Shuddha lotus flower symbol was to protect the rights of Hindus.

She said that if someone was fasting, for example, it would violate their rights to practice their religion freely if Shuddha-certified foods were not available.

"I have been to these kitchens and 99% of fast foots outlets and manufacturers don't respect the rights of consumers. It's about protecting the rights of the consumer - not promoting a particular religion," said Sarupdeo.

She said that Shuddha-certified food was strictly vegetarian and contained no animal products at all. The food and packaging must not be related to any animal cruelty or animal testing, and must not have come into contact with alcohol.

While a number of foods are Shuddha certified, Sarupdeo said the list needed to be longer, but there was a lack of awareness among manufacturers.

Professor Alice Chan, representing the Nan Hua Buddhist Temple, said that Buddhists encouraged vegetarianism but there was no strict rule about it. She said because of this, Buddhists had no certification symbol of their own.

Chan said that Buddhists discouraged the ingestion of the five "pungent herbs" - garlic, onions, scallions, leeks and chives. She said they were considered aphrodisiacs and could also cause bad breath that "offends other people".

Chan said that if she was to eat meat, if would be kosher or halaal "because I'm sure the animals were treated humanely" and as a vegetarian, she would support Shuddha products.

Why are so many products certified halaal?

Seedat said that the number of products certified halaal was so high because of the unseen animal products used in so many foods.

He said animal by-products were used in some breads and baking premixes. Some yoghurts used gelatin as a stabiliser, and even red colourant in desserts could come from crushed insects. Some hypo-allergenic baby formulas contain pork enzymes, while wine gums and even apple juice can contain gelatin. Even basting brushes can contain porcine hair, Seedat said.

Even the casings of pill capsules and wax covering toothpicks can contain animal products and need to be certified halaal, he said.  

News 24


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3 Joint Winners of Million Dollar 2018 Al Sumait Prize for Health Announced


KUWAIT CITY: Three joint winners of the 2018 cycle of Al Sumait Prize for African Development in the field of Health have been endorsed by the award’s Board of Trustees, in recognition of their exemplary work in health improvement on the African continent.

Following consideration of the jury and selection committees’ reports, the Board of Trustees has decided to award half of the Prize to Professor Salim S. Abdool Karim (pictured), Director of the Centre for the AIDS Program of Research, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa and Professor at Columbia University.


The second half of the prize is to be shared equally between Professor Sheila K. West Vice Chair for Research Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and the Rakai Health Sciences Program, which is a nonprofit independent research center based in Rakai, Uganda.

Professor Abdool Karim has been jointly awarded the prize for his recognised contributions to science in HIV treatment and prevention over the past three decades, which have led to significant changes in health policy and practices worldwide. He has published more than 350 papers in world-class medical journals and his efforts in research on prevention and treatment of AIDS patients has been a major factor in the decline in HIV/AIDS and mortality rates in Africa and the world.

His findings on HIV-TB, a leading cause of death in Africa, are specifically mentioned in many country treatment policies and guidelines, and are being implemented worldwide. The impact is highly tangible (eg. HIV-TB deaths have halved in South Africa since 2012).


The prize amount of one million US dollars, offered by the State of Kuwait, is awarded annually to individuals or institutions within one of the three fields of Food Security, Health and Education.


The Board of Trustees (BOT), which oversees the prize, is chaired by H.E. Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and its members include: Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr. Kwaku Aning, Chairman of the Governing Board of Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Chairman of Ghana Nuclear Energy Institute and Former Deputy Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Abdulatif Alhamad, Director General and Chairman of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Tareq Al-Mutawa, Executive Member of the Board of Public Gathering Charity Committee and Makhtar Diop, Vice President for Africa, The World Bank. The Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) provides all the administrative and logistic support.

An initiative of His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah, the Amir of the State of Kuwait, which provides the annual million dollar, the Prize honors the late Dr. Abdulrahman Al Sumait, a Kuwaiti doctor who dedicated his life to addressing the health challenges confronting Africa.




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Meet the woman who discovered a whole new type of galaxy


Astrophysicist Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil speaks during the TED2018 event in Vancouver, Canada.

US: Turkish-born astrophysicist Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil shares her name with a rare double ring of stars more than 350 million light-years away.

As a child growing up in Turkey, astrophysicist Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil used to enjoy looking up at the stars in the night sky. Little did she know that thanks to her scientific skills, a galaxy sitting 359 million light-years from Earth would one day bear her name.

Mutlu-Pakdil’s lifelong passion for astrophysics was born when she had to prepare an assignment in middle school on an interesting person.

“I asked my sister for suggestions on who I should choose for my assignment, and she suggested Einstein, because he’s the cleverest man in the world,” Mutlu-Pakdil says. She immediately dove into reading about physics and became obsessed with understanding the cosmos. But she encountered obstacles when she chose to do undergraduate studies in physics. For starters, she had to move from her home town of Istanbul to Ankara.

“Even though my family supported my decision and encouraged me to follow my passion, friends and relatives said that girls should not leave home to study,” Mutlu-Pakdil says.


A professor at the college also questioned her decision to move cities to study science. Perhaps not surprisingly, she was one of the few female students in her class.

“As a woman studying physics, I felt like an outsider and had to teach myself not to care about the comments and to just focus on my passion.” Also, even though it is not the case anymore, women in Turkey were not allowed to wear the hijab while attending university at the time she was in college.

“I wore hats and looked for ways to cover my head, but it was disconcerting. I was already battling the prejudices of being a woman studying science, and by forcing me to alter my attire, I was being compelled to be someone I was not.”

When she came to the U.S. for her master’s degree at Texas Tech University, and later a Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, she had to deal with a new set of cultural differences, but she did find a more welcoming environment.

“I was in a new country and many things were different. But since I was myself and I could dress as I pleased, I felt happier, even though there were other issues to sort out.”

Ringing success
Now a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory, Mutlu-Pakdil analyzes data collected from telescopes to help unravel the mysteries of the universe—especially how galaxies form and change over time.

National Geographic


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The Salafi Worldview and the Hermeneutical Limits of

Mainstream Sunni Critique of Salafi-Jihadism

(Journal article)


Adis Duderija
Griffith University, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science, Faculty Member





The aim of this article is not to directly engage with this literature but to point to the hermeneutical limits of the critique of mainstream Sunnism vis-à-vis the Salafi-jihadist interpretations with particular reference to the literature produced by the proponents of the IS.


The main argument the article makes is that by subscribing to what will be termed a “Salafi worldview,” mainstream Sunnism shares many interpretationally crucial epistemological and methodological mechanisms with those adopted by the proponents of the ideology behind the IS.


As such mainstream Sunnism has strong...



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: With summer almost upon us, this is an ideal treat without much effort.


Cardamom, Rose and Almond No-Churn Ice Cream







1 tin ideal milk (cold)
1 tin condensed milk
250 ml fresh cream, whipped
150g toasted slivered almonds
2 tsp cardamom powder
20 ml rose water
50 ml rose syrup

  1. Whisk cold ideal milk until thick

  2. Whisk in condensed milk and rose water.

  3. Fold in the whipped cream

  4. Fold in the almonds and cardamom

  5. Pour rose syrup over and pour mixture into a plastic tub and set, preferably overnight




Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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We’re heading into the last few weeks of the year, time to turn up your workout routine and smash your fitness goals.

I’m sure you’ve set some serious goals earlier in the year - time to be true to yourself and ensure you reach each and every one of those goals.




Join the KaRa-MOVEment and together
let’s fight GLOBEsity!






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786




Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing














Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic:
How to Overcome Insecurity

Do you ever feel anxious, with little or no confidence, or inadequate in your circumstances? Do you feel the need to depend on others for things or approval? Do you feel self-pity or that you need to prove your worth to others? If so, you could be feeling insecure.

Insecurity creates self-doubt and fear, and cripples you from living a joyful, productive life. When you feel insecure, you resist total submission to ALLAH swt. You begin to believe in shaytan's whispers that you are “not good enough” or that you “don’t have what it takes” or that you are a “fraud”. These negative whisperings not only create massive blocks in every aspects of your life, such as, relationships, finances, spirituality, to name a few, but also affect your mental health and holistic wellbeing.

For thirty-seven years of my life I was a slave to shaytan’s whispers about my own insecurity. It had crippled me to the point where I would create situations to prove my worth. The saddest part about those years was that I was not a Muslim and I did not know how to handle feelings of fear, rejection, self-loathing, self-pity and self-doubt.

Insecurity stems from emotional hurt or pain that has not been healed. Instead of processing hurt and emotional pain, we tend to put on a brave face and slap on a big, padded band-aid over them. We become fearful of our own vulnerabilities by moving on with life, carrying a load of unprocessed emotions.

The way to process emotional hurt and pain is to identify what happened, when it happened and who were involved. You may need professional help from a therapist to successfully identify these suppressed, or sometimes blocked, memories. Once you have identified them, you are then on the road to overcoming feelings of insecurity that are as a result of these memories.

Journaling or Writing Therapy is a great way to not only identify memories of hurt and pain but also process them and experience catharsis. Contact me if you wish to find out more about this therapy.

Strategies to Overcome Insecurity

Below are six typical situations which may cause feelings of insecurity. Try to practise corresponding affirmations to become aware of your insecurities and therefore overcome them.

Situation Affirmation
When people compliment others in front of me I am unique. ALLAH has blessed every creation with their own unique abilities. I am enough because I am ALLAH’s creation.
When I struggle financially ALLAH is Ar-Razak. Only ALLAH provides my sustenance. Everything I need, ALLAH provides immediately
When I struggle with my body image ALLAH has blessed me with optimum health. I am a soulful being dwelling temporarily in this body. Every salah I pray, my body re-energises with faith and wellbeing. I am a beautiful creation of ALLAH.
When I feel I do not deserve compliments or monetary rewards for my efforts I am worthy of rewards. I work hard and ALLAH knows my efforts. HE rewards me for my efforts. I accept wholeheartedly whatever HE has ordained for me to receive as payment for my services.
When I feel I don’t have as much as my other friends or family members ALLAH provides me with comfort and ease. I accept wholeheartedly and gratefully all that ALLAH provides for me and my family. I embrace ALLAH’s abundant blessings in my life.
When I feel I lack skills or aptitude I have a mind with unlimited potential. ALLAH gives me knowledge, intelligence, reason and creativity. ALLAH helps me in every task I perform that is good for me and my deen.


If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please email me on If you wish to have a FREE one hour Clarity Coaching phone session, contact me on 0451977786


Download the above article.


Muslimah Mind Matters videos : available on YouTube

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Reflections - my new ebook of poetry and affirmations
DOWNLOAD The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Muslimahs
WATCH VIDEOS from Muslimah Mind Matters YouTube Channel.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Meditation Moments - audio files for self-awareness meditation.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786.



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During a company's annual family trip to a crocodile farm in Thailand... the eccentric Boss dared his employees to jump into the crocodile infested pond... and swim to the shore.


Anyone who survived the swim will be rewarded with 5 million... but if killed by the crocs...2 million will be given to the next of kin.


For a long period of time no one dared take up the challenge... then suddenly Jalllaludin jumped in, and swam frantically for his life towards shore pursued by the crocs, and luckily he made it unscathed.


When he managed to recover his breath, Jalllaludin, who became an instant millionaire, shouted asking who had pushed him into the pond.


It turned out to be his wife who did it!


And from that day...that was how the phrase...


"Behind every successful man...there's a woman"...came about !!!

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An Ayaat-a-Week





Truly Hell is as a place of ambush, for the transgressors a place of destination: They will dwell therein for ages.

~ Surah An-Nabaa 78:21-23


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"The beginning of wisdom is

to call things by their proper name”


~  Confucius



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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board





Events & Functions






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Brother Laith from the community has a brain tumour and needs urgent brain surgery. All proceeds will be going to help his medical expenses. Medical expenses may exceed $150,000 due to the high risk nature of the tumour. Please support this worthy cause by purchasing a ticket or donating.


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services







































On 31 December 2017 the only Islamic childcare centre in the whole of Brisbane had to unfortunately close its doors due to the Department of Transport requiring it for their future expansion. To date they are still in the process of securing new premises to continue serving this very important need of the community and the wait continues….

In the interim the need is still there. The question most Muslims would be asking themselves is “Where do I send my child so that he/she can learn, grow and develop in an Islamic environment, and establish a sound Islamic foundation?”

Msasa Montessori is a private home based learning centre for 3-5 year olds. The focus is an Islamic based learning environment alongside the Montessori method of teaching. Children will be taught their basic duas, surahs, tasbeehs, stories of the Prophets will be read and enacted, and Inshallah their love for Allah and His Noble Prophet Muhammed S.A.W will develop. Supported by the Montessori method of teaching they will develop their independence and will utilise equipment which will enable them to develop and grow.

Montessori is a method of education based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. The Montessori materials cover developmental activities designed to meet the needs of children in five curriculum areas:
Practical life skills, Sensorial activities, Mathematics, Language and Cultural Studies.


By providing such an environment, the children will develop a strong sense of wellbeing and identity as Muslims and they will become confident and involved learners with the ability to communicate effectively and with confidence.

For further information call 0434519414.



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Businesses and Services







Phone (07) 3706 9916 | 4/2922 Logan Rd, UNDERWOOD





See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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Bank Account Details:

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Toowoomba Plaza Branch
A/C Name: Toowoomba Islamic Charitable Organisation

BSB No 064459,

A/C No 1034 1586,
Swift Code: CTBAAU25XXX

Contacts: Prof Shahjahan Khan Ph +61421081048, Email:, Dr Mainul Islam Ph +61432533550, and Br Shahbaz Rafiq Ph 0402398608 (Brisbane).




Islamic Care clothing bins are now operational around South East Queensland 





Gold Coast Islamic Cultural Centre






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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





9 December



Annual Meelaad un Nabi


Islamic Society of Algester

48 Learoyd Road, Algester


0431 620 629


2 April 2019

3 April 2019


Tues (EVE)





(Ascension night)

27th Rajab 1440


20 April 2019

21 April 2019


Sat (EVE)





(Lailatul Bahrat)

15th Sha'baan 1440


6 May 2019





(start of the month of fasting)

1st Ramadaan 1440


26 May 2019





(Night of Power)

27th Ramadaan 1440


5 June 2019





(end of the month of fasting)

 1st Shawal 1440


11 August 2019





(Night of Power)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1440


12 August 2019





10th Zil-Hijjah 1440


1 September 2019





(Islamic New Year)

1st Muharram 1441





1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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Masjid As Sunnah



Every Sunday Quran Tafsir or Islamic Lesson or Arabic Class.
After Magrib
Conducting by Imam Yahia Baej

Children Arabic/Quran Class every Tue-Wed-Thursday after Magrib




Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040




Bald Hills, Brisbane




Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

Download the programme here.




















Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha QLD 4117

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

Eidfest Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

Al Tadhkirah Institute Madressa, Hifz and other Islamic courses

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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