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Sunday 23 December 2018 | Issue 0737



CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....


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We find the week's news, so that you don't have to




Laith is back home in Brisbane AlhamduLillah.


He will see the surgeon again on 29th January 2019.


He will now begin his slow recovery period.


MCF and his family again thank everyone who has donated to this appeal and to keep him in your Dua’s.



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Image result for bill shorten

Bill Shorten MP

Imam Shadi Alsuleiman



The Honourable Bill Shorten MP
Leader of the Australian Labor Party
Leader of the Opposition Australian Federal Parliament

Dear Mr Shorten,

The Australian National Imams Council is the peak Muslim body that represents the Muslim community throughout Australia, with over 200 Imams from all Australian states, living in major Australian cities. It is also the sole body that elects the Grand Mufti of Australia.

The Australian National Imams Council calls upon the Australian Labor Party and the current and future Australian Government to recognise the state of Palestine and to work towards resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Australia can play a vital and non-biased role in resolving this ongoing conflict that has led to the death of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians and the displacement of many more.

It is important that the Australian Government honours its commitment to the Palestinians. In 1947, Australia voted to divide Palestine, then recognised the state of Israel in 1948, but as yet has failed to recognise the state of Palestine; and to grant the state of Palestine full diplomatic rights.
It is also important to act in the support of the right of Palestinians for self-determination.

Israel’s continued illegal expansion of ‘Jewish only’ settlements on occupied Palestinian land is in flagrant contravention of international law, impacting and impeding a peaceful workable solution.

Recent statements by the Australian Government on relocating the Australian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and recognising Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel, seriously concerns all Muslims around the world, in particular those living in Australia. We strongly condemn any such move or decision. this will only contribute to further escalation and complications to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Australian National Imams Council strongly urges the Australian Labor Party and political leaders like yourself to play a positive, unbiased role in the Australian foreign policy regarding the recognition of the state of Palestine and resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Should you have any further queries on this matter please do not hesitate to make contact at your earliest.

Best Regards,
Imam Shadi Alsuleiman
President of the Australian National Imams Council



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The iconic chocolate bar has been certified halal, prompting calls for a boycott.

People are calling for a boycott of iconic Swiss chocolate Toblerone after the company announced it received halal certification back in April.

Mondelez, the company that produces the pyramid-shaped chocolate, announced its factory in Bern, Switzerland, achieved halal certification eight months ago.

The company also confirmed the recipe and production process has not changed.

Muslims choose to eat halal food because it meets requirements that they believe make it suitable for consumption.

Production facilities can be certified, so that any products produced according to the certification standards can claim to be halal.

The certification doesn't mean alcohol or pork goes into the production of Toblerone, just the factory must abide by certain ethical standards and pass regular inspections.

However, the certification didn't please everyone with the federal spokesperson of Germany's far-right AfD party claiming the move showed the "Islamisation" of Europe.

"Islamisation does not take place - neither in Germany nor in Europe," AfD's Jörg Meuthen wrote sarcastically on social media, according to CNN.

"It is therefore certainly pure coincidence that the depicted, known chocolate variety is now certified as 'HALAL.'"

Others turned to Twitter to express their anger that Toblerone is now halal certified.



But many mocked the idea people were boycotting Toblerone since the recipe or production process remained the same and it had always met halal criteria.










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The Transit Lounge Episode 4 with Mufti Menk

Mufti Menk is arguably the most popular and renowned Mufti on the planet. Having been in the ‘Top 500 Most Influential Muslims’ list 6 years in a row, his name and online lectures are a staple in millions of Muslim households.


To no surprise, we learn the Mufti was reading the Quran at the tender age of 3 and memorised it cover-to-cover by 11 (yes, you read those numbers right).


A fast-tracked upbringing was just the beginning; after being enrolled (somewhat a surprise to him) into Madina University, Ismail Menk began on a journey of hardship, enlightenment, struggle and joy.


We trace the Mufti’s journey from childhood in a Christian school, to early medical career aspirations, studying abroad and a difficult divorce – all of which made the Islamic Scholar we know as Mufti Menk.



Listen to the full interview





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The Second International Conference on Organ Transplantation in Islam will be held at the Western Sydney University on 22 and 23 November.  This conference explores a rare topic in Islamic theological and social scientific discussions; how Islam deals with organ transplantation.

Existing studies on organ transplantation, rare as they are, either look at the argument in support of organ transplantation and donation, or the argument that considers organ transplantation and donation to be prohibited in Islam.  What is missing is a clear and authoritative response to the question of organ transplantation and donation in Islam.  Whether organ transplantation and donation is permissible or not in Islam, robust theological and social scientific discussions are necessary for individuals to make an informed determination


Each week CCN presents the abstract and biography of one of the speakers at the conference:






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There are approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 24.38% of the world’s population, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah’, the worldwide Muslim community.
The Muslim500 publication sets out to ascertain the influence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. Influence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view of course. 





Aref Ali Nayed


Nayed was the first post-Gaddafi Libyan Ambassador to the UAE for Libya’s National Transitional Council. He led the Tripoli Stabilisation Team. Prior to the Libyan revolution he worked as an important scholar in the field of Muslim-Christian relations, and is the founder and director of Kalam Research & Media (KRM).

Religious Scholar: Nayed is a former professor at the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (Rome), a former professor at the International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC, Malaysia) and a senior advisor to the Cambridge Interfaith Program and the Faculty of Divinity in Cambridge, UK. Prior to the Libyan revolution he lectured on Islamic Theology, Logic, and Spirituality at the restored Uthman Pasha Madrasa in Tripoli, Libya, and supervised Graduate Students at the Islamic Call College there. He is also a member of the Board of Advisors of the Templeton Foundation.

Political Leader: Nayed’s other strengths have not gone unnoticed, and when he first submitted his resignation from the post of Ambassador to the UAE, it was rejected, and he was asked to take the position again. He is viewed in many circles as a man of integrity, wisdom and strength; virtues that are needed at the highest level to put Libya back on track. In 2017, Nayed launched a new movement for change in Libya dubbed Ihya Libya (“Reviving Libya”) which aims to create a stable, prosperous and democratic country.






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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs





Three mosques in Melbourne


By Tajuddin Rasdi






The Melbourne city mosque


The students were all apprehensive about going to the mosque and meeting Muslims to ask about Islamic practices. Where they came from, this was absolutely taboo. Some Muslims scared them and made them consider Islam as a violent faith. But because they trusted me and had confidence in my knowledge of Islam and experience in public relations, they followed me to the three-storey building located in a corner of the Melbourne city centre within the free tram ride area.

The first floor was for the male congregational prayer space, toilet and ablution area for males. There was also a little bookshop selling Islamic books. The second floor was for the women, who had their own toilet and ablution facilities there. The third floor was the office space of the council which had a meeting room and a seminar hall that could seat 100. There, we met a kind and talkative Malay lady wearing a tudung.

During the dialogue session, my students plied her with questions related to the openness of the mosque to non-Muslims. The lady mentioned that they got frequent visitors from non-Muslims who asked about various concerns over Islam that they heard from the media. There were also some who were somewhat hostile, but the council managed these public relation episodes in a friendly and amicable manner. It was helpful that the mayor of Melbourne was a strong supporter of the Muslim community, even though he himself was not a Muslim.

The Melbourne mosque also organised public talks on health issues or specific social concerns, and it was open to the public which thronged to the third floor seminar hall.

Before the lady finished with her answers, another council official came in and spoke jovially to the students about sports, life in Melbourne, and issues like parking during Friday prayers.

At our hotel that night, I asked the students about their take on meeting another world of Islam. They said apart from me, they would never have met Muslims who were friendly, open and intelligent, and who put them at ease in conversations. I told them the next time you think of Islam, think of Melbourne Islam.

The next day, the students and I went to visit the newly built mosque in Newport, Melbourne.

As the mosque was running low on funding, many of the workers were volunteer Muslims, including the contractor himself who was a professional builder.

The Newport mosque.....








Meet the former garbageman now running NSW schools


By Jordan Baker


Murat Dizdar is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the state's 2200 schools





As a kid, he'd go to Turkish school on Saturdays, and spend the rest of his time studying (unless he was watching his beloved Western Suburbs Magpies at Lidcombe Oval). His teachers could see he was bright, and drew his parents' attention first to the opportunity class test, and then to the selective schools one. When Dizdar was accepted into Fort Street High, one of only seven selective schools in Sydney at the time, his teachers even mapped out the bus route to persuade his parents to send him.

Selective schools were intended to bring bright kids together, so they could push each other further. Not everyone agrees with them, but Dizdar felt the competition and extracurricular activities were good for him; "it made me work harder". In recent years, there has been increasing concern about the number of students being coached for the selective schools entrance test, giving them an advantage unavailable to children like Dizdar, whose parents could have never paid the tens of thousands of dollars required.

The department is reviewing the test, trying to find a way to ensure kids from lower socioeconomic backgrounds have the same chances as wealthier ones. "It was meant to pick up kids like me from a very disadvantaged background ... and grow that talent and ability," he said. "[I'm] really proud we're tackling that, having been a student that went down that path."

At the end of year seven, Dizdar was near the bottom of the rankings in a class full of bright kids. But his work ethic kicked in, and by year 12, he was dux. In the HSC, he came first in the state in three unit geography and second in three unit economics. His tertiary entrance rank was 99.95, giving him a golden ticket to every university course. He chose law, but had a secret; he wanted to be a teacher. "I didn't tell anyone," he says. "Because if you come from working-class stock and you've got, like I did, parents who did it the tough way ... medicine [and law are] the ticket."

He'd been fascinated by teaching since he was 14. "I would be watching [my teachers] thinking, 'could I execute like that? Could I inspire like they're inspiring? Could I influence and shape like they were influencing? They were masters of controlling and motivating and testing and challenging and inviting contention."

Dizdar did well at law, of course. But it didn't excite him, and after two years he decided to switch to education. His parents were horrified, and university officials called a meeting to dissuade him. But for him, it was the perfect fit. Dizdar remembers driving to his first practical placement with four other teaching students. "In the afternoon, the rest of them were crying in the car," he says. "I'm saying, 'stick it out, this is phenomenal'.








We’ve got the degrees, so why do Muslim women struggle to get jobs?


By Aina Khan, freelance journalist


Armed with the professional gold dust of a degree, these women should be on the way towards a blossoming career.’

For the last decade, more Muslim women than men are going into higher education. Armed with the professional gold dust of a degree, these women should be on the way towards a blossoming career.

However, a new report by the Institute for Public Policy and Research (IPPR) highlights that for Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim women like me, this glowing success vanishes as these women struggle to enter the labour market.

Tumbling down the rabbit-hole of unemployment they go, where a “complex interplay” of increasing discrimination, everyday Islamophobia, some “cultural conservatism” and the failure of mainstream services, “including employment support, benefit and welfare systems, subsidised childcare and mental health support” let these women down.

Of course, none of this comes as any surprise. Two years since Louise Casey’s review on integration blamed regressive “cultural or religious values” in Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim communities for holding women back from integrating and working, it is depressing to see how little has been done since.

The disproportionate focus on the un-British “patriarchal culture” of Muslims in the Casey review served not as an attempt to resolve disengagement among these women, but as a political scarecrow to distract from the structural barriers that also affect these women, and indeed all women from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

The knee-jerk assumption that culture alone is what holds back Muslim women is dressed in the trappings of colonialism where “British” culture, whatever that may be, is more “civilised”. It is this very same civilised culture in which women in the UK have borne 86% of the austerity burden and BAME women especially have been disproportionately affected by cuts to benefits, tax credits and public services since 2010. One woman is killed every three days in the UK and women’s refuges have had their budgets slashed by almost a quarter in the last seven years. Forgive me, but my womanhood is not oppressed by my faith, but by the callousness of austerity Britain.

Where mainstream organisations have failed to build trust in local communities, the IPPR report also highlights how community-based projects such as Shantona, a women and family centre in Leeds, have stepped in to complete the vital task of engaging Asian Muslim women and equipping them with skills, notwithstanding dwindling access to funding and local authority grants. Oversubscribed and stretched for resources, how long must they run on sheer altruism and goodwill before mainstream organisations will step in?

But the challenge isn’t simply for Muslim women to get their foot through the door, because there are also many hurdles within the workplace. The obsession with the sartorial choices of Muslim women has found its way into the work-space. When politicians openly liken Muslim women wearing the niqab to letterboxes, this legitimises Islamophobia and “othering” that already disproportionately affect visibly Muslim women.

There is also the big elephant-in-the-room that is class. Findings from the Race Disparity Audit suggest that your life chances are significantly lower if you are from a minority background, despite the fact that the representation of ethnic minority individuals within the labour market boost the economy by about £24bn a year.

The compassion afforded to the plight of the white working class is painfully absent when discussing class issues in the context of the Muslim community, despite the fact that 46% of the Muslim population lives in 10% of most deprived local authority districts in the UK. As the first graduate in the family, my own ascent up the rickety ladder of social mobility has been challenging: financial instability from unpaid internships and low-paid jobs, years of couch-surfing and living out of a suitcase in order to save on extortionate rent, premature burn-out, and a crippling sense of impostor syndrome which Michelle Obama recently spoke about, has followed me in varying degrees from university to the workplace.

The aspiration and hunger to succeed was always there. However, the networks, professional role models, signposting and the confidence to navigate worlds so detached from my working-class, single-parent roots was not. It was only with an iron-clad support network of mental cheerleaders, personal and professional mentors of women from similar backgrounds, with a sprinkling of sheer stubbornness, that any semblance of success has come my way. Yet we continue to regurgitate the myth of British meritocracy, the fuzzy idea if you work hard you will succeed. Meritocracy is an unforgiving path for women like me living at the intersections, faced daily with the exhausting task of smashing a glass ceiling stubbornly reinforced with sexism, racism, classism and as of late, Islamophobia.

Theresa May promised “a country that works for everyone” when she became prime minister. But the Britain emerging from the turbulence of Brexit negotiations is fast tumbling into the faultlines of divisiveness and inequality. Until the interconnections between race, class, and gender are fully recognised when it comes to discussions surround Muslim women’s access to the labour market, unless mainstream organisations step into assist community projects, we risk losing a generation of women who could be not just an economic asset to this country, but a powerful social one as well.

The Guardian



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HM King Abdullah II, 2018 Templeton Prize Ceremony, Washington National Cathedral

Templeton Prize




His Majesty King Abdullah II of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan speaking at the 2018 Templeton Prize Ceremony at Washington National Cathedral, November 13.

King Abdullah II was awarded the 2018 Templeton Prize in the presence of ambassadors, Jordanian and U.S. government officials, and Washington political leaders, faith leaders, the media, and society.

“Today, I am truly humbled to be recognized by all of you. But let me say, everything you honour me for simply carries onward what Jordanians have always done, and how Jordanians have always lived – in mutual kindness, harmony, and brotherhood. And so, I accept this extraordinary prize, not on my own behalf, but on behalf of all Jordanians,” King Abdullah II said in remarks at the ceremony.

King Abdullah II, who has done more to seek religious harmony within Islam and between Islam and other religions than any other living political leader, was announced as the 2018 Templeton Prize Laureate on June 27 by the John Templeton Foundation, based in West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.












Do Muslims Celebrate Christmas?

 OnePath Network




Do Muslims Celebrate Christmas?
It’s the holiday season and you may be wondering do muslims celebrate Christmas? A time of year to take a break from all of our hard work and spend some much needed time with family and friends. It’s no coincidence that this holiday period happens around Christmas, as traditionally it was a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

More recently Christmas has been adopted by most of us to be a cultural holiday of gift giving and close gatherings whilst spending time with loved ones. We accept the social etiquettes such as wishing Merry Christmas, attending Christmas gatherings and even to some extent, decorating our homes and workplaces with a Christmas tree.

Though we do not believe in the religious undertones of Christmas, should we, as Muslims, participate in Christmas although it is a national holiday and celebrate this holiday? And what are the implications of our actions?

Here are five reasons why we Muslims do not celebrate Christmas..  

The Guardian






It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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To know the future just look to the past


UK's Oldest Mosque: Incredible pictures shine a light on Britain’s oldest mosque dating back to the reign of Queen Victoria



Nineteen British Indian soldiers who were killed in WWI are buried the grounds of the mosque






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Listen live with the TuneIn app at


Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 21 December 2018

TOPIC: "The greatest love in existence
IMAM: Ahmed Naffa









Friday lecture (sermon)

 DATE: 21 December 2018

TOPIC: "Advice for Youth" PART 1

IMAM: Uzair Akbar












Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 21 December 2018

TOPIC: "7 signs that indicate the love of Allah SWT"

IMAM: Akram Buksh











Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 21 December 2018


IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar






Lecture Recording









Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 21 December 2018

TOPIC: “Be humble to the believers”

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali








Australian International Islamic College Carrara



Image result for Australian International Islamic College Carrara


Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 21 December 2018

TOPIC: "Dealing with Anger" 
IMAM: Imraan Husain



Play the recording  




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The Inbox



Assalam u’alaikum

Allahumma Barik Lahu

5 Rabi Al-Akhar, 1440AH/13 December, 2018 we received the blessed news that my grandson Mohammed Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Sultan Deen had completed his last hifz lesson and is now a Hafiz of Quran, Masha’Allah. He is the first Hafiz in his generation of the Deen family.

Mohammed Abdullah is the only son of my youngest son Aziz and his wife Razima, with the love and support of his family, Alhamdulillah he has completed his hifz under the guidance of the one and only Qari Fida Ur Rehman at Kuraby.

May Allah continue to shower his blessings on Qari Sahib for all that he has done for our families and for the community at large.


l to r, Qari Fida-ur-Rahman, Aziz Deen and Haji Sultan Deen, and gift from the family in the background

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘The Qur’aan will come on the Day of Resurrection like a pale man saying to its companion, “Do you recognize me? I am the one who made you stay up at night and made you thirsty during the day…” Then he will be given dominion in his right hand and eternity in his left, and a crown of dignity will be placed upon his head, and his parents will be clothed with garments which far surpass everything to be found in this world. They will say, “O Lord, how did we earn this.” It will be said to them, “Because you taught your child the Qur’aan.”’”

(Narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Awsat, 6/51).

Hajji Sultan Deen







The Last Girl:

My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State



Nadia Murad





In this intimate memoir of survival, a former captive of the Islamic State tells her harrowing and ultimately inspiring story.

Nadia Murad was born and raised in Kocho, a small village of farmers and shepherds in northern Iraq. A member of the Yazidi community, she and her brothers and sisters lived a quiet life. Nadia had dreams of becoming a history teacher or opening her own beauty salon.

On August 15th, 2014, when Nadia was just twenty-one years old, this life ended. Islamic State militants massacred the people of her village, executing men who refused to convert to Islam and women too old to become sex slaves. Six of Nadia's brothers were killed, and her mother soon after, their bodies swept into mass graves. Nadia was taken to Mosul and forced, along with thousands of other Yazidi girls, into the ISIS slave trade.

Nadia would be held captive by several militants and repeatedly raped and beaten. Finally, she managed a narrow escape through the streets of Mosul, finding shelter in the home of a Sunni Muslim family whose eldest son risked his life to smuggle her to safety.

Today, Nadia's story--as a witness to the Islamic State's brutality, a survivor of rape, a refugee, a Yazidi--has forced the world to pay attention to an ongoing genocide. It is a call to action, a testament to the human will to survive, and a love letter to a lost country, a fragile community, and a family torn apart by war.  



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB's Culinary Corner





KB says: There's chicken, and there's saucy chicken! This dish is literally finger-licking good. The addition of a delicious peri-peri sauce is brilliant. I say that because this recipe is so simple, so easy, yet so tasty. It always takes just that one ingredient to take your food to the next level.


Starting this week, I will also be including videos below (as they become available) by *Hussain Baba* who is the host and chef of *BABA’S HALAL KITCHEN*, a show where he uses his *own unique style* to cook *Quick, Easy and Delicious* dishes.


Saucy Chicken







1 chicken, skinned and cut into 8 pieces
1 tsp lemon pepper
2 tab crushed garlic
¼ tsp turmeric powder
1 tab fine red chillies
Lemon juice of one lemon
1 tab Aromat

Marinate the chicken in the above ingredients for a few hours or best overnight.

The Sauce
100g butter
2 tab garlic
3 tab peri peri sauce
3 tab Nando’s sauce
3 tab mayonnaise


1. Melt 100g butter or ghee in a pot.
2. Add chicken and allow to cook on low heat until the water has evaporated.
3. Place chicken in an oven proof dish.
4. Prepare sauce by placing all the ingredients in a pot and allowing it to boil and thicken slightly.
5. Pour the sauce over the chicken and cover with foil and bake @ 180 for 20 mins.
6. Remove foil and bake for a further 10 mins.
7. Serve with roti or naan bread or my families favourite - chips.





Baba's Halal Kitchen


COOKING Chicken in Coconut Curry Sauce








Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Keeping Fit with Kareema






Reward yourself for all your hard work you’ve done this year, and up-the-anti next year.


Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits!

Choose to be better, stronger, fitter, faster…

The rewards are immeasurable.

The key to wellness is being mentally stronger than you physically feel.


Bring it!





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786




Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )





Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing














Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic:
Are You Living Your Life By Design Or Default?

Did you know that apart from the five senses of sight, smell, touch, taste and hear, ALLAH subhaanu wa ta’ala has also blessed us with six mental faculties?

Six Faculties of the Human Mind

1. Intuition
2. Imagination
3. Will
4. Perception
5. Memory
6. Reason

ALMIGHTY ALLAH gives us challenges and tests on a daily basis whereby every moment in life one needs to make use of the six faculties of the mind and react or respond to the five senses.

The simple thing to understand is that if you are living your life by default you are operating on a default setting known as REACTION. In other words, HABITS.

This means that you are facing your tests and challenges from ALLAH in a reactive mode. The result of living on this reactive mode is that you are not pausing to evaluate your life and make sense of your habits, patterns and ingrained self-talk.

You are giving in to your nafs (sensory desires) and hence Living Life on DEFAULT.

Now, the ideal Muslim life is to pass those tests and challenges daily that ALMIGHTY ALLAH places in our lives so that we may grow more joyful, kind, considerate and perform righteous deeds which please ONLY ALLAH.


How To Live Life By Design

Living life by design requires us to pause and evaluate our thoughts, words and actions every single moment and perform righteous deeds that are pleasing to ALMIGHTY ALLAH. That in itself is an enormous challenge.

There are strategies that you may use daily to understand and transform your life so that you are not reacting but responding to life’s tests and challenges.

1. Gratitude - every morning, upon waking, thank ALMIGHTY ALLAH for the new day HE has blessed you with. Thank ALLAH for making you Muslim, thank ALLAH for your family and loved ones and your health.

2. Record your behaviour for seven days - make notes in a journal about how you react or respond to life’s daily challenges. Write without judgment.

3. Analyse your behaviour - now take each behaviour pattern that you recorded in your journal and analyse it with deep reflection. (Contact me if you require help with this) Usually, a timeline of your life can help with behaviour analysis. Noticing what happened in your life helps you understand how those behaviour patterns were formed. For example, it was very early in my life, around the age of five, that I was told that Muslims were “bad people, traitors and cheaters”. I only figured this out when I worked on my personal timeline. This phase requires you to use the six faculties of your mind mentioned above.

4. Challenge your behaviour - this is the phase that requires you to be completely honest with yourself and tell yourself that your ultimate purpose is to be and remain a Muslim. Challenge your behaviours and ask yourself if they are in alignment with ALLAH’s commandments.

5. Transform your behaviour - be kind to yourself. Transformation does not happen overnight. It requires a proper strategy, discipline and immense support from people who want the best for you. These people are always very positive and display good, righteous deeds. Seek help from these people to start your transformational journey.

6. Reflect on your transformation daily - the best time to do this is after Fajr when your mind is alert. Reflect on your behaviour patterns from the day before and check in with yourself regarding your transformation.

7. Teach someone else how to become aware of their habits and support them in their transformational journey. When you engage in being of service to another, you are obliged to practise what you preach.





If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please email me on If you wish to have a FREE one hour Clarity Coaching phone session, contact me on 0451977786




Download the above article.


Muslimah Mind Matters videos : available on YouTube

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Reflections - my new ebook of poetry and affirmations
DOWNLOAD The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Muslimahs
WATCH VIDEOS from Muslimah Mind Matters YouTube Channel.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Meditation Moments - audio files for self-awareness meditation.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786.



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The CCN Chuckle





Imam Mula Nasruddin, who had a wife and 12 children, needed to move because his rental agreement was terminated as the owner wanted to reoccupy the home.

But he was having a lot of difficulties finding a new house.

When he said he had 12 children, no one would rent a home to him because they felt that the children would destroy the place.

He couldn't say he had no children because he couldn't lie - we all know Imams cannot and do not lie.

So, he sent his wife for a walk to the cemetery with 11 of their kids. He took the remaining one with him to see rental homes with the real estate agent.

He loved one of the homes and the price was right -- the agent asked: "How many children do you have?

He answered: "Twelve."

The agent asked, "Where are the others?"

The Imam, with his best sad look, answered, "They're in the cemetery with their mother."

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An Ayaat-a-Week






We have indeed sent down Sign s that make things manifest: and Allah guides who He wills to a Way that is straight.

~ Surah An-Nur 24:46


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“Your promises don't make you a better person,

Your commitment does!”

~  Anon



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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board













What and When: Oz Sports has been hired for the community's sole use on Saturday 19 January 2019 from 6pm to 8pm.


Activities will include netball, soccer, cricket and volleyball all in the name of fun.


Teams will be randomly selected and participants will be able to play at least 2 different sports on the night. Salaah facilities will be provided.


For food, there will be a sausage sizzle.

Who's Invited:
Everyone! Men, women, boys and girls 4 years old and above are invited to participate. Kids under 4 and non-sports participants are also invited to join us on the night.

Why: The purpose is purely for the community to get together, network and have some fun through sport.

How do I Sign On: Registration can be done online.

Click here.





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On 31 December 2017 the only Islamic childcare centre in the whole of Brisbane had to unfortunately close its doors due to the Department of Transport requiring it for their future expansion. To date they are still in the process of securing new premises to continue serving this very important need of the community and the wait continues….

In the interim the need is still there. The question most Muslims would be asking themselves is “Where do I send my child so that he/she can learn, grow and develop in an Islamic environment, and establish a sound Islamic foundation?”

Msasa Montessori is a private home based learning centre for 3-5 year olds. The focus is an Islamic based learning environment alongside the Montessori method of teaching. Children will be taught their basic duas, surahs, tasbeehs, stories of the Prophets will be read and enacted, and Inshallah their love for Allah and His Noble Prophet Muhammed S.A.W will develop. Supported by the Montessori method of teaching they will develop their independence and will utilise equipment which will enable them to develop and grow.

Montessori is a method of education based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. The Montessori materials cover developmental activities designed to meet the needs of children in five curriculum areas:
Practical life skills, Sensorial activities, Mathematics, Language and Cultural Studies.


By providing such an environment, the children will develop a strong sense of wellbeing and identity as Muslims and they will become confident and involved learners with the ability to communicate effectively and with confidence.

For further information call 0434519414.



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Click here to enlarge



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See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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Donations & Appeals







Assalamu Alaikum wrb

This is urgent plea to all our brothers and sisters.


We have paid a deposit to purchase a church on the Gold Coast to make it into a Masjid, the church is already approved as a place of worship as a Masjid.


So far we have raised $2.6m in loans qarz e hasna and donations and are $500,000 short.


Our settlement is in just over 1week time. We are pleading pay back in 12 months.


We cannot miss out on this church which can accommodate 500 people. We will not get this opportunity again in the middle of Gold Coast.


There is only 1 Masjid on the Gold Coast which is overflowing, again I point out we can not miss this opportunity we will never get this opportunity on the Gold Coast again.


Please help towards this house of Allah as the reward great - a house in Jannah Insha’Allah.


Complete the Pledge Form or please message or contact me...... .

Please contribute whatever you can and share with family and friends.

May Allah swt grant you and your family a dwelling in Paradise.


Imam Akram Buksh










Gold Coast Islamic Cultural Centre








Bank Account Details:

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Toowoomba Plaza Branch
A/C Name: Toowoomba Islamic Charitable Organisation

BSB No 064459,

A/C No 1034 1586,
Swift Code: CTBAAU25XXX

Contacts: Prof Shahjahan Khan Ph +61421081048, Email:, Dr Mainul Islam Ph +61432533550, and Br Shahbaz Rafiq Ph 0402398608 (Brisbane).





Water scarcity is a major concern for those living in Yemen, especially those in conflict areas. This has resulted in people seeking water from unclean sources and the spread of water-borne diseases to over 1 million people.

MAA has embarked on a major project to provide water to over 3,000 people by digging an artesian well with a depth of 170m.

The structure will include a concrete reservoir, generator room, and pipes networked to distribute water to local areas.

You now have the opportunity to invest in the construction of this life-saving Sadaqah Jaariyah project for just $50.

Invest on behalf of yourself, your family, and your friends and reap the rewards!




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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





19 January 2019



Sports Family Fun Night



OZSPORTS Springwood

0410 977 161

6PM to 8PM

9 February 2019



Muslimah Night Bazaar



45 Acacia Rd,



3PM to 9PM

9 March 2019



Mother & Daughter High Tea


Hurricane Stars Club


0432 026 375


24 March 2019



Zaky and Friends Show


Hurricane Stars Club

Islamic College of Brisbane,


0432 026 375


2 April 2019

3 April 2019


Tues (EVE)





(Ascension night)

27th Rajab 1440


20 April 2019

21 April 2019


Sat (EVE)





(Lailatul Bahrat)

15th Sha'baan 1440


6 May 2019





(start of the month of fasting)

1st Ramadaan 1440


26 May 2019





(Night of Power)

27th Ramadaan 1440


5 June 2019





(end of the month of fasting)

 1st Shawal 1440


11 August 2019





(Night of Power)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1440


12 August 2019





10th Zil-Hijjah 1440


17 August 2019



Eidfest @ Dreamworld




0418 722 353

from 6PM

1 September 2019





(Islamic New Year)

1st Muharram 1441





1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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Masjid As Sunnah



Every Sunday Quran Tafsir or Islamic Lesson or Arabic Class.
After Magrib
Conducting by Imam Yahia Baej

Children Arabic/Quran Class every Tue-Wed-Thursday after Magrib




Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040




Bald Hills, Brisbane




Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

Download the programme here.














Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha QLD 4117

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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Useful Links




HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

Eidfest Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

Al Tadhkirah Institute Madressa, Hifz and other Islamic courses

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to enter their details here.


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