Azmeena Hussain's legal
ambition was ignited at the
tender age of three.
Exactly one century after
the law firm Maurice
Blackburn was founded, the
firm has promoted its first
ever Muslim woman to the
role of partner.
Azmeena Hussain, a Sri
Lankan-Victorian Muslim
lawyer born in Melbourne,
said law was the only career
she had ever considered.
Ms Hussain joined the
Maurice Blackburn at 22
after a partner at a
different firm said in a job
interview she'd be "bad for
business" and clients "would
not trust her advice"
because she wore hijab.
Azmeena Hussain (23),
pictured with her boss and
mentor Liberty Sanger.
Ten years on, Ms Hussain's
mentor and supervisor burst
into her office with another
partner to scream: "I don't
know what to say or how to
say this but... you're a
Ms Hussain called her Mum
immediately with the
exciting news.
"Growing up, my mum had a
difficult journey accessing
legal representation when
she had to wade through the
aftermath of a divorce. I
witnessed first-hand how
difficult it can be to
navigate our legal system
without expert guidance,"
said Ms Hussain.
"I also vividly remember the
ultimate relief my mother
experienced when she met
people who were able to
assist her legally, and put
her mind at ease. Later on
in life, I found out these
people were lawyers."
Ms Hussain's older brother
is the well-known Australian
comedian Nazeem Hussain, who
ditched his own law degree
and now appears in Netflix
stand-up appearances and TV
show Orange is the New
Brown. Breaking down the
reality and absurdity of
social malaises like racism
and Islamophobia in
Australian society is a
recurring theme of his work.
Ms Hussain's promotion comes
off the back of a decent
year for Australian law
firms in terms of getting
women to upper management
Many law firms scrambled
across 2018 to try and
correct the gender status
quo that has predominated
partnership levels for
decades. Herbert Smith
Freehills appointed eight
women and no men to its
partnership in the first
half of 2018, 7 out of 11
new partners at King & Wood
Mallesons in the first half
of 2018 were women, and 7 of
10 new Australian Ashurst
partners were women.
But cultural and racial
diversity at the partnership
level remains a work in
Final year law student and
Sydney University Law
Society's first
ethnocultural officer
Ferdous Bahar described Ms
Hussain's appointment as
"absolutely fantastic".
"I'm a brown, visibly Muslim
woman starting out my legal
career, so it's obviously
profoundly encouraging to
see a brown, visibly Muslim
woman like Azmeena killing
the game," she said. "It's
just empowering."
"Unfortunately, people who
look like me and people of
colour generally just don't
occupy senior positions in
both the public sector and
private sector.
"It's fascinating because
you see how dynamic and
culturally diverse we are at
the law school, but the
moment you step outside and
enter legal practice, you
realise how
under-represented we are in
the more senior roles.
Whether it is partnership or
the bar, the higher up you
look the fewer people of
colour there are, until you
see literally no people of
colour at all as judges on
the High Court."
In 2015, the Asian
Australian Lawyers
Association published a
report on cultural diversity
in the legal profession that
found Asian Australians
accounted for only 3.5 per
cent of partners in
Australian law firms. The
study included lawyers
hailing from a diverse array
of countries, including
China, India, Sri Lanka,
Japan, Vietnam and Korea. It
also found that six large
firms and 44 medium firms
had no Asian Australian
partners at all.
As for Ms Hussain's main
goal going forward?
"I'd really like to help
grow our practice, and play
an active role in mentoring
and developing aspiring
women and lawyers. If I can
help make it easier for
other women to reach their
goals – I think I'll be even
happier than I am now, which
is pretty happy."
Tarek Elrich
has been sent an abusive message
by a fan.
Tarek Elrich has received a
ton of support from the
sports community after the
A-League star exposed a sick
message that was sent to him
on social media.
The Western Sydney Wanderers
player revealed the
disgusting words written to
him on Twitter after his
side’s 2-1 loss to Melbourne
Victory on Saturday night.
The message referenced the
treatment of Victory
goalkeeper Lawrence Thomas.
It read: “Professional
footballer — more like
professional weak c*** you
scummy dog. Throwing elbows
at unsuspecting keepers.
“If I was Lawrence Thomas I
would’ve knocked out your
dumb Lebbo a***.
“Now p*** off to where you
came from you ugly Muslim.”
Elrich responded to the
message, tweeting: “No need
for this. Call me s***, call
me ugly, call me a lebbo
whatever but keep my
religion out of this.”
There was no shortage of
support for the 32-year-old,
who has three Socceroos caps
to his name.
Former A-League and
Socceroos star Archie
Thompson replied to Elrich’s
tweet, saying: “They have no
idea brother.”
Fox Sports football
presenter Adam Peacock
wrote: “There is one weak c
in this exchange and it sure
as hell ain’t Tarek.”
Former Socceroo turned
football analyst Craig
Foster praised Elrich’s
response on Twitter, saying:
“Well done for exposing this
disgusting, racial,
religious abuse Tarek. Too
many Australians are
subjected to it every day
and as a prominent figure
you help create awareness of
the ongoing challenge to
educate. This needs a formal
complaint. This is not our
game or our country.”
Football writer for The
Australian Ray Gatt and
former Newcastle Jets coach
Gary van Egmond were also
among those to stand by the
In a statement sent to
AMUST, Senator Mehreen
Faruqui has condemned a
Daily Mail article by
Stephen Johnson published on
Wednesday 9 January as fake
news implying that she
opposed the halal slaughter
of animals.
She said that the article
was false and completely
misrepresented her views on
the halal issue denying that
she has called for the
banning of halal meat.
support the stunning of
animals before slaughter and
the majority of
slaughterhouses in
Australia, including Halal,
already comply with this,”
Senator Faruqi said.
The article also implied
that she abstained from
consuming halal meat.
Senator Faruqi clarified
that the real reason she did
not eat any kind of meat was
that she was a vegetarian.
The Daily Mail article was
subsequently updated on
Thursday 10 January
incorporating statement from
her spokesman Matt Hilton,
“Senator Faruqi supports
mandatory standards for
slaughter to ensure all
animals are rendered
insensible and unable to
feel pain prior to being
Nick Vallelonga (right)
appeared with his Green Book
co-writer Brian Currie and their
Golden Globes
The writer of Oscar-tipped
film Green Book has
apologised for a 2015 tweet
in which he said he saw
Muslims in New Jersey
celebrating the 9/11
Nick Vallelonga tweeted his
support for Donald Trump,
who said he had seen
"thousands and thousands"
cheering - a claim that's
been widely discredited.
Vallelonga wrote that Mr
Trump was "100% correct",
but has now said sorry "for
the hurt I have caused".
He won a Golden Globe Award
on Sunday, and the Oscars
are now six weeks away.
Vallelonga wrote Green Book
about the story of his
father Tony Lip, who drove
black concert pianist Don
Shirley through the US Deep
South amid the racism of the
Viggo Mortensen plays the
driver, while Mahershala
Ali, a Muslim, portrays
Shirley. But its Oscar
chances may be affected by a
string of recent
Shirley's family have
criticised the film, saying
it is filled with "lies";
co-writer and director Peter
Farrelly has apologised
after an old interview
surfaced in which he talked
about flashing his genitals;
and Mortensen has said sorry
for using the N word in an
The latest controversy comes
after the re-emergence of
the tweet Vallelonga sent
following a rally in
November 2015, where Mr
Trump - then a presidential
candidate - said: "I watched
in Jersey City, New Jersey,
where thousands and
thousands of people were
cheering as that building
was coming down."
Vallelonga wrote: "100%
correct. Muslims in
Jersey City cheering
when towers went down. I
saw it, as you did,
possibly on local CBS
There has never been any
evidence to support Mr
Trump's claim that
"thousands" celebrated after
the attacks in 2001.
A clip has emerged of a WCBS
correspondent at the time
reporting that police found
eight men celebrating in one
building in New Jersey, but
it did not show footage of
the men.
In a statement reported by
Hollywood Reporter, Variety
and other sites, Vallelonga
said: "I want to apologise.
I spent my life trying to
bring this story of
overcoming differences and
finding common ground to the
screen, and I am incredibly
sorry to everyone associated
with Green Book.
'This lesson is not lost on
"I especially deeply
apologise to the brilliant
and kind Mahershala Ali, and
all members of the Muslim
faith, for the hurt I have
caused. I am also sorry to
my late father who changed
so much from Dr Shirley's
friendship and I promise
this lesson is not lost on
"Green Book is a story about
love, acceptance and
overcoming barriers, and I
will do better."
Participant Media, which
produced the film, also
released a statement saying:
"We find Mr Vallelonga's
Twitter post offensive,
dangerous, and antithetical
to Participant Media's
values. We reject it in no
uncertain terms."
La La Land producer Jordan
Horowitz was among those
criticising the writer on
Twitter, calling his
comments "too disgusting".
They’re everywhere – in the
air, on the pavement, on the
robes of worshipers and on
the walls of the Great
Mosque. A swarm of locusts
has descended on Mecca,
prompting a large-scale
cleaning operation.
Mecca attracts millions of
Muslims from across the
globe every year, but this
time it became a site of
completely different
pilgrimage. The insects have
been plaguing the holy site
in Saudi Arabia for a few
days now, with social media
relaying a detailed account
of the havoc they caused.
Local authorities have
assigned 22 teams, each
consisting of 138 people and
armed with 111 pieces of
specialized equipment, to
curb the infestation.
“We have harnessed all
efforts available to speed
up the eradication of the
insects in the interest of
the safety and comfort of
guests to God's house,” they
said is a statement
The masked workers were
spraying insecticide in the
area around the Great
Mosque, paying extra
attention to the locust
breeding sites near open
water drains. They were then
seen sweeping thousands of
the dead insects from the
Saudi officials said that
the insect invaders were
identified as ‘black
grasshoppers’ and that their
invasive descent upon Mecca
was migration-related.
Muslim Funeral Services Ltd
provides funeral director
services to the Muslim
community across South East
We have paid positions
available for male
assistant/s to work on a
part-time, on-call basis,
with our team to facilitate
with the funeral
arrangements in Brisbane.
Duties will include driving
and doing all transfers of
the Janaza, assist with the
preparation of the grave,
assist with the Ghusl if
required, the burial process
and liaise with the family
of the deceased.
No specific experience is
necessary but the ability to
work with a team, be
available on-call, be
empathetic, be fluent in
English and have a valid
class C driver’s licence are
essential. Training for the
position will be provided.
For further details of the
position including
remuneration please contact
Muslim Funeral Services at
1300 896 786 or 0412 845 786
or via email
Riyaad Minty – AJ+,
TRT and everything in
Riyaad Minty grew up in a
South Africa just recovering
from decades of oppressive
With a keen interest in
human rights in a post 9/11
world, Riyaad chose to do a
Law degree at university;
but only for so long.
With a vision in mind and a
company to build, Riyaad
dropped out of university
after his first year of
Starting off in the animated
greeting cards and ringtones
industry (back when it was
revolutionary, that is),
Riyaad eventually moved to
Doha to pursue an
e-marketing role at Al
Through a mixture of pure
genius, a desire for impact
and a deep spiritual drive,
Riyaad went from the junior
no one had time for to the
man that would play a major
role in bringing AJ+ to the
world; a purely digital news
outlet that has changed the
way humans consume news.
The Second International
Conference on Organ
Transplantation in Islam was
held at the Western Sydney
University on 22 and 23
November 2018. This
conference explored a rare
topic in Islamic theological
and social scientific
discussions; how Islam deals
with organ transplantation.
Existing studies on organ
transplantation, rare as
they are, either look at the
argument in support of organ
transplantation and
donation, or the argument
that considers organ
transplantation and donation
to be prohibited in Islam.
What is missing is a clear
and authoritative response
to the question of organ
transplantation and donation
in Islam. Whether
organ transplantation and
donation is permissible or
not in Islam, robust
theological and social
scientific discussions are
necessary for individuals to
make an informed
Each week CCN presents the
abstract and biography of
one of the speakers at the
Two boys
during a
26, 201
What is
happening to
Muslims around
the globe? In
China they are
put into
camps, in
Myanmar they are
slaughtered en
masse, in India
they have been
the targets of
pogroms, in
Israel along
with Christian
they are mowed
down on a daily
basis, in Europe
and the United
States they are
subject to
demonisation and
The fate of
Muslims in their
own homeland is
not particularly
rosier. From one
end of the
Muslim world to
the next,
Muslims - in
Iran, Syria,
Egypt, and Saudi
Arabia in
particular -
live under
military juntas,
with their most
basic civil
liberties and
human rights
denied. In
Yemen, they are
slaughtered and
subjected to
man-made famine
by the Saudis
and their
partners - and
if one
journalist dared
to raise his
voice he is
chopped up to
pieces in his
own country's
What is this?
What is going
on? What does it
all mean?
Al Jazeera
brutal crackdown
on Uighurs shows
no sign of
slowing down
By hasnet Lais
The shameful
silence of
politicians over
the treatment of
this community
is more than a
story of
betrayal. It’s a
tragic tale of
has exalted
wealth over
human rights
Having endured
the brunt of the
US military
machine for
decades, the
Muslim world is
today confronted
with another
forcibly seeking
its political
The People’s
Republic is
pursuing an
crackdown on the
Uighur Muslims
in Xinjiang,
previously East
Turkestan, for
whom the region
has become a
More than a
million Muslims
have been
detained in
centres under
the guise of
extremism and
are forcibly
which involve
propaganda and
pillars of the
Islamic faith.
Uighurs can be
prosecuted for
the most benign
of faith, such
as wearing
beards and
reading the
Quran. Their
collected from
identity cards
and DNA samples
are fed into a
database to
determine their
loyalty to the
communist creed.
In the clutches
of a
apparatus very
much the stuff
of Orwellian
Uighur Muslims
find themselves
the foremost
target of the
Sinicisation of
religions, a
policy which the
Communist Party
secretary of
Xinjiang, Chen
modelled in
Tibet to
accelerate the
political and
of local people.
Islam Spread
Throughout the
By Hassam Munir
I: The Spread of
the Message
The Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ
himself was a
merchant at one
stage of his
life, and trade
has historically
instrumental in
the spread of
his message. The
lands that came
under Muslim
rule after the
early conquests
included some of
the most
important trade
routes (e.g.,
large parts of
the Silk Road),
centers (e.g.,
Damascus), and
ports (e.g.,
Aden) of the
world. The
Muslims also
inherited the
spice trade
flowing across
the Indian
Ocean. As Muslim
traveled, they
it may assumed,
often very
non-Muslims to
their beliefs,
values, and way
of life.
The early
emergence of
communities on
the Malabar
Coast in
India is a
fitting example
of the role of
trade in the
spread of Islam.
The pre-Islamic
Arabs and
visited the
ports of the
Malabar Coast to
trade with
merchants coming
from further
east. These
connections were
so strong that
there is a
mosque, called
Cheraman Jāmiʿ
Masjid, that is
widely believed
to have been
originally built
by Muslim
traders in
630―during the
lifetime of
Prophet Muhammad
The narrative of
the origins of
this mosque is
but it does
indicate the
possibility of a
very early
Muslim presence
on the Malabar
Coast. The
Muslim traders
who settled in
Malabar and
intermixed with
the local
population came
to form the
Māppila Muslim
community that
is prevalent in
the region
today.[28] By
the 10th
according to the
historian al-Masʿūdī,
a settlement
called Saymur
(south of
Mumbai) was home
to about 10,000
Many of these
are likely to
have been
converts, the
“great majority”
of them
embracing Islam
to escape their
status as
Looking further
east, it is
arguably no
coincidence that
China’s oldest
and largest
mosque―the Great
Mosque of Xi’an,
thought to have
been built in
742 CE―stands in
the city (then
known as
Chang’an) that
marked the
point of the
Silk Road.[31]
In addition to
Chang’an, early
Persian and Arab
Muslim merchants
also traveled by
sea to
Quanzhou, and
Kaifeng; the ʿAbbāsid
ruler al-Mansūr
(d. 775) boasted
that there were
no obstacles for
trade between
his new capital,
Baghdad, and
these commercial
centers.[32] An
Jews, and
were killed in
Guangzhou in 877
during a
providing us
with a sense of
how many Muslims
(most of them
traveled to and
settled in
alone.[33] Trade
took Muslims as
far as
(Korea), where
many of them had
settled by the
late 800s.[34]
In the case of
Southeast Asia,
there is
evidence dating
as far back as
the 7th century
that Arab
traders were
active in the
especially in
A shipwreck
found off the
coast of Java
and dated to the
year 960
included a stone
mold to make
medallions that
read “al-mulk
lillāhi al-wāhid
al-qahhār” (“All
Sovereignty is
Allāh’s, the One
and Only, the
By the 10th
communities of
Muslim traders
had started to
settle in
Southeast Asia,
the most
prominent of
them in Champa
(Vietnam), from
which the
present-day Cham
Muslims of
Cambodia and
By the 11th
century they
were active in
Brunei and the
A key turning
point in the
Islamization of
Southeast Asia
was the Mongol
conquest of
Baghdad in 1258.
Given the damage
done to
and the
breakdown of
authority in
Iraq, the
Persian Gulf and
river system
could no longer
serve as the
primary trade
route for the
spice trade from
the Indian Ocean
to the
including rising
markets. The Red
Sea route rose
to prominence,
including the
ports of
Cairo, Jeddah,
Aden (from where
Hadramī dāʿīs
often embarked,
headed east),
Cambay (Gujarat
and Mumbai),
Calicut, and
Pisai (Malacca
and Aceh).[39]
Freitag has
noted that “the
presence of high
status and
merchants seems
in itself to
have provided an
example which
seemed well
worth emulating.
Conversion to
the faith of the
economic elite
held advantages
such as the
promise of
becoming part of
an international
By the 14th
century, the
spread of Islam
across Southeast
Asia was well
peaking with the
prosperity of
the Sultanate of
notably, the
rulers of Cambay
and Aceh were
also Muslim by
the early 15th
According to the
apothecary Tomé
Pires, who
visited Malacca
in 1507, it was
the most
important city
in the world,
and whoever
controlled it
“shall have his
hands on the
throat of
reference to
reliance on the
spice trade that
flowed through
the city.[42]
The spread of
Islam in Eastern
Europe offers
another example
of the central
role of trade in
this process. In
the late 1930s,
an Arabic silver
coin dating from
the time of the
Umayyad ruler
Marwān II (r.
744-50) was
found in the
village of
Potoci in
In nearby
Hungary, Muslims
had served as
minters and
for the court,
had been heavily
involved in the
customs system,
and had
controlled the
production and
sale of salt,
all before the
Golden Bull of
1222 declared
that no Muslim
or Jew could
serve in the
Much earlier,
King Ladislas I
(r. 1077-95) had
referred to
merchants in
Hungary, called
who had
converted to
Christianity but
continued to
profess and
Islam.[45] And
in 2013,
excavations at a
cemetery in
revealed that
the bodies had
been buried with
their heads
facing south
(i.e., in the
direction of the
Kaʿbah, as per
practice). The
village also
showed an
unusual “lack of
pig bones” and
the presence of
suggesting that
its inhabitants
were Muslim
Another case of
trade serving as
the avenue for
the spread of
Islam is that of
East, Central,
and West Africa.
Due to their
Arabia and East
Africa had a
long pre-Islamic
history of close
political and
trade relations.
Soon after the
advent of Islam,
merchants took
the lead in
introducing the
faith to this
region. The East
developed and
maintained close
ties with Muslim
outposts in the
Indian Ocean,
especially the
ports of Yemen,
the Persian
Gulf, and India;
this brought
with it so much
exchange that
Ibn Battūtah,
traveling in the
1300s, noticed
that the same
food he had
enjoyed in
Mombasa (Kenya)
and Kilwa
(Tanzania) was
offered to him
in Sarandīp (Sri
Lanka).[47] The
“delivery” of
Islam was
bolstered by a
steady stream of
refugees coming
from Arabia in
the 7th-10th
centuries, many
of them fleeing
civil wars or
disasters. One
of them, ʿAlī
ibn al-Hasan
Shirāzī, later
established the
Kilwa Sultanate,
which at its
peak covered the
entire Swahili
Despite all of
this trade and
settlement, it
was not until
the 13th century
that the
Islamization of
East Africa
started to
The baqt in
Sudan played a
key role in the
spread of Islam
in East-Central
Africa. In 652,
having completed
the conquest of
Egypt, Muslim
forces moved
south and met
Nubian forces at
Dongola (Sudan).
Rather than
press for a
fight, the two
sides agreed to
a baqt, or peace
agreement, which
was remarkably
honored for six
The baqt enabled
Muslim scholars
and traders to
travel freely in
the region,
Islam to the
Nubians. During
the early 9th
century, large
deposits of gold
and emeralds
were discovered
in the desert
south of
Aswan.[51] This
prompted Egypt’s
Arab Bedouin
tribes, many of
whom had firmly
embraced Islam
by this point,
to migrate into
this region,
and, over time,
to penetrate
deep into
Sudan and settle
down. It is
clear that the
spread of Islam
in this region
took centuries,
and Islam could
be said to have
Christianity in
the area of
Nubia only by
the 14th century
at the
In the
African region,
too, Islam was
introduced by
Muslim merchants
from North
Africa. It is no
coincidence that
some of the
first towns to
develop a
population in
this region were
(Mauritania) and
Tadmekka (Mali),
two of the
southern termini
of the famous
trade route.[53]
The geographer
Ibn Hawqal (d.
c. 988) recorded
that Kumbi Saleh,
the capital of
the Ghana
Empire, had a
neighborhood of
Around the years
1009 and 1040,
the kings of
Takrur (Senegal)
and Gao (Mali)
had embraced
Islam. By 1085,
Islam was
quickly in Kanem
virtually all
initiated by
merchants, paved
the way for
empires such as
that of Mansa
Musa, which in
turn facilitated
the further
spread of Islam
in the region,
as described
above. And, as
was the case in
many places,
here was a very
long process,
and was still
underway when
the German
Heinrich Barth
through the
region in the
Man who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ in
public fined $213 by Swiss police
SWITZERLAND: Swiss police have defended
their decision to fine a man who shouted
“Allahu Akbar” in public, arguing that
they would have reacted the same way if
someone had been shouting obscenities in
public, local media reported.
The 22-year-old man, named as Orhan E.,
claims that he used the Islamic phrase,
meaning “God is great” to express
surprise after unexpectedly seeing a
friend in a parking lot in Schaffhausen,
a town in northern Switzerland.
The exclamation – often shouted by
Islamic terrorists before carrying out
attacks – caught the attention of a
police officer, Schaffhauser Nachrichten
(SHN) reports. The policewoman promptly
approached the male and later handed
over his case to city law enforcement,
which fined him 150 Swiss francs for
causing a public nuisance. An additional
60 francs in administrative fees brought
the total to 210 francs ($213).
The incident occurred in May 2018, but
was only revealed to the public this
week after the man went public with his
Police have stood by the fine, arguing
that the phrase was used in a “loud and
clear” manner and could have caused
panic among the public.
“At that time of the day, there
was a possibility that people could
have become afraid and horrified,”
a media spokesperson
for the town’s police force, Patrick
Caprez, told SHN.
Police chief Romeo Bettini said that
officers would have acted in the same
way if someone had shouted obscenities
in a public space. He also stressed that
“it is completely wrong to say this
phrase [Allahu Akbar] is forbidden in
Orhan E. for his part claimed that he
did nothing wrong, saying that he
decided to go public with his story
because he had heard of a similar
incident from December. Back then, a
border guard allegedly punched a young
man who had said “Allahu Akbar.”
“I was born here [in Switzerland]
and have never experienced anything
like this,” Orhan E.
Just because terrorists
misuse these two words doesn’t mean
I have bad intentions when I say
The incident has sparked
a Zurich anti-racism group to file a
criminal complaint against
Schaffhausen’s police department, The
Local writes.
The picturesque town may be justifiably
skittish when it comes to potential acts
of violence: In 2017, Schaffhausen was
the target of a chainsaw-wielding
attacker who injured two people in a
Texas Republicans fail to oust Muslim
official over religion
Shahid Shafi is a trauma
surgeon, city councilman, and
Republican party delegate
US: A Republican county official in
Texas has survived a vote to oust him
after several local party members took
issue with his Muslim religion.
The motion to remove Shahid Shafi from
his position as vice chairman of the
Tarrant County Republican party failed
by a vote of 139-49 on Thursday night.
The effort was led by several county
Republicans who argued that Dr Shafi was
more loyal to Islam than the US.
The movement led to criticism from
prominent state Republican officials.
Speaking to reporters after the vote at
a church in Fort Worth, Dr Shafi said:
"As an immigrant to this great country,
I am honoured and privileged to receive
the support of my fellow Republicans."
"We were fighting for religious freedom
- a founding principle of our nation.
And today, we have come out victorious,"
he declared.
In addition to serving as the Republican
vice chairman of Tarrant County - the
third largest county in Texas - Dr Shafi
is a surgeon and Southlake City
Councilman who immigrated to the US
nearly 30 years ago.
He reportedly is originally from India,
and became a US citizen in 2009.
'Because he is Muslim'
After he was appointed by party
officials to his post in July 2018,
several of his colleagues took issue
with his religion and claimed he had
connections with terrorist
Grand Prairie precinct chairwoman Dorrie
O'Brien, who led the effort to oust him,
recently reiterated her views in a
Facebook post.
"We don't think he's suitable as a
practising Muslim to be vice chair
because he'd be the representative for
ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and
not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County
think Islam is safe or acceptable," Mrs
O'Brien wrote on 31 December 2018.
"There are big questions surrounding
exactly where Dr Shafi's loyalties lie,
vis a vis Democrat and Republican
She also previously slammed her
Republican colleagues for not
intervening in what she called a
"stealth jihad" and "Leftist/Shari'a
Zuckerberg-ization of Tarrant County".
Tarrant County Republican Party Chairman
Darl Eason, who appointed Dr Shafi to
his post, told the Star-Telegram when
the vote was scheduled: "It's just
outrageous that we are doing this."
"It's disgusting," he added.
Former Tarrant County precinct chair
Sara Legvold sat outside of the meeting
room during the vote in protest, wearing
a burqa which she said was to "represent
the Islamisation of our county, our
state and our country".
The vote was widely condemned by Texas
Republican, including Governor Gregg
Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz and Republican
Land Commissioner George P Bush.
"Religious freedom is at the core of who
we are as a nation and state," Gov
Abbott said in a statement on Wednesday,
"and attacks on Dr Shafi because of his
faith are contrary to this guiding
Belgium is the latest European
nation to ban ritual animal
slaughter in the EU
BELGIUM: A Belgian ban on the Muslim and
Jewish ways of ritually slaughtering
animals went into effect on New Year’s
Day, part of a clash across Europe over
the balance between animal welfare and
religious freedom.
With both animal welfare advocates and
right-wing nationalists pushing to ban
ritual slaughter, religious minorities
in Belgium and other countries fear that
they are the targets of bigotry under
the guise of animal protection.
“It is impossible to know the true
intentions of people,” said Yaakov David
Schmahl, a senior rabbi in Antwerp.
“Unless people state clearly what they
have in mind, but most anti-Semites
don’t do that.”
Laws across Europe and European Union
regulations require that animals be
rendered insensible to pain before
slaughter, to make the process more
humane. For larger animals, stunning
before slaughter usually means using a
“captive bolt” device that fires a metal
rod into the brain; for poultry it
usually means an electric shock. Animals
can also be knocked out with gas.
But slaughter by Muslim halal and Jewish
kosher rules requires that an animal be
in perfect health — which religious
authorities say rules out stunning it
first — and be killed with a single cut
to the neck that severs critical blood
vessels. The animal loses consciousness
in seconds, and advocates say it may
cause less suffering than other methods,
not more.
Most countries and the EU allow
religious exceptions to the stunning
requirement, though in some places —
like the Netherlands, where a new law
took effect last year, and Germany — the
exceptions are very narrow. Belgium is
joining Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark
and Slovenia among the nations that do
not provide for any exceptions.
Ann De Greef, director of Global Action
in the Interest of Animals, a Belgian
animal welfare group, insisted that
stunning does not conflict with kosher
and halal doctrine, and “they could
still consider it ritual slaughtering,”
but the religious authorities refuse to
accept that.
“They want to keep living in the Middle
Ages and continue to slaughter without
stunning — as the technique didn’t yet
exist back then — without having to
answer to the law,” she said. “Well, I’m
sorry, in Belgium the law is above
religion and that will stay like that.”
Belgium, with a population of about 11
million, is home to roughly 500,000
Muslims and more than 30,000 Jews. Those
who adhere to their religious rules will
soon be forced to order their meat from
abroad, which community members say will
mean paying more, and could even lead to
food shortages.
Leaders of both groups say they hope
that lawsuits they have filed in
Belgium’s Constitutional Court might
still lift the ban on slaughtering
without stunning later this year.
“The government asked for our advice on
the ban, we responded negatively, but
the advice wasn’t taken,” said Saatci
Bayram, a leader of the Muslim
community. “This ban is presented as a
revelation by animal welfare activists,
but the debate on animal welfare in
Islam has been going on for 1,500 years.
Our way of ritual slaughtering is
Joos Roets, a lawyer representing an
umbrella organization of Islamic
institutions, said the ban was motivated
more by stigmatizing certain groups than
concerns over animal welfare. The
government could take other steps to
reduce animal suffering, he said,
“without violating the Belgian freedom
of religion and the European regulation
regarding this matter.”
The law that took effect Tuesday applies
in the northern Belgian region of
Flanders; a similar one will take effect
later this year in the southern region
of Wallonia.
The idea for the ban was first proposed
by Ben Weyts, a right-wing Flemish
nationalist and the minister in the
Flanders government who is responsible
for animal welfare. Weyts was heavily
criticized in 2014 for attending the
90th birthday of Bob Maes, who had
collaborated with the Nazi occupation of
Belgium in World War II and later became
a far-right politician.
Animal groups applauded the legislation.
When it was approved by the Flemish
Parliament in June 2017, Weyts hailed
the vote on Twitter, writing: “Proud
animal minister. Proud to be Flemish.”
Right-wing politicians in several
countries, particularly those opposed to
the presence of growing Muslim
populations, have seized on the issue of
religious slaughter as an example of
Western societies bending over backward
to accommodate minority communities.
“The truth is that this measure was an
easy win, which had the backing of large
parts of the population concerned with
animal rights,” said Bayram, aligning
them, at least momentarily, with the far
Schmahl cited another Belgian law that
was recently enacted, to regulate home
schooling — a common practice in his
community — as an example of a pattern
of laws in Europe making it increasingly
difficult for observant Jews to live
according to their traditions.
“It definitely brings to mind similar
situations before the Second World War,
when these laws were introduced in
Germany,” he said.
Saudi Arabia: Women will get text
messages to confirm if they're divorced
Women in Saudi
Arabia divorced by their
husbands will now be sent a text
message to inform them of their
new status.
SAUDI ARABIA: Women in Saudi Arabia
divorced by their husbands will now be
sent a text message to inform them of
their new status.
The move is designed to stop the
practice of men ending marriages without
telling their wives.
The Saudi courts started to send such
notifications Sunday in "a step aimed at
protecting the rights of female clients,
and enhancing digital transformation
with more services," the country's
Ministry of Justice said in a statement.
The message will include the divorce
certificate number and the name of the
relevant court where the women can pick
up the documentation.
Women can also inquire about their
marital status through a website and
view details of any probate
The government move comes as part of
social and economic reforms known as
Vision 2030 being promoted by Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
The reforms have included women being
given the right to drive.
Bin Salman was considered a reformer
until the horrific murder last October
of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in
the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
The Saudi government has denied bin
Salman's involvement in the killing.
Message of unity: New cathedral and
new mosque inaugurated in Egypt
Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
congratulates Pope Tawadros II
with the opening of the
Cathedral of the Nativity.
CAIRO: A new Cathedral of the Nativity
for Egypt’s Coptic Church of Alexandria
was inaugurated near Cairo on 6 January,
the eve of Coptic Christmas. The
Al-Fattah Al-Aleem Mosque was
inaugurated the same day.
Located about 45 km east of Cairo, the
cathedral hosted its mass under heavy
security, a day after a bomb near a
Coptic church in Nasr City, an eastern
suburb of Cairo, killed a policeman.
The cathedral can accommodate 8,000
worshippers and the mosque twice as
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
inaugurated the cathedral in what many
regarded as a message of unity across
the country. In remarks at the
inauguration, El-Sisi said this is an
important moment in Egypt’s history.
“We are one and we will remain one," he
said, referring to Egyptian Christians
and Muslims. Coptic Christians make up
about 10% of Egypt’s population. More
than 100 Copts have been killed in
attacks since December 2016.
The head of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed El-Tayeb
said that this was a momentous occasion
and “an embodiment of the soul of
brotherhood and love.”
Pope Tawadros II said: “"This is a day
of joy as we see our beloved country
write a new page in the history of
civilisation. We pray for our unity to
continue as the world witnesses such
tolerance and love in our country, God
bless you all, long live Egypt.”
This novel
is a rare example of contemporary
English fiction drawing on traditional
Moroccan folklore. Written in gripping
English prose fused with Arabic words,
the novel gives an authentic insight
into a Westerner’s experience of modern
Moroccan society, whilst simultaneously
exposing the reader to the country’s
rich cultural history by weaving classic
Moroccan folk takes and the mysteries of
Sufism into its fabric. The book not
only explores the point where East and
West merge, but the collision of the
human world with the world of the djinns
- mysterious shape-shifting creatures of
an unseen realm. (Amazon)
McCutcheon’s latest novel Through the
Peacock Gate is the kind of book those
of us who live between Occident and
Orient have waited an entire lifetime to
read. The
interweaving layers, the quality of the
prose and, most of all, the raw bedrock
of cultural knowledge on which it is
founded, makes this an invaluable
handbook to the mysteries and
complexities of Eastern lore. Its
pages conjure the mesmerising, magical
heart of secret Morocco.
(Tahir Shah, author
of The Caliph’s House)
SANDY McCUTCHEON is a New Zealander but
lived most of his adult life in
Australia as an author, playwright,
actor, broadcaster and journalist. He
has written twenty plays and a number of
novels, including Black Widow (2006)
which won the Christina Stead Award for
Literature, and The Magician's Son
(2005), an autobiographical work on the
true nature of his ancestry. He
currently resides in Morocco where he
has close ties with a Sufi brotherhood,
and has a large following on his website
'The View from Fez' which he runs
with his wife, the photojournalist
Suzanna Clarke.
KB says:
Experience a flavour explosion with this batter
fried, crispy chicken chunks tempered with
mustard seeds, chili flakes and curry leaves
served with a spicy mayo sauce.
Crispy Chicken
For the Chicken
2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp cornflour
1 tbsp red chili powder
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
1 egg ½
tsp cumin powder ½
tsp garam masala ½
tsp coriander powder
1 tsp soya sauce
1 tbsp lemon juice
2-3 drops of red food colour, optional
Salt to taste
300g boneless chicken cut into cubes
1 tsp rice flour
Oil for deep frying
Marinate the chicken pieces in all the ingredients (except
oil and rice flour) mentioned above.
Refrigerate for 3-4 hours or overnight.
Just before frying, add in the rice flour. Deep fry on
medium high till chicken is cooked and golden brown in
colour. (It will take about 8-10 minutes) Drain and place on
paper towel.
For tempering
1 tbsp oil
1 tsp mustard seeds
A sprig of curry leaves ½
tsp red chilli flakes
Throw over just before serving
For the accompanying sauce
Combine ¼
cup mayonnaise ½
tsp red chilli powder
1 tbsp honey ½
tsp mustard sauce
1 small clove garlic grated
1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce/sriracha
1 tsp coriander leaves chopped
Salt to taste
Baba's Halal Kitchen
(Hussain Baba is the host and
chef of *BABA’S HALAL KITCHEN*, a show where he uses his own
unique style to cook 'Quick, Easy and Delicious' dishes.)
COOKING Pasta in Beef and Vegetable Sauce
Do you have a recipe to share with CCN
Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.
Writer, Clarity
Coach, Founder and
Facilitator of
Healing Words
Therapy - Writing
for Wellbeing
Welcome to my weekly
column on
Self-Care and
Clarity of Mind.
If you’re taking
time out to read
this, pat yourself
on the back because
you have shown
commitment to taking
care of your mind
and body.
Today, In Shaa
ALLAH, we will
explore the topic:
Raising Daughters
She is unique
She has unlimited
She can change the
She is your
Raising daughters
can be quite a
challenge. I have a
teenage daughter and
I write this column
today with the
utmost respect for
all parents raising
It is vital that we
respect and
understand them
first before we
expect them to
respect and
understand us. As
parents, we may have
the benefit of age,
experience and
vocabulary, however,
we too are children
at our core of being
and we have the
ability to relate to
most or all of the
emotional ups and
downs that our
daughters experience
We expect our
daughters to respect
us. The real
question is: Do we
respect our
daughters? Are we
constantly expecting
them to toughen up,
or soften down, or
do as we say?
What strategies do
you use to cope with
your daughter’s mood
swings, tantrums,
demands and
emotional meltdowns?
Our daughters are
future leaders of
this world. We need
to put our ego aside
and raise them with
compassion, empathy,
respect and
There is no doubt
that you love your
However, the
strategies, when
appropriately, may
strengthen your
relationship with
her. Do try them.
Strategies to
Strengthen Your
Relationship With
Your Daughter
1. Talk to her. Put
away your gadgets,
look her in the eye
and connect with her
verbally. A great
way to start is to
ask an open-ended
question which
invites an elaborate
answer. For example,
“What were some of
the things that you
did or that happened
today that made it a
wonderful day for
2. Listen when she
replies. LISTEN. Do
not formulate a
response while she
is speaking. Do not
cut her off while
she is speaking.
Become fully
engaged. Observe her
body language. A lot
is communicated
through body
3. Always compliment
good behaviour. If
the behaviour has
been negative, look
for moments when she
is silent and
compliment on her
efforts to refrain
from the negative
behaviour. For
example, “I am very
pleased with you
that you are trying
your best to respect
our agreement on
Internet use.”
4. Speak well about
those she loves. For
example, you may not
be close to your
in-laws but that
does not mean your
daughter has to
inherit your
opinions about them.
Respect her love for
them. Speak well
about those she
5. Respect her fears
and sentiments. Fear
is very real to the
person experiencing
it. You do not have
to encourage it but
you need to show
sensitivity that it
is real to your
daughter. For
example, “I know it
makes you fearful
when you think about
your exams. I used
to be the same. I
know how you feel. I
understand. I am so
pleased that you are
trying your very
best. That is all
that matters. Allah
rewards efforts, not
results. Keep doing
your best.”
6. Do not bring up
past behavioural
issues when
addressing a new
issue. Telling her
you can no longer
trust her because
she lied to you last
year about a fake
Facebook account is
NOT going to resolve
anything. Instead,
have a respectful
discussion about
having boundaries
around internet
7. Show good manners
so that she emulates
good manners. Saying
“Please”, “Thank
you”, “I’m sorry” to
your daughter does
not mean you are
weak. In fact, it
displays good
manners and your
daughter will learn
to treat you and
others with the same
good manners.
8. NEVER laugh at
her mistakes, NEVER
belittle her and
NEVER insult her.
Doing these will
hurt her and scar
her for life. You
only have to access
your own unhealed
childhood pain to
realise that
somewhere deep
inside you is a
memory of an adult
who may have laughed
at your mistake or
insulted or
belittled you.
9. “I am big, you’re
small therefore I’m
right, you’re wrong”
- NEVER imply or say
this. Your daughter
is a human being
created by ALLAH and
deserves the same
respect and joy as
you or any other
human being does.
10. Explain yourself
clearly when you set
boundaries. If you
need to prohibit
something, get her
to sit and discuss
the best strategies
that will benefit
the entire family.
Show her you treat
her with fairness
and that it is a
home with love and
understanding, not a
house with a
If you wish to know about
a specific topic
with regards to
Self-Care and
Clarity of Mind,
please email me on
If you wish to have
a FREE one hour
Clarity Coaching
phone session,
contact me on
Muslimah Reflections
- my new ebook of
poetry and
Ultimate Self-Care
Guide For Muslimahs
from Muslimah Mind
Matters YouTube
Muslimah Meditation
Moments - audio
files for
If you wish to know
about a specific
topic with regards
to Self-Care and
Clarity of Mind,
please text or email
me or visit
If you wish to have
a FREE one hour
Finding Clarity
telephone session,
contact me on
A woman seeks advice
from her Imam : “I don't want to marry. I am educated,
independent, and self sufficient. I don't need a
husband. But my parents are asking me to marry. What do
I do?”
The Imam replied :
“You undoubtedly will achieve great things. But some
things inevitably will not go the way you want. Some
things will go wrong. Sometimes you will fail. Then who
will you blame?
Will you blame yourself ?”
And spend of your substance
in the cause of Allah, and
do not make your own hands
contribute to (your)
destruction; but do good;
for Allah loves those who do
What and When: Oz
Sports has been hired for
the community's sole use on
Saturday 19 January 2019
from 6pm to 8pm.
Activities will include
netball, soccer, cricket and
volleyball all in the name
of fun.
Teams will be randomly
selected and participants
will be able to play at
least 2 different sports on
the night. Salaah facilities
will be provided.
For food, there will be a
sausage sizzle.
Who's Invited: Everyone!
Men, women, boys and girls 4
years old and above are
invited to participate. Kids
under 4 and non-sports
participants are also
invited to join us on the
Why: The purpose is
purely for the community to
get together, network and
have some fun through sport.
How do I Sign On:
Registration can be done
Brisbane Muslim Fellowship
is having another BBQ for
converts, their families and
friends on Saturday 2nd
February at 12.30pm at the
site of the planned Brisbane
Islamic Centre at 161
Underwood Road, Eight Mile
Our thanks to BIC for
allowing us to use the old
house on the site. As the
road is very busy, please be
careful in entering the site
and park inside rather on
the side of the road.
Imam Ahmed from Kuraby
Mosque will give a short
talk insha'allah and we are
hoping that there will be
some that want to throw a
football around. It's a huge
block of land if you have
not seen it before. See
It would be great if you
could bring some food to
share but we will have
plenty and to bring a picnic
rug or blanket if you have
The aim is that this will be
relaxed social occasion to
meet other converts - new
and old and their families
and will allow anyone to ask
any questions they would
like to.
Or you can call the secretary Abdul
Samim Khan on 0413669987.
On 31 December 2017 the only
Islamic childcare centre in the whole of Brisbane had to
unfortunately close its doors due to the Department of
Transport requiring it for their future expansion. To
date they are still in the process of securing new
premises to continue serving this very important need of
the community and the wait continues….
In the interim the need is
still there. The question most Muslims would be asking
themselves is “Where do I send my child so that he/she
can learn, grow and develop in an Islamic environment,
and establish a sound Islamic foundation?”
Msasa Montessori is a private home based learning centre
for 3-5 year olds. The focus is an Islamic based
learning environment alongside the Montessori method of
teaching. Children will be taught their basic duas,
surahs, tasbeehs, stories of the Prophets will be read
and enacted, and Inshallah their love for Allah and His
Noble Prophet Muhammed S.A.W will develop. Supported by
the Montessori method of teaching they will develop
their independence and will utilise equipment which will
enable them to develop and grow.
Montessori is a method of education based on
self-directed activity, hands-on learning and
collaborative play. The Montessori materials cover
developmental activities designed to meet the needs of
children in five curriculum areas:
Practical life skills, Sensorial activities,
Mathematics, Language and Cultural Studies.
By providing such an
environment, the children will develop a strong sense of
wellbeing and identity as Muslims and they will become
confident and involved learners with the ability to
communicate effectively and with confidence.
This is
urgent plea to all our
brothers and sisters.
We have paid
a deposit to purchase a
church on the Gold Coast to
make it into a Masjid, the
church is already approved
as a place of worship as a
So far we
have raised $2.6m in loans
qarz e hasna and donations
and are $500,000 short.
settlement is in just over
1week time. We are pleading pay
back in 12 months.
We cannot
miss out on this church
which can accommodate 500
people. We will not get this
opportunity again in the
middle of Gold Coast.
There is only
1 Masjid on the Gold Coast
which is overflowing, again
I point out we can not miss
this opportunity we will
never get this opportunity
on the Gold Coast again.
Please help
towards this house of Allah
as the reward great - a
house in Jannah Insha’Allah.
Complete the
Pledge Form or please
message or contact me......
Please contribute whatever
you can and share with
family and friends.
May Allah swt grant you and
your family a dwelling in
Imam Akram
Gold Coast
Islamic Cultural Centre
Account Details:
Bank of Australia, Toowoomba
Plaza Branch
A/C Name: Toowoomba Islamic
Charitable Organisation
A/C No 1034
Swift Code: CTBAAU25XXX
Prof Shahjahan Khan Ph
+61421081048, Email:, Dr
Mainul Islam Ph
+61432533550, and Br Shahbaz
Rafiq Ph 0402398608
scarcity is a major concern
for those living in Yemen,
especially those in conflict
areas. This has resulted in
people seeking water from
unclean sources and the
spread of water-borne
diseases to over 1 million
MAA has embarked on a major
project to provide water to
over 3,000 people by digging
an artesian well with a
depth of 170m.
The structure will include a
concrete reservoir,
generator room, and pipes
networked to distribute
water to local areas.
You now have the opportunity
to invest in the
construction of this
life-saving Sadaqah Jaariyah
project for just $50.
Invest on behalf of
yourself, your family, and
your friends and reap the
1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by
the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are
tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.
2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in
the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, exceptfor Lailatul
Lailatul Bhahraat
Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event
starting in the evening of the corresponding day.
HikmahWay Institute
HikmahWay offers online and
in-person Islamic courses to
equip Muslims of today with
the knowledge, understanding
and wisdom to lead balanced,
wholesome and beneficial
Articles and
opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its
Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be
libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive,
slanderous and/or downright distasteful.
It is the usual policy of CCN to
include from time to time, notices of events that some
readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are
often posted as received. Including such messages or
providing the details of such events does not necessarily
imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN
The best ideas
and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you
have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want
seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit
to the Crescents Community please
e-mail us..
Share your
thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.
If there is
someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please
encourage them to enter their details