Islamic Society of
Toowoomba Inc
Garden City Mosque
217 West St,
Harristown, Qld 4350
Eid ul Fitr Prayers
Shaa Allah the Eid
ul Fitr prayers will
be held on Wednesday,
05 June 2019 at the
Auditorium of
Darling Heights
State School
(opposite of 60 Wuth
St, Darling
The Islamic Society
of Toowoomba has
booked the venue
from 6-8am for the
Eid day and Salat at
7:00am (sharp).
Because it is a
school day, we have
to leave the School
premises by 8am
sharp. So we have to
start the prayers a
bit early.
Details activities
are as follows:
1. Eid Prayer Time:
Prayers start at
6:45am with Takbir
2. No parking inside
the property of the
venue. Lots of
street free parking
around the place.
3. Bring your Prayer
mats/carpet, Sweets,
Cakes etc (separate
container for men
and women, if
4. Society Provides:
Plates, cups,
serviettes, juice
5. Venue:
Auditorium, Darling
Heights State
School, Wuth St
(access via Platz/West
St, and Drayton Rd)
6. Separate
Entrance: Main
Entrance for men
(first door from the
entrance), and
Second Entrance for
women to pray at the
rear end of the
building (behind the
7. Shoes: Take your
shoes inside, and
put beside the wall
(do not put them at
the entrance)
8. Cleaning after
Salat: Please help
clean the place
after the salat and
Please bring
cakes/sweets to
share with others.
Thank you for your
cooperation and
Crescents Community News (CCN)
wishes all our readers,
subscribers, supporters and
their families
Dear CCN
As we say
goodbye to
Ramadan for
year, we ask
Allah to
accept our
good deeds
and bless us
all during
this joyous
Thank you
the world’s
this Ramadan
Muslim Aid
Australia (MAA)!
this Ramadan
have reached
over 25
Somalia &
Food, Water
and Eid
Gifts to
thousands of
families and
Gifts will
thousands of
families out
of poverty,
From the
Team at
Muslim Aid
Australia (MAA),
we wish you
and your
family a
blessed Eid
Brisbane's Lord Mayor Adrian
Schrinner continued
with the tradition of his
predecessor, Graham Quirk by
hosting an Ifthaar at the
SunPac Hall in the Brisbane
suburb of MacGregor along
with Clr Kim Marx and Clr.
Angela Owens.
Islamic Society of Bosniak
Ifthaar (Rochedale Mosque)
IWAA Ifthaar
The Islamic Women's
Association of Australia (IWAA)
held its ifthaar at their
Watland St offices where
local politicians Clr. Kim
Mark, Member for Stretton,
Duncan Pegg and Minister of
Housing and Public Works,
Mick de Brenni graced the
In addition to the
delectable dishes prepared
by in-house chef Mohey Labib,
it was an occasion for some
of the women to share their
stories of Ramadan and Eid
in their countries of
Ms Lema Hamid described her
experiences through a poem
she composed for the event:
Ramadan in
By Lema Hamid
The crescent
moon is seen at
It brightens the
sky with its
shining light.
At 2 AM our eyes
wide awake,
By the loud
noise the
drums would
Fresh bread with
sweet tea was
what we ate,
It kept us full
till very late.
The elders
together to
While the kids
went out in the
park to play.
At 3pm the
would start,
The mothers
would prepare a
work of art.
Bolani, qabuli,
mantoo and ashak,
These were
counted as just
a snack.
At 7 pm the
table was made,
The beautiful
adhan would then
be played.
We’d break our
fast with just a
We’d eat and
talk till very
The men would go
to mosque for
Together they
Some would pray
20, some would
pray 12,
The very
impatient would
only pray eight.
This was the
ritual for 30
How I wish,
Ramadan would
The last week of
Ramadan is the
very best,
The nights are
long and very
The mothers and
fathers prepare
for Eid,
The kids prepare
for a great
The night before
Eid the kids
can’t sleep,
At the thought
of the money
that they will
get to keep.
The day would
come where it
would finally be
New clothes,
lots of money
and delicious
From house to
house we’d walk
The neighbours
would invite us
for some chai.
The house would
be decorated
with lights and
The families
would gather for
a feast at noon.
At night the
women would put
henna on their
They would
laugh, sing and
The beautiful
nights, the
blessed days,
How I wish,
Ramadan would
(l to r)
Nehal el
Tahir (the
Master of
Janeth Deen
Lema Hamid
OAM (Egypt)
and Sevkija
On Friday night,
certificates were awarded to
students who had memorised
certain chapters of the
Quran under the guidance of
Imam Sheikh Mohamed Ali of
the Gold Coast Mosque.
Certificates were presented
by Haji Aslam Nabi (Trust
Chairman) and Haji Hussain
Baba (Trust Secretary)
Volunteers helping out at the
Eid Ramadan/Eid stand
(front to back)
Sarah Ahmed, Reham Ali,
Liyana Joosab and Nabila Seedat
The Islamic Council of Qld
partnered with Westfield
Garden City to promote Eid
and Ramadan this year. Ms
Laaiqah Ally initiated and
organizing the programme
with volunteers helping out
at the stand during Ramadan.
Westfield website
includes articles on Eid and
Ramadan and gift suggestions
with Arshee, Sarah and the
Khondikar family featured.
Yassmin Abdel Magied,
originally from Sudan, grew up
in Australia and now lives in
This past week, which is
officially part of the last
ten days of Ramadan, a
sacred time when worshiping
efforts are intensified, we
spoke to some of the amazing
Muslims fasting while
working, studying,
volunteering, and
On the final day of Muslims
Who Fast, we speak to
Yassmin, a writer who’s led
a colourful life, working in
Australia’s oil rigs as not
only one of the few women
but also a Muslim woman
wearing a hijab. The author,
of Sudanese descent, invites to see what an
iftar combining her two
different cultures looks
like. Yassmin, who recently
published her first work of
fiction, remembers and
compares what Ramadan was
like in Sudan, in Australia
and now in London where she
lives. Her iftars are a
fusion of different and
delicious delicacies. Let’s
see what she had for iftar:
So what are you eating
Today we have a bit of a
cultural mix, reflecting my
life here in London. We have
fool (Sudanese broad or fava
beans) and bayd (arabic for
eggs), and shorbat adas
(lentil soup) – they’re the
Sudanese staples I can make
quickly and confidently.
We also have salatat zabadai
(yoghurt and cucumber
salad), variants of which
can be found all over the
Mediterranean and North
What does a traditional
Sudanese iftar look like?
We break fast like many
others with a date and
water. The first course is
usually a soup: cauliflower,
pumpkin, or lentil soup. At
that point we take a
digestion break to pray,
before getting into the main
Growing up, that usually
consisted of tameeya (like
falafel), fool, eggs,
salads, eggplant (either in
a salad or in a béchamel)
and then on special
occasions something like
aseeda wa mullah, like a
porridge with the local
stew, or a protein like
fried fish, chicken or lamb.
We typically also have sweet
drinks like carkadeh
(hibiscus drink) hulumur,
mishmish (apricot), and
guava. My grandmother also
used to make a mean
lemonade! We’ll almost
always finish up with tea,
coffee and a sweet dessert
like basboosa (semolina
cake). For suhoor (pre-dawn
meal), we usually have um
Ali (puff pastry soaked in
sweet milk and raisins) or
run bi laban (rice
Sounds delicious. So what do
you crave while fasting?
I often hanker for the easy,
simple, food of home: fool,
bayd and tameeya. The
smells, tastes and textures
make me think of warmth,
comfort and family, and who
doesn’t want that in a holy
month? I generally don’t
miss food. But coffee! Oh, I
do miss that.
Same. So, what does Ramadan
mean to you? Ramadan is a
spiritual reset button, an
opportunity for me to take a
moment – a month, in fact –
to not only spiritually
detox, but physically do so
as well. My routines change:
so rather than the day being
structured around food, it’s
around prayer times. I also
try to make a more conscious
effort to slow down, read
more Quran, connect more
with family and community. I
look forward to it every
year, and although sometimes
on long London days it can
be exhausting, it’s a month
I am grateful for.
How old were you when you
first began fasting?
I went to a Muslim primary
school in Brisbane, so my
early years were filled with
trying to compete with the
other kids in class to see
who could fast the most. My
parents let me start slow –
one day a week, then the
weekends, then I moved up to
every second day and by the
time I was 10 or 11, I was
proud to be fasting all of
Ramadan without needing to
take much of a break at all!
Did you ever accidentally
break your fast as a child?
One morning, observing
Ramadan in Sudan, I woke up
and got out of bed and then
for some reason started
scoffing the lollies in the
‘guest tray’ in the living
room! I must have really
needed some sugar. Hand full
of lollies I froze and
realised I’d completely
forgotten it was Ramadan. My
parents said that because I
hadn’t done it on purpose,
the fast counted and so I
fasted the rest of the day
as normal.
Is it hard to fast away from
Being away from my family
and the traditions I grew up
with is always a challenge.
I think when you’re living
on your own in a big city,
Ramadan feels much more
difficult than when you are
at home with a group of
people, all in it together.
Ultimately, it’s meant to be
a shared experience,
bringing people together.
If you’re not naturally in
that space you have to put
in a little extra effort to
get the most out of the
month. I do try to work
around it: when I am in
London I make an effort to
have Iftar with friends
every night, and the Open
Iftar project is a lovely
effort towards alleviating
Do you have any traditions
or rituals during Ramadan?
When I think of traditions,
I think of the food that I
eat during Ramadan. The
process of making um Ali, of
soaking dates in sweet water
before the month arrives, of
the cool sweet tang of
carkadeh. I think of praying
taraweeh, or listening to
Quran, of not swallowing
when I brush my teeth! I
think I’m in the process of
creating new traditions here
in London – like breaking
the first fast of the month
with the same friends every
'Egg Boy' Will Connolly
donates $100,000 to help
Christchurch mosque attack
Australian teenager Will
Connolly, who became an
internet sensation for
smashing an egg on Fraser
Anning's head, has donated
$100,000 to help those
affected by the terror
attacks in Christchurch.
Funds raised by “Egg Boy”,
the teenager who smashed an
egg on an ultra-conservative
senator Fraser Anning, have
gone to the victims of the
Christchurch shootings.
The GoFundMe pages were set
up for Will Connolly after
he smashed an egg on Mr
Anning's head during a press
conference at a Conservative
National party rally.
On Tuesday night, Mr
Connolly announced on
Instagram the money raised
from two GoFundMe pages, a
total of $99,922.36, had
been donated to the
Christchurch Foundation and
Victims' Support.
“For those of you who don’t
know, there were two
GoFundMe pages set up to
help cover the cost of my
legal fees and to ‘buy more
“Gratefully, Gordon Legal
acted pro-bono for me so I
don’t have any legal fees.
“I decided to donate all
monies to help provide some
relief to the victims of the
massacre … it wasn’t mine to
Western Sydney University
has launched Australia's
first branded hijab for
nursing students along with
a suite of cultural
resources for teachers and
students aimed at reducing
drop out rates.
University is a daunting
time for most students, but
for Muslim nursing and
midwifery students a lack of
cultural and religious
awareness can make going out
on clinical practice even
more nerve-wracking.
Simple things like NSW
Health's 'bare below the
elbow' rule - which mandates
health practitioners roll
their sleeves up above their
elbows when treating
patients for hygiene reasons
- and having to intimately
care for members of the
opposite gender can, in some
cases, be difficult for
Islamic students to
"Over the past few years,
probably the past decade or
so, we've seen an increase
in the number of Muslim
students who were entering
nursing and midwifery
compared to previous years,"
Rakime Elmir, a lecturer in
nursing and midwifery, told
SBS News.
But when Western Sydney
University noticed that many
Islamic nursing students
were dropping out before the
end of their degree, they
decided to do something
about it.
In consultation with
community leaders and Muslim
students, the university's
School of Nursing and
Midwifery developed a suite
of resources addressing
common concerns and last
week released Australia's
first-ever branded clinical
hijab, available as part of
the university's nursing
"Many students wanted to
wear a skirt as opposed to
the mandatory pants because
in Islamic beliefs practice
it's important to be [in]
modest clothing ... the
other concern was around
women and girls not willing
to roll their sleeves up in
the clinical practice unit
at University and also while
on clinical placement," Dr
Elmir explained.
"The other issue was around
caring for the opposite
gender ... we really needed
to address that.
"We had one near miss
incident where a student
left a male patient in the
shower and didn't attend to
them and the patient
A Muslim woman herself, Dr
Elmir said the key was
having Islamic community
leaders on board to
determine what practices
were actually forbidden
under the Islamic religion.
"There's a bit of
misunderstanding and we
really wanted to present
clear information for
students in a sensitive
way," she said.
"We needed a community
leader who was able to
really endorse this
information and say
practising nursing is
actually a good thing in
Islam, it's doing a good
act, you're not caring for
the opposite gender for any
other reason."
Director of Academic
Programs (Clinical) Sue
Willis said the
Australian-first initiative
"closes a significant gap"
in resources for Muslim
nursing students.
During the month of
Ramadan, MAA is
making it easier for
you to donate and
earn rewards!
We've set up a stall
at Underwood
Marketplace from
Mon-Sat for the
entire month of
MAA and Hurricanes
Star Club will also
be hosting a FREE
Kids Ramadan
Activities workshop
every Saturday and
Sunday from 10am-1pm
for the entire month
of Ramadan.
Come down and make
an IMPACT this
Ramadan and help
millions in over 25
countries around the
Just a few of the
items for Sale:
Prophetic Health
Packs (Honey and
Blackseed Oil)
Eid Decorations
Eid Envelopes
MAA Water
Arabic Learning
Ramadan Lanterns
and much more
can also donate your
SADAQAH to over 25
countries around the
world, including
Syria, Palestine,
Myanmar, Somalia,
and Yemen.
Miracle win,
devastating loss
and future
By Shahjahan
delivered the
victory to the
ruling Coalition
of Liberal and
National Party (LNP)
in the Federal
elections of
Australia in May
2019. Out of 151
seats in the
House of
LNP has won 75
(projected 78),
opposition Labor
Party has won 65
(projected 67),
Greens Party 1
and others 5. As
a result, Mr
Scott Morrison
will remain the
Prime Minister
of Australia for
the next three
years to lead a
Regardless of
the outcome of
the Australian
Federal election
on Saturday 18
May 2019,
Muslims in
Australia have
interest in the
election as the
risk of electing
racist bigots in
the Parliament
was too high.
In a democracy,
voting is the
citizen’s power
to elect leaders
of their choice.
Abstaining from
voting should
not be an
option. It will
give politicians
with an agenda
of hate and
division easy
access to
The defeat of
former Prime
Minister, Mr
Tony Abbott in
his long-held
seat was a
reflection on
how out of touch
this arrogant
politician was.
It is another
favour to Mr
Scott Morrison
that this
trouble maker
backbencher is
out of the
In the last
several years,
Labor Party was
leading all the
opinion polls
consistently and
even at the eve
of the election
this party it
was favoured to
win the
election. Many
Australians are
asking, what
went wrong with
this party?
The election
results were
decided based in
Queensland and
especially in
Queensland. This
is where the
Labor party lost
most of its
seats and the
This party did
not win any
single seat
north of
Preferences from
parties improved
LNP performance
The voters in
Australia often
decide their
based on the
local issues
that affect them
directly, rather
than national
priorities, and
to a lesser
extent any
The reasons
behind Labor
losing the
includes its
policies such as
negative gearing
and seniors tax
But more
directly, the
Andani Coal
Mining factor
had the most
effect on the
Labor party.
People in north
Queensland live
on mining
because it
provides them
jobs and
economic growth.
This overwrites
anything else
including the
climate change
The vicious TV
ad campaign of
United Australia
Party of Mr
Clive Palmer
attacking Labor
and its leader
had seriously
impacted on the
voters in
Queensland and
Australia. This
party spent $80m
to run a
campaign against
Labor and its
leader. Mr Scott
Morrison must be
grateful to his
political ally
regardless of
any under the
table deal or
Although Labor
has been
above the
Coalition in the
opinion polls
over the years,
its leader Mr
Bill Shorten was
never as popular
as his opponent
at any time. The
‘faceless’ man
may not have
recovered from
the background
role he played
in removing Mr
Kevin Rudd as
the Prime
Minister. Voters
did not forgive
him, but
ironically, they
forgave Mr Scott
Morrison when he
did the same to
Mr Malcolm
In the Senate
election, 40
seats were for
grab, 6 each
from 6 states
and 2 each from
two territories.
The other 36
senators were
elected for 6
years in the
election and
will continue to
serve for the
next three
years. In the
new Senate,
Coalition will
have 33, Labor
26, Green 8,
Centre Alliance
2, One Nation 1
(maybe another
one), Australian
Conservatives 1,
and Jacqui
Lambie will
in the Senate
vote, One Nation
party received
10.2% primary
votes in
compared to 3.2%
nationally, in
spite of all
division and
scandals in the
party. In the
House, this
party received
8.7% primary
votes in
Queensland and
3.0% nationwide.
In the 72 seat
senate, the
government will
have to get
support from 37
senators to pass
bills that means
they will need
the support of
at least 4
senators to get
their agenda
through the
leader, Mr Bill
Shorten has
already stepped
down from his
position taking
of losing the
election, and
Labor is already
in the process
to elect its
next leader most
probably Anthony
With Anthony
Albanese as the
new opposition
leader there is
every chance
that Labor will
change its
policies and
take pragmatic,
rather than
approach and
remain united
they may return
to power at the
next election.
South African
elections pose a
challenge for
political future
By Mahomed
Faizal in
Durban, South
will be
sworn in
as an MP
by Tuan
Guru who
wrote it
while in
Since the
advent of
democracy in
1994, an
avowedly Muslim
party, will for
the first time
be represented
in South
Parliament. On
May 8, the Al-Jama-ah
Party, formed in
2007 by Cape
secured a single
seat in the
country’s sixth
elections and
will now
represent the
aspirations of a
minority of
Muslims in
While the single
seat in
Parliament is
unremarkable in
itself, it
points to a
wider and more
change in
attitude amongst
Muslims in
exercising their
vote and more
broadly to
issues of
During the
country’s first
elections in
1994, where the
African National
Congress (ANC)
under the
leadership of
Nelson Mandela,
swept to victory
with 62 per cent
of the national
vote, the
majority of the
Black population
voted for the
Muslims of
ethnic Indian
and coloured
backgrounds came
out in support
of the ANC as it
was seen as a
party that
liberation to
the country’s
The prevalence
of Muslims with
within the
senior ranks of
the ANC was also
a contributing
factor in
influencing the
Muslim voting
public to
support the ANC.
Since the
elections, there
has been a
steady decline
in Muslim
support for the
ANC with a shift
towards other
parties, namely
the opposition
Alliance (DA).
Lack of service
together with
voter apathy,
of minorities
and general
disillusion with
politics has
fractured the
once strong ties
that the Muslim
enjoyed with the
ruling party.
to a
survey of Muslim
voting trends
undertaken by
the South
African Muslim
Network (SAMNET),
the majority of
Muslims had
shown a
shift away from
the ANC based on
lack of service
delivery and
corruption in
the ruling party
and Government.
In areas with
working class
Muslims, the
vote went to the
opposition DA.
This was very
evident in the
Western Cape,
which has been
governed by the
DA since 2009.
While 70 per
cent of Muslims
survey indicated
that a party’s
regarding Israel
and Palestine
was important to
them, the
support for the
pro-Israeli DA
indicated that
everyday issues
the determining
factor when
casting their
votes. The ANC
victory in the
Muslim majority
district of the
Bo-Kaap in Cape
Town was
attributed to
project by the
Council of this
historical Malay
The DA council
had encouraged
rapid economic
development in
the area which
has led to the
of the area’s
character as
foreigners and
local investors
snapped by the
property at
cut-rate prices.
Prior to the
elections, the
Minister of Arts
and culture
declared certain
sites in the Bo
Kaap as National
heritage Sites
protection and
conservation of
this unique
heritage. Many
attributed the
ANC’s success in
the district to
this deft
election ploy.
Elsewhere in the
country, ANC
made small gains
from the
through serious
campaigning on
the ground,
however, the
drift to other
parties was
Apathy and
with politics
were other
factors in
Muslims staying
away from the
polls. While the
calls to abstain
from voting was
made from a few
Muslims groups,
mainstream Ulama
groups had urged
Muslims to
participate in
the electoral
process. The
Jamiatul Ulama
South Africa had
urged Muslims to
participating in
the elections
hereby becoming
part of the
process in the
of JUSA, Moulana
Ebrahim Bham,
said that it was
of every South
irrespective of
race or religion
to register to
vote. “Through
the means of
voting, we
connect our self
with our fellow
citizens. We
also safeguard
the freedoms
that we have
which everyone
cherishes in
terms of our
According to the
2016 General
Household Survey
published by
Stats SA figures
show that South
Africa is home
to 892,685
Muslims, however
estimates put
that number
closer to a
million. The
majority of
reside in the
Western Cape,
Gauteng and
Muslims who were
surveyed by
SAMNET indicated
their desire for
a Muslim party,
the voting
indicate that
they are more
inclined to give
their vote to a
mainstream party
capable of
addressing their
needs. The
entrance of Al
Jama-ah Party
into Parliament
is more of an
exception than a
decisive shift,
as faced with a
corrupt ANC and
an unpalatable
opposition, some
Muslims took the
easy route and
gave their vote
to the AJP. It
was a case of
less faith but
more about
in the other
With the
reduction in the
number of Muslim
ANC MPs in
South African
Muslims find
themselves at
the crossroads
of history once
again. That the
opposition DA
will have an
equal number of
Muslim MPs, as
the ANC is an
indication that
the party has
that loyalty,
while the ANC
has shifted
towards what
analysts believe
is an
of the party.
Lack of support
for the party by
Muslims has not
gone unnoticed
and as the
ruling party
embarks on a
process of
cleansing itself
from the past
excesses under
President Cyril
perhaps a period
of serious
reflection on
future political
realignment and
will serve the
South African
You are what
you Eid: Ramadan
for vegans
and baba
Muslims are
coming to the
end of a month
of fasting,
which in Britain
often means
evening meals
featuring heaps
of meat. But
there is a
he final days of
Islam’s month of
fasting are with
us. And as
Ramadan draws to
a close, so does
“Veganadan”, in
which a growing
number of
Muslims adopt a
plant-based diet
for four weeks.
I am keen to eat
less meat in
Ramadan, but it
can be a
challenge when
you are invited
to iftar, the
meal with which
Muslims break
their day-long
fast, and there
is only meat on
the table. After
18 hours without
food (an extra
40 minutes if
you are in
Scotland), hosts
like to lay on a
banquet, and a
typical iftar
spread includes
an array of lamb
samosas, kebabs
and roast
When I am at
home, iftar
tends to be a
more vegan
affair: a fresh
fruit salad of
blueberries and
honeydew melon
sprinkled with
chopped dates,
for example,
along with a
platter of peas
fried lightly
with cumin
seeds, followed
by yellow dal
and aubergine
The first Muslim
community in
Arabia barely
consumed meat.
Muhammad lived
largely on dates
and barley. Ali,
the prophet’s
cousin, is said
to have stated:
“Do not make
your stomach a
graveyard of
animals”, and
the caliph Umar
warned against
the addictive
nature of meat.
Yet most of this
seems to be lost
on Muslims in
Britain today,
who, despite
making up 4.6%
of the
consume more
than 20% of lamb
and mutton
produced in the
It is common for
halal butchers
to see a rise in
meat sales in
Ramadan – the
most spiritual
and supposedly
most frugal
month in the
Muslim calendar.
But a desire for
a less indulgent
lifestyle is one
reason that
veganism is
popularity. It
is healthier,
more ethical
and, so we are
told, more
Islamic. As the
Vegan Muslim
Initiative (VMI),
founded by two
vegan Muslims
from Canada and
Australia, puts
it: “If Muslims
are going to be
relevant and
contributors to
our planet’s
future, then
there must be a
major paradigm
shift in how we
view and
approach food.”
VMI member Anita
Nayyar, 37, is a
convert to both
Islam and
veganism. She
went strictly
vegan two and a
half years ago,
after hearing an
account of
rebuking one of
his companions
for taking a
baby chick from
its distressed
mother. “The
prophet spoke of
the bird in
human terms and
said that
animals are
communities like
us,” she says.
“I think about
that when I
consider how a
dairy cow is
separated from
its calf and the
mother cries for
her baby – just
so we humans can
take its milk.”
Nayyar says
Muslims are
neglecting the
other condition
for meat to be
halal – not only
must the animal
be slaughtered
in a certain
way, but the
meat must be
tayyab (Arabic
for pure and
“When we eat
meat of an
animal that has
suffered, or
lived its life
in a tiny cage,
we are consuming
that trauma into
our bodies,” she
says. “We have
to consider when
we eat a chicken
wing, we are
most likely
eating an animal
that hasn’t seen
daylight. How is
that Islamic?
“Since going
vegan, “I’m able
to connect to my
faith better and
I feel lighter
in my heart.”
She is also
lighter in the
stomach –
Anita’s iftar
often includes
baba ganoush,
hummus and a
kidney bean
curry spiced
with paprika,
chilli, onions,
garlic and
ginger, and
fragranced with
fresh coriander.
Next week, when
Ramadan ends
with the
festival of Eid,
Nayyar will host
a tea party in
her garden for
Muslim converts
who do not get
to share
festivities with
their non-Muslim
families. She
normally bakes
Nigella Lawson’s
vegan chocolate
cake, but this
year will be
trying a recipe
from the blog
One Arab Vegan –
date cake, using
all the leftover
dates with which
typically break
their fast. I am
tempted by
another recipe
from the same
source: vanilla
drizzled with
glaze and topped
with pomegranate
seeds and
pistachios. With
recipes like
this, it is easy
to understand
the vegan
David Stelzer, a
customer service
professional in
his 30s,
originally from
Singapore and
now living in
north London,
decided to go
part-time vegan
last Ramadan but
throughout the
year and kept
the habit this
Ramadan. “I’ve
lost weight, my
gut feels
lighter and I
sleep better,”
he says. His
suhoor (pre-dawn
meal) consists
of porridge
sprinkled with
chopped dates,
figs, nuts,
banana and a
dollop of peanut
butter. During
the week, his
sunset meal
tends to be an
oriental dish of
noodles and
vegetables with
tofu. While he
went vegan for
purely health
reasons, Stelzer
says, veganism
also helps him
to focus on
prayers and
meditation. I
ask if he will
be vegan for Eid.
“It’s unlikely,”
he says. “It
will probably be
one of my days
off from the
Dawud Marsh,
from east
London, has not
had a day off in
35 years. Along
with his wife,
he runs a
project for
adults with
and converted to
Islam 11 years
ago. He sees a
natural fit
between being
vegan and being
Muslim. “Meat
production has a
huge negative
effect on the
planet. Islam is
all about
for the better,
and that sat
well with me
when I became
s a veteran
vegan, Marsh
recalls having
to make do with
simple (boring)
food such as
brown rice and
brown pasta – he
even ground his
own soya powder.
This Eid, with
so much more
choice, he is
looking forward
to vegan
biriyani, and
his wife’s
“gateau piment”
or Mauritian
chilli cakes –
deep-fried balls
of split peas
and finely
chopped onions
and coriander,
fired up with
green or red
A more recent
vegan convert is
Mara Whyte, a
student from
Birmingham, who
went vegan
overnight in
2017 after
watching What
the Health, a
documentary on
food production.
She now
leaflets about
veganism – along
with vegan cakes
– every weekend
in the city
centre. As the
only British
Pakistani Muslim
in a group of
mainly white
atheists, she
attracts a more
diverse crowd.
“Muslims come up
to me and are
curious, but
question why I’m
so involved in
animal rights
when there are
people dying
from starvation
in the world.
But they don’t
realise how it’s
all connected
and how the
grain produced
in developing
countries for
global meat
drains their
resources and
land, leaving
hungry.” Her
passion has even
encouraged her
brother to go
vegan. For iftar,
they enjoy a
fresh fruit
salad and chana
chaat – a cool
and refreshing
chickpea and
potato salad
mixed with
kidney beans and
chopped onions.
For Eid, Whyte
will visit
family and
friends, who
always prepare a
separate vegan
curry for her –
although one Eid,
when she asked
for vegan food,
she was told to
pick out the
potatoes from
the meat and
aloo curry.
That’s the sort
of experience
any vegan,
Muslim or not,
will be able to
relate to.
Salih Yucel and Abu Bakr
Sirajuddin Cook, editors Australian
Journal of Islamic Studies
Editors' Introduction (Vol 3
No 3 2018):
The history of Islam within
Australia is an important,
yet often overlooked, part
of Australian history.
Muslim presence in Australia
has helped shape
multicultural experience
facilitating intercultural
dialogue as well as
contributing significantly
to the development of the
Australian nation. However,
to date, it has received
minimal scholarly attention.
There have been significant
studies on the engagements
of the Maccasans, Muslim
fishermen from Indonesia,
with the Indigenous peoples
of northern Australia. These
studies have detailed the
cultural interactions and
trade between them and the
lasting impacts of the
inclusion of language
foreign to Australian soil.
There is also an increasing
awareness of Australia’s
cameleers, many of whom were
Muslims, and the
contribution they made to
maintaining trade routes and
assisting early Australian
explorers. Despite the
growing interest in the
field, the history of Islam
in Australia remains an
understudied area of
research. This rich history
dates back further than we
thought and has possibly had
a greater impact than what
is recognised. Given the
current political and social
climate surrounding Islam
globally, it is timely that
this volume of the
Australian Journal of
Islamic Studies is
published. This volume
brings to light the depth
and richness of Australia’s
Islamic heritage,
challenging some of the
prevalent assumptions on the
topic, and calls for further
studies in this field.
Australia has proclaimed
itself as being a successful
example of a multicultural
society. It is a society
that has been shaped, and
continues to be shaped, by a
diverse range of cultural
inputs. With this being the
case, it is justifiable to
ask how and why the
contributions of Muslims to
Australia have been largely
Over the weeks, CCN
highlights extracts from the
Australian Journal of
Islamic Studies which is an
open access, double-blind
peer-reviewed journal
dedicated to the scholarly
study of Islam.
.....continued from last
week's CCN.....
If the British government,
for the sake of political
stability prompted by
“Indian frontier troubles,”
publicly chose not to aid
nor hinder religious
enterprises for fear of
accusations of racism,
Australia had other
During the Colonial
Conference in London in 1887
and in the presence of 121
representatives of the
British Government and her
colonies, including
legislatures from the six
disunited Australian
colonies, Alfred Deakin
spoke out against the
Colonial Office.
The criticism from this
self-professed “strong
protectionist” from
Melbourne surprised many of
the delegates.
However, Deakin echoed a
view that was prevalent in
the national newspapers:
that Australia was different
to other colonies in the
Empire because it was
surrounded by ‘coloured’
nations and needed to
legislate to protect itself.
The early ‘Asiatic’ Muslim
settlers had no place in the
‘one nation’ Deakin sought
nor were they of the ‘one
stock’ that would enjoy this
‘one inheritance.’
From 1901, as the new
protectionist program
manifested through Deakin’s
defence and support of the
White Australia Policy,
there was a subtle yet
historically significant
shift in the way Australian
written media engaged with
Islam and Muslims. Deakin
saw ‘unity of race’ as an
“absolute essential to the
unity of Australia.”
While Australia’s ‘Asiatic’
Muslim settlers struggled
with legislated
discriminatory policies, the
number of converts to Islam
was increasing. In the
numerous articles included
in the local papers, some
presented this as a
challenge, while others were
intrigued by stories of
their own kind embracing
Perhaps one of the main
reasons for perceiving the
spread of Islam as a
challenge was due to the
mid-century crises of faith
that had “weakened the
intellectual authority of
the church.”
Meet the fourth generation of a Baluch
Afghan cameleer
By Besmillah Mohabbat
Marium Martin
(left), Goolam Badoola (right)
and their two sons.
Sabah Rind is the fourth
generation descendant of a Baluch Afghan
cameleer who came to Australia in the
late 19th century and married an
Aboriginal woman.
Sabah Rind is a descendant of a Baluch
Afghan cameleer and a Badimaya-Yamatji
Aboriginal woman and says she is proud
of her identities.
“In Aboriginal communities, I would
identify myself as a Yamatji-Badimaya
woman and I would also say I am an
Afghan Baluchi woman and Muslim as well
- so I am proud of all my identities,”
the 34-year-old told SBS Dari.
Her great grandfather, Goolam Badoola,
arrived in the South Australian town of
Port Augusta in 1885 at the age of
around 12 and worked as a cameleer on
the Ghan, the 2,979-kilometre railway
between Darwin and Adelaide.
He then settled in the Geraldton area of
Western Australia.
‘Rare citizenship’
“In the early 1900s there
was a flood in the Geraldton area in
Western Australia and because he saved a
lot of people from the flood, the
Australian government granted him
citizenship, which was quite rare at
that time, because a lot of Afghan
cameleers had to go back home,” Ms Rind
Goolam Badoola set up a sheep station
and in his 40s in December 1917, married
a 16-year-old Badimaya-Yamatji
Aboriginal woman whose name was Marium
Marium Martin was daughter of a Malay
Muslim man and a Yamatji Aboriginal of
the Badimaya clan who worked at
Badoola’s pastoral.
But it was not an easy task for a Baluch
Afghan cameleer to marry an Aboriginal
woman at the time with the Chief
Protector of Aborigines, A. O Neville,
deeming the marriage illegal and wanting
to take Marium away from her husband and
put her in an Aboriginal settlement.
marrying Goolam, Marium Martin's
name was Marian Martin.
“Because of his culture,
he wanted to marry her and at that time
the Afghan men honoured the Aboriginal
women by marrying them, not raping them,
if you know Australian history,” Ms Rind
“We have a lot of documents showing what
problems they went through trying to get
their Nikah - the Arabic word for
marriage - done”.
But finally, a court in Cue, in mid-west
WA, approved their marriage.
‘Hiding in the bush’
Marium’s death at the age of 27 left
Goolam with their four children - three
sons and a daughter.
He not only had the task of raising the
children but also had to hide them from
the government that wanted to take them
away from him.
“At that time 'Neville the Devil', who
was the commissioner for child
protection wanted to take half-cast
Aboriginal children away,” Sabah Rind
Auber Octavius Neville - known as A. O.
Neville - was given the role of Chief
Protector of Aborigines of Western
Australia in 1915 and held the position
until 1940. It gave him the power to
dominate Aboriginal life for over two
decades. He was responsible for the
removal of mixed-heritage Aboriginal
children from their families, later to
be known as the Stolen Generations.
Marium Martin
died at the age of 27.
Ms Rind remembers Goolam and Marium’s
only daughter Nora who died in 2005,
recounting the story of them hiding in
the bush with her older brothers to
avoid being captured by the department
of child protection.
To save his children, Goolam decided to
ship them back to his homeland,
Baluchistan, which was an autonomous
region at the time.
Next generations
When the children were old enough to not
be captured by the department of child
protection, they started coming back to
However, Nora Badoola had to fight for
her children to come to Australia until
she passed away in 2005.
One of Goolam and Marium’s sons, who was
Sabah’s grandfather, then married an
Iranian woman and moved to London.
Sabah’s mother, born in London, was one
of ten children by the couple. She then
married a Baluch man and Sabah is the
eldest of the couple's four children.
“My mum met him overseas. He is a Baluch,
he speaks Baluchi and I am the eldest of
four siblings, and when we were growing
up, my dad forced us to speak his
Sabah herself is married to a Turkish
She is a Master of Human Rights and
works in legal education and community
engagement with Aboriginal communities
in WA.
She knows people from the emerging
Afghan community in Australia, “but
that’s not through the Afghan
connections, that’s probably through
just everyday Muslim connection at the
mosque or Muslim community here,” she
She believes National Sorry Day (May 26)
and National Reconciliation Week (May 27
to June 3) are great opportunities for
“communities to come together and
reflect on the past atrocities that have
happened to Aboriginal people”.
Almost 200 Muslim councillors elected
in local elections
Mohon Ali won the Chadderton
North ward for the Labour Party
UK: 187 Muslim
councillors were elected (out of 589
Muslim candidates) in the local
elections on May 7.
According to data exclusively compiled
by The Muslim News, 144 (77 percent)
Muslim Labour councilors, 31
Conservatives, 9 Liberal Democrats, 1
Respect, 1 TUSC and 1 UKIP were elected
in 116 English Councils.
163 of the 279 councils up for election
did not have a Muslim candidate. Twenty
three of 86 Muslim female candidates who
contested wards were elected. However,
the overwhelming majority (88 percent)
of successful Muslim candidates elected
were male.
Who are the Muslim community patrols
protecting US mosques?
US: Days after the deadly
attack on a mosque in Christchurch, New
Zealand, a private patrol service was
launched in New York to protect Muslim
places of worship there. The additional
security has proved controversial.
On a Friday afternoon, minutes before
the Muezzins at Brooklyn mosques give
the call to prayer, a group of young
Muslims is headed to nearby mosques in
what look like New York Police
Department (NYPD) squad cars.
The cars, with their red and white
emergency lights on, will be parked
right outside the mosques and stay put
while worshippers go in and offer
The cars and volunteers represent the
Muslim Community Patrol, a self-funded
group, launched to provide additional
security to neighbourhood mosques and
Islamic schools in the area at times
when they are most crowded.
Noor Rabah, a volunteer and co-founder
of the group, calls it "security on
By keeping the emergency lights on and
making the siren go on when there's any
trouble, they hope the vehicle can act
as a deterrent.
"We are not the muscle of NYPD.
We are the eyes and ears to report to
the proper authorities," says Mr Rabah,
who formally launched the patrol service
after 51 people were killed in the
attack on two mosques in New Zealand in
Security has long been a concern for
worshippers - but since the Christchurch
attack it's become a priority.
During this month-long Ramadan, the
Council on American-Islamic Relations,
the country's largest Muslim advocacy
group, has urged the Muslim communities
to stay vigilant and step up security.
Many mosques in the country have
conducted security drills including
active-shooter training.
The Muslim Community Patrol, too, has
beefed up its presence in and around
Brooklyn mosques - but ever since the
idea of such a patrol was floated, they
have also faced backlash, particularly
on social media.
A few far-right commentators have
accused them of being enforcers of
Sharia law.
"It's the fear of the unknown," responds
Mr Rabah.
"Allow our actions to show you what our
way of life teaches," he says.
But the patrols are not the police, they
are unarmed and don't carry any legal
While many in the community have
welcomed their presence in the
neighbourhood, there are others who
question the need for this patrol and
the motives of the group behind it.
Somia Elrowmeim, who works for the Arab
American Association of New York, says
there are lots of questions about the
group and who they are.
"We want them to stay out of the
community. Any small problem that they
cause would reflect really badly on us,"
says Ms Elrowmeim.
She says the Muslim community pays its
taxes like any other community and it's
the NYPD's job to provide security.
Most prominent mosques now have a heavy
police presence - and in New York senior
officers have made a point of reaching
The city's police department even has a
Muslim Officers' Association - which
gives the force a direct link to the
community (the association has chosen
not to comment on the patrols).
New York police, and other law
enforcement agencies, have had a
troubled history with the Muslim
community post- 9/11, and there's still
a deeply ingrained fear and suspicion
within the community. Many are wary of a
continued police presence at their
places of worship.
A Michigan-based lawyer and community
activist, Namira Islam, urges the
community to explore other options for
security instead of relying on police
and federal agencies.
"I do not feel safer seeing armed
police in front of mosque doors. I do
not feel safer with federal agents
attending my events," says Ms Islam.
She says there's a history of implicit
bias within the law enforcement against
the Muslim community in general and at
times the law also requires them to act
on issues like immigration enforcement.
"Just because it's legal doesn't mean
it's just," she says, citing the example
of undocumented worshippers being turned
over to federal agencies by the local
police guarding the mosques.
There's also a concern that increased
police presence will keep many
worshippers, who are suspicious of law
enforcement, out of the mosques.
It's too early to say whether
communities will embrace the Muslim
Patrol as the other option, but for now
the group is busy signing-up and
training new volunteers with plans to
expand nationwide by next year.
Britain’s coolest mayor is now
Europe’s coolest MEP
Magid Magid has won a seat in
the European Parliament for the
Green Party
UK: The mayor who
branded Donald Trump a ‘wasteman’ and
banned him from his city has won a seat
in the European Parliament. Magid Magid
was hailed as the coolest mayor in the
UK last year after posing on top of a
staircase banister for his official
The 29-year-old, who
moved to Sheffield from Somalia when he
was five, was both the youngest Lord
Mayor the city has ever seen and the
first Green Party councillor to take on
the role.
He hung up his mayoral
boots earlier this month and announced
he would be running in the European
After winning his seat
tonight, he tweeted: ‘We did it. Today
is about a Green Wave cascading through
Europe & landing on the shores of
Yorkshire for the first time. We’re just
getting started.
‘This’ll be more than a fleeting
midsummer night’s dream in Brussels.
We’re going to turn the tide of
The pro-EU politician was
one of six MEPs elected in the Yorkshire
and Humber region. Magid told last year that he wanted to
bring attention to how ‘awful and
disrespectful’ Trump is to the ‘lovely
people of Sheffield’.
He said: ‘Not that I
think he will come to Sheffield, but
it’s about sending a message to
everybody else.
Women have been
taking to the
streets of Saudi
Arabia's cities
in increasing
numbers - to go
Jeddah Running
Community was
founded in 2013,
cultural norms
under which it
has long been
for women to
participate in
sport in public.
It was one of
the first groups
to hold mixed
sessions for
women and men,
though it also
holds women-only
meet-ups. The
idea has gained
traction more
widely, with
groups forming
in other cities.
In recent years,
the conservative
Gulf kingdom has
reversed a ban
on sports for
girls in public
schools and
allowed women to
watch football
matches in
stadiums. It
sent its first
female athletes
to the Olympics
in 2012.
But although
some rules for
women have been
relaxed -
including the
lifting of the
ban on driving -
women are still
not free to
travel, marry,
divorce or even
leave prison
without the
permission of a
male relative.
This book focuses on the way Muslims and
mainstream societies in the West,
especially in America, Australia, and
Europe, perceive each other.
It focuses
on the meaning of being a Muslim in a
multicultural, multi-religious, and
technologically developed world.
The essays
in the volume explore the
socio-political, cultural, and
historical differences between the two
groups, Muslims and Western societies,
while attempting to reconcile some of
these differences in creative ways by
initiating constructive dialogues
between them.
It also
takes into account the tensions,
challenges, and complexities between
these communities across various
contexts, including, schools,
universities, media, government,
private, and public institutions.
This volume
thus explores this interplay between
perceptions and misperceptions by
delving into the societal structures of
Western host and immigrant communities.
Dear Kareema, I’m very happy with
my diet this Ramadan as I’ve steered away from
the sweet stuff and am noticing some weight
loss. My focus now will be on toning –
especially my upper body / arms, any suggestions
apart from weight training?
Well done. It’s always great when determination
and hard work pays off.
Give tennis a go. The advantage
is that you’ll still be burning calories along
with fat all while toning the chest, arms,
shoulders and upper back.
Swimming is also good for a strong, toned upper
body. Pulling against the water provides
resistance which in turn, challenges the muscles
to work harder.
Finally, pop on some boxing
gloves and get punching. It’s a great
stress-reliever and oh so good for great looking
shoulders and arms.
Welcome to my weekly
column on
Self-Care and
Clarity of Mind.
If you’re taking
time out to read
this, pat yourself
on the back because
you have shown
commitment to taking
care of your mind
and body.
Today, In Shaa
ALLAH, we will
explore the topic:
Awaken The Brave
Within You
So, here’s a
question for
you...Are you brave?
What’s the first
response that comes
to your mind when
you read this
I know my answer.
Today, I want you to
ponder on yours. If
you know you are
brave, great. You
probably don’t need
to read on, but
maybe forward this
article to someone
who may benefit from
acknowledging their
inherent courage and
learn strategies on
how to awaken the
brave within them.
To be brave is to
feel the fear
without letting fear
own you.
It is to feel the
fear by listening to
what it’s saying to
you rather than
believing in what
it’s saying to you.
When you can feel
your fears as and
when they arise,
observe them without
judgement and put
your complete trust
in ALLAH to protect
you, that’s when
courage is born.
The trigger for
courage is fear.
But first, you must
allow yourself to
observe your fears
without judgement
and banish all
preconceived beliefs
about those fears.
Once you start
observing your
fears, you will
begin to notice that
they are merely
other people’s fears
that you have
inherited as you
were growing
up...other people’s
beliefs imposed upon
you that you were
then conditioned to
adopt as your own.
9 Strategies To
Awaken The Brave
Within You
1. Make a list
of all the
things you want
to be, do, or
have in life but
are too scared
to pursue them.
2. Choose one
thing from this
list and put a
circle around
it. Perhaps
choose the thing
that causes you
the least fear
in comparison to
the others on
the list.
3. Now write
what is the
worst thing that
could happen
to you if you
decide to pursue
4. Write a
description of
the fear you are
feeling about
pursuing this
thing. Describe
how this fear is
making your body
feel. Is it
causing hurt or
pain? Write down
who all are
affected by this
fear of yours.
5. And now write
what is the best
thing that could
happen to
you if you
pursued this
6. Write down a
description of
how your body is
feeling when you
think about all
the great things
that you could
feel from
pursuing this
thing. Write
down who all
would be
affected if you
felt this great.
7. Now take time
to read what you
have written and
observe how your
body feels when
you read both
8. Which of
these two
scenarios makes
you feel closer
9. Now answer if
you are still
feeling fearful
about pursuing
this or do you
have trust in
ALLAH. If you
are still
feeling fear,
keep analysing
deeper as to how
you came to hold
this fearful
If you wish to know about
a specific topic
with regards to
Self-Care and
Clarity of Mind,
please email me on
If you wish to have
a FREE one hour
Clarity Coaching
phone session,
contact me on
Muslimah Reflections
- my new ebook of
poetry and
Ultimate Self-Care
Guide For Muslimahs
from Muslimah Mind
Matters YouTube
Muslimah Meditation
Moments - audio
files for
If you wish to know
about a specific
topic with regards
to Self-Care and
Clarity of Mind,
please text or email
me or visit
If you wish to have
a FREE one hour
Finding Clarity
telephone session,
contact me on
"When the Scrolls are
laid open; When the World on
High is unveiled; When the
Blazing Fire is kindled to
fierce heat; and When the
Garden is brought near; -
[Then] shall each soul know
what is has put forward."
MCF (Muslim
Foundation) was
established in
2009 by
members of our
MCF is a
that delivers a
service whilst
having no paid
employees. 100%
of your
entrusted to MCF
are received by
those in need.
To donate your
Zakaat and
Fitrah use the
banking details
MCF Zakaat
Banking Details:
Bank of
BSB: 124155
Account Number:
Fitrah is $10
per person.
Fitrah Account
Banking Details:
Bank of
BSB: 124155
Account No:
MAA Preparing
to Distribute
Your Donations
in Ramadan
For over 30
years, Muslim
Aid Australia
has been
delivering your
donations to the
around the world
including in
Yemen, Burma and
across Africa.
This Ramadan,
donate your
Zakah & Sadaqah
or opt for some
of our special
'Donate &
packages that
focus on Food,
Sadaqah Jaariyah,
the Environment,
Empowerment and
Don't wait -
help change the
lives of your
brothers and
sisters today to
ensure they can
benefit this
Ramadan and
PARK IS BACK on the 5th OR
6th June Rocklea Showgrounds
with bigger and better
things planned than ever
With a large variety of
cuisines to choose from, a
petting farm, plenty of
stalls and thrilling rides
for children and adults, the
largest Eid Day Festival in
Brisbane is an experience
not to be missed!
The Islamic Council of
Queensland (ICQ) is hosting
its annual Eid Down Under
festival on Saturday 8 June.
More than 15,000 people
attend for hours of fun,
food, rides, entertainment,
competitions, cultural
performances and more.
Brisbane City Council
considers this a major event
in Brisbane. It provides a
chance for the Muslim
community to connect with
other groups and communities
in Queensland, promoting an
inclusive and harmonious
Australian society.
Many companies and
organisations host stalls at
the event to sell products
and showcases their
services. The promotion
opportunity is huge as the
event brings together people
from all walks of life, and
many different communities
from across Queensland.
The Islamic Council of
Queensland (ICQ) would like
to invite you to support the
festival taking place on
Saturday the 8th of June at
the Islamic College of
Brisbane. Eid as you know is
a time for celebration for
Muslims and more than 15,000
people are expected to
attend the social event for
hours of fun, food, rides,
entertainment, competitions,
cultural performances and
much more, the Brisbane City
Council considers this a
major event in Brisbane. It
also provides a chance for
the Muslim community to
connect with other groups
and communities in
Queensland, promoting an
inclusive and harmonious
Australian society. Insha
Allah this year the festival
will be bigger than previous
The event provides a
platform for businesses to
promote their activities and
the opportunity is huge as
the event brings together
people from all walks of
life, and many different
communities from across
Queensland. Over the years,
the event has seen major
sponsorships from
well-established leading
Muslim businesses and Insha
Allah this year we hope to
see your kind support. In
doing so, you’ll not only be
promoting your business but
also be supporting social
cohesion, mutual respect and
understanding within our
society, which is a key
focus for ICQ and
cornerstones of our Muslim
Starting at only $500.00, we
have tailored sponsorship
packages to suit all types
of businesses, we humbly
request you to consider
being a sponsor of this
year's event.
At Sisters
Suppprt Services Inc we have
qualified volunteers who help
women in their darkest moments &
time of need to empower them to
make the right choices for
better outcomes for their own
Here are some examples of our
cases over the past few months.
ALL names have been changed to
protect client identities.
1. Aisha, a victim of Domestic
Violence came to us for
assistance. We assisted her by
giving her money to buy clothing
and personal items as she left
her home quickly and with very
little. Aisha has also needed
ongoing counselling which she
has been receiving from us for
the past few months. She was
taken to appointments and
connected with the right people
who helped her start a new life
in a safe environment.
“Thank you so
much for your help. I am so very
grateful. Thank you to Sister
Services. Allah bless you all.”
2. Katie, a revert sister with
young kids needed ongoing
counselling and support as she
had not been coping well at home
and was not able to look after
herself and her family. Sisters
Support Services was there for
her; “I can’t tell you enough in
words how grateful I am, just by
listening to me when I was
feeling so low. Life is not
looking so dark anymore !”
3. Sarah also a revert sister
recently divorced with a young
child arrived in Brisbane with
virtually nothing. We have
helped her with everyday
essentials, food supplies &
assisted her to find suitable
accommodation. Sarah has some
health issues & needed financial
support with purchasing
medications & by being driven to
medical appointments by our
"So happy with
the help I've received from
Sisters Support Services."
1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by
the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are
tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.
2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in
the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, exceptfor Lailatul
Lailatul Bhahraat
Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event
starting in the evening of the corresponding day.
HikmahWay Institute
HikmahWay offers online and
in-person Islamic courses to
equip Muslims of today with
the knowledge, understanding
and wisdom to lead balanced,
wholesome and beneficial
Articles and
opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its
Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be
libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive,
slanderous and/or downright distasteful.
It is the usual policy of CCN to
include from time to time, notices of events that some
readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are
often posted as received. Including such messages or
providing the details of such events does not necessarily
imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN
The best ideas
and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you
have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want
seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit
to the Crescents Community please
e-mail us..
Share your
thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.
If there is
someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please
encourage them to enter their details