For the first time in its
30-year existence, Kuraby Mosque
has had to suspend performing a
congregational Friday prayer
The coronavirus stopped
communal Muslim prayers for
the first time in living
memory in many mosques
around Australia (and the
rest of the world) on
The usually crowded
courtyards around the
Mosques were mostly silent
and empty, while
Mosque-goers were told to
pray at home.
Almost all Mosque
activities, including
Islamic classes and 5-time
daily prayers, have also been
suspended indefinitely.
ICQ president Mr. Habib
Jamal said, “This decision
was made jointly with
Council of Imams Queensland
(CIQ) and Islamic Medical
Association Queensland (IMAQ)
to ensure its compliance
with religious and medical
advice. This decision
weighed heavily on all those
involved in the decision
making process. It was never
an easy decision to deliver
to our community.”
The Australian Federation of
Islamic Councils (AFIC) also
joined the landmark ruling
that Friday prayers should
not be held in any mosque,
prayer hall or indoor
Human Appeal Australia
hosted its 13th Annual Year
12 Muslim Achievement Awards
and for the 4th time in
Brisbane at Michael's
Oriental Restaurant on
Saturday 14 March.
The event celebrated the
outstanding achievements of
HSC students who received an
OP of 1 to 6, recognising
their hard work and
dedication and acknowledging
the great support of their
Each student was awarded
with a certificate and an
Similar events took place on
a national level in
Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney
and Perth.
The MC for the evening was
Dr Mustafa Ally (Crescent
Community News),
Hafiz Uzair Fikreth Shuaib
delivered a Quran recitation
and community leaders gave
speeches to inspire and
encourage the young
The speakers included
Abdnaser Elghirani (Human
Appeal Australia), Sister
Galila Abdelsalam (CEO,
Islamic Women's Association
of Australia (IWAA)), Ali
Kadri (Islamic College of
Brisbane), Mrs Amera Zaki
(Chief Executive Officer
TLC), Habib Jamal (president
Islamic Council of
Queensland), John Prescott
(representing Hon. Duncan
Pegg, MP Member for
Stretton), Faruk Bilgin
(Leadership Tour 2020
participant), Masrur Alam
(award recipient), Imam
Akram Buksh (Human Appeal,
Brisbane). Dr. Zakaria Amin
wrapped up the event by
thanking sponsors, speakers,
parents, volunteers and the
rest of audience.
As part of its
cross-cultural and
interfaith engagement, Bald
Hills Mosque hosted members
of the Scripture Union, a
Christian organisation, on
Saturday 14 March 2020.
"It was a great meeting, and
our Imam Mufti Junaid Akbar
answered their questions
with detailed explanations,"
a spokesperson for the
Mosque told CCN.
The visitors were also given
a Mosque tour and all
indications are that they
were impressed with their
hosts and the experience and
knowledge that they had
acquired in the short
ISQ’s March ’20 Mawlid
program was held at the
Rochedale masjid on Saturday
14 March where Maulana Aslam
was the chief guest. While
his focus of his address was
on the month of Rajab and
the coming month of Shahban
as we approach the month of
Ramadhan, the program was
also dedicated as Esale
Sawaab Dua for 3 brothers
associated with the Society
who recently passed away.
The ISQ Executive Committee
conducted an Extra Ordinary
meeting just before magrib
to make some very serious
decision regarding their
April program due the
restrictions being imposed
by the Government on large
public gatherings in light
of the Corona virus
pandemic. The decision was
made to cancel the April
Mawlid on 11 April and to
postpone the April 18th Pre-Ramadhan
Fundraising Dinner Night
until after Eid.
These decisions were to
comply with the Government’s
general advice to avoid
large gatherings to reduce
the risks of spreading the
Corona virus as we were
approaching the peak flu
season of the winter months.
This decision was announced
to the people attending the
program, citing that this
was the most responsible
thing for the Society to do
under the circumstances.
The March Mawlid program was
again well attended by over
150 people despite the
caution of Corona virus risk
and a wedding of a member’s
daughter’s. There were a
number of new faces in the
program and the dinner after
the program was well
received by all present.
Maulana Aslam’s motivating
address on the month of
Rajab and Shahban was very
educational and inspiring.
He also made a lengthy dua
for the members and other
Muslim brothers and sisters
who had passed away and for
“Shifa” against the Corona
The newest scout group in
Queensland, the Muslim
Crescent Scout Group,
attended its first large
organised scout event – the
Urban Challenge.
The Urban Challenge is a
yearly event for Venturer
Scouts (aged 15 – 18 years
old) that is organised by
Rover Scouts (aged 19-25
years old).
The event is modelled on the
concept of televisions The
Amazing Race and this year’s
theme was ‘Tropical
For two days and two nights
the 200 ventures from around
Queensland camped at
Coorparoo Secondary College
and left each day to travel
around the city while
completing a variety of
Throughout the challenge
teams had to carry around a
pineapple which they had
For the challenge the Rovers
had organised 7 bases
throughout the city which
the venturers needed to get
to by public transport using
the unlimited GO Card they
received- travelling either
by bus, ferry, train or
Our venturers enjoyed
journeying up and down the
Brisbane River on the City
Cat most of all throughout
the challenge.
At each base during the
challenge the venturers then
needed to complete a series
of activities like, building
a tent blindfolded.
Our team chose the name of
‘Team Unqualified’ as it is
the first time they had
attended the Urban Challenge
and they were only able to
successfully reach 3 bases.
One of the reasons why they
only reached 3 bases was
because they had too much
fun participating in the
treasure hunt activities.
The treasure hunt activities
involved them finding
various things around the
city and taking a picture
with it or doing funny
activities like dancing the
macarena in Queen St Mall.
At the end of the first day
teams had dinner at Kangaroo
Point and watched a movie,
the organisers made sure
halal food was provided.
At the end of the two days
the venturers were exhausted
from walking around Brisbane
City CBD for 2 days but they
were enriched by their
experience on the Urban
Today marks one year since
51 New Zealand Muslims were
massacred at two
Christchurch Mosques in a
premeditated act of
Soon after the attack, I
visited the Christchurch
Muslim community and
witnessed their devastation,
agony and pain.
Like many others, I grieved
for the men, women and
children who lost their
lives so senselessly, and
for their families who are
today, still grieving.
I witnessed their dignity
and spirit of forgiveness. I
listened to one sister who
lost her husband and eldest
son, a brother who lost his
youngest son, and another
who lost his wife. Despite
their pain, they all talked
of a genuine desire to break
what they see as a cycle of
I also saw many thousands of
New Zealanders, and
Australians, rally around
the Muslim community. Their
outpouring of love and
kindness offered in times of
need, was a gift to all
those who were impacted by
the event.
Since last year, I have been
in constant contact with the
Christchurch Muslim
community. The depth and
brutality of the hate, and
enormity of the act of
random violence continues to
weigh down on them heavily,
and on Australian Muslims as
There is a constant level of
fear, a biting sense of
hypervigilance that chips
away at living a normal
life. Memories of the
massacre are a constant
reminder to remain aware,
cautious, on guard.
And we cannot be complacent.
To confront hate crimes, we
must be as one family,
united against all forms of
hatred and violent
We now know that the number
of anti-Muslim hate crimes
reported across Britain
increased by 593 per cent in
the week after the
Christchurch massacre.
The second Islamophobia in
Australia report, released
by Charles Sturt University
in 2019, shows hate
incidents are becoming
brazen, and public. What is
more concerning, is the
alarming intensity of hate
rhetoric that groomed the
Christchurch terrorist, is
as prevalent in Australia as
it was three to five years
In his Annual Threat
Assessment address in
Canberra in March this year,
ASIO director-general, Mike
Burgess, reported a marked
increase in farright-wing
extremism in Australia in
recent years. “We expect
such groups will remain an
enduring threat, making use
of online propaganda to
spread their messages of
hate,” Burgess said.
Riddled with far-right
narratives, today, social
media has normalised
descriptions of Muslims as
parasites, germs and
subhuman from fellow
It is ‘normal’ to hear the
Christchurch massacre
described as payback for the
abhorrent actions of
terrorist groups like Daesh
and Al-Qaeda. Labelling all
people of Islamic faith as
an evil threat to Australia
is not okay. And yet it
happens, everywhere, online.
This is what young Muslims
have to deal with every day.
Downstream from the ugly
online world, is a real
world – a world where young
girls in hijab are
confronted and sworn at
while walking home from
school, where hateful
insults are shouted on
public transport, where once
again to be Muslim is to
feel vulnerable.
So, who will stand against
this? Will it be the
Australian Federal Police
that take our concerns
seriously and investigate
online incitement?
Our criminal laws against
inciting violence seem to
get very little exercise.
Will it be the Australian
Government that finally
deals with the fomentation
of hatred online through the
new Online Safety Act?
Unfortunately, the current
proposal does nothing about
the public advocacy of
hatred against whole
segments of the community.
Will the social media giants
engage with the problem,
will they look at the
research and expose the
far-right lies being spread
about people of my faith?
Some of those companies have
had a lot to say since
Christchurch, but a recent
investigation by Australian
Muslim lawyers shows there’s
still much to do. The
moderation processes set up
by the likes of Facebook are
inadequate and flawed.
Or will it be the
Attorney-General who fixes
the gaping hole in the
Religious Discrimination
Bill by including a shield
for people who are vilified,
harassed, threatened or
seriously intimidated on the
basis of their faith? So
far, the media debate has
been about passing or
killing the Bill – not
improving it.
The fact is, we are
struggling to be heard at
Left unchecked, online hate
threatens not only Muslims
but also Jews, people of
colour, people with
different sexual orientation
and in the end, it threatens
all people who cherish
diversity and
multiculturalism and
peaceful tolerant societies.
Most Australians were both
horrified and mortified by
the Christchurch attack.
Horrified, that someone
could commit such a
senseless and brutal attack
on innocent people and
mortified because that
someone was an Australian.
Australians showed their
support for New Zealand’s
Muslim community, for
Christchurch and New
Zealand. But 12 months on,
who is acting when tirades
of violent racist comments
flow on Twitter?
Lone voices will never stop
the haters, but together as
a community and across
government we can counter
the truly dangerous voices
that threaten peace in our
This opinion piece was
written by Professor Mohamad
Abdalla, AM, Director of
UniSA's Centre for Islamic
Thought and Education
30-minute online training
module is for health care
workers in all settings. It
covers the fundamentals of
infection prevention and
control for COVID-19.
While this training is for
care workers across all
health care settings, anyone
wanting to be up to date
with the basics of living
with the virus should take
the training and the
knowledge check..
This training module covers
the fundamentals of
infection prevention and
control for COVID-19
COVID-19 – what is it?
Signs and symptoms
Keeping safe –
protecting yourself and
Myth busting
Users must register, but
registration is open to
Muslim Aid Australia held a
special dinner on Friday 13
March 2020 in Bankstown,
Sydney to celebrate the
opening of the MAA
International Primary School
(MIPS) in Vanuatu, attended
by community leaders and
supporters from various
states of Australia as well
as New Zealand.
The Republic of Vanuatu is a
South Pacific Ocean nation
located west of Fiji, famous
for gorgeous islands and
coral reefs made up of
roughly 80 islands that
include Tanna – that has the
active volcano Mount Yasur.
Unfortunately, Vanuatu also
has the highest proportion
of children who have never
attended schools while in
remote Tanna, a child has to
walk at least 4km a day to
attend school, which leads
to poor school attendance
and performance.
Struggle with ‘far right’
term could backfire for the
Currently there are 26
organisations listed as
terrorist organisations
under Australia’s criminal
code. Not one of them is a
far right extremist or white
supremacist organisation.
The current government list
appear to be all
ideologically motivated
Muslim terrorist
organisations, most of which
were first listed, years
ago. This is quite out of
step with the UK and Canada.
Labor’s spokesperson for
Home Affairs Senator
Kristina Keneally raised
questions about this last
week, and called for this
issue to be referred to the
bipartisan parliamentary
committee that scrutinises
this list. This seems like a
sensible request.
The Anti Defamation
Commission (a Jewish body)
and the Australian
Federation of Islamic
Councils have also called on
the Australian Government to
list far right terror
But a few weeks ago, when
ASIO boss Mark Burgess
announced that far right
extremism was now a
significant national
security threat, Home
Affairs Minister Peter
Dutton appeared to be
blind-sided - responding in
the media that there were
extremists at both ends of
the spectrum. And that ASIO
needed to deal with leftwing
lunatics too. After the
media pushed, he said by
left wing extremist, he was
referring to Islamist
terrorist organisations.
Putting this confusion
aside, was he dismissing
what the ASIO boss was
saying? Was he concerned
about far right extremism?
Dutton did say that anyone
who poses a threat to
Australians is a concern.
But it does appear that the
Government is struggling
with the term “far right”.
While questioning ASIO in
Senate Estimates, a
Government Senator Concetta
Fierravanti-Wells, who has
historically engaged with
Australian Muslims in NSW,
said that conservatives
might take offence at ASIO’s
label of ‘right wing
extremism’. She said,
“‘Right’ is associated with
conservatism in this country
and there are many people of
conservative background who
take exception with being
charred [sic] with the same
brush.” The ASIO boss
replied that maybe he needed
to think about another
We are all now looking to
the Government to see how
they will identify this
threat. Neo-Nazi is too
specific, not all of them
are white supremacist, many
of them are white
ethno-nationalists. Racial
supremacists? The reality
is, far right extremist is
probably the most accurate
umbrella term. Many of these
extremists coalese around
the manifestos of previous
terrorists of their ilk,
espousing the white genocide
myth and great replacement
On the anniversary of the
Christchurch massacre, the
Prime Minister in his press
release condemned those who
seek to spread hate, but
kept in general.
There is a growing
perception that the
Coalition is unwilling to
stand up for ‘multicultural’
voters because there is too
much electoral benefit to be
had in remaining ambiguous.
Online, we can see that the
majority of those who
gravitate towards Anning,
One Nation and the plethora
of other anti-Islam fringe
parties that emerged in the
last federal election, tend
to support LNP more than
Labor in their comments,
although they are often
critical of both. No one is
saying that these voters are
far right extremists, but
they are sharing and
adopting far right
narratives as mainstream
ideas - and this may be why
there is sensitivity amongst
conservatives about publicly
denouncing far right
extremism and far right
The LNP also benefits hugely
from multicultural votes in
key electorates in NSW and
Victoria. We cannot allow
them to stay ambiguous.
Where there is opportunity
for action (the Religious
Discrimination Bill; the
Online Safety Bill) our
nation’s leaders must step
up. They must articulate
their conservative social
values with confidence. Or
sadly, they will be tarred
with the same brush in the
hearts and minds of many
Australian voters.
Rita Jabri-Markwell
is a Lawyer and
Adviser to the
Australian Muslim
Advocacy Network (AMAN).
In this show Imam Mohamed
Ali (Imam of the Gold Coast
Mosque and graduate from the
renowned Al Azhar university
in Egypt) will address
questions that you wish
Muslim News readers
illustrious men,
women, children and
initiatives deemed
worthy of
short-listing for a
Muslim News Award
for Excellence. The
nominees were
short-listed by an
independent panel of
judges who reviewed,
deliberated and
mused over the list.
the next weeks, CCN
presents a
candidate who will
be treated to a gala
evening in the
presence of their
peers and other
renowned guests, when the
finalists are
announced for the
[15] coveted Awards
for Excellence.
to the
News has
late UK
Annemarie Schimmel
Award for
Championing a Muslim
Feed The Homeless
Bristol & WSM
has been providing
hot meals,
sandwiches, snacks,
warm clothing,
blankets and
sleeping bags to the
needy and homeless
since early 2016.
The volunteers are
from diverse
communities – Jews,
Hindus, Christians
and Muslims.
The supplies are
distributed by the
assigned volunteers
on Fridays and
Sundays in Bristol
city centre and
every day of the
week in Weston Super
The meals are cooked
by a separate team
of volunteers.
The management team
ensures the growth
of the charity, and
its objectives are
The charity is not
affiliated with any
other group and in
2018, won the
National Diversity
Award and was
nominated for
European Diversity
Quotes “You can only go to
Paradise or to Hellfire, and
you have to work for
Paradise in this life. This
is the way, and here, is the
place to work for reward in
the Hereafter.”
Over 1 million Sufi
adherents under his guidance
1781 CE – is the year the
Tijani Tariqa was founded
Ahmad Tijani bin Ali Cisse
Leader of
the Tijaniyya Sufi Order
Sheikh Ahmad Tijani bin Ali
Cisse is the spiritual
leader of the Tijaniyya Sufi
order. The Tijaniyya is the
largest Sufi order in
Western Africa, and its
leader commands a following
of millions, who see him as
their guide to true Islam.
Influence Leader of Tijani Muslims:
Cisse became leader of
the Tijaniyyah following the
death of his elder brother
Sheikh Hassan Cisse in 2008.
He is the Imam of the Grand
Mosque in Medina Baye,
Senegal, which is one of
Western Africa’s key
positions of Islamic
leadership. Tijani Muslims
are located throughout
Western Africa and further
afield. As an order, Tijanis
give allegiance to their
sheikh giving him
significant influence as a
Education and Activities:
Sheikh Tijani Cisse (b.
1955) studied Qur’an, Arabic
and classical texts with
both his father, Sheikh ‘Ali
Cisse, and his legendary
grandfather, Sheikh Ibrahim
Niasse. He then continued
his studies at AlAzhar
University in Egypt,
studying Arabic and Usul
Al-Din (theology). Upon
completing his studies in
Egypt, he travelled
extensively throughout
Africa, the Middle East and
America attending numerous
conferences and
participating in religious
debates. He also managed to
edit and publish several
important works, including
Sheikh Ibrahim’s Kashif Al-Ilbas.
Posts: In 2001,
Sheikh Tijani Cisse was
appointed Senegal’s General
Commissioner for the Hajj.
In 2006, he was again
recognized by Senegalese
President Aboulaye Wade and
appointed a Senegalese
“Special Missions
Ambassador”, a position he
holds until the present
time. He has also received
Senegal’s distinguished
award, the Ordre de Merite
Descendent of The Tijaniyya
Founder: The Tijaniyya is a
Sufi order founded by Ahmad
al Tijani Hasani, an
Algerian, in the late 18th
century. As the spiritual
leader of the Tijaniyya,
Cisse is considered to be
the bearer of a spiritual
inspiration called the Fayda
Tijaniyya (‘flood’ or
‘overflow of spiritual
grace’), giving him
authority to carry on the
teachings of Ahmad al Tijani
Hasani. Because of this
position, some Tijani
Muslims refer to Cisse as
the reviver of the Sunnah.
The Tijanis are
characterized by strict
following of the sunnah,
recitation of spiritual
litanies (awraad)
individually and in
gatherings and an emphasis
on developing the inward
relationship with God.
by Salih Yucel
Abstract: İbrahim
Dellal (1932-2018) was a
community activist and
played a pioneering role in
establishing religious and
educational institutions
after his arrival in
Melbourne in early 1950.
As the grandson of a late
Ottoman mufti, being
educated at the American
Academy, a Baptist
missionary school in Cyprus,
clashed at times with his
traditional upbringing based
on Islam, service and
Ottoman patriotism.
İbrahim’s parents,
especially his mother,
raised their son to be
Osmanli Efendisi, an Ottoman
He was raised to be loyal to
his faith and dedicated to
his community. I met him in
the late 80s in Sydney and
discovered he was an
important community leader,
a ‘living history’, perhaps
the most important figure in
the Australian Muslim
since the mid-20th century.
He was also one of the
founders of Carlton and
Preston mosques, which were
the first places of worship
in Victoria. I wrote his
biography and published it
in 2010. However, later I
found he had more stories
related to Australian Muslim
First, this article will
analyse İbrahim’s untold
stories from his unrevealed
archives that I collected.
Second, İbrahim’s
traditional upbringing,
which was a combination of
Western education and
Ottoman Efendisi, will be
critically evaluated. He
successfully amalgamated
Eurocentric education and
Islamic way of life.
Finally, his poetry, which
reflects his thoughts, will
be discussed.
Over the weeks, CCN
highlights extracts from the
Australian Journal of
Islamic Studies which is an
open access, double-blind
peer-reviewed journal
dedicated to the scholarly
study of Islam
from last week's CCN
İbrahim was one of most
important figures in the
history of Muslims in
Australia since 1950. He
will be remembered for his
substantial contribution in
establishing educational and
religious institutions.
Based on his biography,
İbrahim’s life can be
categorised into three
The first İbrahim is
undecided about his
identity. On one hand, he
cannot neglect his family
values and traditional
upbringing, while on the
other hand he is an admirer
of the Western lifestyle due
to the influence of his
education at American
This dual identity was part
of his life until the late
50s. The second İbrahim felt
emptiness in spirituality
and sought to fill that gap.
After encountering Ottoman
citizen Huseyin Ara Efendi,
Ali Acem Efendi and Mustafa
Amca, he began filling that
gap. İbrahim became active
in the community works,
particularly with the new
arrival of Turkish
immigrants in 1968. This
stage continued until 1991.
The third İbrahim is after
his retirement. He fully
dedicated himself to
voluntary community service,
as former lecturer of the
University of Melbourne Dr.
Abdul Khaliq Kazi
summarises, “İbrahim never
quit and left.
He never just sat at home.
İbrahim never divorced
himself from the community.”
This article discussed
İbrahim’s untold stories,
such as his identity crises
when he was young,
Sayyidhood and relationship
with the Ajayoglu family.
All three stages of
İbrahim’s life, vision and
goals are reflected in his
poetry and these are an
important and previously
unexamined aspect of his
biography. İbrahim
successfully blended
Eurocentric education
without losing the practice
and value of Islam or
hindering his practical
engagement with the wider
Australian society, which
can be a model for
As someone who has lived in
Australia and the US more
than 31 years, I have never
seen any immigrant who has
successfully amalgamated
Eurocentric education and
the Islamic way of life as
much as İbrahim did.
How did he do it?
This requires further study,
which is out of scope for
this article.
İbrahim will be remembered
through this legacy by
future generations.
over the
or no,
to God
Muslims around
the world are
forlorn over the
suspension of
prayer, but
pandemic or no,
the importance
of drawing
closer to God
paramount and
There is,
nevertheless, an
attachment that
many have to
prayers. Piety
and religious
devotion can
often override
all else — which
is doubly ironic
because the
tradition itself
adherence to law
over pious
sentiment. So,
for example, if
a Muslim is
diabetic, it is
recommended that
they not engage
in fasting. Not
only would it
not be
“pious” to do
otherwise, it
could be deemed
sinful because
of the
likelihood of
It should be
pointed out,
however, that
this kind of
attachment which
can be genuinely
felt despite the
and against the
advice of
isn’t peculiar
to the Muslim
Christians feel
it too; in the
UK, for example,
noted Christian
journalists and
politicians have
expressed that
they are pleased
about churches
remaining open.
But in the
tradition, when
it comes to the
Covid-19 the
requirements are
clear-cut. It
certainly helped
that different
announced such
strict measures,
because it meant
that those
preachers and
scholars who did
want to call for
a suspension of
prayers could
point to
announcements as
evidence that
they had no
other choice.
There were other
scholars and
imams, of
course, who
would not have
waited for
governments to
make their
decisions —
medical expert
coupled with the
approach taken
by with Islamic
tradition, would
have sufficed.
Many Muslims are
forlorn over the
suspension of
prayer –
but some of the
sages and
scholars among
them have
reminded them of
an old maxim in
Islam: “Acts are
rewarded by
intentions” —
meaning, if you
would have
carried out that
act of
worship had you
been able to,
then you are
rewarded for
that act anyway.
Intention is
such a huge part
of the Islamic
tradition, and
in times such as
these, Muslims
are grateful
indeed that it
is their
sincerity, not
external forms
of piety, that
As for the
teaching of
practice and
spirituality in
study circles in
mosques and
around the
world, much of
that will be
suspended. But
in this age of
Zoom, Skype and
any number of
other forms of
teachers and
students will
find other ways
to find each
other — just as
so many higher
institutions are
having to do. Is
it the same?
Ordinarily, not
really. Muslim
upholds the
model of the
teacher and the
student engaging
in a direct
and there are
scores of
speaking about
how students
derive immense
benefit by being
in the presence
of the learned.
And yet, again,
in a time when
the sacred law
actually calls
one to take
precautions to
remove oneself
from physical
presence with
others, Muslim
sages and
scholars will
remind: it is
your sincerity
that matters,
and your
intentions will
take you
In the coming
weeks and
months, I
suspect many
Muslim scholars
and preachers
will be severely
tested — both by
their flocks and
by these
credibility will
be tried in ways
they probably
could not have
imagined before,
nor could have
expected. The
pandemic will
not be over in a
matter of days,
nor probably
weeks; it’s
likely to be
months before
countries manage
to get the
properly in
place to manage
the coronavirus.
In the meantime,
the credibility
of many Muslim
scholars will be
weighed up
against their
ability to adapt
to the situation
— those that do
not, cannot or
will not, will
not have the
same standing in
the community
that they
enjoyed before
the pandemic.
Muslim scholars
do not possess
authority as a
kind of “divine
right”, much
less a
Islam does not
Rather, such
scholars gain
authority by
their learning,
which they trace
back in unbroken
lines of
back to the
community, and
by the community
taking that
seriously. If
the latter does
not exist, then
scholars are not
left with the
capacity to
fulfil their
function —
namely, to
advise and guide
people to draw
nearer to the
And for all the
emphasis on the
effect that the
pandemic might
have on the
aspect of Muslim
worship in this
time, those same
scholars and
sages will
likely continue
to remind their
flocks of the
same old wisdoms
that the Islamic
tradition has
promoted since
time immemorial.
There’s a
recounted in the
Holy Qur’an that
refers to when
all the souls
were gathered,
in the time
before time,
before this
realm of
existence came
into being. God
asks: “Am I not
your Lord?” And
the souls
“Verily, we bear
Religion in
Islam is, in the
final analysis,
all about
reorienting the
human being back
to recognising
ramifications of
that primordial
meeting, and
reminding human
beings of how to
be more aware of
the Divine, more
cognisant of
God, in their
dealings with
each other. What
is essential is
how they relate
to God —
remembering Him
Pandemic or no,
Muslim sages and
scholars will
continue to
remind those
they advise and
counsel that the
importance of
drawing closer
to God remains
paramount and
at a time when
we are all
called upon to
be more aware of
to one other,
doing so in ways
that recollect
God’s Immanence
His Compassion
and Subtle Love
— well, the
pandemic may
well bring out
aspects of
wayfaring that
we might never
have realised
Dr H.A.
Hellyer is
senior associate
fellow at the
Royal United
Institute and
the Carnegie
Endowment for
Peace, and a
professor at the
Centre for
Advanced Studies
on Islam,
Science and
Civilisation in
Kuala Lumpur. He
is currently on
the steering
committee for a
project on
Secularism and
the Governance
of Religion’,
which brings
European, North
African and
with a
consortium of 12
universities and
Can the power of
prayer alone
stop a pandemic
like the
Even the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh)
By Craig
The COVID-19
pandemic is
governments and
news sources to
provide the most
accurate and
helpful advice
to the world's
population, as
the disease is
indeed global in
reach. Health
are in high
demand, and so
too are
scientists who
study the
transmission and
effect of
Experts like
immunologist Dr.
Anthony Fauci
and medical
reporter Dr.
Sanjay Gupta are
saying that good
hygiene and
quarantining, or
the practice of
isolating from
others in the
hope of
preventing the
spread of
diseases, are
the most
effective tools
to contain
Do you know who
else suggested
good hygiene and
during a
Muhammad, the
prophet of
Islam, over
1,300 years ago.
While he is by
no means a
expert on
matters of
deadly diseases,
nonetheless had
sound advice to
prevent and
combat a
development like
Muhammad said:
"If you hear of
an outbreak of
plague in a
land, do not
enter it; but if
the plague
outbreaks out in
a place while
you are in it,
do not leave
that place."
He also said:
"Those with
diseases should
be kept away
from those who
are healthy."
Muhammad also
encouraged human
beings to adhere
to hygienic
practices that
would keep
people safe from
Consider the
hadiths, or
sayings of
"Cleanliness is
part of faith."
"Wash your hands
after you wake
up; you do not
know where your
hands have moved
while you
"The blessings
of food lie in
washing hands
before and after
And what if
someone does
fall ill? What
kind of advice
would Muhammad
provide to his
fellow human
beings who are
suffering from
He would
encourage people
to always seek
treatment and
"Make use of
treatment," he
said, "for God
has not made a
disease without
appointing a
remedy for it,
with the
exception of one
Perhaps most
importantly, he
knew when to
balance faith
with reason. In
recent weeks,
some have gone
so far as to
suggest that
prayer would be
better at
keeping you from
the coronavirus
than adhering to
basic rules of
distancing and
quarantine. How
would Prophet
Muhammad respond
to the idea of
prayer as the
only—form of
Consider the
following story,
related to us by
Persian scholar
Al-Tirmidhi: One
day, Prophet
Muhammad noticed
a Bedouin man
leaving his
camel without
tying it. He
asked the
Bedouin, "Why
don't you tie
down your
camel?" The
answered, "I put
my trust in
God." The
Prophet then
said, "Tie your
camel first,
then put your
trust in God."
people to seek
guidance in
their religion,
but he hoped
they take basic
measures for the
safety and
well-being of
In other words,
he hoped people
would use their
common sense.
Dr. Craig
Considine is a
global speaker,
and media
based at the
Department of
Sociology at
Rice University.
He is the author
of The Humanity
of Muhammad: A
Christian View
(Blue Dome
Press, 2020),
and Islam in
Exploring the
Issues (ABC-CLIO
2019), among
NHS officials
told me Muslim
households are
vulnerable to
coronavirus –
it’s important
to understand
By Shadim
Muslims are
amongst the
hardest hit by
the Covid-19
pandemic –
senior NHS
officials that
Muslims are
vulnerable to
To those inside
communities like
me, this is
shocking but not
surprising. This
needs to be
recognised more
broadly before
it is too late.
If Muslims feel
let down,
excluded or
forgotten by the
response, there
will be
that last longer
than the
Many Muslims
live in extended
families, often,
like my
household, with
under one roof.
This means there
are a higher
number of
carriers who can
(and often will)
infect an
relative. An
older person
when they are
living in close
quarters with
their children,
and perhaps even
extended family.
We are all
creatures, but
maybe Muslims
are more social
than most. We
eat together –
often from one
plate, sharing
utensils and
side dishes. For
many Muslims,
social intimacy
like handshakes
and hugs are so
hardwired into
their behaviour
that the
invention of
distancing” is
both alien and
absurd to them.
This is
particularly the
case in
Britain’s 1600
Mosques (there
are 130 just in
my home town of
Bradford). Islam
is a collective
religion, and
British Muslim
like the Muslim
Council of
Britain have –
in line with
countries like
Saudi Arabia,
Turkey and Egypt
– instructed
Muslims to pray
at home, many of
the UK’s mosques
are likely to
remain open.
Thankfully most
mosques have
heeded the
advice, but the
prayer spaces
that are still
open may have
even more people
packed into them
than usual,
increasing the
During Friday
(attendance at
which is, under
an obligation
for most
Muslims), the
close proximity
of worshippers
makes the spread
of coronavirus a
near certainty.
We know this
from events in
the Muslim
spread of
Covid-19 has
been traced back
to a single
gathering at a
Mosque, which
allowed the
virus to spread
not only across
that country,
but to six
All this makes
troubling in
some of which
are, like
Bradford, in the
most deprived
areas of the
country, with
poor health
outcomes to
The niche ethnic
supermarkets and
halal butchers
that many
Muslims depend
on for essential
goods have less
reliable supply
chains than the
forcing many
local Muslim
grocers to
increase their
prices. This is
despite their
customers being
some of the
poorest people
in Britain.
Webinar: Muslim will be
disproportionately affected
by Corona
In this clip from the BBSI
webinar broadcast on
17/03/2020, Dr Fasih Khan of
the British Islamic
Medical Association, and
Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf,
explain how and why corona
virus is expected to affect
the Muslim community more
than others.
It is therefore important
for Muslims to go beyond
government guidelines to
protect ourselves.
A strong
message to Panic buyers amid
the Coronavirus crisis
taking the world by storm.
Mohamed Hoblos urges viewers
to exercise patience and
courtesy in this trying
time. This is a time of
tribulation, a time where
Allah is testing us to see
how will we react. Let us
practice our Islamic values
in this trying time.
It is the usual policy of CCN to
include notices of events, video links and articles that
some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices
are often posted as received. Including such messages/links
or providing the details of such events does not necessarily
imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents
If you wish to know
about a specific
topic with regards
to Self-Care and
Clarity of Mind,
please text or email
me. If you wish to
have a FREE one hour
Finding Clarity
telephone session,
contact me on
Reflections - my new
ebook of poetry and
Ultimate Self-Care
Guide For Muslimahs
from Muslimah
Mind Matters YouTube
Meditation Moments -
audio files for
If you wish to know
about a specific
topic with regards
to Self-Care and
Clarity of Mind,
please text or email
me or visit
If you wish to have
a FREE one hour
Finding Clarity
telephone session,
contact me on
Welcome to my weekly
column on
Self-Care and
Clarity of Mind.
If you’re taking
time out to read
this, pat yourself
on the back because
you have shown
commitment to taking
care of your mind
and body.
Today, In Shaa
ALLAH, we will
explore the topic:
Therapy...The Power
of Journaling
Writing freely from
your heart, without
self-criticism or
judgment, brings
about tremendous
emotional, mental
and physical
release. When you
express yourself on
paper, hidden or
suppressed feelings
and thoughts become
tangible and you are
able to view them
objectively. Once
you can see and feel
things outside of
yourself you can
understand yourself
better and make
positive changes.
Journaling brings
clarity to your mind
and vision. Believe
it or not, it
certainly increases
your passion for
life.The best thing
about journaling is
that it is very
different from a lot
of other healing
Journaling is all
about you and your
page. You would only
ever write about
things that you are
ready to face or
explore. By
recording these
thoughts, feelings,
emotions, memories,
fears, concerns, or
anything really,
leads to mental
detox where
incredible amounts
of emotional baggage
is off-loaded.
Before you know it,
you begin to
experience holistic
Awesome Facts
About Journaling
There is absolutely
no cost involved in
journaling, except
an initial
investment in buying
a journal of your
choice and a pen.
Avoid online
journaling if
possible. We use a
different part of
the brain when we
hand write, which
actually helps open
the mind.
It’s not the same as
using fingertips on
the keyboard or
tapping on your
Journaling is a
exercise. Have a
daily ritual where
you wind down with a
hot cuppa and your
journal or make it a
morning ritual.
Journaling requires
no previous writing
talent and you can
use any language to
express yourself.
It’s your private
space to be
Your mind is clearer
afterwards and you
are more aware of
your own patterns.
You experience
personal and
spiritual growth.
Knowing thy own self
is bliss :)
Journaling Ritual
• Create your
special writing
space, a place
where you are
totally relaxed
and surrounded
by peace,
natural light
(soft lighting
if writing in
the evenings),
perhaps your
essential oils
in the burner (Frankincense,Myrrh,
and Sandalwood,
2 drops each,
make a wonderful
• Clear your
mind, take a few
deep breaths and
relax. Let your
thoughts flow
freely. Do not
let the inner
critic’s voice
censor that
creative flow.
Remember, no one
has to read your
work unless you
let them so make
the most of this
privacy and
politely ask
that inner voice
to “back off!”.
Grammar and
punctuation are
the least of
your worries
when you are
• Choose a
topic. If that
seems too hard
then just start
to write in the
something like
putting my pen
onto paper and
waiting for a
topic to come
into my head.
Right now, I can
smell / I can
hear/I can
remember…” You
will be
surprised how
writing in the
moment can lead
to hundreds of
other topics you
may want to
write about.
• Put every
thought onto the
page. Start
writing words
and let them
guide you
through what you
are feeling
inside. As you
feel the
emotions, write
them down. Make
these feelings
• Ask yourself
simple, everyday
questions: How
was my day
today? Did
something happen
to me today that
made me feel
joyful or upset?
Did I discover
anything new
about myself or
anyone else
today? Are there
any unresolved
issues in my
life? Do I want
to say something
to someone but
haven’t been
able to? Why,
what is stopping
me? What do I
fear? What do I
rejoice over?
What or who
hurts me? Why?
Green Deen:
What Islam Teaches about Protecting the Planet
Ibrahim Abdul-Matin, Keith
Ellison (Foreword)
Muslims are compelled by their
religion to praise the Creator
and to care for their community.
But what is not widely known is
that there are deep and
long-standing connections
between Islamic teachings and
environmentalism. In this
groundbreaking book, Ibrahim
Abdul-Matin draws on research,
scripture, and interviews with
Muslim Americans to trace
Islam's preoccupation with
humankind's collective role as
stewards of the Earth. Abdul-Matin
points out that the Prophet
Muhammad declared that "the
Earth is a mosque."
Deen means "path" or "way" in
Arabic. Abdul-Matin offers
dozens of examples of how
Muslims can follow, and already
are following, a Green Deen in
four areas: "waste, watts
(energy), water, and food." At
last, people of all beliefs can
appreciate the gifts and
contributions that Islam and
Muslims bring to the
environmental movement.
KB says:
Homemade Burger patties are so simple to make,
tastier and so cost effective and a great idea
for weekends. Extra formed burger patties can be
frozen for future use.
Burger Patties
1kg steak fatty mince
1 kg lamb fatty mince
1 pkt white onion soup
½ cup breadcrumbs
1 handful fried onions
2½ tsp salt
2 tsp green chillies
2 tab Worcestershire sauce
2 tab Tabasco
2 extra large eggs
2 tabs ghee
2 tabs oil
½ tsp fine pepper
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp lemon pepper
3 heaped tsp crushed garlic
1 green onion finely chopped
1 cup chopped coriander or parsley leaves
Combine all the above ingredients well
Make into big balls 150g to 200g and grill on a cast iron
pan or BBQ
Do you have a recipe to share with CCN
Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.
Baba's Halal Kitchen
(Hussain Baba is the host and
chef of *BABA’S HALAL KITCHEN*, a show where he uses his own
unique style to cook 'Quick, Easy and Delicious' dishes.)
celebration and recognition
of Black History Month in
the United States, here is
one of the greatest and most
influential quotes by Black
Muslims who have made
history and continue to make
history in our world today.
Bilal Al-Habashi
Bilal, one of the great
companions of the Prophet
Mohammed (pbuh), began his
life as a persecuted slave
in Arabia. He went on to
become one of the Holy
Prophet’s greatest
companions. At a time where
racism was rife in Arabia
and many Arabs owned slaves,
the Prophet personally
appointed Bilal to be the
first Muslim to climb the
Ka’ba and recite the call to
prayer for the Muslims,
showing that piety, not
colour, elevates the status
of a person in the eyes of
Allah. The Prophet is even
reported to have said to
"If we should want
to take one particular
person as the shining
example of good behaviour
and adab, then you [Bilal]
would be the clear and
obvious example.”
I am sorry to
let you know
that due to
worsening corona
virus situation,
we have decided
to postpone the
7th Toowoomba
Food Festival
and Mosque Open
Day scheduled on
Sunday, 22
Event sponsor,
Queensland has
agreed that we
reschedule the
event in
July/August if
improves by
It was a
decision after
all the hard
work and
preparation, but
we don’t want to
take any risk
with the health
of the
community, and
end up with an
Thanks for your
support and
May Allah keep
all of you safe
and well.
Kind regards,
It is with much
regret that ISQ
Inc. advise that
the above
program, "Pre-Ramadhan
Dinner Night"
scheduled for
Saturday 18th
April 2020 at
the Australian
Islamic College
has been
postponed until
further notice
due to ongoing
concerns around
the impact of
This decision
was not taken
lightly and
ensuring the
safety of the
members of the
supporting our
venture is
paramount. ISQ
takes the health
of our community
very seriously
and like most
right now, we
are trying to do
all we can to
minimise the
risk of
We advise those
people who
bought the
tickets and have
paid for it, and
would like to
get their
refund, they
should contact
the ISQ
Committee member
who sold them
the ticket.
Those who would
prefer to donate
the ticket value
to ISQ Inc, you
will be issued
with an official
Should the
Society decide
in the coming
months, after
Eid, to
reschedule the
dinner night,
the event will
be advertised
again and new
We thank you for
your patience
during this very
tough times.
The Executive
Committee of ISQ
Inc. made a
decision at an
extra ordinary
Meeting on 14th
March, that the
Mawlid program
for April that
was to be held
on Saturday 11th
April at the
Rochedale Masjid
be cancelled due
to the
imposed by the
Government for
gatherings over
100 people.
In light of this
members are
informed that
there will be no
gathering at the
Rochedale masjid
on the 11th of
April after
Those people who
want to come to
the masjid for
their regular
salat at the
times, will
still be able to
do that.
The Society
regrets that
this decision
had to be made
to safeguard
from the risk of
spread of the
COVID-19 in the
We thank you for
and patience
under the
Alhamdulillah, only for Brisbane
residents are we so fortunate to have the ability to
access Islamic Education on a variety of different
With registrations CLOSING SOON there are limited spots
remaining until classes are at full capacity 2020 with
both Full – Time and Part – Time close to capacity.
“The Quran Alive course is the culmination of over 14
years of research and development. Our Academy Alive
scholars have tailored, refined and systemised our
unique curriculum, producing world class standards of
education to suit all learning styles."
View some of our success stories of our students of
2019. 2020 could be your year!
1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by
the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are
tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.
2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in
the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, exceptfor Lailatul
Lailatul Bhahraat
Lailatul Qadr - these dates refer to the commencement of the event
starting in the evening of the corresponding day.
HikmahWay Institute
HikmahWay offers online and
in-person Islamic courses to
equip Muslims of today with
the knowledge, understanding
and wisdom to lead balanced,
wholesome and beneficial
Articles and
opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its
Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be
libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive,
slanderous and/or downright distasteful.
It is the usual policy of CCN to
include from time to time, notices of events that some
readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are
often posted as received. Including such messages or
providing the details of such events does not necessarily
imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN
The best ideas
and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you
have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want
seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit
to the Crescents Community please
e-mail us..
Share your
thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.
If there is
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encourage them to enter their details