EST. 2004


Sunday 8 November 2020 | Issue 0835



CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....


We find the week's news, so that you don't have to






Juhar speaks on Rohingya plight

The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column

Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column

SETS Community Leaders & Client Engagement Lunch


The CCN Chuckle

Peak bodies make representations at NSW inquiry

Back to the Future with CCN

The CCN Food for Thought

Pie Face is NOT halal

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

An Ayaat-a-Week

The Class of 2020: Surviving Year 12 and COVID-19

Jumma (Friday) Khutbas (Lectures)


Bring Them Home: AFIC Petition

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor


Request for information for AFIC Newsletter

 The CCN Classifieds



Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World


Toogood reveals how rethought his staunch atheism

CCN Readers' Book Club

The CCN Date Claimer


KB's Culinary Corner

CCN on Facebook


Keeping Fit with Kareema

Useful Links






Write For Us

Did you know........



It is indeed with a heavy heart that we leave you, our dear Readers, Subscribers, Contributors and Supporters, with our FINAL ISSUE of Crescents Community News (CCN).


Since our initial announcement and rationale for this day, some 5 weeks ago in CCN830, we have been inundated with messages of well wishes, praise, appreciation, dismay at this end, as well as generous offers of support and suggestions,


We thank you sincerely to all of you who have written or called us over the past weeks. It has been humbling to note the impact that CCN has had on so many people over these past 16 years.


Jazakallah and thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey together with us.









PS: Please note that all 835 issues of CCN will still be accessible from here.

5 Minutes with Imam (and Baba)

ISLAMOPHOBIA: the week's roundup

Latest Equally Worthy Newsletters


The (UK) Muslim News Awards for Excellence 2020 shortlist

Lessons From My Life: Ahmad Totonji




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Hossain Juhar was invited by Amnesty International at a College students event in Brisbane, to speak on the plight of Rohingya in Bangladesh refugee camps, in Myanmar and life in Australia.




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IWAA took the opportunity for its Settlement Engagement & Transition team to showcase their journey in 2020, and engage with the community to receive feedback for the next phase of the SETS program.

The session was well received by Community Leaders and Clients.




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(l to r) ANIC Spokesperson, Bilal Rauf, AFIC CEO, Keysar Trad and, Australian Muslim Women’s Association's Sr Maha Abdo


The Australian National Imams Council appeared this week before the Joint Parliamentary Inquiry relating to the NSW Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020.


Bilal Rauf appeared on behalf of ANIC and the 43 organisations that undersigned the submission.

NSW does not have any legislative protection against discrimination on the ground of religion.


Against this backdrop, Bilal highlighted the importance of having legislative protection and ensuring that minority faith communities had a level of protection equal to that provided to other protected attributes, such as race and gender.


Moreover, in the face of increasing right wing white supremacist sentiment and rhetoric and instances of discrimination, this glaring deficiency could not continue unaddressed.


It stood as a blight on a multicultural and multi-religious State such as NSW.

The Australian Muslim Women’s Association and Australian Federation of Islamic Councils also appeared at the session today.






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Jon Toogood built a career as the frontman for the rock band Shihad by infusing stadium-sized songs with his avowed atheism.


As the frontman for Shihad, Jon Toogood won plenty of fans by wearing his anti-authoritarianism on his sleeve.

"[At the time] I was a staunch atheist ... I was under the impression that all people who believed in religion were suckers," he said.

In time, two terrorist attacks separated by decades would challenge him to wrestle with everything he held true, from family to faith.

Rewind to 1988: two heavy metal-obsessed teens in Wellington, New Zealand are firing up a VHS tape. It's David Lynch's adaptation of the sci-fi novel Dune, and Jon Toogood and Tom Larkin are glued to the screen.

The film builds to an epic battle scene called the 'Jihad', taken from the Arabic word for struggle. Mistaking 'Jihad' for 'Shihad', the two mates decide it's the perfect name to headline their rock ambitions.

Fast-forward to early in the new millennium and the friends are now longstanding bandmates.

Shihad have released four critically acclaimed albums, played to audiences around the world, and won influential support from bands such as Metallica and Faith No More.

Those hard yards earned them the opportunity to record a big-budget album in Los Angeles, and the band believed it had a good chance of cracking the all-important American market.

Then 9/11 happened, changing the course of the world — and the band's history.

'World War Three's started!'
Toogood found himself in a hotel room watching the breaking news that filled every television station.

"Tom's going, 'Turn on the television, World War Three's started!'" Toogood recalled of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York.

He said the band soon learned what it would mean for their future.

As the US national discourse descended into President George W Bush's 'either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists' ultimatum, Toogood's worst fears were realised.

"We started realising, our name's a bit like calling yourself 'Death to America'."

Having fought for 15 years to release a record in America, Shihad decided they had to change their band name.

They reintroduced themselves as Pacifier, the title of one of their biggest songs.

"It was tongue in cheek," he admitted.

"But it's a terrible name for a band. Pacifier, what is that, a dummy?"

The group released the album as Pacifier, but their fanatical fan base dismissed the band's name change as selling out.

Confronted with an ever-present 'Shihad' chant at shows, the band eventually reclaimed its original moniker.

While Shihad stayed tight, Toogood's marriage fell apart. He steadied himself with new ventures, including a side project with a controversy-free name: The Adults.

At an afterparty for a songwriting workshop, he introduced himself to a Sudanese student.

"Her name was Dana. She had a headscarf on, so I thought she might be Muslim," he said.

"And it was one of those moments in your life where you just go, oh, there you are."

Their relationship prompted deep changes in Toogood's life.




He had spent his music career giving voice to issues of identity, but he'd never had to question his belief system in the way his new relationship demanded.

"I remember I said to her, 'So you're telling me that if I want to marry you' — which she was very taken aback by — 'I have to convert to Islam?' And she went, 'Well, yeah.'

"I have to question my whole belief system here."




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 Pastry chain Pie Face caught out on ‘halal’ porky pies


Popular Australian bakery chain Pie Face sold “halal-certified” pastries that contained pork, and cooked other pies and sausage rolls in a manner considered “haram” — strictly forbidden to Muslims — according to several leading Islamic authorities.

An investigation by The Australian has revealed that Pie Face sold pork and fennel sausage rolls as “halal-certified” and a breakfast pie that contained bacon.

A Wagyu beef pie listed as halal in an allergen chart sent to Pie Face outlets in February is made with brandy essence, which contains small amounts of ­alcohol.

Other pies and sausage rolls claimed to be halal were baked in the same ovens as pastries containing pork products, which is forbidden under Islamic dietary codes prescribed in the Qur’an.

Pie Face is owned by Aus­tralian petrol giant United Petroleum, already under fire following revelations in The Australian that it has been selling E10 fuel containing only 1 per cent ethanol or less, rather than the 10 per cent common in the product. Pie Face has outlets in more than 200 of United’s service ­stations, as well as 20 shopfront locations around the country.

Both companies are owned by Israeli-born Melbourne billionaires Avi Silver and Eddie Hirsch, who debuted on this year’s edition of The List – Australia’s Richest 250 with a combined wealth of $3.5bn.

There is no suggestion Mr ­Silver, Mr Hirsch or other senior executives had any involvement in, or knowledge of, misconduct by the companies.

Pie Face has been slammed by outraged Muslim customers.

One described the conduct of both United and Pie Face as “an abomination to all observant Muslims”.

Sydney lawyer Stewart Levitt of Levitt Robinson Solicitors has alleged in a complaint to the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission that the sale of ­ostensibly halal pies from United Petroleum service stations and Pie Face outlets amounts to misleading and deceptive conduct.

He said Muslims who bought the pies in good faith would be horrified they had unwittingly gone against their faith: “They will be mortified by the knowledge that haram (forbidden) Pie Face pies have been sold as halal.”

In a written statement, ­United’s chief executive, David Szymczak, admitted that “United have recently become aware of some errors in the Pie Face Allergen Chart on display which identified product as being halal that was not, in some of its stores and in its internal point of sale programming information”.

“Upon being alerted to these errors, these charts were immediately removed from stores and rectified,” he said.

Several reputable halal certifiers told the Australian that if pork products were being sold along with halal pies and sausage rolls, they must be cooked in separate stoves, kept in separate pie warmers and be separately handled and served with different gloves and kitchen utensils.

That does not occur at Pie Face outlets, which do not have separate ovens and are run by staff with little or no training in halal food preparation.

The Australian called a dozen Pie Face outlets at random to inquire whether they sold halal pies. More than half replied that all their pies were halal. Two were unsure. Two others recommended the steak, bacon and cheese pies among the halal options they had available.

Last week, after The Australian posed questions to Pie Face, the company issued an updated baking chart to many outlets, effective immediately, with strict instructions to “bake only halal products together” and to “bake pork and fennel roll separately.”

At the weekend, Pie Face removed all its signage and kitchen equipment from one Melbourne service station owned by a United franchisee who had previously complained to the company about selling the pastries.

When website Halal Advisor announced Pie Face’s list of halal pies in a Facebook posting in March last year, hundreds of Muslims responded with delight.

Pie Face markets pies and sausage rolls as halal-­certified based on certificates issued by Sheik Moussaab Legha, from Direct Islamic Welfare Services in Lakemba in Sydney’s southwest.

One certificate declares that Pie Face Bakery “produce and manufacture all foods … in accordance with Islamic guidelines and under the supervision of Direct Islamic Welfare Services. The products contain halal ingredients and comply with sharia law, and therefore are lawful for Muslim consumption.”

Underneath it says: “Exempt Non Halal Products: Every Product Has Ham or Bacon.”

Pie Face products are shipped frozen from central kitchens to retail outlets, where they are baked “oven-fresh” on the ­premises.

Pie Face told The Australian it engaged in “extensive training to ensure those handling products understand how to correctly ­handle halal products”.

However, a Pie Face training manual distributed in June this year contains no guidance to storage, handling, cooking or presentation of halal food.

The only reference to halal food in the 250-page document is in a Pie Allergen Chart that ticks “sausage roll pork and fennel” as halal-certified.

A non-Muslim Pie Shop franchisee told The Australian: “We just put them all together in the oven because it costs us too much time and money to do each of them separately.”

He said he had had no training in halal food handling.

The Australian has spoken to five reputable halal certifiers, including the peak Muslim body, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, who all condemned any certification that allowed such gross cross-­contamination of halal and non-halal foods.

AFIC president Rateb Jneid, said: “One hundred per cent, we would not give a certificate if there is contamination or any working together — any pork on the site has to be a completely separate site, from A to B, to be completely separate premises.”

Pie Face said Sheik Legha was an experienced, highly respected halal certifier with a PhD in Islamic studies. “He performs halal certifications for a number of large and respected food companies, including airlines”, Mr Szymczak said.

On his now-defunct website — the domain name is for sale — the sheik lists his qualifications as a diploma in Islamic studies and describes himself as a marriage celebrant and a JP.

Sheik Legha told The Australian he was shocked to learn that pork products had been classified as halal by Pie Face. “I went through the production list item by item — nothing was like that.”

He said he had inspected the central Pie Face manufacturing sites in Sydney and Townsville and found them halal compliant.

When The Australian pointed out that Pie Face pastries are actually baked on site in stores and service stations around the country, he agreed it would be a problem if halal and non-halal foods were cooked in the same oven.

He said he would speak to Pie Face urgently about the issue.

United acquired the Pie Face chain from receivership in 2017.









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“2020 for me has been a rollercoaster to say the least. It started off a great year…then COVID hit and the year just took an ugly turn.” Nada, Year 12 student, Melbourne

For the class of 2020, their final year of school has been challenging in ways they never imagined. The global pandemic has disrupted their education and preparation for final exams and upended many of those “rites of passage” moments that create memories for life.

“Year 12 is this grand spectacle of an occasion that all your parents and your aunts and your uncles and all the older students always build up for you. You're always told that you live life for moments like you'll get in year 12, you know? Your formal, your graduation day.” Joseph, Year 12 student, Sydney

On Monday, students from across Australia open up about this year of uncertainty and disruption. Filmed mainly on their smartphones, these young Australians explain what the year of coronavirus has been like for them.

“It was just really shocking, I guess that I couldn't believe that this would be happening in my senior year.” Seleena, Year 12 student, Mount Isa

Some found themselves at the epicentre of the crisis and experienced first hand what it means to be in a hard lockdown.

“Everyone started to panic, they're like, ‘What's going on?’ …There was (sic) officers all around the estate blocking all the entrances and exits of the buildings, telling us we can't leave.” Nada, Year 12 student, Melbourne

Others found themselves trapped at boarding school on the wrong side of a state border with the prospect of months away from their families.

“The school was told, if you can go home, you've got to go home. Once that happened, a lot of people left and we got put into the house, which we nicknamed the orphanage.” Barney, Year 12 student, Bourke

Many found themselves questioning their future career plans as they watched the nation fall into recession, and saw the impact of the pandemic on their loved ones.

“We stopped asking questions about ‘can I pursue my dreams?’ and we started asking things like, ‘is there even a dream for me to pursue?’” Joseph, Year 12 student, Sydney

“Both my mum and my dad have lost their jobs to redundancies…it was an emotional toll because you can see that the loss of their jobs has impacted them both.” Zoe, Year 12 student, Melbourne

These eloquent young Australians are already reflecting on how 2020 has shaped them.

“This year has definitely changed me as a person. I think this year has really made me more driven, a bit to reach my goals and it's made me want to reach those goals, and it's made me not take things that I took for granted.” Zoe,

Despite the mental and emotional toll, they want Australia to know that they are ready to face the future.

“It's not going to be easy. No one said it's going to be easy but I think that it hit the right group of young people, because we're fighters.” Nada, Year 12 student, Melbourne

The ABC FOUR CORNERS The Class of 2020, reported by Lauren Day, went on air on Monday 2nd November at 8.30pm.



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There are 20 vulnerable Australian women and 47 innocent Australian children abandoned in a refugee camp in Syria. Recent media reports have exposed the endless and violent raids and mistreatment that these fellow Australians face on a daily basis. These women and children have been the victims of repeated abuse, including in some cases rape, exploitation, hatred, malnutrition and severe illness.

Recently, the camp housing these women and children was raided at night and they were taken elsewhere, we presently have no information as to their whereabouts.

The Australia Government has been well informed of the extreme level of terror that these women and children have had to endure. It has become impossible to comprehend why nothing has been done.

We acknowledge their past and we do not agree with their former choices or actions. However, we believe that they have suffered extensively in the Syrian refugee camps. This torment will not cease and may result in further needless and destructive loss of life if Australia does not intervene. It is time to bring these Australians home where they can be treated as human beings and rehabilitated.

It is heart-breaking that the innocent children are the first to suffer with the majority of deaths in refugee camps between December 2018 and July this year, being children under the age of five, according to the International Rescue Committee.

You can sign the petition to bring them home now here.



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AFIC is starting its Newsletter again which will be distributed widely.

AFIC has requested Member Councils and Societies to share or showcase any of the following:

• Important projects
• Recent past events or presently working on including any fundraising projects
• profiles of high achieving young men and women (ages from 18 to 30) including their contact details.

The deadline for the upcoming newsletter is 6 November 2020.



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Academy Alive is  excited to announce the birth of a new platform that's going to provide you with the most valuable news today.

It's a website where you can read life-inspiring stories, family guides, and motivational pieces. We aim to make it a place of love and positivity in this challenging world.

Our goal is to make lives better by sharing anything that can fuel your heart to help you reach your aspirations. We believe in the power of community, and that is why we want to show it through articles, videos, and any online material that will touch those who need it the most.

If that sounds awesome to you, we need a little bit of help. We are looking for people like you; people who want to make the world a better place. We need authors, content creators, and anyone who can add value to other people's lives.

Feel free to send us an email at:

We're excited to hear from you. Let's fight life's bitterness with stories of hope, life, positivity, and love.

Looking forward to connecting.



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Topic: “What’s the best way to learn about Islam before and after becoming a “practicing” Muslim?”

In this episode, we are pleased to have SHEIKH AHMED TALAAT as our guest.
Sheikh Talaat hails from Egypt and he is now based in Gold Coast, Australia.

Send your questions to



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UK's Muslim News readers nominated illustrious men, women, children and initiatives deemed worthy of short-listing for a Muslim News Award for Excellence. The nominees were short-listed by an independent panel of judges who reviewed, deliberated and mused over the list.


Over the next weeks, CCN presents a shortlisted candidate who will be treated to a gala evening in the presence of their peers and other renowned guests, when the finalists are announced for the [15] coveted Awards for Excellence.


PLEASE NOTE: Due to the unprecedented uncertainty regarding the coronavirus pandemic, The Muslim News has postponed its prestigious annual awards ceremony until late UK summer.





Somali Youth For Integrity (SYFI) is a student-led umbrella organization for Somali student societies across the UK, including in the North, the Midlands as well as London.


Founded in 2015, it is the first organization of its kind. In its year of inception, SYFI raised over £1,000 for a mental health hospital in Mogadishu and has since raised much more for the relief of poverty and disaster, in sometimes very creative ways.


In 2017, for example, £50,000 was raised with the support of Human Appeal to provide emergency relief to victims of one of the worst droughts in Somalia’s history.


Also in 2017, following one of the worst bomb attacks in the history of Somalia, over £16,000 was raised in the space of two weeks. In 2018, SYFI members raised £58,000 within one month to build a school in the southwestern Somali city of Baidoa.


SYFI has also organized Black History Month events, worked to help vulnerable youth in the UK, and run mentorship programmes and workshops.









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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs





Islamic State attacks in Europe risk a violent backlash from the far right





The attack in Vienna this week — where an armed assailant killed four people and injured others — was claimed by the Islamic State and was one in a string of recent attacks in Europe this week, following three other jihadist motivated killings in Paris and Nice.

The perpetrator of the Vienna attack was another frustrated traveller: he was convicted of terrorism charges last year for attempting to travel to Syria to fight for the Islamic State.

Like previous frustrated travellers, he chose to follow the late Islamic State leaders Abu Bakr al Baghdadi's call for followers to commit attacks wherever they are able.

The attacker had complied with court ordered rehabilitation programs and was released early from prison. The data shows that there is a lower risk of recidivism for terrorism offences, yet he still went on to commit violence.

This demonstrates the enduring appeal of the jihadist cause despite the Islamic State's territorial defeat.

But it also points to the potential for reciprocal radicalisation — where the jihadist threat provokes a far-right backlash. This could threaten the cohesion of multicultural societies, driving individuals to extreme positions and creating a loop of cyclical responsive violence and cumulative extremism.

This phenomenon of how extremist actors or groups respond to, and fuel extremist sentiment in relation to each other, is what extremist scholars refer to as reciprocal radicalisation or cumulative extremism.




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Many Muslims today expect that Islamic education should be a community service. It should be offered at the cheapest possible price and the teacher is expected to be paid little to nothing for their work. Their reward is in the akhirah, after all. If they are sincere, then they should not be expecting any material benefit from their work.

Not only is this hypocritical, cruel, selfish and downright petty, this attitude is characteristic of a trend that has partly defined the decline of Islamic civilization.

Yes it’s hypocritical. The same people who often are not willing to pay for teachers, classes and books in the Islamic sciences are also usually paying thousands of dollars for textbooks & degrees at University. You might fool yourself with an economical argument like ‘my degree pays for itself because it helps me get a job’ etc but what it really reveals is how little you value Islamic knowledge. Islamic knowledge pays for your ākhirah. It’s worth infinitely more than secular education.

Yes it’s cruel. Qualified teachers and scholars need to put a lot of time into prep, teaching and research. These people work hard, and they deserve to be compensated for it. I know too many seekers of knowledge who are intelligent, hard working and have been studying for more than a decade, but are not able to dedicate time to community or students because they have to work a regular full-time job. It’s to the point that senior seekers of knowledge often remind the new ones not to depend on their knowledge as a form of livelihood. Why? Because it’s either a dark path of bad intentions if you have to sell your sincerity and what is right for a higher wage, or slaving away in underpaid masjid Imam or teaching positions where you are expected to work for peanuts. Still don’t want to pay for teachers and courses? Don’t expect the teachers to have time for you either.

This also affects the books and translations that some seekers of knowledge and budding scholars are producing for their fellow Muslims. I can understand if you’re willing to cut corners for $200 academic books and journals from Oxford or Routledge where the academic authors are working salaried academic jobs anyways. But you don’t want to pay a meagre $30 to an independent, full-time translator or author who spent months or years working on it? That’s not cheap, that’s a lack of care and mercy for your fellow Muslim, let alone adab for someone senior to you in religion.

Yes it’s selfish. You might think I’m saying this because I’m a seeker of knowledge and teacher myself. I also charge for teaching the Islamic sciences. So did I just write this to justify myself charging money for teaching?

No. I’m actually saying this from my own experience of paying for the vast majority of my Islamic education. I paid most of my teachers. Sometimes I paid more than they asked. Sometimes they asked me for an advance because of some family issue and I complied. This was not only to gain leverage and win more personal time with the teacher, which was a very advantageous side effect to be honest. I knew my teachers had families and wanted to be financially independent and comfortable just like anyone else. If you don’t have the decency to think about others like that, especially righteous people dedicating their lives to Islamic knowledge, then you need to check yourself.

Yes it’s petty. Okay so some Muslim speakers charge exorbitant fees for speaking engagements. Does that mean that the majority of seekers of knowledge and scholars should suffer? In fact the reason why these speakers can charge so much is because there is demand. You’re willing to pay a couple of thousand dollars for a one hour lecture or a khutbah but not willing to pay for full courses or living wages for proper teachers? This a symptom of the same disease, a lack of understanding of the value of proper Islamic knowledge. People complain about these speakers but then they still pay them and bring them in. Why? Because they’re more looking out for the prestige and popularity of their institution or masjid. You’re willing to pay an hour for a feel-good celebrity da’wah lecture but not a ‘boring’ class with a little-known teacher that requires you to put in work? Seriously?

Lastly, it’s important to recognize how this trend characterized the decline of quality and quantity of intellectuals and scholarship in the Islamic sciences.

In early Islamic history (right from the time of the Companions themselves) you see plenty of examples of people being paid to teach Qur’an and then eventually Hadith. Governors and rulers would establish stipends & open universities so that scholars had relatively decent salaries and stability, which left them free to pursue travel for studying, research & teaching. There were plenty of private endowment contracts supporting teachers and scholars too.

Although these stipends or wages were not always glamorous – and became even less so over the centuries – they showed that Muslims and their societies understood the value of Islamic knowledge to some extent. The understood that students and teachers needed some sort of financial freedom to perform their necessary function in society.

Not only this, but study of the Islamic sciences and scholarship was also a gateway into the bureaucracy. In early Ottoman History the viziers were often graduates from twenty-year long seminary programs. Judges were senior scholars in their level of Islamic study and knowledge.

With the advent of secularism and colonialism in the Muslim world, these support systems were dismantled either by colonial powers or secular ‘Muslims’ themselves. The path to the bureaucracy transformed from an education in the Islamic sciences to one in the European languages or schools. Wages for teachers and scholars in the Islamic sciences had already been dwindling for centuries. But now the systems by which these scholars would be employed or supported were almost completely taken apart.

As the earning potential and social prestige of being a student and teacher in the Islamic sciences has gone from decline to inadequacy. Not only do students and scholars struggle to get by – they have families like anyone else – but there has been a decline in the quality of Islamic research & scholarship. Most Muslims today who study get into it because of their sincerity, but we are in need of more than sincerity these days. We need intelligent scholars working hard at intensive research projects. We need brains and funding.

Is it any surprise that academics from Western universities have been responsible for some of the best scholarship in the Islamic sciences that Muslims have seen in centuries? It’s not just the updated research methodology, it’s the funding, endowments and generosity of people. Where Muslims fail to support their intellectuals, Allah will maintain His religion without them.

This has also affected the production and printing of literature. Western universities have accumulated tons of our manuscripts. Yes it was partly due to Orientalist looting Muslim lands, but it was also because libraries were falling into disrepair because of a lack of funding and care. Sometimes these books were being sold to Orientalist collectors because of how impoverished the seminary or library was.

By now I’ve read more than a few books detailing this history. And when I see Muslims being cheap with regards to Islamic knowledge it makes me angrier than usual because its the same mentality in a new manifestation. In recent history – despite their political motivations – what has made countries like KSA and Turkey so influential not just politically but in the dissemination of Islamic knowledge is the amount of money they have put into students, teachers and scholars of the Islamic sciences. But in the West or where government support doesn’t exist, the student must be willing to take on the responsibility of paying for their education if they want to have a rich & quality education with qualified Islamic scholarship. Stop complaining about it.

If you refuse except to have free – or cheap – Islamic education and are willing to pirate PDFs of Islamic books by struggling authors that are decently priced – then you are a continuation of the problem that has been plaguing the Muslim world for centuries. If you want to continue doing it, then at least have the decency and honesty to admit that you don’t value Islamic knowledge and scholarship to the level you claim to. If you are sincere but you want to bargain and be cheap about it, then save it for Walmart or the local bazaar.

The Usūlī



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Life Lessons from the Two Fish


Tafseer with Sheikh Uzair Akbar


Tune in for weekly tafseer lessons every Wednesday at 7.30PM with Sheikh Uzair Akbar.






It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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France's 'crisis' with Islam: A legacy of 200 years of colonial brutality    


France is in crisis.

Official and unofficial Christian French radical extremism, legitimising itself under the umbrella of what the French ostentatiously call laicité, continues to increase its attacks on French and non-French Muslims.

The Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France (CCIF) listed 1,043 Islamophobic incidents that occurred in 2019 (a 77 percent increase since 2017) - 68 physical attacks (6.5 percent), 618 incidents of discrimination (59.3 percent), 210 incidents of hate speech and incitement to racial hatred (20.1 percent), 93 incidents of defamation (8.9 percent), 22 incidents of vandalism of Muslim sacred places (2.1 percent), and 32 incidents of discrimination linked to the fight against terrorism (3.1 percent).

French Christian and so-called "secular" hatred of Muslims is part of everyday speech by the French government, the pundits, and the media.

In fact, the normalisation of hate speech against Muslims not only legitimises the institutionalised discrimination to which French Muslims are subjected, but also incites violence against them inside and outside France, including the shootings at the mosque of Brest and the targeting of its popular imam Rachid Eljay in June 2019 and the attack on the mosque of Bayonne in October 2019 that wounded four.

Outside France, the terrorist who committed the 2019 massacre at the Christchurch mosques in New Zealand, killing 51 Muslim worshippers and wounding 49, cited the murderous theories of the Islamophobic French thinker Renaud Camus as influencing his actions.

In October 2019, French President Emmanuel Macron (whose first name is the name which the angel Gabriel gave to Jesus in the Gospels, meaning "God is with us") and his then Interior Minister Christophe Castaner (also named after Christ himself) connected terrorism in France to any signs of French Muslims' faith and culture, including having a beard, praying five times a day, eating halal food, etc.

It is purely coincidental that the president and his interior minister are named after Jesus Christ, which should not implicate all those named after Jesus with having a crisis with "Islam", but rather only some of them who express anti-Muslim "secular" hatred.

'Liberating' Islam
Last week, Macron declared that "Islam is a religion that is in crisis all over the world today, we are not just seeing this in our country". He added that he is seeking to "liberate" Islam in France from foreign influences by improving oversight of mosque financing.

But Macron is not the first French ruler who wanted to "liberate" Islam.

This is an old French "secular" tradition. When Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt and Palestine in 1798, his clever plan was to lie to the Egyptians by announcing that he and his army were "faithful Muslims" and that they came to liberate Muslims and Islam from the tyranny of the Mamluks.




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CIQ Perpetual Salaah Timetable









Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 6 November 2020

TITLE: Noor of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

IMAM: Maulana Nizamul Haq Thanvi






Lecture Recordings








Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 6 November 2020
TITLE: 63 Years in 63 Minutes
A synopsis of his entire life ﷺ…

IMAM: Mufti Zeeyad Ravat








Listen live with the TuneIn app at


Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 6 November 2020
IMAM: Imraan Omar












Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 6 November 2020

TITLE: Love of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali













Click here for list








October Is Islamic History And Heritage Month In Canada!




Islamic History Month aims to celebrate, inform, educate, and share with fellow Canadians, the rich Muslim heritage and contributions to society that have greatly benefited human progress.

Building bridges with understanding is another major goal of Islamic History Month Canada.


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CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!








Amina's Voice



Hena Khan




Amina has never been comfortable in the spotlight.


She is happy just hanging out with her best friend, Soojin.


Except now that she’s in middle school everything feels different.


Soojin is suddenly hanging out with Emily, one of the “cool” girls in the class, and even talking about changing her name to something more “American.”


Does Amina need to start changing too? Or hiding who she is to fit in?


While Amina grapples with these questions, she is devastated when her local mosque is vandalized.



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

Islamic State: The Digital Caliphate
No Friend But the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison
The Baghdad Clock
Saïd the Fisherman
Through The Peacock Gate
English Translation of the Qur'an
Home Fire
The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State
The Cambridge Companion to Religion and Terrorism
Refuting ISIS: A Rebuttal Of Its Religious And Ideological Foundations
Islam in Europe
Understanding Sharia: Islamic Law in a Globalised World
From My Sisters' Lips
A Long Jihad: My Quest for the Middle Way
Rusted Off: Why Country Australia Is Fed Up
Step Up: Embrace the Leader Within
The Lebs
British Mosques
From MTV to Mecca: How Islam Inspired My Life
I, Migrant: A comedian's journey from Karachi to the outback

CCN's favourite books »


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KB's Culinary Corner





[KB SAYS] Thank you to all those of you who have come to this column of mine over the years. I will miss not sharing with you my favourite recipes each week. Happy cooking and baking!

Soft Chocolate Bundt Cake


by Monowara Mohammad Bhamjee





1) 2 cups self-raising flour

2) 1 level tsp salt

3) 1 level tsp bicarbonate of soda

4) 2 level tsp baking powder

5) 2 cups castor sugar

6) 4 heaped Tablespoons Cocoa

7) ½ cup boiling water

8) 1 cup buttermilk

9) 2 Tblsp plain yoghurt

10) ½ cup oil

11) 2 tsp vanilla essence

12) 4 jumbo eggs (separated)


Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. (Keep aside

Sift no's 1.2. 3. 4 & 5 (keep aside)

Mix no's 6 & 7 until the cocoa dissolve.

Then add no's 8. 9. 10 & 11

Mix well then add in the egg yolks, beat well and add it to the dry ingredients.

Fold the egg whites into tho mixture with a spatula very gently

Leave mixture to stand in bowl for 10 minutes while setting the oven.
Set oven to 180°C

Pour into a well prepared greased Bundt pan then let the mixture stand for about about 2 minutes.

Place pan in the centre of the oven. Or where your cakes normally bakes best.

Bake the cake for +- 40 minutes or until the skewer comes out clean

Remove from the oven and let it cool a bit before turning the cake out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

Make a chocolate ganache by melting 1 big slab of (150g) Cadbury plain or whole nut chocolate


Add +-1 small can of Nestle cream that was beaten a bit to soften Mix to a thick ganache

Pour over cooled cake and decorate with milky bar curls




Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.







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Keeping Fit with Kareema








My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786






A big THANK YOU to Mustafa, the CCN Team, and YOU, the broader community for being a part of the FIT-conversation over the past fourteen or so years!

What an incredible journey it’s been!


Thanks for your interaction and keeping me on my toes with all your FITNESS questions.


No doubt we all learnt from each other.

Always remember your biggest battle is inside your mind – Don’t second-guess YOUrself.


Don’t make fitness a ‘must-do’ chore, make it a lifestyle choice!

Take care, stay FIT and stay STRONG..




Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.




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The CCN Chuckle





Traffic Cop: You didn't see the red light?


Jallalludin: I did.


Traffic Cop: Then why didn't you stop?


Jallalludin: I didn't see you.



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An Ayaat-a-Week







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Did you know........








......continued from last week's CCN



The death of the Prophet caused an emotional outpouring in the streets of Medina.

The Muslims had a very difficult time dealing with the fact that their prophet was no longer with them, with some initially refusing to believe the news.

But the death of Muhammad also brought questions of leadership to Medina.

For over twenty years, Muhammad had led the Muslim community both politically and spiritually.

His direct connection with God meant that society was guided by divine power in accordance with a divine plan.

Now that that connection was no more, what would happen to the society that Muhammad had established?

Specifically, who would lead the Muslim community after the death of the Prophet?

Before Muhammad was even buried, a group of leading figures from among the Meccan emigrants and the people of Medina gathered to answer the question of leadership.

Disagreements between the groups about who should be given authority over the young Muslim state could threaten to divide the community indefinitely.

There may have even been some proposals for a twostate solution—one led by a Medinese and one by a Meccan.

In the end, ‘Umar nominated Abu Bakr to be the political leader of a unified Muslim state based in Medina.

Abu Bakr was the natural choice.

After Khadijah, he was the first person to accept Muhammad as a prophet and convert to the new religion.

He had been with Muhammad during his flight from Mecca.

He was even appointed by Muhammad to lead the prayers in the Prophet’s

Mosque in the final days of his life.

Yes, he was from the people of Mecca, but no one—neither the Muhajirun nor the Ansar—could dispute his qualifications.


Source: Lost Islamic History by Firas Alkhateeb



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Lessons From My Life: Ahmad Totonji (serialized)







Ahmad Totonji’s 35 Principles for Success in Life and Work



4 Improving and Developing Volunteer Work


continued from last week's CCN.....


By definition, progress is not underway when the situation yesterday was better than the situation today.

Two days in a row without improvement is a sign of being cheated!

This is not a surprise, for progress can certainly be accomplished through planning, preparation, innovation, self-improvement, motivation, and seeking the blessing of our supportive Creator.

Believers are constant givers, like the sun, renewing their contributions every morning.

To get onto the path of success, believers must learn and perfect the best ways to benefit from the resources available and their current circumstances.

This is achieved through proper allocation of resources; the correct investment of available means; avoidance of waste and negligence; a constant search for alternatives for each circumstance we face; a focus on winning; and the preparation of alternative plans in case our original plan fails.

Achieving the highest levels of success in Islamic work is not easy, but nor is it impossible, it is directly related to how we conduct our work.

What is needed first and foremost is harnessing the experience of all those who possess it, in all fields and specialties. We also need to train the workers, whether they are volunteers or full-time employees.

Every believer must appreciate and be thankful to everyone who contributes for the sake of Allah, whether it is an individual contribution or a group contribution.

Everything we do for the sake of Allah may appear small or insignificant, but properly recognizing everyone’s contribution will promote more contributions of effort.

Investing in human resources is one of the priorities of every believer, so we must pay attention to developing the knowledge and skills of those we are dealing with.

We should never restrict ourselves to the surface level but rather, delve deep and move forward, for human resources development is an essential component of success.

As believers we must work diligently and professionally to develop our cadres and empower our organizations (which must be provided with as much experienced personnel as possible).

This will allow them to engage in projects that succeed on the basis of scientific research, and in this way we may achieve the truly essential goals of the community of believers.

Volunteer work is not limited to speeches and advice; there must also be an expenditure of effort and a great deal of work.

All work that is done must be followed up in the field and be provided with oversight from A to Z.

We should not limit our oversight to reports and phone calls, proper oversight is essential for volunteer work to be conducted properly and at the foremost levels of speed and accuracy.

Volunteer work is not based on one mode of activity; it is a multidimensional and multi-modal effort that conforms to the nature of each project and its particular needs.

The work and the stages involved must be studied thoroughly; practices must be analysed carefully; and finally, the results must be analysed objectively and professionally. By doing so, work is corrected and the results are reviewed in a way that achieves the greatest benefit and provides the best lessons for future work.

We must always expand our horizons and continue to overcome obstacles and achieve what is best.

Islamic work today is in great need of meticulous efforts that will help us to achieve our goals successfully.

Volunteer work must not be an emotional or ad hoc effort: it must be based on good planning, proper organization, a focus on orderliness, and proper follow-up.

It is a complex effort that is based on proper planning, groundwork prepared beforehand, and creativity in execution, it is not at all a random activity.

In this regard, we must rely on the science of management as a guide, along with other sciences.

We can then properly prepare the cadres of believers and the special few who are working in the Islamic arenas (making sure that every worker has been prepared intellectually and practically for the work).

Management science is extremely important for voluntary work – it is one of the essential elements for achieving integration between the various elements of our work and the variety of skills available, which enables us to ultimately achieve our goals..


to be continued in next week's CCN......



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What has he found who has lost God?


And what has he lost who has found God?


~ Ibn 'Ata' Allah Al-Iskandari



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Notice Board















Sabdia Consulting



Helping you land your dream job

Your expert in Recruitment and Selection, with a speciation in Government recruitment. I will soon be launching a specialised service in Sha Allah, with a focus on delivering a 1:1 service relating to CV writing and editing, cover letter and/or selection criteria writing and editing, interview coaching and mock sessions and other tips and traps.


My prices will differ depending on your needs and also your experience. Prices will start at around $50 for a CV only for a Graduate Role, to a maximum of $500 for a full package (CV, cover letter, selection criteria and interview coaching etc) if you’re applying for a more senior role.

Keep an eye out for the launch of my website: 

Meekaeel Sabdia
0408 937 133
Director/Owner of Sabdia Consulting



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Now in Brisbane !!! Halal Wagyu Beef available. We clean and deliver to your doorstep. Taking orders from anywhere in Brisbane and Gold Coast !!! 🧳

Each week we offer something different, from Wagyu Rump to Sirloin to Tomahawks and even Wagyu Fillet

We take orders each week from Monday to Saturday and will have your order ready for you the proceeding week

Contact Details:
* Uzair Shuaib: 0421951959
* Zubair Hassam: 0452457193
















"If it's not here's not happening!"l



To claim your slot for your event email






















3rd Annual Quran Alive Khatamul Quran event

Academy Alive invites all to their annual Quran Translation Completion.

Join us on this auspicious occasion and celebrate the achievements of our students.

Most importantly join us in the barakah of the dua of the Khatamul Quran. We look forward to seeing you there!

21st November 2020

Slacks Creek Mosque

Start after Zuhr 1.00pm

Stay tuned on Academy Alive's Facebook and Instagram for more information.















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Download above guide




Know someone wanting to find out more about Islam?


Point them to this site

Alhamdulillah, over many years I have worked with many non-Muslims who have always asked me about Muslims & Islam, and I have shared as much and as best as I could within my understanding and knowledge.

Alhamdulillah I have watch them develop a beautiful understanding of our practices, to the extent I have seen them explain and clarify misconceptions to others.

Once again during this past Ramadan, much was discussed over our staff iftar dinner meeting.

So I decided to document some of this basic Islamic information in a simple to read and understand website and share with my staff and colleagues.

It’s intended to be as simple as can be, whilst still providing a good overview, including some multi-faith interviews which I found very valuable even to me as a Muslim.

Feel free to use and share if you feel appropriate.

I have also shared some of the beautiful Quran recitations and supplications with English translation.


















Muslim Funeral Services guidelines adopted on dealing with Janazas during this pandemic.


This includes the Covid and non-Covid Janazas, for burials in South East Queensland.























(07) 3272 8071 OR 0401 971 471


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Imam's message

Assalam-o-Alaikum my Dear respected brothers and sisters.

What if there was an investment opportunity that provided you with Heavenly Returns On your Investment (HROI)?

In under a minute, I share what you stand to gain.

Watch it, then click through to discover all the HROI options available to you.

Jazakallah Khair
Imam Uzair Akbar




A once in a lifetime opportunity to completely transform and renovate the Mother Mosque 'Holland Park Mosque'

The new transformed mosque will feature:

• Additional basement level
• Increased praying capacity for men
• Complete new area for women doubling the existing praying capacity
• New elevator
• Multi functional rooms
• New facilities for students education
• New toilets & wudhu area
• Modern fittings and fixtures, facilities, and security systems

Follow the links to explore more and INVEST.





Click the button









Southport Mosque Gold Coast





This is the Southport Masjid in the heart of the Gold Coast Australia where Muslims make up less than 5%.


Southport Masjid is the second masjid on the Gold Coast. It was established to accommodate the growing Muslim community. It is situated less than 10 minutes from Cavill Avenue, Surfers Paradise, making it a prime location to also serve the needs of Muslim tourists. There is ample parking and easy access.


Because of COVID we cannot fundraise traditionally putting the masjid in grave risk of immediate foreclosure.


Help us pay for the masjid before it is forced to close.


We are in desperate and urgent need of the masjid to save our community.


From protest to piety, from hate to love, from loneliness to community, from ignorance to guidance, from church to masjid, from dunya to akhira.


With your help, our desperation will turn to hope. Fight alongside us to save the masjid!


Please donate now!






Gold Coast needs your help yes help.


Please buy a tile at $100 each and be a part

of this great new building.


We need 450 tiles.






Fundraising Appeal for Toowoomba Mosque






download flyer












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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)







14 November




9belated) EID @ DREAMWORLD






0418 722 353


12 March '21 (tentative)




(Ascension night)

27th Rajab 1442

29 March '21 (tentative)




(Lailatul Bahrat)

15th Sha'baan 1442


14 April '21 (tentative)




(Start of the month of fasting)

1st Ramadaan 1442


10 May '21 (tentative)




(Night of Power)

27th Ramadaan 1442


14 May '21 (tentative)




(End of the month of fasting)

1st Shawal 1442


20 July '21 (tentative)




(Day of Arafah)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1442


21 July '21 (tentative)




10th Zil-Hijja 1442


11 August '21 (tentative)




(Islamic New Year)

1st Muharram 1443


18/19 August '21 (tentative)




9th/10th Muharram 1443


19 October '21 (tentative)




(Birth of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)

12th Rabi-ul-Awwal 1443




1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr - these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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CCN on Facebook



Catch Crescents Community News on


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Useful Links




HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana's Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Islamic Society of Queensland Inc. Contact the President, Br.Saiyad Pasha 0432593810 or Snr VP, Hj.Shamim Khan 0403541012

Sisters Support Services Programs and activities for women in need ( and 0404 921 620)

Australasian Muslim Times




Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

Al Tadhkirah Institute Madressa, Hifz and other Islamic courses

Centre for Islamic Thought & Education University of South Australia

Hurricane Stars Club Get Active & Have Fun, Confidently!

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to enter their details here.


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