Awatif Al-madi |
Best wishes to all Muslims everywhere. |
Bashir, Shamene, Hasan, Hussein, Atiya and Ameera Karimshah
To All our Muslim Brothers and Sisters, family and friends.
Ramadaan Mubarak
We ask that you all make us Maaf for any wrongs and hurts that we may have committed towards you all, knowing and unknowingly.
Our dua for each and everyone of you is that Allah fill your homes with blessings, abundant sustenance, lots of love and laughter throughout Ramadaan and the rest of your lives. Ameen. |
Nazima Hansa |
Ramadaan is for the Muslim Ummah a very great favour and blessing from Allah; He turns towards you and sends down His special mercy, forgives your faults, accepts your prayers and your duas and boasts to the angels about you. May you and your families enjoy this blessed month and attain all your goals with ease, Inshallah. |
Joe Khan |

Zaid Timol and Family
(Durban, South Africa) |
We to all family and friends in aus
Ramadaam mubarak and may Allah Tala accept our fast and all duas...Ameen
Saleem & Sarah Cajee |
We wish to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims a wonderful Ramadhan Mubarak. May Almighty Allah make this auspicious month easy, spiritually beneficial and rewarding for one and all. Hope you find great benefit in this invaluable Ramadhan guide. Jazaakallah.
Fazil and Imrana Noormahomed
and Family |
To All Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters, Family and Friends
May Allah's abundant mercy be upon you over the auspicious month of
Ramadaan. May all your duahs and good deeds be accepted by the Almighty
Imraan, Safia, Nabil, Faatimah and Zaheera |

IFA Youth |
Ramadhan Mubaruk, May Allah SWT shower us with His infinite mercy, prosperity and blessings. May He put nur, taqwah, imaan and hikmah in our hearts and actions and may this beautiful month of Ramdhan strengthen and unite the ummah of SAW.
Muslim Business Network |
The Muslim Business Network wishes all Muslims a blessed and fruitful month of fasting and ibaadah.
May we prosper in our ibaadah and garner the rewards promised to the believers, by Allah.
Let us endeavour to obtain the forgiveness of Allah.
Let us drink of the Mercy of Allah and gain freedom from the fire of Hell.
Let us fast, in the true spirit of the month.
Let us do what we do only for the pleasure of Allah, and increase our taqwa.
Let us hold tight onto and embrace the Qur’aan through its recitation, understanding it, practising upon it and preaching its message.
Let us also remember to show love and kindness to all those around us.
Let us spend of what Allah has given us, in the causes He asks us to spend.
It is of utmost importance to make every effort to abstain from sin, of any type, whatsoever.
May the Almighty guide us in all that we do. Aameen.