Womens' Health Workshop   


Saturday 20 October 2007

Kuraby State Special School Hall

1.30pm to 5pm


Pink Information with Red Hot Entertainment!


More than 200 ladies attended the Crescents of Brisbane Breast Cancer Awareness Workshop






Shamime Mustapha, who attended the workshop as a participant, gave CCN her assessment of the program:


This was the Breast Cancer Awareness Workshop attended by many and enjoyed by all. It was plain to see that much effort had been put into every aspect of the events of the day.

The ambience of the hall and organisation of the programme, complimented with the culinary delights on offer, pay testimony to the above.

We were well addressed by various speakers; some taking the medical point of departure, detailing the signs and symptoms of early detection, coupled with the various methods of maintaining awareness. Practical demonstrations along with startling facts and audiovisual media, served to further educate and inform the audience of the urgency of awareness.

A very inspiring talk by a breast cancer survivor, brought forward the emotion, resilience, and humility shared by all those touched by cancers, whether directly or indirectly. Later in the day, a pleasant relaxation exercise offered many an unexpected listener a few moments to unwind.

Competitions were a plenty, creativity was awarded, along with many random lucky draws.

Finally, we were treated to a fiesta of scrumptious drinks and gourmet sandwiches, with sufficient time and space to meet and greet.

We were equally fortunate to be able to use the volume of leftovers to feed some of the cities' homeless.

Alhamdulillah, the entire event was wonderful!

We look forward to further such endeavours

Shamime Mustapha




Crescents of Brisbane wishes to thank Saalihah Seedat (the brain child and driving force behind this initiative), Shahina Omar, Shaida Gutta, Jamilah Solwa, and Ayesha Sabdia for the work they put into getting this workshop together and for their boundless creativity and imagination.



Congratulations on the women's health workshop on Saturday…it was a wonderful event. The numbers were great and there was a real interest and support for the very informative and practical speakers. I am sure that the women really enjoyed the workshop, and learned important information that could make a difference to their health. Thank you for the opportunity to share the day….Claire


Senator Claire Moore

Labor Senator for Queensland