Crescents Blood Drive (CBD'07)


Thank you donors and supporters! You've done the community proud!



The Crescents BBQ brightens up an overcast day

Crescents of Brisbane and the Red Cross thank the more than 150 people who turned up to donate their blood on Saturday 25 August and support a very worthwhile cause.



The Kuraby Community Hall car park was once again a hive of activity and a testimony of the wonderful community spirit that prevails in this neck of the woods. 



It was an excellent turnout despite donors having to endure the four seasons on the one day, and the delightful staff of the Red Cross coped magnificently with the eager donors who turned out throughout the day.



There was a visible look of dejection on the faces of those who plucked up enough courage to turn up and then only to discover that they were not eligible to give their blood. But the Crescents sizzling BBQ and a convivial atmosphere soon made up for any disappointment.



The winners of the 5 $100 Coles/Myers Gift Cards were:


Mr. Paul Egan

Mrs. Rashida Khan

Mrs Dawn Weir

Mrs. Melanie Hornick

Mrs. Bilkish Omar



The 2 winners of the double pass Gold Class Cinema Tickets were:


Mrs Shameema Nathie

Mr. Mohammed Koya



The Team at Crescents of Brisbane thank you all for making this a most successful day.


See you next year about the same time and the same place, inshaAllah!





A Red Cross Nurse helps pick the random draw prize winners

Osman Rane (foreground) signs up for his 50th donation as Murad Ali (right)  inches closer to the needle


With Nurse Sandy behind him there's no turning back for first time donor, Hashim Hatia