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Logan Police have arrested a
man who allegedly verbally
abused a Muslim woman and
created a disturbance at
Waterford West shopping
centre on Wednesday
September 23, 2015.
It is alleged the man made a
number of continuous
discriminatory comments and
behaved inappropriately
towards the 35
year-old-woman who was in
her car at the complex.
A 46-year-old man from
Loganlea has been charged
with a Public Nuisance
offence and Wilful Exposure
and is due to face Beenleigh
Magistrates Court on 13
October 2015.
Logan Police District
Officer Chief Superintendent
Marty Mickelson said “the
Logan community is made up
of many different ethnic,
cultural and religious
groups and is a very
tolerant and law abiding
community and this sort of
behaviour is totally
unacceptable and will not be
tolerated under any
circumstances”. .
Chief Superintendent
Mickelson said “local
detectives are also
investigating whether an
offence against the
Anti-Discrimination Act had
been committed and that
further charges may be laid
in the future”
“Police will prosecute
anyone detected behaving in
this manner to the full
extent of the law,” warned
Chief Superintendent
Anyone with information
which could assist with this
matter should contact Crime
Stoppers anonymously via
1800 333 000 or 24hrs a
Vladimir Putin and Chairman
of the Council of Muftis of
Russia Ravil Gainutdin
attended a ceremony to open
the Moscow Grand Mosque. The
new mosque, which was
erected on the site of the
city's original mosque built
in 1904 and which has been
under reconstruction since
2005, will be able to
accommodate up to 10,000
people simultaneously
Against rather long odds,
including a hostile mayor, a
vocal constituency irritated
by Muslim rituals, and
criminal rackets loath to
see valuable real estate
lost to charitable
organizations, Moscow
inaugurated a glittering,
elaborate new mosque on
It took 10 years to come to
fruition, in fact. The
opening was a singular event
in a city where a wave of
bombings by Muslim
extremists that started
around 2000 generated an
animosity toward the faith
that never entirely abated.
Flanked by President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and
Mahmoud Abbas, the president
of the Palestinian
Authority, President
Vladimir V. Putin used his
speech at the inauguration
of the mosque, which he
called the biggest mosque in
Europe, to emphasize that
Russia would develop its own
system of religious
education and training to
counter extremism.
“Terrorists from the
so-called Islamic State are
compromising a great world
religion, compromising
Islam; sowing hatred;
killing people, including
clergy; and barbarically
destroying monuments of
world culture,” Mr. Putin
said. “They are trying to
recruit followers here in
Russia, too. Russia’s Muslim
leaders are bravely and
fearlessly using their own
influence to resist this
extremist propaganda.”
Known as the
Moscow Cathedral Mosque, the
grand structure can
accommodate 10,000 people on
three stories and replaces a
much smaller building
erected in 1904. The
previous two-story mosque,
with a squat dome and two
short minarets, held only
1,000 people.
“Finally, Moscow, which lays
claim to the title of the
biggest Muslim city in
Europe, has a big mosque,”
said Aleksei Malashenko, an
expert on Islam at the
Carnegie Moscow Center. “It
shows that the center of
Islamic life in the Russian
Federation is in Moscow.”
There are just three other
official mosques in a city
with a Muslim population
that could be as high as two
million. No one knows,
because there are no exact
public numbers. (Russian
census numbers have long
been considered dubious, and
about 10 years ago, the
government stopped counting
according to ethnicity,
which had been broadly used
to estimate religious
If generally accurate, that
would mean Muslims make up
about 16 percent of the
population in a city of 12.5
million, putting Moscow in
contention for the title of
most Muslims in Europe, not
counting Turkey. Estimates
of the number of Muslims in
the greater Paris area,
often described as having
the largest concentration in
the European Union, range
from 1.2 million to 1.7
Given the tens of thousands
of Muslims who pray on city
streets during major
holidays, Moscow appears
grievously short on mosques.
Before now, the existing
four could accommodate just
10,000 worshipers.
Often, 60,000 or more
Muslims show up at this site
on major holidays, like Eid
al-Adha, which is being
celebrated on Thursday in
Russia and will be the
public opening of the new
mosque. The building is
tucked into a corner near
one of Moscow’s stadiums
left over from the 1980
Olympics, and an adjacent
parking lot now has the
capacity for an overflow
crowd of at least 20,000.
“It is strange that in such
a big city like Moscow,
there are only four mosques,
and even this one does not
solve the problems in terms
of space,” said Maksim
Shevchenko, a member of the
Kremlin’s human rights
council who focuses on
religious issues.
Ravil Gainutdin, the
chairman of the council of
muftis in Russia, has
suggested that every Moscow
neighborhood should have one
mosque — which would mean
about 20 to 30 new ones.
With at least 40 underground
mosques estimated to be
based in apartments, the
Muslim clerical hierarchy
argues that more official
mosques would help curb
recruiters for the Islamic
State or other extremist
However, plans to construct
just a couple of more
mosques in recent years were
canceled in the face of
vehement public protests.
The fact that sophisticated
criminal gangs have a hand
in many Moscow real estate
deals does not help either,
Mr. Shevchenko said, as they
tend to favor shopping malls
or office buildings that
generate revenue. (That was
not an issue in this case,
because the new mosque
replaced an existing one.)
“One reason
why mosques don’t get built
is public opinion,
unfortunately,” said Ildar
Hazrat Alyautdinov, the
senior imam at the Moscow
Cathedral Mosque and the
mufti of Moscow.
“When we studied the
situation, we found that
those who initiated such a
mood were from the Russian
Orthodox Church,” he added.
“Their activists would rile
people up — going door to
door, telling people that
the mosque should not be
built. Maybe it is not their
official position but the
work of activists.”
There is no shortage of
public grumbling, as well.
Social media posts
overflowed with venom —
acidic remarks about animal
sacrifices and the fact that
worshipers blocked streets
to pray on major Muslim
holidays. One disparaging
comment on Facebook
suggested that a famous song
about the golden domes of
Moscow would have to be
changed to the “golden
The mayor of Moscow, Sergei
S. Sobyanin, has gone on the
record opposing any new
mosques. Spot checks of
worshipers’ identity cards
indicated that many of them
were not legal Moscow
residents, he said in a 2012
interview, adding, “So it is
not a fact that the
construction of mosques is
needed, namely in Moscow.”
Money has been another
issue. The biggest chunk of
the construction costs for
the mosque, about $170
million, came from a wealthy
Russian oil tycoon, mosque
officials said, but foreign
governments, including
Turkey, Kazakhstan and the
Palestinian Authority, also
On Tuesday night, Russia’s
state-run television
channel, Rossiya 24,
broadcast a 30-minute
preview of the mosque
opening. In it, Mr.
Gainutdin, of the muftis
council, went out of his way
to present the building as
an organic element of
Moscow’s religious
The dome — of the onion
family, if not exactly an
onion, and encircled with an
inscription from the Quran —
was designed and clad in
gold in order to fit in with
the many gilded church domes
in Moscow, he said.
The mosque is a bit of an
architectural mishmash,
built from grayish-green
Canadian marble, with one of
its two minarets meant to
resemble a famous Kremlin
tower. Design elements were
drawn from Turkish mosques
and various indigenous
Russian traditions, Mr.
Gainutdin said, but the
overall effect was unique.
“It is something special to
Moscow, a Russian Muslim
style,” he said.
Recently, most attention on
Islam in Russia has focused
on Ramzan A. Kadyrov, the
strong-arm leader of
Chechnya, the southern
republic where Russia fought
two wars against Islamic
extremists in the 1990s. He
has tried to cast himself as
the leader of all Russian
Muslims and has encouraged
traditional practices in his
republic, including polygamy
despite its being banned in
the Russian Federation.
Senior Muslim officials and
analysts noted that
hostility toward Muslims had
diminished somewhat in the
last 18 months, given the
war in Ukraine and the
official vilification of the
United States.
“Now that we hate Ukrainians
and people from the United
States, we have suspended
our fears concerning
Muslims,” Natalya V.
Zubarevich, a demographics
expert at Moscow State
University, said with some
irony. “They will come back
at some future time. The
authorities found another
enemy, something fresh.”
the first home grown Imam of
a Mosque in Queensland, Imam
Eshfaq Akbar (pictured)
of the Bakers Creek Mosque
in Mackay is garnering a
well-deserved reputation as
an inspirational and
supportive leader of the
local Muslim community.
In the cause of his duties
he provides spiritual and
pastoral care to both Muslim
and non-Muslims.
A very appreciative Henry
was a recent beneficiary of
the advice and comfort that
Imam Eshfaq so competently
dispenses, so much so that
he discussed his fortuitous
encountered with the Imam in
Facebook posting.
government's anti-money
laundering watchdog Austrac has
told a Senate inquiry there is
no link between halal
certification and terrorism
There is no evidence that
money paid for certification
of halal food is funding
foreign fighters or
terrorism, the government's
financial intelligence arm
has told a Senate inquiry.
The inquiry into food
certification, launched by
Liberal senator Cory
Bernardi, has received
submissions alleging money
paid to organisations or
companies that certify halal
food ends up in the hands of
But the acting deputy chief
executive of Austrac, Angela
Jamieson, told the inquiry
in Sydney on Thursday that
there was no evidence that
halal food certification is
linked to financing of
More than 500 submissions
have been made to the
inquiry, which is also
examining certification of
kosher and organic food in
Ms Jamieson said while there
had been various public
claims that fees from
certification of halal food
may be funding terrorism,
Austrac had not found any
"Austrac monitors reported
financial transactions,
including reports of
suspicious financial
activity and related
transaction, to identify
money movements that are
associated with halal
certification," she said in
an opening statement.
from this
of reported
none of
these have
assessed as
relating to
with regard
to halal
Ms Jamieson said the agency
was also involved in global
efforts to combat groups
such as Islamic State,
including in relation to
foreign fighters.
"Through the operational
activities of Austrac,
including international
engagement and international
exchange on foreign fighters
and terrorism financing,
there has been no evidence
of links to halal
certification, including
funding of terrorism," she
The Australian Crime
Commission later told the
hearing that its
investigations had not
identified any particular
links between halal
certification and terrorism
or serious organised crime.
this issue
in the
press, we've
been on a
lookout for
any links
in our
and, to
date, we
have not
found a
link," the
manager of
told the
ISTANBUL — Earlier this
month, on the Muslim holy
day of Friday, a horrible
accident took place in Mecca
near Islam’s holiest site —
the Kaaba. A huge crane fell
on the mosque that encircles
the cube-shaped shrine,
killing 118 pilgrims and
injuring almost 400. This
tragedy was the deadliest
crane collapse in modern
history, and thus it begged
for an investigation. Yet,
in a highly religious
country, the technicians
that operated the crane, the
Saudi Binladen Group, had an
easy way out. One of them
spoke to the press and
simply said: “What happened
was beyond the power of
humans. It was an act of
To their credit, the Saudi
authorities did not buy this
argument. King Salman bin
Abdulaziz Al Saud
immediately suspended the
company from work, ordered
an investigation, and
offered compensation for the
families of victims. The
investigators soon concluded
that the company was
responsible for the
accident, because it did not
“respect the rules of
safety” and violated the
manufacturers’ operating
While this factual
investigation is a step
forward, we must still ask
why the technicians publicly
absolved themselves of
responsibility, and probably
in their own minds as well,
by evoking “fate.”
This is not the first time
that this metaphysical
excuse has come up in such
circumstances. Worse
accidents have happened near
the Kaaba before, during the
overcrowded season of
pilgrimage, the Hajj, and
the blame was reflexively
placed on the divine. In
1990, 1,426 pilgrims died in
a stampede caused mainly by
a lack of ventilation.
Nonetheless, the king at the
time, Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al
Saud, then argued: “It was
God’s will, which is above
everything.” “It was fate,”
he added.
This isn’t just a Saudi
problem; it is a global
Muslim problem. Fatalism is
constantly used as an excuse
for human neglect and
errors. Even in Turkey,
which is much more modern
and secular than Saudi
Arabia, “fate” has
frequently been invoked by
various officials, including
President Recep Tayyip
Erdogan, as an explanation
for colossal accidents on
railroads, in coal mines and
on construction sites.
In almost every case,
however, closer scrutiny has
revealed the cause to be
Turkey’s poor work safety
standards and the
government’s sluggishness in
improving them. Only in
February 2015, after
hundreds of tragic accidents
that killed more than 13,000
workers in 12 years, did
Turkey become a party to the
International Labor
Organization’s conventions
on work safety, which were
drawn up more than two
decades ago and adopted long
ago by many other nations.
Accidents, of course, happen
everywhere. Yet in the
Muslim world, fatalism often
serves as a cover for
inadequate safety measures
or greedy bosses unwilling
to pay for them. That is why
Turkey’s top cleric, Mehmet
Gormez, an erudite
theologian, felt the need to
warn fellow Turks that
“Producing excuses about
‘divine power’ for human
guilt and responsibility is
wrong,” after a Dickensian
mine fire killed 301 workers
in 2014. “The laws of nature
are the laws of God. God has
given us the ability to
understand these laws and
asked from us to act
accordingly,” Mr. Gormez
declared. “What is suitable
for God’s will is to take
the necessary precautions
against the physical causes
for disasters.”
This important statement was
unmistakably grounded in
certain medieval Islamic
schools of thought, such as
the Maturidis and the
Mutazilites, who believed
human beings possessed free
will and could be “the
creator of their own deeds.”
They also believed that
humans could use reason to
interpret scripture and
establish moral truths.
But such rationalist Muslim
schools had powerful rivals,
such as the Asharites and
the even more rigid Hanbalis,
the precursors of today’s
Salafis. These dogmatists
played down human free will
by emphasizing God’s
predestination, and
discredited human reason.
They also denied the
existence of natural laws,
assuming that causality is
an infringement on God’s
Today most Muslims have
little knowledge about these
old debates, but they live
within cultural codes
largely defined by the
dogmatists, who gained the
upper hand in the war of
ideas in early Islam. In
these codes, human free will
is easily sacrificed to
fatalism, science and reason
are trivialized, and
philosophy is frowned upon.
Consequently, “God’s will”
becomes an easy cover for
intellectual laziness, lack
of planning, and
irresponsibility. Muslims in
positions of power often
refer to “fate” to explain
away their failures, while
never hesitating to take
pride in their successes.
Millions of Muslims observed
Eid al-Adha, the second of
two major Islamic holidays.
According to the lunar-based
Islamic calendar, the
festival which commemorates
Abrahams willingness to
sacrifice his son Ishamel as
an act of submission to God,
kicked off on the evening of
22 September.
IBTimes UK looked at some
notable Muslim celebrities
joining the festivities.
Zayn Malik
Although former One
Direction star Zayn
Malik rarely speaks
about being a
Muslim, he did
reveal that he
suffered racist
abuse on social
media as a result of
his beliefs. "Nasty
things were said,
like I'm a
terrorist. How can
you justify that?"
he told the Daily
Mirror. "I believe
that your religion
should be between
you and whoever your
belief is in."
Janet Jackson
Singer Janet Jackson
left behind her
Christian upbringing
after getting
married to
businessman Wissam
Al Mana in 2013.
Shea 'Ice Cube'
Rapper and actor Ice
Cube converted to
Islam in the 1990s.
In 2014 the former
N.W.A member said:
"What I call myself
is a natural Muslim,
because it's just me
and God. You know,
going to the mosque,
the ritual and the
tradition, it's just
not in me to do. So
I don't do it."
Jemima Khan
Vanity Fair
Jemima Khan, who
became a Muslim a
few months after she
married Pakistani
cricketer and
philanthropist Imran
Khan in 1995,
completed Hajj in
2007 following their
Shaquille O'Neal
Although retired NBA
star O'Neal has
never publicly
confirmed his faith,
in 2010 he revealed
plans to take the
Islamic pilgrimage
known as the Hajj to
Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi government
bars all non-Muslims
from visiting Mecca.
Radicalisation Awareness Kit
designed to help teachers
understand how the
radicalisation process works
Environmentalists and
teachers are up in arms over
a new Federal Government
anti-radicalisation kit that
links green activism and
"alternative music" to
The Minister Assisting the
Prime Minister on Terrorism
Michael Keenan launched the
Radicalisation Awareness Kit
in the form of a 32-page
booklet on Monday.
Through a series of examples
and fictitious case studies,
the booklet aims to
illustrate the circumstances
which can lead young people
to become radicalised.
But one surprising example
cites the power of the
alternative music scene and
environmental activism in
the radicalisation process.
The case study in the
'Violent Extremism' section
tells the story of a girl
called 'Karen' who becomes
involved in the "alternative
music scene, student
politics and left-wing
activism" when she leaves
'Karen' ends up sabotaging
logging machinery and being
arrested "on numerous
occasions" while becoming
"totally cut off from her
Jonathan La Nauze from the
Australian Conservation
Foundation said the booklet
was misleading and
potentially dangerous.
"This is very
disappointing," he said.
"It sounds like something
that's been dreamt up in the
cigar room of the Institute
of Public Affairs. There's
no resemblance to the way
that people in Australia
feel about their environment
and the need to stand up to
protect it.
"To link standing up for the
places that we love,
standing up for the future
of our children, to violence
and extremism and terrorism,
does nothing to combat a
real threat to the safety of
people or to respect the
very peaceful and very
meaningful protests that
people engage in from all
walks of life to ensure that
we have a safe future in
this country."
Despite the environmental
case study, Mr Keenan said
the main targets of the
booklet were young people at
risk of being radicalised by
Islamist groups such as
Islamic State.
"Of course radicalisation
can take different forms but
certainly their
radicalisation that comes
from contact with ISIL
(Islamic State) - who make
an enormous effort to groom
people, particularly young
people to commit violent
acts here in Australia - is
of primary concern to the
government at the moment."
He said the kit was designed
to help teachers understand
how the radicalisation
process worked, and how to
respond if they felt there
was somebody in their
community who is susceptible
to it.
"We wanted to explain to
teachers who are really on
the frontline of this -
because we know that school
children are being
radicalised - to look out
for certain signs that would
lead them to be concerned
about somebody, and if they
are concerned about somebody
moving down the dark path of
radicalisation, moving down
the path of violence, then
they'll know what they can
do about it," Mr Keenan said
Radicalisation Awareness Kit
'designed to engender fear
and intolerance'
Maurie Mulheron, the
president of the New South
Wales Teachers' Federation,
has also slammed the launch
of the kit, describing it as
a cynical exercise designed
to generate fear in the
"I think it's a fairly
cynical move by the Federal
Government not to make
anyone feel safer but to
engender fear and
intolerance," he said.
"I'm very doubtful that the
Federal Government has pure
motives in this area.
"They've got a track record
now of trying to engender
division within the
community on these issues
and I don't think that what
they're proposing will make
one iota of difference."
Mr Mulheron believes that
teachers are already well
trained to know when
students are at risk of
being radicalised, and that
the Radicalisation Awareness
Kit has been a massive waste
of time and money.
"Schools are already happy,
safe and tolerant places
that bring children
together, particularly
public schools that bring
children from all the
different walks of life,
different religions,
different backgrounds,
different socio-economic
"We as teachers are very
good at bringing a diverse
group of young people into
our schools and turning them
into a community so they can
take up their roles as
citizens within the broader
Mr Keenan said groups
seeking to radicalise young
people started by separating
them from their communities.
"ISIL go and they try to
groom young people in in the
same way that a paedophile
might try and groom a young
person. We want to make sure
that the people who are on
the frontline, teachers and
other service workers,
members of the community,
are able to identify if this
is happening and then know
what they can do to arrest
it from happening."
Few people have actually
held a copy of the booklet
in their hands. It was
released on the first day of
the school holidays, but it
is available for download on
the minister's website.
Assessment of the kit will
continue in earnest when
schools go back in two
weeks' time.
The interim principal of
Brisbane's Islamic College
has played down concerns his
students face a greater risk
of becoming Gen Y jihadists.
Dr Ray Barrett (pictured)
stressed the threat of
at-risk teenagers being
radicalised was reduced
because the school was
dealing with a majority
religious group'.
"If you look at the
incidences where reports of
radicalisation occur, they
haven't been in Islamic
schools,'' Dr Barrett said.
"It is my observation that
where things are mainstream
and you can continually
monitor the one religious
group, it's less likely than
if a small number of a
religious group, such as
Muslims, are somewhere in an
environment where through no
fault of the school, they
become alienated, or
sidelined because they are a
minority religious group'.
The New South Wales
Government yesterday
announced a sweeping audit
of prayer groups across that
state's school system, amid
fears Islamic State-inspired
ideology had infiltrated the
system through state
religious education
The move followed
revelations that
counter-terrorism police had
begun a formal investigation
into allegations a 17 year
old student at Sydney's
Epping boys High school was
preaching ISIS ideology in
the playground.
Counter-terrorism police
have previously revealed to
The Courier-Mail how on-line
extremists were acting like
paedophiles in their
attempts to recruit children
as young as 15.
Tip-offs to the nation's
security hotline were
alarmingly relating to young
boys and girls, with school
counsellors and teachers
among those reporting
Dr Barrett, who is in charge
of more than 1000 students
at the Karrawatha-based
college, said Islamic
schools were focused on
"producing better citizens
and making students the very
best they can possibly be'.
"While there is no specific
element of anti-terrorism
(in the curriculum), schools
already focus on the
positive of what it means to
be an Australian citizen,''
he said.
"The values we are teaching
include understanding,
tolerance and inclusion,
being aware of others and
their cultures, accepting
diversity within a
democratic society, being
included and including
others,'' he said.
Dr Barrett said safeguards
were in place to work with
students who could be
potentially at-risk.
"We are aware and constantly
on the lookout and we have a
good co-operation with
authorities who have
guidelines around people
being withdrawn, reclusive
and so on,'' he said.
Leading up to the National
Day of Action on refugee
rights on 11th October, RAC
will be holding a stall and
a leafletting effort over
the weekend. Please come and
help if you have the time
and the inclination. Just
half an hour would be
helpful, or stay for the
whole 2 hours.
Street stall at West End
When & where: 9am - 11am,
Saturday 26th September, at
the small park at the
Montague Rd entrance, West
End Markets, Davies Park,
West End.
Further info: Mark, ph.0439
561 196.
Leafletting at Northey St
When & where: 8.30am -
10.30am, Sunday 27th
September, at the Northey St
City Farm,
54 Northey St, Windsor, off
Bowen Bridge Rd. RAC
leafletters will be near the
sausage sizzle.
The man police are searching
for over a sustained anti-Islam
tirade on a Logan woman.
LOGAN: A Muslim woman told
police she was subjected to
a sustained anti-Islamic
tirade outside a Logan
shopping centre on
Wednesday, during which time
she captured the man on
video baring his backside at
her and her two young
The woman reported the
incident to the Islamophobia
Register Australia, an
online site dedicated to
exposing incidents of
anti-Islamic abuse, after
saying two calls to police
for help went unanswered.
Site organiser Mariam
Veiszadeh said she spoke to
the angered woman in the
wake of the attack, who told
her the tirade continued for
more than half an hour,
during which time her calls
to police were not responded
At the urging of Ms
Veiszadeh, an advocate for
Australian Muslims and a
lawyer, the woman then went
to Logan police to report
the abuse in person.
A Queensland Police Service
spokesman said police
attended the shopping centre
car park after the second
call but could not locate
the woman.
They are now searching for
the man.
The woman told Daily Mail
Australia the man hurled
multiple obscenities at her,
accusing her of terrorism
and being unemployed, as she
sat in her car waiting for
her husband with her two
children, aged five and
She was wearing a niqab,
which exposed only her eyes.
The German woman, a teacher,
converted to Islam 16 years
ago, Ms Veiszadeh said.
"She felt the need to
continue to explain to me,
'I can't believe he said I'm
unemployed and makes such
assumptions - I'm an
educated woman, I'm a
teacher,'" Ms Veiszadeh
"She responded to him by
saying, 'I am not unemployed
and I am European'.
"Something that really
angered her was that the
hatred had so many
stereotypical assumptions
embedded in it.
"She also made reference to
her stepson being in the ADF
and he puts his life at risk
for Australians to fight for
this country and yet she
gets racist and Islamophobic
abuse hurled at her on the
Ms Veiszadeh said the woman
had also been upset that a
number of witnesses did not
intervene to stop the abuse.
"It's quite concerning when
this man was clearly abusing
her, no one came to her
defence," Ms Veiszadeh said.
"People sitting in the front
were indifferent or went
along with it and it was
only after he left people
approached her.
"I appreciate Logan police
station had serious matters
to deal with but this is yet
another example of
complaints regarding an
assault targeting an
Australian Muslim woman not
being taken seriously by
Ms Veiszadeh said women
wearing the visible symbols
of their faith were
increasingly bearing the
brunt of racist and
Islamophobic public attacks,
often in the presence of
"It's incredibly worrying
that the vast majority of
reports being submitted to
the Register are of verbal
and physical abuse directed
at Australian Muslim women,
with a large number
happening in the presence of
young children," she said.
"This woman is particularly
concerned about the
devastating impact this
incident has had on her
children. How do you even
begin to explain
Islamophobia to your
five-year-old child?"
SYDNEY: The enduring legacy
of Prophet Abraham (as) was
analysed at an interfaith
symposium held on Sunday 20
September at the University
of Western Sydney, Bankstown
As part of the Positive
Change through Faith series
of events, the symposium
organised jointly by the
Australian MEFF Consortium
and the Islamic Foundation
for Education and Welfare (IFEW)
brought together speakers
from the three Abrahamic
faiths, Judaism,
Christianity and Islam.
Titled One God to Bind us
All, the symposium was
opened by Master of Ceremony
Mrs Mehar Ahmad, former
President of MEFF in which
she stressed the commonality
of the three religions.
This was followed by Rabbi
Nicole Roberts, of North
Shore Temple Emanuel, who
focussed on the legacy of
Abraham in Judaism. She
stressed that in knowing
about Abraham we also learn
about God particularly His
Jeremy Jones, founder and
co-chair of the Australian
National Dialogue of
Christians, Muslims and
Jews, spoke of how Abraham
was an inspirational model
in how we should relate to
other people: Abraham saw
the angel in every person
and the importance of
dialogue between peoples.
The symposium also featured
poetry by Nav K Samir and
Stephanie Kurlow.
Omar Shandab and his wife
made an intention to go for
hajj five years ago
suspended all holiday trips
and saved last penny in a
bid to fulfil one of the
pillars of Islam.
Despite the effort and
sacrifice they were left
with a broken heart.
Omar was ready to go for
hajj, and when he thought
time has come after intense
preparations to undertake a
religious obligation, he was
denied passage by his
His crime – suspected of
being a terrorist.
“We were approached by
intelligence officers,
border patrol in the
northern airport, they both
questioned us, questions do
you support ISIS, do you
support any extreme
movement,” said Omar who was
interviewed for close to
three hours.
He was picked from a group
of 120 pilgrims who were on
their way to Saudi Arabia
and had to watch their
fellow hujjaj board the
plane for hajj as they
remained behind in the
The interrogation and
screening was the last thing
Omar ever expected to happen
to him or any other Muslim.
He was born and bred in the
country and his family are
Australian citizens.
“I was born here in
Australia and I got my
family here, so subhanallah
they just don’t tell the
reason why they actually
held me and crossed my
passbook,” said the
distraught Omar.
The property developer has
since filed a lawsuit
against his unlawfully
detention and barred to
travel out of the country
without any valid reason
from the government
His passport was confiscated
and it’s still with the
“I am not going to sit down
and wait, they have just put
a question mark on my
religion so what’s happening
now is Allah has chosen me
and it’s for a reason so by
the rule of Allah we will
launch a lawsuit against the
authorities,” he said.
Concern has been growing in
Australia in recent months
over the effect on domestic
security of Australian
nationals fighting with or
sympathising with militant
groups in Iraq and Syria.
Muslims have been under
constant surveillance from
security agents and have
continuously said they are
unfairly targeted by
terrorism laws, a statement
Omar agrees with.
“This is unjust, it’s unfair
and obviously they are
targeting a portion of the
Muslim community, they are
targeting their freedom to
travel for absolutely no
reason at all,” said Omar.
is a component of Sharia that
allows, and even encourages you
to lie to achieve your goals.”
— Dr. Ben Carson, interview with
The Hill newspaper, Sept. 20,
USA: Carson, a neurosurgeon
seeking the GOP presidential
nomination, caused a stir
when he declared on NBC’s
“Meet the Press” that he
could not support a Muslim
becoming president.
In a follow-up interview
with The Hill, he asserted
that he “did not believe
Sharia [law] is consistent
with the constitution of
this country.” He said he
could make an exception if
the Muslim running for
office “publicly rejected
all the tenets of Sharia
[Islamic law] and lived a
life consistent with that.”
But then Carson added he was
concerned about something
called “taqiyya.” As he put
it, “Taqiyya is a component
of Sharia that allows, and
even encourages you to lie
to achieve your goals.”
(Note: the Hill newspaper
originally quoted Carson as
saying “Shia” but later
updated it to “Sharia.”)
In other words, he appeared
to be saying that this tenet
of Islam offered some kind
of loophole that would allow
the Muslim to lie about his
or her religious beliefs in
order to pursue other
objectives. Is this the
The Facts
If you scroll across the
Internet, or just stick
“taqiyya” into a Twitter
search, you will stumble
across many videos and
articles from groups hostile
to Islam arguing that
“taqiyya” is central to
Islam and permits a Muslim
to lie with impunity to
nonbelievers. The argument
largely stems from two parts
of the Koran:
“Whoever expresses disbelief
in God after having accepted
belief [will suffer greatly]
– except him who is forced
while his heart is still at
peace in belief” (16:106)
“Let not the believers take
unbelievers for their allies
in preference to believers.
Whoever does this has no
connection with God, unless
you but guard yourselves
against them as a
precaution.” (3:28)
But experts in Islamic law
say that these Internet
scholars have completely
corrupted the meaning of the
The word “taqiyya” derives
from the Arabic words for
“piety” and “fear of God”
and indicates when a person
is in a state of caution,
said Khaled Abou El Fadl, a
professor of law at the
University of California at
Los Angeles and a leading
authority on Islam.
Essentially, the Koran
suggests that a person who
faces religious persecution
can withhold the identity of
their faith in order to
avoid bodily harm or death.
The concept was particularly
embraced by Shiites, who
took steps to hide their
religious beliefs from the
majority Sunnis. (Indeed,
part of the reason for Sunni
distrust of Shiites is
because Sunnis regard
taqiyya as part of Shiite
But some Sunnis also
practiced taqiyya,
particularly the Moriscos,
Muslims who were forced to
convert to Catholicism in
Spain during the 1500s.
The concept is also not
unknown to other religions.
Jews in Spain during the
Inquisition also pretended
to convert to Catholicism.
But some Sunnis also
practiced taqiyya,
particularly the Moriscos,
Muslims who were forced to
convert to Catholicism in
Spain during the 1500s.
The concept is also not
unknown to other religions.
Jews in Spain during the
Inquisition also pretended
to convert to Catholicism.
Abou El Fadl said it “amazes
me” that although careful
and balanced scholarship on
Islam is being done at
leading universities by
scholars who have learned to
read medieval Arabic texts,
such research increasingly
is ignored in favor of
material published by “crazy
ideologues, clowns and
jokers” who often do not
know how to read Arabic.
Doug Watts, a Carson
campaign spokesman, declined
to point to any possible
sources for Carson’s claim.
“I have scholarly sources as
well, but I am not going to
get into our usual back and
forth on this topic,” he
The Pinocchio Test
Carson is mouthing a
discredited and inaccurate
interpretation of a
relatively minor section of
the Koran, with the apparent
aim of painting all Muslims
as untrustworthy. There is
no evidence that the Koran
encourages Muslims to lie in
pursuit of goals. He earns
Four Pinocchios.
The Islamic Society of
Albury-Wodonga is planning to
rebuild its community centre
which has fallen into disrepair.
An anti-Islamic group is
threatening to claim Albury,
on the New South
Wales-Victorian border, as
its "territory" after being
involved in violent clashes
at protests in Bendigo and
The United Patriots Front (UPF),
which is a splinter group of
Reclaim Australia, staged a
rally in Bendigo last month
in protest against the
town's first planned mosque.
It is now vowing to bring
its protest power to the
regional city of Albury
where there are plans to
redevelop an existing
The far-right group's
spokesman, Shermon Burgess,
has posted a video on social
media vowing to come to
Albury and the regional town
of Orange in NSW after they
"sort out this Bendigo
"I will really enjoying
marching straight into
[Albury] and claiming it as
my own," he said.
Recent rallies by the UPF in
Melbourne and Bendigo have
been met by rival protests
by anti-racism groups and
required police to use
capsicum spray to subdue the
Meanwhile, police had to be
called in to a Bendigo
Council meeting last week
when verbally abusive
anti-mosque protesters shut
down proceedings.
Albury councillor David
Thurley said his council
were concerned by the
prospect of the group
holding a rally locally.
"It's serious, it's hateful,
it's disgusting and for
people who think they can
just walk into other
people's communities,
ferment hate and cause
trouble - I don't understand
where they're coming from or
what it is they're trying to
do," he said.
Cr Thurley said he had
raised concerns with the
local police after a
Facebook page titled Stop
the Albury Mosque was set
"There's not
a lot we can
do except to
say to our
'if you
don't want
this, you
need to
voice your
opinion loud
and clear
that we
don't want
here'," he
"We want
people to be
tolerant and
to have a
and shares
cultures and
music and
food and so
Muslim leader confident
community will reject
far-right group
The Islamic Society of
Albury-Wodonga is
responsible for the plans to
put $380,000 into
redeveloping their existing
community centre into a more
modern facility, including a
new mosque.
Its president, Yakub
Muhammad, said the existing
centre was crumbling and
locals told him its
condition was disrespectful
to the area.
"I thought, we don't have
the money, but what we can
do is get the locals
together, raise as much as
we possibly can, empty our
wallets," he said.
"What we can do is demolish
it and rebuild that and make
it look brand new, you know,
look respectable.
"At the moment you drive
past it and it doesn't look
respectable at all, it looks
quite yucky actually."
Mr Muhammad has described
the majority of UPF members
as "lonely people" who were
looking for a group to
belong to.
other 2 per
they're the
ones and
they're the
people, you
know they
have this
idea that
we're going
to take over
he said.
"They're really obsessed
with the idea that Islam is
really bad.
"If they come, they'll
probably come and just do a
small protest or whatever.
"When they realise that
Albury-Wodonga people, they
don't really care about
their garbage that they
bring here, they'll just
quickly move on because
that's what they want -
they're just after some
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Seeking Female roommate to
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Rent negotiable. Fully
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distance to buses, close to
TAFE, Griffith University,
schools, major shops and
mosque. Located in Mount
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The Reporting Islam Project
at Griffith University is
seeking expressions of
interest from suitably
qualified individuals for
the position of casual
research assistant.
The project is tasked with
the development and trial of
a suite of research-based
training and education
resources for Australian
media practitioners to
encourage more mindful
reporting of Muslims and the
Islamic faith.
Duties might include a range
of tasks including event
management, writing,
multimedia content
production, talent sourcing
and general research
assistance. Applicants will
need to demonstrate a deep
understanding of Islam and
Muslim communities and have
extensive media experience
and/or have conducted higher
degree research in
communication and media.
Please send your expression
of interest in the form of a
brief letter of application
and attach a short CV to:
Abdi Hersi, Project Manager,
Reporting Islam Project,
Griffith University.
Closing date: October 1,
2015 or until filled
AFIC vacancy in Halal
Certification Department
Job description
Successful applicant will
have the following:
1. have a degree or
diploma In food science
or equivalent
2. have intermediate
understanding of food
safety systems and
3. have previous
experience in the food
or pharmaceutical
4. be able to be
proficient with Excel
and word
5. be willing to travel
6. have the ability to
conduct internal and
external compliance
7. to have good
communication skills and
organizational skills
8. Proven analytical and
problem solving skills
9. The ability to think
proactively and
For more information contact
Wasim Raza (
of Muslims Australia
Muslim Link interviewed
Ilhan Ibrahim, who, along
with her two sisters Hodan
Ibrahim and Ayan Ibrahim,
have co-founded Qurtuba
Publishing House.
8. What lessons have
you learned about working
with family members which
you would like to share with
other entrepreneurs who work
with family members?
Working with your family has
its ups and downs.
Alhamdulillah, all three of
us have always been very
close with one another for
as long as I can remember.
We see each other as
sisters, but also as best
friends. Working with family
members can either be one of
the best decisions that you
make, or a decision you may
regret. Without a doubt, the
success of your organization
or project is dependent upon
they type of relationship
you have with your family.
If you have an open and
honest relationship with
family members, then there
is definitely a better
chance of succeeding.
However, if you have a
less-than honest
relationship with family
members, or you feel that
there is a distance between
you and that family member,
then the chances may not be
in your favour.
I am not at all saying that
it is impossible. However,
an open, honest and
supportive relationship is
key to your success. I would
advise anyone who wishes to
work with family members
that your greatest asset in
developing a strong
partnership and foundation
is patience and
understanding. If you choose
to work with family members,
it definitely brings you
closer together.
You share moments of
success, and moments of
disappointment. Whether it’s
good or bad, you will learn
things about your family
that you did not know
before. Through patience and
understanding each other, it
lays the foundation for a
strong and long-lasting
Saudis blamed after hajj
stampede kills more than 700
Mina (Saudi Arabia) (AFP) -
A stampede killed at least
717 people and injured
hundreds more at the hajj in
Saudi Arabia on Thursday, in
one of the worst-ever
tragedies at the annual
Muslim pilgrimage.
It was the second deadly
accident to hit the pilgrims
this month, after a crane
collapse in Mecca killed
more than 100.
The stampede broke out in
Mina during the symbolic
stoning of the devil ritual,
the Saudi civil defence
service said.
Internet video showed bodies
in piles, surrounded by
discarded personal
belongings and flattened
water bottles.
In some areas rescue workers
laid bodies in long rows on
stretchers, limbs protruding
from beneath white sheets.
The civil defence said it
was still counting the dead,
who included pilgrims from
different countries.
Meet Gisele Marie: A burqa-clad
heavy metal musician
Muslim has been fronting her
brothers' band 'Spectrus' since
It’s a sight out of the
ordinary but it’s true. Gisele Marie, a
Muslim woman who wears a burqa, has been
fronting her brothers’ band Spectrus since
She is the granddaughter of German
Catholics, and converted to Islam several
months after her father passed away in 2009.
She plays her Gibson Flying V electric
guitar during a concert in Sao Paulo,
“People do not expect to see
a Muslim woman who uses a Burqa, practices
the religion properly and is a professional
guitarist who plays in a Heavy Metal band,
so many people are shocked by it,” said
“But other people are curious
and find it interesting, and others think
that it is cool, but definitely, many people
are shocked,” she added.
This woman broken all
stereotypes people hold of women in burqas.
She plays the lead guitar in the band and
continues to surprise people with her
Saudi authorities ban VIP
camps in Mina, the world's largest tent
city, because they "defy the spirit of
businessman Saad Qurashi still
reminisces over the old Mina,
when it was a lively
neighbourhood with markets and
Mecca - It is a plain, two-by-two-metre room
in a portacabin dug into the sand and fitted
with two beds and a small cabinet - with a
price tag of $3,500 for each person a night.
The room is in the barren Mecca
neighbourhood of Mina, an area central to
the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Saudi
Arabia. On Tuesday, the first day of Hajj,
hundreds of thousands of people started
flooding the largest tent city in the world.
Mina is completely deserted all year round,
except for the Hajj period, when more than a
million people spend a few nights there - a
required part of the pilgrimage.
Everyone in Mina becomes a wayfarer.
Pilgrims from all over the world leave
behind the comforts of civilisation and
dissolve class and cultural distinctions.
But their experience during these three to
four nights depends on how much money they
The majority of pilgrims stay in the tent
city, where more than 100,000 white tents
are built side-by-side in the low-lying
valley. The majority of these tents can
accommodate about 50 people, and the average
price for each pilgrim is $500.
This year, the $7,000 VIP
room in the encampment, owned by Saudi
businessman Saad Qurashi, has been reserved
by a Jordanian minister. Despite the hefty
price, it does not look even close to a
five-star hotel room, with its faded,
white-panelled walls and tiny toilet.
This is as luxurious as Hajj can get this
year. The Saudi Ministry of Hajj banned the
flourishing luxury camps industry after some
developers took the VIP experience to a new
level, installing jacuzzis in camps and
providing laundry service and a 24-hour open
buffet - all at a cost of about $10,000 for
each pilgrim.
The ministry says these camps
"defied the spirit of the Hajj", which is
supposed to be about endurance and
submission to God.
The VIP camps were also taking up space much
needed to fit the million and a half
pilgrims. Mina covers an area of about 20
square kilometres - or less than two square
metres for each pilgrim.
Over a million
people spend a few nights in
Mina, the largest tent city in
the world
Some encampment owners are still trying to
get around the ban by constructing temporary
walls within the camps to give their
privileged customers the privacy and
exclusivity they demand.
"This is very dangerous and defies the
regulations of the Saudi civil defence," one
worker at a camp in Mina told Al Jazeera.
"In case there is a fire, walls will
obstruct the water from sprinklers installed
around Mina."
The 1997 fire that erupted in the camps,
setting ablaze cloth tents and killing
hundreds, continues to haunt the
authorities. They have since replaced the
old tents with ones made up of fibreglass
coated with Teflon and a heat-sensitive
water sprinkler.
The 48-year-old business tycoon is renting
all the towers, each with a capacity of
1,500 pilgrims, for more than $16m a year,
and subletting them during Hajj time. A
tower room costs a minimum of $3,000.
In the past, Mina was a real neighbourhood
occupied by residents and bustling with
markets and cafes. For hundreds of years,
pilgrims camped out within the
neighbourhood's vicinity and among the
residents of Mina.
But a decade ago, the neighbourhood was
completely demolished, making way for a tent
city with bridges, pedestrian walkways,
elevated train stations and health
facilities. The house of Qurashi himself was
demolished 15 years ago.
Despite all the fortunes bestowed on him as
a result of the area's development, he still
reminisces over the old Mina, when it was a
lively neighbourhood with markets and cafes.
This history has all but vanished.
When Qurashi's home was destroyed, he felt
"uprooted", but he still believes it was a
sacrifice worth accepting.
UK UK intelligence agency has
paid up to Ł2,000 for reports on alleged
radical activity
MI5 is paying Muslim informants for
controversial short-term spying missions to
help avert terrorist attacks by homegrown
Islamist extremists.
Individuals across the UK, including in
Manchester and London, are being employed on
temporary assignments to acquire
intelligence on specific targets, according
to sources within the Muslim community. One
said that they knew of an informant recently
paid Ł2,000 by the British security services
to spy on activities relating to a mosque
over a six-week period.
However, the use of payments to gather
intelligence prompted warnings that the
system risked producing information
“corrupted” by the money on offer.
The initiative is being co-ordinated under
the government’s official post-9/11
counter-terrorism strategy, specifically the
strand known as Pursue, which has an
official remit to “stop terrorist attacks in
this country and against our interest
overseas. This means detecting and
investigating threats at the earliest
possible stage.”
A source, not from Whitehall but with
knowledge of the payments, said: “It’s been
driven by the [intelligence] agencies, it’s
a network of human resources across the
country engaged to effectively spy on
specific targets. It’s decent money.”
They did not divulge the number of
informants receiving government funding or
how much of the agency’s national security
budget is allocated to such transactions.
However, the use of payments to gather
information prompted calls for caution from
senior figures in the Muslim community, who
warned that such transactions could produce
tainted intelligence.
Salman Farsi, spokesman for the East London
Mosque, the largest in the UK, said: “We
want our national security protected but, as
with everything, there needs to be due
scrutiny and we need to ensure things are
done properly.
“If there’s money on the table, where’s the
scrutiny or the oversight to ensure whether
someone has not just come up with some
fabricated information? Money can corrupt.”
Farsi said that lessons should be learned
from the government’s central
counter-radicalisation programme, called
Prevent, which was introduced following the
7 July bombings, but despite tens of
millions of pounds spent and hundreds of
initiatives has been criticised for failing
to achieve its goals.
“When they started dishing out money,
everyone was willing for a bit of money to
dish the dirt, make up stuff. There’s good
work to be done, but quite frankly you don’t
need to send in informants to mosques to
find out what’s going on. We need a fresh
approach, genuine community engagement,”
said Farsi.
Details of the network of informants paid by
the security services follows the first live
interview with a head of MI5 – director
general Andrew Parker – in the 106-year
history of the agency, an opportunity that
he used to call for more up-to-date
surveillance powers.
Days earlier, on Tuesday, the home
secretary, Theresa May, met major internet
and telecoms companies to seek their support
for a new surveillance bill, prompting
speculation that the government is preparing
a choreographed campaign to revive its
controversial snooper’s charter legislation.
Parker, the director-general of MI5,
speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme,
warned that terrorist plotting against
Britain is at its most intense for three
decades with six attempts foiled in the past
12 months.
Subsequent reports suggested MI5 and
anti-terrorism officers are monitoring more
than 3,000 Islamist extremists willing to
carry out attacks in Britain. Numbers have
escalated since 2013 with the rise of
Islamic State in Syria, with more than 700
Britons believed to have joined jihadi
groups in the region and 300 thought to have
returned to Britain.
Scotland Yard last month revealed that
suspects were being held at a rate of more
than one a day while a record number of
terrorism arrests were made in the past
year, eclipsing the previous peak after the
7 July bombings.
explores the diversity of Muslims in America
today, focusing on communities' experience
after 9/11, and contrasting life for Muslims
here in the United States compared to
Muslims in Britain and Europe.
Q: Dear
Kareema, I love my morning walks and was
wondering how I could ramp it up? I seem to only
have time in the mornings, so I want to go all
out and have a great start to my days.
A: A great way to ramp up the
calorie-crunching power, is to load it up!
Walk while wearing a
weighted backpack and enjoy the great challenge
and fat-burning potential.
Wearing a weighted
backpack may burn nearly three times more
calories and will improved posture and may aid
in preventing back pain.
Start with 10% of
your body weight and work your way up. N-JOY!
Using the book club you
can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their
shelves, what they are reading and even what they,
and others, think of them.
KB says: A
decadent but most enjoyable dessert for the long
weekend coming up.
Raffaello Mousse
4 eggs, separated
200g white chocolate
1 box white choc kits, chopped or any white
chocolate biscuits (don't process, you want
chunky pieces)
3/4 cup coconut
1/2 cup almond flakes, crushed with your fingers
500ml fresh cream
1. Melt chocolate and set aside.
2. Beat egg whites until stiff and set aside.
3. Whip cream until stiff and set aside.
4. Mix egg yolks and vanilla into the melted
chocolate (it will harden a little, this is
5. Fold egg whites into the yolk mixture.
6. Fold the fresh cream into the mixture.
7. Fold the chopped choc kits, nuts and coconut
into the mixture. Add more coconut or nuts if
desired (you may need to keep aside a little to
sprinkle on the top).
8. Allow to chill in fridge for a little while
if you need to place in little glasses.
9. Best prepared the night before
1. All Islamic Event dates given above are tentative and
subject to the sighting of the moon.
2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in
the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, exceptfor Lailatul
Lailatul Bhahraat
Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event
starting in the evening of the corresponding day.
- every Thursday 7pm, families welcome Hifz& Quran Reading Classes (for brothers and sisters) -
Tuesday 5:00 - 7:00pm & Thursday 5:30 - 7:00pm Madressa
(for children) - Wednesday & Friday 4:30 - 6:30pm Salawat
Majlis - second Saturday of every month. Starting at
Mughrib, families welcome Islamic
Studies (for sisters) - one year course. Saturday 10:30
- 2:30pm. Enrolments for 2016 now available Ilm-e-Deen
Degree Courses (for brothers) - Three full-time and
part-time nationally accredited courses. Enrolments now
available for 2016.
For more details, contact: Maulana Nawaaz: 0401576084
On Going Activities
1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen,
After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm
3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and
Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the
Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib,
Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15
5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st
Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short
Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by
dinner. Starts from 26 August.
For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes
sisters and children are welcome.
For further info call the Secretary on
Lutwyche Mosque
Weekly classes with Imam Yahya
Monday: Junior Class
Tuesday: Junior Arabic
Friday: Adult Quran Class
For more information call 0470 671 109
Holland Park Mosque
All programs are conducted by Imam
Uzair Akbar
Tafseer Program
Basics of Islam
Tafseer Program
after Maghrib Salat
Brisbane Northside Muslimahs Support Group
To help sisters on the northside of Brisbane to connect
with their local sisters.
will endeavour to have regular meetings, either for a
lesson/discussion on
Monday Tafseer – Juz Amma* Tuesday Arabic Grammer/Tafseer Quran (URDU) Wednesday Reading & Reciting Quran (Adult class) Thursday Tafseer Quran (URDU) Friday Tafseer Quran (URDU)
All the above programs are after Isha salah
All are welcome! See you at the Masjid – The place to be!
Please note that the Tafseer gets recorded
and uploaded on to our website as an mp3 file, so that you
can download and listen at anytime.
Visit our website at:
Queensland Police Service/Muslim
Community Consultative Group
Meeting Dates & Times
Time: 7.00pm sharp
Date: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road
Articles and
opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN,
its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually
turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable,
obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright
It is the usual policy of CCN to
include from time to time, notices of events that some
readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are
often posted as received. Including such messages or
providing the details of such events does not necessarily
imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either
CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.
The best ideas
and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you
have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want
seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit
to the Crescents Community please e-mail
Share your
thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.
If there is
someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please
encourage them to enter their details