EST. 2004


Sunday 15 April 2018 | Issue 0701



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CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....

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MAA and MCF’s Crisis Accommodation The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column Fitria on Food Appears monthly
Young lawyer leads movement to end sexual harassment CCNTube Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column
Visiting Imam Bham tweets on Brisbane initiative Back to the Future with CCN The CCN Chuckle
Yassmin deported from the US after visa cancellation Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences The CCN Food for Thought

Queen Elizabeth lineage traced back to Prophet Mohamed

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

An Ayaat-a-Week

The stars who helped shaped the Commonwealth Games

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Events and Functions

Anning's angst just fanning the flames

 The CCN Classifieds

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Australian Muslims and Christians Denied Entry to Israel

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

Businesses and Services

BCC Scholarship and Mentoring applications now open

CCN Readers' Book Club

The CCN Date Claimer

National Muslim Youth Summit in Sydney

KB's Culinary Corner

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Kareema's Keep Fit Column

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Inside the world's southernmost mosque    
This Sheikh tweets questions he gets about Islam…    
The Muslim 500: The World’s Most Influential Muslims    


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MAA and MCF are helping desperate Australian families who are struggling to find immediate accommodation due to unfortunate circumstances in their lives.

To support this local initiative to help those affected by poverty in Australia visit




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Sara Mansour

Sara Mansour, a Sydney-based commercial law graduate and the director of Bankstown Poetry Slam, is doing her bit to keep the momentum of the #MeToo movement alive in Australia.

The nine founding board members of NOW Australia were named this week, in the latest show of solidarity for victims of workplace harassment and as part of a broader conversation about the relevance of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements in Australia.

Veteran journalist Tracey Spicer AM launched the not-for-profit national organisation last month, along with a $250,000 crowdfunding campaign to help staff a centre with legal and counselling support officers.

The goal of NOW Australia is to provide assistance to any employee who has endured sexual harassment, intimidation or abuse in the workplace.

Graduate lawyer Sara Mansour (pictured) has been named among nine other volunteer board members, who bring with them backgrounds in diversity, law, HR, research, communication and education.

Ms Mansour is the co-founder of a popular slam poetry group in south-west Sydney and also a law graduate in the Sydney office of top tier firm Allens.

The young lawyer said that her community work with the Bankstown Poetry Slam led to an introduction to Tracey Spicer, which in turn led to an invitation to the board of NOW Australia.

“I am super excited to be a founding board member of NOW Australia,” Ms Mansour said.

“We are hoping to keep driving social and cultural change and this can only happen when victims are bolstered by active organisations that exist to support and empower them.”

Ms Mansour said she hoped to bring a perspective to the board that would assist NOW Australia engage with culturally and linguistically diverse communities and also ties to the legal sector.

She added that the organisation intended to make something tangible out of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, as well as an accessible support service for those who have suffered workplace harassment.

“NOW Australia is essentially taking the hashtag to the next stage in offering legal, counselling and media advice/support to victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault in the workplace,” she said.

“[The organisation] will be working collaboratively across a number of sectors, including with law firms and legal service providers to ensure that victims of sexual harassment are supported in taking legal action.”

The other founding board members of NOW Australia are Katherine Teh-White, Avril Henry, Liza-Jayne Loch, Erica Lovell, Nareen Young, Tasneem Chopra, Katrina Irawati Graham and Milly Petriella. The members will guide Now Australia through its crowdfunding, consultation and philanthropy phase and beyond.


Source: Lawyers Weekly




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Yassmin Abdel-Magied posted the news of her deportation to Instagram.

Australian author Yassmin Abdel-Magied says she has been deported from the US.

In a series of tweets, Ms Abdel-Magied said she was put back on a plane after arriving at Minneapolis airport ahead of an appearance at an April 18 event in New York called The M Word: No Country for Young Muslim Women.

The controversial TV personality, who moved from Australia to the UK in 2017, said US authorities cancelled her visa and took her passport and phone.

She said she was not given any reason for her deportation.

In a statement, US Customs and Border Protection confirmed to the ABC that Ms Abdel-Magied was refused entry because she had the wrong travel visa.

"During the inspection, CBP officers determined this individual [Ms Abdel-Magied] did not possess the appropriate visa to receive monetary compensation for the speaking engagements she had planned during her visit to the United States," a CBP spokesperson said.

"As such, she was deemed inadmissible to enter the United States for her visit, but was allowed to withdraw her application for admission. The traveller is eligible to reapply for a visa for future visits."

Ms Abdel-Magied was born in Sudan but said she was travelling on her Australian passport.

Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Alan Tudge earlier told Sky News he had not heard the details of the incident, but that "it is unusual for an Australian citizen to not be granted a visa to go into the US".

"I just don't know the details underpinning this and whether or not it was that she had a tourist visa but perhaps there was evidence that she was going to do other things there other than being a tourist," he said.

"Every Australian citizen has the right to consular access so she has that right as well."

In its statement the CBP added "it is important to note that issuance of a visa or a visa waiver does not guarantee entry to the US."

The event Ms Abdel-Mageid was due to speak at was part of the annual PEN World Voices Festival, which starts on Monday next week.

A spokesperson said they were "dismayed" that an invited guest was turned away by US immigration officials.

"[Ms] Abdel-Magied is an advocate of the rights of Muslim women and refugees and is a citizen of Australia, travelling on that country's passport."

The spokesperson said they understood Ms Abdel-Mageid was travelling on a type of visa she had used in the past for similar trips without any issues.

"We call on Customs and Border Patrol to admit her to the US so that she can take her rightful place in the urgent international conversation to take place at the festival next week."

ABC News




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Star-struck Abdul Aziz


Abdul Aziz from Nigeria, who won the Gold Medal for weight lifting at the Commonwealth Games, cannot hold back his joy at meeting with two of the Game's celebrities.




Gifts from the Gold Coast


The Gold Coast Mosque and I-Care Queensland donated more than 100 copies of the Holy Quran as well as abayas, hijabs and other items to the Muslim members of the Nigerian team who participated at the Games. Dr. Ozi Abdulrahim (pictured in the middle) said that they were constructing a Mosque with a Madrassa back home, and that the gifts would be well utilised there.





The Games' Shapers and Movers


Three weeks of dedicated service to the Muslim participants at the Multi-faith Centre at the Commonwealth Games Village and representing the Muslim community of the Gold Coast with grace and dignity have come to an end for the Gold Coast Mosque Team (Hussain Baba (right), Sheikh Mohamed Ali (2nd from left) and Hussin Goss (left))


The acknowledgement from the Games' Organizers graphically illustrates their contributions towards the success of the event.





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A one day summit for Muslim youth was held yesterday (Saturday) at the
Novotel Sydney Parramatta to engage them in robust discussions on social, socio-political and religious viewpoints and the challenges facing them in the current climate in regards to leadership.


It was also an opportunity to meet other socially and religiously active and successful Muslim youth from around Australia.

There weer panel presentations with Youth Leaders and workers, facilitated group discussions on specific leadership issues, presentations from youth representatives on proposed solutions and a comedy performance by Khaled Khalafalla

The list of speakers included Sarah El-Assaad, Deng Adut, Dawud Ilham and Jumaana Abdu




Photos by Mian Bhai



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Queensland's Senator Fraser Anning: "We need to stop Muslim immigration immediately".


Two months after he was elected to federal parliament early in 2017 to represent One Nation, Senator Anning quit the party to stand as an Independent.



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Joint Press Release    



Four Australians, two Muslims and two Christians, who had been invited by the Palestinian Authority to attend an international conference on Jerusalem at Ramallah in the West Bank, on 11 and 12 April were prevented by Israeli officials from entering Israel from Jordan on Wednesday. No reason was given as they were ordered to return to Jordan, with their Australian passports stamped “Entry Denied”.

The Australians were Dr Rateb Jneid, president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Mr Adel Salman, vice-president of the Islamic Council of Victoria, the Reverend Gregor Henderson, public officer of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network and a former president of the Uniting Church in Australia and Dr Kevin Bray, a member of the board of the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network and chair of Australians for Justice and Peace in
Palestine. Both Rev Henderson and Dr Bray had entered Israel several times previously without incident.

The conference had taken on a particular significance by US president Donald Trump’s recent decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to relocate the US embassy there from Tel Aviv – a decision, contrary to international law, which the Australian government does not support. Israel also denied entry to more than 60 others, Muslim, Hindu and Christian, from countries including Ghana, Tanzania, India, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Zambia, Guatemala, Kyrgyzstan, Belgium, Senegal, Bulgaria, Italy and Mozambique.

Speaking for all four Australians, Dr Jneid said: “Israel’s heavy-handed exclusion is sadly not unexpected, but it will backfire by reinforcing within Christian, Muslim and other communities in Australia and elsewhere a determination to strengthen their advocacy for Palestine and to combat Israel’s continual attempts to shut down international consideration of the real situation in Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories.”

Despite Israel’s efforts, the conference took place in Ramallah as planned, with those denied entry from Jordan able to take part via video link, and one speaker, a Ghanaian MP, addressed the conference from Amman.

Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas gave the keynote speech affirming East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state and the importance of Jerusalem as a holy place for Christians, Jews and Muslims, and welcomed the wide international participation in the Conference as indicative of Jerusalem’s unique importance to the whole world.




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Applications for the Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship and Mentoring Scheme are now open.

The scholarship program and mentoring scheme will provide an excellent opportunity for aspiring business owners to enhance their commercial and entrepreneurial skills, and expand their business in Brisbane.

The courses on offer this year are below. In total, there are 30 scholarships and at least 20 mentoring placements on offer:

• Certificate IV in Small Business Management (BSB42515) with TAFE Queensland
• Certificate IV in New Small Business (BSB42615) with TAFE Queensland
• Certificate IV in Business with Site Institute
• Diploma of Leadership and Management with Site Institute
• Master of Information Technology or Master of Business Administration (Health Services Management) with Federation University Australia
• Diploma of Beauty Therapy with the Brisbane School of Hairdressing and Beauty
• Non-certificate Multicultural Round Table Mentoring

Applications for the Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program and Mentoring Scheme are open until 5pm, 30 April 2018.







Contact Mr Farouk Adam of the Muslim Business Council on 0422 191 675 for recommendation and letter of support





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Queen Elizabeth in a headscarf

She might be the head of the Church of England with a bloodline that traces some of the greatest kings and queens in history, but Queen Elizabeth may also be a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohamed, according to researchers.

A Moroccan newspaper claims it has traced the Queen’s lineage back 40 generations, through English, Scottish and European royalty until it reaches the Muslim kings of Spain and, through them, to the founder of Islam.

The revelation, published in the Assahifa Al-Ousbouia newspaper, has been greeted with glee in the Muslim world, with some declaring: “Allah save the Queen!”

The claims may not be as outlandish as they seem. They were, in fact, first aired in Burke’s Peerage, Britain’s bible of aristocratic genealogy, back in 1986.

At the time Harold Brooks-Baker, publishing director of Burkes Peerage — which has provided authoritative genealogical records of aristocratic families for over 200 years — wrote to then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher asking for greater security for the royal family. “The royal family’s direct descent from the prophet Mohammed cannot be relied upon to protect the royal family forever from Muslim terrorists,” he said.

“It is little known by the British people that the blood of Mohammed flows in the veins of the queen,” he added.




The Queen’s family tree stays in England back to Richard of Conisburgh, grandfather of King Richard III, who died in 1415. However after that — according to the researchers — it moves to Spain, and to Richard’s mother, Isabella of Castile, daughter of Pedro, King of Castile and Leon until 1369.


From here, the line is traced to Abbad al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad, the Muslim king of Seville who died in 1042, then on back to Hasan ibn Ali, the Prophet Mohamed’s grandson through his youngest daughter Fatima. From there, it reaches the Prophet who died in the 7th century in what is now Saudi Arabia.

David Starkey, the acclaimed British historian, said the theory was “not at all outlandish,” although it remained unproven. Dr Starkey told The Times of London that the family tree was “rock solid” back to Richard of Conisburgh and there was a lot of intermarriage between English and Spanish royal families (Henry VIII’s first wife, for instance, was Catherine of Aragon, daughter of Isabella I of Castile). He added that the “the medieval monarchs of Spain and the Islamic royal houses were very close and totally intermeshed,” while the early caliphates of Islam were based in Spain.

The Umayyed Caliphate, established after Mohamed’s death, reached over 15 million square kilometres from the Caucasus to Muslim Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar.





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New Zealand Southland Mosque Imam and dairy farmer Reza-Abdul Jabbar.



At the age of 7, he told his father he wanted to be a farmer. Together they formulated a plan to pursue his dream.

New Zealand's global farming reputation was attractive and after some secondary schooling in Singapore, Abdul-Jabbar was accepted for his final year Glenfield College in Auckland.

He then studied agricultural science at Massey University before completing a Masters and becoming assistant herd manager on a 750-cow dairy farm outside Hamilton. Within months, he was promoted to farm manager at just 22 years old.

By then, he'd also met Silvia, a banking and finance major working for Westpac in Wellington. She shifted to Hamilton and worked at National bank before a stint at Ministry for Social Development and then starting a family.

After sharemilking in Rotorua and Winton, the Abdul-Jabbars bought 185-hectares south-east of Invercargill in 2007. They soon bought neighbouring properties and now operate two dairy farms and three support blocks, milking more than 1000 cows a day.

It's been a great move for the Abdul-Jabbars and their five children: Aisha, 15, Hafsha, 13, Maryam, 10, Omar, 7, and 3-year-old Talha. Despite Southland being known as a conservative region, they've become prominent members of the local community.


Reza is a member of the Gorge Road School board of trustees while Silvia is on the PTA, while they both act as translators for police and as Consulate-general for the Republic of Indonesia.


Reza Abdul-Jabbar and his wife Silvia.

Reza lectures for schools and other organisations while being involved in a research centre for dairy production. All the while running five farms, caring for five children, hunting wild geese, goats, and deer, touring Harley Davidsons across the Catlins, and praying to Allah six times a day.

"You can always sleep less," Abdul-Jabbar says, tucking into stuffed chicken prepared earlier by Silvia. He spreads homemade chilli and passes the jar, warning with smile, that it's got a kick.

"Yes, we're busy, everyone is busy but you've got to give something. It's good to make money and have businesses, but nothing is more rewarding than serving others. You can always do something, at lunchtime, in the evening. We have an open door policy at the farm here and it's the same for the mosque."




Source: NZ Herald




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A Shaykh in Florida by the name of Shaykh Azhar Nasser is currently winning at Twitter! Not too long ago he began tweeting the questions posed to him alongside responses to those questions.

It’s probably worth stating at this point that if you don’t have a sense of humour, please read no further.

His Twitter feed is a great reminder that religion doesn’t always have to be about punishment, hell and brimstone and that sometimes we need to take a moment to stop and actually have some fun!

I’m not entirely sure what the straw was that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, but the Shaykh isn’t holding back anymore. Ask him questions at your peril!


Here is another of these tweets (continued from last week's CCN):





Source: The Muslim Vibe




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There are approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 24.38% of the world’s population, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah’, the worldwide Muslim community.

The Muslim500 publication sets out to ascertain the influence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. Influence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view of course.






"We have to strike a balance of responsibility between our duty to update other sources of energy, protecting our environment and ensuring a proper legacy for the next generation."

HH General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan

Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan is the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, as well as next in line to be President of the United Arab Emirates. The UAE is increasingly becoming an important centre for global weapons trading, with Abu Dhabi host to one of the world’s largest defence expos.

Political and Military Leadership: Sheikh Mohammed is chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council—an executive leadership body in Abu Dhabi, which is constantly engaged in the assessment of public policy. Since becoming Crown Prince in 2004, Sheikh Mohammed has been recognized for his groundbreaking initiatives as an influential leader of Abu Dhabi.As Deputy Supreme Commander of the armed forces, Sheikh Mohammed’s directives were central to the Arab coalition military campaigns against Houthi strongholds in Yemen. He is a special advisor to UAE President HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan.

Economic Development: With Abu Dhabi sitting on the 10th of the world’s proven oil reserves, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan maintains immense political influence in the Muslim World as a leading member of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company—which directs development efforts for the UAE’s role in the oil and gas industries. Sheikh Mohammed is chairman of the Abu Dhabi Council for Economic Development (ADCED), which has been developing initiatives to boost entrepreneurship among youth in the UAE.


Humanitarian: Sheikh Mohammed is noted for his philanthropic and humanitarian efforts in charitable giving. He has donated billions of dollars to various causes, including DH55 million to the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking, and purchasing vaccines in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Sustainable Development and Conservationist: Sheikh Mohammed has been a champion of sustainable development in Abu Dhabi as an advocate for the implementation of green technologies. He pledged $15 billion for the development of clean energy through solar, wind and hydrogen power. He is also a keen falconer and is committed to protecting falcons and other species in the region.






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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs



14 stages of love according to the Arabic language

By Rayana Khalaf




Arabs are in a league of our own when it comes to romance. I mean, just look at the ways we express love, we're always ready to sacrifice our skin and bones for the people we love.

Over-the-top demonstration of love goes beyond our everyday conversation, as it is rooted deep within our literature. There is no shortage of epic and fiery poems in Arab literature, brought to us by the likes of Abu Nawas and Nizar Qabbani.

In these poems, we see variations of words referring to love, like "'oshk" and "gharam"... but contrary to popular belief, these words are not synonymous. They each refer to a unique degree of love.

Actually, there are 14 degrees of love in Arabic language. Here they are in increasing order of intensity:



9. Al-Wasab (Excruciating pain)

"Al-wasab" translates to pain and illness. In this stage, love is just not healthy. There is so much pain and suffering, it's the stuff for epic love poems.







To Build a More Just Malaysia, We Need a More Complex Understanding of Islamic Legal Theory

By Zainah Anwar


How do we apply authentic Islamic principles to solve the problems we face in multi-ethnic and multi-religious Malaysia, to ensure that justice is done?

Zainah Anwar is a founding member and former executive director of Sisters in Islam, and is currently the director for Musawah, a global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family.

My longing and the goal of my work for decades is for Malaysians to make a conscious decision to be civil, informed and fair-minded in managing our differences - particularly on matters of religion.

To threaten to rape or kill someone for just having a different opinion, to declare a group of eminent establishment figures who have and are still serving state and society with distinction as deviants, and threaten them with a fatwa indicates the depths of ignorance, misguidance and hysteria we have plunged into when talking about Islam.

Really, the only way one can shut up any public debate on matters of religion is for the government to decide to end the use of Islam as a source of law and public policy to govern our lives, in private and in public.

The stark reality, however, is that Malaysia is a country where in the name of Islam, we can be sent to prison, fined, lashed, shamed, fatwa'ed and declared deviants and apostates. What are considered personal sins in the eyes of God have been turned into crimes against the state. And we are supposed to remain silent and be silenced while our fundamental rights and liberties are abused and rule of law is violated by some self-appointed God's "soldiers" on earth?

But we still live in a democracy with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. We do not live in a theocratic dictatorship that some of us seem to imagine. So let's end this grandiose claim that we speak in God's name and let's stop invoking God's wrath on anyone and anything different. We need to find ways to conduct a sane, constructive and productive discussion on Islam.








Is there room for critical thinking in Islam?

By Ian AlmondIan Almond, Professor of World Literature at Georgetown University in Qatar


To be Muslim is not to be politically asleep, but rather to be in a permanent state of critique.


The critical tradition of Islam might well be compared with a city which is under attack on two fronts - from without, and from within, writes Almond 

Nothing is more satisfying than the conviction that your enemy lacks the ability to think critically. What could be more gratifying than the idea that the person you are fighting is trapped in an airlock of unreflection? It blesses your struggle, redeems your cruelty, legitimises your violence. If a definition of humanity is the ability to think for oneself, then what could be wrong with fighting the unfree?

The modern pairing of Islam with the incapacity for critical thought is a fairly old gesture - the Enlightenment philosopher Leibniz said Muslims were so fatalistic they wouldn't even jump out of the way of carts. Over the past fifteen years, however, the internet has enabled and amplified a panoply of voices with this view.

From the digital rooftops, a thousand voices are shouting down Islam as a space inimical to any form of rational reflection: millionaire right-wingers masquerading as free-thinkers such as Bill Maher, Eton-educated "voices of the people" such as Douglas Murray, sophisticated hate-distillers such as Ann Coulter and her not-so-bright British version, Katie Hopkins … even Greek classics professors-turned-Islam experts such as Tom Holland have joined the fray.

Some of the historical acrobatics involved in this gesture are awe-inspiring. Any academic would be laughed out of the room if they suggested St Augustine was somehow complicit in the bombing of abortion clinics, or that the medieval Hohenstaufen culminated in the Third Reich, or that the Renaissance never happened. Almost on a daily basis, however, confident, context-defying lines of continuity are drawn for Islam across centuries and continents, monocausally linking the Ottomans to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS), or seventh century theology to attacks on shopping malls. In these re-writings of history, contrary or problematic episodes (such as the vast contribution of the Islamic world to geometry, astronomy and the vocabulary of science in general) are not just left out - anyone even trying to mention them is mocked as a naive, idiot liberal. It's a wonderful age to be alive.

I often wonder what can be done against this collective dumbing-down of an entire faith. Patiently repeating points and examples from history - in the manner of explaining something difficult but obvious to an eight-year old child - does not seem to go very far in combatting a million views on Youtube. Raising consciousness is not enough - there almost seems to be a will not to know here, a decision to remain in the foetal warmth of a particular narrative. When a Western, best-selling public intellectual openly laughs at the idea of "Islamic inventions", and garners online 10,000 likes in doing so, it is difficult to see what benefit the provision of empirical facts can provide. Large sections of our society seem to be locked into certain fantasies about Islam and the West - and how we are going to unlock those fantasies remains as unclear as ever.

Not that scholars have given up. Irfan Ahmad's latest book, Religion As Critique: Islamic Critical Thinking from Mecca to the Marketplace (2017), offers an interesting opposition to the West-and-the-rest narratives of an European Enlightenment radiating outwards from Greece and Germany into the backward corners of a darker world. Positing the Prophet Mohammed as "a critic of the Meccan social order", Ahmad constructs an alternative genealogy of the verb to critique (tanqid/naqd), one which is not by any means dismissive of Greek/pre-Islamic/Western traditions, "but which at the same time can't be subsumed within them". It is a welcome move that intelligently and articulately condenses the work of previous scholars (Talal Asad, Gayatri Spivak, J G A Pocock) on two important points.

First of all, it demonstrates the extent to which the Enlightenment was an "ethnic project" - an ethnic project, moreover, which was in constant need of an enemy. When Kant spoke about the space of philosophy to be defined, he often alluded to the space of Europe, whose boundaries needed to be patrolled. Secondly, the tired linking of the critical with the secular - and "uncritical" with the religious - is something Ahmad's book goes on to rigorously deconstruct. Perhaps a touch controversially for some, he declares: "Against the reigning doxa, which views Islam and critique as mutually exclusive domains … I propose we begin to think of Islam as critique; indeed, Islam as permanent critique."

To be Muslim, in other words, is not to be politically asleep, or passively receptive to a divine will, but rather to be in a permanent state of critique.


Not everyone will be politically comfortable with some of the choices Ahmad has as examples of this critical tradition (Abul Ala Maududi, the founder of Pakistan's Jamaat-e-Islami, is given a central chapter), but the gesture he makes - developing an alternative genealogy of critical thought in the Urdu Islamicate traditions of South Asia - is a valuable one.

To be fair, there is another aspect to this issue we have not yet touched upon. The critical tradition of Islam might well be compared with a city which is under attack on two fronts - from without, and from within. In addition to a certain relentless Western reduction of Islam to an unreflective cult, there are those within the Muslim world would wholly reject some of its most famous philosophers and critical thinkers as un-Islamic. The late Shahab Ahmed's monograph What Is Islam?: The Importance of Being Islamic (2015), in this respect, stands interestingly alongside Irfan Ahmad's book as a parallel attempt to re-define the parameters of the Islamic world - and, implicitly, its relationship to both the Western and the secular. Although Shahab Ahmed's focus on activities such as wine drinking lends it a different tone from Religion As Critique, both books share a frustration with narrow definitions of the Islamic tradition. In Shahab Ahmed's case, this is a desire to expand the idea of being Islamic well beyond the "putative centrality" of jurisprudence which most convention seems to define the religion by; in Irfan Ahmad's book, a similar belief in the value of everyday experience - "the practice … of the nonscholarly and commoners" as Ahmad puts it - is given as much weight as the pronouncements of the ulema in deciding what an Islamic critical tradition might be.

These debates will go on. In closing, it might be worth ending with the words an Arab philosopher wrote in the city of Damascus, just over 800 years ago. Words which demonstrate (if you'll forgive my anachronism) a remarkable pre-psychological awareness of the extent to which we personally construct the God we worship:

"… you will see no one who worships an unmade God, since man creates in himself that which he worships and judges. When a person sees something of the [divine] Real, he never sees anything but himself."

The writer is Ibn Arabi (1165-1240), and the extracts are two lines taken from his Futuhat, written at some point during the 1220s. Of course I am ripping these words out of context, and yet the sentiment they express - the God we pray to always reflects us, even comes out of us, in some way or another - is a suspicion to be found across Jewish and Christian traditions too (Maimonides, Meister Eckhart). Eight hundred years ago, a keen epistemological querying of religious experience was already at work. Admittedly, the goal of this querying was not a secular demolition of God, but a purer experience of the divine; not the exposure of God as a psychological illusion, but a clearer demarcation between what we imagine God to be, and the thing that lies beyond it. Some might call this a deferred critical thinking: critical thought put to the ultimate service of the uncritical. It's a fair charge - people are entitled to their opinion.


But there must be something valuable in trying to remember that lines like these were being written in Damascus, and Cairo, and Cordoba, centuries before Gramsci, Marx and Descartes. And certainly 800 years before Youtube.

Source: Al Jazeera



European Islamophobia Report






The third issue of the annual European Islamophobia Report (EIR) consists of an overall evaluation of Islamophobia in Europe in the year 2017, as well as 33 country reports which include almost all EU member states and additional countries such as Russia and Norway. This year’s EIR represents the work of 40 prominent scholars and civil society activists from various European countries.


In addition to highlighting the developments of Islamophobia in key fields such as employment, education and politics, the report provides country-specific policy recommendations to counter this phenomenon and a detailed chronology of events.

The Full Report



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Responding to "Punish a Muslim Day"









East London Takeaway Serves Free Food to Over 300 Needy People Every Thursday










Why Inmates Are Converting To Islam




Islam isn't just the fastest growing religion in the world, it's also the fastest growing faith in U.S. prisons. But why do so many inmates turn to this religion? 







Baby 'Prays' Like His Muslim Teachers







In Memory of Br Khodre Kanj

The Maze





It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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Friday lecture (sermon)

 DATE: 13 April 2018

TOPIC: "Lessons from Miraj" PART 1

IMAM: Uzair Akbar










Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 13 April 2018

TOPIC: "Cleanliness in Islam"

IMAM: Maulana Abdur Raheem











Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 13 April 2018

TOPIC: "Lessons from Al-Israa & Al-Almi'araaj"

IMAM: Mossad Issa










Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 13 April 2018


IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar




Listen to past lectures









Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 13 April 2018

TOPIC: “Use of the Tongue" 

IMAM: Mowlana Imtiaz (Islamic College of Brisbane)



Summary by Mohideen: Mowlana Imtiaz started with advising how to safe guard all the good deeds we do. He explained how the Prophet (pbuh) held his own tongue and told the Sahabi “this is the most dangerous thing” Mowlana went on to say how Allah has placed sharp guards around our tongue and said think 32 times before saying something. He reminded the Ayah from the Quran where Allah said two Angels will record every word uttered. He also reminded that once something is uttered from the mouth it can never be returned and in fact it will be recorded. He gave an example of how when we buy goods from the supermarket we check the ingredients to see if it contains even a small amount of Alcohol or other haram ingredients, this is so that we do not consume any haram via our mouth. However, he questioned at the same time do we think what comes out of the mouth? He spoke at length about a question asked by Muaz ibn Jabal. He gave an example of your Amal like water going into a tank and the tap at the bottom of the tank is open. He concluded with the example of a bankrupt person and also gave five advices to save our Amals.





Past Kuthba recordings








Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 13 April 2018

TOPIC: "Focus on the inward and maintain the outward"
IMAM: Sheikh Ebrahim I. Bham (visiting South African Moulana)











DATE: 7 April 2018

TOPIC: "The Rise of Atheism in the Modern World"
IMAM: Zohair Rahman




















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Pompeo and Bolton Appointments Raise Alarm Over Ties to Anti-Islam Groups  


Mike Pompeo, the C.I.A. director, has been chosen by President Trump to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state.


US: Nearly two months after the Boston Marathon bombing, Mike Pompeo, then a congressman from Kansas, took to the floor of the House to denounce American Muslim leaders for what he called their “silence” in response to the heinous terrorist attack.

“Silence has made these Islamic leaders across America potentially complicit in these acts,” Mr. Pompeo said, reading from prepared remarks.

In fact, more than half a dozen American Muslim organizations had issued statements condemning the bombing within hours of the attack. In the days following, Muslim groups organized news conferences, blood drives and prayer vigils. Mr. Pompeo was immediately informed that he was wrong, but did not apologize or respond to Muslim groups stung by his remarks.

Mr. Pompeo, now the C.I.A. director, has been chosen by President Trump to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state. He faces what is expected to be a relatively smooth confirmation hearing in the Senate. But an array of voices are raising alarm over what they say is Mr. Pompeo’s record of anti-Muslim remarks and ties to anti-Islam groups. American Muslims, Jews, civil rights groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and former State Department officials are among those pushing senators on the Foreign Relations Committee to take a closer look.

“My concern is that Mr. Pompeo has left a trail of horrific, inaccurate, bigoted statements and associations vis-à-vis Muslims around the world,” said Shaun Casey, former director of the State Department’s office of religion and global affairs under the Obama administration. Mr. Casey questioned whether Mr. Pompeo, with such a record, could be “a credible representative” for the dozens of Muslim-majority countries he would have to conduct diplomacy with.

Islamic and Jewish groups have raised similar concerns about John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s choice for national security adviser and a former ambassador to the United Nations.

Mr. Bolton and Mr. Pompeo both have ties to individuals and groups promoting a worldview that regards Islam not so much as a religion, but as a political ideology that is infiltrating the United States and other Western countries with the goal of imposing Shariah law, the Muslim legal code. These groups believe that the vehicle for this takeover is the Muslim Brotherhood, and they allege that American mosques, civic organizations and leaders and even government officials who are Muslims are suspected
of being Muslim Brotherhood operatives.

Mr. Pompeo as a congressman arranged a briefing for one such group called Act for America, or ACT, on Capitol Hill and accepted the group’s National Security Eagle Award in 2016, according to the group’s website. Local ACT chapters have protested the construction of mosques, as well as school textbooks that include information about Islam, and have promoted “anti-Shariah” bills in state legislatures. The founder of ACT, Brigitte Gabriel, has written that “the purest form of Islam” is behind the terrorist attacks: “It’s not radical Islam. It’s what Islam is at its core.”

Source: NY Times    


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Crown prince’s moves making Saudi’s future more uncertain


Mohammed bin Salman’s reforms to Saudi Arabia’s economic and foreign policies could destabilise the country, writes Shlomo Avineri.



Mohammed bin Salman’s reforms to Saudi Arabia’s economic and foreign policies could destabilise the country, writes Shlomo Avineri.


SAUDI ARABIA: Some of Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud’s actions in Saudi Arabia have garnered favourable coverage, not least his decrees allowing women to drive.

‘The most dangerous moment for a bad government,” the 19th-century French statesman and historian Alexis de Tocqueville observed, “is usually when it begins to reform itself.”

Reform, after all, implies that traditional norms and institutions may have already been discredited, but that alternative structures have yet to be firmly established.

Tocqueville’s classic example was the regime of Louis XVI, whose attempts at reform quickly led to the French Revolution, and to his own execution in 1793.

Another example is Mikhail Gorbachev’s effort to reform the Soviet Union in the 1980s. By the end of 1991, the

Soviet Union had collapsed and Gorbachev was out of power.

Today, something similar could very well happen to the young Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (widely known as MBS), as he takes steps to modernise his country.

Saudi Arabia has long maintained (relative) internal stability by spreading its enormous oil wealth among its subjects, and by imposing on Saudi society fundamentalist Islamic doctrines based on the austere Wahhabi tradition.

After the kingdom’s founding in 1932, many Saudis enjoyed unprecedentedly high standards of living, and hundreds of members of the Saudi royal family were transformed from desert sheikhs into enormously rich members of the international moneyed elite.

Various sons of the regime’s founder, Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, succeeded each other as rulers a kingdom that, following Arab tradition, bore the name of its founding and ruling dynasty (another is the current Hashemite kingdom of Jordan).



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Chaplain Asma Hanif receive MLK award


Chaplain Asma Inge-Hanif receiving the MLK Jr. Drum Major Service award from the United States Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos and a letter from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans in Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.’s Drum Major Legacy.


The MLK Jr. Drum Major Innovation Service Award is awarded to individuals who perform extraordinary acts of service.


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 Holy Lands: Reviving Pluralism in the Middle East



Nicolas Pelham





The news from the Middle East these days is bad.


Whatever hopes people may have for the region are being dashed over and over, in country after country.


Nicolas Pelham, a veteran correspondent for The Economist, has seen much of the tragedy first hand, but in Holy Lands he presents a strikingly original and startlingly optimistic argument.

The Middle East was notably more tolerant than Western Europe during the nineteenth century, because the Ottoman Empire permitted a high degree of religious pluralism and self-determination within its vast borders.


European powers broke up the empire and tried to turn it into a collection of secular nation-states; it was a spectacular failure.


Rulers turned religion into a force for nationalism and the result has been ever increasing sectarian violence.


The solution, Pelham argues, is to accept the Middle East for the deeply religious region it is, and try to revive its tradition of pluralism.

Holy Lands is a work of vivid reportage--from Turkey and Iraq, Israel and Palestine, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, Bahrain and Jordan--that is animated by a big idea. It makes a region that is all too familiar from news reports feel fresh.



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: Sharing Raeesa Khatree's recipe from her The Great Australian Bake Off appearance.


Coconut oil pastry is the perfect base for these fig and frangipane dairy-free tarts.


Fig and frangipane tarts


Recipe by Raeesa Khatree from The Great Australian Bake Off






Pastry base
1¼ cup pastry flour
¼ cup icing sugar
¼ tsp fine salt
½ cup solid coconut oil (approx. 105 grams)
1 egg yolk
1 tsp (heaped) vanilla bean paste
Zest of 1 lemon
¼ cup almond meal
¼ cup olive oil

120g coconut oil- room temperature
3 tbsp honey
2 tbsp Vino Cotto
2 eggs
½ tsp vanilla bean paste
90g almond meal
2 tbsp plain flour

7 fresh figs- cut finely to form flower pattern
1 pomegranate or punnet of seeds from 1 pomegranate- for top

1 cup sugar
¾ cup water
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp honey
Pinch of cinnamon powder


1. For the pastry base, using a food processor, pulse together the flour, salt and sugar. Add coconut oil, lemon zest, egg yolk, vanilla bean paste and almond meal. Pulse well until dough comes together, then add olive oil in a single drizzle. Remove dough and lightly form together. Very gently, press into 6 tart pans- thin layer.

2. Place each tart onto a large baking pan and place in freezer for 5 minutes prior to baking if needed. Place baking paper into each tart and top with blind baking beads. Bake for 10 minutes, remove bead weights and then bake for a further 10 minutes with frangipane filling on 180°C.

3. Remove from oven and place figs into filling and bake for another 10 minutes or until golden. If need be, place under grill on 200°C.

4. For the filling, blend or whisk honey and coconut oil thoroughly for 5-6 minutes. Add vino cotto and eggs and stir well, fold in almond meal and then flour.

5. For the fruit, slice figs length wise into very thin slivers and then split half the piece, then place onto filling very carefully to make a rose/flower pattern by overlapping pieces of fig. Bake in preheated oven on 170°C for 20 minutes.

6. For the glaze, using a saucepan, dissolve sugar in water on medium heat and once mixture starts bubbling, reduce heat and add all other ingredients. Let it simmer on low heat till mixture thickens and the glaze forms, approximately 10 minutes. Keep aside and cool before brushing over fruit tart.

7. To assemble, remove tarts from cases and gently place on serving platter. Brush glaze over fig and place pomegranate seeds on edge of tart and in the middle of the fig flower.  


Source: LifeStyle


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing









Muslimah Mind Matters videos

available on YouTube.

Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic:
Do You Suffer From WWPSS (what will people say syndrome)?

It’s time to say it like it is, without stigma and judgement. Out of 10,000 Australian women surveyed last year, nearly 40% suffered from depression and anxiety.

This figure is increasing daily. 100% of my clients have symptoms of depression and anxiety.

I too battle with my own Complex PTSD diagnosis. I manage it without psychotropic drugs, however, it wasn’t always the case. I also do not define myself with the label of the diagnosis. I guess the psychiatrist had to tick a box and after studying my symptoms at the time ‘Complex PTSD’ was the best box she could tick. Prior to coming off the drugs, I had to go through intensive self-reflective therapy to understand my biggest fears and how to manage them or overcome most of them.

The sessions made me understand what perpetuated my fears. I was suffering from, in my own words, WWPSS - What Will People Say Syndrome. Every fear I had was based on insecurities of how people would view me, how they would judge me and whether or not I would measure up to their expectations. Bottom line was that I was in the business to constantly please everyone. Also commonly known as the ‘disease to please’ or ‘people-pleasing syndrome’. All I was doing was trying my hardest and still failing at getting approval from people. It never dawned on me that the people whose approval I was desperately seeking had displayed highly disrespectful and immoral behaviours for as long as I could remember. Not only did they not deserve my efforts to constantly please them but they also didn’t deserve any justifications of my choices. I was not answerable to them. Period.

So, now, I’m asking you to pause your life for a moment and reflect on your day today. How much of your day today revolved around pleasing people? Who are these people you are trying to seek approval from? And why?

As Muslims, we must constantly remind ourselves this truth: We are here to please only ALLAH, not to please Muslims or any other being. You may be displaying symptoms of WWPSS without even realising it. It’s because we want to be liked by everyone. The yearning for acceptance and a sense of belonging is natural. However, acknowledging that you are NOT a slave to people’s expectations is vital if you are seeking better mental health and wellbeing.

7 Strategies To Overcome WWPSS

The following strategies will hopefully help you understand your tendency to seek approval from others and better equip you with ways to beat this syndrome.

1. Know that you probably don’t like everybody in the world and that not everybody in the world has to like you. It is better to respect someone and celebrate your differences than to like someone for the sake of it.
2. ‘No’ is a complete sentence. Use it. Do not feel the need to justify it. If something doesn’t feel right in your gut, SAY NO.
3. Examine the boundaries you have set in your life with people. What do these boundaries look like? How much do they get away with? If you haven’t set boundaries yet, now is a great time to do so. (If you are struggling with setting boundaries, contact me and I may be able to help).
4. Write down all the things that would be different in your life if you stopped pleasing people.
5. Take your time to respond to people’s requests or favours. You have the right to say “I’ll think about it and let you know”. You don’t need to react immediately to their requests. You are not their puppet. You are a human being who deserves respect.
6. Become comfortable with the thought that you are not here to please people. You are here to please only ALLAH. When you are pleasing people you may be compromising on being in alignment with ALLAH’s commandments as per the Holy Quran.
7. Read and re-read your Holy Quran often to remind yourself why you are here. Knowing your ultimate purpose will empower you to banish all fears, insecurities and yearning for approval from people.

In Shaa ALLAH, next week we will explore the topic: Visioneering


Download the above article.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Reflections - my new ebook of poetry and affirmations
DOWNLOAD The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Muslimahs
WATCH VIDEOS from Muslimah Mind Matters YouTube Channel.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Meditation Moments - audio files for self-awareness meditation.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786.



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Q: Dear Kareema, I’m coming towards the last 5kgs that I’m hoping to lose. Any tips on how to drop it?

A: Commit to a set period of time, and start each day with a high-protein breakfast.


Eat smaller light meals throughout the day and mix your workout routines up (cardio / strength) etc, and try doing body weight exercises whenever possible.


Don’t just think of working out for long periods at a time. Try 5 – 10 min mini-workouts whenever the chance presents itself and push your body to the limit. Have fun with your workouts!




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Karrimmudin, Habibullah and Nasruddin are in local coffee shop trying to convince Jallaludin that there are people worse off than him.

Karrimmudin: Never give up on people, Br. Jallaludin. I know that most of the time they don't seem to understand. But when you're in trouble and you cry out for help, some will always be there. Habibullah's cousin Rahimullah is a perfect example. He owed 10,000 dinar on his mortgage.

Habibullah: They were going to be thrown out on the street the following day. he was very worried about it.

Nasruddin: So what happened Br. Karrimmudin?

Karrimmudin: He drove out to Pamukkale. Parked about 2 metres from the edge of the cliff.

Nasruddin: What, he was going to drive off it?

Habibullah: Yes! He just sat there for a couple of hours, his head resting on the steering wheel. People tried to talk to him out of it but he was too depressed to listen.

Karrimmudin: But then, and this is the what I mean about people, Br. Jallaludin, they had a whip-round and got him his 10,000 dinar.

Jallaludin: No! Who held the whip-round?

Karrimmudin: All the passengers on the bus.

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An Ayaat-a-Week





We have entrusted the human being with the care of his parents. His mother carried him through hardship upon hardship, weaning him in two years. So give thanks to Me, and to your parents. To Me is the destination.

[Quran 31:14]


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The master in the art of living makes little distinction between

his work and his play,

his labour and his leisure,

his mind and his body,

his education and his recreation,

his love and his religion.

He hardly knows which is which.

He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing.

To him he is always doing both.


~ L. P. Jacks




I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board





Events & Functions










More Information








Not long to go for the Afternoon Tea!



Limited tickets available so get yours quickly! 



Treat yourself or a special lady in your life to a ladies only, afternoon of high tea.



We have an exciting afternoon lined up for you.



Help yourself to tea and some delicious food as soon as you enter and then enjoy a motivational talk from the very talented Safeera Sabdia.



Following, we will have a cake auction and give away our lucky door prize.



Enjoy a relaxing afternoon with friends over a cup of tea and also have a browse at the market stalls available.



All proceeds made will go towards the Masjid building fund.



If you would like to purchase tickets,

please contact Sister Salma Ismail on 0411 411 107.




We look forward to seeing you!





Promote your business, advertise your services, sell your products and connect your business to the Australian Multicultural community at this vibrant and fantastic annual event. The Multicultural Eid Festival and Fair (MEFF) is the largest Eid Festival in Australia, welcoming tens of thousands of people from over 35 diverse communities.


More information.













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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services













IWAA is delivering a small business program to Muslim women in the Ipswich area.

It is a free 12 week program, every Saturday morning, with a start date of 7 April.

The program aims to provide business support, training and mentoring to Muslim women to help them commercialize and operationalise an idea into a successful small business in Ipswich.


The participants will be provided with mentoring and one on one skills to assist them to establish their own business.


Participants will also be able to commercialise a business idea, price and value it, and be given step by step guidance and ongoing mentoring (from mainstream businesses) to establish and operationalise a business.


At the end of the 12 week course participants will have developed a simple business and marketing plan, set up an ABN, registered their company, set up a website and Facebook page; set up accounting systems and business processes, set up weekly and monthly cash flow and other simple book keeping tasks and will have established a customer base and be working on their business.


Ongoing mentoring and support will be provided through the Ipswich Chamber of Commerce, and individual business mentors selected to be part of this program.

The main facilitator is Christine Mudavanhu who also resides and owns a business in Ipswich.

There are only 8 places available so participants will need to register ASAP.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Nora Amath at







Click here to enlarge









  • Are you looking at starting your own business? Do you have a business idea that you would like to explore with a professional?

  • This interactive, practical experience that provides you with tools to start or grow your business!

  • Workshop 1: Thinking like an Entrepreneur Workshop 2: The Entrepreneurship Journey Workshop 3: Branding and Design Workshop 4: Communication and Pitching

  • COST: $80 Workshop Series (Four Workshops)



click on image










Need to improve your English for work or social settlement? Learn for FREE with the Adult Migrant English Program at TAFE Queensland.

The AMEP provides up to 510 hours of free English language, literacy and numeracy training to eligible refugees and migrants, at more than 40 sites throughout Queensland.

For more information, visit or call 3244 5488 today














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Businesses and Services




See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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MAA is delivering essential hot meals and medicines to those affected by the #Ghouta emergency crisis.

Check out the images above to see your donations in action.

To donate please visit -




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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





15 April 2018





(Ascension night)

27th Rajab 1439


19 April



The Super Muslim Comedy Tour


Penny Appeal

Schonell Theatre, UQ


22 April



Afternoon Tea

(ladies only event)


Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque, 48 Learoyd Rd, Algester

0411 411 107


23 April



QPS Muslim Reference Group Meeting





ICB, 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha

3364 6528

7PM to 8.30PM

1 May 2018





(Lailatul Bahrat)

15th Sha'baan 1439


6 May



Zakaah? Why, How, When?



IWAA Hall, Watland St, Slacks Creek

0401 246 228


12 May





Islamic Society of Toowoomba

Garden City Mosque,

217 West St.,


0421 081 048

11AM to 4PM

12 May



Pre - Ramadan Muslimah Night Bazaar: Sisters Only



45 Acacia Road, Karawatha


4PM to 9PM

17 May 2018





(start of the month of fasting)

1st Ramadaan 1439


11 June 2018





(Night of Power)

27th Ramadaan 1439


15 June 2018





(end of the month of fasting)

 1st Shawal 1439


21 August 2018





(Day of Arafah)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1439


22 August 2018





10th Zil-Hijjah 1439


17 November 2018



Annual Milad-un-Nabi


Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane



3PM to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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Masjid As Sunnah











Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040






Bald Hills, Brisbane





Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

Download the programme here.




















Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Date: Monday 23 April 2018
Time: 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha QLD 4117





Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

Eidfest Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

Al Tadhkirah Institute Madressa, Hifz and other Islamic courses

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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