EST. 2004


Sunday 17 June 2018 | Issue 0710



CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....

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Dear Friends in the Muslim Community

On behalf of Archbishop Mark Coleridge and the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, I wish you
Eid al-Fitr Mubarak, as you celebrate the end of the Ramadan fast. This message brings greetings
of peace and the wish for many blessings upon you and your families after your special time of
prayer and abstinence.

Please find attached the annual message from the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue
written on behalf of Pope Francis. This year’s message encourages greater collaboration between
the Muslim and Christian communities. There has been significant evidence of this growing
collaboration in Brisbane during Ramadan this year. I wish to congratulate and thank the various
Muslim groups around our city for their generosity in hosting such a large number of Iftar meals
over the past few weeks. These are wonderful opportunities for members of both communities to
get to know one another on a personal level, to break down suspicion and to learn more about each
other’s beliefs.

I also wish to congratulate the Islamic Council of Queensland and the Nematollahi Ghadeer Ali
Shahi Sufi Order on their membership of the Queensland Faith Communities Council. This is
another excellent way for people of faith to build stronger relationships with each other and to reach
out to the wider community, especially in providing greater education about faith communities.
This helps to build a more cohesive and harmonious society for all of us to enjoy.

We trust that this Ramadan has been a time of blessing and spiritual insight for you and has
refreshed you for the year ahead. We also pray that we continue to find opportunities to do God’s
work in this beautiful world God has created.

Yours sincerely


Margaret Naylon
Executive Officer
14 June 2018








Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters,

In his Providence, God the Almighty has granted you the opportunity to observe anew the fasting of Ramadan and to celebrate ‘Id al-Fitr.

The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue appreciates the importance of this month and the great effort by the Muslims throughout the world to fast, pray and share the Almighty’s gifts with the poor.

Mindful of the gifts prompted by Ramadan, we join you in thanking the Merciful God for his benevolence and generosity, and we extend to you our heartfelt best wishes. The thoughts we would like to share with you on this occasion, dear Muslim brothers and sisters, concern a vital aspect of relations between Christians and Muslims: the need to move from competition to collaboration.

A spirit of competition has too often marked past relations between Christians and Muslims, the negative consequences of which are evident: jealousy, recriminations and tensions. In some cases, these have led to violent confrontations, especially where religion has been instrumentalized, above all due to self-interest and political motives.

Such interreligious competition wounds the image of religions and their followers, and it fosters the view that religions are not sources of peace, but of tension and violence.

To prevent and overcome these negative consequences, it is important that we Christians and Muslims recall the religious and moral values that we share, while acknowledging our differences. By recognizing what we hold in common and by showing respect for our legitimate differences, we can more firmly establish a solid foundation for peaceful relations, moving from competition and confrontation to an effective cooperation for the common good. This particularly assists those most in need, and allows us to offer a credible witness to the Almighty’s love for the whole of humanity.


We all have the right and the duty to witness to the All-Powerful One we worship, and to share our beliefs with others, while respecting their religion and religious sentiments.
So that we may further peaceful and fraternal relations, let us work together and honor each another. In this way we will give glory to the Almighty and promote harmony in society, which is becoming increasingly multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural.
We conclude by renewing our best wishes for a fruitful fast and a joyful ‘Id, and assure you of our solidarity in prayer.


From the Vatican, 20 April 2018







Eid Mubarak from the team at National Zakat Foundation. 

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the community for their tremendous support for the NZF toy drive collection especially for the children at Lady Cilento Hospital and Eid toy gifts for NZF clients.


Jazakum Allahu khairun.



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Eid @ Karawatha










Eid @ Logan Mosque





Eid @ Garden City Mosque, Toowoomba









Eid @ Gold Coast Mosque



Haji Hussin Goss addresses the congregation



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(l to r) Ms Gail Kerr OAM and recipient of the 2018 Queensland Greats award, Ms Janeth Deen OAM, historian Ms Beryl Roberts and Ms Adele Rice AM, former principal of Milpera State High School


Ms Janeth Deen was awarded an Order of Australia (OAM) Medal in this year's Queen's Birthday 2018 Honours List for her services to the multicultural community of Queensland.


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By Raa Dee    

Haji Adam Dhedhi and grandson Bilal


Today (8 June 2018) —- as you all attend your Friday prayers — I ask a humble request - to remember my father - Adam Dhedhi - he passed away (6 June 2018) two nights (ago) - the best of the best of the best nights of the month of Ramadan.


A man whose mother died at the age of 6 - the only very young child with two much older sisters already married and living away - raised by servants and a father who was so incredibly busy with his businesses - my father was given the best that the world could provide - in a time where normal cars were hard to find - my father drove Jaguars - and many diff ones - as a teenager - he had access to anything money could buy.

When he had us - he made sure he gave us all his attention when we were little kids - if we coughed - he took us back home - pocket money was endless even though my mom kept saying - you will spoil them - he had to struggle to build his career but he never thought about how much he spent on us - he taught us everything and took us everywhere - even to try the boring 7 course meals that he would attend with other business colleagues - something that 5 and 10 year olds had no interest in - but he made sure he treated us the same - we learnt about Islam together - it was never about “I am your father and you need to obey and respect me”.

My father - Adam Dhedhi - was truly the most soft spoken - the humblest man anybody ever knew. In his younger days - he would dress his best and George Clooney with all his stylists could not stand up to the grace of my father.
After turning 50 he became extremely simple and wanted to live only with a few pieces of extremely minimal clothing - he never accepted an expensive present.
He was always raising funds for many causes - yet he never allowed anyone to thank him for it - or let anyone know that he was behind the project.

His nature was such - that everyone trusted him. All he had to do - was say - ‘we need funds for... “ and he never got to finish the sentence before a blank cheque was given to him without question as to what it was for and why. His acquaintances were the likes of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed, the Sultan of Brunei’s family and many other people in extremely high places - yet even as his children we never knew - unless we stumbled upon a photo or mom told us that they went to stay at the royal palace - or we saw letters from them to him.

He was the the main fundraiser for many villages in Indonesia after the Boxing Day Tsumani, the Gold Coast Mosque, the Islamic Schools in Brisbane and Gold Coast - and yet he refused to let his name be published or his photo be taken at opening ceremonies or his name be recorded as part of the board of directors. He took that as a promise from the places he was raising funds for.


He wanted NO RECOGNITION by the people of this world and only wanted the reward that Allah would give him. He raised countless millions - countless millions - and hated the way the auctions ran to raise funds - that glorified the people who donated a few thousand and everyone clapped and cheered - while others who couldn’t afford a few hundred - felt humiliated and left feeling they hadn’t done as much. But that is the way this world works - money speaks - and so he would walk away and never take part - yet he never told anyone directly that they were doing wrong. He would simply advise us as his children - don’t let others feel shame for that you can do but they can’t.

And I can tell you these things now because he is no longer here.

I tell you these things - not to brag or to be proud that I am his daughter - BUT that today - this Friday in Ramadan - I want you to make dua for his aakhirah and for my mother to have strength to go on.


But MOST IMPORTANTLY - I ask you to make dua for our children - that they reach every height of success that they can but that they embody this humility and generosity that my father had - that we as parents don’t get a high and be proud of our titles that we have achieved — and brag about the success our kids have achieved - but pray to brag about their character and the goodness of their heart.






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Saud Samsodien left Brisbane this week to spend Eid in a refugee camp in Urfa, Turkey with Muslim Aid Australia. He took gifts and food packs bought with donations from Australia.

Asalamu Alaikum, peace be on you.

Alhamdullilah, I have collected over $15k for the eid parcels to be given to Syrian refugees in Turkey.


I would like to thank everyone who helped make this dream possible. I pray it brings pleasure to the giver and receiver.

Eid Mubarak to those that are celebrating.

Kind regards,



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This Ramadan, IWAA, in conjunction with the Embassy of UAE, have donated vouchers (total worth over $2,500) to 50 families.


"IWAA highly appreciates the generous contribution and support of our local community and the Embassy of UAE. We look forward to future successful collaborations," a spokesperson for IWAA told CCN.




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ICQ (Islamic Council of Queensland) was approved to conduct a pilot chaplaincy program at one of the prisons in Queensland. For those who are not aware I do my volunteer work at various organisations in different capacities and I am currently the vice president of the council. To ensure that the program gets off to a good start I participated in a training program run by Queensland Correctional Services and it was an eye opener in relation to the social problems caused by drug and alcohol.

For example most of the facilities are over crowded across the state, In 1990s there were around 19 people who were in secured units, that number now is over 2500, there is an increasing number of women who are imprisoned and are more likely to be incarcerated for offences relating to drugs and violence.

QCS management and staff (do) a great job in ensuring the security of the prisons and also in providing opportunities and services to the inmates. It is not perfect and there are issues ranging from corruption to prisoner abuse but these issues are being looked at and investigated. Its a system which is under immense pressure and QCS management are working really hard to ensure the correctional system works.

Most of us do not think twice about those who are incarcerated but a society is as strong as its weakest link. Be it economical issues or social ills, more and more people are becoming victims of their circumstances and locking them away will not resolve these issues. We need a strong community response to drugs, alcohol and crime.

It is NOT cool to deal or use drugs or abuse alcohol. Violence should not be celebrated or considered an option. People who abuse drugs and alcohol are sick and those who take advantage of these vulnerable individuals to make money are truly the enemies of our community.

#drugsdestroylives #saynotodrugs





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Calamvale Hotel in Sunnybank Hills was the venue for the Educator's Ifthaar

Wisdom College, based in Algester, Brisbane, played host to principals, senior teachers and educators at its 2nd annual ifthar dinner.


The event is the initiative of Wisdom College's Principal, Mr Murat Guzel, who invited leaders from a wide range of educational institutions in and around the area with the aim of experiencing and learning about the significance of the month of Ramadan to 1.6B Muslims around the world.


Former Speaker of the QLD Parliament, the Hon John Mickel, MC'ed the function, Veysel Olku of Wisdom College called the adhan to break the fast, Calamvale Community College Deputy Principal, Muhammed Azhari, gave a recitation of the Quran, and Member for Algester and Minister for Science, Hon Leeanne Enoch, spoke of the importance of the occasion in bringing diverse peoples together.


Ms Adele Rice AM delivered the keynote in which she spoke of her experiences when she was principal of the Milpera State High School where she provided specialist learning and settlement programs for refugee students.


The Wisdom College School Choir showcased their singing skills and Lisa Starmer (Calamvale Community College), Geoffrey Mill (Sunnybank Hills State School), and Steve Gollschewski (Queensland Police Service) reflected on value of the night's proceedings.





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Sisters Prize Winners for HikmahWay's Ramadan Iftar Quiz Competition:

1. Ayesha Khan (iPad)

2. Sumayia Mohamed (iPad)

3. Nur Fariha Amir (iPad)

4. Nur Najwa Izzati Mohd Yassin ($50 cash)

5. Wan Amira Wan Hamdan ($50 cash)



Brothers Prize Winners for HikmahWay's Ramadan Iftar Quiz Competition:

1st Prize Shared by three people EQUALLY in first place:

- Ahmed Hassan Elbanna (iPad)
- Muhammad Imran (iPad)
- Muhammed Nadeem Nujimdeen (iPad)

4th: Amirul Nashrie Suhaimi ($50 cash)

5th: Muhammad Fajar Anandi ($50 cash)



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There are approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 24.38% of the world’s population, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah’, the worldwide Muslim community.
The Muslim500 publication sets out to ascertain the influence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. Influence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view of course. 






"For as long as a person does not please his parents, in reality none of his obligatory or superogatory prayers, or any other good deeds is accepted in the Court of Allah."

Mufti Muhammad Akhtar Raza Khan Qaadiri Al-Azhari

Barelwi Leader and Spiritual Guide

Mufti Muhammad Akhtar Raza Khan is the leader of the Indian Barelwis and considered by his followers as the Grand Mufti of India. He is the great-grandson and successor of one of the most influential sub-continental Islamic scholars in history: Ahmad Raza Khan (d.1921), who founded the Barelwi movement in South Asia.

Spiritual Tradition: Most Muslims from the sub-continent can be categorised as Barelwis (the other major group is known as the Deobandis). This group emphasises the mystical love of the Prophet (PBUH) often expressing this through devotion to a holy personage (who is part of an unbroken chain reaching back to the Prophet (PBUH)), visits to tombs of saints, and use of hamds and naats. To their critics these practices represent the cardinal sins of bid’a (innovation) and shirk (associating another being with God).


Education and Scholarly Lineage: Mufti Akhtar Raza received his basic education at Darul Uloom Manzar-e-Islam in Bareilly, India. He then went to Al-Azhar University to study tafsir and hadith (1963-1966). Upon graduation, he was awarded the Jamia Azhar Award by Colonel Jamal Abdul Nasir. He then returned to India and has written numerous books, educated hundreds of scholars, and overseen the development of many educational institutes. He also serves as a spiritual guide, having been given permission by his predecessor Mufti Mustafa Raza Khan to lead the Qaadriya, Barakaatiyah, and Nooriyah Sufi orders in India. He was also appointed to the position of Muslim Chief Justice of India in 2006.

Dynamic Mufti: Mufti Akhtar Raza is esteemed for his extensive collection of English-language rulings, the Azharul Fatawa. He became involved in issuing Islamic rulings from the age of 17 and is noted for having issued over 5,000 rulings.






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CNN spent a year interviewing more than 100 American Muslims, asking who they think are the most influential Muslims in their fields. We sought nominees for whom religion is part of their public identity, but other than that, we let American Muslims do most of the talking.

Source: CNN





Sheikh Hamza Yusuf: The American sheikh



Sheikh Hamza Yusuf converted to Islam as a young man and spent two decades studying with scholars in the Middle East and Africa.


After returning to the United States, he found that young Muslims flocked to his lectures, which often blend Islamic teachings, incisive social commentary and literary criticism. In 2009, Yusuf co-founded Zaytuna College, the country’s first accredited Muslim liberal arts college, in Berkeley, California.


Through the Deen Intensive and Global Center for Guidance and Renewal, Yusuf urges Muslims to tap into Islamic traditions and grapple with modern issues like extremism and materialism.


Some experts consider him to be the Western world’s most influential Islamic scholar.

What other Muslims say about Yusuf:
“He presented a version of Islam, true to its spiritual roots and yet at home in America, that generations of American Muslims had never heard before.”








The lives, ambitions, and beliefs of more than 40 members of Brisbane's Muslim community have been put under the spotlight in a new project aimed at dispelling misconceptions about Islam and its followers. Award-winning documentary photographer Matt Palmer interviewed and photographed 41 Muslims living in the Queensland capital for his online project, Faces of Islam.

Source: ABC News






Another Brisbane Face of Islam in next week's CCN


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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs



A month of reflection

By PLO Ricky Lashand




As Ramadan 2018 comes to an end, Officers from across the South Brisbane District took time to reflect over the month as being one of the most peaceful, uplifting and rewarding to date.

Festivities took place in the form of Iftaar dinners, insightful community forums and even community football tournaments.

Ramadan is well-known as the month of fasting from sunrise to sunset across the Islamic Faith and as such Iftaar Dinners represent the end of the day-long period of fasting.

The Queensland Police Service continued its tradition of hosting this unique event at the Greek Club South Brisbane, with this year’s gathering marking the fourth consecutive year with over 200 guests in attendance.

Queensland Police Commissioner Ian Stewart AM also proudly presented special recognition awards to Galila Abdesalam (President, Islamic Women’s Association of Queensland), Dr. Mustafa Ally (Editor-in-Chief, Crescents Community News) and Hussain Baba (Secretary, Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc).

Police Liaison Officers also had the privilege of attending Iftaars hosted by the Australian International Islamic College, Brisbane City Council, Griffith University, the Queensland Intercultural Society and Wisdom College.

“This is the month of giving and helping those in need,” Police Liaison Officer Hamza Shale (pictured above) said.

“It is during these times that we have the opportunity to come together and share the messages of peace, harmony and love with family, friends and the wider community”,
Police Liaison Officer Nasra Aden said it was great to have the support of peers during this auspicious period.

“This is my favourite month. It allows me to to focus on the good things in life and appreciate what we have,” she said.

Now with Eid-Al-Fitr (the end of Ramadan) on the horizon, we thank those who have opened their doors to share the month with the QPS.



MyPolice South Brisbane


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US Rep. Kildee And His Staff Fast

For Solidarity With Muslim Staffers

NowThis Politics



This rep and his team fast for a full day during Ramadan in solidarity with his Muslims staffers.






The Other Side of Ramadan




I fasted for the first time in my life and learned that Ramadan is so, so much more than just not eating.










It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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Friday lecture (sermon)

 DATE: 15 June 2018

TOPIC: "Ramadan and its effects" PART 5

IMAM: Uzair Akbar












Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 15 June 2018

TOPIC: "Ramadhan leaving us"

IMAM: Akram Buksh











Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 15 June 2018

TOPIC: ”Significances of Takbeer”

IMAM: Mossad Issa










Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 15 June 2018

TOPIC: ”Have we gained Taqwa?”

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar


Lecture Recording









Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 15 June 2018

TOPIC: "Importance of Moon Sighting in Islam” 

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali





Past lecture recordings







Listen live with the TuneIn app at


Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 15 June 2018

TOPIC: "Farewells Amazing and Blessed Ramadan"
IMAM: Ahmed Naffa




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In China’s Far West, Companies Cash in on Surveillance Program That Targets Muslims   



The firms profiting from China's rights abuses are often backed by Western investors.

CHINA: In the far western region of Xinjiang, China has created one of the world’s most sophisticated and intrusive state surveillance systems to target the predominantly Muslim Uighur ethnic minority. Part of what Beijing calls its anti-terrorism campaign, the system includes mandatory facial-recognition scans at gas stations and Wi-Fi sniffers that secretly collect data from network devices. Over the past two years, the technology has helped authorities round up an estimated hundreds of thousands of Uighurs and other Muslims and lock them up in clandestine camps that China calls “re-education centers.”

For those detainees and for millions of others, this Chinese experiment in technological control has transformed Xinjiang into an Orwellian prison state. But for Chinese surveillance companies, it has turned the area into something else altogether: a lucrative market and a laboratory to test the latest gadgetry. The companies include some of the leaders in their field, often backed by Western investors and suppliers, according to analysts and activists who follow the plight of the Uighurs. Their research on the issue raises the grim prospect that many people around the world are profiting from some of China’s worst human rights abuses.

The companies include the world’s two largest security camera manufacturers, Hikvision and Dahua Technology. Though they are not household names, odds are you’ve been filmed by one of their products. Combined, the two firms supply around one-third of the global market for security cameras and related goods like digital video recorders. They are publicly traded at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and are worth a combined $70 billion — billions more than better-known brands like Sony.

Hikvision and Dahua have already attracted scrutiny in the West, where their popular cameras are deployed at U.S. Army bases and other sensitive locations.

Hikvision has close ties to the Chinese government — it’s partly owned by a state defense contractor and its chairman was appointed to the National People’s Congress, China’s rubber-stamp parliament, earlier this year — raising concern in the United States that China might be harnessing these cameras for espionage (charges Hikvision strongly denies). Last month, the House of Representatives passed the annual National Defense Authorization bill for 2019, which includes a provision that would bar the U.S. government from purchasing both firms’ products.

But the two companies’ activities within China, where they make the bulk of their revenues, have received little scrutiny — allowing both firms to capitalize on China’s surge in security spending in Xinjiang in recent years. Beijing has long worried about a Muslim separatist movement in Xinjiang, a huge mineral-rich region that straddles key trade routes.

In response, it has promoted the migration of millions of Han Chinese — people from China’s ethnic majority — to the province, a strategy which backfired in 2009 when race riots left hundreds dead in Xinjiang’s capital of Urumqi. As Beijing cracked down, some Uighurs turned to terrorism. In 2016, China appointed Chen Quanguo to run the province, a hard-liner who had previously run the Tibet autonomous region. In short order, Quanguo nearly doubled security spending in Xinjiang to an astonishing $9 billion per year.

Since then, Hikvision and Dahua have won at least $1.2 billion in government contracts for 11 separate, large-scale surveillance projects across Xinjiang, according to Chinese bidding websites and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Most of the Xinjiang projects were launched in 2017, a year in which Hikvision and Dahua’s revenues grew by 30 and 40 percent respectively, and most are located in predominantly Uighur parts of the province.    

Foreign Policy


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Record-breaking crowds at Europe's largest Eid celebration


Tens of thousands of people gathered in Birmingham's Small Heath Park on Friday to mark Eid


UK: As millions of Muslims around the world celebrated Eid, Birmingham hosted Europe's largest event with more than 140,000 people gathering in Small Heath Park.

Now in its seventh year, Celebrate Eid marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.

The huge celebration in Birmingham is organised by Green Lane Masjid and Community Centre (GLMCC) in the city and includes global delicacies, a bazaar and a funfair.

A spokesman for the Birmingham event said: "We're all overwhelmed that so many people from different faiths and from across the world have travelled to Birmingham for this year's Celebrate Eid."  



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 Conceptualisation of Integration
An Australian Muslim Counter-Narrative


Abdi Hersi



SUMMARY: Provides a comprehensive overview of Muslim conceptualisation of integration with full acknowledgment of other competing interpretations of the concept of immigrant integration. Utilizes focus group discussions and in-depth interview data. Will be useful to policy makers and settlement service providers as well as academics

This book identifies and examines the meanings of integration from the perspective of Australian Muslims, through analysis of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews in the South East Queensland region. It provides a comprehensive overview of Muslim conceptualisation of integration, and the author explores the various meanings Muslims ascribe to it, such as participation, belonging and contributing to the wider society

By gaining an understanding of how Muslims define integration, this research can help policy makers, academics and settlement service providers to appreciate how culture and faith influence the meanings diverse groups give to certain accepted terms. It will be of interest to scholars and students in the fields of migration, mobility, integration and social cohesion.

Abdi Hersi (pictured right) is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, and former sessional lecturer in the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences of Griffith University.

“As an academic who has been working in the field of migrant integration for several decades I must say that I have hardly come across a book that is as comprehensive and as insightful as Dr. Abdi Hersi’s study. He clearly shows in how many different ways the notion of integration can be and has been conceptualised and interpreted, not only in the literature, but also in practice.” (Han Entzinger, Professor Emeritus of Migration and Integration Studies: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)

“In contrast to various policy and institutional definitions of Muslim integration, Hersi’s study makes a strong argument for a better understanding of the nuances of the concept, particularly emphasising its subjective and contextual meanings generated through the lived experience.” (Professor Zlatko Skrbis, Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Monash University, Australia)

“Dr Hersi’s book is timely, insightful and skilfully addresses a highly topical and hotly contested issue. It is academically rigorous, and unlike other books, Dr Hersi’s counter-narrative argument is strengthened by his long-standing engagement with the Australian Muslim community, and his 13 years’ combined experience working with Australia’s Federal Department of Immigration and Citizenship and the International Organisation for Migration. A must read for all.” (Professor Mohamad Abdalla, Director, Centre for Islamic Thought and Education, University of South Australia)



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

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CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: A easy and enjoyable recipe. do it right and it will turn out moist and very flavourful.


Almond Chicken






2 small chickens, cut up as required.

1 cup ground almonds
1 tin tomato puree
3 tablespoon ground garlic
salt to taste
1 grated onion
1 grated tomato
2 teaspoon chili powder
2 teaspoon crushed chillies
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoon oil


1. Put all the above ingredients into a liquidizer and puree
2. Adjust salt to taste
3. Marinate chicken for at least 2hrs or preferably overnight
4. Heat approx. 60g of butter in a pot and add chicken
5. Cook on low to medium heat until thick gravy is formed. Do not dry out the chicken
6. Serve hot with naan or roti / puris
7. Additional accompaniments could be salad and chips



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing









Muslimah Mind Matters videos

available on YouTube.

Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic:
The Whirlpool Of What-Ifs

Ever heard of the saying “curiosity killed the cat”? My philosophy professor at college had a great comeback for this adage:

“Stupidity killed the cat. Curiosity got the blame,” he told us.

What-if questions in life are vital, in fact necessary. They open the mind to embrace different perspectives. The curious mind thrives on seeking more knowledge to find the truth and to become a better human being. In doing so, one becomes closer to ALLAH.

The mischief maker, shaitaan, knows how to intercept your curious mind and whisper stupid suggestions that can suck you into a whirlpool of what-ifs that end up diluting your faith in ALLAH. It suggests fearful outcomes and grips you into believing them, so much so that you lose trust in ALLAH’s plans and give in to fear rather than explore life with faith and curiosity. Ever felt that your imaan was getting low? Next time you feel that way, observe your thought patterns and identify how much of your day you’re wasting anticipating negative outcomes about your life. Such as:

• What if I fail?
• What if I eat this and gain weight?
• What if I can’t please my husband/ wife?
• What if my children go astray?
• What if I end up poor?
• What if I end up alone?
• What if I can’t deliver what I promised?
• What if nobody loves me?

See what I mean? This thought pattern is what I call the whirlpool of what-ifs. It’s the stupid kind of what-ifs that kills the cat, not the curious type that opens your mind to greater potential and innovation. It’s shaitaan’s whisperings that suck you deeper and deeper into this whirlpool of negativity which has only one destination - extreme fear manifesting in symptoms of anxiety, depression and incessant worrying.

Eight Steps To Exit This Whirlpool For Good
So, how do you become aware of this when it starts to happen?...Trust me, it happens to every single person at some point in life. Unless you become aware while it’s happening and take charge, the negativity of the experience aggravates and makes you even more anxious as you anticipate the next anxiety/ panic attack.

1. Ask yourself, how am I feeling right now?
2. Answer the question with regards to physical sensations, for example, if you are anxious, how is your body reacting to the anxiety? How is my breathing, my heart rate, my body temperature?
3. Now examine what thought is affecting your body to react that way...for example, is it the thought of something on social media, or the thought of a family member or the thought of your job?
4. Analyse how true this thought really is, challenge yourself to come up with solid evidence to back this thought, for example, if you are obsessively thinking that you are not good enough, write down what evidence you have that proves that you are beneath others.
5. Analyse the evidence you have gathered from your mind and ask yourself, “Is this absolutely true and correct that the future will unfold exactly as I am thinking? Am I the absolute best of planners? Or am I over thinking and creating a false reality?
6. Remind yourself that ALLAH is the absolute best of planners. That only ALLAH knows what will happen to anyone.
7. Remind yourself that these negative thought patterns bring about negative body sensations and symptoms.
8. Acknowledge that you can control your body sensations immediately by doing the following:

• Breathe - inhale deeply and exhale deeply
• Become aware that your nafs (body sensations) are in your control
• Remind yourself that your soul is purer than your nafs
• Connect deeply with your breath and your soul and connect with the purity of your soul
• Make continuous dhikr of ALLAH with each long breath in and out.

In Shaa ALLAH, next week we will explore the topic: Surviving Separation


Download the above article.


DOWNLOAD Muslimah Reflections - my new ebook of poetry and affirmations
DOWNLOAD The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Muslimahs
WATCH VIDEOS from Muslimah Mind Matters YouTube Channel.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Meditation Moments - audio files for self-awareness meditation.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786.



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Q: Dear Kareema, my elderly parents have been advised by their doctor to do some form of exercising to strengthen bones etc. and feel a little better. What can they do?

A: Working in the garden and taking brisk walks around the local park would be a good way to start getting a little more active.


Aim to increase the activities in weeks to come as they should get stronger and have more energy.


Exercise will also help prevent diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Check in regularly with their doctor to monitor progress.





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Mula Nasruddin's wife was in the ICU.


Her husband was unable to control his tears.

Doctor: We are trying our best but can't guarantee anything. Her body is not reacting to any of our treatments. It seems she is in a coma.


Mula Nasruddin: Please save her. She is just 50 years old and the family needs her.


Suddenly, something happened.

Miraculously, the ECG started beeping like crazy.


A hand moved.


Her lips mumbled.


And she spoke: "I'm 49."

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An Ayaat-a-Week





Worship Allah, and ascribe no partners to Him, and be good to the parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the neighbour next door, and the distant neighbour, and the close associate, and the traveller, and your servants. Allah does not love the arrogant show-off.

[Quran 4:36]


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"It is forbidden to kill;

therefore all murderers are punished

unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."


~ Voltaire


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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board





Events & Functions







What does Eid mean to you?

ICQ Eid Down Under Festival 2018












Six years after his conversion to Islam and after producing economic reports in some of the most prestigious international media, French International Sales Reporter Julien Drolon partnered with Malaysian TV producer Zara Shafie with whom he co-produced the TV Show “Salam Mualaf” seen by more than 2 million viewers on Malaysian channel TV9 to produce and direct the first documentary film featuring converts from all over the world: FREEDOM.

FREEDOM is a spiritual and emotional documentary film featuring 50 converts to Islam from 25 different nationalities over 6 continents in 15 languages - all of them speaking from the very depths of their soul about their perspectives on freedom and Islam.

The film is truly eye-opening and very informative for non-Muslims and for the born Muslims it is spiritually uplifting and encourage them to be consistent in reminding themselves of the main purpose in life.

In the wake of a global rise of anti-Muslim sentiments, film directors Julien Drolon and Zara Shafie are giving a voice to a global community of converts during a crucial time when Islam needs to be more understood and appreciated as a religion that is protecting the rights and dignity of every human being.

Following a successful tour in South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom and Malaysia, co-director Zara Shafie brings a taste of FREEDOM to Brisbane with a women only advance screening of this acclaimed documentary at IWAA on Sunday 24th June at 1:00pm.


All women are welcome, so please share this event with Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Further screenings are planned for September throughout Australia as part of the FREEDOM World Screening Tour 2018.






Some reviews of the film FREEDOM so far:

"It was spiritually uplifting. You'd think a documentary with people talking one after the other would be monotonous. This is anything but that. It was engaging and riveting." - Fatima, South Africa

"Excellent. Deeply emotional and at the same time, intriguing as well." - Ardila, Malaysia

"The film gives a different perspective to Muslims and non-Muslims around the concept of freedom. It's a manifestation of the universality of the religion of Islam." - Merve, Turkey

"The documentary is absolutely beautiful. It's the first of its kind and it will open the minds of people to understand how it really feels to be free." - Hajara, UK

Click here to book your free ticket



Islamic Schooling Renewal – A Focus on Pedagogy


3rd Annual Australian Islamic Schooling Conference:

Islamic Schooling Renewal – A Focus on Pedagogy



Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 July 2018


Pedagogy can be defined in many ways, narrowly as a way of teaching or a methodology of instruction, and more broadly as a framework for conceptualising what is meant by approaches to schooling. A critical reflection on pedagogy within the field of Islamic schooling is timely as we move beyond the establishment phase and embrace an era characterised by renewal.

If one considers the provocation that pedagogy is never politically neutral, a unique lens for exploration exists in the field of Islamic schooling given the complex politics of Muslims and Islam in popular Australian media as well as in other contemporary Western contexts and the intersection with contemporary schooling contexts, sometimes criticised as neoliberal.

How much progress has been made in the area of pedagogy within Islamic schooling? What is an Islamic pedagogy and what does it offer to the field of Islamic schooling? Are our current pedagogies responsive to the educational context and the needs of Australian Muslim students? How does pedagogical practice in Islamic schools align with AITSL teacher standards? How equipped is the field of Islamic schooling to manage necessary pedagogical renewal?

These are just some of the questions that Islamic Schooling Renewal – A Focus on Pedagogy will tackle over two conference days, as it examines pedagogy and Islamic schooling for Muslim students from a whole-of-life and whole-of-community perspective.

With an impressive line-up of international and national speakers from specialist disciplines and diverse sectors, Islamic Schooling Renewal – A Focus on Pedagogy is sure to offer valuable and practical insights into the future of pedagogy in Islamic schooling in the West.






The conference will critically explore pedagogy and Islamic schooling for Muslim students from a whole-of-life and whole-of-community perspective.


Topics and themes of presentations will include the following but not limited to:
• Conceptualisations of pedagogy in Islamic schooling
• Pedagogy – theory and praxis
• Pedagogical leadership
• Politics and pedagogy
• Pedagogy, identity and citizenship
• Critical pedagogical perspectives
• Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
• Professional learning communities – pedagogical conversations
• Pedagogy and implications for curriculum and assessment
• Professional learning and teacher education

The 3rd Annual Australian Islamic Schooling Conference: Islamic Schooling Renewal – A Focus on Pedagogy will be held on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 July 2018 in Adelaide, South Australia, for more information please contact or 08 8302 6919






More Information





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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services





















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Businesses and Services






See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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As-Salaamu ' Alaikum and Ramadan Mubarak


Traditionally as the tax year draws to a close (30 June), most taxpayers scurry around seeking tax deductions.  It’s not uncommon to see large retailers advertising tax deductible purchases such as stationery, computers, vehicles, and other assets.


As a Muslim, there’s a smarter way of getting a tax deduction without wasting funds on unnecessary items.  Pay your zakah to a zakah fund that has DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient Status).  This will secure you a tax deduction. Fundamentally, it assists you in discharging an obligatory duty.


A number of funds have DGR status, some of these are:

·         Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF);

·         Muslim Aid Australia (MAA); and

·         National Zakah Foundation (NZF).


You can contact these zakah funds through their websites.


Depending on your top tax rate, you can get an effective tax deduction ranging from 21% to 47%.


Please distribute to relatives and friends.




Iqbal Lambat



Islamic Estate Planning Pty Ltd

176 Compton Road

Tel: 0410 786 227


P O Box 3437, South Brisbane BC 4101


Islamic estate planning, deceased estate management, business succession planning, business advisory, trusts and trust planning, tax and tax planning, accounting services




Bank of Queensland


Zakaat:           BSB 124155             Account 20897312

Sadaqah:       BSB 124155             Account 20897392

Fitrah:             BSB 124155             Account 20963614







It is heartbreaking to watch Afghanistan's people suffering at the hands of extreme poverty. Many families are so financially deficient that they are unable to feed their children, let alone provide them with a good education.

Last year, we saved many babies who would otherwise be sold to save their families from poverty. I never thought I would ever see Afghan people selling their loved ones.

This Ramadan, look into your hearts and make a generous tax deductible donation. Help us fight poverty and save more innocent babies this Ramadan.

Mahboba Rawi







Download flyer






Download flyer




Gold Coast Islamic Cultural Centre








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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





23 June



Eid Down Under Festival


Islamic Council of QLD

Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha


10AM to 9PM

24 June


Freedom Documentary Screening

(Women Only)

Halis Media in association with Muslim Aid Australia

IWAA, 11 Watland St, Springwood

0431 747 356


21 August





(Day of Arafah)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1439


22 August





10th Zil-Hijjah 1439


17 November



Annual Milad-un-Nabi


Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane



3PM to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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Masjid As Sunnah





Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040




Bald Hills, Brisbane




Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

Download the programme here.




















Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha QLD 4117

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

Eidfest Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

Al Tadhkirah Institute Madressa, Hifz and other Islamic courses

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


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