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Sunday 16 December 2018 | Issue 0736


CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....


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Annual Jalsa at Darra Mosque The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column
MCF update on tumour patient CCNTube The CCN Chuckle
Final speech to Parliament 2018 Back to the Future with CCN The CCN Food for Thought
WWG and MCF Collaboration Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

An Ayaat-a-Week

Yusuf / Cat Stevens Gives Over 1 Million In Charity!

Jumma (Friday) Khutbas (Lectures)


Islamic super fund Crescent Wealth

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor


'Your job as a human is to welcome them'

 The CCN Classifieds

Cronulla riot 'hero' still paying the price 13 years on

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World


Non-standing in niqab not meant as disrespect, says lawyer

CCN Readers' Book Club

The CCN Date Claimer

Mid East bakery to help refugees start new lives in SE QLD

KB's Culinary Corner

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Imam who cleared Hawkesbury land scolded by judge

Keeping Fit with Kareema

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Toledo Society: The Transit Lounge
2nd International Conf on Organ Transplantation in Islam

The Muslim 500: The World’s Most Influential Muslims




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The annual Jalsa was hosted by the Islamic Society of Darra and Darra Madrassah.


Certificates of achievement and performances were given by the pupils of the madressah including a Nasheed of Madina by the young boys.


The keynote speaker was Imam Riyaaz Seedat of the Islamic College of Brisbane and other guests included Sgt Jim Bellos, A/Inspector Pete Flori of the Centenary Patrol Group and Senior Sergeant Michael Coulson, officer-in-charge of Sherwood Police Station.


There was also Hifz completion graduations for Hafiz Mohammed Umar Naeem and Hafiz Muhammed Umair Naeem the son’s of Mufti Naeem Ali, the Imam of the Darra Mosque.




Mufti Naeem Ali (left) with his two sons.


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Laith had surgery on Monday 3rd December to remove a brain tumour. The operation was performed by the world renowned surgeon Dr. Teo in Sydney.


What was expected to take 4 hours ended up taking almost 9 hours to perform the very complex operation. He spent a few days in hospital and was then discharged to the care of his family who are staying in Sydney until he is well enough to fly home.


He was readmitted to hospital a few days later with a fever and vomiting due to an infection. This was treated and he is again in the care of his family. He is still in a lot of pain and discomfort and has lost a lot of strength.


The Muslim Charitable Foundation has paid for the surgery and hospital which has cost $110,000.00 so far. MCF and the family are very grateful to all those who have remembered him in their prayers and everyone who gave so generously towards the appeal.


Laith has a long recovery ahead of him and faces continual check ups and treatment with ongoing expenses.

Anyone wishing to donate, please deposit in to Muslim Charitable Foundation Emergency Account:

BSB: 124155
ACCOUNT NO.:  20897395




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On the last day of Parliament for 2018, Mr. Duncan Pegg MP for Stretton spoke about "some of the fantastic things that have happened in our local community this year!"



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from l to r: Osman Rane, Pieta Trad-Merheb, Rita Prasad-Ildes, Yusuf Khatree

World Wellness Group Health and Medical Clinic had the official opening of their new clinic on Monday 10 December 2018 at their new premises in Stones Corner.

The group provides a broad range of medical care, mental health and wellbeing services, providing affordable and accessible multicultural health care to marginalised migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.


The official opening was attended by the Deputy Premier, the Honourable Jackie Trad, and other dignitaries.


Muslim Charitable Foundation was represented by Yusuf Khatree and Osman Rane and was acknowledged for its invaluable contribution of medical and surgical equipment and the ongoing financial assistance to Muslim patients who are Medicare ineligible.


MCF has been working closely with WWG since its inception some five years ago.



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Yusuf / Cat Stevens, legendary singer/songwriter and humanitarian has donated over one million dollars from his ‘A Cat’s Attic’ - Peace Train Tour’ to support local and international charities.

A host of Australian charities are being engaged to develop programs that give back to the community. The first to receive support will be drought-afflicted farmers through the ‘Rural Aid Australia’, elderly citizens through the ‘Gallipoli Home Care Centre’, cancer sufferers through the ‘Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre’, and many more to be announced in the coming weeks.

At the end of last year, Paul Dainty, in collaboration with Moonshadow Australia Pty, brought Yusuf and his band to Australia and New Zealand where he performed to packed arenas in 9 cities across the continent. Performing such classics as Father & Son, Morning has Broken and Wild World, crowds sang along and enjoyed his latest songs from critically acclaimed, Grammy-nominated album “Laughing Apple”.

“I believe that concerts are positive opportunities to receive as well as to give back, making people happy is what I love to do.”

As well as supporting these organisations, funds will also be channelled through Penny Appeal to launch a new initiative directed towards education for children from remote communities through the Indigenous Literacy Foundation and emergency relief. ‘Peace Train’ buses and mobiles will soon begin rolling in the UK, South Africa, Australia as well as other regions across the globe.

Aamer Naeem (Global CEO, Penny Appeal) comments “Yusuf has shown us over the years what a true humanitarian he is, we are honoured to be working alongside such an inspirational figure. Peace Train will help bring communities together, through compassion and love, spreading peace and putting others first."

For further information or images, please call Mohamed Mayat, CEO of Penny Appeal Australia on 1300 347 947, or reach out via email

Charities donated to include: Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre, Gallipoli Home Care, Centre for Multicultural Youth, Indigenous Literacy Foundation, Rural Aid Australia, Addison Road Community Centre Organisation and Concern Worldwide.



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Islamic super fund Crescent Wealth targets millennials with




anti-banking sharia pitch





An ancient rule that appears in the Bible, Torah and Koran is at the heart of a Muslim super fund’s $2.5b pitch to Aussies.


Talal Yassine OAM

The head of the country’s first Islamic superannuation fund wants to use the scandals exposed by the banking royal commission to sell the value of “sharia-compliant” investing to mainstream Australians.

Crescent Wealth managing director Talal Yassine OAM said in three-and-a-half years his fund had gone from $1 million under management to $250 million and was now “set up for explosive growth” to a projected $2.5 billion within five years.

Around 10 per cent of Crescent Wealth’s 7000 members are not from the Muslim community, and Mr Yassine said he would “like to get that to 50-50” as he pitches the benefits to customers in the wider ethical investment “family”.

“What we don’t invest in are things that harm humanity,” he said. “Tobacco, weapons, pornography, alcohol, insurance companies and banks. People used to ask me, ‘Why insurance companies and banks? That sounds weird.’ Now I don’t get that anymore after the royal commission.”

Unlike “green” ethical funds, Crescent Wealth is the “only fund that doesn’t invest in banking and insurance companies as a matter of policy”.

Along with things like pork and alcohol, sharia law prohibits “usury”, or the charging of interest. Mr Yassine said the ancient prohibition, which is also contained in the Bible and the Torah, was all the more relevant today.

There are around 650,000 Australians who identify as Muslim, according to the 2016 Census. Mr Yassine estimates his fund has 1 per cent market share of working Muslims and expects to double that in 2019.

“But we want to take it much broader and let Australians know we would like to contribute to the social fabric, as millennials and others, especially with the royal commission, get a sense of what happens when banks (commit usury),” he said.

“The Koran has a prohibition against it for the same reason the Bible and the Torah do, it’s making money from money. The Islamic community believes that your money itself should not be making money with you not doing anything and not having any risk.”

Many of the scandals highlighted in the royal commission came down to banks “lending money to people who can’t afford it”. “It’s no risk to the bank, the entire risk is on the borrower,” he said.

Islamic finance, by contrast, involves the lender “partnering” with the borrower “more like a joint venture”. “Someone comes to me and says, ‘I want to buy something for $10, I’ve got $1 you need to lend me $9’,” Mr Yassine said.

“I say OK, as a bank I will own 90 per cent of that house and you’ll own 10 per cent, you’ll pay me rent and buy it back from me over time. If (it’s a business and it) fails, the bank loses its equity. Therefore as a bank I’m going to take a lot more interest in the risk being taken.”

Crescent Wealth, which describes its investment style as “responsible, long term, low risk and medium return”, has a second set of four “quantitative filters” once a potential investment makes it through the Islamic “quality filter”.

First, it has to be lowly geared, with less that 33.3 per cent debt. Second, it can’t have more than 70 per cent of accounts receivable owing. The third rule is it can’t have more than 30 per cent liquid capital on the balance sheet.

“For two reasons,” Mr Yassine said. “We don’t like hoarders, you’ve got to spend in the economy. The second is we don’t like vulture capital, saving up money and waiting until everything goes down.”

The fourth rule is the “materiality test”. If an invested company earns a small amount of revenue from “prohibited goods” — under around 5 per cent — Crescent Wealth will calculate that percentage and donate the corresponding return to a registered charity.

“About $50,000 goes to charity, it’s not a material amount,” he said. “We apply those rules to every investment. It’s a global standard, it’s not a standard we made up.”

Crescent Wealth instead focuses on “socially responsible investing in healthcare, property and infrastructure, utilities, manufacturing and innovative industries”.

Its property fund has returned an average of 14.9 per cent per annum over the past five years, while its Australian equity fund “is doing quite well over five years” but Mr Yassine concedes “it could have done better”.

Morningstar ranks Crescent Wealth’s property fund second in its category but its conservative, balanced and growth funds rank at or near the bottom of theirs. “On a super fund level we’re at least in the top quartile,” Mr Yassine said.

It comes as former Liberal leader and economist John Hewson joins the Crescent Wealth board, where he will sit alongside banker Nicholas Whitlam and former Macquarie University vice chancellor Diane Yerbury.

The fund has also signed up NAB Asset Servicing as custodian, Mercer as its super fund administrator, Equity Trustees as super fund trustee, Malaysia’s CIMB Principal as its cash manager and London-based bfinance as its investment adviser

Mr Hewson said he had been interested in Islamic finance for “quite some time” and saw potential for Australia to become a regional centre as Muslims in Asia look to “broaden their investment base”.

“There’s a lot of money that comes in from the Middle East, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, but it’s not sort of efficiently channelled through anything really,” he said. “They’re looking at life beyond petroleum, they’re planning and investing. Australia is a natural place, politically stable, pretty well developed financial centre.”

The former Macquarie Bank director said the timing was “impeccable” given the revelations of the royal commission and the “lack of faith and trust in banks”. “One of the defining characteristics of Islamic finance is its transparency and honesty,” he said.

“I think you’ll find quite a lot of interest from people who have lost interest in our banks and traditional financial institutions. Its appeal is not just to the Islamic community but more broadly to the non-Islamic community looking for a reliable alternative.”

Mr Hewson said he would use his decades of experience in funds management to help Crescent Wealth “develop their business”.

“It’s hard to pre-specify what you actually do,” he said. “A source of general financial and strategic advice is probably the principal role on the board, but you deal with issues as they come up.”

Mr Yassine said simply being one of the only sharia-compliant super funds wasn’t enough to automatically attract working Muslims. “If that was the case I’d be in a very good financial position,” he said.

“It’d be an Islamic monopoly. We don’t say, ‘You’re a Muslim, you ought to do this.’ That’s not the pitch at all. We go to the community based on five things. The first is performance, second performance, third performance. The fourth is cost. The fifth is service.”

But are Muslims invested in non-sharia-compliant super funds doing the wrong thing?

“Technically, yes, they may be doing the wrong thing,” Mr Yassine said. “But technically I don’t pray five times a day every day.”



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'Your job as a human is to welcome them':




Malala's disappointment at Australia




Malala Yousafzai in Sydney

When asylum seekers looked to an affluent Australia for hope, it was disappointing to see some were treated with "hatred" and weren't even allowed to set foot on its shores, said activist Malala Yousafzai.

Yet when the Taliban came for Ms Yousafzai's family in Pakistan, her family was given sanctuary by friends, family, strangers, true to the country's culture of welcoming those in need.

The 21-year-old activist – who in 2014 became the youngest Nobel Laureate in history – attacked Australia's offshore processing of refugees on Manus Island and Papua New Guinea as being out of touch with its people's warm and welcoming nature.

"I was a bit disappointed for a long time now, following the news on Australia and how they are treating refugees, especially children, especially young people, who are going through a lot of mental issues," said Ms Yousafzai. She is releasing a book on refugees,We Are Displaced, next month.

After being in Australia for a few days for public talks in Sydney and Melbourne as part of the Women World Changers series, Ms Yousafzai said she loved Australia, cricket and the Australian cricket team. On Thursday, she was planning to meet young refugee students in Sydney. In Melbourne, she sought out Indigenous archaeologist, Maddison Miller, to better understand Australia's history and culture.

"Australia is a welcoming and warm country. And when you look at the immigration policies, they do not actually represent the people of Australia," she said.

"[Refugees] want safety, they want homes, they want somebody to give them protection, and then suddenly you welcome them with hatred," she said.

"You do not even allow them to land or step their feet on Australia," she said referring to the offshore processing of asylum seekers. "So I think it is disappointing and I hope that the people of Australia do stand up for refugees and show their true human-side."




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Craig Greenhill's photo of Craig Campbell beating people back during the Cronulla riot.

For many people, Craig Campbell is a hero.

It was during the Cronulla riots, 13 years ago today, that he dispersed a crowd that was beating up two young Middle Eastern men on a carriage at the train station.

"The crowd was sort of circulating around, chanting and cheering," witness and photographer Craig Greenhill told 7.30.

"And then there was two guys who decided to go in there and attack them.

"No one was standing up for them until Craig Campbell came.

"I think he's a hero of the Cronulla riots."

'It all turned ugly...'

Mr Campbell was a police officer with over 15 years of service in 2005.

"I joined the NSW Police because I wanted to do something for my community," he told 7.30.

But he had a bad feeling about that now infamous day.

"It just started out as an 8:00am shift, let's go and see what it's going to be like," he said.

"I drove up towards Woolooware train station and see this girl walking down — and this is like 8:30-9:00am — with a [Vodka] Cruiser in her hand, drinking it.

"I just said to the boys, this is going to turn to sh*t by lunchtime … and it did."

There were already tensions between local white Australians and young Lebanese-Australian men from the western suburbs.

Then reports that a lifeguard had been assaulted became a catalyst for the riots.

"It all turned ugly … when I saw three people of maybe Mediterranean backing, walking along the beachfront," Mr Greenhill said.

"They got spotted by the crowd — about 1,000 of the crowd decided to turn on them, start chasing them.

"And then there's whispers, 'There's a train-load of Lebanese coming to Cronulla'.

"And then, slowly but surely, everyone turned and started to run up to Cronulla train station."

It was there that Mr Greenhill witnessed the sickening attack on the two youths.

'He was an old-school cop, he just took control'

Mr Campbell was one of the first police officers on the scene.

"[The young men] were getting hit with bottles and being kicked and punched and everything," he said.

"I used my baton to move people on."

"He was just going hell for leather, smacking anyone in sight. And he dispersed most people really quickly," Mr Greenhill said.

"He got to the guy that was getting beat up in front of me, and grabbed him and held him.

"Without him … he was an old-school cop as I see it, and he just took control."

"I had to get the two young blokes out of there to safety … I had to get them medical attention," Mr Campbell said.

"I had no option. What were we going to do? Say, 'Excuse me can you please move back so we can get these two young blokes out that you're trying to beat to death'?"

The photos that Mr Greenhill took were used as evidence in court and put Mr Campbell on the front page of newspapers around the world.

Off the force

Locals hailed Mr Campbell for his actions.

"The people of Cronulla were so disgusted with these redneck idiots that they were actually coming into the Cronulla police station with homemade biscuits and cakes and boxes of lollies and everything, just going, 'Here, thank you very much for doing what you're doing'," Mr Campbell said.

And initially his superiors in NSW Police were of the same mind.

Mr Campbell was nominated for a Commissioner's Commendation for Courage.

But that was revoked when it was determined he used excessive force in getting the two young men to safety.

"Some bloody carpeted-corridor shuffler decided I used excessive force," he said.

Two years later he suffered a breakdown and in 2009 he left the force with chronic PTSD.

'He suffered, we suffered'

Appalled by his treatment and grateful for what he did, the Muslim community rallied around the former officer.

"What he did was extraordinary," community leader Dr Jamal Rifi told 7.30.

"What he suffered from was also extraordinary."

Dr Rifi initiated the Craig Campbell Cohesion Cup, a charity soccer match, to help him get back on his feet.

"Craig is the symbol of what NSW Police force stood for — someone who stood his ground, defended innocent people from thugs," he said.

"He suffered, we suffered."

Mr Campbell still bears the scars, but they are healing.

"I am so grateful for [the Muslim community] because I was struggling at the time," he said.

"That really helped me out a lot."

He now lives a quieter life in rural NSW.

"This is the best place for me to be," he said.

"The people I've met here are just incredibly great, generous, nice people."

But that fateful day in 2005 will always be with him.

"I've lost my job that I always wanted to do, I've lost my 30-year marriage, my house, everything … everything I worked for since I was like 14," he said.

"That's a big burden to carry."

ABC News



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Moutia Elzahed leaves the Downing Centre District Court, in Sydney last February.


The wife of a convicted Islamic State recruiter is appealing to the federal Attorney-General, arguing it was unconstitutional under a new NSW law against disrespectful behaviour in court for her to be sentenced to community service.

Moutia Elzahed, the wife of Hamdi Alqudsi, has filed an appeal in the NSW Supreme Court against a decision earlier this year that she “repeatedly and intentionally” failed to stand for a judge in the District Court nine times in 2016.

According to court documents filed in the Supreme Court, Ms Elzahed’s lawyer, Zali Burrows, said her client’s religious views were not taken into account and the NSW law goes against the “implied freedom of political communication” enshrined in the Constitution.

She has filed what is known as a section 78B application that says the case has a “constitutional issue”, and must be passed to the Australian government solicitor for consideration. Ms Burrows said others regularly showed blatant disrespect for the court but did not face the same charge as her client, who meant no disrespect.

“Look at all the Supreme Court matters in which Muslim terrorist suspects don’t stand for the judge and they don’t cop a charge of contempt or disrespectful behaviour. The judges get on with the business of the court and ignore it,” she said.

“If she wasn’t in a niqarb (sic) do you think they would bother charging her in the first place?”

In a civil trial in November and December 2016, Elzahed did not stand when judge Audrey Balla entered the courtroom.

In July this year, Elzahed became the first person sentenced under new laws against disrespectful behaviour, with NSW Local Court magistrate Carolyn Huntsman sentencing her to 75 hours of community service.

Ms Burrows has argued the court did not take into account that Elzahed meant no disrespect and said she did not disrespect the judge.

She also said the court was wrong to disregard her client’s religious views because she didn’t give oral evidence.

“The court should have found on the balance of probabilities that the plaintiff’s reason for failing to stand was her religious belief,” Ms Burrows has argued.

She wrote there were 12 questions that came from the decision to convict and sentence her client, including: “Did the Local Court err in holding that there was no evidence before it that the plaintiff held any relevant religious belief?

“She wore a full body-covering niqab for the entirety of the hearing, as well as the civil trial in 2016, though the magistrate found: ‘There was no evidence presented that this was a genuine religious belief held by the defendant’.”

Elzahed’s husband, Alqudsi, was jailed for a minimum of six years in September 2016, for helping young Australians travel to Syria to fight with extremist jihadi groups.

The Australian



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The Abboud Bakery aims to help refugees with the opportunity to work at the bakery while sharing Middle Eastern food to Brisbane.


Syrian refugee and chef George Tabbakh who left his family bakery behind in his war-torn country is getting a second chance to share his food and culture with the opening of Middle Eastern-themed Abboud Bakery, south-east of Brisbane.

The third-generation family baker will make Lebanese bread and Middle Eastern treats at Underwood with the help of Brisbane lawyer Angelo Anthony and Coco Bliss franchisee Gus Khcheiche.

Mr Tabbakh and other refugees working at Abboud Bakery will serve a traditional delicacies, including shakshuka dishes, meat bakery treats with kafta and lahembajin pizzas.

Baklava and knafe, a traditional dessert made with thin noodle-like pastry infused with a sugar-based syrup, layered with cheese and ingredients such as clotted cream or nuts will be on offer.

Abboud Bakery’s Middle Eastern menu with a twist will also offer coffees and teas served in traditional and western styles.

The idea to create Abboud Bakery was born when the Mr Anthony and Mr Khcheiche met Mr Tabbakh, with the hope to provide opportunities to refugees wanting to start a new life.

Mr Tabbakh and his family migrated to Australia two years ago as refugees from Aleppo in Syria but with a language barrier, he had been unable to use his skills.


Some Middle Eastern treats that will be on offer.

Mr Khcheiche said Mr Tabbakh had so many skills and a passion for the food industry but was unable to find opportunities to work.

"To have experienced such loss with family and to have seen their family bakery taken from them in a war-torn country, leave their home and start fresh in Brisbane is a tough thing to do," he said.

"We sometimes forget how fortunate we are to live in Australia and need to remember to help those who are deserving of a second chance.

"He and his family are so humble and nice that I can't wait for everyone to meet George while he works at Abboud Bakery and we hope that one day he will be able to own it."

Mr Khcheiche said he was amazed at the team effort involved between staff members and friends who helped make the bakery-cafe come to fruition.

"It was a mammoth of a task to put it all together, working through language barriers with George and taking him to Melbourne to pick a concept we wanted but we did it," he said.

"I think Brisbane is lacking in Middle Eastern food with a mixture of Western food and the concept of a bakery-cafe and I am eager to see customers learn more about George, his culture and food."

Mr Anthony said the bakery would introduce people to the rich culture of the Middle East through its wonderful food, coffee and people who would work there.

"To be able to enjoy interesting and delicious food, to receive a warm welcome and a make a sincere connection with people from different cultures, sends a powerful welcoming message to the whole community," he said.

“Anywhere you travel in the Middle East, you will find that kindness and hospitality is an important part of the experience."

"It's where the saying of breaking bread together originated."

Mr Anthony said Mr Khcheiche's guidance and culinary creations would add a traditional and authentic Middle Eastern flavour to Brisbane.

"George will work in Abboud Bakery for a few years before taking it over as his own business," he said.

"We see this as a great way to give migrants arriving in Australia a helping hand to start their new life in this wonderful country.

"More importantly, through food and friendship, George and Abboud Bakery will give our community something uplifting and positive to know about the people of Syria and the Middle East.

"Our intention is to make Abboud Bakery a beacon of hope in the community and to encourage our staff to be ambassadors for our culture and diversity everywhere."

Abboud Bakery opens on Monday at Underwood Marketplace on Logan Road and will open every day from 9am.

The Brisbane Times



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Mustapha and Diaa Kara-Ali front the Supreme Court to face contempt charges.

A Sydney judge has scolded the barrister for two men who conducted illegal land clearing and construction on a property in Sydney's north-west, saying their "time has absolutely run out".

The men, Dr Mustapha Kara-Ali and Diaa Kara-Ali, were ordered by the Land and Environment Court four months ago to remove illegal structures and remediate the cleared land on the Colo property.

That included planting five thousand saplings from a specialist nursery, and monthly weed spraying.

In a related matter, the men are facing contempt of court charges for continuing to illegally build on the property after being ordered to stop.

At today's directions hearing, Hawkesbury Council said it was dissatisfied with the progress of the remediation.

It argued a report, tendered to the court, from an engineer engaged by the men read more like a development application than a plan to comply with the remediation orders.

Justice Terrence Sheahan expressed his frustration after the defendant's barrister, Steven Beverling, asked for extra time for the men to comply with the orders.

"You have had a long time to do that and you haven't, that's why we're here," he told Mr Beverling, who responded: "Can I say there's movement at the station."

Justice Sheahan also told Mr Berverling that rather than handing up a "development application" he should be telling his clients to comply with the remediation orders, adding "is that clear?".

Dr Mustapha Kara-Ali, is the Iman of a religious guild called Diwan Al Dawla on the Colo property.

He and Diaa Kara-Ali were present at today's directions hearing, but in September this year he told the ABC he would not take part in the court
because he did not believe it to be a secular institution.

His claim Diwan Al Dawla was a religious charity was not supported by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.

There will be another directions hearing for the matter next Wednesday.
A final directions hearing for the contempt charges has been scheduled for next year.

ABC News



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What and When: Oz Sports has been hired for the community's sole use on Saturday 19 January 2019 from 6pm to 8pm.


Activities will include netball, soccer, cricket and volleyball all in the name of fun.


Teams will be randomly selected and participants will be able to play at least 2 different sports on the night. Salaah facilities will be provided.


For food, there will be a sausage sizzle.

Who's Invited:
Everyone! Men, women, boys and girls 4 years old and above are invited to participate. Kids under 4 and non-sports participants are also invited to join us on the night.

Why: The purpose is purely for the community to get together, network and have some fun through sport.

How do I Sign On: Registration can be done online. Click here.



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Muslim Engagement & The White House – Dalia Mogahed

There are few Muslims who can say they had a seat at the President’s table, and Dalia Mogahed is one of those rare few.


An Egyptian American at the forefront of Muslim Activism for over a decade, Dalia’s journey has seen her lecturing at colleges, training law enforcement and eventually, advising the Obama Administration.


We trace Dalia’s life from a normal Egyptian American childhood to the banality of corporate life up until an event that radically changed the fabric of American society: 9/11.


We dig deeper to uncover an inspiring mix of spirituality, hope, desperation and wisdom that drives Dalia to navigate the perplexing maze that is the life of an American Muslim.


Listen to the full interview





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The Second International Conference on Organ Transplantation in Islam will be held at the Western Sydney University on 22 and 23 November.  This conference explores a rare topic in Islamic theological and social scientific discussions; how Islam deals with organ transplantation.

Existing studies on organ transplantation, rare as they are, either look at the argument in support of organ transplantation and donation, or the argument that considers organ transplantation and donation to be prohibited in Islam.  What is missing is a clear and authoritative response to the question of organ transplantation and donation in Islam.  Whether organ transplantation and donation is permissible or not in Islam, robust theological and social scientific discussions are necessary for individuals to make an informed determination


Each week CCN presents the abstract and biography of one of the speakers at the conference:






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There are approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 24.38% of the world’s population, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah’, the worldwide Muslim community.
The Muslim500 publication sets out to ascertain the influence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. Influence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view of course. 





Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Philosopher & University Professor

Seyyed Hossein Nasr is University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University. He remains one of the most influential Muslim scholars in the world for his work on Islamic tradition and philosophy. He is the only Muslim to be included in the Library of Living Philosophers and has written over 50 books and over 500 articles.

Background and career: Nasr was born in Iran and raised in a house of scholars and physicians. He was sent to school in the USA, won a scholarship to MIT for undergraduate study in physics and obtained a doctorate in the history of science and philosophy from Harvard. He returned to Iran in 1958 where he swiftly rose through academic ranks to become Vice-Chancellor of Tehran University and then President of Aryamehr University. The 1979 Iranian revolution forced Nasr to leave Iran and so he settled in the USA.

Reviver of Tradition: Nasr’s work has covered the most important areas of contemporary Muslim thought from classical Islamic philosophy, Islamic science, Sufism, and critique of modernity to interfaith relations, Islam–West relations, and the environmental crisis. Nasr was the first Muslim scholar ever to be invited to give the prestigious Gifford Lectures, which were later published as Knowledge and the Sacred. Nasr’s work has been ahead of its time in predicting the disastrous consequences of the environmental crisis. Books such as The Encounter of Man and Nature (1968) critique the rise of a secular, modern conception of nature as inert matter to be conquered by modern technology, and attempt to revive a sacred notion of nature.

Legacy: For Nasr, the quest for knowledge, specifically knowledge which “liberates and delivers him from the fetters and limitations of earthly existence,” has been and continues to be the central concern and determinant of his intellectual life.






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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs





Three mosques in Melbourne


By Tajuddin Rasdi




In the aftermath of the recent mammoth anti-ICERD rally in Kuala Lumpur, many non-Muslims would understandably be frightened and perhaps worried about Islam and the country’s future. Let me tell the story of three mosques in Melbourne which I hope will shine a light onto the seemingly dark future of Malaysia with respect to Islam.

Last April, I took nine non-Muslim architecture students to Melbourne to visit three mosques as part of their research method subject assignment. My main purpose was to expose the students to a different side of Islam.

I thought, at first, that in order to teach what a true mosque could be, I would have to find one in a non-Muslim country. Having been trained in architecture in the US and Edinburgh, Scotland, and having written my PhD dissertation on rethinking the idea of what the mosque is in modern, progressive Islam, I thought it was the only way to show the “true” side of Islam that could mix and mingle without fanatical notions bred by political parties or the state-managed conservative Islam in Malaysia.

I heard that the leadership of the Islamic Council of Victoria had announced that they were asking the city to allow the design and building of the first city mosque in Melbourne, to replace the small and adaptive reuse structure that sat on a street in the city centre. I had gotten an agreement from my friend, Dr Jan from RMIT, who was also a practising architect there, for a collaborative studio project.

The first thing I did was to assess the students’ knowledge about Islamic architecture and their understanding of the mosque. My students received a public school education before going on to further their studies at a private university. What did they know of the history, rituals and architecture of the mosque after 15 years of Malaysian education? Next to nothing. They knew Muslims pray and have loud sermons, and that mosques in Malaysia are one of the most expensive buildings from the public purse. That was it. Oh, they also found it most convenient and healthy to steer clear of mosques, Muslims or any other Islamic issue.

I decided to give them a three-day crash course in the teachings of Islam, the basic requirements of the mosque, and the different social issues in the various political ideologies of Islam.

Some may now wonder, what is a professor of architecture doing, talking about political ideologies on the subject of architecture? Well, they have plenty in common. Show me five mosques and I can recite the political ideologies of the users and clientele of the mosques. Political ideologies govern cultural practices in Islam which in turn become rituals and values related to what is considered “proper” in how one acts in society and uses the mosque.

Most architects do not bother with this aspect of politics and prefer to play around with historical forms using modern technology to give their clients the “wow” factor while charging million-ringgit fees.

Should the mosque be iconic, splendid and expensive? Should it even belittle the non-Muslim tourist into subservience to the political grandeur of the religion?

The mosque, to me, should be a small, exciting place where Muslims and non-Muslims can interact in peace and harmony. The mosque is not an isolated centrepiece of iconic culture, which Prophet Muhammad warned of and predicted as the downfall of the Islamic faith. The more expensive and the greater the “wow” factor of the architecture, the further away from Islam the mosque will be.

To me, the mosque should also be a place nice enough for Muslims and non-Muslims to drink teh tarik or eat at the mosque cafe, buy books or other Islamic merchandise, attend public talks, use the toilets or even just rest and nap for a while at the mosque serambi. But these activities would immediately be hailed by conservative Muslims here as “deviant” or “sesat”.

In the Prophet’s history, the mosque, which was also his house, had a multitude of communal and political functions which were not so alien from my ideas. What the Prophet prohibited building – large, expensive mosques for vain purposes, with domes and minarets that are unnecessary and wasteful – we find in great abundance in Malaysia.

Many non-Muslims frequented the mosque to confer with the Prophet, and there were many homeless people who took shelter at the mosque while maintaining its upkeep as “payment”. I am just trying to relive the true spirit of the Prophet’s mosque during his lifetime.

So with this message and research intent for the students, we set out on the study and research trip.


The Melbourne city mosque









Meet the former garbageman now running NSW schools


By Jordan Baker


Murat Dizdar is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the state's 2200 schools



When he took his first teaching gig, Murat Dizdar didn't give up his garbage run. He and his mate, a bus driver, just worked harder to get the job done before their official day began, lifting and emptying the bins so quickly, the driver could barely keep up. "We would be filthy," he says. "The smell and the grit and the rubbish. We were both super fit, we'd run our guts out." Then he'd go home, have a long shower, and arrive at school before the bell, his students none the wiser.

These days, Dizdar is one of the most senior officials in the NSW Education Department, responsible for the day-to-day operation of 2200 schools. He lives in one of the houses whose bins he used to empty. He is there as a result of two things: a prodigious work ethic, learnt from his migrant parents, and the opportunities he was given - as a student and teacher - by the education system he now runs. They are opportunities he wants others to have.

We meet in a restaurant in Leichhardt, where he often brings his young family for dinner - a mid-range, hearty Italian eatery, complete with pizza oven, rustic wood paneling and hanging plants. It has been open since the late 1970s, but back then it would have been as unreachable as the moon for a young Turkish kid growing up in public housing down the road.

Over prawn linguini, the 46-year-old takes me back to his parents' arrival in Australia, when he was one-month old. They supported their young family by working in factories; his mother would work during the day, his father at night. "Not once would they say, 'this is a tough road to go down'," Dizdar says. But it was tough. "When your dad is taking you fishing as a young boy down to Walsh Bay in weeks where, if we caught something, we're going to get some protein, you learn really quickly the importance of hard work and endeavour."

Dizdar began contributing to the family finances when he was seven, when he got a job at a Turkish deli, standing on a milk crate so he could serve customers over the counter. It was the first job in what would become an eclectic CV, ranging from waiter and shop assistant to fitness instructor and garbageman. His work ethic runs so deep, he often worked two side jobs while teaching. Even as a school principal, Dizdar would moonlight as a fitness instructor on the weekend.






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Whatsapp Groups

(South Africa's) Riaad Moosa (Comedy)














Quran Recitation from Surah Al-Ahzaab

 OnePath Network




This Quran recitation, delivered by Sheikh Muhammad Al Harby will most definitely strike a chord. In this special recording, the Sheikh recites verses 38-48 from Surah Al-Ahzaab.  






It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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To know the future just look to the past


UK's Oldest Mosque: Incredible pictures shine a light on Britain’s oldest mosque dating back to the reign of Queen Victoria



Mrs Mohammed, left, and Lady Cudir embracing at the 1935 Festival of Idu I Fitr






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Listen live with the TuneIn app at


Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 14 December 2018

TOPIC: "" 











Friday lecture (sermon)

 DATE: 14 December 2018

TOPIC: "How to improve your love for Allah" PART 2

IMAM: Uzair Akbar












Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 7 December 2018


IMAM: Akram Buksh










Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 14 December 2018

TOPIC: “Three ways to channel anger”

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar


Lecture Recording









Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 14 December 2018

TOPIC: “Save yourself and your family from the fire”

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali








Australian International Islamic College Carrara



Image result for Australian International Islamic College Carrara


Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 14 December 2018

TOPIC: "" 
IMAM: Imraan Husain





Play the recording  




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The Cambridge Companion to Religion and Terrorism


Edited by James R Lewis





There is currently much discussion regarding the causes of terrorist acts, as well as the connection between terrorism and religion.


Terrorism is attributed either to religious 'fanaticism' or, alternately, to political and economic factors, with religion more or less dismissed as a secondary factor.

The Cambridge Companion to Religion and Terrorism examines this complex relationship between religion and terrorism phenomenon through a collection of essays freshly written for this volume.


Bringing varying approaches to the topic, from the theoretical to the empirical, the Companion includes an array of subjects, such as radicalization, suicide bombing, and rational choice, as well as specific case studies.


The result is a richly textured collection that prompts readers to critically consider the cluster of phenomena that we have come to refer to as 'terrorism, ' and terrorism's relationship with the similarly problematic set of phenomena that we call 'religion.





Depoliticised approaches to the understanding of terrorism and politically compromised scholarship

The academic field of Terrorism Studies is a highly dubious one, fraught with many problems. As Tom Mills and David Miller point out in Chapter 4 of The Cambridge Companion to Religion and Terrorism, terrorism studies first emerged as a field in the West during the Cold War era, spearheaded by a group of researchers known as the ‘terrorism mafia’.

This network of people was replete with former military and intelligence experts from America and Britain who specialised in counter-insurgency propaganda tactics during 20th-century conflicts. Experts from the terrorism mafia were not interested in studying terrorism in a casual way and were sceptical that terrorism could be stopped by removing its “roots causes”.

After the Soviet threat diminished in the 1990s, the United States continued to support Israel and Arab state autocracy as par for the course, and any threat to their power in the region was still given the label of “terrorism”.

But without the Soviet spectre looming, potential uprisings and insurgencies in the Middle East had no ideological commonality, that was until 9/11 happened, and the invention of “Islamism”. The subsequent evolution of terrorism studies as an academic field then became overwhelmingly concerned with defining and understanding “Islamism” as a theocratic ideology.

A Mills and Miller point out: “…the overwhelming focus on Islam and Muslims in terrorism policies and terrorism research reflects the interests of Western states which are themselves major driving forces behind the contemporary conflicts of which ‘terrorists’ are part.

Such states, principally the United States and its close allies in Europe and the Middle East, have recklessly pursued policies known to fuel ‘terrorism’, whilst at the same time fostering forms of knowledge and expertise which are geared towards the management of political violence, rather than developing and understanding its underlying causes. In this sense, the problem is not so much depoliticised analysis as politically compromised expertise.”

A good example of how terrorism studies are politically compromised is King’s College London’s Department of War Studies. King’s College works closely with the Ministry of Defence, providing advice to them and training for the armed forces. A visiting professor at their department is David Omand, a former Security and Intelligence Co-ordinator and, according to Mills and Miller, “reputedly the main architect of the United Kingdom’s counter-terrorism policy”.

The department is fostering the academic field of ‘new terrorism’, which evolved from the old terrorism mafia and attempts the impossible feat of independent scholarly study whilst also being aligned to a clear political pro-war position.

The Cambridge Companion to Religion and Terrorism is similarly compromised as its opening chapter is by a new terrorism scholar called Mark Juergensmeyer. In her 2013 book Disciplining Terror: How Experts Invented ‘Terrorism’, Dr Lisa Stampnitzky describes Juergensmeyer as intellectually aligned with the core members of the terrorist mafia of the 1970s.

In the opening chapter of this book, Juergensmeyer talks about the religiosity of Palestinians and how it exacerbates their violence but is not so much interested in the religiosity of Americans and Israelis and how it exacerbates their violence, as they are state actors.

Bizarrely, state violence is not within the remit of terrorism studies which only concentrates on the violence of non-states actors, and looks only at one side of a violent struggle.

Juergensmeyer frames the whole Palestinian resistance to occupation as religiously violent aggression, one that is potentially never-ending, because for Palestinians “the timeline of sacred struggle is vast; perhaps even eternal”.

In this way, terrorism studies invert power relations, looking at the aggression of states as a defence, and the defence of non-state actors as aggression. This view is propagated continually in Western media outlets with regards to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The majority of the chapters in The Cambridge Companion to Religion and Terrorism are either politically compromised or depoliticised, decontextualised approaches to terrorism, looking at terrorism in isolation of its war-time context.

This approach is reflected in the Editor James R Lewis’ own contributing chapter in which he concludes that the theory that Western Muslims join international terror groups because they wish to travel back in time and live how they imagine life was like for the Prophet Muhammad, is an important ‘variable’ in understanding their behaviour, and just as important as any political variable.

Lewis’ approach is effectively trying to understand the power of the Islamic State through its recruitment methods rather than through the means in which it came about in the chaos of post-war Iraq. This is the “analytical void” that Mills and Miller talk about from which it is impossible to make a rational analysis of terrorism at all.

It can be argued that The Cambridge Companion to Religion and Terrorism is a politically compromised piece of scholarship, and therefore academically compromised.

Due to the primacy, it has given to the work of Mark Juergensmeyer who is intellectually aligned to both the original ‘terrorism mafia’ and academics at the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, it is difficult to see this book as pure scholarship outside of the context of the counter-terrorism policy framework.

Given that the majority of the chapters of this book are depoliticised approaches to the understanding of terrorism, the book is doing little to redress the implications of terrorism studies for the civil liberties of Muslim citizens all over the world. Not even a Cambridge Companion to Islamophobia, which doesn’t exist, can counteract the negative human implications of the field of terrorism studies.




Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB's Culinary Corner





KB says: I'm told that these are the "best home baked ginger biscuits ever!"


Ginger Biscuits






Step 1
Beat together

250 g butter
1 cup oil
2 cups castor sugar

Step 2

Fold in
4 tab golden syrup
4 tsp ginger spice
4 tsp cinnamon spice
4 tsp baking powder

Step 3

Place 2 tsp bicarb in a cup with a tsp of vinegar and allow to bubble. Add this to your mixture.

Step 4

Add flour to make a soft dough.

Step 5

Make small balls and roll the top in sugar and place on a lined baking tray (do not flatten)

Bake in a pre-heated oven of 180 degrees till golden brown and cracks are formed.



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Keeping Fit with Kareema






• Take time to relax when you don’t have time for it!

• Do what you love and that gives you your meditation

• Don’t over-think everything

• Stress is something that you create in your mind – stop, breathe and
change your way of thinking

• Head to the gym or outside for a workout

• The only limitations are the ones we put on ourselves – be kind to you

• Life is about choices, make smart choices!





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786




Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )





Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing














Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic: Decisions - The Four Key Questions To Help You Make Decisions

One of the most common themes I come across with my clients during our Clarity Coaching sessions is their ability, rather inability, to make decisions.

You make a decision when you carefully, with an open mind, consider all information at hand and find a solution or resolution to act upon in order to progress in life. Once you make a decision there is no further need for procrastination. If the action you take yields you results that are not to your expectations, you need to re-evaluate those outcomes and make another decision. Life is a series of moments that require you to consider information at hand, make the best possible choices and come to a decision.

As Muslims, we call these series of decision-making moments, tests. ALLAH swt tests us every day, every moment of the day. It is up to us to pass those tests so that we progress positively and joyfully to the next test.
Often you may find that you may get tested on the same thing over and over. This means that you have yet to pass that test. Somehow the pattern you are living in needs to be challenged, make better choices and take decisions to pass these tests.

Four Questions

When your mind has too many thoughts you may feel overwhelmed and confused. Here are four simple questions that you can ask yourself that may help find clarity in your thoughts and assist you with making an informed decision.

1. DO I WANT TO be, do or have this?
2. Will being, doing or having this MOVE ME IN THE DIRECTION OF MY GOAL?
3. Is being, doing or having this IN HARMONY WITH ALLAH’S COMMANDMENTS?
4. Will being, doing or having this VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS?

Make your decision if the answer to the first three questions is YES and the answer to the last question is NO. However if your answer is No to one of the three first questions or Yes to the last question, then you may need to reconsider.

For example:
Let's say that someone is contemplating going into a mortgage to invest in a property.
So, the situation at hand is:

Whether I should enter a mortgage:

1. DO I WANT TO be, do or have this? (YES)
2. Will being, doing or having this MOVE ME IN THE DIRECTION OF MY GOAL? (YES)
3. Is being, doing or having this IN HARMONY WITH ALLAH’S COMMANDMENTS? (NO)
4. Will being, doing or having this VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS? (NO)

Notice how the third question has a NO answer. Clearly, the decision to take a mortgage would be wrong if one wants to obey ALLAH’s commandments as per the Quran.

Now, take a pen and paper and write down a situation in your life that requires you to make a decision. Tackle the above four questions honestly and MAKE YOUR DECISION. Email me if you need further guidance on this topic.   




If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please email me on If you wish to have a FREE one hour Clarity Coaching phone session, contact me on 0451977786




Download the above article.


Muslimah Mind Matters videos : available on YouTube

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Reflections - my new ebook of poetry and affirmations
DOWNLOAD The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Muslimahs
WATCH VIDEOS from Muslimah Mind Matters YouTube Channel.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Meditation Moments - audio files for self-awareness meditation.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786.



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The CCN Chuckle





Jalaluddin hangs up a poster up on his office wall:




He returns from lunch, and finds a note on his desk:


"Your wife called, she wants her poster back home."



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An Ayaat-a-Week






Say: "Whether you hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all: he knows what is in the heavens, and what is on the earth. And Allah has the power over all things."

~ Surah An-Imran 3:23


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“Education is an admirable thing,

but it is well to remember from time to time

that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.”

~  Oscar Wilde



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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board














Brother Laith from the community has a brain tumour and needs urgent brain surgery. All proceeds will be going to help his medical expenses. Medical expenses may exceed $150,000 due to the high risk nature of the tumour. Please support this worthy cause by purchasing a ticket or donating.





What and When: Oz Sports has been hired for the community's sole use on Saturday 19 January 2019 from 6pm to 8pm.


Activities will include netball, soccer, cricket and volleyball all in the name of fun.


Teams will be randomly selected and participants will be able to play at least 2 different sports on the night. Salaah facilities will be provided.


For food, there will be a sausage sizzle.

Who's Invited:
Everyone! Men, women, boys and girls 4 years old and above are invited to participate. Kids under 4 and non-sports participants are also invited to join us on the night.

Why: The purpose is purely for the community to get together, network and have some fun through sport.

How do I Sign On: Registration can be done online.

Click here.


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On 31 December 2017 the only Islamic childcare centre in the whole of Brisbane had to unfortunately close its doors due to the Department of Transport requiring it for their future expansion. To date they are still in the process of securing new premises to continue serving this very important need of the community and the wait continues….

In the interim the need is still there. The question most Muslims would be asking themselves is “Where do I send my child so that he/she can learn, grow and develop in an Islamic environment, and establish a sound Islamic foundation?”

Msasa Montessori is a private home based learning centre for 3-5 year olds. The focus is an Islamic based learning environment alongside the Montessori method of teaching. Children will be taught their basic duas, surahs, tasbeehs, stories of the Prophets will be read and enacted, and Inshallah their love for Allah and His Noble Prophet Muhammed S.A.W will develop. Supported by the Montessori method of teaching they will develop their independence and will utilise equipment which will enable them to develop and grow.

Montessori is a method of education based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. The Montessori materials cover developmental activities designed to meet the needs of children in five curriculum areas:
Practical life skills, Sensorial activities, Mathematics, Language and Cultural Studies.


By providing such an environment, the children will develop a strong sense of wellbeing and identity as Muslims and they will become confident and involved learners with the ability to communicate effectively and with confidence.

For further information call 0434519414.



Download flyer







Click here to enlarge



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See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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Donations & Appeals







Assalamu Alaikum wrb

This is urgent plea to all our brothers and sisters.


We have paid a deposit to purchase a church on the Gold Coast to make it into a Masjid, the church is already approved as a place of worship as a Masjid.


So far we have raised $2.6m in loans qarz e hasna and donations and are $500,000 short.


Our settlement is in just over 1week time. We are pleading pay back in 12 months.


We cannot miss out on this church which can accommodate 500 people. We will not get this opportunity again in the middle of Gold Coast.


There is only 1 Masjid on the Gold Coast which is overflowing, again I point out we can not miss this opportunity we will never get this opportunity on the Gold Coast again.


Please help towards this house of Allah as the reward great - a house in Jannah Insha’Allah.


Complete the Pledge Form or please message or contact me...... .

Please contribute whatever you can and share with family and friends.

May Allah swt grant you and your family a dwelling in Paradise.


Imam Akram Buksh










Gold Coast Islamic Cultural Centre



Islamic Care clothing bins are now operational around South East Queensland 







Bank Account Details:

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Toowoomba Plaza Branch
A/C Name: Toowoomba Islamic Charitable Organisation

BSB No 064459,

A/C No 1034 1586,
Swift Code: CTBAAU25XXX

Contacts: Prof Shahjahan Khan Ph +61421081048, Email:, Dr Mainul Islam Ph +61432533550, and Br Shahbaz Rafiq Ph 0402398608 (Brisbane).





Water scarcity is a major concern for those living in Yemen, especially those in conflict areas. This has resulted in people seeking water from unclean sources and the spread of water-borne diseases to over 1 million people.

MAA has embarked on a major project to provide water to over 3,000 people by digging an artesian well with a depth of 170m.

The structure will include a concrete reservoir, generator room, and pipes networked to distribute water to local areas.

You now have the opportunity to invest in the construction of this life-saving Sadaqah Jaariyah project for just $50.

Invest on behalf of yourself, your family, and your friends and reap the rewards!




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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





16 December



Fund Raiser: Ladies Night Out


Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0410 977 161

6PM to12AM

19 January 2019



Sports Family Fun Night



OZSPORTS Springwood

0410 977 161

6PM to 8PM

9 March 2019



Mother & Daughter High Tea


Hurricane Stars Club


0432 026 375


24 March 2019



Zaky and Friends Show


Hurricane Stars Club

Islamic College of Brisbane,


0432 026 375


2 April 2019

3 April 2019


Tues (EVE)





(Ascension night)

27th Rajab 1440


20 April 2019

21 April 2019


Sat (EVE)





(Lailatul Bahrat)

15th Sha'baan 1440


6 May 2019





(start of the month of fasting)

1st Ramadaan 1440


26 May 2019





(Night of Power)

27th Ramadaan 1440


5 June 2019





(end of the month of fasting)

 1st Shawal 1440


11 August 2019





(Night of Power)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1440


12 August 2019





10th Zil-Hijjah 1440


17 August 2019



Eidfest @ Dreamworld




0418 722 353

from 6PM

1 September 2019





(Islamic New Year)

1st Muharram 1441





1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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Masjid As Sunnah



Every Sunday Quran Tafsir or Islamic Lesson or Arabic Class.
After Magrib
Conducting by Imam Yahia Baej

Children Arabic/Quran Class every Tue-Wed-Thursday after Magrib




Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040




Bald Hills, Brisbane




Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

Download the programme here.














Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha QLD 4117

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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Useful Links




HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

Eidfest Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

Al Tadhkirah Institute Madressa, Hifz and other Islamic courses

If you would like a link to your website email


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It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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