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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......

Sunday, 27 April 2008

 .Newsletter 0181

This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by


CresWalk2008: Record Run on Entries


A record number of close to 700 entries have already been received for this year's CresWalk2008.


Several entrants are doing a Fun Walk for the very first time in their lives.

Good on yer for giving it a go!


If YOU are not yet in what is undoubtedly going to be the biggest and best CresWalk ever

you can still register online or download an entry form


Do the

Sunday 18 May 2008


Local young artist Aakifah Suleman has commenced work on a calligraphic work especially for CresWalk2008.


The artwork will be amongst the many random draw prizes to be drawn on the day.


(Examples of Ms Suleman's work)


The GIRU Grant Saga Chronicles


The Griffith Islamic Research Unit (GIRU) and Griffith University have come under fire for accepting Saudi Arabian funding for the Unit.


University 'an agent of extreme Islam' and Top uni 'begged' for Saudi funding were just some of the headlines making the front pages of the newspaper.



Extracts from the newspaper reports:


A PROMINENT Australian university practically begged the Saudi Arabian embassy to bankroll its Islamic campus for $1.3million, even telling the ambassador it could keep secret elements of the controversial deal.

Documents obtained by The Australian reveal that Griffith University - described by vice-chancellor Ian O'Connor as the "university of choice" for Saudis - offered the embassy an opportunity to reshape the Griffith Islamic Research Unit during its campaign to get some "extra noughts" added to Saudi cheques.

A JUDGE has likened Griffith University to hardline Islamic "madrassas" in Pakistan - notorious for breeding radicals - and accused the Queensland institution of promoting a Muslim ideology espoused by Osama bin Laden.

Queensland District Court judge Clive Wall also accused Griffith of becoming an "agent" through which the Saudi Arabian embassy was propagating extreme Islam.

The Australian first revealed in September that Griffith had received a $100,000 Saudi grant.


Griffith Islamic Research Unit director Mohamad Abdalla has rejected accusations the Saudi funding would be used to promote Wahabism, saying his centre was opposed to the hardline ideology and in favour of "moderate" Islam. 



Full Articles







In response to the daily attacks on the unit from Kerbaj and The Australian, Griffith University Vice-Chancellor Ian O'Connor wrote an opinion piece entitled Islam and the West need to engage in the April 24 edition of the Australian:


Mr. Ikebal Patel, President of AFIC, issued a press release on behalf of his organization.




The controversy that was stirred up during the week also prompted a number of letters to the editor of the Australian:


I USED to teach ethics at Griffith University, and one of my students was Mohamad Abdalla, now head of the university’s Islamic Research Unit. I found him to be a tolerant, sensitive and modest man, who often raised moral issues from the Koran in our tutorials. I valued his opinions and input. I have no knowledge of the funding arrangements for the unit he now runs, as I have not kept in contact with people at Griffith _ and so have no interest in defending the university. But the suggestion that Abdalla would institute some hardline madrassa-style indoctrination is so out of character with the person I knew as to be quite absurd.

John Forge
East Balmain, NSW

READING the story on Griffith University’s soliciting of funds from Saudi Arabia, one gets the distinct feeling that this country is viewed as a menace at best and an outright enemy at worst. If Judge Clive Wall’s concerns, or those of your correspondents who support him, are indeed sincere, then why is nothing ever said about the large-scale support the Wahabi regime receives from its Western friends. Support such as the recent US commitment to sell Saudi Arabia more than $20billion in sophisticated weaponary, to provide assistance to its intelligence agency and making available on-going training to its instrument of repressive control, the Saudi National Guard? These are but a few examples.


Considering Wall’s membership of the Australian Defence Force, he should understand that the implications of this support are far more serious than the funding received by a publicly controlled university in Australia.

Mohammed Alfakhrany
Gladesville, NSW

I OFFER the following ``reality check’’ to the editors of The Australian, Richard Kerbaj and Clive Wall. The vice-chancellor of Griffith University, in an email to all staff on April 22, has advised that two esteemed US universities, Harvard and Georgetown, ``accepted in 2005 donations of $20million from a Saudi businessman and member of the royal family to finance Islamic studies’’.


I look forward to the reactions of your readers to this revelation. I would specifically urge Wall to unequivocally condemn Harvard and Georgetown for being ``agents’’ of hardline Islam. After all, he has condemned Griffith University for accepting donations from the Saudi government.

Iyanatul Islam
Eight Mile Plains, Qld

NEVER having been in Judge Clive Wall’s court, I can only hope that his reasoning there is more rigorous than his reported comments on Griffith University’s bid to secure Saudi funding for its Islamic Research Unit might suggest. His argument is one of guilt by association: Saudi Arabia funds Wahabi-teaching madrassas in Pakistan; Saudi Arabia funds Griffith; Griffith is a teaching institution like the madrassas; therefore its teaching must be Wahabist. Reds-under-the-bed seem to have been displaced by Wahabists cloaked in the respectability of universities.

Ken Goodwin
Indooroopilly, Qld

Dear Editors (The Australian & Weekend Australian), (UNPUBLISHED)

I am deeply dissatisfied with the articles about the Griffith Islamic Research Unit (GIRU) published 22 to 24 April 2008. I found them to be misleading, baseless, and to have made completely false claims. The articles were written in such as way as to suggest sinister dealings between Griffith University and the Saudi Arabian embassy. The lack of evidence and context in the articles, however, suggests that The Australian engaged in a blatant game of fear-mongering and an attempt to undermine the progressive and positive work of a credible and reputable academic institution.

GIRU is strongly committed to a moderate and balanced approach to Islam. It has very clear and progressive objectives that are contrary to the so-called wahhabi ideology. GIRU’s focus on ‘contextualisation’ and ‘objective-oriented’ approaches is contrary to the literalism associated with the wahhabi ideology. Moreover, GIRU is extensively engaged in inter-faith and inter-community dialogue and works with a range of state and federal government departments on various issues pertaining to Islam and Muslims. This level of openness and engagement is also contrary to the exclusivist and insular character associated with wahhabism. An article about GIRU written by an objective journalist would have revealed this.

GIRU should be judged on its product – the research it produces, which is publicly available on Griffith ’s website. GIRU’s research is progressive, unafraid of critiquing and reformulating long-held views in the field of Islamic Studies, and even critical of various Muslim conduct and interpretations of Islam. GIRU’s research positively contributes to the development of an approach to Islam that is conducive to the Australian context and supports more harmonious relations between Islam and the West.

The poor journalism, sensationalism, and inaccuracies of your articles on GIRU are unbecoming of Australia ’s national daily. Please get your act together.

Nora Amath
Brisbane, Qld.

RICHARD Kerbaj’s article shows a worrisome level of fear amongst academics represented through denial and dissociation. Whilst Wahhabism has claimed centre stage as some sort of a fundamentalist version of Islam, this simplistic approach needs some academic scrutiny, that is, when those academics are not ducking for cover to dissociate themselves from yesterday’s much sought after benefactors. The irony of this hypocritical approach to disowning the hand that provides at least part of your food is more than disturbing in a society that is still reeling from the fear of witch-hunts. This is a disturbing attitude amongst beneficiaries of the funding, and is nothing short of an insult to the benefactors.

The Salafist ideology practised in Saudi Arabia is not the source of terrorism, in fact Saudi Arabia is a leading partner in the fight against terrorism. Some refer to the dominant school of Islam in Saudi Arabia as Wahhaby and it may be conservative, but the denunciation of terror and extremism and the prohibition of suicide bombings by Saudi scholars, even in defence of country, mean that the Saudi branch of Islam has done a great deal to combat terrorism.

Keysar Trad
Islamic Friendship Association of Australia



Other letters and emails received on the matter.



Several leading Muslim organizations in Queensland endorsed a letter of protest to the editor of the Australian.


A formal letter of complaint has been lodged with the Australian Press Council.



Mr. Graham Perrett Member for Moreton issued a press release reaffirming his support for Griffith University and the Islamic Research Unit headed by Moreton resident Dr Mohamad Abdalla.

“I am proud of my local university and will always support their extensive academic and community endeavours. They are a world leader in so many areas and have shown independence and courage during the difficult Howard years when so many other universities chose to put their cash registers before their academic principles.”

In his letter Mr Perrett confirmed that he had known Dr Mohamad Abdalla for many years in a variety of community activities before he took on his role at Griffith University’s Islamic Research Unit.

“I have met many of Dr Mohamad Abdalla’s students and from my dealings with the faculty I could not have seen a more considered and moderate approach to Islam. It is ludicrous for the ill-informed to suggest that this faculty is a madrasah breeding radicals. They would be better served by reviewing the sort of doctorate theses being pursued by Dr Mohamad’s students rather than peddling misguided misinformation.”

Mr Perrett stated that he looked forward to continuing to work with Griffith University’s Islamic Research Unit and Dr Mohamad Abdalla in helping to make sure that the southside community was a harmonious and tolerant place.



Killing the Goose that could have laid Griffith’s Golden Egg


If ever you needed a shining example of the phrase “a beat up” then Richard Kerbaj’s articles on GIRU, that he passes off as investigative journalism, will surely rank high amongst a short list of contenders.


Instead of enjoying his well earned break while Muslims and Islam take a temporary back seat to the apology to the Stolen Generation and the 2020 Summit, Kerbaj has felt the need to justify his raison d'être as the custodian of the “be alarmed and be alert” brigade by literally scraping the bottom of the barrel to continue his campaign of stirring the Muslim pot.


On the Saudi funding issue, Kerbaj has flogged the “guilt by association” angle going as far as to resurrect a nondescript Southport District court judge to lend credibility to some rather vacuous and disingenuous innuendos.


To suggest that a course or programme at a University could be manipulated towards a particular agenda without coming under the scrutiny of Advisory, Faculty and Academic Boards demonstrates, at best, a lack of understanding of the checks and balances engrained in the University system. Even when rogue courses do fall through the normal QA cracks on occasions then students and the public at large will have their say (see the CCN article ANIC and UWS for an example of community pressure at work).


Cash strapped Universities are always in search of research funds. The offer to respect the anonymity of the donor is standard practice and not to be construed as a conspiracy concocted to gerrymander the funds for some perceived immoral or illegal purpose.


GIRU’s track record over its short existence is littered with projects and initiatives that have been designed to bridge the gap of understanding of Islam within the context of the society we live in. Its postgraduate, internationally peer-reviewed research projects address a number of social, economic and political issues from a dispassionate, oft critical, academic perspective as is the wont of Universities. To compare them to Madressas (where school-going boys and girls learn, in the main, the basic tenets and rituals of their religion) is naïve in the extreme and undermines the work of both educational institutions.


Those of us who have heard Dr. Mohammed Abdalla at inter-faith and political forums, and more significantly, from the Kuraby Mosque Mimbar on a Friday afternoon, will readily testify to his exhorting of his congregation (to the point of exhaustion) to greater social participation and involvement with the wider community (both of which are seen as anathema to some hardline ideologies).


It is disappointing to see a newspaper of the calibre of The Australian resorting to tabloid styled journalism at the expense of truth and fair play.


Why kill the goose when everyone could have benefited from the golden egg!


No signs of decaying with age here!


Anver Omar (our Flying Dentist) entered the 2008 Brisbane Marathon on Sunday and on a flat 42km course along the Brisbane River clocked up 3 hours 34 minutes with a 21 km split of 1 hour 40 minutes.


A break of his personal best by 55 minutes, and 7th position in his 50-59 age group of 33 runners and 48th overall from 186 runners.


"My 50 year old calves feel as if every fibre has broken. I actually had to take a taxi for the half km to where the car was parked," he told our CCN reporter just after the run.


"Now, I have either been underperforming on previous runs or have just had one of those days, but right now the way my legs feel, there’s no way I’m doing the 2008 Comrades Marathon ...on the other hand...maybe the feeling will pass.....maybe."


Last year Anver completed the 98km South African ultra distance Comrades Marathon in 9 hours and 52 minutes with well over two hours of the 12-hour cut-off time to spare.

We'll be rooting for Anver all the way in the hope that he'll bring home the Comrades marathon plaque again!

Religion and Law Roundtable


International and national research is increasingly identifying complexities associated with cultural and legal pluralism and intersections with the law and legal process.

Within an Australian context, recent attention has been focused on the extent to which the Australian legal system, particularly the judiciary, should be expected to be responsive to demands for accommodation of some aspects of various religious traditions, while also ensuring the protection of other fundamental human rights, such as that of equality.

The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) is currently in the process of establishing a steering group and, to date, those who have accepted their invitation to join the steering group include:

Jamila Hussain, Islamic Law Lecturer of the University of Technology Sydney; Professor Greg J Reinhardt of the AIJA and Hass Dellal Executive Director of AMF and Chair of the University of Melbourne, Centre for Islamic Law and Society

The purpose of the project is to conduct a national roundtable dialogue over a period of two days, that includes members of the judiciary, key legal sector representatives and training bodies, academics and community members to explore issues around the interface between religion and the law. These issues have both human rights, ethical, as well as practical implications for the administration of law.

The focus of the project is on canvassing and building knowledge and is a significant opportunity to review the issues, establish a network, and set the agenda for further action in research, professional skills enhancement and consultation.

The final paper aims to reflect and incorporate the views expressed by participants, with emphasis being on building evidence and defining different positions in this important area.

While proposing to deal with such issues generally, the intent is to have a principle focus on the issues for Muslim communities; this will be reflected in the drafting of papers, structuring the program, and inviting the participants.


Impressive Impressions




Sheikh Saad Nomany mesmerized the capacity audiences who turned up for his recitations at the Gold Coast, Holland Park and Kuraby Mosques this week.


Flawlessly switching between the styles of the famous and familiar Imaams of the Middle East, Sheikh Nomany gently transported his audiences from the Mosques of Egypt to the Holy Mosques of Makkah and Medina within the short space of an hour.


His impressions of Sheikhs Abu Bakr Shatery, Sudais and Shuraim were followed by an uncanny imitation of the Muadhdhin of Masjid-Al-Haram.


To relive Sheikh Nomany's performance at the Holland Park Mosque this week see the video clip below (courtesy of Mohammed Alqubaiwi who also captured the photos).





Sheikh Saad Nomany at Holland Park Mosque

Monday 21 April 2008




Faiths share goal of understanding


JOINING FORCES: Former Afghan refugee and

deeply committed Muslim Forotan

with her leadership program mentor, a radical

Christian community worker in suburban

Brisbane, Dave Andrews

Picture: Jono Searle

A Brisbane suburban link between the Crescent and the Cross is helping to break down mutual mistrust, writes Daryl Passmore HOMA Forotan is a young woman with a broad smile, a big heart and a sharp intellect, who loves her adopted country and wants to change the world.


In the second year of a bio-medicine degree at the University of Queensland, when the 21-year-old is not studying she is helping high school students as a volunteer with a homework club at a community learning centre on Brisbane's southside.


Afghan-born Ms Forotan, a deeply committed Muslim from suburban Moorooka, is one of 16 people selected from around the country by the Australian Multicultural Foundation for a program nurturing a new generation of young Muslim leaders.

It's a challenge she is keen to embrace.


"Now is the time to move ahead and change attitudes," she said.


That means attitudes on both sides of the cultural divide.


The Leadership Australia program resulted from a series of nationwide Muslim youth summits which found young people were looking for ways to contribute to broader community activities and build networks to create greater understanding and awareness about Muslims in Australia.


"The majority are compassionate and are as worried about the future of Australia as everyone else," said Ms Forotan.


She said her own enthusiasm and  confidence had been inspired by the kindness of people since she came to Australia. Her family fled from Afghanistan in 2001 to escape the Taliban. White her father, a doctor, came to Australia, Ms Forotan went with her mother and six brothers and sisters to Pakistan for five years before joining their father.


After coming to Brisbane, Ms Forotan attended Yeronga State High School, graduating with an OPl score, the highest possible.


While at school, Ms Forotan attended the Annerley Homework Club, where she is now a voluntary tutor.


The Muslim woman is being mentored in the leadership program by a radical Christian leader, Dave Andrews, who helped Ms Forotan's family settle in Australia.


A community worker whose emphasis on practical spirituality over organised religion has often put him at odds with the church, Mr Andrews lives and works among some of Brisbane's most marginalised people  in the inner-city suburb of West End indigenous people, drug-users, ex-prisoners and those with mental illness attempting to live, rather than merely preach, Jesus's teachings.


Ms Forotan said: "I can really feel connected with him because he challenges the stereotypes in his own religion as well as others. "He has the type of understanding that grandfathers have for their grandchildren. He is very sensitive and feels your pain as his."


Mr Andrews, who with his wife Ange worked in Afghanistan and set up community ministries among the poorest of the poor in the slums of India before returning to Brisbane, is involving Ms Forotan in multi-faith forums.




The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC), a body representing the Muslim Imams of Australia, has called on the the community to petition the National Centre of Excellence of Islamic Studies and the University of Western Sydney over a course being conducted there.


According to Shaykh Moez Nafti, the President of ANIC, the course structure and content of  ‘Women in Arabic and Islamic Literature’ has involved "repeated and unjustified attacks upon Islam by the lecturer and a course reader that is seriously flawed."


"The reader promotes a very negative view of Islam and especially women in Islam. It does not represent normative, traditional Islam as practised by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim Population in the world today and through fourteen centuries of Islamic history.


"We are concerned that the course does not provide a balanced view of Islam and that  students will emerge with a very skewed understanding of the faith. The course is so biased that it does not draw upon the work of renowned academics whose writings would give the course a more moderate slant. Such an omission is not only serious but quite telling. It tells of the fact that this course was not constructed and is taught in a very negative manner with prejudices which are very obvious.


"Even when there is a reference to a traditional source (and there is only one reference and that is to Bukhari) that source is taken out of context and not given explanation from the  traditional sources on which there is an abundance written and recorded.


"The two major sources for Islam are the Quran (Divine revelation) and Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) neither of these will convey their complete meaning if they are taken out of context or taken literally without appropriate explanation. And that is exactly what was  done with the reference to Bukhari and the Hadith contained therein.


"The subject’s emphasis on sexuality and it’s explicit sexual content is not reflective of normative Islam which is what we thought the National Centre of Excellence in Islamic Studies would attempt to portray.


"We would appreciate a reassessment of this course, its content and the manner in which it is taught so that it more accurately reflects the actual and not imagined teachings of  Islam. And to truly reflect the normative teachings of Islam which is best placed under the Centre of excellence in Islamic studies."


From the IWAQ desk......







IWAQ held a farewell morning tea for Ms. Safia Raza (pictured right in photo) on Tuesday 22 April. 


The staff of IWAQ wish Safia all the best in her studies.






The "Let us Know" website launch was held at IWAQ on Thursday 24 April.


Ms. Susan Booth, Commissioner of Anti Discrimination Commission Queensland attended and explained the purpose of the website.


She encouraged anyone who had lately been subjected to discrimination to write and lodge a complaint their website link, www.adcq.qld.gov.au.



Around the Muslim World with CCN


Gaza's running man 


When the athlete Nader al-Masri was allowed to leave Gaza yesterday, it marked the first step in a journey he hopes will end in Olympic glory. But others are not so lucky.


A misfired Qassam rocket recently hit his house. His Adidas running shoes are badly torn round the instep from over-use.

He has been training on dusty, cratered dirt roads having been banned for the last four months from using a Qatari visa to train on purpose-built running tracks. And when a lethal clan dispute put his home town of Beit Hanoun under curfew, he was reduced to running endlessly up and down the narrow 200-metre alley next to his home.

So when Nader al-Masri, the fastest distance runner in Gaza, was finally allowed yesterday by Israel to leave for the West Bank, it put him on the path to realising his 10-year-old dream of competing in the 5,000 metres at the Beijing Olympics. "I'm so happy," he said after leaving through the Erez crossing. "This feels even better than when I heard I was in the Palestinian team for Beijing."

Read the rest....


Praying passenger removed from S.F. -bound flight at JFK

NEW YORK - A passenger who left his seat to pray in the back of a plane before it took off, ignoring flight attendants' orders to return, was removed by an airport security guard, a witness and the airline said.

The religious man, who wore a full beard, stood near the lavatories and began saying his prayers while the United Airlines jet was being boarded at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Wednesday night, fellow passenger Ori Brafman said.

When flight attendants urged the man, who was carrying a religious book, to take his seat, he ignored them, Brafman said. Two friends, who were seated, tried to tell the attendants that the man couldn't stop until his prayers were over in about 2 minutes, he said.

"He doesn't respond to them, but his friends explain that once you start praying you can't stop," said Brafman, who was seated three rows away.

[Editor] So you thought the man in question was Muslim.........think again...



Sunnybank ANZAC DAY Commemoration Service




Ali Syed and Neslihan Kartal of the Islamic College of Brisbane read their lines remembering all the "innocent and helpless lives that have been sacrificed"

Mr. Safet Avdich who fought in World War 2




MacGregor vs Gold Coast: Coverage from both ends of the pitch





Report by Abdul Khan





Last Sunday, the unbeaten Warehouse champs from MacGregor took on an under done Afghan team from the Gold Coast. The Gold Coast knew they were in trouble as soon as they lost the toss, and were sent into bat, but figured they may have stood a chance as the bowlers proved far less intimidating than they looked.

The bowling was pretty poor, leading the Afghans to become complacent with their batting. The ball was coming so slowly that the batsmen were striking and the ball had not even reached the bat. It was almost like the bowlers were balling slower balls, but without trying remarked one of the batsmen. While none of the batters were able to dominate the bowling, the boys set the MacGregor team a competitive total of 183 from 30 overs - not bad for a rag tag team of guys who hardly ever train.

The MacGregor run chase started poorly as they lost a wicket in the very first over. Unfortunately for the Gold Coast, extras proved their undoing as the bowlers failed to keep the pressure on. In the end, MacGregor ran down the 183 with 5 overs to spare and with 7 wickets in hand, but this was not a true indication of how close the two teams actually were. It was a game the Gold Coast boys lost rather than a game that MacGregor won.



[Editor] And now for a view from the other side




Report by Wunofda Khans





“The Gold Coast boys are now looking for another team to take on, and would like to invite anyone who thinks they maybe able to offer some competition.  If you think your team has what it takes to take on the best of Queensland, please call”. CNN 4/11/07


The offer was put up many months ago and a group of local brothers took up the challenge last Sunday. The Gold Coast cricket team who were unbeaten in previous games, had finally met their match. It may not have had the glamour of the IPL 20/20 but the match that was in planning for 6 months had just as much competition, and reputations at stake.


Captain Shahzad’s Gold Coast team went into bat for the much anticipated 30 overs a side match. Tameem top scored with 30, and was supported by local Imam Uzhair who scored 23no. The injured Imam had an ‘angel’ running for him, as he hit the big ones.  The team made a reasonable a 9/183 after the 30 overs with Ahsim, Tahseen and Umar all taking 2 wickets each.


The Macgregor boys started their innings with Tahir Suleman and Faisal Ali. Suleman finished with an impressive 64 runs. The appointed captain for the match Naeem Khatree, was next at the crease and he had a point to make. The star of the day scored a dazzling 74 not out, taking his team to a convincing victory by 7 wickets with 8 overs to spare.


The Gold Coast team arrived with such confidence and left realising that they had been outclassed by a much more experienced team. The McGregor boys are quiet achievers having won 2 winter cricket premierships with warehouse cricket in 2006 and 2007.  They are pleased to have finally shown their Muslim brothers from the Gold Coast what a team who can offer some competition can do.


....and now a word from this week's sponsor.......Pitter Patter



The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!




Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?


  Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org



Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using our book club you can see what books we at CCN have on our shelves, what we are reading and even what we and others think of them.

You can even create your own book shelf, find out what your fellow CCN readers are reading, get and give recommendations for what to read next, create book lists, and even share your opinion on a book with us.

Come see the books we have selected and see if we have any in common. 

Then pick our next book so we can all keep on reading.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: I’ve been following your training program for the upcoming Creswalk and thoroughly enjoy the challenge. Can you suggest other ways of making my ‘run / walk’ more challenging apart from the hills and different routes?




A:  Keep up the enthusiasm and be sure to come and see me on RACE DAY with an update on your preparation and race results!!

A great alternative is to ‘BEACH IT’ – running on sand burns 25% more kilojoules than running on a hard surface. It’s quite challenging too and a great way to change the shape of your legs ladies!!

Running up and down STAIRS is another alternative that will have you burn about 3780kj (for an hour of running though)!!

BRING ON THE CHALLENGE TEAM!! Nothing is impossible..- N-JOY!



WEEK 3 of our 5 week training program:


Please note that the following program is suitable for beginners.  For the more competitive or serious athlete, intensity, duration and frequency of exercises need to be increased!




DAY 1:

Walk for a minimum of 50 mins. (10 mins. at a moderate pace,  35 mins. at a more brisk pace and 5 mins. cool down / slow pace).




Healthy Tip:  Always keep your body hydrated - carry a bottle of water with you daily!


DAY 2:

Instead of walking, try jogging.  Don't reduce the distance - keep up the effort and further challenge your muscles.

Wear some ankle weights for extra resistance. 


DAY 3:

Back to strength training team!  Lift weights, including your own body weight (tricep dips, push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups, etc).

If you're a gym-junkie, a pump class will be great!


DAY 4:

A spin (cycle) class will be great for strengthening the legs so be sure to give it a go.  Alternatively, a ride in the park could be just

as challenging if you’re new to cycling. Ensure good posture and technique.  Again, add more time / distance to last weeks program.


DAY 5:

Active recovery -  Head for the pool and do a few laps (walk in the pool if you're not comfortable swimming)  Include your stretching routine.


DAY 6:

Interval Training.  Include some 30 sec. sprints into your walking/jogging routine, walk for a minute (recovery), then sprint again..


DAY 7: 

Family time:  An 'active' day out on a picnic will be great to get the kids involved. (Active recovery)..


PLEASE NOTE:  The above training program assumes a healthy participant.  Those with medical conditions or who are not  already physically active, need to seek clearance from their GP before starting any form of exercise.





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The Culinary Corner




30ml Sunflower oil - 30ml Butter - 1 Large onion thinly sliced - 1 green pepper seeded and chopped - 1 tomato chopped - 5ml chilli powder or crushed dried red chillies - 10ml methi masala - 5ml salt - 500ml frozen mixed vegetables 500ml long grain rice - 60ml butter.



1. Heat oil and 30ml butter in a large saucepan and braise onions until golden.
2. Reserve a third of the onions for garnishing
3. Add green peppers and tomato to the saucepan with chilli powder methi masala and salt and simmer for 15 mins
4. Add frozen veggies and simmer for 10 mins
5. Meanwhile parboil rice for 15 mins in lightly salted water
6. Rinse drain and add to saucepan with veggies.
7. Dot with 60ml butter and add reserved braised onion
8. Steam covered over medium heat for 15 mins



Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Wednesday, 23 April 2008



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin found a goat and showed him to a policeman.

The policeman said, "Take that goat to the zoo, now."

Next day the policeman sees Mula Nasruddin with the goat again.

The policeman stops Mula Nasruddin and says, "What on earth are you doing with that goat?"

Mula Nasruddin says, "What is there to do? Yesterday I took him to the zoo and now I'm taking him to the movies."



The CCN Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge



Women's Ghusal Classes

Muslim Women in Logan

ACCES Employment Workshop


AMARAH: Monthly Forum

Rotary Dinner

Benefit Concert












Glitz & Glam Workshop


Relationships Seminar


The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





27 April


Women's Ghusal Classes




IKuraby Mosque (Women's Section) 0403 009 003

3.30pm to 5.30pm

30 April


Employment Workshop for New Migrants


ACCES Services


INALA Community House
38 Sitella Street
0417 746 977

10am to 12pm

4 May


Monthly Forum: Origins of the Israel-Palestine Conflict




Garden City Library, Mt Gravatt 0422 349 786


11 May


Women's Ghusal Classes




IKuraby Mosque (Women's Section) 0403 009 003

3.30pm to 5.30pm

17 May



Crescents of Brisbane

Kuraby Community Hall, Svoboda Park

0402 026 786

2pm to 5pm

18 May


CresWalk2008: Annual Fun Run

Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786

7.30am to 12pm

23 May


Archerfield Rotary Fund Raiser Dinner

Rotary Club of Archerfield

Gambaro's Seafood Restaurant, Caxton, Petrie Terrace

0418 738 432


24 May


Benefit Concert Phil Monsour: Middle Easter Dinner


AHIMSA House, 26 Horan St West End

0421 637 172


30 May


Relationships Seminar

Ladies Auxiliary of Algester

Logan Community Hall, Cinderella Dr, Springwood

3219 0232


8/9 June






QLD LIONS, Pine Rd, RICHLANDS 0438 114 619


13 June


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




MacGregor Primary School 3272 6355


14 June


IWAQ/ACCESS Fun night for women




Kimberley Park Hall, Rosalie St, Shailer Park 3272 6355


14 June


MBN Business & Professional Trivia

Muslim Business Network


0422 191 675


22 June


Annual Qur'an Recitation Competition

Islamic Council of Qld

Islamic College of Brisbane, 45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha

0433 354 786

9am to 2pm

9 July




Queensland Police Service


QLD Police Service Regional Office, Level 1, 1993 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt 0438 114 619

6.30pm to 7.30pm

19 July


“Celebrating the Muslim woman" Fund Raiser Ladies Only Dinner

Kuraby Madrassah

124 Gowan Rd
Sunnybank Hills

0410 705 743


22 August


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




Kuraby Special School 3272 6355


23 August


Annual School Fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha

0402 794 253

All day

30 August


Holland Park Mosque Centenary Celebrations

Holland Park Mosque Management Committee


0431 300 111


1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Annual Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network (MBN)


0418 722 353


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

18 October


Annual Eid Nite

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque 219 Douglas St Oxley

0418 757 157


25 October


Crescents 'Pink Ribbon Breakfast'

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297

10am to 1pm

8/9 December




To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.