

Sunday, 26 January 2014

 Newsletter 0481




It was the "gangster feel" of Muslim outreach organisation Ummah United that caught the eye of Tayyab Khan.

The young Logan man liked its ideals of brotherhood, sticking up for each other no matter what, and its image, the menacing black hoodies and T-shirts with their crossed-swords emblem.

Deliberately pitched to attract disaffected young men who might slip into the grip of street gangs, it was a high-risk strategy on the part of Ummah United.

"That attracted me," Mr Khan said.

"Yeah. That aggressive feeling."

Rather than reinforce what he calls his previous "bad habits", Mr Khan says Ummah United steered him away from the street gang lifestyle he once had.

"It's the same as hanging out with my boys from back in the day, but it's clean, it's a clean environment," he said, surrounded by other men from the group who have met to share snacks and gossip at a Lebanese cafe.

"We speak about religion, we speak about good things, different topics, the same as hanging out, like we're doing here.


It's the same as hanging out with my boys from back in the day, but it's clean, it's a clean environment



Tayyab Khan

"I would have done the same with my friends. But it would have led to something else that wouldn't have been good for us."


Robbie, who did not want to give his full name, is an older man with even more of a chequered past, darkened by substance abuse, relationship breakdowns and run-ins with the law.

He once had a good job working for Centrelink, but then got involved with drugs while working as a bouncer in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley nightclub precinct.

"Within six months, I'd racked up pages of charges," he says.

He credits Ummah United - and his conversion to Islam - with keeping him out of trouble.

"I was hanging out with other Aussies ... our culture is to go out and get pissed in the pub, you know; if you don't have a beer there's something wrong with you," he says.

"So for me to walk away from that lifestyle completely, I needed to surround myself in a clean environment. Islam is a clean environment.

"Ummah United has given me a more intimate family within Islam."

Sharing a sense of alienation

Mirways Sayed, who set up Ummah United in 2012, can relate to the young men who attend the centre, their frustrations and sense of alienation.

He came to Australia as an Afghan refugee in the late 1970s and used to drift around and get up to no good on Brisbane's Southbank, before it was redeveloped. He still sometimes struggles with his English.

Mr Sayed says his idea was for a community centre with its doors open to everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim, to "get them off drugs, street violence, jail, and encourage them to become a better person".

However, the organisation's idealistic open-door policy has come at a price.

David Toalei, who has been linked to the Bandidos, was an Ummah member.

He made the news in June when he was Tasered and batoned into submission by police on the Gold Coast after a rampage in which it is alleged he fired a shotgun inside a taxi and tried to hijack a milk float.

If that was not bad press enough, Ummah made the news again in September after it emerged that people who had attended Ummah meetings included the brothers of a Brisbane man suspected to have carried out a suicide bombing in Syria.

The ABC knows the man's full name but has chosen not to publish it.

It cannot be verified that the man, whose nom de guerre was Abu Asmaa, was involved in the attack on an airport in the east of Syria on September 11.

The only publicly available source material indicating Abu Asmaa was Australian are tweets in Arabic from Jihadi social media commentators including one called Abu Hasan, who claimed he had helped the man's bereaved family financially by buying his car.

The incident is a touchy subject for the close-knit community in Logan, many of whose members know the man simply as "Junior".

One Ummah United member who is close to the family interrupted 7.30's interview with Mr Sayed, saying the ABC was making too many assumptions about the man's involvement.

The group's potential links to radical Islam have excited the interest of the authorities, with Mr Sayed reporting multiple visits to the centre from the Australian Federal Police and ASIO officers.

The ABC asked Mr Sayed if officers had presented any evidence of wrongdoing. He said they had not.


'Robbie' says having the support network of a Muslim youth organisation in Queensland has helped 'encourage the best in him' and overcome substance abuse. 

ASIO visits give centre a bad rep

Some of the younger men privately complained to the ABC of frequent unannounced visits from ASIO at their homes.

The increasing attention has Mr Sayed worried that the pressure from the authorities has put the centre's future at risk.

"ASIO going to parents and going behind our backs and going to parents and asking questions ... people are a bit, you know, worried," Mr Sayed says.

"People are stopping their kids coming here and the place is getting emptier and emptier.

"Maybe if the authorities keep pressuring us like that, maybe this place will be closed."

According to Mr Sayed, if kids were not at the centre, "they'd probably be on the streets...in shopping centres, after the shopping centre's closed they're probably God knows where, in the city, outside, breaking and entering, stealing, all sorts of things".



A bridge back from radicalisation

Imam Uzair Akbar, from nearby Holland Park mosque, sees Ummah United not just as an alternative to the enticements of crime but, more importantly, as a fragile bridge between the mainstream and the radical fringe.

Appointed the group's spiritual adviser, the Imam aims his weekly religious talks at disaffected young men – and maybe even the women listening hidden in an upstairs gallery - who might be tempted to drift towards Jihad.

He acknowledges that he knows of young people "who are disturbed by what is happening in the Middle East".

The Imam is fighting a powerful force: radicalisation via the Internet. It was agreed early on that there should be no computers in the centre.



If any person has any thoughts that can damage the fabric of this country, the beautiful fabric of this country, we will be the first to highlight that. We will not keep it behind closed doors.

Imam Uzair Akbar

"If we do not occupy the youth, give them a purpose in life, then there is a possibility they may go to sites that incite hatred," he says.

"This centre will negate that. If people come to this centre on a regular basis, they will become part of the mainstream."

If the Imam is right, breaking Ummah United's link to the underground could be doubly counterproductive for the authorities, with the risk of shutting off a source of intelligence.

Says Imam Akbar: "If any person has any thoughts that can damage the fabric of this country, the beautiful fabric of this country, we will be the first to highlight that. We will not keep it behind closed doors."

Source: ABC News


RELATED VIDEO: http://www.abc.net.au/iview/#/view/80257863

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The nikah of Yaseen, the youngest son of Suleman and the late Hanifa Sabdia of Brisbane and Ayesha, daughter of Yunus and Reeshma Ismail of South Africa took place in the Akasia Mosque in Mokapane, Limpopo, South Africa on Sunday 12 January.

The nikkah was followed by a walima/reception at the Aboo Tayob Hall in Mokapane where the father of the bride sang a heart rending self composed nazam dedicated to his daughter and her leaving home to settle in a new country.





The nikah of Nadia, eldest daughter of Mehmood and Ayesha Seedat of Brisbane and Zaheer, youngest son of Mumtaz-Ahmed and Anisha Esat of Brisbane took place in the Hilal Mosque Overport, Durban, South Africa on Friday 17 January.

The reception was held on Sunday 19 January on the Netherwood Farm in Nottingham Road, KwaZulu Natal.


Nadia is a member of the Crescents of Brisbane Team.




The following correction to the article 'Some NANDOS are no longer Halal' in last week's CCN based on information submitted to CCN by the Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ) has been sent to us by a representative of the Directors of Nandos Festival Towers and Nandos Calamvale Central:

Nandos Calamvale is still Halal, still sources it's products from ABD Poultry, does NOT serve Bacon and is still Muslim owned. This is true for Nandos Festival Towers as well. Both stores will remain so until the 29th of January 2014.



The president of ICQ issued a press release this week:

Further to the article in CCN last Sunday, ICQ wishes to clarify that although the halal certification for Nandos at Calamvale for the year 2014 has not been renewed we have been advised that they will continue to operate as halal until the end of this month.

M Yusuf
President, ICQ



Mr Osman Rane, Managing Director of ABD Poultry, told CCN:

ABD Poultry will continue to supply chicken to all its Nandos stores up to and including 3.2.2014. Many stores with long term leases will continue to be Halaal with chicken supplied by Steggles and if Muslim owned will not have bacon or alcohol in them. Some other stores may not also have bacon.



The Nandos in Toowoomba stated: The chicken in Nandos Toowoomba Plaza is from Bioda/Inghum and there is no pork menu here. It is run by Khan & Sons Pvt Ltd and Certified by ICQ.

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The Islamic Society of Algester will be holding it’s annual Melaad-un-Nabi function on 2 February at the Islamic College of Brisbane in Karawatha.

Beginning at 3pm, the programme will run through to Maghrib Salaah with dinner provided thereafter.

"The Society extends a warm welcome to all, so please bring your family and friends along to partake in this blessed gathering," a spokesperson for the society said.

An exhibition on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallim) was held by the Society recently which "was a huge success". For those who were unable to attend and wish to view the exhibition, it will be on display before the Melaad-un-Nabi programme from 2-3pm.

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"If you haven’t watched the original video by Jaclyn Glenn – Don’t watch it!!

I originally was going to ignore her video based on the prophetic and quranic tradition to ignore the ignorant. The Prophet Muhammad pbuh doesn’t need to be defended either as Allah has already honoured him beyond a level of any other creation – but then I realised that this is a perfect opportunity to insha’Allah highlight the perfect attributes of Muhammad pbuh and his beautiful characteristics.

These videos cannot beautify Muhammad pbuh – rather his name is what beautifies these videos. May Allah make us of those who truly love the Final Messenger of Allah – Muhammad pbuh."

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Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane would like to invite you and your family to commemorate the blessed Mawlid of our Beloved Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam).

Date: Sunday, 26 January

Time: 4:30pm

Venue: Logan West Community Centre, 2 Wineglass Drive, Hillcrest 4118

International Guest: Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali

Nasheed Group: Ahbab Al-Mustafa (Sydney) (Nasheeds with Duff)

Along with many other renowned shuyukhs.

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The Brisbane programme for Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad is as follows (see details about the Shaykh in last week's CCN No. 480):

Kuraby Mosque between Maghreb and Esha - Tuesday 28th Jan
Men and women both - In English

Darra between Maghreb and Esha - Wednesday 29th Jan
Men and women both - In Urdu

Holland Park Mosque between Maghreb and Esha - Thursday 30th Jan
Men and women both - In English

Jummah khutbaa - Friday - 31st Jan
Holland Park Mosque - In English

1st ladies program - Wednesday 29th Jan
Kuraby Mosque - 11:00am - 12:00am

2nd ladies program - Thursday 30th Jan
Holland Park Mosque - 11:00am - 12:00am

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Myth No. 2: Immigrants from Muslim countries are going to swamp us

People look at the huge families of many new Muslim immigrants and imagine them multiplying at exponential rates. But this is a bit of an illusion - -as are many of the figures suggesting that Muslim immigrants have fertility rates higher than in their homelands.


This is because most new immigrants have most of their children in the years immediately after their arrival. The way we calculate Total Fertility Rate - - the measure of average family size - - is by taking the total number of births a woman has had and extrapolating it across her fertile life. As a result, immigrants appear to have more children than they really do.

In reality, the family sizes of Muslim immigrant groups are converging fast with those of average Westerners - - faster, it seems, than either Jewish or Catholic immigrants did in their time. Muslims in France and Germany are now having only 2.2 children per family, barely above the national average.


And while Pakistani immigrants in Britain have 3.5 children each, their British-born daughers have only 2.5. Across Europe, the difference between the Muslim and non-Muslim fertility rate has fallen from 0.7 to 0.4, and is headed toward a continent-wide convergence.

Next week: Myth No. 3


(Sourced from Doug Saunders' The Myth of the Muslim Tide)

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3. The Olayan family $12.5bn ($12.9bn) Saudi Arabia  

In third place this year is the Olayan family. This year marked the family business' 66th year of operations.


It has come a long way since the summer of 1947 when Suleiman S. Olayan launched his first business in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.


While still private and closely held, the group he founded has blossomed over the decades into a multinational enterprise with offices on three continents, and 50,000 people employed by 50 affiliated companies.


Its main investment portfolio covers public and private equities, real estate, fixed income securities and other specialised assets. Suleiman is survived by his son Khaled and his three daughters - Hayat, Hutham and Lubna. This year, the group has partnered with the world's largest snack food company, Mondelez International to distribute its products in the kingdom.



NEXT WEEK: The Number 4 richest Arab in the world.

Source: ArabianBusiness

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As the search for Zayd Dada still continues in Zimbabwe, the family would like to thank everyone for your overwhelming support and prayers. Inshallah Zayd is found safe and sound very soon.

As the news of Zayd’s disappearance reached all corners of the world, requests for assistance, both physical and monetary, when out in Australia, USA, UK, South Africa, Zimbabwe and the news travelled to many other countries. The generous contributions have been gratefully received by the family in Zimbabwe. It is through this support that has helped keep the search efforts going all this time as well as allow the family to acquire special equipment and get experts in to assist as well.


Hope is not lost and we know Zayd will return very soon inshallah. Thanks again for your support and please keep Zayd in your duas and prayers.


Hasan Karimshah


The man who hasn’t missed a Salaah in Masjid Nabawi for 37 years


MADINAH — An Afghan national has set an example of piety by never missing one single prayer behind the imam of the Prophet’s Mosque.

Haji Muhammad has become very popular in Madinah because for a quarter of a century he has appeared on Saudi TV wearing the same black turban while standing on the right side of the first line behind the imam.

He told Makkah daily that he arrived in the Kingdom when he was 19.

He has been working as a plumber for 37 years and only traveled once to Afghanistan.

He said: “I’ve always made sure I perform all prayers in the Prophet’s Mosque since I was a young man.

“I love picking up the copies of the Holy Qur’an from visitors and putting them back in their cabinets.”

Haji Muhammad has made friends with visitors from outside the country who have been impressed with how devoted he is in performing all prayers in the mosque and at the same place.

Some of them have seen him wearing the same black turban at the same spot every year they visited Madinah.

“When I worked for my sponsor, I told him from the start that I didn’t want to miss any prayer at the mosque and that in Ramadan I won’t work because I’ll be in the mosque all the time,” he said.

The devoted Afghani national is married to two wives and has 12 children.

Haji Muhammad is currently looking for a third wife.

Source: Saudi Gazette

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Meet Afghanistan's first female police chief: Mother-of-five Jamila Bayaz


KABUL -- Afghanistan has appointed a 50-year-old mother-of-five as its first female police chief. Col. Jamila Bayaz said her appointment was a sign of progress in the violence-ravaged country.

"This is a chance not just for me, but for the women of Afghanistan," she told NBC News Wednesday. "I will not waste it. I will prove that we can handle this burden."

Despite being one of 2,000 female police officers in the country, Bayaz is the first to be promoted to such a senior rank. She will head up the 1st District of Kabul, one of the most important areas of the Afghan capital.

"I want to thank America and the international community for all of their help and support. I would not be here today if it weren't for all of their assistance," she said.


"My children are worrying about me, but I am optimistic that I will stay safe."

Kabul's provincial police chief, Major General Mohammad Zahir Zahir, expressed his happiness and said Bayaz's promotion was a "wise step taken" by the interior ministry, during a small ceremony at her police station.

Zahir added that the promotion proved women had a vital role outside of their homes. "Women are capable of working like men," he said.

Interior ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqi said Bayaz's making police chief was the first step in promoting women within the police ranks.

"We will we see a female Provincial Police Chief in the near future," he said.

Source: NBC News

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Muslim woman wearing a hijab put the Parti Québécois on the defensive 


CANADA: A Muslim woman wearing a hijab put the Parti Québécois on the defensive in a sharp exchange on the first day of hearings over the secular charter that would prohibit public sector employees from wearing overt religious symbols.

Samira Laouni (pictured above) told the minority PQ government that its proposed legislation was creating social tensions unheard of in Quebec until now. Some Muslim women have been spat on and have had their head scarf torn off, she said. “I’ve been here for 15 years. I have never seen it like this until now,” she told the committee.

Ms. Laouni was among the first seven to appear at the National Assembly, but 250 parties have submitted briefs and 200 hours have been set aside for presentations over the next several weeks.

The issue has divided Quebeckers, and opposition parties accuse the PQ of trying to take advantage of the storm of protest to attract enough voter support, especially in predominantly francophone ridings, to win a majority government in an election many expect will be held this spring.

The PQ minister responsible for democratic institutions, Bernard Drainville, went to great lengths to defend the bill he tabled last November. He argued that only 20 per cent of Muslim women in Quebec wear the veil. “That is one in five that won’t be affected by the restrictive measures,” he said.

Ms. Laouni lashed back by reminding the minister that it was his responsibility to protect minorities. “In a democratic country you need to think about the 1 per cent that is affected. You don’t think about the absolute majority, you think about the minority that is being crushed,” she said.


In a democratic country you need to think about the 1 per cent that is affected. You don’t think about the absolute majority, you think about the minority that is being crushed

Samira Laouni

Throughout the hearings Mr. Drainville argued that his role was to stand up for average citizens who have a right to be served by religiously neutral public service. Some of those who appeared before the committee on Tuesday agreed with the minister, including René Tawani, an Egyptian-born University of Montreal professor who argued that the veil was a religious symbol imposed on women by Muslim fundamentalists in recent years for strictly political reasons.

“What is the true motive behind the veil?” asked Mr. Tawani. After all, the veil didn’t exist 20 years ago, yet Islam has existed for 1,400 years, he said.

In the face of Ms. Laouni’s arguments, the PQ government was at a loss to explain how it had no studies to support its claim that wearing religious symbols impeded the neutrality of a public servant’s duties. “It is odious to demand that people take off their religious symbols during work hours because it places them before a heart-wrenching decision: accept to work or renounce their identity.”

Ms. Laouni, who founded an organization promoting closer ties among cultural groups, said she supported several proposals in the bill, including the need for Quebec public institutions to be secular and defend gender equality. She also approves of the ban for public servants in positions of authority, such as police and judges. She added that the government should also adopt guidelines to help public institutions handle demands for religious accommodations. “But we absolutely, firmly and categorically reject the prohibition of anyone wearing a religious symbol as being part of their faith and their identity,” she said.

Mr. Drainville insisted that Ms. Laouni explain why, in spite of her firm opposition to the ban on religious symbols, she was willing to make exceptions.

“Why would it be acceptable for you to prohibit police, judges or prison guards from displaying religious symbols and not others?” the minister asked.


What is the true motive behind the veil?” After all, the veil didn’t exist 20 years ago, yet Islam has existed for 1,400 years

Bernard Drainville

“The answer is simple; it’s the uniform,” Ms. Laouni responded. She added, tongue in cheek: “Maybe Quebec will end up with a Mao Zedong dress code … and then there won’t be any more problems.”

The PQ was clear that it would maintain a ban on religious symbols in the public service and wasn’t inclined to make any compromises.

Without a consensus in sight, opposition parties fear the hearings may only serve to further polarize an already divisive debate on the secular charter bill. With the Liberal showing signs of division within their ranks over the ban on religious symbols and the Coalition Avenir Québec competing to have its voice heard in favour of a more moderate ban, the minority PQ government appears willing to allow the debate to pursue its course and eventually decide whether to call an election and ask voters to choose.

“We will try to reach an agreement with the CAQ. But if we can’t and an election is called, it will be up to voters to decide,” Mr. Drainville said earlier this week.

Source: The Globe and Mail


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Britain needs 'national debate' about banning Muslim girls from wearing veils in public


Britain should consider banning Muslim girls and young women from wearing veils in schools and public places, a Home Office minister has said.  


Mr Browne suggested the measure may still be necessary to ensure freedom of choice for girls in Muslim communities 

UK: Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat, said there needs to be a national debate about whether the state should step in to protect young women from having the veil “imposed” on them.

Mr Browne said he is “instinctively uneasy” about banning behaviour, but suggested the measure may still be necessary to ensure freedom of choice for girls in Muslim communities.

The Home Office minister is the first senior Liberal Democrat to raise such deep concerns about Islamic dress in public places. A growing number of Conservative MPs also want the Government to consider a ban.

Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, has suggested he may support banning the veil in classrooms, but downplayed the chances of wider restrictions.


He said: “My own view, I don’t think we should end up like different countries where we tell people how they go about their business. I do think there is an issue with teachers in the classroom…that might be an area where a full veil might be inappropriate.”

The debate was given momentum last week when David Cameron’s spokesman said the Prime Minister would have no problem with the veil being banned in his children’s schools.

Source: The Telegraph

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Arabs Got Talent contestant Jennifer Grout converts to Islam


UAE: The Arabs Got Talent contestant Jennifer Grout has reportedly converted to Islam.

The 23-year-old American singer, famed for her pitch-perfect rendition of Arab classics despite not knowing the language, seems to have accepted the faith in a YouTube video released on Sunday.



The video has her declaring the shahada – otherwise known as the declaration of faith – in front of two men where she states: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet.”

While the video remains to be confirmed by Grout, the Moroccan news website Morocco World News confirmed the video was recorded in Fes, where Grout presently resides, studying the Arabic language; the young man beside her is speculated to be her fiancé.*

The news caps a whirlwind five months which saw the Bostonian reach the Arabs Got Talent finale in December after a series of spellbinding covers of the legendary Arab song birds Umm Kalthoum and Fairuz.

Speaking exclusively to The National after bowing out of the competition, Grout said she planned to spend the time after the show contemplating her future.

“I don’t know yet,” she said.

“I am now just enjoying these moments and later I will sit down and think of what to do next.”


Source: The National



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During the Middle Ages, when Europe was plunged into the Dark Ages, Arab scholars and historians translated most of the works of the Greek scholars, thereby preserving some of the greatest intellectual achievements that are the cornerstone of Western civilization.


For the next few weeks CCN will offer an English word that has, as its origin, the Arabic language:


English Arabic Origin Arabic Meaning
 sugar sukkar sugar
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CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book

CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club


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KB says: Pap, also known as mieliepap in South Africa, is a traditional porridge / polenta made from mielie-meal (ground maize) and is a staple food of the local inhabitants of Southern Africa (the Afrikaans word pap is taken from Dutch and simply means 'porridge'.


A variety of savouries are used to accompany pap including 'shieba' and barbequed meat.


I prepared a variation of the traditional recipe for a 'wedding braai' this week by adding pumpkin, sweet corn, green chillies and pepper.

Pumpkin and Corn Pap


2 cups cooked pumpkin,
1 can cream-style corn – blended to form a puree
1 cup frozen mealies
2 cups mealie meal or polenta
2 cups water
125g butter
1 tsp. salt

˝ tsp garlic salt
1 tsp. green chillies
1 tsp. ground garlic
Ľ tsp white pepper
3 cups water
2 tab ghee 



1. Sauté garlic, green chillies in the ghee and add pumpkin, pureed sweetcorn, salt, pepper, garlic salt and 1 cup frozen mealies and cook for approx. 3 mins.
2. Add the butter and stir until butter melts.
3. Add the 3 cups of water and bring to the boil.
4. Mix the mealie meal/polenta with 2 cups of water and add to the boiling mixture.
5. Stir continuously for 3mins and then cover the pot to allow the pap to steam for 5min, don’t overcook.
6. Serve hot with barbequed meat or baked beans. 


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to me at kbcooks@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Q: Dear Kareema, we’ve had so many ‘feasts’ on these last few weeks and a few more scheduled over the next month – it’s tough not to attend as we have a big family and try to get together all the time. Any suggestions on staying in shape while ‘feasting’?

A: This is a struggle for quite a few of my clients. What I get them to do is schedule exercise around their feasts. If you’re catching up with family for lunch, then get out for a run or workout in the morning and then use those carbs to replenish the energy stores you depleted during exercise.

If you don’t have enough time, try to get out after the meal to burn off those calories..

Go for protein – aim to eat lean grilled meat. Avoid sweets and soft drinks (or limit them at least)







My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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JALLALUDIN: Hello, I would like to order some guns, please.

GUNSMITH: Some what? (The line is bad)

JALLALUDIN: Guns (Getting louder)

GUNSMITH: Sorry, I can hardly hear, please repeat.

JALLALUDIN: (Screaming) GUNS!! G for Jeep, U for Europe, N for Knowledge and S for Estate, GUNS you stupid fool!

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O you who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance: in the hope that your Lord will remove from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow... 

Surah At-Tahrim 66:8


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I looked in temples,

churches and mosques.

But I found the Divine within my heart. 



~ Rumi 



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Notice Board


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Events and Functions

An Exhibition of the Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) 19 January Gold Coast Mosque Int. Food Festival 2014 26 JANUARY Gold Coast Mosque Int. Food Festival 2014 DIRECTIONS 26 JANUARY MBN Networking Seminar 5 February 2014 World Interfaith Harmony Week 2014 6 February


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Seerah Programme starts 11 January Seerah Programme starts 11 January MAA Syria Winter Appeal Arabic- Qur'an Classes
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Businesses and Services



ACCES Removal Services


Al-Khitan Circumcisions


Ahlam Haddad Tutoring

Tutoring (Maths)


Clothing Islamic Couture


Lebanese Cuisine

Love ur Body

Beauty Treatments

Continental Meats GOLD COAST


Mansur Omar

Real Estate

Bismillah Repairs & Maintenance

Repairs & Maintenance

NOTE NEW NO. 0468342127

MaXimize Accountants


Brisbane Diagnostics



Health Drink

Calamvale Physio & Sports Injury Clinic


AutoCAD Training

Personal Tuition

Car Body Removals

Used Car Dealer

Muslim Directory Australia

Directory Services

Carpet Lifesavers

Carpet cleaning


Restaurant & Takeaway Portuguese Chicken

Centre for Easy Language Learning (CeLL)

Tutoring (Arabic)


Restaurant & Takeaway Portuguese Chicken

Boulevard Towers Surfers Paradise 

Holiday Accommodation

Nazima Hansa Realty PTY LTD

Real Estate



Islamic College of Brisbane Hall Hire

Hire Services



OurWorld Travel



Migration Agency

Pappa Roti

Cake & Coffee

Fathima Adat Tutoring

Tutoring (School subjects)

Pizza Lane

Restaurant & Takeaway Pizza

Gabriel Hair Studios


Rejuven8 Body & Beauty

Beauty Treatments


Plastic Mats

Samoosa Pastry Distributors


Henna by Fatima


Shakira Kolia's Driving School

Driving School

Hummy's Automotive

Car Repairs

Clothing Alterations


Hussana Australia

Halal Body Care range

Stick On Labels

Label printing

InWear Fashions

Clothing Fashion

The Quran Pen


Junaid Ally Properties

Real Estate

Yasmeen Seedat Accounting Services


Kimaya Fashions


Lily's Fashion

Wedding dresses etc. 

Personal Training with Layla

Personal Training

Marketing Co-Op

Internet Services

Angelz Dental Care



Travel Agency

Shameema's Silk Scarves


Grand Medical Centre

Medical Practitioners

Qld Islamic Book Service

Book Shop


Health Products

Personal Wellness Coach


Ummah Store

Books, Clothing, DVDs etc.


Security Systems

Paradise Convenience

Global Groceries

Muslima Chic

Muslim designer clothes, jewellery


Samoosa Strips (pur)

Low Price Pharmacy


LTH Accounting & Financial Services



Child Care Centres

Pari Collections


Shariff's Computer Services

Computer Servicing

CassonIT Solutions

 Computer Servicing & Systems

Lil Umah

Children's Clothes

Computer Repair

 Computer Repairs

Watany Man-oushi Lebanese Foods

Take Away



Dial a Local Doctor

Medical Services

Baby Care Solutions

(read information sheet)

 Early Parenting Guidance

Kuraby Mosque Hire Services

Hire Services

YS Prawn

Peeled Prawns

Shailly Beauty & Reiki

Hair & Beauty

Fathima Abdoola


United Hearts

Family Day Care Scheme

Apparel by Aliyah

Designer Clothing


Hijab Friendly Fashion

Modern Muslimah

Muslimah  Clothes

Loan Market

Mortgage Broker

HD Arabic TV


Brisbane Valley Gold

Achar (Pickles)








Place your ad here


Contact ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org for more information


Seedat Accounting United Hearts Family Day Care Scheme Pty Ltd AUTOCAD 2013 TUITION Archi n Eng Sora LM Sept low VarRate Flyer LM Sept13 FixRate Flyer Inwear Fashions Eid Specials Apparel by Aliyah Tel: 0438840467 Apparel by Aliyah AGAIN Continental Halal Meats Gold Coast Sewing Dial A Local Doctor Fathima Abdoola Flyer Shailly Hair Beauty Peeled Prawns LOVE UR BODY Baby Care Solutions Wasimah Brisbane CassonIT Solutions Computer Repairs Al-Khitan Circumcisions Watang Man-oushi Lebanese Foods Lil Umah Pari Collection Achar Pari Collection Michael's Oriental Birthday Promo ACCES Services REMOVALS Dial a Doctor Bulk Billing Dr in your home Function Room Page 1 Function Room Page 2 Shariff's Computer Services Ayesha's Samoosa Strips Angelz Dental Care Sunkids Sunkids Maximize  Accountants Officetek Alarms Mona Vie AK Surtie Centre for Easy Language Learning Arabic Paradise Convenience Autocad 2012 Training Baalbak Mediterranean Restaurant Low Price Pharmacy KURABY Bismillah Repairs and Maintenance
New mobile no. 0468 342 127 Brisbane Diagnostics Hummys Automotive Services Boulevard Tower Residence Accommodation Calamvale Physiotherapy & Sport Injury Clinic Kuraby Mosque Hire Carpetlifesavers Indoor Folding Mats Rejuven8 Body & Beauty Personal Wellness Coach Shameema's Silk Scarves efxshop Samoosa Pastry Shakira Kolia Driving School Tutoring Fathima Adat QLD Islamic Book Service Gabriel Hair Studio Henna Fatima Ismail Junaid Ally Properties REMAX Muslima Chick Kimaya International Quick Stick Name labels Ladies Only Personal Training Lilys Fashion Excelanz Migration Services Hussana love ur body Nandos Mt Gravatt T ax Returns 2012 Muslim Directory Nandos Calamvale NAZIMA HANSA REMAX Marketing Coop Group Pizza Lane Pappa Roti Ummah Store Elite FX Web Design


"If it's not here ....it's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





(Click on link)





26 January


Prophet's Commemoration

Al Mustapha Institute of Brisbane

Logan West Community Centre
2 Wineglass Drive

0422 320 879


26 January


International Food Festival 2014

Islamic Society of Gold Coast

Gold Coast Mosque, 144 Allied Drive, Arundel

0416 212 541

8am to 8pm

2 February



Islamic Society of Algester

Islamic College of Brisbane Hall

0433 285 086

3pm to after Maghrib

5 February


MBN Workshop: Network & Prosper

Muslim Business Network (MBN)

Brisbane Technology Park, Eight Mile Plains

0422 191 675

6.30pm to 8.30pm

9 February


Fundraising Lunch:
Victims of War Association


Svoboda Park, Kuraby

0450 908 786

11am to 2.30pm

15 February


Annual Mawlid Conference

Minhaj-ul-Quran Int (QLD)

Rochedale Mosque, Logan Rd

0425 239 786

5pm to 8pm

22 March


International Food Festival hosted by Kuraby Mosque

Kuraby Mosque

Wally Tate Park

0422 191 675

10am to 9pm

30 March


Opening Ceremony: New Toowoomba Mosque

Islamic Society of Toowoomba

217 West St, Harristown (Toowoomba)

0421 081 048

11am to 2pm

25 May



Lailatul Mehraj (27th Rajab 1435)

14 June



Lailatul Bhahraat (Nisf of Sha’baan 1435)

29 June


1st of Ramadhan 1435



Lailatul Qadr (Night of Power)

28 July


End of Ramadhan 1435

29 July



5 October



25 October


1st Muharram 1436 (Islamic New Year)

3 November


Day of Aashooraa (10th day of Muharram)



Prophet’s Birthday 12th Rabi-ul Awwal 1436



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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Bald Hills Mosque Weekly Tafseer


The weekly program schedule is as follows:
Mondays: Tafseer
Wednesdays: Tafseer
The above lessons will start at 7:30 pm and will go for approximately 1/2 an hour each day. All brothers and sisters are welcome.


Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Meeting Dates & Times


Thursday 20 February 2014 Metropolitan South Regional Office 1993 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Thursday 22 May 2014 Mt Gravatt Police Station, 2132 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Thursday 21 August 2014 Mt Gravatt Police Station, 2132 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Thursday 20 November 2014 Mt Gravatt Police Station, 2132 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Commencing at 7.00pm (Times may change throughout the year pending salat)



For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at Bellos.Dimitrios@police.qld.gov.au



Tafsir & Islamic History Classes

VENUE: Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane, 39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest

Every Monday & Wednesday
7pm - 8:15pm

All Brothers & Sisters are welcome.

For further information please contact Moulana Noor 0432 712 546.



02/02 : 02/03 : 06/04 : 04/05 : 01/06 : 06/07 : 03/08 : 07/09 : 05/10 : 02/11 : 07/12


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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

      www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
      www.icb.qld.edu.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
      www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
      www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
      www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)
Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

IQRA Academy Institute of Islamic Studies

Online streaming of Islamic lectures

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Society of Darra

Qld Muslims Volunteers

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH)

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine subscribe@sultanasdream.com.au

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.


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Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to enter their details here.


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