

Sunday, 8 June 2014

 Newsletter 0500 




We are very proud and pleased to publish our

500th uninterrupted weekly issue

of Crescents Community News (CCN) today.



For helping us reach this 10-year milestone, we would like to thank our loyal readers and our valued contributors for making our portal of news, views and reviews the go-to channel of communication for the communities we serve.


PS: If you ever wanted to know how the decade went by and feel a sense of nostalgia, simply click here.

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Two teams of four are training in earnest for the 100km Oxfam charity trailwalker from Mt Glorious to Mt Coot-tha starting Friday 20 June (l to r - Nabil Casoojee, Yaseen Sarfudin, Hamid Kassim, Mustafa Ally, Ali Ghafoor, David Forde, Tahir Abdool Gaffoor and  Shane Johnson (not in photo))


One of the outcomes from the participation of these two teams is to raise funds for a six month sustainable development Vocation Education and Training project, for 45 displaced women in the Babussalam Refugee Camp, Syria.


If you would like to donate to the project in Syria, please consider donating: $20 or $50 or $100 or any other amount (big or small).

Bank Transfer:

Account Name: Muslim Charitable Foundation

Bank: Bank of Queensland
BSB Number: 124155

Account Number: 20897392
For reference: Trail/Your name (and the letters 'RR' if you require a tax receipt)

For further information call 0402 026 786.

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AFIC in its Golden Jubilee (50th) Congress held in Canberra on 27 May 2014 amongst other resolutions passed the following motion moved by Professor Shahjahan Khan of Islamic Society of Toowoomba:

“The congress resolved that a special Congress be convened within 8 months from today to finalise the review of AFIC constitution. The review committee should be headed by the secretary of AFIC. The Congress will have no other agenda to discuss on that day.”

The ACRC is headed by the Secretary of AFIC, Dr Shahabuddin Abdullah of South Australia, and the other members on the Committee are
Mr Suliman Sabdia and Prof Shahjahan Khan (QLD), Dr Ameer Ali and Dr Rateb Jneid (WA), Mr Keysar Trad (NSW), and Mr Shujat Mantoo (VIC).

Essentially the resolution of the Congress calls for the institution to be democratic and inclusive, compliant with the corporate governance laws of Australia thus making it, transparent, accountable and engagement of its constituents to be participative in the democratic functioning of the organisation.

To meet the new challenges and reflect the current realities of Muslim communities in Australia, the Committee would invite submissions from the Councils and Societies. Based on the submissions and community consultations, the Committee would to come up with draft recommendations to amend the constitution to be considered in the special Congress.

The Congress also agreed that the next election of AFIC will be held in 2015 on the basis of the revised constitution to be adopted by the special Congress.

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Two Fridays ago the Gold Coast Bosnian Community arranged a dinner to support the flood victims of Bosnia. They succeeded in raising $22,750 with an addition $2,600 donation from a group of Pakistani doctors.


Last Friday, the Muslim Charitable Foundation and Muslim Aid Australia (QLD) held a collection at the Kuraby Mosque for the same cause.

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The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) and its members consisting of more than 150 Imams across Australia are offended by the unfair and wrong allegations made by the Head of the NSW Counter Terrorism Squad, Assistant Commissioner Peter Dein, and published on Australian mainstream media last week.

Last week in the Australian Newspaper Mr. Dein alleged that senior members of the Sunni Muslim community "have not done enough to discourage young Muslim men from joining the Syrian jihad" adding “The community is being very passive about the problem,’’.

ANIC rejects in the strongest possible terms the offensive and provocative comments made by Mr. Dein.


"The comments of Mr. Dein were perceived as an irresponsible act of disrespect to the hard and ongoing work, senior members of Muslim community including Imams have put to prevent anyone who might have been affected by the Syrian conflict from becoming directly involved" Imam Mohamadu Saleem, ANIC Public Relations Officer said.

"Moreover the divisive comments are not helpful on building relationships with Australia’s Muslim community that has become a core element of counter‐terrorism policing, both at the State and Federal level" Imam Mohamadu SALEEM added.

ANIC's executive committee confirmed that the Council will lodge a formal complaint and seek a meeting with Mr. Dein’s superiors to find out whether the comments he made reflect his own opinion or that of both NSW and the Federal Police.

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Report by Imam Imraan Husain, Imam of the Gold Coast Mosque



Alhamdulillah, through the effort of the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV), a group of Imams and leading thinkers in Islam from Australia had the opportunity to visit Turkey in May 2014. I thank Almighty Allah who made this journey possible for me. I would also like to thank the Diyanet of Turkey (The Presidency of Religious Affairs) for hosting our Australian delegation with such generosity and hospitality. I will never forget that wherever we went, the first thing was Tea, served in a small tulip shaped glass, black with sugar. I never drank so much black tea in my life.

The Diyanet accommodated and provided for us the best accommodation, food, guides, transport, educational program and allowing us to meet great respected Ulama , Muftis and leading figures whom the common folk may not have access to. Their humility, wisdom and respect has made a significant impact on my life.

I had always heard of the superlative contribution of the Ottomans and frequently heard my late father speaking of them. It was at this phase of my life that I could observe first hand their contribution to the great Islamic civilisation in that part of the globe, Masha Allah.

It was really remarkable to witness the educational structure and observe places for higher education and training that continue to operate so efficiently. The administration for the Hifzul Qur'an programs was inspiring.

What I found very interesting is that our friends in Turkey have done a wonderful job in preserving the artefacts and relics of our beautiful Islamic heritage, which unfortunately is not the case with other like Muslim countries. Our Turkish, friends have treasured and valued it and kept it for humanity to witness.

The Masaajid are absolutely beautiful and the architecture and calligraphy is something not seen very often. The Imams and Khatibs leading Salaat and engaging in Zikrullah, Dua and Qiraat after Fard Salaats was spiritually uplifting. The recital of Qur'an by the Mufti of Konya was magnificent. Libraries are rich with classical books.

The few sites we visited were the Fateh Cami or Blue Mosque in Istanbul, which is one of the most beautiful mosques in the world with its six minarets and sweeping architecture built between 1609 and 1616; the Aya Sophia a masterwork of Roman engineering; a cruise on the Bosporus river which separates Europe from Asia; the Grand Bazaar; the Egyptian Spice Market in Istanbul; Topkapi Palace that was the primary residence of the Ottoman Sultans for approximately 400 years and contains important holy relics of the Muslim world, including Muhammed's (SAW) cloak and sword.; Tomb of Hazret Abu Ayyoub Al Ansari; Istanbul Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art; Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi in Konya; Whirling Dervishes in Bursa; Centre of Mevlana Ismail Hakki Bursevi famous author of Tafsir Ruhul Bayan; and many other places.

Istanbul, Bursa, Ankara and Konya are all beautiful places with a rich religious heritage. People are warm and hospitable and also very welcoming. All the learned scholars, principals and teachers are modest and educated.

Turkey's main coded school of thought is the Hanafi Madh-hab and most people are followers of the Naqshabandi Silsilah. I appreciated every bit of the journey. All members of our delegation were truly impressed and overwhelmed at Turkey's accomplishments in the various fields of Ulum, especially in recent times. The Turkish government is giving a tremendous support to the Syrian Refugees.

The food that was provided to us could not be better. It was always absolutely delicious and most of us put up weight. It was really nice to share meals with the students at one of the institutes as the students prepared their own meals and hearing their Dua before the meals was touching.

This trip was not only an educational trip but also a very spiritual journey and a life experience for me. I feel that Turkey is a great role model country for the rest of the Muslim world. I make Dua that Almighty Allah protect that country and keep the President safe and fulfil his dreams.

My special thanks to brother Nail Aykan of Melbourne who arranged this trip and for his hard work and wisdom in leading our delegation so smoothly. He did a magnificent job not only in translation, but in everything.

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The IMAGC recently invited Sheikh Yusuf Estes to assist with a fundraising tour along the East Coast of Australia. The intention was to raise money for the new Gold Coast, Worongary Masjid.

The IMAGC partnered up with Islamic Relief Australia in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, to assist with their fundraising efforts to support and help the Syrian Refugees.

Sh. Yusuf Estes at Moreland City Town Hall in Melbourne

Most of the time was spent in Sydney, followed with Melbourne and Adelaide before arriving on the Gold Coast to do the main event at Logan Entertainment Centre in Brisbane.

The bulk of the trip was spent with Sh. Yusuf Estes visiting major Masjids and musalla’s between the states, focusing on the topic of “Our Youth, Our Future”. He also did a number of sisters programs in Sydney and Melbourne and spoke on relevant issues in today’s society. Most of the interstate events called for donations for Islamic Relief, Guide US TV and the Worongary Masjid.


"We were privileged to be able to put the new Gold Coast Mosque on the map in other states throughout Australia and gain new support our cause," a spokesperson for the organizing committee told CCN.


Logan Entertainment Centre

Haji Hussin Goss made the trip to Sydney on a couple of occasions to call for the pledges at the major events and masjids in Sydney. His support for this cause has been most appreciated by all concerned.



On Saturday the 24 May at Logan Entertainment Centre, Sh. Yusuf Estes gave a talk about Islamic Character and reflected on his experiences in finding Islam, which was mainly due to a Muslim brother of good character.


Commenting on Sh. Estes' speech, the spokesperson said: "The talk was an inspiration for many to show good Islamic character in our dealings with people, and be exemplary examples as Muslims."

He added: "The night was also special as many guests brought non-Muslim friends to the event, and five people made Shahada (Declaration of Faith to Islam) on the night. This was an emotional experience for the people involved."

Sh. Yusuf Estes at Holland Park Mosque

The Worongary Masjid raised $156,690.00 between donations, pledges and auction items at Logan Entertainment Centre. "This was a pleasing result as we were very aware of the many other fundraising events occurring in Brisbane during the April/May/June period leading up to Ramadan," said the spoeksperson.


Sheikh Yusuf Estes continued his tour of Queensland on Sunday with a visit to the UMB Centre in Logan, and later that night at the Gold Coast Mosque (Arundel).

His final talk was given at Holland Park Mosque on Monday night after Isha prayer, which was "a memorable experience for those in attendance."

He returned back to Sydney for a final lecture at Masjid An Nour in Sydney, where strong fundraising efforts were made as this was his final talk in Australia.


Yusuf Estes and his wife being presented with a plaque in recognition of his efforts with the IMAGC in Australia

"Insha’Allah we should have a better indication in the next week of how much we raised around Australia, which Islamic Relief will follow up on."


"Alhamdulillah, it was a very successful tour of Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. Insha’Allah in the next 2 weeks we will have a better idea of the figures raised between the states to give an indication to the community of how the Worongary Mosque benefited.

"Jazzakallah to both Yusuf Estes and his wife for taking part in our rewarding journey towards establishing the Worongary masjid on the Gold Coast."

"We will be collecting pledges in the next couple of weeks by the will of Allah, and Insha’Allah we can gather all of the money pledged."

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ANCSCC is providing a free SMS Notifier and Live Updates for Ramadhan, Eid ul-Fitr and Dhul Hijja (therefore 'Eid ul-Adha') 1435.


Live Updates: Check Twitter page: http://www.Twitter.com/ANCSCC


National SMS Notification : For SMS about Moonsighting updates, please register for free at http://crescentwatch-australia.alghazzali.org/?page_id=170

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Teenage boys - Noor Ahmed , Israr Ahmed and Muhammad Cheema - who mow the lawns of elderly residents in their Rooty Hill neighbourhood for free.  

NSW: WHILE most teenage boys are sleeping in or playing computer games on the weekend, ­Muhammad Cheema and his mates are mowing the gardens of elderly residents in their neighbourhood; free of charge.

The team of five boys — Cheema, 15, Noor Ahmed, 17, Israr Ahmed, 18, Salim Elakawi, 15 and Ahmad Mohanna, 16 — started up their business, Cutting Grass Boyz, six months ago to help the elderly and disadvantaged residents of Rooty Hills.

Fuelled by the smiles and gratitude they receive from grateful neighbours, the boys are nominated in the Young Achiever category of The Daily Telegraph and News-Local’s Champions of the West awards; a grants competition for the Fair Go for the West campaign that consists of 13 categories, each offering a $10,000 grant.


“It’s better than sitting around wasting time on computer games and TV,” Cheema, the group’s founder, said.

“When we go around and do the gardening for free, ­people are just so happy and pleased to see us. It feels good to be giving back to the community like that.

“At first they were hesitant, it was like they couldn’t believe we wanted to do this just to help for free, but a few weeks into it they started trusting us and got friendlier.”

The plans were hatched after the boys saw an elderly man in their local park picking up rubbish. When they asked him if he was being paid he ­replied he was just doing it to help keep the community clean and tidy. The boys lent the elderly gentleman a hand.

The idea to extend their ­enterprise followed. They got together and printed up pamphlets which they put up around their neighbourhood.

They complete around three jobs each weekend while still putting in the hours to clean their local parks and study, some of them for their Higher School Certificate.

“I think more people our age should do things to give back to their community,” Cheema said.

Source: News.com

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Yusuf and Anver Omar show off their well-earned medals at the Sahara Cricket Stadium in Durban after completing the gruelling 89km Comrades Marathon.


Next year Omar Senior plans to take on his 10th run to secure his permanent number.


Well done lads! 

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A delegation of five young Australian Muslims are in Indonesia for a bilateral exchange program aimed at strengthening links and understanding of Islam in both countries.

During the two-week Australia-Indonesia Muslim Exchange Program, Kashif Bouns, Laila Ibrahim, Mohamed Dukuly, Nur Shkembi and Reuben Brand will go to Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Bandung.

The group will meet Islamic organizations, community leaders, academics and the media. Their program includes cultural and interfaith experiences such as attending Waisak celebrations at Borobudur, playing futsal with Rumah Cemara, an organization that supports people living with HIV/AIDS, and an overnight stay at Pesantren Daar el Qolam in Tangerang.

The Australian ambassador to Indonesia, Greg Moriarty, said the delegation reflected the cultural diversity of Australia’s Muslim community.

“This year’s participants have family connections to Lebanon, Pakistan, the Palestinian Territories, Albania and Liberia,” the ambassador said.

“It’s important for young Australians to gain a better understanding of the role of religion in Indonesia and have the chance to share their views about how Islam contributes to diverse, democratic and tolerant societies like Australia and Indonesia,” he said.

Laila Ibrahim, from Sydney, said she had enjoyed her time in Indonesia so far.

“It is an amazing experience for me to see how warm and generous Indonesians are and it is very rewarding to learn about Islam at a pesantren here,” Ibrahim said.

Ten Indonesian Muslim delegates will also visit Australia as part of the program.

The MEP was established in 2002 by the Australia-Indonesia Institute and is organized along with Paramadina University.

The iInstitute, which supports friendship and promotes understanding between Australians and Indonesians through projects in interfaith, education, youth, civil society, media, sport and the arts, is this year celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Source: Jakarta Globe

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Report by Mr Dylan Chown, principal of Kuraby Madrassah


Kuraby Madrassah Mualimas – left to right
Ayesha, Naaz Begum; Suzan Turkman; Leila Umar; Soraya Bulbulia; Saphena Aku; Anisah Buksh; Rianna Summut.

Not Present: Aaminah Buksh; Saalihah Khan; and Reyhana Razak


Kuraby Madrassah teachers were honoured by students and parents this week in a special Assembly ceremony. The teaching team, pictured below with their certificates recently completed module 1 in an on-going professional learning series. The workshops themed, ‘Instructional Approaches’ focused on pedagogy, the science and art of teaching.


The experience challenged and extended teachers and facilitators. It also allowed for the sharing of best teaching practice approaches across the Madrassah. Teachers completed the theoretical components of this module in their own time over the December and January holiday break and have been implementing and reflecting upon the practical aspects in the classroom throughout semester one.

Islamic education research highlights teacher training as a critical area in need of attention. Extensive educational research adds weight to this as the most rigorous school studies reveal that the classroom teacher has the largest effect size on student learning. The Islamic tradition has always placed great emphasis on the value of the teacher, over and above that of the institution. The teacher after all offers something even greater than the transmission of subject specific knowledge, which is the sharing of adab in the learning process and the example or embodiment of good character.

Students present at the ceremony may have been a little surprised initially to learn that their Mualimas at the same time consider themselves students. However, Dr Abdalla shared with the audience that learning never ends until we meet Allah. He spoke of great scholars who referred to themselves not as experts, rather as students. This thinking reflects the learning for transformation philosophy of the entire Madrassah, where everyone involved is always learning and focused toward the learning that connects us with our purpose.

Saalihah Khan (pictured left), currently a support volunteer is a Mualima in the making, Insha’Allah. Saalihah sacrificed her holiday, also completing the module. The small ceremony was therefore further proof that the tireless efforts by the teaching team at Kuraby Madrassah does not go unnoticed. The Kuraby Madrassah Committee would like to acknowledge and congratulate all Mualimas for the successful completion of module one and thank the facilitators, Dylan Chown and Gregor Shepherd. May Allah reward them all abundantly for their efforts with the children and young people of our community.

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After 10 years in the Lighting industry, Lighting Direct in Underwood is shutting its doors to the public.

The team at Lighting Direct would like to take this opportunity to thank all our valued customers and the community at large for their ongoing support over the last ten years.


Your support has been greatly appreciated by us and whether you came by for a small bulb or a quick chat, it was always a pleasure to see and serve you all. Lighting Directs last trading day will be the 25th June 2014.

Thank you all once again from the Hussein family of Lighting Direct.

Lighting Direct will continue to trade via our online store and for any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at sales@lightingdirect.com.au. Remember to like our Facebook page for member only deals - facebook.com/lightingdirectunderwood.

Final days of Lighting Directs closing down sale. Everything must go. Massive range of crystal chandeliers, modern and traditional pendants, fans, downlights, outdoor lighting and a huge variety of floor and table lamps. All stock must be cleared. Prices never to be repeated! Hurry only available until 25th June. Don't miss out on your great bargain! Showroom located at 38 Kingston Road Underwood. Open 7 days. Call us on 3341 9001 or visit our website at www.lightingdirect.com.au



Underwood and Pinelands (Sunnybank Hills) NANDOS


HALAL CERTIFICATED by Halal Certification Authority - Australia

(click on image to enlarge)

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Miloud Chaabi $2.1bn ($2.4bn) Morocco                

84-year-old Miloud Chaabi is Morocco’s richest man, beating out the likes of Othman Benjelloun and Anas Sefrioui to take the top spot.


He is the founder of Ynna Holding and the owner of Ryad Mogador hotel chain and group of supermarkets Aswak Assalam.


He might be one of Morocco’s wealthiest businessmen today but Chaabi’s career started in very modest surroundings.


At just 15 years old he taught in a mosque and worked as a goat herder before saving up enough money to move to Kenitra where he started his first construction company. Chaabi established his own ceramic company in 1964 and started to look for investment opportunities.


He acquired the Yeyeena Group, which became one of the most powerful groups in Morocco.


Chaabi is renowned for his philanthropic and charity work. He is the operator of one of the largest charity organisations in Morocco, the Miloud Chaabi Foundation, and donated 10 percent of his fortune to build the first American university in Morocco in conjunction with the University of Maryland. 

Source: ArabianBusiness

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Homeless Man Racially Abuses a Muslim Man, He Responds by Finding Him a Job and a Home




UK: Aminur Chowdhury from Bradford, England was racially abused by homeless man Ben Gallon but rather than throw insults back, Aminur decided to engage in conversation with him and invited him to have a drink.

Aminur says: “Initially I turned the other cheek but then I was challenging Ben about what he had said to me, I stopped and had a chat with him for about 15 minutes.”

After speaking to Ben, Aminur said he can help him find a job and the pair exchanged contact details. Initially Ben thought he was only being polite about the job offer but he says he got a call from him the next day with a job interview at his friend’s business:

“The next day he gave me a call, said ‘can I come pick you up Ben, I’ve got an interview for you’. That same day, he came round to get me, drove me down to the place on Canal Road and then within ten minutes I had been offered the job.”

Aminur didn’t stop there, he also helped him find an apartment to rent in Bradford.

Ben, now regretting his actions says:

Aminur explains what motivated him to respond the way he did:

“I was targeted for racist abuse but a great way of overcoming racism is to show some tolerance…I realise I can’t put the world to rights but I can try to educate people.”

“This is a great way of teaching Asian people across Bradford of how to respond to racism. The more love you show, the more endeared they will be to you,”.

Some of the worst racially aggravated riots took place in Bradford in 2001 between the large and growing British Asian communities and the city’s white majority, which resulted in 300 police officers being hurt and 297 arrests being made. Both men now hope this positive story helps improves the relations of different races and people of religions in the community.

Source:  Ilmfeed


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Amla named South Africa Test captain



SOUTH AFRICA: Hashim Amla has been appointed South Africa's Test captain, taking over from Graeme Smith, who retired in March. Amla's first assignment will be South Africa's two-Test tour of Sri Lanka next month. He was given the job ahead of team-mate AB de Villiers, who will continue to lead the ODI side in which Amla will serve as his deputy. De Villiers will remain the Test vice-captain and the first-choice wicketkeeper in the longest format.

"It's an honour and a privilege," Amla said, "I have to pay tribute to Graeme and his leadership. For years, I've concentrated on my batting, but now it's time to contribute in the team setting. As a captain, you are more a servant than you are a leader. I will be taking it as my responsibility to give all my heart to this position."

A notoriously reluctant leader, who even stepped down as vice-captain in the limited-overs teams last year, Amla's interest in the Test role only became public a few weeks ago, but it is a thought he has harboured since Smith stood down.

"When Graeme retired, it came as a surprise to us, especially with him being a young person but we could also understand because of the pressures of being a captain for so long," Amla said. "At that moment, I felt with the group of senior guys we have in the team - myself, AB, Dale, JP, Morne and Faf - that if the team wanted, I would be available.

"That was the first time I really considered it. Hopefully with the experience I have gained, I can do a good job. If you can add value to your team-mates, try and get the team to do well and the country to do well, that's the ultimate as an international sportsman."

But Amla admitted it is not a task he will take on alone: "It is always a collective effort. There is no single person who should be taking the credit. Every single person has a huge part to play. I will be picking people's brains, guys in the team and guys outside the team."


ESPN CricInfo

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Turkish Twitter user sentenced to 15 months for 'humiliating religious values' because he had 'Allah' in his handle

TURKEY:A teacher in Turkey has been jailed for 'humiliating religious values' after he used the nickname 'Allah C.C.' on Twitter.

The user, named Ertan P, was accused by prosecutors in the eastern province of Muş of 'writing harmful content' for including the name of God and the Prophet.

The court rejected the defendant's claim that his account was hacked and he was handed 15 months behind bars.

C.C. is the abbreviation of the honorific Arabic phrase 'Celle Celaluhu' which means, '[Allah's] glory is so almighty.' His handle, still live on Twitter, also included the Prophet's name.

On the indictment he was charged with 'humiliating the religious values accepted by a part of the people', Hurriyet Daily News reported.

Prosecutors said: 'The suspect has accepted the use of the nickname and the posts, but in order to avoid the crime, he said posts could have been written after the account was hacked.

'It is understood that this claim is unfounded and the investigation files prove him guilty as charged.'


Daily Mail

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Turks Pray for Aya Sofia Mosque Reopening


ISTANBUL – Tens of thousands of Turkish Muslims have gathered on Saturday dawn to pray outside historic Aya Sofia mosque, urging Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan to reopen the museum to serve as a Muslim worshipping house.

“This is a serious push to break Ayasofya's chains,” Salih Turan, head of the Anatolia Youth Association, which has collected 15 million signatures to petition for it to be turned back into a mosque, told Reuters.

“Ayasofya is a symbol for the Islamic world and the symbol of Istanbul's conquest. Without it, the conquest is incomplete, we have failed to honor Sultan Mehmet's trust,” he said, citing a 15th Century deed signed by the conquering Caliph and decrying as sin other uses of Aya Sophia.

A church for over 1,000 years, and a mosque for 500 more, Aya Sophia is the most spectacular building in Istanbul.

The church was turned into a mosque after Constantinople was taken by Sultan Mehmet II in 1453.

Extraordinary masters of the Ottoman Empire architects repaired the building extensively in the 16th century, providing greater exterior support for the dome and the walls. Minarets were also added.

Yet, a Turkish secular law in 1934 barred religious services at the 6th-century monument, a decision that has applied ever since.

Last year, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc stood outside Aya Sophia in November and said he “prayed to God it would soon be smiling again,” then cited a law forbidding houses of worship to be used for other purposes.

In 2012, Erdogan also ruled out changing Aya Sophia's status as long as another great Istanbul house of worship, the 17th Century Sultan Ahmed Mosque, remains mostly empty of worshippers.

Ibrahim Kalin, a senior Erdogan adviser, asserted there were no plans to alter the monument's current status.

“Speculation on changing it into a church or a mosque remains speculation,” Kalin said.

“Hagia Sophia has been open to all visitors from Turkey and around the world and will remain so.”


Though the Turkish government has assured its rejection to the request, any pledge to re-open Aya Sofia as a mosque was threatening criticism from nationalist voters.

“It would strengthen the mutual suspicion and polarization between the West and the Muslim world,” Sahin Alpay, a professor of political science at Bahcesehir University and a columnist for the Zaman daily, said.

“All hell breaking loose is a high price to pay.”

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bi-partisan advisory panel set up by Congress, said in a statement last week that such a move would threaten Turkey's international standing and recall its mistreatment of Christians over the last century.

“Whether driven by political considerations tied to Turkey's forthcoming elections, or for any other reason, opening Hagia Sophia as a mosque would clearly be a divisive and provocative move,” it said, calling on Erdogan to affirm its current status.

Moreover, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, spiritual leader of 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide, has called for Aya Sophia to stay a museum.

“If its status is to change and it will be opened anew as a place of worship, then it cannot be forgotten that it was built to be a church, and that requires it be opened as a church again,” Bartholomew told Agos newspaper on Thursday.

The Ottoman Empire lasted from 1299 to November 1, 1922.

At the height of its power (16th–17th century), the Ottoman Empire spanned three continents, controlling much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia and North Africa.

It contained 29 provinces and numerous vassal states, some of which were later absorbed into the empire, while others gained various types of autonomy during the course of centuries.

The empire also temporarily gained authority over distant overseas lands through declarations of allegiance to the Ottoman Sultan and Caliph.

The Ottoman Empire was succeeded by the Republic of Turkey, which was officially proclaimed on October 29, 1923.

Under Erdogan, many Turks have come to embrace their imperial Ottoman past and question the more austere, Western-oriented reforms that followed the last sultan's overthrow in 1923.

Last Tuesday, Erdogan celebrated the Turkish conquest that turned Constantinople into Istanbul, rekindling nostalgia to Ottoman Emprire.

“Conquest is the removal of shackles on doors and in hearts,” he said on Thursday to mark the 561st anniversary of the Byzantine defeat.

“Civilization comes with conquest.”

Source:  OnIslam

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CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book

CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club


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KB says: I baked these cupcakes for today's (Sunday) CresCafe for the Kuraby Mosque Family Fun Day. Do come over to the stall and enjoy the talent, taste and variety of cakes that will be on display, but come early before they all sell out!





125g Butter
1 cup Sugar
3 Eggs
1 tsp Peppermint essence
˝ tsp green food colouring
2 ˝ cups cake flour
3 tsp Baking Powder
Pinch salt
1 cup milk
1 cup desiccated coconut
Chocolate spread (Nutella to fill and decorate)
Grated peppermint crisp chocolate to decorate


1. Line 24 muffin tins with paper cases.

2. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add essence and colouring.

3. Add eggs gradually, beating well after each addition. Fold in sifted flour, baking powder, salt and coconut.

4. Spoon half the batter evenly into 24 paper cases.

5. Top centre of each muffin with half a teaspoon chocolate spread.

6. Spoon remaining batter evenly over the chocolate spread.

7. Bake at 180 for approx 15 minutes until done.
8. When cool spread with Nutella and sprinkle grated peppermint crisp.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to me at kbcooks@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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 Turbo-charge your metabolism

For a fiery result that your internal fat burners will remember – try incorporating a fast-paced interval workout into your weekly regime.


This should consist of a series of high-powered, total-body exercises which should get your heart pumping and muscles working double time.

Include explosive movements in multiple directions, which activates your fast-twitch muscle fibres (burning kilojoules at a faster rate).

Engaging nearly every major muscle group will result in a supercharged metabolism during and after your workout.

So get moving and challenge your body like you’ve never done before… N-JOY!!




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Mula Nasruddin calls his wife's brother, Jallalludin, home one night for an unscheduled visit.

Mula Nasruddin's wife starts shouting at him and Jallalludin just sits, listening in embarrassment:

"My hair and makeup is not done! The house is in a mess, the plates have not been washed and I am still in my pajamas!

I don't feel like cooking - why did you bring him home?"

Mula Nasruddin answers: "Because he's planning to get married next month...."

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Allah commands you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due; and when you judge between man and man, that you judge with justice: verily how excellent is the teaching which He gives you! For Allah is He Who hears and sees all things.   
Surah An-Nisaa 4:58


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There is no end to education.


It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education.


The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.


~ Krishnamurthi


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Notice Board


Click on thumbnail to enlarge


Events and Functions

iQraa Fund Raising Dinner 6 JUNE Kuraby Mosque Family Fun Day Kuraby Mosque FAMILY FUN DAY 8 JUNE Sisters' House RAMADAN RECHARGE LECTURES
1/8/15/22 JUNE Muslimah Night Bazaar 14 JUNE Logan Mosque Fundraiser 21 JUNE AL-Nisa Glitz and Glamour 21 JUNE Muslims4SoundKnowledge Lecture 20 JUNE Muslims4SoundKnowledge Lecture 21 JUNE AMARAH Eid Fund Raising Dinner 2 AUGUST


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Arabic- Qur'an Classes 31-05-2014 6-WEEK ISLAM101 Starts 7 APRIL AIF & Muslim Aid AU Donation for Syrian Refugees Weekly Halaqa STARTS 22 FEBRUARY Maths, English, Chemistry tutor Easy Way Tuition Seerah Programme starts 11 January Seerah Programme starts 11 January
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Businesses and Services



ACCES Removal Services


Al-Khitan Circumcisions


Alpha Gym



Clothing Islamic Couture


Lebanese Cuisine

Love ur Body

Beauty Treatments

Continental Meats GOLD COAST


Mansur Omar

Real Estate

Bismillah Repairs & Maintenance

Repairs & Maintenance

NOTE NEW NO. 0468342127

MaXimize Accountants


Brisbane Diagnostics



Health Drink

Calamvale Physio & Sports Injury Clinic


AutoCAD Training

Personal Tuition

Car Body Removals

Used Car Dealer

Muslim Directory Australia

Directory Services

Carpet Lifesavers

Carpet cleaning

Desi Thread


Centre for Easy Language Learning (CeLL)

Tutoring (Arabic)

Compton Mediclinic

Medical Practices

Boulevard Towers Surfers Paradise 

Holiday Accommodation

Nazima Hansa Realty PTY LTD

Real Estate



Sleeves for Sale

Women's apparel



OurWorld Travel



Migration Agency

Pappa Roti

Cake & Coffee

Fathima Adat Tutoring

Tutoring (School subjects)

Pizza Lane

Restaurant & Takeaway Pizza

Gabriel Hair Studios


Rejuven8 Body & Beauty

Beauty Treatments


Plastic Mats

Samoosa Pastry Distributors


Henna by Fatima


Shakira Kolia's Driving School

Driving School

Hummy's Automotive

Car Repairs

Clothing Alterations


Hussana Australia

Halal Body Care range

Stick On Labels

Label printing

InWear Fashions

Clothing Fashion

The Quran Pen


Junaid Ally Properties

Real Estate

Yasmeen Seedat Accounting Services


Kimaya Fashions


Lily's Fashion

Wedding dresses etc. 

Personal Training with Layla

Personal Training

Marketing Co-Op

Internet Services

Angelz Dental Care



Travel Agency

Shameema's Silk Scarves


Grand Medical Centre

Medical Practitioners

Qld Islamic Book Service

Book Shop


Health Products

Personal Wellness Coach


Ummah Store

Books, Clothing, DVDs etc.


Security Systems

Paradise Convenience

Global Groceries

Muslima Chic

Muslim designer clothes, jewellery


Samoosa Strips (pur)

Low Price Pharmacy


LTH Accounting & Financial Services



Child Care Centres

Pari Collections


Shariff's Computer Services

Computer Servicing

CassonIT Solutions

 Computer Servicing & Systems

Lil Umah

Children's Clothes

Computer Repair

 Computer Repairs

Watany Man-oushi Lebanese Foods

Take Away



Dial a Local Doctor

Medical Services

Baby Care Solutions

(read information sheet)

 Early Parenting Guidance

Kuraby Mosque Hire Services

Hire Services

Goss Bros

Refrigerated Transport & Cold Storage

Shailly Beauty & Reiki

Hair & Beauty

Fathima Abdoola


United Hearts

Family Day Care Scheme

Apparel by Aliyah

Designer Clothing


Hijab Friendly Fashion

Modern Muslimah

Muslimah  Clothes

Loan Market

Mortgage Broker

HD Arabic TV


Brisbane Valley Gold

Achar (Pickles)

1 Stop Pizza & Kebab (menu)

Fast Food


Hair & Beauty

Precise Consulting

Business Bookkeeping Services

Shaheda Osman

Graphic Designer





A new gym called Alpha Gym is opening in the neighbourhood in Underwood on Logan Road.


Owner, Ahmed Hijazi, told CCN: "My brother and I decided on opening this gym because we could not find a suitable gym that correlated with our religious beliefs and comfort zone harmoniously."


"We gave up gym and realised nothing was going to assist us unless we became pro-active and did something about it, so Alhamdulileh we figured we should open an All Men's gym ourselves."


"But we have far exceeded our initial objectives and expectations with the overall quality and design of the gym as well as attracting a large support base from the Muslim and wider Australian community in our endeavours to assist all men including non-Muslims."


"This is a gym where they can get fit and healthy in a comfortable environment and also observe and uphold their morals and beliefs. In addition to being an all male facility, we have heavy duty commercial equipment, we offer the cheapest membership prices in Brisbane with prices starting at less than $1 per day as a exclusive deal for one year which works out to just $7 a week, and lastly, we do not play any music as we found this to be annoying, intimidating and off putting at all the gyms we went to so instead we invite members to bring their own headphones and listen to what they like instead of the gym imposing their choice of music upon the members."

Find out how to get your full size ad in this box by emailing


Precise Consulting Ad Goss Bros Refrigerated Transport & Cold Storage Compton Mediclinic Crave Hair & Beauty Hairdressers Sleeves For Sale Desi Thread Kuraby Hire 1 Stop Pizza Seedat Accounting United Hearts Family Day Care Scheme Pty Ltd AUTOCAD 2013 TUITION Archi n Eng Sora Loan Market 1 Loan Market 2 Inwear Fashions Eid Specials Apparel by Aliyah Tel: 0438840467 Apparel by Aliyah AGAIN Continental Halal Meats Gold Coast Sewing Dial A Local Doctor Fathima Abdoola Flyer Shailly Hair Beauty LOVE UR BODY Baby Care Solutions Wasimah Brisbane CassonIT Solutions Computer Repairs Al-Khitan Circumcisions Watang Man-oushi Lebanese Foods Lil Umah Pari Collection Achar Pari Collection Michael's Oriental Birthday Promo ACCES Services REMOVALS Dial a Doctor Bulk Billing Dr in your home The Function Room Page 1 The Function Room Page 2 Shariff's Computer Services Ayesha's Samoosa Strips Angelz Dental Care Sunkids Sunkids Maximize  Accountants Officetek Alarms Mona Vie AK Surtie Centre for Easy Language Learning Arabic Paradise Convenience Baalbak Mediterranean Restaurant Low Price Pharmacy KURABY Bismillah Repairs and Maintenance
New mobile no. 0468 342 127 Brisbane Diagnostics Hummys Automotive Services Boulevard Tower Residence Accommodation Calamvale Physiotherapy & Sport Injury Clinic Carpetlifesavers Indoor Folding Mats Rejuven8 Body & Beauty Personal Wellness Coach Shameema's Silk Scarves efxshop Samoosa Pastry Shakira Kolia Driving School Tutoring Fathima Adat QLD Islamic Book Service Gabriel Hair Studio Henna Fatima Ismail Junaid Ally Properties REMAX Muslima Chick Kimaya International Quick Stick Name labels Ladies Only Personal Training Lilys Fashion Excelanz Migration Services Hussana love ur body T ax Returns 2012 Muslim Directory NAZIMA HANSA REMAX Marketing Coop Group Pizza Lane Pappa Roti Ummah Store Elite FX Web Design


"If it's not here ....it's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





(Click on link)





8 June


International Food Festival hosted by Kuraby Mosque

Kuraby Mosque

Islamic College of Brisbane

0401 959 295

10am to 8pm

13 June



Lailatul Bhahraat (Nisf of Sha’baan 1435)

14 June


Muslimah Night Bazaar


45 Acacia Rd, KARAWATHA

0405 816 102

6.30pm to 10.30pm

20 June


Millatu-Ibrahim Part2



Kingston Butter Box Theatre, Milky Way Lane, Kingston, Qld

0425 811 150

6pm to 9pm

21 June


Fund raiser dinner for Logan Mosque

Islamic Society of Logan City

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

3879 8476


21 June


Islam & Democracy PLUS Muslims In The West



Kingston Butter Box Theatre, Milky Way Lane, Kingston, Qld

0425 811 150

6pm to 9pm

21 June


Giltz & Glamour Night (for women only)



0413 360 913


24 June


Quran Recitation

Islamic Cultural Centre of Brisbane

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0478 782 418


29 June


1st of Ramadhan 1435

5 July


Feed the Hungry - IRA

Islamic Relief Australia

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

1300 308 554




Lailatul Qadr (Night of Power)

28 July


End of Ramadhan 1435

29 July



2 August


Eid Fund Raising Dinner for Palestine


Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0422 349 786


9 August


Eid Night - Islamic Society of Darra

Islamic Society of Darra

Australian International Islamic College, DURACK

0450 908 786


16 August


Eidfest 2014


Rocklea Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

24 August


Annual Qur'an Competition

Islamic Council of Qld

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0450 908 786


5 October



25 October


1st Muharram 1436 (Islamic New Year)

3 November


Day of Aashooraa (10th day of Muharram)



Prophet’s Birthday 12th Rabi-ul Awwal 1436



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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Bald Hills Mosque Weekly Tafseer


Topic = Tafseer lessons
Venue = Masjid Taqwa, Bald Hills, Qld 4036
Day = Every Monday | Time = After Esha salah | Period = approximately 30 minutes
Presenter = Mufti Junaid Akbar
Cost = free, and InShaAllah Allah will give great reward
Who can come = All brothers and sisters are welcome to attend
Please note that these recordings will be available for downloading from our website masjidtaqwa.org.au.


Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Meeting Dates & Times


Thursday 22 May 2014 Mt Gravatt Police Station, 2132 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Thursday 21 August 2014 Mt Gravatt Police Station, 2132 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Thursday 20 November 2014 Mt Gravatt Police Station, 2132 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt

Commencing at 7.00pm (Times may change throughout the year pending salat)



For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at Bellos.Dimitrios@police.qld.gov.au






Tafsir & Islamic History Classes

VENUE: Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane, 39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest

Every Monday & Wednesday
7pm - 8:15pm

All Brothers & Sisters are welcome.

For further information please contact Moulana Noor 0432 712 546.


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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

      www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
      www.icb.qld.edu.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
      www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
      www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
      www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)
Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

IQRA Academy Institute of Islamic Studies

Online streaming of Islamic lectures

Islamic Relief Australia

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Society of Darra

Qld Muslims Volunteers

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine subscribe@sultanasdream.com.au

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

AYIA Foundation


If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.


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Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to enter their details here.


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