Sunday, 19 February 2017


Newsletter 0641



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.....a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....


Senator Jacqui Lambie and Muslim youth leader Yassmin Abdel-Magied argue over Sharia Law


When the going gets tough, Yassmin Abdel-Magied thinks of the US civil rights movement. She thinks of uprisings in Egypt and her birth country Sudan. People like her parents who fought and still fight for a better life.

Ms Abdel-Magied's battle is relentless, often exhausting and deeply personal. Her areas of expertise are gender, race and engineering, but lately, whether she likes it or not, the conversation has turned to her faith: Islam.


“Islam to me is the most feminist religion. We got equal rights well before the Europeans. We don’t take our husband’s last names because we ain’t their property. We were given the right to own land,” Abdel-Magied said on Monday.


So when Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie sat alongside her on Monday's Q&A panel and argued Australian Muslims practicing Sharia law should be deported, the 25-year-old youth leader, in her own words, lost her cool.


The response to Monday's heated television appearance was swift. Every time Ms Abdel-Magied picks up her phone, she's subject to hundreds of messages ranging from support to death threats.


“It hurts me deeply, right, when you, when my elected representatives, don’t want to have me in this country simply because of my faith or because of where I was born. And I think this kind of rhetoric is what we saw pre-World War II”



"Since I was 10 years old, we've had discussions about Muslims being different and Muslims being equated to terrorists and so on and so on, and particularly since the election of Donald Trump that kind of stepped up 10 notches, so I'm constantly surrounded - every single place I look, whether it's on telly or in the papers or on my social media feeds - with rhetoric that is super divisive," Ms Abdel-Magied said on Wednesday.


"At the end of the day, it was supremely personal and I just got to the experience of the Muslim ban and that affecting me personally so I guess it was the straw, the last straw that broke the camel's back as it were."


“What is culture, is separate than what is faith. And that fact that people go around dissing my faith without knowing anything about it and want to chuck me out of a country.”




The Sydney Morning Herald



WTF is Sharia?


Q&A panellist Abdel-Magied followed up the debate with her own video explanation of how she interpreted Sharia law, and its impact on Australians, in the following clip shared to her Facebook page early Wednesday morning.




Responses to the video:

Farhad Akhtar: All my dear Aussie friends not a single muslim living in Aus is or wants to bring Sharia Law. Yes they can apply only family related part of sharia laws when it comes to divorce or property division after father's death. Again the govt has to give permission for that. So i dont understand why every now n then people like Jacqui and Pauline brings Sharia law again and again and bully muslims????

more comments




Jacqui Lambie calls Sharia law an 'anti-democratic cancer' while activist argues 'equality'


Following her heated debate on Q&A on Monday night, Senator Jacqui Lambie released a video on Facebook calling Sharia law an "anti-democratic cancer that doesn't belong in a modern society".

The Tasmanian crossbencher said in the video she wanted to make six obvious points about Sharia law.



Responses to the video:


Ali Kadri: Jacqui Lambie i will make it very simple for you. As a Muslim i know a little better than you what Sharia law is and i dont believe in yelling to prove a point neither do i feel that i am a victim.

Sharia law is quite similar to Canon Law or Talmud (Jewish sacred law). Neither of these are Australian laws yet Christian and Jewish Australians live by these. It is interpreted in different ways across time and space.

There are more followers of Sharia (Muslims) who are fighting to death against terrorist than the terrorists who are fighting for political gains. May i also point out that most of these terrorists at some point in recent history were darlings of the west. Champion of conservatism president Ronald Reagen compared Afghan Mujahideen to America's founding fathers.

You ask to show you single successful democracy in Middle East but do you know that largest Muslim country is a Democracy (Indonesia with 220 million Muslims). In fact countries with second, third, fourth largest Muslim population are all democracies.

You say it subjugates women, yet Muslims have elected 7 females as head of state in Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Kosovo, Senegal and Mali.

While homosexuality is considered a sin in Islam like most other religions. Persecuting Homosexual people is strictly forbidden. They cannot be declared as non Muslims neither stopped from practice. The act of having homosexual sex is considered a sin just like adultery is. As far as capital punishment of these is considered they are not practised in 90% of Muslim countries. There are possibly equal if not more number of Christian countries in Africa and South America which criminalises homosexuality.

European Zionists who were opposed by most religious Jews used old testament as an excuse to occupy land thousands of miles away. Before 1947 Palestinian Muslims and Christians use to live there in peace. Today not only Palestinian Muslim lands are occupied but also the lands of Palestinian Christians. You may also like to know that Muslims have ruled Jerusalem for 1400 years using Sharia law and till today the Church of Holy Sepulchre celebrates mass as it did 2000 years ago.  Yours Truly, Ali Kadri

Jasbinder Sanghera: Your research is flawed . Your ability to use common sense is flawed. You have so many holes in your statements even your pantyhose wouldn't keep up.


Robert Birch: Um Muslims don't want Australia to be run under Sharia law, it is the law of their faith. Sharia Law literally instructs Muslims to respect and abide by the laws of the land they stand on, before any of the Qu'ran's teachings. So, crisis averted!!!! Yay it's not an issue can we move on please to issues that actually do effect our country thanks.

more comments petition call for apology

Muslim leaders and activists have demanded the ABC apologise for airing Lambie's "racist, Islamophobic and crude" beliefs on its panel program, calling it "racial abuse" and have started a Change.Org petition which is rapidly gaining support.

"We demand an apology from Q&A for its poor handling of the debate and for its failure to uphold its values of respect and integrity, as giving airtime to racial and ethno-religious abuse fills individuals with hate to commit serious crimes against Muslims," the petition stated.

"Islamophobia should not be tolerated, not in any workplace, and not in any forum."


Q&A and ABC apologise to Muslim community for breaching its ABC values (Open letter)

Dear Q&A and ABC,

We, Muslim community leaders, activists, academics, community members, and, organisations and leaders against fascism and racism would like to submit a formal complaint against last night's Q&A episode featuring Jacqui Lambie.

We believe this episode was in significant breach of the ABC values of “Respect We treat our audiences and each other with consideration and dignity.”, and “Integrity We act with trustworthiness, honesty and fairness”, that your organisation prides itself on.

Q&A also was in breach of its own aim to "provides a safe environment where people can respectfully discuss their differences".

Lambie made a number of comments which are considered, by any measure, racist, Islamophobic and crude, and constitute racial abuse and bullying that would not be allowed at your workplace, the ABC, and would not be allowed at any of our workplaces, educational institutions or public spaces.

To illustrate this with examples, Lambie used undignifying, demeaning slurs that were personal attacks against Abdel-Magied and her integrity as a Muslim woman, such as when she said:
“So you can be a sharia law supporter and be half-pregnant at the same time, C’mon”,
“Stop playing the victim, stop playing the victim, we’ve had enough”,
“Your ban got lifted, get over it”,
“It hasn’t hurt you at all”.

Another example is when asked if her speech is hateful she admitted:

“To a minority, well if that’s a minority, but this is for the majority, this is what the majority want”. Here, there was an opportunity to stand for ABC’s values, yet the moderator, Jones did not interject to uphold the values of respect and fairness and remind her that hateful speech is not allowed on the TV network, or is it? Something we trust ABC to be clear about.

Upon re-watching the episode, we have not found any instance where Abdel-Magied attacked Jackie Lambie as a person, maintaining the values and purpose of the show to debate the ideas and answer the questions around the topic, and yet it would have been justified for her to defend herself and call Lambie outright for the racism she was espousing.

The moderator, Jones, instead, requested Yassmin to stop shouting as it is ‘unhelpful’, (later clarifying that he is asking both to stop) but made no attempt to acknowledge the reasons behind Abdel-Magied’s frustration and legitimate concern at the bigotry she was forced to respond to.

We want to point out the power asymmetry between Yassmin, a 25 year old activist, and Lambie, a senior senator occupying a position of power and authority. It is not Abdel-Magied or any one Muslim’s responsibility to stand up to abuse alone.

If Q&A wants to invite Muslim individuals to its forum, it should be able to guarantee a safe environment for them based on trustworthiness and comfort to speak in a platform that is rarely afforded to them, especially on issues concerning them.

Lambie has the Parliament House, news outlets and press conferences as platforms to express her irresponsible and harmful views, whereas Muslim youth are largely underrepresented and their voice often absent from conversations about Muslims in this country.

We wish to remind Q&A that Yassmin’s appearance in itself is brave as it puts her in danger of being a target to online fascists who are relentless in attacking public Muslim Australian figures, and particularly Muslim females (who are at the forefront of “debate”).

Whilst you may view last night as an opportunity to boost ratings at the expense of fairness and respect to panelists, and members of minority communities, we view the bullying that occurred on last night’s TV show as a clear example of further deterrence for Muslim youth to engage in public platforms, given that their rights to feel safe, be respected and have a fair chance to express themselves is continually undermined and undefended by the ABC in instances like this.

We demand an apology from Q&A for its poor handling of the debate and for its failure to uphold its values of respect and integrity, as giving unchallenged airtime to racial and ethno-religious abuse fills individuals with hate to commit serious crimes against Muslims.

Islamophobia should not be tolerated, not in any workplace, and not in any forum.



Another petition is calling for the ABC to publicly condemn and fire Yassmin Abdel-Magied over Pro Sharia Law comments

........Abdul-Magied has publicly stood by her comments and released a video blatantly lying to the public about the merits of Sharia Law and the oppressive impact it has on non-muslim groups, homosexuals and women.

As Yassmin Abdul-Magied made these comments on the tax payer funded QandA program, and as she is a regularly paid commentator on the tax payer funded network, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation needs to reassure the tax paying public that they condemn her rhetoric and that Australians obey one set of laws, that no religious law is higher than the law of the land and that her blatant lies about this law will.not be tolerated or funded by the Australian tax payers.



Why it's not enough to counter fear of 'Sharia law' by insisting Islam is 'feminist'
Comment by Ruby Hamad


When it comes to Islam, independent senator Jacqui Lambie is actually right about one thing, but it's not what she thinks it is.

The heated altercation between Lambie and Muslim youth advocate Yassmin Abdel-Magied on Monday's Q&A program didn't come entirely as a surprise. The more the likes of Lambie lash out at Australian Muslims due to their fear of the way Islam is practised and enforced overseas, the more pressure and pain Muslims here feel to defend their faith and humanity in the face of those who are determined to deprive them of both.

It's unreasonable to expect any member of a marginalised group to maintain a level head and a calm tone when being told they should be deported for practising their faith. Admonishing them not "to shout at each other," as host Tony Jones did, and to hold both women accountable for expressing their opposing views in an "appalling" "shouting match" as some quarters of the media later did, is not only unfair given the unevenness of the playing field, it ensures that such interactions will never develop beyond superficial arguments.

The question is not whether Islam as a faith system is compatible with "western values" – it is. We know this by the fact that devout Muslims have been living in the west for centuries. But what progress can we hope to make when it is clear that "Sharia law" means something completely different to Muslims and to non-Muslims?

It is clear to me that when Lambie talks of "Sharia law" she is referring to the regressive dogma enforced in the criminal codes of some Muslim-majority countries, while to liberal Muslims like Abdel-Magied, Sharia is about private, personal ethics.

It shouldn't be that difficult to make a distinction between the two and it could be as simple as qualifying the difference between criminal Sharia law, or hudud, and the private moral code.

As long as we fail to make this simple but vital distinction, Muslims will continue to be demonised and the real issue will continue to be missed.

That issue is the very real discrepancy between how Islam is practised in places that (for now anyway) enshrine freedom of the religion within the context of civil law, and the way it is enforced in many Muslim-majority countries, where criminal Sharia law is used as a pretext for control over the masses.

What accounts for this discrepancy? Abdel-Magied puts it down to culture and politics, claiming the subjugation of women is a result of patriarchy, not Islam, because as she sees it, "Islam is the most feminist religion."

That Islam is feminist may be true in theory, and in the context of when Islam was formed. Unfortunately though, the interpretation of Islam increasingly followed in many parts of the world means this is simply not the case anymore.

This has to be acknowledged because, although we can argue theology all day, concerned and fearful non-Muslims are not looking at the theory or history of Islam – they are looking at the law in countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran and Pakistan, all of which claim to be Islamic, and they use this as a basis to attack Islam as a faith. As such, the status of women in these countries makes any claim to feminism easy for critics to dismiss as near-delusion.

Religion is not separate from culture. It changes, modifies, and in some cases regresses as the culture does. And there is no doubt that mainstream Islam is regressing in a world where Saudi Arabian Wahhabism is fast becoming the accepted mainstream version of Islam. This isn't just about the specific culture in that part of the world, but about the dissemination of this particular culture's interpretation of the religion.

Muslims can't afford to deny there is a problem here. Regressive applications of Islamic law are spreading across the Muslim world as more turn to these unforgiving interpretations, from Aceh in Indonesia to Brunei to parts of rebel-held Syria.

To think that this interpretation cannot spread here in one form or another is disingenuous; we see it happening, for example, when Islamic conferences issue promotional posters with female speakers replaced with shadowy figures. And while that particular insult to women was swiftly rectified when the Muslim community loudly demanded the poster be changed, it doesn't mean the underlying problem has been addressed.

Does this mean that Lambie is right? Of course not. There is no chance of criminal Sharia being introduced here. But there is a danger that the practice of Islam may become more fundamentalist as more people accept this interpretation, which consolidates the application of Islam in Muslim-majority countries.

It also means that arguments over faith versus culture are moot. As are those over whether Sharia conflicts with Australian law. Clearly, criminal Sharia does, whereas the personal moral code does not.

But as long as we argue over these semantics, we will not address the pressing question over which interpretation of Islam will win. That of liberal Muslims like Abdel-Magied, for whom Sharia is a personal matter? Or that of the one Lambie fears, where Muslims are subject to crude and draconian criminal law?

Muslims need to assert their right to be and practise their religion, but we also must admit it is getting harder to hold on to this feminist vision of the religion that Yassmin clings to.

There is a battle for the soul of Islam. And it is vital that Muslims acknowledge the dangers – and equally vital that the likes of Lambie accept that in this battle liberal Muslims are not the enemy. They are the key to Islam's future and the hope that it can once regain the progressive nature that made it so appealing to early Muslim women who flocked to hear and accept the prophet's radical revelations.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald



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IWAQ held its Client Carer programme on st Feb 2017 with over 120 clients and carers in attendance.

There was discussion on the Aged Care Reforms - Increasing Choice in Home Care.

Summary of the changes starting, 27th February 2017:

1. Portability (package follows you)
• Funding will follow the consumer
• Transfer balance of funds between service providers
• Exit fees may apply

2. National Prioritization Queue
• Consumers assessed and approved for Home Care Package will be placed in a national waiting queue according to approval dates.
• National package inventory will be created.

IWAQ’s expansion to Sydney was also announced where it will be delivering services to eligible clients in Sydney.

For more information, to check your eligibility or to move your package to IWAQ please contact our offices on:

Brisbane office: Hanan - 07 328 6333 or
Sydney office: Alice - 0403 415 575 or



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School report


On Monday 13 February 2017 the Australian International Islamic College held their Leadership Assembly to induct their student leaders for 2017.
Students from both the primary and high school were given the opportunity to apply, and describe how their talents would best serve the purposes of the College. The students were elected based on their ability to lead, work in teams, and to speak confidently in public.

We would like to congratulate all our student leaders for 2017 and in particular our Primary Captain Abdul Khaliq Lim-Parfitt and Vice- Captain Nurrul Nisa Ayub Binti and the High School Captain Rahim Mohammadi and Vice- Captain Summayah Gedik.

On behalf of the principal and staff of AIIC we would like to wish our student leaders all the best for 2017, may you serve the College well this year and may this journey be a rewarding and memorable experience for you all.



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Sheikh Shady (Australian National Imams Council president) has sent a response to ISIS after their death threat video calls their followers to kill him and other Muslim leaders worldwide. In a statement, he says he is not surprised that ISIS has labelled him as “an apostate” and have called their followers to kill him.

The group also targeted the Grand Mufti of Australia, Ibrahim Abu Mohamed and Sheikh Ahmed Abdo in their 25 minute video. Sheikh Shady says the video is proof that ISIS is acting far outside Islamic teachings.

I see this as unequivocal proof that mainstream Islam, as preached and taught by the overwhelming majority of Muslim Imams, Sheikhs, and Mufti’s around the world, is innocent of the crimes perpetrated by ISIS, who falsely claim that they are following the teachings of almighty Allah (God), and His beloved final messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Many Australian Imams, including myself, have publicly denounced and preached against the hateful and murderous teachings of ISIS.

I am heartened to hear that ISIS themselves agree – confirming that mainstream Islam, which the vast majority of the world’s Muslims adhere to, is not what they preach and the recent video is a big proof of that.

The Muslim world has been the first victims and sufferers of this deviant cult and more Muslims were killed on their hands than anyone else.

Sheikh Shady strongly advised that he will not be affected by the propaganda video and will continue his work as community leader to teach and practice “true Islamic teachings” and the principles of humanitarianism.

I am undeterred in my mission to teach and practice true Islamic teachings, which include the worship of the One God of the Prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (Peace be upon them) as well as compassion, mercy, generosity, selflessness, and kindness.

I will continue to teach the Islamic principles of humanitarianism, and what Islam and the Sharia teaches me to respect and abide by the laws of the land that we live in.
As for the threats on my life – I am unconcerned.

This is the time of unity against all forms of violence and extremism.

Source: OnePath Network



ANIC condemns ISIS video calling for the assassination of Islamic figures



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On Monday, the ladies embraced the sunshine (and heat) and went on an outing to Mt.Tamborine.


Last Thursday, the IWAQ Gold Coast Group ladies shared a morning tea with a guest speaker who spoke about mindfulness and staying in the present.



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The SBS Board and Executive today welcomed the appointment of Dr Bulent Hass Dellal AO as the SBS Chairman, as announced by the Minister for Communications, Mitch Fifield.

SBS Managing Director, Michael Ebeid, said: “On behalf of the Board and the SBS team, I’d like to congratulate Dr Dellal on his appointment, which I have no doubt will be well received by both the employees of SBS, and the communities we serve. He has contributed enormously to SBS during more than six years serving on the Board, including as Deputy Chairman, and has done a tremendous job as Acting Chair over the last year. I’m delighted that he’s been formally appointed to the role.

“Dr Dellal’s extensive knowledge of multicultural affairs, his many years of experience working with diverse community groups, and his strong connections within communities have been invaluable to SBS. I look forward to working closely with him and the Board as SBS continues to deliver distinctive programs and services which help migrants understand Australian culture and values, support Indigenous communities, and showcase the benefits of diversity to all Australians, while also continuing to invest in the organisation’s digital future ensuring that SBS is in a great place for the years ahead.”

Dr Dellal said on his appointment: “I’m incredibly proud to have the opportunity to chair SBS. SBS’s unique ability to access, explore and share stories of Indigenous and multicultural Australia, for all Australians, continues to be one of our greatest and most valuable strengths. As the media sector continues to go through transformative changes, I look forward to working with the Board and management to ensure SBS continues to play such a vital and special role in Australia’s future.”

Dr Dellal has been appointed by the Australian Government as Chairman of the SBS Board for a period of three years, which takes his term up to the statutory limit of ten years serving on the SBS Board. He leads the Board of Directors which includes Daryl Karp, Dorothy West, Peeyush Gupta, William Lenehan and Michael Ebeid (Managing Director).

About Dr Bulent Hass Dellal AO

Dr Bulent Hass Dellal AO was appointed a Director of the SBS Board in 2010. Dr Dellal has been the Executive Director of the Australian Multicultural Foundation since 1989. He is also Chairman of the Centre for Multicultural Youth; Chairman of the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies Consultative Committee (Melbourne University); the Chairman of the Islamic Museum of Australia, and he is on the Commonwealth Governments Australian Multicultural Advisory Council. Dr Dellal has also served as a Member, Multicultural Advisory Committee of the Family Court of Australia; Board Member, Adult Multicultural Education Services; Co-Chairperson, Police and Community Multicultural Advisory Committee, and Sitting Member, Victoria Police Ethical Standards Consultative Committee. Dr Dellal was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in 1997 for service to multicultural organisations, the arts and the community.

Source: DeciderTV



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Report by Sarwat Hassan



‘Participation of local and international exhibitors and international speakers have played a key role in emerging Australia into the global arena of Halal industry and its affairs’; Syed Atiq ul Hassan, Director, Halal Expo Australia

Just in its third year Halal Expo Australia – held on Sat 11 & Sun 12 February 2017 at Rosehill Gardens Sydney – attracted international exhibitors, speakers and global industry players.

The international conference created awareness, providing valuable information to Australian halal industry professionals and educating people on the halal market and its significance for Australia.

‘What a great time we are having, I couldn’t believe this kind of set-up as we never had before’ says one of the visitors. ‘I have been taking part in the Islamic festivals for last 20 years but never joined such a professionally designed event like this before’ says one of the exhibitors. ‘Insha Allah this event is going to be the top event in Australia soon’ says Dr. Priyakon, Director of the Halal Standard Institute of Thailand.

The aim of the Halal Expo Australia was to create awareness of all things Halal: food, products, services and a Halal healthy lifestyle; establish a network of Australian and International Halal industry players; build a B2B network of Halal industry players, investors, financers, entrepreneurs, and industrialists; expand B2C relationships between Halal businesses and consumers locally and internationally; develop social harmony and understanding between diverse people of Islamic and non-Islamic backgrounds and promote a halal healthy lifestyle.

Tribune International



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The 2016/2017 Grand Final winning team: Abu Bakr





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Click on image to watch the video


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Senator Malcolm Roberts

One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts has told parliament Australians are fleeing areas of Islamic settlement in a bid to protect their daughters.

Australians are fleeing ghettos of Islamic migrants in a bid to protect their daughters, a One Nation senator has claimed.

"We the people are seeking to protect our children, our daughters, our property, our liberty," Malcolm Roberts told parliament on Monday.

"How can we expect people wedded to an ideology masquerading as a religion that specifically precludes assimilation, to assimilate and integrate? We can't."

The upper house was debating strengthening existing laws to refuse or cancel visas for non-citizens who commit crimes in Australia, or pose a risk to the community.

The legislation cleared parliament on Monday morning.

Senator Roberts blamed unchecked immigration for the fraying of Australia's social fabric, insisting it was a reason voters were abandoning the major parties.

Australians were now fleeing areas of heavy migrant settlement, especially Islamic settlement.

"Self-segregation has become a reality," he said.

Australians weren't afraid of any religion but Islam, he said, and immigrants should be chosen from cultures with a track record of assimilation.

Source: SBS



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Before Egyptian-born Melbourne imam Alaa El Zokm came to Australia, all he knew of his new homeland was kangaroos.



Imam Alaa El Zokm and his wife, Rheme. "The image that comes to mind for a sheikh or imam," he says, "is a hard person... 'I can't joke with him. I can't ask him to come play PlayStation.' And it is not true. The religion is not what will keep you from enjoying life. If this was the religion, I would never follow it!"


A tall young man with warm brown eyes walks across the soft Persian carpet of a Melbourne mosque, smiling. Imam Alaa El Zokm stands almost two metres, and in his long, grey clerical robes seems even taller, as though his height were a conscious decision – something to help better watch over all 600 people here at the Elsedeaq Islamic Society in suburban Heidelberg Heights.

The building sits on a corner surrounded by weatherboard houses, and right now old men and tiny boys and taxi drivers on lunch break – a mix of Egyptians, Somalis and Australians – are stopping in for the imam's khutbah or Friday speech, the Muslim equivalent of a Sunday sermon. They shake his large, soft hands, and nod to one another. They pick up copies of Australian Arabic newspaper Al-Wasat, glance at the headline ("The Climate of Fear that Divides Australian Society") and skim ads for camel milk and sharia-compliant investments.


Imam Alaa El Zokm likens some people's fear of Muslims to a fear of snakes - snakes that are more afraid of you than you of them, and that are rarely encountered.

We meet at the mosque some time before new US President Donald Trump issues an executive order targeting citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries, creating international outrage. The imam has been advising his flock not to worry about Trump, not as "much as we should about ourselves". When news breaks of the order, I call him. He says he is not angry or even confused by Trump's latest attack on Muslims, but instead disappointed. "And unfortunately we hear the same thing from some people in Australia, like Pauline Hanson. It is taking us back to an age of darkness. This is something against humanity."

The people who come to his mosque are mostly from Somalia, one of the seven countries identified for "extreme vetting". He tells me that they came immediately to him, seeking comfort. "They are frightened," he said. "But I tell them that the majority of the American people are educated and good, and renounce racism, and want to live in a peaceful society, and are against this decision. I tell them I have hope."

But on this day long before the Trump inauguration, it is a regular day at the mosque. It fills until the hall is bursting, as are the ante-rooms, carport and the lawn outside. The women and girls sit upstairs in a balcony behind a fabric veil, listening to his words on a closed-circuit TV loop. Among the crowd is Abdi Alasoo, 50, a retired scaffolder and part-time Uber driver who left Somalia 30 years ago "with $100 and a one-way ticket".

I ask how he likes the young imam, who is 27 and has been with the mosque two years, and whom I plan to follow for three months to see what it means to live at the centre of an Islamic community in Australia. Before Alasoo can answer, the imam overhears and offers his own self-assessment: "Good. Very good," the imam says, laughing and waving. "You say, 'The sheikh is very good.' I will pay you!"

Alasoo says as much anyway. The whole flock does. "Sheikh Alaa," they say, knows Islam, speaks English, is highly educated, and he is moderate. "He says it is our job to convince others that what the people say, the media says, the terrorist says, is not us," says Alasoo. "We have to show more of that good thing."

In the mornings, afternoons and late nights I spend with the imam, he has many avenues for spreading his message. As a spiritual adviser, of course, but also as a school teacher, marriage counsellor and confidant – mediator of business rifts and settler of personal quarrels. The imam is the man his congregation can turn to at any hour, with a Facebook message or pre-dawn phone call or a knock at the door near midnight, which they do with a torrent of questions and problems for him to reconcile.

His wife, 21-year-old Rheme Al-Hussein, says they call from his native Egypt, too, all through the night. He exists on coffee with milk and two sugars. "I feel sorry for him sometimes," she says. "At the end of the day I can tell when he's not there, when I'm talking to a wall."

He stands now inside the mihrab, a semicircular wall cavity that faces Mecca. The crescent-shaped architectural feature can be found in most mosques and once acted as a kind of amplifier. In the new millennium, a headset microphone will do. He prays now, eyes closed, shoulders rising and falling as he takes deep gulps of air to sing each undulating phrase. And then he ascends the minbar – a raised platform of timber steps – to a seat like a throne. (The imam tells me later that this is not merely to elevate him in the eyes of others. "It is also for the imam himself," he says. "When he goes up, he should know that he is a role model for everyone, that his sayings must match his actions.")

The sayings in this speech come in a passionate Arabic flurry. Afterwards, he repeats the same in developing English. "We must address the Islamophobia!" he says. "People are afraid from the Islam. They see Islam and see the terrorist. They see Islam and they see the mistreatment of the women. They see Islam and they see the jihad. But as the Prophet said, the most important jihad is the jihad within! It is the jihad against hatred, and the hardened heart."

He likens a fear of Muslims to a fear of snakes – snakes that are more afraid of you than you of them, and that are rarely encountered. A recent Ipsos Mori poll found that while the Muslim population of Australia is little more than 2.4 per cent, Australians on average believe the religion accounts for 18 per cent. Furthermore, an Essential Research poll recently found 49 per cent of Australians would support a ban on Islamic immigration, citing perceived concerns over terrorism and Muslims failing to share Australian values. Another study found 60 per cent would be "troubled" by a relative marrying a Muslim.

“I tell [my community] that the majority of the American people are educated and good, and renounce racism, and want to live in a peaceful society, and are against this decision. I tell them I have hope.”

"We must reach out. We must!" he pleads. "It is our responsibility – to make friends with the non-Muslim, to show them who we are, so that when something bad happens they can point to us and say 'No! This is my friend! He is Muslim and he is not like this – this is not what he believes.' We must be role models."



Imam Alaa El Zokm at the Elsedeaq Islamic Society in Melbourne's Heidelberg Heights.

Alaa El Zokm sits on a white leather couch in his yellow brick veneer home opposite the mosque. Hussein hands me a plate of orange wedges, strawberries and mango, then sits down. Zokm reaches across, touches an eyelash off his wife's cheek, and blows it away.

They have an easy rapport. No kids yet. Hussein is focused on school. In her third year of a master's degree in speech pathology, the workload is heavy.

They met almost three years ago when the imam first came for a visit from Egypt, invited here to consider a position with the mosque and a school. "I didn't know anything about Australia," he says. "Nothing. The end of the earth? Kangaroos?"

His hosts then were wary for the imam, worried that the religious leader would explore Australian streets and be confused or upset when passing a raucous corner pub or a Victoria's Secret store. He watched American movies growing up, however, and so the culture shock was not so extreme, even though he remains steadfast on matters such as drinking or sex before marriage. "It's very clear," he says. "It's not allowed. In any way."

Near the end of his trip, the imam was invited by a sheikh to meet two local girls. The Lebanese one, he was told, was more religious, and the Egyptian one more beautiful. Who did he want to meet?

The imam was stunned. He went along to a home in Melbourne's north, however, and the Lebanese girl was there, being taught the Koran. She was shy and did not look at him. He didn't look at her, either. They both giggle at the memory. "It was very funny!" says Hussein. "We didn't even meet! It was so weird. He was here for three weeks and going back to Egypt. I was only 18."

They both thought and prayed. Hussein had always wanted to marry an Islamic leader, and the imam knew marriage could be advantageous. "The imam is always watched," he says. "Sometimes it is not enough to be a pure person." He returned to Egypt, taking with him a photo of Hussein, permission from her family to talk on Facebook, and a video of her reciting the Koran. He kept the video secret for a week, watching it alone every day. "What am I to say to my mother? 'I saw a girl, and I would like to be engaged with her, and leave you all?' My family is not ready for this."

The imam grew up in Itay El Baroud, a small city on the Nile Delta. His mother taught him the Koran. From five, the little boy would memorise a passage, go and play with his friends, while his mother memorised the same section – to test him upon his return. "This motivated me, this competition with my mum, not to make mistakes. She would say, 'I am working, doing all my duties in the house, and memorising better than you.' She sometimes was sleeping only two hours. It makes you feel ashamed if you are not doing your best."

Zokm became a childhood Koran contest champion, besting as many as 5000 competitors at a time. He went to Cairo's prestigious Al-Azhar University, which for more than 1000 years has been a beacon for the faith, representing a moderate stream of Islam. Hussein recalls his pledge to her during their eight-month, long-distance, online courtship: "I will never stop you from knowledge."

They were engaged on Skype, Hussein in northern Melbourne's Roxburgh Park with her family, the imam in Itay El Baroud with his. The agreement was sealed by reading the first page of the Koran. And then he was here, married in a tea hall in front of several hundred people: "It's something you never imagine. Being here, living here, a new wife, a new life."

Alaa El Zokm sits on a white leather couch in his yellow brick veneer home opposite the mosque. Hussein hands me a plate of orange wedges, strawberries and mango, then sits down. Zokm reaches across, touches an eyelash off his wife's cheek, and blows it away.

They have an easy rapport. No kids yet. Hussein is focused on school. In her third year of a master's degree in speech pathology, the workload is heavy.

They met almost three years ago when the imam first came for a visit from Egypt, invited here to consider a position with the mosque and a school. "I didn't know anything about Australia," he says. "Nothing. The end of the earth? Kangaroos?"

His hosts then were wary for the imam, worried that the religious leader would explore Australian streets and be confused or upset when passing a raucous corner pub or a Victoria's Secret store. He watched American movies growing up, however, and so the culture shock was not so extreme, even though he remains steadfast on matters such as drinking or sex before marriage. "It's very clear," he says. "It's not allowed. In any way."

Near the end of his trip, the imam was invited by a sheikh to meet two local girls. The Lebanese one, he was told, was more religious, and the Egyptian one more beautiful. Who did he want to meet?

The imam was stunned. He went along to a home in Melbourne's north, however, and the Lebanese girl was there, being taught the Koran. She was shy and did not look at him. He didn't look at her, either. They both giggle at the memory. "It was very funny!" says Hussein. "We didn't even meet! It was so weird. He was here for three weeks and going back to Egypt. I was only 18."

They both thought and prayed. Hussein had always wanted to marry an Islamic leader, and the imam knew marriage could be advantageous. "The imam is always watched," he says. "Sometimes it is not enough to be a pure person." He returned to Egypt, taking with him a photo of Hussein, permission from her family to talk on Facebook, and a video of her reciting the Koran. He kept the video secret for a week, watching it alone every day. "What am I to say to my mother? 'I saw a girl, and I would like to be engaged with her, and leave you all?' My family is not ready for this."

The imam grew up in Itay El Baroud, a small city on the Nile Delta. His mother taught him the Koran. From five, the little boy would memorise a passage, go and play with his friends, while his mother memorised the same section – to test him upon his return. "This motivated me, this competition with my mum, not to make mistakes. She would say, 'I am working, doing all my duties in the house, and memorising better than you.' She sometimes was sleeping only two hours. It makes you feel ashamed if you are not doing your best."

Zokm became a childhood Koran contest champion, besting as many as 5000 competitors at a time. He went to Cairo's prestigious Al-Azhar University, which for more than 1000 years has been a beacon for the faith, representing a moderate stream of Islam. Hussein recalls his pledge to her during their eight-month, long-distance, online courtship: "I will never stop you from knowledge."

They were engaged on Skype, Hussein in northern Melbourne's Roxburgh Park with her family, the imam in Itay El Baroud with his. The agreement was sealed by reading the first page of the Koran. And then he was here, married in a tea hall in front of several hundred people: "It's something you never imagine. Being here, living here, a new wife, a new life."



Alaa El Zokm playing his weekly post-prayer soccer match against the young men of the mosque..


The imam speeds away from the mosque at 7.37pm on a Sunday night, wearing a Chelsea Football Club tracksuit. He's headed to an indoor basketball court, part of the Olympic village from the 1956 Summer Games, to play a weekly post-prayer soccer match against the young men of the mosque.

"The image that comes to mind for a sheikh or imam is a hard person," he says, turning the wheel of his Mazda 3. "People will try to be silent, to listen, because they are afraid to say something wrong, thinking, 'I can't joke with him. I can't ask him to come play PlayStation.' And it is not true. The religion is not what will keep you from enjoying life. If this was the religion, I would never follow it!"

But is he any good with the round ball? "You will see," he says, smirking. "I don't want to talk about myself."

The guys are already on the squeaking wood surface under big industrial globes, and soon the imam is among them, loping after the ball like a lost giraffe. But then he kicks, and he has a cannon. He fires shots from all angles and the ball thuds against posts and bodies. He does not often pass.

"Stop shooting!" yells one player, laughing.

"Oohhh Alaa!" cries another, as the imam attempts a speculative strike.

"Goon hayel!" jokes one spectator. (Arabic for "great goal", it is said sarcastically.)

Yet he scores five goals in 90 minutes of the three-hour game. As he walks off court he is patted on the back by Khaled Elkharibi, 21. "He just demolished half our team," says Elkharibi. "Five goals in a 15-goal game. And he only came in halfway."The radicalisation of young Islamic men is, naturally, a concern for the imam. But he has never known anyone to take up arms on behalf of Allah. Hussein believes most who do so are in fact "converts" to the religion. "They have no knowledge of Islam," she says. "They drink, they eat pork, they don't go to our schools, but they have the beard and white clothes."

The imam points the finger at chronically misinterpreted phrases within the Koran. "Jihad" is just one example. There are also passages that note whoever is killed for his country will be rewarded in paradise: "But this was from a time when Islam was under siege.

"Sometimes they go down this path for benefits," he adds. "They are promised wives or money or jobs by Islamic State, so they hide what they have in their minds."

It is a perfect spring evening in Melbourne; sunshine pours through the high windows of the Government House ballroom, striking a crystal chandelier above the imam, who sits in the third row of a large gathering.

A school orchestra is playing, bouncing prim notes off gilded walls painted with fleurs-de-lis. There are police, women in saris and tall Sudanese men, gathered for the Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence.

Speakers drop encouraging multiculturalism buzz-words: cross-cultural empathy and social harmony, diversity and diaspora. Maoris with spears perform the haka: "The harder we go, the more we feel, the greater the respect," says one. "We hope you feel respected." The imam nods.

The imam receives a Police Community Exemplary Award, recognising the work of the mosque through open days, volunteer efforts, Iftar dinners and Eid festivals. The imam looks resplendent in an ankle-length coat, the kakola, and his hat, the emma – the distinctive uniform of his alma mater in Egypt.

He wears such garb in public, too, at supermarkets and petrol stations. He has never been abused – "Perhaps because I am big" – but does notice people laughing at him sometimes, or looking worried. Yet he enjoys going into shops – even when he senses he is being watched. "They may be thinking, 'He has a bomb.' Let them have these thoughts," he says. "Because when you smile, and leave, and everyone is safe, you will change these thoughts."

The evening turns to Vivaldi, canapés, champagne or, in the case of the imam, apple juice. Inspector Anne Patterson, the local police commander, looks on as he poses for photos by a lamp-lit fountain. "Isn't he wonderful?" she whispers. "He's incredibly progressive as a thinker. I really like his central messages, about community harmony, the faith not being inconsistent with the Australian way of life. Even delivering his messages in English – realising that sometimes when they're only delivered in Arabic it can isolate others."

The latter gesture is not a simple one, either. English is his second language. When the imam first arrived, he would write his speeches and Hussein would translate them, and he would read English directly from the sheet. And then he stopped. He thanked his wife for her help, but decided to speak from the hip, even if it meant mistakes. "I was so scared when he said that," says Hussein. "I was like, 'What if you stuff up? What if you need help?' I can't be there, because I'm upstairs with the women. Then the first time he did it, I said, 'That's it, we're never going to do a translation again, because this is perfect.' "

They depart quickly, riding home in a police car. He is happy the windows are tinted, he jokes, so no one can see inside: "Otherwise our community will think that we are arrested!"



Imam Alaa El Zokm teaching an Islamic studies class at the Australian International Academy in Coburg North. “I teach them that God loves them,” he says, “rather than saying, ‘If you do this you will go to hell’. They are little bodies who want to enjoy life.”

It's Wednesday morning, the first week in November, the day after the Melbourne Cup, and the imam sits on grey carpet in the corner of a little mosque at the Australian International Academy of Education – an Islamic primary school. He is part of a circle of 15 year 2 students wearing blue jackets and maroon jumpers, with plastic heart bracelets and purple Swatches. They are discussing love.

The imam has taught before at schools in the Middle East, most notably Saudi Arabia. He saw much there that confused him, such as women not being allowed to drive. "If you say, 'This is the policy of the country,' I will accept this – this is your rules, your law – but if you try to make this an Islamic thing, this is wrong," he says. "She has to go outside – that is normal life."

In Australia, the imam shields children from stringent lessons about what is lawful and not. "I teach them that God loves them," he says, "rather than saying, 'If you do this you will go to hell.' They are little bodies who want to enjoy life."

He teaches through brainstorming, reflection and practice. ("I teach them how to discuss," he says, "not to know.") And today the lesson is the mosque itself – a place most have never really been before. They are incredibly excited. With each question the imam asks, arms shoot high and the kids – like Jumanah, Salman and Fatima – squirm onto their knees, contorting their tiny forms, desperate to answer.

He asks first, "What do you know about the mosque?"

You have to be very quiet?

You can't talk while the sheikh is reciting the Koran.

It's a place you pray.

It's where we read the Koran.

You come to the mosque so Allah can take away all your sins.

"Excellent," he says. "We come to the mosque because everyone is making mistakes. And we come to ask forgiveness."

It's where we tell the truth?

"Yes, but we say the truth everywhere, don't we? We say the truth at home, outside. Always."

He explains why the mosque is called "Allah's house". He talks about why the lines on the floor face Mecca, and why congregants line up: "What does it teach us?"

To not be racist?

"Yes, can you explain this?"

Because if you are a white person you might be sitting next to a brown person?

"That's right," he says. "The Prophet is teaching us equality. There is no difference between the person who comes from Pakistan or India, from the rich person and the poor person."


Imam Alaa El Zokm at the Australian International Academy in Coburg North last November.

Near the end of the lesson he waits for silence – "I am going to stop until I see everyone is quiet!" – and assembles the children in a line. They remove their Bonds socks and Hello Kitty socks, and he sends them to the ablution room one by one, the quietest child first. There he explains how to make wudu – cleaning the hands, face and arms, wiping your head, ears and feet in preparation for prayer. They scurry back into the mosque, damp and squealing "I'm soaking!" and "That was so easy!" and "Time to pray!"

Leyla Mohamoud, the head of the campus, says the imam is the perfect teacher for spirituality. She wants to show me the school, too, and explain how they have footy days, and ties to local scout groups. She points to photos from Halloween, when the kids came as vampires and chefs and superheroes. The tour ends in the art room, where the walls are covered in drawings of smiling faces.

The imam points to a pencil sketch of a smiling girl with green eyes. He notes that in other parts of the world, such a picture could not exist. "It is forbidden," he says, looking into the rendered face, and shaking his head. "But these eyes are beautiful."


Alaa El Zokm sharing chores with his wife, Rheme. “This is a problem with the husbands,” the imam says. “They do not help.”

A few weeks later, the imam is standing in his home's backyard. Amid the overgrown grass and daffodils, a Hills Hoist stands in the corner. The imam pins a pair of wet tracksuit pants to the line. "This is a problem with the husbands. They do not help, do not share the work," he says. "They think the woman's role is to stay in the home and do everything. That is not Islam."

Such behaviours are, he says, habits. Bad ones. This was the subject of his speech only an hour earlier at the mosque: What is Islam, what is faith, and what is not?

While there are no great schisms within the mosque, there are local Sunni who do not want to sit with the Shia. There are those who do not believe that eliminating Islamophobia is the responsibility of those who follow Islam, but those who have the phobia. "Some of them come angry, and I have to absorb their anger," the imam says, grasping the air in front of him, and drawing it to his chest. "I listen, smile. I find a verse of the Koran, something common between us."

He pins a final T-shirt to the line, and a rainbow lorikeet rests on a lemon-scented gum nearby. "We believe that this is our job – our mission in life," he says, as the bird sings into the day. "If we don't do this, then later we will be asked by God, 'What did you do with the message you had?' If we don't spread this message, we will not prosper. If we don't do this, then who will?"

Source: Sydney Morning Herald



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With 11 February declared the international day for women in science, its a chance to celebrate the contributions of Muslim scientists.


Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) has said: “Seeking knowledge is a mandate for every Muslim (male and female).”


These women have embodied this and shown the world what it means to be an active achiever and mover of the world in which we live.


CCN brings you one of these scientists each week from different parts of the world.


Egypt: Aisha Elsafty


Elsafty is a Computer Scientist at the University of Cambridge. She specialises in ‘AdHoc networking,’ the connecting of computational devices via wireless technology that are used to establish networks in disaster areas and developing countries.

“My faith inspires my work in many different ways. The Qur’an gives emphasis on putting our actions and beliefs into an analytical test, and to continuously challenge the views of our predecessors. This attitude is essential for all scientists and it is very clear in computer science where claims can be interpreted, understood and verified in mathematical and logical formats.”


Source: The Muslim Vibe


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We can all agree that 2016 was a tough year, but these Muslim men made it a little bit better. We compiled a list of the individuals that inspired us this year.


This Sadiq Khan

Sadiq Khan, became the first Muslim Mayor of London earlier on this year. He grew up in a council flat, with a humble family setting and often recalls his father’s hard work of being a bus driver for over 25 years and his mother’s job as a seamstress. At university, he studied Law and worked as a solicitor specialising in human rights.

He joined the Labour party in 1994, as the Councillor for the London Borough of Wansworth, before eventually being elected MP for Tooting in 2005. Khan is the city’s first ethnic minority mayor and he has already introduced reforms to limit charges on London’s public transport and focused on uniting the city’s diverse communities.



Source: MVSLIM



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The Linda Sarsour Show



Click on image above to watch



Linda Sarsour is a racial justice and civil rights activist and every Islamophobe’s worst nightmare.



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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs


A memo to the president-elect about the people he fears. BY LAWRENCE PINTAK

An Idiot’s Guide to Islam in America 


"Islam hates us.” That was a recurring theme of your campaign, Mr. President-elect.

And who can blame you? After all, your top advisors on Muslim affairs — Ann Coulter, Frank Gaffney, and Walid Phares — are card-carrying Islamophobes. Your incoming national security advisor, retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, wants Muslim leaders to “declare their Islamic ideology sick,” and your special advisor, Steve Bannon, has been accused of using his Breitbart News Daily radio show to instigate “fear and loathing of Muslims in America.”

But now that you’ve announced it’s time for America to “bind the wounds of division,” it might be useful for you to learn a little bit more about one of the most alienated segments of the nation you now lead: American citizens who also happen to be Muslims.

I get that you’re worried about what you call “radical Islamic terrorism.” I’ve been reporting on extremists who claim to represent Islam since I covered the first anti-American suicide bombings in Beirut in the early 1980s, so I share your concern. I’ve seen friends die and others waste away in captivity at their hands. And I’ve come awfully close to being a victim myself a few times. But I’ve also learned that Muslims come in many colors — literally and figuratively — and my doctorate in Islamic studies helped me understand that the religion itself is interpreted in many different ways. In fact, America’s 3.3 million Muslims, the other 1 percent, are developing their own take on what it means to follow Islam.

The jihadis are already rejoicing at your election because — their words here, not mine — it “reveals the true mentality of the Americans and their racism toward Muslims and Arabs and everything.” But what do they know?

When Bill O’Reilly asked you whether you thought American Muslims fear you, you replied, “I hope not. I want to straighten things out.”

So, in a similar spirit of good tidings, this memo about how good ol’ American values are influencing Islam in the United States might help make that whole straightening out go a little easier. Since it’s not likely that much beyond references to Islam as “a cancer” is going to make it into your briefing papers anytime soon, I thought I’d toss this out into the webosphere in the hope that you might trip across it late some night while prowling the net.

(It’s OK to just read the stuff in bold print.)


Muslim clerics in America spend a lot of their time working to prevent radicalization. Whether in informal dialogues with youth groups or confidential chats with young people whose anger at their treatment in America or of U.S. foreign policy is spilling over, most American imams work hard to not just “talk the talk” about Islam being a religion of peace, on issues of Islamic doctrine or American politics.

“I have encountered some of the young that are really, really angry towards Donald Trump’s political rhetoric. There is truly a big responsibility on us to bring them back on track and provide the genuine Islamic stand on issues,” says Ali. “We try to let them know we can disagree on policy but doing something bad in the name of disagreement is certainly not American.”

Mr. President-elect, to sum it all up:

“People don’t like the word ‘American Islam,’ but this is Islam in America. It’s unique, it is very integrated, it’s holistic, it’s diverse — and it should be always tolerant and tolerated.” So says Mohamed Magid, the imam who used to advise Obama. He’s based out near Dulles Airport. I’m sure he’d be happy to stop by for a chat. Oh, wait. Breitbart, the news website once run by Bannon, your new chief strategist and senior advisor, alleges Magid “has deep ties to radicalism.”

I guess one memo isn’t going to change much. Can I interest you in some White House staffing suggestions?


Source: Foreign Policy

How Muslim Americans plan to resist the Trump administration
Writers and activists weigh in on America's future

On 17 December, 2015, Donald Trump proposed a complete ban on all Muslims from entering the United States, sparking outrage and fear in communities across the country. In the summer of 2016, he then promoted the idea of creating a database to track Muslim Americans that was eventually condemned by hundreds of Silicon Valley employees who pledged to never help create such a registry. Now, after winning the presidential election thanks to the support of 58 per cent of all white voters, the former real estate mogul will be sworn into office as the nation’s 45th President. In the days ahead of the inauguration, The Independent asked emerging voices to weigh in on the following three questions:

What does a Trump presidency mean to you?
What does America look like from here on out?
How do you plan on resisting?

Imraan Siddiqi, Executive Director at the Council on American-Islamic Relations

“Looking forward at the next four years, I definitely view it as being the greatest challenge I have faced as an American Muslim and activist and as a leader in my community. Even though anti-Muslim sentiment has been a reality for decades, especially post-9/11 – there has never been a more open and blatant attempt to marginalise us, as well as many other minority groups by an incoming President. More concerning than Trump's overarching rhetoric, are the actual people he's bringing in to staff his cabinet. Many of whom are closely aligned with Islamophobic hate groups in America, and are seeking to curb the civil liberties of our community.”

“This is not a time to sit back and stick one’s head in the sand. This is a time to build strong alliances with other marginalised communities and educate the public on how we will be affected. Right now, we have a few different projects in the works in collaboration with minority communities and within the interfaith community as well, to stand together in the face of hate. Through this collaboration, our collective voices will be much stronger in the fight against hate and bigotry.”

NEXT WEEK IN CCN: Blair Imani, Founder of Equality for HER     

Source: Independent


The Five Ways Donald Trump Is Wrong About Islam
The White House’s approach to the world’s second largest religion isn’t just bigoted – it’s a strategic disaster. BY STEPHEN M. WALT

As a public service, therefore, I offer the Top Five Reasons Steve Bannon is Dead Wrong About the “Islamic Threat.”

4: “Creeping Sharia” Is a Fairy Tale. Die-hard Islamophobes have a fallback argument: The danger isn’t an actual military attack or a Muslim invasion of America or Europe. Rather, the danger is the slow infiltration of our society by “foreigners” who refuse to assimilate and who will eventually try to impose their weird and alien values on us. One sees this argument in the right-wing myth of “creeping Sharia,” based on trumped-up (pun intended) stories about “Sharia courts” and other alleged incidents where diabolical Muslim infiltrators have tried to pollute our pristine Constitution with their religiously inspired dogma. If we’re not ceaselessly vigilant, we are told, someday our daughters will be wearing hijabs and we’ll all be praying to Mecca.

Seriously, this anxiety almost sounds right out of Dr. Strangelove, and especially Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper’s rants about fluoridation and the need to protect our “precious bodily fluids.”

To repeat: There is simply no evidence of “creeping Sharia” here in the United States, and no risk of it occurring in the future. Not only do we still have formal separation of church and state here (at least so far!), the number of Muslims in the United States remains tiny. According to a 2016 Pew Research Center survey, there are only 3.3 million Muslims living in the United States, a mere 1 percent of the population. That percentage might double by 2050 to a vast, enormous, dangerous, and overwhelming 2 percent. Being a tiny minority makes them ideal victims for ambitious power-seekers, but hardly a threat to our way of life.


1: The Balance of Power Is Overwhelmingly in Our Favour.


Source: Foreign Policy

Non-Muslim colleagues and friends would ask if they could set me up, and ask "does he have to be Muslim?" and "What if he was willing to convert to be with you?"

Suddenly single with four kids under 5, Imaan wasn’t sure if men would ever fit in her life again.
Dr Imaan Joshi

Six years ago, I suddenly and irrevocably found myself single and very much alone with four young children aged three months, 18 months, three years and barely five years. Here I was, in Australia, my home away from home for nearly 14 years, with no family and minimal support. Most people in my wider Muslim community had no idea of my circumstances. I went on the Sole Parenting Pension for a year while I tried to cope with my new life circumstances.

A year or so later this friend convinced me to try dating websites. "Where are we, as practising Muslim chicks, going to meet men?”, she said. “At bars???" She kept sending me links to guys she thought were potential matches, and threatened to create a profile for me until I finally agreed to try it for a month. Needless to say, there aren't many Muslim specific sites, especially not observant Muslims. And most weren't from Australia.






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Valarie Kaur @ Watch Night Service 20161231 (USA)










Before you rush to judge her for what she's wearing...

  OnePath Network



OnePath Network: Just an obvious note. The message from this video is not to say what a Muslim should or shouldn't wear, this is known. The video is just a reminder to stop and think before you advise someone without rushing to judge. How often do we harbour bad opinions of people before even meeting them, only to later be proven otherwise.








A Duaa' Unlikely To Be Rejected











Burning Issues | Assimilation and Integration





Can Muslims assimilate and/or integrate in a non-Muslim society? 







It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received.

Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement by CCN of the contents therein.


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To know the future just look to the past


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk with the Turkish diplomatic corps in Ankara, 1921.

From Trump’s dangerous delusions about Islam

The president and his advisers paint Muslims as enemies of modernity. The neglected history of an age of Middle Eastern liberalism proves them wrong
by Christopher de Bellaigue

The history that has been excised from the conventional account of “Muslim rage” challenges the widespread belief that the sheer inability of Muslims to deal with the modern world explains their antagonism for it. But the modern Middle East was for long periods much more dynamic and restless than is generally believed. Far from being a placid backwater, by the turn of the century the region, in particular the catalysing territories of Iran, Turkey and Egypt, had become a maelstrom of modern ideas and technologies that gave rise to social novels, political parties, feminism, nationalism and total war. Hardly surprisingly, in this vortex of change traditionalists complained that the that the ground was being cut away from their feet, while progressives felt irresistibly alive.

Improved public health and security led to steady population rises – especially in the cities, which, with their concentrations of jobs and amenities, became magnets for rural migrants. On the eve of the first world war Istanbul’s population was higher than one million; only three cities in the United States were bigger.

Culture and lifestyles were transformed by new conceptions of autonomy and power. As education spread, information ceased to be the monopoly of the neighbourhood sheikh. Hundreds of new periodicals and newspapers acquainted an expanding bourgeoisie with subjects of a bewildering variety; the reader of an Istanbul newspaper in 1900 might encounter dispatches on Darwinism, baldness and the condition of the Lapps.

In Cairo, Istanbul and Tehran, upper-class women were increasingly able to decide the details of their personal lives, marrying and travelling as they wished, with a freedom that would have been unthinkable for their mothers. Among the growing Cairene middle class, it quickly went from being socially unacceptable to educate one’s daughter to being socially unacceptable not to do so. As the harem fell into desuetude, women went out, first to shop, then to study and finally to work. They also began to dress with more freedom, and in 1909 one Egyptian woman complained that the face veil had become “more transparent than an infant’s heart”. It wouldn’t be long before some women abandoned the veil entirely.

The hoary old institution of slavery was virtually extinguished in just a few decades; between 1877 and 1899 some 18,000 slaves were enfranchised in Egypt alone, part of a trend that led to almost all Egyptian slaves being freed by 1905.

After decades of accelerated innovation – which saw the rapid introduction of the printing press, quarantine and train travel – liberal modernity reached a high-water mark in the Middle East in the first decade of the 20th century. Revolutionaries in Iran and Turkey curtailed the powers of their hereditary rulers and set up parliamentary democracies; only the British invasion of Egypt in 1882 aborted a similar, “constitutional” revolution on the Nile.

Intellectuals influenced by western ideas provided support for the rapidly changing politics and lifestyles. In Cairo the grand mufti – the highest official of religious law — Muhammad Abduh, whose French was described by a European friend as “faultless in its grammar, and almost Parisian in its intonation”, dispensed controversial fatwas permitting what Islam had hitherto forbidden (wearing a brimmed European hat; eating meat slaughtered by Christian butchers). In the Ottoman port of Salonica the father of modern Turkish nationalism, Ziya Gökalp, gave classes on the cutting-edge science of sociology. The climax of a rising tide of irreligion came in 1909, when a crowd in Tehran witnessed the public execution of a reactionary ayatollah who had opposed the constitutional revolution.

The Guardian


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Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 17 February 2017

TOPIC"Make people happy"  

IMAM: Uzair Akbar


Play the recording  




Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 17 February 2017

TOPIC"Finding Hope In Allah SWT"

IMAM: Sheikh Hakeem







Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 17 February 2017

TOPIC"Mercy and Forgiveness against his Opponents SAW"

IMAM: Ahmad Muhammad Naffaa








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 17 February 2017





Click here for the past Kuthba recordings






Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 17 February 2017

TOPIC"Wisdom behind prohibition of Alcohol in Islam"

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali



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Why a German-born soccer star had to choose between his Muslim faith and his career


Frankfurt's Anis Ben-Hatira smiles after a German first division soccer match between Eintracht Frankfurt and Mainz 05 in Frankfurt, Germany on April 24, 2016


GERMANY: He broke out of his tough Berlin neighbourhood in a pair of cleats, reaching the top tier of professional soccer. The German army held a photo op when the famous son of Tunisian immigrants signed up for his military service. At an award event in his honor, he hobnobbed with members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet.

“I was their role model for Muslim integration,” said Änis Ben-Hatira, 28, who, until last month, was signed to the German pro team Darmstadt.

Yet in a Western world fast embracing a darker view of Islam, Germany’s onetime sports hero has suddenly fallen from heights it took a lifetime to achieve. His story about being pushed off his team and driven to self-imposed exile poses a question being asked on both sides of the Atlantic. In fast-changing times, what makes a Muslim “radical”?

Following the election of President Trump and a spate of terrorist attacks in Europe, Islam — particularly conservative Islam — is under a new microscope. The genuine risk of terrorism is partly fuelling such scrutiny. But the search for extremism behind every Koran also is testing once high bars of religious freedom.

That is true even in Germany — a country that took in more than 1 million mostly Muslim asylum seekers and that Trump has called naive about the risk of radical Islam. Facing a potentially tougher-than-expected re-election bid and a public backlash over security, Merkel is calling for a new ban on full Muslim face coverings and has begun more openly wielding the term “Islamist terrorism.”

In the current climate, the taint of extremism can spread to even the most vaunted of idols.

“They’re chasing us out,” Ben-Hatira said in his first extensive interview since the showdown with his team.

“Muslims are the new Jews.”

‘You develop a thick skin’

During a friendly match against a Belorussian club with his new Turkish team, Gaziantepspor, Ben-Hatira sprinted down the field. A rival stepped on his cleats, and his shoe came off.

“Are you seeing this?” he yelled in German at a noncomprehending referee. A few minutes later, he got a call — this one a foul against him.

“Was habe ich jetzt getan?” — What did I do now? — he yelled.

This has not been a good year for Änis Ben-Hatira.

The son of a Tunisian cook who landed a job in the old French sector of West Berlin in the 1970s, Ben-Hatira is used to being “the other.” He grew up hearing kids, and even their parents, call him “kanake” — a German slur generally hurled against ethnic Turks and Arabs.

“You develop a thick skin,” he said.

He fought back with soccer, becoming a teenage star. He hopped between pro clubs in Berlin, Hamburg and the Frankfurt area. He signed with Darmstadt last year, as the team propelled itself to the top levels of professional soccer — the German Bundesliga.

His good works with poor kids in Berlin earned him national awards and heightened celebrity. At hospitals, he visited paediatric cancer wards. He became one face in a video celebrating national diversity titled, “I am also Germany.”

For Ben-Hatira — who still describes himself as being “not really a big Muslim” — money and fame nevertheless triggered a return to faith. He also dipped his toes in the waters of controversy, getting public blowback after speaking out against Israeli treatment of Palestinians during the 2014 conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Deciding he wanted to do more charitable work, he reached out to Ansaar International, a conservative Muslim organization founded by the German rapper-turned-convert Joel Kayser. The group is deeply religious. Women who work there are mostly veiled. Men tend to have religious beards.

What lured him to the group, Ben-Hatira said, was its “transparency” and the fact that it operates with a small staff so that more of its donations can be spent on charity. Most important, it labors in places where other charities fear to tread. Somalia. Syria. Last summer, Ben-Hatira helped finance Ansaar’s effort to build a water treatment plant in the Gaza Strip. In December, he made a publicity trip with the group to Ghana.

What he did not know was that his involvement would cost him his job.

Maybe his career.

Connection to charity

Ben-Hatira was not shy about his work with the charity, posting his support for Ansaar on social media. Criticism quickly followed.

National and local politicians questioned how a Muslim role model could align himself with such a conservative group. German media began quoting intelligence sources who said the charity had funded militants. Following lawsuits filed by the charity for libel, the outlets that printed those allegations had to retract them. There was no evidence that Ansaar had ever financed terrorism.

But it had done other things. More than two years ago, the organization held fundraising events where a cast of Salafists — members of an ultraconservative brand of Islam — had preached. They included Pierre Vogel, a polemic German convert who called for a public funeral prayer service for al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden after he was killed in Pakistan.

After conversations with German security services, Ansaar voluntarily ceased those fundraisers. But to many Germans — including the intelligence services — the group had shown its true face.

Senior German intelligence officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss classified information say they have no evidence that Ansaar has ever promoted violence. But they nevertheless describe the charity as “extremist,” citing its relatively strict brand of Islam. Furthermore, officials say they are deeply suspicious of its “contacts” in the war zones where it operates.

Yet the extent of the evidence against it remains unclear, and Ansaar is a legal charity in Germany. No charges against it are pending, officials say.

Security services say that one of the most damning claims against the group — that it maintains a health clinic in Idlib, Syria, where al-Qaeda affiliates hold sway — was based on information they found “on the Internet” and could not independently corroborate. Ansaar denies that it operates a clinic there. It also insists that it does not cooperate with militants.

In Africa, it has built orphanages for both Muslim and Christian victims of Boko Haram, and it funds a hospital in the devastated Syrian city of Aleppo, where it has cooperated with the White Helmets, said Kayser, Ansaar’s director. It has brought fresh water and food distribution networks to hard-hit zones. In Somalia, it says, it has worked with U.S.-backed groups to distribute aid.

“The radicals hate us,” Kayser said. A recent German intelligence report on the group from the domestic intelligence service in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia noted that Ansaar helps build mosques in some of the communities it aids. The charity says that is a double standard.

“So if Christians help build a church, then no one says a word. But if Muslims do it, it ends up in an intelligence report?” Kayser said.

‘Athletes . . . are role models’

Yet critics call Ben-Hatira’s connection to the charity morally wrong, given his status as a role model.

Three weeks ago, anonymous critics began distributing fliers at Darmstadt games decrying Ben-Hatira’s links to the “extremist” charity.

The club’s sponsors, according to an official with direct knowledge of the situation, called up its management, demanding explanations. The club reacted by publicly criticizing Ansaar and suggesting that Ben-Hatira work with a different charity, while also suggesting that it was “a private matter.” But during a final meeting on Jan. 24, team officials gave him an ultimatum: He should break with the charity or walk.

So he walked, citing his right to religious freedom and the lack of evidence against Ansaar.

The club declined a request for comment, but German politicians praised its swift response.

“One cannot let a professional footballer such as Ben-Hatira get away with associating with extremist organizations that are being monitored by the intelligence services,” Peter Beuth, interior minister of the German state of Hesse , said in a statement. Beuth added that “top athletes carry a particular responsibility. They are role models, especially to young people, who often identify with their hero.”

Refuge for Muslims

The cancellation of Ben-Hatira’s contract rippled through the Muslim community in Germany. For the most part, mainstream Muslim bodies stayed silent, apparently lacking an appetite to dive into a debate over fundamentalism at a sticky time. But famous rappers, mainly of Arab and Turkish descent, publicly backed him. For many of Ben-Hatira’s young Muslim fans, it provided further evidence of what they saw as discrimination.

“If you accuse Änis of being a terrorist, then WE are all terrorists!!!” one young man wrote on Ben-Hatira’s Facebook page.

After the scandal, he became toxic. No German club would touch him, he said.

Then he got a call from Elyasa Süme.

A German-Turk and captain of the pro team Gaziantepspor in Muslim-majority Turkey, Süme and his club president had been following the controversy in Germany. Gaziantepspor’s management suggested this might be a golden opportunity to score a talented player and support a fellow Muslim.

Ben-Hatira said he does not regret his decision to leave.

“They wanted me to walk away from a group of people doing good without a shred of evidence against them,” he said, speaking at the club’s practice site near the Mediterranean Sea — about 1,800 miles from his birthplace in north Berlin.

“This was more important than my career.”




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Arrest over racial attack on Muslim Kiwis in Huntly


Corporate communications consultant Mehpara Khan was the subject of a vicious tirade of racist and foul-mouthed abuse.


NEW ZEALAND: An arrest has been made over a racial attack in Huntly in which a group of friends were abused for being Muslim.

Aucklander Mehpara Khan complained to police after she and four friends stopped for a break in the Waikato town on Saturday during a road trip.

The 28-year-old corporate communications consultant said they had been travelling back to Auckland from to New Plymouth.

"Two of the group went to the bathroom, the rest of us got out of the car to stretch our legs and were standing by the car," on State Highway 1 next to the Waikato River.

"All of a sudden this woman comes out of the bathroom and starts swearing at us and telling us that we don't belong there and that we are Muslim b......, that need to F-off, basically," said Khan.

The woman threw a beer can at Khan and her two friends.

"At this point I decided to start filming her. We couldn't leave because our friends were still in the bathroom."

The rest is captured in the video Khan recorded on her cellphone and posted on social media.

Khan said the abuser also took a swing at her, which she was able to block. When she took another swing, her friend blocked it.


The woman eventually walked away, but she came back as the group of women were securely in their car.

"We locked the doors and were about to back out when the woman returned and tried to get into the car and started slamming on the windows."

Eventually a man approached the attacker and tried to calm her down.

Once the group arrived back in Auckland, they lodged a complaint with the police in Manukau. Police said it was unfortunate that someone would act in such a disrespectful manner.

On Sunday police said a 27-year-old woman had been charged with assault, assault with a weapon and offensive language. She will appear in Hamilton District Court on Monday.  


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Debenhams becomes first major department store to sell the hijab and other Muslim clothing


Debenhams has become the first major UK department store to announce that it will begin selling the traditional hijab.


UK: The department store will also offer a range of other Muslim clothing including tops, dresses, jumpsuits, kimono wraps, hijab pins and caps in selected stores.

Aab, an international brand, will start selling ‘contemporary modest wear’ for women inside the Oxford Street branch of Debenhams in London from May.

The brand will then be introduced to stores at the Bullring centre in Birmingham, Westfield in Shepherd’s Bush, Trafford Centre in Manchester and Highcross Shopping Centre in Leicester.

The launch will coincide with launches at international Debenhams branches in Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iran, Indonesia and Malaysia.


The department store will also offer a range of other Muslim clothing including tops, dresses, jumpsuits, kimono wraps, hijab pins and caps in selected stores.

Aab will also stock body-covering abaya dresses on top of hijabs.

The clothing will be for sale from May

Jeanette Whithear of Debenhams said: ‘Adding the high quality fashion range to our product mix enables us to offer collections that are highly relevant in both international markets and to our domestic customers.

Nazmin Alim, founder and creative director at Aab, which means water in Persian, said: ‘We started Aab almost a decade ago as a label that redefined modest fashion and one that caters for everyday modern wardrobe staples.

‘The partnership with Debenhams opens up some very exciting opportunities for us.’

Though other stores like Marks & Spencer and John Lewis introduced the burkini, it is believed to be the first major department store to offer a whole rang of Muslim clothing.



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What You Should Know About the Muslim Free Hospital That Everyone is Rooting For



MYANMAR: When you are sick, the last thing you would want is to burden your family. Unfortunately, healthcare costs are rising all over the world. In Myanmar, the situation is dire. When the World Health Organization (WHO) last rated the “overall health system performance” of 191 countries, Myanmar ranked 190. Of all the South-East Asian nations, people living in Burma spend the most on healthcare. On the other hand, the government only spends 2.8 % of the gross domestic product on health – the lowest in South-East Asia. It is not uncommon for people to die from Malaria and other communicable diseases.

In 1937, a group of young local Muslims saved up money to start Muslim Free Hospital in Rangoon, Burma. Their mission was simple – They wanted to help the poor and sick of all communities, no matter the race or religion. This purpose has not changed since then. The administration makes sure that treatments are free for those who cannot afford them and charges a nominal fee to those who are able to pay.

This is extraordinary, considering the situation of Muslims in Myanmar. Muslims make up only 4% of the population. In the Rakhine state, Rohingya Muslims have suffered years of hardship and are deemed by the United Nations as one of the world’s most persecuted minorities. “Men, women, children, whole families and entire villages have been attacked and abused, as a form of collective punishment,” said Rafendi Djamin, Amnesty International’s Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

Muslim Free Hospital is a radical symbol of unity in a country tormented by religious unrest. The Muslim practice of Zakat, the giving of alms to the poor and needy, is an essential source of income for the hospital. The Muslims in Myanmar continue to contribute approximately $400,000 a year to the Free Muslims hospital to serve the Buddhist majority.

In a world that is plagued with senseless violence and bigotry, the Muslim Free Hospital is a shining example for all of us. They teach us not to let the actions of others define who we are, fight darkness with light, repel hate with love and to “be like the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it.” 



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Muhammad Ali: A Memoir: My Views of the Greatest

Michael Parkinson



Sir Michael Parkinson interviewed Muhammad Ali four times and in this memoir you are given a ringside seat for all of the interviews.

Muhammad Ali was God's Gift to the interviewer. Funny, articulate, outspoken with a fascinating life story, unparalleled talent and controversial views. These 4 interviews charted Ali's life, revealing significant phases at different times, charting the rise and fall of this kaleidoscope of a man.

In Muhammad Ali: A Memoir Sir Michael Parkinson will bring his award-winning journalistic talents to bear on this extraordinary man. The book will mix personal recollections of the times they met with selected transcripts of the famous and, in the case of the 1974 meeting, infamous interviews all brought together and contextualised by a sober and honest assessment of the life and times of a figure that, it is certain, we will never see the like of again.

Muhammad Ali: A Memoir is a fresh, revealing and personal account of the life of the most important and enduring cultural figures of our age.






"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading,

you can only think what everyone else is thinking. "       


- Haruki Murakami -



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: This dish is very delicious and saucy, and a great dish to serve when entertaining as it has aesthetic appeal, cooks quickly and can be prepared in advance.

This recipe was inspired by Shenaaz Amod and Ridwana Malek

Lahori Chops


1 kg chops

2 tsp ginger garlic paste
1 ˝ tsp salt
Ľ tsp turmeric
1 tsp. lemon pepper
1 ˝ tsp chili powder
2 tbsp. tomato sauce
2 tbsp. chili sauce of your choice
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tab. vinegar
˝ tsp steak and chops spice
Ľ tsp black pepper

2 Tab ghee
4 cloves of garlic, slivered


Add all spices to chops and let it marinate for few hours.

Make vagaar by heating the ghee and adding the garlic. Braise till garlic turns light brown and throw in chops. Cook until chops are tender.

Stir fry garnish to add to chops:
1 onion
1 green, yellow and red pepper
2 tomatoes
Cut the above in rings
1 green chilly
1 tsp salt
Ľ tsp turmeric
1 tsp chili powder
1 tab. slivered almonds
1 tab. butter

Heat frying pan add all the above ingredients and cook in butter until soft.

Serve the chops on a large platter with the stir fry garnish on the top.

Tandoori Naan or Roti is a great accompaniment.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing

To contact Princess,  
Email:  Phone: 0451977786
















Muslimah Mind Matters, in collaboration with Islamic Women’s Association of Queensland, is having a FEMALE ONLY live event - Self-Care and Clarity of Mind Program.

Tickets are $49 pp and can be purchased online from Eventbrite.

For further details about this event, contact Nora from IWAQ on or
Princess Lakshman on 0451977786 and


Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.
Based on my suggestion last week, I hope you took moments out of your busy lives to reflect on your self-talk, thoughts and behaviours. It is only upon reflection that we create conscious awareness of why we do what we do, choose what we choose, say what we say and act how we act.
Daily reflection of self-talk, thoughts and behaviours also highlights our PATTERN. I refer to this pattern as LIVING LIFE BY DEFAULT.  Earlier in my first column we delved on the conscious and the subconscious mind.  Today we will discover how the PATTERN of living life by default is as a result of our mind.
From childhood, we grow up with a pattern that we inherit from our parents. Our parents in turn inherited this pattern from their parents who inherited it from their’s and so on.
For example, recently I was in an ice-cream shop where the retail assistant was offering free tastings. I observed a little boy who was keen to try the lemon sorbet flavour. His father was on his smartphone the whole time this child was trying to choose a flavour and kept looking at the lemon sorbet. Finally the child asked for it and as the retail assistant scooped a tiny spoon of lemon sorbet, the child’s father looked up and said to his son, “NO, no, that’s too sour. You won’t like it. Get chocolate or something that kids always get.” He turned to the retail assistant and said with a smirk on his face, “Give him chocolate or vanilla, always the safe option.”
The moral of this above anecdote is that there was a plethora of ice-creams and sorbets in the shop yet the father insisted to impose his own pattern on his son. It was not going to cost him any money to let the child at least try the lemon sorbet and find out for himself if it was to his liking.
What do you suppose happened to the child’s subconscious mind at that moment? The subconscious mind takes in information and stores it indiscriminately only to reuse that information discriminately for future decision-making. This child would probably never want to try a lemon sorbet because he trusts his father’s opinion. His belief about lemon sorbets is formed without even experiencing lemon sorbets. The only time this child will realise that his belief about lemon sorbets is in fact his father’s belief is when he becomes aware of the fact that he has a will to choose and decide for himself.
“No! They say: “We found our fathers following a certain religion, and we do guide ourselves by their footsteps.”
HOLY QURAN - (43:22)
It was the set inherited patterns of forefathers that stopped many from following our Prophet, peace be upon him. This pattern is the reason my own family disowned me after I embraced Islam.
Now look back to the notes you made last week regarding your self-talk, thoughts and behaviours. You will notice that some or most of these beliefs about yourself are as a result of someone else’s opinion about you.
Try this exercise for the next seven days. I have done the first one as an example.:



Next week, we will look at strategies to become aware of negative self-talk, thoughts and behavioural patterns. With awareness comes transformation. Till then, be kind to yourself and care for yourself. When you are kind and caring to self then you are able to be kind and caring to all of ALLAH’s creation.




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Q: Dear Kareema, we seem to have a history of osteoporosis in the family. I really would like
to do my best to prevent myself ending up with it as well. Any suggestion?

A: If you’re not already doing so, incorporating weight-bearing exercises into your workout regime
is a must.


It has many benefits – one of which is strengthening bones.

As you train with weights, the ligaments and tendons pull on the bones, making them stronger
in the process.


Try a class at the gym or if you’re working out at home – push-ups, tricep-dips, lunges, squats, planks, etc. are the sort of exercises that will help with strengthening bones.

Technique is of utmost importance for staying safe and getting great results.






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Mula Nasruddin
was given a yellow tag at a US airport security, which meant he didn't have to take his shoes off going through the x-ray machine.


As he approached the x-ray scanner a TSA agent with a slight accent politely asked him "Do you have any healthy shoes?"


Mula Nasruddin thought he had misunderstood her, so he asked, "Excuse me?"


She repeated, "Do you have healthy shoes, you know, for going through the x-ray machine?"


Mula Nasruddin was completely baffled.


"Are you asking me if I have any healthy shoes?"


Relieved, she smiled and said "Yes."


Mula Nasruddin studied her face to see if she was just joking, but she looked dead serious.


He laughed nervously and said "I don't understand. Do you want me to take my shoes off?"

"No. I just need to know if you have healthy shoes."

"Healthy shoes?"



"We don't want you to get hurt going through the scanner."

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what healthy shoes are."

She was getting frustrated at his confusion. "You know, like heart problems and such."

Mula Nasruddin couldn't help but laugh. "You want to know if my shoes have heart problems?"


He was blocking the line and another TSA agent joined them.

"Is there a problem here?" he asked.

"She wants to know if I have any healthy shoes."

"No," he replied. "Not healthy shoes - health issues."

"Oh. Sorry."

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An Ayaat-a-Week





“And do not swell your cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for Allah does not love any arrogant boaster.”
~ Surah Luqman 31:18


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“To be yourself

in a world that is constantly trying

to make you something else

is the greatest accomplishment”


~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



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Events and Functions


Slacks Creek Fundraising Dinner 25 FEBRUARY Buranda  Mosque Tafseer 26 FEBRUARY Al Kauthar Seminar 11 & 12 MARCH AU Islamic Peace Conference Melbourne 11 12 MARCH Muslim Night Bazaar 11 MARCH ICB ANNUAL FETE 30 APRIL


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services






As a part of Sisters House Services we have arranged ladies only swimming activities at a swim school in Underwood. The swim school is able to offer Muslim ladies the privacy they require to be able to swim and still maintain there Islamic dress. They are an indoor heated pool who have closed their doors for us so that no one can see in and provide qualified lady instructors.

We have arranged Learn to swim lessons for both beginner and intermediate levels. Mother and baby swim classes for children from 3 months to 3 years old. And once a month there will be a ladies Fun swim day. When ladies who know how to swim can come and enjoy swimming in the pool in private.

To join or for more information contact Farah on 0432026375.


Al Firdaus College Al Firdaus College Young Muslims Club Student Tuition Slacks Creek Hire Shajarah Islamic Education Shajarah Islamic Education Holland Park Mosque Hall Hire Marriage celebrant - Imam Akram High School Subjects Tutoring


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Businesses and Services




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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





19 February


Seminar on Islam and Environmental Stewardship


Holland Park Mosque

0413 067 160

9am to

25 February


Annual Fund Raising Dinner

Slacks Creek Mosque

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0413 669 987


25 February


Self-Care and Clarity of Mind Program

IWAQ & Muslimah Mind Matters

IWAQ Hall, 11 Watland Street, Springwood

0451 977 786

12.30pm to 4pm

11 March


Muslimah Night Bazaar

Muslim Night Bazaar

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0406 273 434

4pm to 9pm

11 & 12 March

Sat & Sun

AU Islamic Peace Conference


Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre

0425 886 949

Register here

All day

11 & 12 March

Sat & Sun

The A-Z of Love & Mercy

Al Kauthar Institute


0438 698 328

All day

25 April




30 April


ICB Annual Fete


Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0402 794 253


12 May




28 May




23 June




26 June




2 September




22 September




25 November


Annual Mild-un-Nabi

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane


3809 4600

3pm to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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26 February





Masjid As Sunnah





Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040




Sisters Support Services - On going Activities

Tafsir Class – Mondays at 10am Woodridge area (by Umm Bilal)
Halaqah – Saturdays at 10.30am Woodridge area (by Umm Bilal)
Arabic classes – Wednesdays 1 – 2pm Kuraby Masjid (by Umm Bilal)
Quran Classes - Tuesdays 11am Runcorn area (by Umm Bilal)
Sisters Support Social Group - 1st Wednesday of every Month - varies Locations
Young Muslims Club- - Regular organised activities for school aged boys and girls
Contact : Farah 0432 026 375

Muslimah Girls Youth Group for 10+ Girls (school holiday activities)
Contact : Aliyah 0438840467

Muslima learn to Swim lessons - taught by professional female instructor in a enclosed pool in Underwood area Contact : Farah 0432026375 for more details

We also run a volunteers group to assist Muslim women with food rosters and home visits for sisters who need support or are isolated. We refer Sisters in need for counselling, accommodation, financial assistance and other relevant services. We also have a variety of whatsapp groups for new Muslim support and for community & class updates please let us know if you would like to be added.

To join our volunteer group or for any other details for activities please call the numbers below…
Aliyah : 0438840467         Khadijah: 0449268375
Farah: 0432026375          Iman: 0449610386

Download the above details here.



Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118



Download the programme here.


For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600




On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987





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Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Minutes from the QPS/Muslim Community Reference Group meeting held on
Monday 24 October 2016 at the Islamic College of Brisbane [ICB] are available here.

Next Meeting

Time: 7pm Date: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road Karawatha

Light refreshments will be available. ALL WELCOME


For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at



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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


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