Sunday, 26 February 2017


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.....a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....






Seminar on Islam and Environmental Stewardship

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

The CCN Food for Thought

Ahmed Fahour defends his time with Australia Post

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

An Ayaat-a-Week

Muslim helpline to support parents of troubled youths

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Events and Functions

AFIC turmoil deepens as 'usurpers' take over halal income

 The CCN Classifieds

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Nazeen Hussain in I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

Businesses and Services

Meeting with Dick Smith

CCN Readers' Book Club

The CCN Date Claimer

Preston Mosque rocked by infighting

KB's Culinary Corner

CCN on Facebook

Malik is Professional of the Year 2016

Kareema's Keep Fit Column

Useful Links

Muslim figures try to cool debate over handshake

Fitria on Food Appears monthly


ANIC on Israeli PM visit

Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column

Write For Us

Hirsi Ali coming to Australia

The CCN Chuckle


ANIC National 'KHUTBAH' Day on ISIS and Extremism



From Taliban hit list to CEO: Mahir Momand

Click here download menu


Face Up To Racism on SBS
Joyce warns anti-Islamic statements could harm trade deals
One Nation candidate advocated killing Indonesian journalists, attacked gays, Muslims and blacks
9 Inspiring Muslim Men Who Ruled 2016
The Female Muslim scientists paving the way
The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column


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By Sabrina Ismail


Holland Park Mosque Community Hall

A seminar on Islam and Environmental Stewardship was held last Sunday. 


This was an initiative of a small group from the Brisbane Muslim community who felt the need to consider starting a conversation—and potential future action—on the view of our faith on issues of climate change that are impacting our environment and our role as stewards on earth.


The Qur’an’s view on the environment and mankind’s role in protecting the earth is clear and the seminar was an opportunity to understand this link between Islamic teachings and mankind’s duties as khalifat ullah fi al-ard (Allah’s custodian of the Earth).

The scene was set by Dr Daud Batchelor presenting “Climate Change in Context, the Evidence for Human-initiated Climate Change, and the 2015 Islamic Declaration on Climate Change”, followed by a talk on “Islamic Perspectives on Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change”, which was prepared by Imaam Afroz Ali of Al-Ghazzali Centre and streamed to the participants.


The final presentation was on “Overcoming Wasteful Consumerism to Protect the Environment through Self-Improvement (Tazkiyah) and Contentment (Qana’ah)” by Dr Daud and the seminar concluded with a facilitated group activity to identify key needs and initiatives for follow-up actions in Queensland led by Faiza El-Higzi.



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In this Interview with Neil Mitchell, Mr Fahour said:

He'd saved 9884 Australian jobs and felt "really good" about it.
He'd given up approximately $5 million in bonuses over the past two years.
He wouldn't take a cent of the $2 million he was entitled to in his severance payment.
He dismissed suggestions his Muslim background had anything to do with criticism.

Pauline Hanson says she has an issue with Ahmed Fahour as a Muslim

PAULINE Hanson has taken another stab at ‘out of touch, overpaid elites’ after Australia Post’s CEO Ahmed Fahour resigned over his $5.6m salary.

The One Nation leader posted a video of her final message to Mr Fahour on Twitter with a caption that stated: “Let this be a warning to all the out of touch, overpaid, elites and bureaucrats like Ahmed Fahour. Your age of entitlement is OVER!”

In the video, which was posted originally on Facebook, she expressed her relief over Mr Fahour’s resignation. which she said was “fantastic”.

“I’m still on the floor of parliament, you’re unemployed, let’s hope you’re not going to get in the queues for employment.”

Senator Hanson has called for a halt to Muslim immigration, surveillance cameras in mosques and schools and a royal commission into whether Islam is a policy or an ideology.

This morning Hanson told the Kyle and Jackie O show her problem with the outgoing Australia Post CEO was with his religion as a Muslim, not his skin colour.



On The Project



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A new helpline was launched in Australia this week to support parents of troubled Muslim youths.

The free service will be run by trained Muslim counsellors and aims to address issues such as bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, and even radicalisation.

The helpline's founder, Kuranda Seyit, said it would offer a more focused service than others available to the general community.

"This is unique," he said.

"We have so many issues now facing our youth, and it's easy to blame parents but they need support, they need the tools and encouragement to deal with their children in a pragmatic and rational way."

An accompanying website, IslamiCare, has also been established to help Australian Muslim families who were "experiencing difficulties in a modern world".

"In a society where young Muslims are being surrounded by negative portrayal of their religion and facing issues that they may not yet understand, IslamiCare aims to use Islamic fundamentals as tools to find solutions," the IslamiCare website reads.

"The lack of understanding of their cultural issues from mainstream service providers [is] also a challenge and this is where we try to fit in."

Mr Seyit said all counsellors who answered calls on the new helpline were experienced in dealing with youth and families and would be given intensive training for the job.


Helpline contacts:
The helpline can be reached on 1800 960 009
The accompanying website is
Helpline available from 9:00am-midnight, seven days a week

He said there were a wide range of issues that could trouble Muslim youths, including identity, and identifying possible radicalisation was just one part of the program.

"One module of the training involves actually identifying those issues around radicalisation and extremism, changes in behaviour, religiosity — things like that," he said.

"So if those types of calls are taken, we will have not just the training, but we'll also have the referral services and intervention if necessary.

"That will be one aspect of the website and the helpline."

'We can address the generation gap'

About a third of Australian Muslims were born in Australia, but Mr Seyit said the helpline could be particularly supportive for migrant families who have arrived more recently.

"There is still a large amount of migrant families that come from migrant backgrounds still struggling with acclimatising to Australia," he said.

"I think that generation gap still exists between their teenage children, and definitely I think that the parents are the key to a lot of the problems the youth are facing.
"So we need to support the parents through this helpline, because sometimes, they just don't know how to talk to their kids or what are some of the issues facing them.

"Having that supportive ear can make a big difference in their lives."


Source: ABC News



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Agim Garana, who has been installed as the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils' general manager following a coup, leaves the Supreme Court on Wednesday.

A group of former members of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, who staged an extraordinary coup last week, have opened a new bank account and are collecting and spending halal certification fees.

The revelation emerged in the NSW Supreme Court on Wednesday as the national Islamic organisation tried to force out the group of "usurpers" who entered AFIC's Zetland offices late at night last week and changed the locks.
Hafez Kassem, who voluntarily resigned last year, now claims he was only on temporary leave and has "rightfully" returned to his role as president.

His group of former members, some of whom were banned or sacked for maladministration, convened a meeting on February 11 and installed themselves as the executive committee and passed no-confidence motions in all others, including Keysar Trad, who was elected unopposed to replace Mr Kassem in August.

hey have taken over the running of AFIC, which administers millions of dollars worth of halal certification and runs six Islamic schools that the federal government found in 2015 were being exploited by AFIC for financial gain.

AFIC, led by Mr Trad, is suing Mr Kassem and eight others in a bid to force them out.

On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Robert McDougall said it was "absolutely appalling" that AFIC was preoccupied with "internal squabbling".

"It seems to me that there are far more important things that AFIC can be focusing on, one of which is the rise, fuelled by populist politics and government policies, of anti-Muslim sentiment in this country," he said. "It is something that I personally deplore."

The court heard that Agim Garana, who was banned from AFIC last year and sacked from Malek Fahd Islamic School amid revelations of financial impropriety, has been installed as general manager in the coup and has access to a National Australia Bank account set up on Tuesday night to collect AFIC's halal fees.

"Not only are monies going into the bank account but monies are going out of it," AFIC's barrister, Mark Ashhurst, SC, said.He argued that the February 11 meeting, convened by Mr Garana on behalf of Mr Kassem, was invalid under the Associations and Corporations Act.

Mr Kassem's group initially called the meeting, which requires support from 10 per cent of members, for January 28. Two days prior, it was "rescheduled" to February 11.

Mr Ashhurst said a meeting cannot be postponed once it is called. He said the 10 per cent support was faked using photocopied signatures and the meeting didn't comply with requirements such as circulating motions ahead of time.

At the meeting, new motions had made it onto the agenda such as one reinstating Mr Kassem as president.

Mr Kassem's barrister, Anthony Cheshire, SC, argued that the February 11 meeting was a "new meeting" rather than a postponement.

Justice McDougall questioned why the dispute couldn't be sorted by convening a special meeting in which every AFIC member voted for their preferred leaders. He suggested appointing an independent receiver or a committee comprising both "factions" to run AFIC in the interim.

He adjourned the matter to March 3 and ordered that the "usurpers" be given access to AFIC's funds so they can pay bills in the meantime. Mr Trad was granted interim access to the Zetland office.

"The longer AFIC continues to be besieged by this internal squabbling, greater is the fuel given to those who appear to be fomenting anti-Muslim sentiment in this country," he said. "I encourage the parties to negotiate a way forward."

Malek Fahd will return to court on Thursday in a battle against the state government, which is trying to recoup $8 million.

Federal funding was revoked last year after audits uncovered that AFIC was siphoning millions of dollars from the school through inflated rent and unexplained loans.

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald



'Like a script from a mafia movie': Peak Muslim body AFIC descends into turmoil: The country's peak administrative Islamic body has descended into further turmoil in a turn of events that observers have quipped is like "a script from a mafia movie".



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"That actually made me cry when it happened."

An emotional Nazeem Hussain opens up about the effect #illridewithyou had on his family and the kind of Australia he thinks is possible for us to share on


COMEDIAN Nazeem Hussain has accused right wing politician Pauline Hanson of playing into the hands of Muslim extremists.

“When Pauline Hanson says things irresponsibly what she is doing, is doing exactly what ISIS is doing,” Hussain told campmates in the South African jungle on Channel Ten’s I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here!

“When tragedy happens, I always think, what is going to happen to us? Are we going to become what ISIS wants us to become, a world where there is Muslim and non-Muslim. What happens time and again, and this just shows the Australian spirit, is that we actually find ways to use that opportunity to strengthen bonds and we come closer together. It is weird me being emotional about politics like this but it is personal for me.”

Hussain, 30, broke down to tears as he spoke out about the pressure and responsibility he feels at being a Muslim in Australia today.

He describes his commitment to his faith as being “devout” and prays five times a day, even when in the South African jungle.

“I am Australian, I love my country. I want to make my community and society better,” he said. “I feel like I need to be also using my platform to help people understand each other and to kind of bring people together.”

Hussain continued: “Before September 11, Muslims were just another ethnic community. But after September 11, Muslims in Australia suddenly became this political community that were ideologically opposed to the Australian way of life. We often talk about each other, Muslims and non-Muslims but we never really speak and have friendships with each other.”

The Courier Mail



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Ali Kadri and Imam Uzair of Holland Park Mosque reflect on their meeting with Dick Smith in Sydney this week


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Sheikh Mohamad Abou Eid wears dark glasses as he walks to Preston Mosque before Friday prayers.

MELBOURNE: Vicious infighting threatens to tear apart the congregation of one of Melbourne's largest mosques, amid claims that millions of dollars of donations have disappeared and accusations that a sheikh had behaved inappropriately with women.

The conflict came to a head last week when Sheikh Mohamad Abou Eid – who had been banned from Preston Mosque – told hundreds of worshippers on the street outside that he feared management of the mosque had misappropriated donations, and fees paid for burial and school services.

The Islamic Society of Victoria, which manages the mosque, reported allegations of inappropriate behaviour by the sheikh to the Board of Imams.

He was suspended, and, despite later being told the claims could not be proven, resigned from his position on Friday


There was a strong police presence in Preston on Friday.

"The Islamic Society of Victoria and some members of the Board of Imams are involved in something bigger than me and bigger than you," he told worshippers.

On Friday, the sheikh had been escorted into the mosque – despite being banned – by worshippers, who remain angry at his treatment.

They demanded clarity about how society members were elected, and transparency about their spending, amid claims the allegations against the sheikh were concocted after he confronted them about the mosque's finances last week.


The mosque community is threatening to tear itself apart.

Sheikh Abou Eid told worshippers about his concerns during an impromptu address outside the mosque on February 17.

Earlier that day, speaking in Arabic and translated by a relative, he said that he did not know where the money had gone.

"That is a big question," he said, "with a big answer.

"There's no trace of the money."

The Age



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Mr Wasim Malik is a senior Business Continuity professional having over 17 years of experience.


Malik was recognized as Australasian BCI (Business Continuity Institute) Continuity and Resilience Professional of the Year 2016 in the Private Sector.


Malik was also shortlisted for BCI Global Awards 2016.


Malik has implemented BCM Programs for multiple big organizations globally including Australia, New Zealand, UK, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain.


Malik has spent most of his life in Saudi Arabia and passed his year 12 from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Graduated from UET (University of Engineering & Technology Lahore) in 1992 and then did his MBA from Oklahoma City University in 1997.


Malik is also part of BCI 20/20 Think Tank Australasian Group, a group designed to drive thought leadership across the business continuity and resilience industry. Currently a Global Head of BCM (Business Continuity Management) in Bravura Solutions Pty Ltd.



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There's been debate over revelations some Australian schools and universities have let male Muslim students refuse to shake hands with women.

A few politicians have publicly condemned the practice, but leaders in the Muslim communities, trying to soothe the debate, say not all Muslim males avoid such handshakes.

The debate ignited after revelations three Australian universities advise students to respect that some Muslim men do not shake women's hands.

It was also revealed at least two public schools in Sydney's west allow students to refuse.

Coalition MP George Christensen called the practice "unAustralian," and former House of Representatives Speaker Bronwyn Bishop claimed Muslim men deem women "unclean."

The vice-president of the Islamic Council of Victoria, Adel Salman, says that simply is not true.

"That's absolute nonsense, and it's actually appalling -- absolutely appalling -- that someone of that standing, a former senior minister, would actually make that statement. That is absolutely appalling. It's got nothing to do whatsoever with the state of hygiene of the male or the female."

Adel Salman says the practice comes from interpretations of Islamic scripture known as the Hadith. (hah-DEET)

"I don't think you can pinpoint one particular Hadith and say, 'That's it. That's the one that says there shall be no handshakes between them.' That's not the way to do it. The reason for that is maintaining that sense of modesty between the sexes. Look, I think culture is definitely part of it. And I should be very clear that the majority of scholars would say that there should be no physical contact between men and women. Having said that, there are some scholars who say it's fine as long as it's done respectfully, if it's done with modesty, it's not done with any other intentions in mind, it's just purely a greeting, and particularly where it reflects a cultural practice."

The Australian Muslim Women's Association's Silma Ihram says, regardless of where Muslims stand on the issue, they should shake hands out of respect and courtesy.

"I follow the Shafi'i school (of Islamic law), so I prefer, where possible, not to shake hands. But, I don't want to offend anybody. So the most important priority, in terms of priorities, is that you establish good relations with the people who are around you. And if their custom is to shake hands and they would be offended by not shaking hands, then, for me, it's most important that I, first of all, shake hands and then, once the person is comfortable that I mean no offence, to explain that I prefer not to."

Ms Ihram calls for respect from both sides, but she asks Muslims not to be rigid.

"I would encourage all Muslims not to stand on their fine points of Islamic law when they're living in a country which is not Muslim, but to work on the most important aspects, which is to establish good relations with your neighbours."

Flinders Univesity in Adelaide, Perth’s Curtin University and the University of Western of Australia have been advising students to acknowledge that some Islamic followers adhere to the rule.

It also emerged this week that two public schools in Western Sydney have adopted similar policies, leading to some condemnation from conservative politicians.




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The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) expressed concern over the recent visit of the Prime Minister of Israel to Australia in the following press release:

Israel has exercised brutalities against the Palestinian people with their illegal occupation and apartheid state.

ANIC and the Muslim community expect an impartial and unbiased stance from the Australian government on the Israeli - Palestinian conflict.
Prime Minister Turnbull mentioned in his speech at the 80th Birthday of JewishCare in December, 2016, “Australia is a good friend of Israel, the Middle East’s only democracy. We have been resolute in supporting Israel’s right to take the necessary steps to defend itself from terror.”

These comments disregard the other democratic countries in the region such as Tunisia, Lebanon and Turkey and further cement the Turnbull government's stance of support for the Israeli government which has violated a minimum of ten United Nation’s resolutions dating from as early as 1967 and recently this year (2016).

This comment insinuates that Israel has the right to expand itself under the guise of the war on terror, while the reality points towards who is deserving of the label ‘Terrorist’.

Australia, as a country, is a champion of human rights and should be leading the demand of Israel ceasing its illegal settlement and respecting the rights of the Palestinian People.

ANIC calls upon the diverse, multicultural and ethical Australian community to stand for justice against these violations and to voice their concerns to their local MP’s and other political avenues that are available to them.



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Hirsi Ali is coming as a guest of an events company called Think Inc, which specialises in organising speaking tours for prominent intellectuals, including scientists such as US cosmologist Neil deGrasse Tyson and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

Think Inc co-owner Suzi Jamil says the decision to organise the tour reflected prominence, not politics.

"Her story is a heroic story," she says. "She has an amazing story to tell and she is a very gracious woman. Her views might come off as severe or strong, but I think it's an important discussion to be had – and a very timely issue.

"We're not for or against anything our speakers say. We merely provide a platform. We believe Ayaan Hirsi Ali has a really important voice, and her position in this debate is a vital one – and that's why we chose to bring her to Australia."

And so here is the question her forthcoming visit raises. Geert Wilders was the subject of loud and passionate opposition when he came here. Will Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who advocates pretty much identical positions, formed at least in part in the same crucible of rightist Dutch politics, generate the same level of protest?

And if not, surely that difference can't be ascribed to something as shallow as the fact that Wilders seems the archetypal privileged European white man while Hirsi Ali is a stateless-to-powerful African black woman?

Or perhaps there's another paradigm in play here. Wilders, a former Roman Catholic, is an outsider when it comes to Islam. Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim, is an insider. Maybe that makes a difference.

And perhaps time matters. When Wilders came here Donald Trump was a reality television host and Cory Bernardi was a Liberal.

But what reaction, in the end, will say more about modern Australia: opposition or acquiescence?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali will speak in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland and Canberra between April 6 and April 10.

The Age



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The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) called upon all Imams across Australia "to unite firmly against the extremist group ISIS and their deviant understanding of Islam."


The following Press Release was issued by the Imam's Council: 



It is the position of ANIC, and of all mainstream Muslim leaders globally and nationally, that ISIS has proven time and time again that they are not following the authentic teachings of Islam. As such, it is our duty to clarify and explain this openly, in order to equip all Muslims with the knowledge and understanding that ISIS are not following the correct teachings of Islam and the Sharia'a.

ANIC also calls upon all Imams to address the broader topics of radicalization and extremism in their Friday Sermon (Khutbah), on Friday 24th of February, from the perspective of authentic Islamic teachings, as taught by the Prophet Muhammad, (Peace Be Upon Him).

ANIC calls upon all Muslims in Australia to be the best practising examples of what it means to be an Australian Muslim. According to Islamic guidelines, or "Sharia'a", every Muslim is obligated to abide by the laws of the country they live in. By respecting and abiding by the laws of the land, Australian Muslims can be productive and valuable members of society that contribute to the greater good of all Australians.

In the noble character of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH, we have the best example. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed true Islam to the world through his kindness, generosity, compassion, understanding, and especially patience during difficult circumstances.

ANIC also recognises that all Imams across Australia have been working tirelessly to convey the true and authentic teachings of Islam, which promote the best qualities of humanity within people, and are for the benefit of all human beings.







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Sonny Bill Williams is recovering from an Achilles injury from the Rio Olympics as he looks to debut for the Blues in Super Rugby.

All Blacks star Sonny Bill Williams has made the list of the world's 500 most influential Muslims.

Williams gains a place on the list headed by Egypt's Sheikh Ahmad Muhammad al-Tayyeb, the highest scholarly authority for a majority of Sunni Muslims who runs the largest Sunni Islamic university with close to 400,000 students.

"The Muslim 500" is produced annually and Williams' inclusion makes him a leader among the world's 1.6 billion Muslims.

They only list the top 50 numerically and Williams was included in an 11-strong celebrities and sports category which included football stars Zinedine Zidane, Yaya Toure and Paul Pogba as well as England's Olympic athletics star Mo Farah.

In announcing Williams' inclusion, the judges noted his rugby prowess and boxing skills. "He was the first Muslim to play for the legendary All Blacks. In 2013, he was judged the world's best rugby league player at the annual RLIF Awards. He memorably gave away his Rugby World Cup winners' gold medal to a young supporter just after the 2015 final."

The 31-year-old Williams converted to Islam in 2008.

In 2013 he spoke to CNN about his faith, saying: "I've become a true Muslim. It's giving me happiness. It's made me become content as a man, and helped me to grow. I've just got faith in it and it has definitely helped me become the man I am today."





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The chief executive of one of Australia’s newest financial institutions was forced to leave his country not once, but three times to save his life.

The last time Mahir Momand left Afghanistan there were shots ringing in his ears.

The microfinancing business he had started in his home country had infuriated the Taliban to such an extent that he was near the top of their hit list.

And someone had tried to tick him off that list.

He was forced to urgently leave the country he loved - for the third time in just 30 years.

Mr Momand has been appointed the chief executive of Thrive Refugee Enterprises, an organisation that will provide microfinancing for refugees starting or expanding their own small businesses in Australia.

He told SBS News his microfinancing business in Afghanistan had angered the Taliban because it was interfering in the group’s business model.

“Effectively what we were doing was cutting from the Taliban’s revenues by not allowing farmers to grow opium and we were also cutting from their capacity to recruit insurgents by getting people who didn’t have any jobs to start small businesses so have jobs, and also we were attacking their ideals by working with 50 per cent of Afghanistan’s population, which is women,” he said.

“And therefore that program was put under attack by the Taliban.

“Myself and my colleagues were put on the threat list and a lot of my colleagues got killed, including my international colleagues who arrived in Afghanistan and were helping us with the microfinance program.”


Thrive, supported by Westpac, Settlement Services International and AMES, will provide microfinancing and business advice to refugees keen to start or expand their own small businesses in Australia.

Mr Momand said Thrive would help its refugee clients in three different ways.

First, the organisation will make sure the potential business owners are aware of the Australian business environment, the regulations and the market for their products or services.

Only after that is a loan granted and once the business is up and running Thrive will provide business mentoring and further advice.

The program will also give refugees the chance to attain the positive credit history they will require to apply for mainstream financial services in the future.

But Mr Momand said he saw the benefits of the program going beyond business and financial matters.




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Get ready to challenge everything you ever believed about race.

Face Up to Racism Week | Starts 8.30pm 26 February on SBS #FU2Racism



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Joyce asks for caution because Indonesia and Saudi Arabia ‘are the biggest buyers of our wheat and our cattle’

Barnaby Joyce has warned that anti-Islamic statements could harm Australian trade deals and declared that he would give instructions not to preference Pauline Hanson’s party before the Liberal party in federal seats.

In an interview to mark his first year as National party leader, Joyce said that, as agriculture minister, he had to deal with a lot of Islamic countries that buy billions of dollars’ worth of Australian exports.

“So just be a little bit cautious about what you say at times because I have to go to Indonesia, I have to go to Saudi Arabia, they are the biggest buyers of our wheat, they are the biggest buyers of our cattle,” Joyce told Guardian Australia.

Asked whether One Nation was causing the government a problem in trade, Joyce said: “If you were articulating some of those views while you were trying to move product to them, yeah, they would probably bring it up with you.

“The thing is I can go to Saudi and never once has someone said to me, ‘Barnaby, you’ve got to become a Muslim,’ and I have never said you have got to become a Christian, but you do understand – don’t insult a person while you’re sitting down to dinner with them.”

Joyce has been vocal in his criticism of the Liberal party deal to give One Nation preferences in the Western Australia upper house in return for One Nation preferences flowing back to the Liberals in some lower house seats in the coming state election.

Following the Liberal deal, the WA National party retaliated by giving preferences to the Greens before the Liberals in some seats. Joyce said the WA preference deal – which only affects votes if voters follow the party’s how to vote cards – had angered Liberal voters as well as Nationals.

“I know so many Liberal party supporters and they are equally furious about this,” Joyce said. “They say mate, we might have our differences but we clearly understand if it wasn’t the Liberal party we were voting for, I can tell you who we would be going to on the ballot paper.”

The Guardian



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A One Nation candidate receiving Liberal preferences in the West Australian election once advocated killing Indonesian journalists, and attacked "poofters", Muslims and black people on his now-deactivated Twitter account.

Richard Eldridge, a real estate agent contesting an upper house seat in the South Metropolitan region of Perth, called Muslims "little sheet heads", derided gay relationships as "poo games" and advocated taking up arms against "extreme Muslims".

In one extraordinary rant about Indonesians in November 2013, Mr Eldridge said we should "Balibo" Indonesian journalists, an apparent reference to the 1975 murder of the Balibo Five group of Australian journalists in Timor.

"The only real thing Muslims are good at is multiplying but that is all they need to do history will show," he tweeted. "Let's hunt down some indo reporters and balibo them. What's Suharto up to these days.

"I've got indo mates and fuc their [sic] arrogant about their superiority over us lazy Aussies. we are regarded as shit in Indonesian eyes."

The Sydney Morning Herald



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With 11 February declared the international day for women in science, its a chance to celebrate the contributions of Muslim scientists.


Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) has said: “Seeking knowledge is a mandate for every Muslim (male and female).”


These women have embodied this and shown the world what it means to be an active achiever and mover of the world in which we live.


CCN brings you one of these scientists each week from different parts of the world.


India: Sameena Shah


Shah is a Senior Research Scientist at Thomson Reuters, New York. She is the winner of the 2009 Google India Women in Engineering Award. Shah works extensively in Artificial Intelligence. She presented an algorithm in computerized cognitive leaning that she and a team of colleagues developed at IIT Delhi, India.

“I love research in Computer Science because it satiates my inherent desire to understand the logic behind things. Things, which are seemingly random, may have an underlying structure. The joy for me lies in discovering patterns, creating algorithms, proposing a theory and making my own little contribution to the world.”


Source: The Muslim Vibe


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We can all agree that 2016 was a tough year, but these Muslim men made it a little bit better. We compiled a list of the individuals that inspired us this year.


Sir Mohamed Muktar Jama Farah

With nine global titles, Sir Mohamed Muktar Jama Farah is the most successful British track athlete in the history of the modern Olympic Games. He won gold for the 5,000m and 10,000m in 2012 and 2016. Farah’s most iconic moment was when he overcame a mid-race fall in the 10,000m race and still won in 27 minutes and five seconds. Farah was on the Queen’s New Year Honours List and awarded the knighthood for his services to athletics.

NEXT WEEK IN CCN: Hamdi Ulukaya


Source: MVSLIM



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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs


Rumana Ahmed: When President Obama left, I stayed on at the National Security Council in order to serve my country. I lasted eight days.

I Was a Muslim in Trump's White House 

In 2011, I was hired, straight out of college, to work at the White House and eventually the National Security Council. My job there was to promote and protect the best of what my country stands for. I am a hijab-wearing Muslim woman––I was the only hijabi in the West Wing––and the Obama administration always made me feel welcome and included.

Like most of my fellow American Muslims, I spent much of 2016 watching with consternation as Donald Trump vilified our community. Despite this––or because of it––I thought I should try to stay on the NSC staff during the Trump Administration, in order to give the new president and his aides a more nuanced view of Islam, and of America's Muslim citizens.

I lasted eight days.

When Trump issued a ban on travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries and all Syrian refugees, I knew I could no longer stay and work for an administration that saw me and people like me not as fellow citizens, but as a threat.

he evening before I left, bidding farewell to some of my colleagues, many of whom have also since left, I notified Trump’s senior NSC communications adviser, Michael Anton, of my departure, since we shared an office. His initial surprise, asking whether I was leaving government entirely, was followed by silence––almost in caution, not asking why. I told him anyway.

I told him I had to leave because it was an insult walking into this country’s most historic building every day under an administration that is working against and vilifying everything I stand for as an American and as a Muslim. I told him that the administration was attacking the basic tenets of democracy. I told him that I hoped that they and those in Congress were prepared to take responsibility for all the consequences that would attend their decisions.

He looked at me and said nothing.

It was only later that I learned he authored an essay under a pseudonym, extolling the virtues of authoritarianism and attacking diversity as a “weakness,” and Islam as “incompatible with the modern West.”

My whole life and everything I have learned proves that facile statement wrong.

My parents immigrated to the United States from Bangladesh in 1978 and strove to create opportunities for their children born in the states. My mother worked as a cashier, later starting her own daycare business. My father spent late nights working at Bank of America, and was eventually promoted to assistant vice president at one of its headquarters. Living the American dream, we’d have family barbecues, trips to Disney World, impromptu soccer or football games, and community service projects. My father began pursuing his Ph.D., but in 1995 he was killed in a car accident.

I was 12 when I started wearing a hijab. It was encouraged in my family, but it was always my choice. It was a matter of faith, identity, and resilience for me. After 9/11, everything would change. On top of my shock, horror, and heartbreak, I had to deal with the fear some kids suddenly felt towards me. I was glared at, cursed at, and spat at in public and in school. People called me a “terrorist” and told me, “go back to your country.”

My father taught me a Bengali proverb inspired by Islamic scripture: “When a man kicks you down, get back up, extend your hand, and call him brother.” Peace, patience, persistence, respect, forgiveness, and dignity. These were the values I’ve carried through my life and my career.

I never intended to work in government. I was among those who assumed the government was inherently corrupt and ineffective. Working in the Obama White House proved me wrong. You can’t know or understand what you haven’t been a part of.

Still, inspired by President Obama, I joined the White House in 2011, after graduating from the George Washington University. I had interned there during my junior year, reading letters and taking calls from constituents at the Office of Presidential Correspondence. It felt surreal––here I was, a 22-year-old American Muslim woman from Maryland who had been mocked and called names for covering my hair, working for the president of the United States.



The Atlantic


How Muslim Americans plan to resist the Trump administration
Writers and activists weigh in on America's future

On 17 December, 2015, Donald Trump proposed a complete ban on all Muslims from entering the United States, sparking outrage and fear in communities across the country. In the summer of 2016, he then promoted the idea of creating a database to track Muslim Americans that was eventually condemned by hundreds of Silicon Valley employees who pledged to never help create such a registry. Now, after winning the presidential election thanks to the support of 58 per cent of all white voters, the former real estate mogul will be sworn into office as the nation’s 45th President. In the days ahead of the inauguration, The Independent asked emerging voices to weigh in on the following three questions:

What does a Trump presidency mean to you?
What does America look like from here on out?
How do you plan on resisting?

Blair Imani, Founder of Equality for HER

“For me, a Trump presidency means sustained violence against our most vulnerable communities. In light of his continued disregard for our most cherished institutions and civil rights leaders, I am reminded that a Trump presidency also means a war of ideologies and narratives in addition to his plans to dismantle our public safety nets. Trump's presidency means that resistance and staying woke are no longer optional.”

“I'm going to be sharing my knowledge of grassroots organising and protest at every opportunity that presents itself. I will remember that we are all siblings on this earth and that we are stronger when we are united. I will continue to resist Trump's narrative despite its increasing prevalence. Finally, I will be editing the Resistance Manual which was created by Sam Sinyangwe and the entire Campaign Zero team.””


Source: Independent


The Five Ways Donald Trump Is Wrong About Islam
The White House’s approach to the world’s second largest religion isn’t just bigoted – it’s a strategic disaster. BY STEPHEN M. WALT

As a public service, therefore, I offer the Top Five Reasons Steve Bannon is Dead Wrong About the “Islamic Threat.”

1: The Balance of Power Is Overwhelmingly in Our Favour. Let’s start with some good old-fashioned power politics. Imagine for the moment that all of Islam was in fact united in an effort to overwhelm the United States and the rest of the West. If they really were united, do the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims have the capacity to do so? Hardly.

There are 47 Muslim-majority countries in the world. If you add all of their economies together, they have a combined GDP of slightly more than $5 trillion. That sounds like a lot, but remember that the United States has a GDP of more than $17 trillion all by itself and so does the European Union. In terms of raw economic power, in short, the “West” has this fictitious coalition of Muslim states out-matched from the start.

The imbalance is even more striking when it comes to military capability. This same imaginary coalition of Muslim-majority countries spent roughly $270 billion on defense last year, and if you take out U.S. allies like Saudi Arabia ($87 billion) and the United Arab Emirates ($22 billion), the number drops to less than $200 billion. By contrast, the United States alone spent roughly $600 billion — more than twice as much — and that’s not counting its various allies like the United Kingdom, Japan, Israel, or others.

But these raw figures on defense spending greatly understate the West’s advantage. The entire Muslim world produces no indigenous advanced combat aircraft (though Turkey produces some U.S.-designed F-16s under license) and no indigenously designed modern battle tanks (though Pakistan makes a modified Chinese tank and Turkey is working on one of its own). The navies of the Muslim world have no major surface combatants larger than a frigate (though Iran is reportedly building a single destroyer), no aircraft carriers, no long-range bombers, and no nuclear submarines. Indeed, the power projection capabilities of all of these states are extremely limited. And to the extent that these states have much modern military power, it is because the United States, France, the U.K., China and others have been willing to sell or license advanced weaponry, for various strategic reasons of their own. Yet Saudi Arabia’s unimpressive performance in its recent intervention in Yemen suggests that the Muslim world’s capacity to project power even short distances is quite modest.

Thus, even if one started with the wholly unrealistic assumption that the Muslim world is a single unified movement, it’s much, much, much weaker than we are. Maybe that explains why foreign powers have intervened in Muslim-majority countries repeatedly over the past couple of centuries, while the reverse hasn’t occurred since the siege of Vienna in 1529. Not once. It wasn’t Egypt that invaded France in 1798; Saddam Hussein didn’t send a mighty expeditionary force around the world and up the Potomac to occupy Washington and depose George W. Bush in 2003; and Muammar al-Qaddafi didn’t order his air force to bomb Paris in order to oust Nicolas Sarkozy in 2011. Surely this one-sided history tells you something about the relative power of Western states and those from the Islamic world.

NEXT WEEK IN CCN: 2. Islam Is, in Fact, Deeply Divided.


Source: Foreign Policy

Muslim communities are going through tough times but the proper method of responding is necessary to avoid more serious problems in the future.

Muslim majority needs to become more vocal
Kamran Siddiqui, engineering professor at the University of Western Ontario

CANADA: Muslim communities are going through tough times and their future in these societies depends on how they handle this situation and emerge from it. There is no question there are issues within Muslim communities living in the West that include an increase in radicalization, especially among youth, integration with local communities, and respecting the social norms of the society and its secular values.

One approach is to play victim’s role, claim their innocence and held others responsible for creating this hostile environment that had led to these terrible acts. This approach, however, will lead Muslims into the state of denial and move them away from self-correction, which will amplify these issues and put Muslims on a collision course with everyone else.

The other approach is to consider these incidents as a self-check to identify the problems within the Muslim community and take corrective actions to eliminate the root causes. If such problems are not identified, acknowledged and corrected at an early stage then they may lead to more serious problems in the future.

One of the root causes of these problems is that Muslims in the West live under the influence of multi-faceted geopolitical conflicts in the Muslim world. Muslims view these conflicts with a monochromatic lens as a conspiracy of West against Islam.

This sentiment is sustained through prayer sermons, which highlights the global Muslim sufferings. This has led to the development of biased attitude toward other communities and consequently the self-isolation. This is a major obstacle in their integration into the society and a source of religious extremism.

The other root cause is the lack of acknowledgement of values and expectations of a secular and pluralistic society. In a secular society, religion is a personal matter and the practicing of religious rituals is restricted to the private lives. In the public sphere, every person is equal in the eyes of the state, irrespective of race, religion and gender.

However, Muslims often demand religious preference in public affairs. The follower of every religion considers his/her religion to be the only true religion and Muslims are no exceptions. However, in a pluralistic society one must respect other religions and maintain secular social norms equally with all its citizens. If Islamophobia is unacceptable on one side, then hatred towards Jews due to the Palestine-Israel conflict is also inappropriate.

The solidarity with Muslim community shown during these incidents confirmed that the people of Canada and U.S. consider Muslims living there to be part of their societies. However, it is also necessary for Muslim community to reciprocate this feeling and demonstrate their sense of belonging to these countries. Through their actions, they must defy the allegations that Muslims living in the West lack their allegiance towards the country in which they live as rightful citizens.

While the tragedy in Quebec City provided an opportunity for the Muslim community to bridge any mistrust that exists, unfortunately the Arab-Muslim community failed to demonstrate their allegiance to the land when the coffins of three victims were wrapped in Algerian and Tunisian flags.

The prime minister of Canada, the premier of Quebec, and mayors of Montreal and Quebec City were all present at the funeral prayers to pay respect to the victims, who for them were Canadians. But the Arab-Muslim community showed no respect to their gesture or the sentiment of a common Canadian by reminding them that they are Algerian and Tunisian first and then Canadian.

There is no doubt the vast majority of Muslims live peacefully in Western countries and fulfil their responsibilities as members of Western society but they need to become more vocal to negate the inappropriate actions of a small fraction that tends to alienate the community.

Instead of turning a blind eye, they must acknowledge the issues and take corrective actions. They should demonstrate they belong here and become an integral part of its social mosaic, and share respect for other communities to keep these societies safe and prosperous for future generations.


The Star



Yassmin Abdel-Magied on Q&A

Yassmin Abdel-Magied said nothing wrong. She should not have to face this venom
Joumanah El Matrah

When it comes to Muslim women, everyone’s a feminist, even if that aspiration for Muslim women’s equality comes at the expense of, well … a Muslim woman.

It is difficult to fully comprehend the terrible crime that Yassmin Abdel-Magied appears to have committed, and yet her argument with senator Jacqui Lambie about Islam on Q&A has provoked a frenzy of self-righteousness and indignation in some conservative commentators. One right wing group has started a petition calling for her sacking.

No young person, in seeking to defend their right to their identity, should have to face the venom and barely veiled prejudice as Adbel-Magied has had.

I know Abdel-Magied and she does not walk through life blindfolded nor is she misogynistic or homophobic. I’m not writing this piece to defend her, as she is capable of defending herself, but because a submission I co-wrote to the royal commission into family violence in 2015 has been used by the Australian to undermine and attack her.

I don’t want my voice added to the war being waged against a young woman who did nothing other than defend her religion and try to reflect something of herself while under attack.

Abdel-Magied did not say or do anything wrong on Q&A. Nor did she say anything incorrect. Nor, given the mental straight jacket that the west wears in relation to Islam and how difficult it is for those like Jacqui Lambie to hear anything any Muslim says above the white noise of their own prejudice, could she have responded better or chosen better words. Given the situation she was in, and the depth of feeling she clearly holds for her faith, she communicated a great deal.

Abdel-Magied was asserting that Islam is the most feminist of religions – she was speaking of Islam as a faith and not denying the homophobic and misogynistic of Islamic cultural practices.

It is impossible to feel anything other than helplessness and despair in the face of critics of Islam and sharia. Those like Lambie seem uninterested in learning anything about the religion they want to judge, they are far more captivated by an uncomplicated idea of the wholesale abuse of women and other minorities by sharia.

To find the truth of Islam is to seek the specificities of time, place, culture and politics. There are no truths to be found in broad generalisations that omit far more than they reveal.

To describe Islam is to try to describe over 1,400 years of history in which thousands of societies have risen and fallen under its name and, numerous cultures and religions have been transformed by Islam and indeed, have transformed Islam.


The Guardian



The Sehwan Sharif shrine, the day after a suicide bomb attack that killed nearly 90 people.

In Pakistan, tolerant Islamic voices are being silenced
William Dalrymple

Last week, only three days after a suicide bomb went off in Lahore, an Islamic State supporter struck a crowd of Sufi dancers celebrating in the great Pakistani shrine of Sehwan Sharif. The attack, which killed almost 90, showed the ability of radical Islamists to silence moderate and tolerant voices in the Islamic world.

The attack also alarmingly demonstrated the ever-wider reach of Isis and the ease with which it can now strike within Pakistan. Isis now appears to equal the Taliban as a serious threat to this nuclear-armed country.

The suicide bombing of the Sehwan shrine is an ominous development for the world, in a region that badly needs stability. It is an Islamic shrine where outsiders, religious minorities and women are all welcomed. Here, 70 years after partition and the violent expulsion of most of the Hindus of Pakistan into India (and vice versa with Muslims into Pakistan), one of the hereditary tomb guardians is still a Hindu, and it is he who performs the opening ritual at the annual festival. Hindu holy men, pilgrims and officials still tend the shrine.

But the wild and ecstatic night-long celebrations marking the Sufi saint’s anniversary were almost a compendium of everything Islamic puritans most disapprove of: loud Sufi music and love poetry sung in every courtyard; men dancing with women; hashish being smoked. Hindus and Christians were all welcome to join in the celebrations.

A radical anti-Sufi movement is growing throughout the Islamic world. Until the 20th century, ultra-orthodox strains of Islam tended to be regarded as heretical by most Muslims. But since the 1970s, Saudi oil wealth has been used to spread such intolerant beliefs across the globe. As a result, many contemporary Muslims have been taught a story of Islamic religious tradition from which the tolerance of Sufism is excluded.

What happens at the Sehwan Sharif shrine matters, as it is an indication as to which of the two ways global Islam will go. Can it continue to follow the path of moderate pluralistic Islam, or – under the pressure of Saudi funding – will it opt for the more puritanical, reformed Islam of the Wahhabis and Salafis, with their innate suspicion (or even overt hostility) towards Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism?

Islam in south Asia is changing. Like 16th-century Europe on the eve of the Reformation, reformers and puritans are on the rise, distrustful of music, images, festivals and the devotional superstitions of saints’ shrines. In Christian Europe, they looked to the text alone for authority, and recruited the bulk of their supporters from the newly literate urban middle class, who looked down on what they saw as the corrupt superstitions of the illiterate peasantry.

Hardline Wahhabi and Salafi fundamentalism has advanced so quickly in Pakistan partly because the Saudis have financed the building of so many madrasas that have filled the vacuum left by the collapse of state education.


The Guardian



Sharia living - the image and the reality

Nationalist groups and politicians frequently use the concept of what they term encroaching "sharia law" to argue against Muslim immigration to Australia.

But sharia is actually a complex and much-debated set of rules that has been highly politicised and much misunderstood.

It is the go-to scare tactic used by many anti-Islam groups: Muslims are going to take over and impose "sharia law" on Australia.

But those closer to the subject say everything about that statement is wrong, including the term "sharia law."

Dr Ghena Krayem is a senior lecturer at the Sydney Law School.

She says sharia is not actually law at all, but a much broader set of guidelines for how Muslims should live their lives.

"For example, the way in which Muslims pray, the way in which Muslims eat, the way in which they engage with their relationships, their neighbours, their family, the way in which they wash themselves. All of these things that are really the totality of a Muslim's life come within the bounds of sharia. And one small part of it relates to some of the common things we would associate with the legal system."

Dr Krayem says sharia is very dynamic and is interpreted in different ways in different cultural contexts.

"On the one hand, people can think, 'That's just so difficult to grasp then.' But on the other hand, it also enables one to find the practice of faith that they are comfortable in, that fits within their context, and that's why we can talk about the emergence of an Australian Muslim identity, because I think we're starting to see that."

Adam Possamai is a professor of sociology of religion at Western Sydney University.

He has studied how Muslims practise sharia in Australia.

"In the interviews that were conducted as part of the research that I did as part of a group, we realised that the informers that revealed to us the way they lived their everyday lives were complying perfectly well with the Australian way of living. They were all happy with the Australian laws, thinking that the Australian laws are very open for them to express their religion."

Australia Muslim Women's Association president Silma Ihram says following sharia does not mean Muslims will not follow the laws of the country where they live.

"You have to, according to sharia, respect the law of the land. You can't interpret the law to suit yourself."

Professor Possamai says the Muslims he studied reported there were few differences between Australian law and the legal aspects of sharia.

"The thing as well is that some people will tend to homogenise sharia and focus on some cases that happened in parts of the world and are criminal law. The people that took part in that research don't want to deal with the criminal law. They're happy with the criminal law in Australia definitely, and they're happy with the Australian law."

Ghena Krayem says the main legal aspect in which Muslims turn to sharia principles is family law.

"What the research has found is that, for the majority of Muslims, regardless of levels of religiosity, when it comes to matters of marriage and divorce, they'll come back into the community, they will consult with religious leaders on these issues. So it is in that realm in which there are aspects of Islamic legal principles, or Islamic norms, that come into play in the everyday lives of Muslims."

Dr Krayem says, outside of family law, Muslims and their leaders are not interested in changing Australian laws.

The treatment of women is one of the frequently quoted concerns about sharia and its place in the modern world.

Dr Krayem says, given some of the practices taking place in the name of Islam overseas, she can understand why people believe sharia oppresses women.

"There may be practices that are being done in the name of Islam that are contrary to Islamic principles in regards to women, and we must call them out, but we must also remember not to just lump everything in and blame Islam for everything. Rather, we should be able to identify what are the forces in play, what's actually causing the oppression of women."

Other misconceptions about sharia include claims halal-food certification, signifying food has been prepared the right way for Muslim consumption, will lead to "sharia law" in Australia.

Silma Ihram refutes the whole idea, saying halal certification is simply the law recognising the needs of the Muslim community.

"The fact that we have halal food is not part of this overarching 'we're taking over society' kind of thing, because disabled people have been able to make changes to the law, the gay community's been able to make changes to the law, because the law in every country is meant to reflect the needs of its community. It doesn't mean to say that it can impose their needs on everybody else."

Both Dr Krayem and Professor Possamai say more open discussion is needed in the community to educate Australians about sharia.

And they say more discussion is needed to explore ways sharia principles could benefit the country.

"One of the things I'm quite passionate about is that we're not here to set up any parallel legal system. We're actually here to work together within the one existing framework," says Dr Krayem.

"What needs to be done is to have a stronger dialogue in the public sphere in Australia for us to understand what it means to be religious in Australia," Professor Possamai says. "And, here, I'm speaking not just about Muslims, but there are other religions as well in Australia that we need to understand. And by being able to have a constructive dialogue and understand the needs of others that do not go against the Australian system, we can work better as Australia being a multi-faith, multicultural society."





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How do Muslims Pray in Space








The Weekly: Burqa Ban.

  The Weekly


Since the days of Ned Kelly, facial coverings have been part of Australia.








Response to Domestic Violence

Onepath Network








Keysar Trad on Domestic Violence

Bolt Report



Keysar Trad described beating women as “step three” in a process of dealing with issues in relationships, after counselling and buying chocolates or “taking her out on a dinner”.







Muslim leaders ask schools to make concessions for Muslim students fasting for Ramadan.
Channel 7: Sunrise







Change of Heart for Man who Hated Muslims









Powerful Reminder | The Reality of Life and Death



A short video that reminds people to prepare for the hereafter. With the famous nasheed (Last Breath by Ahmed Bukhatir), this video will in sha Allah inspire the viewer to strive harder to be closer to Allah, following the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wa salam).







Mangal Sandwich & Juice

Community News








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Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 February 2017


IMAM: Uzair Akbar


Play the recording  




Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 February 2017


IMAM: Akram Buksh








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 February 2017










Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 February 2017

TOPIC"Key to Success in Both Worlds"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar



Click here for the past Kuthba recordings






Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 24 February 2017

TOPIC"Why Allah created us as human beings"

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali



Click here for the past Kuthba recordings





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Turkish Women Can Now Wear Headscarves in Military



TURKEY: Wednesday, Turkish state media announced that its country’s military will lift its ban on headscarves.

The Turkish army is often viewed as a last stronghold of the secularism that marked the birth of the modern Turkish state founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1923. Secularism in the Turkish sense is, as Michael Reynolds of Princeton University told Foreign Policy “radically different” from secularism elsewhere. “It’s not separation of church and state,” he said, but rather “putting religion under control of the state.” The ban on headscarves in public institutions was put in place in the 1980s.

The military was the last holdout. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, of the conservative Justice and Development Party (AKP), has been president since 2014, after a decade as prime minister before that. His party has fought to reintroduce religion into society and roll back much of Ataturk’s secular legacy ever since.

Erdogan’s critics say that the lifting of the headscarf ban is proof Erdogan is imposing Islam on society. Last April, the speaker of Turkey’s Parliament called for a religious constitution. This provoked outrage from secular segments of society, which have seen secular safeguards removed before (regional expert Sarabrynn Hudgins notes that, for example, the national Religious Affairs Directorate declared New Years’ celebrations illegitimate, and said, “Erdogan has personally made scalding condemnations of social media and women working outside the home, calling childless women ‘deficient’ and ‘incomplete'”). But those individuals were in turn assured that secularism would stay.

Erdogan and his supporters, in contrast, say the headscarf ban was an illiberal holdover from the days of forced secularism. Either way, the headscarf ban was lifted on university campuses (per Hudgins, the second secular safeguard) in 2010; in state institutions in 2013; in high schools in 2014; and in the police force, women have been able to wear headscarves since last year, as have civilian personnel in the military.

And now, per defense ministry decree, women serving in the military may wear headscarves under their caps and berets so long as they match and do not cover their faces.


Foreign Policy


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Durban's mosque with a cross on top: defunct heritage building becomes a house of prayer again


SOUTH AFRICA: Moroccan artists were brought in to add an authentic touch to the conversion of Durban's listed Aliwal Congregational Church into a new mosque, writes Shubnum Khan

Growing up I was taught that places of prayer must be revered and I was taught that conversations with God are the best ones to have. Whilst studying fine art, one of my projects at university focused on how places of prayer were built to instil a sense of peace in their design.

With this interest in mind, I was intrigued to hear about a group of Moroccan craftsmen who have arrived in Durban to practise an ancient art form on the walls of the beautiful but neglected Aliwal Congregational Church which is currently being converted into a mosque.

The church, which was built in 1903 close to the city hall, was sold in the 1990s and used for business thereafter. During World War 1 the hall was used by British armed forces and decades later the church was used as a furniture store and then a photographer’s studio.

The family of Moroccan artisans led by Mohamed Houifed Kanar are at work at the church, applying gypsum which is then hand-carved in detail in the ancient tradition of yeseria, a technique of carving plaster originally used by Spanish Moors.

The craftsmen begin their apprenticeship at an early age but the numbers of these highly skilled artisans are dwindling.

Kanar from Tangiers was in Durban 21 years ago to work on the Muslim prayer facility at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

When I visited the men at work they were near the end of their project, which had taken almost two months to complete. To watch the crafters at work is a pleasure; as they carve each wave and indent into the intricate design their every movement seems filled with love and respect.

The building is now being meticulously restored by heritage architect Lindsay Napier in association with Architects Collaborative. Yusuf Patel, one of the architects working on the project said that the Moroccan artists were brought in to add an authentic touch to a heritage building.

The mosque aims to be an inclusive space and this is emphasised with the Arabic quote carved into gypsum taken from the Quran, “O mankind, indeed. We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another.”


Renovations include the creation of a women’s prayer area and a visitor’s area for those of other religions to observe Muslim prayers. The hall is to be used for exhibitions, lectures and functions.

Walking into this holy space sanctified by not one but two major religions is breathtaking. As a protected listed site the building must retain the original church aesthetics, including the cross on the spire. The church exterior, combined with the interior detail of handcrafted Moroccan embellishments, has turned the space into a spiritual wonder that radiates history, peace and inter-religious cohesion.

Acclaimed Durban sculptor, Andries Botha has praised the restoration. “When you walk into the building you will immediately know that transcendent values are being embraced.”

As I move through the hall that is filled with dust and paint I am filled with a sense of peace and I am reminded of something my father said. “A place of prayer is a space created entirely for the contemplation of God’s creation.”

For me, this is the ultimate place of prayer.  

Sunday Times

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New Yorkers rally to say 'Today I am a Muslim, too'


Music mogul leads pro-Muslim rally in NYC


US: New Yorkers by the thousand, representing myriad backgrounds and faiths, converged on Times Square on Sunday, heeding a music mogul's calls to let Muslims know their fellow Americans stood by them.

The demonstrators -- many of them hoisting placards featuring a woman in an American flag hijab with the caption "we the people are greater than fear" -- gathered at one of the world's most famous public places to denounce what they see as threats and pressure aimed at Muslim communities.

The rally, dubbed "Today I am a Muslim Too," was billed on social media as "a day of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters in reaction to the vicious attacks by (President Donald Trump)."

Trump has made numerous disparaging remarks about Muslims and an appeals court recently put a halt to his executive order that temporarily barred all refugees and travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the country. Trump has vowed to issue a new order tailored to the court's decision.

Demonstrators toted American flags and maroon signs that said, "I am a Muslim, too," as one activist donned a Trump costume and paraded through the crowd with a bald eagle in a cage.

The list of speakers was extensive, according to the program. In addition to entrepreneur and Def Jam Recordings co-founder Russell Simmons, who helped organize the event, attendees were scheduled to hear from rabbis, imams, a Sikh, a Buddhist, Episcopalian and Presbyterian reverends, a Mennonite, a Seventh Day Adventist minister, a Hindu, a Baptist pastor, local politicians and civil rights advocates.

Actor Susan Sarandon and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio also spoke, and former first daughter Chelsea Clinton tweeted that the rally marked her 2-year-old's first protest.
Simmons, no stranger to activism, told those at the rally to focus on how Trump, his onetime friend, had unified the people in attendance.

"We won't speak too harshly of him today. We want to thank him for bringing us together," he said.

He decried those who would demonize Muslims as terrorists when, in fact, Muslims have been the victims of terrorism and stand as allies in the fight against extremism.

"So we are here today to show middle America our beautiful signs and, through our beautiful actions and intention, that they have been misled -- that the seeds of hate that were small and maybe just ignorance cannot be watered, and that hate cannot grow because we are here to assist them in promoting love," Simmons told the crowd.

Brooklyn-born Palestinian-American activist and commentator Linda Sarsour noted that Sunday marked the 75th anniversary of President Franklin Roosevelt's Executive Order 9066, which paved the way for the internment of Japanese-, German- and Italian-Americans.

She asked those in attendance to commit to being part of "the true never-again generation."



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What is it like being the youngest minister in the world?


Well, Shamma Al Mazrui shares her story a year in as the UAE’s Minister of State for Youth.


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Merkel: 'Islam is not the source of terrorism'


Both Merkel and US Vice President Mike Pence attend key security conference in Munich with Russia high on the agenda.


US: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said Islam is not the source of "terrorism" and that cooperating with predominantly Muslim states in the fight against it is vital.

Merkel, who has been critical of US President Donald Trump's attempt to impose a temporary travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries, was speaking on Saturday at the Munich Security Conference, with US Vice President Mike Pence in the audience.

"I think, those countries, first and foremost have to give a contribution. Because only in this way we would be able to convince people that it is not Islam that is the source of terrorism. But a falsely understood Islam," she said.

"I expect from religious authorities of Islam to find strong language in order to delimitate peaceful Islam from terrorism committed in the name of Islam. We as non-Muslims cannot do this, it should be done by Islamic clergy and authorities," she added.

Al Jazeera


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The Islamic Enlightenment: The Modern Struggle Between Faith and Reason

Christopher De Bellaigue




The Islamic Enlightenment: a contradiction in terms?

The Muslim world has often been accused of a failure to modernise, reform and adapt. But, from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present day, Islamic society in its Middle Eastern heartlands has in fact been transformed by modern ideals and practices, including the adoption of modern medicine, the emergence of women from purdah and the development of democracy.

Who were the scholars and scientists, writers and politicians that brought about these remarkable changes? And why is their legacy now under threat?

Beginning with the dramatic collision of East and West following Napoleon’s arrival in Egypt, and taking us through 200 tumultuous years of Middle Eastern history, Christopher de Bellaigue introduces us to key figures and reformers; from Egypt’s visionary ruler Muhammad Ali to brave radicals like Iran’s first feminist Qurrat al-Ayn and the writer Ibrahim Sinasi, who transformed Ottoman Turkey’s language and literature.

This book tells the forgotten story of the Islamic Enlightenment. It shows us how to look beyond sensationalist headlines to foster a genuine understanding of modern Islam and Muslim culture, and is essential reading for anyone engaged with the state of the world today. 





"Whenever you read a good book,

somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light."       


- Vera Nazarian -



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: This recipe is a combination of a few recipes and tried and tested for which I received the thumbs up and a little different than your normal kebaabs in chutney.

Meatballs Roulade


Step 1

Boil 2 to 3 potatoes. Once soft season with only a little butter and salt. Mash till smooth. Add some chopped spring onions. Make a small marble size balls & place on a tray. Place in freezer till you ready to use.

Step 2

1kg lamb mince
2 onions
1/2 bunch green dhania
Spring onions
4 slices stale bread
6 or more green chillies
5 pieces of garlic
Put everything through the mincer or food processor

Season with
2 tsp fine cumin
2 tsp fine dhana/coriander powder
1 tsp white pepper
˝ tsp black pepper
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp. vinegar
1 tbsp. lemon juice
3 tbsp. ghee
2 beaten eggs


Step 3

Combine everything together and in the palm of your hand take some mince, spread out slightly. Place a
frozen mash ball in centre. Close up & roll into ball. Place on a greased oven tray.
Bake at 180 for not more than 10 minutes or until you know it's cooked through, retain the juices.

Step 4 Sauce

Place in shallow pot with a little butter and ever so slightly let it brown.


Remove the meat balls and place on your serving plate (keep warm).


In the same pot pour the remaining meat juices from the oven tray, add a little ghee and stir fry sliced onions, red and green peppers, 1 tsp garlic, red chillies and then add 2 tbsp. Worcester sauce, Nandos pepper sauce and 3 tab lemon juice and cook for a minute.


Whilst hot pour the sauce over the warm meat balls.


Serve with fried grated potatoes, mix vegetables or with hot chips.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing

To contact Princess,  
Email:  Phone: 0451977786











Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Last week we looked at identifying our PATTERN, the set of habits and behaviours we inherited from others as a result of conditioning. When we live according to this pattern, we operate on a default mode. Life is a beautiful blessing by ALLAH swt whereby we are blessed with a mind.

Humans are blessed with the mind to live a joyful, kind, caring life. However, when we look around us, humans have not been living a joyful, kind and caring only needs to observe the state of the world currently to see how destructive, unkind and uncaring we have been to ourselves and all of ALLAH’s creation. SUBHAAN ALLAH!

The good news is that it is never too late to become aware and make a conscious transformation to break the pattern. To switch off from the default mode of operation and switch on our SOULFUL mode.

Transformation of self does not occur overnight. If that were the case, Muslims across the globe would not be required to pray five times a day. ALLAH swt has commanded these five obligatory prayers to help us understand that we need to connect with HIM and reflect on the hours between each prayer in order to seek guidance for the hours to come.

When we live on a default mode, our prayers also reflect the lack of connection to self and to ALLAH swt. We behave as though it is a chore and we seldom use our minds in the prayer time to truly reflect and genuinely connect. The reason we do that is that we are caught up in the worries of our material world - too anxious to get on with the chores of the day ahead, too fearful to simply embrace the present moment.

The present moment - NOW - is all we have. The awareness of NOW is what transforms the self. If we use our present moment to dwell in fear, anxiety, worry, anger, jealousy or hate, we begin to operate on a negative frequency. As a result, we generate negative outcomes.

Allowing even one negative emotion means to live un-authentically to our true nature in which ALLAH swt created us. Our Essential Selves (refer to my column in newsletter 639) thrive on positivity, joy, kindness, care, compassion and unconditional love. It is absolutely vital to transform negative thoughts to positive ones if we are to live according to the true nature in which we were created.

I recommend a daily practice of THOUGHT SWITCH. Here is how it’s done. For the purpose of this exercise, I have used the words “pleasant” and “unpleasant” to describe the nature of our thoughts. A pleasant thought always makes you feel joy and love. An unpleasant thought always evokes worry, anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, hate and doubt.

1. Sit in silence for 2 minutes
2. Notice your thoughts
3. Notice your inner voice
4. If a pleasant thought comes, smile and say ALHUMDOLILLAH
5. If an unpleasant thought comes, IMMEDIATELY think of the beauty of nature, for example, clear, blue ocean; majestic mountains; colourful flowers…
6. Keep thinking about pleasant thoughts, keep smiling and saying ALHUMDOLILLAH
7. Keep switching unpleasant thoughts to pleasant ones by thinking of nature and its beauty
8. Dwell only on pleasant thoughts and smile as you utter ALHUMDULILLAH
9. Do this practice daily for 2 minutes, few times a day.

Practise this daily and In Shaa ALLAH you will feel more aware of your habits and behaviours. With awareness comes transformation.

Next week, we will look at strategies to develop a positive relationship with people. Till then, be kind to yourself and care for yourself. Self-Care starts from Self-Talk, which starts from Thoughts...DO think pleasant thoughts. When you are kind and caring to self then you are able to be kind and caring to all of ALLAH’s creation.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to this subject, please email me on





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Q: Dear Kareema, you always remind us to stay hydrated and to try to eat healthier. How much water do we need to take daily?

Water regulates our body temperature, carries nutrients around the body, lubricates our joints, etc. Therefore it is vital to our existence.

An adult needs about two litres a day to function at optimal health, as every cell needs water.

Not only that, your skin will glow and look a lot healthier. So harness all the benefits that water has to offer by drinking lots of it…






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Fitria Sari

Accredited Practising Dietician & Nutritionist
M: 0406 279 591

Need an answer to a nutrition related matter?

Send your question to Fitria at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

How to Set Real Goals and *Actually* Achieve It

I know we are almost at the end of February already, but... how many of you have started to lose track of their goals this year? Be honest! *slowly raises hands too*

Well, doughnut worry! It is never too late to reset your mind and intentions to achieve your resolutions. We still have 10 more months to 2017.. so, you got this!

Click on the link to learn the steps to setting realistic and achievable goals. 


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Aging friends, Mula Nasruddin and Jallalludin, were sitting on a bench under a tree when Mula Nasruddin turns to Jallalludin and says:


'Brother Jallalludin, I'm 83 years old now and I'm just full of aches and pains. I know you're about my age. How do you feel?'

Jallalludin says, 'I feel just like a newborn baby.'

'Really!? Like a newborn baby!?'

'Yep. No hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants.'

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An Ayaat-a-Week





“And It is Allah Who created you in a state of (helpless) weakness, then gave (you) strength after weakness, then, after strength, gave (you) weakness and a hoary head: He creates as He wills, and it is He Who has all knowledge and power. ”
~ Surah Ar-Rum 30:54


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“The future influences the present just as much as the past.”


~ Friedrich Nietzsche



I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



Click on thumbnail to enlarge



Events and Functions


Slacks Creek Fundraising Dinner 25 FEBRUARY Buranda  Mosque Tafseer 26 FEBRUARY Al Kauthar Seminar 11 & 12 MARCH AU Islamic Peace Conference Melbourne 11 12 MARCH Muslim Night Bazaar 11 MARCH ICB ANNUAL FETE 30 APRIL


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services











As a part of Sisters House Services we have arranged ladies only swimming activities at a swim school in Underwood. The swim school is able to offer Muslim ladies the privacy they require to be able to swim and still maintain there Islamic dress. They are an indoor heated pool who have closed their doors for us so that no one can see in and provide qualified lady instructors.

We have arranged Learn to swim lessons for both beginner and intermediate levels. Mother and baby swim classes for children from 3 months to 3 years old. And once a month there will be a ladies Fun swim day. When ladies who know how to swim can come and enjoy swimming in the pool in private.

To join or for more information contact Farah on 0432026375.


Al Firdaus College Al Firdaus College Young Muslims Club Student Tuition Slacks Creek Hire Shajarah Islamic Education Shajarah Islamic Education Holland Park Mosque Hall Hire Marriage celebrant - Imam Akram High School Subjects Tutoring


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Businesses and Services



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See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





5 March


Clean UP Australia Day

Slackscreek Mosque, IPDC, ICQ, etc.

See flyer


See flyer

11 March


Muslimah Night Bazaar

Muslim Night Bazaar

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0406 273 434

4pm to 9pm

11 & 12 March

Sat & Sun

AU Islamic Peace Conference


Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre

0425 886 949

Register here

All day

11 & 12 March

Sat & Sun

The A-Z of Love & Mercy

Al Kauthar Institute


0438 698 328

All day

25 April




30 April


ICB Annual Fete


Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0402 794 253


12 May




20 May


Peter Russo Fund Raiser with Dr Anne Aly

Janeth Deen

RSL Sunnybank

0435 086 796

6pm for 6.30pm

28 May




23 June




26 June




2 September




22 September




25 November


Annual Mild-un-Nabi

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane


3809 4600

3pm to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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26 February





Masjid As Sunnah





Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040




Sisters Support Services - On going Activities

Tafsir Class – Mondays at 10am Woodridge area (by Umm Bilal)
Halaqah – Saturdays at 10.30am Woodridge area (by Umm Bilal)
Arabic classes – Wednesdays 1 – 2pm Kuraby Masjid (by Umm Bilal)
Quran Classes - Tuesdays 11am Runcorn area (by Umm Bilal)
Sisters Support Social Group - 1st Wednesday of every Month - varies Locations
Young Muslims Club- - Regular organised activities for school aged boys and girls
Contact : Farah 0432 026 375

Muslimah Girls Youth Group for 10+ Girls (school holiday activities)
Contact : Aliyah 0438840467

Muslima learn to Swim lessons - taught by professional female instructor in a enclosed pool in Underwood area Contact : Farah 0432026375 for more details

We also run a volunteers group to assist Muslim women with food rosters and home visits for sisters who need support or are isolated. We refer Sisters in need for counselling, accommodation, financial assistance and other relevant services. We also have a variety of whatsapp groups for new Muslim support and for community & class updates please let us know if you would like to be added.

To join our volunteer group or for any other details for activities please call the numbers below…
Aliyah : 0438840467         Khadijah: 0449268375
Farah: 0432026375          Iman: 0449610386

Download the above details here.



Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118



Download the programme here.


For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600




On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987





Click on images to enlarge











Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Minutes from the QPS/Muslim Community Reference Group meeting held on
Monday 24 October 2016 at the Islamic College of Brisbane [ICB] are available here.

Next Meeting

Time: 7pm Date: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road Karawatha

Light refreshments will be available. ALL WELCOME


For more information and RSVP:

Sergeant Jim Bellos at



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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to enter their details here.


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