EST. 2004


Sunday 14 May 2017 | Issue 0653


CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....

We find the week's news, so that you don't have to.

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Building Resilience & Leadership Camp

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

The CCN Food for Thought

Mosque drops surfing Sheik as event guest speaker

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

An Ayaat-a-Week

53rd AFIC Congress of Muslims Australia – AFIC

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Events and Functions

Many Gates and Jobs in the making at CoderDojo

 The CCN Classifieds

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Oxley Spirit of Anzac Day writing competition awards

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

Businesses and Services

MCF packs Ramadan food hampers

CCN Readers' Book Club

The CCN Date Claimer

Victoria Muslims Open Doors, Hearts to Public

KB's Culinary Corner

CCN on Facebook

Muslim women 'punched' in Islamophobic attacks

Kareema's Keep Fit Column

Useful Links

Triggs tells of alarm over 'demonising' of Muslims

Get your fingers green with our gardening guru


'You can have Islamic feminism': Susan Carland

Fitria on Food Appears monthly

Write For Us

New visa will let citizens bring their foreign-born parents

Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column


AIIC'S chemistry students @ Pharmaceutical company

The CCN Chuckle

Ramadan 2017 Timetables


Upcoming Events
Ramadan Appeals
Winners: UK The Muslim News Awards for Excellence 2017

An Interview with Ed Husic MP

The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column
Back to the Future with CCN


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The Building Resilience & Leadership Camp initiative was hosted by the Australian International Islamic College Gold Coast Campus. The camp was undertaken as part of a collaborative effort that involved the Islamic Society of Gold Coast (Gold Coast Mosque) and Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre on the weekend of 28th of April 2017 in Northern New South Wales at Lake Ainsworth.

In all, there were 50 young people represented at the camp from a total of 21 countries across Asia, Africa and Europe who were mainly from the Gold Coast and from other areas of South East Queensland including Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich and the Sunshine Coast. The camp proved to be an excellent opportunity for young people to explore and celebrate their multiple identities with the help of a team of excellent bicultural health professionals, school teachers and community members.

Imam Imraan Husain of the Gold Coast Mosque said, "The youth camp was a Gold Coast first in terms of its engagement of young people from so many diverse backgrounds. As an Imam, it was great to be part of an activity that provided a safe and positive space for young people to build their resilience and confidence in being part of a multicultural Australia."

Lena Halak, a teacher as the Australian Islamic International College said, ‘It was great to be part of a camp that included boys and girls mainly between the ages of 12 to 18. For many this was the first time they had an experience to be away from their normal activities. It was a great opportunity for young people to have exposure to leadership development skills that explored topics such as self-awareness, self-esteem and aspiring to achieving their best, academically and socially’.

The lead up to the camp included education about the BRITA Future resilience building training which is evidence based and developed by a team of transcultural mental health experts and up to 14 members of the community attending and achieving Mental Health First Aid accreditation. The were sessions were conducted by qualified professionals and facilitated by imams and teachers to motivate the youth to open up about issues they are dealing with, navigating through solutions and providing them with the ability to problem solve. The main focus of the camp was to inspire the youth to be proud of their Islamic identity and motivate them to develop their own initiatives in the community.

The was also lots of opportunities for fun, games and new friendships being formed with young people being able to play tug of war on the beach, sit around a camp fire, play soccer, kayaking and high ropes which the youth thoroughly enjoyed.

The Gold Coast is increasingly becoming a more multicultural community. The need for community development approaches and capacity building to engage young people so they can achieve their potential and have the support in being confident in their multiple identities both in the community and wider Australian society is so important.

Haji Habib Jamal, Treasurer of Gold Coast Mosque concluded by saying, "We thank the local communities and the Queensland Mental Health Commission for their support of this initiative and the Australian Islamic International College for their coordination and leadership of this project. I learnt a lot of skills through the Mental Health First Aid program and the camp provided a valuable insight into issues faced by young people. This is important as we build the social and civic capacity for young people to feel a sense of belonging through a range of approaches which also includes the flagship development of a Youth & Community Centre that we are currently building at the Gold Coast Mosque."


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Zainadine Johnson loves surfing.

THE Garden City Mosque has announced it is dropping controversial Imam Sheik Zainadine Johnson from an upcoming event.

Imam Johnson was due to speak at the mosque's open day on Sunday.

Professor Shahjahan Khan, founding president of the Toowoomba Islamic Society and speaker at the event, said the mosque had decided to drop Imam Johnson from the program so it could focus on promoting local unity of Toowoomba and surrounds.

"It's easier for us to work with Toowoomba Regional Council and university and religious leaders locally as we have done in the past.

"We want to continue on the same line that we have been working on - and Toowoomba is proud of that."

Imam Johnson was controversially sacked from his position at the Sunshine Coast as Imam after six months because - he claims - he posted a graphic image on Facebook of a bloodied man holding a knife.

But that was disputed by the Muslim Organisation Sunshine Coast which said he was sacked because there were not enough funds to support him.

Imam Zainadine - known as the surfing Sheik - once described the Australian flag as a "symbol of bloody colonial history" and was due to speak alongside Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio.

For the first time, a Jewish representative will speak at the Toowoomba mosque.

Ariel Heber is the president of Queensland Jewish Community Services and was invited as part of a drive by the mosque to foster religious harmony in the Toowoomba community.

Director of Multicultural Affairs Queensland Julie McDougall, Inspector Sharee Cummings, Dr Mark Copland, Cr Antonio and interim USQ Vice Chancellor Professor Janet Verbyla will also be among the speakers.

The open day is from 11am to 4pm at the mosque on 217 West St and will feature entertainment and an international food festival.

Dr Khan said about 50 Muslims from the mosque were invited to a local church recently which he called a "sharing faith" dinner.

"There were more than 150 people there and we want to maintain the spirit of unity," he said.

Source: The Chronicle



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Press Release


New AFIC president, Dr Rateb Jned

The 53rd Annual Congress of Muslims Australia (AFIC), the national umbrella body of the Australian Muslim community was held in Sydney during the weekend.


Delegates attending from all States of Australia including Christmas Island, ACT and Northern Territory met over two days to review AFIC’s activities, give directives and policies for the future and to elect a new President and Executive Committee.

As per tradition, a Congress Dinner was held to celebrate the 53rd anniversary of Muslims Australia The inter-state delegates and Muslim leaders were joined by many other members of the Muslim community of Sydney and many friends and colleagues from the multicultural and religious communities including political leaders.

Dr Rateb Jneid from Perth, was elected as the New President, Dr Jamal El Kholed from Queensland was elected as the new Vice President, Dr Harun Abdullah from Tasmania was re-elected as the Secretary and Dr Abul Khair Jalaluddin from NSW was elected as the Treasurer.


The other members of the Executive include Dr Kazim Ates from Melbourne as Assistant Secretary, Dr Bilal Refai as Assistant Treasurer, and Dr Sabrija Poskovic as an Executive Committee member.

AFIC vice president, Jaml El Kholed

The Executive Committee and the office-bearers will hold office for the next three years.

Dr Jneid, addressing the Congress Dinner assured the guests that AFIC under his leadership will be transparent and will work hand in hand with the AFIC State Councils and Societies to uplift the image of AFIC and thanked the outgoing Executive Committee and its President Mr Keysar Trad for their outstanding performance during the difficult times.

He further stated that AFIC will utilise its resources towards uniting communities in Australia’s multicultural society, and make Australia a proud country that all Australians call home.



ICQ response to the AFIC elections:


Assalaamu Alaikum,


This email is to provide you with an update on the AFIC Congress which was held this past weekend on the 6th and 7th of May.

Dr Rateb Junaid was elected President and Br Jamad el Kholed was elected Vice President by a significant majority vote of the State Councils. We pray that Allah guides the new leaders in carrying out their duties for the benefit of the Australian Muslim community.


On the other hand, we are disappointed for Dr Shahjahan Khan. He put forward a very strong case for the roles of President and Vice President. He has won the support and respect of many of our member societies. However, he did not receive enough support from the Council of the various States (the actual voters).

On behalf of all the QLD societies, we would like to express our gratitude to Dr Khan for his efforts on the campaign.


As the state council of QLD, we will continue to advocate for Dr Shahjahan to be given a key role on any project committees that the new AFIC Executive Committee may form in future.


Ismail Cajee

President Islamic Council of Qld.



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Parents watch COB CODERS demonstrate their programming prowess

The CoderDojo Crescents of Brisbane 4-week pilot session ended on a high-note yesterday (Saturday) at the Islamic College of Brisbane with young budding computer programmers showcasing off their newly acquired skills to their parents, and earning themselves the title COB CODER, a SCRATCH badge and certificate of achievement.


"Amongst the 40 young boys and girls some were as young as 7, and our mentoring team was hard pressed keeping up with the enthusiasm and passion for programming that was shown with each week," CoderDojo coordinator, Mustafa Ally told CCN.


The next CoderDojo will be held in August at the Australian International Islamic College.


If you would like to volunteer as a Mentor, email


As one Mentor, Hafizah Suleman, found out: "It's a great way to learn as you teach!"




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During Term One 2017, Year 11 students from the Oxley District were invited to submit artwork, poetry short stories or essays on what ANZAC Day means to them.

Two students from Australian International Islamic College were awarded with the Oxley Spirit of ANZAC Highly Commended Award 2017.


The awards were presented to Mohamed Adam Mohamud and Fatema Noor by Federal Member for Oxley the Honorable Mr. Milton Dick.



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Muslim Charitable Foundation's Ramadan Food Pack is well on its way and promises to be a tremendous success.

This week with the overwhelmingly generous support of the community not only have the first purchases been made but with a dedicated team of volunteers the first 100 boxes have been packed ready for distribution  before Ramadaan.


A spokesperson for MCF  said it was a humbling experience to witness the community come together so generously to ensure that the less fortunate locals would have some food to help them through our holiest month. 


May all those who have contributed to this project in anyway be blessed abundantly.


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Mosque Open Day, Dandenong Mosque

VICTORIA – Fifteen mosques across Victoria welcomed hundreds of locals through their doors to celebrate the very first Victorian Mosque Open Day, offering many families a chance to visit a mosque for the first time.

"What we want to do is facilitate an opportunity for non-Muslims in local suburbia who've never really met a Muslim," Islamic Council of Victoria's executive director Nail Aykan told

"Our focus is average mums and dads to meet average Muslim mums and dads," he added.

Aykan said that the mosque doors are open anytime, and the official open day is an attempt to open hearts.

The Islamic Council of Victoria started the open day initiative to give people the opportunity to come in and have a look at what goes on inside a mosque, and encourage them to ask questions to engage in open dialogue.

It comes at a time where today's climate of fear and misunderstanding has lead to a lot of uncomfortable attention towards Islam and the Muslim community.

Advocating on behalf of the Muslim community, the ICV started the project to help the Victorian community look beyond what is portrayed of Muslims and to build dialogue and friendship.

"We also want them to feel comfortable in asking any questions. Making a friend today is what we want visitors to achieve," ICV President Mohamed Mohideen told AboutIslam.

Guided mosque tours, henna tattooing, and try-on-a-hihab workshops proved to be popular among families, many first-timers getting involved and participating in the activities.

There are currently over fifty mosques in Victoria, and many of those are built on suburban streets, and many neighbor schools and churches.

Source: AboutIslam



Jewish Muslim dialogue from the Victorian Mosque Open Day


Fostering community spirit as Victoria's mosques open their doors

SBS World News Radio: Dispelling myths about Islam has been the motivation behind the inaugural "Victorian Mosque Open Day in which 14 places of worship opened their doors, providing a rare opportunity for non-Muslims to visit, participate and learn.

At Dandenong Mosque in Melbourne's south east, dozens of worshippers faced Mecca, knelt and prayed.

But as part of Victoria's inaugural Mosque Open Day, intrigued non-Muslims watched on.

Mohamed Mohideen from the Islamic Council of Victoria says the day provides a rare opportunity to dispel myths around issues like Sharia Law, Halal and more.

"One of the key things that people say is that we are training terrorists - we are not. Jihad in it's real sense is not holy war Jihad is striving to achieve the best."

Deanna McKeown had never entered an Australian Mosque, and viewed the day as an opportunity to learn.

Volunteers even helped her try-on a Hijab and explained it's significance - which certainly wasn't wasted on Ms McKeown.

"They are chosing to do this so I think that if it's pure choice then it's liberating to do what you wish to do."

At nearby Hallam Mosque, volunteer Inaz Janif escorted several groups through a range of Islamic information booths and stalls.

She says opening the places-of-worship and offering accurate, informed cross- cultural and religious information is extremely important.

"I think it's a good way of showing that here we are - we're not going anywhere we're open come and learn what we're about ."

Ms Inaz, a local school teacher, says she's witnessed how misunderstanding and anti-Muslim rhetoric is damaging her community

"I've seen with my own eyes the impact of Islamophobia on them where I've even seen teenagers attacked over hate and fear of Muslims."

So highlighting similarities, not difference became a theme of the day - especially for volunteer Zarqa Nur who says she too learned plenty from her discussion with Jewish visitor Keren Harel-Gordan.

"I've known that Judaism it's one of the Abrahamic faiths so I know the similarities are there but just to speak about the daily way we live it - and how similar it is, it's really nice."

And the sentiment was shared by Ms Harel-Gordan.

"Prayers - ok so in Islam it would be 5-times a day and Judaism 3-times a day but again it's very similar."

It's intended for the Victorian Mosque Open Day to become an annual event.

Source: Australasian Muslim Times



Effendy, the Secretary General for the Indonesian Moslem Community of Victoria talked about Victorian Mosque Open Day which was held on Sunday, 7th of May 2017.


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ICQ Spokesperson, Ali Kadri, on the ABC DRUM

SYDNEY: One of four Muslim women targeted in four successive and unprovoked Islamophobic attacks on Wednesday said she was randomly punched in the face as she walked through the city wearing her headphones.

Maria Claudia Gimenez Wilson, a 39-year-old journalism student from Paraguay, is charged with assaulting the four women, aged 18-23, as they walked along busy roads near UTS in Ultimo on Wednesday afternoon.

All four women were wearing head scarves, or hijab, and were allegedly punched in the face.

Officers are treating the assaults as "bias-motivated crimes" after Ms Wilson allegedly told police she was motivated by a hatred of Muslims.

Ms Wilson, who moved to Australia to study, was ordered to undergo a psychiatric assessment in Prince of Wales Hospital on Thursday after her Legal Aid solicitor, Vanya Hampel, told Central Local Court that her client was seeking to be dealt with under mental health legislation.

A report by a Justice Health nurse said that Ms Wilson had schizoaffective disorder and "appears to be suffering persecutory beliefs".

Ms Wilson, whose Facebook profile is littered with far right-wing and anti-Islamic material, interrupted proceedings to say that she was not unwell.

"The only thing I did was to take a bull cut [sic] to a Muslim lady," she said. "I don't see any problem with that."

The Blue Mountain Gazette



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Vituperative attacks on writer and presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied cited as evidence of the increasing normalisation of hate speech against minorities



Gillian Triggs, president of the Australian Human Rights Commission

Attacks on Yassmin Abdel-Magied come amid 'growing tolerance for demonising Muslims', Gillian Triggs says.

Gillian Triggs, president of the Australian Human Rights Commission, has expressed alarm at Australia's growing tolerance for 'demonising' Muslims and hate speech directed at minorities.

Triggs said the controversy over an Anzac Day Facebook post by the writer and television presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied – 'a hijab-wearing Muslim woman' – was an example of a 'growing tolerance for demonising Muslims generally'.

Abdel-Magied posted "LEST.WE.FORGET. (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine ... )" on her Facebook page on 25 April, before deleting it.

"Despite a speedy apology for what she conceded was a disrespectful comment on this day of remembrance," Triggs said, "this relatively minor incident has been used to demand the removal of Abdel-Magied from the Council of Australian-Arab Relations, to constrain her right to freedom of speech and to demand that, as an Australian resident since she was a young child, she should return to Sudan, her country of origin."

Triggs said she was encouraged that the foreign minister, Julie Bishop, had not bowed to demands for Abdel-Magied's sacking from the government-run council.

But she said the vituperative attacks on Abdel-Magied were evidence of the increasing normalisation of hate speech against minorities, in particular Muslims.

"There is consistent evidence that Muslims are subject to higher rates of racism than pertains for all other racial and religious groups within the Australian community ...  the headscarf has become a lightning rod for attacking Muslim women.

"The Muslim community is disproportionately subject to ‘hate speech’ and discrimination in employment and the delivery of goods and services."


"Over my professional life I can think of no more important time than now to speak up for the ideas that inform Australia's commitment to multiculturalism: non-discrimination on the basis of race, equality before the law and cultural, racial and religious inclusion.

"We need to push back against political spin, alternative truths and the cynical view that the truth is anything you can get away with. We need to be vigilant in rejecting finely tuned and artfully camouflaged whistling to extreme rightwing groups."

The Guardian



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Dr Carland at book signing

Dr Carland says sharia law can be used to promote women's rights.

She told an audience including feminist Eva Cox in Sydney's inner-west that a hardline, Islamic legal system was compatible with feminist goals.

Promoting her new book 'Fighting Hislam: Women, Faith and Sexism', the Monash University lecturer said sharia law could be used to persuade Muslim men that it was wrong to stone or lash women for adultery who had been raped.

The writer told the function at the Gleebooks bookstore, in Glebe, how an American lawyer had used sharia law to criticise Pakistan's punishment for adultery.

'For those of you that don't know, if a woman is raped she can be punished for adultery,' Dr Carland said during a question and answer session on Wednesday night.

'The woman I interviewed said, "I could go to them with these human rights justifications for why it's wrong but I know that if I do that, they will double down on this law because they will feel it's an insult to their culture and their tradition and their religion", so she said, "Why would I just not use the sharia to make the argument this is wrong?".

Dr Carland said her interview subject had argued against punishment for adultery on religious grounds with a 'massive manifesto' that was compatible with sharia law.

'Those are the things we need to be focusing on,' she said.

Dr Carland, who converted to Islam when she was 19, said Muslim women in Western countries often felt more comfortable discussing women's rights in a religious context than their counterparts in conservative, Muslim-majority nations.

'Living in Western countries gives these women freedom, particularly with theological interpretations, than women living in other countries where they have things like blasphemy laws,' she said.

'Some of the most interesting or challenging theological stuff to come from Muslim women has come from Western countries because the government doesn't care what you say.'

She also said feminism existed within Islam, and not just the secular West which separates religion and state.

'One of the criticisms made of second wave feminism was that it was very uni-dimensional in its focus. It was very middle class, white, educated, heterosexual and secular in its approach,' she said.

'You can have secular feminism, you can have Islamic feminism, you can have all different types of feminism.'

Veteran feminist Eva Cox, who was in the audience, politely told Dr Carland she disagreed with her take on Western feminism.

'I'm older and I've been around for a long time. I actually defend the second wave,' she said to laughter and replies of 'fair enough' from Dr Carland.

Dr Carland's book, published by Melbourne University Press, interviews Muslim women about sexism in their own community and outside their religion.

The Daily Mail UK



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The Turnbull government has introduced a new visa that lets citizens bring their foreign-born parents to Australia on a temporary basis.

The temporary sponsored parent visa will begin in November 2017, with 15,000 visas available annually.

The new visa will allow the parents of Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and eligible New Zealand citizens to stay in Australia for periods of up to three or five years.

It is estimated that the visa will be a $99 million cost to the government over four years.

Under the rules of the visa, it can be renewed from outside Australia to allow a cumulative stay of up to 10 years, but visa holders will not be eligible to apply onshore for a permanent parent visa.

The Australian child of the visa holder will also have the legal liability for public health expenditure — including aged care arrangements — incurred by their parent.

“This is designed to reduce the cost to the Government of health services for temporary parent migrants,” says the government.

The introduction of the visa follows community concerns around existing parent visas, including wait times and visa costs.

A review of the new visa will be completed at the end of the first program year.

Source: Business Insider Australia



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Year 11 and 12 students of the Australian International Islamic College took an industrial tour of pharmaceutical company, Heath World Ltd. to enhance their studies of quality and quantity analysis of pharmaceutical products.

The students got the opportunity to learn about chemistry in real life, workplace health and safety, large-scale preparation, sample analysis and  future careers in the Pharmaceutical Industry.

The Tour Report

by Dr. Mohammad Nurul Islam, Operational Coordinator & Chemistry Teacher



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Send your Mosque's Ramadan Timetable to for inclusion here.







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Halal Technical Auditor


This company is an international company that requires a technical auditor for food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. We are seeking male or female applicant, who is confident for a part time/contract position in Melbourne.

The successful applicant must have the following requirements:

 Must believe in Islamic Principles
 Qualifications in sciences or food science or equivalent
 Proficient in typing, computer and reporting skills
 Proven analytical skills
 Excellent customer relations and initiative
 Excellent Communication and organizational skills
 Willing to travel

Preferred knowledge but not essential

 Islamic/ Halal
 Food safety
 Quality management
 Food Manufacturing industry
 Auditing
 Masters & PhD

Please email: or contact (02) 9232 6731
Applications close 22nd May 2017



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The UK Muslim News Awards for Excellence event was held 27 March 2017 in London to acknowledge British Muslim and non-Muslim contributions to the society.


Imams Hasan and Husayn CHILDREN’S AWARD for Excellence:
For a child 5-15 years who has demonstrated outstanding achievement.

Winner: Shanzay & Shezil Butt


Sanzay and Shezil Butt are twins and have been nominated for doing well at school in London despite suffering from a health condition that severely restricts their attendance in school. Despite prolonged absences, they return to school, catch up with the class and are always within the top 10% of academic performance in all their subjects. Not only do these girls excel academically, the twins take part in varied extracurricular activities. They have taken part in the debating club and have entered competitions against more senior students. Both girls have volunteered with St John’s Ambulance, and are currently training to become St John’s Ambulance cadets and have also learnt sign language to enable them to help the deaf. 


..........The Muslim News Awards for Excellence CONTINUES IN NEXT WEEK'S CCN




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Words by Jana Wendt, Photos by Tim Bauer



Ed Husic is known to some as 'the minister for basketball', to others as the first federal MP sworn in on the Quran. He became the first ever Muslim frontbencher under Kevin Rudd. What next for an outspoken Gen Xer with a friend on the wrong side of parliament?


(Continued from last week's CCN)


“I grew up with Croats, I grew up with Serbs,” says Husic of his Australian childhood. “My parents did the same thing… I have Muslim cousins married to Serb women, right? But I’d read the stuff that happened and it was just terrible.”

At the time, Husic was in his twenties, and Labor was in power. “It did give me a sense of what could be achieved by being involved in the political arena. I often would think, ‘I’m lucky … I’m here now. I can speak up. Who knows what I can do?’”

More than 130,000 people are estimated to have died in the decade of Balkan conflicts fuelled by historic hatreds in the Husics’ homeland. The horrors, insists the politician, provided the bedrock of his attitudes today.

“This is not about us reliving the fights of some other country. I am your representative.”

“One of the biggest, most instructive things that came out of that for me is the corrosive impact of hate that would drive people apart. Everything I do in public life is informed by that event.” The MP demonstrated the point when, following his election, he visited Serb communities in his electorate to put his position beyond doubt.

“I said in my broken Bosnian, in a way they’d understand: ‘Regardless of what people would say [about] how we should behave, or how we would be with each other, I am here as your servant’. I was saying to them, ‘This is not about us reliving the fights of some other country. I am your representative’.”

When I ask how hard it was to say those words, he replies, simply, “They are not the people who committed those acts. These are fellow Australians from that background who may have had certain sympathies – but we’re here now.”

“I get chipped for being friends with people in other political parties – like, I can’t see them as the enemy.”

Does he never feel any of the old animosities?


“No, because I refuse to. I drive myself to it. I think it’s a responsibility. I definitely think, in this day and age, that’s become even more important to me than ever.”

He applies the same metric to his parliamentary adversaries. “I get chipped for [being] friends with people in other political parties – like, I can’t see them as the enemy.”

Husic’s friendship with Liberal Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg is, in Frydenberg’s terms, “of quite a bit of interest to outsiders” because of its “particular characteristics”. The particulars are that Husic is a Muslim and Frydenberg a Jew.

“He’s not a hater. He’s somebody who, in all my dealings with him, sees the better side of people,” says Frydenberg of Husic. 




Source: SBS



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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs


Why Muslim women need to stop justifying domestic violence in the name of religion
By Ro Waseem

Muslim men are allowed to hit their wives – not with fists, but gently using only short sticks and pieces of fabric, as per a video recently released by the Australian women's branch of Hizbut Tahrir.

The video, posted on the Islamic political group Hizbut Tahrir's Facebook page, shows two Australian Muslim women from Sydney telling a small audience of veiled women that Muslim husbands are in a position of leadership in ­a marriage and "it goes hand-in-hand that he would have the right to undertake disciplinary ­measures".

The verse under discussion proposes three potential responses to unfaithfulness on part of the wife, namely, admonishing them, abandoning them in bed, and to beat them (4:34).

When I stumbled across this video for the first time, I had no doubt in my mind that this was quite obviously a satirical piece targeting the normalisation of domestic violence in conservative Muslim societies. As a satirical piece, I thought it was brilliant. And then came the hollowing realisation – the two women actually believed every word they were saying.

The verse in question has long been used by men to justify domestic violence in the name of Islam, but what comes as a surprise is the lack of resistance by educated Muslim women on this particular interpretation of this verse.

Religion, you see, is not set in stone. Anyone with a basic grasp of Islamic theology will tell you that apart from the very basic pillars of religion, there is difference of opinion in almost everything else. This particular verse is no different. Some interpretations of this verse argue the case that the Arabic verb 'wadhribihunna' which is translated as 'beat them' can also mean to 'separate with them', according to the context.

Looking at the verse from a rational perspective, it makes little sense that God in all His Wisdom would permit beating your wife as a last resort to 'discipline' her when the very foundation of marriage should be based on love and mutual affection (30:21). If the foundation of the marriage has been compromised on part of unfaithfulness, beating your wife hardly seems like a way forward. Rather, the interpretation that if mutual dialogue and barring intimacy doesn't work, the couple should separate as a last resort seems much more sensible and befitting.

We usually suspend critical thinking in matters of religion because we've been taught, consciously and subconsciously, to never question what we've been brought up with. But this is a direct violation of the Holy Quran's most fundamental of messages – dare to think for yourself, and do not blindly follow anyone as everyone is responsible for their own soul.

You cannot say that Islam is egalitarian while simultaneously maintaining that men are allowed to beat their wives. This is a glaring contradiction in belief, no matter how you try justifying it. It is high time that Muslim women acquaint themselves with the egalitarian roots of Islam and reject any and all interpretations which suggest otherwise. Such a step will be paramount in addressing the deep misogyny that is unfortunately rampant in our cultures.

For the love of all that is sacred, please do not be complicit in your own oppression.




A Saudi cleric has found himself in hot water after he publicly made a prayer for 'servant of Allah' Donald Trump to advance the interests of Muslims. 

Trump a servant of Allah, according to Saudi cleric

A Saudi cleric has found himself in hot water after he publicly made a prayer for 'servant of Allah' Donald Trump to advance the interests of Muslims.

Saad bin Ghoniem said on Friday that he hoped God would take Trump under his wing and steer him in the right direction towards ending injustice against Muslims, prompting an online backlash.

"O Allah, Trump is one of your servants, you control him and his fate. Command him - willingly or not - to serve the best interests of Muslims and eliminate oppression done to them. Spare us from his evil deeds and guide him on the right path," Ghoniem tweeted.

The cleric's invocation for Trump to aid the Muslim world did not go down so well on social media with dozens of users harshly criticising the post.

"I spit on your beard all you have left to do is pray he goes to heaven. Even the devil would be too ashamed to do this," one Twitter user replied to the sheikh, sharing a report about civilian casualties in a US-led coalition air raid in the Iraqi city of Mosul.

Another user said: "You think that Trump the Zionist, who is battling Islam, will do good for the religion. Shame! You will be held accountable for your words."

Other users told Ghoniem he should rather pray for the hundreds of Yemeni children who have been killed during the Saudi-led military intervention against the Houthi rebels.   



The New Arab


‘The assumption is that Muslim women need to be extricated from the religion entirely before anything close to liberation or equality can be achieved.’

If you want to know about Muslim women's rights, ask Muslim women
OPINION By Susan Carland

Islam’s patriarchy and western feminism have said a lot. Now Muslim women who fight sexism (yes we exist) must be heard

Within minutes of arriving to collect my professionally bound thesis, I found myself on the receiving end of an unsolicited and impenetrable rant about female genital mutilation.

“What’s your paper on?” the shop owner inquired.

“It’s on Muslim women and … ,” I began, but before I could finish my sentence, he had launched into the subject.

The fact that I hadn’t even mentioned the words “female genital mutilation” was irrelevant; merely saying “Muslim women” was a wide enough rabbit hole for him to dart down. My presence as a Muslim woman and my half-delivered topic were the only encouragement he needed.

That he felt authorised to deliver a lecture to me about his understanding of the allegedly sexist treatment of women in Islam, the very subject of my years-long PhD dissertation, didn’t surprise me. This was not the first time a stranger had felt entitled to raise the potential religious interference of my genitals with me.   





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 Sally Yates vs Ted Cruz







How is dowry evolving in Australia?
SBS Insight


"In Islamic dowry practice, the bride requests an amount from the groom. Naseema, a social worker like her husband, Mohamad, used her request in a way that reflects her philosophy on giving: one goat, to be fed to the poor."






Woman shopper rant goes viral


Woman seen in Trader Joe's video incident with Muslim shopper: It was taken out of context

RESTON, Va. - A video showing an unidentified white woman telling a Muslim shopper, "I wish they didn't let you in the country," has gone viral, but the woman seen in the video tells FOX 5 there's more to the story. The cell phone video was recorded Saturday at a Trader Joe's in northern Virginia, and it was posted on Facebook by a South Carolina-based comedian who says the Muslim woman involved in the incident is his friend.

Comedian Jeremy McLellan posted the video on Facebook just before midnight on Saturday. McLellan's friend wants to remain anonymous for fear of backlash. In the Facebook post, he says his friend let the other woman cut in front of her in the checkout line because she was in a hurry. It was at that point, McLellan says, that the woman "started talking bad" about another Muslim woman in the store, who was wearing a niqab, which is a type of head covering. McLellan says the woman then asked his Muslim friend why she didn't cover as well, and his friend replied that it was a choice.

"The woman didn't believe her and started talking about FGM (female genital mutilation) and telling her "I wish they didn't let you in the country," he wrote in the Facebook post. At that point, he told FOX 5 his friend pulled out her phone and started recording.

In the seconds that followed, the white woman tells the Muslim woman, "I wish they didn't let you in the country," and goes on to say, "Obama's not in office anymore. We don't have a Muslim in there anymore," adding that the former President might be in jail in the future.

McLellan told FOX 5 he shared the video because this is not an isolated incident.

"I wanted people to know that it has happened," he said in an interview Monday. "I have a lot of Muslim friends, and they experience these types of things quite often. And whenever they tell people, people don't believe it or they come up with excuses, or they come up with some sort of scenario where they are exaggerating it-- like this is not a really big problem that is going on."

But the woman seen in the video making those statements tells a different story. She called FOX 5 on Monday and talked to reporter Anjali Hemphill over the phone, but would not give her name or allow the interview to be recorded.

The woman told FOX 5 she is extremely upset because the video was taken out of context, and it does not show what led up to the portion of the encounter that's now gone viral. She claims the Muslim woman on the other side of the camera actually ambushed her, making "strong statements" about the U.S., like that it's full of murderers and rapists. She says that happened before the recording started, and the conversation escalated from there.

The woman told FOX 5 she's now seeking legal representation, and she and her family are receiving threats as a result of the video.








Gold Coast Mosque
Hussin Goss Facebook


"Instead of Rosalind going to the Church tonight, she came to the mosque to accept Islam.' Hussin Goss







Largest contribution to charity
Life in Saudi Arabia


Sulaiman Al Rajhi donates $16 billion to the Charity. It is considered to be one of the largest contributions to Charity in Islamic History.






Muslims and Jews
NAS daily


WE'RE BACK! This time with my good friend Meir Kay to show that you know...that a person looking religious can be more than just their religion.







Effective Supplication To Remove Distress


This is based on an authentic hadith where the Prophet (salalllahu alaihi wa salam) taught the Muslims that the du'a of Prophet Yunus (alaihi salam) is effective in removing one's distress.






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Friday khutbah (sermon)

 DATE: 12 May 2017

TOPIC"Make the correct effort" PART 2

IMAM: Uzair Akbar


Play the recording  







Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 12 May 2017

TOPIC"Importance of Wudu"

IMAM: Akram Buksh 








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 12 May 2017

TOPIC: "Shabaan Reminder"

IMAM: Ahmad Muhammad Naffaa









Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 12 May 2017

TOPIC: "Lessons taken from changing direction of Qiblah"

IMAM: Mossad Issa







Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 12 May 2017

TOPIC: "Condition for Allah's help"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar



Click here for the past Kuthba recordings








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 12 May 2017

TOPIC"Significance of Shabaan and Ramadan"

IMAM: Moulana Shezard Khan




Click here for the past Kuthba recordings





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Belgium votes to ban kosher and halal slaughter in its biggest territory


Both Jewish kosher and Islamic halal rituals require the butcher to swiftly slaughter the animal by slitting its throat and draining its blood


European Jewish Congress condemns decision as 'the greatest assault on Jewish religious rights in Belgium since the Nazi occupation of the country in World War II'


BELGIUM: Belgium's Wallooon region has voted to ban kosher and halal meats by outlawing the slaughter of unstunned animals.

The environment committee of southern Belgium's Walloon Parliament voted unanimously for the ban, which will take effect in September 2019 if the parliament's plenary approves the ban later this month.

Both Jewish kosher and Islamic halal rituals require the butcher to swiftly slaughter the animal by slitting its throat and draining its blood, a process condemned by animal rights campaigners, who argue it is more humane to stun animals before killing them.

Similar legislation has been proposed by the parliament in the northern Flemish region.

The European Jewish Congress has strongly condemned the decision, calling it "scandalous".

"This decision, in the heart of Western Europe and the centre of the European Union, sends a terrible message to Jewish communities throughout our continent that Jews are unwanted," EJC president Moshe Kantor said.

"It attacks the very core of our culture and religious practice and our status as equal citizens with equal rights in a democratic society. It gives succour to antisemites and to those intolerant of other communities and faiths."

He added: "We call on legislators to step back from the brink of the greatest assault on Jewish religious rights in Belgium since the Nazi occupation of the country in World War II."

A ban on the slaughter of animals without stunning will come into effect in January 2019 in the Flemish region of Belgium, the De Morgen daily newspaper reports.

Belgium's Muslim community said its religious council has previously expressed its opposition to stunned slaughter and there had been no change in its stance since then.

"Muslims are worried about whether they can eat halal food ... in conformity with their religious rites and beliefs," the Belgian Muslim Executive said.

Countries including Denmark, Switzerland and New Zealand already prohibit unstunned slaughter.

Update. An earlier version of this article indicated that unstunned slaughter of animals had already been outlawed in Wallonia and that kosher and halal meat had been banned as a consequence. In fact, while the Environment Committee of the Walloon Parliament has voted to prohibit unstunned slaughter (with a proposed start date for the ban of 1 September 2019), the plan has yet to be approved by Parliament in full plenary session. The proposal will be debated by Wallonia's parliamentarians later this month. Our article has been updated to reflect this position. 9/5/17




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Jeddah hosts marriage forum



SAUDI ARABIA: The Jeddah Marriage Forum, organized by Al-Zawaj to help young people get marriage and family guidance, opened on Sunday.

Some 1,400 youths are taking part in the three-day forum under the patronage of Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, under the theme: "How to control the expenses of marriage."

Experts are covering topics including "etiquette", "happy marriage life", "resolving marital differences" and "pre-marriage screening."

Academics, consultants and advocates who specialize in family guidance are also taking part.

The director general of Al-Zawaj, Fahad Al-Hazmi, said the forum aims to give young men and women who are going to get married knowledge and skills to build a stable and happy family.

The forum seeks to develop effective communication skills, prepare couples psychologically for married life, and explain the rights of the husband and wife, required social behaviour in married life, the basics of a successful marriage, health issues and proper financial planning, he added.    





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Jakarta governor Ahok sentenced to two years in prison for blasphemy


Shock sentence comes after hardline Islamist groups called for Christian official to be jailed for referencing Qur'an verse


At the end of the day I'm not a terrorist, I'm not a Supporters weep as court jails Jakarta governor


INDONESIA: Jakarta's Christian governor has been sentenced to two years in prison after a trial that was widely seen as a measure of religious pluralism in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, better known as Ahok, was "found to have legitimately and convincingly conducted a criminal act of blasphemy, and because of that we have imposed two years of imprisonment", the head judge, Dwiarso Budi Santiarto, told the court.

"As part of a religious society, the defendant should be careful to not use words with negative connotations regarding the symbols of religions, including the religion of the defendant himself."

Another judge, Abdul Rosyad, said reasons for the stiff sentence included that "the defendant did not feel guilt, the defendant's act has caused anxiety and hurt Muslims".

After the verdict was read out, Ahok was taken in an armoured police van to a prison in Cipinang, East Jakarta.

Hundreds of supporters wearing his signature red and blue check print gathered outside the jail on Tuesday afternoon. A candelit vigil was planned for the evening.

Photos posted on social media showed prison officials posing with the convicted governor.

Ahok's lawyer said he would appeal against the sentence. It was unclear whether he would be released once the legal challenge was under way.

The blasphemy charge related to Ahok's reference to a passage of the Qur'an during his re-election campaign in September, which hardline Islamist groups said amounted to insulting the holy book.

He insinuated that his opponents had used a Qur'anic verse to trick people into voting against him. An edited version of the speech went viral, sparking outrage. Ahok, a Christian with ethnic Chinese roots, is a "double minority" in Indonesia.

A series of protests against him drew hundreds of thousands on to the streets of the capital late last year. On Tuesday, hundreds of members of hardline Islamist groups gathered outside the south Jakarta courtroom amid a heavy security presence, with many calling for Ahok to receive the maximum penalty.

As news of the sentence emerged, some protesters shouted "God is greatest".

The government has been criticised for not doing enough to protect religious minorities, but President Joko Widodo, an ally of Ahok's, has called for opponents to respect the legal process.

Thousands of police have been deployed in the capital to prevent clashes between Ahok supporters and opponents. "Both groups will have the opportunity to demonstrate but we are taking steps to prevent clashes," said the national police spokesman, Setyo Wasisto.

Ahok lost his bid for re-election in an April run-off to a Muslim rival, Anies Baswedan, who is scheduled to take over in October. The vote was the most divisive and religiously charged in recent years.

With Ahok in detention, Jakarta's deputy governor, Djarot Saiful Hidayat, will assume the role of acting governor.

The decision to jail Ahok surprised some observers because prosecutors had called for a conditional sentence of two years' probation.

They also dropped their demand that Ahok be charged with blasphemy under article 156a of the criminal code, which carries a maximum five-year sentence, instead recommending that he face a lesser charge.

Andreas Harsono, an Indonesia researcher at Human Rights Watch, said the verdict was "a sad day for Indonesia".

"Ahok's is the biggest blasphemy case in the history of Indonesia. He is the governor of Indonesia's largest city, an ally of the president. If he can be sent to jail, what could happen to others?" he said.


The Guardian


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Saudi king orders that women no longer need a man's permission to travel, study or make police complaints



SAUDI ARABIA: Saudi Arabia to give women more control over their life choices by relaxing male guardian system is welcomed as another small step for women in the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia is well known to be one of the world's most gender-segregated nations, where women live under the supervision of a male guardian, cannot drive, and must wear head-to-toe black garments in public.

Women need approval from a man to travel, study and get some health treatments.

But local media reported this week that King Salman has issued an order allowing women to benefit from government services such as education and healthcare without the consent of a male guardian.

This means women could, in some circumstances, study and access hospital treatment, work in the public and private sector and represent themselves in court without a guardian's consent, according to Maha Akeel, a women's rights campaigner and a director at the Jeddah-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

He said: "Now at least it opens the door for discussion on the guardian system."

The order made by King Salman, pictured, is the latest in a series of steps to include more women in the workforce to help diversify the country’s economy and reduce its reliance on oil

The trend started in 2011 when the late King Abdullah allowed women onto the government advisory Shura Council. Women can now vote in municipal elections, work in some retail and hospitality jobs and were allowed to compete in the Olympics for the first time in 2012.

But Saudi Arabia was still ranked 141 of 144 countries in the 2016 Global Gender Gap, a World Economic Forum study on how women fare in economic and political participation, health and education.

The system of male guardianship, which requires women to obtain permission from a father, husband, or son to travel, study or marry is an impediment to realising women's rights, say rights groups.

Mr Akeel said: "Male guardianship is un-Islamic and humiliating for women."

"Some (men) take advantage of this male guardianship for their own benefit and abuse it."    





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Why Muslims, led by Malaysians, are flocking to Japan in record numbers



JAPAN: Japan is rolling out the red carpet to visitors from Muslim nations, with the 'qiblah' appearing in hotel rooms, prayer rooms being signposted in airports and commercial complexes, and halal food becoming a staple in restaurants and the cafeterias of companies that conduct business with firms from Muslim states.

There has been a steady growth in the number of Muslims opting to settle in Japan. Halal meals first became available on menus about a decade ago, but the nation's recent tourism boom is driving supply and demand.

The total number of tourist arrivals in Japan in 2016 surpassed 24 million, well ahead of the 20 million target set by the national government for 2020. And tourists from Muslim nations accounted for a growing number of the arrivals.

According to the Japan National Tourism Organisation (JNTO), more than 394,000 Malaysians arrived last year, up from 89,000 seven years ago. Similarly, nearly 271,000 Indonesians travelled to Japan in 2016, up from just 63,000 in 2009.

The sharp increase in arrivals from Southeast Asia is in part due to the Japanese government relaxing visa requirements, the growth in low-cost airlines serving Japan and a growing middle class with a larger disposable income, according to the JNTO. Yet another contributing factor has been the ease with which Muslim travellers can have their specific needs met.

"There has been a combination of factors that are behind these impressive figures, including the low yen rate, which has made holidays in Japan much more affordable for people from Southeast Asia, in particular," said Susah Ong, deputy director of the JNTO office in Singapore.

"But I also think that the Japanese travel sector has become more receptive to overseas visitors," she said.

Shigeru Yamashita opened the Shariah Hotel Fujisan specifically to meet the needs of Muslim travellers in July 2016.

"I opened the hotel in order for Muslims to feel comfortable when they visit Japan," he said.

"All the meals that we serve are Japanese dishes but prepared using halal ingredients," he told This Week in Asia.

"We also have a qiblah in each guest room, while there is also a dedicated prayer room."

The hotel, a spacious former home that has been extensively renovated, is close to Kawaguchiko Lake, at the foot of Mount Fuji, one of the must-see locations in Japan for many foreign visitors.

"So far, we have had around 300 Muslim guests come to stay with us, but the business is young and I believe that this sector will grow and that many Muslims will come to Japan in the years ahead."

Other business operators also see Muslim consumers as a significant opportunity.

In Nov, nearly 7,000 people attended the third Halal Expo Japan, which ran over two days in Tokyo in conjunction with the Tokyo Modest Fashion Show. A similar event is scheduled to take place in Osaka in May and again in Tokyo this Nov.

In Okayama prefecture, the Okayama Health Tourism Association launched a scheme earlier this year giving hotels and restaurants that have Muslim-friendly facilities or meals a Peach Mark logo to display. Restaurants that do not serve pork and prepare food in the appropriate manner are eligible for certification, along with hotels that provide prayer mats.

The Shisui Premium Outlets retail park, in Chiba prefecture, opened a prayer room for Muslims in 2014, the same year that a similar facility opened in the Shinjuku store operated by Takashimaya. The Shiroi Koibito theme park in Sapporo opened a worship room earlier this year after 24,000

Malaysians and Indonesians visited the park in 2014, a 74 per cent jump from the previous year.

Facilities are also being introduced for longer-term visitors. Rikkyo University in Tokyo, which plans to increase its enrolment of foreign students to 2,000 by 2024, opened a prayer room, complete with a qibla, in April. The university said the prayer room "provides an opportunity for our Japanese students to learn about Islamic culture".

Nearby Sophia University, which already has 50 students from Muslim-majority nations, has also opened a cafeteria for students with a wide range of halal meals.

YKK Corp, a fastener manufacturer, started providing halal meals in its factory cafeteria in Kurobe to accommodate an increasing number of Muslims who visit the plant for training. The YKK Group has operations in 71 countries around the world.

Mohammed Naji Matar joined Osaka-based Miyako International Tourist Co four years ago, after leaving Syria. He was tasked with starting up the company's Muslim business and says he believes there are plenty of opportunities in Japan's travel sector.

"A few years ago we started seeing Muslim travellers from Southeast Asian countries taking off, but now we are seeing similar interest in Japan from Dubai, Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East," he said.

"Japan is fashionable as a destination for people from those countries, and is famous for its technology, cuisine, traditions, history and the sights of Tokyo and Osaka," he said.

"A lot of these people have already been to many European countries and the United States, and they are looking for a new destination to explore."

Matar said that halal food is "slowly" catching on in Japan, but he believes growing demand by visitors from increasingly wealthy Muslim nations would speed the process up.

"It is already easier to come here, because of the visa situation and the increase in flights, and foreigners know that Japan is safe and clean and the people are hospitable," he said.

"Once halal food is more readily available, then I think even more people will want to come here."   





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Depends What You Mean By Extremist

John Safran



Expecting skinheads, John Safran rocked up to a far-right rally in Melbourne. What he found led him into the mad world of misfits who helped propel the second coming of Pauline Hanson and foreshadowed the era of Trump.

No one turns up where they're not wanted quite like John Safran. In this hilarious and disorienting adventure he gets among our diverse community of white nationalists, ISIS supporters, anarchists and more, digging away at the contradictions that many would prefer be left unexamined. Who is this black puppet-master among the white nationalists? And this Muslim fundamentalist who geeks out on Monty Python? Is there a secret radicalisation network operating in John's own Jewish suburb? And ultimately – is hanging with all these radicals washing off on John himself?

Populated by an extraordinary cast of 'ordinary' Australians, Depends What You Mean by Extremist is a startling, confronting portrait of contemporary Australia. We all think we know what's going on in our own country, but this larger-than-life, timely, and alarmingly insightful true story will make you think again . . .

Drinking shots with nationalists and gobbling falafel with radicals, John Safran was there the year the extreme became the mainstream.


Read more about the book here.



"A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it."       


- Edward P. Morgan -


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CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: This dough can be used for pizzas, rolls etc. or you can vary it a little by adding 1tsp fennel seeds and make it into naan. I used the dough to make it into steak buns which are ready to freeze for Ramadaan.   

10 minute Arabic dough


2 cups warm water
4 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoon yeast
2 cups sifted flour
Ľ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon milk powder- secret ingredient that makes them so soft

Beat together and set aside for 10-15 minutes.

Then add:

˝ cup oil
3 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

Mix and knead until combined then use as desired allowing a further 30 mins to rest after it has been shaped.

Tip: To reheat the buns or any yeast product, which is in a frozen state, place in an oven bag, seal the bag and place in a pre-heated oven of 180 degrees for approx. 10 mins. The bun will come out as if it’s just been baked.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing


To contact Princess,  
Email:  Phone: 0451977786



Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you're taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic "Emotional Blackmail”.

Experience and observations from my sessions with clients have confirmed to me a notion I have had for several years now - that Emotional Blackmail is the root cause of fear.

Let's deconstruct this phrase and understand what it really means.

'Emotional’ is when someone gives in to a feeling which results from sensory stimulation. For example, your sense of smell may detect the aroma of freshly baked cake and you give in to that stimulation by enjoying fresh, hot bread with butter. As a result you feel joy and satisfaction. Another example could be when your sense of sight catches a glimpse of terrible media coverage showing people being hurt. This stimulation results in you feeling sad for those suffering and angry with those afflicting pain on others.

'Blackmail’ is to extort money from someone by threatening them.

Emotional Blackmail does not involve money, however it involves threat in exchange of fear. The act of threatening someone to succumb them into believing that they need to perform a certain act or behave a certain way or else the consequence would be negative is known as Emotional Blackmail.

Believe it or not, Emotional Blackmail is practised in most homes on a daily basis, especially in parent-child and husband-wife relationships.

Notice the next time you say to your child something that sounds a bit like this - "If you don't score above 90% in your exams this year, you certainly won't be getting that new Playstation game you've been asking for.”
Or, how often have you heard something that may sound like - "If you don't do as I say, I'll leave you.”

What happens to relationships when there is Emotional Blackmail?

When there is emotional blackmail in a relationship, love, respect and understanding get replaced by dictatorship, bullying and oppression. Instead of understanding why the child's exam results are lower than expected and trying to address the underlying causes, the parent emotionally blackmails the child into fearing a situation that is undesirable. Instead of understanding and empathising with our spouse, we give emotional ultimatums.

Adults who resort to emotional blackmailing are often suppressing anger and have an intense need to control. Adults who give in to emotional blackmailing are often lacking self-worth and self-esteem and identify themselves as victims of situations.

Each time a fear-inducing statement is made to emotionally blackmail another, fear takes over. As Muslims, we must understand that where there is fear, there is no faith. If we are to truly fear only ALLAH then we must live from the space of understanding, compassion and meaningful conversations.

Often the argument my clients make is that if they don't use emotional blackmailing, they feel things don’t happen according to their expectations. But think about this for a moment - are you really in control? Do you really feel that succumbing to fear of situations would ever yield positive outcomes in the long term? People may obey you the first time or even several times, however, eventually resentment takes over and arguments, retaliation, rebelliousness and sometimes violence become the norm of the home.

3-Step-Strategy to avoid Emotional Blackmail

1. Self-reflection is important. Spend a whole day or week to be mindful and become aware of what you say to people and what they say to you. Do this as an observer without judgment.
2. Write down these observations in a notebook. Analyse these statements and look for those that revolve around fear and punishment.
3. Have a conversation with the people involved and say: “Let us discuss this issue with the goal to understand what is actually causing it. Once we understand the cause, we can work on a solution.”

In Shaa ALLAH, next week we will explore the topic: Respecting Personal Space  

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786





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Swap some of your coffee / lunch dates with your spouse for an exercise date.

Co-ordinate your workout routines to challenge and strengthen each other.

Working out with your significant other will keep you motivated and encourage both of you to give 100% every time.

Whether it's a brisk walk, a strength workout, or a cardio blast – you'll be amazed at how hard you push yourself to help your spouse get the results they want.


So get out there and get moving!




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


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Grow Coriander: It’s Worth It!

Nothing beats the aroma of home grown coriander.

The scent will linger on your hands for days.

From now to early October is the growing season in Brisbane.


Here are the best tips:

• Prepare the ground well by digging and loosening the soil.
• Use good seeds. Bad seeds equal bad plants.
• Coriander needs a little superphosphate when small to set strong roots.
• Use chicken manure or other high nitrogen fertiliser to develop big leaves.
• Pinch out the top narrower leaves when they develop to delay seeding.
• Use everything-broad leaves, narrow leaves, flowers, stems and green seeds. All are aromatic.
• Allow some plants to go to seed (brown) and save for the next crop.
• Mulch and regular watering are essential.


Send your gardening questions to


You can also contact Ahmed Esat by phone (0404070498) or email ( and visit his blog site.

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Jallalludin runs into the kebab shop and shouts to Mula Nasruddin: "Akhi, someone's stolen your car!"


Mula Nasruddin says: "Did you see who did it?"


Jallalludin says "No, but I got the registration number!!"

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An Ayaat-a-Week






We have revealed for you (O men!) a book in which is a Message for you: will you not then understand?

~ Surah Al-Anbiyaa 21:10


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"Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three. "


     ~Zaid K Abdelnour, author of Economic Warfare



I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

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Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

3364 4159

7pm to 8.30pm

20 May


Peter Russo Fund Raiser In Conversation with with Dr Anne Aly MP

Janeth Deen

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0435 086 796

6pm for 6.30pm

20 May


Forgiveness & Mental De-clutter Workshop (ladies only)

Muslim Mind Matters

Eidfest Community Services, 15 Coley St. Acacia Ridge

0451 977 786

1pm to 4pm

20 May


Family Fun Night and Fund Raiser

Australian International Islamic College



3372 1400

1pm to 4pm

20 May


Time For Change: Fund raiser

Worongary Islamic Society

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0410 373 399

6pm to 10pm

21 May


pre-Ramadan Muslimah Night Bazaar

Muslima Night Bazaar

724 Blunder Rd, DURACK

0406 273 434

11am to 4pm

25 May


Conversations about Gender


11 Watland St, SPRINGWOOD

0431 360 418

8.30pm to 3pm

28 May




23 June




26 June




1 July


ICQ Eid Down Under

Islamic Council of QLD


0413 038 610


15 July


Annual Eid Night Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque

0413 038 610


21, 22, 23 July


Hajj Exhibition: Hajj - The Journey of a Lifetime

Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque

0433 285 086


5 August


Fund Raiser: Toowoomba Garden City Mosque

Islamic Society of Toowoomba


0421 081 048


5 & 6 August

Sat & Sun

Sura Kahf: Reflections from the Cave: Sheikh Sajid Umar

Al Kauthar




2 September




22 September




25 November


Annual Mild-un-Nabi

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane


3809 4600

3pm to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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21 MAY






Masjid As Sunnah



14 MAY





Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040





Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118


Download the programme here.


For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600




On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987





Click on images to enlarge











Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group


Next Meeting

TIME: 7.00pm – 8.30pm
DATE: WEDNESDAY 17 MAY (postponed from 5 APRIL)
VENUE: Islamic College of Brisbane [ICB].

AGENDA: Click here.

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, will be taking over the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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