EST. 2004


Sunday 21 May 2017 | Issue 0654


CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....

We find the week's news, so that you don't have to.

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Ramadan 2017 Timetables & Programmes

Births, Marriages, New Migrants and Condolences

The CCN Food for Thought

Young Brisbane designer Amira Al-Maani

Jumma (Friday) Khutba (Lecture) Recordings

An Ayaat-a-Week

QLD Muslim Historical Society at the Gold Coast

 The CCN Inbox: Letters to the Editor

Events and Functions

The real story behind reports of 'Muslim women' pool sessions

 The CCN Classifieds

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

Toowoomba Mosque celebrates unity of the community

Around the Muslim World & Muslims Around the World

Businesses and Services

Yassmin fires up: disaster caused by lack of diversity

CCN Readers' Book Club

The CCN Date Claimer

At the Movies with CCN

KB's Culinary Corner

CCN on Facebook

Continental Club competition results

Kareema's Keep Fit Column

Useful Links

AFIC used Malek Fahd Islamic School as a funding ‘milk cow’

Get your fingers green with our gardening guru


Sahra Abdi awarded Volunteer of the Year in WA

Fitria on Food Appears monthly

Write For Us

Mariam Veiszadeh at TEDx

Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column


Islamic School of Canberra scrambles for survival

The CCN Chuckle

Brisbane Somali Youth Respond to the Drought in Somalia


Hamish McLachlan interviews Amna Karra-Hassan
Upcoming Events
Winners: UK The Muslim News Awards for Excellence 2017

An Interview with Ed Husic MP

The CCN's "We'll take that as a comment" Column
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 Ramadaan Kareem


Crescents Community News (CCN) wishes

all our Muslim readers and their families

a blessed Ramadan.




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"We can’t get enough of her designs"

Fashion has long be utilised as a tool for a cultural change in societies, from Coco Chanel popularising trousers for women to the punk movement of the 1970’s. With an international atmosphere of unrest and uncertainty, to see a young designer emerge with a strong voice and the design skills to back it up is truly exciting.

Amira Al-Maani is one such designer, whose flair for drama and glamour is only amplified by her Middle Eastern heritage and experience as a Muslim woman in Australia. Amira is fresh to the fashion industry, having completed her studies at the Australian institute of Creative Design in 2016; “Attending college enhanced my designing skills, taught me how to pattern, how to sew, and gave me the confidence to create my first collection.”

She reflects that her personal style typically favours feminine and flowing silhouettes, which along with a strong admiration for designers Elie Saab, Ralph & Russo, Zuhaid Murad, and Dolce and Gabbana, comes across strongly in her own designs. “The woman who would wear my designs has a love for fashion and glamour. She is bold and confident, warm and good-natured. She knows who she is and sticks true to it.” Her inclination for designing garments that are bold and dramatic with rich fabrics is heavily influenced by her Middle Eastern heritage.


Indonesian designer Anniesa Hasibuan made history in September last year when she showcased a collection at New York Fashion Week in full hijab, notably, amidst a period of severe anti-Muslim rhetoric within the 2016 Presidential Campaign. The role of Islam in the global community is regularly discussed on news and media platforms, and is a large cause of contention for political and social groups. Amira is aware of the difficulties facing Muslim creatives as a result of political climate, however she reflects that she does not believe her background has isolated her from the creative industry: “I feel like there are a lot of young Muslims who are breaking into the creative industry now, which makes it less daunting for me”.

Whilst her college was a place for her to express herself and develop her skills, she states that regular racism outside of the classroom did bring down her self-confidence and cause her to question herself; however, she never let these experiences stop her from pursuing her goals, and with the support of her classmates and teachers dedicated herself to doing what she loves. As a strong figure in the fashion industry, it will be exciting to observe what she achieves.

Going forward, Amira has big goals for her brand and for herself. Following a well-received debut collection at the Emerge 2016 Fashion Parade showcase, she is committed to moving forward, with the ultimate goal of making the Amira Al-Maani brand global.

Couture designs by: Amira-Almaani | Model: Nyaluak Leth | Makeup: Jas Makeup and Consultancy | Photography: Aude Photography


Source: Style Magazines



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Ms Zulaikha Goss

Zulaikha Goss and Janeth Deen attended the Conference held by Queensland History held in the Southport Community Centre on 19 - 21 May.


The Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc displayed the history of Muslims in Queensland for the first time on the Gold Coast.


Referring to the Goss family and Zulaikha Goss in particular, Janet Deen told CCN that it was wonderful that a member of the first Muslim family on the Gold Coast was on hand to greet the many people who visited the Society's display.


"It is a great opportunity to reinforce the fact that Muslims have been in Australia since before Australia became a nation. Many Australians are ignorant of our participation in the development of Australia," added Ms Deen.

Ms Janeth Deen


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Report submitted by Dr Abdi Hersi

A group of Brisbane Somali youth supported by respected Somali elders respond to the recent severe drought in Somalia.


The youth have organised a fundraising event and managed to collect from the Somali and wider Muslim community in Brisbane a cash donation of just under $50,000.


This money that was collected under the Moorooka Charitable Trust was sent to key areas severely affected by the drought including regions of Bay and Bakool, Gedo, Sanaag, Ayn, Togtheer and the Danood region of the Somali regional state in Ethiopia. In some of these regions, an outbreak of cholera caused the death of hundreds of people already suffering from the severe food shortage.


The beneficiaries of this emergency relief money from Brisbane include thousands of people suffering from thirsty, hunger and starvation.


Individual families from above affected areas received emergence relief food comprising sacks of sugar, rice, maize, cooking oil and supplies of fresh drinking water.


Somalia has recently been recovering from a long and protracted conflict that lasted more than a quarter of a century. There has been some good news lately for reconciliation and reconstruction where Somalis successfully formed a strong and representative federal State.

In 2017 Somalia suffered the worst drought in its history. According to the Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Agency, about 363, 000 acutely malnourished children needed urgent treatment and nutrition support.


A delay of the spring rain season caused the destruction of livestock and crops, which are the livelihoods of people, leading to serious food shortages in the country.

The Brisbane Somali youth and community elders thank all those who have responded generously to the fundraising program.


We specifically express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the trustees of Kuraby Mosque for their support in this fundraising.



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Community groups and the local council say they're disappointed by misleading media reports of the privacy curtains for women-only swimming.



Burkini-clad swimmers at the Auburn Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre during its April Open Day celebrations.

Cumberland Council, in Sydney's West, has defended the installation of privacy curtains at a council-run swimming pool, reported as a measure to allow Muslim women to participate in women-only swimming sessions.

The Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre in Auburn holds two curtained-off women-only sessions each week in one of five pools in the complex.

Critics have branded the curtain a backwards step for integration, with anti-Islam campaigner Kirralie Smith comparing the segregation to apartheid – but community groups and the council say they’ve been disappointed by such reactions, blaming media coverage which they say has portrayed the move as a divisive, controversial issue.

“[Cumberland Council] was not surprised by the angle media took,” the council’s Acting General Manager Maxine Kenyon said.

“But it was disappointing that the coverage focused only on one element of the use of the pool, given that council did actually provide media outlets with information about the full extent of the use of the Program Pool.”

The council said the privacy curtain was installed following significant community demand, and not just from Muslim women.

The area is also used by physiotherapy patients, disabled swimmers and the elderly. The council said women of all ages and backgrounds attend the women-only swimming lessons.

Before media reports this week, there had been no negative feedback, Ms Kenyon said, “despite the fact that women’s only swimming sessions have been held for many years across numerous local government areas without incident”.

Yusra Metwally, who runs a swimming group for Muslim women, said the outrage was ridiculous, blaming “highly misleading” media reports which implied the pool was holding "Muslim only" sessions.

“Really, we’re talking about a curtain, it doesn’t impact people’s access," she said.

Ms Metwally, whose group ‘Swim Sisters’ used to be called ‘Burkini Babes’, said that even with full-body ‘modesty suits’, women could still be self-conscious in mixed public spaces.

“It’s a shame that something that’s a good program to encourage fitness and water safety is being labeled something it isn’t,” she said.

Comments comparing the privacy curtain to segregation or apartheid “completely undermine the apartheid experience,” she said.

“Why don’t you go out and protest outside Fernwood women’s gym, or go protest outside McIver women’s baths?”

Mohammed Alzoubi, President of the Auburn Islamic Community Centre, told SBS World News the move was a positive step for integration.

“It’s not a backwards movement, it’s a good one, it will help people integrate,” Mr Alzoubi said.

Mr Alzoubi said the privacy curtain would allow culturally conservative women to participate and engage socially, as well as bringing benefits those who were elderly, body-conscious, or whose partners didn’t like them to be seen by other men.

“Some people don’t care about it, but there are some percentage of people who do care, and we don’t want them to stay at home and be isolated,” he said.

Mr Alzoubi said that several years ago the Auburn Muslim community used to hire out entire facilities in the evenings to swim in privacy, but that the practice had become prohibitively expensive.

“It’s not people trying to impose their culture on the Australian community; we are a part of the Australian community,” he said.

“We want to integrate, but there are cultural issues for some people.”

Ms Kenyon said the council encompassed a diverse area - the pool's first booking after re-opening in April was an Afghan refugee group of over 250 people.

“Cumberland has a diverse community - not just in relation to race or religion, but also in terms of age and disability," Ms Kenyon said.

“[The] council also has a responsibility to meet the needs to the community it serves.”

Source: SBS



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Report submitted by Prof Shahjahan Khan


Muslims in Toowoomba came together in large numbers at the Garden City Mosque on Sunday, 14 May 2017 with families to meet and greet the members of the wider community. It was the 4th Toowoomba Annual International Food Festival coincided with the Mosque Open Day.

In spite of the forecast of rain the weather was exceptionally good and there were lots of non-Muslims who came to enjoy the day with members of the mosque and know about Islam and its followers in an open and friendly environment.

There were lots of food from all over the world – diverse in look, colour, and taste and obviously they were more diverse than the race, colour and faith of the participants.

Ever since the Garden City Mosque was established in 2014, the Islamic Society of Toowoomba has been regularly organising Open Day of the Mosque alongside Toowoomba International Food Festival.

There were special activities for the women and lots of fun for the children. The Queensland Police entertained the kids with their vehicle and amusing horn.

The speakers on the day included Toowoomba Mayor Cr Paul Antonio, USQ Vice Chancellor Professor Janet Verbyla, Multicultural Affairs Queensland Director Ms Julie McDougall, Queensland Jewish Community Services President Mr Ariel Heber, Dr Mark Copland of Social Justice Commission of Toowoomba, Imam Abdul Kader of Toowoomba Mosque and Professor Shahjahan Khan of Islamic Society of Toowoomba.

The speakers emphasised the importance of building bridges (not wall) to spread the message of respect and strength of diversity. Everyone agreed that Toowoomba is a city of peace and leaders of the city have shown unity at difficult times.

Messages sent by the Federal Member of Groom, Dr John McVeigh MP and State Member of Toowoomba South, Mr David Janetzki MP were read in the meeting. Due other prior commitments they were unable to attend the event.

The mosque building was severely burned in 2014 by an arson attack at night. The perpetrator is yet to be identified. Since then Muslims a praying in a temporary timber building while working for the rebuilding of the mosque.

The speakers highlighted the resilience of Muslims in Toowoomba and noted their high level of commitment to rebuild the burned Mosque. Everyone is looking forward to see the completion of the re-construction of the Mosque building as approved by the Toowoomba Regional Council.

Many Muslims from Brisbane and Gold Coast participated in the event and visited the Garden City Mosque.

Very attractive and delicious foods were prepared and sold by many members of the local community including those from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Eretria, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Libya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Syria.

The Secretary of the Islamic Society of Toowoomba, Dr Mainul Islam welcomed the participant and visitors, and thanked all the communities, families and individuals who spent so much time and efforts to make the Open Day of the Garden City Mosque and the Food Festival.

Special thanks to all the volunteering brothers and sisters who cleaned the toilets, mount and dismantle the gazebos, set up the chairs and tables, managed the stalls, and cleaned the premises after the event including placing all rubbish on the trailer.

The event was partially funded by a small grant from the Multicultural Affairs Queensland.



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Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied has suggested the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster in 2010 could have been avoided if executives from the companies responsible had been drawn from more diverse backgrounds.

Addressing hundreds of delegates at a conference in Perth yesterday, the 26-year-old former mechanical engineer cited the Gulf of Mexico spill to urge more gender and cultural diversity among directors and senior management of male-dominated oil and gas companies.

She also confessed to “hating” feminism until two years ago when she came to recognise the barriers that made it difficult for people such as her — “a young, brown Muslim woman” — to succeed in the male-dominated industry.

Her comments came after she attracted controversy in February by telling the ABC’s Q&A program that she believed Islam was “the most feminist religion”.

The Sudan-born activist was speaking yesterday during a panel discussion at the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association’s annual conference on the topic of “diversity and inclusion”.

She said behavioural scientists had attributed the explosion on the BP-operated Deepwater Horizon rig to groupthink and confirmation bias among key decision-makers in the lead up to the explosion that killed 11 people.

“Was there anyone else around the table who thought differently and who didn’t just think differently, but was included enough and was valued enough so their different perspective was valued, to actually challenge that bias?” she said.

“Everyone around the table came from a similar world and a similar perspective. They all thought the same. They all cared about the same things. And so we ended with one of the worst tragedies in our industry.

“And I often wonder, if there was someone around that table who was different, who thought differently but was valued as equally as everybody else, who could challenge that groupthink and challenge that confirmation bias, would things have ended differently?”

In 2014, the US District Court ruled that BP acted with “gross negligence” and made “profit-driven decisions” during the drilling that led to the blowout.
Swiss-based drilling rig owner Transocean and Houston-based contractor Halliburton Energy Services were also found partly responsible.

Yesterday, Ms Abdel-Magied said she had not begun to embrace diversity until two years ago when she broke into the oil and gas industry, working on rigs in Queensland and Western Australia.

“I hated the idea of feminism, I was like, ‘feminism is for chicks who can’t handle jokes’,” she said.

“I thought people who kept talking about diversity and inclusion were people that studied arts. They weren’t engineers. It wasn’t until I went into the industry and I saw the reality that I actually started to think, maybe this is a thing I should care about.” Ms Abdel-Magied said after gaining a job as an engineer, she had no idea how to act because she “had no one to show me what it was like to be a successful woman on a rig”.

“So I pretended to be a middle-aged white bloke,” she said to laughter, describing how she would swear and swagger like her male colleagues until she realised this was “reinforcing the existing culture”.

“I was undoing myself, I was undoing my gender, I was undoing my cultural heritage.”

Ms Abdel-Magied said while surveys had shown that 80 per cent of Australians favoured multiculturalism, most believed migrants should fit in rather than embrace differences.

“Multiculturalism means you rock up, you leave everything about yourself at the door and you become one of us,” she said.

“It’s a melting pot. You’re going to melt into this pot where everyone’s the same. That’s not actually how you get the most out of diversity.”

The Australian



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The trailer for Ali's Wedding is here! A true story. Unfortunately.

After a reckless lie sets off a catastrophic chain of events, Ali (Osamah Sami) finds himself caught between his sense of duty and following his heart.

A warm-hearted comedy, Ali's Wedding is an affectionate and entertaining true story about family, community and love in multi-cultural Australia.


Coming soon to Australian cinemas!



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Malek Fahd Islamic School in southwestern Sydney.

The country’s largest Islamic school was used as a “milking cow that never runs dry”, paying millions of dollars through interest-free loans and exorbitant, above-market-value rents to its controlling body, the umbrella organisation representing Muslims in Australia.

The payments were canvassed in the Federal Court yesterday as the Sydney-based Malek Fahd Islamic School, which has more than 2400 students and 300 staff, launched a last-ditch bid to stay afloat.

The case threatens to engulf senior members of the Islamic community who were involved with the finances of both the school and AFIC.

Part of the school’s argument was that former directors of the school had breached their fiduciary duties “on a comprehensive and spectacular scale’’.
Ian Coleman SC, counsel for the school in yesterday’s proceedings, said there had been “a toxic combination of directors common to the board of AFIC and the school’’.

For some time before 2015, community leader Hafez Kassem was chairman of the school board and president of AFIC. He was sacked as AFIC president in March last year and six Islamic schools agreed to remove AFIC’s power over their finances.

The school, which now has a new board, launched an appeal in the Federal Court after the federal government cut almost $20 million in annual funding following revelations of its financial relationship with AFIC.

The school has three campuses, the first in Greenacre in Sydney’s southwest, which was leased from AFIC and allegedly used to fund the organisation.

“The Greenacre lease was treated by AFIC as a milking cow that never runs dry,” Mr Coleman said yesterday. “There was a series of spectacular rental increases — tenfold in one instance — that were made retrospective and prospective.”

The appeal followed a ruling by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal late last year backing the federal government’s decision to cut funding. The government has continued funding pending the outcome of the court actions but it would cease if the school’s appeal is unsuccessful. The school argues that since March last year no money has been paid to AFIC.

Mr Coleman told three judges in the appeal that the school faced closure if federal funding was not continued. “If the school fails in this litigation, in the financial situation it is in, the directors would have no practical alternative other than to put the school into liquidation,” he said.

While the school has ceased all payments to AFIC, the court heard it had continued to keep track of its lease payments in its accounts, a figure that has soared into the millions.

Ian Coleman SC, counsel for the school in yesterday’s proceedings, said there had been “a toxic combination of directors common to the board of AFIC and the school’’.

For some time before 2015, community leader Hafez Kassem was chairman of the school board and president of AFIC. He was sacked as AFIC president in March last year and six Islamic schools agreed to remove AFIC’s power over their finances.

The school, which now has a new board, launched an appeal in the Federal Court after the federal government cut almost $20 million in annual funding following revelations of its financial relationship with AFIC.

The school has three cam¬puses, the first in Greenacre in Sydney’s southwest, which was leased from AFIC and allegedly used to fund the organisation.

“The Greenacre lease was treated by AFIC as a milking cow that never runs dry,” Mr Coleman said yesterday. “There was a series of spectacular rental increases — tenfold in one instance — that were made retrospective and prospective.”

The appeal followed a ruling by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal late last year backing the federal government’s decision to cut funding. The government has continued funding pending the outcome of the court actions but it would cease if the school’s appeal is unsuccessful. The school argues that since March last year no money has been paid to AFIC.

Mr Coleman told three judges in the appeal that the school faced closure if federal funding was not continued. “If the school fails in this litigation, in the financial situation it is in, the directors would have no practical alternative other than to put the school into liquidation,” he said.

While the school has ceased all payments to AFIC, the court heard it had continued to keep track of its lease payments in its accounts, a figure that has soared into the millions.

Richard Lancaster SC, acting for federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham, argued the school was still bound by its contracts to AFIC, and if funding were continued, the school would be obliged to pay its debts. “The rental obligation was discharged and replaced by a loan from AFIC to the school,” Mr Lancaster said. “It seems on the facts there was a notional payment of rent and then its replacement with debt.”

Since it was established in 1990, Malek Fahd’s former board lent more than $5m to AFIC, without interest, and at one stage paid its rent five years in advance.

When AFIC acquired its campus in Hoxton Park, in Sydney’s west, it asked Malek Fahd to pay the second property’s rent as well.

AFIC later sought a valuation for the Greenacre property that found the rent should have been vastly more, and demanded the school pay an additional sum of almost $3m. Between 2012 and 2015, Malek Fahd received more than $76m in commonwealth funding and stands to gain $19m should it be successful in its appeal.

The Federal Court bid is made more complicated by the other legal battles embroiling the school, AFIC, and AFIC’s current and former directors. A group of former executive members of the body, who were either banned or stepped down last year, allegedly changed the locks of its Sydney headquarters, declaring they had only been removed temporarily.

Keysar Trad, who was elected AFIC president last August but defeated at elections this month, has launched legal action in the NSW Supreme Court against Mr Kassem and several others.

Malek Fahd is also taking AFIC to the NSW Supreme Court seeking a repayment of funds, damages and the release from other obligations it holds. Both matters remain before the courts.

The financial affairs of six Islamic schools operated by AFIC, were investigated by the federal Education Department in 2015 after a string of senior staff members and principals were sacked, allegations of financial mismanagement and concerns over the delivery of the curriculum. As well as Malek Fahd, Islamic colleges in South Australia and the ACT had funding withdrawn.

The Australian



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From left: Her Excellency The Honourable Kerry Sanderson AC, Governor of Western Australia, Sahra Abdi, Young Volunteer of the Year WA and Ashul Shah, Managing Director of Eduka.

Sahra Abdi, 24 has recently been awarded the 2017 Western Australian Youth Volunteer of the Year Award for her dedication to assisting Syrian refugee families settle in as new Australians.

Abdi has also secured her place as a 2017 finalist for the Western Australian Volunteer for Multicultural Communities Award, recognising her ongoing support in facilitating and promoting diversity in Australia.

“I feel very humbled and grateful to be recognised for the work I do with helping newly arrived migrants resettle into Australia,” she said.

The young Australian volunteers her time to engage with local migrant communities, particularly those arriving as refugees, and provides them with essential materials and assistance in settling in to their new home.

“I try to bridge the gap between what settlement services provide and families need. I mainly provide social support so that the families can integrate into Australian society.”

The Perth resident has been recognised by members of the community as an “outstanding young woman who works tirelessly to help others”.

Abdi spends most of her free time with refugees, creating friendships and community connections that will help the migrants feel comfortable as new Western Australian residents.

“The trauma and the things that these families have gone can be triggering and emotional at times. I am driven by their strength and always remind myself that I am human and that could have easily been me.”

Abdi’s work for the community extends beyond helping those in her immediate surroundings to encouraging youth from culturally diverse backgrounds to achieving their full potential.


“Volunteering and giving back to my community is super important to me. It’s great for others to also see a young Culturally And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) person do it. I hope my journey and my achievements inspire other youth, particularly CALD youth, to give back and make a difference.”

As a Muslim, Abdi holds strong connections to her faith, with her religious values driving her passion for helping others through charity and aid.

“Social justice and aid is very much a big part of Islam so, absolutely, it motivates me and acts as a reminder as to why I do it.”

Her involvement in the community is one that Abdi intends to continue through advocating for the rights of migrants and refugees and providing the necessary help they require to adjust their new lives in Australia.

“I will continue to be helping these families and any other families that come to Perth. Furthermore, I hope to continue to do many of the other volunteering initiatives I am involved in, all of which I am very passionate about.”


Source: Australasian Muslim Times



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Mariam Veiszadeh will speak before an audience of 5,000 people at TEDxSydney on Friday, 16 June

Lawyer, diversity and inclusion practitioner, advocate, social commentator Mariam Veiszadeh, will join an impressive line-up of speakers and performers at TEDxSydney 2017 on Friday 16 June at ICC Sydney, Darling Harbour.

TEDxSydney is the leading platform for the propagation of Australian ideas, creativity and innovation to the rest of the world.

On a post on her public facebook page, Mariam said “Super excited to be presenting at TEDxSydney!” which got hundreds of likes.

The TEDxSydney event is a unique and vital day of talks, films, music and debate, and is one of the largest TEDx events in the world.

Managing director at Xplore for Success, Diana Reyall AM said “It’s exciting that Mariam has the opportunity to reach such a large audience with her important messages, and I very much look forward to seeing her speak at TEDxSydney.”.

Vicki Forbes said “Congrats #MariamVeiszadeh for making it onto the #TEDxSydney stage at @ICCSyd on 16 June 2017.

Source: Australasian Muslim Times



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'No choice': Government cuts off funding for Islamic School of Canberra


Federal funding has been stripped from the Islamic School of Canberra amid governance and financial management concerns.

The Islamic School of Canberra has been stripped of its federal government funding after it failed to meet the education department's demands that it improve its governance and financial management.

The independent school was receiving around $1 million in public money every year.

Education Minister Simon Birmingham's office released a statement saying the department had "no choice" but to cut off funding from July 1.

The department put the school on notice in December 2015, warning that the school was failing to meet standards and community expectations.

The school lost its funding in April last year, but had it reinstated in September after it promised to make improvements.

“Schools receive significant taxpayer funding. Australians rightly expect that every taxpayer dollar committed to school education is genuinely expended on school education and for the benefit of students," Mr Birmingham said in his media release.

“My Department’s concerns centre on the Islamic School of Canberra’s independence, financial management and governance arrangements."

SBS News contacted the school for comment, but was advised both the principal, David Johns, and the chairwoman, Azra Khan, could not speak "at the moment" as they were busy preparing the school's public response.

Students are due to return from school holidays next week.

"Our attention now turns to working with the students and their families, the teachers and the whole school community about how we best support them through this difficult time," Mr Birmingham said.

The school is still registered by the ACT Government and can continue to teach, but it is unclear whether the school could be financially viable without Commonwealth support.

The school has 30 days to seek a review of the decision, Mr Birmingham's office said.


Source: Australasian Muslim Times



The Islamic School of Canberra (ISC) in Weston, ACT is scrambling for survival after the Federal Government decided to cease funding after 30 June 2017.

ISC is an independent K-7 co-educational school with a student population of 215 and employs over 20 staff, educating its students using the Australian National Curriculum within the Islamic tradition.

According to the Principal, Mr David Johns, if the government ceases funds as they did last year, it will require outside funding of $600,000 to remain viable till the end of this calendar year otherwise it will close within the next 6 weeks.

The school has started a fundraising campaign on social media that will allow small and large donations to the school. Donations can be made through the following website Donors can also send money directly to the Parents & Friends Fundraising Account:

Account Name: PFA-ISC Fundraising,
BSB: 062-912,
Account: 10295655,
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

The school has progressed over the last year with new administrative and academic leadership to be an example for other schools teaching within the Islamic tradition.

It has developed a strong curriculum and extra curricula programme that provides students with the knowledge and practice of their Muslim faith together with its application within Australian society.

The school has also regularly engaged in outreach activities that provide opportunity for students to give back to the wider community with fundraising as well as allow non-Muslim community members a deeper understanding of the Islamic faith and its value within Australian society.

The school supports a rapidly growing Muslim population in Canberra on a valuable tract of land that was provided at a low cost by the ACT Government. ISC also supports the many Muslim diplomats and their families in Canberra.

The Islamic School of Canberra was formed and managed by the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC). However, the Commonwealth Government has deemed that for the funding to continue the school should be independent of any financial control or management influence by any outside entity.

The Commonwealth Government stopped its funding to the school last year for this reason and only recommenced it after appointment of an independent Board, made up of educators, public servants and academics, which committed to strengthen the school’s governance and further distance itself from AFIC over time.

According to Mr Johns, the Commonwealth Government has now given notice to cease its funding at the end of June for three key reasons:

● Governance (documentation, record keeping, decision-making)
● Existing links to AFIC (including financial loans)
● Financial viability (a monthly shortfall to meet operational expenses and debt repayments)

“We are confident we will address the governance issue immediately and remaining points in the medium to long-term,” he said.

“However, the worst-case scenario in the short-term is that if we cannot convince the government in time to continue the funding beyond June this year we will have no choice other than to close. In that case, the students will go to other schools – most likely the public schools with no Islamic education.”

“Understandably teachers are also worried about their livelihood and it is quite reasonable for them to commence looking for other employment very soon if they have not already done so. Once gone it will be hard to regain teaching professionals of their calibre and understanding of an Islamic education.”

According to the President of the Parents & Friends Association (PFA-ISC), Mr Kalam Azad, the school needs $600,000 to fund the school for the remaining months of the school calendar till December to counter the possible cessation of Commonwealth Funding.

“With this commitment, we can assure the teachers that their salaries are fully funded till the end of the year and so there is no need to seek other employment,” he said.

“This will also assure parents so that they do not take their students out prematurely.”

The school has a long-term strategy, according to the Chair of the school board, Mrs Azra Khan.

“With the immediate needs fulfilled and a strategy for viability met, we will continue to seek to meet the government’s conditions and regain the monthly funding,” she said.

“We feel that the school has potential for significantly higher student numbers once these issues are resolved and the community has confidence in the long-term viability of the school. This will increase the school’s financial position.

“We also have the long-term potential to establish an Islamic College and University along with existing Islamic school and need continued support from the community to continue the investment in our children.”


Source: Australasian Muslim Times



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Have you wondered or been asked any of these questions:


1. Are Muslim males superior to Muslim females?

2. What are the expectations of Muslim men in society?

3. What are the expectations of Muslim women in society?

4. Who decides what roles Muslim men and Muslim women should play?

5. Is there gender equality between Muslim men and Muslim women?

6. What about gender equity?


We invite you to join us to discuss and explore these very questions and share your valuable views and insights with others in an exclusive event:


Date: Thursday, 25th of May 2017

Time: 8.45 am -3 pm

Registration at 8.30

Venue: IWAA, 11 Watland St, Springwood


The issue of gender is significant in addressing Community Empowerment and has been raised recently in the media on the topic of violence against women in Muslim communities. I have had to address this issue to dispel the prevailing misconception surrounding how women are treated in domestic violence cases in an upcoming article for The Conversation given my expertise on the topic. We all have a responsibility in correcting misconceptions surrounding the Islamic view on issue of gender. In Islam we recognize that we have separate roles and responsibilities. Attaining gender balance in communities does not in anyway mean losing one’s femininity or masculinity but rather celebrating these differences to strengthen the Muslim community.


Let us discuss this issue openly in a safe facilitated space so we can help create an environment of stronger communities.


A social media campaign will also be produced during this share your voice on the topic and be part of the movement of Community Empowerment! We expect the social media campaign video to go global and we want you to be part of it...


Details are in the flyer alongside. Please register your spot now by calling 0431 360 418!


Scrumptious morning tea, LUNCH and afternoon tea will be provided!




Dr Nada Ibrahim
















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Halal Technical Auditor


This company is an international company that requires a technical auditor for food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. We are seeking male or female applicant, who is confident for a part time/contract position in Melbourne.

The successful applicant must have the following requirements:

 Must believe in Islamic Principles
 Qualifications in sciences or food science or equivalent
 Proficient in typing, computer and reporting skills
 Proven analytical skills
 Excellent customer relations and initiative
 Excellent Communication and organizational skills
 Willing to travel

Preferred knowledge but not essential

 Islamic/ Halal
 Food safety
 Quality management
 Food Manufacturing industry
 Auditing
 Masters & PhD

Please email: or contact (02) 9232 6731
Applications close 22nd May 2017



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Amna Karra-Hassan and Lael Kassem.

I WAS told Amna Karra-Hassan was an agent of change, a deep thinker, and that we should talk. We did. And she is. Amna is daughter of migrant parents who came to Australia seeking better opportunities. Amna has inspired many in her quest for equality, unity and success.

She is founder of the Auburn Giants Women’s AFL team, which consists of various nationalities including Lebanese, Palestinians, Fijian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Croation, Serbian, Turkish, Maltese, Macedonian, Greek and Chinese.

She has partnered with Holden as part of their Supporting the Drivers of Change diversity and inclusion program. We spoke about the challenges of being a Muslim in 2017, the effects of Trump, building a football team to create unity and opportunity and cohesion, racism and Pauline Hanson.

HM: Agent of change, Muslim, footballer, feminist, activist, coach, inspiration — some of the words I’ve read to describe you. What word would you use?

AKH: I would use ambitious. I think that’s an important quality, and a good one to have when you are female and Muslim.

HM: You are the product of Lebanese parents. Your father migrated when he was 24, your mother was only three. Why did your father leave Lebanon?

AKH: In my dad’s words, he left for a better life and opportunity. His family wasn’t doing well financially, and he thought that if he came to Australia, there would be more opportunities.

HM: He started working as a labourer in a bakery. Is that because any language difficulties were overcome?

AKH: Primarily, yes. He could labour out the back and not have to be proficient in English. To be honest, I often wonder how he did it. Maybe there were other workers who were better at being bilingual, so perhaps he would tap into them for support and to help him with communication, until he learned more English.

HM: Everyone seems to be a product of their parents; what traits have you inherited from your mother and your father?

AKH: I definitely inherited my dad’s good work ethic. He used to teach us to work for your employer as if it’s your business. I think that’s an outstanding work ethic. From my mum, I think adaptability. We lived in a very unique household where we had extended family stay with us. My grandparents came and lived with us when I was seven.



Source: Herald Sun



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The UK Muslim News Awards for Excellence event was held 27 March 2017 in London to acknowledge British Muslim and non-Muslim contributions to the society.

Uthman Dan Fodio Award For Excellence in COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT:

For a person or organisation aimed at raising the quality of life of Muslims locally or nationally.

Winner: Shazuli Iqbal


Shazuli Iqbal is Chair and Co-founder of the Wiltshire Islamic Cultural Centre (WICC), which was formed to serve the educational, social and moral needs of the growing Muslim Community in Wiltshire and to reach out to the wider community.


Under his leadership, a soup kitchen has been set up for the local homeless people. Under his guidance, WICC has also managed to secure a grant from Wiltshire Council for youth activities. Shahzuli is also a trustee of the Wiltshire Racial Equality and a former trustee of Stepping Stones, an organisation for children with special needs.


With a keen interest in this area, he managed to convince the senior management team of a Special needs school to accommodate Muslim children and asked the school to translate the leaflet in different languages; which helped the parents understand the services of the school.


..........The UK Muslim News Awards for Excellence CONTINUES IN NEXT WEEK'S CCN




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Words by Jana Wendt, Photos by Tim Bauer



Ed Husic is known to some as 'the minister for basketball', to others as the first federal MP sworn in on the Quran. He became the first ever Muslim frontbencher under Kevin Rudd. What next for an outspoken Gen Xer with a friend on the wrong side of parliament?


(Continued from last week's CCN)


The salubrious surroundings of the ministerial wing of Parliament House conveniently illustrate the difference between being in government and subsisting in opposition. Frydenberg, like Husic, is a member of the “class of 2010”, and casts a Liberal eye over the Labor politician’s curriculum vitae.

“If I looked at his background on paper, I would say, ‘Interesting… he ran a union. Could that make him more [of a] bovver boy in this place?’” says Frydenberg, leaning back in his chair. “But he’s not. He’s actually quite a gentle soul with a very funny streak. And he can be self-deprecating. He’s well-liked in this building, well-respected.”

Ed Husic made it into the building in question 15 years after his first attempt and just in time to see “the disintegration of our government”. Husic says dolefully, “I thought, I finally get here, and it looks like it’s just all going to go ‘pop!’” His false starts weighed on him. “I think you feel the crush of time, particularly once you get over 40… I was watching colleagues – friends like Chris, and [shadow minister] Tony Burke – starting to progress, and then the election of the Rudd government. I would be lying if I said I didn’t think [about] what could have been. And I did – a lot.”

In the Rudd-Gillard years, Husic publicly backed Rudd, for whom he served as parliamentary secretary during Rudd’s second coming. The position lasted just three months, or as Husic puts it, “the political equivalent of a nanosecond” before the government was defeated in September 2013. “I have an upcoming book,” he says, wryly, “on those tumultuous three months, and all the achievements I was able to secure.” Opposition, Husic declares, is a “terrible place”, the experience akin to “screaming into space”.

In the SUV in which he uses to transport himself to Canberra, Husic takes me on a guided tour of his vast and culturally diverse electorate. He knows it well, having been raised and educated there (Blacktown South School, Mitchell High School, University of Western Sydney).. 




Source: SBS



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Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs


This Is What Islam Says About Women Who Use Their Husband’s Name As Last Name After Marriage

We often see women changing their names after getting married, and usually starts using their Husband’s name as their last name. Is it permissible in Islam?

According to the Islamic traditions, a person’s name is always linked with his or her father. Let’s take an example of the companions, Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA), Umar bin Khattab (RA), Maryam Bint Imran (RA), Zainab binte Jaish and many others, you will always find these people using their father’s name.

It is to be noted that even Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s wives never linked their last name to Prophet (PBUH). Like Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) and Ā’ishah bint Abī Bakr (RA) they didn’t change their names after they got married to the last Prophet (PBUH). It is clear that there is no evidence that allows women to change their last name after they get married.

Modern traditions make it necessary to change a woman’s name after her marriage. It’s the havoc created by our society which is totally based on the falsehood. Like, if a girl has a name “Khansa Khan” then after marriage she will become “Khansa Owais” which has nothing to do with Islam and its teachings. These are the things which are created only by and within our society. 


The Islamic Information


Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Stop Working Out During Ramadan

Every year, athletes experience the challenges of going to the gym and maintaining a proper diet during the month of Ramadan. If you are unfamiliar, the physical requirements during the month of Ramadan are no food or water during daylight hours resulting in loss of energy, dehydration, and lack of motivation.


Sadly, we love to use these results as excuses along with our busy schedules to justify our month long absence from the gym. Subsequently, our family and friends have to listen to us complain about our muscles shrinking and how much we used to be able to lift pre-Ramadan.


After seven years of training and fasting, I learned a lot of important habits that have helped me achieve peak performance results in and out of the gym.  .   





There is no dominant Islamist group in Indonesia that represents a coherent Islamic community.


Should we worry about Islamism in Indonesia?

Anxiety about radicalism and religious tolerance in Indonesia have triggered reactionary responses that could be dangerous for the country’s democracy. Joko Widodo’s administration recently announced plans to disband Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia, which seeks to establish an Islamic caliphate. The government is looking to implement legal measures to dissolve the Indonesian branch of the global Islamist group.

The move came amid increasing concern among some analysts and members of the public about rising Islamic radicalism and religious intolerance.

Several analysts saw the victory of Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta gubernatorial election as an indicator of rising Islamism. This movement seeks to institutionalise certain literal understandings of the Quran in the political system.

Baswedan was supported by conservative Muslims. They had staged enormous protests demanding the jailing of his rival, then-incumbent Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (better known as Ahok), who was embroiled in a blasphemy case for allegedly insulting Islam.

Even after the election, mass rallies continued to pressure the court to punish the Chinese-Indonesian, Christian non-active governor. The court recently sentenced Ahok to two years in prison.

The court’s decision left many people feeling devastated. They rallied in a show of support for Ahok in front of the prison where he’s detained. Communities concerned by the rising influence of Islamist groups have launched social media campaigns defending the country’s founding principles of Pancasila. This promotes pluralism, among other values.




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How are Muslims Portrayed in Hollywood
OnePath Network



Muslims are the most vilified group of people in the history of Hollywood. Since the emergence of Hollywood as the home of the U.S film industry, the numerous pictures(or films) made over the years have stolen the identity of numerous groups of people including the Muslim community.





Ramy Youssef on Steven Colbert






Fadumo Dayib

Somalia's first female presidential candidate



Sulaiman Al Rajhi donates $16 billion to the Charity. It is considered to be one of the largest contributions to Charity in Islamic History.






Two cultures and two religions



This is what happens when people from two different cultures come together.






Poet Hanna Essa



Meet Hanan Issa, the Welsh Muslim spoken word artist talking about her identity.





Imam Akram Buksh in Somalia for HAI






It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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Friday khutbah (sermon)

 DATE: 19 May 2017

TOPIC"Surah Al-Qalam verse 1 to 4"

IMAM: Uzair Akbar


Play the recording  







Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 19 May 2017

TOPIC"Importance of Understanding the Arabic language in Islam"

IMAM: Lukman











Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 19 May 2017

TOPIC: "Zakaat"

IMAM: Ahmad Muhammad Naffaa









Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 19 May 2017

TOPIC: "There is a wide open door for Tawbah"

IMAM: Mossad Issa








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 19 May 2017

TOPIC: "Prophet Idrees (pbuh) death"

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar



Click here for the past Kuthba recordings








Friday khutbah (sermon)

DATE: 19 May 2017

TOPIC"Honouring the month of Ramadan"

IMAM: Moulana Shezard Khan




Click here for the past Kuthba recordings





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Indian Muslim teen develops world's smallest satellite, NASA will launch it


Rifath Sharook with his tiny satellite


INDIA: It will be a proud moment for all Indians when the US space agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will be launching world's smallest satellite next month. Do you know why? The 64-gram satellite has been developed by none other than a Muslim teenager from Tamil Nadu. The teen scientist Rifath Sharook is just 18 years old and a student of 12th class.

The tiny satellite manufactured by 3D printing, weighing just 64 grams, is the lightest satellite in the world as well. The satellite "KalamSat" named after renowned scientist and former Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam, will be launched by NASA on June 21.

Sharook's satellite got selected in a competition "Cubes in Space", jointly organized by NASA and an educational group, 'I Doodle Learning.' He developed this tiny satellite while working on a project funded by Space Kidz India, an organization that educates and guides young aspirants to make career in science and technology.

"The satellite is made mainly of reinforced carbon fiber polymer. We did a lot of research on different cube satellites all over the world and found ours was the lightest. We obtained some of the components from abroad and some are indigenous," Sharook was quoted as saying by The Times of India.

Sharook said it would be a sub-orbital flight and after launch the mission span would be 240 minutes while the operational capacity of the satellite will be for 12 minutes in a micro-gravity environment of space.

"The main role of the satellite will be to demonstrate the performance of 3-D printed carbon fibre," Sharook said while speaking to the daily from Pallapatti town in Tamil Nadu.

Sharook has been fascinated by space science since beginning. In 2015, he launched a 1,200gm helium weather balloon into the atmosphere. 




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Unmarried couple stoned to death in Mali for ‘violating Islamic law’


The man and woman were put in two holes dug by ringleaders before four people attacked them, local official says


A man walks down a street in the Kidal region of Mali.


MALI: An unmarried couple have been stoned to death in public in north-east Mali, in the first such incident since jihadi groups were driven out of the region.

Jihadis seized key northern cities in Mali in March 2012, and though they were driven out by a French-led military intervention in 2013, Islamist groups continue to make their presence felt with frequent attacks on domestic and foreign forces.

“The Islamists dug two holes where they put the man and the woman who lived maritally without being married,” said a local official. “They were stoned to death.”

The execution happened in Taghlit, close to Aguelhok in the Kidal region, on Tuesday. The same source told AFP that members of the public were invited to take part.

“Four people threw stones at them until they died,” they said.

Another local official said the ringleaders had accused the unmarried couple of violating “Islamic law”, which requires punishment by stoning.

During their brief control of key towns in the north, jihadist groups imposed a version of Sharia law which forced women to wear veils and set whipping and stoning as punishment for transgressions.     





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Holocaust Survivors Campaign to Disinvite Linda Sarsour from New York College


Shock sentence comes after hardline Islamist groups called for Christian official to be jailed for referencing Qur'an verse


  Linda Sarsour with Bernie Sanders


US: Anti-Israel activist and Women’s March on Washington organizer Linda Sarsour is the subject of a letter-writing campaign by 100 Holocaust survivors calling for her disinvitation from the City University of New York, where she is scheduled to deliver a speech on June 1st.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the 100 Holocaust survivors penned their letter to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo asking him to bar her from speaking at the publicly funded university.

In a recent interview, Sarsour commented that it was impossible for any person to be a feminist unless he or she was in opposition to Israel’s “occupation” of the West Bank, which is legally a part of Israel.

“You can’t be a feminist in the United States and stand up for the rights of the American woman and then say that you don’t want to stand up for the rights of Palestinian women in Palestine,” she said.

The upcoming even has met strong opposition from Jewish leaders, including former ADL chief Abraham Foxman. 




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After the Prophet: The Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split in Islam

Lesley Hazleton



In this gripping narrative history, Lesley Hazleton tells the tragic story at the heart of the ongoing rivalry between the Sunni and Shia branches of Islam, a rift that dominates the news now more than ever.

Even as Muhammad lay dying, the battle over who would take control of the new Islamic nation had begun, beginning a succession crisis marked by power grabs, assassination, political intrigue, and passionate faith. Soon Islam was embroiled in civil war, pitting its founder's controversial wife Aisha against his son-in-law Ali, and shattering Muhammad’s ideal of unity.

Combining meticulous research with compelling storytelling, After the Prophet explores the volatile intersection of religion and politics, psychology and culture, and history and current events. It is an indispensable guide to the depth and power of the Shia–Sunni split.



"A good book has no ending."       


- R.D. Cumming -


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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KB says: This is the first of my pick of Ramadan savouries.    

Mini Round Chicken Roulade

Step 1

Boil 2 to 3 potatoes. Mash until smooth and season with salt and pepper. Add a little butter and a tab of chopped spring onions. Make small marble size ball and place on baking tray. Place in freezer until you are ready for the next step.

Step 2

Combine the following

1kg minced chicken fillet
2 chopped onions
˝ bunch chopped green dhania/coriander
Spring onions
4 slices bread with crusts off
6 or more chopped green chillies
5 pieces chopped garlic
2 beaten eggs

Season with:

2 tsp fine cumin
2 tsp fine coriander powder
1 tsp white pepper
˝ tsp black pepper
1˝ tsp salt
2 tblsp vinegar
1 tblsp lemon juice
3 tblsp ghee

Knead the mixture well.

Step 3

In the palm of your hand take some mince, spread out slightly.
Place a frozen mash ball in centre. Close up and roll into ball.
Place on greased oven tray.
Bake at 180 deg for not more than 10 minutes or until it is cooked through.
Place in shallow pot with a little butter and ever so slightly let it brown. Serve with fried grated potatoes and a sauce (see below)

In a saucepan add 1 cup tomato sauce, 1 tsp garlic, 1 tsp fine red chillies, 2 tblsp oil and 2 to 3 tblsp worcester sauce. Let it simmer for 5 minutes.



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing


To contact Princess,  
Email:  Phone: 0451977786



Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa ALLAH, we will explore the topic: Respecting Psychological Personal Space.

The month of Ramadaan is fast approaching. Alhumdolillah. We are blessed with an entire month of self-reflection and an opportunity to transform our lives so that we may live from faith in ALLAH and banish all fear of situations.

Self-Reflection is only possible when we spend moments in silence and create a personal space for ourselves whereby we are in complete immersion within our own being, in order to look back and learn from all that happened in the past several months.

Personal Space exists in two forms - physically and psychologically - when a person feels comfort in a region surrounding them which they regard as their own. That region could exist within physical boundaries or within the mind. When this personal space is encroached upon, the person feels anger, frustration, discomfort or anxiety. Alhumdolillah, our Deen reminds us of this space with examples of our Prophet’s (SAW) retreats to the mountain caves and his regular practice of I’tikaf.

The fundamental thing to remember is that everyone has a right to personal space and no one has the right to encroach upon another’s personal space. Respecting one’s own personal space and that of others is vital if one wishes to live a joyful, peaceful and harmonious life.

Psychological Personal Space In Your Home

Often people may feel that the mosque is a preferred choice to practise self-reflection and connection with ALLAH. However, every Muslim’s home can be perceived as a sanctuary to practise self-reflection. Every member of your family is entitled to this space and must have respect when spending time in silence - bearing in mind that silence can also be practised while being in a room full of people. Respecting that psychological personal space is vital.

How to Respect Psychological Personal Space

As Muslims we have a wonderful advantage in that we have been reminded countless times that a harmonious family unit is a compulsory prerequisite to having a harmonious Ummah. The question is, are we actually practising this? Look at the state of our Ummah and understand that it is a direct reflection of the state of your own family unit, your dealings with extended family members and the rest of the community.

Perhaps this Ramadaan we can all make a conscious effort to improve the state of our Ummah by improving ourselves and the state of our family unit (nuclear or extended).

Below are ways to be mindful and respectful of your own psychological personal space and that of others.

• Dedicate a time daily to be in your personal space. This is aside from Salah times.
• Let people around you know that you are retreating for some quiet time and you wish not to be disturbed.
• Whilst in quiet time, leave gadgets in a different room so that you are not disturbed by notification tones, texts or phonecalls.
• Discuss the benefits of personal space as a family,
• If a family member practises being in their personal space whilst in a room full of other family members, DO NOT ask them why they are quiet. Let them be.
• During this practice, acknowledge and become aware of every part of your being and give thanks to ALLAH for this precious time of reflection.
• Minimise loud noises and distractions in the home so that people who are in practice of this time can feel more at peace.
• Go into the practice with an intention to know ALLAH better and find answers to questions that are on your mind.
• Encourage and support your family members to experience Psychological Personal Space daily.

A daily practice of psychological personal space will not only transform you as a person but also inspire people in your family and community to imbibe this practice. In a world where the terms ‘communication’ and ‘connection’ are reduced to defining the latest electronic gadgets, we are sadly the most disconnected Muslims to have dwelled on this earth.

Disconnect from the outside and connect within so that you may connect better with ALLAH.

In Shaa ALLAH, next week we will explore the topic: Finding Good in Every Situation

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786





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Q. Dear Kareema, I’m fairly active but need to improve my cardio and lower body strength. Any suggestions?

A: Any activity that gets your heart beating faster and you breathing harder; from walking briskly to cycling, can boost heart-health and improve blood flow.

For lower body strength, try incorporating the plank into your routine. It is the perfect way to strengthen the deepest layer of your ab muscles, along with your thighs and glutes. These muscles will help stabilise and strengthen lower body. Try holding your hover longer (30secs) every time you do it.




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Mrs Habibbula: Congratulations dear, it seems your daughter's marriage has been fixed.

Mrs Jallaludin: Yes yes, a very nice boy, very well settled.

Mrs Habibbula: Oh really, you are so lucky, what does he do?

Mrs Jallaludin: Oh, very high profile job. There is this famous company called WhatsApp, and he is the admin of a group in it. It seems there were only 8 people in the group earlier, now there are 108 people under him.

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An Ayaat-a-Week






That which is on earth We have made but as a glittering show for the earth, in order that We may test them - as to which of them are best in conduct.

~ Surah Al-Kahf 18:7


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"Be careful about reading health books,

you may die of a misprint."


                                                                                                ~ Mark Twain



I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board



Click on thumbnail to enlarge



Events and Functions


TWMB Food Festival 14 MAY 1 TWMB Food Festival 14 MAY 2 Lutwyche RAMADAN 14 May Dr Anne Aly Dinner Notice Sat 20 May 2017 MMM Forgiveness 20 MAY Worongary Fund Raiser 20 MAY AIIC Family Fun Night 20 MAY Muslimah Night Bazaar 21 MAY Conversations about Gender 25 MAY Al Kauthar TSK 5 & 6 AUGUST


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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services





Muslima Learn to Swim Lessons

Ladies Fun Swim Time

Ladies Fun Swim Day

Mum & Child Learn to Swim Lessons

Click on thumbnail to enlarge









Click on thumbnail to enlarge


Al Firdaus College Al Firdaus College Young Muslims Club Student Tuition Slacks Creek Hire Shajarah Islamic Education Shajarah Islamic Education Holland Park Mosque Hall Hire Marriage celebrant - Imam Akram High School Subjects Tutoring


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Businesses and Services




See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email





(Click on link)





21 May


pre-Ramadan Muslimah Night Bazaar

Muslima Night Bazaar

724 Blunder Rd, DURACK

0406 273 434

11am to 4pm

25 May


Conversations about Gender


11 Watland St, SPRINGWOOD

0431 360 418

8.30pm to 3pm

28 May




4 June


Free Public Lecture: "Should I be paying Zakaah?"

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

IWAQ Hall, Watland St, Slacks Creek

0401 246 228

10am to Zohr

23 June




26 June




1 July


ICQ Eid Down Under

Islamic Council of QLD


0413 038 610


15 July


Annual Eid Night Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque

0413 038 610


21, 22, 23 July


Hajj Exhibition: Hajj - The Journey of a Lifetime

Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque

0433 285 086


5 August


Fund Raiser: Toowoomba Garden City Mosque

Islamic Society of Toowoomba


0421 081 048


5 & 6 August

Sat & Sun

Sura Kahf: Reflections from the Cave: Sheikh Sajid Umar

Al Kauthar




2 September




22 September




25 November


Annual Mild-un-Nabi

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane


3809 4600

3pm to Maghrib



1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.

2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.


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21 MAY






Masjid As Sunnah









Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040





Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118


Download the programme here.


For further information:
Phone 07) 3809 4600




On Going Activities


1. Daily Hadeeth reading From Riyadusaliheen, After Fajar and after esha .
2. After school Madrassah for children Mon-Thu 5pm to 7pm

3. Adult Quran classes (Males) Monday and Tuesday after esha for an hour.
4. Community engagement program every second Saturday of the Month, interstate and overseas speakers, starts after margib, Dinner served after esha, First program begins on the 15 August.

5. Monthly Qiyamulail program every 1st Friday of the month starts after esha.
6. Fortnight Sunday Breakfast program. After Fajar, short Tafseer followed by breakfast.
7. Weekly Tafseer by Imam Uzair after esha followed by dinner. Starts from 26 August.


For all activities, besides Adult Quran, classes sisters and children are welcome.

For further info call the Secretary on 0413669987





Click on images to enlarge











Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



TIME: 7.00pm – 8.30pm
VENUE: Islamic College of Brisbane [ICB].


Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF)

Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  

Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter

Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions

Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)


Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque

 Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association


Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) -


Slacks Creek Mosque

Mosque and Community Centre

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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