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EST. 2004


Sunday 2 September 2018 | Issue 0721



CCN - a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ....


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We find the week's news, so that you don't have to.




A sold-out event was held this week at Michael's Oriental Restaurant to celebrate Ms Janeth Deen and her recent award of the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) and her contributions to the community over the years.


The function was organized by the Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) and guests came from diverse communities, and religious and cultural organizations with whom Janeth has played a significant role.


Ms Janeth Deen was presented with a flowers as she entered the hall - the first time, she said, that she was ever given red roses.


Long time friend and collaborator, Dr Mustafa Ally was the Master of Ceremonies, and there was a strong line up of speakers and performers who kept the audience riveted to their seats to the very end of the night.


Shaikh Ahmed Abu Ghazaleh started off the proceedings with a Quran recitation and sang a nasheed half-way through the programme. Mr Jade Carroll ably delivered a heartfelt Welcome-to-Country at short notice.


There was speeches in praise of Janeth from Chief Superintendent Brian Swan, Mr Graham Perrett MP, Mr Ali Kadri and Mr Umesh Chandra. The audience also got to sing along to Harry Belafonte's Kingston Town, led by Dr Sadeq Mustapha.


Janeth's daughter, Shareen Forsingdal, and her triplets, Mia, Caelan and Lars took everyone on a journey through Janeth's her early life growing up in Queensland.


Dr Mustafa Ally presented Janeth with a compilation of her achievements as documented in the past 720 issues of Crescents Community News (CCN).




Photos (mostly) taken by Atiyya Batty (17)


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Mr Duncan Pegg MP

Last Thursday, Member for Stretton (ALP), Mr Duncan Pegg MP, spoke in support of the following motion in Queensland Parliament:


That this House:

1. Acknowledge the historic action of the Holt government, with bipartisan support from the Australian Labor Party, in initiating the dismantling of the White Australia Policy;
2. Recognise that since 1973, successive Labor and Liberal/National party governments have, with bipartisan support, pursued a racially non-discriminatory immigration policy to the overwhelming national, and international, benefit of Australia; and


3. Give its unambiguous and unqualified commitment to the principle that, whatever criteria are applied by Australian governments in exercising their sovereign right to determine the composition of the immigration intake, race, faith or ethnic origin shall never, explicitly or implicitly, be among them.

Mr Duncan PEGG MP, Member for Stretton (ALP) (3.12 pm):


I rise to speak in favour of the motion.


When we debate these issues I think it is very important to put them in context. I want to speak about some of the things that have occurred in my electorate, which is the most multicultural in the state and also has far and away the biggest Muslim community of any electorate in the state.
To be frank, I do find it difficult to speak about these kinds of matters in this place because I do find them upsetting. I find some of the things that have occurred in my local area very upsetting, but we need to confront these issues now more than ever in the context of not only this debate but also the racist and bigoted speech that was recently made by Fraser Anning.

Back in 2001 the Kuraby mosque, a place of worship in my electorate, was set on fire in a criminal act. It was uninsured and the damage was extensive. At this exact same place of worship just last month Logan Robertson and five of his bigoted cronies turned up unannounced and started harassing worshippers including children. Fortunately, these kinds of incidents do not usually happen at other places of worship in other parts of Queensland. It is this kind of harassment that the Muslim community in my local area have had to put up with. Unfortunately, it does not begin and end with the incidents I just mentioned.

Last year before school a pig's head was thrown into the grounds of the Islamic College of Brisbane, which is in my electorate. We do have to seriously question what kind of people would target children in this way.
When reforms were introduced in the last parliament to debate petitions with more than 10,000 signatures, a proposed development in my electorate, which included a place of worship for the Muslim community, came up for debate. One would have thought some big issues of state significance might have come up under this provision, but no, the leader of One Nation got up in this place and spoke about a development miles away from his electorate simply because it involved a religion he did not like.

I certainly do not dispute the right of people to have their say in relation to proposed developments and to exercise their legal rights. However, during this period my community saw offensive signs placed on one of the main roads in my electorate near one of the biggest primary schools in Queensland. We also saw disgraceful and sickening anonymous flyers letterboxed to my community, and I actually received them in my own letterbox. I find all these things upsetting and difficult to talk about here. However, I am not even the target of these things. If they make me upset, I can only imagine what effect these things have on people who are the target of these actions.

I went down to the Kuraby mosque after the most recent incident and the vast majority of the community saw the incident for what it was: the foolish actions of a small minority of people. They put on a brave face and they carry on but, ultimately, these kinds of incidents do tremendous damage to community cohesion. Unfortunately, it seems there is always going to be a small minority of people in any community who do the wrong thing.

I often hear it argued that Muslim community leaders do not condemn the actions of people in their own community who do the wrong thing. The fact is—and the reality is—they actually do it all the time. I see them do it all the time, but it seems that, unfortunately, there are some people who simply do not want to listen. Of course, members of the Muslim community and community leaders do not just speak out; they open up their places of worship, they hold forums to engage with the community and they invite community members into their homes to share meals with their families. Yet it seems to me that no matter what members of the Muslim community do, it is never good enough for some people.

The concept of trying to enforce a White Australia Policy or a ban on Muslims is patently ridiculous. I cannot see how we can ban a religion or the beliefs of thousands of people in my electorate and indeed hundreds of thousands of their fellow Australians. We cannot ban someone's faith and we cannot ban what is in someone's heart.

Members of the Muslim community in my local area are doctors, teachers, businesspeople, police officers and community volunteers. They make a huge contribution to my community and they are our fellow Australians. All of us in this place need to come together and stand up against this racism, this hatred, and work together to build a better Queensland. I call on all members to support this motion.




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The AFP’s Community Liaison Team for QLD welcomes Detective Sergeant Simone Fryer as the new Team Leader of the Community Liaison Team (CLT). Simone comes to the team with a wealth of Policing and community experience and is excited to meet the community over the coming months.

Previous CLT member Brother Emir Cutuk will be returning to his previous role but hopefully we see him return to the CLT sometime in the future. Emir has done an amazing job alongside QLD communities and our stakeholders over the past couple of years and we greatly appreciate his input and achievements.

Since the QLD CLT’s inception back in 2013 we’ve been fortunate enough to have developed great relationships with so many members of QLD’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities but in particular the Muslim community. We have been able to deliver numerous projects alongside community encouraging youth and women in particular to engage and to speak up about matters that concern them and their families. Our projects have often centered around sport, art and employment and we have some exciting ideas in the pipeline.

Some of our favourite activities over the years have included the OXFAM 100km fundraising walk in partnership with MAQ and two community teams, Muslim Youth Camps alongside Youth Connect, Somali Ramadan Cup, IWAA mosaic art project, Kick Start Inala Football Community Cup and of course the numerous Mosque open days, community events and home Iftar dinners. To everyone that has helped us, engaged with us and felt comfortable enough to share your thoughts whether complimentary or otherwise, we sincerely thank you.

If you have any suggestions, requests or even complaints please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are after all your resource too.

Simone & Shane
Community Liaison Team ; Ph. 0419 212 034 ; Ph. 0409 392 114

Or email the following to ensure someone from the team receives your enquiry as we may individually be away on leave throughout the year:



For more information on the role of the AFP's Community Liaison Teams click here.




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After completing the design works, obtaining Council approval, finding contractors and signing contracts over the past 3 years, and the hard work put in by community members, the rebuilding of the Toowoomba Garden City Mosque (vandalized by fire) finally began on Monday, 27 August.

The commencement and completion of the project has been eagerly anticipated by the local community.

The earthmoving will be undertaken by Haji Sultan Deen (centre) and the construction by Nedzad Izmirlic (left) of NI Construction.




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To celebrate Road Safety Week, SBD police attended the Islamic College of Brisbane and presented to year 11 and 12 students, along with teaching staff.


"The police officers allowed students to become familiar with our ‘tools of the trade’ and the police vehicles were an absolute hit," a spokesman told CCN.


"The majority of the students are licence holders, and this opportunity to familiarise themselves with policing has been very beneficial," she added.




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The audience member and senator had a tense exchange on the panel show.


A Muslim woman has directly challenged One Nation leader Pauline Hanson over her views on immigration.

In a tense exchange on Monday night's episode of Q&A, the woman, believed to be called Khadija Fatima, asked Ms Hanson how she could be offended by recent comparisons in the media with Senator Fraser Anning, given her past comments on immigration.

In a controversial maiden speech earlier this month, Mr Anning appeared to praise the White Australia Policy and called for a ban on Muslim immigration. Ms Hanson said in the Senate she was "appalled" by the speech.

Ms Fatima said to Senator Hanson: "You said that you were deeply offended by the comparisons made between you and Fraser Anning after his maiden speech".

"How will you justify this when you yourself called for an immigration ban in your maiden speech, as well as stating 'we are in danger of being swamped by Asians'. And then again in 2016, you stated, 'we are in danger of being swamped by Muslims'."

"If you're both on the same page, why do you take so much offence?"

Ms Hanson told the questioner "[Mr] Fraser was calling for a White Australia Policy and I've advocated you don't have to be white to be Australian".

She said her concern was that Muslims "have a different ideology" and don't always assimilate, before detailing the global rise in Islamic terrorism.

"I will call out how I see it and a lot of other Australians see it the same way ... So I'm sorry, I'm not out to offend people, I'm here to protect Australians, that we feel safe on our streets and don't want the problems here".

Ms Fatima replied: "There are people across different religions who have different ideologies. There are people from different religions who are [committing] violence in different countries. Why just focus on Muslims every single time?"

"Our Sharia law says the first law is to follow the law of your country. Any Muslim in this room will tell you the same. I don't know where you get your beliefs from. Don't push it on all the Muslims across the world."

'I'm as much an Australian as you are, Pauline," she said, to applause from the audience.

The all-Queensland panel also featured Katter's Australian Party leader Bob Katter, who defended his colleague Mr Anning.

"If you can find anywhere in that speech where [he] advocated White Australia Policy, I'd be very curious to find out where it is," he said.

Ms Hanson also attracted a reaction from the audience after saying she did not know the connotations around the term "final solution", which Mr Anning used in his speech.

"I'm not going back to 'final solution'. I had no idea what it meant to tell you the truth. That was a 'please explain' moment," she said.

"I will say that I was appalled by him referring to White Australia Policy. We're past that. They tried to tag me with that years ago, that I was wanting a White Australia Policy."

Fellow panellist Larissa Waters, former deputy leader of the Greens, replied, "I wonder why?"






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The Project (Channel 10) chatted to Yassmin Abdel-Magied about the Melbourne Writers Festival, her thoughts on the current state of Aussie politics and getting offered a place on an F1 team.



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Labor frontbencher Ed Husic and the Energy and Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg in Canberra.

Liberal cabinet minister Josh Frydenberg and Labor rising star Ed Husic have long had each other's backs.

When Husic was criticised for swearing his oath of office on the Koran, Frydenberg went on radio to defend him. A few years later, it was Husic's turn. When others in his party suggested Frydenberg had questions to answer regarding his citizenship, Husic - publicly - told them to pull their heads in.

Both men know a bit about not fitting in.

Husic, the son of Bosnian immigrants who moved to Australia in the 1960s, and Frydenberg, the son of Jewish refugees fleeing the horrors of the Holocaust, have back stories many Australians - but not many politicians - can relate to.

When Katter's Australian Party senator Fraser Anning praised the White Australia Policy and called for a plebiscite as "the final solution to the immigration problem", both men knew they would have to respond.

Neither knew the response would come in the form of a bipartisan repudiation of Senator Anning's speech, a rare moment of political and parliamentary spontaneity that saw the Coalition, Labor, Greens and independents come together to condemn the speech and speak in support of a non-discriminatory immigration program.

Husic's speech was widely praised.

"There are often occasions I can't believe I'm here. There are probably instances, with the way that I carry on, where some of you on that side and even on my side probably agree with that statement," Husic said with the mix of self-deprecation and clarity he is known for.

"The reason why it's hard for me to believe I'm here is because my parents were a product of poverty. I visited my mum's place in rural Bosnia and the house that she grew up, which is probably no bigger than this area."

"There were eight people crammed into that house, and my dad's place wasn't much different....They made it here in the late sixties, and Australia opened its doors to allow us to have the chance to be here."

At the end of the off-the-cuff speech, Frydenberg jumped up from his seat on one side of the chamber and moved towards Husic. Husic was already on his feet. The pair met in the centre of the chamber and embraced.


The image of Josh Frydenberg and Ed Husic embracing in Parliament was shared widely on social media.

The image was widely shared on social media, a joyful exclamation mark that raised the spirits of many who were shocked and saddened following Senator Anning's speech.

"It was personal and it was heart felt," Frydenberg said of his friend's speech, admitting he had wiped away a tear or two as Anne Aly, a Labor MP and the first Muslim woman elected to federal parliament, spoke of her experiences.





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By Mobinah Ahmad, AMUST


Nazeem Hussain and Hanan Dover were amongst 12 Australians joining 200 participants that were invited to the 10th annual Concordia Forum exclusive retreat on 16-19 August 2018 at the Caux Palace Hotel in Caux, Switzerland.

The Concordia Forum is a global network of cross-sector leaders from Muslim backgrounds with hundreds of people meeting annually at exclusive invitation-only retreats set in Europe and North America to synergise their talents.

Out of 35 submissions, only 12 applicants get selected to present a project delivered in TedX style in the “Synergiser” session.

Psychologist Hanan Dover from Sydney was selected for a ‘Mindful Flourish’ presentation which is an international online gateway for mental health solutions for Muslims.

Comedian Nazeem Hussain from Melbourne presented at the HalaLOL Comedy Night at the event.

The retreat is filled with networking, calligraphy workshops, a comedy night, art exhibitions, presentations, and meetings.

Location for the retreat changes each year, previously being held in Portugal in 2016 and Canada in 2017.





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Everything must go before September 16!


Everything negotiable.


For pick up in Eight Miles Plains

Contact .....Tako on 0435 797 451


Whatsapp ‭‭+447429 388040‬‬ Anver Omar

  1. Black marble table with white streaks on a marble base 8 seater square

  2. Solid wood 8 to 10 seater garden table with chair cushions in very good condition

  3. Beechwood bedroom suite, comprising headboard, 2 bedside cabinets, tall boy and mirror with mattress

  4. Black and white bedroom suite in full leather comprising headboard , bed surround, 2 bedside cabinets

  5. Beige genuine marble coffee table with 2 side tables on solid wood legs

  6. Westinghouse fridge/freezer double 2 door

  7. Microwave

  8. Pool table

  9. Heaters

  10. Trestle tables

  11. Single bed

  12. L shaped 4 seater black genuine leather lounge suite

  13. TV

  14. Dryer

  15. Queen Mattress


Click on images to enlarge




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An aerial view of Mount Arafat, where thousands Muslim worshippers gather during the Hajj pilgrimage. on Aug. 20


Source: QUARTZ



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The WAW awards celebrate the quiet achievers through nominations of Muslim women who have contributed to family and community or promoted peace, human rights, advanced arts, education, STEM, public health and environmental or social justice.





Meet Sareh Sal.


Sareh is an experienced educator who wants to empower her students, especially females, with the knowledge of what it means to be a Muslim female in Australia.

She wants her students to use their faith to articulate and exercise their rights, and to become more confident in their religious identity as Australian Muslims. She has been in the education industry for over 17 years with varying roles: most recently, she was a Principal of an Islamic School in the South Eastern suburbs, and is currently an Education Advisor to an Islamic School in the Western suburbs.

While working full time Sareh completed a Master of Arts majoring in Islamic Studies, and then enrolled to study a Diploma of Counselling.

During whatever is left of her spare time, Sareh not only volunteers and raises funds for various charities both locally and internationally, she also encourages other women to get involved in giving back to those less fortunate. To this effect, she co-founded the charity group Australian Muslim Aid and Relief Association (AMARA), works with Community Care Network, takes part in in Speed Date a Muslim regularly, and is a strong advocate for social justice and youth empowerment.

Power to you, Sareh. Thank you for your inspirational work and leadership!


To be continued in CCN next week...


Source: Australasian Muslim Times




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Following Imam Luqman and Imam Ikram Buksh



 (12 August)





Source: Facebook Page




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There are approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 24.38% of the world’s population, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah’, the worldwide Muslim community.
The Muslim500 publication sets out to ascertain the influence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. Influence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view of course. 






"The reasonable among us must be heard and our voices must come out clearer than the voices of the extremists."

Amr Khaled

Preacher and Social Activist


Amr Khaled has been a televangelist to the Islamic world since 1998. He communicates through his TV shows and web campaigns using Islamic ethics as a way to inspire, foster community development, tolerance and inter-cultural relations.

Popular Media Figure: Part of Khaled’s influence derives from the fact that he appeals to the common person. He holds a degree in accounting, and has no formal religious education; wears suits and ties, and has a clean-shaven face except for a trimmed moustache–everything you do not expect from a Muslim preacher. His everyman appeal has led to immense popularity. Khaled is credited with the launch of the first “Muslim reality TV show” Mujaddidun on Dubai Television. Khaled’s speeches are published online, and on best selling cassettes and CDs. His website is translated from Arabic into nearly twenty languages and it rivals Oprah Winfrey’s in terms of traffic. His videos have racked up over 75 million views on YouTube, and he boasts 23.1 million likes on Facebook.

Community Development: Khaled’s goal is to encourage community development in the Muslim world by its own people with religious faith as the guiding inspiration–something he believes should be linked to interfaith dialogue, tolerance and moderation. The break up of communities is something Khaled sees as responsible for the malaise in the Muslim World, and something he believes puts the future of young people in jeopardy. One program he has launched to realize this objective of community development is Life Makers, which has a stated goal of producing a renaissance for the Arab and Muslim Worlds.






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CNN spent a year interviewing more than 100 American Muslims, asking who they think are the most influential Muslims in their fields. We sought nominees for whom religion is part of their public identity, but other than that, we let American Muslims do most of the talking.

Source: CNN

Continued from last week's CCN......



Ibtihaj Muhammad: The Olympian



Ibtihaj Muhammad has heard the stereotypes about Muslim women: they’re docile and oppressed, wear nothing but black, speak only Arabic and aren’t allowed to play sports.


“I speak English, I like wearing bright colors, I’m athletic and I’m on Team USA.”


In the 2016 Olympics, Muhammad became the first Muslim-American to wear a hijab in Olympic competition, where she won a bronze medal in the team sabre event.


Muhammad now has her eye on the World Fencing Championships. In between training, she runs a fashion line and speaks about tolerance and diversity. She also has her own hijab-wearing, Olympic-fencing Barbie doll.

Muhammad’s mission:
“To show that Muslim women can be strong, athletic and vocal -- and everything else you think we can’t be.”




Another American Muslim in next week's CCN




Op-Eds; Commentaries & Blogs



To Islam and the West: How Muslims are Constructing a New Identity

By Adis Duderija


Adis Duderija


The last three decades have seen an explosion of interest, both scholarly and popular, in Islam and Muslims - particularly Muslims who reside in Western liberal democracies.

Apart from global geo-political events that have contributed to this phenomenon, increased numbers and a more visible presence of Muslims in the West, mostly due to immigration, have also ensured that discussions pertaining to Islam and Muslim communities in the West have taken centre stage in many Western social and political contexts. And these discussions have only grown in intensity.



So what are the major issues and debates surrounding this "new," visible and, for some, problematic presence of Islam and Muslims in the West?

The presence of Muslims in the West is, of course, nothing new. Centuries-long Muslim presence on the European continent goes back to the eighth century in the case of the Iberian Peninsula, eleventh-century Sicily and the fourteenth century in the case of the Balkans.

In the other parts of the West, Islam has centuries-long presence. Interactions between Islam/Muslims and the West have been taking place since the early days of Islam, frequently in the context of military conflict and, at times, but not always, in situations marked by religious intolerance.

Both historically and in recent decades, conceptions of Islam and Muslims in the West have tended not only to emphasise their foreignness, but also their collective uniformity. However, among contemporary Muslim communities in the West, a number of Islamic orientations operate with very different conceptions of the normative Islamic tradition and with very different social orientations toward the broader society, ranging from highly participatory to isolationist. In my new book with Halim Rane, we try to correct this presumption of uniformity by exploring some of these different these Islamic orientations in the West and the transnational links associated with them.

In contemporary Western liberal democracies, Muslim communities constitute a new immigrant minority religion and the dynamics surrounding their identity construction in many important ways resemble those of other communities which have operated in similar contexts. The salience of their religious identity, especially among Western born or raised Muslims, at the expense of other traits - such as ethnicity or race - is one important aspect of this dynamic.

This is not, however, to imply that what we term a religion-based identity is necessarily fundamentalist in character. Individualisation or privatisation of Muslim identity is, in fact, a major characteristic of Western Muslim identity (re)construction. While there exist ultraorthodox and highly reactionary types of Western Muslim identity that emphasise its distinctiveness from the broader society, there are also types of Western Muslim identities that are very comfortable with the idea of being a Muslim and a Westerner.

The types of Western Muslim identity construction, we emphasise, depend in part on the approaches to the normative Islamic tradition Western Muslims adopt and the kind of "Muslim woman" construct they endorse. In which case, emphasis on distinction in dress or what could be termed "Muslim visibility" - especially in the form of the hijab - tends to contribute to a sense of "otherness" and "foreignness" between Western Muslims and the broader society.

The issues pertaining to gender have also come into the focus in the context of discussions surrounding Islam and Muslim communities in the West. One of the most sensitive and controversial debates relates to the various responses elicited by Western Muslim organisations to the ever-increasing demands by certain sections of Western Muslim communities for the recognition and accommodation of female religious authority - defined both as scholarly authority to engage in interpretation of normative texts, and the legitimacy of assuming religious leadership and representation of Muslim communities, including in mosques.

This new-found gender consciousness has given rise to activist and scholarly-based forms of gender jihad, which has resulted in the emergence of scholarly literature that produces non-patriarchal interpretations of Islam and is affirmative of female religious authority. But these developments have also forced some of the main Islamic organisations in the West to confront this issue of gender directly and make certain accommodations in this respect. Alternative initiatives have also sprung up that bypass existing power structures and have materialised in form of women only/inclusive or women-lead mosques.

Minority fiqh is another issue that has come to the fore of the discussions on Islam and Muslim communities in the West over the last few decades. Minority fiqh is an approach to Islamic jurisprudence developed in the 1990s by an Iraqi-born American Muslim scholar, Taha Al-Alwani. It is premised on the idea that new Islamic jurisprudence needs to be developed - rather than relying on existing classical jurisprudence whose contours were more or less finalised in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries - for Muslims living in the West that reflects the new context in which they find themselves.

In our book, we are most interested in demonstrating the contested nature of the concept of minority fiqh by analysing the differences between two leading theoretical approaches to the discourse of minority fiqh - the wasati and the salafi. The former is associated with scholars such as the "Global Mufti," Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, whereas the latter is associated with the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. We argue that the wasati approach, unlike the salafi, to minority fiqh has far more potential to contribute to the meaningful and lasting integration of Western Muslims. This is so because the wasati approach explicitly encourages Muslims in the West to be proactive citizens in their respective societies and to engage in electoral politics.

This gives rise to the possibility of a distinctly Western Islam - conceived not merely as a political-juristic construct (as per minority fiqh discourse) but as a fully-fledged philosophical and cultural system or worldview, akin to South-East Asian or African Islam. In our book, we identify some grounds and developments that might assist in the emergence of such a system or worldview - focussing particularly on ideas of Tariq Ramadan and Basam Tibi.

While some of these developments continue to provoke concerns about the future of the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims in the West, many of these developments point to successful transformations and fruitful exchanges of ideas. Given the nature of the present socio-political context - characterised as it is both by the rise of right-wing politics in Western liberal democracies and the continued threat of terrorism, including home-grown terrorism - it is likely that many of the issues we identify will continue to hold a great deal of relevance for the foreseeable future.

Adis Duderija is Lecturer in the Study of Islam and Society in the School of Languages and Social Science, Griffith University. He is the co-author (with Halim Rane) of Islam and Muslims in the West: Major Issues and Debates - see the CCN Book Club below.

ABC Religion & Ethics


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Justin Trudeau Eid Greetings

Justin Trudeau



Eid Mubarak! Sophie and I send our best wishes to Muslims in Canada and around the world as they celebrate Eid al-Adha.









How Islam Spread to Russia


















Can Science be used to disprove God?

OnePath Network 




The reason why science can never be used to disprove God.

The beginning of a series of conversations with Dr. Mohamed Ghilan exploring a range of topics involving science, faith, activism, and education.

Dr. Mohamed Ghilan is a student of knowledge who has a Ph.D. in neuroscience. He has previously given lectures on the biography of the Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, Fundamentalism in Islam, Islam and science, the message of Islam, Jesus in the Qur’an, in addition to others. He has also taught an introductory course on Islamic Jurisprudence according to the Maliki School as well as an introductory course on Islamic Theology.

In this first episode, Dr. Mohamed Ghilan puts forth his argument that science cannot be used to disprove religion because it involves a separate paradigm.

Ghilan also sheds light on the myth that most scientists are atheists, citing a study by the Pew Research Centre which determined only approximately 17% of scientists consider them atheists. Historically speaking many renowned scientists were also believers in a greater supreme being.








It is the usual policy of CCN to include notices of events, video links and articles that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages/links or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement by CCN of the contents therein.


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Friday lecture (sermon)

 DATE: 31 August 2018

TOPIC: "Hazrat Ibrahim" PART 6

IMAM: Uzair Akbar 











Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 31 August 2018


IMAM: Sheikh Hakim Najib












Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 31 August 2018

TOPIC: ”Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) cartoon competition and our attitude”

IMAM: Mufti Junaid Akbar


Lecture Recording









Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 31 August 2018

TOPIC: “Purpose of life is to worship Allah Almighty” 

IMAM: Mufti Naeem Ali










Listen live with the TuneIn app at


Friday lecture (sermon)

DATE: 31 August 2018

TOPIC: "Lessons from the Final Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)"
Ahmed Naffa





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Kenya’s first Muslim woman Major General   


Brigadier Fatuma Ahmed

KENYA: Kenya’s most senior military woman, Brigadier Fatuma Ahmed, has become Major General, becoming not only the first Muslim woman but also the first woman to occupy the rank in Kenya’s history.

Ahmed was also the first woman in Kenya’s military to attain the rank of Brigadier in August 2015.

At a swearing-in ceremony of new Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) top commanders at State House, Nairobi, Uhuru Kenyatta, told Ahmed she was a role model to many women in Kenya.

“Major General, let me begin by saying that it is my pride and joy today to witness the unveiling of the first Kenyan woman as a major general in the history of our country,” he said.

“I am looking to you and counting on you to be a positive role model for other women in this Republic and to show and to prove to them that there is no limit for Kenyan women and that everything is possible.”

Maj General Fatuma Ahmed thanked the President for the opportunity saying it is an honour to all women in the country. “I am very happy with this new appointment because it shows that the President values the contribution of women to the development of our great nation,” Ahmed said.

The President also announced that she will be the new Assistant Chief of the Defense Forces in charge of personnel and logistics.

She was commissioned as a second Lieutenant in 1985 and later posted to the Air Force.

Brigadier Ahmed, who is a graduate of the prestigious National Defence College and the Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, has also served as a battalion second-in-command, in addition to other positions in the administration.

She also holds a diploma in management from Strathmore University.

The swearing-in ceremony was attended by Defence Cabinet Secretary Amb Raychelle Omamo, Chief of Defence Forces General Samson Mwathethe, and the retiring commanders.  



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China Declared Islam a Contagious Disease – and Quarantined 1 Million Muslims   


Chinese police patrol as Muslims leave the Id Kah Mosque after the morning prayer in China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.

CHINA: China is among the most ethnically homogeneous large countries in the world, with Han Chinese accounting for 91 percent of its population. The ruling Communist Party considers China’s homogeneity and social cohesion to be pillars of its strength (and, also, potent rationalizations for discrimination against ethnic minorities and authoritarian rule).

But the territory of Xinjiang, in northwest China, is home to a large population of Uighurs, a predominantly Muslim, Turkic ethnic group. The Chinese government has long worried that the Uighurs will attempt to establish an independent homeland in the region, which they commonly call East Turkestan. In 2009, ethnic riots in Xinjiang claimed hundreds of lives; since then, individual Uighur nationalists have carried out multiple terrorist attacks.

So, to combat the impression that Uighurs have any cause for wanting their own separate state — let alone for deploying violence to achieve it — Xi Jinping’s government has decided to declare Islam a contagious “ideological illness,” and quarantine 1 million Uighurs in reeducation camps, according to an estimate from the United Nations. In interviews, former inmates from these camps say that they were made to renounce their faith, sing Communist Party songs, consume pork, and drink alcohol; other reports suggest some of the truly “ideologically sick” have been tortured and killed.

At first, Beijing was content to reserve its concentration camps for suspected radicals. But, as the Atlantic’s Sigal Samuel explains, they eventually decided that the Uighurs’ ideological malady was so destructive and contagious, it was best to quarantine them prophylactically, upon the slightest apparent symptom (like, say, the appearance of a long beard on an Uighur male’s face).

To the West, China insists that its reeducation camps are mere vocational schools. But, as Samuel notes, Beijing offers a more forthright account of its intentions to its Chinese constituents. Here’s how the Communist Party explained its policy in an official recording:

Members of the public who have been chosen for reeducation have been infected by an ideological illness. They have been infected with religious extremism and violent terrorist ideology, and therefore they must seek treatment from a hospital as an inpatient.

… There is always a risk that the illness will manifest itself at any moment, which would cause serious harm to the public. That is why they must be admitted to a reeducation hospital in time to treat and cleanse the virus from their brain and restore their normal mind … Being infected by religious extremism and violent terrorist ideology and not seeking treatment is like being infected by a disease that has not been treated in time, or like taking toxic drugs … There is no guarantee that it will not trigger and affect you in the future.

Having gone through reeducation and recovered from the ideological disease doesn’t mean that one is permanently cured … So, after completing the reeducation process in the hospital and returning home … they must remain vigilant, empower themselves with the correct knowledge, strengthen their ideological studies, and actively attend various public activities to bolster their immune system. 





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Islam and Muslims in the West
Major Issues and Debates


Adis Duderija and Halim Rane




This book analyzes the development of Islam and Muslim communities in the West, including influences from abroad, relations with the state and society, and internal community dynamics.


The project examines the emergence of Islam in the West in relation to the place of Muslim communities as part of the social fabric of Western societies.


It provides an overview of the major issues and debates that have arisen over the last three to four decades surrounding the presence of new Muslim communities residing in Western liberal democracies.


As such, the volume is an ideal text for courses focusing on Islam and Muslim communities in the West.




Adis Duderija is Lecturer in the Study of Islam and Society in the School of Languages and Social Science, Griffith University, Australia. 

Halim Rane is Associate Professor of Islam-West Relations in the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science, Griffith University, Australia.



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to

CCN's Bookshelf

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
A Fine Balance
The Leadership of Muhammad
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Updated Edition, With a New Preface
The God of Small Things
The Kite Runner
The Punishment of Gaza
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children
The Da Vinci Code
The Power of One
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East
The Road to Mecca
Long Walk to Freedom
Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

CCN's favourite books »


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Not fame nor celebrity was their ambition,

Only a connection with their Lord.

The stoic strength of Khadijah (ra),

The bold, incredible intellect of Aisha (ra), finest teacher of her time,

The engaging eloquence of Fatima (ra), the Resplendent One,

Her father’s most loyal defendant,

The fearless courage of Sumayya (ra),

Martyred for her Lord’s sake.

The devoutness of pure Maryam (ra),

The tawakkul, unshaking, of Hajrah (ra)

When stranded in the lonely deserts of Makkah,

The daring defiance of Aasiya (ra)

Condemned, cruelly, to death for mere belief.

The fierce loyalty of Baraka (ra),

The good fortune of Ramla (ra),

Rewarded for perseverance, fortifying.

The timely wisdom of Umm Salamah (ra)

And the generous ascetism of Asma (ra).

These are the women of worth,

The ones that encompass true womanhood.

Our ideals, their struggles,

At home and beyond.

Their power was their devotion, self-negation and unswerving righteousness,

Generosity and innate wisdom,

Seeking none other than Allah (swt),

The Befriender of the pure.


Umm Hafsah



Source: Muslim News UK




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KB says: A great recipe to try out on Father’s Day 


Masala Pan Fried Fillet Steak


With Buttery Mash and Mushroom sauce





1 500g Thickly sliced beef fillet steaks
1-tab white vinegar
1 tab lemon juice
1 heaped tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp crushed cumin
1 tsp salt
1 tsp barbeque or steak and chops spice
1 tsp crushed red chillies
1 tsp chilli powder
½ tsp turmeric powder
½ tsp white pepper

Marinate the steak and set aside for a few hours.

Heat 4-tab butter or ghee in a pan and fry on medium to high at least 5 min on each side.

Best results are achieved when fried just before dinner and served

Mushroom sauce

3 heaped tab butter
3-tab cake flour
Braise in a sauce pan till light golden
Add in 2 cups milk and keep whisking till it boils and thickens
Add 2 tab. cream and continue to stir gently
Season with salt and pepper
Lastly add in 1 cup of sautéed mushrooms and pour the sauce over the steak.
Serve with buttery mash (see below) and peas.

Buttery mash

3 medium to large potatoes
Peel and chop up into chunks
Add to a pot and add water just sufficient to boil till soft and water burns out.
Add in 4-tab butter
¼ cup milk
1 tsp. fine salt
½ tsp pepper
A dollop of cream and mash well




Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?


Send in your favourite recipe to me at and be my "guest chef" for the week.


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Q: Dear Kareema, how do I go about setting some goals for myself when it comes to fitness? I always seem to hit a snag and then give up. Help!

A: Don’t be too tough on yourself. Start slow and take it one small step at a time.

The key to goal-setting is to make sure it’s specific, attainable, time-based and realistic.

Map your fitness path and decide the best route and time to suit you.


Break your goals down into small achievable targets eg.  weekly, monthly and then long-term.

Keep it simple and reward yourself as you reach your targets.


If you deviate for any reason try remembering why you set the goals and get back on track.






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter?

Send your question to Kareema at

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


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Self-Care and Clarity of Mind...a weekly column by Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra )




Princess Lakshman


Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Healing Words Therapy - Writing for Wellbeing














Muslimah Mind Matters videos

available on YouTube.

Welcome to my weekly column on Self-Care and Clarity of Mind. If you’re taking time out to read this, pat yourself on the back because you have shown commitment to taking care of your mind and body.

Today, In Shaa Allah, we will try and understand the meaning of True Forgiveness and how to cultivate a Daily Forgiveness Practice.

Before we proceed further, let us imagine four scenarios:

Scenario One
Your friend borrows a piece of clothing from you. When your friend returns it to you, you notice an irreparable rip in the fabric. Initially, it bothers you and you let your friend know how you feel. Your friend apologises and you decide to let it be in the past and move on. You accept the apology and forgive.

Scenario Two
Your friend borrows a piece of clothing from you. Again, upon return, you notice an irreparable rip. When asked about it, your friend dismisses it and does not accept any responsibility. Your friend apologises for the inconvenience without accepting the responsibility of the rip. Again, you decide to let it go and accept the indirect apology.

Scenario Three
You confide in a friend and later find out that the friend accidentally let it slip in a group conversation. You feel hurt and tell your friend you are disappointed by the event. Your friend realises and apologises. Even though you are hurt and find it difficult to forget the incident, you decide to accept your friend’s apology.

Scenario Four
You confide in a friend and later find out that the friend intentionally told another person and now the secret has been passed around in a group of other people. You tell your friend you feel deeply hurt and betrayed. You demand an apology. There is NO APOLOGY. Your friendship is ruined as a result. You lose trust in other people of that group and you begin avoiding gatherings where any of these people are. Every time your former friend’s name is mentioned you feel anger and hurt.

Now, in the first three scenarios, it was easier to let go of the hurt and carry on with life as well as maintain your friendship. In the last scenario, however, you did not let go.

Why? Because there was NO APOLOGY. You became deeply affected and restricted your life because of another person’s actions - you let that person affect you and your decisions.


True Forgiveness happens when you can no longer feel a person’s or incident’s control over your response to life’s situations. True Forgiveness happens when you no longer blame a person or circumstance for how things are turning out in your life.


True Forgiveness happens when you no longer NEED an apology because you have decided to have a NEW PERSPECTIVE of the situation - the perspective that lets you be FREE from carrying a grudge or resentment of any kind whatsoever.
Forgiveness does NOT mean you need to start having dinner parties with that person or start re-connecting. NO.


Four Steps to Practise Daily Forgiveness

Forgiveness gives you freedom. Forgiveness is for your benefit alone. There are four steps to practise daily forgiveness. Cultivate a forgiving attitude by practising these four steps daily.

Step 1 - Think of the person who has hurt you, the person you need to forgive.
Step 2 - Now think of this person in a child form as if they were a little girl or little boy.
Step 3 - Now, in your mind, say to this child : “I forgive you; you did what you because someone hurt you too. I forgive you”.
Step 4 - Now imagine this person back in the adult form and in your mind, say to him/her: “I forgive you. You have no power over me. Your words and your actions have no power over me. I release you from my mind. I forgive you. ALLAH guide you to the path of love and peace.”

Forgiving Yourself
Sometimes we feel guilty for something we have done and we find it difficult to forgive ourselves. Try practising this affirmation to yourself. Close your eyes and say: “I forgive myself and set myself free. I seek refuge in ALLAH’s mercy.”

Next week, In Shaa Allah, we will explore the meaning of Silence and strategies to practice moments of Silence daily in your life so that you are able to “hear” the answers to your prayers. We often voice our supplications to ALLAH, but rarely do we practise silence to hear HIS answers to our questions because we are caught up in reacting to circumstances.


If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please email me on If you wish to have a FREE one hour Clarity Coaching phone session, contact me on 0451977786


Download the above article.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Reflections - my new ebook of poetry and affirmations
DOWNLOAD The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Muslimahs
WATCH VIDEOS from Muslimah Mind Matters YouTube Channel.

DOWNLOAD Muslimah Meditation Moments - audio files for self-awareness meditation.

If you wish to know about a specific topic with regards to Self-Care and Clarity of Mind, please text or email me or visit If you wish to have a FREE one hour Finding Clarity telephone session, contact me on 0451977786.



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Jallalludin and his wife brought their new baby home.


Mrs Jallalludin suggested to her husband that he should try his hand changing diapers.

"I'm busy" Jallalludin said, "I'll do the next one."

The next time came around and she asked again.




Jallalludin looked puzzled.

"Oh, I didn't mean the next diaper. I meant the next baby!"

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An Ayaat-a-Week






Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him We will give a new Life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.

~ Surah Al-Nahl 16:97


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"In matters of style,

swim with the current;

in matters of principle,

stand like a rock.”

~ Thomas Jefferson



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I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.

Notice Board





Events & Functions










Purchase tickets here



A thousand years ago, one boy with a dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted with his sister and taken to a land far away from home. Thrown into a world where greed and injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage to raise his voice and make a change. Inspired by the true story of Bilal ibn Rabah Radhiallahu ‘anhu, this is a tale of a real hero who earned his remembrance in time and history.


Bilal: A New Breed of Hero debuted at the Dubai International Film Festival in 2015, won ‘Most inspiring animation’ in Cannes during its animation showcase and was shortlisted for last year’s Oscars.

And it is now coming to Brisbane thanks to the Hurricane Stars Club and Human Appeal International!


Bilal, is a universal story about humanity and courage – that everyone, despite their background or religious affiliation, can enjoy and learn from.
Be a part of this historical moment, as the tale of a legendary man from Islamic history hits Brisbane for the first time.


Limited tickets available for Brisbane’s only screening of the movie and don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!


Come along and enjoy this rare opportunity to go out for a family movie night to see an Islamic film.


100% of ALL money raise goes to charity. To fund projects for the local Brisbane Muslim community and at the Islamic College of Brisbane.

The film is being shown in the Multipurpose Hall of the Islamic College of Brisbane  45 Acacia Road Karawatha.


Gates open at 5pm and a variety of halal food is available to purchase for dinner before the movie starts at 6.30pm.

Food available for purchase will be-



Sausage sizzle

Hot chips

Bosthans catering tuckshop


Fairy floss

Cadbury chocolates

Dessert stall

Cold drinks

Hot drinks

One4kids Zaky merchandise


Children 3 years old and under free for movie entry.
Gold coin donation per car at the gates for parking.
All of the Islamic College of Brisbane grounds are off limits except for the multipurpose hall.

Thank you to our sponsor Human Appeal International.




More information


A lot of people are doing it tough right now, but instead of standing up against big corporations and a morally corrupt banking industry, politicians are turning us against one another, blaming migrants of non-European backgrounds when they should be blaming our broken economic and political systems.

The government has been pushing massive tax cuts for big corporations and cutting basic services, while simultaneously whipping up fears about immigration, scapegoating migrants for everything from traffic congestion to crime rates.

Racism and anti-immigrant rhetoric is on the rise in mainstream discourse, and we need to stand up against it.
Everyone seems happy to condemn isolated examples of overt racism on public transport. But when racists like Tony Abbott and Andrew Bolt make similar comments in parliament or in the mainstream media, they are rewarded with more coverage.

All this happens against a backdrop of ongoing colonial racism against First Nations peoples - the theft of land, wages and children, and the continued rejection of Aboriginal sovereignty.

In the next few months, the federal government will try to change citizenship and immigration laws. If passed, these changes will:

- Make the English language tests and ‘Australian Values’ tests even stricter
- Require permanent residents to have lived here for 4 years before becoming citizens, when it’s already very difficult and can take many years just to get permanent residency
- Require citizenship applicants to ‘prove they have integrated’
- Make it harder to reunite with elderly parents and disabled relatives, even after you become a citizen 
- Make it harder to have overseas educational qualifications recognised in Australia
- Make it harder for asylum seekers to be accepted as refugees
- Give the Immigration Minister stronger powers to deport people and reject visa applications without going through fair processes

Without strong public opposition to these changes, anti-immigrant policies will become the new normal, and refugees will continue to languish in offshore concentration camps.

Please join us at a positive, family-friendly public rally to say no to racism and imperialism, and yes to unity and multiculturalism.

This will be a short rally and march, featuring poets and performing artists but not too many speeches. After the poetry, we'll be marching down Adelaide St to the Immigration Department building, then back up to King George Square.

We want to remind politicians of all parties that racist policies and messages are a vote-loser, not a vote-winner, and remind broader society that with the exception of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, everyone on this continent has come from somewhere else. Multiculturalism should be celebrated and encouraged, not undermined.

This event is taking place on stolen land. We acknowledge the Jagera and Turrbul peoples, and pay respects to their elders past and present. Sovereignty was never ceded, and the struggle against racism and anti-immigrant xenophobia is fundamentally a struggle for decolonisation and justice for First Nations peoples.

Event banner image by artist James Fosdike.




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Queensland Police Service (QPS) is organising a recruiting seminar specifically targeting people from non-English speaking background to join QPS.

This seminar will be held at the Darra Mosque on Sunday 9th September 2018 at 10.30am and is designed to educate/encourage members of the community in the recruiting process in QPS.

To be eligible for this program, you must:
Be born in a non-English speaking country or a child of someone born a Non-English speaking country.
Be a permanent resident or citizen of Australia
Be 18 years of age or older.
You must have successfully completed Year 12 OR have three years of full-time paid employment (or the part-time equivalent) since leaving high school.

For further inquiries please contact A/Sgt Sundip Borse @



Muslim Money Matters

A Joint Workshop of NZFAUS and MCCA


Learn how to navigate the complex financial system to increase your wealth while ensuring you are aligned with Islamic principles & rulings.

Join our financial experts from MCCA Islamic Finance and Investment and National Zakat Foundation for this practical workshop.

Date: 16 September (Sunday)
Time: 10-1pm
Venue: SunPAC, 470 McCullough St, Sunnybank QLD

Register at:

FREE event, light lunch and refreshments provided.




Join us for a night of fun, games and prizes. Ladies enjoy dressing in your finest and enjoy a girls night out with your favourite person. Mothers and daughters of all ages are welcome. Weather you are a 30 years old with your 60 year old mother or with your 10 year old daughter, or both.

Hosted by Susan Al-Maani.





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Islamic Programmes, Education & Services




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New Muslim Care (NMC) are proud to be working in alliance with Sisters Support Services (SSS) and National Zakat Foundation (NZF) to support new Muslims with the Islam 101: The Foundations courses.

Through collaboration we are strengthening our organisations and sharing resources in order to continue to provide much needed services to the community.

Our aim is to offer continuous support to new Muslims through Islamic workshops, classes and social avenues and enable a more seamless transition successfully to an Islamic way of life Insha'Allah.

Sessions for brothers are envisaged for the near future.

Please contact or to discuss your needs or to work in collaboration with NMC in providing future sessions and assisting others in the community.

















On 31 December 2017 the only Islamic childcare centre in the whole of Brisbane had to unfortunately close its doors due to the Department of Transport requiring it for their future expansion. To date they are still in the process of securing new premises to continue serving this very important need of the community and the wait continues….

In the interim the need is still there. The question most Muslims would be asking themselves is “Where do I send my child so that he/she can learn, grow and develop in an Islamic environment, and establish a sound Islamic foundation?”

Msasa Montessori is a private home based learning centre for 3-5 year olds. The focus is an Islamic based learning environment alongside the Montessori method of teaching. Children will be taught their basic duas, surahs, tasbeehs, stories of the Prophets will be read and enacted, and Inshallah their love for Allah and His Noble Prophet Muhammed S.A.W will develop. Supported by the Montessori method of teaching they will develop their independence and will utilise equipment which will enable them to develop and grow.

Montessori is a method of education based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. The Montessori materials cover developmental activities designed to meet the needs of children in five curriculum areas:
Practical life skills, Sensorial activities, Mathematics, Language and Cultural Studies.


By providing such an environment, the children will develop a strong sense of wellbeing and identity as Muslims and they will become confident and involved learners with the ability to communicate effectively and with confidence.

For further information call 0434519414.



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Click here to enlarge








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Businesses and Services





See ALL our advertising/sponsorship options

here or email us


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Gold Coast Islamic Cultural Centre







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"If it's not here's not happening!"l)

To claim your date for your event email






(Click on link)





1 September



Awards Presentation & Dinner Night


Logan Roos Football School

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA

0413 669 987


11 September








19 September

20 September




Wed (EVE)







22 September


The Final Rites - Fiqh of Janazah, Burials and Inheritance course

AlKauthar Institute

Griffith University, Nathan Campus

0438 698 328

8.30AM to 6.30PM

13 October



Holland Park Mosque FUND RAISER


Holland Park Mosque

Islamic College of Brisbane, KARAWATHA



17 November



Annual Milad-un-Nabi


Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane



3PM to Maghrib


19 November

20 November


Monday (EVE)




(Milad un Nabi)

12th Rabi-ul-Awwal 1440


2 April 2019

3 April 2019


Tues (EVE)





(Ascension night)

27th Rajab 1440


20 April 2019

21 April 2019


Sat (EVE)





(Lailatul Bahrat)

15th Sha'baan 1440


6 May 2019





(start of the month of fasting)

1st Ramadaan 1440


26 May 2019





(Night of Power)

27th Ramadaan 1440


5 June 2019





(end of the month of fasting)

 1st Shawal 1440


11 August 2019





(Night of Power)

9th Zil-Hijjah 1440


12 August 2019





10th Zil-Hijjah 1440





1. All Islamic Event dates given above are supplied by the Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) and are provided as a guide and are tentative and subject to the sighting of the moon.


2. The Islamic date changes to the next day starting in the evenings after maghrib. Therefore, except for Lailatul Mehraj, Lailatul Bhahraat and Lailatul Qadr – these dates refer to the commencement of the event starting in the evening of the corresponding day.



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Masjid As Sunnah



Every Sunday Quran Tafsir or Islamic Lesson or Arabic Class.
After Magrib
Conducting by Imam Yahia Baej

Children Arabic/Quran Class every Tue-Wed-Thursday after Magrib




Nuria Khataam
Date: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: After Esha Salaat
Venue: Algester Mosque
Contact: Yahya
Ph: 0403338040




Bald Hills, Brisbane




Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane 

39 Bushmills Court, Hillcrest Qld 4118

Download the programme here.




















Queensland Police Service/Muslim Community Consultative Group



Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: Islamic College of Brisbane - 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha QLD 4117

Community Contact Command, who are situated in Police Headquarters, manages the secretariat role of the QPS/Muslim Reference Group meeting.

Please email with any agenda considerations or questions.


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HikmahWay Institute HikmahWay offers online and in-person Islamic courses to equip Muslims of today with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to lead balanced, wholesome and beneficial lives.

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque

Al-Nisa Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA / Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW) (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD) (Islamic College of South Australia, SA) (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA) (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

Muslim Directory Australia

Carers Queensland Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Muslim Charitable Foundation (MCF) Coordinated collection & distribution of: Zakaah, Lillah, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Unwanted interest

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)

Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ)  Umbrella body representing various Mosques and Societies in Queensland

Current list of businesses certified halal by ICQ  7 August 2011

Islamic Friendship Association of Australia

Blog of the Association's activities

United Muslims of Brisbane

Crescents of Brisbane's CRESCAFE (Facebook)

Muslim Women's eNewsletter Sultana’s Dream is a not-for-profit e-magazine that aims to provide a forum for the opinions of Australian Muslim women

Islamic Solutions Articles and Audio recordings

Islamic Relief Australia

National Zakat Foundation (NZF)

MCCA Islamic Finance  & Investments

Gold Coast Mosque  Incorporating Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG) Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  Always with you on the road to goodness

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Shia Council of Queensland

Muslim Reverts Network

Supporting new Muslims

Muslim Funeral Services (MFS)

 Funeral Directors & Funeral Fund Managers for the Brisbane and Gold Coast communities

Islamic Society of Bald Hills (ISBH) : Masjid Taqwa

Tafseers and Jumma Khubahs uploaded every week.

Muslim Community & Qld floods

How the community helped out during the 2010 QLD floods

The CCN Young Muslim Writers Award (Facebook)

The Queensland Muslim Historical Society  (Facebook)

Muslim Women's National Network of Australia, Inc (MWNNA)

Peak body representing a network of Muslim women's organisations and individuals throughout Australia

Sultana's Dream

Online magazine

Lockyer Valley Islamic Association

Eidfest Celebrating Muslim cultures

iCare QLD (formerly AYIA Foundation) - Charity

Slacks Creek Mosque Mosque and Community Centre

Al Tadhkirah Institute Madressa, Hifz and other Islamic courses

If you would like a link to your website email


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CCN Team, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by CCN


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail us..


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to enter their details here.


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