"My family and I had a wonderful day. Perfect
weather, beautiful venue, yummy food and great atmosphere.
We look forward to CresWalk 2011!",
said a mother of three.
"Thanks for a great day, well done and congratulations to
the whole Crescents. Team on another fantastic CresWalk. So
wonderful to see the "young ones" contribute so much, a
great model." Garry Page, Executive Director, MAQ
"I would just like to say Jazaakallah for
organising this great event. Alhumdulilaah it was very
enjoyable, without a doubt the day was successful. May Allah
(swt) reward you all abundantly for all your efforts
inshallah" was the response of the
Kuraby Imam who completed the 5km in good time.
Another wrote in to say: "Congratulations to the team on
yet another, even more successful CresWalk. Nice touch with
the 9 am start."

1 Nawaf Alamri of the Australian International
Islamic College decided a picture was worth a thousand
"............this was undoubtedly one of the best
organised community events I have attended in years. Your
impeccable organisation meant nothing was left to chance.
Participants knew exactly what the program was, every little
detail had been thought of and attended to, there were no
queues when queues can be the backbreaker for these events
and the level of participation was a signal testimony to
your associations effectiveness in generating social
harmony. Old and young, disabled and fit, Muslim, Christian,
atheist, families and singles – all were there
participating. Please pass on to your colleagues my thanks
and congratulations and please note my early bird
registration for CresWalk 2011," wrote Ian Muil,
Executive Manager of ECCQ
"Thanks again for Sunday, it was fun and really good to
be a part of something that promoted Fun, Fitness and
Family!", said Chanda.
"...........we had a good day out. Crescents has outdone
themselves once again", wrote Ms P.
Wheelchair bound,
Antoni Tsaputra (pictured left) wrote:
Again my life experiences in Australia have been
enriched. It was a worthy opportunity to befriend and mingle
with the Australian community as well as to strengthen
silahturrahim with Muslim brothers and sisters in Queensland
Australia. It will go down as one of the unforgettable
moments to share with friends and relatives back in
Indonesia when I return home upon the completion of my study
as an AusAID scholar. Today I had my first walk (race) all
my life in one of the most celebrated local community events
in Brisbane, CresWalk2010.
Kind hearted and
sincere smiles were thrown to me every time I met with other
participants and said salam to each other. It really was a
happy day for everyone. We shared happiness with each other
regardless of different ethnics and cultures.
This event has strengthened the bond of silahturrahim
amongst Muslims and has shown that Muslim people are able to
contribute a lot to social activities in Australia. It is a
great pride and honour for me to participate in this annual
event. Insha Allah I will join it again next year.
For the complete version of Anotoni's
First Walk with CresWalk click