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Crescents of Brisbane Gives Women a Chance to 'Chill Out'

Independent report by Farzanah Ally

Giveaway to all guests - handcrafted CD fridge magnets and gift vouchers


Whilst many of us have so much to be grateful for we often do not have the opportunity to truly celebrate our lives and each other.

All that changed on Saturday (yesterday) for over 140 women of all ages who let down their hair (and their scarves) and celebrated being a woman.


With no cooking lessons or vacuum cleaner demonstrations in sight we enjoyed a sumptuous lunch and afternoon tea (and offcourse Crescents of Brisbane’s famous desserts), all in the name of a very dedicated cause, the Mummy’s Wish Charity!

Mummy’s Wish is a not-for-profit charity focusing on supporting mothers diagnosed with cancer while either pregnant or with young children in South East Queensland. Their mission is to support mums with young families to help them and their family cope with many of the challenges they face while undergoing treatment.


In addition to the ticket sales, 10 percent of all proceeds from the sales of products on the demonstration display stands including Beauty Spells, Larissa Bright, Runway Culture Jewellery and Galvanic Spa was donated to Mummy’s Wish. This amounted to the sum of $2 300 being raised on the day.

Lucky draw prizes and giveaways


If you would like to support Mummy Wish please contact Gayle Richardson at www.mummyswish.org.au.


The afternoon breezed by as we were dazzled by the energetic and glamorous dancers from Rise & Shine who we cheered on enthusiastically as they performed the Can Can Dance.


We were spoilt with many wonderful prize giveaways and competition prizes including a Pellowes Gift Certificates, Babylon Day Spa Packages, Emerging Swan Coaching Packages, a new release babyhood Diva Glider Chair and much more.

We learnt from the inspiring Vicki Lennox from Emerging Swan Coaching how to facilitate change in our lives so that we glide joyfully and elegantly on swan lake and not drown in a duck pond.


We heard from Bronwyn Buckley, a Health Promotion Officer about the long term strategies to improve our body image.


Lunch fit for a Queen!



This was followed by the always passionate Sylvia Pellowe from the Pellowe Wellness Centre who enlighten us about putting ‘the balance’ back into our life through health and fitness.


This fabulous luncheon was not just supported by our local community but attended by MP Judy Spence (Member for Sunnybank), the Ethnic Communities Council of Qld, ACCESS, Logan Women’s Centre and Al-Nisa.


Finally but certainly not be forgotten are the true heroes of the day: Saalihah Seedat and the always dedicated and hard working team of Crescents of Brisbane and the many volunteers who made this event a truly indulgent and fun filled celebration for all that attended.





What some had to say......

Thank you so much for inviting me to today's celebration of womanhood. I really enjoyed it and I met so many wonderful woman.

I hope you will let me know when a similar get together happens

The food was fabulous!

Excellent event..
Good balance of speakers, games and socialising
People bingo game was great fun
Everyone was welcomed and made to feel special...it truly was a celebration
Great hospitality!
Rise and Shine Dancers were amazing...would love to see them again
Convenient venue...decor spectacular
All the speakers were very interesting...
Fabulous MC...good on you Saalihah...keep it up!
Yet another successful event from the Crescents...congratulations on a job well done!
Well presented hall
Most delicious
layout and variety of food and desserts..yummy
An amazing
effort from the Crescents to raise funds for such a worthy cause

More images


Vicki Lennox - Life Coach

"Just wanted to congratulate you for organising Celebration of Being a Woman, such a fabulous event on Saturday last and thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet so many of your lovely community. Thank you also from my mother, 'Mardy' who thoroughly enjoyed herself.

I cannot begin to tell you what a pleasure it was to attend such a well planned, beautifully orchestrated and presented function."


Sylvia Pellowe

Rachel from Galvanic Spa

Saphena Aku and Aameena Cajee

Table Setting

Deb McCulloch - Beauty Spells Mineral Makeup

Anisha Esat and Asma Motiwala

Rise and Shine dance group with Saalihah Seedat





The theme of this year’s function is “Celebration of being a Woman” with all proceeds going to Mummy’s Wish charity.
Guests will be treated to an informative and fun filled day including a delicious lunch, speakers, performances and demonstrations.
Come along and discover your full potential in all areas of your life.  Unlock the secrets to gaining optimum health, fitness, beauty and happiness. 
Salaat facilities will be provided.  Limited number of tickets at $40 each are available.  Group bookings welcome.  No children allowed.
For more information or to reserve a ticket, contact Saalihah Seedat on 0404 296297 or email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org
More information and speaker profiles:

Mummy’s Wish is a not-for-profit charity focusing on supporting mothers diagnosed with cancer while either pregnant or with young children in South East Queensland.

Life Coach – Vicki Lennox
As the founder of Emerging Swan Coaching, Vicki’s mission is to help women create a space for them to really get to know themselves and explore their options, help them discover their unique life purpose and decide how they want to express that purpose.  Her passion is to inspire women to escape the drudge of merely existing on a duck pond and discover how to prosper joyfully, elegantly and authentically on Swan Lake.


Body Image
Health Promotion Officer, Bronwyn Buckley is a registered nurse with a degree in Health Education. She has worked in women’s health for the past 20 years, including 5 years on Women's Health Queensland health information phone line. Her presentation covers ageing and body image including what influences body image and the marketing of anti-ageing products as well as strategies to improve body image.

Fitness with Pellowe
Sylvia Pellowe from Pellowe Wellness Training in Springwood is passionate about helping people regain their health and fitness and put the balance back in their lives so that they are able to really enjoy and make the most of the lifestyle they have worked hard to achieve.

Some display stands for the day providing mini-facials, mini-makeovers, personalised demonstrations and sampling of products include :
Galvanic Spa, Larissa Bright Cosmetics, Beauty Spells Mineral Makeup, Runway Culture Jewellery.




Runway Culture

Fashion Jewellery Collection




Beauty Spells Australia


The "ipod" of the Skin Care Industry