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Sunday 17 May 2009


It was a gloriously sunny May morning along the  Brisbane River and CresWalk2009 was just the icing on the cake for the 482 runners and walkers who completed the course at Orleigh Park today.


The day started of with a warm up session by Sharif Deen (of Australia's Biggest Loser fame) and with a horn blast from Furquaan the CresWalk mascot the runners, walkers and pram pushers took off onto Riverside Drive for their 2.5km and 5km circuits.


But that was only the first part of the morning. On their return there was still the rock-climbing, the giant slide, tug-of-war and a hot brunch on the menu.


This year's Crescents of Brisbane/Haji Ebrahim Patel Special Achievement Award was presented to Ms Janeth Deen. In his speech during the official presentations Mustafa Ally described Ms Deen's past and present contribution to the welfare of the community and why she was richly deserving of this year's prestigious award.


Sharif Deen helps with loosening a few tight muscles and creaking bones 

And they're off!

On the 2009 Winners Podium


Pram/Wheelchair (male)

Haroon Khan

Pram/Wheelchair (female)

Sahar Rane

Under 11 yrs (male)

Ziyaad Omar

Under 11 yrs (female)

Maryam Abdalla

11-15 yrs (male)

Abdur Rahman Abdalla

11-15 yrs (female)

Aisha Abdalla

16-25 yrs (male)

Khodr Baki

16-25 yrs (female)

Suzanna Palmer

26-39 yrs (male)

Mohammed Catic

26-39 yrs (female)

Soraya Khan

40-59 yrs (male)

William Robert Deen

40-59 yrs (female)

Suraya Khan

60-74 yrs (male)

Mohamed Noor Osman

60-74 yrs (female)

Annette Rane

75+ yrs (male)

Safet Advich

75+ yrs (male)

Isha Maheter

Fastest Finisher (male)

William Robert Deen

Fastest Finisher (female)

Aisha Abdalla


Maryam Abdalla races to the finish in first place

Fastest finisher Robert Deen  

Mrs. Sharifa Parker (centre)  and friends reach the finishing line in good time

Pram Pushers winners, Haroon Khan and Sahar Rane race to the finish line

Mufti Ravat who delivered a passionate closing prayer (dua) at

the end of the day's proceedings

Aisha Dennis (right) and friends make a dash for the finish

Sharif Deen sets a pace for some of the walkers

Concentrating on getting to the top


Kemal Omar, Faisal Hatia and  Naziem Kapadi

take on the giant slide

At the food court for a well earned meal

Just soaking in the sun and the scenery

Meanwhile in the 3-6 years corner of the park the three-legged race

is in full stride

Takes more than a tug or two

Watching the presentations and the activities on the Brisbane River

Zaheer Suleman of the CresWalk2009 team presents the floating trophy to the fastest female finisher, Aisha Abdalla

Mustafa Ally presents Ms Janeth Deen with her Special Achievement Award

Cassim Peer takes home the Ninetendo Wii

The CresWalk2009 Team





(Please note: these slides are wmv files and require Windows Media Player to play them)


The dawn gathering

Getting to the starting line

At the finish line

     (Part 1); (Part 2); (Part 3); (Part 4); (Part 5)

Meanwhile back at the ranch....

     (Part 1); (Part 2); (Part 3)


     (Part 1); (Part 2)

The End


Photos captured by Farouk Joosab (CresWalk2009's official photographer) and Yahya Hasham




Click here for your race times.


Please note: Not all entrants have been scanned, particularly those who completed only part of the course.

The CresWalk2009 Lost and Found Department


Do any of the following items left behind at Orleigh Park last Sunday belong to you?


Call 0402 026 786 or email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org to claim them.


If they are not retrieved by their rightful owners they will be disposed of at the Muslim Welfare shop at the end of June.

Crescents of Brisbane reiterates our Vote of Thanks and acknowledges the support of the many people who helped make this year's event the resounding success it was.








CresWalk09 Flyer



Please note: Some of the details are subject to change as these webpages are updated..