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Messages from readers and organizations

in acknowledgement of CCN's 250th issue on 23 August 2009


Dear Editor


The weekly bulletin from CCN includes a good blend of local Queensland, National as well as international issues that interest Muslims.


The inclusion of humour, culinary delight, and exercise makes for a well rounded start to the week for most readers.


From the perspective of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, such initiatives as the weekly CCN bulletin and similar makes the Australian Muslims now much more savvy and able to articulate our interests more widely.


And now employing twitter and similar gives the ability to many more to engage with the greater Muslim community and having links to the web sites of different organisations is very inclusive.


From AFIC's perspective, we give full marks to the CCN team of dedicated volunteers and hope that they continue with this valuable work into the future so that in years to come we will celebrate 25 years and more of their bulletins.


To imagine that Mulla Nasruddin will be entertaining us and our future generations can only be a welcome relief to our fast lives.


Congratulations on reaching 250 issues and all the best for the next 25,000.


Ikebal Patel


Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)


Dear Editor-in-Chief


CCN is a  wonderful independent publication that I always enjoy reading. 


I have to read, listen and watch a lot of media in this job and there is almost no other publication that I can say that about.


My office and I religiously (or should that be assiduously) read CCN each week. 


I find it a delicious mix of important news and views, debate, announcements, notices, community events, nutritional advice, gossip, and, most importantly, humour.


All of us are nourished, defined and confined by our roots.  And as a politician I am acutely aware of the constraints that come with my upbringing in the “white-bread” west of Queensland – particularly when it comes to representing one of the most multicultural electorates in Australia. 


Therefore, my weekly dose of CCN is invaluable in helping me keep in touch with the wonderful people on the south side who elected me.


Muslim Australia all too often has a spotlight put on it – usually by idiots, the ignorant, the uneducated or racists. 


I will always do my best to support and defend Australian Muslims – even those who do not live in the electorate of Moreton.  I will continue to do so– not only because I have been befriended and welcomed into the homes of many of your readership – but because it is the right thing to do!



Graham Perrett, MP

Ferderal Member for Moreton


P.S. Anybody who has heard me speak locally will know that CCN is the source of all my best (and cleanest Editor's insertion) jokes

Dear Editor


I have been an avid reader of CCN since I was introduced to this publication over a year ago.  The range of information it contains never ceases to amaze me.  There is something for everyone from current events, social gatherings, networking function, topics for debates,  announcement, health issues,  recipes, fashion,  advertisements,  and many more.


CCN plays a role in our culturally diverse society. 


For the many people who do not know or understand our fellow Australians who are from a Muslim background,  this publication will open your eyes to many things that they are  not aware of. 


Most of us tend to judge others from what we read in the newspapers or see on television. 


The information available from CCN may not be the sensational ones we are given by the media  but taken collectively they present a picture of a peaceful, happy, family and community oriented members of the Australian society. 


Having CCN is a very effective means of engaging with the community and CCN truly has earned its place in creating a harmonious society. 


Agnes M. Whiten OAM


Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland

Dear CCN


On behalf of the Muslim Business Network, I wish to congratulate you and all the others involved with CCN on the milestone of reaching the 250th issue of the CCN Newsletter.


CCN has played and continues to play a major role in keeping the Muslim community up to date with local, national and international news and events which are of interest to CCN's thousands of readers.


I wish to take this opportunity to thank CCN for its support of MBN and for attending and covering our events in CCN and wish you well for the future, Insha-Allah.


Ramadan Mubarak to you and all Muslim Brothers and Sisters who read and support CCN.




Shummis Rane & MBN Executive

Dear Editor

The success of good restaurants depends on the combination of several factors amongst which are a stirring menu, relaxed ambience, swift service, attention to detail, passion of the chef and consistency.

So what has a newsletter got to do with the restaurant?

The principles are the same and it comes as no surprise that the CCN news has reached its two hundred and fiftieth issue, Alhamdulillah!

Like the successful restaurant, CCN news continues to dish out a buffet of news bites to satisfy most palates week after week with attention to detail that keeps readers like me connected to the trial and tribulations of our Down Under families and friends.

Congratulation to CCN on reaching the milestone of this 250th issue. May Allah (SWT) accept the efforts and may the passion of the CCN Team continue burning brightly, Aameen

EBI Lockhat

South Africa

As salaam o’alaikum Dear CCN Team


I take this opportunity to express my humble opinion on this remarkable milestone of CCN reaching its 250th publication.


One can only imagine the time and effort involved in putting together a weekly “not to be missed” edition and all thanks and praise is to Allah swt for giving the CCN team the energy and drive to ensure that deadlines are met timeously.


On behalf of the Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc I congratulate the CCN team on this fantastic achievement. 


Your weekly issues have given us a sense of belonging to the broader community of Muslims and it has been an excellent tool for us to promote the activities that take place in Gold Coast as well.


On a personal level, CCN has helped to fill a certain void in my life.  Back in South Africa  it was a regular habit to wait for the Sunday Tribune and the Sunday Times to be delivered and the rest of the morning was spent lying around reading the Sunday papers before heading off to the once famous Curries Fountain to see and support non racial football. 


Those were the days…….


Now it’s getting up and heading for the computer to get the latest issue of ………..CCN.


Well done and keep up the great work!!!!


Habib Jamal

Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

Dear Editor

Congratulations to CCN on reaching your 250
th edition of an online resource which keeps the finger on the pulse of the issues relating to the Muslim community, both locally here in Queensland and more broadly at a national and international level.


CCN doesn’t just celebrate local successes and events (for which there are many), but also provides humorous and very informative articles along with facilitating debate on a range of issues that creates positive dialogue that at times also involves the wider community.


As the member of the Queensland Parliament with a large constitute from the Islamic faith, I know first hand the wonderful social, cultural and economic contributions that the Muslim community has provided to Queensland society over many years.


May I wish CCN all the very best for the many years ahead in what is an excellent online publication.



Stephen Robertson MP
Member for Stretton

Minister for Natural Resources, Mines & Energy and Minister for Trade

Congratulations on your 250th edition OF CCN, well done! What a great achievement!


I eagerly await the transmission of the CCN newsletter each Sunday morning.  From it I can read about the achievements of members of the local Muslim community, find information about upcoming events within our community, have a chuckle over the latest comic strip, and find the latest cooking recipe and health hints.  Also I can read the news from around the Muslim world and find out about good books to read.


CCN is easy to read and is always on time. The CCN Team is to be congratulated on the end product and thanked for the many hours employed in producing this informative and appealing newsletter.


The CCN has played a vital role in informing the community of the formation of and work of the Queensland Muslim Welfare Association Inc. It has helped us appeal to the community for donation of goods to stock our shop and to help furnish the homes of those who were in urgent need. It has also informed the community of our success in acting when we were called upon.


CCN is a vital link for Muslims to contact and inform, appeal to and respond to  each other.


The committee and welfare recipients of the Queensland Muslim Welfare Association Inc. offer congratulations on the 250th edition and extend our sincere thanks for the time taken to include our segment in your newsletter, which has been at no cost to our organisation, yet it has reaped rewards for those in need and those who have donated goods.


Janeth Deen (President QMWA Inc)

"The CCN is like a good cup of coffee... every time I read the new issue I get energized!"

Also, on behalf of Sunnah Inspirations, I would like to sincerely thank you for your assistance and cooperation in advertising the various events organised by Sunnah Inspirations.

Best wishes to the whole CCN team,

Ismail Mohamed

As Salaam Alaikom from Cape Town


We enjoyed the latest issue of CCN .


Mubarak on your 250th issue and  Insha Allah may you go from strength to strength with your objective and informative publications.


Ramadan Mubarak to all and may The Almighty Allah satisfy all your hearts desires Insha Allah.


Abubaker and Noorjaha Amien


If you talk to the Muslims of the other Australian states on the topic of  services for the Muslim community, they might express a sense of envy (in the good sense) because we might be a little ahead of the rest.


May Allah assist your efforts

Umar Batchelor

Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)

Dear CCN


Ramadan mubarak to all - 500 coming up soon - keep up the great work. Salaams
Nazir Choonara

Manchester, UK

Dear Editor


On behalf of Multicultural Affairs Queensland, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate CCN on the wonderful achievement in reaching the 250th edition.


CCN has proved to be both very informative and interesting in the diversity of issues and events covered which also highlights the positive contribution that Queensland’s Muslim community has made to the social and cultural fabric of our society here in Queensland.


Kind Regards

Garry Page
Executive Director
Multicultural Affairs Queensland
Department of Communities


Dear CCN Team


Alhamdolillah, you have reached a significant milestone of the 250th. Edition.

The CCN is a very informative newsletter, coming out weekly, and providing for the much anticipated Sunday morning ritual.

The content is diverse, catering for every taste, for every age bracket, and for those wishing to gain a better insight into the
Muslim Community of Brisbane

The wide variety of subjects, the entertainment, the current affairs, and the community news, are all widely researched and printed for community needs.

The CCN has filled a void that has lingered within the local Muslim community.

I know for a fact that it is widely read out there in the general community, by Muslims, and by well wishers of the Muslim community.


I pray to Almighty Allah SWT, to continue to help you to produce such a newsletter, for all to enjoy.
Hj. Sultan M. Deen

Dear CCN


With our Theological Director, Moulana Navlakhi having visited you and the number of enquiries received from the SANHA link published on your newsletter weekly, we are a witness to your crusade in nurturing good community relations.


That the CCN newsletter has been delivered to several thousand computers every week without a break for two hundred and fifty weeks is testimony to this.


We offer our duas for the continuing success of the CCN for years to come, Aameen.


South African National Halaal Authority

Assalaamu alaykum

On behalf of the Lions Club of Kuraby I wish to congratulate CNN on the significant milestone in reaching the 250th edition, a wonderful display of commitment by providing a source of information and entertainment to the community via your weekly newsletter.


CCN is viewed with great interest among members of the local community, not least for the coverage of events and projects that assist others less fortunate.

May I also take this opportunity to wish all your Muslim readers a rewarding and spiritually fulfilling month in this the holy month of Ramadan, inshallah.


David Forde
Lions Club of Kuraby

To the CCN Team


The AMARAH team would like to wish all CCN volunteers and readers Ramadhan Mubarak.


We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate CCN on reaching its 250th issue.


As Queensland’s only weekly newsletter, CCN is such an important resource for our community.


Indeed, many of us cannot imagine a Sunday without CCN in our inbox. Where else would we get our news about what is happening in the Muslim community (local, national and international) written in such a witty and insightful manner?

The AMARAH team would especially like to thank CCN for the support it has shown to our organisation in promoting and supporting our events and causes. We are able to reach many more in the Muslim and the wider communities because of your existence!


Again, congratulations CCN on reaching this impressive milestone, and we look forward to reading the 500th issue!


Nora Amath


Dear CCN


On behalf of Alnisa Youth Group Inc, we would like to congratulate CCN on its tremendous achievement to date.


Mash'Allah CCN has assisted Al-Nisa Youth Group by allowing us to advertise all our events as well as any articles we have wanted to publish to the wider community.

We would like to thank CCN for its support over the years, and would not have been able to be as successful without your help via a means for us to advertise to the wider community.


May Allah SWT reward those who are behind the scenes of CCN.. we all look forward to our Sunday dose of the newsletter and to see what is happening in our community.

Again, thank you for everything, and we look forward to many more newsletters to come Insh'Allah.

Ramadan Mubarak to you all :)

Aliyah Deen
Alnisa Youth Group Inc.

Dear Editor,



Ramadan Kareem to you and your readers. 


I have been regularly receiving, and reading, your publication on Sundays. Thank you very much for sending me the publication with many valuable information, particularly issues related to the Muslim community, in and around Brisbane, which is often ignored by mainstream media.


Your publications keeps the readers abreast on the latest happenings in the community and various events that impacts on us.


I didn't agree on everything you published, but I communicated to you when I had any different opinion on some the contents of the publication. You treated them very professionally.


The community event calendar and forecasted dates for Islamic calendar have been useful to many readers.


I thank you and your team for including some stories from the Islamic Society of Toowoomba Inc and about my professional activities.  I could imagine how much time and efforts it take to maintain a regular commitment of this nature.


You have done, and I believe you will continue to do so, if not better.


I wish you and your publication a bright future.

Shahjahan Khan, PhD

President, Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS),
Department of Mathematics & Computing
University of Southern Queensland

Dear CCN


Thank you for providing another very interesting weekly issue.


Your work is highly regarded and may Allah bless you for the continued good work.



Leading Senior Constable
Multicultural Advisory Unit
Melbourne, VIC