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Sunday 20 May 2007

Orleigh Park, West End


What it was all about!

Making it to the start

Taking off

Getting to the finish

And having given it your all!

Some 600 men, women and children turned up to walk, run and stroll along the Brisbane River in this year's CresWalk2007

Special CresWalk2007 Guest






Brisbane Marathon winner, Abelhay Battal, flew down from Cairns to attend CresWalk2007 as the invited guest of Crescents of Brisbane.


He spoke to the participants after the run about his journey on the road to becoming an elite athlete.



The 2007 Winners' Podium





Nabeel Hobbs


7-10 Male (2.5Km)




Ayesha Mahomedy & Razia Vahed

7-10 Female (2.5Km)




Yaseen Abdel-Magied

11-15 Male (5Km)




Jordyn Turner

11-15 Female (5km)



Nadim Mazenshof

16-39 Male (5km)



Raeesa Khatree

16-39  Female (5km)






Jim Bellos

40-59 Male (5km)






Suraya Khan

40-59 Female (5km)






Mutlib Hussein

60+ Male (2.5km)






Amra Abdalla

60+ Female (2.5km)










Graham Perret

Pram-WheelChair Male (5km)






Saher Rane

Pram-WheelChair Female (5km)

Fastest Finishers


The Fastest Male Finisher was Jim Bellos and the Fastest Female Finisher was Raeesa Khatree.


Both runners were presented with special floating trophy plaques to commemorate their achievements in this year's CresWalk.



The 2007 Crescents of Brisbane Special Achievement Award


Haji Sultan Deen was presented with the 2007 Crescents of Brisbane Special Achievement Award for his contribution to the Muslim and non-Muslim community over the years, and for his magnanimous support of the activities of Crescents of Brisbane, CresWalk and other sporting organizations.

A brief resume of Haji Sultan Deen was presented by Crescents of Brisbane at CresWalk2007.


At the Food Court


The Kiddies Run


The Tug-of-War


CresWalk Sponsors


Nineteen (19) companies sponsored this year's CresWalk2007.

There were several individuals who also sponsored the event in their private capacity.

Many businesses provided random draw prizes.


Crescents of Brisbane gratefully acknowledges their support.

CresWalk Volunteers


Crescents of Brisbane thanks the following people for helping the Team out.


Water Girls: Farzana Hatia; Zara Omarjee; Ayesha Goder; Sousan Samsodien

Marshalls: Hashim Hatia; Junaid Ally; Irfaan Mahomed; Mohammed Peer; Arshad Hatia; Adilah Kadwa; Naseem Vahed; Ahmed Paruk

Electricity: Salim Goodfellow

Sound: Afzal Ismail

Sakina Naeem, Anwar Benjamin, Shaamilah Samsodien

CresWalk2007 Team






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The Photo Gallery

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  Race Pack Packing Day (Friday) and Pick Up Day (Saturday)

  Race Day

  More Race Day Images



Thanking you all for an enjoyable day, all you hard work is greatly appreciated.


Many Thanks for organising a fantastic event. It was great day…..


Our heartiest congratulations to you all for a great Creswalk 2007. Your professional organisation , friendly and courteous reception made this an enjoyable event and we look forward to the next one.


It was a great day , had a lot of fun and  a flawless event. Thanks for everything. Congratulations to the Crescents team for the great job.


As-salamu alaykum. Well done today on an excellent event. This is actually the first year that I have joined the Crestwalk. I thought it was a great day!


Congratulations to all the crew on another wonderful Creswalk. You guys did a great job again, and it's good to see you not resting on your laurels, but adding things like the Tug-o-war which proved to be very popular. There were many first timers with us today and you can judge for yourself how the event went by their reactions. After spending more than an hour convincing one family to come, they had a ball, and have already asked me to book them for next year. Another is sorry that they have not been more involved in the community previously, and have therefore missed the last 3 years of Creswalk, but are already eagerly awaiting next years. And another was surprised to see such little cultural diversity in the attendees, and could not believe that it wasn't supported more by the wider Muslim community.


Congratulations on a very well organise and fun Creswalk. I feel a lot fitter tonight. Well done!!!


And the Smile that Surely Says It All!