Politics Please! It's the Elections!
We last visited the
Kuraby Special School as the children settled into
class of the new school year.
Now, as the school
year starts to wind down, it is a perfect time to
reflect on the achievements of these precious children.
They may not have made
the school debating team or been chosen for the football
squad, but the steady yet sure progress they have made
is just as exciting as any other child’s school
(15) has delighted her teachers by recognizing sight
words and has started to read her first books.
Belinda (7) was
unable to communicate her needs to her parents and now
can by using the PECS (picture exchange communication
Ahmed (11) over
the year, has worked through his social interactions
difficulties and really matured.
Eleven year-old Crystal's behaviour has improved; now she does jobs in the office.
She learnt how to use the fax machine and is trying hard
to use the phone.
Asim is working
hard at integrating with the class and his bike riding
has come along so well.
With the money raised
already by Crescents of Brisbane and the Kuraby Lions, a
bike track has been laid for the children to practice
their riding skills.
The students enjoy
riding on the new track, and there have been many
improvements with the younger children.
Many, who were not
capable of riding a two wheel bike, are now showing much
The children benefit
greatly from the new track; they learn skills in
controlling the bike, stopping, working co-operatively,
gross motor skills, and following the road rules, as
well as the social aspect of sharing the track with

The school still needs
some more components of the bike track to challenge the
children even more.
To do this
Crescents of Brisbane
and the Chinese
Kuraby Lions are holding a
Fundraising Dinner
at Michael’s Oriental
Restaurant on
Friday, November 23rd at
The menu includes the
famous Julie Hatia chicken recipe – so that’s certainly
something to look forward to!
The evening also
promises to be an entertaining one and being on the eve
of the election it has been declared a no politics
evening more so now that several politicians will be
supporting the event with their prescence.
With multicultural
entertainment and prizes to win, the evening is shaping
up to be loads of fun.
Be prepared, however,
to be fined if you don’t follow the rules.
Kuraby Special School is one of those
places where every parent needs to visit now and again,
not only to meet the beautiful people who work or attend
the school, but to allow us to appreciate our own
children even more.
The teachers and parents of these
children deserve our greatest admiration and respect,
for the daily effort they put into turning these
children into functioning members of society.
Our donations to allow the school to
continue its great work will go a long way in assisting
a child to learn independence and skills that will bring
them much joy.
There are a few
tickets still available for the fund raising Dinner.
Call 0402 026 786 to secure them ASAP.