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Everything you ever wanted to know about Crescents of Brisbane Inc. ............................ and more!


The CresWalk2011 Organizing Team

Formed in 2004, Crescents of Brisbane is a community-based, not-for-profit organization fostering a healthy lifestyle through sport, entertainment, education and culture, particularly amongst Muslims in Queensland.


The organisation is run by a team of some thirty volunteers comprising young boys and girls through to senior men and women.


One of its many missions is to bring the often ideologically disparate Muslim communities together under a common banner using sport, entertainment, education and social activities as the vehicle to facilitate this objective. Equally high on its agenda is its commitment to interact with other communities socially and co-operatively.


It is also a platform to engage and train young men and women of the community in planning, organising and running events, giving them an opportunity for leadership training, decision making, voluntary work and community involvement.

Over the years, Crescents of Brisbane has initiated a number of successful events and engaged in a number of activities.


The Crescents of Brisbane flagship is its annual fun-walk-and-run badged as CresWalk.


CresWalk2004 drew over 500 hundred toddlers, young boys and girls, men, women and seniors. 600 registrations were received for CresWalk2005 and over 650 for CresWalk2006 and CresWalk2007. CresWalk2008 had over 700 registered entrants.


CresWalk2012 is in its 9th year.


The event is held every year at Orleigh Park, West End, Brisbane and takes in the route along the Brisbane River.


There are different categories including a Mini-Run for the 3-6 year-olds, a pram and wheelchair category, a 60s plus and distances of 2.5km and 5km.


Finishers are awarded medals, and trophies are presented to the winners in each category. There are random draw prizes on the day and entrants are treated to a breakfast at the end of the walk giving them an opportunity to interact and mingle with fellow Muslims and members of the wider community. The event receives widespread support from the local community and Queensland owned and connected Muslim businesses who contribute substantially to the staging of the event. This allows the organizers to bring the entry fee down to an affordable level for which each participant receives a finisher’s medal, and a breakfast. At each event the Crescents of Brisbane Team awards The Crescents of Brisbane Special Achievement Award to one of the unsung heroes within the community.


A barcode scanning system developed especially for the event by the Crescents of Brisbane team to record the times and positions of the entrants has been used successfully in the last two events. Many of the smaller fun runs, which cannot afford the costs of the more sophisticated chip technology, make use of manual or mechanical means of recording times. The team designed and built a very cost-effective software system that helped identify the winners in the different categories accurately and speedily and with minimal human intervention.


The organisation of the event itself takes several months of planning and preparation, through several sub-committees (Sponsorship; Marketing & Advertising; Food; Marshalling; IT Support; Registration; Photography; Website; Treasurer; Medals/Trophies; T-Shirts; Tear Down; First Aid)


CresWalk has become a permanent feature on annual activities calendar of the community and provides a forum for peoples of all shades to meet together for a common purpose and one that serves to implant the message to the members of the community on the benefits of leading a healthier, more active lifestyle. This achievement is steered by a team of volunteers made up of young and older members working voluntarily in their spare time on a break-even budget with funds derived solely through business advertisements and sponsorships and entry fees. 


A selection of Crescents of Brisbane's initiatives and activities (see our website for ALL the details)


Crescents' Coffee 'n Cup Cakes stalls at fund raisers for schools

Muslim Services Expo & Forum 2011

Democracy Workshops (The Voter's Challenge): with AMARAH & ICQ

The World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation: 2008

Friendship Meeting (Taiwanese Community)

Kuraby Special School Second Fund Raiser: Raised $21 000 with the Kuraby and Chinese Lions for the completion of the Bike Track

Voting Workshop (Federal  Elections)

Health Workshop (Breast Cancer Awareness Week)

Crescents & Red Cross Annual Blood Drive (CBD’07)

The Crescents Aussie Rules Family Workshop: Crescents of Brisbane Initiative with Brisbane Lions and Multicultural Affairs Queensland

The Kuraby Special School Fund Raiser: Raised $10 000 with the Kuraby Lions for the construction of a Bike Track

The World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation: Raised almost $50 000 – making Crescents of Brisbane amongst  top 30 donors in Queensland and top 30 nationally

Allah Made Me Funny Comedy Show: Promoted and managed the Brisbane leg of this International show and made a special effort to invite members of the wider community to attend

Crescents Emergency Relief Fund (CERF): Crescents of Brisbane initiative supported by funds raised through its various activities 

Eidfest2005 and 2006: Profits raised went to South-East Asia Earthquake Relief

Crescents & Red Cross Annual Blood Drive (CBD’06)

CresWalk2004 Community Fun Run

CresWalk2005 Community Fun Run

CresWalk2006 Community Fun Run

CresWalk2007 Community Fun Run

CresWalk2008 Community Fun Run

CresWalk2009 Community Fun Run

CresWalk2010 Community Fun Run

CresWalk2011 Community Fun Run

Cyclone Larry Appeal

Crescents Kids4Kids Circuit-thon: Tsunami Appeal

South East Asia Earthquake Appeal

Keep Fit Program


Crescents of Brisbane has the full support of the community reflected in the many sponsors and well-wishers who support its many activities and has received acknowledgment for its efforts over the years from a number of sources, including individuals, Ministers, and government and other organizations


Through its various initiatives, Crescents of Brisbane has helped bridge the gap between the local Muslim community and the wider Queensland public and succeeded on many an occasion to demonstrate and accentuate the positive aspects of the community.


Crescents of Brisbane undertakes its projects with the professionalism, flair and skill that belies the fact that its team comprises volunteers who give off their time and talents in between their other full-time obligations.


The details of the activities of Crescents of Brisbane are fully documented on this website.


For more information contact:

theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org about Crescents of Brisbane Inc.


ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org  about Crescents Community News (CCN)