Crescents & Lions Ride Tandem for Bike Track Appeal
CCN Special Report
WITH the start of the new school year, it’s an ideal time to look forward to what the academic year may bring for our children. Some children will just breeze through school, most will have a little difficulty, and many will struggle, while some, no matter how hard they try, will just never comprehend the two times tables, or how to write their name, or things as simple as telling us what they did on the weekend. For these children making friends is difficult and a change to a routine can be very traumatic. Communicating their basic needs is a constant struggle. These are some of the children that are attending Kuraby Special School.
Kuraby Special School currently has enrolments of 68, catering for children from age 5 to 18 years, with either an Intellectual Impairment or Autism Spectrum Disorder. The classes are small and concentrated to allow more attention on each child’s individual needs. The children have a varied program focusing on independence, social and life skills as well as academic subjects. Among the many activities the children participate in are music therapy, swimming, shopping, sensory awareness, and cooking for local cafes.
Kuraby Special School is a school that celebrates every student’s achievements, with some successes so small that only a dedicated teacher or devoted parent would find joy in. Maybe it’s a new word spoken, using scissors or concentrating on a task. The school is called special, not only for the wonderful children who go there, but also for every teacher, support staff, administration, and parent who belong to the school family. It indeed does break one's heart to see some of the obstacles these children have to face on a daily basis, but it strengthens one to know, that in a small way, their lives can be made just that little bit easier - with a little help from everyone. |
To challenge the children and to support the healthy lifestyle program encouraged by the school it was suggested that a bike track be built. Currently the children are using a small concreted area to ride
their bikes, which is only permitted for short periods at a time. The proposed bike track would be a 100m long concreted, and fully fenced circuit that includes extra sensory components that would stimulate the children and encourage them to build their sensory awareness. Currently, there is no other track like this in Queensland schools. The new track could be used all day, especially at lunchtime, to support the fitness program. The school already has a number of bikes, mostly made to order, to cater for those that do not have the strength or ability to control a standard two wheel bike. Some of these bicycles encourage the child to take control of the bike giving them a false sense of freedom, while an adult pushes from behind. The bike track would cost approx $18,000 and the components another $20,000, with the school having to
raise the funds. |
Crescents of Brisbane, in association with the Lions Club of Kuraby, has offered to help with raising some of these funds.
They will be holding a Fundraising Dinner at Michael's Restaurant on Saturday March 17.
The evening will include a five-course halal menu, guest speaker, auctions, raffles, and entertainment. |
Tickets for the fundraiser are $45 and can be booked by emailing or calling 0402 026 786.
If for some reason you cannot attend the function you can still purchase a ticket as a donation. It is for a very worthy cause, after all!

Model of the proposed Bike Track |
The School is very mindful of its community responsibility and has called on the Muslim community for advice and assistance to support it's Muslim children. The School is also very keen to foster a positive partnership with the Muslim community. |