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The 2005 Crescents of Brisbane Special Achievement Award


Last year Crescents of Brisbane presented an award to Mr Ebrahimbhai Patel for being the oldest participant in CresWalk2004. Since then Ebrahimbhai has been a regular Sunday morning walker at our CresFit4Life sessions where he completes the 7.5km route with the consummate ease of a 16 year.

This year we have decided to formalize this award as an annual presentation and one that is not necessarily confined solely to sporting achievement. It will reflect our special acknowledgement of one of our own – an individual or an organisation that we recognize for championing the cause of our community.

It will be an annual award presented at CresWalk each year to the person or organization most deserving of special mention that year for one of several (not exhaustive) possible reasons: This award will go to an individual or organization that has made a positive difference to the lives of individuals and/or the community, or has demonstrated achievement, commitment, enthusiasm and/or keenness in spite of disability, adversity, age or other potential impediments

This year the team unanimously agreed on presenting The 2005 Crescents of Brisbane Special Achievement Award to Mr Altaaf Khatree (and in so doing also acknowledging the remarkable efforts of his family).

It would have been somewhat of a struggle to drag ourselves out of bed and get ourselves ready to arrive at CresWalk2005 on time but it is even harder to contemplate the effort it would have taken for Altaaf to have got there. But got there he did - to complete the 5km course not only just this year but last year as well.

For showing us all that the worst handicaps we could possibly suffer are those of self pity and a lack of the will to get the most out of what life offers us, Crescents of Brisbane takes great pride in awarding The 2005 Crescents of Brisbane Special Achievement Award to Mr Altaaf Khatree.