Sunday, 22 May 2005
Newsletter 0029
This issue of CCN
is kindly sponsored by
Global Convenience |
The CresWalk2005 organizing committee would like to thank everyone who was a part of the event (participants, sponsors, and helpers) for making the day a resounding success for all involved. There were several precious moments that will forever be associated with CresWalk2005: the special achievement award presentation to Althaaf Khatree, the look of accomplishment on the faces of the young and old finishers, the unscripted arrival of the three Sabdias onto the presentation podium with Yaseen as presenter, Solly as winner and Rafik as sponsor - were just some of the highlights on the day. We have no doubt you have memories of your own.
You can catch all the action, comments and spirit of CresWalk2005 at www.crescentsofbrisbane.org

Sister's Learning Programme
The IFA (Islamic Females Association) initiative started off on May 4 with over 60 ladies attending the first in the series of fortnightly discussion topics presented at the Kuraby Masjid by Moulana Uzair Akbar. The second workshop on the 18th proved to be even more popular with some 100 participants turning up on the night.
Our Man-on-the Mussallaah, who could not be present at these workshops for reasons that should be patently obvious, had to discover what had transpired through a reliable source. The discussions, he learnt, centered around the role of women in Islam and the need for women to exploit their individual and varied strengths. Future workshops, he was also told, will include demonstrations and practice in the more practical aspects of Islam.
The details of the program again are:
Every alternate Wednesday (following the next one scheduled for 1 June)
After Esha (7:45pm)
At Kuraby Masjid
All sisters welcome!
Algester News by Moulana Nawaaz
The Islamic Society of Algester hosted a very successful Meelad-Un-Nabi Programme on Saturday 30 April 2005 at the Kimberly Park Community Hall in Shailer Park. We thank the community for attending.
The Islamic Society of Algester also hosted its annual Giyaarwee Shareef big-night programme for the Esaale Thawaab of Hazrat Ghausul Azam Sheikh Sayed Abdul Qadir Al Jeelani Al Baghdadi (R.A.) on Friday evening 20 May 2005.
Surah Yaaseen recitals are held every evening after Eshaa Salah up until Friday 20 May 2005.
All correspondence in this regard can be addressed to: imageislam@hotmail.com
 Trivia Night
Don't forget to book a table for your friends and family at the Trivia Competition this coming Friday night organized by the Islamic Women's Association of Queensland Inc. on 27 May at 6.30pm at the Logan Central Community Centre, Jacaranda Avenue, Logan Central.
The cost per person is $10 and there is a maximum of 8 per table. You don't have to be a smarty pants to take part - after all, it hasn't stopped members of the Crescents' organizing committee from entering! Contact Suraya on 0402 819 197 or 338 81494 to book your tables. All are welcome to attend. Light supper will be provided and there will be games and prizes throughout the night.
 Message from Flamin' Grill and Oxley Halal Meats
"InshaAllah, from Wednesday 25th May only 100% halal, hand-slaughtered chickens will be available, exclusively!!" |
Mohammed Munir's Madarin Wins Him Exchange Place
Mohammed Munir Khatree (11), son of Azima and Yunus, returned after a two week school exchange programme at a school in Beijing, China. In order to qualify for the trip, Mohammed Munir had to maintain a high achievement in Mandarin over the past three years, which, according to Mom, he did with little difficulty.
Mohammed Munir's school, Warrigal Road State School, made all the necessary arrangements to ensure that he would have easy access to Halaal food throughout his stay there. A happy coincidence, as it turned out, was that the Principal of the exchange school also happened to be Muslim.
Mohammed toured the Great Wall of China and the famous Beijing Zoo and spent most of his $150 allowance on presents for his friends and family, and the many poor and destitute people he saw along the roads.
He was glad to be back home though, to the relative peace and clam of Brisbane and the clean, unpolluted, uncrowded streets of Stretton. But it is an experience he is unlikely ever to forget.

The Picnic in the Park 2005 will be held on Sunday 5 June at the Kuraby Community Hall, Svoboda Park, Cnr. Beenleigh Rd. & Stiller Dr. between 12pm-4pm.
There will be a guest performance by Ahmad Abu Ghazaleh as well as speakers presenting on such topics as Zionism and the prevention of peace; Daily realities in occupied Palestine; and The freedom of Palestine: a moral cause for humanity.
A time for a panel discussion with guest speakers has been set aside in the programme during the afternoon. There will also be Information and Cultural Displays and a showing of a documentary.
Go out there and enjoy some of that Palestinian Tea and Sweets, and Nando’s Burgers and Chips will be available on sale.
For more information go to www.fairgoforpalestine.org or
email: contact@fairgoforpalestine.org |
Still On a High From CresWalk2005?
If you experienced a mental state of relaxation and a mild pain sensation at the end of CresWalk2005 then you have enjoyed what is known as the 'Runner's High'. This sense of euphoria has been known to set runners in a state of eternal optimism that can last hours after a run. Runners high has been associated with a chemical reaction that stimulates the brain cells.
If CresWalk2005 has injected you with the walking bug then why not turn up at Kangaroo Point on Sundays at 7.30am and satisfy that craving with fellow CresFit4Life-ers. Get out into the open air and shake those cobwebs from your feet before the urge disappears altogether for another whole year. Don't wait until CresWalk2006 before you get another chance to release those endorphins and anandamides once again.
The CresFit4Life Guaranteed Weight Loss Programme: Frustrated at going on the scales each morning and discovering that you are not losing any weight? Then maybe it's because you have been doing it all wrong all these years. Click here for a simple way to get a more accurate result from your scales, revealed here for the first time exclusively to CCN readers (CresFit4Life patent pending). |
Just When You Thought Only OZ Muslim Women Are Doing It Tough
Headscarf has Department in a flutter
May 09 2005 By A'eysha Kassiem
A Muslim social worker, suspended by correctional services at Worcester prison in Cape Town, South Africa, for wearing a headscarf, had not applied for an exemption to do so, as regulations require.
The woman faces an internal disciplinary hearing this week after she wore her uniform with a headscarf and refused to tuck in her shirt.
Department spokesperson Graham Abrahams said on Sunday that employees who wanted to wear additional items to their uniform could apply for an exemption. However, this did not mean it would be granted.
'Muslims are not a new community in the Western Cape. We are part of the identity of Cape Town' |
"Pertaining to this particular case, the officers involved acted in terms of the prescribed policy," said Abrahams.
Fairouz Adams said on Sunday she had not applied for an exemption because she had not been aware she could. She declined to comment on the merits of the case before the hearing.
Said Abrahams: "The department policy is that it (the uniform) cannot be worn with any other type of clothing. There is a reason why the uniform is what it is. These people have direct contact with inmates and (what they wear) can be a security risk."
He said while he did not know the merits of this individual case, department employees' corporate identity was based on what was "practical".
"Part of our corporate uniform is that men wear only clip-on ties because it can be used by inmates to strangle them. This could also serve as an extension to headgear as well, particularly lengthy headgear," he said.
Islamic practice calls for women to cover their hair and wear loose clothing that does not reveal the body's shape.
The Muslim Judicial Council said Adams had contacted them and they planned to intervene. They hoped to resolve the matter "amicably" before the hearing.
Deputy president Igsaan Hendricks said: "This type of behaviour is unacceptable in our new democracy. If the disciplinary hearing is going to be based on religious values then we are going to have a big case to take on."
He said similar cases where Muslim men and women were targeted for wearing Islamic dress had been on the increase over the past two years.
"Muslims are not a new community in the Western Cape. We are part of the identity of Cape Town," said Hendricks.
Muslim Prisons Board secretary general Ebrahim Ismail said they were "extremely unhappy" and were prepared to take "whatever action" to get Adams reinstated.
Muslim Woman's Federation of Southern Africa's president Fatima Khan has also reacted strongly, saying Muslim women needed to "stand up for their right to dress modestly".
"It is part of our identity and we should be left to our choice of Islamic dress," she said.
What It Means To Be Souf Efrikan 
The only country in the world where:
The tow-trucks are the first on the scene for most major crimes, without being called.
The police you have to call about three times. |
Drive to get South Africans living abroad to return home.
http://www.southafrica.info/public_services/sa_abroad/sa_communities/homecoming.htm |
A Word From This
Week’s Sponsor

Spice up your life and curry favour with your friends and family Just visit us for the hottest deals in town!
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