Sundays, 19/26 June 2005
Newsletter 0033/0034
This issue of CCN
is kindly sponsored by
Nazima Hansa RE/MAX Realty
Date |
Day |
Lecture Sessions |
Morning |
Afternoon |
Evening |
30-Jun-05 |
Thurs |
Kuraby |
After Esha |
01-Jul-05 |
Fri |
Jumah salaat |
Gold Coast |
After Esha |
02-Jul-05 |
Sat |
Darul Uloom |
After Esha |
03-Jul-05 |
Sun |
Kuraby |
After Esha |
04-Jul-05 |
Mon |
Griffith University session at IRU
10:30am to 11:30am |
Kuraby |
After Esha |
05-Jul-05 |
Tues |
Holland Park |
After Esha |
05-Jul-05 |
Wed |
MAHMOOD NATHIE 3273 6871 |
Obituaries Mrs Khadija Parker, sister of Mrs Sharifa Parker, passed away in Cape Town on Sunday 12 June. The aunt of Sikki Gutta, Mrs Mariam Gutta, passed away in Mafikeng, South Africa on Tuesday 14 June after a long illness
On behalf of everyone associated with Crescents of Brisbane we wish to extend our condolences to the Parker and Gutta families.
May Allah (SWT) grant the Marhoomas forgiveness and Janaat-ul-Firdous, inshaAllah. |
"Preparation, Presentation and Penetration"
This was the key strategy to succeeding with any Dawaa work delegates, who attended the training course facilitated by Sheikh Khalid Yasin, learned at the Darul Ulloom last Sunday.
Over 55 delegates attended the workshop which went from 9am to 9pm. During this time Sheikh Yasin impressed with his stamina, wit and wisdom, demonstrating such passion and enthusiasm for the subject matter such that most delegates found staying the full course a lot easier than they had expected.
Fashion Gala Unveiled
The Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ) will be staging its annual "Fashion Gala - 2005" on 13 August 2005. This a perfect occasion for the ladies to find out the latest fashions and what's cool and hip and what's not.
For further details contact the Event Coordinator Rubana Moola on 0439617786 or at rubana@doctor.com.
PS. Our Man-on-the-Mussallaah recently learnt that last year's event was a whole lot of fun, so much so that CCN wishes to forewarn all IWAQ bouncers to be on the lookout for a particular individual hiding behind a niqab and passing himself off as the bearded lady.

Sunday Nights With John Cleary
Transcript of Sheikh Khalid Yasin Interview
John Cleary: Right now we’re going to introduce you to someone who, well perhaps is giving a message that many people would be alarmed that is being put about. Sheik Khalid Yasin is visiting Australia at the moment speaking to Muslim groups in mosques around the country. And as this marks the beginning of the week of the anniversary of the dreadful events of September 11th and the destruction of the World Trade Center, this quite frank and some may find disturbing interview with Khalid Yasin is something that I think deserves to be heard.
I spoke to Khalid Yasin on Friday. Let me give you an observation from a press release that the group who is sponsoring him brought out. This is what they say:
‘Last month, a prominent Sydney Islamic Imam accused scholars from abroad of brainwashing young Muslims in Australia. Sheik Yasin’s response to such inferences was that “There is no established religious body in Australia that can cast aspersions on other Muslims. Let anybody come to my talks and they will see that there is absolutely nothing in them that incites others to do wrong.”’
Well on listening to this interview, you may decide otherwise. The controversial Imam spoke at Lakemba mosque on Thursday evening to a packed audience, and he pointed out that in the past ten years there have been more than 5,000 people convert to Islam through his institute and other bodies, and suggests that an additional 1,476 have converted since the September 11 attacks. That’s in the press release accompanying the visit of Sheik Khalid Yasin, our guest on Sunday Night.
For the rest of the interview.....
Origins of Islam in Australia In the early twentieth century, Muslims of non-European background must have found it very difficult to come to Australia because of a government policy which limited immigration on the basis of race. Known as the White Australia Policy it was used by the government of the day put in place strict tests designed to keep out people who had dark skin or who were from non-European backgrounds. But some Muslims still managed to come to Australia. In the 1920s and 1930s Albanian Muslims were accepted due to their lighter European complexion, which was more compatible with the White Australia Policy.
(to be continued....)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Australian Parliament House
(or Know Your Government 101) by CCN political correspondent Felicia Mabusa-Blunt (whose close encounters with that other bastion of democracy across the Indian Ocean gives her a distinct edge over the rest of us neophytes)
If you don't know a Double Dissolution from a Didgeridoo then this is the very column for you.
Each week, inshaAllah, CCN will give you one bite size, digestible chunk of the inner workings of your Parliament in Canberra.
We start with a private Member's bill, since it has been in the news a fair deal this week what with four Liberal MPs challenging their own leader, John Howard, over their party's treatment of detainees. In addition to 'rubber stamping' Government legislation, the rules of the House of Parliament also provide opportunities for private Members to initiate legislation and motions for debate (during private Members’ business) and to make speeches on topics of their own choice—they can propose and discuss matters of individual concern regardless of whether the Government has any related items on its agenda. What is a private Member? A private Member (also called a 'backbencher') is any Member of the House other than the Prime
Minister, the Speaker, a Minister or Parliamentary Secretary.
Felicia thinks: Despite the Howard majority in Parliament, organizations can still lobby their local MPs to use this avenue of the private Member's bill to keep issues that concern our community alive. |
A Word From This
Week’s Sponsor

Nazima Hansa
Now selling prime affordable land at Orchard Park, Kuraby..... that's just ripe for the picking Tel: 3347 8788 or 0407 037 928 www.nazimahansa.com
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the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a
topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered
or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents
Community please e-mail your
Share your
thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.
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you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to
send an e-mail to your
theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in
the subject line. |
Articles and
opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editors or its Sponsors.