Sunday, 3 July 2005
Newsletter 0035
This issue of CCN
was made possible with the kind assistance of
British Transport and (seedy) Internet Cafes
Muslim Event of the Year
Three members of the Crescents of Brisbane team (Kemal Omar, Ayoob Ismail and Hamid Kassim) have volunteered (at their own expense) to travel down to Sydney during the week to attend the Australian Muslim Awards Night/Fundraiser and Dinner hosted by Mission of Hope on Friday July 8th.
The winners amongst the finalists of the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards will be announced here. CresWalk is a contender in the Muslim Event Of The Year category and is up against the MEFF Eid Festival (NSW) and the Auburn Mosque Open Day (NSW).
CCN trusts that the CoB delegates have prepared and rehearsed an Oscar-style acceptance speech replete with fake surprise and tears, and the obligatory long list of thank yous .
Keep a look out for the next issue of CCN in which we will have exclusive photos of the CoB delegates going or looking . |
Condolences Farouk Dhudia's Father-in-law (Shaheena's Dad) passed away in Melbourne on Tuesday, 28th June 2005.
On behalf of everyone associated with Crescents of Brisbane we wish to extend our condolences to the Dhudia family.
May Allah (SWT) grant the Marhoom forgiveness and Janaat-ul-Firdous, inshaAllah. |
Rise Sir Iqbal!
Iqbal Sacranie, the secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), was given a knighthood last month in the latest list of honours bestowed on people for services to the community by the British government.
"I believe this honour represents recognition for the positive work carried out by all at the Muslim Council of Britain together with the British Muslim community in building better relations and playing their due role in mainstream society for the common good of all," Sacranie said.
"The over-riding objective of all Muslims is to work to seek the pleasure of our creator," he said in a statement.
The leader and founding member of Britain's umbrella Muslim organization was given the title for his services to the community, charity and community relations.
The system of honours dates back to when knights were given spurs as an award for heroism, chivalry and nobility in the Middle Ages.
The new title means that in future Sacranie will be known as Sir Iqbal.
Iqbal Sacranie was born in Zomba, Malawi. His father, the late AK Mussa Sacranie was a prominent member of the Asian community who supported the independence movement in the 1950s. He was a respected businessman and was consulted regularly by the government of Malawi. Iqbal did his primary education at Osman Gani School in Zomba and completed his Secondary education at Zomba Catholic Secondary School, popularly known as "Box 2". He arrived in the United Kingdom for further studies in 1969, but has maintained good contacts with prominent politicians from all political parties in Malawi.
He was re-elected the Secretary General of The Muslim Council of Britain, a national umbrella and representative body of British Muslims in 2002, and has served on the Advisory Council of the previous four Home Secretaries, advising the government on matters relating to equality in race relations.
He chairs the board of trustees of Memon Association UK and led the Committee in raising £1.2 million pounds from the Asian community to build a unique Sports and Community Centre in, South London. It was officially opened by HRH Prince of Wales March in February 2001. The Memon Centre is used by all communities in London. He inspired the community to donate and be self-reliant and not to be dependent on government support.
He was awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 1999 Honours List and is a recipient of the Muslim News Award for Excellence - Good Citizenship, by Prime Minister Tony Blair. He was also awarded a plaque for Commitment and Dedication to Community work by Memon Association UK which was presented by HRH Prince of Wales in 2001.
Sources: http://www.irna.ir/en/news/view/menu-234/0506110837153710.htm
A Bit of Fun Under the Winter Sun
The Islamic Females Association (IFA) is holding a Picnic in the Park for all of its members and young ladies (in the 15-25 range or thereabouts). If you fit the profile then why not get to Svoboda Park at around 11am on Sunday 10 July and take a plate of snacks along to share for lunch. Take advantage of Brisbane's beautiful winter weather and join in the fun and frolic planned for the day.
Unfortunately none of CCN's staffers will be in attendance as they all fail the demographic requirements several times over . |
Local hero features in anti-drug billboard in Canterbury
Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs rugby league star, Hazem El-Masri, features in an anti-drug billboard to go up on Canterbury Road. The billboard is based on the anti-drug poster, “Give Drugs The Boot”, featuring Mr El-Masri which was launched last year by Mission of Hope as part of its Fatiha Project.
The Fatiha Project is a Muslim community initiative about alcohol and drugs that is designed to cater for the religious and cultural sensitivities of the Muslim population.
Funding has been provided to the Canterbury Community Drug Action Team by the NSW Premier’s Department and by the Australian National Sports Club to develop a billboard from the poster and display it for one month.
The Special Minister of State, the Honourable John Della Bosca MLC, commended the partnership between the CDAT, Mission of Hope, Australian National Sports Club, Hazem El-Masri and his sponsors for this important initiative.
“Its great to see such a fine role model as Hazem El-Masri lending his support to such an important cause”, Minister Della Bosca said. “He is someone who is well respected in the whole community for his views and his lifestyle, particularly in the local area where he recently became the Bulldogs rugby league club’s all time leading point scorer”.
The anti-drug poster was launched at a major drug and alcohol information session for Muslim parents and youth on 31 July 2004 at Bankstown Girl’s High School. This included guest speakers who are prominent in the Muslim community and representatives from other agencies, such as the police and drug and alcohol service providers.
Mission of Hope is a not-for-profit organisation managed by Muslim health and welfare professionals dedicated to increasing harmony in a culturally-diverse community through education seminars and projects.
The billboard is located at 224 Canterbury Road, Canterbury. |
Do you Sodoku? (CCN Warning: Reading this article can be hazardous to your health and the cause of addiction and other socially related problems) Sudoku is the latest new puzzle craze to hit Britain. It consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into 9 smaller grids of 3x3 squares or boxes. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. No number must appear more than once in a row, column or box. It is not a mathematical or arithmetical puzzle. You don't even need to know how to count! Logic is all you need.
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when solved, becomes:
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Go on! 'ave a go! And let us know what you think! Note - this a just a gentle introduction........ First correct entry could end up winning a prize - if we ever find one to give.
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PS: Proof once again that Crescents of Brisbane caters not only for physical workouts but mental ones as well - a sort of keep fit for the brain! |

Keysar Trad and Ameer Ali on Muslim leadership in Australia. For the full transcript and audio go to http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/relrpt/stories/s1396792.htm. |
Believe It or Not!
A Madressah teacher told her pupils, "Next week I plan to discuss the sin of lying. To help you understand my lesson, I want you all to read Sura 115." The following week, as she prepared to deliver her lesson, the teacher asked for a show of hands. She wanted to know how many had read Sura 115. Every hand went up. The teacher smiled and said, " There are only 114 Suras. I will now proceed with my lesson on lying".
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Australian Parliament House (Series continuation) (or Know Your Government 101) What's a ‘Dorothy Dixer’? During Question Time in Parliament, Ministers usually have no warning of the questions to be asked by opposition Members. Government Members, as a courtesy, usually inform Ministers of the questions they intend to ask.
Sometimes Ministers arrange for government backbenchers to ask questions on specific topics so that the Minister can be sure of an opportunity to give information he or she thinks is important. These pre-arranged questions are known as ‘Dorothy Dixers’. |
It's a Boy!
Raessa and Samir Gutta are the very proud parents of Muaaz who was delivered on Tuesday. On behalf of the Crescents community CCN congratulates the happy couple and wishes them "a whole lotta fun, with their li'l one".
PS. If Muaaz has come with a very sweet tooth then he obviously chose his parents well. Those pizza and burger gum lollies from Robins Foods (perennial sponsors of Crescents of Brisbane) are particularly hard to resist.
Origins of Islam in Australia (Series continuation) A Muslim Settler Saib Sultan was a Muslim who came to Australia after sailing on the Endeavour. He had eleven and a half acres on Norfolk Island but in 1809 he and his wife sailed as third-class passengers to Tasmania (or Van Dieman’s Land as it was known back then) on the Lady Nelson. His name was changed to Jacob and records show that by 1819 he had twenty-eight acres of pasture and two acres of wheat.
A Word From This
Week’s 'Sponsor' (Click on image to enlarge)

Write For Us
The best ideas and
the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a
topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered
or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents
Community please e-mail your
Share your
thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.
If there is someone
you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to
send an e-mail to your
theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in
the subject line. |
Articles and
opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editors or its Sponsors.